Published: 24-Dec-2012
Word Count:
Author's Profile
Note: 'Theory Of Relativity' is the second story in a series about the Peterson family. In the first story ('A Path Less Traveled'), Mike Peterson and his daughters began a incestuous relationship with each other in the autumn, just after the new school term began. Then they found out their good friends also participated in family sex. It turned out the other family was part of a secret society of families who played the family sex game. Mike and his two daughters enthusiastically joined in the society's taboo parties.
Now it's eight months later--early summer. Mike, Mandy, and Lorrie are putting aside their taboo lifestyle for a while. Family is important and Mike has been too long away from his roots, so the incestuous trio are visiting Mike's big sister. Out of respect for his sister and her family, Mike and his girls will be on their best behavior so they don't reveal any of their secrets--that's just good common sense, right?
"Are we theeeeeeeeeere yet?"
She drew out the word to an impossible length. It was Lorrie doing the whining this time, but I'd been hearing the question from one or the other of my daughters almost from the second we left home en route to my sister's.
I'd made a bad mistake, electing to drive from the big city up to my sister's home with two young daughters, but I hadn't known what it would be like. I loved to drive and would have driven all over the North and South American continents if I had the time and opportunity.
But not with two girls in the cars! No sir! Never again. After this, I would drive and they would fly somehow. I might even charter a helicopter for them since there weren't any airports real close by my sister's place...but I wasn't going to go through THIS again.
"No!" I replied shortly. "We'll never get there," I added, just to needle them some. I loved them dearly, but the constant complaint was getting on my nerves.
"We're going to drive on and on, forever and ever." I stopped talking to take one of those 'pregnant' pause things. "Do we have maps for Canada and Alaska?" I asked, doing my best to sound concerned. I leaned over and opened the glove compartment and pretended to rummage through it for a moment.
"NOOOOOOOOOO!!!" they squealed in unison.
They were quiet for a moment. I'd at least gained that much peace.
"We'll be there in a little while," I said, relenting just a little. Lorrie in the seat beside me and Mandy in the back seat both returned very expressive snorts.
"You've been saying that since...since...that place where we got gas!" Mandy retorted.
"Yeah!" Lorrie said crossly.
"'s true," I said. We drove on for a ways in comparative silence.
Lorrie had earphones from a portable CD player stuck in her ear, listening to whatever it is that kids call music these days.
I shuddered.
What my daughters think is music has been declared illegal for use in softening up terrorists before waterboarding. I think a nice quick execution is more humane.
Mandy was in the back seat of the SUV, watching a movie on the drop-down screen...also with earplugs in her ears.
I reached out to tune the radio to an oldies station but Lorrie smacked my hand. My only victory was to not have to hear the noise Lorrie was listening to. If it weren't for the fact that her skirt was so short that I could see the camel toe in her panties over her pussy, I'd have argued more strongly that I had a right to listen to real music. As it was, I contented myself with leering at my youngest child.
She simpered, well aware of what I was thinking.
I rewarded myself for being so good to them with a leisurely grope under edge of her panties.
It was unusual that the girls were actually wearing regular young-girl panties. They routinely wore bikini panties or thongs made of some satiny smooth material (when they wore anything at all) under their skirts, but for this visit to our relatives, they'd relented and put these on. Not, however, without some loud and emphatic resistance.
I shook my head at the memory. It'd been painful...and long...and painful too.
I came to a full stop at the intersection and paused for a long moment. We were, quite literally, out in the middle of nowhere. There hadn't been another vehicle on the road for the last fifteen miles, and that had been a rickety old pickup driven by an oldster who looked overwhelmed by a speed of something well under thirty miles per hour.
It had been a long time since I'd driven up this way and for a short moment, I was disoriented. I wasn't sure....
Then I saw a tall silo in the distance off to my left and the top of a big red barn on a hill behind, and I knew where I was. I pulled the wheel hard left and accelerated quickly up the narrow state highway. Twenty minutes later, we turned off on an even narrower farm-to-market road.
When that county-maintained road petered out, I kept straight on...up a one-lane, uneven strip of asphalt that was well kept up, but it clearly hadn't been constructed by professionals in the first place. Patches in the pavement were irregular and done with whatever material was convenient at the time. It made for a strange-looking, muliti-colored surface.
Preoccupied, neither girl noticed the sign on the side of the road warning everyone that the county's maintenance was ending and that this was a private road. I let them keep on stewing in their despair.
Minutes later, we climbed a low ridge and descended immediately into a shallow valley with a small creek running across the road at the bottom. The bridge over the creek wasn't man-made. In fact it wasn't a bridge. It was a natural ford--an outcrop of granite that lay in the water's path, several inches beneath the surface of the flowing stream.
Naturally smoothed by thousands of years of moving water, some of the harder edges of the stone had been worked on with chisels and then later by a jackhammer, to make an even flater and smoother crossing but otherwise, it was just as some unnamed mountain man found it a couple hundred years ago...except now it had pavement on either side of the stream instead of a dirt trail across the prairie.
I slowed, then stopped right in the middle of the stream. Five inches of water routinely flowed over the granite--but it rose to six feet and more when the stream was in flood.
I looked around at the kids but neither had bothered to look up. I let the car roll forward a few inches and tromped on the brakes. Jolted out of their preoccupation with their internal misery and entertainment, both glanced up with identical expressions of irritation on their pretty faces. I pointed at the rise up ahead.
"Right over that hill is your Aunt Meghan's house," I said by way of explanation. "WE'RE HERE!!!!" I yelled, not quite at full volume.
Pained looks replaced the irritation. I smiled, turning to look out the driver's side door down the creek bed. When I was a young boy, I'd played in or near this creek just about every day. It was good to be home.
The girls busied themselves with replenishing the light pink shade of lip-gloss both favored for 'formal' occasions, along with the tiny bit of blush and mascara I asked them to be the most they'd wear in public.
Mandy slipped her feet back into a pair of delicate white sandals and Lorrie back into her light blue Adidas athletic shoes. Mandy had on a short lavender tennis skirt and a white tank top--Lorrie a blue skirt and white top. Both looked like a million dollars. Presently, they had smoothed out all the wrinkles they perceived to be in their skirts and were ready.
I accelerated up the other sice of the valley of the creek and then slowed, knowing there was a sneaky little curve just over the hilltop. The road traveled over the plateau for a while and then dropped down into a beautiful, green little valley that was in sharp contrast to the dry prairie all around. We drove inside a gate painted a glossy white that was almost blinding in the bright sun. The land inside the fence--several acres--was a huge field of grass cropped back to about a four-inch growth by regular mowing. Seconds later, I negotiated my way around a paved circle in front of the house and braked to a gentle stop.
Turning off the engine, I opened my door while I pressed down on the horn in a long, blast. I did it again. Before the echoes from the second one died away, the screen door burst open and a mob of young girls erupted from the cool, dark interior of the house. I backed up against the SUV's radiator grill to brace myself. Our family was given to boisterous welcomes and long, sad goodbyes.
Cassandra was the first to reach me. I'd figured out all the ages before we came so I knew she had just turned thirteen. Five feet tall already, Cassandra (she preferred 'Casey') had long chestnut-colored hair that would hang nearly to her waist if she were ever caught standing still.
Running the way she was, the wind swept it out behind her in a warm brown cloud. She was dressed in a white top with an elastic band that gathered the fabric up just below her firm tea-cup size titties. Her short blue jean cutoffs looked tight enough to cut off circulation.
I couldn't wait to see her from behind. I was willing to bet those shorts revealed more than they hid of a shapely butt. Her legs and feet were smooth, tanned, and bare. I was thoroughly captivated by the hot young girl. I swallowed hard, suppressing a suddenly surging rush of blood to a prick that had been lying dormant in my jeans.
I hurriedly told myself this was my sister's little niece; I had too much respect for my sister and her husband to allow myself to think the thoughts I was having about the teenager. I'd made an agreement with my daughters to behave while we were here--and I needed to honor it.
Then Casey launched herself up into my chest, twining her arms around my neck and wrapping her slim legs around my hips.
Her firm young breasts, big for her age, flattened against my chest. I could feel her surprisingly hard nipples digging little holes in my shirt. And my cock was responding, BEFORE she kissed me. I sighed to myself. I'd had such good intentions....
The kiss was as hot as Casey's body was. Her tongue searched out mine and flicked it a few times before she pulled back.
She looked me deep in the eyes for a long moment before a satisfied smile came across her face. "I've been WAITING for you!" she said breathlessly. There was something urgent and...promising in her soft voice. She was still looking at me intently.
"Well, here we ARE!" I said lamely. I gathered her comment, given in a voice pitched too low for anyone but me to hear, was intended to have a meaning for me alone but I didn't have a clue what it might have been.
You know the old saw about looking into the abyss and finding the abyss looking back at you? Well, I don't usually remember stuff like that but that little proverb has stuck with me through the years. Anyway, while I was looking into Casey's beautiful eyes with all the lewd thoughts I was entertaining about her, I found something raunchy and totally lascivious looking right back at me.
I blinked, shocked to the core. By this time, the crowd reached us and Casey loosened her legs, hanging for a moment along the length of my body before she unwrapped her arms from around my neck. She withdrew a step or two, allowing others of my sister's daughters to jump into my arms for a hug and a kiss.
I caught Renee in my right arm and Shannon in my left.
Renee was ten and a half by my reckoning, thereabouts anyway. Her sun-bleached hair was cut short in bangs around her face. Her beautiful green eyes were set wide in a lightly freckled face that never seemed to stop grinning. Her strong arms went around my neck and she pulled me close for a happy little kiss.
Shannon competed enthusiastically, wanting a kiss of her own and planted one on my cheek right next to my lips. She'd missed, trying too hard and going too fast. An inch to the left and our teeth would have clicked together.
Shannon made up for her first miss by clamping soft, pink lips to mine on her second try. She gave me a flick of her tongue in my mouth. A mischievous grin covered her face when she let me reclaim my lips. She giggled.
I'm sure how rattled I was showed on my face. Shannon was eight-years-old, my sister's youngest. She pulled back a little and studied my face, then dove in for another attempt. Our lips met again for a brief instant.
Both girls were squirming and wriggling in my arms as they squealed hellos in high-pitched, happy voices. Renee and Shannon both had some tomboy in their nature. They liked being outdoors, running and jumping all over the landscape...they never walked when they could run...and they'd climb anything that caught their eye. They were sturdy little cherubs, hot young innocents. My jaw was torqued tight shut so I wouldn't start drooling.
When they scampered off, I came face to face with Meghan's second oldest daughter. Kristina, Kristi for short, was twelve and almost as tall as her older sister. Blond and leggy, she showed off a flat tummy with a pink tank top that was short enough to expose a lot of skin between the bottom hem and the upper part of some awfully, awfully skimpy white short shorts.
Kristi smoothly slipped her arms about my neck and stood on her tiptoes to give me a brief kiss. It wasn't quite what Casey had done, but it was interesting, nonetheless. Looking at all four girls, I was amazed at all the leg being exposed. The last time I'd seen them, three years ago, they'd all been youthful, or toddlers even. How quickly they grow...or maybe it was my memories deceiving me.
Of course, my attitudes toward young girls had changed drastically this past year. It was possible...heck, probable...I'd not been looking at them as they really were when I saw them last. I'd had sex with girls younger than Meghan's youngest...but not as young as she'd been on my last visit.
While I was distracted, Mandy and Lorrie came around the rear of the SUV. All the hugging and kissing started over again as cousin greeted cousin. Mandy and Casey had looked at each other, pausing for just the briefest moment before they embraced. There was no hostility there, but the two sets of cousins knew each other as potential rivals for male attentions. They were all smiles for now though.
Mandy gave me a quick look. She didn't wink, but she might as well have. She'd seen the hearty welcome Casey had given me. She would have probably said something smart but right then, both of my sister's boys came into view from a door out of the barn off to our right-front.
Mandy's face suddenly blanked as she hid her thoughts. She was successful at fooling everyone--except Lorrie and me. We two were able to read her mind quite well. Inner fires, well banked up 'til now, were suddenly stoked into vibrant life.
Mathew (Matt) had really grown up. He was a couple months over fourteen now and he was developing into his father's son. He was a good five feet and maybe four inches tall, husky and muscular as he strode with his brother up to the SUV.
From the corner of my eyes, I saw Mandy's pink little tongue wet her lips.
I could tell Mandy was fascinated by Matt. Her eyes flicked over the shoulder and chest muscles revealed by his muscle-man T-shirt, then down to a pair of heavy thighs and calves exposed below the workout shorts. I could see the pulse at her throat begin to pound. I grinned.
Twelve-year-old Mandy stepped forward to touch her palms to Matt's shoulders and stand on tiptoes to give him a quick peck on the lips. The tiptoes weren't necessary--the boy wasn't THAT much taller--but it created a pose Mandy liked. Matt's face reddened a little, but he didn't back away. He glanced quickly at me and then he did step back.
I grinned a little wider. If the young man only knew....
Matt and Kevin were both mopping sweat off their faces. From what Matt was telling Mandy, he and Kevin had been lifting weights out in the barn. They hadn't thought we'd be here until later. He apologized and Mandy dismissed it gracefully. The aroma of healthy young male animal was doing things to Mandy's libido Matt was probably completely unaware of...for now anyway.
Kevin greeted ten-year-old Lorrie, receiving the same quick kiss as his brother but he managed to keep from blushing. A step behind his brother, he'd had a moment to prepare for a kiss from his almost unknown girl cousin...but that cousin was also a very cute preteen girl who looked hot and kissed hotter.
His body betrayed him...his ears turned pink at the bottom--probably from thoughts I knew must be coursing through his mind. The boys switched off between my daughters and collected a couple more kisses. Kevin's ears were a fire engine red now. No doubt where his mind was!
Kevin and Kristi were twelve-year-old twins. Our family ran to twins. In fact, my mom and my Aunt Phoebe had been identical alike as two peas in a pod, as the saying goes. Seemed like there was at least one or two sets somewhere in the extended family in every generation and Kevin and Kristi were this generation's contributions to the family tradition.
They weren't identical twins, as my mother and Aunt Phoebe had been. In fact, they resembled each other only a little more than they did their other brother and sisters. They were fraternal twins, I mused; born of two different, but simultaneously fertilized eggs. The twins were close, though. When Kevin got his kiss from Mandy and he'd dutifully shaken my hand, he went to stand beside his twin sister.
Abruptly, the screen door banged again and I turned around to see my older sister charging down the sidewalk. Wiping her hands on a dishtowel, she strode purposefully on wedgies...sandals with three-inch heels. My sister Meghan wore a pair of dark cutoffs that covered no more leg flesh than her young daughters' did, and a white, short-sleeved man's shirt. She'd unbuttoned all the buttons and tied the shirttails in a big knot just below her big breasts.
Sis had been a cheerleader in junior high (they still called it that out here in the boondocks) and high school; she'd been a very popular one too. She was cute, rather than beautiful, but she never lacked for dates in junior high, or high school later. Meghan had a body that was composed of bountiful quantities of everything, though she was only 5'6" or so.
She wore her head of brunette hair cropped short, framing her almost-always smiling face and big, expressive eyes. Her boobs were big handfuls of womanly flesh, apparently firm enough to be still defying the law of gravity but bouncy enough to make her walk from the front porch to the car a more than enjoyable visual experience.
Funny how I hadn't thought about it while planning this trip, but I'd secretly lusted after my sister since...well, since forever, and particularly since we were teenagers. I'd jacked off many a time to fantasies of her nude body and what I wanted do with that body many a time.
She hadn't known anything about all of that, of course, but I'd always been in lust with my her and I saw nothing in her appearance this afternoon to change those ideas at all. Her eager, welcoming smile pulled me away from the children and into her arms.
Now...if you saw my sister walking toward you in a dress that came below her knees, you wouldn't think much, except you'd admire the bounce of generous breasts that couldn't be dampened by the strongest bra.
When I was just four or five, I saw an old Shirley Temple movie and told my big sister I thought she looked a lot like the movie star at that age. Meghan had beamed, kissed me on the cheek, and hugged me...which I liked a lot.
Meghan took the comparison to heart too. It was an honest one as far as I was concerned. Like Shirley in her youth, Meghan had what some would have called plump little thighs and calves, but which 'I' always thought were curvaceous and sexy. Meghan, though, had puffy little boobies from the age of five and Shirley did not...or at least, the studios had never let any be seen. Shirley carried her prettiness and body style into adulthood and so did Meghan.
My sister was a striking woman but not beautiful in the classical sense, with delicate features and translucent skin. Meghan's beauty would last much longer than that of the skinny creatures stalking down New York runways...and Meghan would enjoy life far more than any dozen half-starved models ever could.
Her strong, meaty thighs and calves were beautifully proportioned and already tanned a golden brown, though it was still early in the summer. Her ankles weren't delicate, but they WERE chiseled to perfection above smallish feet. Even at 32 and six kids--she'd gotten pregnant for the first time at seventeen--there was no sagging skin or cellulite anywhere.
I'd forgotten the earthy sensuality my sister possessed. She exuded sex with every breath and it affected every male who came in range. The very air around her became musty and thick with carnal desire when she came near. It showed in her eyes. They smoldered with lusty desires that were only JUST held in check.
It would take a saint to look at those strong haunches of hers and not dreamed of them wrapped around your waist while she fucked you hard all night long. Her breasts (I'd sneaked many a peek at them while we were growing up) were made for a man's hands to fondle and the ruby red nipples on their tips, perched there like maraschino cherries, just waiting for a tongue to tease and a mouth to suck. I don't know a man who ever met her who could ignore her sexuality...and I was no better than anyone else.
Truth is, the less my sister wore, the better she looked. In a skirt she garnered more than her fair share of attention; in a miniskirt, she was fascinating; in a pair of shorts, no one looked at another woman in sight; in a bikini, she took your breath away.
One time, when she'd been fretting about her appearance, as girls will do from time to time, I daringly told her exactly what I thought about wearing less to look better. She patted my head and kissed my cheek again and I got a VERY nice hug.
Years after telling her I thought she looked like Shirley Temple, I offered Meghan another bit of advice when she dressed up in what I thought was the wrong style of long formal gown. Before I thought about the possible repercussions (like a quick fist in the belly or a roundhouse slap), I told her she should never cover herself up like that.
She dismissed my advice before the dance, but when she got home, she tramped in the house, throwing dress, low heels, and undergarments in all directions. She marched up to me, topless, her boobs bobbing and swinging delightfully. My sister kissed me full on the lips and told me she'd never ignore what I said ever again.
* * *
Meghan pushed past the crowd of youngsters and wrapped her arms around my neck to pull my head down for a thoroughly passionate kiss. I think it was the only way to kiss she knew how to give. I returned it in kind, though I'm sure an objective observer would have said it was too hot for a brother and sister.
"Mike," Meghan said breathlessly, "I'm SOOOOO glad you're here, baby!"
She hugged me a little tighter. My hands were on her back. Where her bra straps should have been, there was only smooth skin under the thin shirt. My sister wasn't wearing a bra.
If I was a lion with one of those manes around my throat, I'd have started purring deep in my chest right about then. I really liked my big sister braless.
I had to back the lower half of my body away from her. She'd have felt my burgeoning hard-on if I hadn't. She patted my arms again, grinning affectionately before turning to Mandy and Lorrie.
"My goodness," she exclaimed happily. "You two have grown so tall and pretty, I wouldn't hardly know you."
My two daughters beamed at the compliments...not that they had been doing without such flattering remarks the past year. You'd think they'd be used to it by now. Heck, the men and boys in our little adventure club made sure they didn't go...whole seconds...without some such remark.
Meghan released me to step up to my girls and wrap them up in a three-way hug. She let them go, smiling fondly at them, so they could breathe again and turned around to me again.
"Let's go inside where it's cool," she suggested. She made shooing motions to get the crowd all moving toward the house.
"Where's Steve?" I asked. Steve Morrison was Meghan's husband, a man I admired very much. He'd started an Internet consulting service a few years after they were married and these days, he could usually be found working out of his home office.
"Oh, he had to go all the way up to the city for a conference with a client," Meghan said. "He'll be back tomorrow sometime, in the afternoon."
I was disappointed, but I thought I could wait until tomorrow to renew our friendship. I was going to say so, but I saw Meghan had been distracted.
Meghan nodded distractedly in answer to my question but she was really watching Matt and Kevin wipe sweat off their foreheads and bodies.
Glancing that way, I thought for a moment Mandy and Lorrie were about to volunteer their panties to help mop up a little of that boy-sweat. I grinned in spite of myself. They'd absolutely do it if the idea occurred to them...well, they would back home at one of our parties with the Adventure Club anyway.
Damn! The girls and I had agreed not to even think about sex while we were up here. I hadn't lasted very long before prurient thoughts fought themselves to the forefront of my mind, and I was willing to bet my last nickel my girls were in the same fix.
"Mathew Wayne!" Meghan called. "Kevin Alexander! You two get some showers and change into something decent before you come in my house, you hear me?"
"Yes, ma'am," the boys chorused.
When their mom used first and middle name, they knew she meant business. They turned to go back to the barn. I found out later the old barn had been converted to a huge area for the kids to work out or play or whatever use they wanted to make of it. It hadn't been used for its designed purpose as a shelter for farm animals for twenty years that I knew of for a fact.
Mandy and Lorrie watched them go with regret in their eyes. My daughters would have given back six week's allowance if they could go shower with them.
Mandy looked at me and sniffed. She knew I knew exactly what she was thinking. I grinned at her. She stuck out her tongue at me after making sure no one was looking. Then she nodded her head a millimeter in Meghan's direction and arched her eyebrows in question.
Meghan slipped her right arm under my left and hugged my arm to her body as she walked me slowly up the walkway to the front porch. Just inside the front door, she turned to me and hugged me tight again.
"Brother," she said earnestly. "I'm just so glad you've come home. I've missed you soooo bad," she said. I hugged her tight, still very much aware of her big breasts pressing against my arm.
"I know, sis," I said. "It's been way too long--I'm sorry. We should have come back long before now." I leaned in to kiss her again. For a moment we looked into each other's eyes and just held each other. Then, right at the last, I was startled.
Deep down in my sister's eyes, there it was again--the bewitching, carnal presence from the abyss in Casey's eyes was looking back at me from Meghan's eyes too.
* * *
My girls and I arrived late enough that an early supper was just about ready to be put on the table. Sis really outdid herself with huge steaks, potatoes, green peas, and corn on the cob. Most of it was from local farms and ranches, or from Meghan's own truck garden off beyond the barn. I ate and ate and ate 'til I couldn't put down another bite, then I put away about a quarter of an apple pie that came to the table straight from the oven.
Meghan was a good cook and it's a good thing I didn't live with her. Heck, I'd weigh upwards of 400 pounds in nothing flat.
When we were through with dinner, we sat in comfortable chairs in the living room and caught up on everything we could think of, talking for hours while the kids wandered in and out according to the unfathomable schedule and plan that children have. A little past midnight, Meghan and I were about talked out. Everyone got ready for bed.
There were more bedrooms than you could count in the rambling three-story old country house that Steve and Meghan had renovated around eight years ago. The old place had belonged to my and Meghan's great-uncle Rob at one time. He'd inherited it from my great-great grandfather, several times removed, who'd helped his father build the first few rooms.
Great grandpa, however many times removed, had had an idea to build a mansion like one he'd seen in antebellum Georgia once upon a time. The old man hadn't succeeded at first, but rooms were added to the original modest structure later--in no particular pattern anyone could discern. You could find a bedroom next to the kitchen, but the bedroom was a country mile down the hall from the nearest bath.
Once, for instance, a renovation converted a kitchen into a huge bathroom and a bedroom the kitchen had shared a wall with, became a closet for a bedroom on the other side. Steve later made that bedroom the master bedroom for himself and Meghan...and added a home-office next to the bedroom--just to show he too could add another wing to the house, I think.
Each of Meghan's six kids had their own room and still there were plenty left over...albeit way up on the third floor. No one, in all the generations since the original structure was built, had strayed very far from the antebellum mansion idea. So there were three floors of spacious rooms, multiple stairways, a huge dinning room that was only used for parties, some hidden nooks here and there, plus a huge root cellar underground.
Mandy and Lorrie elected to sleep in a room on the third floor that Meghan already had set up with two comfortable-looking double beds in it, and I took a room across the hall and down the corridor a little. We had a bathroom convenient for our use, and another one behind a closed door near the stairs...I think. One was good enough for me right now.
Tired and sleepy, I went into my girl's room to kiss them goodnight. Mandy wanted more than a kiss, of course. She didn't have a stitch on under the covers and kept pulling my hand under the blanket to put between her legs. I didn't fight it too much.
"Honey," I said. "You know we can't do anything while we're's just too darn dangerous."
She sighed unhappily. Her cunt was hot and it was wet. She wanted a good fucking and I did too. But we both knew we couldn't. Mandy held my hand on her pubic mound a bit longer, doing her best to quell her urges. Finally, she pulled my hand out and licked each finger dry, trying through one last visual stimulation to get me to join her on the bed. It wasn't easy but I resisted.
"Daddy?" Mandy said, giving up for the time being.
"What, sugar?" I answered. I had my right hand back, but I really wanted it between her legs. I sighed...but I kept the sigh to myself.
"Was it always like this here at Aunt Meghan's?" she asked a trifle plaintively.
"What do you mean?" I asked, a little puzzled.
She didn't answer for a moment. Her hands had slipped back under the covers and I could see she was working her clit herself. Manfully, I refused to give in to the urge to lift the blanket and dive in to her rescue.
"Well..." she said haltingly. "You remember when Carl and Laura and everybody came over for that first BBQ...when you found out Carl was our vice-principal...and we had that party?" I nodded. "You 'member how...uh...nervous ever' body was before everything got goin'?" Mandy asked.
I did. Had seven-year-old Sandi not taken matters into her own hands and cajoled me into eating her pretty little slit, we might never have advanced to full membership in the Inner Sanctum of the Family Adventure Club.
