A New Model Is Discovered, Part 37

[ g, fm, rom, fant, exhib, slow, pet, oral, fet ]


Published: 5-Nov-2012

Word Count: 3880

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Story Summary
N.B. Spellings (when correct) are in UK English. You may download and save a copy to your local disk for personal use only. My payment for this privilege is feedback. If you save my story, please take the time to send me your thoughts. If you are making money, out of it I want my cut. All the characters in this story are fictitious, any similarity to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. The author does not necessarily condone or endorse any of the activities detailed in this story, some of which may be illegal in certain jurisdictions. It is possible this story may have been inspired by rumours, or news stories from various eastern block countries where certain girls may for a short while have enjoyed a change in circumstances, until other parties interfered, but don't bet the farm on it. I'm adding (for legal reasons) that apparently if you're under-age you mustn't read this, so if that's the case go away and grow up.

N.B. A note to any of our American cousins who may be following this outlandish fantasy tale. In some of the following chapters there may appear to be a negative attitude to some US institutions, or cultural icons. It's a story - get over it. This is just illustrating a reflection of how the attitudes and world media coverage in some countries portray the USA. On a personal note I get along fine with most folk, but in general I have no interest in local political machinations, and even less interest in world politics (or sport) - my only fervent hope would be for less conflict in the world - as young girls might get hurt.

Copyright (c) 2012, Slow Quill

Marta Has Plans For Karl

For some time Marta had wanted to advance her practical education, but circumstances had conspired against her, either her period, the lack of a suitable venue, and now the increasingly cool weather. When she had discovered this morning that her mum would be out with her brothers, then that Anna and Irisha would be shopping, she phoned Karl to see if he could leave work early. Boys could be so easy, she had given herself half an hour before he was due to turn up, and he was told to be on time, not to be early or late.

Karl fidgeted on the park bench, ignoring the chill in the air, checking his watch yet again as the hands crawled slowly round, the newly brought packet formed a lump in his pocket. He had been to three chemists until he found one with a man behind the counter, and even then it had taken all his courage, catching his reflection on the way out he could see the red blush, which only made the experience worse.

He and Marta had talked, opened up since she first acknowledged she knew the effect she had on him, that had been weird and embarrassing too, but she had been up front about what was or wasn't on the table - at least for now anyway. In all likelihood the rubbers in his pocket would remain unopened for the foreseeable future, but he wanted to demonstrate that he was being responsible whatever the outcome.

Marta would have liked a bath, but she couldn't be sure how much time they had, so she was playing safe, a quick shower, a hint of body mist, and fresh clothes, she couldn't believe the state of her panties that had gone in the hamper, as she had been anticipating this nearly all day. Dried and dressed she checked her make-up as Valya had taught her, subtle, not even quite masking the marks, just made less noticeable, and it was thanks to Karl that it no longer dominated her self image. He deserved thanks for that alone.

Deep breath, ready, she checked her room then went down to the study to set a scene, to cover the real reason she had invited her boyfriend over. Laptop, books and magazines spread across the table, then two glasses with a little squash in each, yes that would look as if they had been busy - then the doorbell rang. Marta felt her heart pounding in her chest as if it were trying to get out, another deep breath, calm thoughts, no it didn't help.

Could you die from palpitations, get a grip, be cool, as much as Karl tried to rationalise he was the older boyfriend, and must therefore take the lead, he knew who ruled when it came down to the physical side of their relationship. He had been told by wiser heads that pushing a girl would inevitably lead to disaster, and he liked having a girlfriend, even if for the moment that was restricted to snogging and the odd grope of her amazing tits.

At last the door opened.

"Hi Marta."

"Hi come on in."

Both teens seemed hesitant, stilted, now unsure, Karl wondering if he had read too much into the invitation, Marta seeing the play of emotions, worry, and uncertainty, reached up and kissed him, noses nearly colliding despite this being common ground between them. The fake confidence she had once used to cover her insecurities was now mostly replaced by the real thing, as they pulled back she smiled, telling Karl she wanted to show him her room, seeing what could have been a flicker of panic,she made it plain there were limits, as she wanted to learn more about boys - but not all at once!

