Published: 10-Dec-2012
Word Count:
Author's Profile
Author's Note: This is the second story in the 'Grandpa Jack And The Twins' series. In 'Grandpa Jack And The Twins Hook Up,' Grandpa Jack and his two wanton eleven-year-old granddaughters met the Pearson family on Saturday and the two families had sex within their own family group in a nasty little encounter. Now, it's the week after and the Pearsons have been invited to go camping with Grandpa Jack and the twins at a remote campground.
"When are they gonna get here!" Alicia asked plaintively.
"What time is it?" Carrie whined, possibly half a second later than her sister's question.
Grandpa Jack closed long-suffering eyes, took a deep breath and held it until his irritation slipped away. Sometimes the twins were wanton little seductresses; sometimes they were normal eleven-year-old children, interested in everything going on around them and everyone they met.
Sometimes they were certifiable pains in the ass. Today...well, it had been a long afternoon...and it was going to get longer.
"It's almost two minutes later than the last time you asked," Grandpa Jack told Carrie, "and they'll be here when they get here," he said to Alicia. The twins grumbled for a moment between themselves in voices too low for him to catch the words, even had he wanted to.
"Girls," he said more patiently. "You know Mrs. Pearson sent me a message me to let me know they're running behind and they're going to be late," he explained.
"For one thing, Mr. Pearson couldn't get off...," he began.
The girls snickered nastily.
Grandpa Jack closed his eyes again for a long moment and broke off, waiting for the twins to control themselves.
"...Mr. Pearson couldn't get away from work, you nasty-minded little vixens, and Mrs. Pearson is having to do all the work herself getting the camper ready, hooked up to the Suburban, and stuff like that," Grandpa Jack continued. "It's taking longer than she wanted, but there's nothing she can do about it," he finished.
There was a short period free of whines or complaints while the twins considered all he'd said.
"Grandpa Jack," Alicia asked curiously, "don't you think you could call her 'Sandy'...since you're going to fuck her brains out when she gets here?"
Grandpa Jack chuckled. He grinned at his twin granddaughters. "I expect I could do that little thing," he agreed. "Sandy is having some troubles getting everything done and she and the rest of them are going to be just a little later than they thought they would be," he said.
"And since I do really, really, really want to fuck that young filly 'til she walks funny, as you so thoughtfully reminded me," he continued, "I'm a little anxious too, okay? So maybe you two could give me a break and back off on the complainin' and stuff?"
The twins giggled. They did so like it when their grandfather used nasty words when he talked to them.
"But we're horny too," Carrie complained, albeit in a more normal tone. "We want to see the boys, ya know," she explained.
"Hah!" Grandpa Jack shot back. "I don't think seeing is what you have in mind for those two boys," he declared. "More like, holding their dicks in your hot little hands, sucking their balls dry, and maybe a little fucking them unconscious would be a little more like what you have in mind, don't you think?"
He grinned at the two girls wriggling in pleasure. The twins were naked and sitting on lawn loungers in the shade of the tall pecan trees surrounding the campsite. Their tans were exactly the right shade they wanted and they'd stayed out of the direct sun since mid-morning.
They threw a glance at each other and spread their thighs wide. Drawing up their knees, they let their legs fall to the side and expose their young pussies to Grandpa Jack as a reward for their grandfather's naughty predictions. Their right hands dove for their slits and two fingers dipped inside for a moment's exploration. But the fingers came right back out.
Grandfather Jack tried to recover a little control over the situation. "Ahhhh, perhaps I could slip a little tongue into...?"
He stopped his suggestion when the twins shook their heads decisively, in they usually did virtually everything.
"We want to be ready for the guys," Alicia explained. Grandpa Jack let his eyebrows rise exponentially.
"And I'm chopped liver?" he asked, as if dismayed and hurt. The girls knew him too well. They only giggled.
"You know what we mean," Carrie said in an admonishing voice.
Grandpa Jack sighed. He did know what they meant.
But...he'd managed to kill a couple more minutes and forestalled another one or two requests for a time check from the twins. 'Every little bit helps', he told himself. Turning away, he walked around the big tent he and the twins had set up this morning. Pretending to check the stakes gave him just enough excuse to not pay attention as the next round of complaints began to build.
He jumped when his cell phone began vibrating in his pocket. He didn't like it ringing out here in the campground, but it always caught him off-guard when it began to move around all by itself. He was a little old-fashioned...about certain things. He chuckled to himself at the thought.
It was a short vibration though, and it didn't repeat...only a text message, then, not a call. He flipped open the phone and jabbed at the key so he could read the darned message.
The twins eyed him with bright anticipation on their pretty faces.
"They're at the gate," Grandpa Jack explained.
He typed a slow acknowledgement to respond to the text message, snapping shut the cell phone and putting it away in his shorts when he finished. The twins shot up from their lounges, grabbed hair brushes and began brushing out hair that didn't need brushing. They rushed to the campsite's water faucet where Grandpa Jack had set up a small table holding a mirror, camp soap, and other necessities to check their appearance and primp a little.
"Time to put something on," Grandpa Jack admonished.
The twins stared at him when he spoke the blasphemous words. Their faces showed their distress.
"Oh, come on," Grandpa Jack snorted. "You know darn well old Jim comes by to check on things after anyone checks into the campground!"
'Old Jim' was the volunteer custodian of campground, an unpaid caretaker who helped maintain the campsites and the lavatories just because he and his wife loved the outdoors, and this campground in particular. He didn't own the campground--the Corps of Engineers did--but he took a proprietary interest in the campground.
On occasion, he even refused access to give a group of people if he didn't like they way they acted at the entrance, but he was friendly and cheerful to those who impressed him as the right kind of camper. And he did indeed tend to come around to check with new arrivals shortly after they came in, just to see if they needed any assistance, had any questions, or just to shoot the breeze.
The twins grumbled, but they made their way to the tent, unzipped it, and disappeared inside. When they came out, they wore plain white T-shirts. They were made of a little sturdier material than the norm and they were longer...the bottom hem struck them just above mid-thigh. However, with the sun behind them, one could see the girls didn't have anything at all on underneath.
Grandpa Jack sighed. "Uh...," he began. He changed his mind midway through the thought. "Okay, look...," he said switching ideas and lightening his voice. "Just don't let Old Jim get a look at you with the sun behind you, alright?"
The girls experimented, examining each other from several viewpoints and they nodded their heads. They could do this.
"But, Grandpa Jack," Alicia said impudently, "what makes you think Old Jim wouldn't like to see under our Tees?"
Grandpa Jack growled, pretending to make a fierce face at her, but she knew it wasn't serious. Alicia also knew they couldn't take a chance on letting their big secret be exposed. After the joking was over, she and her sister would make sure Old Jim saw nothing out of the ordinary.
They watched the campground's access road that lead down from the highway. Every so often, one or the other twin would start fidgeting all over again.
The park access road led a few miles west from the federal highway to a gated entry point; Old Jim and his wife lived in a nice brick structure just outside the gate. If granted entry by the sometimes cantankerous Jim, a driver followed the pavement as it wound about on the dry prairie, up and over a couple miniscule hills, before the access road straightened out and aimed directly for the campground.
Just over the last of the low hills, it dove to a valley floor where it crossed an ancient dry wash on an old wooden bridge was much sturdier than it looked--or sounded. The floor of the structure was formed by old railroad ties--big, thick pieces of lumber that would last for several more generations. However, the wood around the bolts holding the old railroad ties to the bridge's metal frame had loosened over the years--so when a vehicle went over the bridge, the timbers rattled and shook for all they were worth.
A couple hundred yards past the bridge, the road divided, creating a 'Y' in the road where one must turn either right or left. Each of the branches wound up running more or less parallel to a dried up creek bed. It was along these two branches that the campsites were constructed; they were on both sides of the branch roads for several hundred yards in both directions.
Back at the 'Y', just short of the actual divide in the road, there was a concrete building on the right which held modern facilities--toilets and showers that were there for the convenience of the whole campground's campers. It was one of Old Jim's daily tasks to make sure the toilets and showers were up to his standards for hygiene and cleanliness.
When the big SUV and attached RV rumbled slowly over the bridge Grandpa Jack and the twins could hear it. The Suburban came into sight when it passed beyond a stand of cottonwoods and turned left at the 'Y' to come to Grandpa Jack's campsite on the south end of the campground.
The girls whooped and cheered. They were excited and didn't care who knew it.
* * *
The twins had been sure the party would start as soon as the Pearson family arrived, and Grandpa Jack had been careful not to rain on their parade before he had to. He did know setting up camp would be a shorter ordeal for the Pearsons because he and the twins would help, but getting a twenty-four foot RV trailer in position, supports set and locked, hoses and electrical cables connected, etc., etc., would take a pretty good bite out of the rest of the afternoon.
Then there was supper to fix and eat...and they'd have to wait around some more to make sure Old Jim and his wife weren't going to make an early evening inspection of the campground and its facilities. Things would pile up...but it could be more of a time for some enjoyable foreplay rather than frustrated waiting, assuming everyone cooperated.
Sandy Pearson, her daughter Natasha, and her niece Elaine took one look at the twins in their T-shirts and grinned broadly. Her son, Shawn, and her nephew, Jeff, were grinning too, but there's was the smile of the bemused. The twins made sure the both boys saw them silhouetted by the sun falling toward the western horizon and the young men's reactions pleased the girls mightily.
Before the RV had even been properly set up, Sandy and her girls disappeared inside. When they came out, all three had on thigh-length T-shirts too, though the logos were of football and basketball teams, and all of them were pink.
Grandpa Jack took the initiative. Walking up to Sandy, he put a forefinger under Sandy's chin to tip it upward so he could deposit a warm kiss on her soft lips. Sandy gave as good as she got. Up on tiptoes, she wrapped her arms around Grandpa Jack's neck and gave him a deep lover's kiss that had their tongues dueling for a long moment.
When they came up for air, Sandy sighed. "I needed that," she said brightly. She looked around at the others in her family to see they were mildly shocked. This was the first time they'd ever seen her give any man such a sexually-charged kiss, much less a near stranger.
Sandy grinned and whispered a question into Grandpa Jack's ear. She turned around and glanced at the twins. To her, there was no telling the girls apart.
"Alicia," she said at length, "this is Shawn." She pointed him out; Shawn turned a bright crimson, but Sandy refused to notice. "Carrie," this is my nephew, Jeff," she continued. "Everybody needs to get a welcome kiss, don't you think?" she suggested.
The twins did their part, pulling the boys close for hard-core make out sessions, then trading partners to sample the other boy. Grandpa Jack found himself in the middle of three hot females, kissing Sandy, Tasha, and Elaine, in turn until the boys muscled in and every male was kissing every other female. Carrie and Alicia began planting kisses with the other girls too and soon all the young girls were working their way around the group kissing whoever came within arm's reach.
When Grandpa Jack and Sandy came back into each others arms, he led her out of the little circle of sexually excited humanity for a longer kiss. His hands roamed over her buttocks and caressed her back. She pressed her body against his, trying to put every square inch in contact with his. His right hand drifted down her side; he dipped his shoulder so his hand could dive beneath her T-shirt.
"Oh, hello!" he quipped. Sandy had drawn back a little so his hand could come between them and Grandpa Jack was able to look down her lower body. His hand was cupping her bald groin and his middle finger already sliding gently along her slit.
"I'm sooooo very glad to meet ya," he said, addressing her cunt. His middle finger slipped inside her pussy. The hot honey already seeping from her vagina coated his finger and allowed even deeper penetration.
Sandy giggled and wriggled her hips to work his finger still further inside. She slapped playfully at his shoulder. "We've got work to do...Daddy," she said with a happy glow in her voice. "There'll be plenty of time later to...get acquainted," she told him, speaking loudly enough for everyone to hear. "Okay...Daddy?" she asked.
Grandpa Jack nodded, smiling. He turned away to find all four young girls had a finger, either hers or one belonging to one of the boys, inserted in her pussy and their hips were gyrating around in little circles as a result.
"Guys," he said to the two boys, "let's you and me get the trailer leveled and all set up, okay?" They nodded reluctantly.
"Sandy, my dear, dear daughter," he said smiling at her, "how about you take charge of these beautiful, and very, very sexy, young ladies...and get things set up around the picnic table over there, maybe start gathering some fallen branches for a campfire later on tonight and...well you know what all to do while us macho guys do the heavy lifting."
Grandpa Jack was on his way toward the rear of the trailer to connect the grey water hose when nine-year-old Elaine passed within grabbing distance. He gathered the girl in his arms and bent to kiss the auburn-haired temptress on her pretty, soft lips one more time. His hand was soon cupping her left buttock. He squeezed and stroked it appreciatively. "Very nice, sugar puss," he said. The young girl grinned, uncertainly at first but then with growing confidence.