"Yeaaaaaaaah...?" I said, drawing it out while I thought about what she'd said and how it applied to my sister's household. "I think you're right," I whispered in her ear. "The sexual tension in this house is thick enough to cut with a knife, huh?"
Mandy nodded her agreement. She looked up at me with a bright twinkle of excitement in her eyes.
" think we might could...?" When I didn't immediately deny the possibility, Mandy's eyes REALLY lit up. "Mmmmmmmmmmm," she breathed softly. "Matt is such a hunk," she whimpered.
"So is Kevin," Lorrie contributed from the other bed.
I sat up on the side of Mandy's bed and thought for a minute. Meghan's girls were scorchingly hot young cuties, and I couldn't even PRETEND I hadn't been watching them while Mandy and Lorrie did the same to the boys.
"Daddy...don't you think Aunt Meghan and ever' body might be...uh, I mean..." She shrugged helplessly, not sure how to say what she wanted to get out.
"I know...," I said, patting her thigh. "I know what you mean. But we'll have to wait and see."
Straightening up, I turned and bent to give Lorrie a kiss but she was already asleep. I gave her a peck on the forehead and pulled the blanket up around her shoulders.
"Good night, sweet girls," I whispered as I walked to the door.
"G'night," Mandy responded faintly. I turned off the light and closed their door.
The door to my room was across the hall and a few feet down the corridor from where my daughters slept. The bath was next to my room and I had an inside connecting door so I could get to it without having to go out into the hallway. There were stairs at both ends of the hall, and at the north end there was an alcove that protruded out beyond the rest of the structure's wall.
The alcove was the frame for big picture windows that looked out across the barn, the pastures close to the house, and the empty prairie beyond. At night, it doubled as a poor man's observatory. The view of the darkened heavens was superb. I ambled down the hall and stood for a minute taking in the darkness and the brilliant stars above.
We were a long way out in the sticks, and the stars were magnificent. There was a big telescope on a tripod in the corner. It hadn't been here the last time I'd visited. I wanted to see if I could get a look at the waning moon, but I aborted the idea before I took a second step. It was already well after midnight and I was tired. I could do some stargazing tomorrow night.
Five minutes later I was in the shower letting hot water pour over me while I lathered my body with a big slab of soap. I liked taking a shower before bed. It relaxed me and gave me some down time while I reviewed the events of the day and plan some things I should do tomorrow.
On occasion, my daughters joined me, and that cut all the reminiscing and planning short, but they wouldn't be showering with me tonight. I sighed.
I'd planned on a two or three-week stay here, the first couple of weeks we'd stay with Meghan and her family and then maybe get involved in the big family reunion the week after. It sounded logical enough when planning the trip--no sex at big sister's home where she or someone in her family might see me and my kids were engaging in the ultimate taboo. But it was going to be tough--particularly with my sister and her daughters dressing so suggestively and their raunchy behavior...their kisses and rubbing up against me so....
Hell, just soaping up my groin and thinking about my nude daughters a few steps down the hall was turning me on. I sighed again. It looked like I was going to be doing a lot of sighing in the coming days.
A feeling came over me that I wasn't alone. There had been something...I felt, rather than heard, movement outside the shower curtain. I've seen that old Alfred Hitchcock movie...I guess everyone has...and I don't mind telling you it wasn't a cold chill that made make me shiver just a wee bit right then. But it was probably just because the door wasn't shut tight and some cool air had blown into the hot, steamy bathroom. Yeah, that was it.
"Who's there?" I called out. I could see an indistinct, short and slender mass standing on the other side of the shower curtain--and no sign the figure was holding a knife up for a quick strike! I felt better instantly. "Who is it? Is that you, Mandy?" I asked, sliding the shower curtain to the side.
Just to play it safe, I held part of it in place across the lower half of my body. One of Meghan's girls...I hadn't caught which one...had her room up here and she might be needing to use the "facilities." I wiped water out of my eyes.
"'s me, Uncle Mikey," said a soft, girlish voice.
I blinked and knuckled my eyes to clear the soap away.
It was Cassandra...Casey. She was in a bright blue satin robe edged with midnight blue trim. Very nice looking--it shimmered in the light and looked very appealing. The thing didn't even extend down to mid-thigh. It left a lot of tanned, young teenage leg exposed to see.
The thin, shimmering fabric lay against Casey's breast like a second skin. I could see her nipples, hard and protruding--making little tents in the satin atop her conical young breasts. I knew I was staring lustfully at my sister's oldest daughter, but it was awfully hard to stop.
Taking a deep breath, I yanked my eyes up to her face to find the thirteen-year-old girl with a hesitant smile on her sweet features. She stepped closer, walking with a coltish grace right up to me and stopping only just before those stiffened nipples would have bumped into my wet chest. The humidity was about a thousand percent in the steam-filled shower room, but my throat was dry as sandpaper.
"Uncle Mikey...," she said in a bedroomy voice that would have seduced a marble statue. I wasn't marble...well, except for one of my organs that was in the process of hardening to a something much like stone. I tried to ignore it.
"What, sweetheart?" I asked. "Do you need to use the bathroom?" I don't know if I was hoping that was it or not. But the question had to be asked.
She shook her head, no. She'd taken her hair down from the long ponytail she'd had it in this afternoon. It was falling back over her shoulders...down to the small of her back.
"Huh-uh, Uncle Mikey," she said coquettishly, "I need YOU!" She pointed her right forefinger at my chest, then pushed the finger into my right pectoral muscle.
I tensed it involuntarily, of course.
A very self-satisfied look came over her features. There wasn't that much space between us; she halved what there was with a deep breath. I tried to clear my throat and talk to the girl, but I didn't have a chance.
"You 'member last time when you were here, you promised me you'd help me learn things, Uncle Mike?" she asked softly.
I nodded. I did. We'd been talking about how computers computed and why Windows machines were better'n Mac and stuff like that. She'd been lamenting the fact that her Mom and Dad had moved way out here and she would wind up dumb and stupid...her words, not mine. She'd been about nine at the time. I opened my mouth and started to comment. I found myself unable to talk though. Casey had deftly unbelted the short robe and let it slip off her shoulders to the floor. She stood in front of me naked.
Casey was a beautiful girl and was going to be a lovely woman...and a lucky one too, I saw. Her firm breasts were round and beautifully shaped rounded cones that were already tea-cup sized handfuls--grownup tea cups, not a child's play set.
She was going to be taller and more slender than her mother, but she was going to have breasts as big as Meghan's. Her waist was slim with just a hint of some curvature to her hips. I saw strong thighs--they weren't nearly as sturdy as her mother's--and beautifully molded calves.
"Casey," I said through a suddenly constricted throat. "I thought you meant...."
Impatiently, the girl put both her palms flat against my chest and pushed lightly. They felt like branding irons pressed against my skin.
Then the heat spread all over my body.
I stepped back a couple of inches and Casey slipped into the shower stall with me. I was being outmaneuvered by this young girl and she was doing it fast and smoothly. Oh, well!
Casey pressed the length of her body against my left side and chest so that my upper arm cuddled in the valley between her young breasts. Her left hand swept across my pectorals and down to my upper stomach while her right hand massaged the small of my back. With the contact, my thought processes suddenly shifted to somewhere below my belly button, and stayed there for the remainder of the evening. My cock settled into the only train of thought it knew.
Casey parked her chin on my shoulder and kissed me there. "I meant THIS Uncle Mikey," she almost whispered. "I told you this afternoon I've been waiting for you," she added. Casey's left hand slipped below my abdomen and she wrapped her slender fingers around my cock.
I gave up. I surrendered--poor, pitiful wreck of a man that I am.
I turned so my young niece was directly in front of me. My right hand came and cupped her left breast. It fit nicely there, so I kneaded that soft/firm flesh gently...squeezing and molding it in my hand. I pinched her already-erect nipple lightly with my thumb and forefinger. The pencil-eraser sized nubbin seemed to swell and become stiffer at my touch.
She gave out a long, shuddering sigh as I caressed her breast. Her body melted against mine. I put my left hand on her right breast to gave it the attention it was due too. Casey turned her face up and offered her lips to be kissed. She didn't lose her grip on my dick, though. Her small hands were slowly sliding up and down the length of my soapy shaft all the way down to my balls.
She wasn't an experienced kisser. I could tell she hadn't had much practice, and it surprised me a little. So far, my sister's thirteen-year-old daughter had taken the initiative and managed things quite well. I'd been getting the impression that she was as experienced as my daughters. But the kiss was tentative. She hesitated to accept my tongue flicking at hers at first and didn't seem to know quite what to do.
She was a quick learner, though. In a moment, her tongue was enthusiastically dueling with mine and exploring my mouth. We broke off the kiss only when we were both out of breath. She smiled.
"See, Uncle Mikey?" she said seductively, "I'm already learning things, huh?" I couldn't help but grin back at her. For the first time in several minutes, I felt a little confidence returning.
"Uh...," I said, "I have a rule that any girl that is holding my cock gets to call me just "Mike" without a 'y' on the end of it," I told her.
She looked down, watching her hand stroke a cock that was already hard as a length of steel pipe. She looked back up. I saw her throat muscles work as she swallowed. Her eyes searched mine for a long moment, then she grinned.
"Huh-uh," she purred. "It's more nasty if I call you Uncle Mikey," she explained.
I relaxed. I wasn't going to get my way with my very own name, but it was even clearer this woman-child was here with me because she wanted to be naughty. She was here for some hot sexual 'instruction' and not because she was filled with some romantic notion that would wind up with the both of us in deep shit. Fun and games, versus girlish infatuation--albeit with UNCLE Mikey. It would be easier to deal with, though both came with a whole host of potential family problems.
I chuckled.
"Ahhhhhhh...okay, you're a nasty little girl, are you?" I asked her, letting her see both my approval and delight. She nodded and plastered herself against me again for some more experience at kissing a naked man. She was coming along nicely in that department, actually.
I put my hands on her shoulders and gently pushed her back a half-step and looked her up and down. Casey had been dazzling in her skimpy top and tight cutoffs this afternoon. She was absolutely stunning, naked. I stroked my hands down and outward from her breasts, glorying in the touch of her silky-smooth skin against my palms.
Her hips weren't as generously flared as her mother's were...but they would be someday. For now, I caressed the immature curve from ribs inward and out again over her hips and down as far down the outside of her thighs as I could reach.
I came back up and cupped her beautifully rounded bubble-butt in both hands. They were firm, but yielding--covered with satiny smooth flesh. The child-woman wriggled under my hands, unable to stand still. Her breath came in short pants. There was a wild craving in her eyes.
Suddenly Casey broke away and retreated to the wall of the shower stall and braced herself against it. "Uncle Mike," she said breathlessly. "I'm"
"Horny?" I suggested. She nodded vigorously and growled.
"Horny!" she said in a deeper voice than usual, tasting the word and reveling in the naughtiness of it. She held up her right hand and crooked her finger at me. "Come here, Uncle Mikey," she commanded. She planted her feet wide apart, opening up her body for the invasion she clearly wanted.
"Uh...I don't know, sugar," I said dubiously. She shook her head at me and got up on her tiptoes. But...she was right at five feet tall and the extra couple of inches might just make it possible....
I shuffled forward, holding my cock in my right and skinning back the foreskin as I moved. She saw that. Her eyes widened. I knew she'd not ever had sex with a man who hadn't been least I knew that much.
"Casey, honey?" Her eyes came back to mine.
"Honey, have you...uh...are you a virgin, sweetheart?" I asked. Okay, I could have been more delicate but that didn't seem to be Casey's way. She smiled.
"Uncle Mikey," she said reprovingly. "While I waited for you to come upstairs, I put a big ol' cucumber WAY up inside me." She paused while she gauged my reaction--which was positive, and she could see it.
"A cucumber? I sure would've liked to see that!" I remarked...quite truthfully. I could just imagine her lying on her bed, her legs splayed wide while she held the cuke in her fist and pounded it in and out....
What I was envisioning must have shown on my face, 'cause she giggled happily.
"Well, maybe it wasn't the biggest cucumber in the world." She looked at me carefully. It was a long, smooth one...but maybe you WILL see me do it next time," she said happily. She licked her lips and looked down at my swelling cock.
Discussion time was over. I bent my knees and lined up my cock with her pussy and rubbed the head against her outer lips. She sucked in her breath and her whole body stiffened. She put her hands on each of my biceps, just above the elbow and clamped her fingers tight. She strained higher on her toes, seeking enough height to get my cock into the entrance to her cunt.
I'd intended getting acquainted with her body before I slid my penis in her but she was too anxious, too ready. Her left hand slid down between us and directed my cock to the bottom of her pussy slit; then she pushed forward a little. I guess the cucumber session had gotten her more than a little bit hot.
Dipping my knees lower, I let my prick slip through her outer labia and a little way into her. I thrust forward gently. I was wondering, in spite of her contention that she'd had a 'big' cucumber, whether I would be encountering a hymen or not. Young girls have been known to overstate their worldly experience before. But there was no shield there, nothing but a steamy tightness that folded around my cock like a hot, silky smooth glove. I pushed forward and I slid into my young niece two or three inches.
She groaned--I pulled my head back to look at her face. Her eyes were closed and her face twisted...with pleasure, I could see, not pain. The little girl was loving the experience of her uncle's cock invading her young cunt. Her eyes opened when I didn't move again. Her hands moved to my buttocks. She pulled me forward insistently.
Pushing my hips a small increment forward, I felt my prick slide another inch into my thirteen-year-old niece's vagina. The deeper I got inside her, the hotter and tighter her sheath became. I had my hands on her hips, steadying her against the wall, but now that my prick had skewered her, I didn't need both hands. I used my left hand to cup and massage her right breast.
Her breath hissed inward sharply. Apparently, the girl's titties were very sensitive. That's something I love in a woman or girl. I love to see nipples engorge with blood, redden and become harder, more swollen. So I alternated between breasts, contorting my body so I could get my mouth on those lovely pop-up nipples. They were a whole magnitude larger than either of my daughters, nearly as big as a full-grown woman's.
I tongued her right nipple first, sucked it gently between my lips, and her whole body shuddered. She shoved the breast up into my mouth, wanting more. Obligingly, I flicked at the nipple with my tongue, slathering it with spittle while I circled her aureole with the tip of my tongue.
I grasped her right breast in my left hand and transferred my mouth to her left breast. She was shoving her cunt up at me now, desperately trying to get more of my cock in her vagina and more of her titty into my mouth. Young Casey was moaning more or less constantly now and a flush was spreading across her upper chest.
Then her right foot slipped in the soap and water in the bottom of the stall. She almost lost her balance and she would have taken me down with her, probably hurting us both. I had a swift vision of my cock snapping off at the root as she fell. It wouldn't have, of course, but the vision had had its effect. I bent low, pulling my dick out of her hot pussy.
"Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!" she moaned, frantically trying to pull me closer to reinsert my cock inside her. I grabbed her left hand in mine and used my right to sweep the shower curtain aside.
"Come on," I said briskly. I pulled her out of the shower. A flick of my wrist sent the shower curtain skidding back out closed. I didn't want a ton of water to get all over the floor. Our soaked bodies were going to deposit enough on the floor as it was.
I hauled her over to the counter and hoisted her bodily up on the counter beside the sink. I pulled at her left thigh, maneuvering her so her pussy was right at the edge of the countertop. Our parts lined up much better this way.
Taking my cock in my right hand, I put it against her young opening and plunged back inside my hot young niece's cunt in one long stroke. Her face scrunched up again...and she wanted to squeal with the pleasure of having her uncle's pole so far up inside her but I smothered her cry in the palm of my hand. The one thing we could NOT do was to wake anyone up.
But my little niece had been impatient to have sex with me and I'd caught her mood. I began ramming my cock into her at a strong pace, not giving her a chance to do much more than breathe. Sitting on the counter, she couldn't move very well but that wasn't necessary. With both my feet braced on the floor and her body securely held in place, I could shove my cock into her easily and as forcefully as she seemed to want. Her slender legs were wrapped around my waist and I could feel her heels kicking at my ass cheeks, spurring me onward to greater efforts. It wasn't pretty, it wasn't romantic, but it sure was some good fuckin' and we both loved it.
I drove my cock into her over and over, still playing with her breasts when I could, and capturing one in my lips when the opportunity presented. Pistoning in and out of her young cunt, I could feel her vagina muscles beginning to clamp down on my cock in an erratic pattern. Soon the involuntary contractions spread. Casey was whimpering now; she was working herself up to a nice, hard climax.
Her face was all scrunched up in an expression that would have meant pain in any other context. If her face contorted any more, it would twist itself permanently out of shape.
I could feel the wet, liquid heat building in my groin too. I wondered if my facial muscles were writhing as much as my niece's...and then I was beyond wondering.
Casey's body jerked, she shuddered hard, the quakes spreading over her whole body. She groaned aloud, hunching her cunt up to me with tiny movements. I couldn't hold back. My cum boiled over and spurted into my sister's firstborn child. It splattered against the back of her vagina; I could see she felt it. Her body quivered in a new series of muscle contractions and her legs locked around my middle. I couldn't have moved back if I'd wanted to...but I didn't want to.
I plunged in as deep as she could take and felt my gooey white sperm shooting all over her cervix and the walls of her vagina. One final thrust, a sensation of hot lava making its way up through my cock shaft, a last surge erupting inside her...and I was done. My body sagged, my knees giving way momentarily before I caught myself. Neither of us spoke while we fought to get our breath back.
"Uncle Mikey," she said in a satisfied tone, "I sure like you teaching me how to have sex!"
I let a chuckle rumble deep in my chest. "I'm most happy to teach you," I said magnanimously. was awfully lame, but it was all I could come up with.
"Are there other things that you need to learn about?" I asked.
She nodded dreamily, leaning her head against my chest now and wrapping her arms around me.
"Uh-huh," she said, her voice muffled. "I need to learn how to, how know, take you in my mouth...and stuff like that." She'd sounded, for the first time, a little unsure of herself.
"Suck my cock?" I asked. For a long moment, she didn't respond.
"Yeah...that," she said finally.
"What?" I wanted her to say it.
She took a deep breath. "Suck...your cock," she said in a rush. "I want ta' suck your cock for you and...fuck you in all different kinds of ways," she added.
"And be a naughty girl?" I asked.
She giggled. "Uncle Mikey, I want to be a dirty nasty, naughty, girl with you...lots," she said.
"There are soooooo many things I want to know." She patted my back.
"Like what?" I asked. I hadn't taken my cock out of her and it had softened only slightly. I began to probe her squishing cunt with it in tiny in and out movements. She giggled again, hearing the sloshing noises coming from her pussy.
" you go down on girls?" she asked.
I nodded. "I love to lick cute little pussies," I added with a grin.
Her eyes lit up. She was looking forward to that. Then a sudden hesitation. " girls do that...uh...better than men?" she asked. I smiled.
"Some say women can lick pussies better than men...that men just don't know how to do it right," I acknowledged. "But I think you're going to be pretty happy with the way I do it," I said confidently. "My--"
I stopped cold. I'd almost told her my daughters said I was damned good at lapping their cunts.
"My girlfriends..." I continued with only a slight pause, "...well, none of my girlfriends have ever complained," I concluded.
I got away with it. Her eyes were getting a little vague with the pleasurable sensations of my cock sliding around inside her again beginning to spread throughout her body.
"Oh...," I said, realizing something in the way she was talking, "are we talking about doing this again sometime while I'm here?" She nodded, her head falling back as her body began to give in to the heat in her cunt.
"I want to do it lots and lots and lots with you, Uncle Mikey," she whispered.
"Good," I said. "If you want to do it "lots" with me, you have to remember one thing," I said. She opened her eyes and cocked her head inquiringly.
"Don't call me "Mikey," darn it," I growled, pretending to frown ferociously at her.
The thirteen-year-old sex goddess giggled at me and then concentrated on her building orgasm.
The next morning was a little strange for me. I was uneasy...some morning-after regrets were running through my mind. I didn't know whether to hide out upstairs or just go about my business, pretending I hadn't screwed my oldest niece the evening before. It had been a long night and I'm never in the best condition to make crucial decisions early in the morning anyway. I slipped reluctantly down the stairs from my third floor bedroom to the first floor kitchen, reviewing the events of the night before as I went.
After fucking Casey a second time, taking her from behind this time, I'd ushered her into the shower to clean up and she'd wanted a lesson in cock sucking and I gave her one. I hadn't been able to tell her no. I'm such a pushover for a young girl wanting my dick in her mouth. And then, of course, I had to show her how hard she could cum with my tongue providing the stimulation in her hot little pussy.
We had to spend some time cleaning up the bathroom because there was soap and water all over the floor. Then Casey went off to her own bed. It had been pretty late by then. The last thing I did was open the bathroom window wide, hoping the musky odor of sex would dissipate overnight. There was a lot to dissipate.
On the ground floor, I slowed, listening to the murmur of voices in the kitchen.
As it turned out, the whole house was running late the next morning. When I peeked into the kitchen from the doorway, it was almost 10:00 AM...and unheard of hour for ranchers and ranchers' kids to be just rising.
Meghan and her two oldest girls, plus Mandy, were still in the process of getting breakfast on the table though. Casey gave me a quick smile and a little smooch. To my relief, it was no more intense than the one Kristina gave me, and the one Mandy did, and then Meghan herself. All of them kissed me on the lips and hugged me tight for just a moment.
I'd been concerned about Casey. In spite of her protestations that she just wanted to be naughty and learn all about sex, I'd wondered if she was going to transfer some of the curiosity about sex to a romantic interest in me. Seeing that she was apparently not going off the deep end made me feel a lot better.
Then I started wondering why she wasn't. Fortunately, I caught myself before I turned myself into a real basket case. The smell of bacon frying and sputtering in the pan brought me back to reality.
Meghan's other kids straggled in over the next fifteen minutes or so. They'd smelled the bacon cooking too. I was required to sit at the table and not contribute to the cooking, but that was okay by me. Heck, relaxing and watching attractive young females bustling about preparing a meal turned out to be one of the finest floorshows a man could want. About then, I started to recover from all my self-doubts about last night.
The show wasn't lost on Meghan's sons either. Matt and Kevin joined me in keeping close eyes on the womenfolk.
There were two pairs of beautifully rounded sets of young Morrison butt cheeks showing under the shortest of daisy duke blue jean cutoffs I ever saw. Casey had on a white tube top and Kristina had the top to a yellow bikini on.
My Amanda and Lorraine had on pale blue and red tank tops respectively over short shorts. To fit in, they'd need to invest in a lot of old blue jeans...and I predicted to myself that they were going to do exactly that, sooner rather than later. My daughters were barefooted as all the other girls and had their toenails painted a hot shade of pink.
Matt and Kevin's eyes kept drifting to wherever Mandy and Lorrie were at the moment. The boys nearly wriggled in their seats with pleasure whenever Mandy or Lorrie smiled in their direction. On the other hand, Matt and Kevin didn't miss the fact their sisters were putting on a show themselves.
When she came in the kitchen, Renee, Meghan's ten-year-old-daughter had a tan tube top on over short blue jean cutoffs that weren't quite daisy dukes, but they also had a slit ripped a couple of inches up each leg that substituted quite nicely. I was sure I should be able to see a fair portion of her little ass too if the angle was just right, but I just could not adjust my posture enough to find the correct position.
Shannon, all of eight-and-a-half years old and cute as a button, came in yawning and still half asleep. She wore a red checked shirt with the sleeves cut off at the shoulder over a pair of cutoffs. The shirt, like her mother's yesterday was almost completely unbuttoned and simply tied under what would become a pair of cute little boobies some day.
My sister, Meghan, was in a pair of tight, dark blue shorts and a lavender tank top that emphasized, rather than concealed the delightful jiggle of her breasts every time she made a move. I mentally changed the total number of pairs of ass cheeks visible. Every time Meghan bent over, the underswell of her butt-cheeks peeked out from under her shorts too. I was in heaven.
It was mesmerizing--all those bare legs. There was more beautifully sculpted leg on display here in the kitchen than in the average strip club. All of the girls were barefoot; there wasn't a bra to be found anywhere; and there were acres of smooth, tanned skin exposed for the guy's viewing pleasure. The boys and I kept quiet and just...enjoyed.
"Wow, Mom, you sure do look hot this morning," Kevin blurted. Everything came to a standstill. Meghan looked up at her number two son, a surprised look on her face. She was already flushed from taking biscuits out of a hot oven and she reddened a trifle more.
"Why, thank you, Kevin," she said. Her surprised expression had quickly changed something more pleased than shocked. Matt reached out and slapped the back of Kevin's head.
"You can't say that to Mom!" he said, scandalized to the core. Kevin's hand shot out in a reprisal but Matt had moved away and the blow swept through empty air.
"BOYS!" They were well trained. Meghan had only to lift her voice and they instantly stopped what they were doing.
Kevin stuck his tongue out at his older brother.
"Why can't I say it?" he asked. A boyishly malicious expression came over his face. "Hey! That's what you said about Amanda last night!"
Kevin sat back with a satisfied grin. He'd trumped Matt this time.
Matt turned a bright scarlet in embarrassment. He looked like he would love to just dissolve into a liquid and sink through the floor. He sat staring at his younger brother, not quite believing his brother had done this to him.
"Did you really, Matt?" That was my Mandy. I knew that cooing note in her voice. Mandy loved having sex with older, more experienced males in the club, but she also liked fucking younger guys...those in her age group and younger.
In spite of the fact that Matt was two years older than she was, I knew she looked on him as naive and inexperienced enough to be a suitable target for teaching. Her voice said she was ready and willing to improve his expertise in the erotic arts whenever the opportunity presented itself.
Somehow, she was standing right beside Matt. I hadn't seen her move. But then, one seldom sees a lioness pounce on her prey, does one? She put her hand on his right shoulder and pulled him around to face her. "Did you, Matt?" she asked again delightedly. "That's so sweeeeet."
