Published: 18-Dec-2011
Word Count:
I hadn't seen Scott since he was just a little baby and therefore I was quite excited when my brother called me to ask whether he and his son could come and visit on the farm for the summer.
Naturally I said they were both welcome but soon enough it turned out that my brother had a different motive with his visit.
Soon turned out that it was his summer to have Scott, but naturally work got in the way and now he was looking for a cheap baby-sitter.
-I'll come out every weekend, he tried and then went on to explain about this big business-venture that he had been put in charge of and after another 15 minutes I no longer felt like listening to his excuses and instead said that of course I would help.
Just like me, my brother had grown up here in the country, on this very farm, but instead of staying on and helping our parents to keep it going, he had left for the city as soon as he could and was now a rather successful within Private-banking.
That and he was divorced twice and had two kids, Scott about to turn 6 at the end of August and a daughter that I had never seen.
Meanwhile I had lived here m entire life and didn't like the city at all. So for being 29 year old twins we were very different.
Two weeks later I got in the pick-up truck to travel to the closest Train-station to pick them both up. My brother had explained on the phone last night that the delivery of his new car had been delayed so I would need to not only pick them up, but also drop him off again in time for him to catch the last train back to town.
Scott had grown a lot since I had last seen him, but then again it had been a couple of years. He was around 4ft tall, slim, dark curly hair and just like me and his Dad he had big brown eyes.
-Uncle Billy, he screamed and waved at me. As he came running towards me I got a good luck at the brother I hadn't seen in a few years.
He was as muscular as I was but in a very different way. It was obvious that this was the result of a personal trainer and my muscular torso and biceps came from years of hard work on the farm.
His dark hair was gelled back and not surprisingly he was wearing a really nice suit that looked like it had cost him a bundle.
We shook hands and he thanked me half-heartedly for "taking the kid off my hands for a couple of weeks."
-You are coming out though each weekend, I reminded him and he nodded, saying he would try.
Now fact of the matter is that I am not married and I have no kids. The farm is remotely located, very far away from civilization and the only people I actually get there are the hired help of which there are three - all men. I guess what I am trying to say is that I have no experience with kids and life on the farm is a man's world. I wasn't actually sure how a 5 year old city kid would be able to hack country-life, also because I would not have much time to entertain him.
It was work from morning to night 7 days a week.
Arriving at the farm I decided to give them a quick tour, my brother had not been back since he left nearly ten years ago and he did comment on the expansion of the barn and also the two other houses one of which was were the hired help lived.
-How many animals do you have here Uncle Billy, Scott asked as we were walking through the stables.
-I think we have about 400 cows, around 250 pigs and 20 horses, not to mention all the chickens of course, I replied, so there will be a lot for you to do. 'You think you are up for it?'
To be honest it was the only thing I could think of in order to keep him busy. The summer is a busy time on a farm.
To assure him it would all be fine I smiled at him and put my hand on his shoulder and squeezed it gently.
He was quick to nod.
-Absolutely, I'll help out as much as I can.
-Just make sure you don't get in the way too much Scott, my brother said with a smile. 'Promise me you'll do exactly what your uncle Billy asks you to do!'
Again he nodded.
Around dinner time he was introduced to the 3 other guys living on the farm permanently. Next week another 3 would join them as that is really when the busy period starts, and they would stay on until the end of August beginning of September, but for the rest of the year the hired help consisted of Anthony, the 6ft5 black man who had been with me for more than ten years. He was in his early 40'ies. Then there was Danny, a 19 year old who was on his second year on the farm and his older brother Matthew who was 23.
The brothers kept a lot to themselves, actually we all did, but they were very efficient workers and everyone k new what to do.
In all honesty I did not know how a kid would fit into this equation.
Driving my brother back to the train-station he promised his son he'd be back late Friday evening.
-Will you bring me a present?, asked Scott saying he was afraid that he would forget it was his 6th birthday that following day.
-If you do exactly what your uncle says, my brother reminded him. 'Only then will you get a present!'
-He really shouldn't be any trouble, said my brother turning to me. 'Some hard work will do him the world of good.' 'He's been spending way too much time in all female company!' 'And he's not good or even interested in sports either!'
OK, I don't have any children of my own, but according to me you didn't talk that way about your own son, especially not in front of him.
-Don't worry uncle Billy, said Scott as we rode back to the farm after dropping off his. 'I will work very hard!'
-I am sure you will, I said winking at him.
It was suddenly clear to me that the poor kid had probably been made to feel like a disappointment his entire life.
I was hoping that somehow this summer would be able to build up his confidence a little bit.
Scott was to stay in the room next to mine and just after 19.30 he had showered, dressed in a superman pyjama and was ready for bed.
