Published: 29-May-2013
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"Hi Guy. My you're looking dapper this morning. You wearing anything under that robe? Of course you are. Wouldn't be right going commando with 2 little girls around. Where are the little darlings anyway? Am I too early? You got anything to drink?"
Holy crap. Cheryl is drunk as a skunk. But she couldn't still be drunk from whatever partying she and Gary did last night. Cheryl got a new buzz this morning. Her hair is frazzled, her make-up a little smudged. She's in her stocking feet and dangling her shoes in her left hand. Her shawl is gone. Her hair, done in a French twist when I saw her last, was now down around her shoulders all loose and wild. Not as put together as she was last night and visibly wobbly but you know what? She's still fuckin' hot. Even in her present condition she set my mind on fire. I take her by the elbow and lead her inside. We make it to the sofa and she asks me for the drink again.
"Hey, a girl could die of thirst around here. You got whiskey?"
"Don't you think a cup of coffee would be better?"
"Only if it has whiskey in it. Bourbon would be nice."
I stand up to fetch her a cup of joe but I turn my head to make sure she's OK and I see her slowly sliding into a slouch. Her dress slides up her stocking covered legs and I get a view of her of her bare naked cunt. Whether she started the night with panties I had no way of knowing but she didn't have any now. To hell with the coffee. The lady wanted Bourbon and that's what she was going to get.
"One Bourbon coming up."
"Ya know what? You're a fun guy, Guy. Hey, there's an echo in here. Now Gary's no fun. I was having a good time last night but Mr. Poopy says I was drinking too much. Got me so mad. I was going to fuck his brains out but then he goes and calls me a drunk. Piss on him. Last night was supposed to put some zing back in the old marriage. Save it, ya know? But fuck that. Ever since Sara was born he became Mr. Poopy. Not her fault. He's trying to be like his father. Asshole forgets that his wife, Mr. Poopy's mom, divorced him cause she got bored."
Taking the glass from me she knocked it back and asked for another. She held out her glass and I poured her some more. She leaned back and settled into the soft cushions. Her eyes were barely slits but I could tell she was looking me over.
"Yeah, you must be a real fun guy. Hey, there's that echo again. Son of a bitch."
I reminded myself to go out and buy an arm-load of lottery tickets because this had to be my luckiest week ever. A bunch of half-naked preteen girls to drool over with one giving me a blow-job. Then I get to use Sara's asshole, mouth, and pussy. Finally this hot mama shows up at my doorstep loaded to the gills and complaining about her hubby. The way she was eyeing me I just knew she was looking to get fucked. Cheryl was a loud drunk but I didn't care. When I was high on weed I turned into a loud laughing idiot so who am I to toss bricks? Out of the corner of my eye I caught some movement. My girls had woken up and come out to investigate the ruckus. Still dressed in last night's outfit Sara looked like a cheap streetwalker. Kara was no better in her nightshirt and bare pussy. God bless them.
"What's all the noise about? Is that you Mommy? Where's Daddy?"
"Fuck Daddy sugar pie. We're done with him."
Sara looked confused. She later told me that things at home were bad. Her parents fought all the time. She said that her mother told her that the best part of her day was when she spent time with me and Kara. Cheryl turned and saw the girls staring at her.
"What are you looking at you little shits? This is what you'll be like too if you marry a dickhead. Find a man, a loving man that will love you always. Even when you're not perfect and shit. And make sure he knows how to fuck. That's the most important thing. Your father never really knew how to fuck me. Just in and out. Cum quick and go to sleep. I bet ya old Guy here knows how to fuck. Say... what are you girls wearing? Looks like you two had a better time last night than I had."
Turning to me she says, "You dirty motherfucker. Did you screw my little girl? Did you stick your big old cock into her tight little girl pussy? Did you squirt your shit inside her cunt?"
I was frozen where I stood. Speechless. Cheryl leans forward and puts her glass on the coffee table and in the same smooth motion reaches into my robe and finds my cock.
"Is this the thing you pushed into her? What about Kara? You probably been fucking her since she was born."
The girls were as paralyzed as I was. Cheryl pulls open the robe and exposes my cock. I'd like to tell you that it was long and hard but the truth is that it was shrunken and shriveled.
"Hey girls, come closer. Show me how you sucked Guy's dick. Come-on don't be shy. I know you sucked it. I see it in your eyes. I can tell you've seen it before. Here, I'll show you how I suck cock."
That said she leaned in and slurped my cock into her mouth. The girls came closer but still far enough to run away if things turned for the worse. But damn could this woman suck a cock. Her tongue was whipping around like a dervish. The suction she applied drew the blood from my brain as my cock swelled. Her hand grabbed my ass cheeks and she pulled me in deeper. The cockhead was lodged in the roof of her mouth, almost in her throat. She actually started to cough and choke. Saliva was running off her chin in long strings. Sara got closer. Close enough to touch my nut sack. Not to be left out Kara reached underneath and ticked my asshole. Cheryl dropped her hands off my ass and I quickly buried mine behind her head, deep into her thick chestnut hair. It broke the paralysis. I pulled her in and felt my cock slip down her throat. I was myself again and started to fuck her face like she wanted it done. I'm sure Gary never did this to her.
"You having fun now Momma? You like my cock in your mouth? Feels like it's always belonged there doesn't it. See the girls? They learned quick. Sara had her pussy and her asshole broken-in last night. Her sweet mouth too. It's Kara's turn next."
Cheryl was still gagging and afraid that, drunk as she was, she'd vomit I pulled my cock out of her mouth, pushing her back onto the sofa. She sat there gasping, her chest heaving for air. I looked at her and knew what was next. The girls jumped back as I leaned down and grabbed Cheryl by the neckline and with all my strength ripped her dress right down the front. The girls ran into my bedroom scared that I was going to beat Sara's mom. They couldn't be more wrong. The dress literally fell away revealing Cheryl's magnificent body to me. Her breasts were simply perfect. B-cups but full and firm without a hint of sag like a teenager's. Her skin was flawless. No blemishes or scars with only tan lines to break up the flow of her snowy white skin. Her pussy was just like Sara's or maybe it was the other way around. A hairless puffy mound with just a peek of her hidden labia to be seen. No stubble either. I guess she must have had the hair removed by electrolysis or chemical means.
Her legs were long and lean. Runner's legs but not overly muscular. Covered by her black silk stockings the light would catch the rise of every curve and leave shadow where the curves fell away. Her feet were small and delicate, the toes slender and free of deformities. Even through the silk I could see that the toenails were well trimmed and colored with deep red polish. Not bad but I still preferred feet in shoes.
"Put your fucking shoes back on bitch."
Grabbing a fistful of hair I slowly pulled Cheryl up off the sofa and led her to the bedroom. My girls were there squeezed into a corner holding on to each other, for protection I was told later. They thought I had lost my mind. As wobbly as she was barefooted Cheryl was almost falling and tripping in her heels as I dragged her towards the bed. She didn't need to be told what she was there for and climbed up, lay back, pulled up her knees, and spread her legs apart. Her perfect pussy opened like a steamed clam with its juices trickling. I flicked my robe off and knelt on the bed between Cheryl's luscious legs. How could Gary treat this gift of a woman so poorly? The man had to be crazy, stupid, or gay. By this time Kara had an idea that Daddy wasn't crazy, he was horny and started to move in closer. I looked over at the corner they were standing in and nodded my head and patted the mattress for them to climb aboard. School was open and they were about to get a lesson. Cheryl just lay there shivering with anticipation holding her legs spread and whimpering.
"Sara, get undressed and stroke my cock. Make it hard for Mommy. Kara, take off your nightshirt and show Cheryl your pussy."
The girls did as they were told and Sara set to jerking my fuckmeat. Cheryl just stared. Kara crawled over by Cheryl's head and got her sweet little pussy so close that I swore I could see Cheryl's nostrils flaring as she unhaled sweet smell from her cunt. She tried reaching out to touch my darling Kara's pussy but my girl slapped it away.
"Daddy didn't give you permission to touch me, did he?"
Cheryl quickly withdrew her hand. She realized she wasn't in control here. She wasn't Mommy. She wasn't even Cheryl. She was just a whore to be used. Maybe that's why Gary bored her. He probably put her up on a pedestal and treated her like the princess he wanted her to be when all the while she wanted to be treated like a whore. With that thought I brushed Sara's hand away and plunged my cock into her mother's fuck hole. The same hole Sara was born from. Lord did her cunt feel great. It started to spasm the instant my cock entered her, squeezing and releasing it with lightning speed. I began pumping her cunt with long fast strokes, banging into her pubic bone hard enough to break it.
"Oh yes, Yes, YES. Fuck me hard. Hurt me. Fuck me raw."
The smell of sex was thick in the air. I filled my hands with her hair and pulled hard. I could see her wincing but she didn't complain she just clenched her teeth and snarled.
"Fuck me like the animal I am. I'm a bitch in heat. Smell me? I've never felt like this. Fuck me. Fuck Sara. I want you to. I want her to have this. Fill her twat with your cum. Fill mine. Give me a baby. Yes. Give me a baby."
