Published: 30-Dec-2012
Word Count:
Author's Profile
Author's Note: 'Theory Of Relativity' is the second of three stories featuring Mike Peterson and his two daughters. In PART I, Mike, Mandy, and Lorrie find Mike's sister's home to be a seething cauldron of sexual tension. The first night of the visit, Mike is seduced by his niece and things get even better from there.
PART II picks up where PART I left off.
The next morning, I was appointed babysitter for the Morrison household. Okay...not really. There were no babies in my sister's house for me to sit. But Meghan was gone, and my brother-in-law, Steve, had been called away on a quick trip down to the city for a face-to-face conference with some contractors on a job they were doing for the Steve's group.
I'd thought at first I might just get some quality time with my sister to explore a little more of what had started out to be a very interesting little petting session yesterday morning. But nooooooooo...she had to take off to town to help out with the final plans for the big family reunion weekend after next.
So I sulked for a while. Heck, a grown man has a right to feel sorry for himself every once in a while, right?
I was up in my room, checking my email and tapping out some necessary responses when there was a knock at the door. It wasn't locked, it wasn't even closed, so even the soft rapping got my attention quickly. It was out of place and anomalies always get noticed. I swiveled around to face the door, not sure what I would find there.
Casey's face peeped around the doorjamb, a hesitant smile on her lips.
"Are you doin' anything, Uncle Mike?" she asked.
"Nope," I said quickly, glad of the interruption. "I'm not busy at all--just checking some stuff. What's up?"
She sidled into the room, towing her younger sister Kristi by the hand. Kristi had an apprehensive look on her face.
"Is something wrong, girls?" I asked. I was beginning to get worried, but I didn't know about what. My two nieces sat on the bed, still holding hands nervously. Casey took a deep breath.
"I told Kristi about us," she blurted.
I blinked, not quite knowing what to say for an instant. I just let my eyebrows rise, hoping she would give me a little more information before I had a chance to put my foot in something nasty smelling.
"Uh...we were talking," Casey explained. "I told Matt I knew about him and Mandy...and him and Lorrie last night." She grinned suddenly. "Mister Smarty Pants Mathew Bryan looked silly and got scared when I told him," she said smugly. "I think he went to hide in the barn," she concluded. The smile evaporated.
"Kristi told me she and Kevin tried to...tried to...uh...."
I waited for a second. Then I understood. "Oh! Have sex?" I guessed.
Kristi flushed beet red and made ready to bolt for the door. She would have too if Casey hadn't been holding her hand tightly.
The story came out slowly. Apparently, Kevin made a beeline for his twin sister after he and Lorrie had sex down by the creek. Kevin figured he'd just learned anything he needed to know about sex and was ready to start spreading the knowledge around.
He'd gone to Kristi and suggested having sex right then and there. It had not, I learned, been the first time they'd discussed sex. The pretty twelve-year-old admitted this with a deep blush that spread up her neck all the way to her ears. I thought it made her even more innocently charming...and sexy as hell!
They'd gone to her room as early as they decently could and tried to screw but she'd been nervous, half-afraid they'd be discovered, jittery about what she was supposed to do. Bottom line--nothing went right. The harder they tried, the more frustrated they got and an unintentional movement of Kevin's body had rammed his dick into Kristi's tender groin.
She'd yelped in pain; Kevin had shot straight up beside the bed; and he began apologizing a mile a minute, scared out of his mind he'd damaged Kristina permanently. Kristi was as upset about the way Kevin had reacted as she was about the penis assault on her privates.
No one heard anything downstairs, but they hadn't even THOUGHT about continuing. Kristi hadn't been badly hurt, but she wasn't ready to try again, and then she went to sleep. When her big sister asked why she was moping around this morning, Kristi had poured out all her disappointment and frustrations.
"And then you told her that you've been coming to visit me every night since we've been here, huh?" I asked.
Casey nodded.
"And you let her know we've fucking our brains out every night?" I added with a grin.
Kristi winced at my licentious words and started getting her feet under her in preparation for a quick escape.
"He just likes saying words like that, Kristi," Casey said soothingly, patting Kristi's hand. "It doesn't mean anything." Kristi was still dubious, but she stayed.
I got up and went over to the bed, sitting down on the opposite side of Kristi's body from Casey. I rubbed her shoulder. Turning her away from me, I massaged her neck and then down her back. Lots and lots of tension there. I stroked more.
"She's right," I told Kristi gently. "I say naughty words sometimes because I don't see any reason why not to...and it's fun, okay?" I chuckled.
She nodded slowly, still cautious about accepting what I said at face value.
"Sooooo," I said in a conversational tone. "Something didn't go right with you and Kevin? Not to worry, we'll get it all straightened out."
"Are you bleeding or anything, honey?" I asked Kristi.
She shook her head. "I don't think so," she said, qualifying her answer.
I looked at her for a long moment. I really figured she'd know if she was bleeding...all that red stuff is a dead giveaway. So she wasn't bleeding--a very good sign in my books.
"Does it hurt right now?" I asked. She wiggled her behind around on the bedspread for a bit and then shook her head no again.
"I don't--"
"Think so." I finished for her, grinning to make sure she knew my teasing wasn't malicious.
She stuck out her tongue at me for just a second and grinned ruefully. That was better.
"So what do you want me to do, sugar?" I asked her, a trifle perplexed. Both girls assumed worried expressions simultaneously.
"Well, we couldn't go to Mom," Casey explained.
Actually, I suspected Meghan would have handled things very well, considering how she'd behaved yesterday afternoon with Shannon and me, but Casey and Kristi hadn't been there. I stayed quiet, letting Casey build up to the reason they were sitting on my bed. Abruptly, I knew.
"Oh!" I said. "You want an adult--me--to take a look...uh, examine you and see if Kevin hurt something bad and it just hasn't started hurting yet?"
Kristi nodded timidly. She wasn't entirely sure she did want this.
I was willing to bet a nickel that Casey had talked her into it. It crossed my mind that Casey had her own agenda in this emergency room drama.
Well, regardless of that, the poor girl WAS afraid something had been done to her insides now, and she desperately needed reassurance. I got down on my knees in front of her and put my hands on her knees.
"You ever play "Doctor," honey?" I asked her. She blushed.
"Kind a'," she answered. I wanted to explore that answer some...I sensed a cute story...but first things first.
"Well, you and me are going to play doctor right now," I told her. "And you aren't going to get embarrassed or anything like that, okay?"
"She won't," Casey interjected. "I told her you're always real gentle," she declared.
"Why, thank you, Miss Casey," I said appreciatively.
"You're welcome," she replied primly, grinning at my mock-formal tone.
Kristi's grin flickered back into existence for a second.
"Kristi, you'll have to take off your shorts, honey...or I will, if you want me to," I said in a deliberately calm, reassuring voice.
"Let him," Casey suggested. "He's good at it," she explained to Kristi.
Not that she would know whether I was or not. This was the first time Casey had been anywhere near me up here on the third floor with clothing on since I got here. I didn't think it was the right time to point that out, so I bit my tongue and kept quiet.
Kristi nodded her assent. She lay back on the bed, closing her eyes.
I tugged the elastic band at the top of her shorts off her hips and then pulled on the bottoms to slide them down Kristi's slender thighs. After a difficult start...they were tight enough on her body they could have been painted on...they came off easily once I got them past her hips. Kristi was wearing a pair of plain cotton panties and I pulled them off without pausing. Quicker than it takes to tell, I had my twelve-year-old niece nude from the waist down...except for her ankle socks and running shoes.
"Mmmmmmmm," I breathed, "that is such a PRETTY little pussy," I said irreverently.
Kristi stirred, but a forearm covered her eyes so she could pretend I wasn't really talking about anything to do with her body.
"Hey!" Casey said indignantly. "You never say that about my puss," she complained.
"I've licked your 'puss' three or four times and made you go crazy," I said dryly. "You think I would do that if it wasn't just cute as the devil??!!" I demanded.
"Oh...I didn't think of it that way," Casey admitted, grinning. " do like it?"
Just like a female, always in the market for a compliment.
"Bare it, sweetheart," I said in a no-nonsense tone. "I'll show you how much I like it in a minute."
I hoped I would actually get that opportunity. Kristi's naked young charms were already having an effect on me. The only thing holding me back was a teensy weensy residual concern that Kevin might actually have done something to her. I doubted it, based on the fact that she didn't seem to be in any pain, wasn't bleeding and responded however slightly to the humor of the situation...but I DID need to check and make sure.
Casey only stuck out her tongue and blew me a raspberry when I invited her to drop her shorts so I turned my attention back to her younger sister. Scooting on my knees on the carpet up to the edge of the bed, I ran my hands slowly up Kristi's knees to her thighs and then to her inner thighs. I did it partly to warm my hands and partly to accustom her to my touch.
Then I tenderly parted her puffy outer labia and examined the fleshy folds for signs of injury. Terrible job for an uncle...but someone's got to...and so on and so forth. I know I was grinning happily--couldn't stop!
Getting close, I inspected every fraction of an inch of my young niece's outer and then her inner lips. All the while, I was breathing in the essence of a young girl's sex. The slightly musky fragrance seemed to fill my nostrils. She smelled sweet and clean and....
I forced myself to pay attention to what I was here for.
I felt Casey move and glanced over to see her standing up and pulling her T-shirt over her head. Her thumbs were hooked in the band at the top of her shorts and they were quickly around her ankles.
Sooooo, she'd accepted my proposal after all! She hadn't lasted long, come to think of it...clothed and in my bedroom, that is. I grinned at her with a promise in my eyes. My cock was coming up, hard and proud too.
I examined Kristi's inner lips and what I could see of her vagina for a few more minutes, stopping only when I could no longer make myself believe I was doing it for medical reasons. There wasn't a speck of blood, no sign of any bruising, and nothing was torn that I could see. I had no way of doing a deep examination, and I wasn't qualified to do it, but I doubted very strongly there was anything the matter with Kristi.
Young boys have been clumsily initiating sex with young girls for zillions of years and pushing too hard here, poking too abruptly there, or a myriad of other things that temporarily caused pain. But all that happens without doing much of anything permanent in the long run. I suspected that was what had happened between the two twins last night.
I did note that Kristi's hymen, guarding the entrance to her vagina...wasn't there, and it hadn't been for some time. Actually, it was difficult to tell one had ever been there.
I didn't see anything abnormal about THAT. There were horses on the ranch and bareback rides astride the beasts have gently parted more than one maidenhead, often without the young girl even knowing. Without thinking, I kissed the bottom of Kristi's little slit and sat back on my heels.
I shouldn't have done that. I didn't have her permission. If she bolted out the door, I was a goner!
"Okay...." I said to cover my error. "Kristi, I don't see anything wrong with your pussy at all." I smiled. "And, as I said earlier, it's a really nice looking pussy...good enough to eat," I kidded.
Kristi propped herself up on her elbows to look down the length of her body at me. She was flushed, but the embarrassment was fading into relief...and something else. At the same time, I noticed she didn't seem to mind my fingers still parting her outer labia and she made no attempt to close her legs.
"You do not," I continued, "have a hymen, a cherry," I informed her, " there's no particular physical reason, anyway...why you and Kevin can't do naughty things to each other all night long."
I caressed her puffy outer lips. There was a light sheen of moisture on my fingertips. I stuck my fingers in my mouth and sucked them dry, enjoying my first taste of Kristi's body. She tasted just as innocent and sweet as she smelled.
Kristi's eyes widened into little saucers when I put my fingers in my mouth.
"I TOLD you," Casey said, a little irritably. "He likes to lick girls down there."
Kristi glanced at her older sister and she saw for the first time that Casey was now stark naked. Her eyes got even bigger.
I dallied with the idea of standing up and dropping my shorts so she could see my cock for the first time, but I let the thought slide...for the moment. "So...." I asked, taking back the stage from Casey. "What happened last night? How did Kevin hurt you?"
It took a while but briefly, it appeared Kevin might have gotten in a rush, hurrying and scaring Kristi just a little. She might have been a little dry or something. When Kevin tried to push his cock into her, it had been more than a little uncomfortable. Not serious. In fact....
"Kristi," I told her earnestly, "I'm pretty darn sure there's nothing whatsoever wrong with your body and nothing wrong with Kevin either," I added. "In fact, if you want, honey, we can fix everything up real quick...right now, if you want," I remarked.
"Do you still want to fuck Kevin?" I asked her, deliberately using the lewd, nasty term. "You don't have to, you know."
After a tiny pause, Kristi nodded. Fucking was very much still on her mind.
There was a drop of little girl fluid at the bottom of her slit again. That was very promising. I reached out and scooped it up, and then brought it to my mouth again. This time, Kristi's wide eyes held less shock than carnal excitement. I smiled happily. The morning wasn't going to be a bust after all.
Still on my knees before the dazzling, half-naked nymphet, I untied her athletic shoes, took them off and then slid her white ankle socks off. I stood and motioned her to sit up. She was more than a little mystified by what I was doing, but she complied willingly enough. I tugged her tank top over her head and tossed them on top of her other clothes. Perhaps too surprised to object, my young niece raised her arms up and let me strip her naked without a single protest.
I stood there a moment without speaking. Kristi's mouth was only five or six inches from the zipper on the front of my shorts. I saw her looking. She wet her lips nervously when I didn't immediately move away, but her eyes didn't move from the obvious tent in my cargo shorts.
"Okay," I said reluctantly. "I'll be right back." I turned to leave. "You two lovely, ladies just stay where you are and don't go anywhere, okay?" They nodded, not totally understanding, but willing to do as I asked anyway.
I jogged out the door and down the hallway to the stairs. I hadn't bothered to ask. If I'd been Kevin, I'd be moping around in my room, gloomy and unhappy, while I waited for some kind of retribution to come my way. It wasn't THAT long ago that I'd been a twelve-year-old boy myself. I had a pretty good idea what he was feeling. I was right.
I knocked on his door and pushed it open without waiting for an answer. Kevin was staring at me from near his closet.
"Hey...Kevin!" I said forcefully. "Come with got work to do, boy."
For all that he could tell, I had something that needed to be done right now. Kevin was a good boy who obeyed his parents and adults in authority and he didn't hesitate a moment. He might even have looked upon the summons as a welcome distraction. He started toward me immediately.
"Do I need to bring anything, Uncle Mike," he asked. I considered.
"Nah...." I said, considering if I should...."Huh-uh, just your dick...that's all." I turned and walked briskly back to the stairs and mounted the first step before I looked back at him. He was still beside his bedroom door, not sure what to do.
"Well, come on," I said enthusiastically. "They're waiting."
His face scrunched up into a scowl of sorts. "Who's waiting?" he asked.
But he was, in fact, moving so I just waved him to come on and continued up the stairs. At my bedroom door, I stood aside and bowed low to usher him inside. I liked teasing and making jokes. He knew it and was therefore reassured and relaxed when he went through the doorway.
It was a good thing I was behind him, though. He screeched to a stop when he saw his two sisters stretched out naked on the bed. I know he'd have whirled around and run for safety if I hadn't pushed him in the back and propelled him forward.
The girls, cruel beings that they are, giggled at Kevin's facial expression and his face flamed instantly red.
I put my arm around his shoulders to give him a temporary anchor in the storm of embarrassment...and to keep him from retreating.
"Don't ever show fear, boy!" I cautioned him solemnly. "They're more dangerous if you run."
Then I cracked up, laughing at my own joke and told him they had been reacting to the surprise on his face. Reassured, he turned his gaze back to the girls and was soon avidly capturing each nook and cranny of their young bodies in his memory for later review. It's what young men do.
"Kevin," I said lightly. "Kristi says you tried to have sex with her last night."
Judging from the boy's face, he took my words as an accusation.
I hurried on. "And she says something went wrong and she hurt and...and everything went to hell in a hand basket," I said quickly just to summarize and get on with it. I turned him around to face me and put my hand on the points of his shoulders.
"Kristi wanted me to look at her vagina and I did," I told him.
He flushed even redder, though I hadn't thought it possible.
"Look at me, Kevin," I ordered. "You didn't hurt your sister at all...there's nothing wrong with her and she's completely all right, you hear me?"
He nodded as his flush and his anxiety visibly eased by several orders of magnitude. His eyes tracked as far right as they could without him moving his head. With the pressure off, Kevin was interested in seeing more of his nude sisters. Good!
"Kevin," I said to get his attention. "We can get all this settled right now if you want to. Casey and I'll help you and Kristi if you still want to have sex, okay? Do you still want to?" I asked.
He looked panic stricken again. No adult had ever said things like this to him. He'd never HEARD of any adult EVER saying things like that.
But he hung in there. He nodded, moving so slowly I marveled I couldn't hear his neck creak. Good lad!
"I guess," he muttered under his breath. "If she still wants to," he added more audibly. I turned to Kristi.
"Kristi, do you still want to fuck your brother," I asked vulgarly. Kevin winced, but he watched her closely for her answer.
"If he wants to...." Kristi said faintly. She wriggled around on the bedspread for a second or two...perhaps as a statement of her discomfort at being put on the spot.
Her undulations must have looked awfully erotic and inviting to Kevin. I know they did to me. In fact, I got sidetracked for a long moment while I watched in respectful admiration.
"I will if she...." Kevin mumbled. I saw Kristi wet her lips and inhale a breath of air so she could speak.
"ENOUGH A' READY!" I said loudly. Everyone stared at me. "It's a simple, yes-or-no question. One word answers, kids," I said emphatically.
"Kevin...." I waited a full count before continuing. " to fuck Kristi?"
"Huh-UH!" I cautioned when he took a deep breath. "Just yes or no, okay? To fuck or not to fuck--that is the question!!"
There was a brief silence. No one recognized the mangled quote. I sniffed. God knows what they learn in schools these days.
Kevin's eyes were playing over his naked twin...and over his big sister's body too, I noticed.
"Uh huh...I mean, yes," he whispered.
I turned to Kristi, propped up on her elbows and with her legs still spread a little, she was a sight to behold.
"Kristi, do you want to fuck your brother?" I asked. The young girl had heard me say "fuck" a number of times over the past half hour. The naughty word had lost some of its impact.
She nodded.
I raised my eyebrows.
"Yes," she said in a soft, low voice.
"Good," I said enthusiastically. "I now pronounce you brother and sister fuckers. Kevin, you need to get your clothes off." I told him.
His eyes got big and he was clearly entertaining thoughts of racing back downstairs.
I motioned to the girls on the bed. "Kevin...your sisters are stark naked. Don't you think you should be too?"
He could the logic in that but he still dragged out the process of getting out of his pants and shirt. While I waited, I sat on the edge of the bed beside Casey and casually began fondling her pussy.
Kevin stopped moving, one pants leg off and him with one leg hung up in the air.
I frowned, not understanding.
"I didn't tell HIM yet," Casey said dryly.
I let my eyes roll up to the ceiling. Kevin had been laboring under the false impression that I was some kind of glorified schoolteacher, I guess. A lot cooler than the normal teacher, or adult, or uncle for that matter...but still someone who would be staying on the sidelines, not getting into the game.
"I thought," I told Casey, "once you told one of your brothers and sisters, it would just be a matter of time before ALL of them knew about what you and I have been doing, don't you think?"
Casey shrugged. She'd decided Kristi needed to know because of the troubles last night, and hadn't thought beyond that. But with the reality presented to her, she realized her siblings should fact, she wanted them to know, and just because she hadn't quite gotten around to telling everyone yet wasn't important to her.
She splayed her legs a little more to give my hand more room on her pussy. I was okay with that answer.
"Kevin," I remarked, "put your other foot down on the floor before you fall."
He did, still watching my hand on his big sister's mound.
"And, for the record, Kevin," I said slowly, "Casey and I have been fucking every night since we got here." I turned to the thirteen-year-old girl. "Tell him how you got me the first night," I instructed her.
Casey grinned nastily, relishing the memory. "I went into his bathroom while he was taking a shower," she told Kevin. "And got in the shower with him and made him fuck me," she concluded. She smiled a distant smile while she remembered and pressed my hand down more firmly on her groin.
Kevin stared at his sister in disbelief, but the short tale made the tent in his pants a little bit bigger. So he dropped his pants and took off his T-shirt without wasting any more time. Taking a deep breath, he pushed down his briefs and stood naked for the first time in his life before two of his sisters...and a full-grown man. His face was crimson again.
Kevin was a normal twelve-year-old boy. His cock was about 4 and a half inches long, maybe a tad longer and not terribly thick...but he wasn't anywhere near his full growth yet. It was hard as a little steel rod and sticking right out from his body. He didn't have much body hair so the thing looked all the more naked and immature. He could satisfy Kristi, though, providing he learned how. He could take care of a full-grown woman too. There were many adult males with not much more than Kevin possessed now.
"Hey!" Kevin said indignantly. "What about you?" he said. "Aren't you going to take your clothes off?"
"Yeah, aren't you going to get naked too?" Casey asked in a softer voice. Kristi was looking my way too. She was interested as well.
"I thought you'd never ask!" I said facetiously. I jumped to my feet, unbuttoned my cargo shorts, and pulled the zipper down quickly. I dropped them on the floor, pulled my T-shirt over my head and tossed it after the shorts. In seconds, I was standing before the three juveniles as naked as the day I was born. I was twenty-nine years old--in the prime of my life, muscular and fit.
"Seventeen years ago," I said out loud before Kevin could begin to think about the differences in our cock sizes and what the differences meant. "Seventeen years ago, I was a little shorter than you are today, Kev and my dick wasn't any bigger around than yours is now." I made my voice low and reassuring. He looked me in the eyes and nodded his head two or three times.
"Okay, Kev," I said. "I'll tell you one thing someone once told me and it's always proven true." I stopped, faced him head on, and put my hands on my hips in mock indignation.
"Hey, you're gonna take notes, right?" The boy looked around for a writing instrument before figuring out I was pulling his leg.
"Well, what're you gonna write with, huh?" I asked him. He didn't see the laughter in my eyes for a short space.
"Uncle Mike!" he said then, pretending to be cross.
He was going to leave it at that but he had an inspiration. Pointing at the hard-on jutting out from my groin at a forty-five degree angle, he used the edge of his hand to chop down, pantomiming slicing my little soldier off.
"I'll use that to write with, Uncle Mike," he said with a ferocious look on his face.
"Nooooooooo!" I called out in pretended panic. I swung my body around to face the bed and crossed my arms in front of my belly as a defense.
Everyone laughed. I was such a comic.
Abruptly, my mood and focus changed to something new.
"Oh, hello!" I exclaimed.
Kevin and Kristi were mystified at first. Both made abortive movements to cover up and they darted looks back at the doorway to find out who had found the four of us, naked and about to engage in taboo sex with one another. Actually, there was no one there.
What happened was I'd turned toward the girls after teasing Kevin and my dick was suddenly bobbing and waving right in front of Casey's face. Without missing a beat, the thirteen-year-old girl reached out, grasped my cock by the shaft and sucked the head into her mouth. The sudden wet heat of her mouth was fantastic, but surprising--hence my exclamation.
Suspending my conversation with Kevin, I looked down to see Casey's eyes twinkling up at me as her lips stretched around the helmet-shaped glans. I sighed happily.
"Well, I guess this is as good a way as any to begin," I commented. "Kev, come up closer to Kristi and stand in front of her," I told him.
Kristi sat up on her own, watching her sister closely as Casey began moving her head back and forth on my cock. Without being told, she took Kevin's young dick in her left hand and bent over slightly to touch it to her lips.
"That's right, honey," I coached her. "Take it between your lips, not too much, just a little. And remember to keep your teeth away from it, okay? Kevin would be a 'little' bit upset if you bite it."
"Whoa there, horsy!"
Casey had taken me out of her mouth and was pretending to bite down.
"Nice Casey," I said, stroking the side of her face. "Pretty Casey," I crooned, playing along with her game.
Kevin laughed and Kristi smiled broadly. Sex was fun and we were having a great time. After a bit, Casey resumed bobbing her head up and down on my cock.
"Whew!" I said gratefully. I mopped my forehead with an imaginary handkerchief.
Kristi was dividing her attention between watching her sister's mouth on me, and her own oral ministrations on her twin brother. In just the few minutes since she'd started, I could see improvement. Kevin's cock was wet with her saliva and sliding easily between her lips for fully half its length.
He loved it too. His grin beamed down at his pretty sister, his first lover.
"Casey, sugar?" I asked my own fellatrix. "Can you show Kristi what you're doing with your tongue, baby? It's a really good thing to do to a man." I added. She nodded and opened her mouth wide, and slid all but my glans out of her mouth to show her little sister what she was doing.
For a couple of nice, long minutes, the three of us were treated to the sight of a pretty thirteen-year-old girl's tongue washing around and around my cock in irregular patterns. Twice she positioned her tongue under the glans and simply extended and retracted her tongue, making it rasp against the underside of the glans. I sighed my appreciation.
"Kristi, sweetheart?" I said. She looked over at me without stopping slathering her tongue around the head of Kevin's smaller cock.
"Hold Kevin's cock straight up for just a sec, okay?" She let it slide out of her mouth to Kevin's obvious unhappiness and pointed the tip upward. "See the helmet kinda shaped thing at the end of his dick?" I said, pointing to, but not touching Kevin's tool. I didn't think he'd care for that even a little bit. Kristi nodded.
"Okay...uh...," I said slowly. It was getting more difficult to speak distinctly as Casey's assault on my organ continued. I kept losing track of what I wanted to say.
"Look at the underside, honey," I instructed.
She did, and so did Kevin, bending down curling his body at the waist to examine himself. It hurt my back just watching him do it.
"That v-shaped place there?"
They nodded.
"That's called the 'frenulum', and it's the most sensitive place in the whole universe," I said.
Casey snorted derisively.
"Okay, okay, a girl's clitty IS kind a' sensitive too," I conceded. "Anyway, Kristi, press your tongue flat on that place...oh God...just like Casey is doing to me," I said in a suddenly strained voice. "...And run your tongue back and forth for a little bit, okay?"
She did, Casey did, and Kevin and I stood there enjoying.
"Mmmmmmmm," I said reluctantly. "Okay--I can't take that too long," I said.
I'd have loved to take it for a few more minutes, at which time I'd have dumped a heavy load of cum on Casey's beautiful face. But that wasn't what this session was for.
"All right!" I said happily. "That is what's called "sucking cock" in all the less refined places," I said, "and you two are officially promoted to "Cock Suckers First Class" immediately." Both girls let our dicks slide from between their lips and stuck out their pretty pink tongues at me.
"Okay, Casey, Kristi? Ready to change places?"
They both misunderstood and I didn't notice the confusion until I was already down on my knees.
Everyone had thought I'd meant Kristi was going to be my partner for a while. Curiously, I didn't read any great displeasure in Kevin's eyes at the thought of his twin sister being with me rather than him. His eyes had been straying over to Casey's body anyway.
"Ohhhhhh, no, that's not what I meant...well, not yet, anyway," I said. "Later," I promised Kristi with a smile.
Her expression was half anticipation, half dread. I'd change that to a look of happy acceptance in a little while. There wasn't any dismay in her look, though. I'd thought the twins were more attached, but.
I motioned Kev down on his knees beside me.
