Little Stephanie's Night In Hell

[ Mg, ped, bd, sm, tort, toy, mc, nc ]

by Spyth


Published: 10-Jun-2013

Word Count: 3770

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

I'm very, very excited. My heart is pounding. My cock is harder than it's ever been. Everything is ready. She should be here any minute. Now I know how a tiger feels just before it pounces on the lamb.

* * *

It started a few months ago. I looked out the small bathroom window of my apartment and saw her. A little girl. She was in her bedroom in the building across from mine a couple floors below. She was dancing. Pretending she was Brittany Spears. Swinging her narrow hips seductively. She only wore a pair of brief panties. Later I would find out that her name was Stephanie.

Her dark brown hair was in long pigtails and it swung from side-to-side with her movements. She had made no attempt to close the shade on her room. Perhaps because my apartment building was the only one near hers and on this side of the building there are only tiny bathroom windows that are frosted so you can't see in or out. I was lucky that I'd opened mine a bit to get some air and had seen her.

She appeared to be about eight years old (later I would find out that she was almost 10). She had long legs and her belly was softly rounded in the way young girls are before they lose their baby fat. I quickly got my telescope. With it I could see that her tits were just starting to bud. They were a lovely shade of pink.

I'm into spy stuff. I do surveillance for a living. I soon installed a little device that reflected a laser beam off Stephanie's window. It picks up the vibration of the glass from sound waves in the room. I could then hear Stephanie as she talked on the phone to her friends. I found out that she lives with her mom. I also found out that Stephanie's mom works many nights and does not get home until after 11 PM. On those nights Stephanie comes home from school, makes her own dinner and puts herself to bed.

I next broke into the janitor's office in her apartment building and made a copy of the master key. Now I could get into the building through a back door, up the rear stairs and into her apartment. I used the key to make a visit to her room during the day when the building is practically empty. It was fun going through her drawer and touching her panties. I found some used ones and smelled the crotch. The smell of young flesh!

I was careful to leave nothing disturbed. I did put a spy program on her computer so I could read everything she was doing remotely from my apartment. A small bug went into the phone so I could now hear both ends of any conversation.

I soon learned a lot about Stephanie. Her likes, dislikes, hopes, dreams, and even the things her mother knows nothing about. I learned that sometimes on a dare she shoplifts. I found out she and her best friend "borrow" her friend's mothers lingerie catalog and look at it to see what they would like to wear. I know she has tried smoking. I know she wants to have a boyfriend in Middle School.

Most importantly I learned what chat rooms she hangs out in and what her screen name is.

I was soon after this that Stephanie met "Devlin" on the chat room. "Devlin," she typed "are you a devil?"

"Sure am!" Devlin typed back.

Stephanie believes Devlin to be a sixth grader from the local middle school. They immediately hit it off as Devlin seemed to have all the same interests as Stephanie. Devlin finally proposed they meet and go to an Arcade. Stephanie's mom would never permit this so Stephanie is going to do it on a night her mom is working. Devlin has given her instructions to meet in an alley not too far from her house just after dark.

I hear Stephanie tell her best friend about the "date."

"I'm wearing my school skirt and sports shirt," she told her best friend. "I'll roll the waist band way down and the bottom of the shirt way up so I look real, real hot!"

I'm glad Stephanie want to look hot for me.

* * *

She should be here any minute. I've spend a lot of time preparing for tonight. It's just five o'clock and her mother won't be home till eleven. That gives me six hours. Counting two hours for transport I should have four left to play with her.

My car is at the other end of the alley. As soon as Stephanie steps inside she will walk past where I'm hiding behind a dumpster. I will grab her quick. I have a rag soaked with chloroform to go over her face. She will be out in seconds. With some duct tape over her mouth and eyes, and her hands and feet tied with plastic straps, I can drop her into my trunk and be out of here in less than a minute.

We'll be going to an old barn just outside of town. I purchased the property hoping the price would go up, but it hasn't. However, tonight it will have another kind of value.

