Published: 16-May-2013
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My name is Jenny, my dad and my brother call me ditzy Jenny. I'm 14 years old, 5 feet tall, quite skinny, but not as skinny as I used to be, my boobs and my bum are getting bigger, I have 34c boobs now which I'm quite proud of.
Yesterday my dad helped me to dye my hair; it is now a lovely light blonde colour. My dad says I suit blonde hair, I think it looks nice too. After he finishes colouring my hair, my dad took some pictures of me with my twin brother Stephen; he's 14 the same age as me. Dad took lots of pictures of us both together, but we got a bit carried away and Stephen accidently ended up sticking his cock in me. Dad said today he better take me to see the doctor so he can give me some tablets to make sure I don't end up getting pregnant, just in case I have any more accidents.
I'm waiting for dad to get home from work; we need to go to the doctors soon as he gets back so he told me to be ready to go as soon as he gets in.
Dad said I didn't need to get changed to go to the doctors, so I'm still wearing my school uniform. At school we have to wear a white short sleeved blouse, with a silly stripy tie. Also, we have to wear a dark blue pleated shirt and a matching blazer. We are not allowed to have our school skirt very short, it's supposed to be just above the knee, but I pull my skirt up quite high so I look nice, my dad says I have really good legs and I want to look my best. Also I have to wear knee length white socks and flat black shoes, but I took my school socks off and changed the shoes to a pair of black high heals to go to the doctors in, I don't want the doctor thinking I'm a nerd.
We went to the doctors in dad's car; he let me sit at the front. I like it when he lets me sit in the front because sometimes I see dad peeking a look at my legs, that makes me feel good so I make sure my skirt is really high up so he can see a bit more of me.
We had to wait for ages when we got to the doctors, they always seem to be really busy. The waiting room was full of loads of really old people, I saw a few of the old men looking at me so they must like my new blonde hair. It just comes down to my shoulders; dad said it would be a good idea to put it into pigtails for the doctors so it didn't get in the way, so that's how I have it today.
While we were waiting to go in and see the doctor, dad told me that the doctor might ask me if I was a virgin and what sort of things I had done. He said not to get embarrassed and to tell the doctor everything that I'd got up to. I blushed a bit; I didn't want to tell the doctor anything but dad said I had to.
When we finally went into the doctor's office he shook my dad's hand. The doctor was quite old, about 60, he had a bit of grey hair but he was mostly bald. The main thing I noticed about him was that he was fat, really fat. I thought his chair was going to break when he sat down. There was another man in the room; he was about 25 I think. He was quite tall and muscaly, I thought he was really fit. The doctor said something to my dad about the other man being a student doctor and did he mind if he observed the consultation. I didn't know what that meant but dad said it was fine so I didn't mind.
"Hi Jenny" the doctor said turning to face me, "my name is Doctor Robson and this young man is Mister Richardson, he is training to be a doctor, he is going to watch me examine you today. So he doesn't forget anything, he's also going to be recording what happens so he can review it later." He nodded towards a camera setup on a tripod, I hadn't even noticed it before, I'd been too busy smiling at the sexy Mister Richardson.
"OK, sit down Jenny", he nodded towards the chair next to him, "now what brings you here to see me today?" the doctor smiled at me waiting for an answer, he seemed to be sweating a lot. He seemed a bit smelly too but I guess he couldn't help it being so fat.
I didn't know what to say, luckily dad stepped in, "Jenny's growing up now and has starting going out with boys so we thought it would be a good idea if she was taking some sort of contraceptive doctor"
"Very wise" the doctor said to my dad nodding, he looked at me again "you do seem to be developing quite a bit Jenny" he seemed to be staring at my boobs which had grown quite a bit since I last went to the doctors. My school blouse was getting a bit tight so I had to keep my blazer on to hide my nipples which are quite big and always seem to be sticking out.