-Night Uncle Billy, I'll see you tomorrow.
-Sure kid, I'll wake you up when I head out to the cows.
He nodded, gave me a quick wave and seconds later I heard the door to his room slam shut.
'He won't be any problem', I thought to myself, he even goes to bed without being told.
The following morning, I woke up at the crack of dawn, as always around 4.15, and as always I needed to piss. My huge cock was as usual turning my boxers into a tent reminding me that it had been a long time since I had had any sex and I hurried to the bathroom, thinking I would have a quick wank before waking Scott up and heading out to tend to the cows.
I started to pull on my cock, closing my eyes thinking about that hot 16 year old that had just started working in the convenience store a couple of miles away. I had known her all her life as she was the Anderson's only daughter, but she had just turned interesting her breasts had started to fill out and she always looked really horny.
My cock had just swelled up to its full 9 inches and was throbbing in my hand, ready to start shooting cum at any minute when there was a knock on the door.
-Uncle Billy, I need to tinkle, said Scott's sleepy voice from the other side of the door.
-Can you wait a minute kid, I'm nearly finished in here, I said slightly panicked that he would push the handle as there was no lock on the door.
-But I really need to go now, he whined and then I remember my brother telling me that Scott was somewhat of a bed-wetter. I didn't want to have to clean up any accidents.
I showed my aching cock back into my boxers trying to mentally get it to go down and told Scott to enter.
-Morning, he mumbled and walked over to the toilet while I was pressing my crotch against the sink hoping he wouldn't notice my erected state.
He pulled down his pyjama-bottoms turning his back to me and with a sigh of relief he started to piss.
I glanced over and my eyes locked on his tiny buttocks and I am ashamed to admit the thoughts that unwillingly entered my head, but seriously his ass was just perfection.
I was quick to look away and tried not to focus on the fact that my cock which had just started to go down now was rock hard and throbbing even more so than it had been before.
When he finally had finished and went to wash his hands I dashed out of the bathroom shouting down the hallway that he had 5 minutes to get dressed if he wanted to accompany me to see the cows.
A couple of minutes later we were walking across the yard on our way to the barn and I couldn't help but smile when I saw how he struggled to keep up with my fast pace.
In the barn Anthony was busy with milking the cows, naturally we had milking-machines for all the cattle but one or two cows absolutely refused to conform to anything modern and therefore had to be milked by hand, the old-fashioned way.
I could tell Scott was not at all used to the smell of the barn and I asked Anthony if he could help to show him how to milk the cow, mainly to keep him busy and also to take his mind off the smell.
To my big surprise, Anthony who was never much of a talker and also normally quite grumpy this early in the morning nodded eagerly.
-Come here little man, I will show you.
He extended his extremely large hand, that Scott willingly took and they walked over to one of our three "problem cows"
-Now what you do, explained Anthony 'is first you need to clean the udder, with some soap and water, like so' 'And then...hand me that towel over there Scott...thanks...and then you take the teat with your entire hand, like this' 'And you squeeze it in a downward motion, like this!'
I signalled to Anthony that I would be leaving them to it and he did thumbs up and smiled in a way I have never seen before.
I went to find the brothers, Danny and Matt to see that everything was set up for the horse-breeding this afternoon. We had several stallions on the farm, all pure-breed and we earned quite a bit to have them impregnate mares.
Danny assured me it was all set up and I asked him to come and find me when the mare arrived.
Other things kept me occupied and it took about an hour before I returned to where I had left Scott in the care of Anthony.
Only they were nowhere to be found. I could tell by the shape of the udders that all three cows had been milked but my nephew and Anthony had clearly left.
It wouldn't have bothered me normally, Anthony was very reliable and always did his work correctly but I was suddenly reminded of the fact that one of the cows was what we referred to as a kicker and I was hoping that Anthony had remembered this, not letting Scott milk her.
Suddenly a stretched out groan was heard from another part of the barn and I hurried off in the direction, expecting the worst.
There was this one part of the barn that was walled off from the rest of it, where the men would normally have their lunch, and sometimes a nap. Just a small area with a table, a few chairs and a wide bench, where I new Anthony sometimes had a lie down for a couple of minutes.
As I got closer however I realised that he might be doing something different, because the latest moan I had heard just as I was on the other side of the thin wall sounded sexual.
It might well be that Scott had gotten bored and returned to the house and that Anthony had decided to have a wank.
As far as I knew he didn't have a lady-friend and had never had one for as long as I had known him, naturally he would take care of business. It was only to be expected.
Just to make sure that everything was alright though I decided to stick around for a minute or two to listen.
What I heard next surprised me.
-You don't have to be afraid; milking a man is just like milking a cow, just like this.
