14: Bashful Anie

[ g, cons, 1st, pedo ]


Published: 30-Sep-2011

Word Count: 7706

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Señor Pedo's Preteen Sex Adventures Continue in Copan, Honduras

Carlos (MyTaxi Owner/Driver) picked me up at Isabel's house to take me to visit his cousin Maria for one of her haircuts. As he drove he kept looking at me in the mirror.

"You want to ask me something?" I asked as I looked back at him in the mirror.

"How did you get young girls to do such sexy things?"

"I only give guidance and suggestions!"


"I also always get permission from either a guardian or a parent!"

"I wonder if my seven year old niece could become as sexy?"

"Under the right circumstances all girls like being sexy!"

"Would you help her learn to be sexy?"

"I'll bet you want her to be your personal playmate? The problem is that you live here and people talk! Sooner or later the word will get around. Your age difference could cause you a big problem with family or even the Police.

He followed every word checking the mirror periodically.

"In my case I never stay anywhere very long, that's so I can avoid complicated relationships. Remember I always get permission before I proceed!"

"That makes sense!"

"Stick to girls your own age!"

We pulled up at Maria's house. She welcomed me very warmly, "Let's start with a shampoo Senor!"

As she scrubbed my hair and scalp she asked, "That was a cute little girl you brought here the other day! Did her pictures come out nice with my haircut?"

"She turned out to be an excellent model. She did well. She brought her girlfriend Katia over so I could photograph the two of them together!"

"Are you still looking for models?"

"Maria I'm on a mission to travel the world looking for six to twelve year old girls to put on the Internet. I'm constantly looking for new underwear models!"

"Can I tell you about my first cousin's adopted daughter?"

"I'd love to hear about her!"

"How short do you want your hair?"

"A lot shorter than it is now!"

"Well this young girl just turned eleven, her father was Chinese so she has a unique look, not Honduran and not Chinese. Actually she's rather striking looking being a combination of both. Her problem is that she's a loner. She doesn't seem to be interested in boys. She prefers to keep to herself!"

"Why do you think she'd want to model girls underwear?"

"I don't! But maybe you could help her be less of a loner. She spends a lot of time in a chat room with two other girls. I'm thinking modeling might open her up!"

"What about her parents? All my models pose showing underwear!"

"Well her father is in China. She's the result of my cousin's sister having a one night stand. She wanted to abort the child but Angelina insisted on adopting her!"

"So a deal was struck. Anie is a very lovely, pleasant eleven year old!"

"Can you arrange for me to meet with mom and daughter?"

"I can call anytime! What's a good time for you?"

"As soon as possible since I'm heading to Guatemala when I'm finished here in Copan!"

"Would this evening suit you?"

"That would be ideal!"

"Hold on!" She grabbed her cell, "Angelina I'm cutting the hair of the Internet photographer. He's available this evening to meet Anie! Does that work for you?"

"Yes! What time?"

"She wants to know if you'd like to come to dinner at say seven?"

"That would be excellent!"

Maria gave Carlos directions to Angelina's house.

"Thank's for the haircut and setting up the meeting with Anie and her mom Angelina!" I paid her a nice tip, she was very pleased.

"Thank you so much! I hope it works out with Anie?"

Back in the Taxi, "Carlos please bring me to a store that sells meat!"

We drove to a large typical Honduran Grocery Store. I asked the clerk for two nice pork roasts. He was very pleasant and pointed to several roasts tied in heavy string in a cooler. I selected two, he suggested some garlic, and fresh cilantro to go with the meat. I agreed.

Carlos brought me to Isabel's house. We agreed he'd pick me up at six-thirty. Isabel was positively thrilled with the roast she made a big deal over the cilantro and garlic. Sara ran to me giving me an enthusiastic neck hug. She climbed onto me era ing her legs around me.

She smiled so happily that it was hard to want to put her down. She whispered in my ear, "Thank's for teaching me and Katia about sex!"

"It was all my pleasure!" I hugged her hard.

She was beaming, she hugged me even harder. She smiled her teeth showed nicely, "Oh I bet it was!"

"Can I use your bed to take a nap?"

"Of course! Go right ahead!" I reluctantly put her down.

Sara was a good reason I kept moving. She was a delightful little girl that needed a daddy. I had to keep moving to keep my heart in its place. I was up at six. Isabel had already cranked up the hot water heater. While I was bathing Sara came in, stood by the side of the tub, then playfully, slowly pulled her panties off. She then jumped in the tub with me. Kneeling seductively she washed her pretty pussy making sure I watched her show.

"I really like showing my pussy to you! It makes me feel really, really good down there. When you look at her she wants playtime! Is that ok?"

