It seemed to take an age for Tuesday to arrive. So excited was Sergei at the prospect of his young daughter's next photoshoot at LS Magazine. The week had passed without further mention of Sasha's visit either to his wife or his daughter. The latter, because she was young and had a short attention span and because she was happy with it all. The former, because she was trying to push it out of her mind. Not once had she asked to see Mascha's photoset and of course she didn't know about the second modeling session and so was hoping that in time she would be allowed to forget the whole episode. But from time to time worrying images came into her mind of her husband getting excited at the sight of their naked and exposed daughter. She had never thought about Sergei in this way before and it was not a welcome experience. She even briefly considered whether Mascha was safe with Sergei, but the consequences of having her family torn apart were so terrifying to contemplate that she quickly dismissed the thought. Or attempted to.
The only thing that had made the days of waiting more bearable for Sergei was the two folders of photos he had been given by Sasha; one of his daughter and the other of his daughter's schoolfriend Yelena. Despite being in the year above Mascha at school, Yelena was also 12. But judging by the photos in the portfolio it was a hard fact to accept. So arousing did he find them that Sergei had had to make frequent excuses to go to the bathroom all through the week, surreptitiously clutching the folder under his sweater. There he would furiously masturbate while flipping through the depraved images of the little hussy doing the most filthy things for the camera. So obsessed did he become in fact by the end of the week, that he even sneaked the folder into his locker at the factory so he could visit the works toilets for some more solitary pleasure.
So by the time Sergei's Lada drove into the car park of LS Magazine's headquarters in Kiev, his mind had been filled almost every minute with images of pubescent vulvas and the excited prospect of his daughter's next shoot. This time, when they opened the double doors of the lobby the two women Yulia and Alexa were both waiting for them with a big bunch of flowers and beaming smiles.
"Hey!" they both cried in unison, "it's our little superstar Mascha back again! It's great to see you kiddo!" and they high fived the delighted little girl before Yulia rushed her off to the dressing room area with barely a backward glance at Sergei. Alexa turned to him and gestured him into the office.
"She's looking great Mr Radiskaya. Sasha is so glad you brought her back. He says she has real potential and if the shoot goes well - he isn't here today - he has authorised me to pay you extra rates." Sergei was delighted,
"Really? That's great. But where is Sasha? Who's going to do the shoot?" he asked.
"Oh don't worry about that. Sasha usually only does the first shoot anyway. I will be behind the camera today." Alexa gestured to him to sit down.
"You? But..." he stammered, clearly a little disorientated. Alexa laughed and sat down beside him.
"You thought only men would be able to photograph little girls in the syle of our magazine, right?"
"Well...err...I guess..." he was keen not to seem like he was dismissing Alexa as a woman, but he was clearly surprised. "I guess, I didn't think you'd..."
"Want to?" she added. "Hey, it's just a job. You can get used to anything. In fact, I am generally able to push the girls much further. As a woman, they trust me and are more relaxed with me."
"What do you mean, push them further?"
"Well, you have to admit that what we do here is not exactly the norm for a little girl. Sometimes they are a bit shy. Generally they will take their clothes off, but it takes a certain skill to coax more of an erotic performance out of them" she explained.
"More erotic?" he asked.
"You'll see," she said. "Right now, Yulia will be explaining to Mascha what we want her to do today. That will start breaking down her barriers before she even gets to the studio. She will explain to her while she is doing her hair and her make-up. Then when I get her in the studio I'll take it from there. Believe me, you'll be surprised when you see what I can get her to do!" she added with a flirtatious smile.
"Do you mind me asking you something, Alexa" said Sergei.
"No. Not at all. Go ahead."
"When you are shooting the girls and getting them to do whatever it is they do for you. What do you think about? Doesn't it seem weird to you?" asked Sergei. Alexa laughed,
"I guess it's a bit strange at first. Disturbing even. But I soon got used to it. I don't think we're doing anything bad here. We treat the girls well and they enjoy it. If they look uncomfortable we stop the shoot. It's no good having them with miserable faces. Our customers don't like it."