She patted the front of his shorts. "Very nice," she said, giggling at her own mimicry of his comment. She added a gentle squeeze that pleased Grandpa Jack as much as the compliment. Her gaze jerked from his eyes down to his crotch when she felt his penis begin to grow and harden. She giggled again and Grandpa Jack joined in, laughing cheerfully.
He looked around, looked at his crotch and then at the two young boys in the group. "Us boys can't wear just T-shirts," he explained to Elaine, though she hadn't asked. The message was for the boys. "We can't do that 'cause our dicks would pooch out the bottoms and make it REAL clear to anyone coming around what's going on," he continued. "And probably get us arrested," he finished.
"'s what we can do," he said, motioning to the boys to come closer.
He took off his football T-shirt, exposing a broad, well-muscled chest, with a light dusting of hair across his pecs. He tossed the shirt in the direction of the tent; he'd pick it up later. He unbuttoned the fastener on his cargo shorts, but left them zipped. They'd slip down if he wasn't careful, but he intended to be careful...when there was anyone around to be careful about.
Shortly, all three males were dressed only in shorts and sandals or flip-flops. With the fastener on their shorts undone and the shorts held in place mainly by force of will, the three guys were almost as exposed as the girls. It was the best the guys could do. The boys didn't have the muscle bulk or tone Grandpa Jack had, but their bellies were flat and hard, and just as attractive to the young ladies. None of the girls seemed to mind the boys' hairless chests either.
When Grandpa Jack and the boys began practicing relaxing their belly muscles to let their shorts fall around their ankles, the girls looked a little annoyed. In the game of show off, they had to tug and pull on their T-shirts to get them over their heads--mussing up their hair in the process--and all the 'boys' had to do was pull in their stomachs to get naked. Sandy laughed so hard at the show she had to sit down at the picnic table to catch her breath. Still, it was just a game, and it would be over soon enough.
"Where is Old Jim, anyway?" more than one child asked while helping with the chores of setting up camp. If he'd just get here and see everything was all right, another...far more could start.
* * *
As it happened, it was quite a while before 'Old Jim' Velasquez made his last cruise around the campground to ensure everything was in order after locking the gate back at the entrance. He'd been busy, he said, or he'd a' been here earlier. He had half an acre sowed in corn, and a tiny truck garden planted. The crops needed attention.
Old Jim happily accepted a big slab of apple pie from Sandy. Sandy was already on his list of good folks.
Then Old Jim settled in to talk.
He talked about anything and everything. Old Jim knew the entire history of the local area...and when he didn't know for sure, he offered a highly educated opinion. He told them of the hidden gulch an hour's walk away where some ancient American Indian petroglyphs could be found adorning rock walls and he told them of the secret outlaw cave hideout just a few hundred yards over the hill. In spite of themselves, even the twins found it fascinating.
After a time, Old Jim mounted his 4-wheeled utility vehicle and started the small engine. Waving a goodbye to everyone, he motored slowly back to the access road, across the wooden-floored bridge over the dry wash, and eventually passed out of sight over the hill.
When the campers heard the old wooden ties rattling and rumbling on the old bridge, they knew they were finally alone in the old Corps of Engineers campground and there'd be no further visits tonight. Grandpa Jack had learned last summer Old Jim locked the entry gate before making his last rounds and this was his last official duty for the evening.
And yet, when they were finally safe to begin the bawdy party that was the reason they'd come, everyone seemed to be a little lost. They didn't quite know how to start. The children turned a little bashful.
Grandpa Jack observed what was happening and tried to cajole the kids and Sandy into kicking things off. Sandy didn't cooperate though. It seemed to Grandpa Jack that Sandy was stalling, perhaps a little nervous herself, and the kids were taking their cue from her...even his twin granddaughters, for some unknown reason.
In Grandpa Jack's opinion, that was not acceptable.
Grinning, he walked up behind Sandy Pearson, pressing the front of his body tightly against her back and wrapped his arms around her waist. She threw a smile over her shoulder at him, but she continued a conversation with the four girls and two boys. It wasn't much of a discussion, in Grandpa Jack's opinion and he growled quietly in the back of his throat.
He reached down, unfastened his cargo shorts and let them drop to the ground, leaving him naked in the late evening sun. The kids all noticed; their attention to what Sandy was saying began to drift.
Even Sandy's crew, boys and girls alike, moved slightly to one side or the other so they could watch him...but everyone continued to talk. They clung to their chat like a sailor tossed overboard by a rogue wave clings to a life preserver.
Grandpa Jack upped the ante. Lifting Sandy's T-shirt in back, he let his hands roam over her back and then dropped them to cup and fondle her ass-cheeks.
Sandy tried to continue with what she was doing, but her voice began to falter. It was getting harder for her to concentrate. When he pressed his hard-on into the crack between her buttocks and rubbed the head of his cock from the small of her back down into the moist cleft, she pretty well lost her whole train of thought. But she kept on talking.
Finally losing his patience, Grandpa Jack took the young woman's shoulders in his strong hands and turned her around to face him.
"Oh, hello," she said brightly. "Just get here?" she quipped facetiously. Grandpa Jack's unimpressed grunt was his only answer.
Bending at the waist, Grandpa Jack threw his right arm around Sandy's thighs and, dipping his knees to take her weight with his legs, he lifted her over his shoulder and straightened up.
Sandy squealed, long and loud. "HEEEEEEEELP!!" she shrieked. "Put me down," she ordered Grandpa Jack, "I DON'T LIKE THIS!" she yelled.
Grandpa Jack stared meaningfully at his twin eleven-year-old granddaughters. He inclined his head toward the two boys standing by uncertainly.
Turning away from the group of children, he marched to the wooden picnic table with Sandy protesting every step of the way.
Upside down over Grandpa Jack's back, her features were flushed with the blood rushing to her head and it was abundantly clear Sandy really didn't like what Grandpa Jack was doing to her.
Grandpa Jack went to the closest end of the table and bent forward, propelling Sandy back up over his shoulder. He caught her and helped her settle to a soft landing on the slick red gingham tablecloth.
Surprised and disoriented, she sat there a moment, silent and unmoving. She didn't think fast enough to resist when Grandpa Jack pushed her shoulders down to the tabletop, though he was gentle enough by anyone's reckoning. There wasn't even a bump when her head finally touched the worn surface.
Grandpa Jack watched her for a moment; Sandy glared back up at him but she was quiet for the moment. A wicked grin made Grandpa Jack's lips twitch and the woman didn't know how to respond.
He caught the hem of her T-shirt in both hands. With a convulsive movement, he ripped Sandy's shirt from bottom to top. Another powerful tear and the reinforced stitching at the top gave way completely. The woman's breasts, revealed for all to see, danced on her chest for a moment. They were too firm to do it long, but their bobbing entranced Grandpa Jack for as long as they did. He grinned ferociously down into Sandy's eyes.
"HEY!!!" she wailed indignantly. "That cost good money, you know!! Cut it out, dammit!" she said.
"HELP!" she shrieked, not nearly loudly enough for Old Jim to hear at his home back up at the campground's entrance, for instance, but everyone at the campsite heard.
"HELP!!!" she screeched, thrusting her right hand high above the table and waving it energetically to attract attention.. "BOYS!! SHAWWWWWWWN!!"
Then Grandpa Jack's tongue swept up from the bottom to the top of her slit. Sandy groaned. Grandpa Jack inched closer and stabbed his tongue through her outer labia and as far into her vagina as he could.
"OH MY GOD!!" the young woman moaned. She pulled her heels up onto the tabletop, right up against her butt cheeks, and let her knees fall away, opening her groin up for all to see...and for Grandpa Jack's very personal attention. Grandpa Jack smiled happily at his success and redoubled his efforts, servicing the hot-blooded woman as she lay there before him.
A few yards away, Carrie snickered. "Still want some help, Mrs. Pearson?" she asked Sandy.
"Oh no," Sandy said distractedly. "I'm good, thank you," she added, waving her hand languidly.
Alicia snorted. "We can see that," she commented. She looked around at the other children. "But I don't want to be good," Alicia said. "I want to be very...very bad," she remarked, looking the two boys up and down. She drew her T-shirt over her head and dropped it on the lounger behind her. Spreading her feet a little, she put her hands on her hips, not a bit inhibited by her nakedness in front of strangers.
"Guys," she said, staring at Jeff and Shawn, "have you had your daily recommended dose of eleven-year-old hottie today?" she asked them, her eyes smoldering with need. Alicia wanted to be taken by the first male who reached her!
In seconds, three of the four girls and both boys were naked and they quickly divided into groups. Natasha was the only girl abstaining from some hardcore, nasty, and immediate sex. She preferred to help her cousin, Elaine, find out how to squat over her own brother's mouth for some unskilled, but very enthusiastic oral attention.
* * *
"That was nice," Sandy said in a languorous voice. Grandpa Jack had spent a good long while licking her pussy, stabbing his tongue deep inside her, and teasing her clit until she'd reached a very satisfactory cum. There was something in her voice...something that hinted of mild disappointment.
Which didn't trouble her adopted father one bit.
Grandpa Jack had a plan.
Wiping off his face, he grinned at the woman still laying on the picnic table with her legs still splayed wide. "NICE?" he said, repeating her analysis with a sardonic tone. His eyebrows were raised so high, they threatened to crawl up over his scalp. He didn't give her time to answer.
He laughed. "Yeah, I thought we'd start out...NICE! NICE...and...EASY" he said in a smooth voice, "but we don't want to finish NICE or EASY, do we?" he asked.
It was a rhetorical question. He didn't wait for an answer.
"Huh-uh, young daughter o' mine," he continued. "We're going to finish this HARD, young lady," he said gruffly, letting his voice slide down two octaves and spacing his words out menacingly. His eyes widened dramatically and he smiled widely, snapping his teeth shut.
Grandpa Jack shuffled closer to the end of the table where Sandy lay and fisted his cock, introduced it into the entrance of her pussy, and then pushed inside her drenched outer labia.
"Oh...okay," Sandy said delightedly. "So we're going to...."
"FUCK LIKE BIG DOGS!" Grandpa Jack bawled cheerfully. He drove his cock inside Sandy's cunt with one long thrust, not harshly...but not especially considerately either. Sandy's hands clamped onto his forearms as he rammed deeper without waiting for her to adjust.
"Wait, Grandpa Jack...stop...just a minute," she protested. She tried to get her heels under her butt on the tabletop for some leverage but couldn't quite manage it.
By the time she got her complaint out, Grandpa Jack's penis was seated deep inside her and had casually bumped her cervix aside for more room.
"HEY!" she grumbled. "That wasn't...."
For all the response she got from Grandpa Jack, she might as well have been complaining to the rocks and trees scattered around the campsite. He withdrew his prick nearly all the way from her vagina and rammed it back in.
Sandy's back arched and she tried to scream another protest but the breath had been driven from her lungs. All she could manage was a long whimper. She scrambled, her hips moving about on the table to find a position to better accommodate the older man's penis being thrust so uncouthly inside her.
"Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" she wailed.
"Grandpa Jack...DAAAAAADDYYYYYYYY!!! Give me a sec...."
Grandpa Jack might as well have been deaf. He continued to thrust inside and then withdraw from the woman's cunt, timing his thrusts so they had the precision of a metronome.
In a little while, Sandy found the rhythm and began to work with her ravager and to her surprise, she felt an orgasm building deep inside. When she came, it WAS a hard one. Her vagina clamped tight on Grandpa Jack's hard cock, locking the pair together as she struggled to reach a long, lingering orgasm that left her breathless and drained.
"Mmmmmmmm...Daaaaaaaa-deeeeeeeeee, you're so naughty," Sandy purred, luxuriating in the afterglow of her climax. She rolled her hips about on the table, loving the feel of Grandpa Jack's big schlong still inside her, and still hard. "That was soooo good, Daddy," she said playfully, naughtily emphasizing their pretended incest.
"Good?" Grandpa Jack remarked. With his cock still deep inside his "daughter," he bent over and began to suck her nipples, teasing them, nibbling at them carefully, but not overly gently.
His hips pulled away, then glided back.
Sandy sucked in her breath in one long whoosh. "Again?" she asked, talking to no one in particular. "Oh my...," she whimpered.
Her body was on fire again almost immediately and she surrendered control to the man slamming his cock deep inside her and ruthlessly yanking it out again. Grandpa Jack's penis rammed it's way through her labia and deep into her cunt again and again.
Sandy came again, howling her way through another orgasm...and still Grandpa Jack's cock worked into her and back out without even a short pause.
She came again when he varied his rhythm, beginning to fuck his cock into her from different angles, whipping his hips around in a corkscrew motion.
He would not stop.
She begged him piteously to, but he wouldn't. Finally, she was a jerking, uncontrollable manikin, moaning and wailing as the older man drove inside her again and again and again and again....
He slowed...stroking inside her at a slower pace for the first time in many minutes. He waited only until he'd caught his breath.
