Laura's Story

[ M/g, bd, sm, mc, ped, rape ]

by Spyth


Published: 8-Jun-2013

Word Count:

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show Story Summary
This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

This is a fantasy only. The author does not condone abuse of any person in real life.

This story is about Laura, but to understand it you will need to know something about me. My name is Mike and I'm a sociopath. I'm one of those people who because of some quirk in nature can't empathize with other people. Some people see this as psychological problem needing treatment. I see this as an alternative lifestyle.

Let's face it. Sociopaths are the only people who are truly free. Free to persuade their happiness without concern about other people. It's a freedom I relish.

You may think that all sociopaths are serial killers leaving bodies strewn all over the place and sending taunting letters to the police. The truth is that most of us are not. I don't have any illusions about my morality. I would kill without a second thought (one of my favorite activities as a teen was to torture kittens. They are just so helpless and cute). The only thing is that I, like most sociopaths, realize that that kind of activity will eventually put me in jail. So I'm very, very careful about my pleasures.

I was thirty years old when I first met Laura. She was eleven. I was immediately fascinated by her. She was the human version of a kitten. Soft, cuddly, but also lithe and smooth. She had beautiful long, red, naturally curly hair. She looked tall, but that was an illusion of her being thin. The most striking thing about her - the thing that got my attention was her legs. Long, shapely and coltish legs that composed almost half of her body height. She wore sneakers every time I met her, but I wondered what she would look like in very, very high heels.

Despite all this Laura wasn't what you would call a beauty. Homely would be to strong a word to describe her face, but she was not pretty. She had large rubbery lips and a nose with a bit of a hook. While her eyes were a nice shade of brown, they were hooded.

I think for this reason Laura was terribly shy. Of course having an overbearing mother didn't help. Laura's mother was a "friend" of mine I'd met in a bar. She drank way too much, had a big mouth and was out bar hopping every night and brought a different man home with her every other night. She was critical of Laura for no good reason, other than she was a product of a one-night stand.

I schemed how to spend time with Laura for almost a year, then when she turned twelve she fell into my hands.

I'm divorced. My wife is currently in a mental intuition and will probably be there for much of her life. She was never a strong woman and when I tired of her, it didn't take much to push her over the edge. Now I'm free to do what I want and I collect the sympathy of everybody for having lived through a "nutsy wife."

My wife left me with a two year-old daughter named Tina. I had plans for Tina when she got older, but right then it occurred to me that she could help me with Laura. Tina spends here days till 6:00PM in day care. The woman next door finishes work at 8:30 in the evening and will watch Tina after that if I have to stay late at work. This left a gap that wasn't easy to fill.

When Laura turned 12 her mother told her she could baby sit to make some money. I hired her immediately. A least once a week I would pick Tina up at daycare and Laura at her mother's apartment and take them both to my house. Then I would go back to work. Laura would give Tina dinner and put her to bed at 7:30. At 8:30 the lady next door would take over and I would come back from work and take Laura home.

It was when I was driving her home that first night (actually on her 12th birthday) that I made my move. I asked her if she would mind if I stopped at work on the way to pick up some papers. I knew that Laura had a bit of a crush on me and would say that it would be fine. Her mother would be out past midnight, so she wouldn't be worried (Laura didn't say it, but even if her mother had been home she would probably be so drunk she wouldn't have noticed Laura was missing).

By then the building was empty. I took Laura in and let her be impressed by my corner office. She was particularly surprised that I had a big leather couch in there.

"Have to make the clients comfortable, you know," I told her.

I was trying to figure out how to turn the subject to sex. When Laura said, "There been problems in my neighborhood." I asked what kind, and she replied, "A gang of boys have been raping girls."

"That's terrible," I replied.

"I don't have to worry, though," she said, with a frown on her face.

"Why not?"

She dropped her head. "Nobody would want to rape me, I'm not pretty enough."

I sat down on the couch next to Laura with my best look of fatherly concern on my face. "That's not true. Laura, you are a healthy young lady with an excellent body."

She shyly turned to look at me, "You think so?"