Cheryl was out of her mind with lust. Her eyes rolled back until I could see only the white. She then stiffened and shook uncontrollably. She came like I've never had a woman come before. Then I exploded filling her womb with my seed. If she wanted a baby this was probably the load that would do it. I was covered in sweat and barely found the strength to lift myself off her. Pulling out of her the cum began to run down the crack of her ass. Immediately Sara jumped and took my cock in her mouth drawing out what was left inside my cock and licking the outside clean. Kara had a strange look on her face like she was working on a difficult problem. She then took a deep breath and lowered her face into the gooey mess that was Cheryl's pussy and began to lap away. Cheryl slowly lowered her feet to the mattress.
Trying hard to make me cum Sara is fighting a lost cause after the load I dropped in her mother's cunt. Still, I don't discourage her. Kara's is a different story. For her first time eating pussy, at least I think it is, she's getting results. Just from the look on Cheryl's face I can tell that Kara is giving her a bunch of soft orgasms and she's riding a wave of pleasure. My darling little girl is working her tongue and lips on that cunt but with a gentleness that only a girl can provide. Me, I'd be rough trying to force an orgasm but Kara seems to be coaxing one to come out of hiding. Like one would stroke a baby's head to soothe it. I turn my attention back to Sara who is still trying to make me cum. I pull her mouth off my cock and bring her face to face with me, sitting on my lap. I kiss her hard and she returns it with the same hot passion. I aim my hard cock at the entrance to her cunt and push her down on it. Still joined at the mouth I can feel her mournful sigh fill me. I break our kiss and lay back on the bed. Sara begins slowly, gently rising and falling on my prick seeming to savor every inch of the seven I have to give.
Peeking over towards the other couple I see that Kara has crawled on top of Cheryl and is gently suckling on a tit. Cheryl has passed out from her cumming, and I'm sure from her drinking, but Kara doesn't seem to mind. Cheryl has her arm across her belly and Kara's grinding her clit against Cheryl's wrist riding her own wave. Sara has picked up the pace. Her eyes are shut tight and her breathing is ragged. She's quite a sight with her head hanging and her hair covering her face. This girl has no idea how sexy she is and the power she will soon wield over men. Now her pussy's squeezing hard. Suddenly she releases a low moan and throws her head back as the moan turns into a squeal. Her eyes snap open and her jaw drops as the orgasm swallows her whole. She is drained and starts to collapse backwards. I catch her as she falls and embrace her. That's when I feel the familiar stirrings and my balls unload into her tight womb. Things are quiet now, everyone relaxing in the warm glow of love we have made. I lay back taking Sara with me and we drift off to sleep with my cock still nestled in the 6 year old's pussy. Life is good.
The smell of sizzling ham wakes me. A quilt is covering me and the females are gone. An hour has passed since all the frenzied fucking earlier. I get up and put on my robe. I find my girls dressed in their bathing suits and in the kitchen cooking but Cheryl's not with them.
"Sara, where's your mother?"
"She called a taxi and went home. She said she'll be back later."
I'm starving and the girls lay a plate of ham and eggs on the table. A glass of OJ is next. Toast and jam follow. The girls are beaming, looking at me for a sign of approval. They get it with my first fork full.
"This is delicious. The best I've ever had. You did good my darlings. Very good."
They both breathe sighs of relief and fix their own plates. Sitting down on either side of me we enjoy the meal. You could taste the love in every mouthful. Just as we were clearing the table Cheryl shows up. Carrying a duffle and dragging a carry-on suitcase she looks like she's going on a trip.
"What the hell woman? You movin in? I don't remember inviting you."
"Relax, most are just some of Sara's clothes. She's outgrown them and I thought they would look darling on Kara. What she doesn't want you can drop off at the Goodwill. They're like new. The way Sara grows they were hardly worn. Plus a few things for me, I mean you did destroy my dress."
Quickly the girls dash over and snatch the bags and run to Kara's room.
"Was Gary there? What did you tell him?"
"He was worried. Asked where I was. Told him I spent the night in a hotel. He wanted to talk but I told him I had to bring Sara some more clothes. That she wanted to spend a couple of more nights at Kara's. I ran out before he could gather his thoughts. I could tell he'd been drinking. I grabbed this stuff and left but if you don't want us here I'll do back to him. Up to you."
Cheryl stood there in clothes she pulled from my drawers. A grey Abercrombie t-shirt, black bike shorts, and a pair of cheap flip-flops. The outfit never looked as good on me.
"Stay. I want you and Sara to stay."
I know she saw me fucking her baby girl and hasn't mentioned it so she must be OK with it. From the clues she was sending I assumed Cheryl fooled around with Sara. Must be why Sara was such a good kisser. I knew they'd be interesting in bed with Kara and me but I was still uneasy.
"What will Gary do when he learns you've left him?"
"I have to tell him face to face I guess but not today. Right now I want you to fuck me again. I'm sober and it'll be better. I promise."
The girls beat us both and immediately stripped off their bathing suits. Kara went for me and Sara for Cheryl. Tugging and pulling at our clothes they had a naked in moments. It was almost funny. Pushing us to the sofa and plopping us down they dropped to their knees. Like it was choreographed Kara took my cock into her mouth and Sara began chewing at her mother's cunt. I've created 2 monsters. They can't get enough. I settled back and just let Kara take control. My eyes were closed but I could hear Sara humming while she treated her mother to a good cum. Cheryl purred like a cat. My cock was swelling up nicely thanks to my daughter's talents. Her tongue was magic the way she could twist it around my shaft and tickle the mushroom's underside. I didn't resist at all when I felt my cum rising. In an instant my cream filled Kara's mouth and spilled down her chin. I opened my eyes and looked down at her face. Her big puppy-dog eyes spoke to me. They said my little baby girl wanted my cock in her pussy. They were right. I slid my hands under her shoulders and lifted her onto my lap. Wiping her chin clean of my cum I asked her,
"My sweetheart, do you want Daddy to fuck you? To make you a woman?"
Too happy and excited for words Kara throws her arms around my neck and hugs me. Her emotions were running wild 'cause then she busted out in tears. I tried to pull her off me and see if there was anything I could do. After all she's seen the last few days I thought she might be scared but no......
"I'm OK Daddy. I'm just happy is all. You've fucked Sara and you've fucked Cheryl but not me. I was thinkin' you didn't want me but you do."
That was as good an answer as there could be so I stood up, Kara still clinging to me, and scooped up her legs under her knees carrying her to the bed. Cheryl and Sara followed. I laid my darling daughter on the bed and climbed on after her. She loosened her neck lock enough to allow our mouths to meet in a lover's kiss, our tongues dancing together. I soon felt the mattress wiggle as Cheryl and daughter joined us. Wasting no time Sara spread Kara's legs apart and began gently nibbling on her pussy. Cheryl was sucking me cock at the same time. They were preparing Kara and I for the final act in our passion play. After a short while they traded places. I can't say how it felt for Kara but me I felt distinct differences in their styles when it came to fellatio. Cheryl used her tongue and painted my cock with flat broad strokes while Sara dabbed my cock with tiny quick licks. Both techniques were effective let me tell you.
They could make me cum either way. But their point here wasn't to make us cum. It was to bring us to a higher plane of pleasure and prepare Kara for the painful stab to come. I tapped Sara on the head and she tapped her mother. They withdrew as I positioned myself between my angel's thighs. I looked down at her. She looked so much like her mother that I felt my heart skip a beat. This had to be a sign from Lindsay. She touched my heart to say it was going to be alright. I felt a hand place the tip of my cock at my baby's fuck hole so not needing my own hand to do that I took both and cradled Kara's head in them. My cock was slippery from Sara's saliva and Kara's nectar so I lowered myself into Kara's pussy. It went in smoothly until I felt the resistance of her hymen.
"Are you ready my sweetheart? This will hurt a bit. I promise it will feel better quickly."
"Yes Daddy. I've been dreaming of this. Do it."
Before she even finished the word 'it' I pushed down through her delicate tissue and sunk inside my baby girl. She tried to hold her breath and stifle the scream but it was no use. The combined pain of her torn hymen and stretched pussy were too much for the 6 year old to bear. Her pain became mine as she dug her fingernails into my wrists. The sound she made pierced my heart but I continued deeper. When I felt more resistance I stopped assuming I'd reached her cervix. After a pause to let her catch her breath and adjust to my invasion I began to gently fuck my little girl with slow short strokes. Reading the reactions in her face I increased the stroke and picked up the speed. When Kara's mouth began to drool and her eyes closed I knew she was ready for a woman's fuck.
"My baby's not a baby anymore is she? Kara is now a woman isn't that right?"
"Yyyess Ddaddyyy."
"Then I'm going to fuck you like a real woman."
I rammed my cock in as hard as I remember Lindsay liked. She was a sex freak and fucked many a guy and girl before I met her. She told me her first fuck was when she was 10 years old. Her 14 year old cousin Eric stuck it in her at her father's birthday party. The adults were smashed and not minding the kids. He lifted her party dress, pulled aside her panty and slipped it in while they lay on her mother's bed. He was short on technique and staying power she said but he was good enough to give her a taste for it. Now it was Kara's turn. My little girl was getting into it now, thrusting her hips up and moaning like a cheap whore. Lindsay used to moan that way too. The memories came flooding back.
