Published: 20-May-2013
Word Count:
Copyright (c) 2013, Slow Quill
Anna woke with a satisfied smile, last night had been a revelation as to why those women she had seen on the internet were so keen on those fake plastic cocks. Reaching down the whole area of her crotch felt sticky, and was probably stinky too, like when Eve came round for sleepovers.
The need to pee had woken her, but she had a naughty idea, instead of the toilet she went straight into the shower, she was about to squat, but changed her mind seeing how it would feel to stand upright to pee. Seeing her brothers ever since they were tall enough to stand at the toilet had made her jealous of this convenient ability available to boys. Perhaps the hose they had was a useful addition, as much of the pee ran down her legs, though pulling back on her skin allowed her to spray the tiled wall.
Looking down at the yucky yellow puddle in the shower, Anna turned on the water, aiming the spray at the wall until it reached a comfortable temperature. She sorted through the array of bottles in the wire rack, deciding to wash her hair this morning, whether she needed to or not, as she was likely to have two visitors later that afternoon, and wanted to look her best. Eve said she might bring Romko round to visit if she could get away.
Her dad had planned to view several buildings throughout the city that could be potential sites as investment opportunities for the model's families, many of which had been found by Karl, but as he was working today, Marta said she wanted to join her dad. Her mum said she intended to spend time round at the bungalow, whether the boys went too would depend on what was happening at Eve's house.
Feeling squeaky clean, Anna used the hair dryer to hasten her routine, then dressed and tidied her room, having to hunt under her duvet to retrieve her pocket rocket, which she thoroughly washed, before replacing the batteries and stashing it with the as yet untested items in her shoe box.
In the kitchen it was just her mum and brothers, Marta and her dad had already left. By the time she had finished breakfast Eve's mum had called about Victor wanting the boys to come over to join his young cousin to play football and how they may as well come over in time for lunch as well. When Anna was asked what she was doing, she said she had stuff she needed to work on, and how Eve might pop over for a while later in the afternoon.
Going back to her room she called Eve on her mobile to see if she would still try and bring Romko over later that day, then she logged on to the TTMF as she was down for taking part in the 'weekend late night western seaboard' session. It was odd to think half way round the world it was still late Saturday night, as their members in that zone gathered round their computers to talk with the girls from the studio.
There were three other girls taking part, which helped spread the load, when they first started the Forum some of the conversations were slow and stilted as all of them had struggled to keep up with the text scrolling down the screen. She supposed it had been a learning curve on both sides, the members trying not to use slang or strange words, as she and her friends slowly gained confidence in a new language. Now on a weekly basis more girls were taking part, with newcomers mostly watching to learn how to react to some of the naughtier responses coming from their fans.
Over the past months Anna and the others realised each time slot had it's regulars, though that was blurred a bit as some avid fans tried to follow the appearances of their favourite models, keeping an eye on the posted schedule. To keep it interesting the girls sometimes made a last minute announcement of additions to the rota to add an element of novelty.
Anna recognised several of her own keen followers among those online today including, G-love, N'bert-14, P'lamore, Gary G, Mr Mustard and, Lone Cowboy to name but a few. They often had complimentary things to say about her work, with suggestions about her future sets, and they showed an interest in hearing her views on the subjects that were permitted for discussion on the forum.
Lone Cowboy always asked about Trigger, he seemed to be a keen horseman, as he was able to answer any of her questions about horses, and it was through him she learned about the differences between the common European style of riding and how it differed from the type of saddle, and use of the reins common in the USA. As always Gary G was asking if she had any two girl sets lined up in the near future. She couldn't help think the guy was a pervert, though fairly harmless, and how it would blow his mind if he ever knew about her sleepovers with Eve.
The other girls online were pulling their weight, so the conversation was lively, but didn't get out of hand. When the models spoke in their own private chat zone, the names of several members had been bandied about with the thought they might be female, at first there had been scathing comments, but over the past few weeks Anna had looked out for those names, and checked back through past logs. She was now beginning to think that those rumours had substance, and some rich adult lesbians were Platinum site members.
Her mum knocked, and popped her head in to say she was dropping the boys off on her way over to the bungalow. Anna had been absorbed in the forum, it was almost lunchtime, and from the row of little clocks on her screen, could see it was almost two in the morning for some of the guys they were talking to. Anna bade them all fair-well, teasing those still online with news that another of the models was due round her house, so she needed to change out of her nighty.