The place is off by itself, so we can make as much noise as we want. The basement level is mostly old, rough stone with ancient wooden beams above. I've spend the last few weeks transforming it. Hopefully from a nine-year-old's point of view it will look like a dungeon in Hell. Lots of candles and incense burning. I have a little machine that keeps the floor in a perpetual fog. I bought a lot of Halloween stuff on sale and the place is filled with skulls and dragon's heads and bones and stuff. An adult would see through this sham, but a nine-year-old, especially a nine-year-old that has been given something to cloud her thinking, won't.

I proud of my own costume. I saw a demon character in an old movie called "Legend" and tried to make it look like that. A set of large horns on my head. Boots that make my feet look like cloven hoofs. Body paint to turn my skin a deep red. Contacts to make my eyes look like a snake's.

Stephanie will wake up to find herself naked in this place. Her hands will be manacled to chain above her head she will be forced to stand on tip toe. I will stand before her naked too (except for the costume) and tell her she had been brought here to pay for her sins. I can then list all the things she's done wrong that nobody else knows about. I will tell her I will punisher her. I will start touching her. Running my hands across her sweet, soft belly. Enjoying her tight, round rear end. Sucking on her tiny breast buds. Reaching between her legs and exploring her little virgin cunt.

I will tell Stephanie she must be punished until she confesses her sins. I've read often about a device called a "horse" so I constructed one. It looks like a heavy saw horse with one end lower than the other. The girl is put at the high end and is made to lean over the horse with her arms and torso stretched out along the beam to the lower end. The high end has a padded place to hold her hips. Her wrists are put in restraints and pulled by a winch to the lower end of the saw horse. Then her ankles will be manacled to each of the saw horse's feet which are slightly set wide apart and closer in that the hip pad. The result is that the girl will be held in a position bent over with her legs wide apart. Her ass and pussy will be fully exposed. A mirror is positioned so Stephanie can see herself on this horse.

One I get Stephanie on the horse I will examine and explore her closely. Use my tongue to lick her pussy. See if I can find the thin film of skin that makes up her hymen. I'll explore her fully but leave the fucking until later.

I will give Stephanie a chance to confess her sins. She can be a bit stubborn, so I she probably won't tell me anything. That's okay. I bought a whip. It's a tiny thing and won't do any permanent damage. By tomorrow morning any marks it has left will have faded away. Still, it has a powerful sting. I can imagine how she will cry out every time it hits her bottom, or thighs or the soft folds of her little cunt.

She should tell me almost everything after a few minutes with the whip. I can imagine little red marks crisscrossing her bottom as she wiggles on the horse desperately. I just hope I don't get so excited I can't stop at the proper time.

There is one secret I know she will not give up easily. I know that she watches porn videos on the internet showing men and women fucking, and then she goes to her bed and plays with herself until she cums. Her mother caught her once and was furious. Stephanie begged her mom's forgiveness and promised that she would never do it again. She was good for almost a week, but then started doing it again whenever her mom was not around. Recently she's been doing it at least once a day.

When she does not tell me this I will tell her she needs to be punished even more. I will show her a hideously ugly little hollow metal mask with a long, long curved nose. I saw one of these in a medieval book on torture and made one that would fit Stephanie. I'll tell Stephanie that the little ugly man helps little girls tell the truth. When she tells me that she has already told me all her sins, I will laugh and take her over to a device on the floor. It is a frame designed so little Stephanie will be forced to her knees and will be bent over wedge shaped device so that her face is pushed up against the floor and her ass will be high in the air. I will then lubricate the nose of the metal mask and insert it deeply into Stephanie's rosebud. The nose of the mask is about the size of an erect penis, but with a tapered base so that she can't expel it. The insertion should hurt her quite abit.

I will have a charcoal brazier (actually an old grill I repainted) into which I will dip a metal cup to scoop some of the coals up and drop them into the back of the mask so that slide down the nose and into Stephanie. For a half minute or so she shouldn't feel anything, but than the metal should start getting real hot and painful.

Hopefully Stephanie will confess about her masturbation before her hole gets too burned. Even if she does quickly I may be slow about getting the mask out of her. The sight of her bent over the frame begging and pleading with her bottom wiggling desperately is something I will savor.