"Fuck me lover. I'm a cheap street whore. Fuck me hard. Hurt me. Ughh, it feels so big inside me. Give me more. Give me all of it. Make me cum Tiger."
Lindsay loved to talk shit when we fucked. It was exciting. She like to role play too. Sometimes a secretary raped on her way home from the office dressed in a prim and proper suit, victim of a home invasion raped in her kitchen, a schoolgirl trading sex for a passing grade, and her favorite a street hooker paid to fuck. We had outfits for every scenario. My thoughts were broken when I heard Kara mumbling.....
"Harder Daddy, harder. Faster, faster. I'm gonna to cum."
I gave her what she wanted, harder and faster till she was screaming. Pussy nectar came pouring out of her fuck hole. Her face told the story. Alternating from wide eyed and gaping mouth to eyes tightly shut and lips pursed. Her pussy was in convulsion, her body a mass of twitches and shakes. My baby was cumming hard. It was too much for me. In my mind I was fucking Kara and Lindsay together and I was overwhelmed with emotion. I stiffened. My hips locked. My cock was as deep inside Kara as it could possibly go when my cum rushed into her immature womb.
"Ohhh Kara. I love you so much."
"I love YOU Daddy."
There was nothing else to say. I was so weakened that I wanted to collapse but remained propped by my elbows so not to crush my darling Kara. Gaining my senses back I noticed what was going on next to us. Cheryl and Sara were entwined in '69' their mouth pressed hard to the others cunt, fingers fucking the other's asshole, hips humping the other's face. I was surprised I hadn't noticed earlier. Their moaning and slurping sounds were loud enough to wake the dead. I rolled off Kara before I really did collapse on her taking her in my arms as I did and pulling her on top of me. Grabbing a corner of the quilt I covered ourselves and drifted away to sleep and dreams of Lindsay and Kara, and our new life as lovers.
Woken by loud voices in the livingroom I jumped out of bed. No time for a robe. I was afraid someone was hurt and ran to find a drunk Gary yelling at Cheryl. She was wearing the Abercrombie tee and nothing else. Her pussy in plain view. Sara was completely naked. I didn't see Kara but heard her crying in the bathroom. I went to her to see if she had been hurt.
"No Daddy. I'm OK, just scared."
Leaving her there I went back to the livingroom. Stupidly we had left the front door unlocked and Gary just barged in. The girls, Cheryl included were lounging on the sofa caressing and diddling and just talking about sex and life and what they thought about our future. Gary charged in, took 2 steps inside and froze. There were 3 girls sitting on the sofa with their pussies shamelessly naked. He staggered backward shutting the door as he fell. Picking himself up, his words slurred as he shouted......
"You fucking slut. I knew it. I knew you'd be here. This bullshit about Sara needing clothes. You're always here for one thing or the other. I'm not good enough anymore. I should be more like him. Fuck him. He's nothing. A nobody. You want him? You can Have him but he's not getting Sara. She's mine."
Gary rushes in and grabs Sara by the hair and pulls her towards him.
"Look at her. You've turned her into a whore like you. He's probably fucked you both hasn't he? Hasn't he Sara? Hasn't he?"
Gary grabs his daughter by the shoulders and shakes her until she answers him.
"Yes. Yes Daddy, he's fucked me and Mommy."
"I knew it. You fuck. You take my wife but my daughter too? My little girl?"
He pushes Sara down on the sofa and quickly undoes his pants revealing his rock hard prick. Lifting Sara's legs over his shoulders he drives it into her pussy. I started to stop him but Cheryl pulled me back.
"Let him. He's her father."
"She was right of course. If I saw nothing wrong in fucking my own daughter how could I tell him he was wrong? True, he was actually raping her but who am I to interfere? Technically we were all guilty of statutory rape. Then I heard a faint electronic clicking. I looked down and Kara was taking snapshots of Gary and Sara with my cellphone. Later this would come into play. Meanwhile Gary was giving Sara the fuck of her young life. It was an angry fuck. He was exacting his anger, his revenge on poor Sara's cunt. Sweat was dripping off Gary's chin, landing on Sara's forehead, and rolling into her eyes. They mixed with her tears.
"Daddy stop you're hurting me."
"Shut up cunt. You're just like her. Just like your mother a fucking whore spreading your legs for anyone. Oh, don't think I don't know about you and that Indian boy. He's spread it all over how good you suck a cock. Fucking him is just a matter of time. Well take this."
Gary pulls out of her pussy and shoves his cock into Sara's mouth.
"Suck this bitch. Pretend I'm him and take my cum down your throat."
He must have cum then because Sara started coughing and spitting up cum and spraying it all over Gary's belly. That done he stands, takes a step back and trips since his pants are still around his ankles. He falls and whacks his head on my coffee table, breaking a table leg and in the process knocking himself out cold. Cheryl rushes over not to see if Gary is alive but to console Sara. She's fine except for a little tenderness in her pussy and a new found fear of her father. I check Gary and he's still breathing. I lay him flat on the floor, head turned to the side, with a garbage bag underneath to catch any vomit he might up-chuck. Hey, I don't want to pay to have the carpet cleaned. Kara comes over still holding the cellphone and snaps a few more of Gary. I take the phone and hook it up to my computer in the bedroom. Kara's not a bad photographer. Gary is plainly and easily identifiable. Very incriminating. I show them to Cheryl and we share the same thought. I press a few keys and the printer cycles. Cheryl sends the girls to get dressed with orders to stay in Kara's room until called for. Gary begins to stir.
"What the fuck. You hit me you son of a bitch."
"You did it yourself moron. You fell and broke my table with your thick skull."
"Where's Sara? I'm taking her home with me. You can keep the old whore but I want the girl."
"Why so you can abuse her some more?"
"What are you talking about bitch?"
"You are going to deny you brutally raped Sara right in front of us not 5 minutes ago?
"That wasn't rape. This motherfucker here raped her and took her cherry. I just hugged her and kissed her like any father would, any normal father not a pedophile father like this motherfucker. Man your ass is gonna be fucked raw by the other cons when they find out you're a child molester, short eyes. In fact I'm gonna call the cops right now."
"Good and we'll tell them how you fucked and sodomized your daughter."
"Your word against mine fucker. Sara will never testify against me."
"Sara won't have to testify. We have proof."
Before Gary could utter a word I tossed hard copies of the cellphone pictures. The first showed his face clearly but cut Sara's head off. The second showed them both. The third showed his cock buried in Sara's pussy. The last was of him feeding Sara his load. Gary's reaction was to tear the pictures up and throw the pieces at Cheryl. The girls obeyed Cheryl's order but had the door cracked open so they could hear.
"Then I'll get Sara to tell how your boyfriend raped her and his daughter."
Cheryl called out.
"Girls, you can come out now."
Sara was wearing a sweat suit and sneakers. Her hair brushed back in a ponytail. Kara was in a green button down shirt and jeans with her jelly shoes. Her hair was in twin braids. Both looked like innocent 6 year old girls should.
"Sara, I'm calling the Police. When they get here I want you to tell them how Guy raped you. That he stuck his penis in your vagina."
"Daddy, what do rape and penis and vagina mean? Anyway Guy didn't do that to me. Last night we ate and played games and we watched Robin Hood. I had a lot of fun. Guy never hurt me."
Poor Gary put his phone back in his pocket. He knew he was beaten losing his wife and his daughter. With tears running down his cheek he said............
"I'm sorry Sara for hurting you. I love you so much that the thought of losing you made me crazy. And I have lost you haven't I?"
No words for Cheryl though. That bridge was burned a long time ago. The only thing holding them together was Sara. Gary turned and walked out the door.
The four of us just stood there silently. I mean what was there anyone could say. There were still questions though like how did we know Gary wouldn't anonymously "drop a dime" out of spite? Cheryl assured me that it was beyond Gary's personality.
"Gary spends his life staying out of sight. Doing anything that would cast a light on him is unthinkable. Calling the Police or the Child Welfare people might be traced back to him. Whether it would be or not he wouldn't take the chance. Besides, squealing on us would shove Sara into the spotlight and by extension him. The thought of being exposed in the media circus this would create would destroy his career, ruin his standing in our community, and end his relationship with his father. He might as well put a bullet in his brain and he's too much of a coward to do that."
A few days afterwards Cheryl and I went to her and Gary's home to fetch some things she needed. There we discovered all of Gary's things were gone. His closet was empty, his office too. He left the furniture and appliances and all of Sara's and her stuff, that and a letter.
Cheryl,I can't sleep knowing how I hurt my Sara. I can't eat. I have no excuse for what I did and hate myself for it but at the same time admit I loved doing it. I'm a monster and can't live anywhere near Sara. I'm afraid I'll do it again. To protect her I've decided to leave the country. I don't know where I'll end up but regardless this is the last time you'll hear from me. I've withdrawn the money I'll need to start my new life from our joint bank account and left you the rest for Sara. Open new bank accounts so I won't be tempted to take more money. Check the safe. I've signed away my half ownership of the condo to you. Same with the stocks and bonds. It's all yours. I'm sorry for everything.