It was just a tease though as Anna had got dressed before breakfast, but all the girls liked to put naughty images into the minds of the members they were talking with. She raided the fridge for lunch, and checked to see if any of her mums cakes or pastries had survived the ravages of her two brothers. It had been a while since her mum had done any baking for the catering company, she didn't need the money, but enjoyed the challenge of a large order now and then, giving most of the payment to Nana Olga, as she would come round to lend a hand.
She had finished tidying when her phone chirped, a text message from Eve that they had finished lunch, and she was bringing Romko round to meet her best friend. From when she had seen his photo he looked okay, though Anna thought his hair was a bit too long, but it wasn't his hair she wanted to see. She rushed upstairs, apologising to Mr Bear as he got unceremoniously dumped into Peter's room, and she cleared away a few other items that might appear a bit childish to the older boy.
Anna went into Marta's room, seeing what she wanted on her sister's dressing table, she used just a couple of dabs of scent, Karl had brought it as a present, talking about it they were sure his mum must have advised him on what to buy. Back downstairs she opened one of the foreign teenage magazines on the table, wanting to appear sophisticated and worldly in front of her guest.
The boy in question was rather pissed off, not that he dare show it, his cousins house had been a nightmare with two additional kids from one of their neighbours, and now Eve wanted him to go with her to visit a friend who lived down the road, when all he wanted to do was get her alone in her room. Maybe this time he could get to play stinky finger, not that he would phrase it that way, or a least get another hand job.
He had never got that far with a girl before, and he was eager to carry on from where they left off, who would have thought snogging would get him so worked up, he didn't want to embarrass himself again. If he couldn't get her alone, he wouldn't get to touch her tits either, they weren't very big, but as one of his older mates said, more than a handful is just a waste. He was dying to tell his mates how far he had got, but if it ever got back to Eve or to his parents he would be dead for sure.
As they walked along he suggested they go across the road to the park, there were some bushes on the far side where they could make out. She shook her head and gave him a funny look, the trouble with girls is you never knew what they were thinking. He was probably stuck for the afternoon as they talked about boy bands and fashion shit, and the whole day would be a waste of time.
It wasn't like they saw each other every week, at times it could be a month between visits, but at least now he knew what it was like having a girl pull on his dick, giving his own hand a rest. That wasn't strictly true, as he now had some real experience for his masturbation fantasies. Walking up the front path her friend's house looked pretty nice, Eve had said that her friend was the same age, so he wondered if she had tits too, or was she going to be flat-chested. Wow, this girl Anna answered the door and she was quite a looker, so maybe it wouldn't be too bad spending the afternoon with a double helping of eye candy.
Anna noted the look of surprise on Romko's face, she invited them in, going through to the kitchen to make some drinks as they sat at the big table. She didn't have to make drinks as they all wanted cokes, and she gave Romko a much larger slice of home made cake than either she or Eve would eat. Feeling mischievous she waited until he was drinking the coke before she asked if he had played with any other tits these past two weeks.
He choked, cola spurting out of his nose, eyes watering as he coughed and spluttered, as a grinning Eve went to get him some tissues.
The fizzy drink had stung going up his nose like that, you just didn't expect that from an eleven year old girl you'd just met, asking whose tits he had touched in the last fortnight, his cousin must have told her friend what they had been up to when she had visited his house. It wasn't fair, she could tell her friends, but she had promised dire retribution if he as much as hinted to anyone what had happened. What good was it being a stud if he couldn't boast to his mates. As if reading his mind this Anna quizzed him, wanting to make sure he had kept his mouth shut, saying how bad it could be for guys who blabbed.
She and Eve hadn't talked in detail about the possibility of getting Romko to themselves, for it hadn't been certain what would happen today. Boys were so easy, she could read his face just like her little brothers, and despite being two years their senior his thinking was very immature. They double teamed him, leaving him in no doubt that word would reach the girls in both his neighbourhood, and his school, if he were to be indiscreet, and how no one would date him for the next hundred years. Anna also gave a sight hint how those same girls might hear news on the grapevine about the guys who could be trusted.
Until his recent encounter with Eve, he would never have guessed girls two years younger than him could know so much stuff, Eve had taught him loads, and he didn't dare ask where she learned about kissing and wanking, or how many cocks she had seen before. If she didn't want to tell him, he wasn't going to piss her off by making an issue of it, but he suspected her friend was an experienced girl too. If he played his cards right he might even get to snog her friend, but with two of them he felt outnumbered, he had felt that way with just Eve, and that had been on home turf, in his own room!