She'd just recently turned twelve, but the young seductress was playing this young man like a fiddle. My oldest daughter bent low to plant a kiss on Matt's cheek very close to his lips. I saw she had pushed her shoulders forward a little. I knew she was exposing most of her pink-tipped boobies to his enthralled gaze. She kissed him again, on the lips this time. When she broke the kiss, she looked at me past Matt's ear and winked.
Then she patted Matt on the back, whirled and went back to the counter to pick up a platter loaded with bacon and sausage as if the kiss and exhibitionism never happened. A matador couldn't have enticed, then deflected a bull's charge better.
Matt looked like a boxer who'd been sucker punched. Dazed, his eyes followed Mandy's every move. He was redder in the face than I've ever seen another human being. "You're welcome," he finally ground out.
I was surprised. I'd been sure he wouldn't be able to speak for at least an hour. My nephew was built of sterner stuff than I'd thought.
Mandy grinned at him.
"Well, I think Mom looks hot, too," remarked Kristina. The leggy blond twelve-year-old tossed her long hair behind her with a quick flip of her head. She would protect her twin anyway, but she wanted her mother to know how she felt too.
"Daddy is gonna LOVE seeing you when he gets home!" she said emphatically. She and Casey traded mischievous glances. They were apparently quite happy to see their mother dressing attractively and they didn't have a problem predicting their father's passionate interest.
"Yeah...a lot better than those frumpy ol' dresses you usually wear, Mom."
That was Casey adding fuel to the flames. She brought a bowl of scrambled eggs to the table and leaned over my left shoulder to set it on the table. The pressure of her young breast on the back of my neck was enough to make my prick lengthen slightly. Without even the slightest excuse, she brushed her lips against my cheekbone as she pulled back.
"Frumpy dresses?" I asked, needing to distract myself.
"Old things I wear to do housework in," Meghan snapped at me. "They're just housedresses and they're not frumpy." She glared at her oldest daughters but they were completely unaffected.
Suddenly, eight-year-old Shannon was on my other side, pulling on my elbow.
"Uncle Mike, I want ta' sit next to you," she demanded. Gallantly, I pulled a chair next to me and lifted her into it. Supremely content, she beamed at anyone who chanced to meet her eyes.
"All RIGHT!" Meghan said in a satisfied tone as she looked around the table and then behind her to the countertop. "I think that's it. Let's eat!"
We did. Our brunch was a quiet meal for the most part. We were all hungry and really dug in.
I found I'd made a mistake wearing a pair of cargo shorts that left my lower legs and most of my thighs bare. Someone's bare feet found my shins and explored upward. I think they were Casey's, but there was some room for doubt. Kristina and Mandy both kept looking at me with bland, 'butter won't melt in MY mouth' expressions and eyes that revealed nothing. I decided to ignore best I could.
Shannon bounced off her chair and into my lap while I was finishing up with a cup of coffee. The youngster turned out to be a squirming little monster. Somehow, the young girl managed to have one or both butt cheeks in contact with my dick the whole time. Between Shannon's ministrations, someone playing footsy with me under the table, and all that young girl flesh visible every where I looked, I was a mess by the time the meal was over.
The kids dragged me out of the room. I had to come see their rooms, they said. I got to my feet and began walking away--but I turned around at the kitchen door. Meghan was wiping down the stove and had bent over to do the lower part of the oven door. There was that firm, nicely rounded ass again.
"Meghan?" I said to get her to turn around. "You DO look hot, sister dear," I assured her.
A warm pink spread up her neck to her ears. She looked around me to make sure the kids were nowhere around. Then she grinned appreciatively.
I cocked my head to one side and grinned back. "Sis? You remember what I told you that time about wearing...well, really not wearing long dresses and stuff? You remember what I said you should wear?"
Meghan checked again, looking past me just in case one of her children had wandered back. She nodded, smiling a secret little smile. "I do remember," she assured me.
"It's STILL true," I concluded and then pursed my lips and let out a long, hear-felt wolf's whistle.
Megan put her hand over her mouth to keep from laughing out loud. I turned to go, but wheeled around at the last moment.
"And thanks for not wearing frumpy ol' dresses," I said happily. I paused. "...Or bras!"
The dishrag she'd been using to wipe at a non-existent stain on the countertop smacked wetly against the kitchen doorframe as I dodged down the hallway. She got good distance and speed with the thing, really winding up and letting it fly.
She looked good doing it too.
* * *
Steve, Meghan's husband, made it in from the city in the mid-afternoon, honking and making a heck of a ruckus outside. The house emptied faster than a fire alarm going off would have accomplished. My two daughters and I followed a little more slowly, but Steve was still in the process of greeting his six children. There was a manly hug for his boys but he wrapped his arms around each daughter while he got and received enthusiastic kisses. Meghan threw her arms around his neck and was hauled up by main strength to be soundly kissed by the much taller man.
I just held out my hand.
"How ya doin' Mike?" he said warmly, taking my hand and shaking it firmly. Then he hauled me in for a manly hug.
Steve and I have always liked each other...and we've known each other a long time. Meghan and I were orphaned when our parents were killed in a car wreck. A drunk driver ran a red light at some nameless junction over in the northern part of the state.
Steve and Meghan met just the week before, but Steve Morrison stood by Meghan during the tragedy and the horrible weeks following. I've always credited him with being the anchor that got her, and me to some extent, through it all. When he married Meghan, I don't think anyone was surprised.
"Doin' good," I replied. "How 'bout yourself?"
"Great, great," he said, looking me over closely. "You're lookin' good, Sprout," he said. I was not quite six years younger than he was. I was, therefore, a "sprout" in his book and would be 'til the day I died.
"You won any more arm-wrestling championships?" he asked interestedly. I half-blushed, but I was proud he remembered.
"Nah," I replied carelessly. "Haven't competed in years."
I got an elbow in the hip from my oldest child. I looked around at her.
"Arm wrestling?" Mandy said. This was something that had never come up in family discussions. Their mother had known about it, of course, but it wasn't a priority in the list of things we'd thought necessary to teach them. Steve preempted my reply.
"Damn...uh...darn straight," he said, looking to Mandy for the first time. His voice got a little vague as he looked her over. "Your daddy whipped every man jack in these parts before he was sixteen and a bunch of champeen' wannabes besides who came in from out o' state," he boasted. Mandy actually looked impressed.
"HEY!" Steve said loudly. "Don't I get a hug somewhere along about here?"
Mandy grinned and stepped closer to be grabbed in Steve's long arms and hoisted, squealing, up to his eye level. To Steve's surprise, she kissed him on the lips and looked into his eyes for a long moment...and winked.
It made me think of the kiss Casey had given me on my arrival. You might say I had a common set of experiences to emphasize with my brother-in-law right about then. Steve was pretty shocked. He dropped her back to the ground pretty quickly too, come to think of it.
Lorrie walked in for her kiss and hug too, but Steve bent low for her. I very carefully didn't avoid embarrassing the man...but there was a little tent in his slacks, right at the crotch, that hadn't been there before.
I smiled to myself. My sexy little girls have that effect on men. After that, I could tell from the corner of my eyes that Steve spend a good while examining Mandy and Lorrie quite closely whenever he thought no one was watching. My girls have THAT effect on men too.
Right about the same time, I thought I saw some more of Steve's thought processes as they progressed. After glancing around at all the girls, Steve's eyes widened at the realization that...if my daughters were cute and sexy as hell in their tank tops and shorter-than-short were his daughters. They were dressed with the same theme in mind, you might say. All six young girls, plus Meghan, were barelegged, barefoot, and braless. It was interesting watching Steve absorb all that at once.
And he didn't know all of it by half. For instance, I knew for a fact my daughters weren't wearing panties. They hadn't done that for the past eight or nine months except for school and "formal" occasions. They'd done it yesterday for the ceremony of greeting their cousins and aunt--but only because I'd insisted--i.e., threatened them. Today, I didn't even consider pushing the issue and they'd reverted instinctively.
They weren't the only ones. I was pretty sure I couldn't see any panty lines in at least two of Steve's girls' shorts, because there weren't any panties to make lines. It seemed to me, the seven females in our midst, all together, didn't have enough fabric on their bodies to make a decent sized beach towel.
It was truly wonderful. I barely kept from sighing happily.
Matt was showing signs that his shorts were constricting something down there, and Kevin was bent ever so slightly forward at the waist to disguise a lump in his pants. Their eyes were flicking from one girl to the next, over and over. I noticed once again they weren't discriminating against their sisters. Those little hotties got their brothers' calculating looks just as much as my Mandy and Lorrie did.
All this passed by in far less time than it takes to tell, of course. We all moved on with the talking and the laughing and the having of a good ol' time out there welcoming Steve home from his business trip to the big city.
After a while, the crowd started moving toward the house and the air conditioning but I held my daughters back, saying this was a good time to get the rest of the luggage in. Steve offered his help and the help of his brood, but I declined. The three of us were plenty, thank you very much.
As Meghan's family went back inside their home, I crawled into the back end of the SUV and turned around to sit crosslegged, Indian style, and face my two impatient daughters. They didn't understand why I was making them help unpack the car.
There was news they didn't know about to tell them, but first I had to do something I'd held off doing for several hours. I looked right at Mandy.
"Ohhhhhh, Mattieeeeee," I said in my best falsetto. "That was soooooooo sweet." I grinned at her.
She stuck her tongue out at me and grinned. "Did you see the lump in his jeans when I did that?" she demanded. She giggled, delighted in her naughtiness. Then she turned serious. " know what we talked about last night?" she asked.
"Yup," I said. The joke had gone flat so I just got down to business.
"I think it's a lot worse than we thought," she said. Lorrie looked confused. She'd already fallen asleep by the time Mandy and I had our conversation. Mandy outlined what we'd talked about.
Lorrie nodded and put on a bored expression. Since she'd turned ten, she'd decided her new adulthood required her to remain unshocked by anything sexual in nature. Maybe she was right. After all, she'd been fucked by more men and boys than most sexually active girls got all the way through high school and first two years of college.
"Yeah," I said, "... ahhhhhh...well, things may not be quite what I thought they'd be. Could be...things are a little more...intense than we thought."
Mandy snorted. "Ya THINK!!??"
"What'd you see?" I asked.
"Well...for one thing, Casey wants a cock stuck in her so bad she couldn't stop talking about it last night," Mandy said thoughtfully. She started to tick off her points on her fingers.
"When was that?" I asked quickly. "Early in the evening?"
Mandy nodded, looking at me with a touch of impatience.
"It IS interesting that one of the first subjects she brings up when you young ladies get together alone for the first time is sex, don't you think?" I asked.
She nodded and opened her mouth to continue.
"Wait!" I said, holding up my hand to forestall her second point. "Were the other girls around?"
She nodded, working her lower jaw around in a movement that told me her impatience was increasing. "Soooooo," I said musingly, "how did everyone else react to what Casey said?"
Mandy gripped her forefinger and middle finger in her other hand and eyed me balefully. "SECOND," she said emphatically, "When Casey SAID that, Kristi...sweet little Kristi...actually rubbed her crotch right in front of us, Daddy," she said with a toothy grin.
"Yeah," confirmed my youngest daughter, "an' Renee almost did too," she said. "But she saw me looking at her and she just put her hand a little ways under her shorts." I pursed my lips, enjoying myself as I conjured up visual images of that particular scene.
"Okay...well...isn't that interesting. Wish I'd a' been there," I murmured. It would have been a cute scene. I had to force myself to stop daydreaming and bring myself back to the SUV and the warm afternoon. "What did Shannon do?" I asked curiously.
Mandy and Lorrie looked at each other, turned back to me and shrugged.
"Hmmmmmm," I mused. I was doing a lot of musing these days, but that's the game you play when you're trying to get information from two preteens, no matter how smart they are.
"But you didn't hear her making any...uh...derogatory noises when the other girls were talking about boys and cocks and stuff like that?" I asked.
They shook their heads in unison.
"O-kaaaaaaaaay," I said, "what else?"
Mandy clasped her third finger. "Well, Matt and Kevin keep wanting to touch me and Lorrie somewhere," she said, smiling. "But they just aren't quite sure they can get away with it," she concluded. "Well, they ARE touching us, but not anywhere important, ya far, just on the shoulder or hand or something," she amended.
"Howsomever, Daddy mine, I think that is gonna change real quick," she said in with relish. She wiggled her hips deliciously.
"What?" I asked. "They're going to get balls all of a sudden?"
"Nope!" Mandy said with spirit. "Got 'em already. But they're going to start using 'em...and they're going to start touching us in better places too." She smiled, thinking about the aforesaid touching.
I grinned back at her. As a family, we'd been having sex since last fall and we'd shared with other families but I still thought their unabashed, innocent sexuality was one of the finest of aphrodisiacs to be found on God's green earth.
"Yeah," I said. "Add in the fact that there isn't a female out here who wears more than a couple scraps of clothing, and you have a recipe for...something really interesting," I concluded. "Did you two notice the boys were looking at their sisters like they're looking at you?"
They shook their heads.
"Well...not 'til just a little while ago," Lorrie remarked, changing her mind. "I thought Kevin kinda looked at Kristi and Renee a little," she said thoughtfully. "Maybe not."
I nodded. "I thought so too," I said, thinking of the mounds that had built in their pants there towards the end of Steve's welcome home. I told them about the apparent erections, or beginnings of erections, that I'd noted. The girls looked at each other with delight.
"And..." Lorrie said forcefully to bring our attention back to her, "...Uncle Steve looked down my top when he hugged me," she said proudly.
"Yep," I said, "I saw that...and he noticed his daughters were all in short shorts and skimpy tops too," I added. "I don't know if you saw it, but he got a little hard-on when you kissed him, Mandy." My innocent little twelve-year-old nodded with a gleam in her eye.
"Well, DUH!" she remarked. "Who doesn't?" she added, pretending to preen a little.
I chuckled. "Hmmmmmm, so...what are we going to do about all these horny people around here?" We didn't even discuss our agreement not to have sex at my sister's home.
"Well, I know I'm gonna get a piece of Mathew real soon," Mandy said. She was more than a little cheerful. "Who're you going to work on, Daddy?" she asked with interest in her voice. "Oh...Aunt Meghan?"
"Meghan?" I asked. Mandy nodded.
"She's been looking you up and down like a you were a big ol' slab of ribs and she was BBQ sauce, Daddy," she said. Lorrie nodded, grinning mischievously.
"If you can't get in her panties, Daddy dear," Mandy said, "I'll get Matt to do it...I bet he'd do it!"
Now it was time for me to stick my tongue out. Imagine my young slut of a daughter casting dispersions on my ability to seduce my sister!
"You just concentrate on young Matt," I said. "Lorrie, you want to handle Kevin?" She nodded. There was a bright twinkle in her eyes as she thought about doing her cousin. Then she paused.
"Or maybe Uncle Steve first," she said quietly.
"Oh?" I asked. I studied my youngest for a bit. "Think you've found something, do ya?" I asked.
"Uh-huh," she replied. "He really liked looking at my boobies a while ago...I think he's going to get a lot of chances to look at them this afternoon, and tonight, and tomorrow morning, that," she said serenely. She was supremely confident. I doubted she had formulated a plan yet, but I suspected there was a REAL good chance Steve was going to be introduced to having sex with a young girl before he got too much older.
"Okay...good," I said. I pretended to examine my fingernails. "I think I'll concentrate on Cassandra first," I said nonchalantly.
Mandy shrugged. "Well, she's absolutely hot for a good fucking," she said offhandedly. Her eyes glittered. "I bet I can get Matt before you get Casey," she remarked casually.
Mandy was competitive to the nth degree so there really wasn't anything casual about her challenge at all. She loved a good contest. Heck, read 'fight' instead of 'contest'. The girl could be vicious when she wanted to be. Anyway, I went back to watching my fingernails grow and let the silence build a couple of ticks on the clock.
Lorrie's face lit up; she chuckled and elbowed her sister in the ribs. "Dummy," she said, giggling. "He already did her," she informed her sister.
Mandy glanced at Lorrie and then back at me. "You HAVE?" Mandy asked. I hung my head and nodded. "WHEN?" she demanded.
"Last night when I was taking a shower...she came in the bathroom and got in the shower with me and...well, you know how that goes." They both knew how I liked sex in the shower; they'd been fucked often enough in my big shower at home.
My daughter was not happy. Not a bit. "Daddy, you left me in the bedroom needing you and then you went to the bathroom and fucked Casey?" She was a tad indignant.
"I didn't plan it," I protested.
There was a long silence and then she sniffed derisively--and relaxed.
"Daddy, dear, you are a dirty, perverted old man and a DOG!" she told me. "But that's pretty good," she conceded finally. "First night in your sister's house and you nail her oldest daughter before bedtime."
I grinned wryly. "Yeah, two will just have to catch up with me," I said. "Because this whole durn family is acting like they've been feeding sex pills to each other. Something's got to break soon, or they'll all go bonkers!"
Lorrie reached into the SUV and patted my forearm. "Count on it, Daddy Dear," she assured me.
We all chuckled and got on with retrieving the luggage. Well, I chuckled...they giggled.
"Oh, I said, "you girls brought dildos and vibrators?" They looked at me like I was a particularly dense idiot and didn't bother replying. None of us mentioned we'd just broken our non-sex agreement. Maybe we'd all instinctively known how silly it was before we even left.
"Uh...good," I said. "Well, one of you might let Casey see you playing with a toy or two," I suggested. "One of the things that came up last night was that she wondered if guys or girls were better at eating pussy--might be an opening there for some girl-on-girl...."
"UH-HUH!" Lorrie snorted. "Just something that came up in the conversation AFTER YOU FUCKED HER SILLY, right, Daddy?" she asked. "You nasty ol' man!"
They were still snickering at me when they passed inside the house and out of hearing. I grabbed the rest of the bags and followed at a distance.
I wasn't snickering, but I sure was smilin' to beat the band.
That night, Casey appeared in my bedroom just as I was getting ready to hit the sack. With all the catching up on every bit of news (some of the items were repeats from the night before but Steve didn't know that, of course), it was another late night and I hadn't expected to see the young teenage sexpot. Here she was though. I was happy as sin to see her.
"Hi, Uncle Mike," she said seductively, looking up at me and batting her long lashes at me.
"Hi, sugar," I replied warmly. I wanted her to know I was glad to see her, but I was going to let her take the lead. If she wanted conversation, I'd talk. If she wanted to fuck, I'd fuck. I'm very easy to please, don't you think?
The suspense held for only microseconds, though, before she unwrapped the short satin robe from around her body and let it drop to the floor. I smiled, then smothered it when a slightly worried frown appeared on her face.
"Uncle Mikey," she said worriedly. She stepped up to me and put her hands on my bare chest and massaged my pectoral muscles for a moment. "Uncle Mikey, I'm...uh...I'm just a little sore...down there," she said hesitantly. "I'm sorry..." she whispered.
"No, no," I told her, hushing her with my fingers across her lips. "Nothing to be sorry about, sugar." I smiled at her and leaned forward to kiss her. "Do you want to do something else tonight?" I asked. She nodded vigorously and the worried look quickly faded into lust.
I bent my knees and picked her up to cradle her in my arms and carried her the few short steps to my bed. She squealed happily, keeping it low but unable to stifle the exclamation completely. I laid her across the bed, her crotch right at the edge of the mattress and dropped to my knees between her legs. Without saying a word, I gently kissed the top of her young slit while my hands cruised the length of her thighs. Slowly, my hands stroked the sensitive skin of her inner thigh while I planted kisses around and on the puffy fold of flesh protecting her clitoris.
In seconds, her breath quickened to short puffs as her pussy lips began to moisten. A gentle heat began to spread throughout her groin, reaching out to include her titties. A flush began to build on her upper chest and inch up her neck as her passion increased.
I paused a moment and cupped both of her breasts in my hands and massaged them gently. Their softness, with the underlying firmness of a young girl's boobs felt wonderful against my palms. Her nipples hardened and darkened with increased blood flow. I bent to suck one nipple into my mouth, teasing it with my tongue and holding it ever so gently between my teeth. Her other nipple was just as ready to harden and blossom.
With both nipples and aureoles thoroughly wet with my saliva, I raked my thumbs over them. She caught her breath and her hips jerked under me. Without pausing, I worked my thumbs around the hard spikes, tracing the aureoles with the side of my thumb over and over while I licked her soft belly just below her rib cage and sternum.
She began moaning her pleasure. Casey had come to my room expecting some kind of sex from me and it took only a few moments to light a fire inside her. Catching her hands in mine, I placed them over her own breasts and pressed them tight against her skin.
"Play with 'em, honey," I told her. My right hand drifted down her abdomen and I began rubbing the area over her clit with two fingers. "Play with 'em just like I was," I instructed her. "I want to watch you!" I grinned
She cupped her own titties and squeezed them, tighter than I would have but she knew her own body. In seconds, she was kneading them, pinching her nipples between thumb and forefinger to increase the gratification. I grinned and left her to work on her own tits. I had things to do elsewhere.
Pressing my hands against the inside of her knees, I levered her legs farther apart than they already were and then spread them as wide as I thought she could comfortably get them. Her puffy mons veneris opened slightly and revealed some of the dark pink inner regions to my eager gaze.
A thin syrup of young-girl cunt juice dribbled out onto her outer lips and lingered there a moment to catch the light from the lamp. I leaned forward and lapped up the moisture, tasting my young niece and loving it.
Her hips jerked uncontrollably, pressed her pussy up to my lips and grinding it against my mouth for a long moment. I set my hands at the topmost points of her inner thighs and gently urged her groin back down on the mattress. I started licking her slit...long, lapping strokes of my tongue from the bottom of her opening up to the clitoris and back.
Her moaning had changed now. She was almost crooning a little song that had no words. Her body wasn't hers anymore. It belonged to me and I began to play it as if it were a musical instrument.
Stabbing my tongue slightly deeper, I slid it up and down, working the inside of each inner lip up and down, again and again until the thirteen-year-old girl was straining against my hands. Her body wanted to mash her cunt against my teeth, to get the maximum amount of sensation from the contact. I wouldn't let her. Only my tongue, slathering up and down in an ever quickening rhythm, made contact with her sensitive cunt. I listened to her breathing and crooning. I judged she was ready.
At the top of her slit, I stopped. I didn't initiate the down stroke. Instead, I flicked my tongue at her partially exposed clit. I was a strong man, and I was intentionally holding her down, but Casey bucked her hips up to meet my mouth and my extended tongue as easily as if I didn't have a hold on her at all.
I closed my lips as best I could around the sensitive nubbin and sucked gently. The young girl wasn't moaning any longer. She had no breath to spare. Every bit of oxygen she took in came by way of hard gasps.
I slathered my tongue around and across the budding BB of a clitoris. Never giving her a moment to grow accustomed to what I was doing, I sucked on it, lapped at it, washed my tongue across it in ruthless strokes, deliberately refusing to set a rhythm. It couldn't last long. It didn't.
When I felt her cunt muscles begin to contract, I took her clit between my teeth and held it for a long moment, then engulfed it in my lips and sucked energetically at the sensitive bit of flesh. Her lower body lifted completely off the bed as she fought her way to a powerful orgasm. I stabbed my tongue as deep into her as I could, working a forefinger through her lower inner labia at the same time. She was too sore to fuck, but I thought she could bear this. Actually, I doubted she could tell the difference between pain and pleasure at the moment.
Returning to sucking her clit, I fucked two fingers in and out of her cunt, feeling the muscles inside her trying to capture my fingers and squeeze them. My tongue began to make rapid circles around the tip of her clitoris.
"Unca...Mikey," she groaned. "Unca Mikey--" And then she couldn't speak at all. Tremors consumed her lower body and undulations of muscles flexing in waves spread across her abdomen. I kept on sucking until my little niece abruptly stiffened. Her back arched steeply, raising her beautiful little buttocks well off the bed.
I sucked more gently, reducing the level of my frenzied attack on her pussy slowly until she let out all the air in her lungs in a long sigh and her body eased back to the surface of the mattress. I kissed her slit one last time and pressed my lips to places along her thighs for a minute or two while Casey's climax slowly faded. Her breathing deepened, gradually returning to some semblance of normal.
"Ahhhh, Uncle--" she began. She cut off whatever she'd started to say as a late ripple of sensation flooded up from her wet cunt, taking her by surprise. She tensed and then slowly relaxed again. She cleared her throat.
"Uncle Mikey...Mike, I mean," she said quietly, in almost a matter of fact tone.
"Uh-huh?" I replied softly.
"I believe you now," she almost whispered. "When you said you never had any of your girlfriends complain about you going down on them...I believe it," she declared.
Her lower body wiggled gently as she experimented, maybe she was wondering if she had any control over that region again yet. Me? I just enjoyed watching her outer lips wriggle against each other and separate wetly as her hips moved gently around. Casey's hands left her breasts for the first time in many long minutes and she put one on each side of my head to draw me up on the bed beside her.
She hesitated a bit, then kissed my lips and tasting her own juices for what I was sure was the first time. Nerving herself, she lapped a little more off my chin. I watched her pink tongue slide back into her mouth with its load of teen girl cum. She swallowed tentatively and smiled up at me.
"You don't taste too bad at all, huh?" I teased her. She shook her head.
"Is that what EVERY girl tastes like," she asked hesitantly. We fucked last night, and she'd just had her uncle's mouth pressed tightly to her cunt, but she wasn't used to talking about such things yet.
"Sort of," I replied, "but at the same time, every girl is different too." She nodded her acceptance of my analysis. I reached over her to grab a handful of tissues on the nightstand and mopped the rest of my saliva and her cunt juices off my face. I'd flush them down the toilet later. I didn't want her mother to empty the trashcan and catch a whiff of what had dried on those tissues.
"Thank you, Uncle Mike," Casey said. I lifted my eyebrows in question. "For...uh...for.."
"Licking your pussy?" I asked. "Going down on you? Eating your pussy? Sucking your cunt?" I gave her several options.
Casey sniffed at my vulgarisms, grinning at the naughtiness of it all.
"For eatin' my a pro," she purred.