"Well the best answer I can give is this!"

I reached up placed my finger between the lips of her slit. She grabbed my arm, held it tight to be sure I inserted my finger deep inside of her. She clung to my arm, her hips moved in opposition to my hand and then I put two fingers inside of her. I moved them rapidly inside her young pussy.

"Oh Senor I like that! My pussy really likes that! It feels really, really good! Senor that feels really fun good! Play with her .......Please keep moving your finger! She likes your finger inside of her!"

It wasn't long before she started moaning and breathing heavy. I could feel the tightness inside of her pussy as it clamped down on my fingers. She let out a loud, "Oh my GOD! Oh my GOD! Oh my GOD! Ohhhhhhh Mmmyyyyyyyy Gooooooooodddddd!"

It took a while for her to calm down from her orgasmic high.

"Oh Señor Pedo that was soooooooo ggggooooooood!"

"I'm going to miss you Señor!"

"Well that makes two of us 'cause I'm gonna really miss your very hot young playful pussy!"

"I gotta go! Carlos will be here soon!"

"Well, I'm gonna enjoy this warm bath! See ya later tonight! Who knows what might happen then?"

I leaned down and kissed her forehead, she liked that, she kneeled up kissing my cheek.

Carlos beeped. I headed for his taxi, roast, cilantro and garlic in hand.

"Good evening Señor how are you?"

"I'm fine, I'm looking forward to a pleasant evening. Oh stop somewhere so I can buy some wine!"

"Yes sir, there's a store about ten minutes on our way!"

We stopped at a small neighborhood grocery store. The selection wasn't great but at least I had some red to drink!"

We pulled up to Angelina's tiny house. It was a lower middle class house with white faded clap board siding. The yard was clean and neat. Overall it made a pleasant appearance. Most homes in Honduras are cooled with fans, this house was no exception.

I told Carlos I'd call him when I was ready to go back to Isabel's.

A typical heavy dark skinned women with a pleasant smile greeted me at the door.

"You must be Angelina?"

"Si Señor! Welcome into my modest home!"

"Very nice to meet you!"

I handed her the roast, cilantro and garlic.

She was profusely gracious and thankful.

"I can cook this now, it'll take about ninety minutes, is that ok? I'll add this to the other things I already cooked for you. We'll have a real feast!"

"I was already looking forward to a nice home cooked meal. Can I share a glass of wine with you?"

"That would be most pleasant! Please have a seat here in my kitchen. I'll get some two glasses, nothing fancy in this house!"

"A glass is just a glass!"

She was a very pleasant typically overweight Honduran women. They're generally raised to be available to men who usually rule the roost.

"Tell me about Anie!"

"I adopted Anie who's a combination Cinese and Honduran. She's really pretty. She's unsure of herself because she looks different. I'll gladly do whatever it takes to help her come out of her shell!"

"How old is she?"

"She just had her eleventh birthday three days ago!"

"Well I'm ready to meet this little lady!"

"I'll go get her!"

It took about five minutes before they both came back to the kitchen. A really attractive, slender, pleasant appearing young girl was beside her mom. She wore blue jeans and a peasant blouse that hinted her boobs might be starting. She was reserved in her mannerisms.

At her mom's bidding she sat at the kitchen table. She was unsure of herself. She sat down haltingly.

Her mom said, "This is Señor Pedo, he photographs young girls for the Internet. Maria told him about you and he agreed to come have dinner with us and meet you. And oh yes! he brought us a really nice pork roast!"

She had a quiet charm that came through when she smiled.

I sipped wine, "Please Anie this is not a test! I travel the world looking for girls to photograph. First impression is that you're really a very attractive young girl. Oh yes! Happy eleventh birthday!"

"Thank you Señor!"

"So what kind of things do you like to do?"

"Mostly I like chat rooms in other countries!"

"Do you like school? Are your grades good?"

"I love school and I get straight 'A's, I'm also on the Dean's list !"

"Congratulations! What is your favorite subject?"

I could see her relax as we talked about her school.

"Tell me about these chat rooms you like so much!"

"I have girl friends in Costa Rica and Panama!"

"Do you talk about girl stuff?"


"About boys?"


"Do you have a boy friend?"

"No not really!"

"Why not?"

"Boys are weird! They always talk dirty to me!"

"Does that bother you?"

"Yes 'cause I don't like crude things or crude dirty talking!"

Angelina interrupted, "I have some Tapado soup for you two. I added the fresh Cilantro you brought me. (Stew with meat, vegetables and coconut)

I scooped up the steaming soup. It was delicious. Anie smiled as she raised her cup to drink her soup.

