Published: 12-Mar-2011
Word Count:
The journey back from the studio was held in total silence. Olga stared stonily straight ahead at the road still shocked at what she had seen there, and even more concerned by what she had not seen after she left the photoshoot. Her husband was clearly not quite the man she thought he was and the idea that he had clearly been sexually aroused at the sight of his own daughter naked had profoundly disturbed her. Fortunately she had been spared the more extreme exposure of little Mascha's delicate genitals. Not to mention the even more disturbing sight of her husband's messy climax and animal grunting as he hunched over the video monitor. She wasn't sure how she was going to break this deadlock with Sergei; he was, after all, her husband and she had to get along with him. Perhaps the best thing would be to just never mention it again. She felt sure that this would be a one-off occasion and so they could just pick their lives up from where they left them. She would sleep on it and was sure that everything would be ok in the morning.
Sergei on the other hand was quiet for another reason. He was damn sure he wasn't going to argue with his wife about his daughter's exciting new career. This would be their way out of financial trouble and was too important to let the old cow jeopardise it. That one photoshoot alone had earned him a cool 500 Hryvnia, which was almost three months of his salary at the cement works. Even better was that guy, Sasha, who seemed to be in charge of everything had said that Mascha was a little star and that he would love to shoot her again. He even said she could become a regular model for the studio. Mascha had been so great about it all too! She seemed to have enjoyed herself. He looked over his shoulder and saw that she was sitting happily in the back seat, humming to herself absent mindedly. Oh yes, this was definitely the end of their troubles. He could see them making quiet a bit of money out of his darling little Mascha. He was also equally excited, if not more so, by the pictures themselves. He had never thought before today that he might be attracted to children, but he had found himself incredibly turned on by little Mascha's performance. He didn't remember coming as hard as that for a long time! Certainly not with his lumpen wife Olga, anyway. It was then that he remembered something else Sasha had said, as the parent of one of our new starlets, you are welcome to come along to any of our photoshoots and watch the model being photographed. Just give me a ring and let me know you're coming. I think you'll enjoy it. Oh yes. He would enjoy it all right, and he had every intention of taking Sasha up on his kind offer whenever he could. Sasha had offered him a free subscription to the magazine too, but they had no computer at home. He couldn't wait to go along to one of the other photoshoots; he felt that if seeing his own little girl spread open was as exciting as that, seeing some other, unknown girls would be overwhelming. He then remembered that Mascha had said one of her schoolfriends had modelled for that place. Yelena, yes she was the one. Yelena was a real stunner. He would love to see her peeled open and exposed. Amazing.
As her father fantasized about the genitals of her schoolfriends, little Mascha was going over in her mind what had happened at the studio. She was happy enough about it, she thought, although it had been a bit weird. Especially using that funny buzzing thing against her front bottom. She didn't know what it was, but it sure felt nice! She had been really excited about wearing the costumes; they had so many there, and they were so pretty! She wished she could have worn all of them. One of the nice ladies in the dressing room had said maybe she could wear them next time. Was there going to be a next time? She wasn't sure. She must ask daddy. She wouldn't mind doing that again, it was fine really. Especially at the end when Sasha had paid her daddy and he had secretly slipped her 50 Hryvnia before they got into the car so mummy couldn't see. She had never had that much pocket money before and she couldn't wait to get to school and tell all her friends. They'd be so jealous! She couldn't quite work out was wrong with her mother though. She seemed really grumpy and like she was cross with daddy. She hoped it wasn't anything she had done. Surely mum and dad had both agreed about the photographs being taken, so it couldn't be that. She didn't really understand grown-ups, she decided, they always seemed to be cross with each other.
A few days later there had been no more discussion about the photoshoot than there had been in the car on the way back. Life seemed to have returned to normal for Olga and she was pleased that everything had settled down. She had even managed to more or less forget the scenes at the studio. As she was tidying up the dinner plates, the phone rang and she picked it up.
"Hello. Mrs Radinskaya?"
"I wonder if I might speak to your husband please. Is he there?"
"Yes, he is here. Who's speaking please?"
"Oh, it's Sergei from the studio. Remember?" Olga's heart sank.
"Oh, ok. Yes, I remember you"
"We have the photos developed now, Mrs Radinskaya. The shoot of your lovely little girl Mascha. I was phoning to...
"Yes, I see," she cut him off abruptly, not wanting to hear any more
"I wondered if you and your husband would like to see them? I could bring them over after work if you like..."