"Yes. I guess. But what do you actually think when you're shooting?"
"Sometimes I get turned on." She said, laughing.
"Really?!" said Sergei, incredulously.
"Sure. Does that surprise you? Some of these girls have a natural erotic nature and when I am right up close to them with the camera, I can even smell their excited little pussies. It's quite a turn-on. Sometimes I have to stop myself from leaning forward and licking them!"
"Wow! That's amazing. Are you gay? I'm just curious."
"Yes," replied Alexa with a smile. "But I have known straight women to say the same thing during a shoot."
"And have you ever...err..done anything with any of the girls?" Sergei could barely contain his excitement.
"Not that I'm admitting to you, Mr Radinskaya. It's illegal." Her knowing smile, though, told him all he needed to know. "Anyway, Yulia should have your daughter ready for me now, so let's go through to the studio."
The studio wasn't quite as he remembered it. Somehow it seemed larger, or maybe it was that there were fewer props this time. The only thing it had was a large backdrop showing a crowd which covered an entire wall and a balance beam as one might see in a gymnastics competition. Just then, Mascha bounded into the studio dressed in a white and shiny gymnastics leotard. She looked around with her eager eyes until she saw her father. Yulia was right behind her.
"Oh daddy look at this! I am going to be a gymnast today. Don't you think I look great?" Sergei was quite struck by her make-up this time. It was much more heavy than the last session and she looked at least 16 years old,
"Yes, darling. You look lovely," he said as he also noticed how well the skin tight fabric showed off his daughter's every curve and anatomical feature. Her little breasts were pressing out against the white leotard and her dark brown nipples were clearly visible. Alexa took to the camera without delay and starting issuing instructions to the willing little Mascha who obeyed every word. The set was clearly a gymnastics lesson and gave Mascha every opportunity to show off her perfect little body. She was asked to do a crab stand which thrust her pelvis up in the air and made her pubic mound jut out very prominently. At this point, Sergei moved over to look at the video monitor to see what the camera was actually capturing and he was treated to the most sumptuous sight. The screen was completely filled with his daughter's crotch barely contained by the leotard, the central seam of which cut into the firm young flesh to form a deep furrow between the two plump ridges of her labia. Sergei immediately felt his penis become erect at this erotic sight and he instinctively hunched forward and fumbled at his trousers. Yulia, who had crossed the studio to join him, immediately noticed and beckoned him towards the private seat behind the screen that he had used last time,
"Perhaps you'd like to take a seat here again Mr Radinskaya. It's a little more private and you'll be able to make the most of the photoshoot?" Her knowing smile spoke volumes and left Sergei in no doubt that she knew he would have to take his penis out very soon and start masturbating. She politely stepped away when he took a seat to allow him some privacy, but not before she double checked that there was a fresh box of kleenex next to him.
"Ok sweetie, that's lovely," called out Alexa from behind the camera, "now I need you to rub your front bottom against the bar. Like you do in bed when you're alone, yes?" The obliging little mite did as she was told. "That's it darling. Perfect. Yes, thrust against it so it feels really nice in your tummy. Great. Now give me a dreamy expression while you do it. That's it! Perfect!" As she clicked away, Mascha gave every reason to believe that she was indeed in reptures of carnal joy as she pushed her pelvis forward and her shoulders back to grind her pubis into the end of the balance beam. Again, Alexa zoomed in and Sergei was treated to a close up of his daughter's soft mound yield as the hard edge of the wooden beam dug into it. Mascha seemed to be getting into a ryhthm now and opened her mouth to let out little breaths as she seemed to find just the spot. Alexa then suggested that she climb up on the beam and straddle it, which Mascha duly did.
"Now sweetie, I want you to lean a little forward for me so your front bottom is pressing on the beam. That's it." Yulia whispered to Sergei,
"You notice how we like to use the same words for sexual organs as the child herself uses. It makes life a lot easier."
"Err...yes," replied Sergei. "Do the little girls all call it the same thing?"