"Wanta cum?" he asked her. Sandy nodded. "You wanta cum?" he asked again, a little louder. She whined an assent.
"YOU WANT TO CUM?" he bellowed the question into her face.
She moaned.
"TELL ME!" he roared.
She nodded.
"NO...TELL me!" Grandpa Jack shouted.
"I wanta cum," she said thickly.
"WHAT?" Grandpa Jack yelled. "TELL DADDY WHAT YOU WANT!!"
"I need to CUM!!" she squealed.
"WHAT?" Grandpa Jack demanded. "I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!"
Sandy's face worked and expression of complete exasperation became fixed on her pretty features.
"I WANNA CUM!" she screamed.
"YOU! I WANT YOU TO MAKE ME CUM...DADDY!!!" Sandy yelled into the older man's face.
"MAKE ME CUM, DADDY!" she shrieked.
She bared her teeth, ready to bite her lover somewhere. Her fingers crooked themselves into claws she tried to rake across Grandpa Jack's back and shoulders.
He wouldn't put up with that though. He caught her wrists and forced them down on the tabletop beside the points of her shoulders. She kicked at him, hammering her heels on his buttocks and in the small of his back. Her hips churned on the hard wood of the picnic table's upper surface, fighting Grandpa Jack and her own body to get to the orgasm she needed so desperately.
Grandpa Jack pounded the frenzied woman's cunt, plowing his cock like a piston deep inside her relentlessly...speeding up the cadence with almost every stroke, until neither of them could sustain the crude, animal rutting even one more second.
"CUM FOR DADDY!!" Grandpa Jack roared. "CUM FOR DADDY, SANDY!!"
Sandy Pearson arched her back and howled her release to the stars.
* * *
Miles away, 'Old Jim' Velasquez paused while locking the shed door. He cocked his head and listened in wonder. It'd been years...back when he was a younker, in fact...since he'd heard panthers screamin' that way across these prairies. There were still some cougars about, but they were mostly quite critters these days, shy about drawing attention to themselves.
For a moment, he thought about taking a ride out to the campground to warn the folks there...but he decided not. That young feller out there, they called him Grandpa Jack, looked like he could take care of his ownself and ever one else out there too. He'd have heard too, and he'd take care.
Thoughtfully, he snapped the hasp of the padlock closed and made his way back to the open door to the house where his wife waited. He smiled broadly as he walked, seeing his wife, Nadine, there in the doorway. The woman was a caution, sure 'nough.
Imagine, standing there--nekkid and horny--and waitin' on him to do somethin' about it. Old Jim quickened his steps.
* * *
After he finished pumping loads of pearly-white cum inside his 'daughter', Grandpa Jack pulled out of the young woman's steaming, clamping cunt. He was exhausted and his knees were threatening to betray him. His cock, operating without his guidance, spewed a final spray of milky white cum over Sandy's smooth groin before he staggered away to sprawl on one of the bench seats at the picnic table.
Man and woman struggled to find enough air to fill their tortured lungs.
"Well...." Carrie remarked thoughtfully. "If that is being good, then I, that's just me myself and I, I want to be really, really good," she concluded. She rose from the grass where she and the other kids had watched the lengthy and profoundly sexually exhausting fuck session between her grandfather and Sandy. She looked around.
"Uh...Shawn...Jeff?" she said, getting the boys' attention. "Would you two like to come and help me be good?" she asked.
"And then help me too--I'm tired of being bad," Alicia interjected, immediately understanding what Carrie was up to. She and her sister regularly shared Grandpa between the two of them. This time, Carrie...and her sister...wanted to be the one shared.
Alicia looked around at the other two girls. Their cooperation was highly necessary. If they didn't go along with this, neither Alicia nor Carrie could really object.
"It's okay," Natasha said quickly. "I want to wait anyway," she added. Her eyes strayed over to where Grandpa Jack was now stumbling around, drawing in great draughts of air as he tried to exercise the lactic acid out of his tired muscles.
The twins grinned understandingly.
"Me too," Tasha's cousin, nine-year-old Elaine chimed in. "I want to watch a little while," she added, "and maybe do something later on."
Everyone was set then, and Carrie smiled contentedly. She got up and minced over to the two young boys, settling her naked body on the grass between them. "Now, boys," she said happily, "my boobies are here, my pussy is there, I got two lips up here, and...oh just lots and lots of places that need to be touched and kissed and filled up...and all sorts of things," she said invitingly.
Jeff and Shawn didn't need much of a summons and were quickly hard at work, mouthing her immature breasts, exploring her young pussy and stroking the young girl everywhere they could reach. Before too long, Carrie was on all fours, taking one cock in her pussy doggy style, while she sucked happily on the other. She fully intended swapping the cocks around shortly, delaying her cum as long as she could.
Grandpa Jack busied himself lighting a few Tiki torches around the campsite. The late afternoon had progressed into twilight...and night would soon be upon them. The flickering flames from the six-foot tall bamboo torches provided enough light to make out what was happening, but without casting a harsh glare on things. When he finished, he sat back down at the picnic table.
Grandpa Jack kissed Sandy again, forcefully and ending it emphatically when Sandy would have let it go on much longer.
"Right now, you need to get that hot body of yours cleaned up a little," Grandpa Jack told his 'daughter.' "I have a hunch young Jeff isn't throwing glances at you just 'cause he wants a chat with you," he added. "Looks to me like he might want a little pussy from a hot, sexy, experienced woman--someone such as yourself, in fact," he said.
Sandy looked to the side where her nephew was watching her intently, even as his cock was being sucked by Alicia. Clearly....
"Yeah...," Sandy said. She smiled and waved at Jeff. She turned back to Grandpa Jack and grew pensive for a moment. "But I'll never forget my first fuck with my Daddy," she said softly. She inched off the tabletop and stood on her feet for the first time in a long while.
"I won't either, honey," Grandpa Jack said quietly, matching her seriousness with some of his own. Then he grinned. He slapped her buttocks. "Now hurry," he told her. "Go!"
* * *
Sandy went...taking all the girls with her inside the RV trailer for a quick shower and douche in preparation for the next round. Grandpa Jack settled for the ersatz shower by the water faucet at the back end of the trailer, sudsing himself up with camp soap and rinsing quickly off. He sat back down at the picnic table, content to let the soft evening breeze dry him naturally.
His example was sufficient. Both the young boys took their turn at the trailer's outside faucet and came back to sit tentatively across the table from the older man. Both of the thirteen-year-old boys shifted on their seat, uncomfortable under the baleful eye of Grandpa Jack. He watched them for a long moment.
"You know what we forgot?!!" he asked suddenly, the words spewing out fast and ugly.
The boys' bodies jerked to attention. "No, sir," they chorused.
Grandpa Jack jumped to his feet. "MUNCHIES!" he said loudly. "Got to have something to munch on!" he added.
"Here...Shawn," he said, "you get the chips and the dips out of the big grey container thingy over there, okay?" He shifted aim, pointing at the offending big plastic storage canister so the youngster would know which one.
"You...." he said to Jeff, "come help me carry the green cooler over here from my tent so we'll have drinks, okay?" Jeff nodded.
Everything was purposeful motion for a moment or two and then the three were back at the picnic table, in much the same positions, but this time chomping on chips and assorted dips and swallowing huge gulps of Cokes and Pepsis. Neither of the boys had realized they were so thirsty...or hungry.
They'd seen the twinkle in Grandpa Jack's eye too...when he jumped to his feet and started organizing the impromptu snacks. They weren't nearly as nervous around him now, though there was some residual tension. They were, after all, still two naked young males sitting around and talking with a powerful, equally naked, full-grown male. It was a little disconcerting, something they weren't used to.
Grandpa Jack sighed contentedly, spooned up another scoop of guacamole with a giant tortilla strip and popped it in his mouth, washing it down with a big swig of Pepsi. The boys followed suit, not consciously imitating the older man, but not debating his right to lead either.
He looked at the two boys speculatively. "So...whatcha think, huh?"
"What?" Jeff asked in confusion.
"Heck, man, we got five hot chicks here and we're getting to ball them, and do anything we want to with them...and on top of that, we got good eats and stuff to drink," Grandpa Jack explained. "Is this the best thing ever or what?" he asked with a wide, happy grin.
The boys grinned back at him, on the same page as Grandpa Jack finally and not nervous at all now.
Shawn hurriedly swallowed a mouthful of chip and queso, "And tomorrow night, my other sisters will be here too."
Grandpa Jack waved a long tortilla strip at the boy and nodded at him before dragging the strip through a growing trough in one of the containers of dip. "Now THAT is a good point," he said, agreeing with Shawn. "Two more lovely, sexy...and soon to be very naked girls to join the party," he commented, more to see Shawn's reaction than anything else.
Shawn and Jeff both grinned broadly. "Yeaaaaaahhhhh!" they breathed, almost reverently. Grandpa Jack smiled. The two could have resented his lewd commentary about the young girls, but that apparently was not going to be the case.
"But Mom and Tasha won't be here tomorrow night," Shawn continued, a little downcast.
"How come?" Grandpa Jack asked. That wasn't good news.
"Uh-huh," Jeff chimed in, "it'll be their turn to go back to town and be with Uncle Danielle and Melissa are doing tonight," he explained.
Grandpa Jack pondered the whys and wherefores for a moment. "Oh, I see...keeping your dad happy so he doesn't feel left out, right?"
Shawn nodded. "And keeping him from getting nervous, too, like Mom said," he replied candidly.
Grandpa Jack laughed loud and long. The boys grinned, joining in the unintended joke when they saw the point. The trio sat companionably for a long moment.
"And then Thursday, somebody'll have go into town to be with Dad again," Shawn remarked, "but Friday, EVERYONE will be out here," he said in a satisfied voice. His forefinger marked points in the air as he counted. "Seven girls and four boys," he remarked happily, when he'd added everyone up.
"Yep," Grandpa Jack said. "I guess we'll just have to work overtime to keep all of 'em happy, huh?" The boys nodded seriously. They would do exactly that.
The girls all came out of the twenty-four foot long RV trailer right about that moment, looking fresh and cheerful. Grandpa Jack, Shawn, and Jeff turned in their seats to watch them negotiate the steps down from the trailer. The boys and man gazed happily as four naked nymphs pranced across the grass to the picnic table.
The flickering yellow light from the Tiki torches were the only illumination now. The moon and stars were hidden by gathering clouds. The dim light made the whole scene that much more exotic, more highly erotic.
When the girls neared the table, 'almost-ten-year-old' Elaine ran a couple of steps and leaped up to the bench beside Grandpa Jack. The older man swung his arms around the young girl's thighs to steady her after her jump and to keep her pussy right where it eye level. He planted a kiss on her plump outer lips, making a big production of it just for fun. It got a laugh from everyone.
Sandy made her way around the table and put a hand on each boy's shoulder, moving them apart so she could sit down between them. She had a young-boy cock in each hand and was slowly jacking them up and down before her butt touched the picnic table bench. The boys posture stiffened, along with their penises. Their eyes grew round as saucers when the twins scrambled up onto the table and each settled spraddle-legged in front of one of the boys.
Elaine unwrapped Grandpa Jack's arms from around her butt, put a dainty foot up on the red-checked tablecloth and climbed up the extra step. Turning in front of Grandpa Jack's face, she squatted, then sat in front of him, her legs spread wide.
Grandpa Jack sat quietly, mesmerized by the sight of the young girl's beautiful body. She didn't have much in the way of boobies...just gentle rises capped by immature aureoles only a shade darker than the surrounding flesh. But in the center of the aureoles lay a little BB of a nipple. It looked so tempting.
Elaine spread her legs wide and scooted her butt to the edge of the table, sharing her most private parts with the older man. "Grandpa Jack," Elaine said quietly, "would you please--?"
"I certainly will," he assured her. He gazed raptly at the young girl's puffy pussy mound. Her puffy outer labia seemed so tightly pressed together, they might have been two lobes of a peach, but infinitely smoother. When his thumbs nudged them gently apart though, the ruby redness of her cunt was revealed. He could see the slickness of her little-girl honey beginning to seep out, thoroughly wetting her inner lips and beginning to dribble onto the tabletop.
Grandpa Jack couldn't help himself. Bending at the waist, he lowered his head between the little girl's smooth thighs until he could lap up the extra juices in one long slurp and kissing the top of little Elaine's slit for good measure. Not satisfied with only one, he did it again.
The young girl gasped at the licentious contact. Without consciously willing it, she leaned back and dropped her elbows to the tabletop for leverage, so she could better push her groin up to Grandpa Jack's slathering tongue.
"I want you to...," she began, but never completed the sentence. She tried again, but she lost track again in mid-sentence. She never tried again. Indeed, she forgot what it was she wanted to say.
