Korea, Part 1

[ MMgggg, MMMMMMFgggggg, pedo, oral, anal ]

by Sluggo


Published: 13-May-2013

Word Count:

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Well, it was bound to happen. I pushed my luck and my Mother caught me with a little girl in my bedroom. A 5 year old girl Cyndi had babysat named Norah. Her mouth was full of my cum when Mom walked in on us. Naturally, she flipped out. After she stopped crying and screaming and beating on me she gave me an ultimatum. Leave home and join the military. It was that or she'd report me. Some choice. I was bound for the US Air Force before the end of the week.

The Air Force trained me in communications technology and almost a year later I was ready to pick up my orders. I was hoping for England, or Italy, or even Germany. What I got was The Republic of Korea. I guess I'd seen too many M.A.S.H. episodes. I expected to see Koreans in traditional clothing (Hanbok). Men dressed in baggy drawstring pants (Baji) and the robe-like jacket (Jokki), and women in long skirts (Ch'ima) topped with short cropped jackets (Chogori). People living in small cottages (Hanok) too. The reality was that Korea is very westernized but like Japan hasn't abandoned its traditional ways. I was a truly a stranger in a strange land. The language, the food, the geography overwhelming. For a week I stayed in the barracks on base but that got boring real quick.

One Sunday I ventured off base looking to acquaint myself with the area when I noticed a catholic Nun in the black & white habit herding a string of Korean kids down the street. After the initial surprise I focused on the schoolkids. Petite Korean schoolgirls in navy blue sailor type uniforms. Black penny loafers with blue socks, topped with long straight jet black hair cut with bangs. Each girl wore a yellow scarf around her neck.

There were boys too but since they don't turn me on I focused on the girls. No asians in my neighborhood back home so I was excited to say the least. They ranged in age from maybe 8 to 12 years old. The younger looking ones still had some baby fat but that didn't bother me. Girls like that are soft and squishy. The older ones were thinner but not much taller. All the girls had cute little button noses, full pink lips, and narrow slit eyes, all on a round face.

To me they were exotic little beauties and I had to turn and walk away before someone caught me staring. I followed the group from a discrete distance to a Catholic church. At the risk of being struck by lightning I went to my first mass in at least 5 years.

In my short time here I had already heard stories about American GIs acquiring girls from their families to be cooks or housekeepers. But there were also stories about little girls being rented or bought for sex. The stories and rumors were too numerous not to have some truth to them. Korea was a paranoid country. Living next to an enemy sworn to invade and destroy you would make you paranoid too. The Government was always looking for suspicious behavior and illegal activity. The Korean Police routinely busted GIs in sting operations for black marketing and drug dealing.

I'm sure they did the same for child slavery. I knew that years ago the traditional attitude was that girls were of a lesser value to a family than boys but in 1977? Who knew? Still, my need for preteen pussy was greater than my fear or good sense. I had to find a way to get me some Korean baby nookie.

This was on my mind as I walked into the church and looked for a seat. The school kids had their own section but I found a seat on the aisle and watched them parade down and back for communion. As much as I like to see them naked, there's nothing sexier than a little girl in a skirt. And I wasn't alone in that.

Across the aisle I spotted another American. From his haircut I guessed he was an Airman like me just older. We made eye contact. He smiled and gave me quick nod. At first I thought he gay and was making a pass at me until he glanced over at the school girls and back to me. Then he winked. I looked over towards the girls and spotted one sitting by the aisle with her legs crossed. She was nervously bouncing her top leg with her black penny loafer dangling dangerously off her toes. Her exposed foot, covered by her sock, might not seem tantalizing but to people like me, and maybe this stranger, it was. Very innocent and extremely sexy.

I turned back and tossed my fellow pervert a nod back. After Mass we lagged behind and watched the kiddies march out of the church. His name was Mike, from Dallas. He was the driver for his group's commander. Me being a comm tech, our paths might never have crossed but for this accidental meeting. It seemed we might share a common interest but it's not something you brag openly about. We spent the rest of the morning at a cafe talking, sizing each other up. This was risky business. He might have been a sky cop or some other type of LEO.

After that initial meeting we met a few times for drinks that week and talked. He was a nice guy, 9 years older than me but we had shared interests like sports, movies, music, etc. Even if he didn't share my taste for young pussy I thought we could be friends. He was always laughing and smiling. And talking. Mike always had something to say about something. Most of the time it was news, sports, or anecdotes about home. Get two GIs together, add some booze, and the conversation will eventually turn to sex. One night Mike had had a few too many and started opening up. In many ways his story mirrored my own.