"Oh no," answered Yulia, "not at all. There are all sorts of words for it."
"Oh?" Sergei looked up, interested. "What sort of things?"
"Well now," Yulia looked thoughtfully at the floor, "Pee Pee, err...Frou Frou, Pinkle...err...Fanny, Coochie, Muffin, Moot. There are loads of them!" Sergei looked back at the studio and saw that Alexa had managed to get his daughter basically masturbating by rocking back and forth on the beam between her legs. He saw on the monitor that the camera had closed in on her crotch and he could see how the full weight of her body was crushing the soft, yielding flesh of her young genitals against the hard ridge of wood.
"Wow!" said Yulia, "That leotard crotch must be soaking wet now! Look at her go!" Although Sergei was slightly shocked at the outburst, he was also very excited at this potent combination of his daughter's erotic behaviour and the pretty adult woman beside him commenting so openly on it. He watched as his daughter rocked back and forth, her eyes rolled upwards and her mouth was open. She looked for all the world as if she was about to have an orgasm. He didn't know if children as young as Mascha were able to have orgasms. He hadn't heard of it, but couldn't see any reason why they shouldn't. The thought excited him even more. Just then Alexa asked her to lie on the floor and open her legs wide so she could zoom in on the piece of leotard that went between her legs. As the camera closed in, it was clear just how much Mascha had been enjoying herself - there was a dark, wet stain in the centre of the gusset panel. Alexa then whispered something to Mascha, but Sergei couldn't make it out. It was soon clear, however, what the instruction was because the little girl took hold of the side of the crotch panel and pulled it aside to expose her vulva. Knowing how close the camera was to his daughter, Sergei quickly switched his gaze to the monitor which was now filled with her intimate anatomy. It was particularly noticeable how much pinker her vulva had become, clearly evidence of her sexual excitement, he thought. He then noticed at the bottom of the little girl's slit, just above her anus, a blob of thick paste-like material. Alexa whispered something else and he watched as Mascha's other hand pulled on the skin at the side of her genitals causing her labia to part and reveal a darker pink, shiny interior. What had previously been a blob resting at her vaginal entrance was now stretched out into thin, silvery-white strands of mucus that connected her parted lips. He realised at once that his daughter's sexual excitement had caused her to secrete vaginal lubricant, but he was astonished at the quanity and it's apparent thickness.Yulia, also absorbed by the monitor suddenly said,
"Wow! Look at that. That looks yummy!" and with that, she walked into the studio area, knelt down between Mascha's legs and lowered her head to the little girl's crotch. For a moment, Sergei thought she was going to perform oral sex, but then he saw Yulia take hold of the leotard crotch, yank it even further aside and inhale deeply with her nose barely an inch from his daughter's vulva. The strangest thing was that Mascha seemed entirely unpeturbed at this sudden invasion of her privacy. She just giggled,
"What are you doing? Silly Yulia!" she chortled.
"I am smelling your delicious little pussy, my darling. It's all warmed up now and smells yummy!" replied Yulia. Mascha thought this was most strange,
"Eeww!! That's gross! You are funny!" she chirped.
"Ok," called Alexa, "it's time for the next photoshoot. I think this one will be a lot more fun. So come along now, into studio two." She proceeded to put the lens cap on her camera and escort Mascha out of the door. Yulia returned to Sergei and beckoned him to stand up, graciously looking away as he put his penis back into his pants. He felt a bit cheated as he had just been warming up to full excitement when the shoot abruptly ended. He felt he wanted to come and desperately hoped the next shoot would be as exciting. But he was also curious as to what Yulia had got out of her bizarre stunt,
"Err..Yulia?" he asked.
"Yes, Mr Radinskaya?"
"Err...what did it smell of? My daughter's..err.." he ventured, tentatively. Yulia laughed,
"Oh it was d i v i n e," she said with a theatrical air. "I always have to do that when the little hussies get all wet. I am a sucker for it! You don't mind, do you?"
" Of course," he stammered. "It's just that I am not exactly used to this sort of set-up. So what is the smell, exactly?"