Grandpa Jack vaguely noticed Sandy leaving the table with her nephew Jeff, and his twin granddaughters wandered off somewhere with Shawn. He didn't know where Natasha went to, but she left the table at some point. Grandpa Jack concentrated on giving the young girl the best orgasm she'd ever had.
* * *
Twenty minutes later, young Elaine was laying flat out on the table, gasping for breath. Her body shuddered every so often with another aftershock. Her young chest heaved as she breathed in and held the air in for a second. Her body was one large erogenous zone and the play of muscles involved in breathing was almost too much to bear.
She'd spent the last few minutes with her thighs clamped tight around Grandpa Jack's head and her heels drumming on his upper back as she tried for a better purchase to grind her cunt into Grandpa Jack's mouth. Grandpa Jack knew for a fact the little girl had cum twice, and he thought she'd gotten off a third time when, right at the end, he'd bent over and kissed her pussy lips one final time. Certainly, her breath had caught in her throat and her fingers had fastened themselves in his hair while she held the rest of her body as still as a statue for a long moment before relaxing again.
"Grandpa Jack?" Elaine asked dreamily.
"Can you show my brother and Shawn how to do that?" she asked.
Grandpa Jack laughed aloud, tickled pink with the implied compliment.
"HEY! I heard that!" Jeff yelled indignantly. "Don't be such a smart-ass, Elaine," he complained.
"Besides," Alicia interjected, "Your Aunt Sandy an' me an' Carrie are teaching him and Shawn right now...and he's really getting better fast," she added.
Everyone laughed.
"That's good," Elaine said, struggling back up to her elbows. "But I didn't mean you do it bad, Jeffy," she said with more plain honesty than the two could have shown each other just a week earlier. Things were different now...almost all the sibling barriers were gone.
"I just really like that...what Grandpa Jack did," the little girl continued, grinning when the others tittered and chuckled. "And besides," she continued, "you're going to like what I do for you too when you stick your dicky-pooh in my mouth, you don't give me attitude, Mister Smarty Pants!"
Jeff understood completely. He nodded emphatically and the camp dissolved in good-natured laughter again
"So, where's Tasha," Grandpa Jack asked after a bit. He couldn't see the twelve-year-old anywhere.
"Uhhhh, check out the trailer," Sandy suggested.
Grandpa Jack stood and walked that way, his hard-on bobbing and swaying lewdly in the air before him. He hadn't cum in a while and his balls were beginning to ache with the need.
When he was a few feet down the side of the trailer from the door, a long, slender leg, clad in fishnet thigh highs and spike high heels, emerged into sight. The leg held still for a moment, then extended, lowered and raised back up.
Grandpa Jack let out a long two-toned wolf's whistle in sincere admiration. The slim thigh and calf were set off beautifully by the fishnets and the trim little ankle was perfection indeed. He walked to the doorway.
Natasha stepped down to the first step with her left hand on her hip and a big cowboy hat in the other. She put the hat on Grandpa Jack's head, settling it carefully in place and staring down at him with her hands on her hips.
"Hey, cowboy," she said in a seductively low voice. "Wanta party?" she asked.
"Good God, YES!" Grandpa replied fervently. Tasha giggled and stepped down to the bottom step, managing to make it a sexual act all by itself. Grandpa Jack could only stare.
The twelve-year-old was a saloon hussy from the old west. She had on a little red and black hat perched right on the top of her head; a dark red, lace-up corset that any barroom girl of that age might have worn; long black elbow-length gloves; black fishnet thigh highs; and a black velvet choker around her neck. The corset did nothing to cover the young girl. Its top edge was just below her small breasts and it ended above her waist.
She didn't have a skirt on. She was, in fact, naked from the bottom of the corset to her upper thighs where her thigh high stockings began. Natasha's little nipples were hard as diamonds, just waiting for Grandpa Jack's attention.
" one said anything about wearing costumes and stuff," Alicia complained from behind Grandpa Jack.
"No one said you couldn't either," Grandpa Jack tossed over his shoulder at his granddaughter.
She sniffed derisively, but she really hadn't hadn't even occurred to her or Carrie.
"Madame," Grandpa Jack doffed his recently acquired cowboy hat and bent low. "May I have the honor...?" he asked. Tasha gave him her hand in answer and Grandpa Jack guided her over to the picnic table. She pranced over to the table, exaggerating the swaying of her hips at each step. Everyone paused for a moment; no one but Tasha knew what was coming next.
The young girl pressed her body against Grandpa Jack's muscular frame, offering up her mouth to be thoroughly kissed by the older man. As his hands sought out her bare buttocks to squeeze and knead the wonderfully firm globes beneath silky smooth skin.
Tasha's gloved right hand slid between their bodies to fondle Grandpa Jack's hard cock. She wasn't very experienced, but she worked his foreskin delicately, pressing the skin back down his shaft a little more with each stroke. She could tell when he stopped breathing for an instant every so often how good she was making her man feel.
She stopped playing with Grandpa Jack's hard-on to wind both arms around his neck. Natasha thrust her tongue deep into his mouth, dueling with his, flicking around and then twining again with his. Almost groaning with desire, the young girl pulled back, finally breaking the kiss. In her spike heels, Tasha was a lot taller than she normally was. Almost on equal terms, she looked Grandpa Jack in his eyes and hunched her lower body into his groin, making him grunt in appreciation.
"I want to do something really nasty, okay?" she said gutturally .
Everyone perked up, wondering what else the lewdly dressed young girl had in mind.
"Okay?" she asked Grandpa Jack again.
"Absolutely," he answered with a grin. "Anything you want," he added.
Tasha whirled around. "Mommy?" she said, pointing a gloved finger at her mother. "Will you...?"
A little surprised, Sandy nodded and joined her oldest daughter and Grandpa Jack at the picnic table. "What do you want me to do?" Sandy asked.
Tasha spent the next few minutes arranging her little sex show to her liking. Her mother hitched herself back up on the edge of the picnic table in the same spot where Grandpa Jack fucked her almost senseless.
"I have really good memories of this end of the table," Sandy remarked happily, grinning at one and all. She patted the tabletop affectionately. She was rewarded with appreciative chuckles.
"Hush, Mama," Tasha cautioned her mother.
"Yes, dear," Sandy replied, to even more chuckles.
Tasha pushed her mother flat on the tabletop and urged her to scoot a little more into the center of the table. She moved her mother's legs wide apart to expose Sandy's wet slit. It was still dribbling some of Jeff's cum from her just-completed coupling with the boy. Tasha bent over at the waist and dragged her tongue up the length of her mother's outer labia, slurping up the dribbles and making her mother almost whinny with the pleasure.
"Like that, Mom?" Tasha asked coyly.
"GOD yes!" Sandy answered quickly.
Tasha giggled.
With a little urging from Tasha's hands, Sandy dragged her heels up onto the table's surface and then Tasha pressed her mother's knees wide apart. The mature woman was spread open, obscenely exposed to everyone in the little party. Tasha bent over and hiked her ass up as high as she could get. She looked around at Grandpa Jack.
"Sir," she said coquettishly, "would you care to fuck my little pussy from back there 'til it can't fuck you back?" she asked, batting her eyes and smiling at the older man.
Grandpa Jack grinned. Shuffling up behind the girl as she bent over her own mother and began licking her mother's outer labia, Grandpa Jack fisted his cock and rubbed the head of his cock up and down Natasha's young pussy. Tasha moaned into her mother's open cunt and shifted her stance a little, spreading her legs and hiking her ass a little more up and back into her lover's groin.
Grandpa Jack pressed a little forward, probing the young girl's pussy and pussy through her sensitive outer labia. He paused, holding her hips captive in his strong hands for a moment, positioned at the point where Tasha's hymen would have been, had she not lost it long since. Still, he thought his big, turnip-shaped knob would spread her wider than she'd ever been split. Pushing forward gently, the head of his cock speared a little deeper.
He pulled back, then moved forward again, plunging a few millimeters out...dragging some wonderfully fragrant little-girl juices out as he did...then carefully powering back in. He could feel the tightness right at the opening of her vagina...he probed deeper and felt her young body begin to give in to his cock's demanding thrusts...out again, slowly, savoring the tightness of the young girl's pussy...then penetrating once more...the tightness, the constriction...and then pulling out again.
He paused, using his right hand to work his cock in a gentle circle around her outer labia. They were slicker than ever, completely covered with the honey the twelve-year-old girl's vagina was secreting in more and more quantities. Grandpa Jack's cock drove back inside the little girl, obscenely spreading her pussy until it seemed her pussy lips couldn't stretch any wider. He powered back in, setting his feet to stay deep inside Natasha's young body this time, struggling to push in just that much deeper.
There was a sudden relaxing, which only Grandpa Jack and Natasha could feel. Suddenly his cock easily slid farther inside Natasha's vagina. This time, when he withdrew, and then pushed in again, the tip of his penis slipped even deeper...and then the pair were fucking each other.
Each plunging stroke from Grandpa Jack was met with a countering move; they mashed their groins together. They worked their bodies into each other, finding a rhythm of erotic pleasure they shared, and fought each other to increase.
"Uuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh," Sandy moaned. She was up on her elbows and craning her neck to watch her daughter being fucked by the man who, just a while ago, had fucked her. In minutes, Sandy was bucking hard up into her daughter's mouth. Unable to stay still, her hips writhed across the red gingham table cloth, spreading sweet juices across the checks and making it even easier for her ass-cheeks to slide around.
"Honey," Sandy panted. "Sugar...Mommy's cumming, honey...Mommy's...Tasha, Baby...Mama's cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmming!!"
Sandy groaned deep in her throat, twining her fingers in her daughter's hair to hold Tasha's lips tight against her cunt. She tried to push her clitoris onto the young girl's tongue so she would suck it harder.
Natasha complied, not quite knowing what she was doing, but instinctively flicking her tongue around and finding out where her mother's sensitive areas were by exploring everywhere. Natasha turned her head to the side for a quick breath of air.
"FUCK ME, GRANDPA JACK!" she cried, throwing the words over her shoulder to the older man. He complied, ramming his cock deep inside the twelve-year-old girl's cunt, gradually increasing his pace. His penis was a piston, slamming deep and sliding out, over and over again.
"FUCK ME, FUCK ME, FUCK ME...." Natasha moaned into her mother's cunt. Finding her mother's clit between her teeth, she nibbled gently, intuitively knowing she couldn't clamp down tightly. She got her lips between her teeth and probed for her mother's clitty again. She sucked at it, working the little nub hard, knowing if she did, her mother couldn't help but cum a gusher.
Abruptly, Sandy was there...hard! "Oh, God, Tasha," she wailed. "I'm cumming in your mouth...Tasha...honey, I'M CUUUUUUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMMMMING!!!"
She groaned and thrashed her upper body around on the tabletop, but held her groin still, hunching her pussy into her daughter's mouth a little. When the muscles in her belly stopped quivering, Sandy sighed and let her legs relax. They fell limply off the table to hang there. She didn't have enough strength to move them further.
"Geeze, Mom," Natasha complained a few moments later. "Tryin' to drown your own daughter in pussy juice or what?" she demanded laughingly.
"Oh...hush!" her mother retorted. She dragged in a badly needed breath.
"Your time's coming, young lady," Sandy added. "Just you wait...'til I can get off my back...someday," she told Tasha.
Natasha giggled, as did most of the other young folks at the campsite. Then Tasha noticed something.
"Did I tell you to stop fucking me?" she demanded, turning her head to stare at Grandpa Jack.
"Nope!" he answered laconically. "Just watching the show," he added. As he spoke, he thrust powerfully deep into the young girl's cunt, ramming hard into her and withdrawing without any great gentleness. He sensed the girl wanted something different now.
"I want you to fuck me," Tasha explained. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck...." she said dreamily. "I love fucking," she added.
Grandpa Jack obliged, driving his cock as deep into the girl as she could accommodate, drilling her over and over until the girl grunted with every stroke. She pushed her hips up as high as she could, wiggled forward between her mother's dangling legs, and leaned over to lay across her mother's body. She lay there, accepting the pounding she was getting from the man fucking her doggy style, moaning her pleasure and thrusting back at him when she could muster enough body control to do so.
"I like your pussy, Mommy," she whispered to her mother's breasts, "and your titties too," she continued. Straining to stretch her body up her mother's, Tasha licked her mother's nipples, making them stand up higher and harden again.
Sandy moaned.
Tasha could feel the moan deep in her mother's chest and she giggled a little. Their naked bodies were pressed so tightly together, she was sure if she got off, her mother would too.
Grandpa Jack felt the scalding-hot semen rising from his balls. The lascivious words the young girl used, and watching her eat her own mother's cunt so long and to such great effect, had Grandpa Jack desperately needing a release.
The flow continued, the sperm mixed with fluids in his groin and rose again. He tried to hold back. He wanted this to go on much longer, but the girl's lovely body wouldn't let him delay long.