-It's so big, I recognised my nephew's voice amongst the other noises of the barn.
Anthony chuckled.
-Yeah my black Mamba will even make the horses jealous, now hurry up, we don't have all day. 'And I want you to get me off before your Uncle returns.'
-I don't know, said Scott but was quickly reminded that he had promised to do exactly what Anthony said.
-It is exactly the same as with the cows, said Anthony using a tone of voice that didn't want any excuses. 'No use both your hands, yours are too tiny to only be using one!'
Then it went silent only the occasional moan from Anthony.
My blood was boiling but I didn't know at all on how to handle the situation, also I couldn't be sure what was going on, I needed to take a quick peak even though I was petrified of what I would see.
Quickly I glanced around the corner and there on the dirty floor of what we normally referred to as our Back-Office stood my five year old innocent little nephew in front of the massive black man that I had known for 10 years. Scott's face was just in front of that massive black cock which he encircled with both his hands.
For moment or two I was mesmerized with the sheer size of his cock. I knew I was well hung; I had had girls complaining my entire life, that they wouldn't blow me or that I needed to pull out because it hurt, but compared to Anthony my own cock would look small. It was at least 12" and the thickness of it made it look like a monster.
What they said about black men was definitely true.
Anthony had his back towards the short part of the wall and due to the fact that he was looking down on what Scott was doing he didn't notice me, watching them.
-My arms are getting tired; complained Scott and Anthony just chuckled and told him to keep going. 'If you want my milk to come quicker you can always use your mouth as well'
-I don't want to do that, said Scott and the sound of his voice betrayed just how much he didn't want to do that.
-It's not about what you want kid, remember your Uncle told you to help me milk.' 'Don't worry though the first few times are always the hardest, you will get used to it quickly, and you will learn how to get my juices shoot out!'
Scott was pulling on the enormous thick black cock the best he could and from where I was standing I could tell he had worked it up to its fully erected swollen state.
I wanted to intervene, but I didn't know what to do, instead I remained as a spectator not able to take my eyes off what was happening.
Suddenly Anthony leaned forward and in one swift motion he pulled down Scott's shorts and I suppose his underwear followed to because suddenly his ass was visible.
-What are you doing?, stuttered my nephew and Anthony just chuckled again and with one hand he pried Scott's butt-cheeks apart.
-Just checking your hole to see how open it is!
-But I poo from there, protested Scott and I saw he had now let go off his grip around Anthony's cock.
-There are other things that can be done with it, believe me! 'I want you to go on all fours, just like a dog!'
Anthony gave Scott a light push to get the child to comply with his wishes. 'And remove your shorts; we don't want them to get dirty!'
I had still gone unnoticed where I was standing glancing around the corner and it was clear that Anthony was too focussed on what he was doing and I think Scott was too afraid of what was going to happen next to acknowledge his surroundings.
Anthony soon got the boy to go on all fours and that is when I noticed the bucket of lubricant that was standing on the table.
This was used for when either the bulls or the stallions were being prepped for mating and now I saw Anthony dip two of his enormous fingers deep into the goo. Soon they returned to my visual and they were shiny and dripping wet.
Without much ado he placed a finger by the opening and forced his entire finger inside my nephew's ass.
Scott let out a high-pitched scream and Anthony was quick to place his free hand over the boy's mouth.
-It doesn't feel this bad normally, laughed Anthony 'it's just because it's your first time just wait until I get my black Mamba up there, then you will have every reason to scream.' 'Now shut the fuck up and start sliding your ass back and forth over my finger!'
The black man was smiling to himself, a big sadistic grin and as my eyes glanced over his cock I noticed it was even harder than before. It was clear he loved what he was doing.
My own cock was throbbing in my trousers, so hard that I could actually feel it beating harder than my heart.
On the one hand I wanted to intervene and stop it immediately because clearly it was wrong, but my curiosity of what was to happen next and the fact that I was fucking horny prevented me.
-I said move your fucking ass boy, said Anthony, still with that stern demanding tone of voice and just to make his point come across he started moving his finger in and out of my nephews ass at a very impressive rate.
I could hear Scott screaming into his hand and his screams increased even more as Anthony pushed his second finger inside. And believe me his fingers are huge; his hands are like toilet-seats.
-Shit you're fucking tight little man; you feel my fingers in your little ass? 'Do you?
Scott only groaned and the way he was squinting with his eyes I could tell that he felt every single part of those two fingers going in and out of his ass.
Anthony pulled out his fingers and a sigh of relief escaped the boy.
-I'm gonna remove my hand now, but if you scream I will push my entire cock inside you in one go and you will not like that!' 'Do we have a deal?'
Scott nodded and Anthony removed his hand.
