Grandpa Jack And The Twins... And Mommies And Daddies

[ inc, cons, lolita, orgy, FM, gMg, Fb, Fm, Mf, fath/dau, mom/son ]

by Seamus

Published: 16-Dec-2012

Word Count:

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show Story Summary
This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

This is the third in a series of at least four stories featuring Grandpa Jack Cartwright and his twin blonde granddaughters. In "Grandpa Jack And The Twins Hook Up," the incestuous trio met the Pearson family in a restaurant and the two families engaged in torrid sex inside their own family. In "Grandpa Jack And The Twins Go Camping," the extended Pearson family met up with Grandpa Jack and his wanton granddaughters at a campground and the two families enjoyed a week of debauchery.

But the Pearson sons and daughters are the only ones whose parents are in on the licentious partying. Their cousins don't understand why they can't enjoy their parents the way the Pearson children can, and there are two other children who are wondering the same thing....

Chapter One

"Yeah, Grandpa Jack," came a soft, girlish voice Grandpa Jack knew very, very well.

"What about OUR Mommy and Daddy?" Alicia and Carrie asked mournfully, in unison this time.

The question hung in the night air and Grandpa Jack had no answer for it. He should've known it would come some day, but he'd let himself pretend it never would.

He looked around the suddenly quiet circle of naked kids and three adults. " do we know everybody's parents are going to like this thing we're doing? How do we know that? It's not like we can just go up and ask 'em if they'd like to have sex with their darling children, can we? It's a lot more complicated than that.

"Think about it...if they find out just you kids are involved in sex with each other, how do you know they won't go ape-shit, huh? That's why you've been keeping it a secret from them, right?

"And you need to know this--if one of your moms or dads even THINKS one of us grownups is doing nasty things with you guys--and if they get pissed about it--we go to jail...forever...," Grandpa Jack said somberly.

"None of us are gonna tell the cops," fifteen-year-old Brenda Rogers said disdainfully. "Not gonna happen!" There was a low rumble as the other children backed up what Brenda had said.

"I know that. None of you would do that on purpose," Grandpa Jack replied. He was quiet for a minute. He was warming to the idea of adding more adults to the party...and the kids had a point. It wasn't fair to have one set of parents involved and not the others.

"So...if you kids want to include your do we go about it?" Grandpa Jack asked.

"Safely!!" Sandy Pearson interjected emphatically. "I don't want my 'Daddy' going to jail, and I don't want to either, trying to get your dad and mom to come over to the side of the light, Georgia."

"I second THAT motion!" Grandpa Jack chipped in. There was a subdued chuckle from the group.

There was a disturbance in the shadows, a movement that caught Grandpa Jack's attention. Greg Pearson was fidgeting in his chair. He scooted his butt back in his chair twice and slumped back down three times.

"You have something, Greg?" Grandpa Jack asked Sandy's husband.

Greg took in a deep breath, then let it all back out. "Well, heck...uhhhh, I don't know how to say this, but you might not have as much trouble with my sister as you think," he said tentatively.

His wife looked at Greg askance for a bit, then popped her hand up to her mouth. "Oh my God," she said. "I forgot all about that!" She chortled. "Go 'head, honey. Tell 'em."

"What?" Brenda Rogers asked. "What about Mom?"

Greg coughed and cleared his throat, shifting around, trying to find a comfortable spot in his camp chair. It didn't fool anyone. He was just stalling.

"Uncle Greg!" Darlene said firmly. "What?"

"Well," Greg said hesitantly, "you see...when your mom and I were y'all now...." He was still delaying.

"UNCLE GREG!!!" Brenda yelled, not in the mood for more dissembling.

Her Uncle Greg gave up. "Okay! Geeeeze, give me a break will ya? I'm new at this!" He took another deep breath.

"We, my sister and I, used to fool around a little...kinda like you guys are doing," Greg said warily, not at all sure how his nephews and nieces were going to take this bit of news. There was a short silence.

"A little? What does that mean? Fool around...with my Mom? Are you still doing it?" Twelve-year-old Darlene, asked. She sounded quite interested.

"NO," Greg said emphatically. "No! Not anymore. We quit when I went off to college...but...uh...before that we know...doing...the sex thing," he added.

"How much?" Darlene demanded. "What'd you do?"

Greg tried to brush that off, shrugging his shoulders in reply.

"Dang IT, Uncle Greg!!" Darlene was not letting it go.

"We fucked every darn day!" Greg snapped, exasperated. "And more when we could get away with it." Greg hadn't learned yet. There were no secrets from kids you were fucking.

Darlene was suitably impressed. "VERY cool, Uncle Greg," she said. Greg was moderately surprised at the admiring tone of her voice. She looked around at her siblings. "Be nice if we could do it every day, huh?" she suggested.

Greg wilted. Instead of a solution, he'd complicated the issue by raising expectations. There was a period of silence, but not a particularly hostile one.

"But you don't do anything with Mom now days?" eleven-year-old Todd Rogers asked thoughtfully.

Greg nodded, agreeing with the question. "Yes...I, we don''re right," he said by way of clarification.

"But, Uncle Greg," Todd insisted thoughtfully, "she sure does kiss you like you're still doing stuff! Why AREN'T you still having sex with her?" He sounded mystified. "If Mom kissed me and stuck her tongue down MY throat like she does you, I'd be doing her every night!" he added.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," Grandpa Jack interrupted, taking the conversation back. "There it is, then. Maybe so your sister hasn't entirely given up on you, eh, Greg? Very interesting."

"Soooooooo," Grandpa Jack mused, " that what we're looking for. Is that the opening we need?"

Everyone thought for a moment.

"Well...." Sandy spoke slowly, considering her words before she spoke them.

"Greg can certainly find trick to that. Just kiss her back one time and see if she's for real or not. If she's just doing it for shits and giggles and gets up on her high horse when he kisses her, all Greg has to do is say he was calling her bluff--and no harm, no foul."

"And if she tries to rape me right in the living room next time we go over there?" Greg asked plaintively.

"Then you're going to get laid and all your questions are answered, Uncle Greg," Ryan Rogers said sarcastically. "Geeeeeeeze, Uncle Greg...why're you so dead set against fucking my mom. You don't think she's hot enough any more?"

"Ah, no, I don't...I mean YES, I think she's hot," Greg protested. "I mean...." He took a moment to think things through. He'd been fucking his daughters and other girls all weekend long; most of the girls had brothers who fucked them several times out here too...and who knows how many times the girls had done it in the privacy of their own homes BEFORE coming out here.

And...he and Amy, his sister, had had a ball fucking in every room in the house when they were kids. So, why not...?

"I'll find out where her mind is on the subject of brothers fucking sisters," Greg promised, smiling for the first time.

"It could just be something she does automatically...just to watch Greg's face get red...or something like that." Grandpa Jack remarked. "Sisters have been embarrassing brothers since forever, ya know."

"Yeah, that's true," Greg replied. "But...." He looked around the circle of hopeful, naked people. "I have this feeling," he added slowly. "I don't think she's bluffing."

There was a pause while everyone considered what Greg had divulged.

" the first step is to find out how she feels these days," Sandy said, "and if she doesn't flatten Greg with a left hook, maybe we can build on her feelings--encourage her, sorta?

"Maybe one of the boys, Ryan or Todd, sees Greg and her doing something...and Greg helps him join in? And...and...and then what then? I'm brainstormin' here people. Gimme a little help." Sandy remarked.

* * *

"How about Stan?" Sandy asked. Stan was Greg's brother-in-law, Amy's husband.

"Uncle Stan is a 'dirty old man' and he doesn't mind...well, he doesn't mind ME knowing it," her daughter, Natasha, scoffed. Her flashing teeth could be seen even in the dimness.

"He really, REALLY likes looking at me in tight shorts, loose tops or when I'm in an 'itty, bitty' bikini," she reported. "I'm pretty sure can get him to join the crowd with no prob at all," she said confidently.

"Really?" Brenda asked. "My Dad does that?" She sounded dubious.

"Sure...he looks at you too," Shawn said. "I've seen him watching you and Tasha and the other girls...and he doesn't much hide it when it's just us GUYS around, 'cause I was always looking at you too.

"You know what? I bet Tasha can 'let' him get in her pants any time she wants him to," Shawn said vulgarly. "Poor Uncle Stan won't know what hit him!" Shawn laughed.

"So...Dad," Shawn began, returning to an earlier topic. "You and Aunt Amy, huh? I'll bet she was a really hot fuck back then, huh?"

"Hey!" Ryan said indignantly. "My MOM--" He broke off abruptly.

"Is as hot as MY Mom? Right? Is that what you were goin' to say?" Shawn asked heatedly.

For whatever reason, he'd been ready for just this objection. "And she might be just as good as MY Mom at fucking thirteen-year-old me, maybe?" he added, laying the challenge out for his cousin to either pick up...or not.

Ryan thought for a moment and swallowed hard.

"Prob'ly...," Ryan said cautiously, very much aware just how deep his foot was inserted in his mouth. A couple of second thoughts, together with Shawn's ribald questions pushed the indignation out of his mind. There was a tinge of building excitement. "Ya think maybe...."

"Whoa, horsy! Let's not get too far ahead of ourselves here," Grandpa Jack remarked. "Plenty of time to get into that later."

The kids thought he was making a joke. Appreciative chuckles and titters said it was a good one.

"No, I meant...ah, heck, never mind," Grandpa Jack said. He thought about the things the kids had said, and what Greg had revealed. "Well, maybe that's one set of parents we can make plans for and see where it goes," he observed. "Two to go," he added.

Sandy Pearson giggled. "Maybe not so difficult with Alicia and Carrie's Mom either," she said coyly.

"Really?" Alicia and Carrie chorused. They leaned forward, staring at Sandy intently.

"What do you mean?" Grandpa Jack asked cautiously. He wasn't so sure as his 'adopted' daughter that Candace could ever be convinced to let down her hair this far.

"Honey, in the restaurant...when you first walked in, your daughter started building fences around you about half a second after she saw me looking at you," Sandy said earnestly. She giggled.

"Oh, nooooo, I don't think so. Ahhhh...hmmmm...I see...well...she was--"

"She was marking her territory and makin' damn sure I knew where the boundary was," Sandy said pertly. She giggled at the memory.

"Daddy, dear...think about it. Remember how y'all were walking in? She was in front of you...and then she was all of a sudden walking right beside you...between me and you...and the little minx showed you enough cleavage to keep your eyes EXACTLY where she wanted them, didn't she...hmmmm?"

Sandy grinned broadly, cocking her head to the side and daring Grandpa Jack to contradict her. "And then, she strutted on ahead of you, making sure you noticed her hips working from side to side, didn't she, Daddy-dear?" she asked sweetly.

Grandpa Jack searched his memory. "Well, yeah...kinda," he admitted at length. "But--"

Sandy stuck out her tongue and made a rude noise. "Kinda NOTHING!" she said forcefully.

"When you got to the table, she bent over right in front of you and showed you more tit...and that cute little wiggle in her behind when she walked anywhere for the rest of the time she was there...whew--eeeeeeeeeee!" She laughed. "Nice legs too, huh, Grandpa Jack? Does she always wear spike heels bringing her kids to you?" Sandy giggled at the look on Grandpa Jack's face.

Grandpa Jack shifted uncomfortably. For a professional girl watcher, he had to admit he'd dropped the ball that day. Clearly, he'd missed the importance of his daughter's possessiveness.

"How 'bout this for a plan for Daddy's 'other' daughter?" Sandy said at length. Her voice was low and serious. "How 'bout we find a way to get everyone together with her and her husband...and all the kids...and little Sandy starts calling big ol' Grandpa Jack 'Daddy' every time she turns around...and maybe...what's her name, anyway?"

"Candace," Grandpa Jack answered.

"Candace?" Sandy's face blanked. An expression of delight spread over her features. "You mean to tell me your daughter is named CANDY??" Sandy guffawed. "A little retro, isn't it?"

"No, it's 'Candace'...not 'Candy'...not ever!" Grandpa Jack corrected quickly. "She doesn't like that name...."

"Daddy, dear," Sandy purred. "We get her in bed with you and I'll bet you can call her 'Cum Slut Sugar Pussy Fuck Baby if you want to." She paused. "Mmmmm...Candy IS a cool name," she observed. "A little corny, but when you think about it, it makes ya think stuff. "Was it your idea to name her that?"

Grandpa Jack shook his head vehemently. For once, he had nothing to say. His mouth was suddenly dry--to the point he was forced to swallow a big gulp of Pepsi. "I don't have a clue anymore," Grandpa Jack protested.

"Ohhhhh-kayyyyyy...we can table that for now," Sandy continued, not entirely sure Grandpa Jack was being forthright.

She grinned. "Anyway, I think when the lovely and sexy 'CANDY' sees a rival calling HER father 'Daddy' she's going to have a big-time hissy fit!" Sandy thought for a second.

"But she can't let her feelings be seen right off the bat...that wouldn't be proper...oh no...never. Couldn't have that, could she?" Sandy's eyes lost their focus while she brainstormed.

"So Daddy's little candy girl is going to be on a mission to break up Daddy and Sandy 'tout suite'. Hmmmm.... But then what?" She thought for a moment. Her audience waited impatiently.

Greg coughed. " about this?" he offered. "Maybe Miss Candy...ahhhh...I got it! How 'bout she catches you and Grandpa Jack doing the big nasty, huh?

"She'll think you're 'winning', won't she? In her head, her very own special Daddy is paying Sandy daughter waaaaay more attention than her...and she won't be ABLE to stand that, will she? I mean--if she was showing you tits and wiggling her ass for you, just 'cause she saw another adult woman in the room, what is she going to do if she thinks that woman has an inside track on fucking Daddy? Hah! I bet she 'seduces' you, Grandpa Jack, before you can whistle 'Dixie'...."

Greg wound down. Everyone was impressed with his analysis though. "Don't know about your father though," he apologized to Carrie and Alicia. "I don't even know him," he added. "But we'll work on it."

"Well, what about us?" Elaine Campbell asked.

"Oh...I don't know," Sandy said cheerfully, all out of ideas. "We'll get there though."

"I don't know what to do about my dear hunk of a big brother...but we'll think of something. Heck, I may seduce the big lunk myself," she added a moment later.

"HEY! We already got something for all or some of two sets of parents, right? And we only been working on it a little while," she said.

"Okay," Elaine answered. She was content, knowing the adults were working on the dilemma. She felt out in the shadowy night to find her brother Jeff's flaccid penis in his lap. She leaned over and took him in her mouth.

Chapter Two

"Gregggg! How ya doin', honey?" cooed the tall blonde. She looked around but didn't see any kids; kids carried too many tales. Stepping into her brother's arms, she plastered herself against him and wrapped her arms around his neck. As she usually did, she then planted a hot, promising kiss on her brother's lips.

To her surprise, Greg didn't back away...not an inch. Instead, he pulled her in tighter and kissed back. For the first time since Greg was a college-bound boy, Amy Rogers felt her brother's tongue slap against hers, seeking it out and deliberately twinning with it.

Surprised by the passionate kiss from her brother, Amy arched away for a moment, stared her brother in the eyes, then came back for more. She tried to get Greg's leg between hers so she could grind her groin against his thigh.

Greg looked her over, smiling. The changes made to his sister by the years and bearing children had only improved her. Taller than average, and blonde to the nth degree, Amy had big breasts that jutted proudly from her chest...'points all her own sittin' way up high', Greg thought, remembering the tune from the oldies station his mother used to listen to. He grinned. He'd liked that song, and what it was about.

"God Greg, I love this!!" Amy whispered breathlessly in her brother's ear. She didn't see the triumphant grin that creased his lips momentarily.

Every time Greg Pearson visited his sister and her family, the one thing he could count on was that his sister WAS going to manufacture at least one moment alone with her darling brother and more if she could manage it. When she managed to get that privacy, she invariably tried to ignite a little make-out session with him, in honor of the early years when they'd had lots of truly exciting sex. She always failed...until now.

Amy moaned. Her flirting had become a little bit of a habit, not that she didn't love doing it, but she'd grown used to Greg's avoidance. The fire her brother's kiss lit off inside her caught her off guard with its intensity.

Dazed, she was the one who broke the kiss for once. She looked the hallway again to see if the kids had come back to the front of the house, but she and Greg were still alone in the foyer. Eagerly, Amy smothered her brother with kisses. When Greg's hands left her waist and cupped her buttocks, her heart began to pound. She crushed her breasts against his chest, desperately wanting to rip her clothes off and let her brother take her right here on the hardwood floor.

She pushed him back, her hands on his chest and fighting to catch her breath.

"JESUS, Greg," she whispered. "No one turns me on in quite that way 'cept you...but why the hell did you have to pick right now? All the kids are here and Stan'll be home in a minute or two...."

She plastered herself right back up against her brother's body and clung to him for a long, deep kiss before breaking away again. She retreated down the hallway, looking back at him with a hot promise in her eyes.

"Way to go, Uncle Greg," Brenda whispered as she sidled through the doorway. "Mom's hot as a firecracker," she added, giggling softly. She'd been peeking around the doorjamb and had watched every second of her mother's flustered reaction to Greg's sudden acceptance of his sister's advances.

Brenda squeezed by her uncle into the house, though not without a clandestine squeeze of his left butt-cheek as she passed, and continued on into the house. Brenda threw him a mischievous grin over her shoulder.

There was a naughty, exaggerated sway in her walk, just to remind her Uncle Greg what he would be getting on a regular basis if the plan he'd just put into operation succeeded.

* * *

"I think I'll just go help Sis with the dishes," Greg remarked, rising from the couch and making his way out of the family room where his brother-in-law, Stan, was taking on all comers in the latest Wii game.

" don't need to do that," Stan protested, getting up from his easy chair. "You're a guest; I'll go," he added.

"Uncle Stan!" Natasha complained shrilly. "You PROMISED you'd play me next," she said, pouting prettily. Twelve-year-old Darlene almost laughed out loud and ten-year-old Georgia had a hard time keeping a straight face.

While Stan was in the restroom a few minutes ago, Uncle Greg had warned everyone what he was going to try, and said for everyone to be cool and to pretend they didn't notice anything weird going on.

Stanley Rogers' reaction had been predictable, so Tasha had been designated to make the protest to give Stan an 'out' and leave Uncle Greg and his statuesque sister alone in the kitchen. She had a scoop-necked top on today, and no bra. She was pretty sure that would keep her uncle in place while her Dad went to up the ante with his sister.

But it that didn't work there were lots of young girl bodies between him and the door to slow him down, and they were all wearing short shorts and tops that could be made to gap wide open for Uncle Stan's benefit. And if the worst case scenario came about, Shawn would run to the kitchen, slowly, bawling at every step for 'Aunt Amy' at the top of his lungs. That was Greg's signal to put on an 'innocent' act, fast!!

As Greg walked out, Sandy put a cautionary finger to her lips behind Stan's back. The kids were excited, but if they didn't calm everyone down, they'd give the game away. If there were too many unexplained giggles and too many elbows dug into too many ribcages, Stanley Rogers was going to figure something was up and the point of the exercise was to keep him from getting suspicious in the first place.

Of course, keeping him distracted with every girl doing her best to let him see down her top wasn't a bad plan either....

* * *

In the kitchen, Greg walked quietly to where his sister was busy at the sink. Stepping up behind her, he reached around and cupped her big breasts, molding them with his hands and massaging them together. "My little sister is so damned sexy," he whispered in her ear.

Amy mouthed something gutturally, leaned back into him and put her hands behind her. She searched for his cock hidden in his pants and squeezed it when she found it.

"When did you get your bra off?" Greg said interestedly.

"About two minutes after you got me so damned horny in the front hallway," she answered breathlessly. She turned around in his arms and threw her arms around his neck. Her big tits squashed against his chest. "You always did like them," she added. "Still?"

"You know I do," Greg answered. His lips captured hers and he kissed her deep and long. When Amy came up for air, she caught Greg's wrists in her hands and pulled him across the kitchen.

The big, walk-in pantry was one of the things Amy had demanded when she and Stan built the two-story house. Drawing Greg inside the pantry door, she yanked it shut and locked it. The lock was nothing but the typical latch on a doorknob--it wouldn't stop a determined attack for a second, but it was all she had.

She had her top open in seconds, and her shorts were around her ankles even quicker. Without waiting for an invitation, she began tugging at Greg's shirt while he unbuckled his pants. She stepped out of her shorts...and decided the top was going too. And if she was getting naked, then so was Greg. The two were nude in less time than it takes to tell. They paused, drinking in the sight of each other's nakedness.

Amy saw a well-knit thirty-something man with brown hair and a regular, if not handsome face. He was six-feet tall or thereabouts, with well-toned muscles...and a nice cock dangling from his groin. She remembered that cock very, very well.

"I've wanted to do this again for years and years," she groaned. "For soooooooo long, big brother," she added.

"Here we are...," Greg answered vaguely. He backed her up against the nearest wall and proceeded to maul her. His hands roamed over her body, squeezing, massaging, demanding while his tongue dueled with hers.

"Now!" Amy whimpered. "I want you now...quick!"

She backed up even more against the wall, getting up on her tiptoes and doing her best to pooch her groin forward for her brother's cock. Her legs were long and beautifully shaped. Fucking in this position was going to strain her leg muscles, but they were firm from her daily jog. They would hold her up for as long as Greg wanted to fuck her.

Greg obliged his sister's whispered demand. His penis found the sweet spot in her slit. It was a place he remembered so well. He slid inward, reset his feet and rammed deep into his little sister's cunt, nailing her to the wall with quick, powerful thrusts.

Amy's frantic mewling, punctuated by choked cries, accompanied their frenzied coupling. When she came, she buried her face into the hollow of Greg's neck and shrieked a well-muffled scream no one but Greg heard.

* * *

They did have to finish the dishes afterward...for appearance's sake...but they were both beaming when they walked back into the family room. Stan was winning the video game very handily, and Tasha was taking every excuse she could find to get up into her uncle's face and let him look down her top. When Uncle Stan invited her to sit on his lap, he began to lose. He didn't look at all disappointed.

Amy was quiet, but she was glowing. Greg tried to keep his face bland, but he found a way to give the room a thumbs up to Sandy when Amy's head was turned and Stan preoccupied. Amy attributed the high-fives and squeals of excitement to Tasha making a good move in the on-screen game.

Sandy extended her right foot surreptiously and nudged Amy's ten-year-old daughter in the left buttock. Georgia moved away. When Sandy kicked her, harder this time, Georgia turned around again and threw an incensed glare at her aunt.

Sandy motioned toward Todd, and Georgia finally remembered her part in the afternoon's game. She took Todd's hand in hers and held them both on her lap.

With the key players in place, Greg guided his sister Amy to a miraculously appearing space on the couch and sat down with her. From here, Amy had a perfect view of Georgia and Todd. For several minutes brother and sister played the part of happy extended-family members enjoying a night together.

"Remind you of anyone you know?" Greg whispered into his sister's ear when the opportunity presented itself. She looked at him questioningly, then at Georgia and Todd when Greg motioned toward them. Amy's eyes widened in disbelief when she saw the eleven-year-old boy and ten-year-old girl quietly holding hands off to the side.

"She's a year older than you were," Greg whispered, "the first time I sneaked into your room...we did naughty things 'til the sun came up."

Her jaw agape, Amy tried not to watch her two children, but her eyes kept coming back to them as she watched people play the games on the big TV screen. Greg caressed Amy's forearm from time to time and made sure his shoulder rubbed hers, just about all he could do without being too obvious.

By the end of the evening, Amy's shock at seeing Georgia and Todd holding hands changed to wondering how far they'd gone with their explorations so far.

* * *

'Operation Amy and Stan' achieved several key objectives on just the first evening--far more than they'd hoped for, really. The plan hadn't envisioned Greg bagging his sister the first night. That was some good luck; all they'd hoped for was some heavy making out. But fucking her this soon advanced the timetable for the other stages.

As a reward, all of Greg's daughters gave him a tag-team blow job when they got home, each of them sucking him for carefully counted seconds, 'til he sprayed a fountain of daddy-cum all over their pretty faces.

* * *

Phase Two of 'Amy and Stan' was a little harder to kick off.

"But I don't know HOW to get your Daddy interested in me!" ten-year-old Melissa Pearson complained. "I can't just get nekkid and push my pussy in his face, can I?" There was silence on the other end of the connection.

"Well...can I?" she asked hopefully. It would sure simplify things for Melissa.

"'Lissa, you're still supposed to be careful what you say," Georgia Rogers told her cousin. "What if someone heard you?"

"I'm in my own bedroom," Melissa replied tartly. "I got the window blinds all down and there's nobody in the whole house 'cept us Pearsons," she said.

"You're still supposed to be careful what you say," Georgia said. "You know what Grandpa Jack said about some people having fun intra...uh...intercepting cell phone conversations, right?"

"Yeah," Melissa replied resignedly. "I'll be careful, I promise."

The girls were using prepaid, disposable cell phones instead of their usual smart phones. The things weren't useful for anything except talking and text messaging. Grandpa Jack purchased the disposable devices from a number of convenience stores all over the big city and surrounding suburbs.

It was highly unlikely anyone, police or otherwise, would find their particular conversation to catch on a scanner, but 'unlikely' doesn't mean 'impossible' so they were also required to be circumspect in the words they used.

"But I still don't know what to do," Melissa grumbled. "What am I supposed to do?"

"OH!" Georgia cried out suddenly.


"Oh...." Georgia replied. She was wringing her unoccupied hand in the air excitedly, but Melissa couldn't see that. All she knew was that her cousin kept saying that one word.

"Georgia! What?" Melissa asked again. There was silence for a long moment, then Georgia giggled.

"You remember when you and me were, like before we were even in Pre-K?"

"Yeah...?" Melissa responded slowly, and quite dubiously.

" remember when my daddy used to lift up our tops a little bit and...."

* * *

The afternoon at the Pearsons was well underway. The Rogers were all in attendance, even seven-year-old Bethany who had just returned from soccer camp.

The Pearson and Rogers' girls were all in T-shirts and bikini bottoms. The Pearson's swimming pool was getting a lot of action and it would have, even if the plan wasn't to get a lot of lovely, little-girl flesh into view for Uncle Stan's benefit. Since that WAS the plan, Stanley Rogers was getting positively inundated with crotch shots and indescribably cute little camel toes from every angle.

Jeff Pearson had been assigned to watch his uncle to note his reactions, and Jeff took his job seriously. His sister Natasha flashed her uncle, bending low a few yards in front of Uncle Stan to reveal her unclad young breasts when her bulky sweatshirt gaped open.

Jeff saw his uncle staring hard, not even trying to avert his eyes. When Tasha turned away and got on all fours, then down on her belly to get some sun beside her cousin Brenda, Uncle Stanley slouched a little on his lounger to catch the underswell of breasts when the lower hem of her T-shirt yawned wide.

With her belly flat on the blanket and her cute bubble-butt wriggling around on the ground as if trying to grind her groin into the grass, she had Uncle Stanley's complete attention. Jeff whispered a report to his mother via cell phone, whereupon Sandy let everyone else know...everyone who was supposed to know anyway.

Melissa conned her Uncle Stan into going inside to show her how to play the golf game and then switched it around to the Super Mario game. She cuddled with her uncle, holding his arm tight against her while she watched the screen, absorbing not a single word her uncle said about winning at this game. She was aware of the irony; she was playing another game.

Melissa rose on her knees on the sofa with Uncle Stan and pulled his left arm around her waist. She was much taller than she was at four or five, but staying on her knees now helped approximate their relative heights back then. She giggled softly now and then, rubbed her upper body against her uncle's, and even gave him chaste kisses from time to time.

There had been three others in the room before, but they had left, one at a time, leaving ten-year-old Melissa and her big, tall uncle alone behind a carefully closed door. All three managed to not laugh out loud as they sneaked away.

"'Member when me and Georgia used to play silly with you," Melissa asked softly, almost whispering in her uncle's ear.


"Well...when we used to tease you and you'd push our tops up so you could see our bellybuttons?"

"Oh...yeah," Uncle Stanley replied, cautiously. He was not quite on fire, but the closeness of his wife's sexy little niece and her obvious attraction to him were having an effect on him.

