Published: 6-Jan-2012
Word Count:
Author's Profile
I'm not a very good fighter and neither am I a great wizard and I certainly don't have the great charm and eloquence required to be a good politician or diplomat. So, some people are rather perplexed when they meet me the first time, one of the most important members of the Black Council, the most powerful people in the Scarred Lands. You know, the lands in the far north-eastern corner of the world, right between the Frozen Sea and the Firedrake-Mountains. In other words, it's the end of the world, beyond here is only death and finally the end of the world. Yeah, no kidding, the world ends there, a gigantic cliff that goes of into eternity. And some people had thought that the world is round... yeah, right.
Anyway, back to the topic. In this cold lands, a barren, harsh wasteland riddled with cliffs and chasms, only the most ruthless and powerful can thrive. This is the realm of the forgotten gods, the remnants of demons and things older and more terrifying than any mortal could dream of, the region where the scum of civilization seeks, and finds, shelter. Murderers, rapists, traitors, deserters, demon worshippers, they all come here and look for a place to stay. To be fair, most of them freeze to death or get eaten by a wandering troll or something alike, but the few who survive and find one of the fortresses of the Black Council have a shot at living here.
Well, that's the first step. If you're lucky you survive and if you're not only lucky but also capable, then you can even rise to prosperity. I wasn't only lucky and capable, I'm also a fucking genius. I'm the reason our armies are better equipped than our enemies, I'm the one who designs new weapons and technology and finds new ways of doing things, the one who invents new and better siege-weapons and bombs. Hell, without me we would have never destroyed the dwarven-cities in the Firedrake-Mountains.
That's the reason why I sit between a Dragon in human form and a champion of the old gods on the Black Table, why I speak eye to eye with powerful necromancers and Undead generals, why I can eat from golden dishes and drink the most expensive wine. Not that I do, the gold dishes and whine I mean, I have a rather simple taste. Only about the women... Yeah, I have a weakness for women, I admit it, but who hasn't?
The girl was terrified to the bones. Once she would have been called lovely, with a heart shaped face, big green eyes, yet black hair falling onto her shoulders and her smooth skin toned bronze, her small frame just showing the very first signs of womanhood. But now she was shivering and sniffing and sobbing the whole time, her skin dirty and the few rags she was wearing filthy. No wonder, because she sat in a cage, together with other captured women and girls. At least she could stand up and twice every day the big, unruly, inhuman guards allowed her and the others to take a leak, so that the cages were rather clean. The three wagons with the captured women were drawn by big, smelly and powerful beasts of which the girl had never even heard before, but she was afraid of them since the first time she had seen how these monsters had ripped a bull to shreds and eaten it, not even leaving the bones.
She remembered how much more terrified she had been when she was huddled into the arms of her big sister, cowering at the back of some cell in the fallen dwarven city of Kar-Galak, now a trade point for just about everything, including captured slaves like her. More and more of the other women and girls in the big cell got sold, even her sister, until she too was bought by a big man in dark leather armor. Kicking and screaming she got manhandled by a pair of unruly man, thrown into a cart to some other captured women.
For sixteen days they had traveled now through this drab country, where everything was brown or gray or dirty green, even the sky. Sometimes, at night, she could see the stars, gleaming like distant lights somewhere in a far away sky, unreachable and laughing at her misfortune. It was so cold that a small girl had died of hypothermia and immediately the guards had given them warm blankets and closed the cages with furblankets, so that the warmth would stay inside. At least they wanted them alive, probably because they had just bought them from the slave market.
Finally, at the seventeenth day, they left the cold wasteland and turned into a long descending ramp along a high cliff, down into a canyon. Hot geysirs shot there water into the air, bubbling seas of water and sulfur riddled the ground and here and there some lava found it's way onto the surface, turning this long canyon into a steaming sauna. The girl watched with great eyes as they passed giant constructions build directly into the black rock, towering over them like silent guards. Hours after the wagons touched ground they were led into a sort of camp, right in front of a majestic gate in the cliff. Here and there were metallic pipes, coming from the ground and reaching more than thirty feet high, bleaching smog and fire and sometimes even colorful smoke into the air. Between dark rocks, strange metallic constructions and these pipes, and of course the gate, had a great number of people build a camp, filled with dirty individuals of any species known to mankind and even some unknown one. Trolls haggled with gray haired dwarfs about furs, kobolds stood right next to orcs, a powerful build orge was counting his money while a female elven girl sucked his gigantic prick.
Some of the women in the wagons blanked at the sight, one even threw up, much to the amusement of the guards. The sickening stench stung in her nose and she sobbed even more than before as she saw how a barely clothed girl got ravished by a group of goblins. Suddenly the cart stopped. Minutes later the cage was threwn open and armed men came in, grabbing the girls and women and dragged them outside, where they were forced to line up.