The boy drew a few deep breaths and it occurred to me that he probably had had his air-supply strangled slightly.
-Please Mister let me go, I don't want to play this game.
Anthony didn't respond instead he tipped the boy over on his side and took the position of big spoon, right behind him.
-Squeeze your legs together all you can Scotty, I am going to slide my cock back and forth between them. It won't hurt.'
He first applied a lot of lube to Scott's little thighs and then to his huge member and soon that enormous cock started to poke out through the tightness between Scott's puny little legs.
It slid passed his tiny little cocklet that was almost ridiculously small in size and then continued all the way up towards the child's stomach.
I had never seen anything like, almost like it was the child who had a huge black cock that somehow retracted and shot forth with increasing speed.
-I said to keep you fucking legs together, one thing you have to do, it ain't that fucking hard, complained Anthony.
He moved quicker while screaming out abuse at the petrified child, telling him in detail how much it would hurt when the kid finally was made to take it inside his hole.
'I prefer small little girls, but they tend to rip too much, so you will do for this summer!'
Suddenly Anthony pulled his cock so far back it disappeared out of sight and soon I realised why.
Anthony lifted the child's leg up and thusly gave me a good visual of what was going on backstage.
-Please no, said Scott and his voice was nothing but a mere whisper as Anthony started to push his throbbing and gigantic cock-head against the opening of his hole.
Suddenly the boy screamed so loud it made me turn around to ensure that the brothers were nowhere to be seen, but then I remembered they would be out on the grounds all day repairing the fence. As I switched back to the rape of my nephew I saw that half of Anthony's cock-head was busy splitting the child in two, trying with all its might to get deep inside.
-I knew you could handle it, said the black man and thrust more of his cock inside the tiny opening. It was like watching a horse trying to fuck a mouse.
-Take it out take it out take it out!!!, screamed Scott without breathing in between and tears were streaming down his cheeks.
Anthony laughed and said:
-You want me to try and go even deeper? 'Are you sure?'
He pushed more and even from where I was standing I could hear the popping sound of his cock-head sliding inside my 5 year old nephew's ass.
He held still for a little while and a look of disbelief crept over his face as if he couldn't quite believe that he had fully managed to penetrate the boy. It took a moment or two before that wide sadistic smile returned to his lips and he slowly started to move back and forth.
-I didn't think I'd be able to open you up so quickly, you are a very quick learner.
Scott didn't speak, instead he silently sobbed there on the dirty floor.
I couldn't help myself but I had to relieve my cock out of its tight prison and let it breath fresh air.
It was clear that huge cock caused young Scott a lot of pain and he was whining louder and louder the more Anthony moved inside him and even then there wasn't a lot of movement to talk about but clearly enough to satisfy Anthony's wicked desires.
-That's it, now you're really milking my black Mamba! 'It is nearly time for your reward!'
Somehow he managed to get both himself and Scott up in a standing position, probably because Anthony was so strong and Scott was so tiny. Soon he once again started to move his huge black cock that remained lodged a few inches inside the boy's butt.
Anthoy's hands were so large when he put them on the child's shoulders he was in complete control of what was going on.
It was a beautiful thing to see that enormous cock making way deeper and deeper inside he child's rectum.
The black man soon started to groan and moan louder for each time he moved and soon enough he pulled back his cock, removing it from the boy's distended anus and started pulling at it feverishly.
-I got a lot of milk for such a good boy, groaned the large black man. 'Turn around you little pussy and part those sweet lips of yours!'
My nephew hardly had time to turn around facing the exploding cock before the black volcano erupted and started shooting hard jets of cum all over his face. I have never seen anything like it because within seconds Scott's beautiful face was covered in Anthony's thick white cream. It hit him everywhere: in his both eyes, over his lips, his cheeks, inside his mouth.
-W-what's happening, was the only thing young Scott managed to utter, but Anthony was busy with cuming and it took him a few good minutes to come around o answer any questions.
He threw an old rag at the child telling him to clean up.
-Wasn't that a nice game, laughed Anthony while putting a cigarette in his mouth, lighting up.
Scott didn't reply, doing his best to remove the cum from his face.
-I know it stings if you get it in your eyes, said Anthony. 'The pain will go away in an hour or so, but I'll be sure to cum in your ass next time, it's what I like doing most anyway!'
-I don't want to do this again, protested Scott. 'I'll tell my uncle on you!'
For someone who had just been raped he kid sure showed some spunk!
Anthony only smiled.
-No, you won't, because if you do, you will regret the day you were born. 'I expect you and I to have a lot of fun this summer!' 'You should know that I can go several times a day...as a matter of a fact, if you just let me finish this ciggy, I think I could go again.'
A brother in perv
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