Once she has "confessed" and has been purified I will be much gentler with her. I have large oval bucket set up with suds and warm water. I will make Stephanie sit in it and watch her bathe and wash her hair. When she is done I will have her dress in white lace socks and gloves with little matching bows for her hair. A white ribbon tied around her throat will complete the outfit. I will then fit her with two pairs of cuffs and chains. One will hold her hand behind her back; the other will hobble her ankles so she cannot run.

I will tell her how beautiful she looks and how I am fortunate to have such a pretty, young, perfect girl for the ceremony. I tell her that I intend to keep her afterward in my collection and they she should be proud of this. I only put the best of my girls on display.

I will lead her over to the display case. It's actually an old, old glass-topped and sided jewelry case from a store that I found and fixed up. It looks exactly like a child-sized coffin and I've set it up in the corner on a table with wilted flowers as if it was being used in a funeral. The inside has been lined with various pillows of pick and white silk. I will tell Stephanie I want to see how she will look and then pick her up and lay her in the box. After arranging her on the pillows so she looks just right I will close the lid for a minute and enjoy the sight of her in her little glass coffin.

When I'm ready I will lift her out. She should be pretty upset about what my intensions seem to be, but I won't answer any questions. Instead, I will lead her over to the altar.

This is one of my best creations. I took one of those large spools (about five feet in diameter) they deliver cable on and laid it on its side to make a round table with the top about 2 and 1/2 feet off the ground. On the top I put a layer of concrete and shaped and painted to look like stone. Around the bottom I draped a cloth to conceal what it actually was.

The middle of the top is slightly raised from the rest with a gutter around the edge. The gutter has a cut on the front of the altar so that any liquid dropped onto the altar's surface will eventually flow through the gutter to the cut and into an urn positioned on the floor. The surface of the altar has four "U" bolts protruding in the shape of a square just inside the gutter. Toward the back of altar protrudes two wooden poles that rise 18 inches to a rail the runs between them that is 32 inches long. Finally I've painted a huge pentacle on the surface of altar with the tips of the star just inside the gutter.

It looks quite scary when lit with candles and Stephanie should be very frightened. I will lay her on the altar and tie her ankles with rope to the bolts near the front. This will force her legs very widely apart. Her back will recline up against the rail and her arms with be put over it and tied to the bolts in the back. Then I will start lighting candles placed at each of the points of the pentacle.

She should be quite a sight tied to the altar with her legs wide apart and her pussy all exposed and with the candles around her. I will sit on the edge of the altar and explain the ceremony to her while I reach out and casually stroke her totally exposed pussy.

I will explain that to get more "power" it is necessary for me to sacrifice a young, virgin, purified girl and use her blood. I have selected Stephanie because the younger and more perfect the sacrifice, the greater the power than can be gained. Now that she has been purified through confession we can start with the sacrifice ceremony. I show her a tiny knife and hammer. I will show her how the tip of the knife can be extracted from the back by unscrewing the hilt. I will show her where a tiny heart shape has been painted on her chest just above her real heart. At the height of the ceremony I will put the knife on her chest above the mark and use the hammer to tap it in until the tip of the knife is in her heart. I will then unscrew the knife hilt so the rest of the knife will become a hollow tube and with each beat of her heart a stream of blood will shoot out of it and fall to the altar. It will drain into the gutter and then into the urn where I will gather it for my potions.

I reassure her that it will only hurt for a couple of minutes until she loses consciousness. I also tell her that I intend to do everything possible to preserve her body for my display. I also will tell her she should be honored to be considered worthy of being the sacrifice.

I will start the ceremony, which will consist of me marching around the altar to the tape of a set of monks chanting. As the music reaches its climax I will put the tip of the knife to Stephanie's chest. I will tap it once just to position it and Stephanie will feel the tip just cut in the top levels of her skin between two ribs. Then I will raise the hammer for the first heavy blow.

By now Stephanie should be promising to do anything in order to escape her fate. When she says this I will say "Really anything?" and she will nod her head vigorously. I will use a little smoke bomb in my hand to make a parchment looking contract appear out of nowhere. I tell her if she is willing to sign the contract and obey it, I will spare her life and return her to her home.

