Diary of a Pre-Teen Bondage Model

[ M/g, enem, humil, anal, spank, toys, bd, con ]

by Spyth


Published: 13-Mar-2011

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show Story Summary
Needless to say this is fantasy only. If you can't keep this as a fantasy, please don't read it!

9/15/2004 - Hello Diary! I'm Lisa, your new owner! I just got you for my 9th birthday. I love to write and my teacher says I'm really, really good at it, so I'm going to write in you a lot!

Things have been sad around her, but today made me feel better. I live with Uncle Mark, who isn't really my uncle, I just call him that. I used to live with mommy, up till she got sent to prison for taking drugs. Mr. Mark lived next door and he had always been very, very nice to me, so mommy asked him to take care of me until she got out of prison. She was afraid if she told the government people about me they would take me away from her and send me to a foster home, so now I live with Uncle Mark.

9/29/2004 - I feel awful! Uncle Mark just told me that mommy is dead! She got some drugs in prison and they were bad and she died. Uncle Mark says that I can live with him forever, though. He says I belong to him now. I'm so glad he taking care of me.

10/5/2004 - I decided I want to be a model when I grow up! They get to wear such pretty things! I like to sit in Uncle Mark's lap and I look at some of the catalogs he gets in the mail. They have girls in fancy dresses and underwear. All the underwear is so lacy and some of it you can even see-through! We sit together and point out which ones we think are nice. He saw this outfit a model was wearing with white stockings, white high-heels and this tiny white thong. The back of the thong had the fancy white bow that hung from the back like a tail. The model was wearing long, white gloves and her hair was in pig-tails with white bows. She wasn't wearing a top at all and had had her arms in front of her so you couldn't see her boobs.

Uncle Mark said that was his favorite outfit. Then he told me that he wished he could order it in a little girl's size. He thought that I would look great in it! He told me I am really pretty and could be a model. It makes me really feel good that he thinks I'm so pretty. I asked him to please, please get that outfit so I can wear it!

10/26/2004 - This the greatest night ever! Uncle Mark told me he'd have a surprise for me. He brought out this video tape. He said it was of a fancy fashion show that that company that puts out the catalog of women's underwear does every year. He said we could cuddle up and watch it together.

Just before we started he told me to go into my room and put on what was laid out on my bed. It was the outfit from the catalog! Uncle Mark told me he'd had it made special for me in my size. It's so pretty! There are very high heels (I can barely walk in them, but Uncle says they make me look great) and stockings that go up past my knee. Each stocking has a lacy bow at the top. There is a little thong with a fancy bow at the back just like in the catalog! There are long gloves and bows for my pigtails. Uncle says he loves how they look with my long blond hair.

I was a little embarrassed to come out of my bedroom with no top, but Uncle said we were family. He told me to "prance" around the room for him. He told me he loves the bow hanging just above my behind. He says the reason why it is there is that it that when it swings back and forth as I walk it makes people look down there and see what a cute ass I have (Is that a bad word?).

He said that since we are watching the tape with lingerie models he wanted one of his own for the night! I sat on his lap and we watched the tape. I was glad he got me this outfit. It made it easy to pretend I was one of the models. Uncle cuddled and rubbed me all over all night. He's so wonderful! After the tape was done I pretended I was a model and tried to walk around the living room like them. Uncle says he thinks I could be a very popular model.

11/05/2004 - I'm sick. My tummy hurts and I stayed home from school. Uncle Mark stayed home from work with me. He's so nice. When I have to have my temperature taken he lays me across his lap and has me pull down my panties to my knees. He had this big thermometer that goes into my butt hole. The first time I didn't like it, but to make me feel better while I have to have it in, Uncle Mark reads me stories and gives me candy and rubs me all over which feels good. Now I actually look forward to the half-hour or so it takes to take my temperature!

11/10/2004 - I'm in trouble! I did something bad and Uncle Mark had to spank me. When that happens I have to get the paddle and bring it to him. He makes me say, "Please spank me, Uncle, because I've been bad and I must be disciplined." Then I have to slide my jeans and panties to below the knee, and pull up my shirt till it's just under my armpits and lay across his lap. Then he spanks me with ten hard whacks. Afterward I have to lay across his lap for a half-hour and think about the bad thing I've done.

