Published: 7-Mar-2011
Word Count:
The journey back from the studio was held in total silence. Olga stared stonily straight ahead at the road still shocked at what she had seen there, and even more concerned by what she had not seen after she left the photoshoot. Her husband was clearly not quite the man she thought he was and the idea that he had clearly been sexually aroused at the sight of his own daughter naked had profoundly disturbed her. Fortunately she had been spared the excesses of seeing little Mascha masturbate herself to orgasm using a vibrator. Not to mention the even more disturbing sight of her husband's messy climax and animal grunting as he hunched over the video monitor to watch his daughter pant her way to ecstasy. She wasn't sure how she was going to break this deadlock with Sergei; he was, after all, her husband and she had to get along with him. Perhaps the best thing would be to just never mention it again. She felt sure that this would be a one-off occasion and so they could ju st pick their lives up from where they left them. She would sleep on it and was sure that everything would be ok in the morning.
Sergei on the other hand was quiet for another reason. He was damn sure he wasn't going to argue with his wife about his daughter's exciting new career. This would be their way out of financial trouble and was too important to let the old cow jeopardise it. That one photoshoot alone had earned him a cool 500 Hryvnia, which was almost three months of his salary at the cement works. Even better was that guy, Sasha, who seemed to be in charge of everything had said that Mascha was a little star and that he would love to shoot her again. He even said she could become a regular model for the studio. Mascha had been so great about it all too! She seemed to have enjoyed herself. He looked over his shoulder and saw that she was sitting happily in the back seat, humming to herself absent mindedly. Oh yes, this was definitely the end of their troubles. He could see them making quiet a bit of money out of his darling little Mascha. He was also equally excited, if not more so, by the pictures themselves. He had never thought before today that he might be attracted to children, but he had found himself incredibly turned on by little Mascha's performance. He didn't remember coming as hard as that for a long time! Certainly not with his lumpen wife Olga, anyway. It was then that he remembered something else Sasha had said, as the parent of one of our new starlets, you are welcome to come along to any of our photoshoots and watch the model being photographed. Just give me a ring and let me know you're coming. I think you'll enjoy it. Oh yes. He would enjoy it all right, and he had every intention of taking Sasha up on his kind offer whenever he could. Sasha had offered him a free subscription to the magazine too, but they had no computer at home. He couldn't wait to go along to one of the other photoshoots; he felt that if seeing his own little girl spread open was as exciting as that, seeing some other, unknown girls would be overwhelming. He then remembered that Mascha had said one of her schoolfriends had modelled for that place. Yelena, yes she was the one. Yelena was a real stunner. He would love to see her peeled open and exposed. Amazing.
As her father fantasized about the genitals of her schoolfriends, little Mascha was going over in her mind what had happened at the studio. She was happy enough about it, she thought, although it had been a bit weird. Especially using that funny buzzing thing against her front bottom. She didn't know what it was, but it sure felt nice! She had been really excited about wearing the costumes; they had so many there, and they were so pretty! She wished she could have worn all of them. One of the nice ladies in the dressing room had said maybe she could wear them next time. Was there going to be a next time? She wasn't sure. She must ask daddy. She wouldn't mind doing that again, it was fine really. Especially at the end when Sasha had paid her daddy and he had secretly slipped her 50 Hryvnia before they got into the car so mummy couldn't see. She had never had that much pocket money before and she couldn't wait to get to school and tell all her friends. They'd be so jealous! She couldn't quite work out was wrong with her mother though. She seemed really grumpy and like she was cross with daddy. She hoped it wasn't anything she had done. Surely mum and dad had both agreed about the photographs being taken, so it couldn't be that. She didn't really understand grown-ups, she decided, they always seemed to be cross with each other.
A few days later there had been no more discussion about the photoshoot than there had been in the car on the way back. Life seemed to have returned to normal for Olga and she was pleased that everything had settled down. She had even managed to more or less forget the scenes at the studio. As she was tidying up the dinner plates, the phone rang and she picked it up.
-Hello. Mrs Radinskaya?
-I wonder if I might speak to your husband please. Is he there?
-Yes, he is here. Who's speaking please?
-Oh, it's just someone from work. I need to know about where the ice hockey team is practicing on Saturday. Do you mind getting him for me?
-Oh, ok. Sergei? Sergei? It's for you. Telephone. Someone from the factory. Sergei came up to the phone and took the receiver brusquely from his wife's hand,
-Yes? Radinskaya here.
-Oh Mr Radinskaya, it's Sasha here from the studio. I didn't want to tell your wife who I was. I hope you don't mind.
-No, that's ok. Don't worry about that, I quite understand. How can I help you?
-Well, you know I mentioned I might have some more work for your daughter?
-Would she be able to meet one of my associates? It would be for a shoot at his studio rather than mine.
-Oh sure. No problem. We'd love to. Is it the same kind of shoot?
-Err...well, yes. Kind of...
-What do you mean? Kind of...?
-Well, my associate has a website that caters for slightly more, shall we say, complex interests. It's easier if I explain when you meet him.
-I think I'd rather you told me now, if that's ok. I want to know what Mascha is letting herself in for.