I smiled. "Believe me those guys would be very lucky if they ever caught you. Like I said, you are a healthy young lady with an excellent body and they could squeeze hours and hours of pleasure out of it. It would provide them a night they wouldn't soon forget!"

I could see that Laura was embarrassed that I was talking like this, but at the same time very happy and excited. I walked over to the closet door and opened it. On the inside was a full length mirror. I angled it so that Laura could see herself on the couch, then walked back next to her and had her stand up. "Look at yourself. You're slim with beautiful red hair and great legs." Laura was wearing shorts and her legs looked very nice, though they would have looked much better in a short skirt.

"You starting to grow up top, too" I smiled indicating the pointed mounds under her t-shirt.

She looked upset and turned away at this comment.

"What's the matter?" I asked.

Tears form in her eyes and she didn't reply at first. I repeated my question. "They're deformed," she sobbed.

"What do you mean?"

She didn't reply, but just kept on crying.

"Laura, turn around and face me!" I said in my most commanding voice.

She obeyed. Her cheeks were wet.

"Lift you shirt up." She hesitated and I repeated my command. She obeyed.

I laughed when I saw what she was concerned about. "Laura, you have puffies!"

She certainly did. Her breasts consisted of small mounds topped by areolas that jutted out like in a bullet shapes. They were at least as long as the main mound of the breast. At the very tip of the bullet was a small nipple. Both the nipple and areola were a bright, bubble gum pink.

She nearly pulled her shirt down at my laugher, but I stopped her. "Laura, they're beautiful! Puffies are very, very rare!"

"They're not like any of the other girls!" she cried.

"No, they're not!" I replied. "They are special, just like you. Being different is sometimes, very, very good."

As I spoke I took my finger and gently ran it over her right tit in a circular motion. She started do draw back, but I put my hand on her back to stop her. I could see that it wasn't that she found the touch unpleasant, but her tits must have been very tender and she couldn't deal with the sensory overload. I continued to stroke her tits moving to the nipple. It became erect at once, jutting out from the top of the pink bullet. Laura tried to step back, but I wouldn't let her. She was trembling. It took less than a minute. Laura had her first orgasm.


This became a regular pattern: Laura would baby sit, then I would take her home, but not before I'd made a stop. Usually at my deserted office.

The next week I started preparing Laura for our little sessions with drugs. I'd usually slip them into something I gave her to eat or drink. There were two things I gave her. One was a little pink pill that reduced her inhibitions. The second was a several yellow pills to increase her libido. My job is in the pharmaceutical industry and knew that the yellow pills had been tested as an aphrodisiac. The drug company that made it thought they had a winner until test results came back showing that extended use of the drug led to cardio problems and depression. Neither of these constituted a concern for me with Laura, however.

We were sitting on the couch in my office that second week when Laura said, "You know when you said about that gang of boys would be lucky if they raped me? Do you really think they would like my body?"

I smiled, "Of course! I told you that you have great legs. And last week we didn't even talk about you best feature."

"What's that?"

"Your ass!"

Laura did have an excellent ass. Many 12 year-olds have a kind of flat ass, but she didn't. It was petite, but also very curved and rounded and nice and tight.

"Do boy's really like girl's...girl's asses that much?"

I laughed, "Laura, if those guys got a hold of you, you wouldn't have to be concerned about getting pregnant by one of them. With an ass like yours they would be interested in the other - how should I say it - entrance to your body."

Her eyes went wide. I don't think the possibility of that had ever occurred to her before. "You don't mean that..."

"With a cute ass like yours it would almost be a certainty!" I told her.

Laura snuggled up close to me. Inside she liked the idea that the boys might really want to do her ass.

Unexpectedly she reached over and started exploring my crotch. The yellow pills must have been kicking in. She found my partly erect cock though my pants and started rubbing it. I looked at her and she looked back with a grin on her face.

I grinned back, "You're pretty smart for a little girl. You know what boys like!"

She gave me a shy smile and nodded saying, "I'm just curious about men. About what they're like...down there..." She continued her explorations.

I reached over. She was wearing a short black skirt and no stockings. I let my fingers caress the inside of her lower thigh and she gave an involuntary shiver. "Fair is fair. Suppose I'm curious about what little girls are like...down there?"