His cock that had been perhaps half hard due to fear or anxiety, now made it's presence felt, trapped in an uncomfortable position as he watched the flex of Marta's bum under the short tight skirt, and her great legs as he followed up the stairs, the throbbing in his pants matched by that in his temples. It was a lovely room, all the better with just the two of them in it, so why now did his anti-persistent start to fail, he felt so hot.

Marta had been so worried, but she had been told what to expect, apparently older guys were never much good at passing down useful advise to younger guys, more likely to be boasting than helping their younger friends, was it any wonder boys were so clueless.

"Karl don't faint on me here, come and sit down so we can talk."

She lead him to sit on the bed sitting a little apart so they could turn looking at each other. "Listen carefully big boy, today tab A isn't going to meet slot B." she said smiling as she pointedly looked from the tent at his crotch then down at her own lap. "But I would like to meet him."

Karl swallowed hard, Wow Marta really wanted to see Karl junior, he just hoped he would meet her expectations, and that his wayward trouser-snake didn't make a sudden mess.

Marta had thought how amusing it was when she was told that guys often thought of their appendage as an almost separate entity, even going so far as to give them names, but Valya swore it was true. Her mum later confirmed it, and though tempted she refrained from asking what her father called his penis, that was another thing, men didn't like that medical term, they preferred cock or dick, anything but penis.

"Let him out, he looks cramped in there."

This was unreal, looking she nodded her head, she meant it, releasing the button, he lowered the zipper, "Lift." Marta was on the floor and his jeans were round his ankles, as she grinned at his tented boxers. "Them too."

Do not wake up, I'm sitting here with my knob out as a girl sits on the floor in front of me with her elbows on my legs as she stares at junior, this is Wow!

Marta studied her first real live cock, well the boys didn't count they were little wiggly things for peeing out of, this was a real grown up one, armed and dangerous, and by the looks of things ready to fire. It was natural or uncut as she had read, it looked thick to her and maybe about 14cm long, and he had dark crinkly hair around the base and on his scrotum, no boys liked to say balls or nuts. As she watched she could see the veins standing out as it throbbed in time with his heartbeat, and a thin clear liquid beaded then ran down to cover the purple head; pre-cum it was called.

Karl watched Marta, to think this lovely girl found his cock interesting, the way she carefully studied it from all angles, god she just licked her lips, his cock gave a bounce, then her hand reached out and STOPPED. No! Looking up she asked if he minded.

"It's all yours, but I don't think I can hold out very long if you hold me, I might er, you know, well, it could get messy."

It bounced again as she grasped the firm pole in her hand, it felt weird, the sleeve of skin moved up and down like she had been told, but here it was in the flesh, and it was hot, as her hand moved more pre-cum flowed over the folds of skin to wet her hand. All the things she had been told faded in the moment as she focused on this rigid male cock, but the movement of her hand as it slid back and forth elicited groans and inarticulate noises from Karl, making her smile.

Knowing what to expect, when he warned her of his approaching climax she speeded up, and was rewarded with several strong pulses of white, that flew up, to come down on her arm and his thighs. As the volleys dissipated she stripped out the last of his seed with a slow gentle milking action aware he would be sensitive after shooting his load. The remnants of his ejaculate ran down over her hand, gloopy between her fingers, as she looked closely at the splatters of viscus liquid that had been sprayed about.

She had caught his expression as she had followed the arc of sperm into the air, it was like some sort of grimace, and the odd noises, but now he looked goofy and relaxed with a crooked smile on his face. In her hand the once tumescent pole was now like a slowly deflating balloon, as she let go she raised her hand to look closer at her first encounter with sperm, and took a sniff, almost tempted to taste this new phenomenon, but she could see Karl was watching, and suddenly became shy.