She stretched her arms above her head and clamped her fingers onto the bedstead. Watching my eyes, she let her body writhe sensually from side to side. I thoroughly approved. She was showing me her body, telling me she was a sexual animal and that she wanted me to know it...and take advantage of it. Most girls her age were sensitive about anyone seeing them even partially nude. Casey was stark naked and wanted the distinction to be very clear to me..
'Nude' is seeing your sister coming out of the bathroom with a towel too small to cover her budding young body. 'Naked' is your sister, or your sister's first born child-woman, flaunting herself at you, wanting you to watch her wantonly tease and arouse you...and loving every minute of it.
Casey was stark, staring naked, as the saying goes, and wallowing in the sheer nastiness of what she and her uncle were doing. Her right hand dropped, diving to my groin where my cock was standing hard and tall.
"Uncle Mikey?" Casey cooed.
"Hmmmm?" I answered.
"How 'bout I thank you a better way, huh?" she asked. Her fingers had wrapped around my cock as she spoke and she began a gently, slow jacking motion with her hand.
"I bet," she whispered in her sexy little voice, "I can get all of your big fat cock in my mouth tonight."
My prick jerked a little at her vulgar words and the young girl giggled.
"It's not fat," I protested.
I had the same problem with Mandy and Lorrie, and other girls and women too. Seems like they all think a penis is composed of the same stuff that makes those love handles around a man's waist.
"It's thick, not fat," I said defensively. I wasn't impressing her much.
She just giggled again. "I bet I can get it all in," she said again, more strongly this time, almost challengingly.
I stood, backed up a pace or two, then stepped close to the bed again...winding up right between her legs.
When I stood, Casey sat up in a quick, lithe move and scooted her heart-shaped little ass even closer to the edge. What with her sitting upright on the bed and me standing right in front of her, my dick and her mouth lined up almost perfectly.
She opened her mouth as wide as she could, made a big circle with her lips and engulfed the head of my cock while I was still moving forward. Her hands rested on the bed the whole time my dick was sliding slowly into the velvety smooth volcanic heat of her mouth. She made no move to limit the penetration, willing to give herself to me and trusting me to not hurt her. The trust and delight in what we were doing shown in her eyes as she looked up at me.
I groaned out loud...I couldn't help it.
Her lips, stretched obscenely wide to accommodate her uncle's sex organ, closed around the shaft just behind the helmet-shaped glans and settled into place. The feel of her hot, velvety mouth on me made me hiss in sheer pleasure. When her tongue rasped against the sensitive underside of my glans, I moaned at the intensity of the sensations flooding my groin.
Casey, the little minx, grinned up at me as best she could around the thick tube of flesh between her lips. Her pretty green eyes danced as she slowly began to understand the control she had over me. She bent to her task with a will, bobbing her head up and down over my cock and taking a little more into her mouth each time.
The head of my cock began butting against the back of her throat and she slowed down a little, holding me in place now with her right hand while her throat became accustomed to the invading thickness. She gagged slightly, eased back for a moment, then determinedly pushed her mouth down again onto me. This was only her second blowjob, her first had been last night in the shower with me, and she was doing a fantastic job.
Let's face it, even a bad blowjob is pretty damn good, but thirteen-year-old Casey was going at it damned enthusiastically. The sight of my cock sliding in and out of her young lips was enough to offset any deficiencies in her technique.
Still, she'd told me last night she wanted to 'learn'.
"Casey," I said softly. Her head tilted up a bit and she looked at me through her long lashes.
"Hold my balls in your left hand, okay?" I suggested. "Careful...," I warned her as her hand moved quickly toward my groin. "Those are awfully tender and precious to me, honey," I continued.
She nodded and the friction from her tongue against the underside of my glans ratcheted up a notch momentarily.
"And Casey," I added. She looked up again. "Sweetheart, the feeling of your tongue on the bottom of my cock is fantastic," I told her. "If you can do more of that, I'd love it," I concluded.
She nodded again, then started energetically slathering my frenulum and the underneath side of my shaft.
I almost whimpered.
Casey had to let my cock slide out of her mouth to giggle for a moment.
"You like that, Uncle Mikey?" she asked coquettishly. I swear she deliberately used a toddler's voice, much younger than her normal one to ask the question. She was beginning to understand how much I liked young girls.
I nodded in response to her question. "Uh-huh, I really, really do," I replied emphatically.
She smiled and dropped her mouth back down over my cock, holding it down on her tongue with a little pressure from her hand and letting me slide the head the length of her tongue until I bumped against the back of her throat again.
Instead of trying to take more of me down her throat, she began to work her tongue around my shaft, tilting her head from side to side so her tongue could slide the length of my shaft along the sides as well as the underside. It wasn't long before the visual stimulation and physical sensations got to me. I held off as long as I could but, amateur or not, Casey's oral ministrations were about to get me off.
"Casey, sugar," I said, letting a little urgency come into my voice. "I'm going to cum in a minute, baby..." The young girl nodded shortly, and then her head jerked up. My dick popped out of her mouth and it bobbed up and down for a long moment. Casey's eyes tracked the vulgar arc the helmet-headed ending described for a bit. The lewd display was apparently enough to stop her words for a time. When I moved my hips to make my cock wiggle from side to side, it was enough to break her concentration and she looked up at me.
"Uncle Mikey," she said, almost plaintively. "My friend Margie had this movie one time and I saw it and the guys in it let their...cum...go all over these girls' faces and..."
I nodded, my throat too dry to answer. I pressed the slit on the end of my cock against her upper lip. I pushed gently, urging her to open her cute pink lips wider and allow my organ to plunge deep into her mouth again.
She glanced up, a lecherous twinkle in her eyes. She let my cock slip out of her mouth, then opened her mouth wide and forward to ram my glans down into in her throat.
I'm sure my eyes nearly rolled up in their sockets while I vented a deep groan in appreciation of what my young niece was doing for me.
The giggle that tried to escape around my cock's girth was muffled, but the vibrations excited by her vocal cords made the sensations that much more intense.
It wasn't going to be long.
In fact, it was NOW!!
I wrenched my hips back to extract my cock from Casey's lips and grasped myself around the shaft just below the glans. My penis was wet and slick from Casey's saliva and my own pre-cum secretions. I tightened my grip, holding off my climax for a second or two.
I gave up, the roiling heat in my groin couldn't be denied. A stroke from glans to the root of my cock and back--my hand slipped easily along the slick, super-sensitive flesh--and then another.
I pumped out a thick gob of cum that spurted across the gap to Casey's waiting face to splash on her forehead above her right eye. She jerked, surprised at the sudden gush of sticky, whitish fluid, but then she realized I was giving her exactly what she'd asked for. Putting a finger in the dribble of goo that was beginning to drop over her eye, she popped it into her mouth and looked back up to me. She was ready for more.
I eased up on my grip...I was in danger of bruising my own penis...and let another surge of cum squirt into her face. This time I aimed lower and a thick gobbet splattered on her upper lip. A third gush of her uncle's cream sprayed over both lips. My cum was thinner now...a portion of the surge drained into her mouth and she automatically stuck her tongue out to capture as much of the spermy stuff as she could. A fourth eruption of runny, white slime flooded over her tongue. She gathered as much of the gunk delivered from her uncle's cock as she could and swallowed it down. A fifth jerk of my hips and a small white blob of sticky cum was deposited on her nose. The little slut giggled happily, and attempted to focus her eyes on the thick clump of spunk.
My knees were weak...they'd lost nearly all their strength when Casey's eyes nearly crossed trying to examine the dribble of my cum on the bridge of her nose. If I had anything left in my balls, it would have exploded out of my cock head right then and there. As it was, muscles I had no control over, deep in my groin, contracted once more and then again--doing their best to force just a LITTLE more fluid out through the canal in my penis. All I could manage was a meager oozing that I wiped across Casey's soft, full lips. Surprised, she pulled back for an instant before coming back for more.
Wrapping her lips around my cock's glans, she began to suck on the slit at the end from where all the incestuous cum had fountained onto her pretty little face. I doubt she got more than a droplet or two for all the sucking she did, but the sight of her TRYING was obscenely wonderful. She may have gotten more than I thought because she leaned back finally with an expression of lewd satisfaction spreading slowly across her cum smeared face.
Her tongue speared out to gather in as much of the dripping fluid as she could, then began scraping her right forefinger across her forehead and cheeks, wiping all she could directly between her lips and swallowing the gooey mass whole. She got almost all of it but had forgotten the first glob above her eye. Helpfully, I squeegeed it all up with my finger and presented it to her in a completely shameless gesture of vulgarity. She lapped up the cooling mass.
"Get what you wanted, honey?" I asked softly.
Casey nodded abstractedly...she was exploring her face and hair hopefully all the while to see if she could find more.
I shook my head in wonder. My little niece had been fucked for the first time last night--she'd sucked my cock for the second time just now--but she was clearly well on the road to becoming as depraved a cum slut as my own daughters were. I loved her dearly and dropped to the bed's surface beside her to hold her in my arms and cuddle for a while. After a time she grew a trifle restless.
"Uncle Mikey?" she said in a deep, soft voice.
I was beginning to be able to read her a little better. The sultry voice and the familiar form of my name were signals little Casey's hormones were beginning to flow and surge again. Maybe the fact that I was playing with each breast and kissing her from nipple to crotch had something to do with it.
"What, hon?" I said. My voice was a little muted, I'm afraid. Thinking it was time to do some more tasting of this sexy young girl, I nodded and bent down to give my little niece a little more head. I dub my tongue into her bellybutton and, slathered long sweeping strokes down across her abdomen to her puffy outer labia. She was quiet for a long moment while she was distracted by the feelings beginning to stir in her groin.
"Unca Mikey," she said coyly, using her precocious little-girl voice again. "Maybe I'm not so sore down there after all," she said invitingly. Her legs spread as my tongue stayed at the junction of her thighs to lick and tease. My head came up and I looked across her belly and titties into her steamy eyes.
"Are you ready for another...uh...'tongue lashing'?" I asked facetiously.
She looked at me blankly for a while. She shook her head in chagrin, letting her eyes go to the ceiling as if in supplication. "I should 'a known," she muttered. "Amanda told me about comedians and how many of them were out of work and stuff...."
Anything else she might have wanted to say were cut off when my tongue stabbed without warning through her pink outer lips and rasped across the tip of a clitty peeking out from its protective hood.
She never got back to what else Mandy had warned her about, 'cause it turned out she wasn't anywhere near as sore as she'd first thought, once she warmed up, and things stretched back out.
She got fucked doggy-style for the first time on my bed...and then in the missionary position for the first time too.
After having sex in my bedroom, Casey and I adjourned to the bathroom for another nice hot shower together. Doing that was getting to be a nice little custom I was beginning to cherish. In the process of getting clean, Casey jacked me off just to watch my cum spray out of that thin slit in the end of my penis.
I'm not sure why that's so captivating for women. On the other hand, I got my fun out of it too...most of my cum splashed over her upper abdomen and chest and that was a sight worth putting up with the giggling. We had to go back into a 'cleaning' cycle and that was fun too.
Getting in to my "teacher" mode, I had offered to masturbate her and show her a little more about her own body but she had to decline. Two nights in a row of sex, and a couple before with very little sleep anticipating my arrival, had done her in. The sexy little seductress's eyes had been heavy as she tugged the discarded satin robe over her shoulders and kissed me goodnight.
I slept like a log, not waking up a single time.
* * *
Wandering into the empty kitchen as the sun was peeking over the eastern prairie, I started a pot of coffee and stood at the sink admiring the sunrise when a pair of arms slipped under mine and around my body near the short ribs. I'd heard someone behind me, but I hadn't expected the pressure of two big breasts on my back and a firm body plastered against mine.
"Mornin' big guy," said a warm, low voice.
I put my hands over Meghan's and pulled them further around me. The two hot points on my back warmed even more as my older sister's boobs flattened themselves against me. The rest of her body followed and her belly began to warm my butt, even through my cargo shorts. I bent my neck as I pulled her hands up to my lips and kissed her palms.
Meghan caught her breath in faint surprise but after a second or two, her body flowed a little closer. I felt her thighs against the back of mine. Our bodies were "spooned" against each other, though imperfectly so. Meghan was too short, or I too tall. Perhaps if I turned around....
When I did, my sister pulled back just enough to allow the turn; then she raised her face for a good morning kiss. Our family had always kissed on the lips, but this one was more heated than any I'd ever had from her. My mind immediately raced back in time to the exploring kisses my daughters and I had exchanged in the days and weeks before we'd consummated our sexual relationship.
I'm sure Meghan felt the surge of my pulse, not to mention the burgeoning cock that was suddenly pushing out at her. She didn't pull away though...not for a long time. Instead, we looked into each other's eyes for a while, holding firm the close contact between our bodies. I was again reminded of that philosopher's comments about staring into the abyss.
"Oh, this is going to be a really FINE visit," Meghan said, her voice thick with emotion. She didn't explain, and I didn't think I should ask.
Then she patted my chest with her right hand and stepped away to open a cabinet and reach inside. As she stretched on tiptoe for the high shelf, I was struck again by Meghan's earthy sexuality. She had on a man's shirt again, one of her husband's I assumed. Like the first afternoon, the tails were tied just below her still firm C-cup breasts. And like then, there weren't any buttons fastened. A wide expanse of breast flesh was visible and I smiled appreciably.
I looked, feeling no sense of shame, and she knew I looked. Her eyes were smoky, only half open as she watched me enjoy her exhibitionistic display. Her nipples, already hard, grew even more erect and looked like they were about to poke a hole in the old shirt. I could easily see the darker circles of her aureoles and the blood engorged nipples through the thin white material.
Finally breaking away at a stir from the second floor just over our heads, Meghan filled a mug with hot coffee and handed it to me...then poured one for herself. She leaned comfortably back against the counter, one ankle crossed over the other. We were smiling at each other but we didn't speak for a long time.
"You like 'boob watching' don't you?" she asked, breaking a lengthy but comfortable silence. I glanced up quickly but there was no censor in her eyes. I took a sip of my coffee.
"Yup," I said succinctly, grinning at her. "When they're nice and firm--not drooping down all over the place," I added. She beamed a little brighter smile at me.
"And mine are in the first category?" she asked, casting an impish look at me.
"Oh yeah...," I said, with feeling. "Those puppies are standing high and proud and deserve to be looked at 24 hours a day," I said. I was improvising but Meghan seemed to like it. She giggled like a schoolgirl.
"You've been trying to look at them...looking down my blouse since you were twelve-years-old," she chuckled.
I waggled my head slowly from one side to the other.
She looked surprised, maybe a little hurt.
"Eight," I said around my cup, taking another swallow of coffee.
She blinked, not understanding.
I relented quickly. "I've been looking down your tops since I was eight-years-old that I know of," I explained. "I was SUCH a precocious little boy," I bragged. "It might have been earlier.'
My sister was a little shocked, but not even faintly unhappy.
"So...when 'I' was twelve then," she said, calculating the difference in our ages quickly, "I didn't have much of anything for you to look at, not really," she protested, looking down at the subjects of our conversation.
I snorted. "Actually, my dear sister," I remarked. "You had just as much then as Casey has now." It wasn't the most well thought out comparison I'd ever made. I don't think Meghan saw me tense up when I realized what I'd done.
She turned that over in her mind for a bit. "You dirty old man," she said finally, with a smirk on her lips to show she wasn't really upset. "You're looking at my little girl's boobies?"
I nodded enthusiastically, thoroughly caught up in the moment. "Too good a habit to break now, Sis," I said recklessly.
Meghan looked a tad scandalized. She averted her eyes and took a drink of her own coffee to raise a barrier between us while she considered what I'd said. She adjusted quickly.
I didn't get the feeling it was THAT hard for her to accept.
"So...dirty little boys turn into dirty old men?" she suggested, smiling again.
"I am NOT old, sweetheart!" I protested.
She grinned.
A gust of wind tossed a branch of the shrubbery outside against the kitchen window and she turned her body to look outside. I hesitated a whole microsecond, then set my coffee mug down and then quickly stepped up behind her. I slipped my hands under her arms and wrapped her up like she'd hugged me. I let my hands rest on the points of her hips until her initial startled tension fell away. She leaned back against me.
I stroked her side for a minute, then pulled back a bit so I could slowly massage the whole expanse of her back from neck to waist. She was quiet. Her only response was a soft sigh as I caressed her back. Her butt rested comfortably against my groin. I was pretty sure she could feel my prick swelling and lengthening. I was certain when she adjusted herself minutely so that my penis settled into the fabric covered valley between her ass cheeks.
"Lots of boys liked to look down my blouse when I was a girl," she said softly, startling me for a second. My hands stopped moving and she signaled a desire for their caresses to restart with a little wiggle of her body against mine. I got my hands in motion again and chuckled.
"I remember," I said without any particular emphasis.
"Some boys got to see them, too," she offered. Her muscles tensed as she cautiously continued to lead the conversation down a path whose direction I couldn't see yet.
"I remember that too," I said in a gentle voice. I hesitated and then took a chance. "Some boys got to play with 'em, too," I said quietly, continuing to stroke her back. She stiffened, thinking there was some rebuke in my words. I bent to kiss the nape of her neck.
"Those lucky bastards!" I whispered.
She relaxed, her breath coming out in a rush. A critical threshold had been crossed but I still didn't know precisely where this was headed. I wondered if my big sister needed to give vent to some kind of confession, though I didn't have a clue why she would. She flexed her ass the tiniest bit, giving my rising prick a short massage I thoroughly enjoyed. My hands slid around to her sides and to her belly. Her skin was satiny smooth under my palms. She giggled nervously, just once.
"Well, 'I' sure thought they were," she said in a confiding tone.
I chuckled, amused. "Oh, I'm certain they were," I added. She was still for an instant and then her hands went into a flurry of motion that was blocked from my view by her body. I felt the fabric falling onto my wrists and I knew she'd undone the knot in the tails of her shirt, letting it fall free. She'd made an offer and waited for my response.
I didn't hesitate.
My hands moved her hips in a slow but steady glide upward. Neither of us said anything when my palms cupped the lower slopes of her breasts. I held still for a moment, letting their warmth soak into my hands. Gently, I kneaded them for a long moment, engrossed with their firm softness. I hefted them, lifting them tenderly, weighing them in my hands and loving their bulk.
"Mmmmmmmmmm," I growled softly, letting the sound come from deep in my throat and welling up slowly.
Meghan let her body settle totally back against me. Her hands dropped from the countertop where she'd been using them to brace herself. They went to my hips and down my outer thighs as far as she could reach. Sweeping her hands further back, Meghan cupped my ass cheeks and squeezed them.
"Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, Godddddddd!" she sighed. She was tentative at first, but she soon began using her hands to manipulate my butt more confidently, pulling my lower body into tighter contact with hers. My cock was pressed deeply into the divide between her own ass cheeks and those muscles were happily working on my burgeoning prick.
"Did you know I had a lot of boyfriends?" she asked. Her voice was a little ragged, but she was obviously determined to continue the conversation while I played with her boobs and she toyed with my cock.
"I did!" I answered.
"I mean at one time," she said. "Did you know I went with more than one boy at a time when I was in high school."
"Uh-huh," I said. I drew in my breath as if I was going to say something but I paused, thinking.
"Once, you were going out with four boys at the same time...I mean you were dating four different boys at the same time...when you were a junior," I said. Her breath hissed out.
"You sure didn't miss much, did you," she said dryly.
I laughed softly.
"Hey, watching you and your boyfriends was more fun than going to the movies," I assured her. I made sure she could hear the loving amusement in my voice but she tensed up again. She hesitated.
"Did you ever...?"
I kissed the space joining of her neck and her shoulders for a space before I answered.
"Uh-huh," I replied. I chuckled softly. "You weren't real careful about making sure your curtains were closed all the time," I told her.
I was hoping a little bit of a bantering tone was the right approach. I thought this was where she'd been heading anyway, for whatever reason she had in telling me and I thought I'd get there ahead of her. She was quiet again, holding herself still while she got her mind around the fact that I'd seen her having sex with some of her boyfriends.
I never stopped playing with her titties, massaging and kneading them tenderly. I captured both nipples between thumb and forefinger and gently tweaked them, pulling them delicately. Those cherries grew in my fingers, stiffening and becoming a bit longer and thicker as I worked at them. She ground her ass back into my crotch with more force than before. She'd accepted that I knew, and had known for a long time, about her early sexual escapades.
"So you've always known your big sister was an easy lay?" she said, trying to make the inquiry sound like it was an offhand comment.
"Hah!" I snorted. "From what I saw, you were pretty damn picky about who you dated...and had sex with," I assured her. "But, yes, it's like I've always known you were one hell of a sexy girl." I paused.
"It's never upset me that you were doing things with your boyfriends...not at all," I said. "It was me who has always liked you in shorts and skimpy tops and things like that, remember?" I reminded her. "Sis, you have always been my idea of a sexy woman. Don't you know that you...well...don't you know you just seem to just give off sexual vibes 24/7?" I asked.
My cock was beginning to stretch out the crotch of my blue jeans now. Her ass and my groin had been moving in concert for a long time now in a lust filled rhythm that wasn't broken by the depth of our conversation.
Meghan didn't say anything for a long time, letting her body speak for her. She was completely relaxed now. She moaned softly, contentedly. She pushed me back a little ways, only enough to turn around in my arms. My hands went back to her big breasts automatically and she pasted herself against me. Our lips met in a kiss that began hot and became volcanic in seconds. Our groins massaged each other.
There was a sharp, slapping sound as a door slammed upstairs.
My sister broke off the kiss and exploded out of my arms. She slid quickly down the kitchen counter away from me. Her hands busily retied her open shirt. I heaved a regretful sigh as her beautiful titties were concealed once again.
Meghan tossed me a nasty grin as she tucked stray strands of hair back into place. She smiled at my obvious disappointment. Listening to the thumping noises as someone made their way downstairs, she gauged their progress before stepping quickly up to me again.
"There'll be a time," she said softly. A playful, naughty expression widened her eyes. "You don't know 'everything' about me," she said, emphasizing her point by reaching down and cupping my balls in her hand.
"I DID go out sometimes with more than one boy on just one date," she said defiantly. "You didn't know that, did you?"
"Oh yes, I did," I responded.
Meghan looked in my eyes and saw I wasn't lying.
"I'll tell you when and who sometime when we get a moment," I added, "when I can remember some names." I laughed
"How many times, smarty pants?" she asked.
"Hmmmmm, dunno," I had to admit.
After a moment, she giggled, happy and relaxed at sharing still a long held secret with her brother, but glad there were still things I didn't know.
She stood on tiptoe and offered her lips to me in a quick, tongue entwining kiss before backing away again. I stood in the middle of the kitchen, struck dumb by my sexy sister's assertion that she'd had a threesome with boys...more than once. I only knew of the one time.
My cock was beginning to hurt now. It was confined in too small a space and there wasn't one damn thing I could do about it. Whoever was coming down the hall now was coming fast and I couldn't retreat anywhere except to the breakfast table. I sat down quickly, scooting my chair as far under the table's edge as I could to hide my groin.
I turned around to see Mandy coming in the doorway. For a tic of the clock, I was more than a little unhappy with her. Talk about bad timing.
"Hi, Daddy," she said casually. She gave me a chaste kiss on the cheek and went over to her aunt to give her one. As Meghan hugged her young niece, I could see Mandy's nostrils flare as she detected the aroma of an aroused female. It was a scent she was more than a little familiar with.
She looked at me around Meghan's shoulder and I winked. My young daughter's eyes twinkled and she almost laughed. She stuck out her tongue at me.
Her beautiful, sexy sister...broke off their hug at that moment and began to move busily around the kitchen. The wonderful smell of bacon frying in the pan soon overwhelmed everything else and the gathering herd of boys and girls never noticed what Mandy had detected.
Mandy, though, punished me every chance she could get for having had some kind of interlude with my sister so quickly after our discussion yesterday. Specifically, she sat on my lap with her arms around my neck the whole time Meghan worked at getting breakfast ready. Mandy squirmed around so much, I was in difficulty the whole time.
Lorrie noticed what her sister was doing of course. When an opportunity presented itself, Mandy whispered an explanation in Lorrie's ear. Lorrie sniffed derisively and joined her sister in torturing poor old Dad by pressing herself against my back.
It was a long breakfast...kinda fun when you think about it, though.
It was the Monday after my girls and I arrived on Friday afternoon. After breakfast, my daughters and I started getting ready for a short trip over to a town east of Meghan's home.
There was a lawyer there I needed to see to clear up some details left over from my wife's estate, and some issues about the property left over from the probate of Meghan and my parent's will also. Some conditions in their will were now met--our ages for one thing--and the attorney managing the trust needed some guidance.
Meghan told me she'd mailed a copy of her power of attorney to the guy last month, and then she handed me the original--told me to take care of it and not bother her with any details 'cause she wasn't interested.
Meghan and Lorrie were going with me for the quick drive out and back because everyone else was going to be otherwise occupied. I thought we'd be back about 3:00 o'clock in the afternoon, maybe a little later. By then, most of the family would have returned and there'd be someone to visit with.
At the last moment, Mandy asked Casey if she wanted to go along, since Casey's girlfriend had called and canceled their plans. Meghan readily gave her consent. The other girls and both boys were visibly irritated but they all had other places to be this morning. I knew Matt and Kevin had a 4-H seminar their father was taking them to, but I wasn't clear on what Casey's younger sisters were doing. Didn't matter...the point was they'd obligated themselves to some things and couldn't break away. They'd have all been welcome if they could have come. I wasn't playing favorites.
"What'll we wear, Daddy?" Mandy asked. She didn't have the first clue as to what one wore to see an attorney.
Neither did I, for that matter, but I had a couple of ideas....
"Oh...I don't know," I told her. Everyone in the living room was listening and watching. "Whatever...," I said. "I'm sure you'll ALL find something cute and sassy to wear," I finished.
Mandy looked twice at me to make sure she'd heard right.
I kept my face bland, refusing to give her any more of a hint. I blinked a couple of innocent blinks.
Mandy's eyes twinkled. "Okay, Daddy," she said. She gave me a quick hug and broke away. Lorrie followed her up the stairs.