"First I'll need to make sure you're in good health Jenny, before I can prescribe you anything, please could you take off your jacket so Mister Richardson can take your blood pressure. Dad helped me off with my school blazer; I was still sitting down on the chair. Mister Richardson brought the blood pressure machine over. I looked down at my blouse and as usual my nipples were sticking out through my thin silky white bra and my tight white blouse. Everyone else seemed to be looking at them as well so I felt a bit embarrassed but I was pleased they all seemed to like me.
Mister Richardson put the thing on my arm for measuring your blood pressure, and then the machine began making a noise and my arm started to get squeezed a bit. Then the doctor read the numbers on the machine, he said to my dad that my blood pressure was a little bit higher than normal and he'd do some more checks on me to make sure I was OK.
Doctor Robson then spoke to me, "OK then Jenny, I need to have a listen to your chest and make sure you don't have a chest infection, and then Mister Richardson will have a listen to it as well, is that all right?", he glanced up at me but seemed mainly that he was still focusing on my boobs, I guessed he was looking to see if I had a chest infection or not.
"Please could you take off your shirt for me Jenny?" he had one of them things you listen to your chest with round his neck, he put the head phones bit in his ears. I looked at my dad and the doctors; they all seemed to be waiting for me, so I unbuttoned my blouse quickly and gave it to dad to look after.
"Can you stand up and face your dad Jenny? Phil can you switch on the camera and focus in on Jenny?", now I knew Mister Richardson's name. When Phil had switched the camera on the picture came up on the computer screen on the doctor's desk. The camera was pointing at my chest; I could see the edges of my nipples poking out of the top of my silky white bra. As usual my nipples were sticking out firmly.
Doctor Robson started putting that shiny round silver thing onto my back, he moved it about all over my back, then still standing behind me he started moving it about on the front of my chest, again he moved it about all over but mainly he had it on my boobs. Because he was standing behind me he kept on accidently brushing his hand across my nipples which felt really nice. It was turning me on a bit seeing Phil and my dad just staring at me while I was being examined. The doctor even slipped the silver thing right in my bra and held it on my nipples, which felt really nice.
Then he asked Phil to have a go, Mister Richardson had his own shiny metal thing which I thought was nice as he was only learning to be a doctor. He repeated what Doctor Robson had done, Phil's hands felt a lot nicer when it brushed against my boobs, not fat like Doctor Robson's.
"Now then Jenny, we need to give you a Breast exam to make sure you're healthly it's nothing to worry about, do you know how to do this for yourself Jenny?" I shook my head at the Doctor. "Ok, I'll examine you first and then Mister Richardson can show you how to examine yourself. Can you take off your bra for me Jenny?"
I was facing my dad and Phil; I unhooked my bra and slipped it off. I felt quite proud as they seemed really eager to see my naked boobs.
"Stand up facing the camera Jenny, and put both your hands behind the back of your head" this really seemed to make my boobs thrust out.
Doctor Robson stood behind me so he didn't get in the way of the camera. He used one of his big fat hands on each of my boob in turn. I've got quite big these days, 36C, but his hands were still nearly as big as them. He seemed to spend ages checking them, it felt quite funny with him mashing my boobs, he was telling Phil what he was supposed to do. I think he was explaining me too but I wasn't really listening. His big belly was pushing into my back; I think he was so fat he could hardly reach round to feel my boobs.
After a while the doctor told Phil to swap places with him. Phil's hands felt much nicer on me, he was a lot gentler, almost stoking my boobs. He moved his hands over to my nipples, which felt really nice, I couldn't help letting out a little moan. He kept on stoking my boobs; every time he reached my nipples it felt amazing. I couldn't help pushing back a bit towards Phil with my bum; I was really surprised to feel Phil's hard cock poking in to me. I think he must have panicked a bit because he stopped feeling my boobs then.
"Now Jenny" the doctor said, "could you take off your shoes and your skirt, you can keep on your panties for now?" I quickly took my shoes and my school skirt off and gave them to my dad who put them on a chair where his had put rest of my things. I was just left standing in my tiny silky white thong. "Can you just slowly turn round for the camera; keep going round slowly until you're facing us again?" I didn't know why they needed me to do this but of course I did what the doctor asked.
