Published: 7-Mar-2011
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Eric and Roger left the punishment room and went quickly into the room used by trainers to socialise. Nigel had entered the room earlier to secure Lisa, Erics poor victim. Roger walked over to Lisa and ran his hands lightly over her face. "Ahhh, poor baby are you scared? "Roger cooed. "Ye....Yes, "Lisa said in a barely audible voice. Lisa was not only afraid of what these three uniformed trainers were going to do to her but was also highly embarrassed being tied naked, legs spread on an adapted gynaecologists chair.
Roger pressed Lisa's breasts together between the palms of his hands, leaned down and kissed her intimately on the lips. "Mmmm," Roger moaned in pleasure. Roger's gleeful eyes looked directly in Lisa's fearful eyes. His tongue forced Lisa's lips open and his tongue snaked deeply into her mouth his tongue played with her tongue. "Get stuck in Eric, "Nigel laughed as they came back into the room. "Enjoy the little bitch."
"I'm going to have SO much fun with you today ,"Roger said as he pulled away from Lisa. Nigel held a stainless steel tray in his hands as he walked over to Roger and Lisa.
Roger helped him place it on top a pillory and together they carried the pillory to the front of Lisa over her naked lower body. Eric came back into the room pushing what looked like a high tech car battery jumper set, but what later Lisa would discover was electro torture equipment.
On the tray were four large pink dildos, nipple clamps, anal lubricant and needles. "I really do hope you like dildo sex, Lisa," Eric said.
Eric placed a large ribbed dildo on the tray in easy reach of Lisa's free right hand. Nigel and Roger took the nipple clamps and a needle each . Eric and Roger sat on the couch and Nigel sat between Lisa's widely spread legs. They all titillated Lisa's pouting sex lips and scratched the needles over her private skin.
Eric explained to Lisa that the afternoon was set aside for their pleasure and if she failed to entertain them fully by masturbating she would be punctured firstly through her nipples and then through the hood of her exposed clitoris.
Horrified and in terror of the three trainers who casually lent back and waited, Lisa screamed not for the first time today for help and her for her Mummy, screaming after begging for mercy for what seemed like hours she felt and saw Eric tweak her dainty nipple between his rough finger and thumb and feeling the sharp pressure of a needle against her she screamed her acceptance.
STOP STOP I'll do it I'll do it pleeeese stop STOP please.
Lisa used her free right hand to slowly insert the dildo as she was instructed.
Nigel, Eric and Roger made small talk among themselves paying attention to her unmarked skin the shape of her breasts the tightness of her anus and the pinkness of her vulva as it encircled her rubber lover. It was like Lisa was not even there.
With her eyes clamped tightly shut she felt a greasy finger stroking the puckered rim of her anus. Her situation was hopeless Lisa started to cry a little and started to slowly stroke the dildo in and out ,
in and out,
in and out,
not satisfied with her ladylike attempt at masturbation Roger clamped her nipples and pulled the clamps together and joined them with a thick spring the tension in her pink elongated nipples caused her to scream in agony , "when I say wank yourself you wank like a whore not like a vicars daughter" Nigel said.
Now much faster and deeper into her body as instructed poor Lisa gave in, her strong right arm ( two sessions with the county tennis club) now repeatedly forced the dildo deep into her private passage. Roger took this opportunity to insert a steel dick shaped electrode into Lisa's well lubricated back passage. When everyone was finished titillating and playing with Lisa's private parts in particular her outer labia and nipples, Eric and Roger stood and put aside the tray with a few of the yet unused sex tools.
Promising poor Lisa all manner of tortures if she stopped wanking herself on her rubber lover the three trainers left Lisa to 'enjoy' her free time.
Alone in the room for the first time Lisa opened her eyes physically shaking she was about to draw out her personal intruder, when out of the corner of her tear filled eye she noticed a small red light.
Turning her stained face towards the light she could then see clearly the lens of a video camera mounted on a motorised bracket above her naked restrained body.
Lisa's video tape was being augmented with footage of her masturbating.
Noooooooooooooo she screamed looking into the camera Noooooooooo Daddy No No
Mummmy help meeeeeeeeeeee please they wont let meeeeeeee stoooooppppp.
For the full thirty minutes Lisa masturbated herself fully aware that the video tape was recording both her shame and the unwanted orgasms that nature would not deny her if she relaxed her concentration for one moment .
When they came back into the room all three men were wearing studded leather thongs. Nigel was wearing a black mask, Eric a black waistcoat and Roger was carrying a stout whip. Nigel walked over to Lisa and cruelly yanked off both clamps ,he took Lisa's left breast in his hand and started stroking it until the distended red nipple began to get hard. Nigel then took Lisa's right nipple in his mouth and started sucking it. Roger removed Lisa's hand from the dildo and attached it to a piston on the electrical trolley. While this was going on Eric tied Lisa's right arm to a binding point behind her head with a course rope.