He watched as Anna chucked the cans, putting the plates in the dishwasher, girls were always doing that, tidying up, but he had no clue how they wanted to spend the afternoon, the best he could hope for was they wouldn't make any more jokes at his expense. He did see the magazines she picked up were the same foreign stuff Eve liked, what was the point learning to speak the language of people you were never going to meet, he'd noticed young Victor and his two neighbours were also using a lot of foreign words, so his brother Kiel was asking what they were talking about.
When they started whispering behind cupped hands, he wondered what the hell they could be planning, but they said there could be a board game or something they could play up in Anna's room. Eve's family was better off than his own, not that they were poor, cause his dad had a good job, but his dad's sister had married well, and her friend's house was also impressive, he guessed having even more bedrooms. As soon as they entered the room there was this girl smell about it, and his dick started to react, that was all he needed.
The idea had suddenly struck her in the kitchen, Eve had instantly agreed, stating they were dressed ideally for the occasion as they were both in skirts and loose tops. Reaching into her closet, her eyes alighted on the shoebox tucked under the bottom shelf, but that wasn't the box she had in mind, this one had lain undisturbed for some weeks. Now with three people, one of them being a boy, the situation was perfect. Anna unfolded the mat, explained the game, then said Eve and Romko could go first.
Seeing the cover on the box made his dick harder if that was possible, to get all close and personal, and to have the excuse it was all down to the spin of a pointer, he had never played Twister before, but he was looking forward to the possibilities it presented.
Anna operated the spinner for them in turns, paying more attention to the choices Romko made in positioning himself in relation to Eve, several goes into the game he found a move that put his head close to her thigh where he could stare right up her skirt. Though his jeans were on the baggy side, the way he had stretched to achieve this view had pulled the fabric tight, so she could see the outline of his hard cock.
Romko couldn't believe how good this game was, he only wished he owned one, though getting a girl into his bedroom to play it would be the biggest obstacle. His face was up close to Eve's thigh, so close he could count the stitches on her underwear, not that he was looking at the stitches, it was the shape of her minge he was looking at, forming a groove in the thin cotton that separated him from actual real live girly parts.
He heard Anna call out Eve's next move, worried that it would take away the view he was trying to imprint on his memory for a jerk off session later. As her right arm stretched out to grope for a green circle, she lost her balance falling, landing on him. He was now in an amazing tent formed by her short skirt, the area of his intense scrutiny was now pressed against his face, and he was breathing in an odour like no other, he knew instinctively what it was, and it wasn't fish like he'd heard of in the locker room. Despite his discomfort with one arm trapped under his back, he was disappointed when Eve got up, he wished she could have stayed there all afternoon.
"Well as Eve lost that round, the winner stays on, and I get to have a go."
Standing up now heaven had moved off his face, he was mortified to see both girls looking at his obvious sign of arousal. Just then Anna spoke again.
"Don't cover it up, there's no need to be embarrassed, it's not like we haven't seen a guy with a woody before, come on let's play." Anna was pleased the way she came across, so casual, like erections were an everyday event.
Eve was still feeling flushed at having Romko's face pressed against her moments ago, it was only Anna making desperate hand signals that made her relinquish her position. Now it was her turn to run the game, while Anna had some fun. As she called out the moves, it was becoming apparent Romko had at last caught on, neither she nor Anna were setting any limitations on what would normally be deemed appropriate behaviour, this was like sardines, but without the anonymity of a dark cupboard.
Romko looked at the choice of two yellow patches where he could put his right hand, with a grin he picked the one that would bring his arm in contact with Anna's chest, as it had been difficult to tell how developed she was with the baggy top she was wearing. He tried to make it look accidental as his upper arm rubbed across her body, coming into contact with the small swelling mound, wondering if that counted as copping a feel, as it wasn't actually his hand groping a girl's tit.
It almost felt as if she were pressing back against his arm, but maybe she was just trying to hold her balance, waiting for Eve's next call. Shit - left leg to blue was bound to spoil his fun as she would be able to raise her tit off his arm, but she didn't go for the obvious spot, she went for the next one on that meant she could escape even further. His mind went blank, all he could register was Anna's cute backside was now pressed against his dick!