That was that. It was my first time in her place and let me tell you, it was a hell of a lot nicer than my place. We never discussed finances but it was obvious looking around that Cheryl was better fixed than I was. With Gary gone we decided to move to her place. My landlord raised a little stink but after an afternoon with Cheryl everything was smoothed over. He even helped us move......... for a blowjob.
Naturally we had a housewarming party. Keeping in mind we had kids it was a fairly tame affair with a few exceptions. Cheryl invited her younger sisters plus a girlfriend from work and her kid. I invited a friend from work and Lindsay's father. The girls naturally asked the girls from the pool party over along with their mothers. For some odd reason they were all divorced and not one girl invited any of their fathers. Now I'm not the most social guy in the world. My life was centered on my wife Lindsay for 5 years plus the 2 we dated before that. Then she passed away but left me the gift of Kara who's been whole life for 6 years. Not much time left over for male bonding. I've known Matt for at least 20 years including the 12 we've worked together. He's the closest thing to a brother I've got. Never been married nor do I think he ever wants to be. Oh he doesn't want for female companions he just doesn't want to get tied down. Walt is Lindsay's father, Kara's Grampa.
He only tolerates me but he adores Kara. In his mind she is Lindsay reborn. Cheryl's sisters Jo and Bett are gorgeous but not Lindsay gorgeous. Not Cheryl gorgeous either but close. Identical twins but they've always strived to be individuals. The easiest way to tell them apart is their hair. Jo's is brown and cut very short sort of like Emma Watson's new look. She sports some beautiful tattoos down her arm and a thin silver ring in one nostril. Bett's different. Her hair is shoulder length with bangs and colored dirty blonde. She dresses a little more conservatively. Both are about 5'2" 90 lbs., slim and tight. Neither have much in the way of tits but they make up for it with heavenly asses. They exercise and eat the right stuff to maintain that look. They're younger than Cheryl at 27 (Cheryl's 33) but look like they're 18. Both are glad that Gary's gone. They say now Cheryl can be Cheryl. Walt is a retired English teacher about 65, greying, handsome if I can say so, and very distinguished looking. A widower when his wife Joanne passed last year he lives for Kara. Over drinks at Joanne's wake he admitted........
"First Lindsay and now Jojo. If it wasn't for Kara I'd put myself down and end my misery."
I believe he meant it. He lives alone in a big house in Connecticut. We visit regularly but I think he'd like Kara and I to live with him and fill the emptiness. I can't leave the metro area due to my job but it was tempting. Of course it's out of the question now. I'm not going to stop fucking these girls just to make him happy. Sounds selfish because it is. Cheryl's place is bigger and we fixed up a room for him during his visits but that's as far as I'm willing go. I already lost Lindsay, I wasn't losing Kara too. A month after the move we're ready for the housewarming. Two weeks before the party I ordered the girls, Cheryl is now counted among the 'girls', to dress in slutty outfits and put on a show for me the night before the party. To add to the excitement I said we were to abstain from sex for those 2 weeks.
Kara and Sara protested. They didn't understand that denying yourself pleasure only enhanced it when you could finally indulge. I didn't realize how long that would seem to me. It was torture. Saturday night finally arrived. The party was tomorrow but I could care less. Tonight they would get the fucking of their lives. While they dressed I set out some wine and doobies to max our mood and assorted munchies snacks. I broke out my old toy box of dildoes, bindings, butt plugs, gags, and assorted other devices. The younger girls had been tutored by Cheryl in the sexual arts and tonight was their coming out. Instructed to sit in my big leather chair I took my place. I was already naked anticipating the sex I'd been waiting weeks for.
First was Cheryl wearing a shiny black latex cat suit, skin tight with holes allowing access to her tits, cunt, and asshole. Her face wore black eye shadow and liner which shaped them into cat eyes. Her lips and nails were also done in black. On her rubber encased feet were a pair of black patent leather sandals with 5 inch heels and long thin straps which wound their way up her calves and were tied behind her knees. Her hair was slicked back into a bun at the nape of her neck. She looked magnificent. Every inch of her was black perfection. Cinched tight around her neck was a black leather choker. Hanging from it was a small silver 'S'.
"It stands for slave and I'll always wear it Master. It's my pledge."
Cheryl then dropped to her knees by my feet and introduced my next girl. It was Sara wearing a white camisole of the sheerest lace. Suspended by thin spaghetti straps it covered from just above her nipples and down to her midriff leaving her belly bare. Covering her pussy was an equally transparent thong panty without any lace. It created the illusion of haze over her pussy and of course left her ass cheeks naked. Sara's beautiful legs were in white fishnet stockings with their elastic bands hugging her preteen thighs. On her feet were white satin pumps with a slight platform and 4 inch heels. She looked stunning. Her fiery red hair was in one long braid with white satin ribbons threaded through it and that was wound on top of her head like a crown. On her wrists she wore white ribbon bows as bracelets and around her neck was a white satin choker with the same 'S' medallion her mother wore. Her face was clean and fresh dusted with the lightest bit of powder and nothing else.
Her mother must have worked with her on her poise as she walked to me as smoothly and gracefully as any runway model. She even did that criss cross step that they do. There was an even bigger surprise as she drew nearer for I could now see that Sara's nipples and clit wore tiny gold rings through them. Cheryl had her pierced. We had talked about it for Cheryl herself and I admit I mentioned that I'd love to have the girls so adorned but they were only 6 years old so I let it go as fantasy. Now here was my dream come true.
"I can't believe it. She's pierced. How? Where did you find someone to do that to a little girl?"
"My secret. I'll tell you later."
Before I could say another word Sara drops to her knees and calls Kara. My God. Kara is dressed as a demon or maybe the devil herself. She's wearing a red leather bodysuit. It had to have been custom made because I'd never seen anything like it, not even in adult porn and this one was preteen sized. It started with a mock turtleneck continuing in long sleeves sprinkled haphazardly with tiny silver roundhead studs from her neck, across her shoulders and down to her wrists. The bodice was constructed with raised vertical seams mimicking old fashioned whale bone stays. Two of those seams hid zippers that allowed access to her nipples but they were closed at the moment. Nylon laces on her back were pulled tight giving Kara an hourglass figure and pushing the puffy flesh of her chest into the semblance of tits.
I looked hard for the impression that nipple rings might raise through the thin leather but couldn't see any. From her waist down the suit covered her ass and legs fitting her tightly giving her more of a figure than nature had. Her feet were inserted into short red leather boots with a 3 inch platform sole and 5 inch heels. Her hair was wild and free, unbrushed and unstyled save for a temporary neon red hair coloring. This costume covered every inch of my darling girl, or did it? As she came closer I realized that the suit was crotchless. You see, and I failed to mention, every inch of exposed skin was covered with red theatrical make-up to match the suit. Her face, ears, neck, and yes, her hairless perfect pussy all matching the red of the suit perfectly.
Once you noticed her fire red cunt you were doomed. Kara's eyes were lined with black, her eyelids also covered in black. Her lips wore black lipstick and her finger nails were also done in black. The polish was called 'Nightshade'. Around her neck was the now expected silver 'S' but there was yet one last surprise. Inserted in her asshole was a butt plug with an added twist. Extending out of her ass on the outer end of the plug was a short red devil's tail that moved with her every step. Kara knelt ever so slowly, so sensually at my feet between Cheryl on my right and Sara on my left.
"We three live only to serve you our Master. Love us or not we will always love you, always obey you. That is our pledge. We will never break it."
That said the three of them reached out and gripped my already stiff cock and held it as tears ran down their cheeks. This ceremony, if you can call it that, was from their hearts I could feel that. Before this I loved only my Kara and the memory of her mother Lindsay but now Cheryl and Sara stirred something in me. I don't know if it was love and hesitated to name it such but I felt a stronger bond than I did before. Until then they were just six tight holes to fuck. From that moment on I vowed to myself not to take their love for me lightly.
As if on cue Cheryl and Sara withdrew their hands leaving Kara to begin the debauchery. Slowly her hand began to stroke my cock. Slowly because she knew that as hard as it was too fast a stroke would cause it to pop and Kara wasn't one to waste a good cum. Standing up she raises a leg and stretches it across my lap,- the leather of her suit squeaking in protest. I inspect her blood red pussy but can find no clit ring. Damn. With no help from the others and without touching it herself Kara centers her hole right above the tip of my cock, lowering herself slowly, impaling herself until her ass meets my thighs. I could feel added pressure from her butt-plug as my cock went deeper and deeper.
It's the deepest she's ever taken me and it shows on her painted face. She's sweating through the grease paint and grinding her teeth trying to stifle a scream. All she does let pass her lips is a barely audible squeal. The thick platform soles allow her to reach the floor and she uses the added length to push herself up my cock and lifting them off the floor she comes crashing down bringing a much louder sound from her mouth. More likely from her throat as it was a guttural moan. Clasping her hands behind my neck she uses her arms together with her legs and proceeds to give me the fucking of her short life. Meanwhile Cheryl and Sara are rummaging through my toy chest. Among the toys Sara finds the vibrating eggs. Connected to a battery pack with thin wires. Cheryl instantly recognizes it and tells her little girl what she has.
"Oh baby you'll love that. One egg goes in your pussy and the other up your asshole. They vibrate and give you lots of orgasms. You don't even have to touch yourself but it's better when you do. Here, let me help you."
