Published: 25-May-2013
Word Count:
Author's Profile
This story was edited by Carroll Lewis.
My name is Sam and I work in the financial sector. My company has offices around the country and a headquarters in NYC. I don't live in New York but usually spend a few days there each month working in the main office. When I am there, I usually try to put in some long days so I can get my work done and get back home to my family. My days are usually filled with group meetings and some individual training with newer employees. I often spend two or three hours after the office closes reviewing reports and getting ready for the next days business.
The office I use when I am there, is on the second floor facing west with a nice view of an alley. The alley is narrow and has an odd angle so that in the middle of the block, there is a section which is not noticeable from the street at either end. I'd never noticed this before, as I usually don't spend much time looking out the window. This all changed on my last visit, which was a two week stint, which usually only happens twice per year.
It all started about 7pm on the second evening of my visit, when I got up from my desk to go get a drink. I stood looking out the window for a minute just to get a break from setting for so long. As I was about to get back to work, I noticed a van pull up to the back of a building on the other side of the alley. The doors opened and 3 women got out, then one of them walked around to the back of the van and opened the doors.
Then, to my surprise, four girls got out. I would guess their ages to be from 8 to 12 years old. I watched closely as one of the older women unlocked and opened a service door to a building on the other side of the alley. I couldn't help but notice how cute the girls were. I don't like to admit to myself how much I am attracted to girls this age. Each girl was carrying a backpack or a duffle bag. On the side of the van was the name of a cleaning service so I assumed that this was a cleaning service and the girls were the children of the cleaning people.
About thirty minutes later, I noticed a guy knocking on the door. Soon the door opened just a crack, and it looked like he was talking to someone inside. After just a bit, he appeared to be giving them something, and then the door opened wide enough for him to enter. This went on for a while and I counted about fifteen guys entering the building over a period of about an hour. They were all well dressed and looked like businessmen.
The next day I had trouble focusing on my work as I developed a theory about what was going on inside the building. I made my plan, and made sure I had plenty of cash in bills of various sizes. When the van arrived that evening, I watched for a little while as the same thing happened, except this time, there were five girls that climbed out of the back. It was time to make my move.
From my vantage point, I had noticed that each guy who knocked made two short raps followed by two more. My heart was racing, but I knocked as the others had and right away the door opened. For the first time, I got a look at who was on the other side of the door. It was one of the women in a cleaning company uniform. She looked me up and down, and it was clear that she didn't recognize me, but I looked the part.
The cover is $50 she said. I quickly complied, not knowing for sure what I was paying for. I stepped through the door into a service area where cleaning equipment was stored. Fortunately, there was only one way to go, so I walked down the hall towards the faint sound of music.
At the end of the hall there was an open door, which I passed through to enter a large conference room. It was a fairly typical conference room with about fifteen chairs around a large long table. There were four other guys around the table drinking soft drinks that seem to come from a cooler in the corner. I picked out a sprite from the cooler and sat down.
Just as I sat down, the music changed, a door at the end of the room opened and a girl walked in. She looked to be about 10 or 11 and was wearing ratty jeans and a sweatshirt. She walked the length of the room and said hi to each of us. By now, I wasn't sure what to expect. I didn't need to wonder for long when she used a empty chair to climb up on the table. For the first time I noticed she was barefoot.
Suddenly, the music changed again to some crap that I didn't recognize, and a phantom announcer told us to say hello to Missy. As the beat of the music picked up Missy started to dance. I had been to plenty of strip clubs, but this was surreal to see this little cutie on stage. As a couple other guys waked in, the announcer said this was her first, night so she must have been the fifth girl that I saw from the window.
I noticed her hands shaking as she started to remove her sweatshirt about half way through the first song. She had a fair complexion, and was very slim with long blonde hair. The t-shirt she was wearing was tight, and clung to her tiny shoulders and chest. By the middle of the next song, she'd unsnapped her jeans and had begun to slide them down past her knees. As guys around the table started tossing dollars at her, she stood with her jeans around her ankles and nervously bit her nails for a minute before stepping out of them.
There she stood white knickers and a tight t-shirt with a group of guys which now numbered about ten, looking at her. As the next song started, she closed her eyes and pulled the shirt up over her head. She seemed to struggle with it at first, but then it looked like she was lingering like that so she didn't have to see all the guys looking at her.
She had just the beginning of a set of tits; just two tiny, puffy nipples on an otherwise perfectly flat chest. She started to dance again as the song continued. When the song ended, she hung her head because she knew what was next.
Everyone was quiet around the table as she gently touched the waistband of her oversized white knickers, and with one motion, pulled them down to her ankles.
She was now totally naked to the gaze of a group of strange men. She held her right hand in front of her pussy at first, and then as the music continued, her hand started to move up and down and she moved her feet a little further apart. She was looking right at me as she started to sway side to side and continued to move her hand up and down.
I tossed a couple dollars her way and she walked toward me. Then to my surprise, she sat down, spread her legs wide in front of me, and then leaned back on her elbows. She looked right at me and said" for five dollars you can touch it". I smiled and tossed her $5. Then she laid back and spread even wider with her eyes closed. Not sure how long my $5 would buy, so I used both hands to push her legs back a little further and began to touch her pussy with my index finger.
