Published: 3-Mar-2013
Word Count:
Colonial Security Chief O'Connor entered the spaceport building about 30 minutes before the Earth Transport ship was due to land, and took a slow look around the reception office. His own staff stiffened to attention, wondering why he had chosen to look in on what was a purely routine task. He had spent 30 years on strange frontier planets and looked the part. Big, muscular, grizzled. A long scar down one cheek and shaved grey hair, every inch an old fashioned cop, but in fact he was a clever and crafty man who had survived and risen to the top by using his brain just as much as his muscle.
O'Connor grunted an acknowledgement, "Relax, Im not checking on you, carry on". Seeing the men relax he turned away to the port manager.
"Let me have a look at the list Jerry". Sitting at a terminal, the manager called up the passenger file for him. O'Connor glanced quickly down the list, pondering on the morality of what he was about to do. He was about to look for what amounted to a personal slave, and one who would be legally obliged to obey him and have his children. This was not an unusual thing though, all across the colony planets, men took advantage of Earths problem.
The Earth Government had a big problem, one they had been trying to solve for decades. Massively overcrowded cities on Earth and too few people on the new off world colonies. People just didn't want to move to strange and possibly dangerous planets, even though living on Earth was a crowded, polluted hell.
Long ago, someone remembered the way the British had overcome this problem in ancient times, by transporting the poor to the other side of the world and dumping them there, forcing them to make new lives. And so the Indenture system was born. The authorities scoured the planet for fertile girls who could be shipped off world and made to serve as wives and mothers on new planets. Orphanage's, prisons, the courts, credit defaulters, even volunteers if they were greedy enough, were scoured and girls scooped up and shipped out, forced to sign agreements to stay on their new worlds and have families, in exchange for freedom and land at the end of their contracts.
It was beautifully simple solution. The girls would increase the population of Earth if they stayed, making things worse. Ship them off and they would make the colonies more productive, adding to the population by having babies and making the planets more attractive to men who could work in the factories, farms and mines.
The ship hanging high up in the atmosphere now was bringing a cargo of newly indentured girls for the men of this planet, to look after their homes and have babies until their indentures were paid off. O'Connor had been posted to this planet 3 years previously and had never taken advantage of the fact that his office entitled him to take an indentured girl for his own use. He had decided to make this his last posting, it was a nice planet, and the idea of making a home for himself had grown more and more attractive. Now all he needed was a girl to make that home with him, so here he was, checking the list to see what the ship was bringing in.
The list contained about 50 names and descriptions. Girls and young women from every part of old Earth were in the ship, and the only common features they shared were guaranteed fertility, health and an age range of 12 to 19. O'Connor didn't really have a "type". His past was filled with women of all kinds but none had ever seemed the kind of person he wanted hanging around and having kids. He was a practical man and had worked out that the easiest and best way to secure himself somebody that would adapt to his ways was to pick a girl young enough to look up to him as a father figure and learn fast.
He sorted the list by age, and flicked through the mug shots quickly until his eyes paused over a skinny little red headed girl with big blue eyes and pinched, pale face. He called up her stats, Natalie Stenson, aged 13, caught up in the Indenture program when her mother was imprisoned for some minor crime. He called the manager over.
"This one Jerry, number 201-1314, Natalie Stenson. Can you arrange to have her marked up for me before the ship lands?" The manager nodded eagerly, nobody wanted to risk annoying O'Connor.
"Sure Chief, just give me your code and I'll set that up straight away." He took over the terminal and started entering in the Chief's details and handing him a printed slip, "just take that down to the reception hall, they will sort it all out for you".
O'Connor stretched and stood up, clapping the manager on the shoulder and headed down to the reception hall just in time to see the cargo being unloaded. The girls were being herded through into a large empty hall. From his observation point O'Connor spotted Natalie. She looked smaller and paler in real life, not even 5' tall, and skinny, like all Earth people except the very rich. Like all the others she was wearing a shapeless knee length grey dress, with her code number printed across the breast.
The port staff and O'Connor's men were busy sorting the girls out, pushing and guiding them into lines, telling them to sit until their numbers were called. The girls were obviously scared, some cried, some hugged themselves close and others just sat and stared. Natalie was staring around aimlessly when her number was called, and one of the port workers had to jog her elbow to get her to go forward to the desk. O'Connor watched as the clerk typed in her number at the terminal and then pulled a flexible metal band from a printer and snapped it round her wrist. This was the unbreakable tag that contained details of her indenture and her "owner", a common sight on all the colonies, it could only be removed by a special machine or it would detonate. A modern version of the slave collar.