Melissa got up to her feet and stepped over Uncle Stan's lap. She knew what she was about to do, but Uncle Stanley didn't, so her new position was a fete accompli before her uncle knew what was happening.

"Kiss my belly," Melissa cooed. She put her hands on the sides of Uncle Stan's head and pulled his lips into intimate contact with the smooth skin of her tummy.

He could have resisted...he knew he should...but a couple of beers and Tasha's show had put him in a mood....

Instead of making an excuse and gently putting Melissa back down beside him, Stan Rogers pushed up the hem of Melissa's T-shirt higher...much higher than necessary...and pressed his lips against her belly to blow a wet, blubbery raspberry against her baby-soft skin. It was what Melissa had been waiting for. Her mother had told her not to push it if Uncle Stan didn't want to do it, but it seemed to Melissa her uncle was more than willing....

Melissa giggled, wriggled around for a bit, then came back for more. Uncle Stan didn't notice when his hands betrayed him and gently moved from holding the bottom of Melissa's T-shirt to cupping her round little butt-cheeks.

Melissa's fingers were twining in her uncle's hair, urging his mouth back against her belly whenever he would have pulled away. She coaxed him into closing his eyes and to kiss her lower on her belly.

She pushed her panties down a little at a time, exposing more and more of herself each time she did it. With his eyes closed, Uncle Stan had an excuse to not notice where he was kissing the little girl. He pretended he wasn't really pressing his lips lower and lower against the ten-year-old's satin-smooth underbelly.

She pushed her panties down even more. They were barely hanging on now.

If her legs had been closed, instead of straddled across Uncle Stan's body, her panties would have fallen to her ankles. Melissa was trying to think of a way to make that happen, but she couldn't...and Mom had said to be careful about startling Uncle Stan and making him stampede out of the room.

"You can kiss me all over if you want to," Melissa suggested softly.

Uncle Stan thumbs hooked in the smooth fabric of his niece's panties and pushed them down. He still had his eyes closed, but his lips knew...his tongue searched for her young slit. When the tip of his tongue touched her lips for the first time, Melissa's breath hissed with the strength she pulled air in.

"Lick me?" Melissa said softly, barely whispering.

The grown man did what she asked. For a long moment, her uncle kissed at the top of her young outer labia and licked even lower a couple of times. Melissa sighed, put her hands behind her uncle's head and pulled his face tight against her slit.

When they heard the rolling grumble of the sliding patio door opening in the next room, both knew their time was up. Horrified, Stan pushed at Melissa's hips, trying to get her away from his mouth.

Melissa had been coached to not resist, but in pushing her hips away, her body naturally bent at the waist. Melissa touched her lips to her uncle's in a fleeting kiss, then broke away from the big man, leapt off the couch, and raced away.

* * *

An hour later, Stanley knew what 'sweating bullets' meant on a deep, personal level. He was certain his wife's brother was going to hunt him down with blood in his eye for what he'd done with his ten-year-old daughter. Greg wasn't anywhere near Stan's height or weight, but he'd have right on his side, and Stanley didn't know if he could resist or not.

* * *

In the middle of the long afternoon, and when Greg had NOT come looking for him with blood in his eye, Stan ventured back out onto the patio. He found a patio chair off to the side and watched Greg lighting a bed of coals. All the kids were still playing, and the sun was still shining.

He saw young Melissa sitting on the low wall surrounding Greg's barbeque pit and concrete picnic table. She was there with his daughter, Georgia. The girls were about the same age and they'd been close friends, as well as cousins, almost since they were born.

He saw Melissa spy him on the patio. She waved enthusiastically, grinning broadly, and Stan waved back, trying not to be too obvious. Melissa touched Georgia on the thigh and leaned close to whisper something in Georgia's ear. Georgia's head snapped around and she stared intently at her father.

Stanley's jaw gaped wide. He couldn't believe what he was sure Melissa had just done. The girl had just betrayed him; his life was done for...toast! Stanley almost broke and ran right then and there. He would have if his legs hadn't been so darned weak all of a sudden.

Georgia turned back to Melissa and her cousin nodded emphatically. Georgia swung around to look intently at her father...and then a huge grin split her face. She gave her dad an energetic thumbs up.

Stan was so stunned, he couldn't have moved now even if his legs had NOT already turned to putty. He continued to watch the two ten-year-old girls.

Georgia and Melissa looked around carefully, then worked the bottoms of their bikinis ever so slightly downward at the waist. They spread their legs so Stan could watch their bikini bottoms slip down ever lower, until Stanley was certain their vulvas were almost on display.

He couldn't see for sure with the bright sun creating stark shadows, but his penis was more than convinced. When the two brazen hussies made sure there was no one else who could see, they both moved the crotch of their bikinis to the side...and then there was no doubt. Both girls' slits were in full view.

Shawn Pearson and Todd Rogers raced across the lawn in front of the two girls toward the pool. The girls covered up and Stan turned his chair away. The moment was over, but Sandy Pearson had seen everything and she wore a satisfied grin the rest of the afternoon. The plan was working better than anyone had thought it would.

* * *

Back by the door leading out to the garage in the Pearson's house, in a closet under the stairs, Greg had his sister enveloped in his arms and was wrecking her composure with torrid kisses.

"Oh, God," Amy moaned. "It's always just so damned GOOD with you every time," she told her big brother. "How can you turn me on so damned fast?"

Greg chuckled. "Dunno," he replied. "Maybe it's 'cause it's so incredibly naughty for us to be doing it," he said. "You reckon?"

"I guess," Amy answered. "Hell...I don't CARE! I'm horny all the time just thinking about you and that dick of yours."

Greg pulled at the string ties on either side of his sister's bikini bottoms. One strong tug on each side and the bottoms fell to the floor. Amy groaned into her brother's mouth. She pressed her body against his and worked her hips in a slow circle to massage the hard-on she could feel poking at her. He answered her with a groan of his own.

"Turn around," he whispered. "Can you find...? Yeah, the little table...."

Amy couldn't see what her brother was referring to, but she found the old wooden tabletop with her hands when she turned around. She didn't ask. She bent over, resting her forearms on the surface and hiked her ass up for her brother's assault.

When he was seated firmly in her cunt, he took a moment to untie her bikini top, slide it off her, and deposit it on top of her bottoms on the closet floor. Her dangling breasts bobbed and danced wildly in time to his thrusts until he captured them in his hands and squeezed them, thumbing the already blood-engorged nipples into even harder erections.

"Oh God!" Amy whimpered. "Fuck me hard, brother!" she begged. "FUCK ME, GREG!"

The nasty wet, sucking, smacking sounds of a male and female having hot sex filled their universe for the next while. They were so engrossed in each other, they couldn't have heard a herd of buffalo stomp to a halt on the carpet just outside the closet door, much less a tiptoeing young girl.

Darlene Rogers grinned when she heard her mother's moans and cries from behind the door. She made off, walking carefully so as to remain undetected. She had to find Aunt Sandy to report what was happening there beneath the stairs.

* * *

The master bathroom was being renovated; the bathtub was being taken out and a walk-in shower installed. It would be finished next week but, as he had for the past three weeks, Stanley Rogers headed sleepily down the hall to one of the kids' bathrooms to relieve himself and take a quick shower.

The family wasn't one of those where being partially unclothed was officially proscribed and this morning, Stan was only in his boxers as he made his way toward the boys' bathroom. Abruptly, the girls' bathroom opened and Stan's fifteen-year-old daughter stepped out, wrapped in a giant bath towel.

"Good morning, Daddy," she greeted him merrily. As tall as she was, her dad still towered over her, so she stopped in his path and stood on tiptoe to kiss her father's lips. The big towel wasn't quite big enough though. Only her nipples were actually covered, and Stan got an eyeful of the upper slopes of his daughter's breast. Brenda leaned back, after kissing her father, stood still for a long moment, then broke their embrace and slipped around her father in route back to her room.

Stan dazedly rotated around to watch her. Curiously, Brenda turned at the stairwell and started downstairs in only the fluffy towel. She pranced down the steps at a fast pace the towel couldn't keep up with. Stan gulped when he saw the lower halves of his oldest daughter's buttocks peeking out from beneath the towel. Shaken, he turned to resume his journey to the bathroom, not knowing what to think.

"Hi, Daddy," Darlene said cheerfully, coming out of her room. She wrapped her arms around his waist and gave him a hot kiss like Stan had never had from a daughter. Stan's eyes widened and his face went blank. Utterly shocked, he couldn't move. He stared down at the twelve-year-old and tried to make his mouth work so he could say something that would stop this....

Darlene's expression changed. Her head snapped down to look between their bodies. "Wow," she said excitedly. "NICE package, Pops," she quipped.

Her right hand cupped his penis and squeezed gently for another instant. Before Stan could do anything about it, she was gone, circling around him on her way to the stairs. Stan shuffled around again, watching his daughter parade across the landing.

When Darlene got there, she paused and struck a pose for her father.

With the sunlight coming from behind her, Stan saw that Darlene didn't have a stitch on underneath her T-shirt. With one knee flexed, her toes pointed for a down step, and one hand on the railing for balance, the twelve-year-old held her place for a moment's worth of eternity, then trotted down the stairs.

Stan gaped after her, with no idea of what he should do. He turned around again, holding on to the idea of finding the bathroom quickly.

He'd just passed eleven-year-old Todd's room when the door opened suddenly. Without thinking, Stan turned to look.

"Mornin' Daddy," his ten-year-old daughter said quietly and walked around him toward the girls' bathroom. Stan blinked to clear away the cobwebs. His eyes followed Georgia's progress down the hall. If she was wearing anything under HER T-shirt, Stan couldn't see any evidence of it.

He turned back to see his son Todd closing the door to his room after his sister. Stan stared. Todd was only wearing the bottoms to his pajamas...and his boyish little pecker was peeking out the flap.

Todd grinned at his father but didn't make any move to hide his hard-on. The boy closed the door gently.

Stan couldn't figure out which way to go. He started to go down the hall to confront Georgia, but Todd's hard-on concerned him just as much.

"Hey, just a minute here," he said, confusedly. He couldn't figure out whether to reopen Todd's door to deal with him, or stop Georgia in the hallway to confront her.

"Hi, Daddy!" seven-year-old Bethany said in her little-girl's voice. She'd come out of her room behind her father and he hadn't noticed her at all. Bethany threw her arms around her father's body and she remained in place pressing her face against the hard-on Darlene had noticed and which hadn't EVEN had a chance to diminish.

"Mmmmm, I just love you soooo much, Daddy," Bethany said, rubbing her cheek on her father's hard dick just under the concealing boxer shorts. "That's really nice, Daddy," she opined.

She looked upward from beneath her naturally long lashes, peering directly into her dad's eyes. Cherubs would have envied the angelic look she gave him. The little girl patted her father's cock, then walked around her father and followed Georgia into the girl's bath. The door closed with finality and Stanley Rogers was left standing in the upstairs hallway wondering what had just happened to the Rogers' universe.

He stood in the hallway, bewildered, confused, and completely disoriented. All the doors were all closed and it was silent in the big house. Nothing stirred anywhere. He looked down where his cock was tenting his boxers most outrageously. He thought he could still feel the touch of Darlene's hand, and little Bethany's face pressing against his hard-on.

Stanley took a couple of steps and realized he was going the wrong way. Turning back, he walked warily to the boys' bathroom, his head on a swivel, not sure what he was going to encounter next or where it was going to come from.

* * *

Looking out the kitchen window pensively, Amy Rogers was startled when she felt the hand running down her back from neckline to waist. For a split second, she responded to the caress--but this was not her husband...nor her brother.

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...," fifteen-year-old Ryan murmured in his mother's ear. Ryan was working out hard these days, preparing for football two-a-days in a couple of months; the faint aroma of a male animal filled Amy's nostrils. She froze. Her son was so like her husband in many ways. Tall for his age, Ryan wasn't THAT much shorter than she was when they stood toe to toe.

Ryan's left arm snaked around his mother's body, just under her full breasts. "That's tight, Mom," he whispered. "No bra is super," he added. "Can't say that about Mrs. Wilson across the street, can ya?" he asked casually. "Hers would droop to her knees if she didn't wear one of those big ol' industrial strength brassieres, huh?"

Amy's body stiffened. Ryan's strong forearm rose on her chest until her breasts were almost touching it. She knew she should do something. This had to end--

Then they were gone--both her oldest son's imprisoning arm, and his body that had pressed against her buttocks. She hadn't had the presence of mind to tell him to back away. She turned a half circle to see Ryan trotting down the basement stairs.

"Hey, Mom?" he called back up, pausing on the bottom step. "You know what they call the girls who don't wear bras at school?"

"What?" Amy said, confused. She wasn't sure she'd heard him right.

"Happy!" Ryan called. The door at the bottom of the stairs thumped as it closed.

Amy stared for a long time at the stairs leading down to the family room.

* * *

Bethany sat on her father's lap, leaning back against his strong body, watching the TV with him. When she turned around and put her arms around his neck, Stan didn't think anything of it.

"Daddy," the seven-year-old said sweetly, "will you teach me how to kiss?"

Stan's jaw dropped slightly, enough so that when Bethany pressed her lips to his just at that moment, her little tongue could enthusiastically explore her father's mouth. The kiss lasted longer than Bethany had been told it probably would.

Aunt Sandy had thought her husband's brother-in-law might try to pull away and forcefully take his little girl's arms from around his neck. When Bethany reported her father let her do what she wanted to for quite a while, Sandy gave the little girl a high-five.

It was great when a plan started coming together.

* * *

"Mom," Brenda asked, coming into her mother's bedroom.

"What, honey?"

"What would you and Dad think about becoming nudists?"

Jolted, Amy stiffened and whirled around from her chest of drawers to find her oldest daughter, and oldest son, standing in the doorway totally nude. Amy's eyes snapped to Ryan's penis brazenly dangling right between his legs. "My God," Amy gasped. "What are you...?"

"Oh, never mind," the fifteen-year-old girl told her mom. She turned to her brother and tucked her arm under his. "Come on, stud," she said impudently smiling into his face, "we can go be nudists in MY bedroom." She dropped a hand to Ryan's hard cock and led him from the room and down the hall.

With her mouth agape, Amy started out the door to follow her daughter and son but she hadn't taken two steps when eleven-year-old Todd blocked her path.

"I love you so MUCH, Mommy!" he said, putting his arms around her and squeezing her tightly against his body.

"I love you too," Amy said automatically, trying to disengage. She froze when she realized Todd's head was on a level with her big, full breasts...and he was happily nestling his face in the valley between them. He nuzzled her right boob, then her left.

After a moment, Amy pushed her son back so she could leave. Aimlessly, she turned back to her room and closed the door.

Todd had his ear up against the door almost instantly. In a few minutes, the buzzing sound Aunt Sandy had thought he might hear, began and continued for a long while. Todd told Aunt Sandy that his mother wasn't wearing a bra again either. More good news for the plotters.

* * *

Amy Rogers made her way carefully through the basement. Ryan and Todd's weight-lifting room was in the northwest corner of the big room. She'd seen Ryan come down here and she'd heard some lighter footsteps going down a few minutes later.

She didn't really want to know what was going on, but she needed to. If she'd looked in a mirror, she'd have seen the blush that betrayed an exhilaration she wasn't about to admit she was feeling. On the other hand, if she'd looked into her own mirrored eyes, she would have seen the hot spark of carnal thrill promising to ignite.

When she reached the door to the weight room, Amy heard faint cries and whispered entreaties coming from ten-year-old Georgia's lips. Peering warily around the doorframe, Amy gasped aloud when she saw her oldest son on top of Georgia and pumping his cock passionately into the young girl.

A movement caught her eye. Todd was there too, as naked as the younger children engaged in incestuous sex...waiting for his turn? Amy swallowed, trying to get the sudden lump in her throat to go down.

"Hi, Mom," Todd said hesitantly when he saw her head peek around the doorframe. He was going on instinct. Aunt Sandy hadn't prepared him for this. The thought had been Amy would have stayed hidden.

"Would you like to come in?" Todd asked his dumbfounded mother. "We really would like you to," he added.

Amy stared at her son. Naked as the day he was born, he stood there with an erection that only grew harder the longer she stood there.

Her head snapped back to where Ryan and Georgia were getting up from the exercise pad they'd been laying on...that they'd been fucking on. Amy noted detachedly that Ryan's hard penis was not as big as his father's...not yet anyway, but his five-inch hard-on was more than capable of giving any woman satisfaction.

Georgia stood there with a sheen of her own pussy juices dribbling down the inside of her thighs. She'd been taking Ryan's whole cock in her fuck-hole, her mother realized, and without any discomfort either. The little minx had clearly loved her brother's cock pistoning in and out of her cunt....

Todd took a step forward and Amy looked at his hard prick again. When he took a second step, she turned and fled.

At the dinner table that night, Amy couldn't meet either of her son's eyes without a faint blush coloring her ears and neck. Later, after a couple of glasses of a good white wine, she let them put their arms around her waist when they hugged and kissed her goodnight....

* * *

"Hi, Daddy," Brenda said, yanking the shower curtain back and stepping casually out of the tub. She reached for a towel, and Stan's eyes locked on to the sight of her firm breasts dancing and jiggling at her slightest movement.

He was struck dumb for a moment. "I...I...this is the boys' bathroom," he stuttered finally.

"Uh-huh," Brenda said carelessly. "Us kids...we all just kinda decided we would go to whatever one wasn't being used." She eyed her father, a smile coming to her lips. Moving quickly, she stepped up to her father and plastered her wet body against his. Before he could react, she pulled his head down for a long kiss.

"Oh, Daddy," she giggled. "Is that for me?" she asked. She began humping against the hard-on making a bulge in his pants. When he didn't immediately force her arms down and push her body away, Brenda went in for another kiss...and felt her father's tongue respond, flicking back at hers.

When he finally did break the kiss, they both knew it was far too late. Daddy Rogers was hooked and all his daughters had to do was reel him in.

* * *

Amy and Stan sat under a tall shade tree in their, back in the corner of the yard where the two tall lines of their wooden fences met. The old tree had been there before they built the house and the gazebo where they sat was a quiet place they'd enjoyed for the nearly sixteen years they'd lived here.

It was almost the only place either of them felt safe anymore, though neither told each other that. Both were badly afraid of being ambushed by one or more of their own children...and both were baffled at the speed at which so many revelations had been thrust upon them. They were mystified by their reactions too. Neither understood why they hadn't put a stop to all the blatant sex play among the children.

Amy sipped at her ice tea, then held the cold glass against her cheek to cool her face from the hot blush she was sure was a permanent fixture there these days. She sighed, not knowing what to say...or if she should say anything at all.

Stan watched his wife for a long moment from the corner of his eye. He knew something was on her mind. " think ALL the kids fucking each other?" he asked without the slightest preamble.

Amy's body spasmed. She gasped, nearly dropping her tumbler full of tea. She couldn't answer.

"I've seen Todd with Georgia...and Ryan with Brenda," Stan continued slowly. "And Darlene's room REEKED of sex when I passed by the other day. I don't think Bethany is doing any...any fucking yet...but she came out of Ryan's room this morning in just her pajama tops," he remarked. "Looked like the cat who'd swallowed the canary," he added.

Amy took a long swallow to moisten a suddenly parched throat.

"I watched Ryan screwing Georgia the other day," she admitted finally, "and Todd was waitin' for his turn," she said in a weak voice. "And...Ryan keeps talking dirty to me...and stroking my back...and telling me how he likes it when I don't wear a bra," Amy blurted.

"Yeaaaaaah, I know," Stan agreed. "With me, the girls keep letting me see them naked and they rub themselves against me too," he told his wife.

"Seems like they all have just one thing on their minds lately, honey." He picked up his own glass of tea and rotated it in his big hand, morosely looking at it so he wouldn't have to face his wife.

"And Melissa Pearson WAS kind a' inviting me to do naughty things to her," he added, "but not so much lately; seems like my own daughters have taken her place...don't know why...."

"Greg," Amy said hoarsely, "you remember about me and Greg, right...?" She couldn't continue.

Stan frowned, then his forehead cleared with understanding. "Oh, yeah," he said softly. He shrugged.

"You and he were doing it when you were both kids, right?" he remarked. "And gave me fair warning before we were told me any time you could get him into the sack again, you were going to do it." He paused, cocking his head to the right and looking at his wife.

"Ahhhhhhhh, I see. So he finally gave in and you...?"

Amy nodded miserably. "For WEEKS now!" she admitted.

"Well, I've had a long time to get used to the idea...can't say I'm really shocked," Stan remarked. "And I've seen you fucked before, sweetheart...and I was right there, fucking whoever's wife right on the bed beside you, right? Soooo, what the heck. Tell him to bring his wife along with him next time? What the heck? I'll do her while you do him."

"It'd be something we could do," Amy acknowledged. "But it wouldn't solve the 'kid on kid' sex we've got going on in our own house...brothers and sisters doing each other, just like me and Greg used to do." She frowned. "You think they know?

Stan took a sip and thought about her question. "Well...I don't have any idea why I think so, but I bet they do...somehow," he said slowly.

The couple adjusted their posture in their chairs, drinking their tea and watching the afternoon sun slide toward the horizon. With no good reason for it, they felt much better than they had when they came out here. They were married; they were working together, and they'd cleared the air so they could get to the bottom of this problem that had reared up in their home.

Stan told Amy about the incident with Melissa...and what happened a little while later with Melissa and Georgia. Amy shrugged it off. Compared with what she and her brother were doing, it was small potatoes.

"Soooo, Stan mused, "let's say the kids DO know about you and Greg. And Greg's DAUGHTER, young Miss Melissa, made it a point of letting me know I could play with her ten-year-old pussy if I wanted to...and an hour later, she told Georgia...and Georgia didn't seem surprised...and then both of those two pulled their panties open far enough to show me both their pussies."

He paused. "With me so far?"

Amy nodded.

"So, we have Greg suddenly coming back around to put it to you, his daughter offers to let me put it to her, she tells our kids--plural...I'll be they all know--what she did...and now our kids are doing almost everything they can do to seduce us...seduce their parents." He paused. "It all comes back to Greg...and the whole danged family?"

Amy frowned and considered what her husband had outlined. "Yeah...makes sense to me. I don't understand the 'why', of it, but that's sure what's happening."

"Yeah. So...what do we do about it?" Stan asked quietly.

"You're KIDDING, right?" Amy said, turning to face him. "You've had a non-stop hard-on for the last two weeks. You wander around in a daze, watching our daughters like you're an eagle and they're little bunnies hopping around waiting for you to swoop down on them.

"'The boys play touch-and-squeeze all day LONG with me. You fuck me two or three times a night, every night...I fuck my BROTHER every time I see him any more...and STILL my pussy is so damned wet all day long I just don't bother wearing panties any more. They get soaked and I have to go change ten minutes after I put on a new pair...."

"And THEN, our dear next generation let us catch them playing hide the salami with each other...hell!...they're damned brazen about it. They just don't care if we see them!" Amy was quiet for an uncomfortable moment.

"So what do we DO?" Amy asked plaintively, "Other than go quietly insane, that is."

Stan wet his lips. "Join them?" Stan asked. "If you can't beat 'em, JOIN 'em?"

Amy didn't answer, but she sat up in her lawn chair. Her face was animated now; her eyes were smoldering coals in her face that couldn't stay still. They wandered all over her husband's face, then darted all around their back yard.

"Even with all the bad things that could happen...jails...prisons, even...?" Stan asked. "Something to consider, right?"

"Trust our children?" Amy suggested. "Every test they take says they're achieving on a grade level way higher than they're in. They're smart. They already know so much about life...."

Stan nodded slowly.

"This is like the ultimate taboo we're talking about doing it with the doing it with the girls...." Amy leaned forward in her chair, clutching at her husband's hand.

"GOD, darling. It's hot, it's nasty, it's perverted...and just THINKING about it is making my cunt boil," she said feverishly.

"Well," Stan said thoughtfully. "We can't waste a hot cunt, can we?"

Stan took his wife by the hand and walked her to the house and inside the sliding patio doors. He'd seen several heads watching them from the second story bedrooms.


He paused, looking around to make sure the blinds were all drawn. He unbuckled his pants.


His boxers around his ankles and he stepped out of them. Amy was out of her blouse and shorts almost as quickly. They tossed the clothing on the kitchen table.

There was a short silence.

"YEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" six young voices shrieked. There was a pause and six pair of bare feet pounded a fast drumbeat on the stairs coming down.

* * *

"Hi, Uncle Greg," Brenda cooed into the cell phone her parents hadn't known she had. "Guess what's happening right now?" she said excitedly. She flexed her leg muscles and rose six inches above her father's groin and then relaxed, impaling herself on his cock again. "Yeah, right now," she said into the phone.

Stan's eyes were saucers. He and Amy had been sure the Pearsons were highly involved in this, but listening to one of their children calmly reporting of the illicit sex going on WHILE they were reporting? It took a little gumption not to grab the phone away from his daughter.

"Well...Mom and Ryan, Mom and Todd, Mom and Darlene," Brenda recited, apparently in response to a question. "Dad and Georgia first, then Dad and Darlene, Dad and Bethany too...but not...ahhhh...not all the way, know what I mean?" she said. "Bethany wants Daddy to...take care of business...ya know? But not 'til you guys get here," she finished.

"Brenda...?" Amy asked from the corner where Bethany was busily licking her brother, Ryan's, cum out of her mother's pussy. "Honey...."

"Okay," Brenda said happily and snapped the cell phone shut.

"They'll be right over," she told her shocked parents. "I hope you have some cum left over for Melissa, Daddy."

* * *

Sometimes in military operations, fresh intelligence indicates a new axis of attack that may prove advantageous.

* * *

Stan peeked in his oldest daughter's bedroom, but only after waiting for Brenda to give permission. He was always careful when he knew someone was in the house other than family members. They'd only been having family sex for a couple of weeks, but some rules and understandings had already been reached--one of them was that no outsider came into their house without everyone in the family hearing about it before hand.

"Hi, girls," he said with a smile. "Whatcha up to?"

"Five feet, two--and a smidgen," his daughter replied. It was an old joke, one they'd shared for years.

"That's awful high to pile it, isn't it?" Stan retorted, also from that playbook.

Brenda sniffed derisively. "You can't PILE 'cute' too high, Daddy dear," she said, running through the last line.

Stan laughed, grinning at the two teenage girls.

"Well, you two 'cute' young ladies need to wash up," he told them. "Dinner's going to be on the table in fifteen minutes...and if you're late, you're going hungry," he said. " 'Cause I'm STARVING tonight," he explained. He clapped his hands together. "Chop, chop!" he admonished and closed the door.

"Oh, God," Sherrie Paxton said. "Your daddy's much a hunk!" she told her girlfriend.

Brenda looked at Sherrie cynically. This had been almost a constant refrain for the last couple of years. Brenda ordinarily rolled her eyes and shrugged the comments off. But now....

When Brenda didn't say anything, and even looked a little sympathetic, Sherrie clutched at her friend's forearms and drew Brenda down beside her. "Brenda, please," Sherrie wailed. "You just gotta help me," she moaned.

"Help what, Sherrie?" Brenda asked, a tad aghast. Sherrie was not usually so clingy.

Sherrie whimpered for a moment, then edged closer to her best friend. Their hips and thighs touched, and stayed in contact.

"Can you keep a secret?" Sherrie asked.

"You KNOW I can," Brenda returned. "Remember when Billy Jenkins and you were playing 'hide the wiener' two years ago behind your garage?" she asked.

"Billy is so...JUVENILE," Sherrie said dismissively. "Are you my best friend in the whole world?" she asked Brenda.

"I think so," Brenda said emphatically. "If I wasn't, I'd have left you sitting here...Mom's making pot roast tonight and Dad wasn't kidding when he said we might have to do without...he LOVES his pot roast!"

"Promise you won't say anything?" Sherrie said imploringly.

"Okay!" Brenda replied shortly, preparing to rise. "Jeez, Sherri."

"I want to...make love...with your dad," Sherrie whispered. Brenda sank back down on the bed.

"You do?" Brenda asked, her eyebrows arching high on her forehead.