Mike got his first blowjob from his older sister. I told him about my cousin but left out the part about her being much younger than me. He told me about a few of his playmates back home like his neighbor's daughter, but never mentioning their ages. I could tell he was hesitant about revealing too much but I had a hunch what the truth was so I specifically asked about her age. It was in the way I asked. It was in a whisper that told him I knew it was for our ears only.

Mike kind of "hemmed and hawed" and admitted she was 7 years old when he fucked her. Mike was 15. My broad smile and punch to his shoulder upon revealing that told him he had nothing to fear from me. After that the whole story poured out. He had fucked his best friend's little sister, she was 9, and got him to fuck her too. Dallas, with its thousands of illegal Mexican immigrants was full of opportunities. The youngest little illegal he had fucked was barely 5 years old. She was the granddaughter of a gardener he worked with one summer. They did her together, fucking her mouth, cunt, and ass.

The old man taught him a lot. He had 2 daughters that he fucked since they were 5 or 6. Each daughter gave him a granddaughter and he fucked them as well. His daughters he whored out but the granddaughters he kept for himself and some select friends. Mike joined the Air Force specifically to get to Asia for the kiddy sex action. He was in Thailand where he said the kid sex was plentiful but the whorehouses were very seedy.

Then he went to Germany and lived with a fraulein that had a blonde ten year old daughter that she willingly shared with him. She was a single mother and she had been making love to her daughter since infancy. It was her daughter that asked for some cock to fill her pussy. Mother had German boyfriends before but never involved her daughter. When she turned 9 years old she asked to join in. Her mother felt safe with American pedophiles since she knew they wouldn't tell a soul and risk going to a German prison. Besides, they'd be leaving soon anyway clearing the way for a new lover. Mike showed me some pictures. Even dressed you could tell they both had killer bodies but naked they would take your breath away. Mike was with them for a year before being reassigned to Korea. The way he spoke about them I could tell that leaving broke his heart.

For my part I told him the truth about my younger cousin. About Sandra and her friends. About how I got caught with 5 year old Norah. Tiny little Norah. What a great little cocksucker. A natural if there ever was one. She'd watch Cyndi while I was at her house "babysitting". I never touched her then. Truth be told I wasn't attracted to her. Things change. Cyndi caught her sucking off her dog and it changed my opinion of her. Then she followed me home one day. Long story short, I got my cock in her mouth. I figured at most she'd lick it and jerk me off but to my surprise she opened wide and took about 4 inches into her mouth. A natural. Never came close to biting me either. And her tongue. She worked it all around my cock as her head bobbed and wiggled. She swallowed my cum too. I shouldn't have been surprised though. She'd had plenty of practice sucking Fred's cock. He was her dog. Norah was the last girl to taste my cock before we were discovered.

Back to Korea. As for Mike and me, we had bonded at last. We no longer had to hide our true selves from each other. We were Pedophiles. Now Mike could take me to his home and show me what life in Korea could be like for men like us. We took a cab to his place where he lived like a king. Mike was a sergeant and earned little more than me but even so I couldn't believe how well he lived. It was a small house but pretty roomy. A cross between a traditional Korean hanok and an American style bungalow. Inside I met his housekeeper Min, older and a little plain but you could tell she was well built under her clothing.

He called out for 2 beers. Mike was giving me a quick tour of the living room when in walked a pretty little doll carrying a tray with the beers plus an assortment of crackers and cheeses. She was beautiful. She looked about 10 years old with thick straight black hair cut with long bangs going past her eyebrows. I couldn't see much of her body since she was wearing a Gaeryang Hanbok (a simple Korean dress) but knowing a little of Mike's history I was sure she would be hot.

Her name was Sun-Hi. Mike plopped his ass onto a floor cushion and said something in Korean to Sun-Hi. She went straight to work. Sun-Hi untied and pulled off his shoes, undid his belt, and pulled his pants off. His boxers too. I was seated across from them and craning my neck to see what was going on. Mike waved me over and invited me to sit on the cushion next to him. I don't make a habit of looking at other guy's cocks but this man had a magnificent piece of meat. Uncircumcised, about 8 inches soft, and fat as a kilbasa.

"Do you actually stuff that thing into this little girl?"

"Oh sure. No problem. Don't let her size fool you. She can take plenty. You should watch her swallow my cock. Linda Lovelace can't do it better."