"Hmm..." Yulia frowned, "hard to say exactly. I guess it's partly a pissy smell, and partly a sour, warm, sweaty smell. Not the same as a grown woman at all. Special to little girls. Turns me on, anyway."
Studio two was smaller than the other studio and the first thing Sergei noticed was the double bed in the centre. In fact, as he looked around, he noticed that the entire studio had been quite elaborately made-up as a bedroom. Alexa explained to him that the set-up this time was that Mascha was going to be ill in bed and that she would then be visited by another girl dressed as a nurse who would "tend to her." Sergei and Alexa had arrived in the studio first and he learned that his daughter was being "briefed" by Yulia and dressed in the next costume. By "briefing" he assumed a sort of explanation of what they wanted her to do; his mind raced at the possible scenarios. But his first thoughts were about this other girl. It had not occurred to him that they shot two models together. Or perhaps the second girl would be one of the adult staff.
"Err..Alexa. Who is this second girl to be?" he asked.
"Ah...that's the nice surprise. It's one of our best models. And one of your daughter's schoolfriends, I believe." She replied.
"Really? You mean Yelena?" asked Sergei, his excitement reaching fever pitch. "Will she be naked too, or just a supporting role?"
"Yes, that's her. Yelena Yurichenko." She laughed, "well, you'll have to wait and see, won't you!" Beckoning him to sit down an a nearby chair in front of which was another monitor (which he assumed showed the camera view as before), she explained, "I'm afraid we don't have a privacy screen in this studio. Sorry about that. If you feel the need to masturbate, please don't hesitate. I am quite used to it. Besides, I shall be busy at the camera." Her matter of fact way of discussing these topics was most odd, he thought.
"Well...err...yes Alexa. Thank you," he replied, flushing slightly. "But what about my daughter? Won't she see? I am not sure how I feel about that."
"Oh I wouldn't worry about her, if I were you Mr Radinskaya. She seems quite an open-minded little thing. Anyway, she'd probably be flattered to learn that her beloved daddy finds her sexy." She smiled encouragingly at him. The idea of his little Mascha seeing her father masturbate was strange enough, but the idea that she would know she herself was his inspiration, was bizarrely exciting., he thought. But at that moment, Mascha walked into the studio. Instead of bounding excitedly up to her dad as on the previous occasions, she walked towards the bed, trying not to look at him, whilst actually scracely able to conceal a slight grin; knowing his eyes were upon her. She was wearing white cotton pyjamas with teddy bears printed on them and her hair was tied into two plaited pigtails with pink ribbons. She climbed into the bed, pulled up the covers and pretended to be asleep as Alexa took a few establishing shots. She then called for Yelena to enter the studio from the corridor.
Sergei was quite taken aback by Yelena's appearance. It was probably only six months since he had last seen her, but she had developed considerably. Her make-up added to the impression, of course, but she looked some years older than his - still rather child-like - Mascha. Wearing her white nurses uniform and carrying a medical bag, she went over to the bedside and knelt beside Mascha, who now stirred and feigned a poorly, unhappy looking expression. Yelena, smiled reassuringly and began her "examination" by pulling back the bed sheets and prompting Mascha to sit up. She then proceeded to lift her pyjama top off to reveal her young friend's chest. Alexa clicked away with the camera as Yelena palpated Mascha's chest making approving noises. She then reached down to her medical bag and took out a children's toy stethescope and started to use it to listen to her chest. The camera closed in to catch the stethescope placed on the little mound of Mascha's right breast, causing her to emit a giggle. Sergei watched intently, hoping desperately that the nurse's investigations would have to include a gynaecological inspection of his daughter. After a thorough examination of her upper body, Yelena then pulled down the bed sheets further and cast them to one side to expose Mascha's lower half. With the little girl's excited cooperation, she then took hold of the waistband of her pyjama bottoms and pulled them all the way off, finally throwing them on the floor beside the bed.