Sherrie nodded through some instant tears. "Don't hate me, okay?" she said.

"Oh...I don't hate you," Brenda said absentmindedly, patting Sherrie's hand. She looked closely at her friend. They'd been close friends since they'd been born, almost. Sherrie and her twelve-year-old sister lived with their dad next door. Sherrie's mom had died a long time ago. Brenda barely remembered her.

"Dad's a grown up," she said slowly. "Not like Billy..." she added. "He's a LOT older, ya know...?"

"So?" Sherrie asked, as if she'd been insulted. "I like older men," she told Brenda.

"So do your OWN father and leave mine alone!!" Brenda snapped.

"I'm tired of...." Sherrie cut off whatever she'd been about to say, but Brenda had heard. When Sherrie clapped her hands to her mouth, that confirmed it.

"Ahhhh, okay...I see!" Brenda said, leaning back on her elbows and smiling lazily at her girlfriend. "I get it now. Tired of doing your dad, huh? Wantin' a little 'strange' and you've picked my Daddy to poke his thing in your puss, haven't you?"

"No...that's not what I meant," Sherrie said quickly. "I didn't SAY that!"

"Almost did!" Brenda replied, dismissing her friend's attempt to throw her off track. "And it's true, isn't it?"

Sherrie's eyes were floating in unshed tears. The surprise ambush by her best friend had her totally confused. She slumped, almost crying now.

"Please don't tell anyone," she whispered.

"Has your dad been MAKING you do it with 'im?" Brenda demanded suspiciously.

Sherrie shook her head vigorously. "No...we like doing it with him," she said, and then caught herself again.

"WE??? Ohhhh, I see. You AND little sister, huh?" Brenda asked, knowing the answer already.

Sherrie nodded miserably.

"She like doing your dad too?" Brenda asked.

"Yeah," Sherrie said slowly. "Dad's nice," she said. "He never hurts us...and he didn't really want to start doing us...but me and Diane kinda trapped him...."

"That's okay," Brenda said, patting her friend's shoulder consolingly. "Not to worry," she added.

"You're not going to tell?" Sherrie asked hopefully.

"Oh, heck yeah, I am...I'm going to tell everyone in the whole FUCKIN' family," Brenda retorted, grinning nastily.

Sherri thought the remark was sarcastic. Her look of relief faded when she saw how animated Brenda was. A sick expression came over Sherri's face.

Brenda got off the bed and stood, looking down at her friend with a impish little grin. "I'm going to tell Dad and Mom, and Ryan, of have NO idea how much he's been wanting to play with your boobs...and...well, I'm going to tell everyone in the house," she finished.

A dumbfounded Sherrie watched as Brenda began stripping off her top and the short-shorts that were her normal attire.

"Hurry up," Brenda urged. "My Daddy's going to LOVE the surprise he's going to get for desert tonight," she said mischievously. "And you're going to simply love his it okay if he fucks you instead of 'making love'?" she added. "We're soooo NOT into making love."

Brenda looked quizzically at Sherrie. "Why aren't you moving?"

"You're SERIOUS?" Sherrie gasped. "For real?"

"Honey, if you ain't stark, starin' naked in about ten seconds," Brenda responded, "I'm gonna go down and get my Daddy's cock inside me, 'stead of you gettin' to do it."

That galvanized a still confounded Sherrie into action. She stood nude beside her friend only seconds later. A trembling smile spread across her lips.

Brenda looked her best friend over carefully. The bra lines on Sherrie's young breasts would fade in a few minutes. Her Daddy would love his surprise. Brenda stepped close and, to Sherrie's surprise, kissed her on the lips.

"You remember when we were kids and messed around with some girl-on-girl stuff?" Brenda asked. Sherrie nodded. "Well, we don't have any rules about that not being okay in this house," Brenda told the girl. "So if you have any problems with it, you better say so now."

Sherrie shook her head, looking down a little shyly.

"Good," Brenda said, satisfied. "'Cause I think you're going to just LOVE the way Mom licks pussy," Brenda said. "Have you ever used a dildo to fuck another girl?" she asked.

Sherrie's jaw dropped. She shook her head numbly. Her eyes wide as saucers. She wondered how long her best friend in the world had been sexing it up with her parents.

Brenda took her friend's hand in hers and started out the door.

"TWO NAKED GIRLS COMING DOWNSTAIRS," Brenda bawled at the top of her lungs.

"WE'RE AWFUL HORNY...AND WE'RE AWFUL HUNGRY!" she called down the stairs where her family was waiting around the dinner table.


There was a moment of silence.

"I THINK WE CAN TAKE CARE OF BOTH THOSE PROBLEMS," Brenda's dad called back up the stairs. He waited for a second, but didn't hear any noise on the stairwell.


The two naked teenaged girls trotted eagerly down the stairs.

Chapter Three

Sometimes, a military operation concentrates on a target that seems worth the expenditure of precious resources; the goal appears attainable, and an operational plan is developed the friction of implementation keeps piling up obstacles. And then, right in the middle of the execution phase, an alternative target presents that wasn't even considered earlier.

In other words, sometimes you get lucky.

* * *

While Sandy and Greg Pearson worked hard on adding the Roger's family to the clan of family sex practitioners, Grandpa Jack studied everything Sandy could tell him about her big brother, Aaron Campbell and his wife, Irene. By all appearances, both parents were attractive, well-grounded adults...successful in their chosen careers and socially too. They disciplined their children when they had to, trusted them when they could, and encouraged them to develop as they would.

Disappointingly, Grandpa Jack and his new clan's point of view of, Aaron and Irene seemed to be a unduly...prudish. Irene was a knockout--sexy as HELL, and the girls all assured Grandpa Jack Aaron was a hunk. But Irene always wore a demure one-piece swimsuit and Aaron was always the perfect gentleman. Sandy had seen any number of girls throw themselves at Aaron, and he never seemed to notice.

As far as anyone could see, there weren't any openings for anyone outside the family to seduce Aaron or Irene. Hell, there weren't any openings for anyone to do anything. Very disappointing.

* * *

Elaine and Donald Campbell wandered into their Aunt Sandy's kitchen looking for something to eat. They'd just finished an energetic fuck in the Pearson's living room and they were hungry. While the kids munched on sandwiches on barstools at the counter and scarfed up quantities of chips, they listened to the discussion...which was almost dead.

"We'll keep working on it," Grandpa Jack said, looking Jeff and Payton Campbell in the eyes, and then included Elaine and Donny in what he was saying. "We're not giving up...we just haven't found the key yet. We'll get there! I promise!"

Eight-year-old Donald finished a fistful of potato chips and poured half a can of soda down his throat. "I don't know what's so tough about Dad anyway," he said in a silence that had been building.

Grandpa Jack and the others around the kitchen table swiveled around to look at him.

"Donald--" thirteen-year-old Jeff began, intending to scold his younger sibling.

"Whoa there, Kemosabe! Why do you say that, Donald?" Grandpa Jack asked, interrupting. It was vaguely possible the boy had seen something in their Dad's behavior that would unlock the puzzle.

" 'Cause Dad likes to look at dirty pictures of little girls," Donald announced. "Doesn't that mean he would like all the girls out at the campground?"

"Well, it certainly MIGHT!" Grandpa Jack replied, intrigued. "Why do you say your dad likes that type of pictures...did you see him looking at some online?"

"Nope," Donald said, "but he's got tons of dirty pictures with some girl having sex with boys and lots a' grownups too." He got down from the tall barstool. "Wanta see?"

"Absolutely!" Grandpa Jack said. He grinned. It was his first smile in a long time.

Donald raced from the kitchen to find his clothes. He dug into his jeans' pocket and ran back to the kitchen.

"There!" he said, slapping the old print down on the kitchen table.

Grandpa Jack, Sandy Pearson, along with Jeff and Payton Campbell examined what Donald brought with him today. Though the colors were faded, the print was clearly of a young girl--no more than eight or nine--astride an adult male. The man's penis could be seen still stabbing deep inside the girl as she was rising off it; it was glistening with little-girl juices. The man's face couldn't be seen, but the girl was beaming at the camera, quite obviously happy and thrilled to be doing what she was doing.

"Well...that sure looks like something we can build on," Grandpa Jack remarked. "What are you doing with it, son?"

"I just like it," Donald said defensively. "It's the only one I took out and I don't let anyone see it, 'cept here and I look at it in my room sometimes...."

"But where did you GET it?" Payton asked sharply. Her face was a chalky white.

"Under the stairs...that place behind the furnace and under the steps coming down into the basement. There's a whole suitcase with pictures in it like that," Donald explained

Payton looked again at the picture, then walked out of the kitchen. "Aunt Sandy...I need to go online," Payton called over her shoulder. "Is that alright?"

"Well...sure, I guess," Sandy replied curiously. "Is this important, Payton?"

"I think so," Payton answered. "I need to get on the social networking website to make sure."

The whole group in the kitchen decamped and followed Payton to the Pearson's computer study, wondering what the twelve-year-old was doing. Sandy set the old photograph down beside the mouse.

Shortly, Payton pulled up a web page, found the name she wanted, made a selection, and then settled on a page full of old photographs. She scrolled down to a washed out picture of a young redheaded girl in a yellow sundress smiling a toothy grin at the camera.

Payton held the faded photograph her brother had found next to the flat screen and compared the two images. They clearly matched. Payton sucked in a deep breath of air.

"What?" Donald demanded. He could see the two pictures were of the same redheaded little girl, but he didn't know why Payton's face was so pale.

"Donny," Payton replied, "the little girl with that man's cock stuck up inside her is our MOM!!!"

There was a long silence.

" interesting is THAT?!" Grandpa breathed.

* * *

Irene Campbell closed the bedroom door behind her back, leaned on the doorframe for a moment and took a deep breath. She seemed to glide toward her husband, rather than walk. When he looked up, she paused and posed for Aaron, knowing he liked to look at her body.

Irene Campbell was one of THOSE redheads--those redheads with peaches and cream complexions, slim bodies, wonderfully long shapely legs, and breasts that almost seem too big for their chests. Irene stood 5'7" in her bare feet. Her red hair fell loosely past her shoulders, a lock or two were in front, resting lightly on her upper breasts.

The sheer black babydoll Irene was wearing had almost as much chance of hiding Irene's charms as a pane of window glass, so her big breasts with already erect, ruby-tinted nipples were plainly visible. Her twin alabaster legs were parted a little so Aaron could see her sex beneath the black gauze. She minced forward, smiling seductively.

"Jesus, baby," he said, almost reverently. "You're gorgeous!" He meant it. He frowned. "Where the heck were you?" Irene had come in from the hallway, not from the master bedroom's bathroom.

"Talking with the kids," Irene explained shortly.

"In THAT?!!" Aaron was astounded. "Giving them a lesson in female anatomy, were you?" he said lightly. He cocked his head to one side and grinned. "Were they drooling all over themselves when you left or what?"

"Almost as much as their father is," Irene smiled.

"I am NOT drooling," Aaron asserted, wiping his chin to make sure. "I'm simply moistening my lips so when I kiss that beauteous, hot, lovely pussy a' yours, I don't cause any friction burns!"

Irene sat on her husband's lap. Her breasts were convenient for Aaron to fondle and she spread her legs for him to explore between her thighs if he wanted to.

Behind closed doors, Irene never denied her husband anything he wanted...or denied him anything he wanted to do. They kissed a long, satisfying, lover's kiss.

"Your sister came over this afternoon," Irene began, finally breaking the kiss.

"Was she dressed like you are?" Aaron quipped. He thought he was making a funny. When Irene didn't immediately answer, he was surprised, and alerted. Something was up.

"No," Irene said in a small voice, "after a while, she didn't have...anything on."

Aaron's eyes widened. Irene had his full attention now.

"And neither did Greg, or their kids," Irene continued. "And then OUR kids took off their clothes too."

Aaron held up a hand. "Ahhhhhhh...HUH? My sister and her family came over; they got naked, and then our kids did too?" Aaron asked.

Irene nodded slowly.

Aaron blinked. His eyes focused on the far wall. A grin crossed his features. "I guess I should take an afternoon off now and then, huh?"

"My little sister really stripped right down to the buff? Sandy did that?" he asked in a strangled voice, almost beside himself.

Irene nodded again. Her eyes narrowed. Aaron was taking this awfully well.

"Damn," Aaron muttered contemplatively. "I sure wish I'd a' been here for that!"

Irene moistened her lips. Now came the important part...the part Aaron might not be so understanding about.

"Well, that wasn't everything...," Irene began slowly. "Uhhhh...Greg...Greg and Natasha...they...Greg bent his daughter over the kitchen table and...and...and she asked...Natasha asked...if it was okay if they...had sex like that in our kitchen 'cause sometimes it made a wet spot in the floor and I said it was okay 'cause we had mops...and Sandy said she adopted a Daddy and she fucked Shawn in a restaurant while her Daddy fucked his two granddaughters...and then Shawn fucked Danielle right on the kitchen table and made a wet spot on the table...." she said distantly. "I washed it up," she added hesitantly.

"Okay...okay...," Aaron breathed. " SISTER, Sandy...fucked with her a restaurant...and some random guy fucked his granddaughters in the restaurant at the same time?" Aaron marveled. "Whew!! We GOTTA get out more, honey!" Aaron said emphatically.

Irene hesitated. She frowned again, but she didn't let it reach her face. Aaron had passed over most of what she'd told him and concentrated on what his little sister had done. It was the second time he'd done that. Was...was Aaron a little Irene'd ever given him credit for?

Irene didn't know what to say...except.... She wet her lips. "Well...then your sister let our Jeff stick his thing in her ass and I watched them but I couldn't stop them and Payton let Charles and Donny put their dicks in her mouth and in her pussy...and they scanned all the photos in the suitcase you told me we should burn...."

'And THERE it is,' Aaron thought to himself. 'So we're finally having THAT conversation, are we?'

He'd been playing with Irene. Being unpredictable was about the only way he ever made any points with Irene. This time, it'd been easy to deflect Irene--he hadn't said a thing he didn't mean.

Aaron grinned at the far wall and sat back in the easy chair. "You little sister always reminded me of a singer with one of those all-girl bands that was popular when we were growing up," Aaron told Irene calmly.

Irene's darted glances into the far corners of the room, wondering where this was coming from. She wasn't sure he was really listening to her. And this was IMPORTANT!! She had to frown again. Her husband's comments sounded kind of--had Aaron been drinking or something.

"The girl group had a video," Aaron continued. "It was about something...'Walk Like'...hmmmm...'Walk Like something'...I can't remember what all...but Sandy was the spittin' image of that little brunette lead singer--she was so tiny next to the other singers. Really nice legs, perky little tits, BIG ol' eyes...I must a' watched the video on TV a hundred times, and it always made me so horny I couldn't see straight...and I always thought of Sandy when I watched it--and when I jacked off watchin' it," he confessed.

When Irene would have said something, Aaron put two fingertips gently against her lips.

"I think I can tell you what Sandy told you, honey. Sandy knew immediately what the picture meant, didn't she?"

Irene nodded. Sandy hadn't minced any words.

"Uh-huh...and she suggested you might want to go back, as it were, to when you and your parents, and whoever else, were all doing the big nasty together, right?" Aaron grinned. "And then she demonstrated to you that she's...embraced...that lifestyle, right--when her husband fucked her daughter right in front of her?"

Irene nodded dumbly. So Aaron WAS listening...and he'd gotten to where she was going in the conversation before she did.

"And you DO want to, don't you?" Aaron demanded softly, holding his wife's eyes with his. He wanted this answered forthrightly...and finally.

Irene nodded again, almost unwillingly at first. Her nod picked up enthusiasm toward the end. "I do," she whispered. "You don't know what it's like to have your own FATHER putting his...thing...inside you and loving you and making you...almost explode with the wonderfulness...."

"Well, no, I WON'T ever know what that is like," Aaron said dryly. "On the other hand, my Mom was a foxy little cougar right up to the day she passed...I wouldn't have minded slidin' my little ding-a-ling up her snatch a time or two when I was a kid," Aaron admitted. He smiled meditatively. "And then doing Sandy on the bed right beside Mom," he added dreamily.

"Aaron...are you saying...?"

"Baby...,"Aaron said quietly, tenderly. "...I knew the day you wouldn't even CONSIDER destroying those old photos you showed me about that time in your life... I KNEW this day would come," Aaron told her. He frowned. "I just thought it'd be a lot sooner...what with Jeff exploring and puttin' his nose into every corner of the house...I thought sure he'd find those old pictures years ago."

Irene didn't know whether to be pleased this was all going so easily or whether to be pissed off at her husband's insight into the way her mind worked. "Well...what ELSE did you know was going to happen?" she asked, resentment rising in her voice.

Aaron grinned. "Well...from the way you came in here 'dressed' like you were, I knew you were going to get your way," Aaron answered cheerfully, " 'cause you always win discussions that start out with you naked," he remarked.

"So this is me, letting you have your way...again," Aaron continued, "and I LIKE that, by the way...I ALWAYS like you getting your way...when you're naked," he added, grinning ferociously.

He lifted the babydoll off his wife's shoulders and let it slide down her back while he captured his wife's right nipple between his lips.

Irene stiffened and instinctively pushed her breast deeper into her husband's mouth. She parted her thighs for his hand without being aware of what she did.

Thoroughly distracted from her indignation, Irene nuzzled her breasts into her husband's face. "You understand--" She had to break off when Aaron's teeth gently nipped at her nipple. "You understand, right, you're going to have sex with your daughters...?"

"From when you said the kids got naked and...someone did something to someone else...and Greg fucked Tasha," Aaron assured her.

"And the boys are gonna...."

Aaron nodded. "I'm going to live vicariously through them, thinking of how it would have felt to be sinking my little dickie inside my Mom's hot pussy!"

Irene struggled off her husband's lap and walked quickly to the intercom button above the light switch beside the bedroom door.

"KIDS?" she yelled peremptorily.

"If you want some naked time with your mom and dad...BETTER GET HUMPING!!"

There were a series of girlish squeals, several 'ALL RIGHT!!s ' and what were probably some high fives being made.

"WE'RE COMINGGGGGGG!!" Payton wailed. The intercom cut off.

Seconds later the bedroom door slammed open and six naked kids burst inside, splitting right and left. The boys gathered in a mass around their mother where she'd settled on the easy chair and the girls leaped on the bed where their father had darted...after shedding his pajamas.

* * *

Aaron Campbell called his sister late the next morning.

"Hey, Sis," Aaron said cheerfully, "it's about danged time I get to get you in the sack, huh? All the boys say THEY already have, so now you've made me jealous of my own sons!" he said jovially. "So...what's up with this family screwing stuff, huh? How come we didn't do this when we were kids? And when do WE get together, sister, dear...hmmmm?" There was a long pause while Sandy tried to absorb everything.

"And good morning to you too, big brother," she said slowly, stalling. "Aaron, don't you think you should be a little more...circumspect on the phone?" Sandy asked exasperatedly.

"Oh, you're right," he responded, "I sorry! So...when do we all get together?" he asked, unabashed.

Sandy took a deep breath. "'s this afternoon sound?" she said finally.

"We got steaks, salad, all the fixin's already in the van if you guys have the charcoal and BBQ pit," Aaron suggested.

Sandy had to smile at the glee in Aaron's voice. "How 'bout you get your butt in gear and get your ass over here?" she asked.

"That's my favorite sister, by golly!" Aaron crowed approvingly. "Answer your doorbell naked, okay?"

Sandy giggled. "You got it, stud," she said.

Aaron broke the connection chortling.

The Pearson's doorbell chime began to ring.

* * *

Brett and Candice Winston cut short their world tour when the typhoon smashed into Japan. There was chaos all over Southeast Asia and several factories they'd been scheduled to visit didn't exist anymore. They were home three weeks earlier than they'd planned, but they were clearly travel-worn and weary. It didn't take much talking to convince them the twins should stay with Grandpa Jack another couple of weeks to give them time to recover.

The world travelers felt guilty about not having seen their daughters for a long time though. They quickly accepted the invitation to come to Grandpa Jack's ranch house for a couple of weeks instead of staying home and reintegrating themselves in their hard-working world so soon.

"Hi, Daddy," the sexy voice said breezily.

Startled, Candace turned to find out who'd spoken. When she saw the slender young brunette trot up to Candace's father and plant a juicy kiss on him, Candace's lips tightened.

To Candace's horror, her father responded to the kiss shamelessly. She sensed it was not the first kiss they'd shared. While Candace WATCHED, her dad pulled the woman tight against him with an arm around her waist. He gave the woman at least as good as he got.

Candace drifted closer to the pair, wondering how to break them apart.

There was a LOT about this she didn't approve of. 'Daddy', for instance, was a term reserved only for her father's offspring. Candace knew all three of her sisters, and this woman was NOT one of them.

All of Mom's daughters had coal-black hair, for instance, except for Joanne who'd dyed hers red, that hung down between their shoulder blades, and this slender, leggy young woman had brown hair. And none of Momma's children smiled quite as broadly as this stranger was at Candace's father.

"Hi, baby," Grandpa Jack said to the young woman. "Glad you could make it," he added. He looked around. "HEY, Candace!" he called, "come meet your 'sister'--she just adopted me last month," he said happily. He laughed loudly. Candace got a tight hug from her dad, but she wasn't entirely mollified.

"Hello," the woman said pleasantly, "I'm Sandy," she said. "I've heard soooo much about you," she added. "Your father sure is proud of you."

Candace's face and body relaxed almost instantly. She was delighted.

"Oh my," she said. "I'm sure DADDY exaggerates a little," she said modestly. She took Grandpa Jack's arm and squeezed it, trying to move her father a few important inches away from the strange woman.

Candace didn't like the smile Sandy gave her just then. It said Sandy knew exactly what Candace was doing...and she wasn't dismayed in the least.

"I don't know if you remember honey, we met Sandy and her husband...and her the restaurant when you dropped off the kids, remember?" Grandpa Jack asked his daughter.

Candace looked sharply at Sandy. In spite of the number of strangers she'd met over the past month and a half, she DID recall the scene at the restaurant, now that her attention had been drawn to it. Her lips tightened. The woman and all her scantily clad daughters...yeah, Candace remembered very clearly.

And this Sandy person wasn't decently covered today either. Candace was wearing the black one-piece she usually did in her father's swimming pool, but 'Sandy' was in a string bikini that left nothing to the imagination. Candace's ears turned faintly pink.

"We got to be pretty good friends while y'all were gone," Grandpa Jack rambled on, oblivious of the sparks glowing in Candace's eyes.

"Heck, we even went remember the place out by the dried-up creek...and the noisy bridge? We had a wonderful time," Candace's father remarked, looking back up at the house. "Where're the kids, Sandy?"

At that moment, a big group of young children came pouring out the patio door, across the redwood deck, and down the slight down-slope to the swimming pool.

Candace's jaws torqued a little tighter shut when she saw the skimpy bikinis even the youngest of Sandy's daughters were wearing. It got even worse when Candace saw her own twin daughters were wearing bikinis just as scanty.

She gasped when she saw the boys had on speedos, rather than the baggy things most males wore swimming these days. On second look, they weren't QUITE as tight, or as skimpy as water polo or competitive swimmer's attire, but they sure were brief. Candace was startled to note, the speedos revealed the young boys had penises. Candace had never considered that before.

The kids ran past them where they stood beside the BBQ pit and picnicking area, screaming at the top of their lungs.

Candace's eyes closed in mortification. Her own daughters were screeching just as loud as the other hellions. Worse, her father was following them down the hill toward the swimming pool, yelling just as loud, and encouraging the youngsters to greater speed and effort.

Candace couldn't chastise the girls right now.

"Hi, I'm Greg," a male voice said close to Candace's ear. "You must be Candace," he said.

Candace whirled, to find herself looking at the man who'd been at the restaurant. But he hadn't been standing up at the restaurant. 'Greg' was already so far inside her comfort zone, that Candace was instantly at a disadvantage.

She involuntarily glanced down, and the man was dressed in the same sort of semi-speedo the boys were wearing, except that this one was filled with a very adult male sex organ. Candace caught her breath, dragging her eyes back up the man's find him smiling at her with a knowing look in his eyes. He wasn't in the least embarrassed or offended.

And insolent Greg took Candace's shoulders in his strong hands and moved her back a few inches so he could gave Candace a thorough inspection. "Damn, Grandpa Jack," Greg said enthusiastically, "you sure do make nice babies."

"I DO!" Grandpa Jack replied jovially. He'd come back up from down near the pool without Candace noticing. "Hey...I got three more just as sweet and cuddly as my beautiful Candace, you know."

Grandpa Jack hugged Candace close, his hands pulling at her hips. What no one else could see was that his thumbs slipped inside the hollow of her hip in a caress that just barely failed to be could even have been an accident if Candace objected.

She didn't. Her hips rolled into her father's one who wasn't watching for it would have noticed. Grandpa Jack was watching for it...and so were Greg, Sandy, and any number of children trying not be noticed while they were busy noticing.

"I'll bet they ARE sweet," Greg said, with emphasis. He positively leered at Candace, however briefly, making sure she knew what he was thinking of.

"But, Grandpa Jack," he complained. "You sure dress your daughters funny. This FINE young woman should be in a nice hot bikini so she can show that beauteous bod off, by golly!"

Candace's face flushed a bright scarlet.

"Well, she's got a nice, red-colored bikini up in the house," Grandpa Jack observed. "Don't know why she won't wear it."

"DAD!" Candace said, scandalized. She turned away from the insolent Greg and his grinning wife to face her father.

Before she could say more, Brett interrupted. "I don't know either," Candace's husband remarked.

Candace spun about to face him.

"Would you wear it if I begged?" he asked, smiling at his off-balance wife.

"BRETT!" she gasped. "I...."

"Sugar," Grandpa Jack interrupted, "if ya got it, flaunt it," he told her.

"Yeah," Brett observed, "...what Dad said!" He chuckled.

"I'll second that," Greg remarked, turning to face Brett without the slightest sign of embarrassment. He hugged Sandy to his side. "You the lovely Candace's other half?"

"Brett!" Candace's husband stuck out his hand.

"Greg," was the reply. The two men shook casually.

"Welcome to mi casa," Grandpa Jack said, to no one in particular. He waved his long spatula in a wide circle. It made everyone look around.

"Hacienda 'Big Jack' eh?" Greg suggested.

"Damn straight," Grandpa Jack replied, grinning. He flipped a row of hamburger patties on the right side of the grill, then looked back at Candace with a question.

"Well?" he asked brusquely.

"Well WHAT?" Candace replied. She was just beginning regaining her composure.

"Your husband asked if you'd go change to your bikini, and I know for a fact you brought with you 'cause I saw it my own self."

Candace's face flushed again. "Daddy! I...."

"Have a fantastic body?" Brett suggested.

"Yes!...NO!" Candace snapped. "I...."

"...Should go change into that bikini 'cause her loving husband asked her to?" Brett hinted.

"I...I...DAMMIT, Brett...."

When Bret turned his wife around and pointed her at the house, Candace gave up and trotted dutifully up the grassy slope. She didn't want to leave this Sandy woman alone with her dad for any longer than necessary.

"I'm Sandy," the woman said, stepping up to Brett. "He's my hubby, such as he is," she said, pointing at Greg. She held out a hand to be shaken, but Grandpa Jack and Greg knew she'd change that to a close embrace if Brett gave her the slightest opening. Some of that might have gotten through to Brett too.

He tried to look her over surreptitiously, but Sandy was watching and waiting for Greg eyes to flick downward. Sandy smiled when Greg did just that. Sandy knew her body showed no sign of having one kid, much less the number she had.

Also, Sandy was quite comfortable with men giving her the once-over...or even more over. She smiled amiably. Grandpa Jack and Greg pretended not to notice what was going on. "You know, big fella," she said, stroking Brett's forearm, "you could follow your own advice."

Brett's eyebrows rose and he cocked his head to the side. "Pardon?"

"You don't need to wear those baggy old things," Sandy purred, referring to his swimsuit. She whirled around abruptly.

"Don't you have something for your hunky son-in-law?" she asked Grandpa Jack.