Natalie was pushed along into the collections area, to await her fate and O'Connor wandered slowly down to get her. At the gate he handed over the slip and the door opened. She was standing there and she was shivering as he entered and introduced himself.
"Hello Natalie, welcome to Delta 3 colony, I'm O'Connor, your new master, and Im very pleased to meet you," he held out his hand and smiled, as she shrank back against the wall. Looking down at her he was pleased with his choice. She was pretty, you could see that even though she was undernourished and pale. Her body was hard to assess, but the front of her ship dress bulged over her breasts and her legs looked slim and toned.
Natalie tried to smile but she could not stop shivering. O'Connor took her hand and twisted the wristband to show her the code "201-1314 Natalie O'Connor" her eyes grew wide as she read it.
"O'Connor..but my name is Stenson...oh..oh I remember, they told us before we left we get your names when you buy our indenture...ohh" The reality of the position seemed to sinking in, so O'Connor just grabbed her hand and headed for the door. The police car was waiting for them and he opened the door for her, joining her on the back seat and telling his driver to take them back to his quarters. Natalie looked impressed at the car and the way the driver obeyed her new master without a word. O'Connor kept quiet as they drove off, letting her drink in the new experience. He recalled how strange he had felt when he first stepped out on a new planet. She was staring at the weird vegetation, the odd slate grey sky and open spaces all around her.
By the time they reached his quarters 15 minutes later she was even more impressed "wow, you have a house, is it all yours? Who else lives here?" O'Connor laughed, knowing she had grown up in a crowded city, probably in a one room government apartment with her entire family.
"just us, you and me, its all ours" he smiled. As her fear of being here ebbed away she was becoming curious, bright young girl. He dismissed the driver and let her in the house. A quick guided tour brought more gasps and cries of amazement from Natalie. A living room with a real 3D TV, a kitchen, a bathroom, a bedroom, she just could not believe that all this space was just for her and O'Connor.
O'Connor showed her how to use the autochef, producing hot sandwiches and cold fruit juice which she wolfed down, then brought her back to the living room and sat her down on the couch, interrupting her stream of excited questions about the house, his job, the planet and taking her hand in his.
"Listen honey, there's lots of time for us to talk, and you will soon get used to all this new stuff, but I need to discuss something serious with you, OK?" he smiled down at her, and she gulped back a question and nodded.
"OK then, Natalie, I know a little bit about you, but we are going to be living together and I want to know more. Now, your here because of your Mom, right? So when they took you for the program, did they explain what was happening?" The girl blushed as she thought about why she was here, and there was a catch in her voice as she answered.
"Mom got into trouble, and when the cops took her away the children service took me, they put me in a home but then a week later I got taken for Indenture" she looked upset so O'Connor stroked her hand and soon she took up her story again.
"I was scared, they said I had to leave, go somewhere and stay with a man and his wife, have babies. We were all scared, some of the older girls got really angry but the guards there used stunners on them and when they came back they were sort of sleepy, they didn't fight any more."
Natalie looked up with frightened eyes, "I don't want to be stunned...please Sir, I'm frightened of having a baby but I will do it."
O'Connor patted her shoulder, "Don't worry, I wont use my stunner on you I promise." He grinned at her "well, you know what the deal is Natalie? You are my property now until your indenture is paid off, then you get a free house like this one, and there will be a job for you and you can find a man t o be with if you like, or just stay on your own, you understand?"
The girl nodded, this was all familiar, she had been told this story before.
"OK, but while your with me, you have to do as I say. You can't refuse to have sex with me, but that's only with me, if your out of the house nobody else is allowed to touch you, no matter what, your mine, OK?"
Natalie nodded, looking at him with wide eyes and clearly still scared.
"Sir..I..ummm...well I haven't ever been with a man, I don't know what to do," She looked embarrassed.
O'Connor grinned and raised an eyebrow. "Oh, well that's fine, have you ever had a boyfriend? Do you now how babies get made?"
She nodded and blushed again, "Sure, well that is, we saw vids at school, but I haven't had a boyfriend, I haven't seen a man, you know." She giggled and O'Connor relaxed a little, she seemed to be more curious than frightened now.
O'Connor leaned in to kiss her lightly on the cheek, "Don't worry Natalie, or shall I call you Nat?" She nodded, as he continued, "There's no hurry anyway, we wont be rushing into anything, for now, you just sit here with me and we can talk, watch TV, get comfortable with each other. This is your home now, the house computer recognizes your wristband so you can come and go as you like, make yourself food and drinks, have a shower maybe, though I haven't got any clothes for you yet, we will go shopping for you tomorrow."