The girl stood between a fair haired notherner girl and a brunette, both bigger and more developed as her and although she felt bad about it, she hoped that they would be bought by the more disgusting customers. All around her she could hear voices, talking and screaming and yelling in languages she did not understand and all she could do was praying to a god she did not believe in anymore. That was, when she found herself faced with a person whose features where hidden by a brown cowl an although she could not see it, she had the impression that he was looking directly at her, more like starring.
"What is your name?", he asked in her own tongue and although he had a terrible accent, not surprising considering that nearly no one outside of Kesh spoke the language, could she understand him perfectly. His voice was raspy and cold, reminding her of some sort of evil statue.
"Si- Sinyia", she said with a slight stutter in her voice, looking down, not able to face him anymore. But as soon as she did that he stood in front of her, grabbing her chin with surprising strength and lifted her head once more.
"How old are you?"
She shuddered, now that he as right in front of her. He reaked of chemicals and iron, his simple yet clean clothing, brown pants and gray jacket, reminding her of some sort of government official. But he also had a wicked looking blade hanging from his broad belt and a strange construction made out of wood and a metallic pipe strapped to his hip.
Biting her lip she thought about lying, but then again, what would that achieve? "... eleven."
A moment longer he seemed to look at her, before he released her and turned around. Saying something in a language she did not understand to a big, ugly creature he walked away, accompanied by a group of armored humanoids. The next thing she knew she was grabbed by hands, manhandled, her hands bound and her mouth gagged, then led by two guards away.
Minutes later she found herself inside an underground complex, led through a hidden door in the cliff. It was not as hot as outside but still warm, the stone floor dirty and the walls littered with cracks and fractures, all that lightened by a mix of torches and oil lamps. They passed stairwells and doors, open halls and several rooms she had no idea what they were, all the time hoping that she would be brought into the kitchen or something alike, although she had no high hopes. Different, exotic smells mixed with smoke and sweat, disorienting her and making her eyes water.
All around the complex she could see different species, broad shouldered dwarfs with gray hair and nearly white skin, hordes of skinny goblins working on construction crews, creatures with the upper body of a muscular lizard-men but the lower body of a scaly bull, sometimes even a small fairy flying through the corridors at an astonishing speed. She was now sure that her two guards, both clad in breast plates of dark iron and their heads and faces covered with brown turbans, were two of these orange skinned and blue nosed humanoids she saw in of the the halls.
Finally she stood in front of a iron door, guarded by a huge, living metal titan, a golem. The mighty construct just watched her with his glowing blue eyes, before the door was yanked open and she was shoved inside by her handlers. Immediately her senses were attacked perfume and steam, the air humid and heavy with strange smells.
She needed a few seconds to adjust to the sudden brightness and the new sensation, then her eyes got huge. In front of her, nestled into the marble floor, was a pool of hot, steamy water, braziers heating and lighting the opulent room, more like a hall, luxury all around her. Decorated columns and wall hangings, archways filled with silken drapes, finely carved wooden furnitures, all that nearly overwhelmed her. Never before had she seen such luxury, being just a simple farm girl from the jungles of Kesh.
And of course there were the women, a group of exotic beauties lavishing in or at the pool, talking, laughing and playing with each other. She could see a dark skinned elven girl, her petite body covered only in a silken loincloth, talking with a somewhat pale human girl, while right next to them a half-human half-something girl licked the cunt of a demonic tainted woman.
"Welcome to your new home", said a young woman who walked into her direction and thus the others noticed her, while her guards unbind her and removed the gag. The petite woman talking to her was clearly human, although she could also be an elf with her frame, but her ears were rounded. She was wearing a black, silken skirt which reached nearly to the ground, but had slits at the side so that the smooth skin of her legs could be seen, and a dark green corselette. She could not have been older than sixteen, yet she carried herself with regal like she owned the place. "You're fresh from the slave traders, aren't you?"
She only nodded numb.
"Good." The woman walked around her, seizing her up and she felt like a piece of meat. "Hmmm... you look cute, no wonder the master has bought you. He likes his concubines exotic."
"I... I'm n-not a concubine...", she stuttered weakly and surpressed a sniff. Nearly immediately she was on the ground, her face burning from the sudden slap she had gotten.
"You will speak when you're aloud to do it, is that clear?" Although she still used a civil and kind tone, the warning in the voice of the young woman, girl, was clear. "Just so that we're clear: Until the master say's otherwise, you're just a piece of fuckmeat, a dirty little slut who should be grateful that she's still alive and not eaten by some troll or impaled on an ogres cock. So, every of the women here is allowed to do anything to you and if you don't want to be gang raped by a group of unwashed, brutal hobgoblins you better do as we say."
Like they wanted to emphasize what was just said, the two guards popped free their enormous, veiny cocks and although they were only semi-hard they had an impressive size of ten inches or more.
"So... do you understand?"
Sinyia nodded and surpressed another sob.
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