"Anie would you like to see pictures of girls your age modeling?"

"Yes that would be nice!"

"How about sliding your chair next to mine so it'll be easier to see the pictures on my IPad!"

She was becoming more at ease with me. A good sign.

"This first group of girls are modeling both themselves and clothes!"

"Is there anything about these girls that stands out for you?"

"No! Not really other than that they're all pretty!"

"Take another look and notice that they're all smiling, 'cause they're having a good time. Posing is fun!"

"Interesting! I see what you're saying!"

I pulled out my Camera and took two quick facial shots before she could react.

"Wow these pics are nice! Angelina come see what a pretty daughter you have!"

Angelina was full of praise over the pictures.

I looked at Anie, "How do those pictures make you feel?"

"Very nice, I'm flattered that a famous photographer would bother with me!"

"Young lady you're very lovely and I'd like to take plenty pictures of you!"

I let the power of those first images work their magic. I took four more facials.

"Anie would you stand by the door and give me your best smile?"

She self-consciously posed but I could tell she was becoming much more at ease.

Anie and her mom loved all the pictures I took.

"Anie let me show you the kind of modeling I specialize in. It's girls your age posing in various kinds of underwear.

She looked somewhat apprehensive at first, but she moved her chair closer to me. She was close enough to rub elbows with me. I smiled at her. She smiled back. This was a really good sign.

She looked at the girls posing in panties, T-Backs and G-Strings. She didn't seem to be bothered.

"What do you notice about the girls on these pages?"

"They're all nearly naked!"

"Is that bad?"

"I'm not sure. But they look like they're having fun posing like that!"

"Would you smile like that if I photographed you in similar poses? Think about it while we eat your mom's good cooking!"

She visibly relaxed. It seems she felt she was no longer on the hot seat.

As a matter of fact, our conversation picked up considerably when the roast was served. It seems it's been a very long time since they've had this much nice meat.

Every time our elbows rubbed she looked up to me smiling. She was enjoying the touching.

After dinner she helped her mom clean off the table. Angelina served coffee with milk it was quite good. Anie came and sat next to me even closer than before. She put her arm back this let the side of her chest rub my arm. I looked down at her, she had a look on her face that said, I like rubbing against you.

She looked directly at me, "Ok I'm ready to see those other models you talked about!"

I opened the IPad to the pictures of panty and thong models.

Anie looked at them for a long time making a careful study of the faces of the different girls. She touched the pictures of the poses she liked.

Angelina said with a smile, "Very pretty girls!"

Finally I broke the silence, "So Anie would you be comfortable posing like these girls!"

"I have no problem posing like that but only if my mom says it's ok!"

Angelina said, "Let's go talk!"

They left the room to discuss things between themselves. I finished my coffee. Finally they came back to the kitchen.

"My mom says it's ok as long as I'm not nude!"

"Well let's take some pictures! I need you to change into a full skirt or dress and put on whatever panties that make you feel best!"

She was grinning. She playfully swished her hips as she left the room.

Angelina came over to me, "Senor! Many, many thanks! She's already more open and talkative since you've been here!"

"I'll use this kitchen table for some preliminary pictures!"

Anie came back into the kitchen. Her black shoulder length hair shined from a good brushing. Her bangs needed trimming but gave her a nice appearance. Overall her hair style made her look elegant. She had the nicest grin. She obviously looked forward to posing for me. She had on a full wide dress, all in white, about six inches above her knees.

I wasn't worried about the no nude comment that goes by the wayside pretty quickly. My plan was to take a few pictures tonight and schedule a return in the morning so I'd have better light. She'll be more eager after sleeping on things. My biggest concern was what to do with her when I got her naked. Hopefully she'll decide that she wants to explore her sexuality, but nothing is certain.

I asked her to sit on the kitchen table with one leg up and one on the chair. I had her place her hand in front of her crotch holding her dress down. The raised leg was not covered.

Every time I took a couple of shots I showed her the results. She became an active partner in the photos.

Finally I said, "These next shots are underwear shots. I'll need you to show your panties!"

Without hesitation she pulled her dress up in front showing a little bit of panty. She smiled when I said that's a good start. I used my hand to move her legs apart, she seemed comfortable with my hand on her leg. That was a good sign. Next I moved her dress giving me a full view of her white panties. Compliments go far in these situations.

"That's nice! Your underwear shows very nicely! That a girl! You're getting better! I think you're more relaxed now. You seem a lot more at ease!"

She examined a pose that focused on the center of her panties. It's a very erotic pose. She smiled wide, she was ready for me to use my camera focused on the center of her crotch.

"How're you doing? Are you ok showing your underwear?"