"Right here, my boy," I said jovially, "is where punk boys get separated from real men," I told him. "A man who learns to satisfy a woman with his tongue will never lack for a date or, uh, someone to fuck, forever," I said. I leaned close to his ear and pretended to whisper.
"'s fun making 'em go crazy and hop around the bed like little bunny rabbits!" I said.
He grinned.
I turned and parted Casey's thighs slightly to expose and spread her slit a little.
"See here?" I asked Kevin, pointing at the bottom fold of Casey's pussy. "See that little bit of wetness?" Kevin nodded.
I reached up and used my forefinger to gently wipe some of it off Casey's pussy. Holding it so all three kids could see, I then surprised two of them by poking my finger well inside my mouth and sucking my finger dry.
"Number one," I said dryly, "it doesn't taste the least little bit bad. In fact it's kinda neat," I declared. "Isn't it, Casey?" I asked suddenly. She'd fallen back on her elbows and was laughing at me.
"Yep," she said, "I taste really good," she said emphatically. "Really!" she said to twelve-year-old Kevin and his twin sister.
Looking mischievously at them, she spread her left leg wider to expose more of her pussy, somehow thrusting her pubic mound upward at the same time...and holding the pose with no sign of fatigue or distress. I don't have a clue how a woman can do that, but I was prepared to enjoy every second of her performance.
"Go ahead," she urged her brother, "taste my pussy."
His eyes big, Kevin hesitated a long moment. I touched her pussy, parted her lips slightly, and slid my finger inside. Retrieving it, I stuck it in my mouth again, smiling all the while. Nerving himself, Kevin leaned over and copied my every move. His face showed some trepidation that lasted only until he licked his finger dry. He shrugged and relaxed.
"It's okay," he said.
I laughed.
"You'll learn to love it," I promised him. Then I pointed at the junction of Kristi's thighs. She was watching us intently, seemingly feeling a little left out. She followed my finger, automatically spreading her legs a trifle to look.
"See that?" I asked Kevin. "Kristi's pussy is getting wet too." It was true. A faint sheen of moisture was coating the lower portions of her outer labia.
Kristi bent forward to look at herself. She was half-surprised to find what I'd said was true.
"Go ahead, pardner," I urged Kevin, "see what Kristi's pussy juices are like."
He was quicker this time. His eyes showed he was beginning to like this but he needed a little more urging. I touched Kristi's puss, rested my finger at the bottom of her slit a moment before letting my fingertip slip inside. I came away with a small amount of fluid. She tasted just as good as she had earlier.
Kevin scooped up some of his sister's juices. He sucked the moisture off his finger, accepted the taste gracefully and grinned widely in his excitement.
"Let me," Casey demanded.
Her eyes wide, Kristi obliged by spreading her thighs wider as her big sister slid a gentle finger inside Kristi's pussy lips and coated her whole forefinger. Kristi was just beginning to enjoy the fingering when Casey pulled her hand back and noisily sucked off every drop of Kristi's fluids.
Not to be outdone, Kristi nerved herself to push the envelope a little. She put a finger to her sister's cunt, fingered Casey for a while, and slurped Casey's juices. The air in the room was beginning to hold a distinct scent of aroused female...which was not a bad thing.
I showed Kevin how to gently part a girl's outer labia and lick the insides of those puffy lips to stimulate her. Then we graduated to the inner labia and to the entrance of the girls' vaginas. I encouraged the girls to tell us where they wanted us to lick more or not lick any more at all, telling Kevin to always listen to his woman. The girls liked that a lot. Turned out, both could be pretty vocal about what they wanted done.
Finally, with the girls fairly steaming now, I showed Kevin the prepuce, that fold of skin hiding a girl's clitoris. I showed him how to lick at the fleshy hood, teasing it with a gentle tongue until the clitty peeked out. When we had coaxed both girls' clits a tiny distance out into the opening, we sucked at the little buds until the two girls came in a shuddering climax.
Kristi was surprised, shocked at the intensity of her orgasm. She was loud and emphatic in her praise of her twin brother for having done that for her.
"See, Kevin?" I asked. "Take your time with your woman and you'll always get her off and she'll forever be very appreciative for what you've done. And, you'll never hurt her because you tried to put your dick in her too soon."
I tilted my head down to look him deep in the eyes to emphasize my point. "Got it?" I asked briskly.
He nodded quickly, but then his face darkened.
"But when I did it with...with...uh...another girl--"
"With Lorrie?" I asked, cutting off his attempt to not tell me he'd fucked my daughter.
His eyes got round and big once more. I patted the point of his shoulder.
"Sure I know," I told him calmly. "It's cool, I knew what she was going to before she did it," I assured him.
I looked at Casey. She was about to bust a gut, trying not to say something and needing to say it.
I grinned and nodded.
"Kev?" Casey said carefully, excitement making her voice tight.
He looked up at his oldest sister expectantly.
"I watched Uncle Mike fuck Mandy last night," she said, lowering her voice to expose the nasty secret.
Kevin swung back to me, looking for confirmation. He saw it in my eyes but I nodded anyway.
"Wow!" he said. "That's incest," he said finally. Casey and I chuckled together.
"And what you're doing with your twin sister is...?" I asked cheerfully.
"Oh, yeah. I forgot," he said contritely.
I looked up to Kristi. Kristi was totally relaxed now. Her legs were spread wantonly and she was ready for a lot more like she'd already received this morning. She didn't bother getting shocked at what Casey said about me and my daughter.
"You have any problems with this?" I asked. She pursed her lips and shook her head lazily.
"Huh-uh!" she said emphatically. "So long as some incesty guy makes me cum like that again, I don't care," she intoned. She grinned.
I looked at Kevin. "SEE!??
He nodded vigorously. Then his face clouded again.
"Uncle Mike?" he asked. "Have you ever had sex with Lorrie?"
I nodded, waiting to see what concerned him.
He frowned. "But, Uncle Mike, when I put my thing in her, she didn't seem really big down there," he complained. I smiled.
"That's because a woman's pussy stretches pretty stretches out...and it rebounds." I said. I looked around at the three of them.
"You guys do know that a baby comes out right there, right?" All three, to one degree or another, were jolted out of their mood.
I nodded authoritatively. "Yep, that's what happens." I grinned.
"Yeah, I know that," Casey remarked. "It's just that I hadn't thought of my pussy like that, being stretchy and stuff." A thought occurred to her. "Is my Mom's stretchy, too?"
"Sure," I told her.
Casey nibbled her lower lip for a second. "So is hers as little now as me and Kristi?" she asked finally.
"Probably not," I said. "Your mom is a full grown woman and has a grown woman's vagina and pussy," I said.
A sudden memory struck me. "You know, I remember a woman telling me one time, when she hadn't had sex five months or something...the next guy she had sex with thought she was a virgin."
"So...that means even Moms have stretchy pussies?" Kevin asked. I nodded, grinning.
"I haven't ever heard it put EXACTLY that way, but yeah...they do," I replied. And, by the way, young can make a woman cum just as hard with your cock as I can. It's a matter of warming her up, friction and moving, and stuff like that."
He looked distinctly happier than he had for many minutes.
Then I remembered where this conversation had started. "Oh, and before I forget, you wouldn't have had any trouble putting your cock in Lorrie yesterday afternoon because she was already horny and ready for sex when she found you walking down to the barn...and she had been since she first laid eyes on you when we got here!"
Kevin nodded his head, accepting that and filing the information away with all the other things he'd learned this afternoon. Then he grinned, belatedly understanding the import of the last bit of information.
"Would YOU have had any trouble gettin' in Lorrie?" he asked, looking down at what must have seemed like a monster cock to him.
"Probably not," I said casually. "I would have pushed inside her a little slower, just 'cause I'm really careful when I'm fucking a young girl," I added slowly.
The toes of Casey's left foot had been bumping and then sliding along the length of my cock for the past couple of minutes and I was losing my concentration again. I leaned over to Kevin.
"Kevin," we got two hot babes here who need a good fucking," I told him in a confidential tone. "You ready?" He nodded vigorously. He jumped to his feet.
"Okay," I said, wondering just how we could organize this. I was reasonable sure once he was inside her, things would be okay and nature would take over, but getting to that point might be a tad dicey.
One part of the equation was solved quickly. Casey bounced up and threw her arms around my neck for an extended kiss. Our tongues flicked at each other for a long moment until she broke off breathlessly.
"I want to learn how to do that," Kristi said sharply. She looked eager to begin right now. I didn't see why not. I looked down into Casey's freckled face.
"What do you think?" I asked her. "You up to teaching your little brother how to do some sexy kissing?" She looked startled for just a split second. She'd thought I'd just show them and then watch or something.
She looked at her brother standing there with a not-quite 5-inch boner poking out from his body. He looked young and innocent--a little lost maybe. She licked her lips. We didn't discuss it then or later, but whether she realized it or not, I'll always believe she'd just flashed on an understanding about how her big, burly uncle could like doing young girls.
"Kevin?" she asked.
He looked at her, standing awkwardly now, overly conscious of his erection again.
"You want to?" Casey asked him invitingly.
He threw her a grateful look.
Casey slipped her arms from around my neck and stepped two paces over to her little brother. Then she put her arms around his neck and pulled him close. His boner was mashed against her soft underbelly and he groaned appreciably.
I grinned.
I turned to find Kristi had knee-walked across the bed until she was right in front of me and was waiting for me with a sweet little smile on her lips.
I took the naked girl in my arms and pressed a perfunctory peck on her lips. I hadn't had an opportunity to touch Kristi very much earlier. I took my time now and explored a little of the twelve-year-old's body.
I cupped her left breast in my right hand and squeezed the cupcake-sized bit of joy in my palm. Then I moistened my forefinger by opening my mouth wide and making a show of wetting it with my saliva. Then I ran my finger around the circumference of her dark pink aureole a couple of times.
Kristi's breath hissed between her teeth at the new sensation. She backed off a couple of inches and thrust out the right side of her torso, so I switched to her right breast and did it all again. Her breathing was changing to a series of deeply inhaled lungfuls and hissing exhalations.
"Kev, honey," Casey said behind me, "slow down, okay?" Her voice was soft and patient. She was really getting in to this teaching game. "See what Uncle Mikey is doing?" she went on. "Do like that to my boobie, okay?"
Casey was pushing her bigger titties up into Kevin's hands. Kevin watched me play with his twin sister for a long moment and then went to work on Casey's boobies. I wondered for a brief moment whether Casey had ever called either of her brothers 'honey' before or whether she was beginning to absorb my speech habits.
Kristi's boobies stood out from her chest in almost perfect cones. I was ruining that symmetry with my touches, though. Her young nipples were rapidly becoming hard little pebbles that grew more erect the longer they were the center of attention.
I bent low, dipping my knees to take her left breast in my mouth. After a few seconds Kristi pushed the right side of her chest into my face, urging me to do more.
Running my tongue around the circumference of the nipple, I lightly brushed the sensitive nub with the tip of my tongue. I explored her aureole again, then returned to flick my tongue at her blood engorged nipple.
Kristi had been holding her breath and she let it out now in a rush, drawing in another almost immediately. I caught the small nipple between my lips and sucked lightly on it, making it extend to its greatest distance so far. I pulled my lips off her breast and we both examined her lovely young titty, warmed in my mouth and streaked here and there with my saliva.
I put my left forefinger to Kristi's lips. Not understanding at first, she opened her mouth part way, widening it only when I pressed my finger inside.
"Make it wet for me," I whispered.
She complied, wrapping her lips around my finger and sucking it for a moment. She withdrew to check my smile and see if she was doing it right, and then enthusiastically slathered her tongue around my finger to bathe it in her spit.
I leaned forward and kissed her pink little lips, probing with my tongue through her teeth and exploring to find her tongue. She stabbed back with her own; our tongues twined about each other for a long while before we had to come up for air. I kissed my way down her jaw line and then to that sensitive place between jaw and ear. She inclined her neck and I nibbled down the slender column until I reached the hollow of her shoulder. I stopped there, but it was only to pay more attention to her breasts.
Rotating my moistened forefinger around her left aureole, her nipple responding far quicker than it had before. I captured her right nipple next, held it between my lips and sucked gently, twirling my tongue around the hard little point. The young girl gasped, holding my mouth on her titty with hands locked behind my head.
I let my left hand drift down her chest and then her waist. Coming back around her body, I pointed my fingers down and slid them a short distance between our bodies to stroke the hollow in front of her hips for a time.
I couldn't keep myself from caressing more of her lower belly and then I probed the top part of her young slit. For a long second, I teased the tender flesh hiding her little clit, then pressed on, sliding my middle finger inside the little girl's pussy.
Penetrating through her inner labia, I searched for her G-spot. It wasn't there...not really. She was young and it needed lots more stimulation and time to develop it properly. Even so, her hips began to pump slowly fore and back, humping her pubic mound into my hand. Young Kristina's cunt was soaking wet with little-girl sex juices.
I escaped the clutching hands behind my neck, abandoned her breasts, and trailed kisses all the way up her chest to her neck and then back to her soft mouth.
Already, her lips had learned to be demanding. She sucked my tongue into her mouth and ran her tongue all around the tip of mine. When she withdrew, she was breathing as hard as if she'd run a race.
She pulled me back, pressing her mouth hard to mine and our tongues dueled for a while longer. She was a natural kisser, I concluded, or a quick learner. Certainly, she was giving as good as she got.
My blood was racing hotter and faster through my veins.
Pulling back, I was about to suggest Kristi and Kevin 'practice' for a little while but I saw events had overcome my lessons and, indeed, had passed me by.
Casey was on her back on the bed where Kristi had lain before and her little brother was between her legs, licking at her pussy for all he was worth. As I watched, and before I could say a word, Casey was plucking at his head and then his shoulders, urging him to end his oral attentions and come up higher on her body.
Kevin scrambled up, unsure of exactly what to do next but Casey had no intention of leaving him in limbo for long. She splayed her legs wide, opening herself up even more to his gaze. The young teenager touched Kevin's hard dick and massaged it in her hands. Her ankles were parked loosely behind his ass. Pulling him down to brace himself on hands and knees, she urged his groin lower. Before Kevin quite realized what was happening, Casey guided her brother's cock into her dripping pussy and wrapped her legs around his waist to lock him inside her.
In seconds they found a rhythm and their bodies began to rock back and forth. Kevin's young buttocks clinched tightly as he drove his cock inside his older sister. Then his ass cheeks relaxed as he pulled back for another stroke. I was mesmerized by the sight of the two young siblings fucking for the first time.
"Uncle Mike?"
I turned back at Kristi's pleading and saw the burning need in her eyes.
"Are you sure, baby? You don't want to wait for...?" I asked.
Kristi drew me back into a tight embrace and kissed me hard and fast. "I'm sure," she whispered. "Please, Uncle Mike?"
I moved to her right side, slapped at the pillows to send them flying across the room so as to make room for Kristi and me. I sat, then lay across the width of the bed and pulled my twelve-year-old niece down on top of me.
Kristi had been on her knees on the bed this whole time while I was standing beside it. It had put our lips conveniently on approximately the same level for the kissing thing. Now the young girl eagerly swiveled her body to face me, threw her left leg over my hips and settled down on top of me.
She mashed her lips on mine again, flicking her tongue at mine and twining hers around mine again and again. I felt her pushing her hand down between our bodies while we sucked on each other's tongues, but something wasn't working right for her. Frustrated, she broke off the kiss.
"I don't know what--"
"Shush," I breathed into her ear. "You're doing fine, sugar," I told her softly. She came back for another kiss, her body more relaxed this time.
"Sugar, pooch your hips up into the air a little bit, okay?" I said. "Put your weight on your right knee for just a bit, baby girl," I whispered. She did. The movements of her velvety soft skin across mine sent sensations racing from every part of my body down to my testicles. I could already feel them swelling; my scrotum was tightening in anticipation of spraying my seed into my niece's belly.
"Okay, Kristi," I said quietly, "reach under your belly and take my cock in your hand...there you, point your fingers down...let the tip of my cock touch right on your wrist for a second...there...that's it...hold it loose, honey, don't make your fingers too's awfully tender...mmmmmmmmm...that's good." I enjoyed her hand sliding up and down my cock for a short time.
"Now," I murmured in her ear, "rub the end of it up and down your pussy for a little bit...that feels great, honey. Okay, now put the tip right inside your pussy lips where it'll slide right down into your vagina...uh-huh, your cunt...there...uh-huh. Okay, hold it right there, sugar...and let yourself down on top of it...slowly, honey...very slowly. We have to give your pussy time to do that stretching thing, remember? There ya go...just a little deeper now...just a little...mmmmmmmm...uh, uh, uh. Sweetie, your pussy is sooooo hot and tight...uh-huh, a little bit more...yeah, it's getting easier can take your hand's not gonna come out now....
Kristi worked my prick deeper into her sopping cunt, inching her hips down slowly. Gradually she built up a little rhythm, rising and easing down on my cock a little more each time. Soon, she was enjoying pulling herself off me just as much as she liked the stroke down where still more of her uncle's thick cock would embed itself inside her.
I watched her face as she impaled herself on me, pounding her innocent cunt down on me harder and harder with each piston-like movement. There was a look of wonder on her face as she felt an intruding male-thing probing farther and farther inside her. Her eyes were closed so she could concentrate even better on the feeling of fullness where there had never been anything before. Her face flushed pink; her breathing was ragged and irregular.
When my cock finally pushed at the entrance to her womb, she pulled back, not sure of what was happening inside her and not knowing what to do about it.
"That's as deep as we can go, sweetheart." I spoke softly, not wanting to break into her trancelike state.
Twelve-year-old Kristi was completely absorbed in the sex she was engaged in. She was hardly aware of the outside world now. Nothing could have kept her driving hips from working around, diving and recovering, to keep the stimulation coming.
She couldn't tell whether the sensations were flooding up from her cunt to make her pointy nipples hard and sensitive or whether it was the other way around. Soon it didn't matter. She was trembling all over, partly from the strain of raising her body up and down for so long, partly because her body was no longer under her control. She had her knees spread a little wider now; she knew the exact distance to whip her ass up and then down again to keep me from slapping against her cervix.
I was in a delirium of my own. The sex juices from Kristi's overheated cunt were dripping all over my lower body, the sloshing, sucking noises adding to the physical sensations...everything was building rapidly to a huge crescendo.
Kristi was tight...unbelievably so at first...but now her slippery sheath was loosened enough to easily allow my cock to slide easily in and out. I couldn't believe the volcanic heat of that tight, satiny-smooth sheath. I was ready any time. In fact, I couldn't hold off much longer.
Then her vagina muscles began squeezing harder around my cock. Her cunt tried to milk the cum out of me early, but I wanted to delay just a moment longer.
Kristi mouthed something into my ear that I didn't catch; I wasn't sure they were words even...but it didn't matter. She groaned. Her belly was slapping nastily against mine; our groins strained against each other in a frenzy of slick skin sliding around in insane circles.
She shuddered deep inside. Her vagina went crazy; the muscles clamped down on my cock until I could barely budge. I jammed my groin up at hers for the first time. She'd been the one to set the pace before but now I had to move, I had to pump out the lava-hot baby cream that was boiling up my belly and through my penis.
I sprayed my first load into my darling niece's cunt, feeling the heated fluid making its way up every inch of my buried cock. There was a barely detectable break before a contraction of her vaginal wall squeezed another gob of white semen from my penis into her belly. I hunched my cock up into her again, my feet scrambling for purchase on the bedspread so I could buck up into her and could force out more cum from my testicles and into Kristi's body.
I felt the muscles in my cock constrict from root to tip as another spurt splashed inside the young girl. A fourth came easier; the walls around my penis were marginally looser and I pumped yet a fifth squirt of thin, whitish cum inside her.
And then we were done....
Kristi fell full length on me with my prick still buried in her cunt. We had no strength, it was all we could do to gasp for air. We lay there, steaming and slick with juices from our bodies.
Mercifully, the heat in our bodies began to subside; we couldn't have taken it much longer. Our racing hearts slowed and started beating more leisurely; our breath returned and the heaving of our chests slowed.
"WOW!" said a new voice. I could barely identify its direction as near the door. "That was hot!"
I lifted my head. I brushed some of Kristi's long hair out of the way and saw Mandy standing in the doorway, her hands holding something and pointing it in our direction.
"Hi, hon," I said tiredly. "How long you been there?"
Mandy chuckled happily. "Long enough, Daddy dear." She held up the miniature digital camcorder we'd bought months ago to help videotape our little sex movie for entry into the Family Adventure Club.
"And I got almost all of that down on tape, big guy." She said.
I didn't know that I liked that. "Honey, that might not be a good idea...." I broke off because all three of my sister's kids had jumped off the bed and were crowding around Mandy wanting to see.
I'd been concerned they wouldn't like being video taped. I was wrong. What can I say?
Then I saw a little face peeking in the doorway at me. Her face lit up with a big grin and she minced into the room. Shannon, as naked as I was, tiptoed up to the bed and crawled on top of me, ignoring the stickiness all over my groin. As she had yesterday, she settled with her pussy atop my cock and propped her elbows on my ribcage to look me in the eye.
"Hi, Uncle Mikey," she said brightly.
There wasn't a trace of awkwardness in her voice. We might have been sitting on a park bench and discussing the weather. Okay, if that's the way she felt....
Slipping my hands along her thighs from the back of her knee to her butt, I cupped an ass cheek in each hand. I squeezed them gently, palming them tenderly and kneading the firm little-girl muscles beneath the silky skin.
I looked in her big green eyes the whole time and I watched a red-hot coal begin to glow brighter. I chuckled.
"This is what I wanted to do to you yesterday outside, little one," I told her cheerfully. "When you were rubbing my cock with your pussy and we both had all those clothes on...this is what I wanted."
The little eight-year-old giggled and set her hips to rocking from side to side, massaging a prick that was fast recuperating from its exercise in Kristi's young cunt. She dipped her head and kissed my right nipple and then my left. I was surprised. Few women, or girls, knew a man's nipples can be as sensitive as a woman's.
"Well...," she said teasingly, "yesterday, I din't know as much as I do today."
"Oh, yeah? You've learned a lot since then, huh?" I said, wondering...then knowing...where she'd acquired such a complete self assurance, among other things, in less than twenty-four hours. Ah!
"You've been talking with your cousin Amanda, haven't you," I asked.
She giggled and nodded vigorously. "Mandy told me lots and lots a' things...and showed me some things you like," she informed me, poking a forefinger into my chest to emphasize her points. She was smiling broadly. I couldn't help but respond to her mood. She was such a happy child.
Her knees had fallen to the bedspread on either sides of my hips. I kept massaging her ass cheeks and alternated that with smooth strokes down the backside of her thighs. Her tiny pussy was rubbing forward and back along my cock. I could feel her butt muscles flexing as she humped her body slowly into mine.
"Like what?" I asked. I put my hands on the side of her chest and probed between our bodies for her breasts.
Obligingly, little Shannon arched her back so I could get at the small rises on her chest that would someday be breasts. They were only strawberry-sized bumps, but incredibly responsive as I could already to see. The tiny nipples, no bigger than a BB, were already hard under my fingers.
"Mmmmmmmmm," the young girl hummed happily as I tweaked them gently with my fingers. "That feels soooooo good, Uncle Mike," she said. "Mandy said you liked to play with a little girl's boobies." I chuckled.
"She was know I play with hers all the time, right?" I asked. Kevin and Kristi had been pretty much in the dark and that'd proven non-productive. With Mandy now spreading the word, things were going to go a lot smoother--well, quicker anyway.
The eight-year-old nodded seriously. "Yep, and Mandy and Lorrie get to fuck you all the time," she said.
"...And you fucked Casey and now you fucked Kristi, too," she said a little wistfully. She gave me a sad, puppy-dog look.
"What's a' matter, sugar?" I asked.
"'Cause you haven't fucked me...and I wanted you most of all," she said a little sadly.
I blinked.
Mandy had certainly been filling this little girl's ears with huge quantities of information. The ease with which Shannon used the vulgar word stunned me. Her older sisters had taken much longer to get used to the phraseology of sex. But then, some people just take to it like fish to water. I relaxed and smiled into my youngest niece's face.
"Sugar, we didn't get everything done we wanted to yesterday, but I'm all yours right now."
Her face brightened considerably.
"But I'm not sure I can actually fuck you," I told her. Shannon was not that big a girl and had just turned eight a few months ago, after all. For all practical purposes, she was still a seven-year-old girl. "You might be too small for me," I said as gently as I could.
"Yes, you can," Shannon retorted sharply. "Mandy told me all about how pussies can stretch and stuff like that."
Two groups of kids--similar conversations going on nearly simultaneously. I had to remember to thank my daughter some day. I did NOT want to hurt this child.
"What's going on?" I heard Mandy ask. I turned to find her looking down at the two of us.
"Oh, nothing," I said quietly. "Just discussing whether my dick would fit into Shannon's little cunt," I said, letting Mandy see I was a little unhappy.
The reproving expression didn't work worth a damn.
Mandy snorted. "You gotta give her a chance, Daddy," she told me.
She leaned over to smack Shannon on her butt with the palm of her hand. It hadn't been a hard slap, but Shannon's ass was completely exposed and my hands had spread some of the fluids still on my body from Kristi's fucking onto Shannon's butt. It sounded like a whip crack and it got the attention of the three still running the video camera in play-back mode.
They were watching themselves fuck and being fucked...and they were having a heck of a good time being voyeurs too. Kristi's fingers were busy rubbing away just at the tip top of her pussy and Casey had borrowed her brother Kevin's right hand to do the same thing for her.
Shannon's eyes showed a heat that had been muted yesterday evening. This morning, it was about to burst into flames. The swat to her backside didn't perturb her at all. She just wiggled her ass around on my cock again and went back to staring at me.
"Shannon," Mandy said reprovingly, "tell my dad what you've been doing for the last hour and a half," she told the youngster.
"Puttin' dildos in my pussy," Shannon said promptly, and a bit proudly.
Behind Mandy, Shannon's brother and sisters gasped.
Shannon looked around at them with a pleased look on her face.
"Really?" Casey asked, echoed by the rest of the siblings...and me.
Shannon nodded happily.
I never completed the question.
Mandy was holding up her thumb and forefinger in a circle about the diameter of a D-cell battery.
I was impressed and it showed. Still, I was bigger around than a D-cell. On the other hand...Shannon was a sturdy youngster, built on the same Shirley Temple model her mother was. Fucking her pussy wouldn't be like trying to shove it into some skinny little sprite of a girl.
Shannon beamed, supremely pleased with the all the compliments. She giggled, as happy as she could be.
"She got about four inches inside her, Daddy," Mandy told me with some pride in her voice too. "And as soon as she got the big one in without it bothering her at all, she HAD to come up to the house and show 'Uncle Mikey' how big a girl she was," Mandy said cheerfully. Mandy sat on the bed next to the eight-year-old girl and started caressing the ass cheeks she'd just smacked.
Shannon, loving the attention and the physical stimulation, wriggled her puffy little vulva all over my cock.
I was hard as a length of rebar again. The sexually explicit talk and the small girl's matter-of-fact attitude, not to mention her smooth, wet pussy had made me ready for more action. My hands were stroking her from shoulder to calf now, now that Mandy's hands were out of the way. Suddenly, Mandy's hands returned to stay and explore deeply between the little girl's thighs.