Grandpa Jack looked up. "I keep a bunch of brand new suits in the upstairs hall closet for folks who don't remember to bring their own," he said carelessly, waving the spatula again. "You could probably find something in your size," he told Brett.

Brett, hoist on his own petard, gave in graciously and jogged up the slope to the house.

"And if you happen to see your wife nekkid," Grandpa Jack called. "Don't you two do nothin' I wouldn't do, ya hear?" He chuckled.

He stared at the meat broiling in the BBQ pit.

"Actually, lunch is gonna be ready in about ten minutes," he called to Brett's disappearing back. "Y'all don't have TIME to do anything I'd do!" Grandpa Jack quipped. "Put it off 'til later!"

He adjusted his own semi-speedo. His prick was beginning to harden, just from watching Sandy and the girls...and fantasizing about his daughter, Candace, in a far more revealing bikini.

Sandy stepped close and thrust her hand down the top of Grandpa Jack's suit and 'helped' Grandpa Jack straighten his manhood out. She giggled happily when Grandpa Jack slapped her hand away. He shot a look at the house, but there was no sign of Candace or her husband.

* * *

"Hey, what's a girl got to do to get a tour of that ol' log cabin up there?" Sandy asked irreverently, and loudly.

"Cabin?" Grandpa Jack replied, pretending to be affronted.

"BIG cabin!"

Built of native stone to blend well with the terrain, the big, two-story house didn't look anything LIKE a log cabin but Sandy's real desire was to get that tour. It was the agreed-upon signal.

Grandpa Jack sighed and shook his head in pretended disgust.

"Daddy-pooh won't take me to see his 'bootiful' mansion?" Sandy asked, pooching out her lower lip in an exaggerated pout. She tucked Grandpa Jack's arm under hers and cuddled close.

Candace's jaw was jacked shut with disgust. This woman! She was making a shameless play for Candace's father, and he sat there with a foolish simper on his lips.

"Sure, come on," Grandpa Jack said. He levered himself up off the concrete picnic table's bench seat and strode off, arm-in-arm with the woman. Candace's eyes shot lethal daggers at the hussy's back. She decided to do something about this. She shifted her feet to....

"Would you put some lotion on my back," Carrie asked her mother.

"OH!" Candace sat down hard, surprised by her daughter's presence so close behind her. She hadn't seen Carrie coming.

Candace swiveled around on the bench seat when Carrie thrust a bottle of suntan lotion at her, Candace took it automatically but tried to give it back.

"Honey, go get your sister to do it," Candace said.

"But, Mom," Carrie whined. "I can't find her and I need it really bad. You don't want me to burn to a crispy critter do you?"

Candace looked around quickly. Her dad was getting farther away with every second. That woman had her arm around his waist and they were playing at marching in step. But Alicia wasn't anywhere in sight.

Candace swiftly sprayed lotion on her daughter's back and rubbed it around as fast as she could. "There!" she said finally. "You're all done...go swimming," she ordered.

"Mom!" Carrie complained. "If I wanted to go in the water, I wouldn't want you to put lotion on me."

"Right!" Candace agreed. "Go get all brown and everything." She was struggling to get from between the concrete table and bench but it wasn't easy with Carrie standing so close.

When she managed to get out, she turned around to find Sandy's son standing in her way, looking off down the slope at Carrie's disappearing behind. By the time Candace got around him, there was no sign of her father and the slut he'd wandered off with. Candace wanted to scream, but she'd have had to explain if she did.

* * *

"Mr. Winston?" Natasha asked from behind Brett's right shoulder.


"Grandpa Jack said you were a swimmer in college," Tasha began.

Brett interrupted. "Well, that's nice of him, but did he tell you I was, like, second and third string and stuff like that?" Brett said modestly.

"You're just saying that," the twelve-year-old girl said earnestly, shrugging to show how unconcerned she was. "I've been trying to do the breast stroke," she explained, "but I just can't get it right." As she talked, she began making swimming motions in the air, which did wonderful things to Brett's libido. The young girl's clean, sculpted limbs and graceful movements made Brett's heartbeat speed up.

"Okay," he said, rising, "if it's okay with your dad?" he said, glancing at Greg before he went further. Greg waved his approval at the adult man and his oldest daughter.

Tasha took Brett's hand as he stepped off. She glanced up at him from beneath long lashes no child of twelve should have.

"Can I call you 'Uncle Brett' " she asked, holding his eyes with hers. "Mommy says Grandpa Jack is like her long lost Daddy," she said. "And that would make Mrs. Winston my aunt...and you're my uncle, right?" she finished. She smiled innocently.

"I...guess that's okay," Brett agreed, hoping the child didn't notice how hard he had to swallow just to get his voice back.

"Good!" Natasha said with a grin. Her arm went around Brett's waist and suddenly the side of her immature young breast was pressed against Brett's ribcage. He didn't intend to look down, but he was caught off guard.

He saw the small triangle of fabric of her bikini top had slipped down a little...and he saw the pinkish-tan of the little girl's aureole and the diamond-hard nipple of her left breast.

When he looked in her eyes again, he knew he'd been caught. Natasha smiled lazily.

"You like me...Uncle Brett?" she asked him languidly. The girl's eyes were pools of prurient promise.

Brett took the offensive. "Of COURSE I like you," he said emphatically. "How could I not like you?"

Unperturbed, Tasha squeezed his hand. "Good," she said, " 'cause I just love my Uncle Brett," she cooed.

Brett stopped, but Tasha continued on. Brett was captivated by the swing of her hips and the play of her firm buttocks as she pranced on down to the pool. It was mostly for his benefit, and it worked completely. When she got to the side of the pool, she turned and motioned for him to join her.

He did.

"Ya think it'll work?" Shawn asked his father.

Greg nodded. "Son, that feller down there doesn't know what day of the week it is right now," he said. "I think your sister could seduce a bronze statute if she set her mind to it," he added.

* * *

Alicia was stationed near a tree where she could see her mother stalking up the slope to the main house, looking for Grandpa Jack. When her mother was a few steps away from the patio door into the house, Alicia whirled and gave Danielle at an upstairs window the thumbs-up signal. Danielle squealed excited noises at her mother and Grandpa Jack where they stood at the head of the stairs, making out while they waited for the main event.

Danielle closed the door to the room she was in and lay down on Grandpa Jack's bed for a short nap. She had been so keyed up for her part in the crazy plan that she was thoroughly exhausted, now that it was over.

When Candace slid back the patio door and stepped inside, it took her a moment but she soon found her father and that Sandy woman, kissing...making out, rather, right at the top of the stairs. Furious, Candace wanted to wring the woman's neck...but it really wasn't her place.

She whirled and set off back down to the BBQ pit area.

"I don't want to tell you your business," a livid Candace told the woman's husband, "but if I were you, I'd go find out what my wife was doing."

"Ohhhh, it's okay," Greg answered lazily. "Sandy and I have a kind of 'open marriage' if you know what I mean." Greg openly looking Candace over, his gaze lingering on her breasts and that 'V' between her legs the red bikini revealed most advantageously.

Shocked to the core, Candace turned to go back into the house.

"Hi, Mrs. Winston," Greg's thirteen-year-old son, Shawn, said. It was the second time this afternoon someone had come within a few feet...inches...of her so unexpectedly and Candace nearly screamed.

"You sure are pretty, Mrs. Winston," Shawn said sincerely. He studied her while his father made off, heading down by the pool. "Your boobs are at lot bigger than my mother's are," he said admiringly, before turning around and walking off.

By the time Candace picked her jaw up off the ground, Shawn was frolicking in the pool with Alicia...wherever the heck she'd come from. When Candace turned around to face the house, her father and Sandy were walking sedately down the grassy slope toward the pool.

All Candace could do was grind her teeth in frustration. She was so mad, she didn't even notice some inexplicable high-fives going on around her.

Chapter Four

"Honey, can you speak up?" Grandpa Jack yelled into the phone. "I can't hear you for all the kids screaming and stuff."

"What kids?" Candace screeched as loud as she could. Grandpa Jack heard that!

"Oh, Sandy and her family and her brother and Greg's sister...all their families are here too for the weekend," Grandpa Jack explained.

"WHAT?" Candace squealed.

"What's up, sugar?" her father demanded. "Something wrong, baby?"

"No...." Candace sighed. "I just thought Brett and I, and the girls might come on down for a visit," she explained.

"Well, COME ON!" Grandpa Jack bellowed over the noise at his end. "The more the merrier!!"

Candace couldn't see him do it, but he motioned a naked Sandy closer to where he sat with his cell phone to his ear. While Candace was making some excuses about not wanting to horn in...things Grandpa Jack knew she was going to say before she said them...he whispered in Sandy's ear. Sandy nodded and backed away a few steps.

"Nah, sweetheart," Grandpa Jack said stoutly. "Hey, I wanta see y'all anytime you can get down here," he said. He held up a fist in Sandy's direction; he straightened out one finger, then another.

On the third count, Sandy called, "Daaaaa-deeeeeee...where are you Daddy?"

Grandpa Jack knew Candace heard because there was a deadly silence on the other end of the connection. He gave Sandy a 'come on' hand gesture to urge her into saying something else. Sandy came back to Grandpa Jack's side, not stopping until she had plastered herself against his naked body.

"There you are, Daaaa-deeeeeee," she cooed. Grandpa Jack had the phone held out between them so Candace could hear them both. "Who you talkin' to, Daddy?" she asked in a piping little child's voice.

"We'll be there in two hours," Candace said icily into the phone. She snapped her cell phone closed.

* * *

Candace turned, walked to the backdoor and into the mudroom. There she gave herself three minutes for a hissy fit she knew she well and truly deserved.

When the three minutes had passed, she came out and strode calmly to the foot of the stairs.

"KIDS, IF YOU'RE NOT READY IN FIVE MINUTES YOU'RE NOT GOING TO GRANDPA'S!" she yelled at the top of her lungs.

* * *

Grandpa Jack kissed Sandy's very kissable lips and groped her a little, just for fun..

"This it?" Sandy asked. It had been a month. Candace had come across Sandy at Grandpa Jack's house twice already, and she'd grown increasingly irritated each time.

"I think so," Grandpa Jack replied. "She knows you're here, and that your brother's here and Greg's sister too. She's got to be thinking you're edging her out by force of numbers." Grandpa Jack chuckled. "My darling Candace sounded REALLY pissed off there at the end." He leaped up from the sofa where he and Sandy had fallen together.

"Gotta get everyone together," he said, trying to think of everything they needed to get done. He had a hunch his daughter and her family were going to break all previous records on the road from their house to his.

"KIDS? EVERYBODY!!" Sandy yelled from the patio door. No one in the pool paid the slightest attention, including her husband.

The air horn Grandpa Jack pulled from behind the couch, on the other hand, got the attention of everyone down there...along with most of the livestock two counties over.

"GET UP HERE...EVERYONE!!" he bellowed.

The occupants of Grandpa Jack's four acre backyard began streaming up the slope to the patio door. When they passed inside, everyone stripped--it was an automatic reaction these days. Go to Grandpa Jack's, walk into the house, get naked.

* * *

Candace was ready for a fight when she got to her father's ranch house, but she couldn't find anyone to fight with.

"Where's that woman?" she spat at Grandpa Jack.

"What woman?" he said reasonably. His eyes widened innocently.

"Sandy...whatshername!" Candace said, fuming.

Grandpa Jack shrugged. "Dunno...she's around her somewhere...want a sandwich, honey?, Brett? No? Girls? Ahhh, I knew you two would.

"Mayonnaise or mustard?" He paid no more attention to his fuming daughter.

"Y'all get into your swim suits, why don't you?" he suggested, "Pool's waiting!" he added, slapping cold cuts down on fresh bread. Alicia and Carrie split for the room their grandfather set aside in his house as 'their' bedroom.

Brett and Candace stood watching him preparing sandwiches.

"Ahhhh...what part of 'get into your swimsuits' didn't y'all understand?" he asked, looking at the two adults quizzically.

Grandpa Jack was king in his castle and brooked little opposition.

"We didn't--"

"Top of the stairs, hallway closet," Grandpa Jack said shortly, pointing them upstairs with the table knife he was using to spread mustard.


They went.

* * *

"Wow, Mrs. Winston! Nice bod!" Shawn Pearson was stationed at the bottom of the stairs to greet the more-than-a-little flustered Candace when she came back down. He grinned and turned away before Candace could frame a reply. The hot pink string bikini was the only piece of women's swimwear in the closet that was large enough to fit her--assuming you thought a micro-bikini actually fit anyone.

But today, lots and lots of skin was just what Candace wanted. There'd been no way she was not going to strut her stuff in front of 'that woman'. Stress, and the beginnings of an exercise program and a conscientious diet had taken that last five pounds off her these past few weeks and she wasn't about to give that shameless hussy, Sandy, an inch.

Shawn's remark got everyone's attention and the audience of males, including her husband, all gave out low wolf's whistles. Candace blushed deeply, but it went nicely with the hot pink suit.

"Hubba hubba," Brett said, grinning. It was clearly a compliment of the highest order, so Candace couldn't object. She smiled nervously.

"You sure look hot, Mrs. Winston," Jeff said, pushing his way into the conversation. "I'm Shawn's cousin," he remarked, moving into her field of vision as Shawn exited. He was eyeing her brazenly.

"Well...see you later," Jeff said, turning away. "If you need some suntan lotion," he said, "just let me and Shawn know, okay?" He was out the door before an aghast Candace could answer.

"A couple of conquests, eh?" her husband whispered in her ear.

"BRETT!! "

His careless gesture amazed her. "Hey, Sugar, 'unlax' , like Grandpa Jack says," he told her. "I've got a wife with a body the boys'll fight each other to get next to...and I LOVE it," he said emphatically.

"Hi, UNCLE Brett," Natasha Pearson said, coming in the patio door. "This is Payton," Tasha said, introducing her twelve-year-old cousin to her pretend uncle. "Wanta do some breast stroking?" She asked.

"WHAT??!!" Candace gasped.

"Oh, Uncle Brett is helping me learn to swim the breast stroke," Tasha explained with an innocent, butter-won't-melt-in-MY-mouth, expression.

"I...." Brett didn't know what to say.

"Hell with it...go...go!" Candace making shooing motions at her husband to get him out of the house and outside, even if it WAS with two scantily clad young girls.

She looked at the counter where her daughters were finishing up. They had on micro bikinis too, neither of which she'd ever seen before.

There was no way to chastise them. Her bikini didn't have any more material in it than theirs did.

Abruptly, the room was empty. All the girls had followed the boys, who were following other scantily clad girls outside somewhere or other.

Her head spinning, Candace followed everyone out to the pool.

* * *

"Where'd your grandfather go?" Candace asked Alicia, coming back in the patio door. She'd lasted only a few moments out in the hot sun. Not wanting the teenage boys to actually spread sun lotion on her, she was retreating to the cool interior of the house.

"Oh...I dunno," Alicia answered vaguely. "Upstairs, I think."

It was as good as any place to start looking. Her father wasn't going to get out of Candace's sight for very long, not while that woman was here!

* * *

It took a while to find Grandpa Jack and that woman. In fact, they weren't even in the house. They'd gotten around Candace somehow and sneaked into the tiny apartment over the detached garage.

Her breasts still dancing from the run she'd made up the stairs, Candace stood spellbound at the top watching a naked Sandy Pearson kneeling in front of an equally naked Grandpa Jack, giving him a thorough blowjob.

Candace watched...her fury growing. She'd lost to Sandy, everything she'd thought she'd get one day was this woman who pretended Grandpa Jack was her dad.

"NO!" Candace yelled. She started toward the couple, moving quickly.

"NOT YOU!" she screamed at the usurper.

"He's MY Daddy!!"

Sandy rose to her feet, calmly meeting Candace's charge. But Candace veered away once Sandy released Grandpa Jack's hard cock.

Candace grabbed her father by the hand and pulled him to the bed. She stood in front of her father, yanked the ties to her scandalously skimpy bikini bottoms and let them fall at her feet, undid the top and threw it aside. She looked at her father's strong body, then slid onto the bed, pulling her dad down on top of her.

"Take ME, Daddy!" she cried. "I want you so much...I always HAVE," she told him, not completely aware of what she was saying.

"DO ME, DADDY...please?" she babbled.

Grandpa Jack rose over his oldest daughter's naked body, mounted her and plunged his cock deep into the woman's steaming cunt without wasting a second.

"Annngggggggggggghhh!" Candace whimpered. "Oh, my God!" she murmured.

Part of the fog that had consumed her for weeks cleared and she realized what she was doing...what she was doing with her own FATHER! Her hips didn't stop working though; she kept on humping her cunt up to meet her Daddy's downstroke. She had her hands on the points of his shoulders, letting her father set the pace while she held on for the ride. Candace felt at peace for the first time in a long while. This was where she was supposed to be, under her father, rutting with him...and loving it.

Candace's knees rose in the air. With the inside of her thighs and calves, she stroked her Daddy's thighs and buttocks. "Fuck me, Daddy!" she crooned in a whisper.

"Fuck me, Daddy!" she cooed.

Grandpa Jack rammed his cock deep inside his oldest daughter, slamming down fast and strong before withdrawing it slowly...only to drive it back in again. His hips pistoned up and down, driving his penis deep into Candace and whipping it back out.

They found a rhythm that suited them. Candace humped her groin up to meet her father's downward plunges. It didn't take long for the incestuous pair to hit their peaks. The foreplay had been years in the making for Candace. and there was no way she could hold off now.

"Cum for Daddy, Candy!" Grandpa Jack whispered in his daughter's ear. "Cum for me, Candy!!"

She couldn't hold it back then. "I'M CUMMING FOR YOU, DADDY!" she shrieked, not caring who might hear. "Oh, God, I'm CUMMING!!!"

Grandpa Jack's oldest daughter drummed her heels on his ass, urging him to go faster and harder...then froze in place.

"Unnngh!" she moaned. "Unh-unh-unh-unh-unh-unh-unh-unh-unh...OH GOD, DADDY!! I WANT YOUR CUM INSIDE ME!" she wailed.


When her father's hot cum splashed on her vagina walls, Candace went berserk, squeezing her cunt around his cock, trying to milk more and more cream out of the narrow slit in the end of his cock. He pumped two more gobs of his seed into his own daughter's belly before he was spent. He hovered over her, leaning on his elbows and knees for a long moment, until her legs and vagina released him.

He rolled over onto the blanket beside her.

They rested, holding hands and their chests heaving, trying to get more air in their lungs.

"Bravo...BRAVO, Candy." Sandy was clapping and cheering as she walked back to the bed and sat down beside Grandpa Jack.

"That was one for the books, Candy," Sandy said enthusiastically. "Sooooo damned hot!!"

"It's Cand..."

"Bull shit it is," Sandy snapped back. "Honey, it's prim and proper Candace when you're in your hubby's office downtown...but when you're doing a steamy, nasty fuck with your very own father...then by God, it's CANDY!!"

Grandpa Jack's daughter opened her mouth, but there was nothing to say. "My name is Candy," she agreed. "I fucked my daddy hot and nasty," she said, experimenting...letting the words roll over her tongue to see how they tasted.

"Mmmmm," Grandpa Jack. He rolled up on his right elbow and began stroking his daughter's lower belly and down to her Venus mons.

"Candy's a naughty, naughty girl," he said softly to his daughter, smiling down at her. "And I love her!" he told his relaxed daughter.

"I am," she said wonderingly. "I'm the naughty, NASTY kind a' girl," Candy repeated happily, relishing the sound of the words, and the idea they expressed.

She stretched her arms and legs luxuriously, delighting in her father's lewd fondling and the touch of his naked skin where it touched hers.

"I," she said saucily, "I'm my Daddy's CUM HUNGRY SLUT WHORE!!" she declared.

"And one hell of a good fuck too!" Sandy proclaimed.

"Damn straight! Hell of a fuck!" Candy said emphatically. She smiled. The tension was gone. Beginning to recover, she looked at Sandy, sitting on the other side of Grandpa Jack's body.

"He IS my Daddy, you know," she said, but not nearly as possessively as before.

"Yep," Sandy said in complete agreement. "But sometimes...just sometimes, mind you...just once in a while, and only for a little while, I get to pretend he's my daddy too, but he's always yours, Candy, baby." She grinned. "Deal?"

Candy thought about it. "You won't try to take him away?"

Sandy shook her head. "Wouldn't do that," she promised. "COULDN'T do that!"

"Deal!" Candy said.

She took Sandy's proffered hand for a shake, then she settled down on the bed. She moved slowly, at peace for the first time in...she didn't know how long.

"The day's not over, you know...," Sandy said, grinning impishly.


"There are others who want your big Daddy's cock," Sandy explained.

"Ohhhh...sure," Candy said. She shrugged, and began to move off the bed. "If you want to do...fuck Daddy, I'll watch."

Sandy shook her head. "How 'bout you sit on your Daddy's face?" she suggested. "And I'll ride his cock like a hot rodeo cowgirl 'til we both get off on this hombre again. Whatcha say?" Sandy had a thoroughly nasty, obscene grin on her excited face.

"I'm not clean, Daddy," Candy said speculatively. She looked down at her spermy cunt lips.

Sandy chortled. "You got a lot to learn about Daddy-sex," she chuckled. "Get up on Daddy and let him suck his cum right back out of you," she said, pulling at Candy's arm to get her moving.

"Really, Daddy?" Candy said, wonderingly. "You'll..."

Grandpa Jack nodded. "Just mine, sugar," he said, "but I'll do mine every time. Only fair, right? You're going to suck my cum out of cock...right?"

"I am?" she asked, wonderingly. "Oh, YEAH, I AM," she said firmly. She paused.

"Wanta see?" she asked, grinning for the first time.

"Not right now, honey," Grandpa Jack told her. "Come up here and let me eat that hot little pussy a' yours, okay?"

Candy swallowed hard and twisted her body up off the bed and around to settle on her father's muscled chest. She squatted, adjusted herself and then found exactly where her father's tongue could best attack her pussy. In seconds, she was rubbing her slit up and down on his face and whimpering when he stabbed his tongue deep into her.

She felt Sandy get up behind her and start moving back there. There was a rocking motion, and Sandy's face leaned against Candy's back. As Sandy rose and fell on Grandpa Jack's cock, She reached around Candy's body and hefted the bigger woman's breasts.

The smaller woman caressed Candy's boobs, squeezed gently, molding them and thumbing the hard nipples until Candy moaned out loud with the pleasure. Assaulted from two directions, Candy didn't know whether to lean back into Sandy's embrace or make rubbing her pussy on her Daddy's mouth her first priority.

"Grandpa Jack eats pussy real good, doesn't he?"

Candy nodded dreamily. She cocked her head. Something....

"He's got a great big cock that fills you all the way up too, huh...MOMMY?"

Every muscle in Candy's body convulsed at the same instant. She leaped off her father's face, whirled around and scrambled backwards, landing on the pillow beside her father's head. Her feet pushed at the mattress...she was trying to get away. She stared at the slight figure of the eleven-year-old girl riding her own grandfather's cock.

"Hi, Mom," Alicia said brightly, never stopping her rocking motion.

Candy stared at her daughter; she watched as her father's big cock pumping steadily in and out of his granddaughter's immature labia. Alicia was clearly enjoying what was happening to her. The break in her voice had been accompanied by a blissful expression crossing the child's face as she fucked her Grandpa Jack.

"Surprise number two, huh?" Sandy asked. "Guess what, Candy? Your daughters are just as hot-blooded as you are--just as randy, just as horny...but they aren't suppressing it like you did."

"MOMMY!" Alicia said loudly.


"You look like you're--"

"Unnngh! Unnngh!" Alicia grunted as a string of extra good sensations spiked inside her. The spasms passed. "You look like you're going to go to sleep, or something," Alicia told her mother.

Candy tried to pretend she hadn't almost passed out.

"Just trying to figure out what to do," she said. "This one isn't in the good parenting guidebook," she said wryly.

"Ah hah!" Sandy crowed. "That's good. You almost smiled, Candy, baby," she said cheerfully. "You're coming out of shock number two pretty well, I think."

Sandy examined the three of them for a moment.

" about we do this?" she said. "Candy, you stay right where you are, leaning against the headboard," she suggested, "'re Alicia, right? Can't tell you two apart for love nor money.

"Alicia, then, YOU eat Grandpa Jack's cum out of your Mom's steamy little twat while Grandpa Jack fucks you doggy style...whatcha think, guys?"

Grandpa Jack began to move almost immediately, half dumping Alicia off him. The eleven-year-old scrambled off, scrambled between her mother's thighs and lowered her upper body and began lustily licking and sucking at her surprised mother's cunt.

"Thanks for shaving your pussy, Mommy," Alicia said, more as a comment than an expression of gratitude. "Do you do that all the time when we all come down to visit Grandpa Jack?"

"No," Candy replied distantly, "Huh-uh, but I knew I better....

She blinked as she replayed what she'd said.

"So, how come you thought it was going to be a good thing to do for today?" Alicia asked mischievously. "Hmmmm....?"

"I have NO idea why, honey," she confessed. "I just don't know."

"Time for psychobabble stuff and other nonsense begins at half-past next Juvember," Grandpa Jack announced, knee-walking over the mattress, cutting off the conversation.

Grandpa Jack settled in behind Alicia, fisted his cock and pushed it between Alicia's drenched outer lips and back deep into her cunt. The little girl grunted with the pleasure. She wiggled her hips, thrusting them back at her grandfather to encourage him to greater efforts...but she never took her mouth off her own mother's pussy.

After a bit, Sandy perceived the three generations of incestuous fuckers had a good rhythm going and nothing was going to interrupt it. She grinned and stepped up on the bed, holding on to the headboard for support.

Straddling Candy's body, Sandy dipped her knees and tilted her groin up as best she could and presented it to Candy's tongue for a thorough lapping.

Candy moved her head to the side, ignoring Sandy for a moment. "Alicia, where's your sister?" she asked.

"Ohhhh," Candy's daughter answered, pausing to wipe her chin. "Me and Corrie played rock, paper, scissors to figure out who did what."

"You won and get to fuck your grandfather, eh?"

"Nah, I lost. Carrie's with DADDY and she probably has him about balls deep in her cunt right about now." She resumed eating out her mother's pussy.

"Oh," Candy said, unsteadily. But what could she say? HER father had just fucked her pussy so hard her cunt juices had frothed up on her pussy lips.

Candy shrugged and started tonguing Sandy's pussy.

* * *

Brett Winston was whisked expertly out of his father-in-law's living room and down to the big swimming pool by the two twelve-year-old girls. Payton and Natasha guided him expertly along, giggling and smiling up at him the whole time.

The girls tucked his elbows under their arms and marched him along. They were wearing skimpier bikinis than Brett had ever seen young girls wear.

He was only vaguely aware his own daughters had been similarly dressed as when he passed them at the breakfast bar on his way out the sliding doors leading out to the patio.

He hadn't known how to address the issue, what with his wife also wearing a micro-bikini. Taking refuge in his bewilderment, he didn't do anything except cooperate.

By the time he and the girls reached the pool, he'd already been treated to views of more twelve-year-old nipple than most men get in a lifetime. The micro-bikinis almost guaranteed nip slips would happen, and these two girls actively tried to exacerbate the situation.

Brett was getting an eyeful with every step. He decided, very quickly, that he liked it. He relaxed.

The girls saw it in his eyes. They grinned happily, redoubling their efforts. A few steps shy of the pool, the girls stopped in front of a tall, statuesque blonde woman flanked by four equally blonde young girls, stair-stepped down by age. The girls would apparently inherit their mother's sculpted body--they looked like younger versions of the grownup woman. In a few years....

Brett sucked in a deep breath. The micro-bikinis they wore contrasted well with their lightly tanned flesh. The bikinis revealed far more than they hid, and the girls didn't care. Even the youngest was allowing her top to slip off the meager bumps sprouting from her tender chest. Brett swallowed hard, feeling his penis begin to mushroom in his semi-speedo.

The woman saw, and approved. She turned to the group of young people and adults lounging around the pool. "The Rogers' girls get sloppy seconds!" she called. Turning back to Brett and the two pre-teen girls, she put her hands on shapely hips and grinned.