She really smiled, "Yes I'm beginning to like being a model. I find this to be fun!"

Her leg remained open giving me full view of her uncovered panties. She knew I could see them. She was enjoying my looking. She slowly rocked her upright leg drawing my eye to her exposure. She smiled coyly at me. As if to say, I hope you like what I'm showing you!

"So Anie you've the body to take really nice under dess shots. Do you have thong underwear? And if you did would you pose in them for me? You know thongs don't cover your butt!"

"My girlfriends talk about wearing T-Backs! We talk about how nice it'd be to wear modern undies instead of grandma bloomers. And yes I'd pose in them for your private collection of pictures of young girls!" She gave me a coquettish look. Her finger touching her open mouth's teeth.

I winked back at her, "Well there's a store in Copan that sells all sorts of fun undies, if your mom says it's ok, can I buy you T-Backs from this store?"

"Oh that would be cool! But only on one condition. You gotta let me send some of your pictures to my on-line girlfriends. I want them to see how cool they look on!"

"That's a deal! Let's ask your mom when she comes back in the kitchen!"

While we chatted, she never moved her leg or covered up her panties, she was becoming accustomed to showing them off.

Angelina came to refill her coffee cup. I showed her the panty pictures of Anie. She was full of praise over how pretty her daughter was.

Señora, Anie would look great in T-Back poses like these. Since she doesn't have any here at home I propose to take her to a store in Copan Ruinas that has a large variety of them including G-Strings like these. She's excited about posing with this type of fun undies but we need your permission!"

"Oh I'm so pleased she's found something she likes to do other than sit in front of that computer. Of course, she can go with you to buy, as you say, fun underwear. When do you want to take her shopping?"

Anie's leg stayed open! Anie was purposely showing off for me. She also was conditioning her mom to accept her exposing her body in a sexy way. Something new for both of them.

Angelina said, "A good day would be Thursday because I'll be at the medical clinic all day!"

"I have an idea. I'll take her shopping tomorrow and on Thursday I'll have Carlos my Taxi man drive you to the clinic and pick you up when you're done. Do you have a cell phone?"

"Señor everybody in Honduras has a cell phone. I told Anie for her Twelth birthday I'd get her a cell phone!"

"Ok then I'll pick up Anie tomorrow at eleven and with your permission I'll also take her to lunch. I'd be proud to take such a pretty girl to a nice restaurant. She can enjoy wearing her new T-Backs while we eat at a nice place!"

"Oh Señor that would be so marvelous! Anie you're such a lucky girl!"

Anie was beaming. "I can't wait to tell my friends about all my good luck!"

I pushed speed dial, "Carlos I'm ready! I'll also need you tomorrow and Thursday!"

"That's great Señor my Taxi is at your service!"

On the way back to Isabel's I told him that tomorrow we were going back to that sex toys shop and then to lunch at a reasonable restaurant.

"I'll bring you to the nicest Bistro in Copan Ruinas it's called, Twisted Tanya's, it's very popular both with visitors and locals!"

"That's great! I'll need you to pick me up at ten-thirty in the morning. Stop on our way home so I can get some more Johnny Black for Isabel and maybe a big bag of rice for her!"

Isabel was thrilled with both gifts. She immediately poured two nice size glasses of Scotch for us to enjoy.

After a time, "Where's Sara?"

"She's over at Katia's, she's spending a lot of time there. She says they're making plans. That's all she tells me!"

"Please call the gas company to come fill your tanks since I've been using your gas to take warm baths!"

"Oh Señor you're so generous! I'm so grateful!"

"Señora If it's ok with you I'd like to take a rest!"

"I'll make you cocoanut rice with chicken for dinner!"

"Great! I'm looking forward to it!"

After a nice nap Isabel came to inform me that the water was hot! Please go take a nice hot bath.

Dinner was great. We both drank a little more Scotch then we should've. I got a little tipsy, I went to bed in Sara's small bunk.

About seven in the morning I was shook awake. Standing next to the bed was Sara nicely naked, proudly pushing her mound towards my face.

"Good morning Señor, your breakfast is waiting! Take advantage while she's hot and wet!"

I pulled her to the bed her legs over the side. I sat in between her legs and began licking and plunging my tongue deep inside of her young preteen delicious little pussy. Her legs were over my shoulders. Her hips started gyrating with pleasure. I gently massaged her clit area this elicited a loud moan of approval. As her moans of pleasure increased I reached up to squeeze both nipples, this sent her over the edge into a really strong orgasm.

"Oh Señor you have made my day! Too bad Katia's not here so she can have fun like this too!"

Isabel called out, "Coffee's ready!"