Natalie squealed, "I can use the shower! You mean I can use it any time I want, is there water all the time?" O'Connor remembered that bathrooms were communal on Earth, and water strictly rationed.
"Sure, there is hot water all the time, you can spend all day in there if you want to, if you want, you can shower now and I will give you one of my shirts to wear instead of that ship dress?"
He was almost dragged to his feet as she ran for the shower, she could hardly believe he was telling the truth. He dug out an old but clean uniform shirt and handed it to her, then left her to it, going back to watch sports and have a beer, while she enjoyed the untold luxury of a private shower. He hardly recognized the damp and glowing young girl who skipped back into the living room 30 minutes later. She was wearing his shirt which clung to her damp skin, revealing more of her skinny little figure than the shapeless ship dress. Her tits were big for her age and build, and the bumps of pert little nipples showed though the white fabric very clearly.
Jumping up on the couch beside him, her legs tucked under her butt, she leaned in against him and sighed happily.
"I can't believe how lucky I am, this place is amazing, your so kind, really, I thought I would just die when I got off the ship, but I think I am going to love being here, I hope I don't disappoint you" He slipped an arm around her shoulder and gave her a hug, feeling her warm body mould against his hard muscled chest. Natalie tilted her head up and planted a kiss on his cheek, sighing happily as they settled down to watch the TV together.
The evening went quickly and O'Connor listened to her questions and probed about her life until it was time for bed. He sensed her tension as he ordered the house to lock down for the night and laughed off her fear.
"Its just a precaution, there nothing bigger than a worm on the entire planet and nothing can get in or hurt us, but Im the Security Chief, not everybody likes me, so I just take care, like I will take care of you Nat," he smiled and led her into the bedroom.
"Nat, just for tonight, I don't expect to do anything with you, I Think it would be nice to just kiss and cuddle, see if you feel comfortable, is that OK?" He looked down at her and saw the conflict in her eyes. She was scared about losing her virginity that was certain, but there was part of her that was excited and wanted to know what it would be like. He had no doubt he would be deflowering her tonight, but it was going to be so much better if she felt it was her choice.
Deciding that he would just behave as naturally as possible, O'Connor pulled of his clothes and climbed into the bed not even bothering to look at his new girl while he did it.He heard the little gasp as he pulled his pants and shorts off, his cock, thick grey pubic hair and heavy balls on show briefly before he pulled the sheets over his naked body. He smiled as he climbed shyly into bed beside him still wearing the old shirt he had given her.
Snuggling down beside him, she ran her fingers though the matt of chest hair and pressed close against him.
"Sir....what happened to you, there is a scar all down here?" her fingers traced the scar tissue running down his side, from armpit to the top of his hip.
"Oh just an old war wound, its dont have any scars do you?" he ran his finger over her flat belly, tickling her through the material of the shirt and making her giggle. Her thigh lifted as she wiggled and brushed over his cock, making her gasp. "Oh...sorry, I didn't mean to." But as she tried to shift her leg he held it there. "Nat, don't be silly, we are in bed together, your bound to brush against me or touch me its nice, I like it." With that he twisted over to kiss her, pushing his tongue gently between her lips. Natalie responded slowly at first. He could feel the tension melt away and her body begin to respond, Her tongue dived into his mouth to wrestle with is own tongue, and she made no move to protests as his big rough hands started to explore her curves through the thin shirt.
Within minutes it was clear that Natalie was losing any fear she might have had. Her hands moved freely over his body, gently exploring the muscles and scars of his chest and arms while her thigh moved slowly on the rapidly hardening bulge that was his cock. He could feel the nipples pressing against his body as she pushed her tits against him, and the soft rasp of young girls pubic hair as she ground her crotch against his thigh. Sliding a hand down under the covers he began to undo the buttons until the shirt slipped off her body to reveal her slim girlish body for the first time.
Natalie made no move to stop him, she was burning to have his hands on her naked skin and she sighed with pleasure as he folded a rough palm over a soft firm breasts and mashed her nipple as he kissed her. Her own hand was moving closer to his cock, she was nervous and the trembling touch of her soft little hand was fantastically erotic. Twisting her on to her back, O'Connor leaned over her so he could kiss her breast, sucking down on a fat pink nipple while his hand stole down over her flat belly to engulf her sweet little teen mound.