"NO! I don't want to see them," she burst out but then managed to control herself, " husband will deal with all that sort of thing. Sergei? Sergei? It's for you. Telephone. It's that guy from the studio where we took Mascha." Sergei bounded down the stairs two at a time and grabbed the phone out of his wife's hand.
"Yes? Radinskaya here. Yes, we'd love..err I'd love to see them! After work? Sure, drop in. I am sure Mascha would be delighted. Ok, sure. see you then." He hung up and then turned to his wife who was looking like thunder. "What the hell's wrong with you?"
"I don't want that pervert in my house! And you're not much better either!"
"Don't be ridiculous woman! What are you talking about?" spat Sergei in reply. His anger building.
"It's bad enough having to remember that day without having to look at the photos that pervert took!"
"Well, don't look at them then! Fuck off and go out. But he's coming round anyway and there's nothing you can do about it! I for one would love to see our beautiful daughter in those photos and I am sure Mascha will too. If you're too old and dried up to appreciate it, then that's your problem!"
"Appreciate it!! Appreciate it! What's there to appreciate about a bunch of pornographic photos of a child! It's disgusting, that's what it is! And you, YOU! You should be ashamed of yourself. I saw you. Getting off on it all, You had an erection all the way through it! Your own daughter! It's sick!"
"Yes. Yes I did. In fact I had a good wank and I came too! That's a damn site more satisfaction than I ever get out of you these days, woman! There's nothing wrong with it I tell you! She's a beautiful girl and there's no harm in me seeing her little pussy, is there?"
But at that moment, they both noticed their daughter standing on the stairs. She had clearly been listening to their argument and tears were rolling down her pretty cheeks. Her mother rushed towards her, horrified at the thought her daughter had heard Sergei.
"Oh sweetie, darling. It's ok. Don't worry about Daddy, he doesn't know what he's saying." She took Mascha in her arms as her daughter spoke,
"Oh no, mummy, it's not that! I don't mind that daddy liked looking at know. I don't mind any of it. I just hate you fighting. It's horrible. There's no need."
"But darling," started Olga, "it's just that I don't want you to be doing all that awful stuff at the studio. It's not right"
"Why ever not, mummy?" replied a startled Mascha, "it was fine. I enjoyed it! Sasha and those ladies were really nice"
"Oh sweetheart, how can I explain to you. It's not right for grown ups to be looking at your privates. It's..."
"Don't be silly, mummy" interrupted Mascha, "I am not a little kid any more! I'm 12 now. I can look after myself! Daddy when can we see the photos that Mr Sasha took of me?"
"Well sweetie, he's coming over to the house in about an hour. So you can see them then" replied Sergei. Then he looked back to his wife, "Look Olga, you're making too big a deal out of this. It's fine. She's ok with it. There's no problem! Look if you'd rather be out when Sasha arrives, just make yourself scarce. We'll deal with him."
"I guess I am just finding all this a bit hard," said Olga cuddling her daughter to her, "are you sure it's ok, sweet pea?"
"Of course, mummy! Now don't be silly," she smiled sweetly.
"And we do need the money, Olga. You know how strapped we are just now," added Sergei as his wife belted up her coat and picked up the doorkey from the table.
"Oh...ok...I still don't like it, but I suppose if Mascha's ok with it..." she sighed.
"And loads of girls in my school go there" chirped Mascha, "even girls from the lower school"
"You mean the infants?" cried Olga, astonished.
"Oh yes, they..." started Mascha, but her father interjected,
"No, don't be silly! She's exaggerating again Olga. You know what she's like. Who is the one in your class then, Mascha?"
"Oh there's Yelena, but she's is the year above. I think Nina has been there too." Replied Mascha.
"Oh well. They've survived I suppose," sighed Olga as she made her way out of the house.
A short while later. Sergei went up to Mascha's bedroom. He pushed open the bedroom door to see his daughter lying on her belly on the bed in her underwear. She was listening to some pop music on the radio and leafing through a teen magazine. He couldn't help noticing how her little white cotton panties barely contained her perfect, plump bottom. As he entered, she turned towards him and lifted up her leg absent mindedly, apparently unaware or unconcerned that she was giving him a perfect view of the thin white cotton panel that ran between her legs. Only a few short weeks ago, he would have longed to see what lay beneath the thin fabric, but now his curiosity had been rewarded by the session in the studio. Except, far from quenching his desire for his daughter, it seemed to fuel it. In a short while, he thought, Sasha would be arriving at the house with the finished photos from the shoot. He couldn't wait to see them; there should be a lot more detail than he was able to make out on the screen at the time of the shoot. He could barely contain the excitement he felt welling up in his stomach at the idea he would have his own set of pictures to keep for his own personal use. He'd be able to jerk off to his sweet Mascha's little pussy whenever he liked!