Like a girl scout she was prepared reaching for the box of coloured tissues on her bedside table, she mopped up the mess as best she could but it was sticky adhering to skin and clinging to his pubic hairs. Marta suggested they go to her bathroom to wash away the sticky remnants of his recent hand job, and being still in a daze nearly tripped over with his clothing around his ankles.

When Marta had stopped with her hand mid way, he nearly screamed, thinking she had a change of heart, then asking if he would mind - as if, her hand was so small, delicate and hot around his shaft, the first girl to hold it, he nearly blew right then. He calmed down as she didn't start stroking straight off, as if she wanted to study it some more first, like some sort of specimen. He wished he could have lasted longer but the sensations were too much, her look of concentration as she bit her lip, and her soft skin, it was impossible.

It was his best cum ever, if that was as far as she was prepared to go for now he was not going to complain, he was one happy camper, and she had seemed fascinated with the results of her efforts, at one point he thought she was going to taste his spunk, but then she got all coy.

He felt foolish nearly tripping over his jeans, sitting back down he kicked them off, feeling odd as he was lead to the bathroom bare from the waist down. Soon Marta had them both cleaned up, his cock hadn't been washed by anyone other than himself since he was a young boy, and he liked it revelling in the sensations, he looked up and saw a pair of stained panties hanging, caught on the edge of Marta's laundry basket - instant wood!

Noting a sudden reaction she followed his gaze, well her experiment worked, hearing these things, or seeing them on the internet was interesting, but she wanted to see if they were true, she had left them posed like a set dressing, only a little concerned he would be grossed out, but no, apparently S.M.R, Standard Male Reaction from what she had heard, and now QED. (Quad erat demonstradum - Thus it is proved by demonstration)

From the noises, his reactions and then his praise and thanks afterwards she had a fair idea Karl was one happy boyfriend, and they still had at least an hour or more free and clear without fear of interruption, feeling bold she lead him back to her room by holding on to that she had just cleaned, proving that men were driven by their stomach or their cock.

Returning to the bed Marta felt the incongruity of the situation, sitting with a naked boy with his bits all on show while she was fully dressed, head down she demurely asked if she had a happy boyfriend. Karl said she had an ecstatic boyfriend, then hesitantly asked what he could do to make her feel the same way.

Well that was a good sign, not being selfish, so Marta asked if he would like to remove her top so he could see what he had caressed previously, with slightly shaking hands her blouse was soon removed, followed by giggles as he valiantly struggled with his first ever bra clip. Kissing him on the nose she turned her back to him so he could work out how to release the devilishly simple device, that is, when you could see it.

Marta's amused grin transformed as Karl began to worship her breasts, that was the only term she could think of as he delicately traced the contours and the details of each nipple, gently squeezing, checking that his touch caused her no distress. When he asked if he could kiss or lick her beautiful breasts Marta was quick to reply, this was so much better than playing with them herself, and it was making things happen down below - Oh god she could smell herself!

These were the best toys ever, screw computer games, he could play with these for hours on end, soft but firm, the skin so smooth with the cute rubbery tips in a little island of darker skin, responsive to his fingers causing a groan or sigh, chasing around the tiny raised details with his tongue and lips, no wonder babies felt so at home, they were just incredible. He now became consciously aware of a feminine essence, he breathed in deeply, how long had this scent been in the air, something that he instinctively knew was female arousal, drawing him to want to get closer, a greater skin contact between them as if they could become one.

Marta was so close, just a little more, near but not quite, yes, yes,.... No it wasn't going to happen, the slow upward climb had been heaven but she needed something extra, dare she allow one more intimacy?

She had to call his name a few times, had he first thought she was in the throws of climax?

"Karl I got to play with you, so if you want you can,... you know,..touch me there."

The boy looked dumbstruck, with his neck arched to look in her eyes, the wet area on her breasts cooled, tingling, but the feeling was nothing compared to the sensations between her thighs, she needed to get off in the worst way, she couldn't ever recall things being this intense.

