Published: 21-May-2012
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Megan was 11 when John and his wife dad split up. He had moved out of state, and even though he had really wanted to see Megan and he had visitation rights, there was just not enough money for a ticket. That wasn't a problem anymore, though, because his work had finally paid off. He had a beach front house at Malibu, a brand new 944 in the garage and, most of all, had sent Megan a first-class round trip ticket to come see him for three weeks over the summer break.
As he waited nervously at the gate, the door finally opened and people started exiting the plane. It had been four years since he had seen his daughter -- what would she look like now? He wondered if she would blame him for leaving even though it was always clear that it was never his idea. He didn't have to wait long -- she was one of the first off the plane.
She was really different than John had remembered. She was much taller, her pretty blonde hair had grown out, her figure was now that of a young woman. She wore a tight cotton blouse that accentuated her nicely developing breasts. It matched nicely with a very short levi skirt that presented her thighs as they gave way to her long, luscious female legs. He marveled at how she had grown and, at the same time, was feeling guilty about the way he was evaluating his own daughter but had little chance to reflect before her cries of "Daddy!" preceded her running up and throwing her arms around his neck. No worries about how she felt about him now, she thought.
On the way from the airport, Megan chattered constantly. She talked about school and boys; her mom, boys, girlfriends, boys, how neat his car was and how neat some boys were. John could understand how boys would be crazy about her -- she was very pretty by anyone's standards. But Meg was definitely boy crazy -- something she had, no doubt, picked up from her mother.
"I can't wait to get to the beach, Daddy!", Megan said as they pulled into the driveway, "I bought a new bathing suit just for here." It wasn't long until Megan was standing before him is what had to be the scantiest bikini that he had seen... and he lived at the beach. A string bikini, it was almost the same color as her skin and it didn't take much imagination to visualize her without it there at all. John quickly debated whether he should protest her wearing it out but decided that it wouldn't do for him to come off as a heavy-handed father right away. After all, it had been four years since they had been together.
As the first couple days of Megan's visit went by, John kept catching himself with feelings he didn't understand. He was frequently getting erections while in Megan's presence. He kept debating in his mind whether she was a virgin and imagining her doing it with a boy. And he really questioned if Megan was intentionally trying to flirt with him or if it was just innocent teenage sexiness showing through.
On the third night of her stay, Megan and her Dad sat on the couch in the living room and watched the surf crash against the beach below.
"I thought you would have a girlfriend by now," Megan told her father, "I mean a rich, good looking bachelor like yourself, I kinda expected all these women. You aren't keeping them away because of me, are you?"
"I just haven't had a lot of time for women, baby," he told her, "But I do manage to go out once in a while," he added.
"What's she like?," she Megan asked her dad.
"Who?," he asked.
"The girl that you're getting it on with. Like, you gotta be doin' it with somebody -- nobody can hold out forever," Megan teased.
John was not quite sure how to react. He was not comfortable discussing sex with his 15-year-old daughter, but then maybe he should. Somebody would have to sooner or later, he thought... maybe this was her way of bringing up the subject for discussion.
"Well, I have friends and all, dear," he explained "is there something in particular that I can tell you about or explain for you about, uh, sex or whatever?"
"Gee, like it's not like I'm a virgin or anything," she told her father, "not since the seventh grade, anyway," she added matter-of-factly.
John felt a wave of heat and then a chill cover his body. He knew the answer now. She had done it with a boy. He didn't understand the feeling he was getting, one that was causing him to achieve an erection. He knew that he was entering a dangerous area with this conversation, but he couldn't help himself. He wanted to see if Megan would talk about her experience.
"Oh, you've had sex with a boy then?," he asked, hoping the shaking in his voice wasn't showing through.
Megan shifted in place on the couch so that now she was facing him and not the window.
"Boys, plural," she corrected "after all, I don't exactly live on the moon, you know. But I don't really like boys my age unless they are really, really cute. Because they just rush through, do it, and then blab to everybody how great they were."
John was having a little trouble catching his breath. Maybe if he just pretended that Meg wasn't his daughter, he could hold this conversation with her. It was getting him terribly excited.
"I can see where that would be a problem. So you have older guys that you do it with then? What kind of stuff do you do? Where do you go?"
Megan went on to tell her dad about the guy who was 23, her friends brother, who she did it with when she stayed overnight with a friend. She snuck into his room after her friend fell asleep.
And she talked about camp last year, where she would have gone again this year if she hadn't come to see him instead. She had managed to get it on with a counselor who was 19 and in college. They did it at first in the camp bus and then out in the woods on a blanket.
As she related her experiences, John's sexual excitement intensified. He had to frequently gasp for breaths. He felt his erection stiffen as Meg chatted on. And then she noticed his hard-on.
"Gee, daddy, I have gotten you all excited," she said. "Least I could do is take care of that for you," she offered.
"Baby, we really shouldn't even be talking like this. I am your dad and what we are doing is not right. Even thinking about it isn't right," he told her.
"Daddy, I know girls that do it with their dads. I mean, like, I have done it with guys that I didn't really even like just because they were cute. So what is wrong with doing it with my Daddy who I love. And, in case you're wondering, I am on the pill."