"Hi daddy. What is it?" she asked, distractedly.
"Mr Sasha is coming soon with your photos"
"oh yes, goody. I can't wait!" she chirped excitedly.
"Well, we haven't really talked about all this, Mascha, honey, have we?" he probed
"What do you mean daddy?"
"I mean, I was wondering what you thought about it all?"
"I told you before. It's fine. What do you mean?" she looked puzzled and sat up on the bed pulling her knees up toward her chest as he sat down beside her.
"Yes, I know that. You did. And that's great because it helps mummy to be ok about it too."
"Yes, I don't want her being upset. And I don't want you two fighting."
"So if Mr Sasha asked if you could model again for him, would that be ok?" he looked down at the bed, aware of her beside him.
"Oh yes, daddy, of course. That would be fun! Do you think he will ask us?" she chimed merrily.
"I am sure he will, if you'd be willing. But tell me, isn't it a bit strange having people looking at your, you know? Like that? Isn't it a bit odd having me see it? Will you be embarrassed when Sasha brings the photos?"
"No," she laughed, "of course not. You made me didn't you? And you used to bath me when I was little. You are my daddy, I don't mind you seeing my front bottom. It was a bit funny at first letting the man see it at the studio. But they were all so nice, they made me feel all right about it."
"So, you don't mind me seeing your front bottom? I am glad about that sweetie, because I love you very much and I don't want there to be any secrets between us." Sergei paused, scarcely able to believe how well this was going, before delivering his masterstroke. "Would you..."
"What daddy?"
"Would you maybe let me...err..see it some time when we're not in the studio?"
"What?" she screwed her face up in puzzlement, "you mean at home?"
"Yes, sweetheart, at home."
"Why?" she asked.
"Just so daddy can check that you are developing ok, my sweet pea. That's all"
"Oh, you mean like going to the doctor or something? To see that I'm not getting poorly?"
"Yes, my darling. Like that. Just like going to the doctor. That's it."
"Oh sure. You can do that, if you want. I don't mind." She climbed off the bed and picked up her t-shirt from the floor to put it on.
"You know what I said about secrets?" Sergei added, "like things just between us?" "Yes, daddy."
"Well it would probably be best not to tell mummy about that. Just like it's best not to talk too much about the studio. You know?"
"Oh yes, daddy. Don't worry. Mummy's silly about that. We won't tell her, ok? Just between you and me? Ok?"
"Yes, petal. That's right. Just between you and me. And when I need to see your front bottom sometimes, that will be secret too, ok? We don't want mummy worrying do we."
"Oh sure, daddy. That's definitely the right thing to do. Don't worry, I won't say anything."
"Would you let me have a look at your front bottom now, sweetie? I could teach you all about the different parts and what they are for. Like a biology lesson. Kind of?"
"Oh, ok daddy. Sure," and she got back on the bed beside her father and started to pull down her white panties exposing a tuft of pale brown pubic hair. Sergei, felt acid excitement rise in his gullet at the idea his little girl was about to expose her holiest of holies to him to examine. She lay down on the bed, naked from the waist down when his reverie was interrupted by the doorbell.
"Damn! That'll be Sasha. He's early" grunted Sergei. But Mascha was delighted. She pulled on her panties and her jeans and leapt out of the bedroom and down the stairs to let him in. Sasha seemed delighted to see them both, but he made a special fuss of Mascha,
"Hi my gorgeous girl? How are you today? You know all the people back at the studio think you are our prettiest little lady!" Mascha blushed a fetching pink and looked up at her dad, lips pursed.
"Oh they're right, sweet pea. Didn't daddy always tell you that?" added Sergei with a smile for his little girl. "So let's see these photos you've brought then, Sasha" he beckoned Sasha to sit down on the sofa and Mascha instantly too a seat beside her new hero. Sasha produced a thick folder of laminated plastic pages from his bag and started to leaf through it with father and daughter peering eagerly at the shiny prints. The early shots were of the father christmas outfit.
