Published: 22-Mar-2012
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I was sitting watching TV in my sweats and tee shirt the other night when my positively stunning blond haired blue eyed pre-teen daughter Kimmey walks in dressed in one of her night shirts (an old tee shirt of mine which she adopted) that just barely covers her girl parts. I noticed that she very strongly resembles a younger version of her mother Jean who could pass as a high society fashion model any day. Her long blonde hair virtually glowed like the finest spun golden silk and her riveting blue eyes, with just a glance would look directly into my soul. Nobody could look away from those eyes no matter how hard they tried. I mean my wife was so gorgeous she could give a corpse a hard-on.
Standing there framed in the doorway Kimmey was a virtual goddess of sensuality and she looked like the cover of one of those magazines about professional fashion models and movie actresses. Absolutely gorgeous. She, like many times before, caused my prick to respond to the sight of her and turn into a virtual telephone pole.
Breaking my staring fest she spoke "Daddy,....Daddy..DADDY"....Coming back from my dreamy state, I asked "What is it Princess?"
"My titties ache and I'm a little scared something bad is wrong with me".
Wow, so what do I do now? A dilemma indeed. Do I take the safe way out and tell her there's nothing wrong with her and to ignore it and it'll get better or try to solve the problem. If only her mother were here she would be able to handle this situation. But I was on my own here so here goes.
Since she just turned 12 years old and was beginning to develop (how could I not notice), trying to be totally objective and placate her a little I told her "There is nothing wrong with you and it is perfectly normal to have what's called growing pains." She asked "Isn't there something that can be done to relieve the pain 'cause it hurts! And aspirin doesn't help."
Drawing on my limited medical knowledge I told her "they need to be massaged to reduce the tension and help the blood flow." She then responded "Daddy, I don't think I can do it right so can you show me how it's done?"
Since I dearly love my daughter, well really step daughter, I would do anything she asked. How could I say no to such a sweet little girl who just happens to be a very pretty girl. (I still find it very difficult to say no to a girl as pretty as my Kimmey who I love more than life itself.) Now normally a girl's mother handles these delicate matters but her mother was killed in a car wr eck last year just a couple of months after we got married. So there I was being both mother and father to this little girl and of course she has me wrapped tightly around her little finger so you can guess what follows.
Throwing caution and better judgment to the wind I agreed saying "come on over here and I'll show you how to do it." With that she bounds across the floor stripping her night shirt off, now totally naked except for her slippers, and climbed up on my lap facing me and almost crushing my big boner under her rear end. She had to notice it but said nothing grabbing my hands and putting them squarely on her developing ping-pong ball sized boobs. Now here I was with this fabulous looking sexy girl totally naked except for a pair of slippers and I'm rubbing her chest like a teenager with raging hormones copping a feel from his girlfriend at the drive-in. God, the things running through my mind are enough to put me in prison for two lifetimes. So I control myself and continue the massage when she reaches down through the fly front of my sweats, lifts up a bit and grabs my boner, pulls it out and starts stroking it. This was making it extremely hard (no pun intended) to control my arousal. I felt like I was ready to spray the front of her with loads of cum right then and there. I had to start thinking about something boring like reciting (in my mind) the math tables.
Now maybe I should take you back to a month after her mother died.
She would get very sad at times and cuddle up with me on the couch and I would comfort her with a hug, a kiss on the forehead and stroking her hair until the sadness would ebb and she would almost purr like a kitten. After a few episode like this she would relax and her hand would rest on my cock causing an immediate reaction. She asked "what's that daddy"? Oh my what do I say now? This kid really knows how to put me on the spot.
I decided that truth is the best course and explained to her "that is my penis which gets hard when I see a pretty girl like you."
"You think I'm pretty"? she asked. I nodded my head yes and said that like her mother, she was the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.
"Why does it do that?" she asked. I asked her "didn't they talk about how babies are made in health class at school?"
"Yeah " she said "but they didn't mention that the man's penis got so hard and big".
"Well," I explained "that is so it will go into a woman's vagina to fertilize her eggs so she will get pregnant and have a baby".
Still more questions, "Does it hurt when it gets big like that?"
"It gets uncomfortable sometimes" I said "but stroking it makes it feel better."
Now she is a very caring person always doing things to help others so her next comment was to be expected even though it did catch me a little off guard. Very innocently she asked "Would you like me to stroke it for you to make it feel better?"
