Published: 12-May-2013
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If you're looking for a quick fuck story go find another. There'll be plenty of it later but there are a lot of details to wade through before you get to it. I'm not a professional writer and don't use that flowery descriptive crap. This is written in plain language. It's the only way I can tell this incredible story.
My daughter never knew her mother. Lindsay died bringing Kara into the world and it's been just me and her since then. I was totally unprepared for the job of raising a child by myself. Lindsay's family was dysfunctional and we kept away from them when she was alive and I didn't see the good of introducing my little baby to them after her death. At first I got help from my parents, so I learned the basics, but they lived on the other side of the country so after a few weeks I was left alone to fend for myself. My wife and I had planned to buy a house with a proper nursery but without Lindsay's income I couldn't swing a mortgage. The life insurance would have covered the down payment but I decided to roll it into a trust fund for Kara to use for college tuition. It would be Lindsay's gift to her.
Things were difficult for awhile but I managed to rearrange my job responsibilities so I could work from home and be a full-time Dad with a paycheck. I read the Dr. Spock book along with all the others my mother kept sending. I took some of their advice and it helped but being a guy I made some of it up as I went. My apartment didn't have a second bedroom so Kara's crib sat in my mine. Having to crawl out of bed for her feedings cost me lots of sleep. I'm one of those people that takes forever to go back to sleep once out of bed. My solution was a mini fridge and a microwave stacked next to my bed. Once I heard Kara fussing I'd pop a bottle out of the fridge and into the microwave. Of course I'd still have to get out of bed to feed her. One early morning, or late night depending on your point of view, I moved Kara into bed with me. After that her feedings were a breeze. It had a side benefit in that she seemed to sleep longer between feedings when she slept with me. To tell the truth I slept better hearing her breathing next to me. It was supposed to be a temporary thing until she settled into a more reasonable eating regimen but we got cozy in our big bed and she continued to sleep with me long after the bottle was gone.
Now don't think that just because we shared a bed that anything nasty went on. For all intents we were a normal daughter and daddy. I used to sleep nude before she was born but when Kara joined me in bed I made it a point to dress in the kind of pajamas my dad used to wear when I was a kid. I even wore that "Father Knows Best" type of robe he wore over them when he got out of bed. If you knew me you'd know how out of character that was. As Kara got older I dressed her in pajamas too. Not girly nighties either. She liked the kind I wore so we ended up looking like twins.
That lasted until she was about 4 years old. Kara was and still is a very sociable little girl. By this time she had a circle of friends from in the building and out at the playground. Kara occasionally had sleepovers at her friends' homes where she noticed what they all wore. Lots of Disney stuff and pretty dresses. One day she asked me for "shiny pajamas". All our stuff was dull cotton blends. My girl wanted to shine. After that the floodgates were opened. Dresses, pretty sandals, play jewelry, ribbons and bows. No problem. I never intended for her to be a tomboy. She also wanted to have sleepovers of her own. That was a problem. I never considered our sleeping arrangement harmful but I could see how outsiders could mistake it for child abuse.
Since the urgency of buying a bigger house had passed with Kara's sharing my bed I had not done any further house shopping nor had I saved any money. I may not have had an "A Plan" but as luck would have it a "B Plan" fell in my lap. The building had a few 2 bedroom apartments vacant but no 1 bedroom places like mine. Management had a long waiting list for them and since I had only 3 months left on my lease my landlord offered me a 2 BR for the remainder of my current lease at the 1 BR rent. Naturally my rent would increase after 3 months with the new lease but it was a painless solution. Now Kara would have her own room and, more importantly, bed. The move didn't take long and after buying her a bedroom set we went about getting accustomed our new sleeping arrangements. After 6 years of sleeping together neither one of us could get a good night's sleep alone. Both of us were grumpy at breakfast and that mood would last well into the day. The only good thing was that I could finally peel off the pajamas and sleep naked again.
After three weeks of sleeping alone I woke one morning to find a little 6 year old angel snoring on the pillow next to me. Kara finally gave up trying to adapt to sleeping alone and slipped into my bed the night before. It felt good to have her so close again. Still, I knew it was wrong. It was time for a little talk with my daughter.
It started out as an innocent discussion about how daddies and little girls didn't usually sleep in the same bed together. I always talked to Kara as adult as I thought she could handle. I told her that children usually had their own rooms and that only mommies and daddies slept together in the same bed. "Why?" She couldn't understand why sleeping with me was wrong. The more I explained the deeper it got. Feeling she was too young for "The Talk" I skirted the issue by telling her that parents and children need privacy. Somewhere they can be alone, away from other people. That it wasn't a bad thing and that she would get used to it in time. Very true. After the move some decorating was in order starting with paint and furniture. Then we shopped for kitten posters, snow-globes, and other girly stuff. The decorating seemed to take her mind off her questions about the need for privacy and what that had to do with us sleeping together.
We originally moved because she wanted her friends to visit so I suggested a sleepover. Her 6th birthday was approaching and I suggested a party with her girlfriends. I told her to pick a best friend for the first sleepover to see how it went and later she could ask more friends. Kara had a friend she met in the park named Sara. The rhyming names were cute and they would try to trick people by saying they were sisters but looking at them you'd be hard pressed to believe them. Kara had my dark Mediterranean complexion with black eyes and hair. She was short like her mother with her big butt too. Sara had fiery red hair that no brush could tame. Her eyes hazel with flecks of gold. Her skin was fair with freckles sprinkled on her face and shoulders. Sara was tall too. Not just taller than Kara but tall for her age. Sara was 6 but taller than her 8 year old brother. I would sit with her mother as we watched the kids play and she would tell me how wild Sara was being the only girl with 3 older brothers.
I couldn't help but notice how tight Sara's clothes fit her. I never said anything about it but her mother mentioned it once or twice. She said Sara hated baggy clothes. When she was younger she wore her brothers' hand-me-downs and her hair was shorter. Their family resemblance was strong and Sara was often mistaken for a boy. She finally refused to wear boys clothes anymore. She said she wanted people to know she was a girl. When they went shopping Sara picked out tight tank tops, tee-shirts, skinny legged jeans, lycra bike shorts, leggings, skirts, and dresses. Her mom, whose name is Cheryl, tried to explain that she would out grow those thing s quickly and that a little baggy was OK but Sara wouldn't hear of it. She began throwing a tantrum saying that the boys always got what they wanted to wear and that they were the favorites, etc., so to keep peace Sara's picks came home. Mom said that Sara had boxes full of stuff she couldn't wear anymore. Cheryl added that Sara would wear the undersized clothes if it was left to her. She was a budding exhibitionist and loved to dress sexy like Miley Cyrus and Selena Gomez, her idols. Cheryl emphasized that Sara really didn't know what sexy was and that she was just mimicking what she saw.