I know Uncle Mark feels bad about having to spank me. While I lay there he rubs me all over and reads to me and gives me candy. After the first few times, I really stopped minding being spanked. In fact, once I was bad just so that I would get spanked so I could lay across his lap and get candy!

11/18/2004 - Uncle showed me a strange magazine today. It had girls and they were all tied up! Some of them were being hit with belts and things. I asked Uncle if they had done something bad. He said some of them might have, but a lot of women like being tied up and spanked and things like that. I guess I can understand that. I have really started to like my spankings.

11/29/2004 - Guess what! I'm going to be a model! Uncle brought home another of those strange magazines. This one was called "Lolita Bondage." It was a lot like the last one, but in this one the models were all little girls like me! Uncle said they were looking for models and he thought I would make a good one. I would love to be in a magazine like that! I told him I would like to do it. He told me he knew I would and we would be going for my first photo shoot next week! I wish I could tell my friends at school about it, but Uncle has told me not too. He says it could ruin everything.

12/4/2004 - I just had my first professional modeling session! This morning my uncle took me over to meet Harry, the photographer at his studio. You should have seen all the lights and fancy sets! My uncle had me dress in one of his favorite outfits he bought me. He calls it my slutty, schoolgirl outfit. It has white high-heels and stocking the go up past my knees and this short little pleated skirt. It's so short that when I pull it down, my little crack in the back starts to show, but if I pull it up you can see my white panties. I told my uncle I thought it was too short, but he just laughed and said it was perfect!

The outfit has a t-shirt top that only goes about half-way down to my naval and I wear pigtails with white lacy bows with it. When Harry saw me in it he got very excited.

Harry's about my Uncle's age, but a little shorter and a little fatter, but seems just as nice. He had a place in his studio set up like a school classroom and my uncle dressed up like a teacher. I'll tell you how the story in the photo shoot went: I was a bad student staying after school. When he told me to do something I was supposed to disobey the teacher. The teacher then went to the backroom and came out with a leash like a dog would have and a pair of leather handcuffs. I fought, but the teacher is bigger and he puts them on me. Then he leads me to the backroom.

The backroom is old, dirty with brick walls and looks a bit like a dungeon. On the walls there are things like belts and leather handcuffs. It's kind of scary. In the middle is this thing the teacher tells me is "the horse." He tells me that I've been a bad girl and I have to "ride the horse" for punishment.

He attaches my handcuffs to a chain in the ceiling and pulls it up tight so I have to stand straight up with my hands over my head as far as I can reach. Then he pulls my skirt down and takes it off. Then he pulls my t-shirt over my head. Next he takes me off the chain and makes me walk over to the horse.

The horse looks kind of like a saw horse but it is heavier and one end is lower than the other. The higher end has a padded U-shaped place to hold my hips. I lean over this and my handcuffs are attached to a crank thing the pulls me tight so I lay along the top of the horse. My teacher then puts cuffs on my ankles that are connected to cables running to each side of the horses wide spread feet. The teacher then slides my panties down my legs so they are just at the top of the stocking above my knees. Harry took a lot of pictures of this.

The teacher starts loading weight on to this thing attached to the cables and they pull and pull at my ankles trying to get them apart. I could keep my legs together for a little while, but then it was just too hard. My legs went way apart until they were spread as wide as the legs of the horse. It's a good thing my panties were very stretchy, otherwise they would have been torn to pieces.

It was so embarrassing! I mean to have my legs pulled apart especially with my panties half-off. It was worse than if I'd been wearing nothing at all! Harry said that I looked great, though! He said the magazine's readers will love it!

Next the teacher (my uncle) gets out oil and starts to massage it into my legs and bottom to make the punishment more effective. I liked this part! I always like being rubbed on my legs and bottom.

Then the teacher used a long wooden stick, like a cane, to spank me and punish me. I really didn't mind it. I've learned to like spanking. Harry was upset and said I wasn't wiggling and crying enough for the pictures. My uncle said he could fix that and took the cane and hit me right between my legs right on my pussy real hard! That certainly made me wiggle and cry! It's a good thing Harry's studio is soundproof! It really hurt! Harry said I looked really hot after that.

After my spanking they stopped taking photos. Harry wanted to do more. He said I looked great, but uncle didn't want to go too far on my first shoot. Harry said I did great and I will look wonderful in the magazine!

After the shoot, my uncle had a surprise for me! We went to the zoo! I love the zoo!

