Published: 14-Mar-2011
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"Come in Mr. Kramer!" I said to the beefy, red-faced man at my door. "So, glad that you could come."
"Don't waste my time, Smith. You said you have a business deal you wanted me to back? Something that could make us both a lot of money?"
"Yes, I do. Have a seat."
Kramer seated himself in the best chair in my living room and lit up a cigar without asking permission. "So what's this business, Smith?"
"I've come up with a line of lingerie and sexy outfits that will sell really well. All I need is some money to get the business started," I said. "We split the profits half and half."
"Smith, everybody and his brother sells that kind if stuff. What makes you think yours is going to be so popular that you can make any money at this!"
I smiled. "It's not the outfit that make the difference, but the customers. Karis, come in here!"
From the other room a weak, high voice, pleaded, "But Daddy-"
"Get in here, now!" I commanded.
Karis, my ten year-old daughter entered the room. She wore one of my creations. It was a school girl outfit. The little red plaid, pleated skirt didn't come down any farther than her crotch and the top sat low on her hips exposing most of her flat, smooth tummy. The little matching white top she wore barely fell below her tiny tits. Her light blond hair was in pigtails held in place by white ribbons. On her feet was a pair of high-heels and white lacy socks.
When you first saw Karis you thought she was tall, but she barely topped five feet. The length of her body was an illusion caused by her thinness. A growth spurt had affected only her legs and they now composed almost half her body height.
I'd taught Karis to walk like a model by putting her feet directly behind one another with each step so that her hips swung seductively. Despite her reluctance she entered the room as she'd been shown and made a slow turn in front of Kramer so he could take her in, then struck a provocative pose in front of him.
Kramer nearly dropped his cigar on the floor. His face flickered with lust, and then resumed their usual scowl.
"You are going sell lingerie for little girls!"
"Exactly," I replied.
"You are sick."
"Perhaps, but the business will be extremely popular. There is no competition in the market. And there are plenty of people - people who admire little girls - who will be willing to buy them outfits," I noted.
Kramer ran his eyes up and down her, saying nothing.
"Karis, assume the position so Mr. Kramer can see your panties."
Her pretty little blue eye teared up. "Please, Daddy, don't make me show-"
"Karis! Do I have to punish you later?"
"No, Daddy no!"
With that she turned her back to Kramer, spread her legs wide and leaned over at the waist using an end table to support her hands. This presented Kramer with her shapely little bottom inches from his face. I nodded to her skirt. "Go ahead. Lift it up."
With little hesitation he reached over and pushed the back of the skirt up around Karis's waist. She wore a pretty little pair of panties that had lace bordering the triangle formed by the back panel. The triangle of the back panel was almost completely transparent showing off Karis' cute little ass.
Kramer stared hard. Very hard. It was as I suspected. He was an admirer of very young girls too. "Well, it is very nice," he said with a rasp in his voice.
"Go ahead and touch the fabric," I told him. "I think you will have a little surprise."
Karis shot me a glance. Her eyes were begging me not to let this man fondle her, but she knew better than to disobey me.
Kramer touched the panties tentatively, but then with more deliberate strokes. "It's so, so soft!"
I smiled. "A new material. Most transparent cloth is usually terribly smooth, but not really soft. This is different, though. Like the softest silk. A bit pricy, but worth it."
Kramer now had one hand around Karis holding her steady by the tummy while the other moved back and forth cupping and squeezing her butt cheeks. Then his hand moved lower, sliding in between her legs to feel for her pussy lips. When Karis felt this she shot me a glance, her eyes begging me. I gave her a hard look back, letting her know what would happen if she disrupted Mr. Kramer's little bit of fun with a complaint. She squeezed her mouth tightly shut, winced, and looked forward again.
After Kramer had a good, thorough feel of her, I told Karis, "Go get on the next outfit for Mr. Kramer. Hurry up, he doesn't have all night!"
As she stalked away Kramer asked, "I have to admit I like the idea, but how far are you going to get without being arrested!"