Left to their own devices, I was pretty sure they'd don short mini-skirts, heels, and 'intriguing' blouses or tops for the trip. I didn't think there'd be any panties or bras included in their final ensemble, but that was up to them.
I was pretty sure Mandy would figure out that by saying 'you'll ALL', I meant for her to encourage Casey to get into the same kind of outfit.
I knew suggesting they dress 'sassy' was an escalation in current affairs. Perhaps I was taking an unfair advantage of the sexual tension here in my sister's household to push things a little farther than I normally would. Or...was I just accelerating the inevitable by a little bit? Casey initiated sexual contact with me within hours of our arrival without me making any overtures, for Pete's sake...and she kept coming back for more. AND my sister let me play with her tits. That had to mean something!
For my part, I'd always found my sister just sexy as hell. Now, for whatever reason, she was actively encouraging a bond of a more sexual nature between the two of us and she was going along with whatever I did to advance toward the same goal. I didn't have a clue how things would wind up...but I was ready to help things along if my relatives wanted to start exploring sexual relationships with my children and me...and with each other.
So it was that I gave Mandy the go-ahead to dress more provocatively than I would have otherwise let them in my sister's home. With my niece taking the initiative in our growing sexual relationship, and my sister's frank recollections and making herself so available to me for a quick grope...well, I just didn't think I was too far out of line with what everyone seemed to want anyway.
They just didn't have any leadership, in my opinion. I thought I saw a niche I could fill. If I was correct thinking they really did want to go in this direction, I was perfectly willing to get out in front of them and show them the way. Such was my totally altruistic thinking.
Actually, it occurred to me...I COULD have pushed the pressure up two notches instead of just one.... I slapped myself silly in my mind for even thinking such a thing.
Anyway, when the girls came back downstairs to join the family in the living room, I nodded at my daughters approvingly. Their skirts ended at mid-thigh and they had high-heeled 'wedgie' sandals on. The solid sole and heels gave them three more inches in height and molded their calves into works of art. Silky, sleeveless tank tops emphasized my daughters' lack of brassieres even though the tops technically concealed the fleshy globes that lay beneath.
All three girls had rubbed their smooth, bare legs with a light cream to moisten the skin and emphasize their early summer tans. They were all very pretty, very flushed with excitement, and just sexy as hell.
Casey had on a skirt that was a tad longer than my daughters, but not much. Her heels were shorter, and she had on a bra under her blouse. The top was as slinky as the ones my daughters were wearing, but the bra straps kept working out and falling into view. She didn't like it one bit. Presumably, she knew Mandy and Lorrie weren't wearing any.
Meghan was watching her oldest daughter and making careful observations of Mandy and Lorrie at the same time. After a few minutes, she called Casey over and whispered in her ear. My niece listened for a second and then her head jerked around to face her mother. She leaned in to kiss her mom's lips and then raced back upstairs with Mandy and Lorrie in tow.
When she came back down, there were no bra straps and she was wearing a different, higher set of heels. Her skirt was miraculously shorter now. Mandy and Lorrie looked smugly happy. I assumed they'd shown her how to roll the skirt at the top around the belt to bring the bottom up a discreet inch or so.
I couldn't completely disguise my satisfaction. I knew it must have been reflected on my face too. Meghan saw my expression and a little grin made her lips twitch. I faced her and smiled right into my sister's face, daring her to comment one way or the other.
What Meghan DIDN'T see was her husband's reaction as he sat in his recliner on her other side. I could tell he'd also noticed his daughter's freely bobbing breasts under her blouse. From the corner of my eye, I saw his mouth drop a bit.
His mouth opened...but closed it again without a word passing his lips. He settled back in his seat and watched the three young girls getting ready. His attitude was casual, but I saw him discretely readjust his pants a short time later.
Another readjustment of his pants was made necessary by the view he had of the three girls now sitting on the couch next to me. From everything anyone would be able to swear to later, Steve was 'accidentally' treated to views of my daughters' thighs a LONG way up Mandy's and Lorrie's skirts.
They were putting makeup on each other's appropriate shade of lip gloss and a smidgen of mascara, some eye shadow and some liner.... The girls were intent on what they were doing.
Seemingly, my girls kept forgetting to keep their legs together. I could tell pretty much everything they had was clearly visible more than once from Steve's chair. He slouched down a micro-millimeter at a time so he could see more. 'Good for Steve' I thought. I chuckled to myself.
Matt and Kevin had come in the room and were sitting on the floor a few feet from their father and I know from their reactions they saw some new territory on my girls' bodies too. Matt had that 'deer-in-the-headlights' look plastered all over his face again.
Mandy looked up to smile sweetly at him every so often and every time she did, Matt's heart apparently stopped beating.
Lorrie was concentrating on the boys' father. She just HAD to scoot her ass to the edge of the couch and nearly overbalanced a couple of times. Of course, in the process of recovering, her knees flew wide to give her Uncle Steve a view of her young pussy that made him draw in quick hissing breaths.
All the while, Casey was doing her best to draw my attention the same way her cousins were attracting her Dad and brothers' notice. It's just that she had a lot less practice at it.
Given some time, though, and some pointers from my girls and she'd develop a lot more skill at awarding the man of her choice an up-skirt shot whenever she wanted. Casey sat quietly, darting sensuous looks at me when she thought no one else was looking. When she felt she could, she spread her legs wide to show me her private parts. Once, with everyone else distracted, she cupped her breasts in both hands and squeezed them quickly for me.
My jaw dropped a little. I had no idea she'd do such a thing in her family's presence, whether they were looking right at her or not.
Quite frankly, I was amazed no one else seemed to sense the electrified sexual atmosphere in the living room. It felt good to me, but I sure wished I could do something about relieving some of that tension. There was no way right now though.
"Ten minutes," I announced. Everyone but my daughters looked at me in question and some small shock.
I was pretty sure my words had intruded on more than one person's fantasies. Nah, I was SURE of it. More evidence this family was ready to come over to 'our' side, I thought irreverently.
I chuckled...but only to myself. I was doing a lot of that this morning.
"We'll be ready, Daddy," Mandy said calmly, brushing a small amount of mascara on Casey's eyelashes. Casey leaned back, accentuating the move so the silky material of her top lay more closely against her young breasts and revealed their lovely shape even more effectively.
Mandy tilted her head to the side and looked at Casey's features in critical analysis of her work. She nodded to herself, pleased with what she'd done for her cousin. I approved too. Casey was a beautiful young girl to begin with. With a little enhancement around the eyes, a bit of work on the eyebrows, and some lip gloss on her lips...and abruptly, she was strikingly attractive.
"Can you show me how to do that?" Kristina asked plaintively. The twelve-year-old was watching her sister and cousins hungrily.
"Sure, come over here," Mandy said.
I glanced at Meghan. If she didn't want Kristi doing this, Mom could stop everything in its tracks with only a word.
Meghan just smiled at her daughter. Kristi had her mother's blessing.
With only a few deft strokes, Mandy put on a nice pink gloss on Kristi's lips, brushed some mascara on the girl's eye lashes and a touch of eye shadow to bring out the young girl's eyes.
Ten-year-old Renee scrambled to the floor near Lorrie. For reasons known only to the two girls, it was necessary for her to get between Lorrie's knees, obliging Lorrie to spread her legs still farther apart for Steve's and the boys' benefit.
I saw Steve's whole body twitch. He swallowed hard but once again he didn't utter a word. I'm very good at using my peripheral vision and I specifically saw him lick his lips and scoot his body a little lower in his chair.
From where he sat, and lower now, he could see all the way up Lorrie's skirt as she sat unmoving with her legs open wide. After a couple of moments, Steve relaxed. He shot an appraising glance at his wife and when he saw she was not in the least upset, a genuine smile crossed his features.
The two boys couldn't have budged if their lives depended on it. I'm not even sure they were breathing. WW III could have begun in the next room and they'd have never noticed. They were, in a word, entranced.
"Eight minutes," I warned, breaking the breathless silence in the room. My youngest niece, Shannon, moaned aloud. She was afraid she was going to be left out.
Mandy had a maternal instinct that had first manifested itself after her mother's death. She smiled at her young cousin. "Don't worry," she said to Shannon. "There's lots a' time."
She shot a glance at me that warned me not to be a prick about this. I was acquainted with that look. I had no intention of being a prick. I was just adding to the level excitement in the room, and giggling insanely to myself at the reactions I was seeing.
Mandy finished Kristi and drew Shannon closer. In minutes, Shannon had received the same treatment as the other girls and she raced down the hall to a mirror.
Kristi wanted a more direct evaluation and scrambled to her feet and went over to her father. "Am I pretty, Daddy?" she demanded.
Steve straightened in the recliner and cleared his throat while he hunted for the right words. Finally, he gave up finding the precise phrases that would be appropriate. He smiled up at his second oldest daughter. "YOU are absolutely beautiful, honey," he assured her.
Kristi beamed down at her father. Impulsively, she dropped onto his lap to give her dad an enthusiastic kiss. Startled, Steve's hands came up to his daughter's shoulders. They held there a long moment. His eyes...I could see them clearly...fastened on his twelve-year-old girl's boobies. They were nearly completely exposed when her top fell away as she leaned in for the kiss.
"Thank you, Daddy." Kristi was thrilled. Steve didn't thank Kristi for the view she'd given him, but I thought he wanted to. I thought he looked happy.
Kristina bounced up and ran to the mirror Shannon had just vacated to examine her new look while Shannon galloped back into the living room. She jumped on her father's lap and thrust her little face up to his. She extracted the same compliment her sister had gotten.
Renee was a step behind the other girls because Lorrie was a trifle less deft at applying makeup than Mandy was. When Lorrie finished with her cousin's makeover, Renee danced around the room on her tiptoes for a little while after she hugged her dad. My smile threatened to split my face.
"Five minutes," I warned.
I stood up and checked my pockets to make sure I had my keys and wallet, and then I started a slow walk to the door.
Mandy and Lorrie scrambled to their feet and began gathering up their makeup and other 'necessary' things they would take with them. They were all business now, 'cause when I started walking, there were no more delays.
The tension was broken in my sister's living room, but I was sure it was only temporary. I began considering ways of bringing it back...and taking it to a fever pitch.
The four of us intrepid travelers went outside and the rest of the family followed. We said our goodbyes and got in my SUV.
We were gone and out of sight in moments.
* * *
The journey took only an hour and twenty minutes, some forty-five minutes less than I'd expected. With no other clients waiting for the attorney in the office, my business with him was completed in minutes, rather than hours. Meghan and I were now co-administrators of some land our father had held in trust in compliance with the specifications in some long ago will written by one of our great-grandfathers, several times removed. The property was way to hell and gone up in the mountains; I hadn't even known of its existence until now and I was pretty sure Meghan didn't either. Someday, we'd have to go take a look at it and decide what to do with it.
Anyhow, with the lawyering done with, three sexy young girls and I were left with lots of time on our hands. I was hungry. My sister's sexy talk and intimate body contact before breakfast had inhibited my appetite a don't need much sustenance while in a fantasy...and I'd eaten only a few bites. Now I needed to get something in my belly.
There were three youngsters with me and, inevitably, they chose to go to a pizza joint. I never would have guessed.
When we were seated in a booth in the back of the pizza joint, I ordered a cold beer and downed it in one long swallow. I wasn't going to get drunk but I did want one more. I asked for it, but the young man waiting on our table was a little rattled and brought me a good-sized pitcher instead.
Dismayed, I was about to unload on him but I relented.
His eyes were as big around as saucers as he watched the delightful jiggling of three pairs of young boobs, so I wasn't at all confident he'd have even noticed me chastising him. He might not even be consciously aware I was there.
I shrugged and poured myself half a glass.
After a few minutes, the ride and the first beer got to me and I had to go empty my bladder. It took a while. My prick hadn't deflated much since it had risen in the sexually charged atmosphere of my sister's house in the early morning hours. That was serious because I can't piss when I have a hard-on. I had to work hard at relaxing enough to get some of the excess liquid out and it took a little while.
When I got back to the booth, my half-glass of beer was still there, but the pitcher was appreciably lower. I sat without saying anything, looking up at Mandy under carefully hooded eyes. Taking care to hide it from Casey sitting beside her, she winked at me naughtily. I smothered a smile while Mandy prattled on about nothing in particular.
The boy waiting our table retired to the kitchen area and I could see him hovering near a young Indian girl who took care of the cash register. She was trying to get him to pay attention to business, but she was only partly successful. As I watched, I saw she was only paying lip service to the need to be businesslike. At least half his attempted caresses found their target.
We ate...the pizzas were actually very good...and I had to visit the restroom twice more. The last time I came back, the pitcher of beer was almost full again and its contents colder, judging from the condensation on the outside.
All three of my charges were rosy cheeked and a little louder in their talk than necessary. The three sexy little vixens carefully ignored the refilled pitcher, so I did too. That way, we'd never have to discuss where the third of a pitcher I'd left there had gone to.
I could see some distance into the kitchen area and I noted an empty pitcher sitting on a counter next to a sink. The young man and girl were sharing a glass of beer themselves, belly to belly. Apparently, that position helped the brew go down.
I was impressed. Only one glass remaining from a big pitcher? The three young girls with me had quaffed down a healthy amount of alcohol in a very short time. The boy's hand, I saw was on the young Indian girl's waist for a while before it slide around and down to stroke her haunch. She didn't bat an eye either.
I looked around. After a couple of small groups left, the three girls and I were left as the only customers. It had been that way since just after we walked in and we were still the only ones in the restaurant. The place was a little shabby on the outside and it was off the beaten place to party, though. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves a bunch. I know I was.
Lorrie's hand had been in my lap ever since I got back to the booth and she was rhythmically squeezing my cock. Mandy noticed, but she was used to it. She knew what to look for. I doubt Casey saw a thing. Abruptly, Mandy sat up straight.
"Daddy!" she said imperiously. "Is your camera still in the back end?"
I nodded.
She held out her right hand peremptorily. I dropped my car keys into her palm without debating the issue and she walked out into the hot sunlight.
The boy and girl employees stopped their petting session for a moment to watch her go. My daughter was still steady on her feet and managed to put an extra little sway into her hips as she walked away. The boy was mesmerized and the Indian girl inspired.
Her right hand disappeared between them and I saw his eyes widen. Giggling, the young woman broke free, whirled, and busied herself at the cash register for a moment.
Mandy was back quickly and handed me my keys and our digital camera. It was a good one and we'd used it before for normal, as well as naughty, family pictures. In moments, I had all three girls posing for pictures and I was snapping away. Gradually, egged on by Mandy, their poses became more provocative.
"Time to show a little leg," Mandy announced loudly and very happily.
She stood, dragging a willing Casey with her. Lorrie pushed me out of the booth and stood beside the others. Glancing at each other to synchronize themselves, they pulled turned sideways and pulled their skirt hems up. I took a quick half-dozen shots, vaguely aware the two restaurant workers had drifted closer.
"Whoa!" I called out exuberantly. "Thighs! Houston, we have achieved THIGHS!!" It was just something to say, something to up the ante, 'cause they'd been showing off considerable thigh flesh ever since we left the house.
I dropped to my knees to get an even better angle and got another few good shots--they were thoroughly illegal--I couldn't post any of them on ANY website. Casey was taken aback for an instant, but she quickly joined my daughters in a contest to see who would dare to pull their skirt the highest.
Lorrie noticed the two watchers and smiled at them, eliciting a quick grin from both. She beckoned the young American Indian girl closer and whispered in her ear.
The Indian girl had on slacks, but she shucked them quick enough--her panties were flipped over her shoulder and I didn't see where they landed. Her long T-shirt was abruptly her skirt...a very short skirt--and quite becoming to her, I might add.
In a moment, I was taking pictures of four young girls who were enthusiastically showing me more and more to the camera. The boy inched nearer, his eyes huge in his face.
Mandy reached out and pulled him into the middle of them and began to use him as a prop. At one point he was kneeling, gazing happily up Mandy's right leg. He couldn't have avoided that...she had her heel propped firmly on his upper chest.
Later, the Indian girl had her bare foot on his chest, with him laying flat on the floor. Er, I mean...HAPPILY laying flat on the floor! The young man was almost delirious with joy. He wouldn't get up off the floor for the longest time....
Clearly, I wasn't going to have to tip him for making us two fine pizzas. He was being amply rewarded with views of all four young crotches. Thinking me preoccupied, each of the four girls took long swallows from the beer pitcher.
I didn't have a drop. I was going to have to drive all the way home. I was sorry I couldn't join them in downing a few, because it looked like the party was just about to go into overdrive.
When we left, the young man and girl working the pizzeria were almost gasping for breath. They literally couldn't keep their hands off each other. If I hadn't insisted, I'm not sure they'd have remembered to collect for the pizzas we'd eaten. As it was, I rewarded them with an extra twenty dollars apiece for the good time they'd helped us enjoy.
I looked at the pair, grinning broadly.
"We sure had a lot of fun," I remarked. I looked at the young American Indian girl for a long moment. "Maybe we can come back some time and we can all have...a good time together," I suggested.
The young man gulped, thinking of the three young girls just around the corner in the restroom. The bulge under his apron swelled significantly. They both whispered affirmatively and nodded.
Holding the door open for the girls to walk through, I glanced back and saw the young man's hands under the girl's T-shirt, and she wasn't objecting in the least. The Indian girl smiled broadly when she saw me watching and blew me a kiss over the boy's shoulder. I caught it and tucked it away.
The twosome locked the door behind us before we walked three steps toward the parking lot. If my girls and I ever passed this way again, I knew there was an invitation waiting for us.
We got onto the Interstate for a while but I decided I didn't like the speed at which the traffic was moving and took the very next exit. I thought the side road there would connect with another side road that would connect with the narrow county road that led back to my sister's house. It didn't. The road we got on led to a dead end where we had to choose traveling either north or south--we needed to go west.
On the other hand, since we'd circled all the way back around, that north/south road was the Interstate. This time, I recognized some landmarks so I knew vaguely where we were and had a better idea how to get to my sister's place.
There wasn't much here at this remote intersection. In fact all that was around was a big, one-story building with enough lights on it to light up the grasslands for hundreds of yards around at night. "Bill's Adult Emporium" read the sign.
I started to turn down the ramp to get on the Interstate. Three exits up there was a county road....
Mandy, who was riding shotgun for the trip back, sat up quickly when she saw the sign. "Daddy?" she said, her voice ended on a rising note. She glanced back at Casey in the seat behind me.
I looked at her, my foot still on the brake.
Mandy wet her lips, gauging Casey's degree of intoxication. My daughter was wondering how much she could get away with. She made a decision.
"Daddy, would you go in there and get us something...a treat for being such good little girls?" she purred. She was daring me to ratchet up Casey's exposure to taboo ideas she'd only begun exploring.
I waited for a scandalized outcry from my sister's oldest daughter. There was none, though I did hear a quick hiss as a breath was suddenly drawn in by one of the girls.
Since Lorrie tended to show a blaseé attitude to such things, I doubted it was her. That left only Casey.
"Hmmmmmmmm," Casey, mumbled faintly. She sounded interested rather than shocked. "We're SUCH good little girls," Casey murmured into the quiet.
"Ahhhhhh," I said...stalling for a bit, looking around at the surrounding terrain and examining the building more closely.
There were only two cars in the lot and a big eighteen wheeler off to one side. In the daytime, there was little business but I thought the big dirt lot would probably be overflowing when darkness hid the parking lot from view. With so few customers right now though, I saw where I could park behind the store where we'd be concealed from prying eyes.
Mandy looked at me challengingly. She opened her mouth and ran her pretty, pink little tongue over her lips and smiled evilly.
I never considered what my sister might do if I got her daughter involved in something sordid here at the adult bookstore. People surely do rash things sometimes, don't they?
I pulled in behind the building and parked. I got out and examined the area closely around the back of the store. There was no one there. It was no cleaner than the normal adult store parking lot, but no worse either. To the store's credit, there were no needles and no used condoms lying around and the brush was cut way back so there was nowhere for anyone to hide where they could pounce on unwary customers for the purposes of mugging. I'd inadvertently parked right below the only security camera...and all it could see was the top of my SUV.
Getting back in, I opened a specially designed compartment hidden in my door and handed Mandy a small .32 caliber semi-automatic I kept there...for the girls, actually. I took another semi-automatic, .45 caliber, and tucked it behind my belt in back where my shirt would cover it.
Mandy took the one I gave her, handling it professionally and familiarly. I'd trained both of my girls on this and other weapons.
"Don't chamber a round yet," I ordered. She nodded.
"But if someone comes close and won't go it," I said. "And if you point it, shoot it!" It was an unnecessary caution. She knew what to do from any number of drills we'd had in the past. She and her sister were darn good shots too.
"All set then?" I asked rhetorically. There was a quick nod from Mandy and I sensed, rather than saw, nods from the back seat.
Mandy's blood was up. A blush was spreading up her neck from her chest. She was excited...that is to say, horny.
"What...?" Casey wanted to know just what was happening. A quick glance told me she was as flushed as Mandy.
None of us answered her question but it didn't really need a reply.
We'd set out this morning to attend to some needful things but we were on an adventure now. Adrenalin was pumping in all of our bloodstreams. Taking risks is a quick way to reach a fantastic high.
I got out of the car in a quick move and shut the door firmly. Waiting only to make sure Mandy depressed the switch to lock all the doors, I took a tour of the area behind the store again to make sure there were no hidden dangers, and then I walked determinedly around to the sleazy adult bookstore's entrance.
Inside, I waved at the perfunctory greeting from the fat, chain-smoking guy behind the counter and made my way to where dildos, vibrators, and such were hanging in garishly colored blister packs on the wall.
I was transmitting video to Lorrie's smart phone through the simple expedient of holding mine in front of the display on the wall. I had an earpiece so the girls could communicate with me.
"See anything you like?" I asked.
The guy at the cash register didn't hear or see me holding the smart phone up and taking video. He was paying too much attention to a DVD player with a hard-core video on the screen.
"DADDY!" Lorrie yelled in my ear.
I almost jumped out of my skin. Lorrie was always too loud on the phone and this time was no exception.
"Not so loud," I murmured.
"Daddy...." she said at a much more ear-friendly volume.
"That's better," I said.
"Daddy, kinda over on the left side and up see that knobby thingy in the green box?"
Lorrie's descriptions, imaginative though they were, took some time to decipher...but eventually the three girls identified an assortment of vibrators and dildos that they and the girls who weren't with us just HAD to have, along with a couple of bottles of KY jelly, three enema 'kits' (all they had) and extra enema supplies, some strap-on harnesses for young girls to fuck other young girls, some cock rings, some butt-plugs, and two sets of padded handcuffs.
I had to blink at that last item the girls wanted. I wasn't an aficionado of bondage, but playing a mild game wasn't too much for me. I'd have to wait and see what would happen.
One of the things that intrigued me was that the dildoes and butt-plugs were of differing sizes, both in length and girth. Were they meant for a variety of sizes...of girls? I could only wonder.
As I wandered through the store, the girls outside in the SUV discovered they needed every set of edible panties the place had, some anal beads, MORE anal lubricant, and a few other assorted toys. I was wearing a path from the displays to the front register and the fat proprietor was noticing me now.
To assuage his doubt, I opened my wallet and showed him some hundred-dollar bills resting there. His smile threatened to split his chubby little face.
"Got a box?" I asked. I looked back at the items still in a pile under the display wall. "Got...BOXES?"
He willingly tramped back into the storeroom to find me some cardboard boxes. There wasn't anyone else in the store now. He'd checked out the other customers and they were gone. I had his full attention. He even stopped the porn movie that had been playing.
Back at the wall of sex toys, I dumped in as many of the remaining selections and carried the box up front--then I did the same with another box. I got a third box and went along the counters, adding things as I saw them, or added them when Lorrie stopped my progress. I grabbed a half-dozen sets of Ben Wa balls, more anal beads, MORE lube, massage oil, and a dozen porn movies--amateur stuff with young-looking girls on the cover--into the box...and went to get another box.
When I finally shut off my cell phone, I had four boxes of illicit material piled on the counter. The proprietor smirked at the DVD's seeing they were all of a certain genre. Then he glanced up at a monitor I couldn't see. Seeing as how I was this guy's best customer EVER, I took a little trip around the counter and looked too.
Two of the girls outside the car were just finishing patting their groins with tissues, while Mandy stood guard. Then Lorrie guarded and Mandy peed. I sighed. The best laid plans....
I saw an old-style VHS recorder was hooked up to a cable before it got to the TV. I slapped the stop button and then the eject button before the fat man knew what I was doing, and tossed the cassette in my last box.
"A hundred dollars for that tape, you said, right?" I asked the startled manager of the triple-x store.
There was a pause while he processed the offer. "Cash...on the barrelhead," he said as he nodded.
"Turn the camera off and...," I said smoothly. I tossed TWO hundred-dollar bills on the counter.
His hand flicked a switch and the view of the rear parking lot died. The bills I'd thrown on the glass countertop disappeared as if they'd never been.
I dropped five more one-hundred dollar bills on the counter, waited while the obese proprietor totaled up the damage. I waved away the change--it wasn't that much anyway. More importantly, I didn't want to touch anything that had been in contact with his grimy fingers. We both went away pleased with the transactions. It took me three trips to carry everything out.
* * *
A while later we found the road I was looking for that led off to the northwest. It was one I vaguely remembered from earlier times and it would indeed turn back due west to an intersection with the two-lane blacktop we could follow back to the direct route my sister's house.
We had to stop first. All of us needed another pit stop at the same time and we started looking. Just before it became urgent, I recognized an overpass over a small creek that we were about to cross. Braking, I turned off the road onto the grass and guided my SUV down a slope, then under the bridge. In days past, friends and I had come here to fish and to party with assorted girlfriends. Those were the days....
In the dimness beneath the concrete bridge, it was a lot cooler than it was out in the harsh sunlight. With the engine turned off, it was quiet down here. It was like being in a cave. We were cut off from the world above us. Civilization was up there, above the concrete barrier. The world down here was something else again.