1/10/2005 - I'm on the cover of the magazine! My uncle brought home a copy for me and there I was bent over the horse right under the words "Lolita Bondage." At the bottom it says "A Naughty Schoolgirl Gets Taught a Lesson She Won't Forget." I was so excited. I wanted to show my friends, but Uncle says it is a special magazine for special people: Men who greatly admire young girls. I have to keep it to myself.

I was surprised that in none of the pictures you could you see my uncle's face. Even in that shot were he was facing the camera it was all blurry. Uncle said this was on purpose. The photo shoot was about me, not him. I was the star.

To celebrate he took me out for ice cream and had me wear my slutty schoolgirl outfit. I always get stares from people when I wear that. If only they knew I was a cover girl!

1/16/2005 - What a day! Uncle Mark took me horse back riding at his friend Fred's farm. I love horses! Afterward he said he wanted to show me something. He took me into the barn. There was a pony tied up there. It was a girl horse. Fred led in this other horse. My uncle called it a stallion. He said it was a man horse. Suddenly both the horses got really excited, especially the stallion. They were neighing and whinnying. They must have liked each other. Suddenly the big stallion climbed right up on top of the pony's back! I thought he was hurting the pony, but uncle said she liked it. The stallion had this big thing that came out from between his legs. Uncle called it a cock. The stallion pushed it into the pony back and forth.

Uncle cuddled me on his lap and stroked my thighs and told me that the horses were fucking. That's what boy and girl horses do if then like each other. They certainly seemed to be enjoying it.

When we got home I asked Uncle if men had a big thing just like the stallion did. He said yes. He took me into the bedroom and told me to take off my clothes. He took off his too. He showed me his cock. It looked very small compared to the horse, but he told me to rub it back and forth. Suddenly it got a lot bigger! He said it was time for him to teach me how to fuck. I was afraid it would really hurt because he was so big now and my hole is small. He said he would put some jelly on me to make it easy. After he jellied me up, he had me climb on his lap facing away from him and I lowered myself onto his cock. It was a tight fit! He had to grab me by the hips and push me down! It hurt at first, but then it started to feel good after he reached around in front of me and rubbed me just in front of where his cock was in me.

Suddenly I got all tingly all over and it felt really, really good! I like fucking!

2/2/2005 - I had another photo session. This time I was dressed in my white stocking with the bows on top and my white high heels and my long white gloves with my pigtails in white bows. Harry had me stand on at stool. Then he used rope to tie my thighs together just above the knees and my hands together behind my back. Then he got this big rope. It was tied in a hangman's noose. He lowered that from above, put my neck through it and pulled it up really tight. I could hardly breath! Then he took another rope and tied it to the top of the stool and real tight to the wall. Then on the other side of the stool he attached another rope and hooked it to pulley and some heavy weights. The weights would have jerked the stool out from under me if the rope on the other side hadn't been there.

Harry then took a candle, lit it and placed the flame under the rope that was keeping the stool from being pulled out from underneath me. Then he started taking pictures. He also used a video camera.

Harry told me to look at the candle with a worried expression on my face. I didn't have to act! The rope started breaking bit, by bit and I could feel the stool shift under me each time. It was hard enough to stand up there in high heels without the stool moving like that! The rope was down to its last few strands when Uncle Mark told him to put the candle out. Harry didn't want to. He said that it would really be a fantastic layout for the magazine, if they went all the way. Uncle Mark said I was too young for than and we had to stop. Harry finally did put out the candle.

They made it look like the candle had burned through the rope by showing the stool on the ground and having me hang from the noose by my hands. They only took pictures of me from the waist down. They had me kick my legs hard and first (only from the knees down because they were still tied) and then slow down and finally hang still.

On the way home I asked if Harry didn't like me. Uncle said Harry liked me a lot. I asked why had wanted me to die by being hung and Uncle said that he just got a little carried away because I looked so good up there. He said that even if the rope had burned through I would probably been okay. The fall was to low and I was too light for it to break my neck. I would have just had a lot of problem breathing, but Harry could have taken his pictures and gotten me down before anything really bad happened. I felt better when I heard that. I told him that maybe we should have "gone all the way" if it would have made better pictures for the magazine. Uncle Mark laughed and said I "was a real trooper" and maybe we would try it when I got a little older!