She thought about this for a moment, then allowed her legs to slowly part. My hand moved up her inner thigh and under her skirt. I gently worked my way up to her crotch and started stroking her little pussy though her cotton panties.

If you haven't tried it, I have to tell you there are few things as exciting as gently exploring a pretty, young girl up under her skirt. Laura must have found it exciting too because her panties soon became damp. I kissed her delicate throat. Her skin was so soft I almost want to take a bite out of it.

She soon began a low moaning and I decided it was time to move on. I gently tugged on her panties and she lifted her bottom so I could slide them off. I dropped to my knees in between her legs and pushed her skirt up around her hips. Then I started using my tongue on the fresh petals of her soft cunt. In a few minutes Laura had her second orgasm.

When she was done I smiled at her and said, "My turn." I positioned her on her knees between my legs and told her to unzip me. She hesitated. "Go ahead," I told her. "It won't bite."

There nothing quite like watching yourself get a blow job from a very young girl. Especially one with pigtails. As she moves her head this way and that the they move and sway is just intoxicating. As she worked on me I gave her instructions on the fine art of pleasing a man with her tongue. Towards the end I started to get a little over excited. I gripped her head using her pigtails to guide her movements. When I came I jammed myself down her throat as far as I could go. I could hear her gagging on my cock and cum. Tears were streaming down her face when I finally let go and I had to comfort her by pulling her onto my lap and kissing her and telling her how good a girl she was.

Over the next few "dates" she became quite practiced at cock sucking. Those large rubbery lips felt quite wonderful around my cock and her tiny mouth was just the right size.

I also introduced my little Laura to "face fucking." For those of you that haven't tried it, it's a great rush. I positioned Laura in the corner of the couch with her head low on the backrest. I used pillows around her head to immobilize it as much as possible (later as I got Laura into B&D I simply strapped her into place) and made her sit on her hands. I then put my knees on the couch so my cock was in her face and pushed it into her mouth. Laura's sole duty was to simply suck it as hard and as long as possible. I then proceeded to fuck her mouth like it was her pussy. The great part about face fucking is that you are in total control of the depth and motion of your cock. Also looking down and seeing yourself driving your member into a pretty, little twelve year-old's face is very satisfying.

After a month or so I decided it was time to move to the next phase of our relationship. My birthday was coming up and it was the perfect excuse. I told Laura about my birthday I said I was really looking forward to getting my birthday present from her. She looked confused and upset and said something about not having the money to buy me anything. I laughed and told her that for what I wanted she wouldn't have to spend a dime. It was something every young girl had and could only give once in her lifetime. She turned a bit red and giggled. She had caught on.

"Laura, listen carefully," I told her. "I intended to take my birthday present from you sometime in the next month or so. You won't know where or when. It is my present and you won't have any say in how it's done. I intend to get as much pleasure out of your body as I can. It will be my night, not yours. If you have a good time, well, that's nice, but I intend to squeeze every bit of pleasure out of your body as I can, so don't expect you are going to have fun. Do you understand?"

Laura looked a little upset, so I told her. "If you don't want to give yourself to me, that's fine, but we can't continue seeing each other. It's all or nothing."

This broke her. She was too dependent on me (and the little pills) at this point.

"You also need to help get me in the mood for that night. I gotten you some special little outfits to wear on our dates. I've picked them out to make you look like a slut. I've always wanted a slutty little girlfriend. They'll help me to think of you that way. That will make things easier and more pleasurable for me when the time comes."

Not only did having Laura dress like a slut help excite me, but seeing herself like that would also start Laura to change her thinking about herself. She would start seeing herself as a slut.

Of the outfits I had her wear my favorite was the school girl. It had a pretty pink plaid, pleated skirt with a tiny top I ordered over the internet. It was a bit large, but I had it altered for her so it fit just right. I loved the skirt. It barely covered her butt even when it sat low on her hips. She wore it with high heels and white thigh highs stocking and the skirt had garter belts attached to it. Under the skirt she wore a tiny white thong.