Sara is on her back and lying on the sofa, her pussy already wet with excitement as her mother gently pushes the first egg into her baby girl's fuck hole. As it passes the remnants of her torn hymen Sara's cunt seems to swallow it with a gulp and her hole closes. Only the wire can be seen. Sara raises her legs over her head and pulling her ass cheeks apart gives her asshole over to her mother. Cheryl spits on it and pushes the egg in. Sara's sphincter at first resists but eventually stretches accepting the invader. Once the egg is in over half way the ring of muscle takes it and pops shut again leaving only the wire visible. With her mother holding the controller Sara settles back lowering her legs. Cheryl flicks the switch on and turns the little knob. Sara is startled by the dual vibrations and wiggles her pelvis in reaction.
"Momma, it feels funny. It tickles."
Cheryl twists the knob a little more and Sara spreads her legs wide as they twitch and jerk with tiny spasms.
"Momma, what are you doing to me? I don't like this."
Sara reaches to pull on the wires but Cheryl grabs her wrists. Reaching into the box by her knees Cheryl pulls out a pair of Velcro cuffs and, pulling Sara's arms behind her back, ties her wrists. Picking up the controller again Cheryl turns the knob more. Little Sara is bearing down trying to push the eggs out of her but can't. All she does is squeeze out a tiny fart. Cheryl continues and sets the vibrations higher. Now Sara slows her protest as the eggs finally hit the right frequency. Like a warm wave Sara's orgasm engulfs her taking her away to a joyous place. Her belly undulates and her pussy flows nectar. Knowing the cuffs aren't necessary anymore Cheryl removes them. She tosses them back into the box and turns her attention back to Sara. Her baby is pulling at her nipples and squeezing the mounds soon to become breasts. An already excited Cheryl lowers her mouth to drink from her daughter's cunt. It's intoxicating, almost like bourbon. Rummaging through the box she comes up with a soft plastic vibrator shaped like a hideous cock with raised veins and ugly warts. Ramming it into her own cunt Cheryl cries from the relief it provided. Watching her baby girl writhe on the sofa from the multiple orgasms the eggs created had her own cunt dripping. The silicon cock opened the floodgates. Overcome by the sensations the cock manufactured Cheryl pissed herself leaving a puddle on the floor between her knees. Luckily there was no carpet. Suddenly I hear a key in the door lock. The door swings open.
"Holy Shit! Bett, come look at this."
It was Cheryl's sisters Jo and Bett with Jewel, Bett's 5 year old daughter. They obviously had keys to the place and we had stupidly neglected to change the locks as a precaution against Gary. There we were with Kara riding my cock looking like a Hellspawned whore , Sara quaking on the sofa in brain numbing ecstasy, and Cheryl fucking herself into a coma with a massive buzzing dildo. Jo stood there wide-eyed while Bett clutched her little girl into the folds of her skirt to shield her from this horrid scene. I notice though that Bett couldn't take her eyes off the action. The stereo was playing Led Zeppelin and none of us heard the door open. By this time I was holding Kara under her ass helping her a little. Sara was lost in an orgasmic mist and Cheryl was fucking herself into a stupor. Quietly the visitors entered and shut the door behind them. I caught their movements out of the corner of my eye but by this time I didn't care. I couldn't. Kara's cunt had me body and soul.
Squeezing and releasing, milking me for my cum. Her pussy was the center of my universe for that moment. The Devil was fucking me and I was doomed. Sara was the first one to notice our audience.
"Aunt Jo, Aunt Bett. Momma, Momma, it's Aunt Jo and Aunt Bett."
She reaches down and shakes her mother by the shoulder as she jumps off the sofa and runs to her room dragging the controller by the wires extending from her ass and pussy. Cheryl turns her head and sees her sisters staring at us.
"Jo, you're early. I told you tomorrow morning God damn it. And you bring Bett and Jewel? Great, just great."
"Hey sue me. I thought you could use some help preparing but I guess I was wrong. Looks like you have things under control."
Fuck it. I wasn't done and seeing as they were almost family I wasn't stopping. Jo seemed to be enjoying it so I poured it on jerking my hips up to meet Kara's. Her pussy was raining down on me soaking my crotch with her juice. Bett was looking but the expression on her face was mixed. I could tell she'd never seen anything like it and was shocked but I also curiosity. Curious enough to join in? I suspected Jo might. I knew for sure when I caught Jo give her pussy a quick rub through her peasant skirt. She was I guess what you would call a bohemian. A very beautiful bohemian. Her short hair was tussled and seemingly unkempt but I sure she spent time in front of a mirror to get that messy look. Her left ear had multiple piercings in silver and gold while the right had only the traditional pierced lobe with a diamond stud. Her little nose wore a gold ring through the right nostril and her lower lip had one too. She wore little make-up except for smoky eye shadow and black eye liner. An ivy vine tattoo encircled her throat and a sunflower seemed to be growing on her shoulder. Jo was wearing a loose sleeveless top in an Indian style and tie-dyed in a swirling rainbow of colors. Her midriff was bare save for a starburst tattoo around her perfect belly-button. The skirt she had on was a loose flowing ankle length thing maroon with bands of intricate Indian designs at the waist and hem. Finishing the look were a pair of thin soled brown leather thong sandals embossed with flowers across the straps.
Bett was a different story. How twins could be so opposite was beyond me. She looked like she had just stepped out of a LL Bean catalog. A pink button down shirt over a khaki knee length skirt. Pink crew socks and white canvas Ked sneakers. On her left wrist was a thin Lady Bulova watch and on the right was a simple silver chain bracelet. Bett also wore a 'June Cleaver' string of pearls around her neck, pearl earrings, and of course her wedding ring but Cheryl had told me the story behind it. I could visualize her wearing granny panties and a Playtex Living Bra. So boring, so vanilla. The only thing vaguely sexy, to me at least, were the Keds. I remember little girls wearing them when I was a kid. About Bett's wedding ring, she was a single mother and never married. It was part of her disguise as a war widow to hide her shame of getting pregnant while in college. She couldn't be seen as a slut so she reinvented herself going as conservative as possible. Sad that this woman felt she had to live a lie to satisfy the public. Truth was that no one really cared except Bett herself but the saddest part was that Jewel believed it to be true.
"Bett, if you don't want Jewel to watch then take her to Sara's room. You know which one. She's probably dressed by now."
I half thought Bett would stay there but I was wrong. Closing her sweater tight she tiptoed back like we wouldn't notice. Meanwhile I recognized the signs of Kara's approaching cum. It was a big one. Her hands, already behind my head grabbed two handfuls of my hair and started pulling, hard. This was new. She must have been into the character she was dressed as because the look on her face was downright devilish. Her blackened lips were pulled back in a snarl, her teeth bared and snapping at me. Kara had had smaller orgasms throughout our fuck but what I felt clamping down on my cock now was colossal. Her cunt latched on so powerfully that it pained me. Her hair pulling increased so that I swore she'd finish with clumps of my hair in her hands. Her nails scraped my scalp. Then came the growling. Kara was no longer human, she was a beast. Normally quiet during sex I howled from the pain she was inflicting and the pleasure I was feeling. Grabbing her ass I pulled her to me forcing my cock deeper into her than I ever had. I love this child with all my soul but now at the instant I didn't care if I was ripping her apart. She had turned me into a beast too. I felt what must have been her tiny cervix open as my cock forced its way in. Well, that did it for me. I shivered and shook. Cock buried deep, the cum rushed out of me filling my 6 year old's womb to overflowing. Pins and needles seemed to pierce my skin as my orgasm faded. Kara lifted herself off and my spunk poured out of her and down her red leather legs. It was then that she noticed our guests.
"Daddy who are these people?"
Amazingly Kara made no effort to cover herself or hide. So comfortable in her new role as my young whore that she didn't care who saw her this way.
"They're Cheryl's sisters. Her niece is in with Sara."
"Jewel's here? Can I go see them?"
A quick nod and she was off. Those 3 inch platform boots added a nice wiggle to her walk. She couldn't run in them but let's say it was a quick step. So there we were 4 statues, motionless and silent. Finally Cheryl broke the ice.
"You guys weren't supposed to see this but since you have are you shocked? Will you report us to the police? No one is getting hurt here. We loved our girls too much to do that. Jo, you know what kind of relationship I have with Sara. Hell, you're the one that pierced her nipples. I know you approve. What about you Bett? This is way out of your lifestyle but please you gotta understand how lonely Sara and I have been. Gary didn't give us the love and attention either of us needed so we turned to each other."
Bett's lips began to move but no words came forth. She was like that for a few seconds but it seemed much longer. She then cleared her throat and stuttering she replied.
"Mmmaybe I understand. Not sure if I condone it though. These costumes are pretty serious. Are you guys making pornos? That's sick. And what's his story? Was that his daughter? He didn't even stop raping her when we came in. Is that the kind of man you want around your little girl?"
"Whoa whoa sister. No one was raping anyone here. Yes that was my daughter and yes she was getting fucked but it wasn't rape. She started it and was in complete control of the situation. Kara could have stopped it at any time and I wouldn't have interfered. And what about you? I didn't feel your hands on me trying to pull us apart. I didn't hear you dialing 911. No, you just watched. Did you like the show? Hypocrite."