"I'm going to ask Phil to take a look to your ears and throat Jenny, just to make sure you haven't any signs of infection. Phil put something in my ear and then asked me to open my mouth as far as I could so he could take a look inside.
"Jenny, you can get some STD infections in your throat, is that something we need to be checking for?" I looked blankly at the doctor; I didn't know what he was talking about.
"Jenny, what I mean to say is, have you ever had a man's cock in your mouth?"
I blushed like mad "ye yes" I stammered.
"Good girl Jenny, then we just need to take a sample from the back if your mouth to make sure you're OK." Phil put a thin stick thing into the back of my mouth and scraped about, I don't really know why. He was standing so close to me while he was doing it I could feel the heat of his body. He had put his other arm around the back of me, his hand was supporting my back, the tips of his fingers were just touching the tops of my silky knickers, I was desperate for him to pull me towards him so I cold feel his hard cock against me but of course he didn't. I was pushing myself forwards trying to feel his cock without anyone noticing put I couldn't quite reach.
"Jenny, did you bring a urine sample with you?" the doctor said, again I didn't know what he meant.
"Did you bring a sample of piss with you?"
"No" I said, he didn't seem to mind. He went to a cupboard and got out a kind of shinny metal bowl, he placed it on the long thin black bed that was in his room.
"What I need you to do Jenny, is to hop up on the bed and squat down above the bowl and take a pee, we need the urine sample to check for any signs of infection"
I started to climb up on the bed, but dad said I was being silly; I needed to take off my knickers first.
I was a bit shy about taking my knickers off because Phil would see I wasn't a natural blonde, my pubes are quite dark brown. I'm getting quite hairy down there. I slipped off my knickers and then doctor helped me onto the bed.
"What I want you to do Jenny in squat down just above the bed pan; I don't want you to sit on it because Phil needs to be able to see your pee coming out and capture it with the camera. Phil was moving the camera and tripod to the end of the bed. The doctor helped me position myself in the right place, he had both of his big hands on my bum, and it must have been quite tiring for him because he was breathing heavily and sweating quite a lot. I had trouble going at first with everyone watching me but eventually my pee started coming out and then I seemed to be doing loads into the shiny bowl, it seemed to be quite noisy. I could feel it splashing up at my bottom so it must have been splashing the doctors hands but he still kept them there holding my bottom so I guess he didn't mind.
After I'd finished peeing in the bowl the doctor took it away and placed it on his desk. Then he got what looked like a giant baby wipe, and while I was still squatting down he dried my pussy for me. He was really careful and made sure I was nice and dry, I could see myself being dried on the computer screen on the doctor's desk. Phil had really zoomed in on me; my pussy was looking giant on the screen.
Then the doctor picked up the phone on his desk and asked if someone could bring in a urine sample bottle as he had run out of them. Then he told me to lie back on the bed while he felt my tummy. He told me to practice examining my breasts while he was doing this. I don't know why I had to do this but I didn't mind, I really like felling my boobs. Phil and my dad were both helping to show me how to do it right, it felt really good to have three men feeling me at the same time.
After the doctor had felt my tummy he said "I need to examine your vagina now Jenny, I'm going to ask Phil and your dad to hold your legs apart for me as we don't have any stirrups in here. They will each hold one of your legs apart so it doesn't get too tiring for you."
Phil and my dad came down to where my legs were; Phil explained to my dad what to do. "Hold her leg just behind the knee and lift it upwards as far as you can, and then we move her legs wide apart so the doctor can get a really good look at her". The doctor switched on a bright light that was just above my pussy, he also adjusted the camera. When I looked across at the desk I could see a giant image of my pussy on the screen, it looked really wet, I hoped that the doctor didn't mind. I could even see my bum hole on the computer screen.