While we spoke, Sun was undoing her hanbok. She finally revealed the most perfect preteen body I had ever seen. Ten years old with just a hint of tit. Her nipples were small and round like tiny pearls. No fat, baby or otherwise, with firm stomach. Kneeling down like she was her pussy was plainly visible. Not a hair to be seen anywhere. When she stood I got a better look at her. Like I said she had no body fat. Her legs were a little shorter than I preferred but they were lean and muscular. She had narrow hips so it all combined to create the illusion of longer legs. Her cunt slit was slightly parted revealing a hint of the delicate pink meat inside. Like an shucked oyster, her puss glistened with moisture. Sun finished undressing her Master then carried Mike's clothes away. She brought back a robe for him. She dressed him then knelt beside him.

"Sun, we have a guest. Where are our manners? Make him comfortable."

Quick as she could Sun proceeded to take off my shoes and the rest of my clothes. Not that I was shy but getting naked in front of little girls was something I usually did in secret. I wasn't used to an audience. Needless to say, when she got to my belt and fly, out popped my raging hard-on audience be damned.

"You poor guy. I didn't realize you were hurting so bad. It's been months for you. I'm sure you didn't get to fuck any little cunts at Tech School in Texas. Why don't you take Sun now? I can wait but you'll have to let me watch. I'm a bit of a voyeur and love watchin' her get fucked. I don't get the opportunity often. Too risky. Follow me into the 'Gameroom'. I have it set up for fun. You'll see what I mean."

I wasn't sure how to behave in front of Min but she continued cooking, paying little attention to our goings on so I assumed this was normal behavior in this house. Still it felt strange having this woman there where she could see us with this half naked little girl. Sun finished undressing me and also covered me with a robe. I couldn't help myself and reached into her crotch for a sample of her pussy juice. I sniffed it before licking it off my fingers. Her aroma was fresh and clean. She must have just taken a bath before we arrived. Her flavor was rich and full. Slightly sweet, almost like Keemun black tea. Nothing like the American kiddy quims I'd tasted before Sun's. Little American girls don't clean themselves very well at that age. I accept the smell and taste of their urine as the price I pay for my pleasure but when I have daughters of my own I will provide them with a bidet and personally teach them how Daddy cleans a pussy.

Sun took my hand in hers and I followed. As we walked I looked at her petite hands. One thing I'd learned since my arrival was that Koreans payed close attention to their appearance. It wasn't personal vanity, it was cultural pride. Sun's hands were soft and moist. Felt like she used skin lotion. Probably all over. Her nails were manicured and coated with clear polish. I couldn't see her feet, hidden by white ankle socks and a pair of gold ballet slippers, but I'm sure they were well cared for too. Anyway, her fingers were slender and her wrists thin. That's when I noticed something that shot electricity up and down my spine.

Sun was wearing wrist cuffs. Oh shit. They were made of soft black leather and had red stitching. I hoped beyond hope that she also wore a matching collar under all the luxurious black hair. I'd long been curious about bondage and discipline ever since Prom Night with Melody. It gave me a taste for it but we didn't last long enough to really explore the possibilities. Plus, interest in girls my age was shrinking. More and more I knew that I only wanted preteen girls. But loving them and fucking them wasn't enough. I wanted to control them. To dominate them.

It scared me but excited me at the same time. I didn't want to harm them but a little pain could be pleasurable. Combining that with my love for young girls wouldn't easy. It hurt them enough to get a cock shoved inside their bodies but tying them up and inflicting more pain was asking for trouble. They might tell someone. I played rough with Sandra but she was preconditioned by her abusive upbringing. Because of her father, uncles, and cousins sexual, physical, and mental tortures, she considered what we did together as love. I started spanking and slapping her but not hard enough to leave marks.

Hair pulling and choking her came next. If I had a place of my own I really could have gone further. How far? I don't know. I really had no clue about BDSM back then. I just knew I liked the rush it gave me to watch a girl react to the pain I gave her. The cuffs told me that Mike and I shared much more than a love for little girls. The cuffs were restraints. Mike's fun and games included a little rough stuff. Since Sun was raised to be subservient she wouldn't dream of telling anyone. It was perfect. No wonder he was so happy all the time.

Mike walked over to a seemingly ordinary wall and moved his big "papa-san" chair. He kicked the baseboard and a panel opened slightly. He slid the panel to the side and we walked into a dark windowless room. Mike flicked on the lights and I couldn't believe what I saw. It looked like a medieval dungeon. Tables with ropes and manacles. A 4 post bed with metal rings for tying girls down. Standing racks and a whipping post. And this wasn't just thrown together with plywood and nails. This was finely made custom furniture. From what I could see it was all constructed using mortise & tenon joints. The finishes were like glass. Maybe lacquer or some kind of exotic wax. It was definitely the work of a master craftsman.