Bett was caught by the truth. Though it was a disgusting display deep inside she had to admit to herself that she was excited by what she saw and was still seeing. Her sister all glistening and shiny in her latex skin. Her breasts poking out, her pussy wet and dripping juice. And this man with his penis at first soft now standing straight and hard and seemingly pointing at her. Now she, against her will, felt her own juices starting to flow and wet her panty. She had long harbored a shameful fantasy. She dreamt of being brutally and savagely taken. It was her main theme while playing with her vagina late at night. She wished masked men would break in her home and rape her for hours on end. Sometimes they were escaped convicts, other times it was a black motorcycle gang. Often her father joined the rapists and sometimes, God help her, they would rape her daughter 5 year old Jewel. Every night she prayed to stop these thoughts and every night she would tickle her clit and thrust her fingers into her pussy imitating her attackers. Before Bett could form a response Cheryl spoke up.
"People settle down before someone says something they'll regret."
That's when the shit hit the fan. The door to Sara's room opened and out came Kara still dressed as the devil's daughter followed by Sara unchanged from her white slave girl outfit. Then stepped out Jewel. Not in whatever plain wrapper her mother dressed her in. No she was now an aboriginal native girl or at least that was my take. Her blonde hair was set in spikes with styling gel and sprinkled with glitter. Her face was thickly covered with white face powder and accented with black grease paint stripes under her eyes and down her cheeks. Her lips were smeared with black lipstick. As a top was a white tank top ripped to form a loose bra type covering. The lower half of that tank top formed her skirt cinched up by a thin black belt. All of her skin, covered and uncoverd was adorned with grease paint handprints in white, black, red, green, and blue. On her feet were Kara's favorite jelly shoes in translucent blue. Naturally under her skimpy clothing was nothing except her bare nipples and hairless pussy. My already hard cock grew just a bit harder.
"Isn't she neat? Jewel wanted to play dress-up like us so we dressed her. Do you like it? M..."
Sara almost blurted Master though at this point I don't think it would have shocked our guests. I saw a slight smirk on Jo's lips but Bett was dumbfounded.
"Can Jewel play with us Daddy? We explained what we were doing but she knew a lot of sex stuff already. Never done any so can she huh?"
Bett knew she was outnumbered and Jewel was willing. Many of you will say that a 5 year old can't possible make this kind of decision for herself but I disagree. Kids today are more informed than we were whether it's from home, school, TV, movies, or friends they learn about sex. Right or wrong it creates a curiosity and our inborn human nature makes us find answers. Jewel has decided to find her answers here and now. Bett speaks.
"Are you sure you want this Jewel? I honestly don't know what to do. When I was your age I wondered what your grandparents were doing in their bedroom at night that made the walls shake and why they whispered and laughed so much. I never asked. Maybe I should have. Go ahead and play if you want to. God help me."
Sara grabbed the box of toys and the three of them went into Cheryl's and my bedroom shutting the door behind them. So now we were back to us four adults. Jo wasted no time with philosophical questions and pulled off her top. Her tits were nothing short of magnificent. Tinier than even Cheryl's small tits they were firm and perky with puffy areolas a shade darker than the rest of her skin and slightly up turned. Then she tugged her skirt down and it fell like a parachute the soft cotton material pooling at her feet. Her thong came off next with a pull of the strings at her hips. Her pussy was clear of hair but decorated with more tattoos. The design was hard for me to discern but it seemed to be some kind of garden surrounded by a stone wall with her slit as its gate. I learned later it was based on and old children's book titled "The Secret Garden'. Well her secret was out now.
I'm not the most astute guy when it comes to reading what women want so I conceitedly assumed Jo wanted my cock. Boy was I wrong. Her desires were for her sister Cheryl. Jo marched over to her with long strides and locked lips with her big sister before she even finished her last step. Cheryl being a loving big sister responded in kind. Closer now I could get a better look at this young woman. For a tattoo artist, that and body piercing was how she earned a living, Jo didn't seem to have many tattoos. The ones she did have were small and intimate like the one around her belly button. It wasn't a small part of a larger mural, it stood alone as a complete piece of art. Like the ivy ring around her neck and the lone sunflower. These were intricate works that she couldn't possibly have done alone but whoever helped her was a true artist. The needlework was so fine that the sunflower seemed to have a 3rd dimensional quality. What I mean is that you could touch it and expect to feel a real sunflower on her shoulder. In addition to the other fantastic designs were quotes from poems and books written in a beautifully flowing cursive writing running down the sides of her body. Man, I could stare at her for hours.
So, Jo and Cheryl were getting their freak on with lots of spit swapping and finger diddling eventually involving that horrible silicon cock Cheryl was using earlier. The three little preteens were doing whatever they were doing which I'm sure was a lot of the same the adult girls were doing plus they had the entire inventory of my toy box with them. That left Bett and me. Turning my attention away from the Illustrated Woman I found Bett on her knees crying with one hand inside her blouse mauling her boobs while her other hand was under her permanent press khaki skirt digging into her cunt and tears running down her face.
"What's wrong with me? Why can't I be like them? Why do I hate sex? Men don't look at me like they do at Jo. They don't want me. Am I such a bitch? I have to do it to myself when I'm alone. Even then I can't climax. Why can't I be a free bird like Jo? They say we're identical twins but look at her. I can't do that. They're like animals. Why can't I be like that?"
That was a signal even an idiot like me could understand. I walked over to Bett and since she was already on her knees I grabbed a handful of her blonde streaked hair and yanked her head back. My cock was like a hot steel rod and I slapped her face with it a few times before rubbing it along her lips. They parted and I rubbed it along her teeth. Bett still resisted but with another tug of her hair Bett's mouth opened wide and I rammed my cock in. Her lips closed around it and she began to suck. She wasn't bad. Not as good as Cheryl or even Sara but I guess she'll improve with practice. Well, that was one hole but I was going for the Triple Crown. Whipping my cock from her mouth I again pulled her by the hair this time until she was standing. Grabbing the front of her blouse I pulled it open sending buttons flying.
Underneath she wore a lightweight bra that provided little if any support as if she needed it. She probably wore it for modesty to prevent her long nipples from pushing out against her blouse. I pulled that off over her head. I then discovered the way to tell the twins apart besides superficial things like hair style and color. Bett's tits were bigger. Not by much but they were bigger. Not as hard as Jo's but softer. Bett had longer nipples too. Jo's were almost flush with her areolas but Bett's jutted out about a quarter inch more. I guess she must have breast fed her baby. Nice going Jewel. Before I could rip the skirt off her Bett undid her belt, unfastened the waistband, and lowered the zipper. With the slightest of shimmies her skirt fell to the floor. No thong. Her panty wasn't exactly a granny just a modestly cut low-rise bikini.
She took care of that too by hooking her thumbs under the elastic waistband and pushing it down over her hips and down to the floor. She stepped out of it and started to slip off her Keds but I stopped her. Other than her tits, hair, and the lack of tats Bett was another Jo. The same cute face with its button nose, smallish mouth, lush lips, and big green almost gold eyes. They shared the same tight belly, firm round ass, and long slender legs. Like I said before their tits were different but honestly I prefer them as small as possible so Jo won that round. Bett was also a bit hairier in the pussy department. Neatly trimmed of course but much hairier than I prefer. That was an easy fix though. I might even have Jo do the honors.
Cheryl and Jo had taken up on the sofa so I took Bett to my big chair. It wasn't hard for she was in a fugue state, like a zombie. I think I could have told her to stand in front of a bus if I wanted. Bett had dropped her façade of widow and mother. That pressure was off her now but she didn't know what to replace it with. Concerned with only my own pleasure I positioned Bett kneeling on the chair with her luscious ass to me tying her hands behind the seat-back so she couldn't change her mind. I spit in my hand and rubbed it on my cock but it was totally unnecessary. Her cunt was wet and slippery without it. I stepped up and slipped my meat into her hole, or at least I tried to. Lord was her cunt tight. I don't think she'd been fucked since Jewel was born. It was like she was a virgin again.
"Oh, my God. You're ripping me apart. Take it out. Please take it out."
That sure snapped her out of her funk. I sympathized but I was on a mission. She was tight but it wasn't a problem because she must have had 6 years of cunt juice backed up. Her cunt was flowing like Niagara Falls. My cock was slipping and sliding with ease. Pretty soon her pleas to stop turned into pleading for more.
"Oh shit. Fuck that's good. Harder... faster... deeper. It's been so long."
That was her mantra and she repeated it over and over. Well not exactly word for word but you get the general idea. Bett was starting to give back as good as she got the way she was pushing her ass at me trying to get every inch of my cock inside her cunt. There was so much energy between the two of us that my big heavy chair began a trip across the floor. It was only six inches to the wall and once it stopped there Bett got her wish. I was ramming her with all my 7 inches of fat cock.
"Don't stop, I'm gonna cum. It's so close, so close."