I looked around to find everyone else intent on their little sister, uncle, and cousin. The four of us who'd just finished fucking were still naked and so was Shannon...and then I saw Mandy had stripped too. How had I missed that? Evidently she'd stood up and took all her clothes off while I was distracted by Shannon's dirty talk and seductive groin. So we were all six of us nude and four of us covered with pussy and cock juices. And that begged the question.
"Hey, where is Lorrie?" I asked. "And Matt...oh, he's out in the barn, right? Where's Renee, then?"
I was looking right at Mandy for the answers. She'd felt comfortable enough to bring Shannon in here stark naked and then get out of her own clothes. Mandy chuckled.
"Well," she began slowly. "Matt was down in the barn kicking things around and feeling really bad because he thought you were going to beat him up for having screwed me," she said. She looked reproachfully at Casey.
"What did you tell him, anyway?" she said. Casey's eyes were wide and her face defensive.
"All I said was that I knew he'd fucked you," she protested. Then she got irritated.
"That DUMMY!!" she snapped. "I never said a darn thing about Uncle Mike being mad or anything." She started looking for her clothes. "Where's he at? I'm gonna go-UHHHHHHHH!!!" She was well on the way to working herself up into a good hissy-fit.
Mandy chuckled.
"Well, Lorrie's already down in the barn with Matt and started showing him how to put a fourteen-year-old cock in a ten year-old-pussy," Mandy said succinctly. She still had a shit-eating grin on her face so I knew there was something else but I needed to know something else.
"Okay," I said, "but so where is--oh!"
Mandy nodded energetically. "Yep, when I left, Lorrie was helping put Matt's cock in ANOTHER ten-year-old pussy," she reported.
Shannon's gurgling laughter filled the silence. "And we got a video of it," Shannon said slyly. "Well, some of it," she said, correcting herself immediately. "We made a movie of Renee sucking Mattie's dickie and him licking her and Lorrie's cunts," she said in a smug voice. "This is SO much fun!!" Shannon sighed, clearly content with her entire world.
We all laughed.
"Well, I'm still going to go straighten Matt out," announced Casey. She had her shorts and a top back on.
Mandy snickered and Casey got a little red-faced. It didn't last long.
"Hey!" she retorted. "Maybe I will and maybe I won't...oh heck, if he can get it up, I will," she said.
"He wasn't showing any signs of slowing down while WE were out there, was he, Shannon?" Mandy remarked.
The eight-year-old shook her head energetically. "Huh-UH!" she said, confirming Mandy's analysis.
Casey licked her lips and left the room.
"Soooooo, everyone is doing someone else, huh?" I said.
"Yep," Mandy said, quite pleased with herself and everyone else. She looked down at Shannon's wriggling little ass and pulled her hand from between the girl's thighs. She glanced at my face and grinned manically.
"And as for you, you little Daddy likes to's time you got a real cock inside you," she told Shannon.
Shannon raised her head off my chest and tried to look over her shoulder at Mandy but there wasn't time. Mandy stood and stepped behind her little cousin. She pulled Shannon's hips up sharply and held her lower body up in the air for a long moment.
I got the idea real quick...I ain't nowhere's near no dummy, you know...and my right hand aimed my cock straight up.
When Mandy lowered Shannon down, my cock slid slowly into my niece's young pussy.
"Hey! Wait! No, Mandeeeeeeeeeeeeee," Shannon yelped. She wasn't quite ready to have her uncle's big cock stuck into her.
Mandy ignored the little girl's protests. Other than allowing Shannon to adjust the angle of her groin so I could slip more easily between her puffy outer labia, she held her cousin immobile until Shannon's pussy had spread enough to let me in.
The eight-year-old girl stopped complaining abruptly.
"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn," she cooed.
Mandy giggled and I thought I heard Kristi join in but the sound from over there was muffled. Turning my head I saw Kevin had pushed his sister down onto the easy chair beside the desk. His knees were on the edge of the chair cushion in front of her and he was slowly feeding his cock into her wet cunt.
Neither of them seemed to need any further assistance or advice. I was glad he was getting to fuck his twin sister...and gladder still I'd been there first. I'd never tell either of THEM that, though.
For the second time in twenty minutes, my hard prong was sliding into a deliciously wet and very tight little pussy.
Shannon was a very vocal little fuck. She kept talking about watching Matt put his thing in Lorrie's pussy and then Renee coming in and finding them. Shannon, in reply to my question, told me she'd been watching from the loft above the main floor in the renovated barn. She did that a lot, she said.
Renee had strolled over to her brother and cousin to demand he fuck her too. There'd been no 'or else' threat apparently, which was good.
Matt, his jaw dropping to the floor, had hemmed and hawed for a long moment but had had the good sense to shut up when Lorrie started helping Renee get her clothes off. Mandy had strolled in about that time and had happily stripped and started 'assisting' anyone with an unoccupied pussy or cock. Apparently, a good time was had by all--actually, was still being had.
A couple of minutes after she got my cock up inside her, Shannon abruptly quit talking and started shivering and trembling with her head cocked up and to the side as if listening to something far away.
Her shuddering and quaking sent some really exquisite tremors down through my cock into my groin but I wasn't ready to cum. The earlier fuck with Kristi had taken the strain off and I could last a long while, even in a super-tight, hot, wet slick pussy like little Shannon's.
When she recovered, Shannon was a little surprised to find me still hard. "How come you aren't getting soft like Matt does," she asked.
"Well, I held back and didn't cum like I bet Matt is doing," I said.
"Why?" she asked.
She was trying to decide if she'd done something wrong or whether I had and she was missing out on something.
"Because," I said, pointing to the bed beside us. Her head whipped around like something there might be stalking her but there was only Mandy.
Mandy tried to smile, but her fingers were deep in her pussy and they were going a mile a minute.
"Because Mandy needs her Daddy," I said.
That made sense to the little girl and she climbed off and sat on the bed crosslegged, ready to watch the show. I had the feeling she'd have loved a bag of popcorn to eat while she watched. I was just barely able to tear my eyes off the site of Shannon's plump young pussy.
It was still wet and shiny, still leaking some of her fluids onto the bedspread, and I was still salivating, still ready and willing to spread those Shirley Temple legs wide and lap up those lovely juices.
There was a thing I needed to do first though.
I got off the bed and looked down at my oldest daughter. Just twelve-years-old for a while, she'd been masturbating since she was three and we'd been fucking since last Fall.
I could tell she did, in fact, need her Daddy. She badly needed me to fuck her. She looked up with a faint pleading in her eyes, though it was masked a little by the satisfying finger fucking she'd been giving herself while she watched Kevin and Kristi. I thought I could do better, though.
I took her fingers and licked them dry, one by one. I glanced at Shannon and her eyes were big and round. Evidently she hadn't seen that outside in the barn with Matt, and she hadn't been here for Kevin and Kristi's lessons. I grinned.
"I'm going to taste YOU real soon," I assured her.
I turned back to Mandy. Mandy was beyond any foreplay. With her fingers held captive in my hands, she was writhing on the bed and panting. Without a doubt, she was ready for a hard fucking...and I was ready to oblige.
I leaned over her and put my hands under her ass to scoot her farther onto the bed. Putting my knees between her legs and, bracing my upper body on my hands, I lowered my body until the tip of my penis was just brushing her pubic mound.
Aroused as she was, her labia opened easily. Her wet cunt was dark pink and ready for me. Adjusting myself, I aimed my cock at her opening and let my body drop a little more. Mandy's hips thrust up at me and I was seated inside her in a flash.
I began pumping my prick in and out of her cunt, quickly adapting my plunges to maintain the hard, fast rhythm Mandy wanted this morning. I felt the head of my cock touch her cervix and I glanced down to see how far I was inside her. We were good. Only the smallest bit of the shaft of my cock, right against my belly where my pubic hairs would have been if they hadn't been removed by laser treatment, showed outside her puffy pussy.
I knew her cunt was normally only 4 or 5 inches long, but I also knew it was probably lengthening with her advanced state of excitement. That's what a woman's vagina does, though I hadn't known it before I hooked up with my wife either. Live and learn, huh?
Anyway, in the missionary position and only being careful not to slam my cock into her too deep, there wasn't much else restraint that I had to keep in mind. I didn't. Mandy wanted a good, fast fucking and that's what she got. No frills, just a lot of panting and frenzied ramming of my cock into my young daughter's cunt.
Hot and steaming to begin with, Mandy was soon shoving her hips up to meet my cock about as fast as I could feed it to her. I started once to change my position, move her more to the center of the bed and crawl up there too so I could get a better angle, but she wouldn't have any of that. If I'd tried to stop, she'd have killed me. I kept going.
Mandy was watching Kevin and Kristi closely. When Kristi's head began rocking around loosely on her neck, Mandy locked her heels in the small of my back and began urging me to even greater speed and strength in driving my dick inside her. She was breathing in great gulps, holding her breath until she absolutely had to have more oxygen and then making a quick gasp last for another eternity.
When Kevin accidentally slipped out of Kristi's pussy and began to shower his cum all over her lower belly, the sight slammed Mandy into her own climax. Mandy shrieked and began cumming herself.
Whipping her head from one side to another, she did her best to thrust her groin back and forth to rub my cock against her clitty as fast as she could. She wasn't able to get the same pace in her moves Supergirl could have while doing Superman, but she tried!
My cock felt like it was inside a supremely smooth, rubbery Mixmaster. She was squeezing down hard-on my penis, her vagina muscles were rippling from one end to the other.
A tremor started her whole body shuddering for a long moment...and then her whole body relaxed.
"Oh Gawdddddd, Daddy!" she murmured softly.
I tried to move as little as I could, but the effort of holding myself in a modified pushup position began to tell on me after a while. I pulled out of her cunt as slowly and gently as I could but small aftershocks from her climax kept her cunt clamping and grasping for long moments.
I finally eased out of her but the suction between my penis and her insides made the most vulgar sucking sound you've ever heard. Beside us, Shannon tittered uncontrollably for a long moment and even the twins turned to see what had happened.
I sat beside my daughter while she cooled down.
"You're still not soft," Shannon pointed out, examining my penis with interest.
"Oh...he's like that a lot," Mandy said, almost breathlessly. She was still just this side of total exhaustion. "Sometimes he can do me and Lorrie twice...EACH...Lorrie twice and me twice...before he cums," she explained.
Shannon looked impressed. "I don't think Mattie can do that," she said wistfully.
I snorted, smiling at the little eight-year-old. "Mattie hasn't had the practice I've had," I told her. "Give him some time and I'll bet he'll be able to fuck all four of you girls, one right after the other, and wish there was another couple of you to fuck when he's through."
Shannon wasn't sure she believed all of that, but she looked hopeful.
"Uncle Mike?" Kevin had gotten to his feet.
"Uh-huh," I said, "you, too...just give it time." He looked confused for a moment before his expression cleared.
"No," he said, "What I was going to say...let's go out to the barn with the others. Would that be all right?"
It suited me. "Sure, let's get a shower and head on out," I suggested.
Kevin and his twin sister looked at each other with some reluctance showing on their faces.
"What?" I asked. "It's a good idea to clean up after fucking someone, you know? Good manners and being considerate for future partners and all that...."
"Well...we kinda wanted to just go out there right now, and maybe shower in the outside shower out there," Kristi explained. "We want ta' go outside without any clothes on," she added with a sexy smile.
Now that was intriguing...outside showers, eh? They caught my interest. I hadn't seen them yet.
"Okay," I replied. "Uh, we'll need to take some clothes with us...just in case your dad or mom come back."
That made sense to them. They were on their feet and grabbing for the shorts and tops they'd tossed aside earlier and heading for the door before I could even find my shorts.
Shannon, Mandy, and I followed the twins down the stairs and out to the barn. At the last second, Mandy remembered the camcorder and brought it along to show everyone Kristi and Kevin's first fucks.
* * *
Because this was not MY home, I was a little shy about walking out the kitchen door naked as the day I was born and strolling casually down to the barn but I got into it about ten steps into the march. I couldn't take too much of the hot sun on my untanned body parts, but the openness and naughtiness got to me.
I had a fine view of twelve-year-old Mandy's and eight-year-old Shannon's asses as they pranced along the pathway right in front of me. Their wiggling hips and flexing butt-cheeks were divine. There's something about young girls' bouncing little butts that is the most perfect aphrodisiac I know of.
When we got to the barn, Shannon opened the door into to a room I hadn't known existed. Day before yesterday, I'd worked out in the well-equipped weight room my sister's husband had constructed for the boys but I hadn't done any exploring.
Turns out one of the doors I had thought led to the barn proper really led down a short corridor into a game room. There was an outside entrance into that room also that hadn't caught my notice yesterday either.
Anyway, inside the comfortably furnished room was a big wide-screen HD TV against the wall at the far end with some kind of game console connected, a couple of pinball machines and a ping-pong table were part of the furnishings.
There were couches, and big, overstuffed easy chairs scattered all around the room with lots of cushions and throw pillows too. A big fireplace in the far corner made the place sure the big space would be a comfortable, cozy kind a' place in cold weather too. Think, lots and lots of space.
The roof over two-thirds of the room was at least four stories over our heads--it was an old renovated barn, after all. The third story was a huge loft that projected out the remaining one-third of the bottom floor and ran the whole length of the converted barn's long axis; so its bottom side was a ceiling only two stories above us. The loft had a birds-eye view of most of the ground floor.
I'd seen that loft already, the part that protruded over the weight room, but I hadn't investigated it.
Here in the family/TV/game room, I could see the landing up there had a waist high banister railing along its entire length and I could see there was more furniture up there--at least there was a couch butted up against the railing near the middle. There was a set of stairs climbing up to that loft from the far end of the game room beside the big HD TV screen.
From the middle of the room, I looked around at the vast space. With care, Matt and Kevin could throw footballs around inside the game room and not touch the rafters or the underside of the roof.
"Wow!" I said appreciably. "What is this place?"
Shannon looked up at me, distracted but not ignoring me. "Oh, it's where we come when Mama says we're getting on her nerves or Daddy wants us out of his hair," she said bluntly.
I suspected she was repeating something verbatim she'd heard her parents say at one time or another.
"HAVE to come?" I retorted. "Heck, when I was your age, I'd have given my left nut to have a place like this to stay all day long in."
Shannon nodded, but she didn't have any more time for me. She strolled over to the group of naked girls and boys over in the corner.
So I did too, quickly finding the object of Shannon's interest.
Matt was on top of Casey and fucking her as fast and hard as I had done Mandy a little earlier. The two had an audience of their other brother and sisters who were also stroking each other or themselves as they watched.
I thought it was pretty interesting myself.
Casey was lying flat of her back on one of the couches with her left leg up on the back cushion and her other foot flat on the floor. Opened wide by her pose, Matt had apparently been unable to resist and had slipped down atop her and put his cock in her right away. They were well into it now--Casey had left only a few minutes before the rest of us, but she WAS a fast starter.
Matt was grunting with the effort of slamming his prick into his oldest sister's cunt. His butt cheeks were clinching and relaxing with every thrust and I could see his balls slapping gently against his sister's ass.
Lorrie was hanging over the back of the couch watching closely while her two cousins vigorously fucked each other. Every so often, she cautioned Matt to slow down a little and stay in a kind of rhythm.
I grinned.
Mandy had said Lorrie was out here showing Matt how to put his cock in a ten-year-old girl and it appeared Lorrie was still doing some coaching. She looked like she was enjoying it too. Her left hand was hidden below the back of the couch and I was ready to be she had at least two fingers busy in her cunt, sliding them in and out at the same tempo Matt and Casey were trying to keep.
"Hi, Uncle Mike."
I turned to find the voice and saw ten-year-old Renee sitting on the top of a sturdy worktable a short distance away. There was a dildo sitting on the table beside her and the glistening wetness on it told me it had been in use inside Renee only moments before.
Six months shy of her eleventh birthday, Renee was her mother's daughter, marked by Meghan's genes, as were all of Meghan's daughters. Renee's boobies were big for a ten-year-old, kind a' the size of a medium apple in diameter.
The rounded mounds had a brown aureole and a coral-tinted, diamond hard little nipple at the tip. The weren't as big as Casey's...not yet anyway. But I had a feeling they would equal or eclipse Casey's in size before the girls got too much older.
"Hi, sugar," I said, walking up to her. "You doin' okay?" I asked. Renee nodded and crooked her pussy-wettened forefinger in a 'come here' gesture. She gave me such a mischievous grin that I couldn't keep from grinning myself. The little girl spread her legs wide, threw her arms around my neck and drew herself up for a nice long kiss. When she opened her mouth to mine and stuck her tongue inside I wasn't really surprised.
"Lorrie's been teaching me to kiss," Renee said when she broke off to get a breath of air.
"Lorrie's a good teacher, huh?" I asked. She nodded. When I first saw her, she had been swinging her feet back and forth under the table like a small child. Now, her ankles hooked behind my butt and she was urgently pulling my lower body tight against her.
I slid my hand down between us and gently slipped a finger into her little pussy, watching her face to see if she was sore or anything. This morning was her first experience fucking boys, after all. She was sopping wet and a considerable amount of fluid was spreading over the tabletop under her little butt.
"You've been playing with that dildo haven't you?" I asked, chuckling. She nodded and grinned sheepishly.
"I was waiting for you to come out here," she said. "You almost took too long," she chided.
"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm," I moaned, seeing in my mind's eye a picture of young Renee pushing the dildo into her cunt for a long time waiting for her uncle to come out and replace the dildo with his cock. "I sure would like to have seen you doing that," I said.
"Oh!" she said brightly. "Amanda took some movies of me fucking with the fake dick," she informed me in such a matter-of-fact voice that I could feel my cock twitch. I blinked and shook my head in amazement.
" there anything special you'd like for me to do?" I asked the little girl. I was holding my dick in my right hand, just in case, you know.
"Just put your thing inside me...and fuck me!" she replied quickly and scooted her ass right to the edge of the table.
For the third time in less than an hour, I slid the mushroom-shaped head of my cock inside a small, but recently widened cunt. I knew Renee had had Matt's cock inside her earlier and I'd seen enough of his banging in and out of Casey over on the couch to know that he'd probably opened Renee up well enough that I wasn't likely to hurt her. The dildo had undoubtedly done its job too.
Still, I pushed in slowly, waiting for a cue from Renee that I should slow further or a flicker of pain on her face that would tell me to pull back. I saw no signs she was hurting at all. Encouraged, I thrust deeper inside my ten-year-old niece's cunt.
A whoop from the couch caught both our attentions and we looked around to see Casey was in the middle of a pretty good orgasm and Matt was holding on for dear life. Casey was bucking hard and would have thrown him if he hadn't. Kevin, I saw had gone from spectator to participant, having led Mandy to some cushions arranged on the floor and laid her out with a pillow under her ass to raise her middle a few inches off the floor.
Kevin stretched full length on the floor in front of her and started eating Mandy's pussy with gusto. Judging by Mandy's increasingly frantic hip movements, the boy was putting his earlier lessons to good work. Sometimes a teacher's students just make a man proud, ya know?
Renee moved around and I looked back down to see what she was doing. The young girl had gotten her heels hitched up on the top of the table and then dropped her knees to the sides to totally expose her cunt.
She was still struggling to do something; then one heel slipped out from under her in the pool of cunt juices she had deposited earlier. I put my hands under her butt and half pulled, half pushed up, supporting a fair portion of her body weight.
She gave me a distracted, but grateful, smile. With her leaning back, bracing herself on her hands, and her heels firmly established on the edge of the table, Renee was in a modified back bend and had full control of the middle portion of her body. She wriggled her groin around, grinning.
"Put your thing in me, Uncle Tim," she panted. I did, just by moving forward a half-step or two. The girl adjusted the height of her pussy while I pushed down a little on the head...and I slipped inside her outer labia without fanfare or difficulty. Once the connection was made, the young girl began fucking herself on my cock.
I was speechless. My hands under her butt were like the seat on a swing, allowing her swing her body fore and back, impaling herself on my cock, and on the back-swing, pulling me nearly all the way out of her. My part in the proceedings was just to stand there and not get in the way of a fine young orgasm.
One morning, not even a whole morning, of sex and Renee was putting on a show few older women could duplicate. My cock became even longer and thicker, pumped hard with blood. I could feel a roiling heat deep in my groin. Little Renee lit a fire in me, to coin a phrase.
"Daaaaaaddy," a voice murmured reprovingly. "What are you doing to Renee?" Lorrie was at my elbow, marveling at Renee's position and what her cousin was doing to me.
"I didn't have a thing to do with it," I said between panting breaths. "Your cousin," I told Lorrie, "is very inventive." I felt Lorrie nod. Her right hand was squeezing my left ass cheek. Suddenly, two more hands were kneading my right cheek. I glanced down and behind me to see Shannon's bright face grinning up at me.
"You like to have your butt played with?" asked the cute little munchkin?
"He sure does," Lorrie remarked before I could reply. "Sometimes I think he'd rather have me an' Mandy play with his ass instead of his dick," she said.
Now, that wasn't true at all and Lorrie knew it. I opened my mouth to correct a possible misimpression.
"UNCLE MI-KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!" Renee yelled. I'd been distracted by the other two girls. "You can push BACK at me, you know?" Renee said demandingly.
The point was well taken.
I proceeded to ram my hips forward a little more, meeting Renee's forward thrusts at the highpoint of her swing and falling into a comfortable rhythm with her. In no time at all, we were thrusting our groins at each other steadily and strongly. Renee's breath was rapid and shallow. She was tiring, but determined to keep going. Lorrie's fingers had urged my legs apart and she was caressing my perineum, that smooth and very sensitive strip of flesh between my scrotum and asshole.
"Can I do that?" Shannon asked interestedly.
"Sure," Lorrie responded willingly. "Be real gentle, now, okay?" she cautioned her young cousin. A moment later, I felt smaller fingers stroking the tender flesh. She was tentative at first but gained confidence quickly. I found out later it was inadvertent but her thumb slipped up between my ass cheeks and began to prod at my asshole.
At the time, I thought it was deliberate and I wondered who'd showed her how to do that.
The tempo of Renee's thrusts was getting ragged, her breathing was more gasping. Clearly she was working herself up to an orgasm and getting there rapidly. I redoubled my pace, making sure I shoved my cock into her when she was expecting it. I kept my body close enough to her so when she swung her ass back so my prick would not come out of her sloppy-wet cunt.
"Oooooo, I'm sorry, Uncle Mike," Shannon apologized. Her thumb had penetrated a short distance up my anus. I heard Lorrie giggle.
"He likes that too, sometimes...," Lorrie told her cousin.
"Huh-UHHHHHHHHHHHHHH," Shannon shot back disbelievingly.
"I'll show you," Lorrie said. Her forefinger replaced Shannon's thumb and slid slowly inside my bung hole. I had to stop fucking Renee for a moment to spread my feet wider but Renee wouldn't allow me much of a break.
Lorrie's finger was soon gently massaging the area around my prostate and I could feel a pool of lava building deep in my scrotum. Shannon's incredulous gasp added a little extra naughty spice to Renee's fuck.
Slinging her ass up at me harder and more quickly, Renee's face abruptly screwed up like she was experiencing some deep, unrelenting pain. It was the sweet agony of orgasm, though. Reaching out, I swept my hand from just below her breasts all the way down to the top of her slit. I'd learned early in my manhood that this technique will induce an orgasm in a woman who was hanging on the brink. It worked.
Renee squealed shrilly, her hips bucked hard up into me and held her there for a long moment.
Shuddering half from the tension of overstressed leg muscles, half from the intensity of her climax, Renee slipped on the slick surface and her feet flew out from under her. She landed on her butt and would have fallen off if I hadn't been supporting her. As it was, I caught her, pushed her ass back on the table a couple of inches and started pounding her cunt with short, quick thrusts.
Her toes curled tightly. Her thigh muscles contracted erratically and pulled her knees upward at odd intervals but it didn't interfere with what I was doing.
Plunging my cock in as deep as I dared, I could feel her inexperienced vagina muscles grasping at me, trying to capture me and hold me tight. I couldn't allow that just yet.
Groaning, assaulted with sensations driving up from my anus and my dick, I was in heaven and the deepest hell at the same time. Then suddenly I could feel the semen flowing and surging upward.
Before I could do anything about it, my cum was jetting into Renee's cunt. My glans was barely inside her so the hot jism splashed on nerve endings just inside her vagina and triggered a sharp reaction all its own.
Renee was panting hard. There was a vast surprise on her face. Her hips trembled hard.
Almost unwillingly, Renee whipped her cunt up at me in a hard, fast, rhythm. A moment later, she hung motionless...caught in mid-stroke for a time. Her fingers grabbed for my forearms and clamped down like vice grips.
Another splash of hot cum erupted from the head of my cock. Renee's sudden jump had dislodged me. This time, my cream spattered over her gaping pussy and lower belly. Renee looked down in amazement, watching the pearly fluid erupting from the slit in the end of my penis.
Lorrie was energetically working her finger on my prostate, making me cum all that much harder. Without anyone touching my cock, a third gob of spunk shot out to collect in Renee's bellybutton and drip obscenely down her groin.
Shuddering, I forced out a final spewing that dribbled out over Renee's slender thighs. I grabbed at the edge of the table near Renee's hips to support myself while I tried to catch my breath.
I felt Lorrie pull her finger out of my anus. It made me shudder again, but it was a minor quake compared to what had come before.
"Now I need to go wash this off," Lorrie said in a business-like tone. I felt her get to her feet and walk off to my left somewhere.
"Wow!" I heard Shannon say. "He really likes that, huh." She still didn't quiet understand how a guy could enjoy an invasion of his butt hole, but she'd seen me respond. "Can you teach me to do that too," she asked in a half plaintive tone as the sound of her voice faded. She was apparently following Lorrie. Her tone reflected her feelings right now that there was so much to learn and not enough hours in the day to absorb it all. I chuckled.
Leaning over to kiss Renee, I stroked her thighs gently. I knew she was coming down from at least two orgasms and I knew also that the process was a slow one. She kissed me back, becoming more enthusiastic toward the end of it. I touched her pussy tenderly.
"Hey, Renee," I said softly. "You've got a sticky pussy, young lady." She looked at me with a hurt look on her face.
"I got a stinky puss?" she asked.
"No, no," I said quickly, "STICKY puss." Her eyes cleared and her tongue darted out quickly to lick at her lips.
"Well...." she said after a little pause. "YOU made it that way...some," she declared. I couldn't deny that. I grinned at her.
"Want ta' go take a shower with me?" I asked and she nodded quickly. "Okay," I said, helping her down to the floor. I paused. "So...where ARE the showers?" I knew there were showers out here...they'd come up in a couple of conversations, but I didn't know where they were.
Taking me by the hand, Renee turned me around and I saw for the first time most of my nieces and nephews had gathered in a semi-circle around the table where Renee and I had each just had a nice cum.
"Hey!" I called out. I hadn't known we'd had such a big audience. "A hand for the little lady?"
They cheered and clapped enthusiastically.
Everyone realized that we were, collectively, one big, sweaty, group of tired incestuous fuckers. So it was that shortly we were all indulging ourselves under the showers my sister's husband had installed on the outside of the barn at the corner most distant from the house. I doubt he had in mind all his sons and daughters, along with his brother-in-law and HIS daughters, having a group shower out in the warm sunlight but that's what happened.