Sara pulled on a dress and walked with me, hugging my arm tightly close to her.

Isabel smiled as we walked into her kitchen, "You've a funny smile on your face young girl!"

Sara didn't say a word, but the smile never left her face.

"Isabel if it's ok with you I'd like to stay until the weekend?"

Sara spoke quickly, "Please say yes grandma! Señor Pedo is fun to have around!"

"Of course he can stay!"

Sara bounded over to me giving my neck a big hug. When Isabel turned to the stove she pulled her dress up whispering into my ear, "My pussy is very, very happy you're staying longer. See! Look! She says hi!"

What a delightful event. A young girls naked pussy that was saying, "look at me and please, please play with me!"

I was grinning wider than I can remember.

Carlos beeped! It was time to go to pick up Anie. As I got in the taxi Sara pulled her dress up to give me one last look. She had a very naughty look on her face. Carlos was busy starting the car and didn't see anything.

The ride was hot. When we arrived Anie answered the door. She had on the same white dress. She greeted me with a big smile and a warm long kiss on the cheek.

Angelina came out to greet me. Then to Anie, "Make me proud honey!"

About thirty minutes later Carlos returned! He beeped. I opened the taxi door for Anie. She loved this adult attention. We sat in the back. She slowly pulled her dress up until it was high on her thighs. I took a chance, leaned down to look up her dress. "Nice! Very pretty!"

She laughingly pushed me away but also pulled her dress up further to let her panties show. She was happy but still a little bashful. Carlos glanced at the mirror but had a limited line of sight.

I leaned over to whisper in her ear, "Thanks for the pretty panty view!"

She pushed me away grinning the entire time.

Her hair shined as it swung from side to side. Her face glowed. She was really very pretty and seemed much older than eleven.

We pulled up to the Adult Toy Store. Carlos said he'd rather wait then have to deal with that faggot!

Anie was all eyes when we entered the store. She had no clue anything like this even existed.

"Well sir I see you've been busy! Congratulations on another uuuhh conquest? How can I help you?"

"This pretty girl wants modern underwear so I brought her to buy some Thong panties!"

In a snotty way he said, "They're actually called T-Backs!"

I knew where the T-Backs were. I took Anie's hand and guided her to that part of the store. Anie held my arm then pulled me down so she could speak in my ear. "Is he gay?"

The clerk overheard her question, "Oh yes I'm gay and proud of it too! Don't worry you're safe with me I only chase men and boys!"

Anie wouldn't let go of my arm she needed reassurance in this strange environment. She fell in love with a cute triangle G-String that had printed on the outside, "Eat Me!"

She put it on the side. She was having fun looking at not only T- Backs, but other sexy clothing. Her grin never went away. She found two T-Backs she liked and then very coquettishly said, "Can I have this one too?"

"Only if you pose in it for me!"

"Of course! You silly man!"

As we were checking out Anie was staring at the glass counter with the dildo's. The clerk sensing a sale, pulled out a slick shiny model and put it out on the counter.

"All the young girls like this one as their first, it's smooth on the sides, it's more comfortable when you're very little, or uhh, small inside!"

His hand stirred the air, "Let me know!"

She held the dildo in her hand. I reached over and turned the battery switch on, it vibrated. Anie turned her face hiding behind my arm! Her shyness showing, but she didn't put it down, either.

She continued hiding her face as she handed it gingerly to the clerk.

I smiled at the gay clerk, "This young lady would like this in a box!"

The clerk said, "You must have a magic wand to bring such young girls in here to buy adult toys."

"I'm just lucky I guess!"

"I'll say you are!"

Anie never faced the clerk again.

I leaned over saying, go in the change room and put on a T-Back, you'll feel more grown up and less embarrassed!"

She grabbed the bag and went quickly to the changing room.

She came out with a delightful smile on her face. She hurried to the door, looking over her shoulder for me. When we caught up she said, "He's really gay wasn't he?"

"Oh yes! He certainly is!"

We got back in the taxi, Carlos said, "Next stop Twisted Tanya's!"

"Hey Carlos your friend told me to tell you high!"

"Well he can go fuck himself!"

Anie blushed at the words, but couldn't stop smiling.

Anie put the bag between us and looked out the window as we rode to the restaurant. She let her dress ride up a bit but not too far. She was deep in thought.

Twisted Tanya Restaurant is nicely decorated with bright colors and multi-colored table clothes. I escorted her as if she was an adult. A man in black tight fitting suit ran over to hold Anie's chair for her. She beamed at him for this courtesy.

"What are you drinking?"

"Coffee for me!"

Anie looked up at him, "Pepsi for me please!"