I'm going to say something now that at the time I didn't fully understand. I would watch the kids, and not just ours but the whole playground bunch, running and climbing the monkey-bars and all that and my eyes always caught Sara. For some unknown reason she excited me. She wasn't the prettiest kid there. With her long legs and arms she seemed kind of clumsy. Yet my gaze always returned to her. But sometimes when she was standing still, motionless she was absolutely beautiful. She had a natural poise. It was weird. Moving, she was a mess. Still she was art. Sara must have gotten her looks from her father. Cheryl said something about family resemblance but I didn't see much of her in Sara. Now Cheryl was a knockout. Chestnut brown hair to her shoulders with blue eyes. She stood about 5 feet 6 inches and looked to weigh about 115 pounds. Her tits were B cups, probably 34s and she had a spectacular ass. Round and firm. She usually wore gym shorts and a tee shirt. I'd make a play if it wasn't for our daughters being friends. Besides she was married. Normally that wouldn't stop me but with our daughters being friends I'd hate to spoil their relationship.
So Kara invited Sara for her Birthday sleepover and were they so excited. I told them not to tell the other girls so they wouldn't feel bad. Not being experienced in the staging of birthday, or any kind of parties for that matter, I asked Cheryl for help. She suggested a pool party since my building had one on the roof. Sounded good to me. Though our new place was bigger I couldn't see how 8 girls would have enough room to run around and play games so a pool party it would be.
It was a perfect day to spend at the pool, sunny and warm with the lightest of breezes blowing. Cheryl and Sara arrived earlier than the other guests to help set up. Their arms were filled with trays of hamburgers and hot dogs. Bowls of dips and cut vegetables. I provided the buns and salads plus my skill as a burner of meat. Yesterday I picked up the cake and ice cream plus sodas and candy. Kara and I made goody bags for the girls to take home with them. Together the 4 of us decorated the pool area with balloons and party streamers. Now all we needed were guests. I had asked that they go straight up to the pool.
"The Sisters" jumped into the pool so us old folks picked loungers to take some sun as we waited. I sat down straight away but Cheryl proceeded to undress. Holy shit this woman was built. First her shorts came off revealing the ass of asses. What can I say? It was perfect. Round and high with no jiggle. Solid and firm. Perfect. It was clothed by a low cut/high cut bikini bottom. What I mean is that it plunged low in front, stopping just short of her pubic bone, but the leg openings were high on her hips revealing all of her thigh and most of her ass. Not quite a thong but as close as you could get. Then she peeled off her sweatshirt. Fuck me. Those were Phoebe Cates' tits. You know.....Ridgemont High? Encased in the barest black lycra halter top they were so firm they didn't need it for support,just modesty, though they didn't hide much.
I had to look away so not to get caught staring. Turning to the pool I locked on to Sara. She was wearing a skin tight tiger striped one piece. So tight she had to constantly pull it from her ass crack. And what an ass she had too. Not there yet but I could see it would rival Cheryl's. Then the 6 year old turned around. The tight suit had worked its way between her pussy lips. All her pulling and tugging allowed both of them slip out. It was like looking at her naked cunt. Fat and juicy it looked. Naturally there was no hair. It was hypnotic. I stared too long. Cheryl caught me.
"I knew that was going to happen. That suit is just too tight. She might as well be naked."
What did she just say? Was she crazy? How could she say that to me? I'm practically a stranger yet she's pointing out that her daughter's cunt is exposed. Not only that, she's not telling Sara to fix it. Calmly she gets up from the lounge chair and walks over to Sara. That little walk was worth an admission price. She moved like a cat. Then she reaches between Sara's legs and snakes her fingers inside the suit's leg opening and tucks her daughter's pussy out of sight. I wanted to whip out my cock and beat off right there and then. Then she turns and cooly returns to her chair. I was speechless.
At the appointed time the first of the little girls appeared. Don't ask me her name but she was very cute in her yellow and white polka dotted bikini. She was blonde with her hair done in a long braid. Being a bit of a shoe fetish I couldn't help but notice she wore a pair of white mules with 1 inch heels. Very sexy for a 5 year old. Most girls her age wore sneakers which normally did nothing for me so naturally I was surprised to be turned on by her tiny feet in those shoes. Thankfully she soon kicked them off and jumped in the pool with Kara and Sara. Her Mom wasn't much to look at wearing an old college tee and jeans. Her feet were disappointing too. She wore those horrid rubber Crocs. Orange ones no less.
As she was leaving 2 more girls showed up. A thin 5 year old brunette in a blue racing one piece, and a chubby redhead in a black two piece. They were wearing wrap-around skirts but quickly took them off. The brunette looked anorexic with bones sticking out everywhere. The opposite of the redhead who was pleasantly plump. Nice and round with a little belly but the shocker was that she had the biggest tits I'd ever seen on a 6 year old. She had cleavage for God's sake. Thankfully I was wearing baggy cargo shorts and a long loose polo shirt. I needed both to hide the hard-on I was sporting.
Their Moms were much better looking. Basically larger versions of their daughters. Nicely dressed too. They both wore the usual yuppie uniform of pastel Ralph Lauren polo shirts and jeans but there's nothing wrong with that. Form fitting enough to show off their asses and tits but loose enough not to be obvious about it. They also wore ballet flats on their feet. Thin Mom's were black but Chubby Mom had a "bedazzled" pair had a rainbow of colors with silvery threads and rhinestones. They pulled your eyes away from her thick thighs and made her appear thinner. Nice round ass too. Thin Mom's ass was a little flat but her tight skinny legged jeans pulled what she had into a nice tight package and made her look like a supermodel. Both had nice tits. Thin Mom's looked "worked on" but nice. Not the "Marty Feldman" kind with the huge space in between. Hers had nice cleavage where the tits actually touched. Chubby Mom's were natural, round and full. Their husbands were lucky men, and Daddies.
The final three ran late but when the arrived they streaked past and jumped in the pool so quickly I didn't get a good look at them. One wore a red one piece and had short brown hair. Another was a black girl with an orange top and black bottom. The last looked Indian with shoulder length black hair, and a beautiful dark complexion wearing a white one piece. She was gorgeous. They were delivered by their fathers. After checking out Cheryl they left. They barely noticed me.