The site of his daughter completely naked before her more mature looking friend made Sergei's cock swell suddenly. The little tuft pf pale brown curls nestled between her creamy thighs and the camera naturally zoomed in on it causing him to want to knead the end of his stiffening organ as he watched it fill the monitor screen. To his amusement, Yelena then applied the stethescope to the child's pubis and listened intently. Clearly her knowledge of medicine was somewhat lacking. Yelena had been pretty well briefed on what to do, he thought, since this shoot was proceeding with barely a word from Alexa.
"Ok, Mascha," instructed the older child, "I am going to have to look at your pee pee now. Do you have a special word for it, child?"
"Yes, nurse," replied Mascha obediently. "I call it my front bottom."
"Do you," she replied approvingly, "right then. Let us see your little front bottom properly shall we?" Yelena took hold of Mascha's knees, drew them up and then widely spearated them so they lay flat on the bed. Thus, the little girl's vulva was fully exposed and yet, to Sergei's surprise, his daugher seemed entirely unconcerned by this and not in any way shy or embarrassed. She merely lay back with her hands behind her head and looked down at herself,
"Will you have to look inside it to make it better?" she asked, with an air of mock concern. Yelena sighed,
"Yes, my dear, I am afraid I will. And I will have to do thngs to it to make it better as well." Sergei's penis throbbed excitedly at this prospect. "And I have brought some doctors things in my bag to do it with."
"Oh," answered Mascha with a little furrow in her brow, "will it hurt?"
"Yes, it might do. So you'll have to be brave." Yelena seemed surprisingly stoical at the prospect of having to cause her young friend pain in such a delicate place. She reached into the medical bag and produced a comb and a pair of clothespins. After leaning forward and gently combing Mascha's sparse pubic tufts to either side, she then attached a clothespin to each of the small, pink labia. Mascha winced at the contact and let out a little yelp that was greeted with a stern and disapproving look from Yelena,
"Oww!! You meanie," cried the little girl. "You're hurting my front bottom skin!" Unimpressed, Yelena pulled the two clothespins in opposite directions to stretch Mascha's little lips apart to reveal a glistening cavern of slightly darker pink which Sergei could see in great detail on the monitor. The sight of his daughter's little labia pinched to whiteness by the clothespins and the moist interior of her vulva in giant close-up was now more than he could bear. He quickly undid his zip and unleashed his swollen penis which leapt to attention as he grasped it firmly with his left hand. Alexa must have noticed out of the corner of her eye because she looked up from the camera and gave him a sneaky sidelong glance, smiling as she did so.
"I told you you'd like this, didn't I?" she said as she went back to her camera to see Yelena reach into her bag again and bring out a toy thermometer. She seemed to pause, uncertain as to what do do next.
"I can't remember what Yulia said I should do with this? Do you know?" she asked Alexa, who again looked up from the camera,
"You could try putting it in her pee pee hole?" she suggested. Yelena then pointed at Mascha vaginal entrance and looked back at Alexa for confirmation.
"No sweetheart, that's her vagina. The smaller hole. Higher up...yes, that's it." Suitably instructed, Yelena then touched the smooth plastic tip to Mascha's tiny urethral opening causing the child to wriggle and squeal,
"Ooohh! That tickes Yelena! What are you doing?" she cried.
"Nothing!" snapped Yelena, sternly. "It doesn't concern you. You're too young to understand. You have to be a grown-up! Now keep still while I do this." Her resolve strengthened by having to discipline her friend, Yelena now started to push the plastic thermometer (which was about the width of a thin pencil) into Mascha's urethra as far as it would go. She was completely unconcerned by her patient's obvious discomfort (she screwed up her face and was squealing at the invasion of her sensitive little orifice). When the thermometer was inserted all the way in (about 3 cm), Yelena leaned back to inspect her handiwork,
"There," she said with a satisfied air. "That wasn't so bad, was it?" But her firned wasn't so sure and leaned forward to see the blue plastic tip protruding from her private parts. She took hold of the end and, moving it slightly fom side to side, experienced and equisitely sensitive tingling that made her feel like going to the toilet,
"Eeek! That feels really funny in there Yelena. Are you sure you're meant to put things in there?" she asked, trustingly. Yelena reasserted her authority,
"Look, Mascha, doctoring things can be hurty sometimes and you have to put up with it! It's for your own good! They are especially hurty when it's to do with your front bottom. Ok?" This somewhat illogical outburst did little to explain, but Mascha decided she had to behave herself and stocially bore her suffering. But know it looked like Yelena needed guidance again, because she had gone over to the tripod to ask Alexa something.