"Girls," she told the twelve-year-olds, "he's ready sense bothering with playin' around in the pool." She smiled at them all. "Y'all have the downstairs bedroom, right?"

"Pardon?" Brett asked helplessly.

"Never mind," the blonde woman said comfortingly. She patted Brett's arm. "We got it all figured out."

The two girls turned Brett around and began walking him back up to Grandpa Jack's sprawling home. Where a copse of trees hid them from a house on a bluff a couple miles away, the girls stopped, stripped their bikinis off and tugged Brett's speedo down too. Seeing their naked young pussies for the first time, Brett found himself incapable of resisting.

"Very nice," Natasha Pearson said. She bent at the waist and kissed the head of Brett Winston's cock, slathering her tongue around the glans to spread the pre-cum already welling up from the slit in the end. When she judged him ready, she began working his foreskin back down over the helmet-shaped knob. It took only a few seconds and Tasha's new conquest was ready to fuck.

"My God--" Brett cleared his throat and tried again. "Honey...we shouldn't...."

Tasha took a half-pace back, hanging on to Brett's shaft. She swept her other hand down her lower belly and pubes, drawing Brett's eyes down.

"I never had a single hair on my pussy," Tasha purred. "Isn't it pretty?" she asked. Brett nodded dumbly, unable to resist. "I like big cocks in my cunt," the young girl continued. "Don't you want to fuck my lil' pussy?" she asked, cocking her head to one side.

Brett hesitated.

"Grandpa Jack likes my pussy," Tasha confided.

"And mine too," Payton Campbell offered. She stepped close, wrapped her arm around his left thigh and palmed his ball sack with her small hand. She massaged gently, making Brett's hard-on jump in Tasha's fist.

"You DO like us!" Tasha said happily. She began slowly jacking Brett's cock, holding it so the head touched her satin-soft skin over her belly. Brett sucked in a deep breath, let it out, and surrendered.

He made no further effort to stop the lewd play. He couldn't voice an objection to anything the girls wanted to do. He only hoped they intended to let him live.

Giggling softly, the two twelve-year-old girls drew Brett on, opening a sliding door leading into a well-appointed bedroom. The wanton young girls didn't waste a second. They dragged him to the bed and down on it, settling on either side of him and exploring their first kisses with him.

"You remember me from the restaurant that day...when you were with Grandpa Jack and the twins an' ever'one?" she asked softly, nibbling at Brett's ear.

"I do," he said. His mind went back to that place.

"I woulda let you fuck me then, if you wanted to," Tasha whispered in his ear. "You only had to ask...right after Grandpa Jack, that is."

Brett groaned with the wave of lust that overwhelmed him. He ignored the comment about Grandpa Jack for the moment. "Well, I sure want to now. I'm askin'...!" he panted.

Tasha threw her leg over the adult man's hips and adjusted her body, lining up Brett's cock in her pussy and getting his glans seated between her inner lips. Grinning down at him, she sank on her knees, slowly impaling herself on the hard spike.

"Fuck me good," Tasha implored him. The depraved expression on her face betrayed her complete wantonness. "Give me your hot cum in my little pussy," she added.

Payton decided to get in on the action. Standing, she straddled Brett's head and squatted unceremoniously on his upper chest.

"Sugar and spice, and everything nice," she murmured.

Brett didn't understand.

"Silly...that's what little girls' pussies taste like," she explained with a shameless grin. "Particularly when they use the right douche!" she added.

Brett swallowed, his mouth suddenly watering with the need to taste young Payton. His tongue flicked out, slapping gently against the bottom of Payton's slit. When she gasped, Brett swept his tongue up the sharply defined opening to the young girl's sex. He sent his tongue diving between the sweet lips, finding the pre-teen's honey already flowing.

"Mmmmm..." Payton crooned. "That feels soooo good," she said softly. With her hands around the back of Brett's head, the hot little wanton pulled his mouth closer.

The three of them worked their separate ways--thrusting, counter-thrusting, stroking, caressing, tonguing, undulating, and shuddering their way to climaxes. They cooed, moaned, grunted, and groaned as super-sensitive nerve endings sent incredible sensations cruising about their bodies.

The girls came first. Gasping and moaning, they shuddered through fine little orgasms, wriggling desperately on mouth or prick to make it last just a little longer. When they relaxed, admitting they could get no higher, they lost control of their little bodies and virtually collapsed over the tall man's body. They lay there, breathing heavily and waiting for their little bodies to stop twitching.

Brett, though, hadn't been able to get off. The girls had been too quick. He was vastly disappointed. He wanted very badly to spray his seed into these two nubile girls. He felt the chill as the girls lifted off his heated body.

"Hi, Daddy!"

Brett's eyes snapped open. He found Carrie immediately, standing at the end of the bed and looking intently at her father. She was just as naked as the other two young girls, except for a gold chain around her waist. It made her look more than naked. She was a captive, a brazenly naked slave there for his lustful use.

This was the first time since she and her sister were infants he'd seen either one of them naked and he gloried in the voyeuristic naughtiness he felt. Carrie's breasts were the size small cupcakes; the areolas were capped with points of hard, erect little nipples. The cones bobbed gently when Carrie took a step toward him. Her legs were long, beautifully sculpted columns, slender and firmly fleshed with delicately turned ankles below. Between her thighs, a luscious peach peeked at Brett. Little-girl honey was already flowing, wetting her pink labia. Brett licked at his lips.

Brett's mind raced, connecting many ostensibly diverse events, words, and conversations only a few seconds. At the end, he understood he'd been watching, but not seeing the world around him for some time now. In a corner of his mind, he'd known what was going on, but never admitted it to anyone, much less to himself. It all made sense.

He reached out, holding his hand open in invitation. She came, one of his pretty twin daughters...innocent...well, not so much. An innocent hussy, maybe. The hot look in her eyes made it clear she was here for only one thing.

When she stopped at the side of the bed, he pointed his fingers down and casually cupped her mound. His middle finger penetrated her outer lips and he felt the dammed up juices begin to flow onto his hand. He withdrew, put his hand to his mouth and licked the hot little-girl honey off. A fire flamed high in his daughters eyes.

"Your mother?" he asked softly.

"With Grandpa Jack," she replied forthrightly.

"Ahhhh, so Mom finally figured out what was driving her crazy, eh?"

Carrie shrugged. "FINALLY!!" she agreed. "With a little help...."

Her father nodded his understanding. "Alicia and...?"

"Sandy," Carrie said.

"Well of course...who else?" Brett said, grinning. He could see it all now. "Miss Sandy was the bait, and Grandpa Jack's oldest daughter could NOT resist, could she?" He laughed. "It was inside her the whole time," he said candidly. "If she'd wanted to, I'd have been okay with it from the day we were married," he added.

He pursed his lips, hesitating to say what was in his mind. Today was not a day for holding back though. One more secret brought out into the light of day.

"Remind me to tell you about me and my Aunt Nancy one day," he said quickly, getting it out before he procrastinated himself into silence.

Carrie's eyes widened. "Dadd-eeeeee!" she said admiringly. Her grin spread. She giggled.

Brett tugged on the end link of the gold chain around Carrie's waist. She came willingly, smiling. When she was close by the edge of the mattress, Brett's arm went around her and pulled her over his body onto the bed beside him.

"Any particular way you want to do this?" he asked.

Carrie shook her head. "Huh-uh. But it better be fast," she added. She stared at a father she was seeing nude for the first time in her life. His well-muscled frame and long prick made her swallow hard. Soon, her father's cock would be inside her.

"You better do me quick, Daddy, 'cause I'm about to cream already just thinking about my very own Daddy cumming inside me!"

Brett smile faltered a little, then came back full strength. He wasn't used to this yet but, by golly, if his eleven-year-old daughter could deal with the situation with so much composure, then he would do his damndest to also.

One thing was clear. His body wasn't having any doubts or even second thoughts. He was still hard as a rock. In fact, he'd been that hard since he first spied his nude daughter standing there...and that made anything she wanted to do absolutely possible.

Carrie worked the pillow from beneath her head and arched her body, pushing it under her buttocks. "Fuck me...Daddy!" she said, savoring the nasty words.

"Fuck me GOOD, okay, Daddy?" she purred.

Apparently, his young daughter was ready to dispense with foreplay too. He didn't need any either. In fact, if he delayed too much, he was going to spray his cum uselessly into the air without anyone or anything ever touching him.

Brett scrambled between his daughter's legs and moved up close to her buttocks. His mouth watered at the sight of his little girl's open pussy and he couldn't resist bending low to slather her coral-tinted inner lips with his tongue.

His reward was a moaning gasp from the little girl. She stiffened, tilted her hips a little more and groaned as he washed her pussy with his tongue. Her cunt juices were dribbling down her father's chin when he finally stopped. He shuffled his knees closer to her buttocks, leaned over his child and supported himself on one arm. His other hand guided his cock into her sweet cunt.

Carrie whimpered as her father slowly drove his prick deep inside her. He was careful, waiting for her vagina to open for him, looking for the point past which his cock would not fit inside his eleven-year-old daughter.

When he found it, bumping into his little girl's vagina's rear wall, he was astounded to see how much she could take. His groin was nearly touching her Venus mons and in a few strokes, when her cervix moved out of the way, their pubic mounds would grind deliciously against each other.

"I want you to cum in me, Daddy," Carrie panted, already pushing her groin up aggressively to meet her father's more tentative inward thrusts. "I want all your Daddy-cum inside my 'gina, Daddy...all of it!" she demanded.

Brett had never heard such lewd commands from the lips of a young girl. The words had their intended effect though. Brett gave up thinking of the wanton beneath him as a child. She was a woman, wanting her man to plow her cunt hard and fast and spray his seed into her at the end.

Father and daughter settled into positions where they could best fuck each other. Brett's knees widened a bit, lowering his body and his cock's angle of attack. Carrie gave herself up to the male animal crouched above her, locking her ankles around his waist and using that for leverage to pump her cunt upward on her father's plunging cock.

They mouthed hoarse, indecipherable words, grunting with each thrust and its counter, working themselves up to a shattering climax with each stroke. In minutes, they were both shuddering through a hard orgasm.

Carrie's vagina squeezed her dad's cock and it set him off, spewing a thick wad of incestuous cum into her steaming cunt. Carrie reacted by rocketing into a hard-driving climax that had her insides churning.

She shrieked her surprise--freezing in place with her back arched backward at an impossible angle...and then she slowly settled back down, shuddering as after quakes shot up from her cunt. Finally, she collapsed, her body falling limp. All her strength was gone.

Brett fell beside her. His only goal was to not crush her as the strength left his body. They lay there, side-by-side for a long while, holding hands, but not daring to touch each other more intimately until their bodies came down from the rapture that had engulfed them.

They roused when they heard clapping and whistling. Tasha and Payton had been watching the whole time from chairs they dragged over the carpet to the bed. Father and daughter hadn't noticed. Brett smiled tiredly at the two naked wantons.

"Daddy-sex is really good...huh, Carrie?" Payton asked smugly. Her own first experience with her father had only been at the start of the summer--not that long ago. The memories of it would stay with her forever, and now there was another young girl to share other first-hand memories.

Carrie nodded happily. "Uh-huh," she answered, thoroughly exhausted for the moment. She cuddled close to her father, finding the strength to fondle his diminishing cock for a second or two. Tasha ended that by climbing on the bed and between Brett's thighs. She took Brett's penis in her hand and began licking him clean and dry.

Meanwhile, Payton inserted herself inside Carrie's legs and began sucking at Carrie's cunt. The sight of the lewd acts the young girls were engaging in, and the sensation of Tasha's mouth on his cock stopped the process of softening and made Brett harden again.

"So...what're the rules around here?" Brett asked, curiously. The two other girls had fucked him to their own climaxes, then handed him off to his daughter for their first one together, and now Tasha and Payton were, literally, in bed with him and Carrie...and the festivities didn't seem about to be winding down.

"Well..." Tasha said musingly. "Payton didn't get fucked, so she should get you next," she said matter-of-factly. "After that, I guess we should all take a shower...'cause you heard Amy Rogers call dibs on you," she added.

"Or you could do me IN the shower," Payton suggested. "Grandpa Jack and Carrie and Alicia always talk about fucking in the shower out at the campground and I never got a chance to...." she said.

Taken aback at the business-like discussion of people having sex, who was next, who'd done something to someone else, and such, Brett tried to make sense of it all.

"You and Grandpa Jack in the showers at what campground?" he asked his daughter.

"The one with the bridge and the dried-up creek," she answered.

"While your mother and I were traveling?"

Carrie nodded. "And last year when we camped out there too," she added.

Brett shook his head. "Last YEAR?"

"Yep!" Carrie said, smiling lazily.

"Where were your mother and I?"

"Sleeping," Carrie grinned.

Her father looked at her for a long moment. "Should I get pissed off about that?" he asked.

Carrie divined her father's real question. "Nope! Grandpa Jack didn't have a choice either," she said, waving her hand around the room where Brett still lay nude in the midst of three naked pre-teens. He took her point.

"How long has all this...?"

"Ohhhh, three years for the cunt fucking," she said, "Four years if you count just sucking Grandpa Jack's cock and him eatin' our pussies...and last year was the first time we did any anal stuff," she added, counting on her fingers.

Brett looked at her, almost disbelievingly. But the eleven-year-old didn't have any need to exaggerate things. "Sometimes I think I'm just walking around in a daydream and not seeing anything going on around me," he muttered. Sitting on the side of the bed, he turned around at his daughter. "You gotta tell me and your mom sometime, how all this started," he said.

"Oh, that's easy," Carrie said. "Me and 'Licia were horny all the time and Grandpa Jack was tickling us, and 'Licia rubbed her pussy on his arm, and then we decided to make him do more stuff with us and we told him we'd call the police and tell them that he was doing nasty things to us if he DIDN'T do things with us and then we got nekkid and got in bed with him...."

Brett held up a hand to end the run-on explanation. "Some other time," he said, "and with some dates and ages, and stuff like that...slower," he added.

"Eight!" Carrie told him.

"You were eight?!!"

She nodded. "Bethany Rogers is seven," she added.


"Uh-huh. But she's been playing with her pussy since she was two or three," Carrie told him. "You can't fuck her yet 'cause she's just too little in her pussy...but she loves for boys to lick her down there and put their finger in her...and she's using dildos to make it bigger, but it's not big enough today."

"My sister, Danielle, had to use dildos and vibrators for a whole afternoon, the first time she wanted Grandpa Jack to fuck her," Tasha said. "But it stretches...ya know that, right?"

Brett nodded numbly.

"Yeah, Dannie's pussy stretched out to let Grandpa Jack inside her the first time, but when she relaxes again...a little while later...even the little boys can put their things in her and it's all good." Tasha told Brett.

"Aunt Irene said she once didn't have sex for three months one time...before she meet Payton's daddy...and when she got a new boyfriend...she said her boyfriend thought she was a virgin."

Brett had no idea where to go. "Ahhhh...well that shows you it really does stretch...and...."

"Unstretch!" Payton said impatiently, tired of all the talking and no fucking. She got off the bed and came around to Brett's side. Taking his hands, she pulled him up.

"Shower time...fuck with Payton...wash lots of other girls...'member?" She looked him over to see if he was comprehending. "Let's go," she said authoritatively.

"Uhhhh, Daddy?" Carrie said delicately. "Would you like for us girls to shave you, down there? 'Til Sandy gets you in one of her shops...." She paused. "Or would you like to do it yourself?"

Brett gulped audibly. "I really hadn't thought about it," he replied. "Can I think about it for a while?"

Carrie shrugged. " 'Til we get the water running, I guess," she said.

"Oh...have you girls done it before?" he asked carefully.

"Uh-huh, to Grandpa Jack," Carrie responded.



He took the plunge. "Okay, you girls do it...but please, please, please be careful, okay?"

"Well, duh!" Carried shot back at him. "If we cut you, you're not going to be able to fuck anyone for a long time, right? Don't you think we know that?"

"Just wanted to make sure we were all on the same page," Brett said, not backing off on a matter like this.

"We are!" Carrie insisted. "Trust me," she added.

"I am," her father said softly, and was then silent.

"Isn't Rachel six-years-old?" Carrie asked Payton as the group made their way into the spacious bathroom. Kids are flexible. They take up dropped conversations in a heartbeat, leaving adults behind in the conversational dust.

"Yeah," Payton answered. She looked up at Carrie's father. "She's my little sister. You can't fuck her either," she said. "Only oral stuff and finger-fucking."

"Six?!!" Brett said musingly, thoroughly amazed.

"But horny," Tasha said, making her contribution to the conversation, "very horny." She laughed at the expression on Brett's face.

"You have soooo much to catch up on," she said. "But we're going to help, aren't we?" She looked around at the other girls.

* * *

"Hi, Mrs. Winston," the young teenaged boy said, walking casually toward Candy.

She was sitting on an easy chair not too far from the bed where she'd just had a couple of raunchy bouts of sex with her father. She was watching her daughter suck Grandpa Jack's cock. She'd been on the verge of getting up from the chair and going over to join the action when Shawn showed up in the doorway.

"Is it alright to call you Candy, now?" he asked her. "Mom says you're one hot, hot babe and you're not a 'Candace' anymore," he added. He looked her over very carefully. "I think Mom was right," he added.

Candace, Candy, hadn't had any prior experience with being approached by a naked thirteen-year-old boy sporting a hard-on that was visibly getting harder and jutting ever more strongly from a hairless groin. She was momentarily at a loss on how to respond. She couldn't take her eyes off the boyishly slender penis bobbing and dancing right in front of her.

Involuntarily, she licked suddenly dry lips and swallowed hard. "I guess so," Grandpa Jack's oldest daughter said huskily. "Candy is just fine," she told him.

Abruptly, a second boy appeared next to Shawn.

"She says we can call her Candy," Shawn said to the new arrival.

"Tight!" the other boy said approvingly. He grinned at the nude woman.

"You remember my cousin, Jeff?" Shawn asked. "He was at the restaurant with me and my mom and my dad and everyone...."

Candy nodded. Two young cocks, rooted in smooth, bare, underflesh, bobbed in the air in front of her face. She tried to clear her throat. "I remember," she said, looking up at Jeff and remembering him from more than just at the foot of the stairs earlier. "You were sitting next to Shawn, and there was a young little girl next to you on the other side," she said.

Everyone likes to be remembered. Jeff smiled happily. "Yep, that was Dannie...Danielle," he said, "Shawn's little sister."

Jeff glanced at his cousin. They moved a trifle closer to Candy.

"Mrs....Candy, I mean," Shawn said softly, "would you like to go take a shower. Grandpa Jack has a really big one in the bathroom up here." He bent low and kissed Candy gently on the cheek, then her earlobe.

"It'd be a lot of fun," Jeff added. He'd slipped around to the other side of the easy chair and was bending low there. He stroked her bare shoulder and down her arm to the elbow. He caressed the woman there for a moment, then took her hand in his and massaged her forearm.

"We could wash each other," Shawn suggested softly. He moved her hair off her neck and pressed butterfly kisses down her throat along a suddenly prominent artery. Candy's jugular was pounding; her breath was shallow and fast.

"Do you know what a 'MILF' is, Candy?" Jeff asked quietly. Candy nodded, but couldn't speak. "I think a 'MILF' is a really fine word," Jeff explained. "It's like, when a mother is as beautiful as her daughters, and there's nothing else anyone can call her," he said gently. "MILF...."

"You have beautiful breasts," Shawn told her. "They're bigger than my Mom's, not that there's anything wrong my Mom's boobies," he said with amusement in his voice, "but yours are big and...soft...." He slipped his hand onto the underslopes of Candy's right breast and hefted it, almost reverently. "It's so soft," he whispered, lifting and massaging, "but firm too, huh?"

Jeff hefted her left breast while murmuring soft words in her ear. He bent over to kiss her swollen, hardening nipple, sucking it into his mouth and touching his teeth to the sensitive point, pretending to nibble at it.

The boys tongues swept wet circles around Candy's areolae, flicking at her erect nipples, then sucking gently on them. Their off hands were busy stroking the full-grown woman's back while they continued to fondle her breasts and assault them orally.

Candy's senses were overwhelmed by the attentions of the two boys. A flush began building on her chest and rising up her slender neck. The moistness left over in her cunt from fucking her father, was beginning to flow again. She could feel the spreading heat in her groin. She moaned softly, arching her neck so Shawn could kiss down her throat again, and he did, ending up in the hollow of her neck.

"Let's go shower, okay?" Jeff said encouragingly, softly.

Candy's legs had been tucked under her while she sat watching Alicia service Grandpa Jack, showing every sign of loving what she was doing. Candace uncoiled now, setting her bare feet on the floor and rising with the assistance of both boys. They walked her toward the bathroom, stroking and kissing as they walked.

"We'll wash first," Shawn murmured. "Then we can play, alright Candy?"

"Mmmmm," Jeff said softly into her other ear. "We'll play...."

"Have you ever tried double penetration?" Shawn asked gently. His hand was on her left ass-cheek, massaging and molding the beautifully rounded globe. "I know you'll like it," he added.

"Lots and lots of soapy warm water," Jeff murmured in the woman's ear. "Then we'll make you a happy MILF, okay?"

"You can hold our pricks," Shawn said. Candy's hands shot out to each boy's front. She closed her fingers around their penises and held them in her hands as the trio passed through the doorway into the bathroom. The door closed gently.

The listeners heard the shower door open, and the water began a rushing noise. Little gasps, giggles, and moans overrode the sound of the water for a time, but the second and third faucets were opened and cloaked the sounds the three were making.

"Damn!" Grandpa Jack breathed. He looked up at Sandy. He had no idea when she'd come in, but she was standing beside the bed now. "You reckon we should warn all the 'MILFs' in the neighborhood not to let those boys in their houses?"

"Nah," Sandy said. "Maybe warn their HUSBANDS, but none of those MILFs would thank you," she quipped.

She, Grandpa Jack, and Alicia all laughed.

"Uhhhh, 'Licia?" Sandy asked.


"I could sure use a good fucking," Sandy said, "especially after watching those boys do their thing to your Mom...would it be okay if your grandfather fucked me instead of blowing a wad in your mouth? Please?"

"Eat my pussy like a big dog while he's doing it," Alicia said shortly, "and you got a deal."

"Deal!" Sandy said instantly. "You wanta sit on my face with me on my back...or I'll get on all fours and let Daddy do me that way...?"

Alicia thought for a long second. She grinned evilly. "I wanta sit on your nasty face and rub my pussy all over you and make my juices drip off your chin, woman!" she said.

"Done!" Sandy said briskly. "I LIKE nasty," she remarked to no one in particular. "Slutty, slutty, slutty...I LOVE it!"

* * *

Brett sat in patio chair, sipping iced tea and interestedly watching everything going on around him. Close at hand, the other adult males and females who formed this taboo little group, were laughing and talking, tossing ribald commentary and lewd jokes back and forth. Children wandered around the adults, drinking, eating...and having sex with each other or adults. Everyone was stark naked.

People wandered off to more suitable places, comfort-wise, came back...mixing and matching in a constant stream of sexual activity. The place reeked with the aroma of sex. Brett was sure powerful pheromones were drifting around and around.

Down the slope, some of the children had gathered in the small courtyard downslope where Grandpa Jack's BBQ pit was situated, and others whooped and screeched in the big swimming pool still further down the grassy slope. The pit and swimming pool might could be seen from a distant neighbor's house, so the kids down there had on the barest minimum of swimwear, but once a clearly marked boundary was passed, the naked party going on around Brett couldn't be seen.

Brett was quiet, still absorbing things, trying to divine the rules by which the group was governed.

"Hi, I'm Danielle," a pretty young girl said, peeking between his crossed legs. "You can call me Dannie," she told him, patting his knee companionably.

She looked at his cock, lying in his lap, alternately hardening and lengthening, and then subsiding again. His organ was effectively reflecting his state of mind as he watched sex acts begin and run their course, or he listened to the matter-of-fact commentary of a group of people gathered together for no other purpose but good, hot, nasty sex. Mostly, he sported a hard-on and his current one began to grow rapidly as the little girl examined him.

"Is it okay if I touch?" she asked, making sure. Brett had heard that phrase used a number of times already. Apparently, it was assumed naked people didn't mind being touched, and naked also implied a readiness for sex...but they were making exceptions today for the new folks. Personally, Brett couldn't imagine NOT wanting to have sex, of any or every kind, with the slender, smiling little girl.

"Oh, sure...Dannie," Brett said quickly. "Anytime you want to," he added. "I'm Brett," he added. Seemingly, one of the other rules was that everyone went by their first names, which made sense to him. It was hard to imagine one of the girls he'd already had sex with him calling him 'Mister' or anything else.

"I know," Dannie said. " 'Licia and Carrie's dad," she said, climbing up onto his lap. She situated herself facing away from him and her lovely buttocks pressing into his belly. Her legs were splayed wide, laying on top of his, her small feet extended past his knees. She reached between her legs and brought his cock between her thighs to rub against her slit.

Brett could see the little girl's outer labia were already sopping wet, completely coated with a sexy sauce from her own baby vagina. He began hunching his cock along the little girl's opening, becoming more aroused himself when she hissed her appreciation. Her fingers pressed against the underside of his cock, increasing the contact the upper side had with her sensitive lips and hidden clitty.

"You like little girls?" Danielle asked suddenly, craning her head back against his shoulder to see his reaction.

"More and more all the time," Brett replied honestly.

The little girl giggled happily. "I like grown up men too," she confided. "I have to get stretched by dildos or something before I let a grown up put his thing in me...but it's REALLY good when I get filled up with one," she told an incredulous Brett.

Abruptly, she tired of the playing and planted her feet on the cushion outside Brett's thighs. Lifting her body up, she reached under, grasped the shaft of Brett's cock and held him straight up. Squatting, she guided Brett's cock through the outer lips of her pussy. She held him in place then relaxed her thigh muscles a little more, lowering her pussy around his helmet-shaped glans.

Stopping again, she rested briefly, then resumed a steady descent, driving Brett's cock into a hot, steaming little cunt that seemed to suck him in a fraction of an inch at a time.

The little girl's vagina had been spread by the dildos she'd spoken of, so it was mostly a matter of sliding herself down slowly, so as to not let his cock dive too deep. She found the mark, wrapped her fingers around his shaft so she would know how far was too far. Then she settled back on Brett's lap, scooting around until she found a spot where she could maintain that penetration, but no deeper. She sighed and relaxed, content to let him rest inside her for a time.

Brett had no problem with that. The small girl's cunt was the tightest he'd ever had his cock in, a super-tight furnace made of little-girl flesh. As Danielle moved around, it seemed her vagina was massaging his cock all along its length. When he knew she was deliberately tightening muscles most women didn't even know they had in their vaginas, he rewarded the little girl with a low moan.

She giggled. "My mommy says that's why girls should do kegels," she told him. "Did it feel good?"

"You already know it did," Brett said, chuckling.

"Yeah," she said. "I don't usually do it except with boys," she remarked, " 'cause I'm already really tight," she continued. "Sometimes us girls do kegels with boys if we're stretched by an adult just a little while ago or something like that."

" can practice with me anytime you want," Brett said passionately.

Dannie laughed, delighted with the effect she was having on the man. She knew he was in her power and she loved it.

"Who's your mommy, anyway?" Brett asked. Danielle threw out an arm, pointing at Sandy Pearson, sitting a few feet away.

"That would be me," the woman confirmed. "And this is my husband, Greg, if you haven't introduced yourselves yet," she said.

Brett swallowed hard. He was fucking an immature, pre-teen little girl right in front of her parents. They weren't objecting. It took some getting used to. But it was soooooo hot!!

Sandy leaned closer. "She's NINE-years-old," she said in a stage whisper. She'd read Brett's thoughts as clearly as if they'd been broadcast over a radio network.

"You're fucking a nine-year-old little GIRL!!" Sandy hissed as if scandalized. She grinned broadly. "FUCK 'ER BRAINS OUT!" she demanded.

Brett almost whimpered. His teeth clinched tight, he began moving his hips minutely, pushing his cock up into the little girl and backing out. He had only a short range of motion, but that was okay. Every inch of his shaft was an erogenous zone this evening. Hell, his whole body was an erogenous zone. The feeling of Danielle's butt against his groin was exquisite torture.