Now let's admit the facts folks. There was no way in hell that I was going to tell her no. I merely said "You really shouldn't do that. After all I am your father." She reminds me that I am her Step-Father to which I reply "Okay --- if you really want to I suppose it will be ok. But, -- you've got to remember that other people would not approve of what we're doing here on the couch so you cannot tell any one, not even your friends or I'll get in a lot of trouble and go to prison."
Nodding her head she reached through my fly and brought my big tool out and started to stroke it lightly. Well biology being what it is, she managed to get me so hot I was about ready to explode in no time at all. I figured she wasn't ready to deal with semen all over so I excused myself and went into the bathroom to finish the job. One of my best orgasms ever to that point imagining her little warm hand still wrapped around my big boner instead of my own.
Each night it was the same thing? Her stroking my hard-on and me jumping up to go into the bathroom to release the pent up heat. Well,-- one night I forgot to close the door all the way and my little curious girl (aren't they all?) was peeking through the door when I shot my load into the toilet. She didn't say anything 'cause she was afraid to let me know she was peeking, but I knew she was there watching and figured 'what the heck' and went ahead and finished. With her watching I had another fourth of July fireworks intense ORGASM.
When I came back out she was innocently sitting on the couch as if nothing had happened. I should have figured it would eventually happen. The next night when I got up to go jack off she followed me silently and walked right into the bathroom with me grabbing my cock as soon as I got near the toilet and stroked me all the way to the best orgasm so far in my life. God this girl has a natural talent for doing exactly the best thing possible at just the right time. But then, that's my Kimmey. I felt like I had died and gone to heaven and this was an angel next to me.
When the semen jetted out she exclaimed "Wow that"s so cool."
I explained to her "That is called semen and it's what fertilizes a woman's egg when she wants to get pregnant." This girl's mind is like a sponge soaking up all this information with light speed and still with an appetite for more. Much more as I was to find out later.
Jumping back foreword to where we left off:
So it was no surprise to me when I was massaging her tiny boobs that she would take my cock out and stroke it. Well she did have one surprise for me though when she started rubbing the head of my cock up and down along the split of her hairless naked pussy. After a short while she started to get wet "down there". Her breathing got faster and faster and slight moans came from her as she continued rubbing. My little girl was really getting turned on big time. Not only that the nipples on her "titties" were getting rock hard. She started rubbing it harder against her vagina and moving her hips back and forth. I hat to caution her "Don't do that too hard or my penis will end up going into your pussy and it will hurt you."
She said "I'll be careful" but continued pressing harder and harder until the head of my cock popped into her hole. There was no way I would or even could stop her as worked up as I was. This girl was driving me crazy with passion and I had no idea how to go about stopping her.
At that point I truly didn't want to. When she gets her mind made up it's like it's cast in concrete. She said "wow daddy, that didn't hurt very much at all" and continued to push more of my raging cock into her vagina an inch at a time until it met with an obstruction. Her hymen was still intact and I had no intention of breaking it. She thought otherwise, pulled back a little and Giving a big push got the rest of my cock into her. This time she did cry out in pain but after a little while the pain faded away and she continued pumping in and out.
After only a few strokes she started to moan loudly, threw her head back and yelled "Oh my god does that ever feel GOOOOD. AAAAHHHH UFFF UFFF UFFF." She was having her first orgasm of her life and loving it. Fortunately I was able to hold off my orgasm until after hers subsided at which time I pulled her off my lap and went to the bathroom for my usual routine. She was too spent to follow me this time.
Once my mind was clear and I was thinking better I decided it was time to get her to her doctor for some birth control pills since just yesterday she had her first period and was scared that she had hurt something bad and she was going to bleed to death. That took some more explaining about her "monthly friend" as we now call it. We decided not to do anything more for a few weeks until she got regulated on "the pill". I also picked up some condoms for those times, as I expected, when we could not wait. Ok we were supposed to wait but who is perfect. No kids / grand kids please. At least not yet. Maybe when she is about 18 but who knows. After all at that age she will be legal even if it is technically incest keeping in mind that she is not a blood relative.
This whole thing could have been avoided if they taught health class a bit better and gave these girls a better idea of what is what and what to expect as they develop into young women. Or maybe if her mother was still around she could fill her in on the facts of life. Then maybe her first time would be with someone her own age. Well, we never did have that baby but she got married and did have a cute little girl. Every so often she will sneak over to my house for a fuck fest reliving old times and having a blast. I still watch TV in sweat pants and a tee shirt just in case. Also, who knows, maybe in about 12 years I'll have another student for my course in the birds and the bees. But that is another story.
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