"You girls go thataway," I suggested, "and I'll go thisaway." I motioned off to the left.
Without checking to see if they followed my suggestion, I bounced out of the cab and walked a few paces away to a thick clump of grass and proceeded to let about a quart and a half out of my bladder. I groaned happily with relief. Glancing around carefully, I saw the girls squatting down by the creek, splashing water under their crotches to wash themselves off.
Casey kept looking around at me but she was slow enough that I always had plenty of time to turn casually away. Mandy saw me watching though, and grinned happily at me each time she caught me.
Shrugging, I walked down to the stream not too far away from them and scooped up a handful of creek water and washed off my cock for them. I wasn't too particular about keeping it secret from any of them. They'd seen it before, but Casey didn't know that.
Casey kept darting glances at my daughters, checking to see if they were noticing. I guess she decided they weren't...or they thought this was necessary to do and they had to ignore it for the sake of propriety...or something. At any rate, my daughters didn't say anything about what I was doing and neither did Casey.
When we were all finished, we gathered around a big, flat-topped, waist-high, boulder about the size of a grand piano that I remembered clearly from the old days. At times it had served as a place to gut the fish we'd caught. At other times, washed clean with creek water, it was a pedestal for us guys to spread blankets to cushion our girls' backsides while we made out with them.
The girls dragged the boxes out of the back seat and emptied them on the top of the boulder to examine the contents. The sounds of the warm afternoon were muted down here under the bridge. Only their excited voices broke the silence.
I watched for a moment, and then went back to the SUV for my camera. It was time for more pictures. They saw me, of course, and began to pose for me. This time, they BEGAN with erotically suggestive stances and proceeded from there.
"Leg shot!" Mandy shouted and all three put their weight on their right foot, pointed their left as if they were taking a step, and then they dragged the left side of their skirts up to their hipbones.
Watching the other two carefully, Casey made sure she wasn't going too far. Then she saw the real task was actually to be as uninhibited as possible. Once she saw my daughters weren't shy about showing me a lot of skin without even the slightest pretense, she joined in enthusiastically.
In minutes, the skirts were above their waists but they were still facing away. After a while though, all three were facing me directly, flashing their plump little pussies at me and laughing wickedly. Lorrie whispered to the other two and at her signal they all three turned away from me and bent over the boulder with their legs spread wide.
Mandy was struck by an inspiration for me to take some pics of them with the new toys and moments later, all three were sitting in a row atop the boulder, inserting one dildo or another into their cunts and pushing them deep. I went to the SUV and came back with three blankets we spread over the top of the rock. It made it a lot more comfortable for them to sit their bare asses on.
Casey was still under the influence of the beer she'd drunk at lunch. It kept her from analyzing too closely anything that was happening. She was able to ignore the fact that dads and daughters didn't do this in her world. Her mood seemed to be that down here in the twilight, the rules were different.
I slipped nearer, bit by bit, and was soon doing close-ups of their pussies and toys. Casey pushed one deep inside her and sucked on another at the same time.
"Oh, you like two at once?" Mandy said approvingly.
Casey's glazed eyes drifted over to my oldest daughter to stare uncomprehendingly.
My cock suddenly was too big for my pants. A memory of my sister telling me this morning she'd gone out with two boys on one date flashed into my mind. I was sure Meghan had been saying she'd had sex with two boys at the same time. And now her DAUGHTER....
"Casey, you sure have a very pretty pussy," I commented admiringly, fighting to keep my voice level.
My niece was so far gone from the booze she'd ingested and the sexual excitement of being nude from the waist down here in our little cave. The rest of the world was locked out--propriety had gone by the wayside.
Instead of being shocked, Casey took my words as a compliment and beamed a smile back at me. She hitched her ass up on the rock and scooted back on the boulder. Firmly settled in place, she let her knees drop to the sides to give me an unobstructed view of the part of her body I'd just complimented her on.
Suddenly, the mood changed among the four of us from being playful to else to something far more serious...but a hell of a lot more fun too. Sidling closer, I leaned over my niece and put my mouth over her now hairless little slit. The other night, she'd had a couple of stray hairs; now she had none.
Extending my tongue, I began to lap at her outer labia. She put a hand on my forehead and made a tiny, stillborn, attempt to push me away. Then she sighed deeply and lay back to enjoy my ministrations.
I caught Mandy's eye. She had a triumphant look on her face. I realized she'd half planned this, beginning back in the pizza place with the pitcher of beer sitting in front of her. She wanted Casey relaxed and ready for an erotic interlude. My daughter was awfully devious, huh?
"Do you like that, Casey?" Mandy asked in her cousin's ear while I gently spread Casey's outer labia and stabbed my tongue as deep as I could into her cunt.
Casey's body contorted, her hips lifted to meet my tongue. She was barely able to nod but that wasn't good enough for Mandy.
"Do you, Casey?" Mandy demanded. Casey nodded again and turned to face her cousin.
"Uh-huh," she said in reply, her voice husky with the emotion and sexual pleasure she'd suppressed for long enough to answer. Mandy smiled seductively. She leaned closer.
"My Daddy says you wonder whether girls or boys are better at eatin' pussy," she told Casey. Mandy's hands slipped under Casey's top to fondle the older girl's breasts.
"Do you? Do you wonder about that?" Mandy said again, refusing to leave Casey alone so she could enjoy my mouth on her cunt.
Casey nodded distractedly.
"Want ta' find out?" Mandy asked softly.
Casey's eyes were fixed on Mandy's. There was lust burning in her gaze, and a little trepidation too. She was too far gone, though, to be able to pull back as she might have done a few days ago...before she and I had fucked. Staring at Mandy, Casey nodded hesitantly, then more eagerly. I pulled back, surrendering my place to my oldest daughter.
Instead, Mandy climbed up on the rock and lay beside her cousin in a 69 position at Casey's side. In seconds, she was lapping away at Casey's cunt.
Casey reached over and began to stroke Mandy's pussy. She was very tentative at first but the more she stroked, the more Mandy's hips wriggled with pleasure and the more confident Casey got. Her finger slipped between Mandy's puffy lips and some of Mandy's juices got on her finger. Casey withdrew her hand and examined her forefinger closely.
"Taste it, honey," I told her. Casey glanced at me without really seeing me. I wasn't certain she heard me, but she poked her finger into her mouth finally and sucked it for a long moment. She smiled at the empty air and resumed fingering Mandy's cunt. My dick was hard before she'd done that. Now I could have pounded a nail through a pine board with it.
I grabbed Lorrie and maneuvered her into place against the side of the boulder.
Lorrie bent forward and pulled Casey's top up until Casey's titties were revealed. I waited a moment to watch. Taking one of Casey's titties in her mouth, Lorrie palmed the other and began to knead it gently.
Casey opened her eyes to look at the two preteen girls who were pleasuring her so well. She dropped her head back to the rock without saying a word. She was slowly grinding her crotch up to Mandy's mouth, enjoying the incestuous girl-on-girl sex...apparently without even considering a protest.
I couldn't restrain myself any longer. I flipped up Lorrie's skirt. She let Casey's titties be, backed up a little and lifted herself up on her tiptoes. She spread her legs accommodatingly while I was getting my shoes off and dropping my pants. Slipping behind my youngest daughter, I bent my knees and positioned my cock between Lorrie's dripping outer lips.
Pressing forward, I plunged my cock deep inside her cunt, pulling back only when I felt my prick bottom out. Lorrie groaned.
Casey opened her eyes again and looked up, finally focusing on me.
I grinned at her.
Then, and several times thereafter, Casey's eyes flicked toward Lorrie's behind where my cock was sliding in and out of my daughter's cunt. Every time Casey's glance neared Lorrie's butt, she jerked them away again, seemingly unwilling to acknowledge what I was doing. Casey couldn't actually see my cock sliding in and out of my daughter's pussy from her angle, but she couldn't help but know what Lorrie and I were doing. Presently, Mandy's work on Casey's clit made it too difficult for Casey to concentrate on anything but the sensations welling up from her groin anyway.
A few minutes later, I could see muscle contractions rippling across Casey's lower belly. Her back arched and she rubbed her pussy all over Mandy's face. She ground her way to a steamy, groaning orgasm, her first from another girl.
I hurried my pace, fucking hard into Lorrie's cunt and she matched me with an increased rhythm of back-thrusts and hip movements. In a few moments, I was cumming inside my youngest daughter. I jammed my cock as deep inside her as I could and froze while Lorrie's vagina milked the sperm from my balls. Reaching beneath her, I stroked the flesh over her clit and swept my hand around her groin. Lorrie's body shuddered under my hands. She quit sucking at Casey's left nipple and lay her head on Casey's belly.
Gradually, the contractions in Lorrie's cunt eased and I slipped my cock out of her. I was still half dick would have gone back into full operational mode in a heartbeat, but suddenly the warmth went out of the afternoon.
The sound of tires on the hot pavement was audible long before the sound of the car's motor could be heard. All four of us froze. The engine sounds became audible and then got louder--the tires rumbled on the road--all the noise began to echo and reecho down where we were trapped.
Our ears rang--our hearts tried to beat in time with the vibrations in the ground.
The wheels slammed onto the approach to the bridge. The rumbling, pounding clamor raced to a crescendo....
...And then began to diminish. The down-doppler effect kicked in.
In moments the only remaining evidence there had ever been a vehicle within miles of us was a disappearing hum.
Whoever it was hadn't even paused, much less stopped and come underneath the bridge to drive us out of our incestuous sanctuary. Nevertheless, the mood was broken and we weren't going to get it back.
It would have been natural for Casey to feel some degree of self-consciousness. I watched her closely to see if she'd give in to it. She didn't. 'Twas a healthy sign in my estimation.
Walking calmly to the water, I waded in and squatted down to wash Lorrie's and my body juices from my crotch. Coming back to the boulder, I chatted with my daughters and included Casey in the conversation as much as I could while I waited for the warm breeze to dry me.
After a while, the girls all walked down to the stream and squatted as I had, splashing water up underneath their bodies in lieu of a bidet to wash themselves off. I felt my cock stirring vaguely as I watched them hoist their skirts above their waists and attend to their bath.
They chattered like carefree schoolgirls all the while, eventually coming back to the big rock and surrounding me while we stood around, waiting for our bodies to dry off. It was surreal in a way...we all seemed to be emotionally detached from what had just happened. It was an odd ending to an exciting beginning.
Once we were back on the road, all three girls fell asleep quickly...I don't think I got a mile down the hot concrete before they were snoozing. I let them sleep and even took a long way home to let them get an additional 30 minutes to sleep off their partially drunkenness.
Even so, we were home by early afternoon. The girls disappeared into the house and scattered to their rooms. I was left to carry the legal documents...they'd been the goal of the trip, after all...inside to my room.
An hour later, restless and feeling more than a little unsatisfied, I put on a pair of cargo shorts and a loose T-shirt. Pulling on some athletic shoes, I wandered around the property, finally finding my way down to the old converted barn.
Idly picking up some of the boys' iron weights, I warmed up for a bit and then found myself getting into a full workout. The sweat flowed freely after a while, especially in the hot afternoon, and the vague dissatisfaction with the way the early afternoon's events had been abruptly curtailed began to dissipate. With the weight bar secured in its notch above my head and feeling relaxed for the first time in a while, I rested, still laying flat on the bench press.
"Hi, Uncle Mike!"
The voice startled me. I had been more than half asleep, I'm sure. Looking up quickly, I saw my sister's oldest son coming into the cool shade of the renovated barn from outside. I hadn't even known he was home.
"Hey, Matt," I called out. "What's up?"
He came closer and stopped a few paces away, looking at me lying full length on his bench.
I was suddenly embarrassed. "I'm sorry, man," I said contritely. "I should have asked before using your weights."
He grew a little pink around the ears. "Oh, no...." he said. "I was just wondering how long you've been working out with weights and stuff." He glanced at the 300 pounds on the bar I'd been using to bench press. It was all they had.
"You can use them anytime you want to," he added.
I scooted from beneath the heavy weights and levered myself into a sitting position. "Well," I said judiciously, "I've been doing it, off and on, since I was about your age, maybe a little less." I grinned at the earnest faced young man. "And here I am now," I said, spreading my arms wide and bending slightly at the waist in his direction. I curled both arms inward into the standard crab-like pose and held it for a second.
"Whatcha think?" I asked him. "Pretty good for an old man, huh?"
Pumped with blood from a heavy workout, my muscles were temporarily much thicker and denser than they would have been otherwise. I'm sure they looked pretty darn impressive to a boy...heck, they looked pretty darn good, period. I should know. One whole wall in MY workout room is a mirror. I have some vanities, I guess....
Matt did, in fact, look suitably impressed. He started to speak, hesitated, then blurted out what he had to say.
"Uncle Mike, will you help me with a good routine--?"
I cut him off with a quick hand gesture. "Absolutely!" I said with a smile. "Go get your gloves and belt and stuff."
He grinned broadly and whirled to run back to the changing room for his workout clothes and gear.
"Hey, Matt," I called, just as he was about to go through the door. He turned, lifting his chin in silent inquiry.
"If I'm not here when you get back, I've gone to go get a cold Pepsi from the fridge...I'll be right back" I said.
"I'LL GET IT! BE RIGHT BACK," he yelled at me. Moving fast, he hopped back through the outside door he'd entered only a short time earlier and took off for the house. I started to tell him he didn't have to, but he was already more than half the way there.
He was back in what seemed like only a minute or two. I knew he ran part of the way, but if he was out of breath, it sure didn't show. If I'd done the same fifty-yard dash, times two, I'd have been puffin more than a little bit. Ah, the exuberance of youth...and the stamina, too.
He went into the changing room and was back out in mere moments ready to start lifting. I made him warm up with a few minutes of calisthenics first to get his blood flowing, loosen his muscles and focus his mind on what he was going to be doing. He showed me what he usually did in a workout and I suggested a couple of changes.
Then I showed him how to increase the intensity of a workout. He quickly caught on and was soon moving the weights up and down very slowly to increase the time the muscle was under stress. I gave him some pointers on isolating certain muscles and how to do super-set exercises that worked a given group of muscles against another.
The boy was soon sweating as hard as I had been, but I had a nice cold can of Pepsi to drink. Watching him do leg lifts, I leaned back against what had been a plank wall for one of the horse stalls. During the renovation, the half-height wall had been built up to full-height and the stall at my back turned into something else. Whatever, it was a fine wall for leaning against.
I sensed movement from the corner of my eye. Turning my head, I saw Mandy standing quietly inside the main door. She was watching Matt intently, a hungry expression on her face.
I remembered Mandy hadn't even gotten partial relief earlier this afternoon. Leaving the pizza place, she'd been as fired up as any of us, but she'd been the one to give Casey oral sex. She hadn't gotten anything in return.
My oldest daughter was hotter than a firecracker and ready to detonate if she didn't get laid soon. She'd obviously chosen my sister's oldest boy. Lifting the Pepsi to my mouth, I took another swallow, using the can to hide a little smile.
I went to the bench and loaded eighty pounds on the barbell. It was what young Mathew had said he did bench presses with. It was a lot for so young a boy, but he was husky. He probably did lift that much.
"Okay, do a set of ten," I said.
Matt obediently worked himself into position on the bench and reached up to grasp the barbell, lift it off the support, and pull it into position over his chest. He let his arms fall slowly, letting the barbell touch his pectorals and then pressed the weight back up until his arms were straight and his elbows locked out. He showed good form and technique letting the weight down and getting it back up.
"Good! Excellent," I said enthusiastically. "That's one." I added ten more pounds. "Now do another set, with me here to spot you."
I took another drink of Pepsi, using the motion to hide a glance at my daughter.
Mandy had her back to the outside wall and was standing very still while she watched her cousin exercise. She licked her lips a couple of times.
She'd changed after we'd gotten home. She had on a hot-pink tank top with spaghetti straps over her shoulders and a little white pleated skirt--a very short one. Her toenails were painted a pale color I couldn't make out--knowing her, it was some shade of pink--and she had on a pair of sandals.
She was wearing her hair this afternoon in two pigtails on either side of her head that made her look innocent and even younger than she already was. She saw me looking. She deliberately lifted her skirt in front to show me she was naked underneath.
Matt got through two more full sets of the heavy exercise, with me adding ten additional pounds for the third one. He'd strained to get the bar up on the last movement. I helped him with the old finger-under-the-bar trick to give just enough assistance to get the weights back up, but that was only for the last one.
He lay resting on the bench, happy and with that special glow male animals get when they're able to stretch themselves farther than they thought they could go. He had made a substantial improvement over his last attempts.
Suddenly there was a hand on my back and a quiet voice beside me.
"I'll help Matt finish the exercises, Dad," Mandy said quietly.
She moved out from behind me and Matt saw her for the first time since she'd come in the barn. He was thunderstruck, taken fully aback by his young cousin's sexy outfit. Mandy moved around me and coolly threw a leg over Matt's body as he lay on the bench.
Straddling him, but not touching any part of his body, she stood there with her hands on her hips, looking down at her older cousin. She was supremely confident. She knew full well she was the embodiment of every boy's wet dream.
I chuckled to myself. Poor Matt didn't stand a chance.
"Okay," I said agreeably. I walked away with my Pepsi in hand without saying another word. At the door, I turned and looked back. Mandy was still straddling the boy but the bare skin of her thighs was pressed against his bare thighs now. Her palms were flat on his chest and she was smiling down at him.
Matt was making some attempt to get up but Mandy wasn't having any of that. As I watched, Mandy stood and stripped off her top. Then she lifted her skirt to show him her smooth crotch and puffy labia. Matt's feeble attempts to rise up ended abruptly. A moment later, Mandy's upper body was laying full length on her boy cousin's chest and was holding his face in both hands while she said something to him in soft, low tones. Her skirt had flipped up and I could see her bare ass working back and forth over Matt's groin. She hadn't gotten his shorts off yet but it was only a matter of seconds, I judged.
It was time for me to scram and I did. A scrap of white caught my eye. There, on a nail beside the door, was a pair of white bikini panties. Mandy had pulled them off before I saw her, I guess. I took them down, sniffing the crotch and smelling the familiar odor of my oldest daughter in heat. I grinned, wadded the panties up, stuffed them in a pocket, and went outside. Thoughtfully, I closed the door securely, wishing I could lock it so the young couple inside would not be disturbed.
Lorrie was coming down the slope from the house and I took her in tow, reversing her course. She wanted to join Mandy in seducing Matt but I convinced her she was too late and Mandy was forging ahead too quickly for Lorrie to catch up.
We started up the rise, and saw young Kevin off to our right, coming down a path from over a rise from the open prairie beyond.
"Uh, Sugar?" I said to get Lorrie's attention. I nodded my head at the twelve-year-old boy.
Lorrie looked at Kevin with a calculating expression on her face. "Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah," she said, drawing out the one syllable into something about five words long. There was satisfaction and anticipation in her voice. Without a backward glance, she started up the hill to intercept my sister's youngest son before he could interrupt the goings-on in the barn.
Taking young Kevin by the hand, she led him back up the path and taking a branch that led beyond the barn and up another knoll. Going the way they were now, they'd wind up beside the little stream that made the ranch so green and inviting.
Presently they topped the hill and disappeared from sight. When last seen, Lorrie had her hand in Kevin's pocket and I was sure she wasn't searching for loose change.
Me? I resumed marching up the long incline to the house. There were hot showers up there and I needed one to cut through the sweat and grime from my workout.
The shower was fantastic. Steve had installed a solar converter that heated almost unlimited supplies of water for the home's use. I LIKED long, hot showers and if I couldn't have one in my own spacious, sybaritic shower stall, this was surely the next best thing.
Afterward, I wandered through the house, but there was no one else there except Casey, and she was sound asleep. I figured she needed it and I didn't have the heart to wake her. Sighing, I closed her door and went away to explore more of the old house.
It was a huge house built on three floors. Meandering through it brought me little pleasure, though I'd spent most of my early years here. Without Meghan's family awake and here for company, there were too many unkind memories to deal with.
I went outside, having to remind myself not to go in the direction of either the converted barn or the creek because I'd surely interrupt my daughters if I did. It wouldn't upset them any. Under other circumstances, they'd demand I join the action, but their boy cousins were still inexperienced enough that my coming up on them having sex with my girls would probably traumatize them for the rest of their lives. I didn't want that.
After a little exploring outside, I found a big hammock permanently strung between two strong trunks in a small stand of trees behind the house. It was shady, quiet, and suddenly I knew it was just what I was looking for.
I got into the hammock had been a while and I was out of practice with the required technique...but I was finally able to lay back with a long sigh. This was fine. I drifted off, napping in the shady copse of trees while the world buzzed on around me.
"Uncle Mike, can I come up there with you?"
For a moment, disoriented, I had no idea who was talking to me or where the voice came from. My sleep-fogged brain cleared enough to recognize little Shannon's voice and I was able to tell she was somewhere off on my right side. Blearily, I raised my head and looked over the side of the hammock to see the young eight-year-old shifting from one bare foot to the other while she awaited my response. I didn't have a clue when she'd come home.
"Sure, honey," I finally said. "Wow, you caught me sleepin' on duty didn't you?" I said jokingly. Shannon knew better than I how to climb into a hammock and she got aboard by way of the foot of the hammock. I shifted slightly to the left as she crawled up the length of my body and then cuddled happily against my right side with her head on my shoulder. The hammock was wide and there was plenty of room for us both.
"You aren't on...uh...duty, Uncle Mike," Shannon said softly. "You can take a nap if you want to. I don't mind. My Daddy does it all the time down here. Sometimes Uncle Luke, too." I smiled.
"Uncle Luke" was my Aunt Phoebe's husband; Aunt Phoebe was my mother's twin sister (my mother's name was Patricia). I'd always called Lucas "Uncle Luke," too. He was Shannon's great-uncle, by marriage. I knew him well and could easily believe he'd take every opportunity to take a nap in this bit of shady woods. Sleeping was one of his favorite hobbies.
"Okay," I said. "You going to take a nap too?"
I was willing to drop off again and get forty winks or so. There didn't seem to be much of anything that needed my attention. Shannon patted me on the chest with her little hand. In exchange, I patted what chanced to lie beneath my hand...her hip, as it turned out.
"Maybe," she said. "You go ahead an' go t' sleep, Unca Mike," she said softly, continuing to pat my chest slowly. It was excellent advice and I followed it.
* * *
I woke to an odd swaying motion. Now...hammocks sway and dance with every movement one makes, but this was something that didn't seem to fit anything I might be doing in my sleep.
Gradually I roused enough to realize I was still stretched out on my back in the hammock, but Shannon was in the act of inching her right leg over mine. She eased its weight down beside between my spraddled legs and let her lower body down astride my thigh. Her breathing eased, but her little body was stiff where it lay against me. Shannon was still for a moment.
I stayed motionless and relaxed. I thought she was checking to see if I still slept. If so, she must have decided I was.
I almost blew it when the young girl reached behind herself and tugged my right hand onto her little butt-cheek. And then Shannon's own right hand settled softly over my penis. It took a monumental act of will to not move.
She squeezed me gently, then began to slowly hump her groin onto my thigh. She was very careful about it, apparently taking care not to wake me. The feel of the innocent child hunching her sex onto me was kind of 'cute' rather than blatantly sexual--I don't know why.
On the other hand, the harder she ground her pussy against me, the harder she...unintentionally, I'm sure...squeezed my prick in her hand. The hard-on that began to grow when she first touched me grew longer and thicker the longer eight-year-old Shannon held on.
Then I chuckled softly. Her whole body jerked in one spasmodic muscle contraction. Shannon was one shocked and surprised young lady. Her hand flew off my cock and settled on my chest--safer territory.
"You little scalawag...." I whispered and chuckled again.
Her body was stiff, but she relaxed a trifle when nothing bad happened immediately. "Are you mad at me?" she asked in a small voice.
"Nope," I responded softly. "Why would I be upset? You mean 'cause a cute little girl put my hand on her butt while she played with my cock?" I asked quietly. I didn't really know how she'd respond to the naughty words but I could tell immediately she didn't have a problem with them.
"You like it when I squeeze you?" she asked shyly. She held her breath while she waited for my reply.
"Oh yeeeeeaaaah," I replied and smiled broadly.
Shannon relaxed completely. She was quiet a moment. I heard her suck in a lungful of air. Slowly, her hand came from behind her to settle hesitantly on my cock once more.
"Is that all right?" she asked slowly.
I squeezed her right ass cheek. "Is THAT all right?" I asked her in a conversational tone, keeping the pitch low and steady to reassure her. Without waiting for an answer, I slid my hand over to her left cheek and kneaded it gently too.
She giggled quietly and wriggled a little in delight. She grasped my cock a little more firmly and squeezed it experimentally a few times. It felt great to me.
"Do you do that to everyone who takes a nap around you?" I asked in an amused voice.
"Huh-uh, not EVERY time," she said matter-of-factly, "Uncle Luke sometimes...and now you...." Her voice trailed off. I sensed she was hiding something.
"And?" I asked.
She was quiet for a long time. "Sometimes...with my Daddy," she said quietly. "...but he doesn't know I do it," she added quickly, tensing in case I reacted harshly.
Instead, I chuckled. She relaxed again.
"Your Daddy NEVER wakes up like I did?" I asked interestedly.
I'd seen Steve show considerable interest in my daughters' unclad crotches just that morning; he hadn't averted his eyes at all. Nor had he avoided looking at their bodies as they moved about at any time since we'd gotten here. Actually, he looked to me like he was enjoying what the girls were exploring.
I waited for Shannon's answer about her dad.
"Onetime...I think he did," Shannon said finally. "But he didn't, I guess," she added.
"You did it with your Daddy just one time?" I asked. She shook her head.
"More," she said.
"But you don't know how many times he might have woke up?" I asked. She nodded, then shook her head.
"Uh...right...I dunno if he waked up ever or not," she said to clarify her answer.