To help it along I plunged 2 fingers into her asshole and pressed down 'till I could feel my cock in her cunt. That did it my friends. The 'born again virgin' came with a vengeance. Her back arched up like a cat's and her pelvis started jerking I had put down a towel to protect the leather but I don't think it was up to the challenge the way her pussy was dripping. And if that wasn't bad enough her cunt clamped down on my cock and, so help me, was choking it. No more slipping and sliding. She help it fast but my hips kept right on stroking. That damn near pulled my foreskin off. Well it also made me cum like a fire-hose, spraying her uterus with my spunk. I stayed hunched over her for a few seconds while she relaxed. We must have looked like to dogs locked together by the cock knot. Released I took a few steps back and inspected my work. Bett's back and thighs were drenched in her sweat and maybe a little of mine. Her head was pressed against the chair back and I could hear her panting and thanking the Lord. Her asshole was red and pulsating from the workout I gave it with my fingers. Her pussy was gaping wide and my cum was drooling out of her cunt hole in slimey white clumps. She looked divine.
I had one more hole to go but I needed some rest first. Leaving Bett where she was I went the bathroom to empty my bladder and upon exiting I heard moaning and growling coming from my bedroom. I slowly cracked the door open to see what the little darlings were up to and got a big surprise. Sara was holding class. She had inserted one vibrating egg in Kara's pussy and one in Jewel's ass. They were writhing on the bed while she worked a smaller version of the rubber cock her mother fell in love with earlier. Sara was lying between Jewel and Kara with each of them sucking on Sara's tiny tits. Sara held the egg controller in one hand and was giving herself a good fucking with the other. It was a tangle of arms and legs with Kara and Jewel providing the moans and Sara growling like a bitch in heat. As tempted as I was to join in I couldn't leave Bett without fucking her ass. It would be impolite. I quietly closed the door and started back to the livingroom.
As I rounded the couch I got another surprise. It was Jo with her fist up inside of Cheryl's cunt sawing in and out lowly and gently and lovingly. I haven't been with Cheryl that long, maybe a couple of months, but never have I seen her so serene and peaceful. Her eyes were closed, her knees up and her feet on the couch cushion. Still dressed in the latex cat-suit I could almost hear her purring. Jo on the other hand was on her knees with that horrible dildo in her pussy. It was wedged between the 2 couch cushions which held it in place while she bounced up and down. All the females in Cheryl's family were fucking or getting fucked or both. Where will I ever find the strength to keep up? I'd better stock up on Viagra and Red Bull.
After seeing all that I felt reenergized. Well anyway my dick was hard again so I returned to my fuck buddy Bett. She was reenergized too and pulling her bindings and cursing up a storm. For a pillar of the community she sure had a mouth on her.
"Motherfucker you'd better untie me or I'll call the police. You'll regret raping me you fuck. I know the Police Commissioner and an Assistant DA that will fix it so you go away and die in prison."
Now that was the second time in a day that this cunt had called me a rapist. I might have taken liberties but I wouldn't call it rape. Forceful seduction is a better phrase. And I like how she protests after I gave her the orgasm of orgasms. The best she's probably ever had, bitch. She's still yapping away and even Jo tells her to shut up, that she's ruining the mood. I had enough and scooped up her JC Penney panty and shoved it in her mouth.
"Untie you? Why? We're not done yet. I haven't raped your ass yet and no self-respecting rapist would pass up as fine an ass as you have sugar. I'm surprised you haven't been raped before this. No my darling I'm not going to untie you until I sink my fat cock up your tight ass. In fact as fuckable as yours is I think I'm gonna need help. If I'm going to be called a rapist then I'm gonna make sure you get raped right."
I was so mad that I acted before thinking things completely through. Matt is my best friend. He was best man at my wedding and was at the hospital when Lindsay died and Kara was born. I knew him long before that horrible/wonderful day. We used to go whoring together as young men. The clubs were full of pussy and Matt had the knack for scoring the best. I'd make do with his rejects but his even his rejects were prime. So anyway I called Matt and explained that I had a hard case accusing me of rape and that I needed help convincing her she was wrong. He said he could be here in 20 minutes. Now if Bett hadn't been such a cunt I would've untied her but since she was I left her there.
Suddenly I remembered about the 3 little lovelies in my bedroom. Shit, Matt knew I liked young girls but young to Matt is 25 not 5. This could ruin our friendship and even spread around at work. I run to the bedroom and the girls are now fucking themselves with assorted dildoes in a daisy chain with Sara fucking Jewel, Jewel fucking Kara, and Kara fucking Sara. What the fuck did Cheryl teach them while I was at work? I interrupt their party and tell them to hurry and get dressed in street clothes but all three are in elaborate costumes with stage make-up and it's not going to be quick. There are still 2 women in the livingroom to deal with so I rush back and roust Cheryl and Jo out of their stupor again not an easy thing. Not only are they naked but they reek of pussy. Plus Jo and Bett's clothes are strewn all over the floor and Cheryl's still dressed like Michelle Pfiefer's Catwoman. I wasn't worried about Bett after all she's the hardcase I called him over for.
I know, I know. I should have called Matt on his cellphone but you just don't cancel on a friend after offering him pussy. It's just not done. All 4 girls are now running around trying to make themselves and the condo as normal looking as possible. Cheryl and Jo have straightened up the room but hadn't dressed yet and still stank to the high the heavens. The 3 preteens were scrambling around like the Keystone Cops but not really getting anywhere. They were still looking pretty much like they started out. That was the scene when Matt knocked on the door.
What could I do? I couldn't just leave him in the hall could I? I opened the door. Cheryl and Jo had made it to our bedroom for a quick shower and change. All he saw in the livingroom was naked Bett's ass waving like a flag in the wind. He's not a man to waste time when there's pussy to be had so Matt starts stripping. He gets his boxer briefs off when we hear...
" Sara, Jewel, come quick. Matt's here and he's naked."
Three half dressed, or should I say half undressed, little girls are now standing in the hall staring at Matt's massive 11 inch cock. Did I forget to mention is an African-American. I don't want to stereotype but he does pack heavy meat.
"Who the fuck are they? The red one, is that Kara? Holy shit. And the other 2 belong to the cunt in the chair?"
"Only the little one, t-he tall one is Cheryl's."
"And you fuck the women and the girls?"
"Please Matt I swear none of the girls is being abused. You know me. I wouldn't hurt Kara and I'm not hurting the other girls. Please don't............"
"Please don't what? Report you? Man I salute you. Before we met, when I was in high school, I used to fuck my sisters and a girl cousin. There was this neighbor girl too. None of them was over 9 years old and the youngest was 6. I'd be fucking little girls today if it wasn't for this Georgia Black Snake between my legs. I hit a growing spurt when I was 16 and my did got too big for them. It hurt them bad and they told all the other little girls in the family to just say no. The word spread through the neighborhood and I couldn't get laid anymore. It wasn't until college that I got busy again. You are one lucky motherfucker. Serious. Can I see them and maybe touch them? I would be so grateful."
"Are you kidding me? You don't need permission from me only from the girls. Sara has the deepest cunt, Kara the tightest, I haven't even touched Jewel the 5 year old yet. That's her mother tied to the chair. As for the other women, Cheryl and Jo...... come on down you're the next contestants on The Pussy's Right."
Out came Cheryl and Jo, freshly bathed but wearing only towels. The Three Stooges came as they were. Sara was pretty much naked since her costume was pretty simple and light on make-up. She still had the fishnets and shoes on and that wild braided crown. Jewel was naked except for the jelly shoes but still had the Technicolor handprints on her body. Kara was- the funniest though. She had stripped off the red leather suit but her head, hands, and crotch were still fire engine red. Poor Kara thought she looked like a clown. She almost didn't come out but the girls talked her into it. She felt embarrassed to be seen by Matt this way especially because she was naked. She'd known him all her life and called him Uncle Matt. She shouts through the door.
"Promise you won't laugh Uncle Matt."
"I promise baby doll, I won't laugh."
He was nervous about Kara seeing him too but for a different reason. He didn't want to scare Kara with his 11 inches. He had good reason. Thoughts of once again slipping his cock into some preteen pussies had his heart pumping blood into his cock and making it hard. He loved my daughter but his cock had no conscience and he wanted her pussy most of all. Personally I was hoping he would be satisfied with the other 5 cunts. I didn't want her stretched by his massive tool. Jo was closest to Matt and was mesmerized. She started young and had her cherry popped at the age of 10. Since then she had seen dozens of cocks, some of them black, but never one so big, Even soft he measured 10 inches. She wanted that monster inside her badly but she also knew that he was here for Bett but damn sure was going to have it stuffed in her after her. Mouth, ass, or cunt it didn't matter as long as it was in her somewhere. Out came the little girls to greet their visitor. They couldn't help but stare. Matt, besides being very handsome, was an athlete. He used to play sports in high school and college and still works out at the gym regularly. Made me look like a 90 pound weakling.
Since I fucked Sara she's become more aggressive as far as sex goes. She's willing to try new things before Kara is. Sara will try something like deep throat first then teach the technique to Kara. Now I see her looking at Matt and I know that she's wondering what his awesome cock will feel like inside her. Kara is the first to welcome Matt.
"Wow Uncle Matt, your dick is huge. Are you gonna fuck me with it?"
"I want to if you'll let me and not just you Kara but your friends too."
"I don't know Uncle Matt. I think it'll hurt too much. I'll suck it instead. Maybe you can fuck Sara. She's bigger than me."