I would take Laura out for ice cream at some stand far enough away from home that neither of us would be recognized. The looks she used to get in that outfit! At first she was a bit embarrassed, but soon she learned to enjoy it. I taught her how to swing her hips when she walked so that the skit would swing with them. I especially liked it when she would come and sit on my lap and lick her ice cream cone. I could tell that all the men watching us were jealous, while the women were outraged!


One night Laura came over and I told her to dress in the little school girl outfit laid out in the bedroom. I was going to take her for ice cream. A couple minutes later she came out saying, "There's no thong bottom!"

I smiled, "No there isn't. I've decided you're not wearing anything under your skirt tonight."

"But, it's windy out! Suppose my skirt blow up?"

"Then I guess you'll be giving everyone a free show..."

As we left the house I gave Laura an additional rule. She was not to touch her skirt tonight in anyway. If the wind blew it up, well that's where it would stay until the gust ended. Laura looked nervous, but I knew she would obey.

As it was her skirt behaved fairly well until after we finished our ice cream and were getting back into the car. A sudden gust caught it and wrapped it around her waist exposing her to a half a dozen patrons of the Tasty-Cream. Laura reached down, then stopped, remembering my orders. Instead she hopped into the car and we sped away.

As we were driving off I was surprised when Laura broke into laughter.

"Did you see their faces! That man dropped his cone right on the ground!" she giggled.

Laura was so excited she didn't even notice when I turned off the road and down a deserted lane. I pulled up to an old barn. Laura asked what this place was, but I didn't answer her. Instead I took her firmly by the hand and through the door. Inside I switched on the light.

I been busy preparing this place the last few days. In the center of the room was a "bed" I'd constructed just for tonight. It was circular and waist height. On one end was a pillow. Toward the other end was an oval cut in the top. The surface was soft red fabric and underneath several inches of foam.

"Tonight I will be taking my birthday gift, Laura. Climb onto the table and lay with tummy down and your hips on the pillow." Laura obeyed. When I'd finished positioning her she was stretched across the table flat, except the pillow pushed her ass up into the air several inches. The hole in the bed lay directly under her tits giving easy access to them. I adjusted her head so that her chin hung off the top edge of the bed.

I then pulled out four soft cords. Each one had a noose. I slid them around Laura's wrists and ankles and tied them to hooks on the bottom of the bed pulling them tight so that her body was spread in an X shape. I could feel her trembling.

"I'm scared," she whispered, "Please take me home."

I shook my head. "No, I told you I would take my birthday gift where and how I pleased. It's too late to change your mind now. Besides," I said stroking her hair, "you look beautiful. In fact, beyond beautiful. You are a work of art."

This kind of talk always pleased Laura. She was always insecure about her looks. I have no trouble lying to her, but in this case it was the truth. I've never seen such a beautiful sight as that little girl in her school girl outfit stretched across that bed. My cock was rock hard.

I come prepared to record this work of art too. Laura didn't notice the photography lights surrounding the bed till I switched them on and picked up my digital camera. I consider myself a good photographer and Laura was certainly a worthy subject.

I took a series of shots of from different angles. Then I adjusted Laura's skirt. She had been careful to modestly pull it down when she laid across the bed, though given the length of the skirt and the position of her hips her little slit couldn't help but peek out. I taken a few good pictures of it. Now I lifted the skirt and spread it out and around. From the bottom of the bed Laura almost looked like some exotic flower. The skirt were her petals and her stoking clad, coltish legs, spread wide, the stamen. I took several shots of this.

When I was finished I bent down near Laura head and whispered in her ear. There was something I very much wanted to hear from her lips. She smiled and repeated back to me, "Happy Birthday. I'm your birthday present! Feel free to use my body for your pleasure. It's my gift to you!"

I smiled and said, "Let the party begin! Come on out boys!" From a side door entered two good friends of mine.

Laura's mouth dropped open, "You didn't say anyone else would be here!"

"Come on, Laura! This is a party and you're the entertainment! You invited me to use you anyway I wanted."

"No, no" she whimpered.

I mounted Laura first and pushed my way into her little pussy. She started crying, but her mouth was soon silenced by my friend, Ted, who stood in front of Laura and face fucked her. No doubt fucking Laura was a great pleasure, but it was doubled by knowing that we were raping her and tripled by the knowledge it was a gang rape. What a way for a little girl to lose her virginity!