I was intrigued. If Steve had awakened just once, he'd already been exposed to his youngest daughter's sexuality. If it were me, I'd have leaped from that realization to wondering what my other daughters were doing, or willing to do. But there was no evidence one way or the for his quick progress into enthusiastic voyeurism over the past few days.
Nuts. I let it go, tabling it for discussion with Mandy and Lorrie when we were alone.
"Uncle Luke wakes up lots o' times," Shannon offered.
I'd been quiet for a long time, I guess mulling over Steve's reactions, or lack thereof.
"Does he really?" I asked. "Wow! What does he do when he wakes up?"
"He wakes up all the time," Shannon said carefully. "He doesn't mind me touching him either an' he lets me anytime I want ta'," she said. While she was talking, her hand cruised the length of my cock, squeezing gently.
"Hmmmmmm," I said. "Did he teach you to do that?"
She nodded. She'd gradually worked her body higher in the hammock and was pillowing her head on my chest and looking down so she could see what she was doing. I was definitely seeing my Aunt's husband in a different light. I wondered if my mother's sister knew about her husband's adventures with my young niece. The question sent a pulse of excitement down the length of my body.
What if Aunt Phoebe DID know and she didn't mind?
Then I wondered just where the hell that idea had come from. I didn't have a clue.
"Do you want me to get on top of you?" Shannon inquired. Her little girl's voice was soft; the suggestion was delivered in such a calm tone, the eroticism was heightened considerably. "Uncle Luke likes it," she said in a coaxing tone.
"Sure," I said enthusiastically.
She scrambled on top of me quickly, adjusting her position so her groin settled over mine. She grinned up at me. Experimentally, she wiggled her nonexistent hips a little. I applauded her movement with a heartfelt sigh. Shannon recognized it as a confirmation that she was doing good things for her uncle. She grinned again.
Belatedly, I looked around as best I could. The hammock was concealed from almost all angles by the surrounding trees, except for a gap back in the direction of the house.
All I could see of the house was the third story bay window where the telescope was, and two of the three chimneys scattered about the roof. There wouldn't be anyone looking at stars from the big window here in the afternoon, so that area was safe, and I reasoned if that was all I could see up that way, then no one in the house could see me and Shannon either.
I was wrong, as it turned out, but I had myself convinced at the time.
Reassured, I turned my attention back to young Shannon. She was only eight-years-old; she favored her mother strongly in the face and she also had Meghan's sturdy 'Shirley Temple' body too; Shannon already had petite, strawberry-sized beginnings of breasts that made minute bumps in her T-shirts.
I kneaded Shannon's round little butt cheeks in my hands for a moment, and then stroked from the small of her back over her ass and down her bare legs as far as I could reach.
She shivered a little. "Mmmmmmmm," the eight-year-old cooed, "I LIKE that." So did I because when I stroked her, she squirmed around over my cock in a most delicious way.
"You know what else is fun?" I asked her.
"What?" she said quickly. I kept my hands in motion, massaging her ass and stroking her thighs while we talked.
"If you wear a skirt sometime," I said carefully, "I could touch you even more." To illustrate what I meant, I pushed two fingers on each hand up under the outer side of her cutoffs. They couldn't go far, the shorts were too tight, but I could stroke a little bit more of her luscious thigh flesh. I did.
"Yeah," she said thoughtfully, twisting around to watch my hands touch her legs. I'd have wrenched three major muscle groups trying that, but she could do it easily.
Positioned as we were, groin to groin, there was more than enough difference in our body lengths for her to rest her elbows on my ribcage and prop her hands underneath her chin. From there, she could look me right in the face. Her eyes grew a little glazed-over from time to time as she enjoyed what my hands were doing.
"I should do that," she said finally. "You wanna do that next time?" she asked blithely, casually assuming I'd want a next time too.
"Any time you want," I answered. I got a beautiful little smile in return.
She looked deep into my eyes for a while before saying anything.
"I sneaked in the barn," she remarked. "I know what Mandy and Matt are doing," she announced.
I didn't say anything.
"And Kevin and Lorrie too," she added.
I smiled. "You do?" I asked.
She nodded. "They're doing sex," she said solemnly.
I smiled again while she watched me closely for my reaction. "Is Matt hurting Mandy?" I asked.
She shook her head emphatically.
"Well, is Kevin hurting Lorrie then?" I asked.
She shook her head again.
"Okay," I said. "Then...don't you think everything's all right?"
She thought things over for a minute while I continued stroking her and she kept humping my cock.
"It's okay if they do that?" she asked seriously.
I nodded. "Is it okay what WE'RE doing?" I asked.
She considered that for a moment before replying. "I think so," she said. "You aren't hurting me neither," she added.
"And you're not hurting me," I said, "so it's all good with me!"
She giggled delightedly.
I dragged her up my body until her face was close to mine and kissed the eight-year-old girl on the lips.
Surprised, she drew back, but then came back for more. "I don't know how to kiss real good," she said carefully, unhappy to make the confession.
"Practice makes perfect!" I proclaimed "Let's practice, okay?"
My eight-year-old niece grinned and planted a wet one on my lips. This time, she let me tease open her lips and flick her tongue with mine. We only broke the kiss to breathe.
"Practicing is fun," little Shannon declared breathlessly a little while later.
I had to agree. We practiced for a while, but eventually, we had to climb out of the hammock and go back to the house.
Uncle Mike had to take a leak.
After I relieved myself and washed up, Shannon and I sat down side by side on one of the living room of the couches in one of the living rooms. This house had more parlors, family spaces, and living rooms than the law allows, and I was still lost about half the time.
Anyway, a second or two later, the little seductress got to her knees on the cushions, threw a leg across me and straddled my lap. A naughty little smile spread all over her face. Her knees clamped themselves around my hips. She leaned forward and pressed her upper body tightly against my chest and kissed my lips lightly before sitting on a cock that hadn't yet gone down much from our play in the hammock.
Without hesitation, the wanton little girl restarted the game of rubbing her groin on a man's cock, albeit with two sets of clothing in between. I was exploring her diminutive little boobies and making her giggle and squirm the upper half of her body around too.
Shannon was really getting into it when Meghan came bouncing down the stairs and into the front room.
'Bounce' was the active word too. Her braless breasts were dancing and jiggling for all they were worth inside another old shirt. The shirt was so threadbare the dark circles of Meghan's aureoles were quite visible and her prominent nipples...they seemed to always be hard and pointy...were poking a hole in the shirt. With the tails tied up like that under her titties, it left a whole lot of my sister's skin exposed for the discerning eye too.
I have two of those discerning kind of eyes, by the way.
Shannon was stunned at her mother's appearance.
"Mommy!" she exclaimed. "...One of your boobies is showing!"
It was. In her exuberant trip downstairs, her left breast had escaped from the shirt and was fully exposed to her young daughter and brother when she stopped a step away from their position on the couch. Meghan calmly looked down at herself and then back up to us.
"It sure is," she said matter-of-factly. "Put it back in for me would you, honey?" At first I thought she was asking me and my hands made an aborted leap for Meghan's chest.
Shannon was closer, though, and she beat me fair and square. One of Meghan's titties was more than two handfuls for Shannon's small hands, but eventually she got it tucked back inside Meghan's shirt.
Shannon's facial expression alternated between astonishment and excited delight as she put her mother's breast away. More than once in the process, Shannon's hips thrust forward and then back down over my cock. They were involuntary movements. I'm certain she wasn't even aware she was doing it. Luckily, Meghan was grinning at me the whole time over Shannon's unknowing head and didn't see.
"What are you and Uncle Mike doing down here?" Meghan asked when she was moderately decent again.
She'd straightened up and put her hands on her hips to survey the tableau. Shannon and I were both fully dressed, the fact the little girl's legs were straddling my upper thighs as I sat there wasn't TERRIBLY incriminating. I suppose it would have looked better if Shannon had rocked back a little so that the crotch of her shorts wasn't in direct contact with my crotch, but....
Before a surprised Shannon or I could reply, Meghan continued. "You lovin' on Uncle Mike?" she asked. "That's so sweet."
Meghan was looking directly into her little girl's eyes and radiating earnestness. "Mommy loves her brother too, you know," she said in a confiding tone. "Let Mommy kiss him!"
When Shannon obligingly leaned to one side, Meghan bent low to plant a very unsisterly kiss on my lips.
The shirt fell away from her chest as she bowed over at the waist and both of her full, firm breasts were exposed to me and Shannon both. I heard a hiss as Shannon took in a surprised breath.
Meghan drew back, glanced down at herself--then leaned back in with a grin. This time it was a longer kiss and her tongue flicked out to tease mine. She pulled back, still bending over, and she kissed my forehead fondly. Only then did she straighten up.
"Okay," she said to Shannon, "you can kiss your big ol' hunk of an Uncle now," she said contentedly. "Go on...give him a big hug and a long kiss, sugar pie." A little dazed, Shannon complied. By the third try, she was gaining a lot of confidence though she was still self-conscious in front of her mother.
Abruptly, Shannon's serious little face dissolved in laughter. Her mother was tickling her ribs from behind. Shrieking, she was hauled up into her mother's arms. She wrapped her arms around Meghan's neck and her slender legs around Meghan's waist.
"I love you too!" Meghan declared. She kissed her little daughter on the lips, and then again. As with me, the second was longer and, judging by what I could see of Shannon's face, it involved a tongue invading a surprised little girl's mouth. Meghan dropped her young daughter's feet to the floor, looked at her daughter for a moment and then calmly put her hand in the crotch of her daughter's cutoffs.
"You sure are a hot little girl," Meghan said unperturbedly. "Hmmmmmmm." She caught Shannon's hands in her own and spread the little girl's arms wide.
Meghan surveyed her youngest daughter critically for a second. "You know what I think?" she asked Shannon.
"What?" Shannon replied, bewildered beyond embarrassment.
"I think," Meghan said in a secretive tone, "I think you would look really pretty in a skirt. Your legs are so smooth and pretty...a short skirt, don't you think?" she asked Shannon. She didn't wait for an answer.
"Ask your Uncle Mike," she instructed her daughter. "Your Uncle Mikey likes pretty girls in clothes that show off a lot of a sexy girl's legs."
Shannon turned to me. "Do you, Uncle Mike?" she demanded.
I nodded dumbly. I figured this was a reference to my advice to Meghan when she was a girl that she should wear stuff that showed off her body. I guessed it was, but I didn't understand why she was telling it to her little girl.
"I HAVE always loved that," I assured her. I was looking in her mother's eyes. She had challenged me and had surprised me...but I was beginning to recover a bit.
"Cool," the young girl said succinctly. She looked up at her mother.
"Is that why you started wearing shorty shorts and showing your boobs, Mom?"
Meghan was startled at the question, but after a moment's reflection, she nodded. "And 'cause your father likes it too," Meghan said calmly.
Shannon thought that over for a second or two. "I think you're right, Mommy," she said. "Daddy likes to see your legs a lot...and your boobies," she added.
"I KNOW I'm right," Meghan retorted, smiling. "Well, time to go fix dinner," she announced and made her way to the hallway leading to the south side of the house. "Talk to y'all later," she called back to us.
More than a little dazed, Shannon and I looked blankly at each other.
"Mommy touched me down here," Shannon said. She had come close and was rubbing her crotch to show me where. Her voice had lowered into a conspiratorial whisper.
"I saw!" I replied in the same hushed tone. I opened my arms wide. "Come up here and let ME touch you there."
Shannon's mystified expression cleared and morphed quickly into delight. She looked all around to see if there was anyone to see, then scrambled back up onto my lap. This time, Uncle Mikey's big hand was in his lap to receive her groin and Shannon squeaked a quietly little squeal. She began working her shorts-covered pussy into my palm.
We had to quit when the other kids began to invade the front room but we made a whispered agreement that next time she'd be wearing the short skirt suggested by her mother. I resolved to myself that good old Uncle Mike would take that opportunity to teach her about men's zippers, and maybe some other things too.
* * *
Dinner that night, our fourth in my sister's house, was an odd one. Meghan, for instance, was happier and more bubbly than I'd seen her since she was a teenager. She was all hands too. I was the recipient of more touching and hugging than I'd gotten from her since the day our parents passed away.
She wasn't just 'hands' though. She was hands, breasts, hips, thighs, and everything else. At one time or another during the preparation, serving, or cleaning up from dinner, almost every part of her body had touched me somewhere.
It wasn't just me though. Both boys got their share of more-than-affectionate hugs and caresses.
Steve got so much attention he had a bulge in his pants long before the table was cleared for desert and he began to pass it on. Each of his daughters were engulfed in his arms more than once, their arms and shoulders stroked in a fatherly way, and given chaste kisses.
That was the way it began. Later on, the strokes got slower and his hands lingered on his daughters' bodies. Once he pretended to spank Renee, turning her over his knees and holding her down while she vigorously wiggled her ass around trying to get away. Inspired by that, I guess, he made as if he were slapping other girl's behinds a time or two but the smacks were more caresses than anything else.
None of the girls seemed to mind, though they were taken aback at first. After a while, they joined the game and made their cute little butts very available for simulated spankings from Steve and me. Casey made the first break away from Steve and teased me into 'spanking' her and, from then on, the other girls included me in that particular entertainment.
Then, Lorrie minced closer to Steve and provoked him into swatting at her heart-shaped little ass. She let him make contact too...and made sure it lasted a good long while. Steve was flushed and a very happy man by the time he finished his apple pie.
Matt's smile was a bright light in the kitchen and dining room. He looked like the cat who'd eaten the canary and was unmistakably very, very satisfied with himself. For a while, he tried to make sure Mandy got no more than a couple of feet from him but my daughter put a stop to that almost immediately.
"You remember what I told you!" I heard her whisper into his ear one time when he'd clouded up a little because Mandy was standing close behind me and not him. His head jerked in my direction to see if I'd noticed, but I pretended I didn't. He nodded seriously and was thereafter more relaxed.
Lorrie helped with his mood when she plopped herself down on his lap and squirmed around while pretending to carry on a conversation with him about weight lifting. From his expression, the canary population was in danger of being totally consumed.
Kevin, curiously, didn't seem to have a problem with Lorrie distracting Matt. He spent considerable time deep in a quiet conversation with his twin sister, Kristi, and sometimes with Renee. They were all three happy youngsters. Flushed cheekbones on all three of their faces said they were enjoying everything going on.
Shannon, bless her little heart, climbed up on her dad's lap and hugged him repeatedly. I knew...I didn't even have to see it...she was moving her little behind around and over a bulge in her father's crotch.
When I found a moment with no one else looking my way, I winked at Shannon.
The little minx winked back at me, though she was a little uncoordinated. Both eyes blinked instead of one. When she tried to correct, I burst out laughing at her facial expression. I explained to everyone that I was laughing just because I was so happy.
They didn't find that hard to believe...and why not? It was true.
* * *
After dinner, we all adjourned to the family room on the second floor where there were multiple overstuffed couches and easy chairs, cushions and throw pillows all over the place. It was a thoroughly comfortable place with lighting that could be bright or dim, depending upon the mood.
Meghan dialed the rheostat control down enough to give everyone a sense of intimacy and mystery. The sexually charged atmosphere I'd noticed at dinner...and, indeed, ever since I'd arrived...was on its way to becoming a palpable presence.
We watched a half-hour of totally uninspiring satellite TV. Long before it ended, I was ready for something a little more exciting.
Eight-year-old Shannon had migrated back to my lap and in the shadow-laden room apparently felt free to rub her panty-clad pussy over my penis almost at will. She had changed into that short skirt her mother had recommended and she was making the most of it. In fact, she was driving me crazy.
I cleared my throat. "Uh...Mandy?"
She looked over at me from where she and Renee were each balancing on a thigh Steve generously provided. I didn't know about Renee, but I could tell...even in the dimness...Mandy was getting enough stimulation from the contact between her pussy and her uncle's thigh to raise her horniness factor about ten points.
Suddenly, I knew I was going to fuck my oldest daughter later tonight. I was going to dispense with what little remained of our agreement to not have sex in my sister's house. Considering today's...and the week's, for that so far, that pact was rendered meaningless anyway.
"Sweetheart," I continued, "why don't you and Lorrie show everyone what you girls have learned at dance school?" Mandy hesitated for a moment...I couldn't read her expression in the dim light...then she jumped up.
"Yeah," she said, struggling unsuccessfully to control the enthusiasm in her voice. "Come on, Lorrie," she called as she trotted out of the room. Their music was upstairs, still in Lorrie's luggage. Lorrie went up the stairs behind her sister, the two of them sounding like a herd of horses galloping along.
"DAAAAAAAA-DEEEEEEEEEE?" Mandy had a set of lungs which, when used properly, gave her the ability to be heard over a hurricane. There was no such storm around at the moment so she could probably have been heard in back home in the big city. Certainly, we all could.
"What, honey?" I called out.
"Where's our CD? I can't find it," she said petulantly, at a considerably lower volume.
"It's in...well, shoot...I'm not sure which suitcase it's in," I began. "Never mind...I'm coming." I got up, regretfully disentangling myself from young Shannon and made the climb up to the third floor and down the hall.
Mandy, and probably Lorrie...their minds worked alike in such things...had expanded on my initial idea and I thoroughly approved. I'd first thought they could dance with the shorts and tank tops they'd had on, but both had quickly changed to into leotards...tight leotards...nothing-left-to-the-imagination leotards. I grinned
Mandy was holding up a pair of dancing shoes to me with a quizzical expression. I shook my head. Bare feet and legs were what I had in mind tonight. Evidently, she'd been thinking the same thing because she dropped them unceremoniously to the floor and kicked them out of the way.
Impulsively, she jumped into my arms, throwing her arms around my neck and kissed me hard. Her right hand reached down to grasp my prick and she fondled me for a long moment. My daughter had caught my mood, it seemed.
I found their CD, carried it downstairs and, with Kristi's assistance, got it inserted into the player without breaking anything. Kristi, though, gave me a big surprise by initiating more than a little body contact. Heretofore, she'd kept her distance but her aloofness was clearly evaporating.
Which was fine by me! I thoroughly enjoyed the arm she threw around my waist and the young breast now nuzzling my ribcage. I responded by putting my hand on her back and stroking up and down for a bit. She was not, I noticed, wearing a bra, though I was sure she had been this morning. I guessed everyone was getting a little more relaxed about touches, unnecessary clothing, and such things.
Kristi accompanied me back to my easy chair and sat on my lap, curling her legs up and cuddling into my upper body. Shannon...the little hussy...had abandoned me for her brother Matt's lap. The look of consternation on his face was priceless. I winked at Shannon to show her I knew what she was doing to another of the males in her family but she didn't see.
"We're ready, Daddy," came the voice from the dark hallway. At first, I had no idea what Lorrie was trying to tell me. They could just come on down....
Then it came to me.
"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!" I shouted, albeit at a fairly restrained volume. "Direct from the Folies way of the Sheik of Arabeeee's desert tents...the Las Vegas strip...and...the Sweet Gypsy Rose dance studio...I give you the famous, the beautiful, the electrifying, the...."
"...the bossy...AMANDA AND LORRAINE!" I finished.
Kristi, broke up in a series of giggles. She snuggled closer, causing her body to writhe in a most delightful fashion on my lap. I touched the remote control to the player and it started almost immediately. I'd deliberately made a slightly bawdy intro to their dance, partly because I was in that kind of mood, and partly to remind my girls of a couple of things I'd like to see.
I wanted to see, and I wanted everyone else to see, a lot of body swaying and hip gyrating dancing. It was that kind of night.
I needn't have bothered with the hints. The first song on the disk was a hard techno beat that went on forever. Both girls entered in a rush. They went into a routine reminiscent of some of those cheerleader shows in NFL football games. There were lots of hip thrusts, leaping about, stylized prancing about and much bending over, slow straightening to erect positions, and great, sweeping arm gestures.
The fabric of the skintight danskin leotards shimmered in the dim light. Mandy wore a lavender one, Lorrie a pale blue one. Both had spaghetti-thin straps over their shoulders. At dance school recitals, they would have probably added footed tights on their legs and a tutu, but tutus would hide their groins and we didn't want that tonight.
When they BEGAN their routine, the outfits didn't hide much of my young daughters' bodies. Ten seconds later, the crotch of the garments had bunched up and crept inside their young pussies and up the cracks of their asses. Every male there was treated to a front row view of two very distinct, very pretty, camel toes; and two pair of beautifully rounded ass cheeks to go along with their bare legs.
I sneaked a look at Steve. Meghan's husband was staring intently at my two preteen daughters as they danced and cavorted about the room. He didn't notice me watching him and I pretended I didn't notice HIM shooting a calculating glance at me every once in a while.
When it was clear I wasn't objecting a bit, Steve devoted all his attention to my daughters' wanton display. A freight train rumbling past his recliner wouldn't have distracted him, and his sons were in no better shape. Matt's hands were on his baby sister's hips now. I doubt he was aware he was helping Shannon rub her cunt over his dick, but it was happening just the same.
Mandy and Lorrie's next routine was a slower, more seductive instrumental that lent itself to dances from a harem fantasy. I was picturing both girls in filmy costumes, as I had indeed seen them in, and doing those gentle hip movements, and the dipping and swaying moves they were doing now for my sister's family. I have no idea how a girl can move her upper body and thighs in one direction while her hips swayed the opposite way. But they do.
Mandy decided her Uncle Steve needed a closer look and parked herself right in front of him and stayed there for quite a while. Her sensual undulations completely mesmerized Steve...and everyone else. Stepping lightly to one side and then the other, Mandy swung her body around as gracefully as a ghost...a sensual ghost.
Lorrie concentrated on entertaining the two boys and she kept them utterly transfixed. When the music shifted to a hula, Lorrie's lower abdomen rotated around in tight circles that were all the more delicious for the slow speed at which she did them. She faced away from the boys, letting them see her butt checks clinch and release as she pranced around in something approximating a traditional Hawaiian hula. When it was time for the rapid hip shaking, Kevin was forced to cover a what was a very respectable, for such a young lad, hard-on with a couch pillow.
I looked around to see Meghan smiling gently at the show, dividing her attention between the dancing and, as I was doing, watching the effect it had on everyone else. When I caught her eye, she grinned and licked her lips...suggestively, I thought. I tore my eyes from hers before I did something rash.
The girls' CD finished with some hard rock. Mandy and Lorrie did a number of the current dances, all of which had some degree of a stripper's 'bump and grind' to them. By design or accident, they wound up in front of Steve or the two young boys more often than not.
None of the Morrison males showed any ability to take their eyes off the two lewd young dancers. Indeed, everyone in the room was entranced. My daughters finished up with a couple minutes of freak dancing. Watching Mandy grind her ass into Lorrie's welcoming groin behind her and then Lorrie shoving her ass into Mandy's groin, I felt my penis grow hard as a rock.
Twelve-year-old Kristi became aware of my tumescent prick and lifted herself off me. She turned to look at me enigmatically...then settled back to watch the dancing. My cock was now nestled between her butt cheeks, not perfectly aligned, but well enough. Every once in a while, I felt her clinch her butt muscles to grasp me a little tighter.
On the carpet in front of me, Mandy and Lorrie finished up and fell into a pose where Mandy was on one knee, facing me with Lorrie was bent backwards over Mandy's other knee. Lorrie's mons pubis was thrust into distinct prominence and the leotard was so stretched, her outer labia and the slit between were flauntingly exposed. Both girls froze for several lonnnnnnng seconds, giving everyone in the room a chance to examine Lorrie's lower body before she tired and sagged to the floor.
Mandy and Lorrie got up slowly, tired and sweaty.
I started clapping and whistling, just to break the silence. I wasn't sure Steve and the boys could speak and I didn't know what Meghan and her daughters would say.
Everything was okay though. Following my lead, other whistles and cheers rang out for a long while. Shannon and her sisters were clapping as wildly as their brothers while Meghan smiled beatifically at anyone who looked her way.
"I want ta' do that," Shannon shrieked, bouncing off Matt's lap and into the middle of the floor. She bounded over the carpet to Mandy and grabbed her hands to swing Mandy around. "Will you teach me to dance like that?" she begged. "Please, Mandy?"
Mandy couldn't resist the little girl. "Go ask your mother," Mandy said.
Which was good. Parents did have some say in the matter, though I suspected even if the answer was no, young Shannon would find a way to get some private instruction. Kids do things that way, you know.
Shannon whirled and raced to her mother. "Can I, Mommy?" she pleaded earnestly. "Please, Mom?"
I knew Meghan was going to approve the venture. I don't know how I knew, but I did.
Meghan only smiled but that was enough for Shannon. Shrieking even louder, she jumped back to Mandy and hugged her around the waist again. By this time, the other girls had joined in a circle around my daughters. I immediately missed Kristi's round little ass in my lap. It felt cold and very lonely all of a sudden.
I made a point of checking Steve's reaction from the corner of my eye. He hadn't raised a single objection. He was watching quietly with no particular expression on his face.
Just then, Lorrie slipped out of the circle Steve's daughters made around the two dancers, pushed Steve's knees apart and perched herself on his left knee. She pulled her right leg up until it was bent at about 45 degrees and laid it out across his lap. Even if Steve's eyes hadn't popped out, it wouldn't have taken much imagination to understand her knee was laying on top of his cock. He didn't make her move though. Lorrie's posture opened the space between her legs completely to his view and his eyes dropped automatically.
She pretended to knead a cramp in her calf and asked Steve to help her. His big hands closed about the 'cramped' muscle and began to massage it. He kept going, not stopping until Lorrie thanked him with a light kiss before swiveling around to leave and darting back to the center of the room.
Steve never did object to his kids learning a little dirty dancing. From what I saw in his expression, the idea of protesting never occurred to him.
For the next hour or so, the six girls treated the rest of us to a lot of dance practice. There were many swaying hip, groins being thrust out, and lost of other lewd body contortions. Mandy got the boys up and showed each how to freak dance and then pressed their sisters into position for some hands-on training.
She didn't let us adults rest either. Pulling Steve onto his feet, she parked her little butt in his groin and ground away for several long moments. Before he knew what was happening, Renee, and then Casey replaced Mandy and he was suddenly and enthusiastically dirty dancing with his daughters.