"Yeah, I think it'll fit me. Not Jewel, she's still a virgin."
"Well that's nice of you to offer Sara. Maybe later after I do this lady in the Chair."
"That's Jewel's mommy Bett. Kara's dad was doin' her and boy was she yellin'."
"Well if she was yelling from his she's going to be screaming from mine."
Finally Guy says...
"Come on, let's get busy."
Things moved sort of fast after that. Jo rushed up and took Matt's cock in the mouth I guess to either get it hard or lube it up. Maybe both. Cheryl grabs Kara and Sara and sits them down on the couch. With one on each side she begins making out with Kara, sticking her togue deep into her mouth and Kara returns the passionate kiss. Then Cheryl switches to Sara and gives her the same tonguing that she gave her 'sister.' Her juices flowing Sara lowers her mouth to her Aunt Cheryl's nipple and begins suckling. Cheryl sticks her fingers in Kara's pussy and she reacts by pushing her hips up to give her lover a better angle.
and leads them into my bedroom obviously to eat some baby pussy and use some more of the toys. Jo has switched from sucking Matt's cock to eating her sister's pussy. She crawled between Matt's and Bett's legs and set to munching her sister's clit. Already hot from Jo's attentions Matt placed the head of his monster at the opening of Bett's cunt and begins to enter her slowly. Jo is licking his shaft as it does. Mat is using slow but steady thrusts inching his 12 inches into her. Not even a quarter ways in Bett started screaming bloody murder.
"Oh My God! You're killing me. Take it out, take it out, take it..............."
Her protests fade the deeper Matt's cock goes until,
"Oh Fuck, fuck, fuck. Fuck me, fuck me. Oh it feels so good. Slower please, slower. Let me get used to it."
Matt complies and slows down but continues to push deeper with longer strokes. Jo includes his ball sack in her licking and adds sucking them into her mouth. Little 5 year old Jewel was just standing there, her head swiveling, trying to take everything in. Her friends busy with her Aunt Cheryl, her mother with Matt and her Aunt Jo, and me jacking my cock and staring at tiny Jewel with her colored handprints. I was thinking of fucking her but didn't think she was able to take my meat. Instead I decided to teach her to suck cock. Taking her hand I gave her a kiss on her wrist. With a little tug she followed me to 'The Sisters Room' and to the queen sized bed they shared.
Sara must have explained what to expect here in our home. She climbed up on the bed and spread her legs, knees high and feet down. While she was inviting, and her pussy was tempting, I really wanted to blow my load into her mouth. Taking her hands in mine I pulled her into the sitting position in front of me. My cock was hard and I was desperate to fuck her face I placed her little hands on my tool and showed her how to stroke it. Smart girl, she was she picked up the technique quickly and though her fingers were too short to wrap around completely she did an excellent job and would only get better at it as she grew. Jewel's attention was focused on my cock so I tapped her on the top of her head. Looking up at me I point to my open mouth but she doesn't understand that I want her to open hers. Taking my fingers to her chin I apply a little pressure and she opens up wide.
Sara taught her well because without hesitation she lowers her head and takes me into her mouth. Her tongue pokes and prods but her head remains still. I place my hands on the sides of her head and move it back and forth. Within a few seconds I removed my hands and she continued, her tongue now sliding along the shaft as her head bobbed. Her rhythm is good, her tonguing is excellent but she's not taking me deep enough so I use a hand behind her head and pull her closer, deeper. Poor Jewel begins to cough and choke but I can't stop now. I feel that wonderful stirring and just that quick I'm filling her tiny mouth with cum. I release her head and she pulls away catching a face full of spunk. Some of it must have poured down her throat because she started to gag. I stepped back in case she puked but nothing happened instead I got a good look at Jewel's cum covered face. Her left eye was drowning in it, her nostrils were filled, her mouth was drooling cum, and the whole mess was running down her cheeks and chin. She looked beautiful. I went to my bathroom and returned with a warm wet towel to clean her up. I could hear voices coming from the living room......
"More, I want more. Give all of that horse cock."
"Bitch, I'm already bouncing off your uterus. The only place to go is through your cervix and I'll destroy it fat as my cock is."
"I don't care. I don't care. I need more. Give it to me............ please, I'm begging you."
I stepped out for a peek and saw Matt fucking Bett's cunt with long deep strokes. He wasn't giving her all of his cock but from what I could see she must have been taking 10 inches. Jo was still below her face covered in Bett's drippings shoving 3 or 4 of her fingers in her own cunt. Beads of sweat dotted Matt's back as he plowed that cunt, stretching it with his fat meat to the verge of tearing. It had to hurt and Bett was still begging for more. I turned back to the girls' room but as I passed my bedroom I was struck by the silence. That room had a woman and two girls in it who I assumed were busy pleasuring each other. I quietly cracked the door open and looked inside. All three were in a daisy circle eating and diddling each other's pussies, all with small vibrators buried deep in their assholes. Even Kara who I hadn't fucked anally yet had a chrome one in her. Figures she'd go for the shiny one. She's always been a sucker for shiny things. I closed the door so not to disturb them and went back to Jewel. Watching all the sex-capades around me got me hard again and since I'd already done her mouth I thought I might explore her other possibilities. All cleaned up Jewel was sitting on the edge of the bed where I left her. I approached and gently positioned her in the middle of the mattress, gently pushing her down until she was lying on her back. Climbing up I joined her in the middle and wrapped my arms around her.
"Did you like what we did before?"
"It was OK I guess."
"Would you like to try something else? I promise it'll make you feel real good."
"OK I guess."
"Put your legs like you had them before with your knees up."
Jewel did as I asked and I twisted around until I faced the prettiest tiniest pussy I'd ever seen. Next to Kara's I mean. Very bright pink with tiny folds of delicate flesh and an even tinier clit. I spread it open with my fingers and it seemed to smile at me. I inhaled her sweet aroma and got high from it like taking a hit of hashish, a heady intoxication. I tickled her clit, rubbing it along its sides never touching it directly because I thought it would be too intense for her. It didn't take long for her to get juiced up her pussy getting all shiny and slick. It twinkled under the night table lamp looking like it coated with tiny crystals. Jewel was propping herself on her elbows watching me diddling her clit and admiring her pussy. I could wait no longer and dipped my tongue into her honeypot for a taste. Lord what a treat, she tasted like Amaretto liqueur, all sweetness and almonds. Jewel just got better and better.
As I buried my face in her pussy I probed her hole with my index finger and found it too tight to enter. Even my pinky wouldn't fit, well it could fit if I pressed but Jewel flinched at the slightest attempt at insertion. I slid my pinky between her cheeks to her asshole and it went in with no problem. Two knuckles in I pulled out and tried my index finger again. Not only did it go in but this innocent child opened it for me. Her sphincter expanded and swallowed the whole finger. In and out it went while I tried to drink my fill of her nectar but I knew I never could. She grew so comfortable with my finger in her ass that I added another. Her anus adjusted to that too. I went for three and she began to shake and shiver as soon as the tip of that third one slipped in. The little 5 year old came as hard as any woman, squirting her juice into my mouth. It tasted a little richer than before. That settled it for me and I crawled up her tiny body until my cock nestled between her ass cheeks. I pushed and got nowhere. I didn't want to become the rapist I'd been accused of being so I whispered to Jewel,
"Do you know what I'm trying to do? I want to fuck your ass. Will you let me?"
"You can do that? I thought it only worked in my trickle."
"Pussy sweety, call it a pussy, and yes we can do it in your butt. Your pussy is still too tight but I'll keep trying until you're ready."
"OK cause I want to do it like Sara and Kara. They told me how good it feels and I want to be like them."
I took my cock and used its tip to brush her sweet nectar around her hole and pushed again. This time she opened up and let me in. It was tighter than tight. Tighter than my girls by far. Without whine or whimper she took my strokes like she had been doing it for years. Being as short as she was my nipples lined up with her mouth so it was natural to her to suck them and that's what she did. Jewel was flicking at them with her delicate tongue and tugging them with her pearly teeth. Cheryl insisted Jewel was inexperienced so all this must have meant she was a natural born whore. Maybe the shit I heard coming from Bett wasn't something new after all she was Jo's and Cheryl's sister and they were sex fiend whores themselves. Maybe it was genetic and Bett buried her desires deep for the sake of her daughter. Maybe so deep she couldn't find them when she was ready to enjoy herself again. I hope Matt helps her rediscover them. Please understand that when I call them whores it's no insult. To me a whore is a woman that enjoys sex and they're the best kind.
By now Jewel was thrusting her pelvis up to meet my thrusts which made me fuck her even harder. I wasn't giving her all I had but it was good enough for me and from her moans it must've been for her too. Jewel started to shiver again and I knew she was cumming but just then her talented sphincter locked around my cock. To top it off she bit down hard on a nipple and sent my head spinning. I came hard and shot my load into her rectum. As I pumped some squeezed out and acted as lubrication for my cock so the last 4 or 5 strokes went deeper than before. Poor little Jewel screamed loudly but it didn't sound like one of pain. There was a bit of pleasure in the sound. It had to have hurt but maybe she liked pain. All I know is that I'd surely been fucking an angel.
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