"Oh daddy, I just love that suit. Can you get me one for Christmas?" she piped, excitedly.
"We'll have to see Mascha. If you're good. Maybe"
"Oh I'll be very good daddy," she flirted with a sideways smile at him. The way she emphasized the word 'very' had made him think all sorts of interesting thoughts. Gradually as the pictures became more revealing, Sergei became more aroused and Mascha started to giggle.
"Ooh look daddy! You can see my bazoomas! They're growing aren't they?"
"Yes, sweetheart. You are becoming a real woman." Her father proudly agreed. When they reached the close-ups of her genitals, though, Sergei was overwhelmed. They were beyond his wildest dreams,
"Oh my God! Sasha! That is amazing! Uhhh....sweet Jesus!" he panted.
"Daddy! You shouldn't say bad words!" chastised Mascha, but when she saw what her father was looking at, she seemed transfixed with a peculiar mixture of embarrassment and pride. The frame was completely filled with the delicate pink folds of Mascha's clitoral hood and labia. Where they parted, there was a small black gap out of which oozed a white, viscous fluid.
"I have to say, Mr Radinskaya, that in seven years in this business, I have seldom seen as perfect and beautiful pussy as your daughter's. You can be very proud. This set has been rather popular in the office, if you know what I mean..." he grinned knowingly at Sergei. But Mascha piped up with a question,
"Why did you say pussy then? Do you mean my front bottom?"
"Yes, Mascha," answered Sasha, "I mean your front bottom. Grown ups have different words for things sometimes. I call it your pussy." Mascha giggled at that. Partly because Sasha had referred to her private parts in front of her dad, but also because she thought it was silly to call your front bottom the same as a baby cat.
"What do you mean that they were popular in the office, Mr Sasha?" she asked innocently looking up at him. Sasha looked at Sergei and they both laughed. Sasha cleared his throat,
"Well, ahem, Mascha you know that these pictures we took of you will go up on a website, yes?"
"Yes" replied Mascha patiently.
"Well, the reason we do that is because men like to look at bare girls and so they join our website and pay us money so they can look at the pictures. Ok?"
"Yes," said Mascha, "and then daddy and me get a bit of the money, don't we?"
"Yes, Mascha, that's right. Well the reason the men pay money to see the pictures is that they get excited by looking at young girls with no clothes on. You do understand that, yes?"
"Yes..." replied Mascha, more bashfully this time. She averted her gaze from either man, "and they think we're sexy, right?"
"Right!" said Sasha, "well some of the men in the office were enjoying some of your pictures. That's what I meant."
"Ooh! Goody!" chirped Mascha, delighted. "Show me which ones!" Sasha half smiled at Sergei and turned a few pages until he found a shot of Mascha's childish little fingers pulling on the hood of her clitoris. The excited pibkish purple bead could clearly be seen peeping out from the folds of skin.
"Well, this one, certainly," he pointed at the image and Mascha peered closely at it. She didn't seem all that impressed.
"But that's a funny one! Isn't it daddy? Why do they like that one? You can't even see my face!"
"no, sweetheart," explained Sergei, "you can't see your face. But it's not really your face that the men are interested in. I mean, you're pretty of course and you have a lovely face. But people can see little girls faces any time. But they can't get to see your front bottom."
"No, I guess not," agreed Mascha. Sasha thought this would be a good time to explain something else to her. Now that they had engaged her attention.
"You see, the thing is, Mascha," explained Sasha, "a lot of people think it is wrong to look at girls without any clothes on and that we shouldn't do it."
"Really? Why?" she asked, innocently, "don't they think we look sexy?"
"Well" Sasha laughed, "it's precisely because they do think you are sexy. You see, most men would love to look at a little girl's front bottom if they could, but they think it's wrong. So we take photos secretly so they can look at them on our website and not tell anyone."
"Oh..." Said Mascha, "I see. So should I not tell anyone either?"
"Well," said Sasha, "it's probably best not to. Maybe the girls at school who already work for us. But you shouldn't tell anyone else. Keep it our secret. Ok?"
"Ok, sure," Mascha replied, "and Mummy too, right? Daddy said we should say too much to her about it"
"Yes," said Sasha, "that's probably best too. It's hard for mummies seeing their little girls grow up. They think that they should stay babies, but we know that you are a very grown up girl and that you can be just as sexy as a grown up, right?" His smile beamed at her. She grinned back at him,
"Yes. I like doing the pictures anyway. Can we do some more one day?" asked Mascha, cheerfully.