After about two minutes, I noticed that other girls had entered the room and were getting ready to dance. Missy leaned to me and in a scared trembling voice told me that for another $5, I could kiss her pussy. I couldn't believe what was happening, but wasted no time. No one seemed to notice as I probed her hairless little cunt with my tongue for two or three minutes. When she pulled back, she looked at me and said, if I wanted to continue, we could have fun in a private room.
I told her I needed to catch my breath first, but honestly I wanted to see what else was on the menu. I couldn't believe this. By now there were seven girls. I wasn't sure where the others had come from, but they were there. Now at centre stage was a tiny girl, who was no more than around six years old. She did a cute dance which ended with her doing jumping jacks for about two minutes. Then she walked around the table, and stopped at each guy for her finale, which was spreading her legs and rubbing a dildo around her pussy. Each time she giggled. She was clearly to young to understand what she was doing.
The oldest girl seemed to be about thirteen and had a nice figure She walked over to me and sat on my knee. She introduced herself as Cindy.
"Would like a private session? We can go in another room and you can fuck me if you want to?"
With one hand, she played with her little tits, and with the other, she rubbed her pussy which had only a small amount of hair for her age.
"You can do whatever you want, except fuck my bum hole for $100. Let me know if you want to..."
I told her I would think about it.
On stage now was about an eight year old who looked really scared. She finally got naked, but didn't do much of a show. The lady who'd let me in earlier had entered the room, and instructed her to go around the room and greet each guy. When she got to me, I realized how nearly perfect she was. She was slightly dark skinned, and had tan lines from wearing shorts and a halter top. Her dark eyes would melt your heart and she had beautiful dark hair which was pulled back in braids with bangs in the front. She was very slender with no trace of tits or pussy hair.
"Hi sweetie. What's your name" I asked as she stood in front of me, covering herself with the pyjama outfit she had just stripped out of.
She said her name was Annie and she was new at this. It was only her second day. I asked if she did private sessions like the other girls. She pointed to a door and said I could take her there for $100, but she did not seem to anxious. I think her reluctance made me want her more.
"What do I get for $100?" I asked her.
She hung her head
"You can touch whatever you want... but you can't put your thing in me..." She looked up at me. "But I guess it's okay if you want to rub it around there... and maybe I can touch it".
I paid the $100 to the door lady and was instructed to take my little prize to a side room where I would have forty-five minutes. I was also told not to try to penetrate her, but about any thing else was okay, and they would keep and eye on me since I was new.
Annie was still naked, so I took of my pants and had a seat on the sofa. I wondered if the person who used this office in the day time had any idea what went on in here at night. As I relaxed on the sofa, I asked Annie to sit on my lap. She straddled my legs and cock, and put her hands on my shoulders. I reached up and drew her closer, kissing her lips, although she was obviously not an experienced kisser. I reached around and put my right hand on her arse and pulled her to me, as I started to lick the places her tits would one day be. With my right hand, I continued to rub her arse and began probing with my middle finger.
"Wait..." she said as she reached over on a side table and grabbed some lube. "This will make it easier"
By now, I was about erupt, so I took the lube and told her we would go slow. We were less than ten minutes in, so I wanted to make this experience last. I turned her over and had her lay back on my legs on her back before I pulled her pussy up to my face and started to lick and probe. She whimpered a bit, but didn't complain. As I continued to tongue fuck her tight pussy, I used the index finger of my free hand to explore the opening of her bum hole. The lube was helpful here.
After a bit of this, she started to respond some, as her hips started to move. I didn't expect her to orgasm, but thought it would be nice if she would have some fun. After a little more of this I asked her to stand in front of me and dance while she played with her pussy. I noticed I was being watched through a crack in the door. Then I asked her to get back on top and straddle me like she did before. I knew I wasn't supposed to penetrate her, but I wanted to cum on her tiny pussy, so I started to rub my cock around. She put her hands on my shoulders and to my surprise, started to move up and down just a little.
Then she leaned in to my ear.
"For another $100... I will let you fuck me all the way..."
I had another $100 out of my pocket as soon as I could reach into my pants. About that time, the door lady stepped in and asked what was happening.
"It's okay Mum. I can do this and we need the money".
She was in the driver's seat now and I was just along for the ride. With each of her up and down motions I penetrated her deeper, but i wasn't fucking her. She was fucking me. She was biting her lip and there was a single tear in her eye, but she kept going. Finally, she had taken all of me in, and she just sat there- with a look of victory. I kissed her and probed her mouth with my tongue, much like I'd done to her pussy a few minutes ago.
"Are you going to put that stuff inside me now?" she asked.
That did it, and I exploded inside her. There was no place for the cum to go, so it just flooded out of her tight cunt all over my legs and the sofa. I helped her off me and set her on her feet. She was walking around with her legs a bit wider than normal. Her Mum came into the room with some towels to clean both of us up as there was a mixture of cum and blood on each of us. I used a towel to get the worst of it up, and decided I could clean up properly back at my hotel.
I told the door lady I would be back.
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