3/5/2005 - I did another photo shoot for the magazine! This time I was sitting on the ground with my legs tied apart and my hands tied behind a pole behind my back. My mouth had the red ball in it attached to a little strap belted behind my head, so I couldn't talk. Harry then brought over a little candle on a stand. It was just the right height so the candle top was just above my legs. He pushed the candle into my pussy and then pulled the lips out so they wrapped around the candle. Then he brought out a safety pin and pinned my lips together! Ouch! That hurt! Then he lit the candle and started taking pictures.

The hot wax came down and dripped all over my pussy parts. It hurt worse than the pin! I was crying and crying. He took lots of pictures of that and used the video camera. I wanted to blow out the candle, but my mouth had the ball in it. The candle burned lower and lower. I thought he was going to let it burn right through my pussy lips, but he finally put it out.

I told him it really hurt! He said sometimes to make good pictures things hurt a little. I cried all the way home, but when we got there Uncle put some medicine on the burn and I felt better.

4/2/2005 - I had my first fan session today! That's where the fans can talk to their favorite models. The magazine has a website and I sit at a computer with a camera. The fan sits at his computer and we talk. I had lots of fans all telling me how great I was and how they love me pictures. I guess Harry was right. To take great pictures it sometimes hurts a little!

After the main session I had a special session we a special fan. This man called himself the "Major" and he is like my biggest fan. He paid extra to talk to me one-on-one. He asked me a lot of questions about things I liked. I told him I love horses. He smiled at that.

4/5/2005 - Uncle Mark was really excited today. He said that my big fan, the Major, had ordered a special photo shoot with me. That's where the fan can send outfits for the model to wear and choose what they do. He said that the Major liked the idea that I loved horses so he was going to have me made into a "pony girl." I'm not sure what that is, but it sounds like it might be fun!

Uncle Mark said we would need to prepare me for this and he took me into his bedroom and told me to take my clothes off. He had me lay face down on the bed with a pillow under my pussy so that my butt stuck up in the air. Then he jellied my butt hole. Then he took this round, rubber thing with a cone shape and put jelly on that. I wasn't sure what he was doing until he started pushing the rubber cone up my butt hole! It didn't hurt as much I thought it might. I think all those times I had my temperature taken got me used to having something up my ass!

Uncle had a whole bunch of these rubber cones. This first night we used the littlest one. Uncle says we will keep on using bigger ones each time until I can take the biggest one without a problem. I don't know if I'll ever be able to do that! The biggest one is like two inches across!

5/7/2005 - It took over a month but I finally did it! I took the biggest "butt plug" my Uncle has! After we were done I asked Uncle what was next. He smiled and told me to rub his cock and suck on it until it got big and hard. When it was I expected he would jelly my pussy and fuck me, but he had me lay on the pillow again with my butt in the air. Suddenly he pushed himself into me just like the butt plug! I was so surprised! I didn't know you could fuck that way! Uncle said it was wonderful! I was very tight back there and he said he likes bouncing against my little bottom!

5/27/2005 - Today was my big pony girl photo shoot. The Major himself came to watch and help. I wish I had a picture of the special outfit that I wore! They really turned me into a pony! It was so cool! I'll try to remember everything I had on.

Everything was in black leather. I took off all my clothes and the first thing they had me put on was pair of boots that went up to my knees. These had really high-heels, but they weren't like any boot I'd every seen before. On the outside they made my legs look like a horse leg with a hoof and all! Then just above my knees they strapped collars with metal rings. The same thing went above each of my elbows. Then they had me put on gloves. These went up to the elbows and matched the boots. There were no fingers or anything. They were shaped to turn my arms into pony legs with hoofs.

They put my hair up into a ponytail and wrapped it with a thong so that went straight up from the top by my head like a plume. Then there was this fancy bridle for my head. There was a collar that was real wide in the front and pushed my head way back to I was looking at the ceiling. They put a bit in my mouth just like a real pony!

Finally they started hooking everything up with chains. They put a short chain from each elbow collar to the knee collar. This forced me to bend way and hold my hands so I looked just like a pony. They also put a chain between the boots so I couldn't make too big steps. They also ran one from the middle of that chain to the collar also to keep me bent over (Then I figured why the collar was so wide in front. Since I was bent over it made me look straight forward). Finally Uncle Mark brought out this pony tail. It was real long and the same blond color as my own hair. I wasn't sure how they were going to attach it to me, but then Uncle Mark started jellying up my butt hole. The top of the tail had a butt plug on it. No wonder Uncle had to stretch me out for this!