Thinking about it though, I wondered. Why DOES one set up four showers out in the open behind an old barn? I mean...that's a lot of pipe to run for fresh water and to take care of the runoff, some mechanism to install for generating and storing hot water, a concrete floor and plumbing to put in...lots and lots of work.
Well, anyway...there were no dividers between the four showerheads and not a lot of space on the concrete slab that served for a floor either, considering the crowd trying to get cleaned up all at one time. With nine people enjoying their open air showers, there was a lot of rubbing against each other and three pricks grew into proud hard-ons almost immediately. Judging from the heat in the girls' eyes though, the guys weren't the only ones whose libido's had been stoked.
Before we went back inside, the three of Meghan's daughters who had not yet sucked someone off got their first taste of semen. They all agreed it might be just a tad salty, but it was no big deal swallowing it--just like Mandy and Lorrie had been telling them. Afterward, my two daughters gave some lessons in deep-throating and the two boys had a few more lessons in licking hot pussies and sucking on sensitive clits.
Except when she was instructing her cousins in various techniques of sexual pleasure, Mandy wandered around with our digital camcorder. She'd gone through three cassettes already, in addition to the ones used up yesterday and earlier this morning. I made note to get some more on our next trip to town.
By this time, it was past lunchtime and we were all starved. Casey and Mandy went up to the house, naked of course, to slap together a bunch of sandwiches.
Watching the girls saunter up the rise, their firm titties barely jiggling and their ass cheeks flexing was fun all by itself. Just how does a girl manage to sway so deliciously from side to side while walking straight? I will never understand it, but I'll always enjoy it.
They brought the sandwiches down on two big trays, and then sent Renee and Shannon back up for assorted bags of chips they'd laid out on the counter. Matt and Kevin were ordered to go haul down a big cooler full of soft drinks.
The boys trotted back with their dicks swinging and dancing crazily about...which amused the girls no end. Neither Matt nor Kevin thought it was particularly funny though.
They got over it when their sisters offered to 'kiss it' and make it better...'better' being defines as stopping them from dangling around like that.
The two boys shot a quick look at each other and accepted the girls' offer on the spot. It worked.
* * *
The sandwiches really hit the spot. They were exactly what we needed to stop the rumbling in our bellies. After our late lunch, we were all still a recovery mode and we weren't in any hurry to resume our little orgy, though all three males in the room had his cock in the hands of one young girl or another. This was a lull, only that. Comfortable in our nakedness, we sat around talking about nothing in particular for a long while.
Renee was sitting on my right side, leaning on my thigh and closely examining my scrotum. After getting an explanation on why, and how, I came to have no hair on or around my dick, she still had a lot of questions she wanted answered. She was learning a good deal about human anatomy she wouldn't have otherwise known about for years. Finally, Renee spoke of something she'd had on her mind.
She abandoned my dick and got up on her knees to throw her arms around my neck and kiss me enthusiastically. "Uncle Mikey," she said.
I could NOT break my sister's girls from calling me 'Mikey' instead of Mike. There was nothing left to do but just live with it.
"Uncle Mikey," she repeated, as if I hadn't heard her. I was looking her dead in the eyes each time she said it though, waving her onward. She seemed stuck...maybe because she kept getting distracted by all the sex play going on all around her. Her eyes kept flicking from one group of kids to another and back again.
"I love you, Uncle Mikey," she said one last time. "And I'm soooooo glad you came to see us 'cause us kids might never have got to know how we could be doing stuff like this if you didn't."
She waved her hand around the room at her naked brothers, sisters, and cousins. My sister's other three girls and two boys murmured agreements, nodding their heads at Renee's comment. Renee put her head on my shoulder while I wrapped my arm around her and patted her on the back.
"Back in elementary school, I used to see a guy around who was a real hunk," Casey said suddenly, "and I would get all warm and get this kinda full feeling inside my 'gina." She paused for a moment, looking down. "And then this syrupy stuff would leak out of me on my panties," she continued slowly, "but I didn't know what to do about it or...anything, ya know?" Her fingers were twisting and twining around each other in her lap as she relived a time I'm sure she hadn't expected to talk about with anyone.
"Well...honey, you know that was just your vagina beginning to expand, right? The syrupy stuff was secretions from your vaginal walls that nature uses to lubricate you for sex--"
Casey made a chopping motion with her hands.
"I know that NOW!" she snapped. "I think I even sorta knew it when it happened but...I didn't KNOW...not really...see what I mean?" She was talking to me but looking at Mandy and Lorrie.
Both my daughters were nodding in sympathy and I flashed on a memory from last fall when we first starting having sex...and why. Ruefully, I nodded too.
"And all that time," Casey continued, "all that cramping and stuff, I could have been doing something with Matt or Kevin or something." She sighed and her sisters sighed with her.
Casey turned to her left, lifted her right hand from her lap, and hit Matt in the upper arm with a pretty good right cross. Matt jumped a good six inches off the couch they were sitting on.
"WHAT THE HECK DID I DO?" he yelled. His stunned expression caused giggles from the females in the room. He rubbed vigorously at the red mark on his arm up by his shoulder.
Matt's astonishment increased the longer he stared at his sister. His jaw dropped and he left off rubbing his arm. Casey relented after a long moment. She raised up, straddled his hips, and wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing his lips against her breasts.
"I'm sorry, Mattie," she said. "I promise I'll make it all better," she cooed.
"Hell, no!" he said emphatically, trying to get off the couch and retreat. "You're crazy, you know?"
The rest of us were doing all we could to keep from hurting ourselves laughing. Matt pushed Casey off his lap and sat down on a nearby couch with Mandy and Kristi.
Casey put her fists on her hips and glared at him. "No, I'm not...I'm horny, you nitwit!" she retorted. "And I always WAS!!"
Looking around, she came over to me and sat down on my free side. Picking up my hand, she spread her legs and put my hand right on her hairless pussy. Without thinking, I wiggled a couple of fingers in a pattern that would separate her outer lips. I slid a lucking finger inside. Casey glanced up at her older brother and pointed to her crotch.
"See?" she said smugly. "See what you COULD a' been getting into since you figured out what your little dickey was for?
Matt's face slowly took on a stricken expression. He was considering all the lost opportunities and felt half-humiliated by how his sister was bringing it out. He didn't know which was worse.
We all cracked up, laughing hard at the comical expressions on both his and Casey's faces. After a moment, Matt saw the humor in the situation and began laughing with us.
"If we could do it all over again," he said, "I'd be getting off the school bus every day...puttin' you flat a' your back and ripping off your clothes and...and...I'd fuck you four times before supper!" he said.
"If we could do it all over again...," Casey shot back, "you better have been the first boy off the bus or you'd STILL lose out!"
We all laughed until we couldn't laugh any more.
About the time I thought we had all recovered, Shannon asked curiously, "How many boys were on the bus, anyway?"
We broke up again. After a while, Renee complained her sides were hurting from laughing and Lorrie concurred. We tried to control ourselves but a glance at Matt would set someone off again and we'd all lose it once more. It was a long time before the room was still again.
"But, Uncle Mike," Matt said slowly, "how DO we keep on doing...uh...this?" He waved his hands over the naked group. "What happens when you go back home?"
To tell the truth, I'd never thought much about it. Why would they stop?
Matt looked around the room.
"Y'all know how Mom is," he said. "She does all the wash and cleaning and stuff...sooner or later she's gonna see a stain or somethin' on someone's bed sheets or she'll come out here and smell Renee's 'gina juices on the table there or something."
The room formerly full of happy laughter and glee descended into gloom.
"What're we gonna do?" Shannon said mournfully.
Matt looked at her and then around at his other siblings. There was no particular sadness in his eyes. In fact, he was savoring the respect the others were giving to him after a long period of being laughed at. I thought it was just possible he had something in mind.
"Matt has a point," I said. "Or...if one of you girls gets pregnant?" I asked. "Or what happens if your Mom catches Kevin on top, Shannon...some afternoon after school?"
Matt nodded his agreement. He hadn't been surprised by the implications of my questions. I realized he'd been considering this for a while, though I don't know when he'd had the time. I waited to see what he had in mind as a solution, but I thought I knew already.
"I know one way all you girls can get on the pill or something," Matt said finally. All the kids looked to him.
I caught Mandy's eyes for a second and let a faint so slight that someone who didn't know me very, very well would have noticed cross my features. Mandy frowned for a second and then realization struck her. She smothered a chuckle by putting her hand over her mouth and coughing. Casey saw her and wasn't fooled. She looked at me, then back at Mandy.
"OH!" she exclaimed. "Duh!" She glanced at Matt approvingly.
"Sure," she said, "there's only one way all us girls can get on birth control and that's if Mom or Dad...or Mom AND Dad...want us to, right?" she asked her brother.
Matt nodded. He'd have rather explained it himself, but he'd get most of the credit because everyone could tell this was where he'd been heading. "And why would they let you...?" he prompted Casey. I think it was what lawyers call a "leading question."
Casey leaned forward, trapping my hand between her thighs and belly. I wriggled my fingers a bit to remind her of their presence. She straightened back up immediately, though she didn't even glance at me.
"Because we...our whole family is having sex, just like Uncle Mike and Mandy and Lorrie," Casey said quietly. They were all quiet for a moment, adjusting to the new idea.
"You mean I get to fuck my DADDY?" Shannon said in a loud voice. Except for me and my daughters...and possibly Matt...everyone chuckled nervously.
"Uh-huh," Casey said. "You and me and Kristi and Renee too."
Shannon considered that for a bit. "Okay," Shannon said unconcerned at the thought of competition. "That sounds yummy," she added.
The matter was settled in her mind. It was no big deal. I was reminded the young girl had told me about laying atop her father in the hammock the same way she had me. She had been having sex with her father, sort of, for a long time already. The concept didn't shock her in the least. There was one other thing, though.
Matt licked his lips uncertainly and took a deep breath. "But what about Mom?" he blurted.
There was another long silence, and then Casey chuckled.
"Well...duh...again," she said. "Of course Mom has to be okay with it. Who do you think is gonna go to the doctor with us to get birth control stuff?" she asked.
Matt started to interrupt but Casey had the floor and she wasn't about to give it up.
"Oh, yeah...Mattie, dear," she said quietly, "you and Kevin are gonna be doing Mom, too." More than one surprised young person's breath hissed between their teeth in astonishment.
Casey smiled at them. "Come ON!" she said, a trifle condescendingly, "...Did you really think Daddy was going to be fucking us, Matt and Kevin was gonna be doing us...and Mom wouldn't have a problem with being left out? Not HARDLY!!"
"Of course, she's going to be doing sex with you guys," she concluded. Kevin looked at his sister in disbelief for a time, and then his eyes glazed over some as he considered the possibilities.
"But Uncle Mike is gonna help us with Mom, aren't you, Uncle Mikey?" Casey asked mischievously. There was a secret, knowing gleam in her eye when she turned to look at me.
I shrugged. "What could 'I' do to help?" I drawled.
She wasn't having any of that. She stuck out her tongue and slapped my forearm.
It wasn't a hard blow, but remembering what she'd done to Matt earlier, I watched her warily.
"Our Mom, our dear sweet Mom, has been acting like a...a...a mare in heat ever since you got here," Casey said bluntly. She held up a hand to count off points she had in evidence.
"She's been wearing tight short shorts and skirts like we never used to see her in," she said, touching the tip of her forefinger, "and she hasn't worn a bra since you got here either," she added.
"She acts like she wants to kiss you like all us girls do...that's three. I saw her pushing her titties into your chest two or three times and she puts her hands all over you," Casey finished, having touched all five fingers on that hand.
"And she kisses me kinda funny too," Kevin added unexpectedly. Casey nodded approvingly and stuck a finger up in the air from her other hand to count it.
"Me too," Matt remarked. "Once...yesterday? She kissed me on the mouth and I felt her tongue...poke inside my lips," he said, unhappy because he couldn't tell what he had more gracefully.
Casey nodded but didn't add another finger. His and Kevin's experiences were parts of the same...finger.
"And she pulled me really close," Matt added. "I could feel her boobs." Casey considered the statement for a moment, then stuck a seventh finger up in the air.
"Mom was acting real funny yesterday afternoon," Shannon volunteered. "She came downstairs when Uncle Mike and I were sitting in the living room and one of her boobs came out and she told me put it back in her shirt."
The others looked at her in amazement. This was the first they'd heard of it.
Shannon basked in the attention. "An' that's not all," she said, remembering. "Mom touched me right here," she told everyone, pointing to her pussy. "I mean, I had my clothes on and everything, but me and Uncle Mike...I was sitting on Uncle Mike's lap and my pussy was wet and I just know she felt it," she said, her face screwing up in concentration. A lot had happened since yesterday evening.
"An' then she said I could love on Uncle Mike all I wanted and she went away," she said, finishing her account of the incident. "OH! I forgot. And when she bent over, she let me and Uncle Mike see ALL a' her boobies, too."
Impressed, Casey tried to decide how much value there was in the recounting of Shannon's and my experience with Meghan. Finally, she just spread all her fingers wide, indicating a score of ten out of ten. No one added anything else. There was a short silence.
"And she let me play with her titties yesterday morning," I said quietly, drawing all eyes to me. "She undid her shirt so I could."
The boys were visibly impressed, the girls were a little shocked--everyone recovered quickly. Matt and Kevin looked at me calculatingly. They wanted to ask for more information but didn't quite dare. Matt had been thinking their mother would have to be drawn into their circle of family sex, but he wasn't used to the idea yet. Kevin had had even less time to consider all this.
"And," I continued, "she pushed her butt back into me while I was playin' with her boobs." Everyone was hanging on my words now.
"And," I said emphatically one last time, "...she talked dirty to me the whole time, too...while we were standing there at the sink." I nudged Casey.
"Good thing you're barefooted," I told her. "You'd loose count if you weren't." She didn't get it at first, but giggled when she finally did. She looked at me, cocking her head speculatively. She nodded in sudden decision.
"'re IN with Mom...and once you have sex with her, she's gonna see all we're doin' is just like you and her are doing," Casey said. She dismissed the topic with a dismissive gesture. The problem was solved as far as Casey was concerned.
"But what about Daddy?" Renee asked sensibly.
"Yesterday," Lorrie interjected, "he touched me on the ass and I let him play with it a little while."
I turned to look at her. This was news to me.
"I put his hand on my breast after we got done dancing the other day when we were coming out of the living room," Mandy chimed in. "I asked him if he could feel my heart beating so hard," she added. She giggled. "He looked surprised at first," she told everyone, "but he didn't try to get away from me...he didn't move his hand for a minute when I let go of it, neither."
"The other day when Casey and Mandy and Lorrie were getting ready to go down to the city, your dad was looking up everyone's skirts," I said. That was my contribution to the analysis of where Steve stood in this. "He didn't even THINK of looking away either," I finished.
"And he looked down my top the first day we got here," Lorrie added. There was a short silence.
"I've seen your father looking at all of you in your short shorts and tops, and...less," I said finally, remembering I did have that bit of information to add in.
"I'm pretty sure he's already about...oh...maybe ninety percent of the way where you want him. Actually, I don't know how he's kept from grabbing all of you and throwing you on a bed and putting his cock in you morning, noon, and night all these years." I grinned at them. "I mean, with all you long-legged sexy things prancing around half naked all the time, how could a man resist?"
All the girls looked smugly satisfied with that, particularly Steve's daughters.
We talked for another hour or so, deciding that Mandy or Lorrie would seduce Steve first...sort of paving the way for their four girl cousins. We didn't know who would have the best opportunity and we agreed to watch for a time and place he would be alone and one of my seductive little sluts would...well, seduce him. In my heart, I knew the man didn't have a chance.
We also decided that after one of his nieces got him to have sex, we'd work on getting him together with the other niece and one or more of his daughters too. From there, we figured, things would work themselves out pretty quickly and easily.
It was decided I would seduce their mother...or let her seduce me, as Casey pointed out. Once Meghan had had sex with her brother, they reasoned, she could hardly object to her daughters having sex with THEIR brothers. Having once accepted THAT, the thinking was she'd surely consider Matt and Kevin in an even more sexualized way than illustrated by recent events. We decided things would work themselves out.
After a while, the talk about sex with their parents had everyone aroused and we sorted ourselves out in groups of two or three for another round of our family style orgy. Mandy and Lorrie introduced the topic of girl-on-girl sex and demonstrated several combinations. We wound up with all the girls paired up in traditional 69 positions with one of us guys fucking the one on top doggy style.
The afternoon was well advanced by the time the action petered out. We all took another great shower outside in the barn's group shower facility and dried off by letting the soft summer breezes evaporate all the moisture.
We all trooped up the hill and reluctantly donned clothing again about an hour before Meghan called on the house phone to see if she needed to stop for anything on the way home.
Casey HAD told me Meghan would do that before coming home so we could have stayed naked for a lot longer, but I'd been a little antsy. Live and learn.
It was an early night for me and all of the orgy attendees. My sister and her husband were a little surprised and disappointed that everyone else seemed too tired to stay up very late.
The next morning, I woke up with a feeling in my gut. Things had been going well all week long and I thought today would see even something much greater. If even the slightest opportunity presented itself, I was going to fuck my sister today, something I'd been wanting to do since I was a young boy.
When I walked into the kitchen, my greeting from Meghan was enthusiastic and very...stirring. She was wearing a man's shirt tied below her breasts again, and this morning she had on a faded blue jeans skirt that revealed more of her thigh than it concealed.
My mouth watered as I thought of what lay beneath the short skirt and I got an instant hard-on. I know Meghan felt it. We assumed a position sort of like the one we'd finished with yesterday, and she began to slowly hump my cock. I wanted desperately to reach around and check to see if there was any heat emanating from her crotch. I was pretty darned sure Meghan's pussy was already moistening, making ready for me to probe with a cock that was quite ready now.
I was a tad hesitant about all this, wondering if Steve might object, but he was busy. Steve saw Meghan wrap her arms around my neck and give me a torrid kiss on the lips, but I'm not sure it registered because Mandy pranced by right in front of him at that moment. I think he showed admirable strength of will, 'cause he didn't reach out and grab her as she walked by.
Mandy and Lorrie both came downstairs in panties and T-shirts that were ALMOST long enough to cover their crotches...but not quite. They took every opportunity they had to show off silky bikini panties to their Uncle Steve. He had no idea how seldom they actually wore panties, but I suspected he'd find out soon enough. While it was clear he was getting most of the attention, the boys got some too.
Matt and Kevin got almost the same treatment from their mother I enjoyed and they joined me with hard-ons at the breakfast table and settled in to watch the floorshow. Both boys slouched low in their chairs to maximize the viewing area.
Matt caught my eye and inclined his head at his mother, grinning and winking. Maybe he'd felt the heat from her groin when he got kissed too.
All the girls seemed to be in dual exhibitionistic and affectionate modes this morning. In addition to peeks down scoop-necked tank tops or T-shirts, plus plenty of butt cheeks peeking out from under cutoff jeans or short skirts, Matt, Kevin, and I got plenty of gratuitous hugs from every female in the house to compensate for Steve getting most of the panty shots. There wasn't a bra to be found anywhere in the kitchen and we all knew it.
When I wasn't being hugged, there were more young tits pressed against my arm, face, back, and chest than I could keep track of. Whenever one of the girls could do so without their mom or dad seeing, they sat on one of my knees and played with my cock through my cargo shorts.
I'd quit bothering with underwear--too confining. I was pretty sure, when I was putting on my clothes upstairs earlier, that I'd be getting hard after more than a few seconds around any of my nieces or daughters. I was right.
I saw Shannon and Renee peek in the kitchen and notice that my daughters' panties were in clear view beneath thin T-shirts instead of being hidden. Before anyone else noticed them, my sister's two youngest girls ducked back out and came back a few minutes later without the shorts I'd seen them wearing. Casey and Kristi shot them a few dirty looks, suspecting they'd been outmaneuvered because they had on more clothing. It was an indicator of how much attitudes had changed in this household.
Before he knew it, Steve had a lapful of two prepubescent daughters whose panties were deliberately pulled tight in front to show their daddy some well defined camel-toes. When they walked away, Steve could see the panties had been pulled up into the crack of their ass to expose their butts too.
The wiggling and sultry looks Shannon and Renee were giving their father would have melted a bronze statue. Steve gave up trying to conceal a hard-on from anyone. After a while, he and I shared a knowing smile.
He quit hiding his interest in Lorrie and Mandy's asses too. After that, he loosened up enough to be quite comfortable checking out his own daughters as they strutted around.
After all, breakfast IS the most important meal of the day, isn't it?
* * *
After breakfast, Steve and I wandered out by the western fence line and watched the boys rope a few of the small herd of horses Steve and Meghan kept around for riding. They brought them in and saddled them quickly and efficiently.
Mandy and Lorrie each quickly found a pair of blue jeans in their luggage when Matt suggested they might like to ride the horses. I didn't know they'd even brought any jeans. Shows how much I know, huh?
My girls climbed on behind Matt and Kevin while Steve and Meghan's oldest daughters got on horses of their own. As they trotted out of sight, girlish shrieks of mock terror and excitement trailed behind. I had a sudden vision of the group riding their horses naked out over the prairie...Casey and Kristi rubbing their venus mons on the hard leather of the saddle and my daughters riding their boy cousins' cocks.... I had to work hard to push that vision away.
I glanced around at what Steve and Meghan called 'the yard', but which covered several more acres than your average soccer stadium. The whole area around the house extending past the barn/clubhouse on the east, was fenced in and controlled. Think: the 'Dallas' TV show's make-believe ranch. The enclosed area didn't have the "manicured" look of the grassy stretches in show ranches like 'Dallas', but the grass WAS kept fairly short, it was just as green and it was just as scenic.
Weeds, rocks, and stray debris were all kept down by hiring a whole herd of teenagers from the local middle and high schools one Saturday at the beginning of Spring and then again in Summer and Fall. The kids would sweep the area from the house to the boundary fences and get fed a huge pizza lunch. The first such event Steve and Meghan organized started a tradition of sorts among the ranches and farms in the area. It resulted in a lot of cleared fields and many happy, well-fed kids.
My mind couldn't keep from wondering what kind of photo ops that kind of gathering presented to an attentive, and highly perverted, old fart, as my daughters kindly referred to me. I was lost in pleasant visualizations for a bit.
"Your sister is one good looking woman, you know that?" Steve asked suddenly.
He and I were leaning on the wooden fence, one foot on the lowest board and watching the kids ride over the prairie. With the mountains stair-stepping up from the flat prairie to the west, it was a picture postcard kind of view.
I turned to find her and found Meghan playing a game of Frisbee with the younger girls a little closer to the house. They looked happy in their game and the setting in which they found themselves.
Actually, Renee and Shannon were feeling a little abandoned by the older kids; they were kind a' pissed and Meghan was trying to blunt the edges of their resentment. Meghan was still in the blue jeans skirt and a shirt tied beneath her jutting breasts. She hadn't buttoned any buttons on her tops in days.
"Indeed she is," I replied, "and may I say your WIFE is a most comely young wench as well, sir."
We chuckled together.
"Ya know...I remember you from right after me and Meghan met."
I froze a little inside. Right after he and Meghan met, Meghan and my parents were killed in a wreck--not a subject I wanted to revisit on a beautiful day like today.
"It was a surprise to me," Steve continued, "you didn't have a problem with me an' Meghan...gettin' close so soon we did, but you always seemed okay with it." He glanced at me, then back to the mountains. "I kind a' figured--well, I'll just ask ya...did you know about them...naked parties me an' Meghan used to go to?"
Well, this wasn't the FIRST conversation that'd taken off in a direction I wasn't ready for. "Ah...yeah, I knew," I ventured, not quite sure how much to admit.
"Uh-huh," Steve returned in a satisfied tone. He paused, grinning. " 'Course, you always had a girlfriend 'er two around yourself, didn't you, Sprout?"
"I did!" I agreed.
He nodded. "Remember Marcie?" he asked.
I remembered her very well. Slim and graceful, breasts that seemed too big for her slender body and an absolute 'nasty' glint in her eye whenever the topic turned to sex...and when Marcie was around, the topic ALWAYS turned to sex...within minutes.
"I remember her very well," I remarked. "She introduced me to that new girl in a' Leslie...just come in town from Arizona," I continued.
Eighteen months later, I'd married Leslie and we started having baby girls.
"I knew you would," Steve said dryly. He and Meghan had nearly interrupted Marcie and me fucking once when he brought Meghan home early from a date--that was a couple months before I met Leslie. I'm quite sure the look on my and Marcie's faces at the time had told the older couple exactly what we'd been up to.
"Did you know Marcie was my first cousin?" Steve asked.
"Nope!" I answered, surprised. "I never knew that."
" 'Tis a fact," Steve said, nodding wisely. "And I know sticking your dick in her was like puttin' it in a portable concrete mixer."
I blinked. "You know...first hand?" I said speculatively.
"First hand," he replied. "Meghan knew I was doing Marcie before Meghan and I met," he added.
He chuckled. "You remember, later on, when Meghan an' me came in early that time and caught you 'n Marcie goin' at it?"
"You didn't catch us 'going at it'...not really," I protested.
"Near enough," Steve answered dismissively. He paused and threw me a calculating glance. "You know Marcie whispered in Meghan's ear right then that they should switch guys and just keep on partying?"
I did NOT know that!
"I'll be damned!" I said. I'm sure the shock came through loud and clear. How much the idea intrigued me was probably pretty obvious too.
"Yep," Steve said, "that Marcie was somethin' else, wasn't she?"
I waited for him to continue, but we never finished that conversation.
Meghan, Shannon, and Renee were walking towards us. Meghan came up to my side and hugged me while my younger nieces attacked my legs, throwing their arms around them and hugging as tight as they could.
After a bit, it morphed into a contest to see if they could pull my legs off the ground and make me fall.
They could and I did. I tumbled down onto the grass and rolling around tickling the young girls for a bit in retaliation. Meghan was smiling happily.
From the corner of my eye, I caught Steve looking at his daughters playing with me. He cocked his head to the left and looked at them speculatively. A slow, contented little smile stretched his lips. Steve stood taller and rolled his shoulders as if a heavy load had somehow been lifted off them.
The horse riders were coming back now and he watched them closely. Steve looked at my daughters with their arms wrapped around the boys' waists and he took a breath. I saw he was half-aroused. There was a little tent growing down the front of his pants.
He glanced at me once, looked back at my girls with his boys, and then back to me. He winked at me and his eyes tracked around until his daughters were in sight. He leaned against the fence, just enjoying life and getting an eyeful wherever he looked.
The strange conversation was over. It had gone on for a while, and we'd talked pretty candidly, but I didn't have a clue why he was talking at all. And then...I convinced myself Steve knew more about what had been going on than he let on. That led to a realization he didn't have much of a problem with what was happening either. Interesting, indeed!!
About the time that hit me, the older kids came up to the fence and pulled their horses to a hard stop right beside the three of us adults and my two youngest nieces. My two girls got off, laughing and squealing in glee. All six of them obviously had had a fine ride. After a while, I motioned Mandy over to me.