"Wild isn't it? You're the first guy I've ever shown this to. You don't know how much I've wanted to invite people over here to party but I don't trust anyone."

I looked around in amazement.

"Hey man, don't be shy. Sun-Hi.....Take Guy to the table."

Still holding my hand, Sun pulled me to a table topped with a soft padding, like a thin gym mat. The table was height adjustable and Mike set it level with my crotch. At the corners were ropes. I was still sort of lost as to what to do and how to start. Remember, I'd never had another man with me when I played with my girls. Was I too extreme? Was I a lightweight? I didn't know. I never had anyone to measure myself against.

"Really Guy, she's all yours. I'm just gonna sit here and smoke some pot and watch. Fuck her, eat her, beat her, it's all cool. There are more where she came from. She's not my first and won't be my last. She's not special. She's fuck meat. Sun!! get naked."

Sun immediately slipped off her dress. Mike's words and Sun's body finally cracked my inhibitions. Without that bulky covering she was like a ivory statue. Her hair poured over her shoulders and down her back, almost to her ass. I scooped her up and put her face down on the table, placing her so she was bent at the hips. I went to the opposite end and yanked her arms out straight. Taking the corner ropes I tied them to her cuffs and pulled them tight. Going back to the other end I tied ankles to the table legs. Her feet, still covered in these cute metallic gold ballet slippers, were dangling off the floor. On a small roll around cart was an assortment of oils and lotions. There were also dildos and vibrators of all shapes and sizes.

Ben-wa balls, vibrating eggs, nipple clamps, and shit I couldn't begin to identify. I grabbed a tube of strawberry flavored oil and squirted some on my hand and cock. Stroking myself I stepped back and took in the scene. There was a 10 year old asian beauty, naked, and tied to a table. She was in a torture chamber surrounded by all manner of tools designed with only one purpose. To inflict pain/pleasure.

My cock was as hard as I could ever remember. Tempted as I was to try some of these toys I didn't. I needed to plunge my cock inside this little girl. My hand was already covered with sweet slippery lube so I rubbed it on Sun's ass and cunt. No soft touch or delicate caress. I might as well have been kneading dough or seasoning a roast. I positioned myself between her feet and put my cockhead to her asshole. The little girl flinched. As many times as men must have fucked her there I would think she'd be used to it but I guess not. Never having had a cock enter my ass I couldn't know but given her size and age it couldn't be any fun for her.

All I did know for sure is that I loved fucking preteen ass and her involuntary reaction made it even more exciting. I grabbed her by the shoulders and pushed inside her in one steady thrust until my balls touched her pussy. Sun stopped breathing during my invasion of her bowels and gasped when I began to pull out. I pushed in again, this time keeping my cock deep inside her to relish her tightness squeezing me. It was pure heaven. My cock may have been shorter than Mike's but it was thicker and I'm sure Sun-Hi could feel the difference.

Whether she could or not, I could feel the pressure of her sphincter surrounding my cock, pulsating with every beat of her heart. It was like she was milking it for my cum. But I wasn't ready to give it to her yet. I wanted to make this last. I continued this alternating pattern of violent fucking and stopping short of cumming for about 20 minutes. Every once and a while I looked over at Mike and he was beating his meat slowly and steadily.

Finally I wanted to cum so I grabbed 2 handfuls of Sun's long hair, wrapped it around each hand, and pulling like on the reins of a horse, jerked her head up and fucked as hard as I could until my cock erupted. I filled her rectum with my cream. With me still pumping her ass some of it leaked out of her asshole and dribbled on my balls. Drained and exhausted I fell on little Sun's back, drenched with sweat and breathing heavily.

"Damn son, you lasted longer than I would've considering you hadn't had any for a while. Now move out the way. I got a pussy to fuck."

We traded places. I took his chair and Mike took my place between Sun-Hi's legs. He tilted the table so his cock was even with her cunt and slammed inside her, no lube, no foreplay. He was so nonchalant about the whole situation that he talked to me while he fucked the little Korean whore.

"Ya see, Korean girls like her are meant to be used like this. It's been this way for centuries. They don't have the same morals as Americans. I'm not judging. It's not right or wrong, it's just their way. And I'm glad it is. In the old days if a family had too many girls, hell they just killed them at birth. Now ain't getting fucked better than being dead? If we wasn't here she'd be getting fucked by a Jap or a Chinaman. And she wouldn't be treated half as nice as we treat them. With me she eats good and sleeps in a nice bed. She has nice clothes. She's never cold in the winter. For girls like her it's a good life. And don't tell Min, but I give her money on the side for her to save for when she gets too old, like 15 or 16, and nobody wants to pay for her. With the money I give her she can go to Australia or the Philippines, or somewhere and start a new life."