"Baby girl," Grandpa Jack whispered, "Sugar...I'm cumming, baby. Cum with me, okay?" His cock worked in and out of Tasha's body. He dipped his knees and thrust his groin up and around to corkscrew his cock into her body.
And then he slammed his cock deep inside and was held there.
Natasha didn't have much experience, but the young girl's vagina clamped him tightly, refusing to allow him back out.
His cock spewed out his first jet of hot cum into her hot cunt.
She felt it splash against the back wall of her vagina. She shrieked, humped her butt backward to take more of Grandpa Jack inside her and clamped down again. Grandpa Jack's second spurt erupted inside her.
Natasha froze as the rapture of a very mature orgasm ripped through her. Her tummy muscles rippled, waves of pleasure washing up and down her body. The heat seemed ready to consume her.
Grandpa Jack's third fountain of milky-white cum sprayed the young girl's cunt again, but more gently this time.
Tasha groaned, feeling her vagina milk the fluid from her lover's balls.
Grandpa Jack's fourth stream was weaker still, and Tasha's orgasm began to decline too. Her grip on Grandpa Jack's penis loosened.
Grandpa Jack pumped his cock in and out, thrusting hard and withdrawing gently. A final dribble squirted out to coat the young girl's pussy lips and groin. He pulled out of the young girl's body slowly; it seemed to take forever.
Grandpa Jack's knees weren't able to hold him up any longer. He stumbled, almost collapsing, to the side of the picnic table. He barely managed to land on the bench instead of tumbling to the ground. He pillowed his head on his arms and struggled to breathe.
The trio stayed that way for a long while, recuperating from their orgasms.
"Well...." Alicia commented. "That sure looks like fun, doesn't it...Shawn?" she said. When Shawn looked her way, startled, Alicia crooked her finger at him while she walked around to the other end of the table. She stopped and rushed back to Tasha's side.
"Can I borrow your heels, Tasha?" she asked anxiously. The exhausted young girl nodded listlessly and Alicia bent down to take them off Natasha's tired feet. It wouldn't work with Tasha still more-or-less still standing, so Alicia guided Natasha's body down on the bench seat across the picnic table from Grandpa Jack. Sitting beside Tasha, Alicia worked the heels off Tasha and fastened the spike heels on her own feet. She tottered to the unused end of the table where Shawn was waiting patiently, eagerly.
"Now," Alicia said, pondering the next step. She made a decision. "Hey...JEFFY POOH," she called out. "How would you like a little hot mouth action? Hmmmmmmmm?"
Jeff was startled...and very eager...but he didn't immediately know where Alicia wanted him. She quickly showed him where she wanted him on the top of the table so she could bend over the end of the table and reach his groin. She spread Jeff's knees a little wider, adjusted her own stance and took Jeff's young cock in her mouth to check her position, then spat him out again.
"Okay, Shawn," she said, motioning the other boy behind her. "Fuck me like Grandpa Jack did Tasha, okay?" That was all Shawn needed to know and he slid in behind the eleven-year-old nymphette and fed his hard cock into her ready pussy. Alicia began humming tonelessly, supremely happy with the cocks she was sucking and fucking simultaneously.
The humming startled Jeff, but it did wonders for an already hard penis. The three began to work for yet another climax this evening.
"Hey, Tasha," Carrie said to get the twelve-year-old girl's attention, "Do you want to lick your juices off Grandpa Jack or can I...?" she asked.
Surprised at the question, Natasha shook her head. She was too tired. " can do it," she replied.
"Tight," Carrie remarked, grinning. "Grandpa Jack, get up on the top of the table, okay?" Her grandfather obliged and Carrie sat between his legs. Smiling lewdly, Carrie caught Grandpa Jack's cock in her small hands and inspected it casually, the expression on her face was one of complete, vulgar delight. She grinned around at the other girls.
Holding Elaine's eyes with hers, Carrie stuck out her tongue and squeegeed up a long, slurping gulp of her grandfather's slimy cum and Tasha's juices all mixed together on his shaft. Carrie backed off for another inspection of Grandpa Jack's penis.
"You see that?" she demanded, looking at Elaine. "Does it every time," she explained. "Grandpa Jack can get hard again just a minute or two after cumming like one of those ol' faithful geyser thingies...not even a minute sometimes!" she remarked. She licked Grandpa Jack's shaft from his ball sack to the slimmed slit at his cock head.
"Dang, Tasha," Carrie remarked. "You taste pretty good," she said. "Alicia and I taste good too, you know...Grandpa Jack likes our pussy honey a lot, and we like it too," she added.
"Want some?" she asked Elaine. The younger girl had been edging closer. Shocked, Elaine started to shake her head. She reconsidered and nodded.
"Cool," Carrie said encouragingly. "Come here a little and...." Elaine complied as Carrie leaned off to the side.
Nine-year-old Elaine...she wouldn't be ten for a few more weeks yet...dubiously put a knee on the picnic table's bench seat and steadied herself with her left hand on the tabletop. Grasping Grandpa Jack's cock shaft with her right hand, she bent forward and licked a long swath from his balls up to the cleft in the underside of his cock. Everyone watched her, trying to interpret how she felt about what she'd just done.
Elaine shrugged. "It tastes all right," she said matter-of-factly, still holding Grandpa Jack's member in her small hands. "Does it feel good when I do that, Grandpa Jack?" she asked the older man.
"Oh...yeaaaaaaaaahhhhhh," Grandpa Jack rumbled, letting the words come from deep in his chest and nodding reassuringly down at the young girl. She giggled.
"You sound funny when you talk like that," she told him before transferring her attention back to the man's penis. She looked at it for a moment, looked around at her Aunt Sandy, Carrie, and up again at Grandpa Jack. She giggled.
Without saying a word, she sat beside Carrie and held Grandpa Jack's cock straight up...out of the way. In less time than it takes to tell, she had one of Grandpa Jack's testicles in her mouth, swathing it round and round with a wet tongue.
"Be real careful when you do that, okay," Carrie cautioned. "One time when I did that, I closed my mouth a little and, wouldn't believe how he yelled and carried on. I thought he was gonna have an attack of some kind," Carrie confided to a giggling Elaine.
Fortunately, Elaine let Grandpa Jack's precious jewels slip out of her mouth before reacted to Carrie's words.
"But you're doing real good," Carrie exclaimed, complimenting the younger girl. "You keep on doing it, and I'll just watch," she said.
Minutes later, Elaine took her first mouthful of Grandpa Jack's cum and swallowed it down without urging. She only shrugged again and told her admiring audience there just wasn't anything else to do with the cream on her tongue, which got a nice round of applause.
Afterward, Carrie climbed up on the table beside Grandpa Jack and pressed tightly against him as he sat there.
"Grandpa Jack?" she said mournfully. "See my little pussy? It's so unhappy," she told him. "Will you kiss my pussy-wussy and make it all better? Please, Grandpa Jack?" Then she took a short step backward.
"HAH!" Carrie said loudly. "See that?" she said, pointing down at Grandpa Jack's groin. "That works every time too," she explained to the girls all around. "All you have to do is let him get a look at your pussy, or even better, a sniff...and he gets hard all over again," she said happily.
All the girls, including Sandy, giggled, looking speculatively at the man.
"Hey!" Grandpa protested. He wasn't able to figure out a good retort. It DID happen every time.
"Lay down, Grandpa," Carrie ordered. Obediently, he leaned backward on his elbows. Still standing on the table top, Carrie straddled her grandfather's hips and squatted over his cock, guiding the full-grown man's penis into her sopping pussy. Supporting herself by putting her hands on his chest, she began to piston her hips up and down, impaling herself on his cock and then lifting off.
It was wanton sex--there was no art to it. And it was doubly taboo, sex between a young girl and an older man and also between family members. It was an animal-like rut that served only to sexually satisfy the man and girl. It took only a short time. Grandfather and granddaughter knew how to work each other, what buttons to push, and how to move to get each other off quickly.
* * *
"You were SO mean to me," Sandy whispered reproachfully into Grandpa Jack's ear. "You just pounded me and pounded me and...wouldn' let me come up for air or anything," she whimpered. "You just don't know what you were doing to me...." she whispered.
Grandpa Jack turned to the naked woman lying beside him in the darkness of the tent. "Oh?" He slid his hand down her underbelly until his palm covered her outer labia. He slid his middle finger inside and worked it a short distance inside her vagina.
"So...I don't know what I'm doing. Is that what you're saying?"
Sandy hunched her body around so Grandpa Jack was better able to finger-fuck her.
"Daddy's little girl doesn't like what I'm doing?" Grandpa Jack asked softly. "You mean you don't like Daddy sliding his finger inside you? Hmmmm? 'Cause I don't know what I'm doing to ya?"
Sandy's body was already rocking. "I like it, Daddy," she moaned. "I like it...."
"Tell Daddy what you want him to do," Grandpa Jack persisted. "Want him to put his nasty ol' thing in you?"
"Put it in me, Daddy," Sandy whined.
"Put what, honey?"
"Put your nasty ol' Daddy-cock in me," Sandy begged. "Fuck me with your nasty cock, Daddy," she groaned.
Grandpa Jack rolled on top of the already aroused woman and then up onto his knees. Sandy let her thighs spread wide and Grandpa Jack took her knees in his hands and pushed up and back. Sandy couldn't move very much in that position, but that was okay. He took his penis in his hand and guided it through the woman's stretched outer labia and up to her cunt lips.
He set himself, putting the tops of his kneecaps tight up against her butt, and then plunged forward, deep inside Sandy's inner lips, thrusting strongly into her vagina. He let his weight hold him there a moment, working his hips around to see what all the tip could touch.
"Oh God!" Sandy groaned. Her hands plucked at Grandpa Jack's butt cheeks, urging him deeper, and stroking his flanks.
"Fuck me, Daddy," she whispered. "Fuck your little girl so goooood, Daddy...."
* * *
"Well, I guess I need to get up and go to the trailer," Sandy commented sadly. Grandpa Jack had just slumped exhaustedly to her side on the air mattress bed in his tent.
"Huh? Why's that?" Grandpa Jack asked, surprised at the woman's words.
"Because I'm tired," Sandy explained sadly, "and I'm going to drop off any time now...and I promised Greg I wouldn't sleep with anyone even if I had sex with them out here," she said.
"Ahhhh, I see...well...." Grandpa Jack said. He stopped, not knowing what to say. Sandy and Greg were married and they set the rules between themselves...whether it made sense to anyone else or not.
"Yeah," Sandy said, ending a moment of silence. Reluctantly, she rolled off the air mattress, bent low to kiss his lips in the darkness and then kissed Natasha too. "Where are you, Elaine?" she asked and Elaine scrambled over Grandpa Jack's body to get a goodnight kiss herself.
"See you in the morning, Aunt Sandy" Elaine said. "G'night," whispered Tasha, and then Sandy unzipped the tent and was gone. She slid the zipper closed from the outside.
The trio in the tent heard the trailer door open, heard a round of greetings from the four young people inside, and then the door closed again.
There was another silence, broken by Natasha. In a voice full of suppressed excitement, she said, "Okay, now I can fuck you like Carrie did." She threw her leg over Grandpa Jack's hips and groped for his cock. It hardened in her hand and she gleefully guided it between her already slick pussy lips.
"And then me!" Elaine protested. "It's my turn next, right Grandpa Jack?" she insisted.
"You bet, honey," he answered cheerfully.
He looked forward to taking the young child for the first time, but when Natasha and he were done and Natasha was nestled on Grandpa Jack's left side, Elaine was already sound asleep. The young girl'd tried to stay awake for her turn with Grandpa Jack's cock, but she was exhausted by the evening's long sex party. She was sleeping like a baby and in a few moments, so was Grandpa Jack.
The next morning dawned cloudy but warm, not that anyone at the campsite saw the dawn. They all slept in and it was closer to lunchtime than breakfast when everyone was finally moving around. After a quick brunch, Sandy and Natasha got into their big SUV and drove back into town. Neither was very happy about it.
A couple of hours later, Sandy was back with her two younger daughters, Melissa and Danielle. She stayed long enough to have a bite to eat and then got back on the road for home where she and Tasha would keep Greg company for that night.
Everyone else took the opportunity to get a nice, hot shower in the campsite's big shower stalls down at the 'Y'.
"State's gonna send you a bill...wearing ruts in the road like that, going back and forth," Grandpa Jack observed, trying to lighten the mood.
It didn't work...not even a little bit.
* * *
The clouds began to settle and thicken, becoming dark and more threatening by mid-afternoon. There was no real storm that ever broke overhead with lightning, thunder, high winds and such, but a steady drizzle began to fall and continued. It showed no sign of stopping anytime soon. Everyone took shelter in the Pearson's RV trailer initially, but even a twenty-four foot RV trailer feels crowded after a while.