We switched positions several times with two of us doing my little slut and while the other took pictures. Finally I climbed by on her for the finale. I pushed the tip of my penis against the little rosebud of her asshole.

"No, please, No!"

"You said 'any way that I wanted' and this is what I want, Laura."

I pushed my way into her and she cried despite the jelly I'd placed on her butt hole. God she was tight! I fucked her and came as if I was 18 again!


When we were done, I took a knife and cut each of the cords, so she was loose. My friends and I headed into the next room and had a few beers and played a couple rounds of poker. Then they left. What a great birthday!

When I re-entered the room with the bed, Laura was lying on it in a fetal position. She wasn't moving except for tiny sobs that shook her body just slightly. I switched on the photo lights and picked up the camera. I carefully began adjusting the position of her limbs and hair to get the right pose. She was like a rag doll and didn't resist at all. I tossed the back of her skirt so that it was up around her waist. Semen was oozing from her rosebud and I wanted that in the pictures.

I have to say the shots I took of Laura after the rape were even more exciting than those before. She lay across the bed on her side. Her top was open and her little puffies hung out. One stocking was still up attached to her garter, the other was torn and had fallen around her ankle. Cum dripped from her pussy and was splattered artfully over her face. Tears poured down from her eyes. I decided I would call this series of pictures, "Little Girl's First Gang Rape."


Statistics show that a young girl after she's been raped often becomes very promiscuous. That was certainly the case with Laura. That night had broken her spirit. She would sleep with whoever I told her to in any manner that I deemed. I quickly introduced her to B&D and S&M. She did not resist. In fact, she rather enjoyed the little games we played.

One of our favorite games was "Save Laura." This had several variations. For example, in one Laura would lie on the bed and put a clear plastic bag over her head. The bag would have a drawstring and Laura would pull it tight and tie it around her neck. As I watched she would then secure herself using to pair of handcuffs to the to the brass bedstead (the great thing with handcuffs is it is easy to put one around your own wrist, and then use the same hand that is cuffed to hook the other cuff around some object. If you don't have the key once the other cuff closes, your are stuck). She would then use another pair of handcuffs to secure her other arm to the opposite side of the bedstead. This would leave her lying on the bed on her back with each arm stretched to the opposite side of the bed and no way to remove the bag.

If things remained unchanged Laura would slowly asphyxiate in about five to ten minutes. That was where I came in. It was my choice to "Save" Laura, or not. Of course I always did, but both of us found it exciting to have her in this potentially fatal position. I would mount her and start fucking her while her air slowly ran out. The lack of oxygen would soon bring Laura to a powerful orgasm. As for me, the act of making love to her girlish body as it slowly suffocated was intoxicating. Laura knew that I would not take the bag off of her until I came, and a couple of times she blacked out before I shot my load into her, but she still wanted to play again when I saw her next week.

Another version of "Save Laura" she thought of herself. My backyard has a private pool with a diving board over the twelve foot deep end. Laura would strip and sit at the end of the board. There she would tie her ankles together with clothesline and tie the end of the clothesline to a thirty pound stone sitting on the board. Then she would hand cuff her own hands behind her back, take a deep breath and bounce herself into the water. The stone would be pulled off the board and drag her feet first to the bottom of the pool. There she would float a couple of feet above the stone motionless. I would watch from the pool edge.

It was very exciting seeing her like that. She looked some little girl that a rapist had kidnapped, used, killed and then been gotten rid of. Or perhaps the young girlfriend of a mobster who had found out too much and had to be silenced.

Laura got very good at holding her breath, so I could wait one, almost two minutes before diving in after her with a knife to cut her loose. You could always tell when she was getting desperate for air. She usually floated perfectly still, but when she was reaching her limit she would start to wiggle all around. After cutting her loose I would bring her to the surface in the shallow end. There, without releasing her hands or legs, I would lay her face down half in, half out of the pool and fuck her doggie style.