Natalie gasped at that first touch, her legs parting naturally to allow him better access. She was hot, and the sparse curls of her pubic hair were matted to the soft engorged mound by her virgin juices. As he started to rub at her, using a finger r to slide and probe along her slit she whimpered and moaned like a kitten, giving herself to him eagerly. O'Connor took his time, enjoying her reaction as much as the wonderful sensation of exploring her soft, wet folds and almost laughing when his fingers gently and slowly parted the outer lips so he could circle a fingertip over her clit.
The effect was electric, Nat alie squealed and jerked, legs spread and hips bucking wildly. O'Connor slipped a finger tip inside her tight virgin hole and used his thumb on her, working her little clit with his thumb till she screamed and howled like an animal, juice spurting and slurping over his hand and her slender soft thighs. He waited until she was almost there then bent in to suck her nipples, suing his tongue in time with his thumb to drive the 13 year old over the edge and into pure ecstasy. Her body went rigid and she gasped for breath as he made her climax. Her first orgasm was the most intense experience of her short life and O'Connor a grizzled survivor of thousands of encounters with women used all of his skill to make it an earth-shattering experience.
By the time Natalie knew what was happening, her body was soaked in sweat and her whole body was trembling. As O'Connor rolled away from her, smiling to himself she leaned up on her elbows, looking down at her shaking body and plump, engorged outer labia first in disbelief, then up at him with wide, questioning eyes "What...what Was that!"
O'Connor grinned and pulled the sheet back so his fat hard cock was free to stick up, all 8 inches rock hard, the foreskin rolled back from the fat mushroom head and glistening with precum.
"You had an orgasm Nat, and you seemed to really enjoy it." He stroked his cock slowly, watching as she followed his motion with her eyes then taking her hand and wrapping it round the shaft near the base. "I think you might enjoy this too," his hand engulfing hers and guiding her to stroke him, he could feel her breathing get faster as she increased the speed and squeezed, feeling the hard muscle twitch under the soft skin. It was O'Connors turn to sigh now as the young girl tried out her skill, gradually gaining confidence and using both hands to play with his cock, fingers getting sticky and slimy with precum.
O'Connor pulled her close and kissed her, encouraging her to use her thumbs over the glans or to cup his balls, moaning as she cradled them and pressed her naked body against him. In a very few moments Natalie was climbing over him, straddling him so she could press her aching pussy against his crotch, her instincts leading her, showing her what she needed to do. O'Connor slid his hands down to he hips and gently lifted her so that his cock slid along the wet engorged labia. Natalie looked down and bit her lip as she lowered herself, knowing that it was time, that she needed him inside her.
The head of his cock found the right place easily enough, and Nat was so wet that it passed easily inside, spreading her wide, stretching her lips around the thick meaty head before she gasped in pain and looked down at him.
"It will be OK honey, I know it will hurt a little but I promise that will pass very quickly," O'Connor smiled reassuringly and held her tight as she took a deep breath and pushed down. Her cunt was incredibly tight, he pushed up, thrusting hard to drive through her hymen as quickly as possible. As her body tensed and she squealed he ripped though it, pulling her down so his cock filled her. When he felt the head pressed up hard against her cervix, he released her, leaving her to come to terms with the feeling of her man, her little girl pussy filled with cock. As she moaned and leaned down he kissed her, stroking her back and shoulders to comfort her, until she began to move.
He let her take the lead, not moving, allowing her to dictate the pace until she was used to it. His cock felt like it was trapped in a wet velvet vice, as she gingerly rocked back and forth on him, gradually building up speed and whimpering with pleasure as the pain subsided. Soon she was fucking him properly, her little slim body impaled on his fat old cock, riding him like a pro, getting faster and rougher until he felt her shudder and groan, a ripple of muscle spasm grabbing and milking his cock as a second massive orgasm exploded through her.
O'Connor closed his eyes and bit down hard as the powerful spasms of her tiny love hole gripped and squeezed his dick, but it was no good, he could not hold himself back for long and with an animal roar of pleasure he pulled her down and unleashed a torrent of sperm deep in her hole, flooding her teeny womb with potent seed. They both gasped and panted together a his cock sprayed spurt after spurt of cum into her, until at last she collapsed on top of him with a sleepy, satisfied sigh.
Letting his cock stay inside her, O'Connor cuddled his new teen bedmate until she drifted off to sleep, comforted by the feeling of her mans cock pulsing inside her. He smiled to himself in the darkness,listening to her breath and feeling the cum leaking slowly from her, and decided he had made a good choice.
To Be Continued
So, how long must we wait for Chapter 2, then maybe 3 . . . ?
Fairly well written also. A few typos and a few more construction errors but nothing too distracting.
Well, must be off part 2 is waiting! :D
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