The pair worked their bodies back and forth. Dannie wriggled her little butt around on Brett's lap and lifted herself off him every once in a while. Any movement translated to their genitals rubbing against each other with that sweet friction that inevitably led to a culmination.

"Sweetheart," Brett groaned, "I'm going to cum in a...minute!"

Danielle redoubled her wriggling. Not content with that, she lifted herself off Brett's lap with her leg muscles and leaned forward, bracing herself with her hands on the ends of the chair arms. With that, she had leverage to begin pistoning her tight cunt up and down on his cock. The limitation on penetration was totally gone. Her young body had adjusted; she could accommodate almost his full length now and she took full advantage.

Whimpering and squealing, she bounced her ass off Brett's body, rising...then slamming down again as fast as gravity and contracting groin muscles could pull her. She began keening a high-pitched cry that announced her impending orgasm.

Dannie gasped...worked her groin up and down faster and faster, then froze with him jammed inside her to the hilt. The expression on her face would have been pain in other circumstances, but it was only the mark of the total ecstasy of a very adult orgasm that began racking her body.

She trembled. The muscles in her abdomen rippled involuntarily...then were still. The tremors torturing her body subsided. Stray aftershocks made her catch her breath for several minutes. The exhausted nine-year-old girl collapsed backward onto her lover's body.

Everyone around could see Brett's flushed face and tight jaws. He was breathing explosively through his nose, throwing his hips up to meet Danielle's downstrokes as best he could and doing everything he could to stall his climax until the little girl had hers.

The molten cum in his testicles had risen through the secret channels deep in his groin and through to his cock. He tightened his muscles, trying to keep it from rising further...but it became too much to bear. His cock swelled inside the little girl...and a thick, grayish-white stream of hot cum spewed out the narrow slit in the head of his prick to coat the little girl's vagina walls.

Danielle groaned deep in her chest and mashed her butt back against the man's as she could while Brett came inside her. Her muscles tight, she strained to get more cum from Brett's balls. He backed out, then plunged in as deep as he could get, pumping another fountain of cum into the small cunt milking his spunk out of him.

A third time, he sprayed pearly-gray semen into her, and then a fourth. His body jerked with the force of his body's muscle contractions. Then a final spurt jetted forth...and his body quieted.

Danielle butt settled on Brett's thighs; she pushed her legs out in front of her along Brett's bigger ones as her slight body collapsed against his front. Brett and the young girl lay there, their gasps for air slowly subsiding and their pounding hearts trying to return to normal.

"Wow!" Danielle's mother exclaimed. "You really had a good one there, didn't you honey?" she said to the little girl.

"Uh-huh," Dannie replied in a tired voice. "Carrie and 'Licia's daddy is a GOOD little-girl lover," she added slowly.

The pronouncement brought forth some chuckles from the surrounding adults and children. Dannie made no attempt to get off Brett's lap and he was content to half-lie there on his patio chair and caress her young body, while he did what he could to recover. With his slowly diminishing prick still lodged inside the girl's vagina, every slight movement was a new erotic experience...a good one.

When he was able to pick up his tumbler of iced tea, the others gathered round took it as an indication he could think and talk reasonably, and maybe even take part in the conversation again.

"You're adjusting to this awfully well," Greg Pearson remarked. "It took me...let's just say 'a while' to get with the program." The other adults and children who heard what he said, laughed.

Brett considered the comment. "Well...I wasn't...heck, I didn't know what was going on, but I think I subconsciously noticed the way the twins acted around Grandpa Jack--and have for a while now. I don't exactly know what it was, but I remember wondering about...oh...things I can't remember to save my life right now," he confessed.

"I just remember thinking there was something going on...and I'm not as shocked as...ah...well, not nearly as much as I should be. I kind a' knew my wife had something of a...fixation...on her Dad, and she has had ever since I met her," he remarked.

" might say Candace...uh...Candy...and I had an extra advantage too," he said slowly, exploring his thoughts in his mind before he broached them in public. "Hmmmm...well, to make it short, Ca--Candy and I did some...ummmm...well, we were in 'the Lifestyle' for a while," he said finally.

"Oh...goin' out to nasty little clubs where they have free-for-all backrooms, and having naked house parties, and fuckin' some guy's wife while he fucks yours...that kind a' 'LIFESTYLE'?" Grandpa Jack asked.

Brett winced. He hadn't noticed his father-in-law join the group. A tiny little girl was on Grandpa Jack's lap and his hard cock was captured between her slender thighs. It had to be the six-year-old Carrie had mentioned earlier in the afternoon.

There was no possibility the tyke could possible insert Grandpa Jack's penis inside her petite little pussy, but she was grinning, obviously loving rubbing her puffy little pubic mound up and down Grandpa Jack's.

"Uhhhh...yeah," Brett finally admitted.

Grandpa Jack grinned at his son-in-law.

"Then how the...blankets-blank...did you let that bundle of suppressed urges you're married to slide so far backward?" Sandy Pearson interjected.

"Well, the twins came along pretty quickly after we got married," Brett explained. "And we moved 'cause my job moved...and there were some people in the group we were with we really didn't like much anyway. So we'd been going to the parties less and less anyway. So when we got to our new place, we just kinda let it slide and concentrated on other stuff," he said lamely. He shrugged.

"You know better now, right?" Grandpa Jack asked. "This 'lifestyle' is a lot...more intense...than diddling your neighbor's wife, for one thing. "And that daughter of mine looks like she needs lots of 'diddling' to keep her satisfied and regular," he opined. It brought a chuckle from everyone, including Brett.

"Ahhhh..." Greg Pearson said, by way of getting everyone's attention, "Sandy and I were involved in that 'lifestyle' too...for a while," he admitted.

"Us too," Irene Campbell said briefly, laughing.

"And us three," Aaron Rogers confessed.

"Really!" Greg Pearson interjected. "Heck, Sis, I didn't know that!" he told his sister, Amy.

"Oh yes," Amy replied in a composed tone. "Until Brenda turned five, actually...and I always had permission to make it with you, big brother," she continued. "We ALMOST talked to you guys about swapping...maybe a dozen times, too," she said.

"Oh yeah!" her husband, Stan said emphatically. "I was soooo looking forward to making it with my lovely and very sexy sister-in-law," he said.

"Actually, she's MY sister-in-law, honey," Amy observed.

"Who cares?" Stan quipped. "You can do her," he said. He chuckled at his own joke.

Sandy stood up and walked sexily over to Stan and dropped onto his lap. She wiggled around for a moment and grinned. Stan's hard-on was lengthening and swelling fast.

"Woman," Stan said finally, "we're going to have to go find a horizontal surface somewhere to do this right," he said. "This chair just isn't going to hold up to what I'm gonna do with you," he added.

"Sounds good to me," Sandy replied, getting to her feet and taking Stan's hand when he rose too. "Bye, y'all," she said. "We'll be back...after while!"

Sandy stopped before she'd gone three steps. "Hey, wait a minute," she said. She turned around to face Grandpa Jack. "What about you, old man?" she joked. "You the only one of us NOT in the lifestyle? Even in the 'olden days'?"

Grandpa Jack snorted derisively. "Olden days?" he asked scornfully. "You get sassy, young lady, and I'll bend you over my knee," he commented.

"Ooh, gonna get kinky, eh?" Sandy retorted, wiggling her hips suggestively. "But you didn't answer the question...were you?"

Grandpa Jack grinned. "Absolutely," he said. "Jeanette and I got into it a couple months after Candace...Candy...was born, and we stayed with it for a few years...until Tracy was born. Just kinda stopped...and then we got divorced."

"Oh," Sandy said. "I didn't mean to bring up bad memories."

"No problem," Grandpa Jack said with a smile. "I barely think of the Wicked Witch Of The West anymore," he joked. "Her ability to affect me ended long time ago."

There was a short silence, broken only by low chuckles.

"Curious though, isn't it," Grandpa Jack mused. "We're all survivors of that lifestyle; is it possible that experience made us 'ready' for this new one...'cause we sure jumped into this one REAL easy, didn't we?"

"Could be," Brett admitted. "Maybe that's why I didn't have too much problem with things...and maybe it helped me, subconsciously, see what was happening between the twins and you, Grandpa Jack, and you all."

"You think we all, subconsciously too, saw something in each other that said, 'Hey, they're sex?" Stan Rogers suggested. They were quiet for a time.

"Interesting," Greg Pearson said at length. "So maybe we recognized that 'X' factor--whatever it is--and we've come together...faster than we might have otherwise?"

"Could be," Amy said.

"So, if we see someone else we think has that 'X factor' too, what do we do?" Irene Campbell asked.

"Well, it's already happened," Stan remarked. "Brenda's girlfriend...our next door neighbor...has been doing it with her father...her and her sister...for quite a while, it seems."

"Stan," Amy interjected, "that's not what we're talking about. Sherrie was hot for your bod and screwed up when she told Brenda."

"Well...maybe she did, and maybe not...," Stan returned slowly. "How do we know this girl didn't subconsciously recognize the special relationship Brenda was having with Stan...and do the Freudian slip thing when she mistakenly told Brenda about her own relationship with HER father?"

"Ahhhh, I SEE...," Amy said. "Honey, if you're going to start using logic when we talk, a lot of our conversations are gonna be REAL short ones," she said. They all chuckled.

"So...what is this 'special'...whatever it is?" Irene asked. The group was stumped.

"It might be like that old definition of real art," Grandpa Jack offered. "As in 'I don't know what art is, but I know it when I see it?"

"Could be," Irene murmured. Mumbled agreements came from the other adults.

"There's one thing though," Grandpa Jack remarked when Sandy and Aaron would have turned to leave for their 'flat surface' out in the gathering twilight. They waited for him to continue.

"Not a one of us has suggested this group is the perfect size for 'Lifestyle, Version II' or whatever you call what we're doing," he noted. "Curious, huh?"

"Does that mean we're going to have more boys and girls to play with, and mommies and daddies too?" Danielle interjected from her place on Brett's lap.

"Cool," she remarked when there was no comment from the adults. No denial was as good as a 'Yes' in a child's world. "So, do us kids get to help them...uh...figure out what they really want to 'Licia and Carrie and the other kids got to do today?" she asked. There wasn't an answer to this either.

"You know..." she said speculatively, "I kinda think Lisa Cunningham is doing it with her daddy...or someone else, maybe. She said something one day...I can't remember what it was, but it sounded real weird to me when she said it." She closed her eyes wearily. "I'll think about it and figure out what she said...sometime."

Her father, Greg Pearson, cleared his throat. "Uhhhh, Lisa Cunningham is almost twelve, or maybe she IS twelve now. Just as cute as the devil, with really great legs and nice...interesting bumps making her blouses look...really...neat!" he mused, "and I think she's been horny since the day she was born.

"She ALWAYS looks me right in the eyes when she talks to me...except when she's staring at my crotch when she thinks I'm not looking. And I swear she'd fall on the ground with her legs spread, if someone just asked," Greg continued. He was quiet for a while.

"And," he went on, "she's got six cutie-pie sisters and five brothers," he added. "And an 'aunt', who can't be any older than Brenda...for with them," he said. "Mom's a looker too...and Dad gets my better half all hot and bothered from time to time...." He sat back in his chair and stroked his cock. It had risen without him noticing.

"Awfully interesting, isn't it?" Grandpa Jack asked softly, ending the silence. "You AND your daughter both see something in young Lisa Cunningham that calls out to you. Very interesting...isn't it?"

* * *

"There she is, by golly!" Grandpa Jack remarked. The twilight had almost given way to night when he spotted his oldest daughter coming out the patio door. His voice got her attention and she turned in Grandpa Jack's direction. She saw him...and her husband. Taking a deep breath, apprehension on her face, she walked their way.

Brett stood up to greet his naked wife, taking her in his arms and kissing her. It went a long way toward calming her. She sat tentatively beside him, not yet comfortable being naked in front of so many adult and children strangers. She tried to sit modestly so as not to expose her cunt, but it was nearly impossible in a lawn chair. She gave it up slowly when she saw the other women, and girls, had no problem showing off their most private of parts. Most of them touched themselves from time to time...or constantly, as their mood took them.

"So, whatcha think so far?" Irene Campbell asked. "It's a little bit much at first, isn't it?" she said sympathetically.

Candy--she'd actually begun thinking of herself by the nickname instead of her previously preferred 'Candace'--hesitated. There were things to say, but what were appropriate and which were not.

"Did my Jeff treat you all right?" Irene said anxiously.

"Oh...yes, of course," Candy replied. "He was a perfect--" She'd been about to say 'gentleman' but that wasn't quite right. "He was...fine," Candy said settling for an ambiguous word that could be taken any way Irene wanted.

"Did he take his time and get you off, is what I'm asking." Irene persisted, smiling.

Candy felt pushed into a corner. She bit back. "Yes, he sure did...especially when he had his dick shoved all the way up my butt-hole," she said spiritedly. She stopped, aghast at her own remark.

"THAT'S what I wanted to hear," Irene said placidly. "Boys need to be taught to make sure their partners cum all OVER themselves, or else they grow up to be their fathers, don't you think?" she asked interestedly.

Candy didn't take the bait. She shook her head. "Seems like Jeff...and Shawn...have turned out okay," she muttered. "I think they were being brought up okay, even know."

"Why, thank you!" Irene replied. "And by the way, that's Jeff's father standing beside you with his dick in his hand," she added. "Feel free to chop it off if it gets in your way," she said.

Candy turned to find a man standing at her right shoulder, naked, but he really didn't have his penis in either of his hands. His face assumed a long suffering look.

"I was only being a gentleman," he said with a sniff, "waiting my turn to introduce myself." He held out his hand to Candy.

Candy took it, then impulsively took his cock in her other hand instead and shook it too. "How do you do?" she said.

"I'm Aaron," he replied, "and I...we..." he said, looking down at his burgeoning hard-on, "are very glad to meet you."

The group laughed quietly. "By George, I think she's got it," a man said. Candy turned to smile at him.

"Well, we...Brett and I...were kind of involved in--"

"Wife swapping...yes, he told us," Grandpa Jack interjected, grinning. "Strangely enough, all of us were at one time or another."

"REALLY!" Candy exclaimed. "Isn't that weird?"

"Grandpa Jack's been suggesting that our experience there, and our natural perverted natures, are like neon signs that signal our willingness to cooperate in this...uh...second Lifestyle," the man said.

"By the way, I'm Stan Rogers," he said quietly. "That's my wife Amy, the blonde goddess with the big hooters over there," he added. The blonde goddess waved cheerfully.

"Good to meet you," Candy said. She looked around in the gathering darkness at the multitude of naked children mixing with the adults, many of them engaging in one sexual act or another...or not, as they wished.

"I only have girls," she said, almost muttering. "I wasn't aware little boys knew what their dicks were for, much less how to use them," she said honestly.

"They learn very quickly," Stan replied, "barbarians or not."

Candy looked around at all the boys. "They're all so smooth," she murmured, "so smooth."

At that moment, a naked little girl, dragging a ragged teddy bear, trudged up to Aaron and climbed resolutely up on his lap. She turned to face everyone and smiled sweetly, clearly very comfortable in their presence.

"Play with me, Daddy?" she asked.

"Do I HAVE to?"

She nodded, totally unconcerned by her father's feigned recalcitrance. She knew he would every time he got a chance.

"Well...okay...if I have to," Aaron told the tiny girl. His right hand was soon cupping the child's pubic mound and his middle finger stroking her puffy outer labia where they met so tightly. He looked up.

"Rachel?" he said, to get the girl's attention. "This is Mrs. Winston," he said, pointing to Candy. "Rachel is going to be seven in just two months," he told Candy.

Candy blinked in surprise, then waved at the little one. She wasn't quite sure the proper etiquette for greeting a girl-child while her father fondled the tiny girl right in front of everyone. "Hi, Rachel," Candy said.

"Hi..." Rachel answered in a high, piping little voice. "Is Grandpa Jack your Daddy?" she asked.

Candy nodded.

"Mommy told me you'd be here today," the small child said. "Are you happy you came?" she asked curiously.

Candy had to think for a moment. She hadn't expected THAT question.

"From the mouths of babes," Grandpa Jack murmured.

Candy glanced at her father; her expression was unsettled. She took a deep breath.

"Yeah...yes, I guess I'm glad I came," she said slowly.

"You GUESS?" Grandpa Jack asked.

Candy looked at him almost resentfully. Grandpa Jack wasn't leaving her any wiggle room at all. "All RIGHT!!" she said grumpily. "I'm AWFULLY glad I came!"

"That's good," Rachel said. "It's so much fun here," she added. "We get to suck our daddy's cock and play with it...and he plays with us...and puts his finger in our pussy...and our brothers and all the boys lick'...ever'thing," she said, her eyes drooping. She wiggled around on her father's lap, found a more comfortable position and closed her eyes for a nap.

Candy watched the little girl as she fell asleep. The youngster's tiny hand lay over her father's big one as he continued to stroke her pussy slit. Whenever he stopped, the six-year-old's face clouded, and she would urge her dad's hand back into motion again, all without waking. The others in the group smiled gently at the scene.

Candy came to a decision. She stood, grabbed a cushion from the chair next to her and walked over to Grandpa Jack. Without looking back at Brett, she dropped the cushion at her father's feet and knelt on it.

"A six-year-old has sucked her Daddy's cock...and I have not," she said. "It's high time I did."

She pushed Grandpa Jack's willing thighs apart and fondled his cock for a long moment. "I meant to come you're so come you're balls and your dick are so smooth?" she asked.

"Talk to your 'sister' Sandy," Grandpa Jack replied, chuckling. "She owns these shops where all they do all day long is zap innocent little hairs nobody wants anymore," he said. "You can take care of everything in not too many visits," he said, "and you won't have to shave ever again."

He paused. "Ask for Marie," he advised. "She's nineteen and just as hot as all get out," he said sagely. "Doesn't care who she's doing," he added, smiling blissfully at some remembered memory.

"Sandy's busy," Grandpa Jack told his daughter, divining who Candy was looking for. "She'll be back right after you hear a panther scream," he added, grinning. "You'll know," Grandpa Jack said, seeing Candy's confusion, "trust me, you'll know."

Candy shrugged and bent over at the waist to take her father's cock in her mouth for the first time ever. Moments later, she lifted her face to grin at her dad with spittle and pre-cum smeared all over her lips.

"I wish I'd done this when I was nine and you dumped me off your lap when you got hard watching cheerleader competitions on TV," she told her father. She resumed her task.

"Wha--?" Grandpa Jack asked, not making the connection.

"Unnnnnnngh," he grunted, as the head of his penis bumped the back of Candy's mouth and slithered down farther into her throat.

His question would have to wait.

Chapter Five

Greg and Sandy Pearson did what they could to privately investigate their neighbors across the street, the Cunninghams. What they HAD come up with gave the Pearsons even more questions, rather than answers.

For one thing, Mom (Theresa) and Dad (Paul) were waaaaayyyy too young to be parents of two fourteen-year-old boys...who didn't look anything alike. One had blond hair, the other dark brown. Ross was a thick-framed, football kinda guy; Steve was a runner on the track team.

Raymond, for instance, was were his 'sisters' Lisa and Bianca. Raymond bore a resemblance to only one of the other siblings...ten-year-old Charlotte. The children's 'aunt' was sixteen years old, and nobody knew where she'd come from or anything about her. Her long, red hair and 'milk and honey' complexion made her stand out from the rest of the kids in the family.

This was clearly a 'blended' family, but the 'parents' didn't seem to fit either; neither had a line on his or her face from the stress of raising two full households worth of kids. However, short of hiring some nosy private investigators, there didn't seem to be any way the Pearsons had of developing more information.

So they bluffed.

* * *

Greg and Sandy were welcomed at the Cunningham's front door by Theresa, who appeared a little taken aback by the Pearson's contention they had something important to be discussed.

She called her husband, Paul, in from the back yard where he'd been preparing a new patio slab for pouring. The four of them sat down in the living room, coffee cups full, and the Cunninghams' faces full of apprehension.

"I guess there's nothing for it but to just blurt it out," Greg said solemnly. "I guess you know that your Lisa is best friends with our Natasha, right?"

Theresa and Paul nodded.

"Well, apparently, our two daughters have decided that they would like to trade dad's for a weekend, Paul," Greg told them. "And they've been discussing ways and means of that happening...soon," he added calmly.

Theresa and Paul winced; their faces turned ashen.

Paul tried to clear his throat. "I...don't know what to say," he said hoarsely. "Lisa doesn't have our permission to arrange anything, you being with my girls or me...."

He stopped. His eyes narrowed and his lips tightened. He leaned forward, preparing to get up. As he watched his neighbors from across the street with misery in his eyes, the Pearsons looked at each other and grinned triumphantly. Their expressions raised red flags in Paul's mind and he was prepared to get!

"We can cut this short," Greg said quietly. He took in a deep breath. "I apologize for our little sham," Greg said hastily, noticing Paul's mood change.

"We didn't know any other way to approach you...we thought we had to catch you off-guard, in order to find out something very important to us."

Paul considered what Greg said. "Very you," he asked, pointing at Greg and Sandy, "or...everyone?" He made a twirling motion with his hand to include all four of them.

" and...well, it is to all of us." Greg remarked. He glanced at his wife before pressing on "and for some other folks...but they are right minded," he added.

"It seemed to us that your family has engaged in...relationships that know, plain vanilla families...just do not get into," Greg said delicately. "We were almost certain of it, just watching your kids and you...and your reaction right now just confirmed our hopes. If you weren't involved in some, shall we call them 'open' relationships? Well, anyway, you'd have reacted differently to what we said."

There was a long silence. Paul and Theresa took each others hand.

"Are you going to the police?" Paul said huskily.

"Police?! OH GOOD GOD, NO!!" Sandy said loudly.

"No, don't understand," Greg added hastily. "When I said, 'important to us' I meant that...uh...we're in the same boat."

The silence was broken by a sob that ripped from Theresa's throat. Tears dribbled down her cheeks.

"Dammit, Greg!" Sandy exploded. "This is you working on being 'SUBTLE'? Jesus, Greg, why do you have to scare people half to death?" she asked. She rose and walked over to Theresa and sat down beside her, putting her arm around Theresa and patting her back.

"Theresa," Greg said anxiously, "I'm soooo sorry. I should have been clearer," he apologized.

"I'm just relieved," Theresa choked out. "I thought we were all going to jail and...." She dabbed at her eyes with a napkin and tried to smile. "Y'all go on talking," she said. "I get so emotional some times and I just get a good cry finished, and then I'm all right."

" 'Til the next time," Paul said dryly, but he had a tender smile for his wife. He settled back on the sofa's back cushion and gave Greg a baleful look. He thought for a long moment.

"Okay...when you said what you did, we should have answered, 'Oh, whatever do you think those girls have gotten into their tiny little minds', right?"

Greg nodded. "Something like that."

"Or 'I want an attorney right now'...if it was in 'official' setting." Paul said gruffly. "Hindsight sure is 20/20, huh?"

"Yeah," Greg said carefully. "Actually, this is a experience...for Sandy and me too," he said. "Something we should have thought about before, and prepared ourselves to face something like this too."

"Uh-huh," Paul said ironically. "Glad to have been useful as tool."

"And now that we all know," Theresa interjected hastily. Her husband could work himself up to an explosion in no time at all if he was left to himself. She wanted to short-circuit that, and the quicker she pinched off the fuse cord, the better.

"And I can't think of any way to actually broach the subject like you did, other than something like this," she said calmly. "Can you, Paul?" she asked, with a little edge in her voice.

"No," Paul admitted grudgingly. "But I'm sure gonna think on it." He relaxed slightly, settling back on the sofa cushions for the first time in a while.

"So, what would you have done if we hadn't reacted like toddlers caught with our hands in the cookie jar?" Theresa asked, turning back to Greg.

"Oh, with my college minor in computer technology and Paul's experience as a contractor, we'd have explained that y'all must have misunderstood what we were saying--that the girls all agreed that one dad could teach the other kids how computers work and the other dad could help hammer together a new deck for our backyard...or something like that. It would have all been a mix-up," Greg said. "We'd have laughed about it and after the second beer, no one would have remembered a thing."

"By the way, in the interests of complete disclosure, Lisa never said anything remotely like what I quoted her as saying," he apologized. "It was only something I could 'interpret' that way."

"And scare the living shit out of us," Theresa remarked. "I'm so glad she didn't slip up. We've been SOOOO careful for so long and there isn't a day goes by...."

Theresa looked at Greg for a long moment. "Our Lisa," Theresa said delicately, "ACTUALLY did say just last week she'd loooooove for you to screw her 'til she walked funny," she told Greg. She giggled like a schoolgirl when a tent began building in Greg's pants.

Sandy joined in with a cheerful guffaw. Paul and Greg contributed hearty laughs seconds later.

" it too soon to suggest...that we get everyone together...and...uh...?"

"Get to know each it were?" Sandy suggested.

Paul nodded. "On as many levels as we can," he added.

"I know some girls and boys who would love to meet the folks across the street," Theresa confided, "on every level." The foursome chuckled.

"Mmmmm," Sandy replied. "And vice versa, too," she said. "And, as it happens, my brother and his family will be joining us too," she added.

"REALLY!!" Paul said, thoroughly amazed. His eyes stared into space for a moment. "Is everybody in this town, by any chance...?"

"Oh no," Greg said quickly, his face registering his regret. "But there ARE others with our outlook on life," he said happily. "We'll have to tell you about Grandpa Jack, and his daughter...and his granddaughters...he's Sandy's adopted 'Daddy', and then there's my sister and her husband...and all their kids...and...then there's all of yours.... Well, hell, the list is growing by leaps and bounds."

"Daddy?" Paul said, turning to face Sandy directly. "Granddaughters?" He was clearly intrigued. He wet his lips and sat back in his seat.

He took a deep breath. "My...sister...and I are looking forward to meeting everyone," Paul told them, with only a slight pause in what he said. He wasn't used to conversations with almost strangers about this. He and Theresa held hands and smiled.

There was a short silence.

"Yeeeehaaaaaw!" Sandy squealed enthusiastically. "How cool is that "Boy, have we got stories to tell...and people to do." She took out her smart phone and punched in the last digit for a call to the waiting mob across the street.

Chapter Six

Grandpa Jack lay back in his brand new jumbo-sized hammock and surveyed as much of the campground as he could see, which was essentially all of it from the shower/restroom facility all the way down here. A look of idyllic satisfaction was pasted over his face...because the campground belonged to him now.

He smiled happily. The Corps of Engineers hadn't been able to continue maintaining a site that wasn't generating any revenue and the campground was put up for auction.

Grandpa Jack learned the Corps assumed the ground would go back to the rancher whose property backed up to the campground, but the rancher didn't even submit a bid. There was an old spring out by the eastern edge of the campground, but it had gone dry a few years after the CCC built the campground back in the 1930's. Nowadays, the grass was still fine over here, proving the water was still here even though the spring wasn't bubbling over, but it was just too far from flowing water for cattle to be walking. It was worthless to the rancher.

So Grandpa Jack put in the only bid; it was accepted, and next Tuesday, the title would officially be transferred over. Grandpa Jack bought another sixty acres from the rancher to go along with the campground.

It was already fenced off, having been the rancher's 'south forty' , kept mostly fallow for when the drought came to the rest of the rancher's property. But it never came, and the rancher had grown anxious.

Times were hard and he couldn't afford the luxury of having all this land and nothing being produced on it. Grandpa Jack made him an offer he couldn't refuse.

The additional acreage Grandpa Jack now owned would be a nice buffer between the rancher's property and the campground...and Grandpa Jack wanted to see if that spring couldn't be revived so he made sure he got the mineral and water rights to the property.

He knew where a man could lay his hands on a couple sticks of dynamite. Sometimes springs just needed a little jolt, whether approved by state agents or not, to clean out the workings....

Anyway, for this last weekend of camping at the Corps of Engineers campground, Grandpa Jack worked with Old Jim to reserve the whole danged campground so no one would interfere with the weekend Grandpa Jack and a whole passel of other folks had in mind. Not being disturbed or observed was quite important to the campground inhabitants.