Soon Laura was approaching thirteen. In the last few months before her birthday her body started changing rapidly. She grew several inches and her breasts, though still puffies, changed from half lemon sized mounds to small, full oranges. As she changed I found myself losing interest in her. I had another girl in my sights and it was time to move our relationship to new phase.

On her thirteenth birthday she came over to "baby sit" as usual. I slipped her an extra high dose of the pills, but as I was driving her too our office for our time together I faked getting a cell phone call. I spoke for a moment into the phone, then turned to Laura.

"I'm sorry, Honey, but there's a problem at the office. There's a bunch of people in there now for an emergency. I'll have to take you straight home."

The pills had kicked in and Laura was obviously getting very horny. "Couldn't you take me to a motel?"

"Sorry, but they expect me at work. I'll make it up to you. How about Friday?"

She reluctantly agreed and I drove her home.

I really love it when some complicated plan I've made comes out perfectly. I knew that at Laura's mother's apartment was her mother's live-in boyfriend, Hector. Laura did not like Hector at all. She found him smelly and in the last few months he'd been starring a lot at her body. Laura was home alone with him after I dropped her off since her mother was working.

I also knew that Laura's mother was suspicious that Hector was getting some on the side. In fact, that very afternoon when I spoke to her on the phone I suggested she come home from work early to see if she could catch him.

It was about ninety minutes later I got a hysterical phone call from Laura begging me to pick her up. She was standing on corner in the pouring rain with no umbrella and all her worldly goods in a tiny suitcase. My plan had gone perfectly. Laura, in a hypersexual state and desperate had given into Hector when he propositioned her. They had been fucking like a pair of rabbits when her mother stormed into the house. Laura's mother isn't much to look at (all that booze takes its toll on you after a while) so she knew she wasn't going to be able to replace Hector as a boyfriend. So she threw Laura - the "little whore" - out of the house and told her never to come back.

I picked up Laura (she looked really hot. She was soaked to the skin and her clothes were clinging to her, especially her thin t-shirt. She hadn't had time to put on a bra) and took her to my house. She seemed to think that she was going to stay with me, but I told her no.

"I can't have a thirteen year-old girl living with me! Besides, I've very disappointed in you Laura, screwing Hector behind my back. I think it's time we go our separate ways."

"But," she sobbed, "What will I do? I only have a few sets of clothes and $50 I stole from my mom. Where will I stay? How will I eat?"

"There's always a way for a girl with a nice body to make lots of money," I told her soothingly. "We just need to get you the right working clothes."

I took her into the bedroom. She outgrown her old school girl outfit, but there was a new one on the bed. "I was going to give you this for your birthday, Laura. Now you'll need it to make some money."

She looked at me. "You mean you think I should sell myself? Like a whore? I don't know if I can do that. Suppose nobody will buy me?"

I took her hand. "Laura, down in the city they'll pay $100 an hour for a little teen like you. You just need to have some confidence. Get dressed.

Laura changed into the outfit and I took her over to the full-length mirror. "What do you see? I asked.


"No," I replied. "To be a good hooker you need to look at what you see in the mirror and realize you're seeing a product. You're in business and your body is what your are selling. Look at it that way. Try to see it from your customer's point of view. What will make your product stand out from all the others around you? It's the way you dress. The way you move and pose on the corner. The way you smile. You want the customers to look at your body like it is a tasty little desert they are going to wolf down. Make yourself look delicious!"

Laura packed all her things into the suitcase and I drove her down to the red light district in the city. She was wearing the new little school girl outfit with a thong underneath and no bra on top. She carried a little purse filled with some makeup and several packs of condoms I'd given her.

When we reached our destination she was hesitant to get out. "I don't think I can to this!" I suggested that she take a little trial run. Just take a walk around the block and get used to the place. I would wait right here with her suitcase.

She reluctantly agreed. She looked so sexy as she headed down the street - this little teenager barely dressed, navigating her way amid the porn shops and strip bars. As soon as she turned the corner and was out of sight I started the engine and drove home. I dropped her suitcase into a dumpster after pocketing the fifty dollars.