With her legs spread wide, her one arm to her side and the other tied behind her head poor naked Lisa looked as though she was lying lazily on a beach.
Eric positioned between Lisa's rigidly fixed thighs the frame holding a piston
device designed to push a dildo in and out of her gaping vagina.
Roger pointed out to Lisa that the dildo occupying her anus would not on this occasion be attached to the piston but to the electrical torture set.
A short extension piece like the one used on her during her previous rape by Eric, was attached to the neck of the dildo. On each inward stroke the rotating button slapped the precious feminine fold of skin protecting her defenceless clitoris then the jaws of the artificial fingers grasped the clit pulling it first right then left before releasing.
This most unwelcome intrusion into the helpless, waiting hole by the dildo attached to the piston device, caused the unfortunate inmates hips to buck wildly and to jerk up and down with each piston stroke.
Adjusting both the angle of attack and the depth of stroke on the piston frame the dildo continued its relentless invasion. Roger decided to make Lisa a lot more uncomfortable. The speed control to on the automatic lover was turned from medium to random.
This for Lisa had the unpleasant effect of a forceful fucking with no predictability ten hard strokes could easily be followed by one two or many slow strokes drawing the dildo right back until only the lips were holding it then another pattern of random strokes were started.
Soon Lisa was broken her legs were like jelly she was soon to be on the verge of her sixth unwanted orgasm, the vile result of her inhuman copulation with the unfeeling machine.
Just as Lisa was about to come for the seventh time, Nigel unexpectedly stopped sucking her nipples and switched off the machine leaving her high and dry.
All three men were now standing in front of Lisa. "Now we are going to fuck your brains out, Lisa, "Eric said with a smile. "You are here to please all the guards, "Nigel smiled. "Not only us . What happened to you yesterday at the rape party was just the beginning."
"You now belong to us, Lisa, "Roger said. "So you might as well start to enjoy it." The men watched Lisa's face with smiles as she suddenly realised the hopelessness of her situation. "This is not allowed its my father who is the politician not me pleeeeese pleeeese no, "was all Lisa could say. "You cant please don't do this to me please."
They all laughed at her. Roger walked over to the Large screen video player set and put on the video tape made earlier to show her sexual humiliation . After the 30 minute tape finished Lisa's body held no secrets what Eric had made her do to avoid a nipple puncture and a whipping was there for all to see "We've been planning this for a while, Lisa, "Roger said. changing the tape Lisa suddenly saw the entrance to her house. All of a sudden she could see herself entering the house. Then she saw herself leaving her house and getting into her fathers car she next saw herself entering her school. "As you can see we've been watching and video taping you for the last couple of weeks, Lisa, "Roger said. "We are employed by the state to remove women and girls like yourself from the families of members of the opposition party, "Eric said." And your two year sentence has been commissioned by me, your attendance here at our retraining centre will give me a lot of fun." "You seem to have the bad luck of becoming our prey, "Nigel said with a smile. "we noticed you about a month ago after Eric described your gymnastic skills and we've been watching you ever since. We know that you started going out with friends two weeks ago distributing anti government leaflets after school,"
Roger waited for a few moments for this to sink in ....
Lisa was sobbing uncontrollably this could not be true she prayed.
" This afternoon, so you wont be lonely over the next two years we picked up your school chums Hazel Thomlinson and little Domino Fox-Robinson." said Roger.
These young ladies are down stairs awaiting their new trainers who will be escorting them to today's rape party just like yours yesterday.
Lisa now knew that she could do nothing to save herself. her only chance would be to do as she was told there would be no escape from these three government appointed rapists.
Her mind wandered back to the events of the previous day she shuddered and weeped downstairs her best friends were being entertained for the first time by some of the most dangerous men in society, playthings to government torturers and rapists.
Suddenly with a jolt she heard a sound behind her, trying vainly to turn her head she heard muffled voices.
Without warning a door opened and the sound of many drunken men spilled into the room ,
"I hope you don't mind Lisa but I've invited some of our friends up for the afternoon......."
she heard a voice saying................!
"A nice new sixteen year old is just what the doctor ordered " she heard another voice reply.
The subsequent multiple rapes which occurred that afternoon downstairs at the introductory rape party and upstairs in the trainers private quarters were designed to break the will of the girls and to send a clear message to their families that opposition to the government could not and would not be allowed.
Tomorrow after editing Lisa's family will be obliged by law to view Lisa's video, her father and mother both are required to witness their daughters degradation.
And if she is required to, Lisa's mother herself may be demanded to attend a week long on the job ' retraining' session at the centre.
She will be 'introduced' to her daughters keepers and will experience for herself the seriousness of her daughters plight.
The reviewing period for this story has ended. |