The water was boiling with the 8 little girls stirring up all the waves. Once in a while one would use the diving board and the sight of their wet glistening bodies was absolutely beautiful. The cool breeze gave them goose bumps and made their nipples long and hard. The Indian girl especially. With her white suit wet I could see her pussy and aureolas clearly. So could Cheryl. About half an hour in she decided to take the plunge. She dived right in and began splashing and tickling the little girls. Her hands exploring their bodies. At least it appeared that way to me. I couldn't figure her out. Was she getting turned on by them too? I didn't get a lez vibe from her all the time I've known her. I knew she was flirting with me but the girls too or was it just playfulness?
Soon there was a lot of whispering. One by one they climbed out of the pool. They tried so hard to look innocent but I knew they were plotting to throw me into the pool. I protested. My shorts had my wallet, money, keys, and cellphone. Giving in to the inevitable I emptied my pockets and kicked off my deck shoes. That done, I raised my hands in the universal sign of surrender and they grabbed me. I didn't resist. How could I with 8 pairs of hands clutching at my clothes and pulling at me. Correction, make that 9 pairs because Cheryl joined in. Only she wasn't pulling.
She was pushing not only with her hands but with her body as well. Facing me she charged and ran her whole body at me. I braced for impact but to be honest there was no way she could shove me. All she did was mash those tits into my chest and bang her hip into my groin. She was pushing but at the same time grinding her hip against my cock. There couldn't be any way she didn't feel that. Not wanting that particular pleasure to end I pushed my cock against her to make sure she felt it. We were putting on quite the show and before it became too obvious that we were humping each other I took command of the situation by wrapping my arms around Cheryl and throwing myself backwards into the pool. Eight little girls followed.
I'd love to say that I kissed Cheryl and stuck my hard cock in her sopping wet pussy but we all know that didn't happen. It was a community pool, with building residents plus the party guests. Besides I still wasn't sure about Cheryl. Was she giving me signals or just playfully innocent? Maybe the latter, but I didn't think so.
While I rolled that over in my brain I had another problem. The girls were tickling me which wasn't really the problem. What "dirty old man" wouldn't enjoy 16 tiny hands touching and pinching his body? No, my problem was that not being a bathing suit my shorts were about to slide off my ass. Not only would my pale white ass be exposed but so would my raging purple hard-on. I tried reaching down to pull them up but between fighting the girls and trying not to drown that was impossible. Next I tried to swim away but the girls were clutching my shirt. All I could do was sink and assume the fetal position. Enough of the girls let go for me to dive deeper. Finally I was able to work the shorts over my ass and holding them up with one hand I swam underwater to the ladder on the opposite side. Climbing out with one hand was difficult but necessary. The waterlogged shorts wouldn't stay up any other way. I escaped my captors and fled downstairs for a proper bathing suit. As I changed I turned to find the little Indian girl standing there watching me.
"Can you help me please? I need to use your toilet."
Now picture this. Not 6 feet away from me is this beautiful dark skinned 6 year old wearing a nearly transparent bathing suit. I'm standing there half naked with one foot still in my wet shorts and my hard cock pointing directly at her.
"Please sir, I can't wait."
She moves closer and takes my hand. I drop the shorts and lead her to my bathroom. She completely peels off her suit and sits on the toilet.
"Thank you sir." Then a long pause. "You can watch if you like."
You bet your ass I liked.
"Would you like me to suck you?"
This was insane. This ever so polite princess was asking me to watch her pee and offering to suck my cock. I can't explain what happened next or why but no matter what, a good man shouldn't have done what I did. No matter how tempting. And I thought myself a good man. Yet I took 2 steps forward and put my cock in her sweet mouth. That's what I did. She did the rest with precious little help from me. Her hands on my waist, she began bobbing her head on it, her lips tightly squeezed it, and her tongue gently caressed it.
I was officially a child molester now. Full fledged pedophile. It didn't take long, what with all those half naked little girls and Cheryl's magnificent body dancing around me all morning, and soon I blew my cum into this gift from heaven's mouth. You'd think since she volunteered and with her terrific technique she would have swallowed but instead she let my cum dribble out of her mouth, down her chin, and down her chest and stomach. My white cum against her dark skin made a pretty picture and if my cellphone wasn't out by the pool I would have taken some. Now my brain snapped into panic mode. I wiped her clean with my bath towel. I picked up her suit and held it out so she could step into it but she just sat there.
"Aren't you going to wipe my trickle?"
I wadded up some toilet paper and she looked at me oddly.
"You don't need paper."
I must have been dreaming or something. The whole thing was so bizarre. Fuck it. I was going to prison anyway so reached between her legs and gave her pussy a good wipe with my bare hand. Now, I had cleaned Kara's pee-pee for years but this was my first real pedo pussy. Wet with pee and slippery I explored it with my fingers, even squeezing one inside her where I discover that she was no virgin. Oh for an hour alone with this girl.
"Thank you sir. I will get dressed now."
Great, I started with a hard-on, she sucks me off so it goes down and now she gets me hard again. My Indian cocksucker goes upstairs and I stay to jerk off but it's no use. I can't cum. I dress and return to the party. Cheryl greets me.
"What took you so long? Did you see Dani?"
"Dani who?"
"Dani the Indian girl. She left after you did saying she had to pee. I told her there was a bathroom up here but she said it was dirty."
"Oh her. Yeah I showed her the bathroom."
"I knew you would."
What the fuck did that mean? Did she know?
"Nice bathing suit. You going back in?"
"Maybe later. These girls must be getting hungry. Time to fire up the grill."
I proceeded to cook up the hamburgers and hot dogs while I watched Cheryl lay on her lounger sunning. She has Sara rub tanning lotion on her. I was jealous. Her little hands were all over Mommy's body. They obviously thought no one was looking but I was and I saw Sara slip her lotion covered hands under her Mom's top and coat her tits. As she worked her way down Cheryl's body I was dying. I could feel the pressure in my balls building. I looked at the pool and I could see Dani whispering to the other girls, Kara included. I turned back to mother and daughter in time to see Sara slip her hand into Mom's bikini bottom and give her cunt a good going over. That was it for me. Hidden by the big gas grill I reached into my bathing suit and gave myself a good rub. I quickly came into my hand. Extracting it I wiped it on a kitchen towel and went back to cooking. I don't know how I was going to work it out but either Cheryl, Sara, or Dani were going to get fucked tonight.
Around 3 o'clock the parents started showing up to pick up their daughters. I tried to get Kara to convince Dani to sleep over but she had no change of clothes and no pajamas. Lack of a sleeping bag was not an issue because of Kara's bed but in the end Dani begged off.
"Thank you for the invitation but I cannot stay. Next time I promise."
Scratch Dani off my fuck list. I didn't notice him that morning but it was Dani's older brother who arrived to take her home. He said something to her in Hindi and she replied.
"My sister says you were very kind to her. Thank you. I hope we meet again."