"But of course, my dear! If it's ok with your dad, of course." Sasha looked to Sergei for approval,
"Yes, Sasha, I'd be delighted. Would it be more of the same?" asked Sergei.
"Well, now..." began Sasha, "that's really up to you and little Mascha here, but there might be some slightly more...err...shall we say, adventurous things we could do with her next time?" The rise in tone at the end of the sentence and his quizzical look at Sergei suggested that he was inviting further discussion.
"What do you mean exactly," asked Sergei, "by more adventurous. He looked at Mascha and a trace of doubt flashed across his face. He was delighted to be earning money out of his daughter, but presumably there were limits to what was acceptable. He didn't really know this industry after all and wasn't sure how far things could go.
"What we sometimes like to explore with some of the more, shall we say, cooperative girls, is their natural sexuality." "Err...I'm not sure what you mean by that," replied Sergei. Looking back and forth between his daughter and Sasha.
"It might be easier to discuss it with your daughter out of the room, perhaps?"
"Oh, yes. Of course." Sergei turned to his daughter and beckoned her up off the sofa. "Run along now poppet would you? Just for a few minutes. Sasha and I need to have some adulty talk." Unpeturbed, little Mascha got up straight away and headed off out of the room,
"Ok, daddy!" she chirped. When she had closed the door behind her, Sasha began to explain,
"I mean, Sergei, that it would be interesting to photograph her doing some sexual experimentation. With your permission, of course. We might start with a little masturbation, perhaps?"
"Masturbation?" queried Sergei, "but she is only 12. I doubt she know what you were talking about"
"Oh come come, Sergei. I think you'd be surprised at what she already knows."
"Most little girls touch themsleves intimately from a pretty young age. I would be very surprised if Mascha doesn't do it regularly"
"Good grief! I never thought about it" replied Sergei. "But what if she didn't know what we were talking about? Wouldn't it be quite difficult to get her to do what you wanted?"
"Oh no," laughed Sasha, "you saw our girls at the studio. They are very good with the little ones. They'd explain to Mascha - girl to girl - as it were. We have them eating out of our hands!"
"Ok...well I guess that's ok. If you're sure."
"Trust me on this one," said Sasha. "I know my business. And I know these little girls. Believe me, they are little minxes with the right handling. Besides, wouldn't you find it pretty hot stuff seeing your little girl diddling herself?"
"Well...err..." murmured Sergei, the colour rising to his cheeks.
"Of course you would! Any man would! Particularly a proud father. Take it easy, it's all perfectly normal. So could you bring her over to the studio, say, next Tuesday?"
"Tuesday? Yes, I guess so."
"It might be a good idea to take her out of school for the afternoon and not tell your wife, if you know what I mean. She didn't seem to like it a whole lot last time!"
"No, no. That's right. She didn't. Sorry about that."
"Oh don't worry. No problem. Most of the mothers get a bit twitchy at the first session. They generally don't show up to the later sessions and just let the dads bring the kid. We prefer that anyway. Means we can push things a bit further without mum poking her nose in!" Sasha laughed as he picked up his coat to go. "So, Tuesday, yes? About 2pm?"
"Yes. Fine. We'll see you then." Sasha stopped in the doorway and turned round,
"Oh, yes. One other thing. Has Mascha started her periods yet?" he asked.
"What? Oh...err no," replied Sergei. "Why do you ask?"
"Well, it's just that with the kind of photos we take, it can cause problems if the model is menstruating. It's not the end of the world, of course. Some of our shoots do show tampon strings, but it's best to know in advance. Anyway, not an issue for Mascha, so that's good." As he turned to go, he suddenly stopped himself and offered a black folder to Sergei. "Silly me, I almost forgot. You know that girl at Mascha's school you asked about? The one that models for us?"
"Oh yes." Sergei took the offered folder.
"You said you'd be interested to see what she did for us. Well, I meant to tell you I looked out her best photoset for you. I think you're going to like those," he grinned.
"Oh yes?" replied Sergei trying to look as innocent as he could, but inwardly his excitement was growing at seeing his daughter's friend in poses he could only dream of.
"Oh yes," echoed Sasha. "She's a remarkable little girl that Yelena. Truly remarkable. She's only 12, but some of the shots we took were too strong even for the website! I have put them in that pack for you though." He winked lasciviously, "thought you'd enjoy those!"
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