They let me look in the mirror when they were done and I couldn't believe it! I was a pony! I loved the tail! It came right out of my ass and nearly dragged on the ground because it was so long! We finally started the photo session. First there were just some shots of me being paraded around the room on a leash. The Major led me. He really looked like he was having fun. Then they put a harness on me. It went around the very top of my thighs and was hooked to a little cart with a seat. Everybody took turns driving me around and taking pictures. They had this little whip they could snap at my bottom to get me to go faster!

The next set of pictures was my favorite. They had me get on all fours and hooked me up to this pretty wooden wagon filled with flowers. Harry took a series of pictures. He said these were the "art" shots. I think I looked really cute as a pony pulling the pretty little wagon.

The last thing they did was to take the harness off and put a saddle on me! It was a tiny little saddle, too small for any of them to use and I couldn't have carried them anyway. I wondered if any body was really going to use it when out from the dressing room came another kid! I'd never worked with another one of Harry's models before. This girl's name was Anne Marie and she was much younger than me. I guess like kindergarten age. They had dressed her in black boots and gloves and kind of a riding outfit with a hat and kind of a jacket, but she didn't have any panties on. She was pretty with long, black, straight hair and really white skin.

When I was standing on two feet bent over, the saddle sat right my hips so I could carry Anne Marie's weight around without much problem. They only thing was that they gave her this little riding crop she could use on my bottom to get me going. Ouch! She was having a great time riding me around and using the reins to guide me. Harry took lots of video and photos.

When we were done they made Ann Marie groom me and brush me down, just like a real pony! She even put a feed bag on me filled with treats for me to eat.

I was really tired when we were done, but I had a great time! I hope with do another pony photo shoot again sometime!

5/28/2005 - Uncle Mark told me this evening I was going to have a "date" with the Major! I guess he really likes me. Uncle took me to this house I'd never been to before. There I met this lady, she told me to call her the mistress. Uncle told me she would prepare me for the date. I was to do everything she said and be really nice to the Major. He had spent a lot of money on my pony photo shoot!

The mistress took me into a room with mirrors and lots of make up stuff. She told me it would take her a couple hours to prepare me for my date. She told me that she wanted to make sure that I looked by best and was completely ready to please the Major.

She started by giving me a bath. That was fun! She washed my hair and used shampoo with perfume in it so it would smell really good. She then made me stand in front of her with my hands behind my head so she could look at me carefully and decide how to "present me" to the Major. She decided I should wear my little white high heels and lacy white stockings that came up to my ankles. She put my hair into pigtails with white lacy bows and then had me put on these little white lacy gloves that matched the socks. Finally, she put a long strand of fake pearls on me and dangly pearl ear rings. I asked her what else I was going to wear and she laughed and said there would be nothing more. She told me I was a really a pretty little girl and I looked my best wearing as little as possible.

Then she started working on my makeup. She must have spent a half hour on my face, making me look very grown up with dark lashes and powder and lipstick and gloss. She put special perfume behind my ears and on my neck.

I figured we were done, but mistress laughed and told me we were just getting started. She had me sit in a chair that had an open area in the seat and I had to sit with my legs apart so I wouldn't fall through. Then she started making me up the area in between my legs. I'd never heard of anyone doing that, but mistress said that a girl should pay as much attention to this part of her body as her face! To a man it was just as important! She used power down there and lipstick and lip gloss to make my pussy all wet looking and inviting. Finally she got out jelly and made sure I was lubricated properly. Finally she used some special perfume down there to make that part of me smell real good.

Now I figured we were really done, but then the mistress told me to go lay on my stomach across this low padded table with my knees on the floor and my legs apart. Then she spent another twenty minutes preparing my butt and butt hole. She used power and lipstick and lip gloss and jellied it and perfumed it.

I really enjoyed the process of getting me ready for my "date." I like the idea of somebody taking the time to prepare me and make be beautiful. I had goose bumps the whole time. Mistress said I looked wonderful and I would please the Major a lot. My mouth, my pussy and my asshole were all prepared so the Major could use anyone of them or all of them.