-Oh you don't need to worry Mr Radinskaya. She'll be just fine.
-All the same, I'd like to know what is intended
-Well, let's say it's a sort of bondage and s/m website
-s/m? You mean she will be hurt?
-well, not really. It's only really for show. A little bondage and so on
-Bondage? She'll be tied up?
-Just during the shoot, yes.
-Hmm...I'm not really sure about that. What else?
-Perhaps a little punishment, some discipline.
-Yes. A little pain and so on.
-Oh no. Not that. I don't really like the sound of that. The last time, it was just showing her pussy and then playing with herself. I am ok with that. But I am not sure I like the sound of this.
-I think you'll like the sound of the money, Mr Radinskaya. Don't be hasty now.
-What do you mean? He pays more than you do?
-Oh yes. Very much more
-How much more?
-Around 5000 per session. Maybe more, depending.
-Five thousand?! Jesus! That almost what our flat cost! Are you serious?
-Completely serious. This sort of work is rare and the punters will pay a lot for it. Shall I tell him you are interested?
-Yes. Please do. For that amount of money, I am sure she can take a little pain
-Thank you Mr Radinskaya. You will not regret this. You could become rich beyond your wildest dreams.
-Tell me when and where. We'll be there.
-Ok. Excellent. Can you bring her to my studio next Tuesday evening? After work. Say 7pm? He'll meet us there and take us to his studio
-Sure. We'll be there are 7pm. Tuesday. Good evening to you Sasha.
-Goodbye Mr Radinskaya.
Later that evening, Sergei knocked on his daughter's bedroom door
-Yes. What is it?
-It's just me. Daddy. Can I have a word with you?
He pushed open the bedroom door to see his daughter lying on her belly on the bed in her underwear. She was listening to some pop music on the radio and leafing through a teen magazine. He couldn't help noticing how her little white cotton panties barely contained her perfect, plump bottom. As he entered, she turned towards him and lifted up her leg absent mindedly, apparently unaware or unconcerned that she was giving him a perfect view of the thin white cotton panel that ran between her legs. He wanted so much to ask her to lift the cotton away so he could see her little pussy.
-Hi daddy. What is it?
-You remember that photoshoot you did?
-uh huh
-Well, how would you like to do another one?
-For Sasha you mean? Sure. He was nice.
-No, not for Sasha, honey. For one of his friends.
-Yes. Sure. Doesn't really make any difference. And the money was really nice to have
-Well, Mascha. It would sort of make a difference.
-Oh? What do you mean?
-Well, Sasha's friend has a different sort of a studio
-You mean it's somewhere further away?
-No. Well...I don't know. I don't know where it is. Anyway, that's not what I mean
-I don't get you. What do you mean?
-I mean he takes different kinds of pictures. They'd be sort of adventure type pictures, with you pretending. Like playing a part.
-Ooh. That sounds fun. Would I have to take my clothes off again?
-Yes, sweetie. You would.
-What sort of adventures would I be doing?'s sort of hard to explain. But a bit like you were a baddie and you'd been captured. Tied up like a prisoner, sort of.
-Ooh what fun! Like pirates or something?
-Yes. A bit like that.
-Ok. That would be fun daddy. When can we go?As they drove to the studio, Sergei felt quite proud of his persuasive abilities, not only in managing to persuade his daughter to do the shoot, but also in tricking his wife that he had to take Mascha to some sort of school event in the evening. As Sergei always dealt with the school and with Mascha's teachers, Olga had not seen anything particularly unusual in the request.
-Why did we have to tell mummy we were going to school, daddy?
-Oh, mummy doesn't really like all this photography stuff, Mascha. She thinks I am spoiling you with this money we make from it. So it's best to keep it our secret. We wouldn't want her to stop us doing it, would we?
Mascha laughed and smiled at him. She loved secrets and rather liked the idea of a having one with just daddy. As they pulled up outside the studio, Mascha called out excitedly as she saw Sasha coming towards them, -Sasha! Hi. It's me, Mascha! How are you?
Sasha smiled broadly and looked in at the window, instructing them to park and join him in the car with his colleague, Lyubich. Lyubich was a dark, swarthy looking man and Mascha thought he looked a bit like a pirate. Maybe that's why he does photographs about pirates, thought Mascha. Sasha sat in the back with her, while her daddy got in the front with Lyubich. She didn't know much about cars, but this one seemed really nice. Big and comfortable.
As they drove away, Sergei chatted to Lyubich who, despite his appearance seemed perfectly reasonable and charming.
-I'm delighted you have agreed to bring your lovely daughter to us, Mr Radinskaya. She is extremely pretty. Not many parents are ok with the kind of stuff we do, you understand. But I guess you liked the sounds of the money, right?
-Oh, err, yes. The money. That's it.
Sergei laughed nervously. He still wasn't entirely sure what was in store for Mascha and Lyubich's comment certainly hadn't reassured him. But he kept concentrating on the money and convinced himself that it would be ok. If it was really bad, he could just take the money and not go back there with her. But he really wasn't very knowledgable about the s/m world and so equally he thought he might well be imagining it to be far worse than it actually was. He looked back at little Mascha who was chatting away happily to Sasha and he felt reassured.
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