He left, Anie gave me the nicest smile. I remained silent so she would have to talk.

"My girlfriends and I talk about what a dildo would feel like. We have a bet over who'd be first to own and use one!"

"Does this mean you intend to win the bet!"

She blushed turning away. With her face turned to the side she nodded yes.

I placed my hand over her's saying, "Nothing to be embarrassed about these things are all about growing up. The fact that you and your friends think you're old enough to use a dildo says you're growing up. It's natural that you feel some embarrassment!"

Our drinks arrived she busied herself with pouring her Pepsi.

"Are you ready to order now?"

"What are you known for?"

"Other than our night life, our burgers are the best in Honduras!"

"Anie does a burger suit you?"

"Oh yes that would be great! Extra fries please!"

"So what else can you tell me about what you and your girlfriends talk about. Remember I've seen and done it all!"

"Well a lot of girl stuff!"


"Uhh mensturation! When will our boobs grow! What to do about pesky boys. When to stop being a virgin. Stuff like that!"

"May I ask? Have you had your first period yet?"

"No not yet! When I was five my mom gave me the sex talk. You know a man's penis goes inside of a woman's vagina and squirts sperm who then seek out a woman's egg! If they meet up she's pregnant! That's how I was made and so is everybody else in the world! She told me the secret to sex is to avoid getting pregnant!"

"Well you can't get pregnant until you start your periods!"

"My girlfriends and I talked about you!"


"They think I should take advantage of you're being here. They think you can teach me things that I can share with them. It'll be our secret!"

"How do you like wearing a T-Back?"

"Oh I like the way my butt sticks out but it feels funny between my legs. I'll get used to it! I feel much older with them on!"

Our burgers arrived I ordered two to go. One for Carlos and one for Angelina. Then I changed my mind and ordered two more for Sara and Isabel.

Anie was way more relaxed and talkative since our chat. I could tell she was now ready to begin her sexual adventures. I felt very lucky that I was going to be there to help her realize her dreams. I was also happy to help her be the first amongst her Internet girlfriends to explore actual sex.

We were sitting in a corner, the tables had long covers that almost reached the floor. After the waiter refreshed my coffee it became quiet! Anie reached over grabbed my hand and quickly pulled it under the table cloth placing it on her naked leg. She'd already pulled her dress up. When I gently squeezed her leg she nodded approval. She ate the last of her burger with a naughty smile on her face!

I moved my hand up until I encountered the clothe of her T-Back. I began gently moving my little finger against her pussy hidden only by a thin piece of cloth.

"She whispered into my ear, "That feels sensational, please don't stop doing that!"

She was full of bouncy energy, her hair style gave her the appearance of Cleopatra, very elegant.

"I can't wait to tell my friends all the naughty things we're doing!"

I leaned over speaking just above a whisper, "I'm excited about seeing and playing with your pussy!"

She gave me a very adult sexy look, "Don't you dare stop touching my pussy! I love the sexy feeling my pussy is giving me right now!"

The waiter topped off my coffee unaware of what I was doing beneath the table covering.

It was time to leave. I paid the bill and collected the burgers to go. "I'm not going to ride with you home. We've got all day Thursday to do things in the right way. Besides this will look a lot better to Angelina. Carlos'll bring me to Isabel's house and then bring you home!"

When I arrived at Isabel's house Sara came running to the Taxi, "Señor Pedo!"

When she saw Anie she flung open the door and said, "You're beautiful! I guess Señor Pedo wants you to model for him! Do it! You'll love it! Did he buy you T-Backs?"

Sara pulled her dress up, "Look how pretty! I love wearing them!"

Anie pulled up her white dress to show off her new T-Back. The girls giggled together as Sara pulled Anie's dress back down just in case someone was looking.

"Don't leave yet!"

She ran into the house and ran back with a piece of paper, a phone number written on it. This is my very best friend Katia's cell number. I'm Sara, please call so we can get together and talk about all the fun things Señor Pedo taught us to do! Katia and I are making other plans and as pretty as you are, we'd like you to consider hooking up with us!"

"Promise you'll call!"

"Oh yes you can count on it!"

I placed my hand on her shoulder then leaned over to Anie's ear, enjoy your new toy! She smiled coyly, "You're such a naughty old man!"

As I headed into Isabel's house, I put my arm around Sara's small shoulders she hung onto my finger with her hand.

"I brought you and Isabel Burgers from Twisted Tanya Restaurant!"

Isabel greeted me, "Oh Señor I've always wanted to eat there! Thank you so much. Come on Sara let's heat these up so we can eat them hot!"