He was smiling but it left me uneasy. I wondered what they said to each other. Cheryl and Sara helped us clean up then Mom announced they were leaving too.
"What about the sleepover?" Kara wondered.
"I'm sorry sweety but all that sun has really wiped us out. Sara wouldn't be much fun tonight. If it's OK with your Dad can we come back tomorrow?"
So much for me fucking one, or both, of them. Disappointed, Kara asked me if it was OK and I said yes. It was early summer and school was out so everyday was Saturday. Tomorrow was Thursday and that was fine with me. Well Cheryl was right about the sun because after our showers we both fell asleep on the sofa while watching "Monsters Inc.".
I woke and looked down at my little Kara, curled into a ball on the sofa. I remember hearing that a cock has no conscience and I proved it that night. My sweet innocent daughter slept peacefully and deeply confident was safe from harm with her loving Daddy to protect her. That loving Daddy was so horny and frustrated that I stretched her out on the sofa, pulled up her shiny night gown, and pulled down her panty. I had seen her naked countless times before but tonight she wasn't my daughter. She was a pussy. Lord, how I wanted to sink my cock in her pussy. A pussy I had cleaned and applied baby oil to all since she was born. I prayed Lindsay wasn't looking down from heaven. I knew Kara was a heavy sleeper so I softly touched her pussy. It was as soft as I remembered.
Carefully I spread her cunt lips apart. I never really took time to admire it before but she had the prettiest pussy in the world. Her inner lips were pink and delicate. Her clit was so tiny and everything was wet with honeydew. I couldn't resist dipping a finger to get a sample. Bringing it to my nose I inhaled deeply. They say that the sense of smell is our most lasting. That once you smell something it always returns you to that place and time. I know I'll never forget her smell as long as I live. That pungent sweetness is burned into my memory forever. I then tasted it and confirmed it. She tasted like, don't laugh, Chinese Duck Sauce. I'll never be able to eat that without remembering that night.
That taste wasn't enough for me. I lowered my face down to her pussy and licked it with my tongue. Her clitty was soft and pliant like a Mandarin Orange wedge but soon I felt it stiffen. The taste of her juices began to change, turning sweeter. Even asleep she was getting excited. My cock was raging so I took my shorts off and began to stroke it. Not caring if she woke or not I knelt over her and started rubbing my cock head along her wet slit. Awake she was Kara, full of energy and goofiness but asleep like this she looked so much like her mother Lindsay it hurt.
It took all my strength not to push inside. Sliding the tip between her cunt lips would have to do. She began to stir and move her hips but I could tell she was dreaming and no way near waking. I pushed my cock against her tiny clit, stroking myself a breakneck speed. Finally I boiled over, shooting cum on her gash, stomach, and chest. I felt pleasure and guilt for what I had done but there it was. Never had Kara looked as beautiful as then with my cum splashed on her body.
I picked up my underwear and wiped her clean, then pulled up her panty and fixed her gown. Putting fresh underwear on, and picking her up, I carried her to our bed and tucked her in. Kara's eyes opened.
"Shh baby, go back to sleep."
Returning to the living room to shut things down I thought about what just happened. All that preserved Kara's virginity was her resemblance to her dead mother. If it had been Sara or Dani I would have been balls deep inside their cunts, pumping away until I filled them with cum. I knew that neither scenario was right. Why, I would have killed any man who did what I just did to Kara yet I knew it would probably happen again. I was set on a path I knew I didn't have the strength to turn away from.
The next day was peaceful compared to the one before. Kara amused herself while I worked on my backlog of reports for work. Peaceful, that is, until the doorbell rang around 5 o'clock. I open the door to see Cheryl and Sara. I was bowled over. Sara was dressed in her usual play clothes but Mom was in a short, and I mean short, black cocktail dress with a plunging neckline showing off her spectacular tits. The dress fit tightly around her ass, hugging every curve and dimple. Her legs were covered with black textured stockings with an ivy pattern. Her feet were snuggled in black patent leather pumps with 4 inch stiletto heels. Her hair was done up in a tight bun behind her head exposing her long slender neck.
On her face she wore smoky eye shadow with black eyeliner and mascara. Her cheeks had a hint of blush and her lips were colored a Black Cherry red. Her nails, the same. I'm not current on the latest perfumes but whatever she was wearing was intoxicating. She had a black and red shawl with her but draped in such a way that it lay in the crooks of her elbows and hung low behind her back. She could have used it to cover her shoulders and breasts but chose not to. More cock teasing.
Sara darted inside and the sleepover officially began. Kara had a new full sized bed in her room and the 2 girls could have slept there together but they insisted on sleeping bags and the floor. Go figure. Cheryl gave me their cell numbers and asked if 11 AM was OK to retrieve Sara. She and her husband were going to dinner and then dancing, ending by spending the night in a hotel. Pictures of her on all fours, fully dressed, with her dress hiked up over her ass, and my cock plowing her cunt raced through my mind as she yelled to Sara with orders to behave. She informed her daughter that I was allowed to punish her if she didn't. After I found my voice I told her that it wouldn't be necessary and that I was sure they'd both behave. Then Cheryl gave me her second surprise of the night. She told me that she was serious about my being allowed to punish Sara.
"She tends to push it when we're not around. Besides 'a little spanking never hurt anyone'".
In all the time we spent together in the park with the girls I never would have guessed that she went for that kind of child discipline. I took her for the "time-out" type. I was raising Kara like I was raised and that meant the occasional swat on the butt when merited but I thought I was in the minority these days. We said our good nights and she turned around revealing that her dress was almost backless except for a thin strip high between her shoulders. I was transfixed as I watched Cheryl shimmy her ass down the hall on those heels. Man, was I horny.
The "Sisters" had already started with some teeny tunes on the iPod stereo and a game on the Wii. I thought that I'd better do something before things got out of control. With Cheryl's words about misbehavior and punishment still ringing in my ears I put the music on pause and had the girls hold their game. I explained a few rules, the first being to ask for permission before using any electronic equipment. That was normally the rule for Kara and I didn't see why it should change just because there was company. The second was that only one activity at a time. Cranking up the volume of the TV to hear the game over the music would only give me a headache and convince me that this would be the last sleepover. The last was a warning to behave and do what I said or there would be spankings. Mostly a bluff on my part. I couldn't see myself actually laying a hand on Sara, and sparing her but not Kara didn't seem fair. Hopefully they wouldn't call me on it.