* * *

Grinning, Grandpa Jack looked directly across the park road from his campsite, watching the Cunninghams set up three vast tents across two campsites, the only way shelter could be established for a "family" that huge.

"Family" was a really flexible term though. Only a couple/three of the kids, teens, and adults over there were actually blood-related...the majority of the kids were foster children, though they would never be adopted by a vanilla family.

He smiled happily. Lots of new young girls and one mature woman to sample, and to pleasure in return.

Grandpa Jack had been concerned when Sandy had called to tell him about finding another like-minded family--headed by a brother and sister, actually formally married, no less.

When he heard how Sandy and Greg had handled the approach, he had to admit they'd been careful...a lot more careful than stripping your granddaughters mostly naked and then fucking them right in front of the a PUBLIC restaurant, for instance.

Grandpa Jack shook his head, wondering at how lucky everyone had been that afternoon. Surely the planets and stars had aligned perfectly.

Greg's sister and his brother-in-law had added another family to this growing clan of family-sex advocates too...a divorced father and his three children. Sherrie Paxton was fourteen, Diane twelve...Grandpa Jack licked his lips.

The naked girls were brought around by Brenda earlier for a meet and greet. Grandpa Jack was looking forward to their next visit. Their father and their thirteen-year-old brother had come by to pay their respects, but their attention had been elsewhere, as was Grandpa Jack's, what with a big group of naked nymphets walking by on their way to the showers.

Things were moving AWFULLY fast for Grandpa Jack's comfort. In fact, one of the things he meant to bring up this weekend in a "committee of the whole" was how to get a study together on what the signs were a family could be approached safely...and how to make an approach.

He was distracted by the sight of all eight Cunningham girls/women slipping out of their clothing and standing naked except for sandals and flip-flops for the first time in the warm sunlight. The boys...there were five of them, plus "Dad"...were also nude, a little uncomfortably so, but that wouldn't last.

For one thing, Grandpa Jack's naked granddaughters were already sashaying across the narrow camp road toward the Cunninghams to introduce themselves. There would be no strangers in the campground in another couple a' minutes, if the twins had anything to say about it.

The boys' burgeoning erections as the two hot young blondes approached verified Grandpa Jack's analysis. There was a moment of hesitation, but then a large group of naked girls, boys, and adults formed. There was much shaking of hand, quickly replaced by hesitant stroking, and finally by shameless fondling with newfound friends.

People strolled off in their twos and threes, and more, until there were only two left...Theresa and Charlotte Cunningham. They glanced around expectantly for a long moment and then spied what they were looking for. They strode determinedly in Grandpa Jack's direction.

Grandpa Jack smiled and rose carefully from the hammock.

"Hi, I'm Theresa...Terri...," the attractive woman, smiling a little shyly. "And this is Charlotte," she added. When she noticed Grandpa Jack was carefully examining her pear-shaped breasts and the lower portion of her body, she instinctively moved both arms to cover parts of her anatomy. She stopped. Blushing prettily, she forced both arms back down and stood still for his inspection.

Grandpa Jack grinned warmly. He stepped closer and drew her in for a quick kiss. His rising penis brushed her belly and she drew in a quick breath, then forced it out.

"I'm Grandpa Jack," he said.

"We know," Terri answered. " and Charlotte...we decided we wanted to get...get to know you...first," she remarked, blushing again. She glanced down at his cock and swallowed hard.

"I am truly honored," Grandpa Jack said slowly. His left hand rose almost to the level of Terri's right breast. "May I?" he asked.

"Sure!" came a piping voice from below Terri's left arm. "Ain't that what we came do each other?"

A little startled, Terri smiled. She nodded to Grandpa Jack and then looked down at her foster daughter. The young girl was anxiously hoping from one sandaled foot to the other. Clearly, ten-year-old Charlotte was more than ready to get things going.

Grandpa Jack took a quick moment to caress Terri's breast and then bent low to plant a kiss on her nipple. The nub began to redden with the flow of blood. It visibly hardened and lengthened. Terri was well-endowed without being huge. Her body was long and lean with gentle curves that invited a man's close attention. The dark-eyed brunette had well-molded thighs and calves legs...and surprisingly small feet below.

"Mmmmm," Grandpa Jack grunted appreciatively. Terri was his kind of woman, one whose body responded quickly, unabashedly, if the erection of her nipple was any indication.

Grandpa Jack knelt on his left knee to bring his face down to Charlotte's level. "What you said...I'm pretty sure that's EXACTLY what we came here for," he said, answering her question.

He looked the ten-year-old over carefully. She was probably only four feet, six inches or so. Sturdily built, she had a trifling of 'baby fat' still on her frame, hardly enough to notice. Green eyed, auburn haired, and lightly freckled, she grinned lazily at Grandpa Jack, knowing he was memorizing every part of her body.

Charlottes breasts were still only walnut shell-sized, with coral-colored tips in the centers of a darker-fleshed aureoles that were already hardening, proving the little girl was quite capable of becoming aroused...quickly and without much physical stimulation.

"Is it all right if I touch you down there," Grandpa Jack asked the youngster, pointing to her cunt.

"Sure!" Charlotte answered quickly. She moved her left foot a few inches farther from her right one to open up her body and expose her beautifully sculpted and completely bald mons veneris.

Grandpa Jack took the clear invitation and cupped her mound in his big hand. The little girl's breath hissed between her teeth at his gentle touch.

Unconsciously, she pulled her groin back, then thrust it forward again...and began to hump his hand slowly.

"You can touch me anywhere you want," little Charlotte said weakly, her attention split between his touch and a need to express herself. "You can put your...anything you want in me too," she said, her voice stronger.

"You can put your thing in my...pussy, or my ass-hole or in my mouth too," she added, trying again. "But you can't put it in my mouth or my pussy after you put it in my butt!" she said sternly, making sure Grandpa Jack knew the rules beforehand.

Grandpa Jack smiled. "I'll be sure to remember all of that," he said, inching his middle finger deeper between Charlotte's outer labia. He felt the slippery wetness there and grinned more broadly. He cocked his head to one side, as if studying her. "And I think that before we're through," he said solemnly, "I'm going to stick my 'thing' in all three," he concluded. Charlotte smiled broadly, wriggling happily in his hands.

"Just not at the same time," she cautioned again.

Grandpa Jack nodded. "Absolutely!"

"Mmmmm," she moaned delightedly, wiggling her immature hips and thrusting her groin out for Grandpa Jack to fondle. His finger slipped deeper inside. In another moment, he was finger-fucking the young girl.

In seconds, little Charlotte was swaying fore and aft in time to his finger sliding in and out. Her eyes grew unfocused and her breathing grew shallow and quicker. She shuffled a step closer and spread her feet wide to give Grandpa Jack better access.

Grandpa Jack looked up at the girl's foster mother and grinned happily. She was watching the action intently and showed a faint flush spreading across her upper chest and neck. "Mom" was aroused too.

Charlotte was to his right front, her eyes closed now as she reveled at Grandpa Jack's slowly pistoning finger.

"Come here," Grandpa Jack invited, turning his face up. Terri shuffled closer. When she stopped, Grandpa Jack slipped his left hand between the mature woman's thighs. He pressed his thumb between her outer lips. Terri groaned deep in her throat. Grandpa Jack palmed the cleft between her butt-cheeks, his middle finger firmly against her butt hole.

He applied pressure with his hand, pulling the woman closer and contorted his body, angling his head and body so his open mouth fastened over her wet slit. Terri moaned aloud. Young Charlotte's eyes popped open to watch Grandpa Jack's tongue invading her foster mother's steaming pussy. She smiled beatifically and closed her eyes again. For a long moment, there were only the sounds of slurping and sucking noises...and assorted moans and groans as the two females did little dances on Grandpa Jack's fingers and tongue.

The hard surface of the camp road where Grandpa Jack knelt became uncomfortable and his neck began to complain at the contortions he had to perform to eat Terri's pussy. He pulled back, straightening his back to work out the kinks. He stood as the girls pouted.

"Ladies," Grandpa Jack said, "how about we move the party to a nice, comfortable spot under yonder tree?" he added, pointing over to an air mattress a little beyond his hammock. Without really waiting for an answer, he put an arm around Terri's waist and the other around Charlotte's shoulder. The trio strolled to the mattress.

"Are you gonna fuck me now?" the ten-year-old girl asked Grandpa Jack. She was smiling, wiggling her hips suggestively, and somehow dancing in place all at the same time.

Grandpa Jack wasn't sure her body was ready for him. His finger sliding in and out of the young girl's pussy had been clasped awfully tightly, even when he'd brought the lewd act to a close moments before. On the other hand, he didn't want to ruin the mood everyone was in.

"Hah!" he retorted. "I think some fucking is exactly what we need to do." He swept the young girl off her feet and lowered her gently to the mattress. He lay beside her and mouthed her whole right breast mound, sucking at the nipple and licking all around. His right hand slipped down her belly to her bald pussy and his middle forefinger slid right back inside her sweltering cunt. Charlotte whimpered; her thighs clamped shut over his hand, then dropped to the sides. She moaned and humped her naked cunt up into Grandpa Jack's palm.

He looked up. "Help me?" he said suggestively, pulling his finger from Charlotte's young pussy. Terri knelt uncertainly and let Grandpa Jack position her between Charlotte's slim thighs. He licked experimentally at Charlotte's pink outer lips.

What Grandpa Jack had in mind became clear and the woman settled down and began to enthusiastically lick her foster-daughter's young cunt. Grandpa Jack mouthed each of the young bumps on Charlotte's chest a couple of times more, twirled her diminutive little nipples between his fingers one final time and then rose to his feet, grinning broadly. Charlotte moaned, but her foster mother's mouth was doing yeomen's work on her super-heated pussy. The ten-year-old couldn't form the words to protest Grandpa Jack's absence.

Urging Terri's legs apart, Grandpa Jack settled behind the mature woman and reached under her to fondle her pussy for a moment. Terri moved her knees further apart, put her hands under her foster daughter's butt to pull the little girl's pussy tighter against her mouth. She hiked her ass a little higher in the air, her hips wiggling slowly from side to side invitingly.

There was no reason to delay. Grandpa Jack fisted his cock and pressed forward, spreading Terri's outer labia and working the big knob up and down her slit for a moment. A little leaking pre-cum mixed with the fragrant juices from her cunt. Grandpa Jack leaned in, thrusting a couple of inches into the woman's scorching-hot vagina.

Terri whimpered, arching her back high before settling down again. She shuddered briefly.

"Too much?" Grandpa Jack asked.

"Too good!" she answered. She pushed back against Grandpa Jack, seating another couple of inches of his spear in her cunt. "Oh, God!" she moaned. "Just fuck me," she added.

"Mommy! Eat me!" Charlotte insisted, fastening her hands behind Terri's neck and pulling the woman's mouth back down to her little-girl pussy.

Grandpa Jack thrust deep and Terri groaned again into Charlotte's young cunt, making the youngster moan in unison with her foster mother. Charlotte's feet beat a quick tattoo on the mattress. She humped her groin up increase the contact with Terri's wet lips.

"Do that again!" Charlotte demanded. Obligingly, Grandpa Jack rammed his cock deeper and then pulled out. The trio quickly established a rhythm. Little gasps, sighs, and deep groans were the only means of communication for a long while.

When Grandpa Jack reached around Terri's body to fondle her breasts, pinching lightly at her nipples and squeezing the fullness of her flesh, it set off a hard orgasm. Terri cried out, shoved her ass back at Grandpa Jack and trembled for a long instant. Her cry evidently was all that Charlotte needed, and she began to thrash around under her foster mother, pressing her young pussy harder against her foster-mother's mouth and trying to push Terri's head away at the same time.

Grandpa Jack spewed a load of scalding-hot cum into Terri's cunt, then another, bucking hard against her firm ass-cheeks and slamming his cock as deep as he could. The trio ground their heated body parts against one another, slipping and sliding around on the slick mattress for a long moment...and then they were still.

Relaxing with a long sigh, Terri fell away to Charlotte's left, dragging Grandpa Jack's still tumescent cock from her cunt, and he let himself down on Charlotte's right side. Both adults instinctively began to caress the little girl's body, stroking her from chest to upper thigh over and over. The group's passions cooled, their breathing became more regular.

Charlotte's fingers curled around Grandpa Jack's cock. She began to jack her fist back and forth to see how Grandpa Jack would react.

"Now it's MY turn," Charlotte said emphatically. She scrambled up to her knees and spread her foster mother's thighs so she could slide between them. She positioned herself...head down and ass high...and began munching on Terri's still heated pussy.

"Fuck me, Grandpa Jack!" the ten-year-old demanded, turning her head around to face him. Her foster-mother's sweet fluids, mixed with some thin rope-strands of his semen shown wetly on her face. "Fuck me!"

And he did.

* * *

The gaggle of girls...being girls...started a game of hopscotch to pass the time. Someone used a piece of chalk to mark out the appropriate outline on the black pavement in front of Grandpa Jack's campsites. A round dozen of the campground's girls were soon taking turns jumping about, bending to pick up small stones, spreading their legs to land both feet in the appropriate squares, and all the other things young girls do playing a game.

Boys, being boys, were soon lounging somewhere close, watching the naked girls hop and skip around. The boys didn't even pretend an interest in the game. Here and there, a boyish prick rose, provoking whispers and giggles from the girls.

Grandpa Jack watched appreciatively from his hammock deep in the shade of the tall trees. He smiled and put both hands behind his head.

"Grandpa Jack?" nine-year-old Danielle Pearson called to him. She was bent over, her feet planted in two separate squares. She spread her feet a little farther apart and looked between her legs back at Grandpa Jack. "Are you looking at my booty?" she asked naughtily. She giggled.

Grandpa Jack grinned more broadly. "I certainly am NOT!" he retorted. "I'm watching your hot little pussy just a' smiling and winkin' at me...and I'm wondering when I get to do something really nasty in it again," he said earnestly.

The boys chuckled; the girls giggled, and the adults scattered around laughed. The glances between the girls playing hopscotch and the boys lounging around watching, began more heated all the time. A conversation between three of the boys reached a hushed climax and one of them got to his feet.

He sauntered over to twelve-year-old Payton Campbell and whispered something in her ear. A questing hand cupped her right breast and she swept her own across the boy's smooth chest and down his lower belly while she thought. A speculative look came across her pretty face as the boy whispered more smooth words.

She broke away from the boy and gathered a small group of the girls around her. Assorted giggling, dancing, and much clearing of throats issued from the huddle.

Payton came back to the boy and wrapped her fingers around the boy's growing penis, holding it as one would a hammer, and jacked it slowly back and forth. As it grew harder and longer, he slipped a hand below her belly to fondle a bald slit that was quickly becoming slick with her little-girl juices. They moved to the first chalked square, with the boy standing behind Payton.

Bending over and spreading her feet wide, Payton reached behind her to guide the boy's young cock into her pussy. With the boy seated inside her, she slowly raised up, making sure the hard length inside her didn't escape.

"Okay," she said, a little hoarsely, "When I say 'jump' you have to jump with me, okay?" The boy nodded his understanding. Payton bent over delicately, looking to see if the coupling was secure.

"Push it in," she instructed the boy and he happily complied. "!" she said.

They did, more or less in unison, but Payton had jumped as she would in a normal game to go over the chalked line, and the boy did not. His cock came out and they both gasped out loud. They quickly got together again and began to work their way down the hopscotch squares, but not very successfully, if either one was actually interested in enforcing the rules of hopscotch. Those rules had changed though, and no one had any complaints.

Girls paired up with willing boys who were crowding close now. There was much hopping about, thrusts that established a hard boy-cock in a juicy pussy...and some that did not. After a while, the game was discarded. There was only a group of girls bent over and grasping their ankles, trying to stay erect, while boys pumped their cocks into the girls' hot pussies from behind. The mood spread to others not involved. The adults off to the side found little-girl or boy partners and another round of hot sex consumed the campground.

One little girl, seeing most everyone else preoccupied, wandered shyly over to where Grandpa Jack watched the action.

"Would you like me to suck your cock," she asked Grandpa Jack in a reedy, little-girl's voice. She peered up at Grandpa Jack hesitantly.

"I certainly would!" Grandpa Jack replied eagerly. He extended a hand to her and helped settle her beside him on the swinging surface of the hammock.

"I'm Debbie Cunningham," she responded. "I'm seven," she added, her attention on Grandpa Jack's growing cock. She tried to wrap the fingers of both hands around it, but they didn't meet. "I can't fuck a big cock like this," she confided. "I'm too little...but I can lick it and suck on the big end," she continued.

"You'll do just fine," Grandpa Jack said. "But first, can I eat your little pussy?" he asked.

She nodded happily. Grinning, the little blonde girl flopped back on the hammock and spread her plump thighs.

Grandpa Jack arranged the diminutive little girl so that her head was at his belly and her pussy positioned over his waiting mouth in a classic sixty-nine orientation, even if the grandfather and diminutive girl's body parts didn't match up. He began a slow slurp up and down the girl's beautiful slit.

She whimpered. Raising her head, she parked her chin below Grandpa Jack's belly button and extended herself to touch the tip of her little pink tongue against the almost purple glans that was stretching toward her mouth. But she couldn't keep doing that and still let Grandpa Jack do his thing; the youngster slid back up Grandpa Jack's body and he began tongue-fucking her delicious cunt. Gasping, moaning, and grinding her pussy against his mouth, the girl eventually shuddered and sobbed though a mind-blowing little-girl climax.

"Now it's my turn?" Grandpa Jack asked the small girl, when she was able to think again.

"Uh-huh" she said briskly. The grinning cherub climbed up on Grandpa Jack's body and lay full length with her head toward his feet and her legs splaying naturally down the sides of his chest. Grandpa Jack had a fine view of the small rosebud of Debbie's ass and the still-slick lips of her immature pussy. Smiling, he ran a forefinger down her outer lips and spread some of her juices around, gently massaging the girl's still sensitized flesh. He carefully slipped a finger into her wet cunt and began slowly finger-fucking the tiny pussy he'd just licked into submission.

Debbie turned around to look at him, half-surprised at what he was doing. "Don't you want me to lick your cockie?" she asked.

"I do," Grandpa Jack replied, "but I want to play with you while you do it, okay?"

Her face grew thoughtful, but her rump was already beginning to writhe and squirm around under Grandpa Jack's ministrations. "Okay," she said, "but just a little while I do what you like, okay?"

"Okay!" Grandpa Jack said with a grin.

Debbie raised her upper body up enough so she could kiss the turnip-shaped knob of Grandpa Jack's penis. She industriously lapped the length of Grandpa Jack's shaft from root to glans and back again. After a moment, she stretched her young lips around as much of the tip of Grandpa Jack's cock as she could manage.

Her tongue was soon teasing the slit in the end of his prick and she fondled Grandpa Jack's balls in her soft hands. Sucking and then swirling her tongue all around the crown, she soon had Grandpa Jack groaning aloud. The youngster had learned all the things she needed to do to get adult sex partners off. Her efforts were that much more successful because Debbie really, really liked cocks. She smacked her lips, giggled, squirmed around and thoroughly enjoyed herself.

A little while later, little Debbie sucked a mouthful of hot, pearly-grey grandfatherly cum down her throat. It was too much for such her little mouth and a second spurt dribbled nastily down her chin while she giggled....

* * *

Grandpa Jack leaned back in his hammock, his hands behind his neck, blissfully surveying his kingdom...his campground. He smiled at everything that moved, realizing he loved his life. A pair of nude young girls, two of the Cunningham clan, sauntered by with his daughter, Candy, and they all waved. Grandpa Jack waved back, wondering if they would come up the little slope and under the spreading branches of the tall pecan trees to...but no, they walked on by.

His eyes followed them, relishing the play of the muscles in their firm buttocks as they strolled slowly by, the gentle bounce of his daughter's big breasts and the slight jiggle to one of the girls' little boobs when she jumped into the air for one reason or another.

When the girls each cupped one of his daughter's butt-cheeks and their fingers dived between her thighs, he gulped, thinking he should probably go over and supervise things....

But they disappeared into a tent over on the Cunningham's campsite before Grandpa Jack could decide. He settled back, sighing once, and resumed his study of the campground.

* * *

Danielle Pearson sauntered by Grandpa Jack's hammock with a towel over her shoulder and flip-flops on her feet. She stopped and turned to face her favorite grandpa in the whole world.

"You still like my pussy?" she called, pooching out her groin and stroking her young slit from top to bottom.

"I sure do," Grandpa Jack replied, his cock snapping to attention. "Why don't you come over here and I'll see if it's still smilin' at me an' stuff?"

The little girl grinned. "I gotta go take a shower," she answered turning to skip happily down the road toward the restrooms. "Love ya, Grandpa Jack," she called over her shoulder.

"Love you too," he said, a little disgruntled.

* * *

Payton Campbell ambled up to Grandpa Jack where he lazed around in his hammock, her sister Rachel and Bethany Rogers in hand.

"Hi, Grandpa Jack," she said. All three grinned broadly. Grandpa Jack surveyed the three naked young girls.

"Hi, ladies," Grandpa Jack greeted the trio happily. He smiled happily at the nude, lovely youngsters.

"Grandpa you like little 'little girls' like Bethany and Rach' or do you like bigger 'little girls' like me most," she asked with a serious, interested look on her face.

Grandpa Jack was taken aback. "Honey," he said solemnly, "I love big 'little girls' and 'little girls' too. How could I not love everyone?"

"Tol' ya," seven-year-old Rachel said to six-year-old Bethany. "Grandpa Jack likes all a' us," she said.

"Thanks, Grandpa Jack," Payton said. "Give Grandpa Jack a hug," she insisted. All three kissed and hugged the older man tightly, managing to rub considerable portions of their immature bodies against him in the process.

"You know...," Grandpa Jack ventured, intending to invite the three girls to stick around for some more hugging and kissing. His cock had lengthened and hardened with the touch of the girls' silky smooth skin against his and was demanding some girlish attention.

"PAYTON! COME ON AN' LET'S PLAY SOME VOLLEYBALL" Bianca Cunningham yelled. The twelve-year-old was with a group of boys and girls heading toward the newly installed courts up by the 'Y'.

Payton and the two youngsters took off, hardly bothering to even wave goodbye at Grandpa Jack.

Grandpa Jack grumbled a little, but he was about to settle back down and relax in the shade of the old pecan tree when twelve-year-old Diane Paxton came riding by on her bicycle.

Naked except for her helmet and a pair of sneakers, Diane was on the front of her saddle, working her legs like mad and making zooming runs all around. She was panting, getting tired.

Grandpa Jack grinned when the youngster coasted closer. Diane was one of the new girls. He knew her name but hadn't had an opportunity to get to know her better, and this looked like a great time to change that....

"Hi, Grandpa Jack," the girl said breathlessly.

"Hi, honey," Grandpa Jack replied.

"Grandpa Jack, did you know these bicycle seats are just great for us girls?" Diane asked. She got off the seat and looked down at it approvingly. Grandpa Jack could see the front of the bicycle saddle was shinning and glistening in the bright sunlight with young Diane's little-girl juices.

He gaped for a moment, not sure what to say. He came away from his few experiences with the type of racing bicycle seat the girl had with a sincere belief those seats were instruments of torture. They tended to become a part of his anatomy when he tried to ride and he'd sworn off ever riding them again. For a girl, though.... Grandpa Jack could see some possibilities.

While he mused over the problem, Diane took off. She was soon racing down the road, laughing crazily.

"WATCH OUT FOR POT HOLES!!" Grandpa Jack yelled, a little miffed Diane hadn't stayed around for a little while longer.

He rolled around in the hammock for a moment or two, trying to find the most comfortable spot and then spied his blonde granddaughters, talking animatedly to a small group of girls. The twins were pointing and gesturing in his direction. Payton Rogers and her two accomplices were there, among others, and they were smiling like cats toying with a mouse. When Diane coasted up, grinning broadly, and received high-fives all around, Grandpa Jack smelled a rat.


Clearly terrified, the girls screamed like banshees, before Carrie and Alicia led them off on a long run down the line of campsites. Clearly, scared stiff at the thought of being spanked by Grandpa Jack, they disappeared in the distance behind some trees. They reappeared, working their way north, paralleling the fence marking the old dividing line between public and private property, still running and whooping with every step. They passed out of sight over the rise down to the other half of the campground.

A little stunned at the impact of his threat, Grandpa Jack arranged his body back in the wide hammock and settled in to read the book he'd discarded when Danielle Pearson first walked up.

It was warm, even in the deepest shade, and he was soon drowsing....

A wave of laughing girls circled back around to Grandpa Jack without him actually noticing...they'd stopped the screaming so he wouldn't hear. The attack startled Grandpa Jack. He had no idea how they'd gotten so close, but they were on him before he had a chance to react. Their young, naked bodies smacked solidly into his, shocking him, knocking him out of the hammock onto the deep grass.

They pulled, pushed and prodded him over to the nearby air mattress, squealing and giggling happily. Grandpa Jack became the center of a mass of sun-warmed, naked young girls energetically wriggling and writhing around on his body and attempting every type of sexual union each girl thought she could achieve.

Pushed onto his back, Grandpa Jack quickly had a young woman ensconced on his cock and another girl squatting nastily over his mouth for his oral attentions. Someone had two fingers of his right hand separated from the others and stabbing deeply into a furnace-like cunt and his left hand was being used as a convenient implement for rubbing a hot pussy's outer lips.

When one girl came, another would take her place. He knew when Alicia, or maybe it was Carrie, took his cock deep in her cunt because none of the other girls had been having sex with him long enough to know exactly where every part fit. But she was only one of several who jumped him and used him all at the same time.

It was over in twenty...maybe twenty-five minutes tops. Who could tell...?

"We love you, Grandpa Jack!!" came the giggling cry from the crowd of young girls as they disappeared, skipping happily down the road to the shower stalls.

It took Grandpa Jack a little longer. He was older than they were, by quite a bit. Covered in little-girl honey and streaks of his own cum that had dribbled out of several of the girls when they departed, Grandpa Jack was exhausted and disoriented.

"Want some help gettin' up?" Brett asked solicitously.

Grandpa Jack opened one eye to appraise the world. "No, thank you," Grandpa Jack said quietly. "I think I'll just stay down here for a while." He grabbed two handfuls of thick grass. "I can't fall down off the grass, you know," he told Brett in a serious voice.

"Ahhhhhhh...I've heard that," Brett quipped. He was smiling. "Well, don't lay here too long, okay, Grandpa Jack? If you do, you're going to start smelling...."

"Thank you," Grandpa Jack replied politely. "I do need a shower." He looked all around, not really focusing. "I'll go get one just as soon as the trees quit speeding around the park, okay?"

"That would be a good time," Brett answered. He strode off chuckling. He made a mental note to come check on Grandpa Jack every once in a while.

"Child abuse," Grandpa Jack muttered a little while later, when he'd progressed to sitting up. "That's what it was...child abuse...abuse by a child, by God!"

When he recovered enough to open more than one eye at a time, he found his sandals and wearily began walking down to the showers. Near the end of his trek, his conditioning kicked in and he began to feel pretty good, straightening up and walking decisively. He heard the sound of girlish laughter as he neared the door to the showers...and he saw his stamina was greater than he knew.

The giggles behind the door changed to mock wails of terror--they'd seen him coming for at least a hundred yards--when he battered the door aside and strode in to claim his shower...and perhaps a rematch with one or two of the tormentors....

* * *

Brenda Rogers, a blond and blue-eyed fifteen-year-old, and her next door, and totally best friend forever, Sherri Paxton, strolled from the tent they were sharing and made their way to Grandpa Jack. Sherri was the same age as Brenda now--her birthday had been last week. She was a dark-eyed brunette three or four inches shorter than Brenda with bigger breasts, and meatier thighs and calves. Everything was in proportion.

"Wanta go play in the showers?" Brenda asked.

"Sure!" Grandpa Jack replied quickly. He'd showered only a couple of hours earlier, but the two young teenage girls were very, very attractive...very, very naked, and apparently eager for some fun and games.