"Remind Matt that his two little sisters need to be taken by their brothers on a nice ride," I told her. Mandy has more than a touch of motherly instinct and she darted a sympathetic glance at her two young cousins and nodded. A moment later, Matt jumped over the fence, gathered up Renee and Shannon's hands in his, and guided them back through the fence where the horses stood.
They all slid under the lowest bar and stood up without a pause. Shrieking happily, the two were loaded on the backs of the two boys' horses and they went galloping out of sight with their arms locked around their brother's waists.
"I saw that," Meghan said coming up behind me and capturing my left hand in both of hers and hugging my arm tightly. "You're a good uncle," she said lovingly.
Mandy saw and came back over to us. "He's a pretty good Daddy, too," she said, hugging me around the waist from my other side.
"I know he is," Meghan said, approvingly. "And...he's one heck of a fine brother, ya know."
They smiled happily at each other around me. I looked around for my other daughter but she, Casey, and Kristi were huddled in a tight group and talking about something adults couldn't be trusted with.
Steve stood off to the side, tossing searching and admiring looks at all the girls. I did too. What with all the nice bodies that were on display, it was a fun thing to do.
After a while, Steve began tentatively petting and stroking any young girl who came near. It was all above board and innocent, mind you, but it was fondling nevertheless. He didn't mind who saw him either.
When the four riders got back, we all stood around enjoying the sunshine and each other for a while. I saw Lorrie give her Uncle Steve a hot, quick glance from under her eyelashes when he was turning her around to give her an impromptu neck rub. Lorrie scooted her backside close to her Uncle's front. A second later, she looked up at me and winked happily.
I knew the bulge in Steve's pants was growing.
"All right, boys and girls," Steve called out after a while, reluctantly calling off an exploration of my daughter's upper back, shoulders...and buttocks. He pointed at the four horses cropping grass nearby. "There's four critters that need watering, washing, and rubbing down before they get turned back out to the south forty."
"I think all...." He broke off and looked at me inquiringly. I nodded decisively and quickly. "All six of y'all should take them off down to the horse barn and take care of them," Steve ordered.
The job didn't seem to upset the kids. They liked the animals and it wasn't such a chore to see to them. All six were soon running with the horses over the prairie to the modern horse barn Steve had had constructed a good half-mile from the house a few years back.
I'd seen it up close. Some folks should live as good as the animals did inside that place.
We adults watched the happy kids cavorting alongside the more dignified horses AND chatted for a while about nothing in particular. I was beginning to wish I'd worn my hat...yeah, it IS a cowboy hat, thank you very much...because the sun was getting higher and I had a tendency to burn if I don't watch closely.
Looking around, the distant stand of trees, beyond which lay the old house where my mother, father, Meghan and I had lived until Mom and Dad died that one awful afternoon.
"You know what?" I said impulsively. "I'm going to go see the old homestead...y'all want to come along?"
Steve shook his head. "Nah, I'm gonna get on my laptop and bang out a couple reports I've been puttin' off," he said. Steve had a home office setup in a corner of the house that was about the best I'd ever seen and the view he had out the wide windows of the prairie land with the creek winding through it was fantastic. Waving a casual hand, he started back to the house.
"I'll go with you," Meghan said. "I haven't been over there in so long...."
"Well, I'm going to get my hat and a bottle of water," I declared. We walked along behind her husband in a companionable silence. At the house, we separated, agreeing to meet in kitchen in fifteen minutes.
* * *
It was a good hour, hour and fifteen minutes walk over the low ridge and across another valley to the house where our great-grandfathers, several generations of them, had lived. It was a place filled with mystery and probably much history too.
Meghan and I strolled along, hand-in-hand down a path we'd known like the back of our hands when we were young. I didn't need think about where I was going--the irregularities in the trail seemed like old friends. The narrow footpath had been there as long as I'd been alive, I think, and my subconscious hadn't noticed the passing of the years.
The sun was warm and both of us were loose and relaxed long before we got there. The pleasant breeze whispered through the tall grass and, when we neared the creek, the water chuckled gently over the same rocks it had when we were children. We followed the creek as it meandered over the prairie 'cause it led to the same place the trail did.
Other than these small sounds, and the cries of birds flying and rustling of small animals scurrying about on their business in the brush, the silence was almost unbroken. Here, about a mile and a half from Meghan and Steve's big ranch house, the solitude was about as complete as it was before Europeans first came to this part of the continent. I could tell Meghan felt it too. There was a primitive feel to things now and it created a nervous excitement in us both.
"So...little brother," she said after there'd been a little silence between us. "Did I shock you when I told you the other day I'd been out with two guys on the same date once?"
"It was just once?" I asked. "I thought...hmmmmm...I can't put my finger on when it was exactly, but I thought you'd gone out with Billy and Cal Chase together that one time...and then Pete Armistead and Connor Williams after we moved back out here...and didn't you...."
"Damn!" she exclaimed. "I forgot all about Pete and Connor." She chuckled.
"Actually, Pete and Connor were pretty much a waste. They were so embarrassed at seeing each other with a hard-on that they couldn't do much for me." She waited for a moment while I thought it out.
I was sure there had been another time or two when I saw her leave the house with two boys...but maybe not. I shook my head, unable to remember.
"So, what do you think of your slut sister?" Meghan asked lightly. She was too blase. My silence had left the wrong impression.
"Sorry...I was still thinking. I could have SWORN there was another couple of times you--OW!"
Meghan had stopped and smacked my forearm with her open hand. It sounded like the crack of a whip and hurt only slightly less.
"I THINK I'd be the one to know!" she said with a brittle edge to her voice.
Gallantly, I didn't point out her lapse of memory just a couple of seconds ago. Uncle Mike knows when not to push something--well, sometimes, anyway. Meghan didn't WANT there to be more than those two times and it behooved me to honor her feelings on the subject.
I pretended to sulk a little bit; I let the toe of one boot stir the dust while I watched it closely and stuck out my lower I probably had when I was small and she was my big sister taking care of me.
After a bit, she started giggling and then burst out with a full throated guffaw. "Okay," she said, stifling the remaining chuckles, "I'm sorry. I won't do it again, okay?"
"Anyway," I said, resuming the previous conversation, "I know Leslie told you we were into the swinging scene. I don't have a leg to stand on even if I were inclined to criticize you for being...uh...what do you want to say...a little wild?" That didn't bring forth another slap so I plowed on.
"I'm the guy that used to let my wife get double penetrated by two of our best friends while she sucked another man's cock when the urge came over her...and I'd line up those three guys' wives in a row and fuck my way through the lot of why would I think any the worst of you enjoying the same thing?"
She stopped right in the trail so quickly I had to turn and come back to her. The top edge of the big house's roof was just barely visible back there. We were in a little hollow, one of those spaces between two of the gently rolling hills that make up the 'flat' prairie grasslands.
"So you don't think I'm a slut whore bitch pervert?" she asked.
I shrugged, deciding to answer humorously, or at least with what I thought was humor. "Well, the 'bitch' part is more a matter of temperament, don't you think?" I asked. "I mean, you could be all the rest and just not a bitch, right?"
I stepped back quickly enough to avoid more punishment and when she was slightly overbalanced because of the miss, I pulled her body close to mine and kissed her on the lips. It began slow and tentative but there was fire there quickly enough. Her lips were soon pressing hard to mine. I'd been wanting to restart our little make out session from the other morning and we were soon deep into a second, and then a third long kiss.
She broke away after a while and looked down to watch my left hand massaging her right breast. Arching her back away from me momentarily, she untied the knot in the shirt that held it closed and suddenly her titties were both swaying free...until I got my hands on them. Weighing them in my hands, I was again amazed at the soft firmness of the two big globes. A full handful even for my big hands, they hadn't even BEGUN giving in to gravity yet, not even a little bit. The nipples swelled, darkening from blood flowing into them and rose sharply from the brownish aureoles.
"And as for the other things...."pervert" in particular...." I said teasingly, "I wouldn't know TOO much about that. But again, I've probably done pretty much whatever you've done, myself...or maybe even more."
I had in mind the incest I'd committed with my daughters, and her daughters too, but she didn't know anything about that. I went on before she might start guessing.
"Like I've fucked my wife's pussy while another man was fucking her ass...and on occasion, I've also fucked her ass while she rode another man's cock," I told her, just to be clear.
A little shiver washed over her entire body. Looking into my sister's eyes, I could tell she was hugely excited. The deep pools of her eyes were smoky hot with suppressed desire.
I guessed the subject had been resolved to Meghan's satisfaction. If she was a slut pervert, her little brother was marching right on down the same road with her.
Without discussing the subject further, we turned and walked on hand-in-hand. Meghan's titties swung and swayed as she strode along--they were too heavy to jiggle--and watching them increased my enjoyment of the hike by several thousand percent.
A curiosity came to me. "It sure is weird, me talking with you about me and Leslie swinging with other couples," I remarked, "because I just had a strange conversation with Steve kind a' like it."
My sister stopped dead in her tracks again and whirled to face me. "My Steve? What did he say?" she demanded. I gave her as much as I could recall off the top of my head while she listened intently. She asked for clarification on some words, just to make sure she understood where Steve had been coming from in various parts of mine and Steve's talk.
While she was busy thinking, I cupped her breasts in my hands again, kneading them, rubbing one against the other, and thumbing her nipples into more prominent erectness. I was learning Meghan loved to have her tits played with\, and I dearly loved playing with them.
It's nice to be with a woman with sensitive boobies. So many women couldn't care less. Her eyes closed while she savored the sensations of her brother mauling her boobs. I grinned and sucked a nipple, then the other, into my mouth.
Sis liked that a lot.
"So what do you think Steve is going with this?" I asked her in a relaxed tone.
She snorted. "Well...what Steve DIDN'T tell you was when Marcie asked if we should switch guys and party on, I was sick as a dog from some vodka he'd fed me earlier--like THAT was going to be the key that got him in my pants that night!"
She looked up at me. "If I hadn't been," she said softly and then paused, "who knows?"
Which was an answer that was way too vague for me. But before I could form a good question, Meghan took my hand again and stepped off to continue the walk up to the old homestead.
"Another thing Steve didn't tell you," she said at the top of a low hill, "was Leslie talked to me a couple a' times about swinging, and I talked to Steve about it too."
We were quiet for a time, negotiating a couple of switchbacks on the downslope.
"When we talked over what Leslie said about us maybe swappin' sometime," Meghan said softly, "I told Steve that I really, really, really wanted to have sex with you while he had sex with Leslie. We talked about it and Steve told me then it would be more than okay with him."
Damn! I wished I'd known THAT back in the day. All the things that had happened, from the surrealistic greetings I and my girls got the Friday we'd arrived to now, began to fall into place--at least as far as Meghan was concerned.
Meghan thought for a minute, chewing at her bottom lip. Then she laughed out loud. "What it is, is I have Steve's permission to fuck your brains out!" she crowed. "I've known my husband a long time and he likes to be mysterious sometimes. He likes to just hint at things and then sit back and watch what happens. The jerk...if he'd just come out and say what he wants, there'd be a whole lot more fun goin' on here."
She laughed. She was excited...and thoroughly aroused.
I agreed. Steve had given me permission, of sorts, the day my girls and I got not objecting to me casting lecherous glances at his girls and wife. And I'd returned the favor, grinning at him when I caught him examining my daughters. I was suddenly convinced Steve would have given consent if he'd known about everything else that was going on too.
"I know what I want," she said with conviction. "I want Steve to watch me while you take me while he fucks someone else," she said. She looked at me speculatively, testing her own reaction at the incestuous suggestion.
"I want you to fuck me hard while my husband watches us," she said, a little stronger than before. She laughed. "Damn, I'm one perverted little bitch, aren't I?"
"Yep," I said, cupping her left ass cheek as she walked. "Well, I'm still not sure about the 'bitch' part...but 'pervert' now...that's one of the things I love about you."
She laughed some more and slowed down so I could play with her butt more effectively.
Meghan and I got to the old house eventually, but we were almost sorry we'd come. The old homestead was in pretty rough shape. The second story had almost entirely collapsed down over the first floor of what had been a very comfortable home in the nineteenth century. Only two outside walls on the second floor were still standing--the place was only a shell of what it had once been. From the back, it was even worse; the first floor had collapsed here and there was nothing left of the old kitchen area and back stoop.
We couldn't even consider going inside. It wasn't even safe to step up on the wide front porch, even if it did look superficially intact. As quickly as we could, we escaped out to the old rock wall in front. We sat there, looking at the ruins. Off to our right, down a small decline, was an old pond. It was mostly dry now; the creek ran through what had been a rock dam, pretty much unimpeded.
There was an ancient dirt road that had once led off to the southeast to connect with a broader pioneer trail that had led north and south in its time. The road was nothing more than a set of ruts driven so deep in the prairie sod, even more than a hundred and fifty years hadn't filled them in. The road had ended here, in the yard of the old house. The stone wall we sat on remained as another testament to the quality our ancestors had built things.
We made our way under the spreading branches of a mammoth pecan tree. It was cooler here, out of the direct sunlight.
I didn't know a thing about it at the time....'unbeknownst to me' as they darling oldest daughter and her cousin Casey were setting up on a low rise about a hundred yards away to video tape what they were sure would be a significant encounter between one girl's father and the other girl's mother.
Using the 25X zoom, and steadying the camera by putting it on a flat rock, they had a great view of Meghan and me in the tiny view screen. Fixing the focus and finding a twig to wedge under the rock for just the right framing, Mandy took her hands off the camera to avoid shaking it, she said, and then the two girls just watched us through the view screen. When the action started, they intended to use the remote control to start, stop, zoom, and so on. My daughter was becoming quite the cinematographer.
Neither Meghan or I knew they were there, but I wouldn't have objected even if I HAD known they were filming my sister and me. In fact, I liked being caught on tape having sex. Parties with my daughter's elementary school's clandestine Family Adventure Sex Club were routinely recorded for later review and enjoyment.
Meghan stood beside the wall, gazing out over the grassland beyond. We were isolated from the ranch, which was itself isolated from roads and traffic by many miles of empty prairie. It was like we were in another time and place--just the two of us, alone.
Coming up behind her, I put my hands on her waist and she leaned back into me with a long sigh. Sweeping my hands up her side slowly, I caressed her soft satiny smooth flesh, gradually progressing to gentle strokes of her belly and upward to her chest. I made it a point to stay away from her breasts as long as possible, but I eventually gave in and cupped them both in my hands.
I massaged them, squeezing them tenderly together. Rubbing the nipples, I kneaded them gently, lovingly. Meghan arched her back, setting her shoulders back into my chest and reaching back with her left hand to caress my cheek. Her right hand slipped down between us and her fingers curled around the bulging tent in my cargo shorts. She squeezed gently and rubbed her palm up and down the length of my hard-on. We stood that way for a long moment, enjoying the touches we were bestowing on each other's body.
"Mike," she whispered. "I want you to take me right here...mount me and take me like a stallion taking a mare. Right now, honey."
Her right hand guided mine to the button on the side of her blue jean skirt and in another second, the skirt was lying in a puddle around her feet. She stepped to the side, turning to face me in the same movement. Her shirt drifted down to land atop the skirt. Her arms akimbo, she stood unashamedly naked except for her white sandals.
I sucked in my breath. Meghan could have posed for a statue of Venus carved by any of the great masters. The woman exuded an earthy sexuality that was irresistible. Her big breasts jutted out proudly, the dark nipples already hardened and ripe for a man's mouth. Her waist, still narrow even after six kids, accented wonderfully curved hips that could cradle a man's body between them or give birth to children equally well. Strong, shapely legs met in a tight 'V' with a clearly defined cleft that was her pussy. My sister stood there smiling at me for a long time while I stared at a body I'd last seen when we were teens and then only in brief glimpses.
"See anything you like?" Meghan said lightly, barely audible over the sighing of the wind through the prairie grass.
"You're an Earth Goddess!" I breathed. "The Goddess of Lewd Sex and Licentiousness!"
My sister beamed. I couldn't have chosen better words if I'd had a month to ponder.
Meghan stepped close, unbuckled my belt, and ran the zipper down on my cargo shorts. My dick sprang up from the confining folds of clothing and was promptly encased in her hand. She stroked it for a bit, looking at it intently, as if it was something she'd lost but suddenly found again. My shorts fell unnoticed to the grass.
"I saw you a couple times...when we were kids" she said unexpectedly, "...jacking off in your room...but it didn't look nearly this big then." I grinned.
"I'm older now," I replied. "And this is...special just for you." She smiled back, abandoning my penis for a moment while she helped me skin off my T-shirt.
Meghan knelt to untie my sneakers and toss them aside. When I was completely naked, she leaned into me and kissed the head of my cock. Her tongue lapped up a drop of pre-cum already oozing out of the slit. She swallowed, looking up to make sure I saw. The corners of her eyes crinkled with suppressed laughter.
Then she took me into her mouth and drove her head down on my cock, taking me into the back of her throat in one strong surge. I gasped; my whole body shuddered and my knees buckled at the incredible sensation of her wet mouth taking me completely inside in one swallow. Her nose was pressed against my lower belly. My sister slowly raised her head, letting me slide a few delicious fractions of an inch out of her throat at a time, then took me in again. She began to bob her head up and down slowly, then at a faster pace.
She adjusted her position and looked up at me again from under her eyebrows. Grabbing my ass cheeks, she pulled me into her mouth by pulling my hips forward.
After far too brief a time, Meghan pulled back, letting my cock slide from her mouth. An obscene string of mixed saliva and pre-cum linked her lips to the slit in the end of my prick until she captured it and stuffed it back in her mouth. I grinned. My sister was a nasty girl. Wiping her lips on the back of her hand, she pressed her body tightly against me, plastering every square inch of the front of her body against mine.
"Are you ready for me?" she breathed. It was a challenge. My sister was one raunchy babe and she didn't mind showing me how wonderfully lewd she really was. She kissed me hard, opening her mouth and inviting my tongue inside to taste my own slimy pre-cum. I knew she'd wanted to see if I'd do it and was pleased when I did.
"Are you ready for ME?" I retorted, while sliding a hand down her belly until my middle finger entered her slit. I was pressing on her prepuce and, through that, her clitoris. She moaned and humped my hand a few times. Pushing my finger deeper, I found she was sopping wet.
I slipped my finger back out and replaced it with two, sliding them deeper and working them deep into her vagina. My palm was tight against her mons and every time one of my fingers moved, her hips twitched. Sis was as ready as any woman ever had been.
Withdrawing my fingers, I offered them to Meghan and she eagerly stuffed them in her mouth, sucking both fingers dry. The whole while, she had her eyes fixed on mine, daring me to top her. I kept the eye contact and retrieved my hand from her mouth to push it back down to her cunt. A few seconds of finger fucking gave me a hand coated with vaginal fluid.
Bringing it back up to my mouth, I licked my palm from the wrist up and used my tongue to squeegee the slightly viscous pussy juices off my fingers. Holding as much of the fluid in my mouth as I could, I leaned in for another kiss. We shared the sweet nectar, swapping it back and forth a couple of times. From the expression on her face, Meghan was delighted.
"Ready, stud?" she asked in a hoarse voice.
I grinned.
"Sister, dear," I said carefully, "I've been ready for you since before you were in Junior High." It was true. I was four years younger than she but I had been having wet dreams about my sexy sister, at least since I was eight years old.
Without waiting for her to respond, I took her shoulders and turned her around to face the waist-high rock wall. Putting a hand on her back, I urged her to bend over but she already was already starting to assume the position. She automatically spread her legs wider and I stepped up close behind her.
"Well, I'll be damned," I chortled. Meghan had a butt plug inserted deep up her anus. Only the flared base kept it from sinking further and becoming a permanent part of her anatomy.
She laughed. "You KNOW I like two guys at once, baby. You think I'd pass this opportunity up?
I laughed easily. "Nah, you wouldn't. Want me to take it out?
"Play with it!" she ordered.
I bent my knees slightly and shifted my feet in the dust. Holding my cock in my right hand, I pushed the head against her slit and teased her for a moment, working the tip of my prick up and down her opening. Her hips wriggled and she got up on her toes. She pushed back at me a couple of times in a silent plea. It was past time for play; my sister needed a big cock stuffed up inside her...and now! I dipped a tad lower, lined my cock up with her steamy opening and thrust up inside her in a one powerful move.
Her head snapped back and she gasped at the sudden invasion but she'd wanted to be mounted and taken hard. Meghan was getting exactly what she needed right then and she was soon slinging her ass back at me as strongly as I was fucking into her. Little muffled cries came from her lips. Her elbows gave way and her upper body dropped a few inches until she could brace herself. I didn't stop. If anything I pounded harder, driving my cock as deep as I could get into her.
She forgot all about wanting me to play with the butt plug; forgot about me pulling it out and ramming it back in. But I expect it moved around some while I was fucking her cunt, just from the force with which I was slamming it to her.
Meghan came with a scream, howling her release at the brilliantly blue sky without a single restraint. Between slamming my dick deep in her pussy and bumping the ridged butt plug in and out as I fucked her, Meghan was whipsawed into coming as hard as she'd ever cum.
I wondered if they could hear it back at the house. I learned later Mandy and Casey heard it clearly up on the knoll a little more than a hundred yards away.
THEY were afraid Meghan and I would hear them chortling.
Meghan had been more than a LITTLE vocal the whole time I was fucking her. She kept up a constant commentary, urging me to fuck her harder...or faster, cautioning me to go slow and make 'it' hit right there when my cock head slid across her G-spot or a particularly sensitive set of nerve endings elsewhere. Then she begged be to never stop slamming my cock into her when she was ready to cum.
Once her orgasm had subsided a bit, she realized my dick was still hard as a steel rod and begged me to stop moving inside let her catch her breath, but I had no mercy. In minutes, she was riding the crest of another orgasm, twitching her ass from side to side and bucking back at me at the whims of her muscles reacting random nerve impulses directly from one erogenous zone or another.
When I STILL kept pounding my dick into her, she whimpered but made no protest. Her fingers clawed at the rocks in the wall, trying to find a place where she could clamp onto a handful for support. Her third orgasm was a shattering one. Her back was arched back in a bow and she howled her way through her cum.
This time, I couldn't keep from cumming great gushers inside my sister's pussy. I shoved my cock so far inside, the head was thumping hard-on her cervix instead of just nuzzling it.
Meghan was one of those few women to whom that contact was pleasurable though, she pushed back at me as strongly as I was bucking into her. The welling cum was like a flow of lava coming up from my balls; it was almost painfully slow rising to where it could spill out and give me some relief.
I groaned loudly, panting and snorting like some beast as the final spurt splashed on the opening to her womb.
Standing on wobbly legs, we faced each other and shared a more tender kiss than we had before. In a common, unspoken agreement, we sank to the grassy earth with me leaning against the rough bark of the tree trunk and Meghan reclining against my chest, with much of her upper body resting on mine. We rested for a time, both of us savoring the process of coming down from our highs.
Meghan and I rested for a while, just long enough to get our breaths back but not long enough to cool the heat inside us. Moments after my cock slid out of her cunt, I was back to playing with her breasts, keeping the nipples hard and her passions well lit. She kept me at it, cooing happily as each fresh sensation generated by my hands on her flesh sent a hot flash coursing down to sensitive nerves in her vagina.
She told me she'd always liked her breasts touched, she couldn't remember a time when she hadn't. It was one reason she had not breast fed the kids. With nipples as sensitive as hers, she'd have been climbing the walls with multiple orgasms every time one of her babies needed feeding. The mental image of her cumming every time one of her kids sucked on her teats sent warm ripples of erotic feelings through both of us.
"Mike, honey," she asked after a while. She stopped to kiss me thoroughly. "You already know I'm a perverted old slut, so...."
"I don't think anything of the sort!!" I interjected forcefully.
She drew back and looked at me in amazement.
"I do NOT think you're old," I said.
Her eyes narrowed and she blew out her breath in a raucous raspberry. It was juicy too. I had to wipe my face off.
"So...?" I prompted her.
" would you like to fuck your big sister's ass, huh, Mikey?"
I hoped every time I heard that nickname, it would be the last but apparently the womenfolk in this family just HAD to use it. I'll be damned if I know why. But the invitation needed answering.
"In a HEARTBEAT!" I told her and began immediately to prepare her for my cock invading her butt hole. We kissed again and I turned her sunny-side down again, this time on the grass.
I dipped the fingers of my left hand in the heat of her cunt, dipping up her own juices to lubricate her anus. I massaged the slickery liquid into the puckered opening into her rectum. It wasn't going to be enough. Just when I came to the conclusion I would have to tell Meghan we shouldn't do it, she reached to the side where her clothing was piled and pulled a tube of lubricant from her skirt pocket.
"Cool," I said. "You came prepared huh?"
"Always, little brother," she told me. "Always!"
The KY, Meghan's slick vaginal fluids, and my own cum mixed together to make a thick, slippery goo. I spread the gel all over my prick and lavishly around her puckered butt hole. My sister wanted my cock in there and I was going to deliver.
I gradually eased my forefinger inside, returning my finger whenever necessary to her lower belly to gather more of the thickening mixture of semen and vaginal fluids. In a very short time, I could push two fingers inside and probe them deep inside. The tight ring of muscles around the anus were already relaxed by the butt plug.
"I had an enema this morning," she said softly. "I used to have one most days before I went to school," she said dreamily, "and always when I was going out." I chuckled while my dick rose steadily at the implied eroticism of my sister's daily life when she was young.
"Sister likes her ass fucked?" I demanded.
She nodded seriously.
I believed it.
Her breath was already shortening and becoming more rapid. Her anus muscles were relaxed far beyond what an amateur at this type of sex could achieve. She had more control over them than most women had over the muscles in their hands. Two of my fingers were soon sliding easily in and out. Our relative positions were making it difficult for me to reach down over the front of her body so I boosted her up and put her on hands and knees.
I shuffled around behind her on my own knees and got behind her. Presenting the head of my cock at her opening, I paused to scoop up more of her pussy juices and smear them over my cock head and her anus.
While I worked hers and my cum around the head of my cock, I took a moment to admire this woman who was my sister. Looking down on her backside, the curvature of her generous hips was more evident than had been the case when she was young. They spread gently out from a narrow waist to meld seamlessly back down to strong haunches that made a man's mouth water.
Above, her shoulders browned and freckled from many days in the sun were a little wider than the average girls, but that was so her body could support the big breasts dangling from her chest. I took a moment to squeeze those wonderful tits and Meghan sighed in appreciation.
Working my cock head around in her crack to rub against the sensitive nerve endings there, I gradually tightened the circle until I was pressing only against her anus itself. Stopping that motion, I began to push forward gently, forcing the muscles there to loosen even more.
Some of my cock head had already disappeared inside her butt hole but the wide flange of my glans had yet to stretch her out enough to slide deeper. I took a break, holding my body steady and reached under my sister to knead her breasts once more. Coming back, I picked up the tube and squeezed more lubricant around her ass and on my dick. I pulled out to put more on my glans and then pressed it back into her gradually opening anus.
Meghan sighed heavily, working her hips around in tiny moves as she took over the task of getting my cock inside her ass. Her titties felt so good in my hands. The firm mounds hung from her chest invitingly. I weighed them in my hands, pressing them back up against her ribcage and kneading them, working one nipple against the other brought low moans from Meghan.