Some natural pairing took place. Alicia cuddled up with Jeff and Carrie settled down on Shawn's lap and started heavy make out sessions that grew ever more steamy the longer it went on. Neither 'couple' seemed to need anyone else in the mix, so Grandpa Jack gathered Elaine, Melissa, and Danielle together and took them outside to play around a little.
It was still drizzling, but it was a very light rain, and quite warm. The visibility had closed in though. They could barely see the next campsite over, much less the 'Y' down at the mid-point of the campground. The circumference of their world was down to no more than a couple hundred yards. They were the only people in this universe, left to their own devices and able to do anything they darn well pleased.
"Can we play outside for a while, Grandpa Jack?" nine-year-old Danielle asked.
"Yeah, can we?" Melissa asked.
"In the rain?" Grandpa Jack asked? "You're going to get wet."
The three girls shrugged. "It isn't cold," they pointed out.
"Sure, go ahead," Grandpa Jack replied. The three young girls whooped and immediately organized a series of games involving running and leaping into muddy puddles, standing still as statues and faces lifted upward to capture as much rain in their mouths as possible, and a myriad of other things Grandpa Jack didn't understand as being 'fun'.
He sat at the picnic table--its high roof provided shelter from the drizzle--and watched the girls have a fine time, getting wet...and their thin T-shirts begin to plaster themselves to their bodies....
Eventually, the three little girls tired and wanted to go into Grandpa Jack's big tent.
"Grandpa Jack?" Elaine asked. "Do we have to wear these wet clothes?"
"They were just fine a few minutes ago in the rain," he teased.
"We're not outside now," Danielle explained. That made all the difference, of course.
Grandpa Jack grinned. "Nah, you don't have to keep on wearing wet stuff," he told them. The three girls looked at each other, nerving themselves for what came next. Their faces held a mixture of bashfulness and innocent wantonness. "But...," Grandpa Jack continued, "I get to take them off you, okay?"
"Okay," Elaine agreed quickly. She grinned broadly. She'd spent most of yesterday evening naked and doing forbidden, taboo things with Grandpa Jack and everyone else. Letting Grandpa Jack strip her clothes off seemed like nothing compared to last night.
The other two girls nodded their excited assent. Grandpa Jack sat on the edge of his camp bed and waited expectantly. The queen-sized, dual-chambered air mattress provided a steady platform, and it was tough enough to support Grandpa Jack's two-hundred pounds...and three young girls too.
Giggling, Elaine stepped up to the bed, stopping between Grandpa Jack's thighs. She held her arms up.
Placing his hands flat on her sides, just above her hips, he stroked the little girl's body. His hands drifted to her front and swept upward; when his fingertips brushed the lower slopes of her nearly non-existent titties, Elaine gasped and flinched away from Grandpa Jack a little.
"That didn't feel good?" he asked the almost-ten-year-old girl, smiling.
"Yes," Elaine answered shortly. She bodied back up to him.
"It does," she whispered, "but it was...."
"A little too much, all at once?" Grandpa Jack suggested. "A little too intense?"
"Yeah, that...all at once," Elaine replied absently. She was busy putting Grandpa Jack's fingers back on her young breasts under her shirt. He slid his hands out, straightened her arms and pulled the bottom hem up over her face and off her. He tossed the wet T-shirt near the zipped-up door to the tent.
Elaine stood naked in front of the older man now...struggling not to cover her breasts or groin with her hands. But it was hard...harder than just being naked with Grandpa Jack and everyone else in the darkness during last night's debauchery. It was different in the light.
Her ears grew a little pink, and she was fighting a full-fledged blush with all her might. Grandpa Jack smiled. Taking her small hands in his, he kissed her palms and put them on his own shoulders, so she'd have something to do with them.
With his own hands on her immature hips again, he drew he closer. Then his hands slipped lower and around to her backside to cup her beautifully rounded little buttocks. The little girl shuddered delicately while he kneaded her butt cheeks, squeezing them and massaging the firm globes gently. His hands slid slowly down her flanks to near her knees and slowly back up again.
"These are soooo pretty," Grandpa Jack commented. He bent his neck down to gently kiss the low mound of her left breast. He teased the BB-sized little nipple, making it swell and harden even more than his first touch had.
Elaine gasped again, but she didn't push away this time. Panting slightly, her face flushed and her eyes shut tightly, the girl-child arched her back to press her tittie more firmly against Grandpa Jack's lips. Her features registered disappointment, then delight when he shifted his oral attentions to her right breast. His right hand slid down to cup her bald young pussy.
The little girl moaned, tried to cover it with a cough, but gave up the attempt to dissemble. She gave in and whimpered aloud. Her body began to undulate slowly under Grandpa Jack's taboo ministrations, her groin humping into the palm of his hand at the same time she tried to get more of her little boobie into his mouth.
Grandpa Jack obliged her, opening his lips to circle the whole mound where a mature breast would someday be. He sucked at it for a moment, and then withdrew, but staying close enough to flick at her nipple with a naughty tongue. She groaned, throwing her slender arms around Grandpa Jack's neck to haul his mouth tight against her breast.
Grandpa Jack chuckled, loving the moment as much as did the little girl. He kissed one breast, then the other; his middle finger gently spread the two perfect hemispheres of her outer labia and pressed slowly inside. He laughed gleefully.
"You're so hot," he complimented her. "Your pussy is already getting really slickery." He drew back, retrieved his hand from her groin, and inserted his finger into his mouth. He slurped up the shiny coating of little-girl honey on his finger that he'd collected from her young cunt, smiling appreciatively at her all the while.
"Kiss?" he suggested. Elaine nodded and plastered her upper body against his once more while she twined her arms around his neck. They kissed, their lips brushed tentatively at first, then more firmly.
Grandpa Jack teased her lips open and flicked his tongue into her mouth to search out her pink little tongue and engage it in an erotic duel. When they broke, Elaine was panting hard and ready for much more...but the other two girls were getting impatient. Grandpa Jack kissed Elaine's pink lips one last time and then gently maneuvered her into sitting beside him.
He looked expectantly at the two other girls. "Who's next?" he asked quietly, working hard to maintain the erotic, willingly sexual mood in the tent. The sisters looked at each other and a consensus achieved.
Ten-year-old Melissa stepped forward, a little uncertain at first, but gaining confidence rapidly as Grandpa Jack murmured soft words into her ears while he fondled her bare chest and ribs under her T-shirt. When she seemed ready, he smiled and positioned her arms straight up to remove her shirt.
"Ooooooooo," she cooed as he drew the fabric over her head and off. Grandpa Jack smiled. She giggled, looking down at her tiny breasts and holding them in her small hands. "That felt good," she commented, "when the shirt rubbed on my nippies," she explained, grinning broadly. "Do it again!" she demanded.
Grandpa Jack laughed and substituted his hands for hers. The child stood in front of the older man, her eyes closing in contentment and a blissful expression spreading ever wider across her features as Grandpa Jack fondled her breasts.
Hers were a trifle bigger than her cousin, Elaine's, rising half an inch off her chest; light brown aureoles capped with ruby, pebble-sized, little nipples that reddened under his touch, growing harder and longer as he mouthed them and even sucked at them little. The young girl sighed expressively and inched closer to Grandpa Jack, resting her hands on his upper thighs.
"Is it okay if I take your panties off," Grandpa Jack asked. "You know, I saw your pretty little pussy the other day in the restaurant when you were finger-fucking yourself." Melissa's eyes popped open.
"I jus' didn't know we didn't have to wear panties," she said defensively. "Elaine could a' tol' me but..."
"I forgot, 'Lissa," Elaine said.
Grandpa cut off the discussion by kissing Melissa's pretty lips, breaking away...then coming back in for a deeper one. As they kissed, Grandpa Jack hooked his thumbs under the top of the young girl's panties and drew them slowly down. When they were around her ankles, he pulled back.
Melissa stepped out of her panties, supporting herself with a hand on Grandpa Jack's shoulder, and Grandpa Jack lobbed them at the growing pile of girl's clothing over by the tent's doorway. He looked the now naked Melissa over slowly, smiling the whole time.
"That sure is a beautiful pussy, sugar," he said softly. "Can I touch?" Melissa nodded. Her hand still on his shoulder, she looked down at herself, her hair hanging down in front of her face, and watched his hand as it slid down her lower belly and gently fondled her pretty pussy lips. She sucked in a deep breath when his middle finger traced the length of her slit. She crooned when his palm settled, comfortably cupping her entire groin.
Grandpa Jack slid his hand back up a trifle and lightly stroked the area just above the meeting point of her sharply defined, puffy lips with his forefinger. He cupped her mons again, smiling when he felt the moistness on his fingers. It was already beginning to seep out between her labia. He caressed her groin, then slipped his middle finger inside her a scant fraction of an inch and touched her adolescent little clitoris directly for the first time.
Melissa's body sagged, she swayed away, and then back to Grandpa Jack's hand. That kind of touching had been utterly taboo--totally forbidden--until today, but she knew deep down, she wouldn't be able to do without it from now on.
Grandpa Jack began to move his whole hand up her abdomen a short way and then back. His palm was flush against her groin and his middle finger probing into her young pussy, diving a little deeper with each stroke.
"Do you like it when I finger-fuck you," Grandpa Jack asked softly.
Melissa nodded absentmindedly, her entire focus on her groin and what Grandpa Jack was doing there.
"It's okay if we talk those words...and stuff?" nine-year-old Danielle demanded.
Grandpa Jack glanced her way over Melissa's bare shoulder and grinned. "You mean just 'cause I had my finger up inside Elaine's cunt last night, and 'cause I licked her pussy until she got off on my tongue and she sucked my cock until I came in her mouth, and I'm finger-fucking your sister now and...everything...and now you think you should be able to say naughty words too?"
"Uh-huh," Danielle said. The other two girls nodded. The irony in Grandpa Jack's voice had gone completely unnoticed and Grandpa Jack thought perhaps that was just as well. He'd never been much of a comedian anyway.
"Sure!" he said cheerfully. "I LIKE it when you do," he added.
"That's really tight," Danielle said, a wide grin splitting her face. "Fuck...cock...suck...asshole, butt, cum, pussy, cunt, prick, 'gina, dick...."
Grandpa Jack laughed. "Hey, there's no rush. You'll get around to all of them sooner or later," he said.
Turning back to Melissa, who was dancing on Grandpa Jack's probing finger now. Grandpa Jack, kissed her once more and slowly withdrew his finger from her little-girl cunt. He held his digit in the air for all to see how much little-girl juice was covering it, kissed it, and then licked as much as he could off it in one long slurp.
"Mmmmm," he said, "you taste really good too," he told the ten-year-old girl. "I'm going to love eating you girls' pussies...a lot!" he said.
And then it was nine-year-old Danielle's turn. She didn't exactly shove her sister, Melissa, out of the way, but she didn't waste any time getting in front of Grandpa Jack either.
Grinning, she held her arms up, wriggling with excitement as Grandpa Jack pulled her T-shirt off. The sylphlike young girl took the shirt from his hands and threw it at the tent entrance. She put his hands on her slim hips and pushed at them so he would pull her panties down without delay. Danielle's panties went into the growing pile of discarded clothing in the far corner of the tent.
"I want you pussy, like you did Melissa and Elaine," she told Grandpa Jack.
"Okay," Grandpa Jack agreed happily.
Slender as a reed, without being at all skinny, young Danielle shuffled closer, took Grandpa Jack's hand in hers and guided it down her body until his fingertips touched the top of her slit. Sucking in a breath, she rubbed his hand against her groin once...twice...and then a third time before leaving him to do what she already knew he could do. She put her hands on his thighs, bracing herself so she could wiggle her hips around in little circles and move back and forth in little fucking motions a girl her age wasn't supposed to be able to do.
"I want you to do lots of things to me," Danielle said cheerfully, "with me, I mean," she added. "Lots of nasty...fucky...things with me, okay?" She danced from foot to foot, too consumed with excitement to remain still.
Grandpa Jack grinned, delighted with the lusty little wanton. "Count on it," he said emphatically. The little girl beamed.
"Hey, don't you want to take off your clothes too?" Melissa asked suddenly.
"Well, I was wondering if...." Grandpa Jack answered with a smile, "...maybe I could get some help with that...maybe?" he asked.
The three girls were on him in an instant, tugging his T-shirt over his head and working at the buckle of his belt. They got that solved quickly and then undid the fastening of his cargo shorts. Without any ceremony, the girls pushed him flat of his back on the camp bed to take his shorts off. Melissa and Danielle saw his hard-on for the first time since Saturday and for the first time close-up. They paused, examining it.
"I licked Grandpa Jack's cock last night," Elaine said proudly. "And I...sucked, uh, sucked him off...and he cummed...he came in my mouth and I swallowed all his cum too," she told the two sisters.
"No way!" Melissa said.
"Did too!"
"Really?" The last was directed at Grandpa Jack.