Karl scrambled off as he had been lying partly across Marta's body, she's undoing the skirt and taking it off! The skirt was tossed aside her only garment the tiny pastel blue panties, his eyes were riveted to the growing damp patch where the gusset indented along her furrow.

A lacy white border around a sea of light blue with the darker blue centre filled his world, then her hips lifted, her hands hadn't moved, it was an invitation, an unveiling, of a new mystery, his first ever real live pussy. It didn't matter how many pictures he'd seen, now it was real, 3D, surround sound, all senses at the max, be still my shaking hands, what the hell was that a quote from, get a grip she's waiting.

His fingers inched below the the narrow sides, he wanted to tear them off, at the same time he wanted to lower them slowly like some flag at a ceremony, the sacred unveiling of his girlfriend's pussy. As the flimsy fabric descended slowly serried ranks of fine almost straight pubes began to appear, then a bump with grooves either side that once again joined to define the hood of her clit.

He knew all the words it was the experience he lacked, the skin was plump either side of that line, indented, that defined her sex, as his hands continued the triangle had now inverted, this one as stained as the one in the bathroom, but a fine line of wetness for a moment stretched to hang on to the fabric as if from some fine web before parting as the panties moved on.

Her thighs parted a little to ease their passage, in passing he saw her toes, the nails painted, cute, sexy, both. Her legs parted, unashamed, inviting, he lay there his fingers explored the folds, grooves, shapes, his head swam, he was on overload, drawn closer. He was out of his depth, uncharted waters for she was certainly wet, no doubt of that, he wanted to move the lips apart to view inside, should he ask or just go for it, would she think him crude, why couldn't girls come with a manual like any other complex device?

The waiting, she was going to scream soon, he looked up like a lost puppy. not sure if it had misbehaved. "Look all you want, explore, you wont hurt me, well providing you don't try and get your hand in there, oh and no cocks either OK?"

Marta lay back almost letting out a giggle thinking of the last time she was explored by the gyno doctor, she had wanted to die, the embarrassment, but this wasn't and she didn't know why. Oh, that was good, gentle, exciting, his fingers all over, and then it's like she's an instrument, and he's learning the notes, making up chords, moving on to harmonies, yes this time, it could happen this time.

Oh my god! That's not a finger, that's amazing, oh wow. Her hands clasped the sheets, then moved to grip his head, Valya said this was good, this was, well she couldn't think of a word just now, she was hanging on for the ride. If oral sex was always this good he could move in tomorrow. After that coherent thought went out the window, and Karl found out his girlfriend was a screamer, until she tried to squash his head while pulling out his hair, but at least the volume went down with his ears covered. He could die happy suffocating in this hot feminine wetness, her oils in his mouth his nose, knowing he had made her cum.

Karl felt he had passed some rite of passage, guys always boasted they had fucked this girl or that, about how good it had been, he couldn't recall one saying what a good time the girl had experienced. He had always thought when, or more likely if he ever got a girl in bed, it would be penetration that marked the divide between man and boy, now he felt to bring your partner to orgasm marked that defining moment.

He moved up beside her, holding her in his arms, no words were needed, not yet, when Marta looked at him grinning he smiled back, she kissed him then licked her lips.

"You taste of me." They kissed some more she didn't seem to mind.

"You are turning out to be a very good boyfriend, I think I'll keep you."

Beyond the humour Karl could sense the truth in Marta's words - he felt like a giant.

Looking at the clock Marta said it was time to clean up, and go down stairs, as he stood Marta had a silly smile as she asked him to remove his shirt, she wanted to see him naked too. Removing it he struck a pose and they both laughed, in the bathroom he saw his face looked like a glazed pastry, as they stood at the double vanity washing. His cock had been rock hard as he had eaten Marta, but was now at half mast, until Marta began to wash between her legs, and it sprang up bouncing against his stomach.

Marta had noticed before how often Karl's cock seemed to be erect, it was fun to see for herself in the flesh, as if some puppet master were pulling the strings.

"Would you like me to help with that? I don't think I'm ready to, - you know, do a blow job, but I could do like before."