The rest of the evening went smoothly. They played the Wii until their arms got sore then switched to music. They put on a dance show for me which despite their choice of music, and lack of dance skills, was a lot of fun. I lost track of the number of times they slammed into each other, falling down on the floor laughing. Kara was actually a pretty good dancer for not having any training but Sara was hopeless. However, as a clown she was great. Her gangly arms and legs flaying about coupled with no sense of rhythm was hysterical and the best thing was that she knew it. She played it for laughs so I could roar without hurting her feelings. But foremost in my mind was how sexy I found her body. Dani's blow-job and wet pussy the day before made me want to do the same with Sara. The more I stared at her the more I knew that, given a chance, she'd be bouncing on my cock soon.
Granted, at 6 years old she didn't have any figure or womanly features to display but her nipples were plainly visible through her tank top. During their dancing Sara was sporting a very prominent "camel-toe". The lycra of her shorts had wedged itself into her pussy and my eyes were drawn to it. Her baby cunt was perfectly outlined and I hoped for a repeat of yesterday at the pool, where it popped out on its own. After Cheryl's sexy outfit this was a little too much for me and I started to spring a hard-on. This was getting to be a habit. I still didn't think I was a pervert, yet I had molested Dani yesterday and almost raped my daughter.
Now I couldn't help thinking about Sara's pussy. Especially after seeing Cheryl touching it at the pool. I found myself looking for it after the dancing was done. Then it was her nipples I stared at. Hard little pebbles. I wondered how hard they had to be to poke through her top's spandex so noticeably. Finally it was her ass, the one feature she did share with her mother. The lycra fit like a second skin highlighting a mini bubble butt, firm and round. I'm talking about a 6 year old girl people. How sick is that?
Soon the pizzas arrived and we set up at the table. Since they only knew each other from the park this was the first time the girls ever got to exchange histories. Kara told about her mother and life with me, but skipping the sleeping together part like I asked her to. Sara talked about her brothers and how they bullied her. We finished eating and the girls went into Kara's room to continue the female bonding ritual of complaining about the men in their lives. I cleaned off the table and looked for a way to occupy myself without thinking about the two cunts in that room.
As loud as the action is in "The Bourne Identity" I could still hear the giggles and carrying on in Kara's room. An hour later Kara came out and asked if I wanted them to take baths. I gave a passing thought to letting them skip it until Sara said that they took showers everyday at her house. So did we. I hate smelly people. I'm sure Sara's parents didn't want me to return her to them smelling like a sweaty boxer so I agreed that baths were in order.
Given the choice of showers or baths they picked showers. Kara had been taking showers for the last few months. Before that I would bathe her while kneeling by the tub. This new apartment had a separate shower stall with glass walls in addition to a tub which had a shower head. The glass in the stall was frosted but I still felt exposed when using it. The routine was that Kara used the shower in the tub and I used the stall. The reason being that I felt the controls in the stall were too complicated for Kara to use and I was scared she'd scald herself. This was the only bathroom in the place and occasionally I'd be showering when she needed to use the toilet. I'm sure she had noticed my frosted nudity at those times but she never said anything about it so gradually my discomfort faded.
I should have been a little more explicit regarding the bath time instructions. I assumed, my mistake, that they would use the tub for playing and washing then rinse off using the shower head. Suddenly I heard piercing screams coming from the bathroom;'; I ran in to find the girls huddled in the corner of the shower stall trying desperately to avoid the steaming hot spray of water. I opened the door and reached inside to shut the water off. Naturally both were naked. Crisis over, I placed Kara in the tub and started the shower for her then returned to Sara. She was still cowering in the corner, her legs crossed at the ankles, both arms out bracing herself against the walls. Her red hair was soaked and draped over her shoulders, the ends just tickling her nipples. Six years old and already striking a supermodel pose. Her baby cunt was fat and stuck out proudly. I could see that this girl was going to grow into a great beauty once she got past the awkward stage. I wrapped her in a big towel and asked her if she was OK. Sara nodded yes. As much as I wanted to touch her all over our only contact was when I picked her up and placed her into the tub with Kara.
I was frantic. This little girl was totally naked in front of me. What would she say about this to her folks? I flew out of the bathroom sweating. I paced around dazed, lost in thoughts of prison, but snapped out of it when I realized I was in Kara's room, and saw that my hand was picking up Sara's worn and smelly panties. I almost knocked myself out when I brought the white cotton bikini brief to my nose. The aroma was rich and heady. I never dreamt of doing that with Kara's but she was my daughter. Sara was fresh meat with no attachment to me. No guilt.
Smelling her cunt wasn't enough. I stuck out my tongue to try and get a taste. Maybe the barest hint but enough for now. I checked the noises from the bathroom and I could tell that they were no way near being finished. That's when I pulled my dick from my pants and started jerking off with Sara's white cotton "Hanes for Girls". I didn't recognize myself. I'd never felt this way before. I walked out of the room, crossed the hall, and found myself at the bathroom door listening to the sounds the girls were making as I stroked my cock imagining that the squeals were for me. I must have dumped a gallon of cum into that panty though it was surely a lot less. I could barely stand and had to brace myself against the wall to steady myself.
Running to the kitchen I ripped some paper towel off the roll and dabbed up most of my jism before dropping her underwear back where I found it. I should have felt like a piece of shit or at least guilty for doing what I did but those feelings never came. The only thing I felt was a strong desire to fuck Sara's tight pussy and asshole. I didn't honestly think that would ever happen but I knew what my newest nightime fantasy was going to be.
In our home bedtime usually followed showers but this weekend was special so I popped some corn and declared ladies choice of the DVDs. When the girls came out Sara didn't act upset over me seeing her naked body and I breathed easier. After the dance show earlier I was sort of hoping for an encore. Instead Kara was wearing her usual Disney night wear. Sara walked out a beat later wearing loose fitting boy's boxer shorts, complete with snap closure fly, and an equally loose tank top. A total reversal of her no boy's clothes policy. Another surprise was their choice of movie. Instead of one of the videos I brought home like "Toy Story" they picked "The Adventures of Robin Hood" from my home collection. The girls spread their sleeping bags on the floor and laying on them, made themselves comfortable on the floor of the living room while I wrapped myself with a comforter and settled on the couch.
The girls were focused on Robin and Marion whereas I was focused on their asses. The older Kara got the more she looked like her mother Lindsay. Same face and hair. As time passes I'm sure she'll grow to have her mother's same great body too. They already shared that same round ass. From the sofa I had a great view up the baggy legs of Sara's boxers. Sometimes she would spread her legs just enough for a tiny glimpse at her young pussy. Under the comforter my hand was busy stroking my cock until I came in my underwear.