I joined them for coffee. Sara moved her chair so she would be sitting very close to me. Isabel served the burgers on a dinner plate. Before sitting down she poured us both a liberal shot of Scotch.

Sara's eyes were gleaming with happiness. She attacked the fries. Her life had been very boring up until I saw her on the crowed bus.

"Señor should I invite Katia over?"

"That's up to you pretty girl! Entirely up to you!"

"When do you leave?"

"This weekend!"

"Well I know Katia and I will want to be alone with you before you go! You can't leave without a proper goodbye!"

"I look forward to your proper goodbye!"

Sara went to Katia's house. TV is practically non existent in Honduras. What there is is mostly black and white, enough to see soccer.

I had another Scotch with Isabel she commented that Sara was a completely different child since I'd been here.

"Whatever you did I applaud you. My little Sara seems almost grown up!"

I was tired so I excused myself and went to lay down. I fell asleep in a warm fan cooled room.

I partially awoke when I felt a small little body snuggle up next to me. It made me feel good to have such a sweet cuddly little girl sleeping in my arms.

At eight I got up to have coffee with Isabel. She offered me eggs and meat from the pork roast.

I was on my second cup of coffee when a little girl came in rubbing her eyes. She climbed up onto my lap and cuddled into my chest.

I hugged her closer, "Thank's for sleeping with me last night!"

"You're welcome! I liked it too!" She wiggled closer.

"Hey kiddo I've got to go! I'm taking pictures of Anie today!"

Carlos beeped. I grabbed Sara and kissed her forehead, "See ya later pretty one!"

I jumped in the back seat of Carlos' Taxi.

"Just a reminder you're going to take Angelina to the Clinic and pick her up in the afternoon. Be sure and call my cell when you're on the way back to her house!"

"Si Señor, no problem!"

When we arrived Angelina was ready and eager to get going.

"Anie will take care of you! Take nice pictures of my beautiful little girl!"

"Relax everything will be just fine!"

Anie was waiting at the door with a huge smile she led me to the kitchen.

"Mom told me to fix you coffee. So have a seat while I pour you a cup of her good coffee!"

She was wearing the same white dress! I assumed she had a very limited wardrobe. She sat across from me smiling her chin on her hands as she waited for my commands.

"Is your back yard private?"

"Not really! We're better off inside!"

"How's your room?"

"It's small, mostly my bed, a folding chair and a table for my computer!"

"Let's see it!"

"This might work! Turn that chair around and straddle it. Yes like that! now pull your dress up, just a peak no panties yet!"

"Now stand up, turn your body to the side, pull up your dress from the rear showing me a nice butt! Give me a big smile, yeah that's good! Those pictures are for your mom!"

"Are you ok?"

"I love posing! It's making me wet!"

"Wow! You're very responsive! You're in for a good time today!"

"Good deal! I'm ready for new fun stuff!"

"Ok now lay on your bed rest your head on one hand raise your leg so I can see the front of your T-Back!"

"Use your finger to pull the side of your T-Back far out, as if you were going pull them off. Give me a look that says, 'You want to see more don't you?'"

"She placed her hand on the band of her thong pulling it up and away from her body at the same time she pointed to her crotch!"

"That's hot! That's good! That's a hot pose! Let's take a break!"

"More coffee please!"

She lit the stove to heat the coffee.

"How'm I doing?" She looked at me with a questioning grin.

"You're a natural model! The camera likes you! Come see!"

Her pictures were outstanding! She was really very pretty on an my IPad screen.

"So have your boobs started growing yet?"

"Just a tiny bit, nothing to look at! But I bet you wanna see? Don't you?"

"He'll yeah!"

She was beaming wide as she showed her nipples that were just beginning to poke out. They were, happily for her, showing themselves as nice small mounds. I didn't ask I just leaned over to suckle the closest one. At first she didn't respond, then, "Oh that's exciting, I've never felt anything like that before. Do the other side!"

We continued for a while she really liked the titty attention.

We walked hugging each other to the kitchen.

"Do you have a T Shirt you can wear?"

"Oh yeah!"

She ran to her room and came back into the kitchen wearing only the top and the thong.

"Wow you're a knockout! You're one hot eleven year old little lady!"

She ran up to me kissing my cheek. Her smile was delightful.

"Sit on the table! Pull the band of your T-Back forward just enough to show your mound but not your slit!"

She eagerly complied, she was smiling widely with excitement.

I took several hot pictures.

"Hey let's not forget the G-String you picked out! Go put it on!"

She was gone in a flash her black straight hair bouncing as she ran. She was back into the kitchen with the tiny V shaped pussy covering that barely hid her mound.