This might have seemed cruel, even for me, but it was necessary. With a change of clothes and fifty bucks she might had found a hotel and a meal and changed her mind about becoming a street hooker. As it was, she was out in the big city without a dime to her name and dressed in a tiny, flimsy outfit. The only way she would sleep, eat or buy drugs would be to sell herself that night. Once she sold herself a few times, it would become a habit she couldn't break.


Not that I didn't have some concerns about her. The next day I called an associate of mine named Carlos. He was a pimp in the city. I told him what Laura looked like. After a night on her own it wouldn't take much to convince Laura to join his stable of girls. He was a very charming guy.

I used Laura on several occasions after that (for free of course - Carlos owed me - and always with a condom. By now I was sure her little pussy was a sewer filled with who-knows-what) she was a bit angry with me at first, but she got over it after I pointed out that I had hooked her up with Carlos. She was quite taken with him as the new girls always were. At this point she was his top money maker and he was treating her like a queen. If fact, she rather like the idea of being in his "stable." Laura loved horses (show me a thirteen year-old girl that doesn't) and she liked the fantasy that she was a prize pony in his collection.

"It's just like the riding academy," she once told me amid giggles, "we girls are in the stable. The men come and pick out which one of us they want for the day. Then they take us out, 'mount' us and ride us!"

After about six months this changed, however. A cute little blond, just a young as Laura, but with a killer face, had displaced her. Carlos was demanding Laura bring in more money, but since she wasn't the fresh face on the street anymore and her price had slipped. That's when I introduced her to "The Hole." The Hole is an underground S&M bar where masters and slaves meet each other. Often the masters who are a bit undesirable will purchase a slave for the night. The prices can run into the thousands for a young girl like Laura.

Laura started selling herself there. She didn't mind the S&M. In fact, she'd learned to enjoy it during our time together, and she'd need to do only one trick a night to make Carlos happy. Of course with big money, comes big risk. Relationships are anonymous in The Hole and often girls disappear and aren't heard of again. Did they run off with a new lover or wind up in a shallow grave? Nobody knows or cares.

Of course, Laura was thirteen and didn't understand the risk. All she knew was that she was very popular at the bar and everybody wanted her for the night.


I think the story of Laura is over. About a month ago she disappeared. Carlos has not seen her and he thinks she's in a shallow grave in the woods somewhere. I didn't tell him anything, but I heard a rumor to the contrary.

One of her one-night-masters took a liking to her and decided not to let her go after the trick. My guess is that she is locked in a sub-basement/dungeon of a fairly large, rural house. The basement is filled with interesting machines. They are Laura's lovers now. In that dark place she will serve her master till he tires of her. My guess is also that she will never leave that sub-basement. I doubt any of us will ever see Laura again.

I'm not really worried about the police tracing her back to me. I hadn't seen her in two months. I have only one regret in the matter. Not that Laura is gone for good. That was inevitable. Perhaps even desirable. After all it wouldn't do for some goody-two shoes to get a hold of her, reform her, and sober her up so that she could pour out a sob story about the man who had lead her into this awful life.

Is Laura happy in her new role? It doesn't really matter.

I only regret that I won't have her as a piece of art anymore. She was quite a sight in the little schoolgirl outfit! I can only image how she must look in that dungeon, straped to and stretched out over some infernal machine as she cries in pain and pleasure.

Oh, well, on to the next little girl! Funny,though. I just glanced up at the date on the calendar and realized something. It's Laura's fourteenth birthday.

Happy Birthday, Laura!

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


At some point I find this story sexy as hell, but your point of view of lucking empty at all is such an down side. I am truly lucky I am not the cold hearted bastard like you.


It was a good story even if I don't like that she get drugs to be the girl she get. It had been better if he only had used his phycological power over her instead. I like the idea there the girl jumped into the pool while handcuffed. More of it would be great for it's not often something like that are in the stories on this site. You should write a story about a 11yo girl who likes to being bagged or having an air tight black hood over her head until she passed out. She will also likes to be thrown into the swimmingpool while cuffed.


Guys like you are the reason everyones got a stick up their asses about men with Lolita complexes lol good story


Excellent story. I'd like to see the sex scenes fleshed out a bit more. The behavior your character portrays may seem far fetched but your fans know if this situation were possible they would'nt change a thing.

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