It was unreal. He was carrying this conversation while his cock was sliding in and out of this tiny girl's pussy. And the shit he was saying about how she was better off riding his dick than being dead was sick. I know you think I'm a hypocrite since my cock was in her ass not 5 minutes ago but I don't try to fool myself. What I do is wrong, but I can't help myself. I'm sick. I don't try to justify it. If I get caught I'll take my punishment quietly. I'm in Korea because I got caught. I know I should have gone to jail but shit, I'm not turning myself in because my mother couldn't do it.

The table Sun is on is pretty substantial. It probably weighs a hundred pounds but Mike's thrusts into Sun's hole are moving it. Very slightly, but it is moving. And not a sound from the little girl. I was too busy concentrating on my fuck to have noticed but she was probably just as quiet with me. I feel so sad for her. This is so new to me. Back home the girls I fucked sort of wanted it. I may have gotten Sandy stoned when I first fucked her but she came to me. I didn't go looking for her. They all were willing partners. Even Mary. But this girl was trapped in this life. Sold, leased to be more accurate, by her family for cash. I felt ashamed but I knew as soon as I could I'd be getting my own little Korean whore. I couldn't help myself. I was sick.

Mike stopped talking finally and picked up a glass off that cart. About 4 strokes later he whips his cock from her cunt and squirts his cum into the glass. After wiping his meat on her back and ass cheeks he unfastens the restraints and lowers Sun-Hi to the floor. A little wobbly after all that, she takes Mike's hand and leads him to a chair next to where I'm sitting. He sits and Sun climbs on his lap. He hands her the glass.

Tipping her head back she closes her eyes and pours his cum on her face. It runs from her eyes, down her cheeks and nose, some falling into her mouth, and finally dripping off her chin. It was the prettiest, sexiest, filthiest thing I had ever seen. But she wasn't done. With her fingers she wiped and pushed more cum into her mouth until her face was more or less cleaned. Then she opened her mouth to show us all the cum she had collected. Mike told her something in Korean and she closed her mouth and swallowed.

After that she reopened her mouth and showed us it was all gone. She still wasn't done. Mike said something else I didn't understand and she slid off his lap, settling at his feet. Taking his cock in hand she started to lick it like a popsicle cleaning it of all the residue of there fuck. When he was clean she crawled over to me. Now, my dick had been in her asshole but it seemed to make no difference. She took my cock in hand and began to jerk me rigid. That didn't take long as I was already started in that direction while watching her get fucked by Mike. Instead of licking me clean she took my cock into her mouth and wrapped her tongue around it like a snake, swirling it round and round. Gradually Sun started bobbing her head and sucking on me like I was a milk shake straw. It didn't take very long. She got what she wanted. A mouth full of my cum. She was amazing. And to think, Mike could have this everyday. I had to get a little Korean doll like her for my very own. Only younger.

Mike invited me to move off base and live with him. The barracks on base were crowded and we were given extra allowances for room and board if we moved off base. Mike's place was plenty big enough for the two of us with room for a playmate for me too. I'd have to wait for the approval but Mike said if I wanted to get a girl now he would take care of her. He told me he'd leave her alone but I said since he shared with me I'd share with him. With the money we would save splitting the rent and Min's wage he said maybe we could go halves on a third girl. I told him I'd think about it. Mike said there was no hurry. I asked about Min. What was her story? Did she live here?

"Min don't live here but she is close by. She lived with her mother until she died. Now she lives alone. Won't nobody in the village marry her on account of how she was a yobo."

"What's a yobo."

"It's a Korean slang word for sweetheart. Us GIs call girls who get fucked for money yobos. Not prostitutes. They work for themselves or a pimp. A yobo's family gets the money. Sun-Hi's a yobo. I got her from her father about a year ago. Min was one until she got too old. Men here don't want older girls. They can get that anywhere. Yobos start at 4 or 5 years old, sometimes younger, and work until nobody will pay anymore. Then the families turn them away. Too much disgrace."

"So now she works here doing chores and cooking. Does she fuck too?"

"I did her a few times but it was no fun. Knowing there's really young shit out there makes her seem much older than she is."

"How old is she?"

"I think she told me she was 25."