"Nothing illegal about my idea," I commented. "Selling sexy lingerie for young girls isn't in anyway against the law. The only consideration is that any photographs we take of our models must be non-sexual. This is pretty easily done even if they are nude as long as we take care not to show their genitals. The fact that we are selling lingerie will actually help the case that the pictures purpose is nonsexual. There may be some concern if we sell any bondage equipment, sized for the girls, but at worse well have to show those on a manikin."
"Who is going to model your stuff?" asked Kramer.
"Karis will work as one. As you can see she looks quite lovely in the outfits. I have two other girls lined up. A cute, freckled, seven year old red head, named Stephanie and a pretty nine-year old brunet named Sarah. Their guardians have already agreed to help us for a pretty reasonable fee."
Karis re-entered the room. The theme of this little outfit was bows. This time she wore a tiny white thong that barely covered her hips. As she walked passed us our eyes were immediately drawn to her butt. Hanging on the back of the thong was a pretty little bow that bounced and swung against her bottom as she walked. You couldn't help but to find yourself starring at that area and noticing how nice her rear end was shaped (This was of course, no accident. I made Karis do exercises for at least a half-hour a day designed to shape her little bottom).
Karis wore high heels and white lacy stockings that came just above her knee as well as gloves that covered her up to her elbows. Around her throat was a choker made of a white ribbon. On the right side of her neck the choker had a white lacy bow with a rhinestone encrusted three inch metal bar that looked like a stick pin. Her hair was now in a ponytail with a white bow. Bows were also located at the top of the stocking (both front and back) and at the back of her wrists, elbows and ankles. Karis was topless and her tiny, pink breast buds pointed straight out.
She pranced around for a minute, and then posed in front of us. "Nice, don't you think?" I asked.
"Extremely" Kramer replied.
"This outfit is more than it looks however. Turn around, Karis."
She obeyed. I grabbed her and dragged her back against me. "Hands crossed behind your back." I commanded. She obeyed again.
I grabbed the bows at her wrists and gave them a pull. They unraveled into a thin, strong ribbons of fabric. "These bows are functional," I said. "The ones at the top of the gloves can be tightened so that the gloves can't come off. The same thing with the bows at the front top of the thighs. These other ones-" I said as I used the ribbon to bind Karis's wrists together "-are very strong and can be used for bondage." I untied the bows at the back of Karis's thighs and used them to tie her legs tightly together, just above her knees.
Kramer leaned forward with a smile and touched the ties, then ran his hands up Karis's naked thighs and started feeling her pussy.
"Daddy, please make him st-"
Karis's words disappeared as I demonstrated another part of the outfit. "I call this choker she's wearing a "Jonbenet." The ribbon is quite strong and wraps around this little bar. Spin the bar and the ribbon gets as tight as you want. You can then use the bow to hold it in place, like so."
I let go. Karis had her head back and she was desperately trying to get enough air to stay conscious. She no longer had any breath to waste on comments. "You can easily tighten it just enough to eliminate any annoying talk, but keep the subject awake for an extended length of time.
We watched Karis sway and stumbled for a minute or so as she struggled to keep from blacking out. Undoubtedly she would have torn the choke off, if her hand had not been bound behind her back.
"Imagine meeting a little girl on the street wearing a pretty little dress and wearing these stockings, gloves and choker. The message she would be sending would be 'I'm available for bondage!' though only you and she, and her lover would know the secret of here little outfit!"
"Very clever," smiled Kramer. "May I?"
I nodded. He brought Karis, still fighting to stay awake, over to him. He then reached up, released the bow and twirled the bar a few spins tighter. Karis immediately collapsed onto his lap, unconscious. He then released the bar completely. As he was waiting for her to recover, he ran his hand across her tiny tits and over her smooth tummy.
"Even if this isn't illegal a lot of people won't be happy with it," he observed.
"What can they do?" I replied, "I'm going to sell this stuff on a website. It's not like they can hold protests outside the store. Sure some techy can try to shut down the website by some kind of electronic attack, but the servers I intend to rent space on are in a foreign country and they provider has hardened the site against that kind of thing. That kind of attack will be an annoyance at best."
Karis awoke with a start as she realized she was being fondled by Kramer's swarthy hands. She looked at me in panic, her eyes begging.