"Really!" he affirmed.
"Did a fine job of it too," he added, smiling at the nine-year-old girl who'd done exactly what she said last night. Elaine smiled triumphantly.
"Well, I can do it today, right, Grandpa Jack?" Melissa asked. Grandpa Jack nodded happily, his mind filled with a vision of naked, nubile young nymphettes queuing up for the chance to get their mouths filled with hot grandpa cum.
"And me too, right?" Danielle asked, just to fill in the short silence. She was grinning nastily. She already knew the answer.
"Absolutely," Grandpa Jack replied cheerfully.
The girls yanked his cargo shorts down to his ankles, slung his flip-flops into a corner of the tent, and Danielle tossed the shorts onto the pile of clothing at the tent flap. All four were suddenly stark naked and there was a moment while the girls adjusted to the sight of a full-grown nude male in their midst.
Grandpa Jack was pretty sure he understood. He looked at Danielle and Melissa. "Last night, did your Dad...?"
They shook their heads. "We thought he was going to, but he didn't," Danielle complained.
"Well, have your brothers...uh...?"
"Fucked us?" nine-year-old Danielle responded with a deliciously wicked grin on her lips.
Grandpa Jack nodded.
"No," Melissa sighed. "But we play with ourselves all the time and put some things inside us."
The other two girls nodded their heads in agreement.
"But they're just boys anyway," Elaine interjected. "We want to get fucked by a man, right?" She looked around at the other two girls crowding around Grandpa Jack.
"Yes," Danielle said tersely. "We want you to fuck us," she added, smiling into Grandpa Jack's face.
And then her expression turned distressed.
"What's wrong, honey," Grandpa Jack inquired.
The girl was silent for a moment. "I have to go PEE!" she finally announced, "but I don't want to go all the way up to the bathroom. It's too far!!" she complained, thoroughly dismayed.
The campground had excellent bathroom and shower facilities in the building down at the 'Y' where the campground road split to wind its way along the dry bottom where there'd once been a creek, but the bathrooms were a long way off...many long...wasted...minutes away, in Danielle's mind.
"Well...let me see...," Grandpa Jack said. He got up from the camp bed and took the two short paces that was the distance to the zipped flap of the tent opening. He peered out, but there was little to be seen through the 'no-see-um' mesh over the window. Shrugging, he unzipped the tent flap and stepped over the coaming into the deep grass outside.
The blood-warm sprinkle had continued unabated the whole time they'd been inside; in fact, the mist might have even closed in a bit. Beyond the next campsite over, there was nothing visible...and even the metal cover built over that relatively nearby picnic table and the table itself were indistinct silhouettes behind the shroud of drizzle.
He considered. It was too early for Old Jim to make his rounds, there still weren't any other campers at the campground, and they'd surely be able to hear if anyone came over the old bridge a couple hundred yards up the main park road.
"Come on," he said, motioning the three naked sprites out of the tent and into the late afternoon. The mist was warm on their skins without a breeze to make things too cool. Grandpa Jack looked around and found what he was looking for.
Ignoring his nudity, he strode confidently back to the line of brush that was the rear border of the campsite. When he stopped, the three girls came up beside him, all three a little less self-assured than he. Spreading his feet, he took his cock in hand and pointed his body at the slender stump of a long dead sapling protruding only a few inches out of the ground.
"Grandpa Jack!" Melissa squealed, more than a little scandalized. "You're going to pee out here...where everyone can see?" she asked.
Grandpa Jack looked at her. "Okay...I know we shouldn't do it for health reasons and when we might be seen by somebody," he said, "but the rain's going to wash everything away in a couple of minutes, you know. So we can get by with it for now," he ended.
"' 'Sides...," he said slowly, "...I know you're just mad 'cause I can pee standing up and aim it where I want to!" he avowed. Concentrating, because it wasn't easy to pee with the half hard-on he still had, he shot out a stream of piss that splashed on the top of the stump.
The girls watched, looked back at Grandpa Jack and then all around. There wasn't anyone to see them...and Grandpa Jack had actually done what he'd said he was going to do.
"Hah!" Danielle quipped. She pranced near the stump and did a slow back bend. With the palm of her hands and souls of her feet the only parts of her on the ground, she arched her back in a position that only limber young females can attain.
While Melissa and Elaine watched with quiet fascination, Danielle steadied herself, adjusted her line of sight...upside down...and sent a stream of faintly steaming urine streaming through the air toward the stump. She dropped from her hands to her elbows and tried again, this time sending a strong stream up and across a yard and a half of green grass onto the stump.
"YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEEE," the nine-year-old crowed, scrambling to her feet when the flow ended. "See?" she asked Grandpa Jack derisively. "Girls can too pee standing up...sorta." She laughed.
The other two girls were suddenly preoccupied with doing back stands and approximating Danielle's earlier position. It took some doing and Grandpa Jack found it hysterical. He laughed long and loud. Then he noticed he was getting some pussy shots like he'd never seen before. He was enthralled.
"Can you do it again?" Danielle asked. She was abruptly close enough to hug Grandpa Jack around the waist.
"Uh-huh," Grandpa Jack replied. "And I'm going to do it right...."
"Can I aim mean...aim your thing?" Danielle asked quickly, grinning up at him impishly.
"Sure," Grandpa Jack replied. This wasn't the first time a female wanted to his peeing cock.
Anyway, concentrating again, doing multiplication tables to ignore slender, girlish fingers cradling his prick, Grandpa Jack forced a long stream of pee out of his bladder that spouted up through the air toward the old stump. Danielle giggled the whole time; she was visibly disappointed when he was finished.
"Hey!" Elaine complained indignantly. "That's no fair," she said. "I didn't get to...."
"Another time...." Grandpa Jack told her. "There's only so much I can hold, ya know?"
Elaine and Melissa snorted disdainfully, almost in unison.
Grandpa Jack turned and walked to the back end of the RV trailer and took the extension hose from the faucet in his hands, spraying the lukewarm water over his genitals. He soaped up, then rinsed while all three girls washed themselves.
He sprayed a stream of warm water from the narrow hose over the giggling girls' groins. They pranced around in tight circles, rubbed up against each other and generally thoroughly enjoyed getting clean.
* * *
Back in the tent and out of the drizzle, Grandpa Jack took some towels from his big duffle bag and carefully patted each little girl dry. His special attention to hidden nooks and crannies soon had them squirming excitedly. Then he used the air pump to blow up another, twin-sized, air mattress. The electric motor on the thing was an aggravating whine, but it was quick. The area between his queen-size camp bed and the front flap was covered by part of a cheap eight-by-ten area rug and it was in the middle of that where Grandpa Jack put the newly blown-up air mattress.
When he had everything situated the way he wanted it, he took a bottle of scented oil from the duffle and motioned Melissa down on the small air mattress on her face. He straddled her, one knee on either side of her young hips. He poured a little of the oil on his hands and began to massage the young girl's upper back. He spread the oil downward, gently stroking, caressing and massaging as he went.
Melissa started out giggling at the smooth contact of Grandpa Jack's hands; by the time he reached the small of her back, she was purring.
The oil had a very faint coconut scent that was a pleasant backdrop to the process. It was also advertised as having pheromones mixed in and it may well have. For sure, when Grandpa Jack began kneading and stroking her butt cheeks, both he and Melissa were more than a little aroused.
Grandpa Jack didn't even try to pretend it was platonic. The oil was an excellent lubricant and he massaged in generous quantities into the young girl's pussy lips from behind...and then, to all the girls' surprise, he worked some into the cleft of her ass-cheeks and into the little pink rosette of her anus.
Melissa began crooning soft words no one understood.
Grandpa Jack worked all the way down the little girl's body, massaging her slender thighs and shapely calves before giving her probably the first foot massage of her life. As he worked his way back up, his hard cock dragged along part of her left calf. Grandpa Jack was inspired when she involuntarily sucked in a deep gulp of air. He settled himself a little lower, letting the underside of his penis barely contact the little girl's satiny skin as he knee-walked up her body.
When the head of his cock reached her buttocks, he slid to the center line of her body, pressed his cock lower and put it carefully between her thighs. He let it rest there for a second. Without making a big deal of it, he set the glans against her ass hole and pressed gently in for just a moment. Melissa didn't move a muscle during the whole process.
"Turn over, honey," he told her and she moved quickly to lay on her back with Grandpa Jack still straddling her young body. She didn't smile, but her face was full of excited anticipation.
Grandpa Jack bent over and cupped a hand to pour more oil into it. Letting his lower body settle until the head of his cock barely contacted her outer labia, he dribbled the oil over her young breasts and began to work it around. Melissa moaned, closing her eyes and wriggling with pleasure.
The erotic massage was a it was with Elaine a few minutes later, and with the youngest, Danielle, still later. When he'd given them all a warming massage, their eyes were alight with an inner fire that turned Grandpa Jack on even more.
"Lay down," Melissa told him succinctly.
"Hmmmm?" he said. "Oh!" It seemed he was to get a massage of his own.
For the next twenty minutes or so, three sets of petite hands spread oil all over his body, massaging, stroking, and exploring everything. Grandpa Jack found himself holding his breath when small oil-covered fingers probed his anus. He let them, trying to loosen his sphincter and one slender finger sank almost all the way in.
"Sometimes...." he said softly, "you can do that and find what they call the prostate gland.
"Okay...," the girls whispered quietly.
"And if you find can move your finger around a little...ahhh, there it is...careful, okay." He waited a moment. "Anyway...if you find it and gently massage it when a guy cums, it makes everything even better for the guy," he told them.
The finger rubbed gently for a moment, then was pulled out.
Grandpa Jack was surprised when another was immediately inserted, explored, and retrieved...and then a third one slipped inside. Grandpa Jack's cock was hard enough to pound railroad spikes.
"Use that hand sanitizer on the camp stool, there, girls...yeah that," Grandpa Jack told them. "Use the brown rag...we'll wash it later."
The trio of naked masseuses worked up to his shoulders and kneaded the muscles, delicately at first and then with more energy when it became clear they weren't going to hurt him. Then they had him turn over. By the time three little girls had rubbed scented oil into every square inch of his body, Grandpa Jack was more than ready to begin the next phase of the party he'd organized for this afternoon.
The giggling girls had all squatted over his cock at one point or another, and rubbed their oil-soaked pubes up and down the length of his cock, then around and around on his chest too. There wasn't any expertise in the process, but it was damned stimulating.
When it came time for a break, Grandpa Jack lay there on his back with his thighs partially spread and the three girls around him, patting and stroking whatever area they were nearest. The massage oil was nearly all absorbed into the group's skins. They were all quite comfortable, ready for whatever came next.
Elaine got up and brought four Pepsis from the cooler in the corner back to the group and they lay against each other, relaxing and stimulating each other simultaneously.
"How about," Grandpa Jack said quietly, "one of you crawl on top of ol' Grandpa Jack and park your cute little pussy right up here where I can eat a little pussy, whatcha think?"
"I'm first," Melissa squealed.
"I'm second," Danielle called.
"I'm third," Elaine said, more quietly than the other two. Grandpa Jack looked to make sure she wasn't pouting, but she looked strangely content. She smiled at Grandpa Jack contentedly.
"Can we kiss first?" Melissa demanded. She was straddling Grandpa Jack's body, standing over his hips, so he had a fine view of her beautiful pussy. The sheen of little-girl juices was already beginning to seep through her tight outer labia.
"Sure thing," he replied, albeit a little absentmindedly. He was a trifle distracted by the view.
In his current state, though, he'd have agreed to almost anything that wasn't outright painful, but as it happened, he liked kissing too.
He'd forgotten these three girls probably hadn't gotten their first kiss from a boyfriend yet...and kissing was just as much an unknown thrill as him touching their private parts. The kissing they'd done earlier hadn't nearly been enough.
For the next five minutes or so, Melissa lay flat out on Grandpa Jack's body, instinctively wiggling her ass every once in a while and Grandpa Jack couldn't help but push the glans of his cock up toward her sopping wet pussy lips. Once or twice, he actually made a little contact, but their differences in height made anything else totally impossible.
For now, Grandpa Jack and Melissa explored the techniques of holding one's head at just the right angle, how to not bump noses, how to make one's lips meet another's in a kiss that wasn't too wet...all the things a young girl finds fascinating and exciting. From there they progressed to how to flick one's tongue at another's, how to duel with that other one, and generally, just thoroughly enjoy everything about an erotic kiss.
"Now I want to kiss you somewhere else, okay?" Grandpa Jack told the ten-year-old finally. Melissa nodded silently. "Scoot your little butt up on my chest, here," he said quietly, smiling. When she got herself sorted out and was half-squatting, half-sitting on his upper chest, Grandpa Jack planted little butterfly kisses up the length of one of her labia and down the other.
The little girl sighed, then converted it to a moan when the intensity of the feelings emanating from her groin increased. "This is already better than with...." she began.