It was close to midnight when the movie ended. I was exhausted from the night's activities and the pool party the day before. So were the girls and after a quick living room clean-up and the brushing of teeth I sent them to their bedroom. After double checking the locks and shutting off the electronics I went to Kara's room to say good night. When I got there it was a disaster zone. Clothes and toys everywhere but where they belonged. I was distracted by Cheryl when they arrived and didn't notice but Sara ran in with a large duffle bag filled with outgrown clothes for Kara to keep.
While I thought that was sweet I wasn't happy with them all being strewn around the room. Same with the toys. It was my policy that things be put away before playing with something else, and the room was to be picked up before bed. Though I didn't say this to Sara directly, Kara was fully aware of the rules. Kara started the clean-up but Sara said she was too tired and would do it in the morning. I reminded her of her mother's last words but that didn't seem to matter so I threatened a spanking. Sara spun around and looked at me oddly. I couldn't read her expression. She almost looked pleased.
"A spanking?", she asked as she walked over to me. I took it as a challenge and repeated that I'd have to spank her if she didn't help Kara straighten up the room. I got another of the many shocks I would get that night when Sara pulled her shorts off and bent over asking, "are you going to sit so I can lay across your lap?" What I did was more like dropping than sitting when I sat down on Kara's bed. Sara immediately draped herself across my lap with her bare ass high waiting for my swats. Kara was so surprised that she left the room and went into the livingroom.
I asked Sara if this was the way she wanted it and she nodded her head yes. From then on I was on automatic. I don't remember the exact train of events. I know that I spanked her softly at first but when I was done her ass was covered with red handprints and a few bruises. I must have given her about thirty or forty smacks telling from how my hand hurt. Another thing was that my lap was wet. Whether it came from her or me I can't say. I don't think I'd forget cumming but it could have been pre-cum. Maybe she pissed on me. I couldn't believe that it was her cum. I wasn't even sure little girls could cum.
The last thing was that my hand was sticky and smelled like pussy. Of this I was certain because when I "came to" I found my hand between her legs, my fingers in her cunt. Not inside her but close enough. What brought me out of it was her voice saying that I was hurting her. I told her to get dressed and get in her bag. I called Kara back in and told her the same.
I tossed and turned for at least an hour wracked with guilt and convinced I was a monster. It was a short restless sleep and still dark when I woke. I could feel the familiar movements of Kara rolling around in her sleep. But that couldn't be right. Wasn't she was on the floor of her room with Sara? I thought I was dreaming until I reached out and discovered her laying next to me. I rolled over to scold her for leaving her friend alone when I realized that it wasn't Kara. Leaning against my side, nestled between Kara and me was the warm sleeping body of Sara.
At least I thought she was sleeping. As my eyes adjusted to the darkness I could see that Sara was staring at me, her eyes wide opened. I'm not sure what happened next. Did I touch her first or did she touch me? All I know is that my hand was down inside her boxers massaging her pussy as she purred. I explored her pussy with my fingers, slowly probing to see how deep I could go. Not very I found as my finger touched her hymen. Sara flinched in reaction and I backed off.
I could feel her hand reaching between our bodies until it rested on my hip. From there she roamed down finally touching my now rigid cock. Wrapping her fingers around it she began to squeeze. Placing my free hand on hers I showed her how to stroke a man. I'd almost forgotten the ecstasy the touch of a woman's hand on my cock can bring. But this wasn't a woman. It was a little 6 year old girl. I would surely go to hell for this.
Sara was a fast learner. I rubbed her tiny clit and soon she began to spasm and shake with what may have been her first orgasm. As I kept massaging her pussy I suddenly felt Sara's other hand join mine. But it wasn't Sara's. It was my daughter's. Awakened by the movement of our masturbations she decided she didn't want to be left out. Climbing over Sara she took her rightful place next to her father and took over the duty of stroking my cock. A sudden rush of reality gripped my brain. It was my 5 year old daughter with her hand filled with my meat. All the years of feedings, baths, and diaper changes came crashing back. For 5 years I was the doting father doing anything and everything to care for her and protect her. That little girl was a memory now. This new girl was different. For 5 years I denied myself the pleasure of another woman feeling like I would betray Lindsay's memory but now her daughter was filling her mother's role. Flesh of Lindsay's flesh. How could that be betrayal? It felt so good, it had to be right. Yesterday's daughter was now my lover. I reached out for her and soon my fingers were dancing on her clit working to bring her an orgasm just like the one I gave her friend.
Sara wasn't done yet. While father and daughter were getting to know each other in their new roles she hopped out of bed and left the room. When she returned she was a different girl. Dressed in a black cropped tee-shirt exposing her belly and a black mini-skirt with matching thigh high stockings and black high heeled shoes looking almost like her mother did earlier. Sara walked around to the other side of my bed and stood in light from a street lamp that filtered through the window blinds. She was gorgeous with her red hair in contrast with all that black.
Where did this little girl learn how to excite men like this? She next pulled the comforter down and climbed back in bed but this time climbing over me and straddling my chest. She wasn't wearing panties and started humping me. Her pussy was still moist with her cum and I could feel its coolness on my skin. I slipped my free hand around her back and pulled her closer until her cunt was on my mouth. The taste was salty but at the same time there was a sweetness.
The taste of young pussy was new to me. It tasted like a woman's but yet it didn't. I guess it's like veal compared to beef. Same meat but sampled at different ages. Kara's stroking slowed down and I felt her shiver under my hand. Her thighs snapped open and her hips jumped as she came. I was so happy that I was the first man to please her that way. I knew there would be others in her life but I wanted to be her first in everything. I couldn't wait to teach her how to give a blow-job or ride a cock. I continued to gently rub her but she was too sensitive to touch and pushed my hand away.
I still hadn't cum and my cock needed relief. Kara was too young and tiny to take a fucking but Sara was a different story. She was still a virgin but she did have another hole I could use. She was leaning over my head with her hands on the wall grinding her cunt against my mouth when I took a finger and pushed it slowly into her asshole. Her grinding stopped momentarily but she was soon back at it. I added another finger but that didn't get much of a response. I didn't have to move them in and out much as her own movements provided the necessary motion.
Removing my fingers from inside her I pushed Sara down my chest and stomach until my cock was nestled between her butt cheeks. Sara must have known what was coming because she lay down on my chest and we rolled over together until she was flat on her back. I rose to my knees and lifted her legs over my shoulders. Too desperate to take the time to use any lube I spit into my palm and applied that to my cock head. It wasn't much and knew it would hurt Sara but frankly I didn't care. With her teasing me all day and that spanking she was partly to blame. I pushed a couple of fingers back into her ass to loosen her up and lowered myself until my elbows rested on the mattress and her knees touched her chest.