"Karis, why don't you go and put the last outfit on?" I said.
Kramer undid the ties and she walked away, undoubtedly happy that there was only one more thing for her to model.
"If you are going to put little girl on the web wearing lingerie you are going to get a lot of people coming to the site just to gape and not to buy," noted Kramer.
"That no problem. The store will carry advertising too. The kind of advertising that would like that kind of audience. So it doesn't matter if they just come to look and don't buy. We'll make money off of that too," I said.
Karis was soon back. She still wore the same stocking, gloves and choker, but the bows were back in place. What she also had on was a pretty little baby-doll nightie. It was a very pale shade of pink and mostly see-through. The front of it came together and tied between her breast buds with a little ribbon. The front was cut away to show her bare tummy. The little panty was a thong, but front was shaped like a butterfly with it wings spread. The body of the butterfly lay along her pussy slit. It was see-through also. Karis pranced around for us then struck a pose in front of Kramer. She was smiling, knowing we were almost done.
"Very nice," said Kramer.
"So you want to invest?" I asked.
"As much as I like the idea," said Kramer, as he undressed Karis with his eyes, "It could be a lot of trouble for me if I was ever connected with the business-"
"-you would be a silent partner. Nobody need know-"
"Still, there too much of a risk. I will have to decline." He started to get up to leave.
I was prepared for this.
"Wait a moment. You can't really appreciate the beauty of this nightie without spending an evening in bed with a pretty little girl who is wearing it. For that reason I'm inviting you to sleepover up in Karis's room tonight with her, so you can experience it first hand."
Lust passed over Kramer face. Karis was now starring at me with her eyes bulging out of their sockets. She opened her mouth to plead with me, but I shot her the hardest look I could. She knew that my punishment would be beyond anything she had so far experienced if she crossed me now. Her lips closed, quivering. Tears began to stream down her face.
"Karis, go upstairs to your room. Leave the door open. Mr. Kramer will be joining you in a minute."
She started for the steps moving haltingly, like a robot with a rust problem.
Kramer came over to me. I pulled out a little key. "Karis had been a bit of a naughty girl recently trying to lock me out of her room. I replaced the normal lock there with a double cylinder. You can only lock the door from the inside or outside with this key. It's the only one. I suggest you lock it when you get inside and keep the key around your neck. That way you'll know you have absolute privacy for the night and it will keep anyone from leaving the room until you are ready."
Kramer nodded.
"Also take this." I handed him a shrink wrapped box of bondage toys including whips and a riding crop. "Try these out. We are going to sell these on the site, too. Karis is still wearing the bondage stockings and gloves and she has a four poster bed, so there are plenty of places to secure things."
Kramer headed up the stair carrying the box. I saw Karis had stopped nearly at the top and was staring at me with her eyes begging. Tears rolled down her cheeks and she was shaking. Suddenly she whined, "Daddy, please!"
By then Kramer had reached her and goosed her right butt cheek. She went screaming up the stairs and into her room, throwing herself on the bed and sobbing. I noticed, however, that she had not slammed the door.
"Mr. Smith, I think we can do business. In fact I think its going to be a long a profitable relationship for both of us," he said, giving me a wicked smile.
"Goodnight, Mr. Kramer"
He entered Karis's room and closed the door. I heard the key turn in the lock and click.
* * *
I was too excited to sleep and the truth was it would have been impossible. The noise from Karis's room included crying, begging, screaming interrupted by the crack of a whip or riding crop. Sometimes the girl's sounds were suddenly choked off to be replaced by the sound of a man grunting and the steady rocking of the bed. I had to hand it to Kramer. I wouldn't have thought he'd had that much stamina. Things didn't really quiet down till about three in the morning when the sounds turned into the satisfied snoring of a man and the quite sobbing of a young girl.
I felt a little sympathy for Karis. I didn't really like Kramer, but this was business. She would have to get used to this. Besides, I would probably not be visiting her as often myself now. My thoughts drifted to the little red-headed girl with the nice smile and freckles. Now I would have the money to hire her and I had made it clear to her guardian that I expected a little more from her than just modeling.
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