Karl was more than willing to receive a hand job, he watched as Marta placed a towel on the floor then knelt down to grasp his cock talking to it and wagging a finger, she then looked up and asked his name. "Junior, Karl junior." Marta laughed saying at least it wasn't Bond, James Bond. How did Marta know his cock had a name? He had imagined his worst nightmare would be a girl holding his cock laughing but this instead was a dream come true as she lovingly stroked his cock, she brought him close then slowed down, such sweet torture, the second time she brought him to climax painting her chest with his spend.

The look on his face when he regained focus told Marta what she wanted to know, seeing her breasts daubed with his seed made junior twitch in her hand, she stood ran her finger through the trails running down her skin, before washing herself, then asking Karl to dry her off. With care he reverently patted her dry. Marta produced a new toothbrush, a blue one, hers was red, and Anna had yellow, he couldn't go round with pussy breath all day.

Back in the bedroom they got dressed, Marta wearing her third pair of panties that day, looking back between her legs as she bent to retrieve them from her drawer, eliciting a groan from Karl at the view she had deliberately presented. She turned pulling up the new panties as Karl picked up his jeans, a small box bounced on the carpet, followed by a deep silence. Shit shit shit!

"I can explain." At which point he ran out of words.

Marta picked up the box, this was something that had been included in recent talks, they were a trusted brand, packet of three, and looked brand new, price label unscuffed. She opened her bedside drawer and placed them at the back, reached up and kissed her frozen boyfriend. "Thoughtful, but not yet, they weren't for someone else were they?"

"No! No way, I was only thinking of you, er, I mean I, well to stop any er, accidents."

Marta lit a scented candle in the room, then they headed down to the kitchen as they were both feeling peckish, and that was were they were sitting when her mum returned with the boys. Karl felt like he was in some surreal drama, expecting a large neon arrow to point at him, so Ella would know what had occurred. No candid camera, no third degree, just the normal family chatter. Then Ella said he seemed a little quiet today.

Marta came out with a reply. "Oh, he had a big test today, but he scored really well!"

Karl choked on his milk, as it went down the wrong way.


Just in case this slow moving story has at last perked anyone's interest, it is due to be continued in Chapter 38. Any comments you have about my first attempt to write a sex scene, or should that be an erotic encounter would be welcome. Remember you only get better stories by helping novice authors like myself.

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37 Chapters to get to the first sex scene - that has to be a record! And Slow Quill didn't disappoint me - this is different from any other sex scene on Loliwood. I like it - the variety here brings me back every day.

I can't comment on the reality of the erotic encounter. I didn't get as lucky as Karl when I was 16 and probably couldn't remember anyway.

I hope there are a least 37 more chapters to go.

Best wishes

Slow Quill

Thanks for the reviews, I've been told off for discussing the points raised on the open forum, so I'll try and place my replies in with the reviews. This tale was inspired by an LEA bust, so there is a clue to the ending, though this story probably has a happier ending than the real event. All the rubbish I'm writing is of course make believe. Anna was, and is meant to be the main protagonist, but her sister has been taking the lime light of late.

I'm a novice, and I'm not in control, different players will come to the foreground then fade back as the drama moves forwards, but Anna will remain, I've even written the epilogue and she utters the final words. Now I just need to write all the chapters in between.

Someone talked of errors in style and grammar- I'm Dyslexic - I've never written fiction before, the most words I've ever strung together before was in a technical report!


You should know that this tale would be fine without a single scene any more erotic than any of the first 36 chapters. That said, ch 37 was entirely appropriate for the characters you've developed.


nice don I really got the feeling of Marta and Karl (especially the moment from the part of being at the door till the part were both were content) (I was filling nerves my self well don) and I really can't grasp that you say (on dis page) that you are a novice (as I even stated in a earlier chapter) I that you ware a professional writer. this story by sow far isn't a sex story it's more a novel with a touch of a thin and delicate line of eroticism. keep going (I know there are now plus 50 chapters bud still)

The reviewing period for this story has ended.