Slowly but surely I pressed my cock's mushroom against her rosebud and she finally gave way. Past the initial resistance the rest of my dick slid up her ass like it was made to fit. Sara stopped breathing for a few seconds and then started gasping for breath. I pulled out until she caught her breath but plunged back in once she did. The heels of Sara's shoes dug into my shoulders with every thrust but it felt good. Lindsay and I enjoyed a healthy sex life which included role-playing and rough stuff. Fucking Sara's ass reminded me of that. It felt like I was raping this girl which I guess I was.
I lost track of Kara during all this and when I realized she wasn't in bed with us she was all I could think of. I may have been fucking Sara's ass but my mind instantly switched to my daughter. In my mind's eye it was Kara who was under me taking my cock inside her petite body. It wasn't hard for me to do. I was intimately familiar with every inch of her body and, though I had never thought of her this way before, it was easy to visualize my cock stretching her tiny asshole. Feel her skin rubbing against mine. Smell her sweat. I knew that she would be taking Sara's place soon and the thought of that brought me over the top.
For me it begins in my legs as a tingle that turns into a shiver. That feeling runs up my spine and back down to my balls. My cock swells as the cum filling it finally sprays out the tip. Sara's ass couldn't hold it all and with every pump into her hole some leaked out. I was fucking her so hard and fast that out groins were making a slapping sound when they crashed. The sound of Sara crying from the pain brought me to reality. I hate to say it but her pain pleased me.
My attention turned to Kara again as I lifted myself off Sara, my spent cock slipping from her ass, and I went looking for her. I didn't have to go far. She was in her room doing a quick change of her own. My little angel was a flower girl at my sister's wedding the month before last and she was putting on the dress she wore then. It was a powder blue knee length dress with lots of lace and ruffles. With it she wore white pantyhose and ballerina flats. She looked like a princess. After fucking Sara my desires were taken care of for the moment but I still needed to be with Kara in some way. She hadn't noticed me when I touched her on the shoulder. Kara turned around and her dress floated around her legs, making swishing noises from the stiff petticoats underneath. Looking at her dressed like that reminded me of the wedding but she wasn't the same. Instead of radiating innocence and purity she suddenly looked to me like a phony. Twenty minutes before she held my cock in her hand. How could I see her as innocent ever again?
Sitting down at the foot of her bed, my hand still on her shoulder, I guided her between my knees. I was completely naked and in the bright light of her room Kara saw my full body for the first time in her life. Her eyes were wider than I'd ever seen as she stared at me. Stupid me, I wasn't even aware of it as I bent my head down to hers. We shared thousands of sweet wholesome kisses before as father and daughter but this one was dirty and lustful. I pushed my tongue past her lips and probed inside her mouth looking for hers. When they touched it felt electric. No sparks but there was this frantic energy.
Her tongue slithered and darted around and I found myself chasing it around her mouth. I wrapped one arm around her waist and cupped her head with my other hand as I pulled her against me. Our mouths were still locked together as she stepped closer. My cock was pressed against the material of her dress. God, I wanted to fuck her but she was my baby girl and my brain was still having a problem dealing with this new reality.
I dropped a hand down to her ass and pulled her dress up. I wanted to feel her ass and dip a finger into her pussy but unlike Sara, she was wearing pantyhose and panties. She was new to this sexy thing and dressed like she always did. I massaged her butt but that wasn't enough. Not anymore. I lifted her onto her mattress and lay her on her back in the middle of it. I rolled over so my head was between her thighs and I pushed her dress up to expose her crotch. My heart was racing and my head pounding as I grabbed the nylon covering her groin and with a sharp yank, tore it apart.
The panty was stronger but it too ripped at my hands. Now her tiny precious cunt was inches from my face. It was as if I'd never seen it before. That's because I'd never really looked at it. Before I was checking for rashes and signs of infection but now I was looking at the smoothness of the skin, the pink glow of her mound, and the dewy moistness of her slit. Just like when my tongue entered her mouth, I felt an electricity when it touched her clitty. Maybe it was the hint of urine mixed with her sweet nectar and salty sweat but what ever it was I was more excited than I could remember being with her mother.
I almost swallowed her pussy whole as I covered it with my mouth, sucking it so hard that her flesh swelled to fill it. Licking her clit and exploring the folds of her cunt I tried slipping a finger inside her fuck hole but she was too sensitive to it and brushed my hand away. After several tries I switched to her asshole which surprisingly she offered no resistance to. Using a pinky I pushed into her ass up to my second knuckle. This caused her to wiggle and squirm but didn't seem to hurt her but I could tell pushing my cock through there would be painful, maybe even damaging. Maybe she was too small to fuck but she still had another hole for me to use.
I sat up and hung my legs over the edge of the mattress as I ordered Kara to kneel between my feet. Not giving her time to think I grabbed the back of her head and pulled my angel's face into my groin.
"Open your mouth baby. Daddy has to put his penis in your mouth." Like a good daughter she did as I asked and my cock was enveloped by her hot wet mouth. Kara gagged a little, from the taste or maybe I pushed too deep, but she didn't resist. Of course she didn't know the rest of the technique so I had to move her head for her. "Move your head like this and suck on it like it was a straw. Remember how you were moving your hand before? Do that too."
Oh she was awkward and nipped me with her teeth but my cock was in my little girl's mouth. How great is that? I fucked her face slowly and gently realizing there was no sense rushing. She had years to perfect her style. I didn't want to cum in her mouth yet either because I didn't want to scare her.
Through the door walked Sara. She stood just inside the room and watched Kara and I. She was still dressed in the black outfit but in the bright light it lost some of its sexiness. The tee shirt and skirt, though both black, didn't really go together. One stocking had a run and at closer inspection they were too big for her. They must have been her mother's. The shoes however were beautiful. I admit to a shoe fetish and loved the style she was wearing.
They were Mary-Jane pumps with a thin strap across the top of her foot with a small gold buckle. No platform but they did have a thick leather sole. The heel was tapered, not thick but not a stiletto either, about 3 inches high. Slightly big on her these were most likely also Cheryl's. I tell you, this girl is meant to be a model. She stood with the look of an naughty schoolgirl, feet together, hands clasped in front of her skirt, head bowed but her eyes raised.
Sara had a certain poise and maybe grace, as long as she wasn't moving. Kara was getting the hang of it and I could feel the boiling of an orgasm starting. Like I said, I didn't want to cum in Kara's mouth so I pulled out.
"Sara, take off the shirt and skirt and come take Kara's place". As she complied Kara got upset and asked why. I told her I had something special for her. Laying back on the bed I dragged Kara up over my legs and chest finally placing her over my face.