Fuck! Only 25 years old. She looked older. A yobo's life aged you quick. But maybe I was being unfair. Maybe I wasn't a good judge of her age because I hadn't been around Asians before. I couldn't see any of her body because of the bulky hanbok but like Sun's her hair was long, reaching just above her ass, jet black with long bangs in front. They partially hid her almond shaped eyes. Min's eyes had, what I later learned, were called single eyelids. Sun's had double lids. Look it up if you're curious but Min's were more exotic looking, sexier. Her face was oval shaped with high cheekbones. Her lips were average but like most Korean women I'd seen she wore bright red lipstick. I guess I'm better at judging preteen ages. Though my taste runs towards titless chests and hairless pussies I would fuck Min if she let me.

Mike found his girls through Min. She had contacts in the business from her yobo years. I told her I wanted a young girl, maybe 6 years old. Min asked if she had to be virgin. I said she didn't have to be virgin but it would be nice.

"Virgin expensive. Maybe you like 4 year girl. Not virgin but very tight. Cost little."

That scared me a bit. That sounded too young.

"Try. If not good you get 5 year girl. I was 5 year girl."

That made my cock twitch. I could almost see her as a 5 year old taking a cock in her baby cunt.

"OK, find me a 4 year old."

"Good. I bring some. You pick."

We ate Min's fine dinner. It was a combination of American and Korean. Mike didn't like Korean stuff much but Min cooked it in a way that tasted delicious to our American palates yet still had the Korean touch. The best meal I'd had since coming here. The base chow hall sucked and the local places weren't to my taste. Man, was I glad I met Mike. In more ways than one. Mike took me back to the base and I started the paperwork to get the housing allowance. Mike called me later that week and told me that Min had something for me. We didn't talk about anything that could get us in trouble over the phone. I knew the base made recordings of phone calls and we suspected the Koreans did too. National security over there was a serious thing. North Korea had spies all over the south. Even though we weren't, we could get snagged in a trap meant for spies.

Mike picked me up that Friday after work and took me to his place.

"Min's gettin' 'em ready for you. You are going to shit. She got you 2 four year olds and a three year old. Holy shit. They are beautiful. One 4 year old is a some kind of mixed kid with brown hair and green eyes. The other 4 year old is pure ROK with long black hair and black single fold eyes. The 3 year old isn't virgin but Min says she was fucked by her 10 year old brother so her pussy isn't stretched. She checked it herself. She's another ROK but with shorter hair. A little chubby but if you keep her we can put her on a diet. There's a fee to keep them for the weekend but if we keep one they'll deduct her fee from her price."

Mike's attitude about these Korean babies bothered me. Hell, his feelings about foreigners in general bothered me. I wondered what he thought about me being Puerto Rican but he did welcome me into his home so that was a good sign. I think he was just raised that way. He spoke the words of a bigot but he didn't seem to act that way, if you get my meaning. If I was going to benefit from his pedo connections and lifestyle I had better learn to keep my mouth shut. The diet thing really bothered me though.

"Man, I hope you aren't talking about starving her."

"Shoot, no. I mean feeding her healthy stuff. Some of the poorer families feed unwanted girls unhealthy shit. They gain weight but not much nutrition. Min will feed her right. You shoulda seen Sun-Hi when she first got here. You could count her ribs. You seen the way she looks now. Tell me we don't take good care of my girl."

"Hey man, I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything by it. I just didn't know......... you know?"

"Don't sweat it. Whichever baby girl you pick she'll be better off with us than with her own family. Just fucked a lot that's all."

I don't know. The way he said it just cracked me up and we were laughing all the way to his place.

Min greeted us at the door. She was wearing a short terrycloth robe.

"I give yobos bath. Come and see."

We followed her to the bathroom where there was an oversized Jacuzzi tub. It was handmade not like the fiberglass ones you see today. Made from cement with tiles on the outside and painted on the inside, it had seats built into the corners and a waterfall as the faucet. The 3 babies were in the water splashing and swimming already. Mike was right. They were gorgeous. Asian custom is to wash and rinse before entering the tub for a final rinse. Today they have hand held shower massagers to rinse with but then we had sponges and a big bucket. The bathroom floor was slightly sloped and had a drain. Min had set up 2 stools for us to sit on and fresh water in the bucket between them. She undressed Mike first. This wasn't meant to be sexy. It was just preparing for a bath. When he was naked she started on me. Once I was naked I sat on my stool. I had no clue what to do so I just watched Mike and did what he did.