She finally put a white collar on me and hooked me to a leash and put a pair of bracelets on my wrists and fastened them behind me. Then she led me into the room were the major was waiting. I was so excited! I just felt so beautiful and desirable! The major couldn't keep his eyes off me! The mistress left and he examined me closely looking at all the places I'd been prepared. They he kissed me, picked me up and carried me over to the bed.

He must have been very excited by me because he fucked me in the mouth, pussy and ass! What a night!

When I said goodbye to him he kissed me and told me I was well-worth all the money he'd spend. I asked him if he'd be leaving for home tomorrow. He said no. He would be back at this house tomorrow night. He had a date with Ann Marie!

6/25/2005 - Another photo shoot today and it was kind of messy. This one I did with Ann Marie. We were both dressed in school girl outfits in this part of the studio that looked like a girl's bedroom. We were pretending to have a tea party with a little table and cups and plates. Then Harry had us take off our panties and hold them up to show the camera.

Next we pretended like we are disappointed that we don't have anything on the plate. Then I pretended like I had an idea. Ann Marie gets behind me and holds the plate under my butt and I go to the bathroom on it. Then she does the same for my plate. At the end we wind up wrestling and pulling the rest of each other clothes off and have a "food" fight. It was kind of fun. It was just like smearing mud all over each other, but it didn't smell quite as good. What a mess! We had it on our legs and tummies and faces! Finally Harry had us cleaned it off each other up by peeing on each other.

7/15/2005 - Today's shoot hurt! Harry had me come in and he tied me to a table and placed a pillow under my tummy so my butt was up in the air. He had this big bag of warm, soapy water hanging from a stand near the ceiling. It had a tube coming out of it. Harry pushed the tube up my butt hole and made it so it wouldn't come back out until he released it. Then he turned a valve and the water started running into me.

Harry took pictures. He told me when it was done I would look like I was having a baby even though I'm only nine. The soapy water kept running into me and my tummy started to swell. I really had to go to the bathroom, but things were going in the wrong direction.

When the bag was empty Harry took the tube out and put a tight butt plug in me so nothing would come out. Then he led me over to a couch to pose for pictures. I looked in the mirror and was really surprised. The bottom part of my belly was really sticking out!

I tried to be a good girl and smile for the camera, but it was really hard. It hurt down there real bad. By the end I was crying.

Then Harry led into the next room. Ann Marie was there. She was lying on the floor all tied down and her face was in this thing. It was a clear toilet. Her face was at the bottom where the stuff usually goes out. Harry pulled the plug out of me and told me I could use the toilet. Ann Marie was very upset and she was begging me not too. I told Harry I didn't want to go on Ann Marie like that because she was crying. Harry said that was fine, but I wasn't allowed to go anywhere else.

I tried to hold it in for a long time, but I just couldn't. It hurt too bad. I was sorry, but I had to go. I climbed up on the glass toilet and it all came gushing out. I could hear Ann Marie crying and choking underneath me, but I couldn't stop. Finally she stopped making sounds. When I climbed off the toilet her face had completely disappeared in the the brown stuff that had been coming out of me. Harry took a few more pictures of the toilet, then pulled a plug in the side and let the stuff drain out. Ann Marie was crying and she was very upset. I'm afraid she won't like me anymore, but I couldn't help it. I had to go to the bathroom.

8/21/2005 - Uncle Mark came to me today and said we had to make a big decision about my modeling career. He said a man from South America had seen me in "Lolita Bondage" and wanted me to do a movie for him. Wow! I could be a movie star! He said the man, who they call "The Count," is famous for the movies he makes. I would go down and live with him and make this movie at his castle. He had a real castle with towers and dungeons and everything. He's very rich.

I told Uncle immediately that I wanted to do it. Uncle said though there was a "catch." He said the Count would only put me in the movie if Uncle would sell me to him. That would mean I would have to go and live with him and Uncle Mark would stay here. I asked if I would live with him forever. Uncle Mark said it would not be forever, only till the movie was finished.

I asked Uncle Mark if he wanted me to go. He said he would really miss me, but he also really, really wanted to see me in this movie. The Count would also pay him a lot of money for me.

I thought about it and told Uncle I wanted to be in the movie. He smiled and said that I had made a good choice. The Count chooses a new little girl for every movie and he likes them my age so this would be my only chance. Uncle explained the Count was going to come over tomorrow night to look at me. He would want to make sure that I was the same girl in the magazine and to see if I was as really as cute in person as I looked in the photos.