Slowly I lowered her pussy onto my mouth and resumed eating her out. In this position my tongue could plunge deeper into her fuck hole. I used my fingers to probe her ass and play with her clitty too. I was operating blind since Kara's dress covered my whole head but I knew my way around a pussy so that wasn't a problem for me but it must've been for Kara. She lifted her dress out of the way so she could see my face and when she did she broke into a hysterical laugh.
I've never given it much thought but it must be a funny sight seeing a man's face staring up at you from between your legs, especially to a 5 year old. Watching her laugh got me laughing too until I felt Sara pick up my cock and swallow it down her throat. This girl was no beginner. Someone was teaching her. Daddy maybe? An uncle or neighbor?
Where Kara was an awkward rookie this girl was a pro. Kara was humping my mouth in time with my finger which was fucking her ass. We had graduated from my pinky to my index finger and I was pushing it deep and pulling it shallow. I could tell she liked it by the way she had her hands full of my hair, yanking on it like the reins of a bronco.
My other hand was busy with her pussy, flicking her clit around and pressuring her hymen but not busting it. I'd save that for a special night and with my cock not my finger. Kara's breathing got heavier and she was whimpering like she did after a spanking when all at once there was a flood of hot liquid in my mouth. I swallowed a little before turning my head away which wasn't easy the way she had my head clamped between her thighs.
My baby doll had cum but not only that, she had peed herself at the same time. Not being into golden showers myself I would try to anticipate this in the future. Kara was still shivering and spasming for a while after, eventually falling backwards and laying on top of me. After catching her breath she crawled next to me crying because she had an "accident".
I said, "Baby, that was no accident. You peed on my head." My laughter after I said that told her I wasn't mad and that everything was OK.
Sara had slowed down to take in the happenings between Kara and me but then dove back in with a vengeance. I got the feeling that Sara considered this weekend to be a competition. No way she could win over my daughter regardless of her superior skills. Blood is blood. That didn't mean I was going to discourage the child. She was one hell of a cocksucker no question about it but I had a change of plans. I wasn't going to waste this cum in her mouth. I was going to fuck her and unload in her cunt. I whispered to Kara to get out of that dress and put her pajama shirt on.
I also asked her to go to the bathroom and get the vaseline. When she left I sat up to watch Sara suck my meat. Her head was bobbing like a jack-hammer, her cheeks sunken from the suction. Her hand was stroking my cock along with her mouth, applying the right amount of pressure on the shaft. I wondered if Cheryl sucked cock like this. Did she teach her daughter? Kara was back with the familiar little jar and I pulled Sara up to her feet.
"Climb into bed", I ordered, "and lay back". Kara took position next to her friend as I greased up. The girls watched intently as I did so I made a point to stroke my cock as I did when I masturbated so they'd get an idea how I liked it done. For the second time that night I lifted Sara's legs up and folded her in half only this time I placed the tip of my cock at the entrance to her pussy. A few passes between her cunt lips to spread the lube and then I rammed my cock in.
Good thing it was late and I had a corner apartment with no neighbors sharing my bedroom wall because Sara's scream was shattering. I felt the resistance disappear as my cock shredded her hymen and entered her womb. Once in I held her still and tight, letting Sara become accustomed to it, before beginning to actually fuck her. I looked at Kara look at me with a shocked expression. How could I hurt her friend that way? Did she know it would hurt as much or more when it was her turn?
Putting those thoughts aside I began the ancient motions and slowly built up speed until I was fucking Sara like she was the cheap whore she was trying so hard to be. Long deep strokes, hard and fast. I could only imagine the bloody mess we were making on my daughters Barbie bedsheets but it couldn't be helped. At least this was one contest Sara would beat Kara in. Funny but that one scream was the only noise Sara made. I could hear her breathing and soft grunts but I expected more loud screaming or some crying.
Having already jerked off into her panties and cum in her ass there was no way I'd be done soon. I rose on my knees and flipped the girl into an ass up, doggy position and re-entered her from behind. Her cunt was tight as a fist but the combination of vaseline and her own lubrication let me slip right in. Normally I love this position but with the difference in our sizes the "fit" wasn't right so after a little while I returned us to our original positions. It was then that I got a close look at the little 6 year old.
Sara had a faraway look on her face like she wasn't there. Shock maybe. I whispered to Kara to give Sara a kiss to cheer her up. I must learn to be more explicit. Kara got up on one elbow, lowered her face to Sara's, and kissed her on the mouth instead of her cheek. After one or two soft pecks Kara pushed her tongue into Sara's mouth and the girls began making out. I was surprised to say the least though after this night I don't think anything could ever surprise me again. Their kissing relit Sara's inner fires because I started to feel her hips move in reaction to mine. She lowered her feet to the mattress and was lifting her hips to meet my thrusts. Sara was fucking me back. Hard.
For reasons unclear Kara broke off her kiss and began kissing Sara on the face and neck creating a trail down her bare chest to Sara's right nipple. That triggered visions of the "Sisters" together eating the other's pussy. That was it for me. The jism poured out of me in a powerful stream, filling Sara's cunt to overflowing. I was done. I had no more to give. With the final squirts I rolled off Sara on the other side from Kara. Taking my daughter's cue I kissed Sara thank you for her virginity and 2 great fucks and the three of us slipped under Kara's hot pink Barbie comforter.
Thirty minutes passed before I woke again. It was still dark outside so I tucked the "sisters" in bed, shut off the lights, and climbed into my own bed for a well deserved rest. When next I opened my eyes the sun was filtering through the window blinds and there were 2 little girls laying on either side of me fast asleep, both naked and both holding my cock. My world was perfect as I drifted back to blissful sleep.
Next thing I knew the doorbell rang. My tiny lovers were still by my side. The doorbell rang again. I couldn't see my alarm clock and had to climb over Sara to tell what time it was. The blue LCD digits said 11:09 AM. Fuck, it was Cheryl. She was at the door to pick up Sara. Her daughter was in bed under me with my cock wedged between her thighs and not a stitch of clothing on. The doorbell rang again. A quick glance around confirmed there were little harlot clothes tossed all around my bedroom. Both girls were covered with splotches of dried crusty cum.
I shook them both and screamed that Sara's mom was at the door. I barked orders for them to get cleaned up and hide the fuck clothes. The fucking doorbell again. I couldn't think of anything to do or say to get out of the massive shit that was about to hit me when I opened that door. Again with the goddamned door bell. I threw on my "Father Knows Best" robe on and stomped over to the front door. Somehow my irritation over the doorbell had overwhelmed my panic about being caught redhanded with 2 well fucked preteens. Not even bothering to check the peephole I yanked the door wide open.
Cheryl was still in her cocktail dress and more than a little tipsy.
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