"Alex, Yulia said I should do stuff to her 'critter' or something. What's that? Has she got one?" Alexa laughed,
"Yes, sweetheart, she's got one. It's called her 'clitoris.' Come on, I'll show you where it is," and she walked over to Mascha with Yelena. She kneeled beside the bed and reached between Mascha's leg's making sure that Yelena could see before pointing to the hood of Mascha's clitoris, "there. See that? That's the hood. The actual clitoris is just underneath it. You have to pull it back to see. But careful, it's the most sensistive part of a girl's body. Mascha peered forwards for a look too and suddenly got the picture.
"Oh that," she cried, "that's the bit I like to touch when I think about boys. I didn't know it had a name. I thought it was just part of the skin."
"That's right," said Alexa, "it's called your clitoris. When you play with it, do you notice that it gets hard, like a little ridge?"
"Yes!" replied Mascha, "and when it gets hard it feels even nicer to play with." But Yelena was eager to get back to business and had taken a paintbrush out of her medical bag. With her left hand she pulled upwards on Mascha's clitoral hood to reveal the tiny pink bead. Her other hand held the paintbrush at the brush end and poked at the sensitive morsel of flesh causing quite a reaction in her subject,
"Ooh!! I could feel that, Yelena! It feels all nice when you press it. Do that again." Yelena was quite enjoying the reaction she was getting and proceeded to prod and tease at Mascha's little clitoris, which gradually turned a darker pink and then a purple colour and swelled slightly in size. Meanwhile, Mascha had taken hold of the blue tip of the plastic thermometer and was working it in and out of her urethra at a greater and greater rate, her mounting excitement giving rise to little yelps of delight,
"Oh...uhhh....oh!" she cried, trying to hold her breath between cries, and together Mascha (assisted by her schoolfriend) approached her juvenile orgasm. Sergei, unable to believe what he was seeing, was now furously milking his penis back and forth with a tight grip as he stared in rapture at the monitor. Alexa too was finding the sight of the pretty lttle girl being clitorally and urethrally stimulated highly arousing and she had to take brief breaks from clicking the shutter to reach under her skirt and rub her damp panties into the furrow of her slit.
"Wow! Girls! This is great," she called, "I am getting really heated up here. So is your daddy Mascha. Work your front bottom, darling and make yourself come for the camera." Temporarily distracted, Mascha asked,
"How do I do...uhh...that Alexa?
"Just keep doing what you're doing honey. You'll get there! And Yelena, perhaps you'd like to try licking her clitoris. It will really help her to come." But even Yelena had her limits,
"What?" she exclaimed, suddenly sitting upright. "Lick her...there! But it's where she goes to the toilet nearly!"
"I know sweetheart, but it's quite ok. It's what grown-ups do."
"But it'll be gross! Eww!" protested Yelena in disgust. Little Mascha, put off slightly by the sudden halt in proceedings had slowed down her thermometer insertions and looked very disapponted.
"Oh please, Yelena," she pleaded, "my front bottom's feeling really lovely now, and tingly, I think I'd like it if you licked that thing that Alexa said." Sergei could see in the monitor that there was a large amount of mucus leaking out of his daughter's vagina and all he could think of in his excitement was how to keep things going. Before he had time to think about what he said, he blurted out,
"I'll do it, sweetie. I'll lick your clit. Would that be ok Alexa?" But the moment he spoke, he knew he had made a mistake. Alexa looked at him with an expression of the purest contempt, Yelena's mouth flew open and she was renedered speechless and his daughter immediately voiced her outrage,
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