"All right! You're so sexy! Kneel down here on the table near the edge. Separate your legs a bit more. Now look down at me smiling. We want the viewer to see your G-String and your face and come away knowing you like showing off!"

"Sit on the edge of the table, raise your legs on the edge. Oh yeah that! I see very beautiful pussy lips!" "Hey I like the words on the front of your G-String. If you take it off I promise to do what it says! I'm ready to eat your pussy!"

"Well I'm so glad you asked! How about this!" She pulled off her G-String exposing her gorgeous young pussy.

"Hold that pose!" I pulled her to me pushing her legs over my shoulders. In front of me was gorgeous, young, wet, ready to play, eleven year old pussy. I began to slowly lick her glistening pussy lips.

Anie said with a husky voice, "Wow that's really good, I like that feeling, I really like what I'm feeling! This is good! Oh yeah this is soooo good!"

I used my finger to explore her tiny hole. She moaned, nodding her head with approval. I began by pushing my finger into her. She pulled her legs up, placing her feet on my shoulders. I pushed deeper her hymen offered no real resistance. My finger easily found its way into her. It went in so easily I think because of the special slipperiness of her cunt juices. I took my finger out and gave it too her to suck she eagerly cleaned my finger. I put my finger back into her tight little pussy. She moved her hips up and down to increase her pleasure. She became quiet, her eyes were closed tight, she was internalizing her pleasure. Suddenly her hips moved rapidly her butt raised off the table she gasped with her first orgasm. Her butt hit the table she was breathing heavily, her chest heaving in and out.

She sat up and giving me a big hug. I responded with a return hug and a kiss on her forehead which she acknowledged with a big warm smile.

"Thank you! Thank you! That was marvelous! I had no idea sex could feel soooooooo goodd!"

She continued to lay on the table happily recovering from her first cum with someone else's help. I got up to turn on the heat for more coffee. I couldn't help myself I went over to her still spread open legs and plunged my finger back up into her open pussy lips. She raised her hips off the table to accommodate my finger grabbing my arm, "Oh yeah! Oh yeah!"

After a few minutes passed she said, "Whoa my pussy needs a rest!"

I reached down and kissed her forehead saying, "You've been marvelous, you're a very hot sexy little girl!"

I sat down to drink my coffee. She got off the table leaving the room. After a few minutes she returned with her new Dildo.

"Señor will you help me learn how to use this girl toy?"

"Let's go to your room!'

"Lay down on your bed and close your eyes. Spread your legs!"

"I like being naked with you! It feels very sexy! I like sexy!"

As she laid back the view was spectacular, "Whooee your pussy is pretty!"

She licked her lips. She smiled widely. I got between her legs pushing my finger deep into her. I took it out sucking her delicious pussy juice off my finger. She grabbed and held onto my arm. Pushing it against her pussy, I slid my finger back in moved it around then pulled it out offering it to her, she eagerly sucked it clean.

She called out, "Do it again!"

This time I put two fingers in, she moaned, "Wow, that's feels big inside of me! I can't decide if I like two fingers over one. I guess I need more experience to make that decision!" She sucked my fingers hard making it difficult to pull them out she was smiling wide.

"Ok lay back give me your hands, hold the dildo firmly, insert it into your pussy until the vibration makes you feel Ohhhhhhh soooo good!"

She licked her lips, "Ohhhhhhh this feels so good!"

"Push it in as far as you can without hurting, now move it in and out to make your pussy feel extra good. Keep doing that until you cum!"

I lifted her T Shirt so I could suck her nipples! She exploded with loud moans when I pulled on her nipples with my lips.

Soon it was obvious she was going to have a big cum, "Go for it! Go for it! Cum! Yes cum big! Oh sweetheart that was a great cum!"

She collapsed breathing heavily, reaching up to my neck she kissed my cheek ravenously "Oh yeah! Oh yeah! That was marvelous! Just marvelous!"

"So what are you going to tell your friends?"

"Easy! Sex is way better than I ever dreamed it could be! They're happy but jealous that I have a dildo. I loved showing it to them. They convinced me to put it in so they could see me use it!"

"Did you cum for them!"

"That's what the dildo is for isn't it?"

"You bet sexy!"

My cell rang! It was Carlos heading to the house. Anie went to her room and put on a T-Back and her white dress. When she reentered the kitchen, she raised her skirt showing me her new T-Back, "My pussy wants to say thanks for the hot fun and the wonderful fun sex you just gave her!"

I knew then that I'd helped another cute little girl discover her hidden sexuality.


Join me next when Sara, Katia and Anie all get together for lots of girl-girl sex in an orgy they put together themselves.

See next 15 No Panties Sara, Katia & Anie

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