Min casually undid her robe and revealed a most beautiful body. Her tits were full and round but not so big that they sagged. The sat high on her chest with a definite crease underneath. They touched each other and there was no gap between them. They made a perfect cleavage. Her areolas were very dark in contrast to her light skin. I wouldn't call her pale. More like a very light golden color. The stereotype of the yellow skinned Asians came to mind but what fool could ever call the wonderful color of this woman's skin yellow?

Min was slightly plump but no one could call her fat. It was just enough so no ribs showed, her hips were softly rounded, her tummy just soft. Her pussy hair was trimmed but not shaved. Not my favorite way to treat a pussy but since she didn't have much hair to begin with it looked rather nice. I could see her inner labia poking out but they weren't overly large and grotesque like other women's I'd seen. Some looked like they had slices of roasted beef hanging from their cunts. Min's labia looked just the right size to me. Min's legs were a little too short for me. The thighs and calves looked too thick. If they had been on longer legs they would have been perfect but you can't have everything.

Min moved around behind Mike and knelt down. Taking a large sponge from the bucket she squeezed it over his back and shoulders raining water on him. She repeated dipping and squeezing until he was completely wet. She then soaped him up, scrubbing every inch of his body except for his cock which he did himself. She then shampooed his hair. When done she stood, picked up the bucket and slowly poured it over his head. Mike rubbed the rinse water through his hair and over his skin then stepped into the tub with the babies.

Now it was my turn. Min got a fresh sponge and scooped the bucket into the tub. I sat on my stool while she repeated the bath process with me. I never knew those sponges were so soft. These were real sea sponges not the ones we use in America made from cellulose. Her scrubbing was strong but not rough. I could hear breathing near my ear. A few times her breasts would rub my skin. I couldn't help myself and soon I had a good sized hard-on. She gave me the soap to wash myself with, and starting with my pubes, I worked down to my balls but only lightly scrubbed my cock. I was excited and afraid I'd ejaculate if I touched it. I didn't want to cum like that. It would be embarrassing. Min noticed this and took my cock in her hand.

With a few soapy strokes she was done. It was clean and I didn't cum. She lifted the bucket and poured the rinse water over me. But I still had this hard-on. Mike laughed and said something to her in Korean. Min replied and pulled me up off the stool. Maneuvering me on the slippery floor she sat me on the edge of the tub. Spreading my feet apart Min knelt in front of me and very casually placed her mouth around my cock. Expertly she massaged it with her tongue and with the right amount of suction and head movement I soon came in her mouth. Just as casually she swallowed it and poured the rest of the water in the bucket on my cock. It was one of the best blow jobs I ever had and definitely the weirdest. She dried herself off, put her robe back on and left us with these tiny little water babies.

Joining Mike and the girls in the water I sat on one of the corner seats and just watch these girls play. The older Korean girl was bigger than the others. Not fat. I mean taller and wider. She had the greatest giggle and was very playful. She was the first to come to me. She floated over and sat on my lap. My cock nestled between her legs. I rubbed her body, exploring her chest, and pussy. Her pussy was puffy and soft. I grabbed her mound and squeezed. It felt like foam rubber, all squishy and soft. I stuck my finger inside her cunt and man was it tight. Min was right about that. I went in as deep as I could and she never winced. In fact she giggled. This girl had been fucked plenty. Maybe too much. Her large size made her look older than 4 years old. If I was going to be paying I wanted my girl to look as young as her age, not older. I'd fuck her but I wouldn't be keeping her.

Mike sent the other 4 year old over. The brown haired one caught my eye as soon as we first entered the bathroom a little while back. Her hair wasn't straight like the other two's. It had some curls. Her eyes had the double lids and were a little rounder. Her nose was definitely Asian being a little flat and wide. And her wet shiny face was a little pinker than the rest. She was smaller than the first girl. Just the right size. Thinner than the other two but not bony. I made the same inspection of her body as with the first one. No tits and I could barely feel her nipples, they were so small.

The same color as her skin the blended in perfectly. Only the water running down her chest, as I lifted her out of the water to take a closer look, revealed them to me. Putting her on my lap I ran my fingers through her cunt lips. Not as fatty and pliable as the bigger girl's but still soft. Sticking my finger into this one's cunt I found it even tighter. She gasped a little when I did and her pussy contracted around it. Much tighter than the big girl's. It was perfect. I'll be honest. I've never run across a preteen pussy that I didn't like. To me they're all perfect.