She will undoubtedly agree and I will release one of her hands so she can sign it. Instead of a pen, I will dip a quill into the drops of blood on her chest so she will be signing in her own blood.

The contract makes her my sex slave. It says if she fails to please me she will be put back onto the altar and sacrificed.

I will move to my "throne" and sit down. Stephanie will be ordered to kneel before me and give me a blow job. Since she has been watching X-rated films clips on the internet she should have a pretty good idea of what needs to be done. I expect that she should perform very well since the alternative is to go back onto the altar. Watching her little head working on my shaft and seeing her pigtails sway as she does her task should be very exciting.

Before I cum I will tell Stephanie to stand up and turn around. I will give her a little lubricant and tell her she is to bend over and impale her virgin cunt on to my cock. I will stay perfectly still, and she will have to twist and slid back and forth on me until she gets me excited enough to cum. I will remind her that if she fails in this, she will be put back onto the altar to complete the sacrifice.

I will try to hold out as long as possible, but with the sight of this little nine-year old girl humping me and trying desperately to make me cum will make it difficult not to shoot my load immediately. I will do my best to hold back, as I want Stephanie to work a bit for it.

After I cum, while I am still in her, I will pull Stephanie back onto my lap and make her look at the contract again. I will point out to her that she is to say nothing to anybody about what happened tonight. I will remind her that I am watching her all the time and I have heard much of what she has already said privately to her mother or friends. I will point out that if she does tell anybody about us, the contract allows me to behead her mother in front of Stephanie's eyes. I will reminder her that if that happens it will be her own fault for breaking the contract. I also will remind her that in the future she will get messages from "Devlin" and she is to obey them and come to me willingly. Failure to do so will result in her going back on the altar.

Finally I tell her that she will soon find herself in a place near her home. She is to go home, wash up and go to bed. She should avoid talking to her mother tonight. If her mother sees her crying she may suspect something. And if she gets the story out of Stephanie then her mother will die.

I will ask if she understands and will obey. She will nod her head. Then I will use a rag with chloroform to put her back to sleep.

I will drop Stephanie off in a dumpster near her mom's apartment. She should look pretty in there with the rest of the trash. When she wakes she should easily find her way home. There, on her bed, I've left a little note telling her how much I enjoyed the evening and telling her I look forward to other "dates" in the future. I will also remind her of the contract. I'm confident she will obey it.

* * *

I check my watch. She's five minutes late! My heart is still pounding. Maybe she isn't coming!

Then I hear foots steps. The click, click, click of tiny high heels. Someone enters the alley and stops right by my hiding place. It's is Stephanie. She is within easy reach now.

She looks beautiful. She has tiny high heels and a short-pleated school girl skirt that has been pulled up and rolled down until it barely covers her cute little ass. Her top has been rolled up too and her slightly rounded tummy protrudes. Her hair is in pigtails which swing left and right as her eyes search the far end of the alley. I can see this is going to be quite a night. In an instant I will have her and take her on a night of depravity that will change her innocent life forever. I tense my muscles to pounce.

Still looking down the alley she says, "Hello. It's Stephanie. Is that you, Devlin?"

I leap forward and my hands close around her. The chloroform causes her to slump immediately in my arms. Our long night together has started.

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I want to know more!!


Promising start. Keep it up! The tension is stoked up nicely. 'Hopefully from a nine-year-old's point of view it will look like a dungeon in Hell... An adult would see through this sham, but a nine-year-old..won't.' - you sick son of a bitch! Brilliant concept, I like this, and so true about the psychology of the 9yo. 'I proud of my own costume. I saw a demon character in an old movie called 'Legend'' - I saw that movie, and know the demon you describe! - that will be fucking terrifying for a little girl! You sick son of a bitch, keep this up!


Wish she was a five-year-old... go on... please *.*


10 is a little old 5-8 would be MUCH nicer and even more believable! Otherwise keep it coming!

Child lover

Make another contract that she has to get pregnant with your baby to


Very good work. Had me rivited to see what is next for her.


I agree with pedoperv, too old. The imagining was too long, almost. Lets hope #2 has all the action!!

The reviewing period for this story has ended.