Eve could see the look on his face, it was priceless, as she could see Anna was pushing back and forth against the bulge in his jeans, making her think whether to call the next move or delay a bit longer while Anna tormented him. When she called out Romko's move for the second time Anna pulled away, giving him a chance to engage his brain. Both girls were grinning at the boy's discomfort and frustration during the game, as turn and turn about they were merciless in their endless teasing.
The constant excitement was a torture in itself, pressed against the bodies of two hot girls, as each time he seemed to win, thus stay on for the next round. The Y-fronts he had on were sporting a damp patch from the pre-cum that had been leaking from his dick that had been hard from the time they started playing. He felt twisted like a pretzel, once again on the mat with Anna, and it was her turn to move, facing upwards, he couldn't determine the position she would move to when Eve called out her instructions.
He watched mesmerised as her leg swung over his head, the view of her panties zoomed in as she came closer till he was staring at the camel toed cleft right in front of him, the outline of her gash the sole focus of all his senses. He could see a darker patch centred between her legs, an unmistakable dampness, and at such close quarters the same odour he had detected with his cousin, but in some way subtly different.
Anna could feel his rapid breath on the sensitive skin of her inner thighs, winking at Eve she slowly moved closer until the thin cotton was the only division between her pussy and Romko's face. She mashed herself against him, hearing a groan as he finally collapsed to the floor.
He was drowning in her scent, the damp cotton, the soft flesh underneath conforming to his nose and mouth as she pressed closer, or was it him moving, he couldn't say. All he could smell and experience was GIRL. All he wanted to do was burrow through the thin layer of fabric, heaven a millimetre away. He felt overcome suddenly weak as his arms gave way, and he dropped to the mat, still looking up at that magic place.
Anna got up the victor, standing next to the vanquished boy, as Eve joined her they high fived, looking down at Romko, both well aware of the birds eye view he had up their skirts, deliberately standing with their feet apart.
Anna's scent seemed ingrained in his skin, looking up both girls stood over him, a dream view he could never imagine happening in the playground, as the two girls talked about him as if he wasn't even there. First his eyes and nose, and now he couldn't believe his ears, listening to their discussion of what they might do next. He didn't care, he was willing to go along with any of the ideas they were talking about, it was just too much thinking about how experienced these two girls were, and how he might benefit from that.
Eve's adventure with Romko at his house, pretending to be so mature and experienced, had given her the upper hand, even though all their knowledge was either second hand or through their research on the internet. In their brief talk about the possibility of getting the boy to themselves, it was clear they wanted to reinforce their position of superiority, to be in control, and not let the situation get out of hand. Eve was quite willing to share her older cousin with her best friend, so she could also gain some first hand experience with boys.
With their test subject prone on the floor the two girls stood there well aware of the view they were presenting, egging one another on with plans of what they could do now they had finished with the Twister game.
"Hey Eve, didn't you say his cock was quite a respectable size for a guy his age? Maybe if he strips off we could play some more grown up games, that is if Romko isn't shy."
Up till now it had only been nervous tension and uncertainty that had prevented Romko from having an embarrassing accident, but at the insistence of the two girls he was stark naked, and now to his shame his dick started to wilt.
Thinking back to their talk with Marta, the two girls realised it was due to his anxiety, with an unspoken look both girls took off their tops, and witnessed an instant resurrection. Anna speaking for both of them laid down the ground rules, that they could touch him wherever they liked, and for now he could only touch them above the waist, stressing that might change, if not today, then on some later visit - if he behaved himself.
On her visit he didn't get a good view of Eve's small tit's, as it was too risky her getting undressed, but they had been the first he had ever touched. He was now looking at two girls with their tops off, four tits, two pairs, okay, not more than shallow cones, but better than his mates, for he was sure most of their stories were a total load of shit. At least Eve wasn't making him sound like a complete dork in front of her friend, saying he didn't have a load of experience with girls, where she knew it was almost zero until two weeks ago. Now he was touching two tits at once, one from each girl.
"As you're touching me there, don't you think we should at least kiss, and get to know one another better; you know how to kiss don't you?"
Romko was glad of what Eve had taught him, and it seemed Anna was no stranger when it came to kissing, he wondered if they had current boyfriends, and which lucky lads had taught them all they knew about guys. French kissing with Anna was getting him so hot, and he was still touching both girls, when suddenly on his left Eve was nibbling his ear and kissing his cheek. Anna pulled away and Eve took her place, damn that was hot the two girls swapping him between them.