8/22/2005 - The Count came tonight. We spent a long time getting ready. I wanted to look my best. I dressed myself in my slutty school girl outfit, but without the panties. I spent a lot of time putting make up on. I did just like the mistress showed me and made up both my face, and pussy and bottom. Not only will the Count want to buy me for his movie if I look really good, but Uncle Mark will get more money for me!

The Count was older and he had a funny accent. He sat down on the couch. I came over to him carrying a bowl of jelly on a little pillow. Uncle Mark said that the Count would want to examine me very carefully and he did. As I stood next to him took some jelly and put it on his fingers and reached under my skirt. I moved my legs apart so he could feel all of me. He was very gentle.

When he was done with that, he had me take off the skirt and top and he stroked me all over. He told me I have very nice, soft skin and I was a very good and obedient girl. Then he and Uncle Mark went into the next room and talked for a while. When they came back the deal was done! I'm going to be a movie star! The Count will take me to South America next week!

8/30/2005 - This will be my last diary entry. I have just a few minutes before we leave. Uncle Mark will keep the diary here. I'm not allowed to take it with me.

We spent this week getting me ready to go. I had to tell everybody at school I was moving. I wished I could tell them about the movie, but Uncle says it is a secret. I was sad because I had to help Uncle get rid of all my stuff! He said the Count will give me everything I need and I can take nothing with me. We packed up all my stuff, except for my slutty school girl outfit, which I was wearing, and took it down to the incinerator to burn it. I felt bad, but Uncle Harry says that nothing of mine can be left it the house. He expects to move while I am gone and he can't take it with him.

After we finished, Uncle Mark gave me a whole bunch of pills to swallow. After I took them I asked them what they were for. I wasn't sick. He said they were sleeping pills. I'm going to sleep most of the trip to the Count's castle.

Uncle Mark asked me to do one more thing for me before I left for the trip. He put on the fireplace and some sexy music and asked me to do a strip tease for him. I've done this before for him and I enjoy it. I was glad he wanted to watch me one more time. This time, however, he told me as I took off each piece of my clothes I should toss it into the fireplace. I told him that these are the only clothes I have left! He told me I wouldn't be needing them.

I did my strip tease and it was fun! I felt very daring tossing my stocking and skirt and top and panties into the fire. They burned completely up. The only thing I was left with were the bows in my hair! Those and you, Diary, are the only things in the world I still own!

I didn't understand how I could go on a trip with no clothes, but Uncle took me in the next room and showed me this bag. It was about as tall as me and was laying on the floor unzipped on it's side. Inside of it was a sleeping bag. Uncle told me to lay down in the bag. He told me that the Count would take me in the bag and I would ride in his trunk.

The seems like a funny place to ride, but to tell the truth I'm getting very tired and laying down sounds real good. I laid down in the bag and Uncle got some soft cloth and started tying my ankles and thighs together so I can't move. He was about to tie my hands but I asked if I could do a final entry in my diary before he did that, so I'm doing it now.

I can hardly keep my eyes open. The Count has just arrived and he and Uncle Mark are counting the money he brought to pay for me. There certainly seems to be a lot of it. I'm glad Uncle Mark is getting a good price for me. It makes me feel special.

The Count came over and said hello. He told me I look very beautiful. He can wait to get me back to his castle and play with me. I asked him if he will show me the dungeon. He smiled and said that I will defiantly get to see it! I asked him what kind of film we are going to make. Whether it will be a comedy or science fiction or what. He answered me, but I didn't understand what he said.

This is it, Diary. Uncle says it is time to do my hands and put a little ball gag I my mouth and zip me inside my bag. I'm too tired to write anymore anyway. Even being so tired, I'm still very excited. What an adventure. I'm going to be a movie star!

I wonder what kind of movie a "Snuff" film is anyway?

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


Beautiful story though a bit too cons. for my taste. Please no snuff or blood, I'd much rather see extreme forms of humiliation, beltwhippings on the most sensitive places, a trip to the snowy peaks of the Andes, but stark naked, and of course the best breast development is obtained by slapping and whipping them red all the time while she never gets used to that kind of well deserved discipline. anxiously awaiting your next Episode.... s.


ah..I want to read about the counts movie now...

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