Straightening from my bent-over posture, I released her breasts and grasped her hips firmly. Pushing steadily in a fraction of an inch, then partially withdrawing, I gradually worked myself deeper. When the wide lip of my glans finally slide completely inside, we both rested for a moment. I began fucking slowly into her rectum, giving her bowels time to reorient to the invading rod's dimensions.
Bending over again, I took her left breast in my hand and took her nipple between thumb and forefinger. Not so gently as before, I manipulated the hard tip, pulling at it and squeezing to make it longer and thicker.
I bent and reached my right hand under her belly, to slide a finger into her hot, dripping pussy. I had the little fold of flesh over her clit between middle and forefingers and was teasing it down to expose the hot pink tip of the sensitive organ. It wasn't easy. Meghan bucked beneath me, shoving her ass back into me hard.
Where she'd been so vocal before, she had no breath to spare this time.
Bent over as I was, my cock was not as deep inside her ass as I would like, and I could not move as well. Meghan began pushing her butt back into my groin to make up for that. I switched fingers, putting my right hand on her breast and using my left hand to play with her clitoris for a while. We settled into a moderate pace, me fucking into her and her thrusting back while my hands played erotic symphonies on other parts of her body.
Assaulted from three different sources of stimulation, Meghan began to lose the steady rhythm she'd built up pushing back at me. She was stopping in mid-stroke now, her lower belly tightening and releasing. She was beginning the steady rise of sensation that would culminate in a nice climax.
I was ready to cum myself. The heat in my belly had been rising for a time now. Meghan strained, every muscle seemingly cramping hard but her orgasm hung just out of reach. I brought both hands back to her ass checks and manipulated them in my hands, kneading the firm globes strongly while I increased the speed with which I was ramming my dick into her ass. It seemed she just could not get over the hump. I had an inspiration.
"Meghan?" I said in a conversational, unexcited tone. I had to repeat myself a few times to get her attention and then it was only a muffled 'ooomph' that I got in reply. I bent over to speak softly in her left ear.
"Meghan, honey," I said, pausing for only a second, "would you like me to come in your ass?"
She nodded, still concentrating on the sensations coming from her anus.
"What?" I said. "I didn't hear what you said."
She nodded vigorously.
"Huh?" I asked again.
" it," she panted. Her head was hanging down; her hair hid her face as she worked on slinging her ass back at me while I plunged deep inside her over and over.
"What do you want me to do?" I asked. She didn't reply but she pushed back even harder on my cock. I tried again, louder.
"You want your little brother to cum in your butt hole?" I asked.
She nodded.
"What?" I said. "Tell me what you want, Meghan...tell me!"
"Cum in my ass!" she said. I could tell she was getting there. She just need a little more push to get over the top.
"You want your baby brother to spray his cum inside your shit hole?"
I laughed. This was fun, exciting. She wasn't through.
Both of my hands dove beneath her to simultaneously stroke her from her tits down to her lower abdomen. I brought my right hand back atop her body and clamped it tight on her ass cheek while the fingers on my left hand worked furiously at her clitoris.
My hips were a jack hammer pounding my cock hard and fast into her butt. I smacked her right butt cheek...not hard...just enough to make her feel it and make a nice slapping sound in the quiet meadow. I did it again...and then once on her left buttock.
Her concentration broken by being forced to shriek out her needs, the big orgasm that had been on the brink now flooded her whole body.
Meghan screamed and threw her head back.
We both rode the crest of our climaxes. I shoved my cock deep into her rectum and spewed a half dozen spurts of white hot cum into my sister's bowels. Our bodies jerking uncontrollably, we mashed our bodies tightly together, pushing and grasping at each other for just one more bit of pleasure.
When we had no strength left, we fell to the side. I was on top of her for a long moment before I could muster the strength to roll off her. My prick slipped out of her anus easily with a long slippery, sliding sensation to the process.
I surprised her by slipping the butt plug back in.
"That'll keep my cum in your ass," I said lewdly. "You can walk home with my sperm inside you!" I thought for a moment. "Damn shame you didn't bring a plug for your could a' been sloshing around walking like that, full of prime, grade A, number one brother-cum!"
Meghan's eyes glittered like new money.
* * *
When we recovered enough to speak without having to chop off our words to breathe, Meghan and I walked hand in hand down to the creek and washed each other off. The small, motel-sized soap bars she'd brought with her did yeoman work.
Lying in a pool of slow moving water warmed by the sun to nearly blood temperature, we talked lazily about anything that came into our minds. Mostly, we shared memories of our youth, regretting we'd never come together like this long before now.
She told me about watching me masturbate when I didn't completely shut my bedroom or the bathroom door. She cuddled close and wanted to know what I would have done if she'd barged in and stripped down in front of me.
I told her that it would surely have been something like we'd just done, only probably not as well since we weren't as experienced back then. Then I told her I'd known sometimes she was outside the door--that I deliberately left it ajar sometimes, hoping she would watch. We both sighed, regretting what had not happened back then. After some more talk, we decided we'd just have to make up for a late start.
She led me back up the slope to the pecan tree. I looked at her with a question in my eyes.
"Honey," my sister said. "You've fucked two of my's time for you to fuck the third. She squatted in front of me, got down on her knees, and folded her hands behind her butt. She waited for the face-fuck she wanted me to give her.
I didn't waste any time. I put my cock to Meghan's beautiful lips and, when she opened her mouth wide, I pushed deliberately inside. She didn't back away even an inch. In another moment, I was holding her head steady with my hands and stroking my cock in and out of her hot, wet mouth. I fucked her mouth for long moments, letting up only when she got tired.
"Baby, I'm almost there," I advised her. She nodded, and for the first time, pulled back.
"Face," was all she said.
I figured, correctly it turned out, she wanted a facial and I was more than willing. When I was about to cum, I pulled back enough for my cock to slip out from between her lips and immediately began to spray my sister's face with hot, pearl-white, spouts of incestuous goo.
For the first time, she took my cock in hand and aimed it all around her face, particularly her sweet lips and cheeks. When I stopped coming, it was because there wasn't a drop left in my nuts. Sister had it all.
* * *
When it was time we were getting back to the house, we picked up our clothes, though we didn't put them on. Walking back by way of the creek, we strode along comfortably naked in the light of the westering sun. Laying down in the cool water again, we cleaned ourselves up. For a while, we lay in the grass nearby and let the breeze dry us off.
Coming over the last little hillock behind the house, Meghan stopped and turned to me, wrapping her arms tightly around my neck and thrusting her tongue into my mouth in a frenzied kiss.
Two seconds later, I saw how much a mistake it'd been getting back into our clothes. It took only that long for my sister to make me hard again. She tumbled down on her back on the grassy slope and I mounted her for another wild fuck.
* * *
After everyone went to bed that night, I heard my bedroom door open and then close. The lock mechanism clicked and there were some light footfalls on the hardwood floor.
"Daddy?" I could tell it was Lorrie.
"Yeah, honey? Is everything okay?"
"Uh-huh," she said. "I just miss my Daddy," she said quietly.
I saw her reaching behind her neck to pull her night T-shirt off. Nude, she climbed into bed with me. We kissed and hugged for a minute. It turned out I hadn't known how much I missed having my little daughters next to me almost all of our waking moments and sleeping next to each other every night. After a few minutes of cuddling, Lorrie was ready to chat a little. She never needed much cuddling and a short one was plenty.
"Guess what I did today, Daddy," she said coyly.
"What?" I asked, laying my head down on the pillow, ready to talk to her until she fell asleep. It was one of our favorite father-daughter things and something that had been decreasing over the past few years as my girls got older.
"I fucked Uncle Steve," she said in a satisfied voice.
"No kiddin'! Really?" I could barely see her well enough in the dimness to tell that she was nodding her head.
"Yup!" she said proudly and proceeded to give me a play-by-play.
"Well, I'll be damned," I said. I'd thought Steve was ready for some taboo sex, but I hadn't been certain. There'd been that talk out by the fence and I hadn't really known what the score was. But apparently, he'd gone along with my little girl's obvious desires, and he'd done it with a great deal of self-possession. Kudos for Uncle Steve.
"Well guess what I did?" I asked her jovially.
Lorrie rolled her eyes at me. "Daaaady," she said reprovingly, "You do know I talk to Casey and Mandy, right? Do you think they wouldn't tell me about you and Aunt Meghan?"
So then she had to spend a few minutes telling me about what Casey and Mandy had done with the camcorder. It was the first I'd heard the little minxes had been a party to my first coupling with my big sister. I really shouldn't have been surprised.
Anyway, Lorrie was intrigued by the fact that her aunt liked to be butt fucked. She said all the girls, meaning Meghan's daughters, needed to have that hole explored, and soon.
Things were quiet for a couple of days...well, comparatively so. Casey and Renee came upstairs to spend time with me the first night after I butt-fucked their mother; Kristi and Shannon did the same thing the next night. But the full scale orgy in the renovated barn hadn't re-ignited...yet. Meghan and I hadn't had an opportunity to explore any more with each other either...and the operative word there was 'yet' too.
Mandy and Lorrie flirted with Steve incessantly, sometimes outrageously so...and in front of other family members to boot.
Meghan watched one such flirtatious episode, but didn't say a word. She grinned and walked away.
Casey, Mandy, and the others thought their mother would react if Matt were to be found taking Casey doggy-style, but it just didn't happen. Mom took a zag when she was expected to zig, and all the kids' plans went for naught.
They were mildly disappointed because they'd gone to a lot of trouble setting up a scene so she could 'chance' upon it by accident. I hadn't been too optimistic about it from the beginning because there were way too many alternate routes for someone cleaning house to go from one place to another in this house, but I thought it was okay to try. When their ambush didn't work, Matt and Casey set to work fucking themselves into a coma, so it wasn't wasted effort.
The mood in the Morrison household was one of breathless anticipation. The kids and I knew what was almost certainly coming and we were all sure the tension was about to break like a spring coiled to tightly.
We just didn't quite know when because we were constantly second-guessing ourselves and our plans. I cautioned everyone to wait for the right moment and, though a trifle impatient, the kids followed my lead in the matter.
* * *
On the third day, a perfect storm kind of thing blended itself together.
"Hey, hot stuff," I whispered in Meghan's ear. I'd made a point of coming down early to the kitchen this morning. With no one around except the two of us, I trapped her between my body and the sink.
"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!" she whispered back while her ass settled itself comfortably over my groin. My cock, already hard, nestled between her butt cheeks and began to grow harder and longer. I hunched myself into her gently and slowly for several minutes.
We were having a great time, especially after I untied her shirt and took one of her delicious boobs in each hand to squeeze and mold as I wanted. In terms of sexual excitement my sister was a pistol with a hair trigger. She could be primed and ready to fire off a few rounds in no time at all.
I turned Meghan around and kissed her hard, lancing my tongue between her lips to flick at her tongue while I pinched at her nipples and kneaded those wonderfully rounded breasts in my hands.
Meghan's body took over her mind between one heartbeat and the next, and she was firing back in an instant. I boosted her up onto the countertop with my hands at her waist...she helped with a small jump when she figured out what was happening. I had her short skirt hoisted and was tongue-fucking her before she had time to say it was too dangerous.
It wasn't...dangerous, that is...because no one was going to come down the stairs until the agreed upon time limit expired, and Steve's progress down the hall from his and Meghan's bedroom would be impeded, if necessary, by a sexily-dressed young Lorrie.
Planning...that was the key.
Anyway, Meghan had her hands on the back of my neck, hauling me tight against her cunt and not doing ANY thinking about the consequences. This little interlude was mainly to light Meghan's fire, make sure she didn't get any relief, and to set things up for later.
A door slammed upstairs and Meghan stiffened in my arms. But there was nothing else.
"What d'ya say we spend some naked time out in the clubhouse," I suggested, whispering in her ear. I waited, hardly breathing while Meghan briefly pondered the pros and cons. She knew Steve wasn't going to be here for a while today. He'd driven into the big city before the sun rose to take care of a client. He'd be back about noon, maybe later.
"K," Meghan breathed. "...but we can't just go to the clubhouse. The kids might see us," she whispered, keeping an eye on the doorway. Just beyond it was a short hallway and the staircase leading up to the second floor where most of her children had their bedrooms. I was ready for her objection...the kids and I had planned it all out.
Hormones were making Meghan's decisions for her right now and I knew it. Her pussy was awash with her honey and I knew I'd get what I wanted from her. This was a test run, the pussy-eating and door-slamming had been set up with Meghan's hair-triggered libido in mind. I was sure I knew what the results would be. And once she agreed to something, she'd hold to it, come hell or high water.
"How 'bout up in the loft?" I countered. "We can get them to go out riding the horses again or something like that. We can go up there where nobody goes and have a little time to do more explorin', whatcha think?"
I didn't really want her to think of course. The less she examined my reasons for wanting to use the clubhouse, the better. To break her chain of thought, I held up a big unopened tube of KY in front of her eyes and tucked it into the breast pocket of her shirt.
She moaned words that I couldn't understood. Clearly flustered, she snatched the tube out of the pocket where it could be seen by everyone and put it in a skirt pocket. I patted the pocket and converted that into an under-the-skirt fondling.
Meghan's concentration was well and truly planned.
"Okay...." she said hurriedly and as softly as she could.
* * *
Come mid-morning, I ambled down to the renovated barn and up the inside stairs to the old loft. Looking two stories down into the interior of the 'clubhouse', as the kids called it, one could see the whole of the nicely furnished family room. A humongous HD flat screen TV was to my right down there, up against the barn's end wall; to the right of the TV was the stairs leading up here.
On the wall opposite me, was set of huge picture windows looking out over the prairie to the east. Would a' made a nice picture postcard. There were shutters on the outside to close over the windows in stormy times; the shutters were about the size of a corral gate--that's how big the windows were. Enormous curtains made of plain cloth provided protection from the sun.
Set up randomly between those windows and the wall below me were all sorts of pillows, cushions, sofas, and chairs, along with a ping-pong table, a pool table, and other game consoles--they even had an old school Ms. Pacman machine. And the game console attached to the HD flat screen had every game cartridge they make.
There was no one down there at the moment. The third wall, the one to my left, was plain. It served to divide the game room from the workout area where the boys had their weights and stuff.
Meghan had talked the boys into guiding their cousins and sisters on a hike up to the mesa to see the shallow cave and the old Indian pictographs inside. It was five miles away or thereabouts. Meghan figured we had at least three hours before they came straggling back.
It was even better than my idea of sending them horse riding. Actually, it was a really FINE suggestion, one I intended to take myself before I left. I'd forgotten all about that cave, and it was a great place to take a picnic lunch and spend an afternoon exploring.
* * *
"We'll hear them long before they get near the house," she laughed happily when she rushed up the last few steps to the loft, and into my waiting arms.
"You bet," I agreed enthusiastically. "Why do you still have your clothes on?"
She laughed delightedly. "Oh, I see. I guess slutty perverts like me shouldn't be allowed to wear clothes, huh?" she asked dryly, going back to her theme of the afternoon we'd had sex out by the old homestead.
"Or ANY woman with a body like yours," I countered, dropping my shorts and hefting my already engorged cock in my right hand. "Naked women who aren't sluts can be gawked at...and persuaded away from the dark side of the force later!" I commented. "In particular, YOU should never...never...never...never EVER!...wear anything that hides that sexy bod."
I was grinning and so was she.
Also, she was shedding her clothing as quick as she could, not held up even a microsecond by the bantering. She wasn't wearing a stitch under her blouse and skirt, and when she kicked her sandals off to send them sailing, she was stark, starin' naked.
I wasn't wearing much myself. My shirt and a pair of old Teva sandals followed hers into the corner.
Meghan showed me what she had in her hands...three butt plugs. She grinned like a hyena. "This time," she said, "I AM gonna keep all your brother-cum in me," she laughed.
That kinda sparked MY imagination, by golly! My mind wandered for a moment, and I had to haul myself back into the moment. From her expression, my feelings about her naughtiness were pretty self-evident. Just to make sure, I growled low in my chest while I guided her to a seat on the old sofa with its back up against the loft's railing.
Dropping to my knees, I began kissing Meghan's groin, beginning with those lovely hollows just inside the hipbones and working my way inward to her already wet outer labia. Meghan moaned a couple of times and tried to use her hands to guide my tongue more directly to her pussy, but I wouldn't cooperate.
I redoubled my efforts, finally spreading Meghan's slit to drive my tongue as deep as I could get into her cunt and sucking delicately on her clit. She had to pay attention to me and her own aroused sexual feelings for another few minutes, but those minutes were vital. I'm happy to say I succeeded in completely distracting the woman for a couple of minutes extra. With a few moments more attention, Meghan would have had her first climax of the morning.
I knew that something was about to....
"Ohmigod!" came Casey's loud, excited whisper from downstairs. "He's putting his thing in her ass. GAWD! LOOK AT THAT!!"
Had Meghan been shot with one of those police taser guns, her body couldn't have spasmed so unexpectedly or so completely. I was on my knees in front of her, licking industriously at her slick pussy lips to keep her as distracted as long as possible, and then suddenly I was tonguing empty air.
Okay, I admit I didn't have the best viewpoint for observing Meghan's movements, but I've always thought I should've had SOME idea how she managed to go so quickly from a slouched seated position on the old sofa backed up to the loft's a deep squat on the bare floor beside me. We looked like we were hiding behind the sofa's bulky presence.
One nanosecond she was in front of me and the next she was sitting on her haunches with her panicked eyes boring into mine. Amazing how quickly one can move when one thinks one must, eh?
Anyway, her hands flew to her crotch and breasts in abortive attempts to cover her nudity. I must have looked very comical, what with my tongue extended as far as it could stretch...with nowhere to stretch into.
My big sister wasn't laughing though. She didn't even notice. Her eyes were huge in a face suddenly drained of all color and expression.
"It's going IN," Casey whispered in a strangled voice downstairs. " He's fucking her BUTT HOLE!"
I knew what was happening but Meghan didn't. She was totally discombobulated. Her eyes were darting in all directions to find the threat her mind was telling her was there. No matter how much thinking she'd done about her daughters' sexual freedom; no matter how easily she'd accepted Shannon playing at sexual contact with me a few days ago; no matter where she thought we were going as brother/sister lovers; Meghan wasn't ready for reality coming at her so hard and fast. She was quite certain her great secret had been discovered.
It hadn't, of course. Except from Steve, there'd never BEEN a secret because almost everyone in the house knew about her and me fucking from the moment it first happened.
Of course, Casey's whispers were from the videotape she and Mandy made two days earlier when Meghan and I had anal sex out by the old homestead. I had the advantage of knowing it was going to be played down on the clubhouse's flat screen, and about when it would occur. Meghan hadn't known a thing.
It was time for me to play from the script the kids and I'd prepared.
I crawled back to the edge of the loft and got up on the old sofa against the railing. I peeked 'cautiously' through the vertical rails to see what was happening downstairs. Down there, Kristi and Shannon were laying stark naked on some cushions near one of the couches and engaged in a classical sixty-nine position with Shannon on top.
Their height differences were making it difficult, but they were enthusiastically tonguing each other's sex. Kevin was kneeling nearby, masturbating himself while he enjoyed the sight of his sisters enjoying each others oral attentions. Soon, however, he shuffled around their bodies to get behind his baby sister. He was plainly getting ready to put his four and a half-inch cock into her from behind.
I watched for a moment. I knew Kevin saw me, and Kristi too, because their faces snapped up to show me their bright, flushed faces. With my hands over the back of the couch, out of Meghan's view, I waved urgently, pointing and gesturing.
The smiles disappeared and they got back into character quickly though. The video from the other day was playing on the flat screen on the rear wall in stark, vivid, living color.
Kevin fixed his attention on it while he manipulated his own cock. Both girls were watching the TV too, as best they could between licks. It gave them an excuse for not looking around and 'accidentally' seeing me hanging over the railing above them.
Dropping back out of sight, I turned to my sister and put my hand over my mouth, ostensibly to keep from laughing. Meghan was scrambling around, trying frantically to find her skirt and blouse.
I know she was shocked to find me grinning but it stopped the search cold. I beckoned her to come closer. When she came, I pulled her skirt from her hands and urged her to put her knees up on the couch. Protesting silently, Meghan did as I pantomimed, and lifted her head cautiously above the back of the couch to look down.
At first she saw only the wide-screen TV with the video of her and me having anal sex. She quickly saw that the whispering commentary came from there rather than from a live source and a lot of her anxiety faded. Anger, concern, and confusion showed in her eyes when she looked at me. She ducked down behind the cover of the couch.
"It seems we have our very own junior paparazzi, huh?" I murmured. I was careful to be amused, rather than irritated.
"I don't know what you think is so damned funny," Meghan whispered angrily. "Annnnngh!!! What I'm gonna do with that girl!"
Meghan had evidently calmed down enough to recognize her oldest daughter's voice on the video. It was good that Meghan's panic had subsided; it wasn't good that anger was claiming her emotional state.
This wasn't going the direction I wanted it to, so to deflect her, I peeked over the sofa and ducked down again. "They're really going at it, aren't they?" I whispered in her ear. I let her see the excitement in my eyes.
Meghan stared at me, frowning. She clearly thought I was crazy. She hadn't actually reasoned her way through the whole thing. If she had, she'd have understood the jig was up already. If her children were making videos of her being butt-fucked, and had kept it to enjoy later--while they were themselves fucking--she should have understood things in her family were already too far advanced for a retreat.
Well, she hadn't taken that bait...but it was early in the game. It had been a gambit, but it wasn't the main attack.
I popped my head up over the concealing couch far enough to be able to see the action and grinned broadly. I motioned Meghan up alongside me. I pointed emphatically down at her three children and began to poke my right forefinger through a circle formed by my left thumb and forefinger.
Annoyed, my sister knee-walked closer to the back of the couch and lifted herself higher so she could see into the middle of the room downstairs. Her eyes widened. Meghan was profoundly shocked for the second time in a less than a minute because Kevin down there had inserted himself in Shannon's cunt and was thrusting happily in and out.
I wasn't sure, but she actually might not even have seen the three kids down there the first time she looked. This might have been her first realization of what they were doing.
Kevin's eyes were carefully fixed on the TV where his mother was taking my cock in her ass. Obviously, he was very excited by the action on screen and it was adding to his pleasure in fucking eight-year-old Shannon while she, in turn, sucked Kristi's pussy. Kristi was holding Shannon's head in place on her pussy and craning her head back to watch her mother and me, upside down, on the widescreen TV while Casey's excited play-by-play continued.
I wrapped my right arm around Meghan and held her in place so she couldn't refuse to look at the sex going on down on the ground floor below us. Five seconds later, Meghan couldn't drag her eyes from the scene and my hand swept down from her waist to slip between her butt cheeks and caress her brother-wettened pussy. I pushed two fingers inside her and began sawing them in and out.
I chuckled. "See what we SHOULD have been doing when we were their age?" I whispered in her ear. "What would you have done if I tried to fuck YOU when you were eight-years-old?"
My hot-blooded sister swallowed hard at my remark. Her libido kicked in, slamming her hard! Meghan shot an unseeing glance at me. The idea clearly blazed in her mind. I bet she was picturing the two of us naked at that age and lying on pillows like down below.
"You were only four when I was eight," she whispered back. "You couldn't have...."
"I'd a' busted a gut trying!" I whispered right back. "An' besides, you could have taught me, couldn't you, big sister???" I laughed gently. "You saying you couldn't have taught your four-year-old brother how to eat your pussy back then?"
"Oh my God!" she moaned. I was certain a vision of THAT scenario blossomed suddenly in her mind. She sighed and nodded to herself as she watched.
With that sigh, I knew things were going to be okay. My sister was too honest with herself...she had too much personal integrity to be angry at what was happening down there--when she'd engaged in the same conduct just recently, and would have again had we not been "accidentally" interrupted.
"Why did they have to make that tape?" she murmured plaintively. "Dang it!!"
I smiled. If she was worried about that, she'd already passed the tipping point and was now considering relatively minor details. She wasn't concerned about the children having sex with each other anymore...she hadn't even mentioned she and I were adults and had more discretion to engage in such activities.
"Maybe because they thought it was hot," I suggested quietly.
"I guess," Meghan replied succinctly. She watched for a few moments, her attention divided between the tape, her children having sex, and my finger between her pussy lips and thumb up her ass. Her body settled a little into my hand; she moved her knees apart a little more than they already were.
"Damn, it IS hot, isn't it?" she whispered.
She watched for a few minutes longer, her total attention on the incestuous coupling downstairs and the video still playing on the TV. Without realizing it, she'd risen from a low crouch that just barely allowed her to a more erect stance with her head and upper body well above the back of the couch. She would definitely be seen by the kids if they chanced to look up.
They never turned their heads around to look, of course. They were studiously ignoring everything happening so far above them, just as we'd planned.
Meghan rose still higher on her knees to get an even better view. I took my cue and turned away from the show her son and daughters were putting on. Without taking any precautions not to be seen, I stood and moved behind Meghan.
My cock was hard as a steel rod and I inserted it in her cunt and pushed inward. She arched her back, pooched her ass back and up without delaying for any stray thoughts, and moaned softly. She tried to stifle the sounds but wasn't entirely successful. Had the kids not been primed to ignore such noises, they'd surely have heard her by now.
Meghan never took her eyes off the room down there. The kiddy sex show her kids were putting on now held her completely captivated. My sister was concentrating so hard-on the action so she didn't see anything, but I caught a furtive movement out of the corner of my eye. I turned my head to the right to find Matt and Renee walking on tiptoes toward the sofa where Meghan and I were putting on our own show.
Both were naked and Matt's cock was already hard and pointing up at a forty-five degree angle in front of him. Renee touched it from time to time, fondling him gently to keep him hard...not that he appeared to need any assistance with that.
When Renee saw me, she held a finger to her lips, cautioning me not to say anything. I grinned and mouthed, "Duh" at her while rocking my head from side to side and making a funny face.
She popped her whole hand over her mouth in an effort not to giggle. She was barely able to throttle her laughter. Seconds later, they were positioned behind Meghan and me...and we conspirators were ready for the final act in this drama we'd set up.
I held up a forefinger indicating they should hold up a minute. In the interests of safety, I pulled my cock out of Meghan's pussy. I was fondling her asshole, so she probably thought I was going to fuck that next. It was precisely what I would have done under other circumstances.
I held my forefinger up a second longer, circled it in the air, then pointed it at Matt in the best directorial gesture I could manage, cueing him for the biggest role in his life so far.
"Hi, Mom," Matt said after drawing in a big breath. "You and Uncle Mike are pretty sexy in that video, huh?" He delivered his lines perfectly.
I saw her move this time! Meghan whirled around so fast she lost her balance and fell on the sofa cushions. When she did, her legs spread wide to show everyone in the loft her aroused, blood-engorged cunt lips. Her big breasts danced and swayed.
Her face was white with shock. She was too stunned to attempt to cover herself. For once, this strong-willed and capable woman had no idea of what to do intended!
"I think you're the hottest mom in the whole world," Matt avowed in a soft voice, doing everything he could to keep the tremors from his voice. "There just couldn't be a mom like you anywhere," he continued.
I sat down beside Meghan and picked up her hand to hold in mine for reassurance. She barely noticed. This was the moment her children, my children, and I had made plans for over the previous couple of days. The critical point was clearly at hand.