The girls arranged themselves on either side of their favorite grandpa, capturing his upper arms in their hands and holding him tight. His cock sprang to life as their young breasts gently caressed his flesh and the two teenagers laughed happily.

Marching three abreast doesn't lend itself to groping one's partners but the girls did what they could, making grabs for his swinging, dancing prick. Grandpa let his hands slide down the girls' backs to cup a firm butt-cheek in each hand. It was a happy group en route to the showers.

Each girl picked up a big bar of bath soap from the stack of bars on the shelf. They added a towel apiece, and carried everything to the spacious shower stall. The air was cool enough, and two showers were turned on to their full hot setting, while the one the girls intended to occupy was set to a more comfortable temperature.

In seconds, the shower room was a steamy wet sauna. The walls retreated into the mist and even the overhead lights were muted. The bodies of the three were quickly drenched and their bodies became slick.

Grandpa Jack looked around. When the title was transferred next week, he was going to get some workers in to change a few things in the little building housing both restrooms and showers.

For one thing, it was going to become larger. He was going to put in dozen more spacious shower stalls, with warm water spouting from three different directions in each one. And there would be two, very large stalls, for even bigger parties.

And there should be an option for dimmer lights, he thought, more human-friendly lights. Grandpa Jack smiled happily to himself. There wouldn't be a men's side or women's side of the building...there was no need of any such division for this group of happy campers....

"You like?" Brenda asked in a sultry voice. The front of her luscious body was plastered tightly him. She had her left leg raised and her calf was caressing the back of Grandpa Jack's thigh. She was gently hunching her groin into Grandpa Jack's body, balancing on her other leg.

"God, yes!" Grandpa Jack replied passionately. His right hand stroked Brenda's back and buttocks. In moments, the fifteen-year-old was cooing meaningless words into Grandpa Jack's ear and rubbing her breasts against his. Her girlfriend, Sherri, was doing the same thing on his other side so Grandpa Jack had two armfuls of hot, willing young womanhood.

Sherri slipped around until she was directly in front of him, and Brenda slid around to his back. Sherri wrapped her bare arms around his neck and hauled his head down for a series of deep, heated kisses. She slid lower, wrapping her lips around each of Grandpa Jack's nipples and planting kisses down his body.

In back, Brenda was unhurriedly nipping at the flesh on his shoulders and butterfly kissing her way down his spine. Her hands explored between his legs and cupped his ball sack. Brenda sank to her haunches and bit lightly at his buttocks. She squeezed the egg-sized balls in their warm pouch, moving them around and stroking the soft skin. Contorting her body and crouching low, Brenda aimed her face up and she crept closer to the cleft in Grandpa Jack's ass and dove under.

Surprised when Brenda's lips touched his testes, Grandpa Jack groaned out loud when her warm mouth engulfed one of them, slavering it all around with her tongue, and then rewarding his other one with the same treatment.

Sherri was on her knees between Grandpa Jack's wide-spread legs, her hands braced on his thighs just above his kneecaps. She sucked his penis between her pretty lips, pretending it was a game to capture the bouncing cock using only her mouth. When she had the mushroom-shaped glans firmly in her wet mouth, she began bobbing her head slowly up and down.

"Oh my God," Grandpa Jack moaned when the tip of his penis touched the back of Sherri's throat. When she pushed her head down even more, the head slipped down a little way down her throat. She paused there, doing some swallowing moves and making sure she could still breath, but then she pressed forward again. He slid inexorably downward, a fraction of an inch at a time, until Sherri's nose was planted in Grandpa Jack's groin. Her tongue moved around the underside of his cock for a long moment before Sherri began lifting up.

"Like it?" she asked brightly, looking up into Grandpa Jack's eyes.

"Honey, I LOVE it," he answered fervently.

Sherri giggled, took a deep breath, and sucked him back into her mouth without once using her hands. When her nose touched his lower abdomen this time, Grandpa Jack sucked his underbelly...and Sherri sank his cock down her throat another half an inch. Grandpa Jack almost whimpered with the powerful sensations coming from his cock and scrotum.

"I want you to fuck me from behind," Sherri murmured a little later, when her mouth wasn't full of cock.

She rose on her tiptoes again and was kissing Grandpa Jack hotly.

"Yes," Grandpa Jack said hoarsely. He was putty in the girls' hands. He'd do anything they wanted.

Sherri turned away with a smile and a final kiss. Slipping back into her flip-flops, she planted her hands on the shower stall wall, leaned forward, and hiked up her ass as high as she could get it.

Grandpa Jack shuffled in close behind her, caressing the firm flesh over her hips and buttocks. His hard-on jutted out in front of him and poked between her ass-cheeks demandingly.

Brenda slipped a hand between his and Sherri's bodies and wrapped her fingers around his shaft. "Let me put it in my girlfriend," she murmured in Grandpa Jack's ear. She worked the corona around the satiny-smooth skin of Sherri's butt-cheeks and then guided Grandpa Jack between the firm globes. It took only a moment and small adjustments in their stances before Grandpa Jack's cock began to sink between Sherri's outer labia.

Sherri groaned and hitched her butt up a trifle higher and rose on her tiptoes. "Grandpa Jack, Grandpa Jack," she whimpered.

He pushed inward a bit, feeling the wet heat of her pussy engulfing him. Ramming himself forward and deeper, he began a steady rhythm, ramming deep and withdrawing from the young girl's cunt.

Brenda had soaped up the front of her body and every square millimeter was in intimate contact with Grandpa Jack's back side. Her nipples raked across his back, making him shiver blissfully while she cupped a butt-cheek in each hand.

Bending her knees and thrusting her groin as strongly against Grandpa Jack as he was thrusting into Sherri, Brenda added to the power of his thrusts, deepening each powerful plunge of his cock into the fifteen-year-old's vagina. The three of them moved in a wild, pagan rhythm. Together, they were greater than the sum of their individual efforts.

But it couldn't last long. The intensity was too high, the expenditure of energy too much, their need too great.

Grandpa Jack's orgasm caught him by surprise. Usually he could feel the lava rising higher from his balls by way of his prostate and USUALLY he could do something to slow it down, prolonging the fucking and extending his, and his partner's, ecstasy. But this time, it welled up too fast. Before he knew it was coming, his cum was splashing against Sherri's velvety-smooth cunt walls.

The hot spurting gobs inside her ignited Sherri's own climax. She wailed her way through it, almost screaming with the force of the pain/rapture she was feeling. She shuddered, bumping her head against the shower wall, her fingers grappling for handholds that weren't there. Her knees trembled.

If Grandpa Jack hadn't been holding her up with his hands clamped securely on her hips, she'd have fallen on the wet floor. As it was, they leaned against each other, lending each other what strength they could. The three of them staggered to the disrobing bench just outside the shower, collapsing to the wooden seat in a mutually-supporting mound.

"Oh my God," Brenda moaned. "I think I had a cum without even touching my pussy," she breathed.

The other two laughed companionably at her. They all three slumped on the wooden slats, dripping water and sweat onto the tiled floor. They raided the cooler for some bottled water and returned to the bench. Their breathing settled, their pulses lowered. They began to share little touches, kisses, and caresses.

Grandpa Jack sensed the evening wasn't over. Neither of the young teenagers was pulling away from his body, they made no move to clean up and push out the door to their next conquest.

It was Brenda who initiated the next round. She stood and leaned forward in front of Grandpa Jack, spreading his legs and squatted down. Taking his cock into her mouth, she teased the little eye-slit and slathered her tongue into the V-shaped underside.

Grandpa Jack reacted immediately. In no time at all, his organ was thickening and lengthening in Brenda's mouth. She kissed the tip and rose to her feet without unwrapping her fingers from around his shaft.

"You're ready," she purred, pleased with her efforts. She pulled lightly, Sherri pushed, and the three of them rose easily and walked together, albeit a little awkwardly, back to the shower stall. Brenda grabbed another towel on her way.

There was less foreplay this time. They didn't need it. Settling her body under the shower head, Brenda leaned her head back and let the warm water splash down between her big breasts and down her naked body.

She tossed one end of the towel over the shower head, taking one end in each hand. Her arms were stretched over her head. She rose on her tiptoes, adjusted her hands on ends of the towel and hung there. Thoroughly drenched and apparently helpless the naked young woman grinned at Grandpa Jack.

"Go ahead and take me you animal," she growled, pretending a struggle to get free. Her body twisted from one side to the other. "You can fuck me," she declared, "but you'll NEVER make me hate it!!"

...Which didn't make sense, but Grandpa Jack didn't care. If young Brenda wanted to be taken, Grandpa Jack would be glad to accommodate her pseudo-rape fantasy. Grandpa Jack took his cock in hand and guided it between her already honey-coated outer lips. He wasn't gentle. She didn't want it, and didn't need it. With one long thrust, Grandpa Jack was seated securely inside the fifteen-year-old, the furnace of her slickery cunt squeezed his cock tightly. They moaned in unison, then chuckled at each other.

Behind him, Sherri was on her haunches, nipping at his butt with her teeth and searching for his balls between his legs. She rose, rubbing her body against a straining Grandpa Jack and caressing his buttocks...squeezing, kneading, manipulating his muscular ass-cheeks as they tensed and relaxed with his thrusts into Brenda's velvet-smooth cunt.

Sherri's right hand slid between the cleft in Grandpa Jack's ass, probing and penetrating his ass-hole slowly and carefully. She made soothing noises, slowing her finger still more, and letting Grandpa Jack's sphincter adjust.

Grandpa Jack rammed his cock deep inside Brenda, mashing their groins together again and again. Brenda threw her groin at Grandpa Jack's, humping up to meet each plunge with a counterthrust of her own. Grinding their bodies against each other, they fought for a cum, not even trying to help the other.

Sherri's expert finger found his prostate and began a smooth massage. Grandpa Jack couldn't take that for long. His body bucked, slamming his cock deeper into Brenda's young body again and again...until they mashed their bodies together and held there, struggling...and cumming hard over and over. Had Brenda's hands not been locked around the fabric of the towel, she would have collapsed in a heap.

They tottered back to the dressing benches in the outer room and collapsed there. Drinking cool water, they rested.

"Dang, that was good!" Sherri said enthusiastically after a while, washing and rinsing her hand. "Wanta do it again? I haven't had my ass fucked for...ages!"

* * *

Nine-year-old Grace Cunningham was a little stocky, a little shorter than her 'brothers' and 'sisters', but not too much. Her body was sturdy, her thighs and calves more fleshy than some of the sprites in the families at the campground...rather like Shirley Temple looked.

Grace had a little, rounded belly that pleased rather than offended. It had been a while since she'd gone through a growth streak. Could be her body was preparing her for one, but chances were young Grace wasn't ever going to be a skinny New York model. That was okay. She didn't want to be.

Her shoulder-length blond hair framed rounded features, bold green eyes, and a sprinkling of freckles across a snub nose. Best of all, Grace was a happy child and always smiling.

Grace was never happier than when she had a cock between her lips. She loved cocks...long, slender ones, short ones, thick ones, circumcised or not--it made no difference to her. If she had one in her mouth, she was supremely happy. And she was even happier when the cock between her lips spurted a load of semen in her mouth.

* * *

"Hi, Grandpa Jack," Grace said, beaming up at him. For once, the little girl was riding a cock instead of sucking it.

"Hi, Grace," Grandpa Jack replied, pausing beside the pair of young fuckers. "Hi, Todd," he added, greeting the young boy Grace was riding hard.

"Hi, Grandpa Jack," Todd panted. The nine-year-old girl was making him work hard.

"Hmmmm," Grandpa Jack said, watching and gauging the two lovers' progress. "Hey, Todd," he said, "you're gonna cum a long time before Grace if you don't watch it," he advised. "Spread your legs a little bit and stretch them out a little--relaxes you some and loosens up your insides, know what I mean?"

"Okay," eleven-year-old Todd replied. He slowed his rapid humping up into the young girl and found a slower rhythm that would ensure the two of them reached a mutually satisfactory little cum. Actually, just the distraction of replying to Grandpa Jack helped. It was better than doing multiplication tables.

"Oooo," cooed young Grace. "That's better." She eyed Grandpa Jack. His penis had begun reacting to the happy fucking as he strode up. She thought for a long moment.

"I know what we can do!" the little girl chortled. She stopped working with Todd, rising high over his body and making his young prick slide out of her sopping pussy.

Grandpa Jack was the recipient of a hard, disappointed look from young Todd...but it didn't last long.

Grace turned around in place and squatted back down, facing away from Todd's face now. Reaching under herself, she guided Todd's penis back inside her scorching cunt and settled down on the young man again. In a second, the pair re-acquired their rhythm of thrust and counterthrust.

"Come over here," Grace coaxed, grinning. She reached up to wrap her right hand around his cock. When he stepped closer, Grace happily popped the head of Grandpa Jack's cock into her mouth and began slurping on it delightedly.

When Grandpa Jack came, Grace's eyes bulged a little in surprise and a happy grin threatened to break the seal between her pink lips and Grandpa Jack's hard dick, but she managed.

"Thanks honey," Grandpa Jack said. The girl really did give the most fantastic blowjobs in the whole encampment.

She grinned. She turned her attention to the next cumming cock. She reached down and clasped young Todd's cock around the base. "Now you promised," she reminded Todd. "You gotta hold it 'til I get you in my mouth, right?"

Todd nodded, his face scrunched up into a rictus of near pain. "Now...." he grunted.

Grace rose and whipped her body around to kneel between the naked boy's legs. Taking his prick into her mouth with one long swallow, she sucked strongly, then backed him out of her mouth a little. When Todd began cumming, she opened her mouth wide to make sure she got all of it inside. Grace loved the taste of cum and if it went down her throat before she could get the full flavor, she was quite unhappy. In her view, it was a wasted cum.

When Todd's pearly white, sperm-less cum began splashing over her teeth and gums, Grace came too. The finger she inserted just at the top of her slit was more than enough to get the cum-sucking little girl off.

Grace swayed a little as she stood. She looked around. A group of boys and girls were watching and smiling.


* * *

Grandpa Jack settled back into his hammock, put his hands behind his head and prepared to thoroughly enjoy the rest of the day. This morning, he'd been in town, clothed from neck to toes...which he was learning he REALLY didn't like...and in hot, airless rooms with a bunch of lawyers--some his, some from the government, some appeared to have just wandered in off the street.

But now he was home, back at the campground, and it was all his--the whole shootin' match. This place was isolated, sited well away from people who would criticize Grandpa Jack's and his friends for their newfound way of life. It was beginning to feel more like home than the four acres he had a big house on. He was going to have to do something about the big tent he used for camping though. The focus for camping here had changed from getting a controlled dose of the wild outdoors to a search among like-minded people for fun fucking and sucking.

But he didn't have to worry about that right now. All in all, Grandpa Jack was highly satisfied with today's work. He looked around at the big crowd. Everyone had stayed on through from the weekend. Those who had to made excuses to their bosses and those who ran small-business let the managers who worked for them know they'd be a few days late coming back from vacation.

Sandy said her crew down at her shops was getting used to her absences...and they did just fine down there without her too. Grandpa Jack's dick got hard just thinking of all the ladies being made smooth as silk everywhere below the neck.

He cocked his head to the side, listening. A second later, he was sure of it. Someone was coming into the campground...and he wasn't expecting anyone. This place wasn't open to the public anymore. It belonged to him and strangers weren't invited. Hell, the front gate was locked tight. He and Old Jim had locked it together before Old Jim and his wife took off for the big city. There was no one....

Cursing, Grandpa Jack fumbled for the air horn he'd put beside his hammock out of habit when he came back from town. Three long blasts sent everyone in the campground scurrying. Everyone knew it meant strangers were coming--and strangers meant everyone had to get some clothes on ASAP!!

Four little girls, naked as the day they were born ran past him and into as many different tents, followed by two naked young boys. They'd been caught down at the showers and had raced home, still soaking wet.

Grandpa Jack hated the uproar. This was supposed to be a day of celebration....

A caravan of pickups hauling RV trailers, self-propelled RVs, and cars with tiny popup campers rolling behind came over the hill and moved slowly down the slope into the campground. Grandpa Jack had never seen so many people in the campground before OR after he'd purchased it.

The convoy of prospective campers halted at the 'Y' at the restrooms, small figures, clearly children, burst from the doors of every vehicle and raced to be the first inside. Grandpa Jack cursed again. God only knew what they'd think of the shelves of douches and prophylactics down there, in addition to the huge supply of towels, soap, and other hygiene supplies. When the kids re-embarked into their respective cars, not without some confusion, the convoy came on, some turning right at the 'Y' and some coming left. Ten minutes later, a crowd began to gather near the last campsite before the ones occupied by Grandpa Jack's clan.

Grandpa Jack, assured his people were all dressed and reasonably calmed, was working up a fierce temper. He stalked down toward the interlopers, determined to throw the whole crew of them out of the park, and give them a piece of his mind about sneaking inside past a locked gate and a 'closed' sign and what all. Trespassers were not going to be tolerated.

"Who ya think they are," Carrie asked. She was a pace behind to Grandpa Jack's left.

"Yeah, who?" Alicia echoed from his right.

"Don't know...don't care," Grandpa Jack muttered darkly. "They're on private property and they gotta go."

"Right!" Alicia agreed. "And quick, too. I'm horny," she complained, pulling at a too-confining T-shirt.

"Hmmmm," Carrie said, watching the mass of people now only a hundred yards away. She had Grandpa Jack's binoculars at her eyes, studying the people who'd been dismounting from the vehicles for a while. "I think your problem might not be as serious as you think," she said to her sister.

"You see 'em, Grandpa Jack?" Carrie asked.

It was bright, the sun was beginning to settle into the west and lighting the campground with a diffuse illumination. Vision was indistinct and Grandpa Jack couldn't see what Carrie was referring to. And then he could.

"Ohhhh!" he said, shading his eyes with his right hand. He was more than a little surprised. Every one of the people over there by the restroom was stark, staring, women, and children. That was an improvement...though not much. He still didn't like his campground being invaded like this, even by nudists.

Alicia laughed abruptly, with Carrie a moment behind. "Grandpa Jack," Alicia said, "WE BEEN PLAYED!" Their young eyes had already seen things Grandpa Jack hadn't yet observed.

"Well, I'll be damned!" Grandpa Jack exclaimed when he saw the man Carrie was pointing out.

Striding towards them was 'Old Jim' Velasquez, the former caretaker of the campground when it'd been owned by the Corps of Engineers. And so was his wife, walking beside him, and so was....

"Well, I'll be--"

"Grandpa!" Carrie said emphatically. "Where'd you get that potty mouth?" she demanded.

Grandpa Jack wasn't distracted. Walking toward him was Consuela Whitman, the woman he still thought of as the very incarnation of the Earth Goddess, who he, and the twins, had last seen several weeks ago. His mouth began to water. Sex with Consuela was earthy, pagan, unrefined...and incredibly satisfying.

"Hello, Jack," 'Old Jim' said by way of a greeting to the astounded Grandpa Jack.

"I think you know my granddaughter...." He drew Consuela tight against his bare body. Her big breasts swayed ponderously against her father's chest.

"Your GRANDDAUGHTER?!" Grandpa Jack replied hoarsely. He blinked.

"Told ya we been played," Alicia said smugly.

Grandpa Jack glanced at her. He already KNEW that!

He, the twins and Natasha Pearson had enjoyed a night of hot family sex with Consuela and her brood that one night and then the strange family had completely disappeared. Grandpa Jack had been worried for a while. Consuela knew Grandpa Jack was having incestuous sex with his granddaughters and that had been a danger, but nothing had come of it.

Now...Old Jim was her grandfather...he knew about that back entrance back then...and she'd surely reported what had happened that night to her granddad...and Consuela's family had already been fully occupied when he and the girls walked up to their campsite...and that meant....

"You old fart!" Grandpa Jack said at length. "Put one over on us, did ya?"

Old Jim grinned. "We had to be sure, ya know?" he asked. "After she saw you comin' in the gate one time, my little Connie volunteered to find out if y'all were into family playin' and...the rest is history," he said.

"Volunteered, eh?" Grandpa Jack said dubiously.

He looked at Connie. "Sure hope it didn't discommode ya too much...volunteering like that and all," he said facetiously. Maybe there was still a little steel under the banter. He really didn't like being 'played'.

For a reply, the big-breasted woman stepped up to Grandpa Jack, planted her sandaled feet between his and wrapped her arms around his neck. When they broke the kiss, Grandpa Jack was convinced, and thoroughly distracted.

The cheers and catcalls from all around made him blush, but Consuela only smiled a secret little smile.

"Apparently not discommoded at all, nope," Old Jim said dryly. He was grinning broadly. "You remember Nadine?" he said, ushering his wife a step closer to Grandpa Jack.

"I do," Grandpa Jack said, recovering and smiling. He eyed the naked woman approvingly from her silver hair to her hot pink painted toenails. He glanced at Consuela and then back at Old Jim. There was a distinct family resemblance. "Okay, score one for the Velasquez's," he admitted.

Alicia and Carrie weren't standing on ceremony. Their bikini bottoms and T-shirts were wadded up in their hands and they were striding forward to renew their acquaintance with Consuela's family...and make new friends among the throng of naked boys and men.

Consuela's fingers were deftly unbuttoning Grandpa Jack's shirt. His shorts were removed shortly after his shirt, by Nadine Velasquez and a toddler Grandpa Jack didn't know.

"You've never been undressed by four generations of women, have you?" Consuela murmured softly.

"Four?" Grandpa Jack asked.

Consuela was suddenly holding hands with a slightly older woman who had Consuela's mammoth breasts...or were they Nadine's mammoth breasts...whoever!!

Grandpa Jack glanced down at the tyke who was pulling his shorts from around his ankles and handed them to him. "Ahhhh, no, I haven't," he said hoarsely.

"My mother couldn't come with us that time we met you...and my little one was just too tired to stay awake and meet you when you came to our party," Consuela explained gently. "She's four-years-old and she's been dying to meet you," she added.

"Hello, honey," Grandpa Jack said promptly, squatting to get down to the cute toddler's level. "What's your name?"

"Faith," she said shortly. The little tyke was interested in communication...but not necessarily talking. Releasing her mother's hand, she walked into Grandpa Jack's arms and planted a very adult kiss on his lips. She stepped back to look him over. "Can I touch you cock?" she asked innocently.

Grandpa Jack blinked. "Ahhhh...sure," he said.

The little girl didn't wait for him to rise. Sitting her butt down in the dusty road right in front of him, she pulled at his shaft, sliding the foreskin back and forth gently and then touched her tongue to the tip of his cock, grinning mischievously right into his eyes.

"Oh my God," he breathed. After a moment, the toddler released him and he rose unsteadily. He looked at the girl's mother. "Three generations, huh?" he muttered. "If three generations can take a man's clothes they fuck him too," he asked hopefully.

"I think that can be arranged," Consuela said matter-of-factly, smiling broadly. A woman stepped up alongside her. "And this is my little sister, Dr. Rebecca Velasquez-Thompson," Consuela said, arm in arm with the sister she'd just introduced. Grandpa Jack sucked in his breath again. Doctor or not, this latest member of the Velasquez clan was a slightly younger image of Consuela, big breasts and all.

"HAH!" a loud, feminine voice intruded. "I know YOU!"

It was Sandy Pearson, coming up beside Grandpa Jack. She was grinning broadly at Consuela and Rebecca both. The women smiled happily at Sandy and stepped forward to embrace her.

"You know these two lovely women?" Sandy asked Grandpa Jack.

"Just me," Consuela remarked. We met one night right up there," she said with a mischievous grin, "and I believe I met your daughter, Natasha, then also," she added.

Sandy's face blanked. She looked at the naked Velasquez sisters, she'd seen the little toddler sexually engage with Grandpa Jack, so the encounter obviously had been sexual...and it finally hit her.

"Oh my God," she laughed. "I thought Grandpa Jack and the girls just made up that story when they got pissed 'cause they had to go get the pizza!"

"Pizza?" Consuela asked, confusion written across her features.

"Oh, never mind," Sandy replied. "We'll talk about that later."

" 'Kay," Consuela replied, and her sculpted shoulders shrugged just the tiniest bit, which made her melon-sized breasts dance and sway most enticingly.

"Doctor, huh?" Sandy asked Rebecca, interestedly. "Do you see children?" she asked flatly.

Rebecca smiled. "I'm a family practitioner, and I see a lot of children...particularly from my own family," she answered, grinning broadly. She'd clearly divined the reason for Sandy's interest, she added, "and yes, I can prescribe any kind of "birth control" you would like for your daughters...or the new ones for boys, for that matter."

Sandy smiled happily. "Fantastic!" she said. "You have NO idea...well, actually you WOULD, wouldn't you?"

Rebecca nodded. She looked around at all the naked Velasquez tribe and at the growing family group behind Grandpa Jack. "How have you been taking care of hymens and stuff like that," she asked interestedly.

Sandy guffawed. "Mostly the old fashioned way!" she declared. "Ahhhhh...but a little snip here and there, done by a...hmmmm, how would you put it?...a 'friendly' doctor might be a better way to go, eh?"

Consuela nodded again. "My husband and I...."

Sandy beamed. "Does everyone know about my little shops?" she asked.

Rebecca and Consuela nodded in unison.

"Your business is going to pick up...a lot!" Rebecca replied. She looked around slyly. "We're soooo tired of razors and shaving cream and stuff...." She smiled as several heads nodded in agreement.

"HEY FOLKS...LISTEN UP!" Old Jim yelled to no one in particular. "Now that the introductions are done, time to set up camp," he announced. He looked around at the assembly. The lines of demarcation were already blurring as naked Velasquez's introduced themselves to the families with Grandpa Jack, who were rapidly disrobing themselves. If something weren't done quickly, some necessary tasks weren't going to get done.

"Get the work out of the way, then play," he said loudly, so a few groups of youngsters ambling away would hear.

He looked Grandpa Jack dead in the eye. "The more folks helpin' out settin' up camp, the faster it'll get done, right?"

The idea caught on quickly. "What do you need help doing?" Alicia asked Old Jim, interestedly. She and Carrie were naked again, having discarded their scanty shorts and T-shirts the moment they'd recognized Consuela.

"I'll show you," Old Jim said, beaming at the two nymphettes.

Nadine, who Grandpa Jack noticed right off sure didn't look old enough to be married to 'Old' Jim, came to him for a long kiss and a short grope. "You know when you're talking about a four-generation fuck-and-suck, you start with the most senior one in the group first, right?" she whispered in his ear, wrapping her fingers around Grandpa Jack's turgid member and jacking it back and forth slowly. Her nipples hardened even more as they raked across Grandpa Jack's chest.

"Oh, heck yes," Grandpa Jack breathed. "Absolutely!"

"I'll hold you to that," Nadine said softly, smiling.

Grandpa Jack watched her naked backside as she turned and walked away. He was happy and content, and very, very aroused. The womenfolk in the Velasquez family all seemed to go right for what they wanted, sure 'nough.

Grandpa Jack felt a beatific smile come over his features. He and Old Jim retired under the spreading branches of a mammoth pecan tree to supervise and dandle nude girls of the toddler set on their knees.



The Grandpa Jack And The Twins series:

  • Grandpa Jack And The Twins Hook Up
  • Grandpa Jack And The Twins Go Camping
  • Grandpa Jack And The Twins...And Mommies And Daddies
  • Grandpa Jack And The Twins Take A Road Trip
  • Grandpa Jack And The Twins On Honeymoon (Forthcoming)
  • Grandpa Jack And The Twins; It's A Wonderful Day In The Neighborhood (Projected)

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Great story! Loved it! Looking for more fun with the Valasquez crew, especially the littlest ones. Hopefully Dr. Rebecca has relieved them of their pesky little hymens so they can enjoy some quality pussy time with Grandpa Jack too. :))


Oh, boy! My kinda family & friends (heh, heh)...the trouble is, it's impossible to keep up with 'who is doing what to whom' without a 'program', or an 'organizational chart', or some such. Perhaps it would help (a lot!) if the synopsis at the top of this story were greatly expanded to briefly explain the myriad of relationships involved in this tale of almost constant fornication between the generations and acquaintances.

Well written, I thought, in spite of all that. I enjoyed the read!

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