I smiled at Mike but he reminded me I still had one to go. He tossed the 3 year old over. She wasn't much smaller that the brown haired girl but you could definitely tell she was younger. More baby fat and her proportions were closer to toddler that the other two. I skipped the chest and went straight for the pussy. Incredibly tight. There was no way this girl could take a man's cock yet there was no hymen and only a slight reaction to my finger. I turned her around and tried her ass. It too was unbelievably tight. My finger got more of a reaction from her as she started to squirm and kick.

I liked that. I decided to try her out first. Had to. She was a 3 year old. When would I ever get a chance like this back home. When would a 3 year old ever come knocking on my door and ask me to fuck her? What American parent would let a 3 year old out of their sight long enough for me to stick my cock inside their precious baby girl? Yet here in Korea was a naked little 3 year old brought to me for the sole purpose of fucking her senseless.

"How do I do this. Do I use vaseline? Soap?"

"Nah. Just aim and fire Buddy. Point your cock at the hole you want and push. She ain't no virgin. She ain't even a little girl. She's fuck meat. Listen, if you worry about them or see them as sad little victims you can't do what we do. It ain't right what we do but we do it anyway. Like I said, they live better with us than with anyone. We just fuck them is all."

In his harsh way he was right. I couldn't have a conscience and do this. And I had to do this. It was in me. Part of the dark side of my soul. I had to fuck little girls. That was all there was to it. I put the tip of my cock between her tiny cunt lips and pushed her down. Tight wasn't the word for what I felt. There is no word for what I felt. She was impaled on my meat. She thrashed and splashed. She kicked. She cried. It was wonderful. Her attempts to escape were useless. She was glued to my cock. I even let go of her. She still couldn't remove herself from the hard rod in her pussy.

Her movements were jerking me off and I soon came in her tiny womb. It didn't feel like there was much actual cum, Min took a good share of it before when she sucked me off, but it was enough to lube her cunt and allow her to free herself. It was incredible and not the last time I would fuck her this weekend but I didn't think I'd be keeping her. She was too much a baby. Not my ideal body type. Plus she knew absolutely no English. Not even the simplest words. The other 2 knew at least a few words. Enough to communicate.

Mike had the other 2 in his lap. I could tell he was diddling their pussies under the water. "Giggles" was kissing his neck and "Brownie" just sat there with her eyes closed.

"Mike, you want to trade 'Tiny' here for 'Brownie'?"

"Sure pardner, it's your party. Sent her over. I'll find some way to entertain her."

We exchanged playmates and I sat Brownie on my lap. It was too soon for me to get hard enough to fuck her so I put my cock between her thighs and placed her hands on it. She knew exactly what to do. I leaned back and enjoyed the feel of her small hands gripping my meat and jerking it up and down. I looked over at Mike and his girls. In the time it took me to get Brownie going He had already started fucking Giggles. She was churning up waves of water that splashed over the edge of the tub and onto the floor. She was laughing and having a good old time. I couldn't tell if he was in her pussy or ass but I guess it didn't matter much. "Just aim and fire." While that was going on he was lifting Tiny over his head. Mike lowered her pussy on his mouth. She wrapped her arms and legs around his head and hung on for dear life.

I couldn't believe he was eating her pussy after I had cum inside her. I wasn't into tasting cum myself. Maybe the water had washed her clean but still, another man's cum in my mouth? Never. I tasted my own once years ago and hated it. Anyway, Mike was having a ball. A 4 year old riding his cock and a 3 year old sitting on his face.

Brownie had done a good job and I was hard again. I turned her so we were facing each other and put my cock at her pussy. This sweet girl put her hands on my hard dick and moved it up and down along her slit. Once she found the hole she scooted her hips forward and took me inside. She did it all. My hands never touched her. She fucked me herself with a nice slow rhythm. Tight as a clenched fist she was. She leaned back with her hands on my knees and fucked me as she purred like a little kitten.

I couldn't tell you how long she fucked me. It seemed like hours. I finally felt the shivers and knew I was close to cumming. I reached for her and pulled her to my chest. I pumped my hips and drove my cock in deep. She squealed a little with each thrust. When I finally came I push and stopped. I held her still while my balls emptied in her. It felt like a gallon though I know it was much much less. Never in my wildest fantasies had I dreamed of this. This was the one. This was my yobo.

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Uncle Pete

arousing doesn't describe well enough.


Another great story! I especially like the character development. I find myself hoping that the main character and Min end up together. I also like how the main character has conflict with Mike and his own conscience. Sex scenes were hot as hell. Can't wait for Chapter 2.

Big mess

Awesome story with great descriptions.


Holy fuck, that was HOT!! :D


Kudos, well done. Erotic and no grammatical errors (which spoil the story).

The reviewing period for this story has ended.