Meghan's eyes were fastened on her fourteen-year-old son's cock as it bobbed in tight little patterns right in front of her eyes. When Renee's hand reached out to touch her brother's hard-on, Meghan glanced at her daughter but I'm not sure Meghan actually saw her. Meghan didn't show any signs of approval or disapproval. She just watched.
We couldn't have that. I made a discrete gesture.
When Renee dropped to her knees in front of Matt, a small annoyed expression finally DID race across Meghan's features but she still said nothing. I was sure the annoyance was an involuntary gesture. Some part of her mind was jealous at what Renee was clearly about to do.
Encouraged, I squeezed Meghan's hand in mine and leaned toward her to kiss her naked shoulder.
In front of us, Renee took Matt in her mouth and moved her head up and down on his cock for a few seconds before letting him slide out. Extending her tongue, she swept it around the head of Matt's penis a few times before licking him dry. She looked back at her mother. I could see the consternation in Renee's eyes. She and the other kids had expected some reaction from her before this. The reaction had been there in her quick train of expressions, but they were too young still to have read it clearly.
"Matt has a really nice cock, Mommy," Renee told Meghan, her voice a little stressed. "Don't you think so?" she continued. Perfect! I made a tiny hand gesture motioning Renee to the sofa cushion to my right.
Releasing Matt's cock and standing, Renee moved to sit beside me. Meghan's eyes followed her naked little girl all the way. When Renee's hand settled on my cock, Meghan started, darting a glance up to my eyes and back again.
I didn't react at all, doing my best to project calmness and acceptance. Renee scooted away from me, just enough to make room on the sofa so she could lean over and take my cock head between her lips.
"Mom...will ya?...please???"
Matt had shuffled closer and he was standing with his legs pressed against the sofa's seat cushions. His penis was swaying in the air only inches from his mother's lips. Dragging her gaze away from what Renee was doing to me, Meghan's eyes fastened again on her oldest son's hard cock.
"Please, Mom," Matt said softly.
Meghan shot a glance at me again, and then down to my groin where Renee was sucking me enthusiastically. Mandy and Casey's voices could be heard from downstairs as they whispered, albeit at full volume, bawdy comments about the sex Meghan and I had shared only days ago. She swallowed hard, a blush already there intensified and expanded across her upper chest and neck.
Facing forward again, Meghan seemed to concentrate on the bulbous head of Matt's erection. Overwhelmed, she didn't seem know what to do.
"Oooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggg!" she groaned. It seemed heartfelt, as if it came from her soul.
Then, very slowly...but never stopping...her right hand rose from her lap. Her fingers wrapped themselves around her son's penis and she gently jacked it for a long moment. Even more slowly, she leaned forward and took him into her mouth and began to pleasure her son's cock.
"Ohhhhhh, Mommmmmmmmmmmmm!" Matt whimpered. "Suck me, Mom!" he said a little more strongly.
Matt's satisfaction and delight was heard downstairs as clearly as it was up here in the loft. The completely depraved remark broke the tension in the whole barn. I heard giggling from downstairs.
Matt never noticed. His attention was on his mother's pleasing mouth. He gently pushed forward into his mother's mouth and put his hands on either side of her face. Pulling his cock out, he bent over to kiss his mother's lips. Meghan responded immediately and I could see her accept her son's tongue into her mouth. Their tongues dueled for a long moment before they backed away slightly from each other.
Meghan's eyes grew more animated. She pulled Matt's head close for another deep kiss. Her enthusiasm built quickly and she tugged one of Matt's hands to her breasts. I let out a breath I'd been holding for a while. I didn't know what had been going on in Meghan's mind, but she was coming out of her shock quite nicely.
My sigh caught her attention and she looked over at me. "You son of a bitch!" she spat. She looked down to my lap where Renee was still sucking my cock. "We are going to have a talk REAL soon," she told me.
Then she returned to the kiss she was sharing with her oldest son and soon urged him back upright so she could capture his cock between her lips again.
If I'd dared, I would have sighed again. Her words promised dire consequences...but her actions showed a ready acceptance of what she clearly was going on. We'd be all right.
A moment later, she scooted herself a short distance away from me on the couch and lay her head on the arm of the sofa at the far end from me. Lifting her right leg to hook her ankle over the top of the sofa back, she completely opened herself up for her son.
"Come here, honey," she said softly to her son, pulling him forward gently. When he was lying on top of her, she took his cock in her hand and guided her son straight into her pussy. A deep sigh escaped both of them when he was seated deep inside her.
Meghan looked around Matt's body at me. She could see that young Renee had climbed on top of me and had impaled herself on my cock where I sat at the other end of the couch. She watched my penis sliding in and out of her ten-year-old daughter's cunt without saying a word.
The fire was back in Meghan's eyes now. She gave herself up to the gods of lust who'd ruled her life in her youth and had so recently returned to torment and simultaneously pleasure her. She never took her eyes off her daughter's obscenely stretched outer labia except to look down at her own cunt being so ably plowed by her own son.
It wasn't long...only a few minutes...before all four of us worked ourselves up to scorching orgasms. Meghan's body quaked and trembled for long minutes afterward, while we lay there catching our breaths.
"Hey, ever' body." Shannon's piping little voice came from the head of the stairs where the naked little pixie stood, peeking around the doorjamb. "Kevin and Kristi said to say if you're all done, why don't you come downstairs where it's more...comfortera...comfortable." It was according to our script--the last thing on it, actually.
After a startled glance at her baby girl, and then back at me, Meghan recovered nicely...and much faster than she had when Matt had stepped up to her moments earlier.
"She's got a point," I commented. "You ready?"
Meghan and I disentangled ourselves from the kids and stood up. Watching her closely, I could tell the instant she realized Shannon, Kristi, and Kevin, had known all along we were up in the loft while they were having sex below.
"Damn it all to hell," she said...not quite vehemently enough to concern anyone. "I've been set up like a big dog, haven't I?"
"Pretty much," I replied. "I didn't have that much say when it happened to me either, if you're interested...but I've never had a reason to complain or regret it."
Her eyes widened. She was definitely interested but there were other things to do and say this afternoon. We could have our heart-to-heart later.
The kids urged Meghan and me down the stairs from the loft where Meghan had been just been initiated into a sexual relationship with her oldest son. I knew what was happening up at the house right now, but Meghan didn't have a clue.
At the foot of the stairs, Meghan turned to go back up the steps. "We better get our clothes," she said matter-of-factly to me. "What if Steve comes home or something?"
"Oh, that won't be a problem," Kristi said, snapping her smart phone closed and putting it back down on a side table. "He's home, but he's going to be WAY too busy to pay any attention to us out here," she said mysteriously.
Meghan stopped on the third step from the bottom and looked at her young, and very naked, daughter. Meghan had just watched the slender young girl involved in a hot threesome with her twin brother and baby sister but Kristi appeared calm and collected as she sat on the sofa cross-legged. Rather than being flustered by her exposure, Kristi didn't mind her mother and uncle...not to mention her brothers and sisters...seeing her pussy with a liberal coating of her sister's spit mixed with Kristi's own cunt juices.
Meghan blinked. Where had all this self-assurance come from? She looked around the room, looking each of her children in the eyes.
"Where's Casey?" Meghan asked, suddenly realizing her oldest daughter was missing. "And Mandy and Lorrie?"
I grinned and offered my hand to my sexy older sister. She took it and came gracefully down the last few steps. I guided her to a seat next to Kristi. I sat on my young niece's other side and Kristi immediately wrapped her fingers around my cock. It was still covered with Renee's vaginal fluids, but Kristi didn't mind.
"So...where are they?" Meghan said, trying unsuccessfully to pull her eyes away from the sight of her daughter slowly masturbating me. She looked up at me.
"None of them went hiking up to the cave, did they?" she asked.
I shook my head.
"Shit...!" Meghan commented distractedly. I'd become used to my children manipulating me, but it was a shock for Meghan to discover while she'd been playin' her kids to get them out of the way so she could fuck her brother, they'd been playin' her--so they could include her in their fucking.
Her kids arranged themselves on cushions in a half circle in front of her. Meghan watched as Shannon casually plopped her body down beside Matt and started fondling him the same way Kristi was me. Kevin had Renee on his lap, facing us, and she had reached down between the two of them to rub the head of his cock against her pussy. Jolted a little, Meghan looked back at me, then around the room again.
"Your girls are with Casey?" she asked.
I nodded.
"And Steve is too busy to come down here?"
I smiled and nodded again.
"Well, sonuva bitch...." Meghan breathed. She looked at her children arrayed in a blatantly sexual scene before her. "I'll be damned....," she added, "you guys planned all this?" she asked incredulously.
They nodded, grinning like Cheshire cats.
All of you?" she said, persisting with her questions.
The kids nodded again. "We had a meeting, Mommy," Shannon said matter-of-factly. Meghan hadn't noticed her youngest daughter had dropped to the carpet and had taken Matt's penis in her mouth. She let it pop out to speak, but she slid Matt's cock back between her lips as soon as the words were out of her mouth.
"I see," Meghan said, having to choke the words out. The scene in front of her was unreal. She wasn't quite sure how to react. A movement caught her attention and she looked down to see Kristi had her head in my lap and was now industriously sucking my cock while she happily fingered herself with a free hand.
Meghan blinked. In spite of having seen her daughter, Renee, impale her young pussy on my cock only a short time earlier, while she herself fucked her son, the brazen display of all this sexual activity was a little daunting.
Before she could get used to it, she glanced up to see Renee had abandoned her fellatio on her brother and was now hovering over Kevin's lap. He was slowly inserting his cock inside the young girl's pussy as she grinned into her mother's face. Meghan closed her eyes to block out everything for a moment.
"What was it you said to me the other day?" I quietly asked my sister. Her eyes opened to fasten on mine. She studiously avoided noticing everything else going on.
"What?" she asked faintly.
"Oh, it was something about being a perverted old slut," I prompted her. "Now, I didn't agree with the 'old' thing, but you seemed to be happy with the perverted slut part...and I didn't object to you being one, did I?"
She sighed, her brow still knotted tightly into a frown.
"And you told me several things you did with boys back there in the day," I continued, leading her down a path I was sure she'd recognize.
"Yeah...." she said reluctantly. "I was a little wild back then, I guess," she muttered.
"No, you weren't," I countered coaxingly. "You were a cock hungry little slut and you know it."
Irritation flared briefly on Meghan's face. She gathered herself, readying herself for some kind of retort.
"TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT, MEGHAN!" The sudden, strident bellow shocked everyone, stopping everything instantly. We all looked toward the corner of the room.
"Hehehehe," Shannon giggled. She'd appropriated the remote control to the TV and VCR. Resuming the video where it'd left off, she'd apparently turned up the volume too.
"CUM IN MY BUTT," Meghan screamed up there on the screen. "SHOVE YOUR GODDAM COCK UP MY ASS AND CUM WAY UP THERE!"
I glanced at Meghan sitting beside me. There was a mortified look on her face at first...but it faded quickly.
As she watched, her tongue slipped out to wet suddenly dry lips. She gazed at the TV, reliving the experience of several days ago.
Shannon giggled again, her infectious laugh made us all smile. "You're funny when you fuck Uncle Mike, mommy," Shannon said merrily. She laughed again.
We all watched Meghan. Instinctively, we all knew this was THE moment. What happened next would decide everything.
My sister looked all around, watching five of her children involved in a variety of sexual activity. She glanced back to the TV screen where she and I were involved in hot, depraved anal sex. Her head came around and she looked at me for a long moment. Finally, she looked down at little Shannon and smiled. Her body relaxed for the first time in several minutes.
"Well, it didn't FEEL funny at the time," Meghan told her daughter, and the rest of us.
"Your Uncle Mike was sandbagging on me," Meghan said in a confiding tone. "I needed him to fuck me real fast and hard so I could get off, and he was being a jerk," she avowed. She'd begun slowly, tentatively, but her voice gained strength with each succeeding word.
She grinned at me to show she wasn't really serious with her criticism. All the same, I pretended to pout a little. Then I grinned back at her.
"I thought I was gonna have to grab a switch and spank him on the butt to get him moving," Meghan continued. "He FINALLY got it in gear!"
Everyone laughed. The release of tension was a palpable thing in the big room. Shannon and Renee resumed slow fucks with their brothers. Kristi took my cock back into her mouth and fellated me with long, lingering laps the whole length of my cock. The video on the screen jiggled erratically and then faded to a black screen. Just before it had ended, Meghan and I had been walking down to the creek and out of sight of the camera.
"That was good," Meghan commented. "Maybe we could watch it again?"
I coughed. It was time for the second act in our little drama. "How about," I asked carefully, "...we watch Casey and my daughters...and Steve...LIVE?"
Meghan looked at me, shocked yet one more time.
"We have a couple of spy cameras set up in Steve's study," I explained. "Well, six of them actually. They cover the whole darn room...and they're all controlled from this little electronic gadget right here." I leaned over the arm of the couch and picked up the black box with the joystick controller in the middle.
Meghan got a stubborn look on her face.
"Steve and Lorrie had an encounter the other day, Meghan," I told her. "Today she's going to go back for more, and she's taking her sister and cousin with her."
"Wheels within wheels, eh, Michael?" she asked coolly. She looked around the room one more time. "Apparently, I need to get out more 'cause a LOT has been going on I haven't even noticed," she commented.
She brooded for a moment longer, looking at her children busy playing with each others sexual organs...and laughing while they did it. Her expression softened and cleared.
"Well, I hope someone's recording OUR little fuck session up by the homestead!" she said, turning to me.
I smiled. "Oh, you can count on that!" I said cheerfully. "Fifteen little itsy bitsy spy cameras all over the room!" I remarked, waving my hand around the circumference of the game room.
I palmed the flat screen's remote control, turned the TV to the right channel and touched the keypad on the camera control. The big screen flickered and then we saw Steve's study up at the house. The cameras WERE tiny, but they were state of the art. The HD image was sharp and clear; the audio was crisp. We could hear what they were saying and see what they were doing, but they couldn't see or hear us...yet.
* * *
We were just in time; Steve was just walking into his office.
"Hi, Uncle Steve," Lorrie cooed when he walked into his study.
Steve looked a little tired and lethargic from the long road trip but that didn't last any longer than it took to see what awaited him. He stopped just inside the door and stared.
In his defense, there was a lot to stare at. They were sitting on his office sofa...and my daughters didn't have a stitch on. They were in heels and had their legs crossed 'demurely'. With carefully made up faces and their hair in ponytails, the sisters were a little-girl lover's wet dream.
"I hope you don't mind, Uncle Steve," said Lorrie in a very proper and serious tone. She might have been asking his pardon for using a pencil from his desk drawer.
Lorrie and Mandy rose walked toward him. I switched to a camera in the corner of the room opposite the couch. This camera covered the doorway a little better.
"I told Mandy how nice a cock you have and she just would NOT let me keep you all to myself today." Lorrie looked up at Steve's face innocently.
"Is that all right?" Mandy asked coyly as she took her uncle's laptop from his unresisting fingers. She carried it to his desk where she made a show of bending over and stretching far across the desk to put it on the far corner. She, of course, HAD to get up on her tiptoes and spread her legs shoulder-length apart in order to complete the task.
I was clicking around from camera to camera to find the best angles.
When Mandy turned around, she posed against the desk again for Uncle Steve's pleasure. With her hands flat on the desktop, she leaned back and pooched her bald little pussy out. Moving slowly and sensuously, Mandy boosted her ass up onto the desktop and reclined back onto the desk. She drew her knees up slowly and let them separate, dropping her thighs down to the surface. She made a few small pelvic thrusts and smiled at her uncle.
I'm sure Steve never saw a more wanton picture in his life.
"Is it, Uncle Steve?" Mandy said in a soft, seductive tone.
Steve shrugged helplessly. He clearly didn't remember what the question was. That portion of Steve's brain trusted with rational thought had almost shut down with the stress of dealing with two very naked and sexy young nieces.
"Is it okay that I came with Lorrie?" Mandy asked, persisting with her question. It was important.
Steve nodded numbly.
Mandy grinned happily.
I'd told Mandy earlier that if she was able to get this admission from Steve, he was already past the tipping point; she and Lorrie would have him in the palm of their hands.
"Oh, hell yeah," Lorrie proclaimed enthusiastically.
Steve flinched like he hadn't even seen her drop to her knees but there she was, fingering his hard-on through his pants.
"Uncle Steve's cock says everything's really cool, Mandy," Lorrie cooed. "See?"
She deftly unzipped Steve's trousers and undid his belt--then delivered his cock over the top of his boxers while he was still trying to figure out what to do. In the end, he did nothing.
"Awwww, Uncle Steve...." Mandy sighed as she pranced close to where he stood. "That's so that all for me and Lorrie?"
"Ungh...I...Mandy, Lorrie...." Steve's first attempt at talking with the naked girls in his study was hardly better than his first words as a baby. His young nieces understood though...they understood very well.
"Uncle Steve...." Mandy whispered in his ear, "I think you're just the BESTEST uncle in the whole world."
Mandy wound her arms around Steve's neck and hauled his head down for a deep, tongue-twinning kiss that left both of them breathless. "You like my boobies, Uncle Stevie?" Mandy asked, brazenly pushing out her chest to attract his notice.
"They aren't very big yet are they?" she remarked with a mock disappointment clear in her voice.
"I...uh...Mandy...." Steve cleared his throat for another attempt. It took a while but he finally gained some control. "Sweetie, I think they're just perfect," he told Mandy, speaking clearly for the first time in several minutes.
Squealing more enthusiastically than the remark seemed to call for, Mandy happily stood on tiptoes and thrust her right titty up to him. Tugging his head down further, she pressed her hard little nipple to his lips. Steve opened his mouth and sucked all of Mandy's young breast inside.
We could see Mandy grinning wolfishly at her sister. Lorrie had pulled her uncle's pants down and was helping Steve to step out of them while Steve talked.
Lorrie turned back to her front and steadied Steve's bobbing cock with one hand. Rising slightly on her knees, she positioned herself and then took Steve's penis down her throat in one fast plunge. Steve, not expecting the sudden overwhelming pleasure, groaned loudly.
If Steve'd thought about resisting, he never really had a chance. All he could do was surrender gracefully.
* * *
Fifteen minutes later, Lorrie was dancing happily on Steve's tongue while Mandy's cunt clutched his cock securely in her cunt. Mandy and Lorrie had both already gotten a quick cum apiece and were now ready for the next phase of the operation.
Steve had already shot a major geyser into Lorrie's young pussy but we could tell he was ready to spurt more. He was clearly looking forward to at least a few more explosions just like the last one.
From down in the barn, we figured Steve couldn't see anything but Lorrie's tummy and little titties rising high above his eyes. Her body blocked his view of anything else...not that he appeared to want to see much of anything else.
What he didn't see was Mandy retrieving her smart phone from where it had been secreted on the back of the couch.
I thumbed the zoom on camera four and zoomed in as much as I could and still keep the image I wanted in frame. None of our cameras could pan or tilt, so small details like that weren't done very professionally.
The smart phone had a message typed and ready. Mandy had only to tap a single key to send it. The message went to two of her cousins--one had an important role in the next few minutes stage show; the other cousin (Kristin) was copied on the message so everyone would have confirmation Mandy and Lorrie were ready to initiate the second phase of their plan. It was a backup if something happened to the video feed and we couldn't see them.
Finished, Mandy glanced up and smiled at one of the cameras she knew was there. Then she gave the smart phone a soft toss onto the overhead shelf and out of the way. Mandy hadn't bothered being careful about not making noise.
We'd talked about it this morning. At this stage, the trap was already sprung and however he struggled, nothing Steve did would help him get away--even if he'd been of a mind to resist, which he wasn't. Mandy grinned around at a couple more cameras...but she didn't know where all of them were...and then she ground her pubic mound against her uncle's groin even harder.
We could hear a door closing somewhere out of camera shot. I had to shush a couple of the kids, but when everything was quiet in the barn, we could hear a quick tattoo of high heels coming at the door. I switched to the camera on the wall opposite the door again. We watched the doorknob turn slowly until the catch was released. The door opened.
It took a moment because Steve's vision was blocked. He couldn't see, but it looked like he sensed something...perhaps some air flowing across his sweat dampened body from the hallway.
"DADDY!" The young voice held an imperious note.
Lorrie was suddenly levitated off Steve's face as his hands thrust hard from under her butt. If she hadn't been expecting it, Lorrie might have flown over the armrest on the end of the couch and tumbled awkwardly to the floor.
As it was, she let her body be dislodged and got her right foot anchored securely on the floor. From there, she lifted her left leg over Uncle Steve's body and stood beside the couch. She backed away to get out of her uncle's vision.
"Daddy, we have to talk!" Casey said demandingly.
I couldn't read Steve's expression. I'd expected shock, consternation, and panic...lots of panic. But there was nothing like that.
Casey stood in front of her daddy's desk showing more resolution than I'm sure she felt in her heart. All the planning had ended with the BEGINNING of this moment and not much had been said about how she'd feel and how she should act.
Her cousins had helped her set up a plan that began with her entering through a clandestinely unlocked door to show her body to her father for the first time and then to make him see she wanted sex from him. Everything else had all been left vague.
We could see when her instincts took over...the same ones that guided her through the seduction of her uncle days before. I was a willing witness those instincts were pretty good.
Casey looked incredible on screen...and I'm sure she did in person too. Mandy and Lorrie had worked on her to apply just the right amounts of mascara and eye shadow to bring out her eyes. Her eyebrows had been plucked and darkened. A light hint of blush on her cheeks complemented the red lip gloss on her lips. Her hair, like her cousins, was tied back in a long ponytail that accentuated her youth. The effect was intensely erotic. Everything she projected said this was a young girl ready to explore her sexuality...NOW, and with her own father.
She wore little...and certainly nothing that would get in the way of her father's examination of her most private parts. Red thigh high stockings covered her feet and legs to within a few inches of her bald pussy. A single, plain gold chain was around her waist with six inches or so of the end hanging limply just in front of her hipbone. Her feet were thrust into high stiletto heels that boosted her height by another five inches or so.
She stood with her fists on her hips, pretending to glower at her father while Mandy quietly rocked back and forth on his cock. Steve's oldest daughter was a vision of pulchritude, a girl lover's dream.
"Daddy," Casey said, advancing a slow two steps closer to Steve's face, "Mandy says she and Lorrie get to have sex with you all the time and they love it."
It was an exaggeration, but Steve didn't dispute it.
Casey took another step forward. A stalking tiger could not have been more sensuously graceful. She stopped again, ending with her legs spread to give her own father a better view of her sex.
"I don't understand why that is, Daddy," Casey continued. "How come Mandy and Lorrie get to play with you and I don't, huh? Why is that, Daddy? It's not FAIR Daddy"
Casey pouted. It had taken some practice for her to be able to do that on cue. She lifted the end of the gold chain about her waist until it was horizontal and let it drop to slap lightly against the outside of her thigh. The sound and the thigh high sockings accentuated her nakedness.
"How come, Daddy?" Casey asked. "Don't you think I'm sexy...Daddy?" She closed the remaining distance with two quick, lithe steps.
"Don't you like my body, Daddy?"
Steve wasn't saying anything, but he wasn't looking away from his daughter's groin. He looked awful calm to me.
Bending low over her father, Casey took his left hand in hers and brought it to her lips. She kissed it, then pushed it against her belly, moving it in slow circles around her lower abdomen for a long moment. Flexing her knees and pooching her groin forward a trifle, she pressed her father's unresisting hand down to her pussy. She held his hand against her and rotated her hips in a miniscule circle to rub herself against her daddy's fingers.
"Mmmmmmmm...she moaned softly. "That feels so good, Daddy," she moaned. We were all encouraged when his hand didn't move.
Casey knew when he didn't snatch his fingers from the warm nest in her groin it was a good sign. Her eyes lit with an inner flame. She'd been aroused for a long time while she waited for her father to come home...and then she had to wait while Mandy and Lorrie prepared their uncle for his introduction to family sex...her lust was shifting into a much higher gear now.
"Do you like my boobies, Daddy?" Casey asked, mimicking a question Mandy had asked earlier to great effect. "Do you, Daddy?" Casey repeated softly.
Steve reached slowly for Casey's right breast. Once there, his fingers were quiet for a long, breathless moment before they began to flex. When his thumb and forefinger began to massage her already stiff nipple, triumph showed in her eyes...her and her cousins' eyes, to be more precise, because Mandy and Lorrie's faces were beaming.
Mandy smoothly pushed herself off her uncle's cock and stood on the floor beside the sofa. Her cunt lips were still dripping--her fluids dribbled slowly down the inside of her thighs.
Casey had thrown her head back and closed her eyes while she enjoyed her father's first incestuous explorations and Mandy swatted Casey's butt cheek lightly to bring the ecstatic girl partially back to earth.
When Mandy stepped back, Casey moved swiftly into the space her cousin had vacated. Throwing a leg over her father's body, she held herself up on her knees and took her daddy's still hard penis in her hand.
And there Steve stopped her, putting a hand on her chest above her bare breasts. "Are you SURE this is what you want, baby?" Steve asked his daughter. "Mandy and Lorrie are one thing, but are YOU sure you want...?"
I was surprised how well controlled his voice was. He should have been pretty rattled right about now. He wasn't.
"I...I DO, Daddy," Casey said. I want you to make me feel like you make Mandy and Lorrie feel," she continued in a low, bedroomy voice.
"You have to be absolutely certain," Steve continued. "There's no switch we can turn back off, honey--not without a lot of hurt anyway. You need to be SURE this is what you're willing to live with...forever...okay?"
Casey stared into her father's eyes. "I want this more than anything in the world, Daddy," she said quietly.
Steve nodded. "How about your sisters and brothers...what about your mother?" he asked.
I was disturbed. This had the potential of going sideways quickly. Steve should be shocked and discombobulated. He wasn't supposed to have this much presence of mind to ask these questions. Steve was acting like he was in complete control of himself.
Casey was pretty good for a thirteen-year-old. She knew the plan was dead in the water without anyone having to tell her. On the other hand, her father wasn't ranting or raving or anything like that....
She looked at the TV by her father's desk instead of any of the various cameras, but there was no advice forthcoming. We watched her take a deep breath.
"Everybody is down in the clubhouse in the barn, Daddy," Casey said levelly. "And Uncle Mike is there too."
Steve nodded. He glanced at the TV because she had. "And they're watching us?"
Casey nodded. She nerved herself for the next step. "I started it, Daddy. I made Uncle Mike put his thing in me the first night they were here," she admitted. "And then Matt had sex with Mandy and Kevin had sex with Lorrie...and then everybody was having sex...and now all us girls want to have sex with you...."
Steve smiled, impressed. "Well, you kids sure work fast!" he commented. "Your Mom and Uncle Mike?"
Casey hesitated, then nodded reluctantly, not knowing what the reaction would be.
She shouldn't have to be dealing with this. I typed a text message on my smart phone, discarded it before it was half-done and then punched the key to connect with Mandy's phone. We could hear the buzzing over the flat screen as her smart phone began to vibrate.
"Turn on the TV," I ordered when Mandy answered. We didn't have but one camera in the clubhouse mounted on a corner of the big screen down here, but it was enough.