Meghan got up and pulled me out onto the carpet and pressed her ass back into me and made me wrap my arms around her for a long, intensely pleasurable freak dance. I'm not sure about the artistic merits of the dance but...when it ended I had a hard-on that made my cargo shorts bulge grotesquely.
That was okay. All four of us guys had tents in our pants of varying sizes. Not one of the womenfolk said a thing about them, though. Shannon was too young to conceal her interest, so I was able to watch her mesmerized eyes shifting from one male crotch to the next.
The other females hid their crotch-watching much better than Shannon but I caught each of them peeking at one time or another. Young Renee sidled closer once, apparently just to make sure it wasn't an air pocket trapped inside my shorts. It didn't go down when she poked surreptitiously at it and I got the sweetest little grin from her when I chuckled at her.
Meghan proposed a second desert, homemade peach ice cream, and everyone adjourned to the kitchen. Laughter and chatter filled the room as we all came down a little from the adrenalin high in which we'd all been held captive for a couple of hours. I knew...I hoped...the evening wasn't over though.
There was that promise I'd made myself to screw Mandy 'til , for instance....
I'd showered, taking a long time in there to give Casey a chance to join me but she didn't show. Horny as a goat, I finally toweled off and got into a fresh pair of cargo shorts. I didn't bother with anything else. Padding down the hallway, I knocked on Mandy and Lorrie's door but I didn't get any response. Opening their door, I peeked in but there was no one inside. I sighed and wandered back to my room, depressed that I was going to have to go to sleep with a hard-on that just would not go down. Determining I had to do something about it, I decided on a cold shower and then some sleep.
My door opened and closed quickly.
Swinging around, I was just in time to brace myself before Mandy plowed into me. Her arms were around my neck and she was urgently pressing her naked body against me. She pushed her lips up to me with her tongue already thrusting into my mouth. I wasn't going to go to bed without a little fucking after all. I unwound her arms and held her away a couple of inches so I could drop my shorts.
"You walked from your room without clothes on?" I asked.
She nodded. "Through the bathroom," she explained. "Heck, Daddy...Casey's the only one else up here and I don't think she's going to go tell her mom and dad after what she did with us this afternoon," she said a little sarcastically. I had to agree with her.
"But what if one of the boys had come up here...or the girls?"
"Well...Matt is too BUSY to come up here," she said. "Lorrie started showing him how to eat pussy a couple of minutes ago, so he's not going to budge from his room any time soon," she remarked.
I pushed my shorts off my hips to the floor and kicked them in the corner. "Yeah, that should keep him occupied for a while," I said. "What about you? I knocked on your door a few minutes ago but you weren't there. If Lorrie's doing naughty things with Matt, I would have thought you'd be with Kevin." She shrugged her shoulders expressively.
"I wanted my Daddy!" she explained, grinning happily.
Her eyes sharpened. "You know what I think?" she said conspiratorially, leaning close and lowering her voice. "Lorrie told me that after they did it, Kevin couldn't wait to get back to the house," she said musingly. "And then...I saw him talking with Kristi for the longest time after that, and with Renee too." She giggled.
"I bet Kevin and Kristi are somewhere and Kevin is showing her where things fit and how they work," she said, grinning wide. "Fuck, fuck, fuck," she repeated happily. I could see where her mind was.
And her analysis fit what I'd been observing in my sister's family. I grinned back at her.
"You know what?" I said. "I think you might just be right." I cupped both her breasts in my palms and massaged them tenderly. "And Casey and Renee might be watching them too, huh? I mean...for all we know...they could be...or practicing a little girl-on-girl like you showed her today." Mandy giggled again.
I leaned over and kissed her pink little lips, searching for, and finding her tongue waiting for me. We kissed for a long moment and then shuffled, toward the bed. Falling into it, we fondled each other for a moment, but we were too hot for very much foreplay. She rolled over and reached between us to position my cock at the entrance to her young puss.
There was a rustling sound outside my door and we both froze.
Mandy tossed the light blanket from the foot of the bed over us both and disappeared beneath it. I rolled on my side and faced the door, wondering what was going on.
Seconds later, the doorknob turned quietly and a familiar figure in a short blue satin robe slipped through the door. Turning, she locked it behind her while smiling naughtily at me.
I made a mental note that Mandy should do that also the next time she came calling. Locked doors kept accidents from happening.
Casey threw me a steamy look from beneath her long eyelashes and unbelted the robe slowly. Letting it slip off her shoulders, it fell behind her and whispered to the floor. Naked, Casey pranced toward me.
I tried to think of what to do next...but then I relaxed. My Mandy had eaten Casey's pussy early this afternoon while I watched. Casey couldn't have many illusions left about the relationship I had with my daughters.
Suddenly, the blanket on the bed flipped back and Mandy's head emerged over my shoulder. Her hand dropped to my cock and grabbed it to hold it straight up.
"Peek-a-boo!" she said impishly.
Casey stopped in her tracks and stared for an instant. Her right hand whipped down to hide her crotch and she held her other one across her breasts. She made a tiny sound that would have been a surprised shriek if she hadn't smothered it quickly.
Babbling incoherently, she backed away. I'm sure she'd have gathered up her robe and fled if Mandy hadn't taken things into her own hands at that point.
"Cassandra Maye!" she said imperiously.
Casey stopped, her prattling checked for the moment. She stared at Mandy.
I did too. I'd never heard that tone from her. I made another mental note, this one to suggest to my daughter she might have a career as an army drill sergeant if she wanted one.
"Cousin," Mandy said in a softer voice. "Would you puh-leeeeze get your butt over here and talk to us?" she asked. Surprisingly, some of Casey's trepidation seemed to fall away and she inched closer. Mandy still had her fingers wrapped around my cock and she was rhythmically flexing her wrist in a gentle up and down motion.
Casey watched Mandy jack me off as if there had never been anything quite so enchanting in her life before this moment. Had my cock been a pissed-off cobra, she couldn't have stared more intently. If her mood hadn't been so fragile, I'd have laughed at her expression. It took a moment or two but Casey was finally standing beside the bed.
Mandy rolled over me and sat on the mattress next to me. Then she pulled me up so I was sitting also. My daughter resumed slowly masturbating me.
"Sit down, Casey...with me and Daddy," she said softly, but firmly at the same time, "so we can talk about some things, okay?"
Still looking at Mandy's hand closed around my penis, Casey sat gingerly on my other side. Her hands dropped from their defensive positions though her fingers still had a life of their own. That was a good sign, I thought. Mandy reached out and patted Casey's forearm. Casey took it in stride, hardly flinching at all.
"Casey," Mandy said in a gently reproving tone, "remember me? I'm the cousin who had her nose stuffed up your cunt this afternoon...remember that?"
The words were delivered teasingly. Mandy's head was cocked to one side. She was smiling at her cousin, inviting her to share the joke. Casey responded to the bantering note in Mandy's voice with a small grin that flickered, went away, but returned to stay.
"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," Casey said in a small voice. "I knooooooooooow."
She took her eyes off my cock for the first time in several moments to look at Mandy. The girls looked at each other for a long moment...and then they started giggling together.
"Yeah," Casey said between bouts of gurgling laughter, "I remember! It was real good, Mandy!" The girls touched foreheads when Casey leaned over. They stayed that way a long moment, then separated and controlled their giggles.
"I'm sorrrrrrry," Casey said. "I was just shocked to see you here, and...and...." Her voice trailed off.
There was still some work to do, but the crisis had passed. I took her left hand in both of mine and held it lightly. Mandy still had the initiative.
"Casey, Dad watched me eat your pussy this morning...afternoon, right?" Mandy asked smoothly. Casey nodded.
"And you already said you liked me doing it, right?"
Casey nodded again.
"Just...checking," Mandy said dryly.
They giggled again for a bit.
"And you saw my Daddy fucking Lorrie doggy style, right?" Mandy said with a slightly inquisitive tone. It was a light enough tone that Casey wasn't tempted to bolt again, but it was a while before she nodded her assent.
"Uh...I saw it," she said as if mildly confused, "but I...I didn't really see it, ya know?" She was asking for understanding.
"You could accept Mandy eating you out while I watched...but you didn't know what to think about me and Lorrie fucking?" I asked calmly.
Casey looked me in the eyes for the first time in a long time and nodded. She looked faintly embarrassed and a faint pinkness brightened her cheeks.
"Well...." she said and sighed softly. "I just didn't know what to...," she said, stumbling a little. She glanced at Mandy. "I didn't know what to think about it...and then while you and Lorrie were dancing...." Her voice trailed off again.
I blinked uncomprehendingly. She was combining two separate events. Then I understood.
"Ahhhhhhh," I said. "You saw your dad look at Mandy and Lorrie a way he doesn't usually look at young girls?" Casey nodded gratefully. I hadn't put it well, but it was close enough.
"Casey," I said, letting a faintly challenging tone come into my voice. "Don't take this the wrong way, honey, but what's the problem in your Dad thinking of Mandy and Lorrie in a sexual way...considering you climbed in a shower with your uncle and actually had sex with him a few nights ago?"
I kept her hand in mine, afraid she might take off again. To her credit, she didn't budge. Instead, she gave me a small smile and rocked her head from side to side to show her chagrin at the contradiction between her misgivings and her actions. I relaxed. This was going to turn out okay.
"Silly," I said to her and leaned forward to kiss her lightly on the lips. I was rewarded with a minutely stronger smile.
"It's not so bad...what my Dad was thinking...huh?" she asked. I shook my head.
"Not from MY point of view," I said, smiling and letting my gaze fall down to her nude body. She blushed slightly, but held her ground. She looked back at my cock, still firmly grasped in Mandy's fist and then up to Mandy's calm eyes.
"Well, I guess it's not so bad," Casey said.
Mandy snorted.
"I got news for ya, cousin dear," she said firmly, "it's pretty darn good, actually."
Casey chuckled.
"Can I...?" she asked Mandy.
Mandy inclined her head toward me.
"My Daddy THINKS it belongs to him...why don't you ask him?" she told her cousin.
Casey couldn't help it. She giggled uncontrollably for a long while. It was infectious. Mandy joined in and then I did too. When it ended, we were three family members again, warm and happy in each other's presence.
"Do you share well with others?" I said facetiously.
Casey nodded, grinning. "My report card in kindergarten always said so," she replied.
I moved my legs apart. "Okay then. Why don't you check out that little sac hanging down there under my cock, then?" I suggested. With no sign of her earlier unease, she did. As she cupped my balls and gently massaged them, I leaned back on my elbows and sighed.
A few moments later, Mandy bent over to take my cock in her mouth. I couldn't take it very long. It had been too long a day and I'd been on fire for too long. I scooted my ass down the bed and looked at the two naked young girls expectantly.
"Have you had a cock in you today," Mandy asked her cousin.
Surprised, Casey shook her head.
"K...." Mandy said, "me get up here on his cock and I'll sit on his face so he can eat my pussy...and then we'll switch, okay?"
Not yet ready to discuss such arrangements quite so boldly, Casey nodded silently. She crawled up on the bed and threw a leg over me to straddle my hips. Uncertainly, she reached under her body to find my penis. She was surprised to find Mandy's hand there still there, holding my cock pointing straight up into the air and aimed right at Casey's outer labia.
"Just sit down on him," Mandy advised, "...slow...don't go too fast," she added.
Casey braced both hands on my chest and tucked her chin against her chest to watch my dick slide into her. Her long hair fell into my eyes and I pushed it to one side. I wanted to see too.
Casey dropped her ass slowly, stopping when my cock touched her outer labia. She adjusted the angle of her hips minutely and then settled down on me. It was agonizingly slow for me, but the sight of my cock obscenely spreading her tender pussy lips and then gliding deeper and deeper inside my young niece made up for the wait. I could feel her wet velvety cunt began to slide down my prick, engulfing me in its heat. I could tell the double stimulation was going to make this a really good fuck.
I groaned and Casey looked up at me quickly. I pulled her head down for a quick kiss, teasing her tongue with mine before releasing her again.
Reassured, she let her body down another inch and then eased back up. Every time she rose, she dropped her hips a little farther down on the next stroke.
Already gripped tightly inside the thirteen-year-old's vagina, my cock plunged deeper each time. Casey worked on getting as much of me inside her as she could and eventually I felt the head bottom out. After a moment and some exploratory hip movements, Casey began a rhythmic, pistoning action, bending over and thrusting her groin forward and back. She experimented with different angles and speeds, seeing which combination pleased her most.
Then my view of her was cut off.
Mandy put her leg over me and squatted on my chest. All I could see was a close-up of pink outer pussy lips and the ruby red interior of my daughter's cunt.
"Daddy, dear," Mandy crooned, "I need you really, really bad."
Casey had reared back seconds earlier, I guess in response to a gesture or touch from Mandy. She got back into the rhythm quickly, though. She was bouncing straight up and down on my cock now. I thought I was stabbing deeper into her cunt but that was probably an illusion. She was beginning a buildup to her own orgasm.
Mandy arched her back as I began to nibble at her clitty. I saw Casey's two young hands come under Mandy's arms and tentatively cup Mandy's titties. I smiled as I licked up and down Mandy's slit. Casey had recovered from her earlier inhibitions quite nicely.
I lay there, almost smothered by Mandy's pussy, thrilled by the sight of Casey's hands on my daughter and almost overcome by the sensation of Casey's vagina sucking on my cock. We worked together, the three of us, encouraging each other's climax and basking in our own steadily increasing pleasure.
I lapped at Mandy's inner labia, drinking in her juices that were flowing steadily. Stabbing my tongue as deep inside her as I could, I probed her cunt while my nose bumped her pubic mound. She ground her hips around in tiny circles against my mouth, trying to mash her clit against my tongue, my teeth, anything that would stimulate the little nubbin and give her relief.
Casey was whipping her own ass around in a tight circle...or a parabola...or something like that. I didn't know what it was, but what I did know was that at one point in the circle, my cock was deep inside her and at the other end of the arc, her cunt muscles were clinching tight around the head of my cock to keep it inside.
I never quite came out of her though. She was learning quickly. I could hear the lewd, sucking sound when she was on her upstroke and the wet, squishing noises our bodies made when she plunged down again. With each passing moment, Casey's hips moved faster and faster.
I groaned out loud...I couldn't help it. The sensations of her slippery hot cunt around my swollen dick were almost too intense to bear. No one heard me, though, because I was groaning into my daughter's cunt.
She felt the vibrations welling up from my vocal cords. She whimpered, beginning to use a fast fore and back motion to increase the friction between her clit and my tongue.
My cock seemed to be driving even deeper inside Casey. For a certainty, the vulgar, wet sloshing noises were louder and my niece was panting harder and harder. I could do nothing, pinned down as I was. I was at the mercy of the two naked little girls...and I loved it. Casey's vagina began to clamp down on my cock in an irregular pattern. I couldn't take it any longer.
Groaning deep in my throat, I got Mandy's clitoris between my lips and sucked at it. She went wild, bucking her hips hard into my mouth. I held on to her ass cheeks, pressing her groin tightly to my face to keep her from hurting herself...or me. I increased the suction and I heard her moan something incomprehensible. In a second or two, she mashed herself against my mouth, stopped bucking and held herself still while her orgasm washed over her. Every time a tremble washed its way down her belly, the movement kicked off another series of anguished moans.
Casey was plunging up and down on her knees, alternately taking me deep and nearly spewing me out. Her movements became ragged, she braced her hands behind her on my legs and worked her hips in a straight up-down movement for a bit and then squealed between clinched teeth. Her vagina clamped my cock so tightly, it milked my cum out of my balls before I was ready for it. Hot cream sprayed into my young niece's cunt and set her off again.
Working hard, she whipped her groin back and forth quickly for a moment, then yelped again, freezing into place. I thrust up inside her a couple of times, pumping another load of cum into her. A third spurt of my milky white seed inside Casey's belly and I collapsed back to the bed, pulling my cock out of the young girl's pussy. A fourth squirt of baby-making fluid erupted from the end of my cock and splashed over her cunt lips. She humped forward immediately and I slipped back inside her.
With a sigh, she collapsed forward onto my daughter's back. Mandy slumped forward too, making it necessary for me to turn my head to the side and hunt for breathing space under her thigh. Assured of my ability to get air into my lungs, I relaxed, letting my body settle down into the soft mattress while we all three wound down.
After a while, we untangled ourselves and the two naked young girls arranged their overheated bodies on either side of me. When we cooled, they both turned on their sides to me and rested their heads on my shoulders. Mandy took control of my balls and Casey wrapped her slender fingers around my deflated cock this time.
"WOW!" I said tersely, summarizing my feelings on the sex I'd just had with the two young girls. I got a brief giggling laugh from both of them. I swept my hand down their sides to one lovely hip apiece and stroked them for a while.
After a few moments, Casey picked up the conversation we'd delayed in favor of fucking. " like having sex with your dad?" she asked Mandy.
"Well, YOU do don't you?" Mandy demanded.
Casey snorted and nodded. "But he's YOUR father," Casey tried one last protest.
"But he's your UNCLE," Mandy returned, mimicking Casey. "And it's not really all that much different, if you think about it--you're still related to him," she added.
Casey considered it, and had to concede the point. "It's just new to me," she muttered into the hairs on my chest.
"Yeah, but it's pretty darn good fun," Mandy told her. "It might take some getting used to, but my Daddy wouldn't hurt me for nothin' and we love each other's just one more way to love each other," she explained. "And," she added wickedly, "it's LOTS and lots of fun!"
I chuckled along with them. The road our thoughts were following led down an obvious path. I knew it, Mandy knew it, and I was sure Casey did too...but maybe she just wasn't ready to face it yet.
"My Daddy has a really nice cock, don't you think?" Mandy asked. She was massaging my balls and my body was beginning to respond. Casey smothered a laugh. Mandy was educating her slowly, but she still wasn't accustomed to such brazen comments.
"Uh-huh," Casey agreed slowly. "Are all of them...are all men's things as big as your daddy's?" she asked tentatively.
"What 'thing' is that?" Mandy countered. She grinned at Casey over my chest, letting her cousin know she was going to have to let herself go completely. Mandy wasn't going to cut her any slack at all.
Casey blew out her breath explosively, dragged in another...and then relaxed. "His COCK!" she said, with emphasis. She still had my dick in her hand and she was rotating her wrist a few degrees back and forth to make the subject under discussion waggle in the air. It felt good. I could feel life flowing back into the lower part of my belly.
Mandy grinned manically at her older cousin. "Nope," she said, "some cocks are smaller...shorter, I mean...some are skinnier, some are maybe a little longer and sometimes they are a teeny-weeny bit fatter that my Daddy's, but not very many."
I started to correct her on the "fatter" thing; it was my contention that penises are 'thick' not fat but Mandy didn't give me a chance. Her palm was pressed tightly against my mouth before I could open it to speak. She used the moment to wipe some of my saliva and her pussy juices off my mouth and cheeks. I hadn't had a hand free to do it for myself before.
"Thank you," I said politely.
"You're welcome," she replied in the same tone.
Casey giggled at the byplay. "You two are just plain nasty," she remarked.
Mandy and I nodded simultaneously and Casey laughed again at the earnest looks on our faces.
"And we love it!" Mandy said in conclusion. She waited a few moments during which both Casey and she concentrated on fondling my cock. If one hand on it was fine, the sight of two girls manipulating it was extraordinary. It was beginning to harden; it was already nearly ready for action again. I was beginning to look forward to that.
"I know someone else who has a nice cock," Mandy offered offhandedly. "It's not as big around as Daddy's, or as long, but it's a good one," she said.
"Who?" replied Casey after the briefest of pauses. Mandy was quiet for a bit, letting the suspense grow. Casey finally looked up from my cock to throw Mandy an impatient look.
Casey's grip on my penis tightened involuntarily and I grunted.
Casey glanced at me and back down quickly. She eased up on my prick when she realized what she had done. She tossed me an apologetic look before getting up on her elbow so she could see Mandy better.
"My BROTHER!!?" she asked in astonishment. Mandy nodded. She hunched herself up on an elbow and spread her thumb and forefinger apart, measuring the distance on my cock as it stood out from my belly even stronger.
"His is THIS long," she said. She held up her hands with a space between them. Then she made a circle between thumb and forefinger a little larger than a fifty-cent coin. "And he's this big around...he's really sweet," Mandy added.
Casey's eyes were as big as she contemplated the significance of Mandy's knowledge. Then she blinked, let her eyes go unfocused for a second, and blinked again. When she opened her eyes again, she was composed again. She snorted softly, amused.
"Is he as good your dad?" she asked calmly. She hadn't let my cock go this whole time. New thoughts and concepts were coming at her hot and heavy, but she was coming back for more as soon as she digested one batch.
"Huh-uh!" said Mandy quickly. "How could he be?" she asked. "He only did it to me twice this afternoon and that was his first time...his first two times," she said.
Casey nodded. The logic of Mandy's explanation was too obviously true to be debated.
Mandy let an mischievous smile come over her face. "Ya want ta' know something else?" she said challengingly.
Casey shrugged. "Sure," she said. Then her eyes widened. "You did KEVIN too?" she guessed.
Mandy shook her head. "Oh, good heavens no," Mandy replied. "When did I have time to do that? How could you even THINK a thing like that, Casey?"
Casey let her body relax.
"LORRIE fucked Kevin!" Mandy continued. She leaned closer to her cousin. "I'm pretty sure Lorrie's doing Matt right now," she told Casey. "They're down in Matt's room, I think."
Casey took a deep breath and puffed it out again. She didn't say anything for a long moment.
Then, she very deliberately bent at the waist and leaned over to kiss the slit on the tip of my cock. Then she opened her mouth wide to take my cock between her lips. For a few seconds, she lathered her tongue around the glans and then tightened her lips and sucked hard-on the end as she let my prick slowly slip out of her mouth. I sighed happily. It had been an unexpected move on her part, and all the more pleasurable for that.
"You want to go down and see?" Mandy asked carefully. She was really asking if Casey wanted to go fuck her own brother or not.
Casey shook her head. She took another deep breath. "I know," Casey said in a relaxed voice. "I know exactly what you're telling're saying I should fuck my own brother, or at least think about it, right?"
Mandy smiled and Casey returned it with interest.
"I will," she said softly, "have...I'll fuck him! But not right now, okay?" Mandy nodded. Relieved, Casey continued.
"I can see there's a whole lot of...."
"Fun," I interjected.
"," Casey repeated, "...and I think it's...I think it', or okay or whatever...oh, I think there's a whole lot of fun Matt and me and...." She stopped for a moment. "Me and...Kevin? And...Kristi maybe...and...and maybe everybody can be having fun," she said. Her words came in a rush at the end.
Mandy leaned over and kissed her cousin on the lips, a warm, reassuring kiss that lengthened into something more. They broke it finally and Mandy put her mouth on my cock and bobbed her head up and down for a while.
"What is this word 'everybody'? What does 'everybody' mean?" Mandy asked, coming up for air and not willing to let things go.
I was almost tempted to stop her, but she'd done pretty well so far.
Casey sighed. "Yeah...I know what's next," she admitted. She looked at me, then Mandy and wet her lips. She looked down at my cock, averting her eyes.
"Do you think," she asked slowly, "my daddy' as big as your dad's?"
"Don't know...yet," Mandy replied.
Casey's eyes were instantly as wide a saucers. It was a clear an OMG moment as I've ever seen. A calculating look came over her face. "Have you ever...fucked my mom?" Casey asked me point blank.
I shook my head.
"Are you going to?" she asked. Abruptly her eyes were bright with renewed excitement. For some reason the thought of me having sex with her mother turned her on even more than the idea of her brothers fucking her own cunt, or Mandy implying Casey's dad was in her sights as a fuck partner..
"Could be," I said, smiling.
"You could, you know," Casey replied quickly. "If it's okay for me to fuck Matt and Kevin...and maybe my Dad, it's okay for you to fuck YOUR sister too," she said.
I chuckled and patted her cheek. "I think she's got it," I said to Mandy.
"Yup," Mandy replied. She turned to her cousin. "Like I told Matt this afternoon, it's just fun stuff...I love my Daddy as my daddy and I like him putting his big ol' cock in me too."
Casey was still turned on at the thought of me having sex with her mom. But she came down to earth long enough to evaluate and agree with Mandy.
"It's like playing," I added. "You play baseball with your brothers, right?" Casey nodded. "Do you love them any less because they also play ball with other people?" She shook her head, thinking about the analogy.
"I see what you're saying," she said. "What do they's just...good, clean fun, right? I kissed her again. She didn't need any answer beyond that. She responded enthusiastically too, with a tongue that flicked out to capture mine.
"You taste funny," she said when she drew back. Then she realized what the strange taste was. "Oh!" Her tongue slipped out to lick her lips and gather in more of Mandy's remaining cunt juices I'd just transferred to her from my lips. "Not bad, cuz," she said finally.
"You betcha!" Mandy replied. "And I taste even better hot," she told Casey. She glanced down at my rock hard cock.
"Hey," she said, "how about you watch my Daddy fuck me doggy style, huh? You can lay down here...." She patted a place on the bed. "And I'll get on my knees between your legs and lick your pussy for you again while Daddy does me, okay?"
Casey had that excited look on her face again and a flush was slowly building across her breasts. "If we do it that way, how'm I gonna see anything?" Casey asked reasonably.
"Okay, you're right!" Mandy replied. "So we'll switch you around. You put your feet up toward the head of the bed and I'll get over you. Then you can see my Daddy's cock going in and out of me from under me."
That made sense to Casey and she jumped onto the bed, waiting for Mandy to climb on the bed and assume the classic 69 position with her cousin.
"This is what we shoulda done this afternoon," Mandy confided to her cousin as if I weren't there. "We'll do it right this time...and then, cousin dear, I'm going to teach YOU how to eat pussy!" she declared.
Casey's eyes were dancing.
Turned out, I was right earlier about needing another shower--I did--but I sure didn't need it to be a cold one.
I had two naked nymphs in my bed to take care that.
THE END, The Peterson Family: Theory Of Relativity, Part I
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