His next shock came as Anna grasped his dick, and pushed him onto his back. With a girl kneeling either side of him she slowly jacked him off, getting him to open his legs so they could take turns playing with his nuts. After being at a high level of excitement ever since the game of Twister had started, he knew this wasn't going to last, and as if reading his mind Anna began speeding up her wrist action. He gasped and moaned as shot after shot spat out of his dick, his hips coming up off the bed, unbelievable, amazing, so much better in every way than when he did it himself.
Like Eve had said kissing a boy was different, and like she said it was unfair trying to make comparisons, but it was hot making out with the older boy. When she held her first proper cock; she didn't count bathing her little brothers, it was as if she had electrocuted him the way he jumped out of his skin. That was another thing the way the skin moved on it was weird, like it was separate from the middle that was all hot, hard, and throbbing, as if you really could take a boys pulse by holding his cock.
From all she had learned, it was obvious he was close to the edge, Marta had said it took experience and training for a guy to last longer. Anna quickly saw the signs that Romko was about to cum, so sped up just at the end, careful with her aim, not wanting his stuff all over herself or her duvet cover. She watched his semen shoot up in the air to arc down and splatter on his chest and stomach, smiling broadly and trying not to show her surprise.
She had been split between watching the fountain of cum, and the strange expressions on his face, bigger and clearer than the tiny video clips she had seen from the internet. On his skin she studied the results, his semen looked to be a mix of clear and milky fluid, the last of it had dribbled down his cock coating her hand, sticky and slimy, odd to think this was the dangerous stuff that could get a girl pregnant. The stiff spike of flesh she had been holding moments before now lay there almost flaccid leaking remnants of his boy juice, the small bush of hair around his cock held strings of cum like garlands on a festive tree.
Anna felt a sense of achievement, in the way this had been her first proper encounter with a real live cock, a grown up guy, but it had been rather mechanical in that it was just a bit of fun. She had no feelings for Romko, it wasn't like being with Eve who was her best friend, the joy she felt from bringing Eve pleasure was a reward in itself. In a way this had been another experiment, not measuring the slow advance of pubic hair this time, but the behaviour and reactions of a teenage boy.
Jumping up from the bed Anna said she would get a wash cloth from the bathroom, bearing in mind what she had heard about cum, Anna wanted to try a bit unobserved while the stuff on her hand was still warm. She lifted her hand to sniff it before taking a tentative lick, salty, bitter, she had to agree with Eve, Marta could have her share as well.
Later that afternoon he found himself walking back with Eve to her house, remembering his earlier thoughts that it would be a wasted afternoon - It had been the best day of his life! Between them the two girls had got him to cum three times, if anything his dick was feeling a bit tender, after the first time they let him suck their tits, and he had got hard again straight off, so they said they would wank him again. They had taken turns, even if he told anyone, nobody would believe him that two girls were playing with his tackle, as he got close to cuming that second time, they had backed off, then started up again several times really making it last.
He thought he was done in after that, and could have had a nap given the chance, but then they started whispering, and he knew they were up to something. They were, they took their skirts off, and he could see both had a dark wet stain on their panties, but they wouldn't go any further and take them off too. With a girl laying there either side of him, his hands on them, and them kissing and touching him, his dick didn't remain asleep for long.
The third time had been almost painful, and his nuts hardly had anything left to give, just a few tiny spurts, but once again Eve had said it wasn't bad for a guy of his age, which made him wonder about how old some of their boyfriends might have been. They had left him in no doubt that a repeat performance, and possibly more was down to his discretion, and he swore to take the secret to his grave. Then the two girls came up with an 'official' list of the things they had done that afternoon, which board games they played and how many times each of them had won.
Back at Eve's house they had supper joining in with all the family chatter, and Romko discovered that the two young visitors were Anna's little brothers. At one point when he was helping sort out the ravages of the back garden, his dad had a quite word, thanking him for spending time with his younger cousin and her friend, stating it may have been a bit boring for him to have to play their childish board games, but in a few years time his view on girls would change.
Romko just nodded at his father's wisdom, unable to think of a reply that wouldn't drop them all in it. That night he didn't have a wank at bedtime, there was no need, he fell asleep straight off, with a contented smile.
To be continued in Chapter 71
Anna's top three fans are lurking somewhere in the text - you know who you are! Talk about f****** SLOW, 70 chapters until young Anna gets a handful of cock. The next chapter revolves around her her big sister, warning - it may contain nuts.
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