"Hi, Steve," I greeted my brother-in-law. "How's it goin'?"
"Pretty well, thanks," he replied calmly. "And you...?"
"Livin' the dream, Steve," I shot back. I gestured around the room, including all the naked children, and his naked wife, sitting beside me. "We're hoping you'll join this picture, brother."
Steve snorted. "Hell, I've been waiting for YOU!" he remarked. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I want to fuck my oldest daughter and make her walk funny when we do come down there, okay?"
"Cool!" I retorted. "Give her a couple strokes for me, hear?"
He grinned and waved at his TV, but didn't answer.
Casey had been following the conversation. Not everything was clear...but no one was upset, no one was yelling, and no one looked mad. She looked back at her father and collected her thoughts.
"Now, Daddy?" she asked.
"Now, honey," Steve answered smoothly.
While we watched on our wide screen TV down in the barn, Casey guided the head of her father's organ to just inside her outer labia. Slipping down slowly as she relaxed her knees slightly, we could see her facial expression change as she felt her father's penis sliding slowly up into her vagina.
She purred, clearly loving the feel of him inside her.
"That feels so good, Daddy," she told him. "I like you being inside me. Don't you like it?"
Her dad's cock slipped another inch into her cunt while she waited for him to respond.
"I want you deep in me," she continued. "Daddy...I want you so deep in me you touch bottom in there, okay? I want to feel it THAT deep, Daddy!"
We could hear Steve groan as he watched another inch of his cock disappear inside his first-born daughter.
"I want to feel your cum splash out way down deep in my cunt," Casey said crudely, her voice becoming more urgent the longer she rode her father's invading cock.
"I want you to cum so much you drip out of me when I stand up...okay, Daddy? I need you, much."
Casey let herself drop the last couple of inches to mash her cunt lips against the soft hair in her father's groin. She ground herself obscenely against her own daddy's body, making it clear she needed a relief only he could give her at this instant.
"Daddy...." Casey bent to bring her lips close enough to kiss her father. "Fuck me!" she groaned harshly. "Fuck me, Daddy!" she implored him.
"Fuck your little girl, Daddy," she cried, working her hips forward and back in a harsh, demanding rhythm.
Steve groaned out loud. He couldn't do anything else but what his first-born daughter demanded.
We watched him draw his heels up close to his ass and use the leverage to drive his cock upward into his little girl's body.
There was little talk after that. Casey seemed to have no breath to spare for words to spur her father on...not that Steve appeared to need any encouragement. Father and daughter were frantically thrusting, squirming, and wriggling around on the couch on their way to a crashing orgasm.
"Daddy?" Casey whimpered. "Daaa-deeee? DAAA-DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!" she wailed.
The thirteen-year-old whipped her groin back and forth as fast as she could possibly manage.
"Baaaaa-beeeeeee," Steve groaned hoarsely..."I'm cumming out...Daddy's CUMMING!!"
Casey turned her face to the ceiling and screamed her climax while Steve humped his cock up inside his daughter's cunt, shooting load after load of hot cum inside her.
And we got it all in digital format, all ready to transform to a high-quality DVD. We were accumulating quite a collection, and having a ball making them too.
When they were finished and lay gasping for breath, Casey and Steve heard a soft clapping of hands off to the side.
"Whew! That was INCREDIBLE," Mandy crowed.
"Absolutely!" I contributed from down in the barn.
"YEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAA, DADDY!!!" the kids with me cheered.
Mandy and Lorrie were sitting and watching from Steve's desk. Mandy was slowly working a dildo in and out of her pussy after having reached a nice little climax herself. "Darn, Uncle put on a good show, ya know that? Good going, Casey...that was awesome," Mandy ended.
Mandy took the dildo completely out of her pussy but left her legs spread wide to show her uncle her wet cunt. Steve saw his other niece, Lorrie, similarly arranged to show him a spread, obviously sopping-wet cunt.
"So...." Lorrie said in an interested tone, "how do y'all feel about dad and daughter sex, huh? Inquiring minds want to know," she said facetiously. Lorrie and Mandy grinned at the two newest initiates into family sex.
"I think I'll rate it six stars out of five," Steve grinned.
Casey wearily waved a hand in agreement. "Me too," she murmured.
"That's what we think," Lorrie commented. She looked at her Uncle Steve. "I guess you know what me and Mandy did with you is okay with our dad?"
"Well...of course," Steve replied. "After all, your father is a Peterson on both sides of his family!" He grinned at the TV, still not aware there were multiple cameras scattered around. "And so is your Aunt Meghan, of course."
I frowned, not understanding the enigmatic reference.
Mandy got up with a supple grace and strutted over to her uncle. "Well, since it's okay with everybody...would you like to eat my pussy, Uncle Steve," she asked shamelessly.
He didn't even have to think about it. Steve's hand sought out his niece's pussy and his fingers were soon coated with her juices. He licked the underside of his fingers and was about to do the same for the reverse when Casey captured his wrist in her small hands. She had collapsed to lay full length on her father's body after a wonderfully shattering climax and was still there, propping her head on her cupped hands, she had been watching the interchange between her father and cousin.
Having intercepted his hand, Casey brought his hand to her mouth and separated her father's strong fingers into pairs. Sucking them into her mouth, she swallowed the rest of Mandy's fluids and smacked her lips lewdly. She smiled sensuously at her father.
"Mandy tastes great, don't you think, Daddy?" Casey asked wantonly.
"Lorrie tastes great, and I taste fantastic too, Daddy dear," she continued. "want ta' see?" she asked.
"Yeah," Steve replied hoarsely, "I do, honey...I really, really do." Casey grinned in triumph. Mandy and Lorrie both gave her high-fives.
"Cool, Uncle Steve," Lorrie said quietly. "We're total sluts, you know?" Lorrie asked softly.
"We're our Daddy's fuck toy cum sluts...and we LOVE it!" she added.
Casey patted her father's chest with an open palm to get his attention.
"I'm YOUR little cum slut, Daddy," she assured him. "And I love it too," she added. Her head dipped low to find his lips with hers again. "And I like Uncle Mikey, and Matt, and Kevin, and all my cousins, and Mommy, and...EVERYBODY!!" she said, supremely happy.
Casey had to climb off her father while he ate Lorrie and Mandy resumed her interrupted fuck, but she was quite clearly satisfied with what she'd accomplished this morning. From the look on her face, she was planning her next Daddy-fuck while she watched her cousins work Daddy over.
* * *
I thought Meghan was doing quite nicely. It hadn't taken long at all for her to get over a nervous reaction to her children having sex in front of her. Grinning at all and sundry, she had relaxed enough to spread her legs and fondle herself while the kids watched closely. After all, they'd all come out through that cunt, hadn't they? It was something special to was almost like it belonged to them too.
While the kids investigated and examined their mother, and the three girls entertained Steve, we all had one eye on the wide-screen TV watching the action up at the house. When the sex up there was suspended in favor of showers and a general cleanup, our focus changed back to what we were doing down here.
"Mom?" Kristi said, letting my penis slip from her mouth. She sat up to look her mother in the eye. "Mandy made a video of me and Uncle Mike," she told her mother. "You want to see Uncle Mike fuck me for the very first time?" she asked. Meghan looked a little faint...but she came around quickly.
"Well, you saw ME have sex with your uncle for the first time," she acknowledged. "Oh--did you mean it was the very first time you'd ever had sex, honey...or the first time with Uncle Mike?"
" was kinda both," Kristi said. "I tried to get Kevin inside me before, but we couldn't and then we went upstairs to Uncle Mike to tell us what we were doing wrong and we did...get Uncle Mikey in me, I mean," she finished. "And then Kevin put his prick inside my pussy later."
She stopped. The description was getting complicated. It was getting in the way too.
" want to see it?" Kristi asked her mom.
"Sure!" Meghan said with conviction, though still not clear on everything. "You bet...let's do it," she added.
"Cool," exclaimed the twelve-year-old girl. She bounced up and trotted to the DVD to change the disk. She danced impatiently in place as she waited for the video to start. When it did, she came back to the sofa and plopped down on my lap to watch.
In seconds, Meghan was completely absorbed in the video of her middle daughter's first fuck. She never noticed when Kristi looked at me mischievously and bent over to remove her mother's hand from her own groin. Kristi slipped off my lap to sit on the sofa beside her mother and carefully substitute her fingers for her mother's.
"Uncle Mikey?" The quiet, almost pleading, little voice brought me back. I'd been reliving the feeling of Kristi's mouth around my cock and the way her cunt had felt as it squeezed me when I penetrated her for the first time.
"What, hon?" I asked.
"Uncle Mikey...would you please do me...doggy?" Kristi asked.
"Sure," I replied enthusiastically. I grabbed a cushion from beside the couch and handed it to Kristi.
She put it on the carpet directly in front of her mother and knelt on it. Kristi rested her arms over her mother's knees and inserted her head between Meghan's thighs. She wiggled her ass at me to hurry me up.
With her pretty, and now sopping wet, pussy now on a level where I could insert my cock, we worked for a short time getting me seated deep inside her. I began fucking her slowly. Every few seconds, Meghan looked down at us, fascinated with watching me fuck her twelve-year-old child on screen and in person. She tried to insert her fingers in her pussy again, but there was no room with Kristi occupying most of her lap. I could see the frustration in Meghan's eyes.
"Mommy?" Kristi said.
"What, sugar," Megan replied.
"Mommy...if you want...Mandy and Lorrie showed us girls how girls can do things for each other," Kristi told her mother. "If you want...I can...." Meghan held herself immobile for a moment. A wry grin creased her lips.
"Sure, honey," she told her daughter. "I'd love it," she added.
For a long while, there was no more discussion in the room. The only sounds were the infrequent comments from the still playing video and the wet, slurping, and slapping noises as the seven incestuous adults and children fucked their way to satisfaction.
* * *
We all paraded outside afterward to take showers and made a very enjoyable game out of it. The boys and I stood under a shower-head apiece and gallantly washed every girl who came near us. When we finished the girls were clean of all the cum on their bodies, as well as their own slick juices. The girls went from one shower-head to the next so each young woman got 'cleaned' three times, though much of the activity on the second and third attempts tended to be more of a groping and stroking exercise than anything else.
Finished, we gathered back in the family room of the clubhouse and turned on the videos again while the kids filled Meghan in on all the sex that had been going on without her noticing. I told her about Casey cornering me in the shower that first night and refusing to take no for an answer and the kids chimed in with tales of how they got included in the action.
Meghan was fascinated by Matt's and Kevin's stories of how Mandy and Lorrie had taken them in hand, so to speak, and initiated them to many of the mysteries of sex. Then the kids started in on a recitation of how and why they'd set about planning how to include her and Steve in the fun and games. After a while, Meghan threw her hands up and stopped them from saying more. It was too much to take in all at once.
"Did you plan all this?" she asked me pointblank.
I shrugged. "Nope, not much! Mainly, the decisions were made by your brood, and I helped with the details," I told her, "like fucking your brains out the other day," I added.
"Things just kept happening and the ball kept rolling right along without any guidance."
I paused for a moment. "Now...I will admit I came here thinking I would love to get my older sister alone for a while...but it was just a I've had for a long, long time...but a fantasy all the same."
She grinned and patted my hand.
"Of course, when your kids voted for me to help get you on board with everything they wanted to do with you...then I did start working to move things along in that direction," I remarked.
"What...?" Meghan asked faintly. "They voted...? What do you mean 'voted'?"
"They thought you needed a little boost to get you over the top," I explained.
"Me? A boost? What the heck are you talking about?"
" were acting like you wanted to do Uncle Mike but just didn't know what to do, Mom," Matt said. It was the first time he'd thrown anything into the conversation for a long while. He'd come downstairs after fucking his mother for the first time almost dazed. It seemed he was recovering now.
Meghan was taken aback. "Excuse me?" she said. Matt shot her a quick grin.
"Sure...look, you think us kids don't understand anything and we don't see things...but we do, don't we?" He posed the question to the room at large. The kids all nodded seriously.
Meghan protested but she convinced no one.
"Mom! It's okay...really!" Matt continued. "You got used to having little bitty kids and we got older, that's all."
Meghan wasn't particularly mollified by that, but she kept her silence.
"Anyway," Matt said, "you started dressing sexier and looking goofy at yourself in the mirror the day after Uncle Mike called and said he was coming to visit...didn't she?"
All the kids agreed, overriding Meghan's protests.
"And when he got here, you were acting like Dusty used to when she was in heat, remember?"
I knew Dusty was the female sheepdog Matt had raised from a pup. I was told the first night old Dusty'd died last year of old age.
"Now just a danged minute...!" Meghan retorted. "I never...."
The kids shouted her down with catcalls, whistles and good natured laughter.
She subsided after a while and, in fact, was quiet and introspective for the time it took Kevin and Renee to bring us all a soda and sandwich from the fridge.
We'd stashed the grub out here earlier in the day when things looked like they were going to come together. Sex uses up a lot of energy and we knew we'd be needing nourishment and it had been clear we weren't going to be able to use the kitchen up in the house so long as Steve was involved in his tryst with the three nymphets now introducing him to forbidden delights.
"Nipples...." Matt said mysteriously, waving half a sandwich around as he recalled something important.
Only Kevin knew what he was talking about. The rest of us just stared.
"Oh! Yeah," Kevin said, agreeing with his older brother.
He picked up a fallen piece of his sandwich off his flaccid penis and nonchalantly wolfed it down. No one turned a hair...he was clean, after all, and all the girls had had that same penis in their mouths at one time or another in the recent past.
Meghan was the only 'girl' who hadn't, but everyone knew it was only a matter of time before that deficiency was corrected. Kevin looked at his brother but Matt was busy chomping down on a thick slab of roast beef between two slices of homemade bread. Matt gestured in Kevin's direction.
"Okay," Kevin said, looking up at his mother. "You quit wearing bras," he explained, "and all day long we could see your nipples getting hard and then soft...then hard...then...." His brothers and sisters urged him to get past that point.
"Anyway," he concluded, "we could see your boobs kinda bouncing around all the time and your nipples were hard...and you kept rubbing up against the sink or whatever else was there," he said.
Meghan looked around at her other kids.
They nodded brightly. "Yup," they said, nearly in unison, "you did...that's what you did, Mom." The chorus of agreement came from all around.
Meghan sighed. "If I did that in town, I sure hope folks in town didn't notice," she said at length. She let out another big sigh. "I sure didn't fool anyone around here, did I?"
"Well...." Kevin said in a musing tone, "we been watching you a lot longer...well...closer...closer?...yeah, closer than anyone in town," he said. "They don't know what to watch for," he concluded. "I think so anyhow...." He took a big bite of his sandwich and smiled innocently up at his mother from where he was leaning back on a beanbag chair.
The position he'd assumed...slouching down in his chair with his legs stretched out in front of him...meant his small prick bounced around, or waved in the air like it always did when he was aroused by something--a breath of air from the direction of a young girl, for instance.
Kevin watched for his next opportunity. "See! Like that!" Kevin said, pointing triumphantly at his mother.
"What?" Meghan protested.
"You did like this," Renee explained. She stared intently at Kevin's little hard-on for a long moment, then stuck her tongue out to lick at her lips. The movement was slow and sensuous. When she finished, everyone, including Meghan broke up in happy laughter.
"!!!" Meghan said when the room had calmed down. "I guess I'm not very good at fooling you guys, huh?"
"Well, it was a mutual kind of thing," I told her. "Think about it for a minute...every single one of them started having sex within a few days of the first one--Casey. You think that was accidental? Heck, they were ready to go at the drop of a hat...all it took was a spark."
Everyone nodded their agreement. Three or four bites were pushed into our hungry mouths without conversation.
I finished mine and walked over to the refrigerator to grab another.
"In fact, Meghan, my dear," I said as I walked back. "I'll tell you what I told Mandy and Lorrie the first evening we got here...even before Casey announced she was going to fuck me in the shower."
The kids giggled. They'd heard how their sister had convinced me to fuck I realized I was lost when I wondered how big a cucumber she'd had inside her...and so on.
"Anyway...I told Mandy and Lorrie that first night when I was tucking them in, that the sexual tension in this house was so thick, you could cut it with a knife...and it was!" There were nods all around, including a reluctant agreement one from Meghan.
"Actually...I think my daughters and I were just a catalyst," I added. "Matt tells me he'd started thinking about Casey sleeping all alone way up on the third floor two years ago...and Kristi told her brother the other day she'd been wanting to play with his 'thingy' for a long time.
"Frankly, sister o' mine...if we hadn't come to visit, I think you would still have wound up sitting right here with a big roomful of naked kids sooner or later're too much the perverted slut you say you are...and your kids are just like you...thank God!" I concluded.
"He's right, Mom," Matt remarked. "Ya know he is," he said with conviction. "All's Uncle Mike did was speed us up some." Then he sighed expressively. "I sure wish it'd been sooner...we could have been doing this a lot earlier."
"Yeah, Uncle Mikey," Shannon piped up. "How come you didn't come here last...two years ago...a long time ago, huh?"
Everyone laughed. Shannon stuck out her tongue at her brothers and sisters. "Shows what you know," she said sharply. "I was laying on top of Uncle Luke when I was jus' five and I knew what to do back was fun then too," she said assertively.
"I SAW you layin' on top of your Uncle Mike!" Meghan interjected, "down in the hammock, remember?"
News to me! I'd thought at the time no one COULD see us.
"I was in the bay window on that end of the house," Meghan explained, "and I could see EVERYTHING, you little stinker...playin' with Uncle Mike's penis when he was napping and rubbing around on him?"
Shannon's eyes widened. She grinned at the memories.
"And watching you made me understand some things about me!" Meghan added. "Didn't you think it was weird when I came downstairs after a while and saw you and Uncle Mike sitting on the sofa makin' out?"
Shannon and I certainly had wondered, but that weirdness had been overcome by soooooo much going on that I hadn't thought of it since.
"You watched us?" Shannon asked interestedly.
Meghan nodded.
"Did you make a movie of it?" Shannon continued. No guessing where her mind was.
Everyone laughed.
"No...," Meghan replied, grinning. "I would have if I had a camera with me at the time...but I played with your pussy when I saw you on the sofa. Isn't that at least as good?"
Shannon nodded. "I guess," she answered. "We need more movie cameras, don't we?"
The room chuckled again, then they were all quiet...I guess they were considering what they would have been ready to do as much as four years ago. The conversation lapsed and died.
"Uncle Mikey?" said Shannon after a while.
"What, sugar?" I said.
"I'm getting bored," she complained. "Can't we just do something...." She looked pointedly at my cock laying quiet in my lap.
I grinned and looked at the wall clock. "Well, your father should be getting down here any minute, so--"
As if on cue, Steve pushed in the outer door and walked in, followed by my daughters and Casey. They were all naked, freshly showered, and ready for the games to begin.
So were we.
Steve's three girls who hadn't yet been fucked by their father met him at the door, naked. If pussies could steam, theirs were.
Shannon, his eight-year-old, was first in line with her little puffies rising from an otherwise smooth chest. She was wearing makeup, something Steve had never seen her with before. The eye shadow, mascara, and eyebrow liner made her already big eyes stand out that much more but they weren't the eyes of an innocent eight-year-old anymore.
Steve watched as her eyes dropped to his crotch and rose again slowly. The expression of excited, knowing anticipation made Steve's cock rise.
Shannon licked lips coated for the first time in her life with a bright red glossy sheen. Steve saw her fingernails and toenails were painted to match. Steve's own lips were suddenly dry as the desert sand and he had to lick his own. Shannon smiled a hot little grin as her eyes took in her Daddy's growing erection.
"Hi, Daddy," she said breathlessly.
"Hi, Honey," Steve rasped softly. We could all tell he didn't know what else to say and was lucky enough to have Renee move closer to claim his attention.
Renee's young breasts were bigger than her little sister's, smaller than her two older sisters. Steve was mesmerized by her little granny-apple boobies. He reached out to touch the firm, soft globes and fondled them for a long moment.
Her hard little nipples grew more erect and harder under her father's touch. When his hand dipped down her belly and his fingers touched her pink-lipped slit for the first time, ten-year-old Renee's breath hissed between her teeth. Her painted lips curved in a hot little grin Steve had never seen before.
"I'm gonna fuck you 'til you can't see straight," Renee promised her father. "Just you wait!"
Steve Morrison swallowed hard. "I want that too," he assured his daughter. "I've wanted it for longer than you'd ever believe."
Steve looked around at into huge open spaces of the room, found each of us, and smiled at us all.
He saw his wife sitting between his two sons first. All three were naked and Meghan was casually fondling each boy's cock while she watched her husband intently, masturbating them to robust erections and obviously readying them for more action.
There was a smile on her lips, but it was a brittle one. If Steve objected at anything that was going on, this would be the moment.
He didn't. His fingers never slowed inside Renee's cunt.
His slow grin answered his wife's unasked questions and he nodded to each of his sons in turn.
Seeing me watching him as closely as Meghan, Steve grinned even wider and shook his head as if in amazement.
I relaxed completely and the atmosphere in the clubhouse warmed considerably.
We'd all been pretty sure things would be okay, but there'd always been a chance Steve would blow his top. That evidently wasn't going to happen.
Kristy, seeing things were going well, inched closer to her father for her first hot Daddy-kiss. Steve's breath hissed between his teeth as he inhaled a deep breath at the sight of the twelve-year-old. His cock, which had been rising and falling in front of his body with his emotions, was suddenly rock hard and pointed up. Looked like a permanent condition to me....
Kristy was made up like a tart. Bright red lip gloss matched the fire engine shade of her fingertips and toes. I didn't know where she got the platinum blonde wig she wore over her naturally blond hair, but it sure did its job. Young Kristy looked trashy and imminently available; there was no doubt that was the effect she'd been going for.
She stopped and thrust out a hip to accentuate her lack of clothing and her advertised intent toward her father. The ends of her blond wig bobbing in the air for a long moment as she chewed on a wad of bubble gum. A more complete tart had never visited the farm.
"Hey, Daddy," Kristy said insolently. Steve could only nod at his cheap whore of a daughter.
"Daddy," Kristy continued, "do you want to fuck my cunt from in front first?"
She batted her eyes at her father and pooched out her pussy to show him it was already slick with her own fluids. She gave a quick bump and grind, ending with a rapid series of hip movements back and forth, pretending to hump a non-existent cock. She wound up facing away from her father.
"...Or would you like to shove your dick in me doggy style? Kristy continued. She bent over and wiggled her hips suggestively. I saw Steve licking his lips, stunned by his erstwhile innocent daughter's suggestions. His hesitation didn't last long though.
Kristy turned back around to face her father with the forefinger of her other hand hooked lazily inside her lips. She winked expressively at the man, her very own father, who she fully expected to be fucking her sopping wet pussy in the next few moments.
It was a conclusion reached by her Dad and everyone else around them almost simultaneously. Steve reached for the sexy little girl and wrapped his arms around her as he deep kissed her for the very first time in their lives.
His hands were busy exploring her bare skin, cupping her naked butt and searching under her thin dress to fondle her breasts. They were barely the size of a decent cupcake, but they were super-sensitive, tipped with a tiny pebble of a nipple that excited her father more than he'd ever known any erect nipple ever could.
Dad and daughter shuffled over to the back of a nearby chair where he bent Kristy over and proceeded to fuck her thoroughly.
When he was done, he looked around for fresh prey, and his youngest daughter was closest.
Shannon squealed excitedly as her father picked her up and carried her to a waiting couch.
* * *
I watched the floorshow, marveling at how well everything had gone. Clearly, my first evaluation of the sexual pressure in my sister's household had been right on mark. All of the family had been ready for the most taboo of sexual encounters and had needed only the slightest of pushes.
Off to my right, I saw Meghan and her sons on the old love seat getting more involved with every second. A moment later, Meghan had her oldest son's cock in her mouth and her ass high in the air as she knelt on the sofa, adjusting her position slightly so Kevin could shove his cock deep in her butt. Her moan of heartfelt bliss could be heard all over the clubhouse. I grinned.
"Hey, Daddy," came the greeting from my left. I looked up to see my daughters and my thirteen-year-old niece, Casey, looking around at the family sex beginning in the other parts of the room.
"Hi, Mandy," I answered casually. "You girls did a bang up job up at the house," I continued. "Looks like Steve isn't even thinking about getting upset about all this," I added.
Mandy snorted. "Daddy," she said in that 'well, duh' voice all youngsters instinctively use in certain discussions with their parents. "Uncle Steve can't think about anything right now, and he isn't going to even CONSIDER giving this up," she concluded.
I looked to where Steve had collapsed onto a futon in the corner after fucking his youngest daughter to a screaming orgasm. He was at the center of a puppy pile of young girls, his three younger daughters, all of whom seemed intent on rubbing as much of their naked bodies on his as they could manage. All three girls were enthusiastically stuffing their dad's fingers, cock, or tongue inside their pussies. Steve's hard-on looked rigid enough to last for the rest of the afternoon at least. I couldn't say I blamed him.
"So what do WE do?" Lorrie asked, almost plaintively.
I looked up at the trio of sexy young girls. They were all as naked as the day they'd been born and the sight caused my own dick to morph into a couple of magnitudes of hardness beyond that of steel.
The three girls and I wasted no more time gawking at all the sex going on around us. In short order, I was laying on my back with Lorrie enthusiastically riding my cock while Casey held my head to her groin so I could slather her pussy with a rasping tongue.
Mandy strolled over to Meghan and her sons and stepped astride her aunt and presented her pussy to Matt so he could lick her pussy while he fucked his mother's butthole. The whole arrangement looked awfully fragile and I expected them to collapse upon each other any second. As it turned out, they all came at roughly the same moment--and THEN they collapsed into a pile of naked, sweaty bodies.
The sight goaded me into pumping my first cum of this party into my youngest daughter. Once she was finished herself, Lorrie and Casey switched places and we started up another slope to block-buster climaxes.
And so the afternoon and evening went. We took breaks for showers and quick meals and snacks, only to return to a non-stop sex party that didn't end until long past midnight. When we could play no more, I stumbled up the hill to my bedroom and fell into bed with Mandy, though I wasn't truly aware of who it was with me until the next morning. Sexually satiated for the time being, we all slept until well past noon.
It went on for the next three days. We didn't wear a stitch the entire time; we didn't answer any phone calls; we didn't go into town; and we didn't watch TV. Why the hell would we?
By the end of the non-stop partying, every female had been fucked by every guy, in every hole, and had combined with every other girl to do threesomes, foursomes, or moresomes with each guy and gal there.
The guys had each been part of double-teaming each girl at least once, which meant introducing all my sister's young daughters to their first anal sex in the process.
Steve and I found ourselves fucking Meghan's butt hole and cunt at the same time...and we felt good doing it. When Kevin came over and fed his cock into her mouth, Meghan was 'air tight' and she loved it. She came, and came, and came again for us.
Meghan came back with some girl-on-girl action with her daughters in a daisy chain that revived every guy watching. The daisy chain broke for a few moments, the girls were separated by inserting male bodies, and the chain quickly came together again. Two cameras taped the action, and the bawdy sex play on screen precipitated more action when they reviewed it.
It was a fine three days, the best any of us had ever known.
I don't have the time, or attention to read all this in one sitting.
420 bud
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