Then there was a knock on the door and another man walked in the room, he was quite old, I think he was the caretaker or something. I thought the doctor would tell him to go out put he had brought the bottle for my pee sample. The doctor told the caretaker to wait while he used a plastic syringe to transfer some of my urine into the sample bottle.
"Get the lab to test this straight away for me Geoff; can you bring the results back in once they're ready?" Geoff's eyes had been on my pussy the whole time; I saw his cock get hard in his trousers and was now really sticking out. This was just making me even wetter.
The doctor then sat down between my legs and started to carefully examine my pussy lips
"Jenny, have you ever had sexual intercourse" he looked at me waiting for an answer, I looked blankly back "Sorry, I mean have you ever fucked a guy, has a guy every stuck his cock into your cunt?"
I just blushed and nodded "Good girl. Now I want to explain to you the different parts of your vagina." He spent ages telling me the different names for the different parts, I wasn't really listening. It was driving me wild as he pulled my pussy all over the place.
"Now this bit here is called your clitoris" he said gently rubbing my sweet spot "People call it a clit for short. Have you felt yourself here before Jenny?" I nodded; I played with my clit all the time. He was gently rubbing my clit now with one hand and he had two of his fat fingers from his other hand in my pussy. I just kept on moaning, I couldn't help it I really wanted to cum, I just wished someone would fuck me.
I need to examine your bottom now Jenny, can you get up onto all fours on the bed, make sure your bottom in pointing towards the camera so we don't have to move it. Phil told me keep my head down low so my bottom came up really high for the doctor. Phil and my dad move my legs as far apart as they would without them falling off the edge of the bed.
"I'm just going to lubricate your bottom for you Jenny so it doesn't hurt too much". The doctor squeezed some stuff out of a tube onto his fingers then he started rubbing it into my bum hole. "Phil, please make sure you get a good close up while I examine Jenny's rectum". I didn't know what a rectum was but next I felt the doctor's fat finger slide into my bum hole.
"Has anyone put there cock in here recently Jenny, it seems quite sore?"
"Yea" I grunted, I was hoping I didn't have to do another sample. It was then that the caretaker guy came back in to the room. He handed the doctor a piece of paper, which the doctor took with one hand. He still had one of his fingers from his other hand stuck right into my bum. As he was chatting to the caretaker his finger was slowly going in and out of my bottom, at the same time he was gently rubbing my clit, I think with his thumb. I don't think the caretaker was listening to the doctor; his eyes were going from my bottom to the computer screen and back to my bottom. I could see his cock sticking out in his trousers again. I looked behind me and could see that he hadn't even bothered to close the door.
After what seemed like ages the doctor said, "Just wait there Jenny, you're absolutely fine, I'm going to go and discuss your medication with the pharmacist and your dad." I heard the door shut as they left me alone in the room, everything had gone quiet. I look the opportunity to quickly relieve my frustration and I put my hand between my legs, my arse was still stuck up in the air. I could see a close up of my fingers and my pussy and the computer screen, I could feel and see that I was soaking wet. I gently rubbed my clit and slipped my middle finger into my pussy. I just hoped they didn't come back into the room too soon.
Then I heard a noise, and I realised I wasn't alone, Phil must still be here in the room standing behind me. I quickly stopped fingering myself, he must have noticed. The sound I had heard was a zip opening; a second later I could feel Phil's cock pushing into me, right deep into my pussy. He was really thrusting into me, he kept going in and out really hard, and then he pulled his cock out of my pussy and started pushing it into my bum hole. I was already very slippery from the doctor's finger earlier so he easily pressed his cock right into me. After a few quick deep strokes we were both cumming hard. I was grunting, I could feel his hot cum shooting into my bum hole. I was in heaven.
He took out his softening cock came round to the other end of the bed and asked me to clean up cock up for him. It was then I realised it wasn't Phil, it was the caretaker who'd just fucked me, I'm so silly I hadn't even looked. While I was sucking the caretakers cock clean my dad, the doctor and Phil came back in through the door.
"Thank you Geoff" the doctor said, "you can go now", I nearly died.
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