"But darling, uh," he protested vainly. It would do no good. She knew he was sexually aroused and now she was going to pursue the matter. "Maybe if we just keep talking. Maybe I could do it to myself, masturbate, and you could watch, if you want to."
"I could do a strip show for you... I did it for these boys when I was in the 8th grade. It was a blast."
John was too far gone to say anything more in protest. He knew now that he was going to have some sort of sexual encounter with his beautiful teenage daughter, it was just a matter of how far it would go. "Let's go in my room... someone could see in the window from the beach," he told her.
She led the way, and the sight of her firm round buns inside her denim shorts made him even hotter. When they reached his room, she turned on the stereo, adjusted the track lighting and stood in front of the mirrored sliding closet doors. As John sat on the bed, she placed both thumbs inside her shorts and started to dance in a grinding rhythm. She unbuttoned the top button on her shorts and unzipped the fly so that her dad had a nice view of the light blue cotton bikini panties underneath.
One hand went underneath the wasteband and it became obvious to John from the movement she was making that she was fingering herself. With the other hand, she unbuttoned her blouse, exposing her developing titties to her father. While she fingered herself with one hand, she pinched her nipple with the other, her pelvis undulating to the music. The outright lewdness had gotten John so hot that he didn't even notice that he was rubbing his crotch in front of the girl.
"Stand up, Daddy," she told him, now standing directly in front of him. As he stood, she grasped both sides of the wasteband of his shorts and pulled them and his jockey shorts down.. His huge member stood straight out, waving uncontrollably. She then backed up a couple of steps and slowly slipped her denim shorts over her thighs while still moving her hips to the music.
As John lay back on the bed, his cock aching from the prolonged erection, he told his daughter with only half the required enthusiasm, "You know, baby, we shouldn't be doing this. You are not old enough for any man, least of all your father." Inside he really hoped she wouldn't listen. She didn't.
Standing by the bed, she removed her blouse completely, giving him full view of her small, round orange-sized breasts. She sat next to him now clad only in cotton bikini panties so tight that he could see the outline of the mound between her legs.
"So what if we do it, Daddy? Like I said, I've done it with boys I didn't even like -- and I love you. Just pretend I am some chick you picked up somewhere, if it makes you feel better, and do everything you want to me. Tell me what you want me to do to you -- anything!" Megan had reached over, ignoring her dad's mild protests, and started gently caressing his balls.
"You are not the only Dad that does it with his daughter, you know. I have friends that do it with their dad all the time. And besides, it isn't like it's your idea, you are being seduced by a horny 15-year-old. What man can resist that?", she asked.
"Let me see your cunt then, Megan. Pull your panties off and straddle my face so I can look up your hole and see how my little girl has grown... and where boys have fucked her," John panted, now giving way to a wave of incestuous lust that was about to overcome him.
Megan stood, and with a sly grin slipped the panties over her hips. John gasped at the sign of her clean-shaven pussy. Megan put one foot up on the bed, shifting her weight to the other and using a hand to spread her slit apart. She ran the tip of her finger slowly and obscenely in and out of her hole. John placed his hands on her buns and pulled her closer to him. As she continued to finger her hole, he worked his tongue up inside her.
Megan climaxed, shuddering in wave after wave of orgasm. Her dad held her cunt close to his face as her fluids gushed all over his face. John eagerly licked at his daughters cunt until her spasms stopped.
"Oh, god, daddy, You are so good with your tongue. I have never felt that good before," she told her dad, still catching her breath.
John laid back on the bed, now propped on his elbows. His daughters bald clit was glistening with his saliva and her cum. Megan, once again, started fingering her hole while she turned her attention tho her dad's erect cock.
"Oh, daddy, that is so big! Do you think it will fit in here?", asked Megan, now standing on the bed with both feet astride her father. She then dropped to her knees, her pussy now only inches from her father's cock.
"Do your friends father's cocks fit in their cunts, baby?", asked John now grasping for breath. Before he knew it she was astraddle him and his cock was touching the entrance to her hole. She began to rest herself on the head of his cock as it slowly pushed up into her canal. He held her up by cupping his hands on her buns and she moved down pushing with her knees. "You fucking little whore!" he said as his cock deepened into his daughter's cunt.
"Fuck me, Daddy. Make me cum. Shoot your wad in my hole. Give me the same cum that you gave mommie when you started me. Shoot it deep in my cunt!," Megan wailed as her father pumped wildly into her now outstretched cunt. She felt the head of his cock striking the back of her cunt and then the hair on his thighs made contact with her smooth buns -- she knew he was all the way in.
Then it happened. John's cock erupted with wild gushing fury, spewing hot sticky load after load into the girl. She had started cumming again. They continued to slam themselves wildly at each other, both entirely lost in passion. The sperm was now gushing out of Megans cunt and dripping obscenely down the inside of her thighs. A froth of white foam circled the entrance to her hole as John churned his semen inside his daughter.
They woke up hours later, arm in arm, naked, their bodies still entwined. The summer continued with the two incestuous partners sharing their bodies between themselves as if nothing were wrong. And considering the true love between them, who is to say that anything is wrong?
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