"Mmmmm?" Grandpa Jack asked. "You mean with your brother or, was it Jeff?" he asked, divining the background of the ten-year-old girl's comment.
"Jeff," Melissa answered haltingly. She sat back on Grandpa Jack's chest so she could see his face. "Saturday, at the...well, you know, where we saw you and your granddaughters...?"
"Ahhhh," Grandpa Jack said understandingly. "Well, honey, remember Jeff and Shawn are learning as they go, just like you and Danielle and Elaine, right? They probably didn't even know the word 'foreplay' before they got in the RV with my granddaughters last night." He grinned, envisioning the scene between the inexperienced boys and his headstrong granddaughters.
Melissa nodded.
Grandpa Jack chuckled for a moment. "Don't you just know Shawn and Jeff are getting an education right now?" he asked the trio of young girls." He laughed aloud. "I'll bet," he said, "they're learning fast...and the next time you do anything with them, they're going to know a lot, lot more. They'll know where to put things and how to hold you and...well, just know tons more."
"That's good," Danielle said from the background. "Last night even, Jeffy didn't act like he...well, it'll be better now, right?"
"Oh, I think you can count on it, sugar," Grandpa Jack replied. "Now, 'Lissa, bring that luscious pussy back down here where I can reach it," he told his giggling lover.
She did and Grandpa Jack quickly divided her hot slit with his tongue and swathed a hot, wet path from bottom to top. The young girl's breath hissed in between her teeth and a tremor shook her from her shoulders down to her knees.
"Unnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngh!!" she groaned, tossing her head back and pooching her pussy a little closer to Grandpa Jack's tongue. Using his thumbs to gently divide the two lobes of her pussy, Grandpa Jack teased her prepuce with the tip of his tongue, trying to coax her little nubbin of a clitoris to come out from behind the shielding hood. Melissa's body quaked again.
"Oooooooooooo," she cooed. Her lower body began to squirm about the fulcrum point of her little clitty and Grandpa Jack's tongue tip. He changed his attack and sent his tongue diving as deep as he could get it inside to her inner labia and explored the sensitive tissues there. Melissa yelped, recoiling a whole inch before she mashed her pussy right back up against Grandpa Jack's mouth.
He did it again, straining to make his tongue as long as it could be, spearing into the heated hole where her hymen used to be. Briefly, he wondered how the ten-year-old girl had lost her cherry and reminded himself to ask sometime.
Grandpa Jack licked up the inside of one of the girl's outer labia and then down the other. Changing directions, he did the same thing again before setting his tongue against the little fold of skin over her clitty once more. He sucked gently, urging the sensitive little bud to come out; when it did, he sucked at it before slathering his wet raspy tongue over the whole area.
He flicked the tip of his tongue at her clitty, sucked at it...then his mouth was flooded with little-girl juices and young Melissa was pushed over the top as a hot, jerking orgasm went off inside her. Feeling as if firecrackers were popping off inside her, the young girl shuddered, froze, trembled again and arched her back to an impossible angle and hung there quivering, until she collapsed backward. She lay there, her buttocks on Grandpa Jack's ribcage and her head at his knees, gasping for breath.
"Grandpa Jack does that real good, huh," Elaine inquired from close beside Melissa's right side.
Melissa nodded. She tried to smile, but she was suddenly very lethargic. Warm feelings swept over her and she reached out to Elaine for a hug. The two girls stayed there for a long moment while Melissa recovered.
"Grandpa Jack?" Melissa asked.
"Are 'Licia and Carrie teaching Shawn and Jeff to do that?"
Grandpa Jack laughed shortly. "I'm pretty sure they are, 'cause they really like it," he answered.
"Good," Melissa said. A beatific little smile covered her features. Elaine helped her cousin up and guided her to a seat on Grandpa Jack's camp bed. Both little girls sat there, expectantly waiting for the next performance up in the floorshow.
* * *
Danielle was a human dynamo, always moving at high speed from place to place, squealing her way through whatever had captured her interest at any given moment, and seeming to have an unlimited reservoir energy. She gave Melissa time to get off Grandpa Jack's chest, but only just, and practically leaped on top of the older man in undisguised.
"Yes?" Grandpa Jack inquired when the nine-year-old deposited her butt on his upper chest, splayed her legs wide and scooted closer, the better to receive what she knew was about to come.
"My turn," she answered sweetly, a mischievous, wicked little grin on her face.
"Do you want to eat my widdle pussy," she asked, adopting a five-year-old's innocent expression and voice.
It worked; Grandpa Jack abandoned any idea of having a teasing session before settling down to playtime. He laughed.
"I sure am," he told the young girl. "Are you ready?"
Grandpa Jack attacked the beautiful widespread slit with a long lapping stroke up and down the tight opening.
"OH, SHIT!!" Danielle gasped. Her slim thighs slammed shut around Grandpa Jack's ears and shot open again just as quickly.
"Sorry--sorry--sorry," she babbled, probably not even really aware of what she was apologizing for anymore than anyone else did. Her libido had been slammed into high gear!
"Do me, do me, do me, do me," she blathered on. The deep gratification she got from Grandpa Jack's oral ministrations was almost too much for the young girl. Danielle instinctively kept trying to pull back to relieve the intensity, but just as intuitively, her groin pushed back harder; her legs spread even wider so she could get more.
Grandpa Jack added to the young girl's torment by using a hand to tweak one little boobie and then the other. Danielle's boobies were like bee-stung, rounded and swollen little peaks. The walnut-sized bumps looked hard and perhaps too firm, rising as they did so abruptly from her slim torso. It was an illusion...they were actually softness made flesh.
Danielle's eyes bulged a little and she arched her back, snapping her body forward for a closer contact with Grandpa Jack's fingers and tongue. The nine-year-old's breast buds were super sensitive. Grandpa Jack stroked them in turn, massaged them--rolling them around under his palm, and lightly pinching them while still working hard on her sopping wet little cunt.
It didn't take very long. In a few minutes, Danielle's groin was bouncing off Grandpa Jack's chin every time his tongue slathered around her tiny nubbin of a clitty.
She came hard, screwing her features up into monstrous faces of intense pain/pleasure and jerking about in a frenzy. When she was done, she was exhausted and her body suddenly had all the strength of a strand of spaghetti. Grandpa Jack's hands propped her pretty upright and helped her to lean over to her left where the other two girls rolled her off Grandpa Jack.
"Wow! Oh...Grandpa Jack...ohhhhhhhh...Wow!" was all Danielle could say, and she kept saying it, using it as a mantra to show her thanks for what had been done to her. Gradually, her breathing, pulse rate, and her incantations slowed. She came back to the others in the tent.
"WOW!!!" she said brightly, looking around at everyone. "That was fun!" she told them, as if neither one really knew yet.
Grandpa Jack wiped off his face. The squirming youngster had spread the honey from her vagina all over his features. He worked as much as he could into his mouth, smacking his lips appreciatively all the while. "You three sure do make a lot of girl juice!" he commented with a smile. "Whew! And my goodness, do you ever taste fine!" he added.
The quartet of taboo lovers were silent for a space, enjoying their closeness and the extra bond between them created by the licentious acts they'd engaged in throughout the afternoon. Grandpa Jack reached out to the three girls sitting on the camp bed beside the air mattress where he still lay, quietly stroking their bare legs from ankle to as high as he could reach.
"'s my turn," Elaine said quietly. It was a pronouncement more than a reminder. Rising from her seat on the camp bed, she clambered up on the big air mattress and stepped astride Grandpa Jack's body. She posed there a moment, relishing the look in Grandpa Jack's eyes as looked up at her plump labia. He could see a sheen of little-girl juice on Elaine's outer lips that was dribbling down her inner thighs.
Elaine smiled mischievously. " 'Member when I got up on the picnic table and sat down in front of you last night?" she asked Grandpa Jack.
He nodded. He remembered it very well, as a matter of fact.
"Well...." she continued, "what I really wanted was for you to...fuck me like you just did Tasha," Elaine told him.
"Oh! I...well, I'm just as sorry as I can be, sugar," Grandpa Jack replied earnestly. "I thought...."
"It's okay," the almost-ten-year-old girl responded quickly. She didn't blame Grandpa Jack. "It was really, really good anyway," she told him, smiling fondly down at the older man. " already licked me last night, so now...."
Apparently the time had come for the next step.
Grandpa Jack had to take a deep breath. He'd been having sex with his twin granddaughters for three years, but they'd started slow and worked their way up to taking his cock. And that had been a more private thing too. What he was about to do was out in the middle of a public campground, and with small girls he really didn't know.
He'd watched them take cunnilingus from Jeff on Saturday, and he'd eaten Elaine's pussy last night, but the only penetration these girls admitted to was playing with themselves and some exploration with brush handles and the like...well, that and his questing finger sometime earlier.
This was a big step for them, and for Grandpa Jack too.
Elaine sat carefully across Grandpa Jack's upper thighs and took his hard cock in both her small hands. Delicately, she began sliding her fists down his cock shaft and then back up. She watched as the turnip-shaped crown appeared when the foreskin was stretched downward and then re-covered on the upstroke. Then she moved his glans against her outer labia.
The first touch of her smooth pussy lips against his cock began the process of coating him with her lubricating juices, and his pre-cum began to flow almost as quickly. Elaine lifted up a half inch, wormed around a little, then lowered herself again.
Most of his glans was buried between the girl's puffy outer lips when she edged upward again. Grandpa Jack felt the tightness of the opening of her vagina kiss the very tip of his penis.
When she carefully slipped down again, Grandpa Jack felt the delicious constriction begin anew. He slid in a few fractions of an inch as Elaine dropped down a little more. Then a little more. He could feel Elaine's entrance stretching--relaxing as her body accustomed itself to the invasion of her most private place. Elaine rose on her knees, flexing her muscles, then let herself fell slowly--and he slipped an inch...then another fraction of one inside her.
The big knob of his glans drove deeper every time the little girl's haunches dropped lower. Her vaginal secretions redoubled and Elaine's up and down motion became easier. In moments, his knob was inside the tightest constriction and before she realized it, Danielle was impaled on Grandpa Jack's hard cock.
The little girl looked down at herself, amazed she'd taken as much of his prick inside her as she had. It wasn't all the way inside her, but it mostly was.
She rose using her leg muscles, let herself drop again, testing the limit and learning just how much she could let him inside before he bumped into something inside her that hurt a little. She stretched out on top of Grandpa Jack, holding her butt up a little but making small wriggling movements that felt great.
"When you're on top," Grandpa Jack said quietly, "you're the one who has to do the real fucking, okay?"
Elaine nodded. She pulled her hips up; let them glide back down.
"Stay kind of on top of me," Grandpa Jack coached, "...maybe put your hands on the my chest...and raise your butt up, and then let it slide down again, sugar...slow...we got all day, okay? Do it slow at first until you figure it out...there ya go...mmmmmmmmmmmm, that feels great, honey."
"Me too," Elaine panted. "It...your thing is filling me up," she gasped. Her hips began to rise and fall rhythmically.
"My thing," Grandpa Jack asked in an amused tone.
Melissa and Danielle giggled.
"You mean my elbow?" Grandpa Jack asked the distracted girl.
"Your cock!" Elaine retorted. Clearly, she thought enough was enough with all the teasing.
The other three laughed happily.
With only some slight urging, Elaine began to experiment, learning how to position Grandpa Jack's cock at a new angle and how to work her hips in a fast back-and-forth movement for a minute or two until she could scarcely bear the added stimulation.
She listened when Grandpa Jack asked her to move her hips in a tiny circle around Grandpa Jack's cock so his cock seemed to swirl around her pussy lips like a long spoon in an impossibly tight bowl. She tried different paces, speeding up and slowing down, letting Grandpa Jack's cock probe deeper--then more shallow.
She found that her body had amazingly been able to accept even more of Grandpa Jack's penis and her groin began to slap wetly against the older man's underbelly. They looked each other in their lust-filled eyes and grinned nastily at each other, grinding their groins together in their wanton, animalistic rut.
"Anh-anh-anh-anh-anh-anh-anh-anh-anh-anh!!" Elaine grunted. She was slamming her cunt down on Grandpa Jack's
"ANH-ANH-ANH-ANH-ANH-ANH-ANH-ANH-ANH-ANH-ANH-ANH-ANH!!" The young girl strained, boosting the speed of her hips up a notch; she badly needed a release. Then, amazingly the dam was breaking.
When she felt Grandpa Jack's cock spray a molten gob of cum inside her...once...twice...and then a third time, Elaine's body spasmed. She turned to stone, and her legs abruptly shot straight out along Grandpa Jack's. She trembled for a timeless moment and finally collapsed bonelessly over the older man's body.
She barely felt his hands stroking her shoulders, patting her back, and hugging her close, letting her passion cool gently. She moaned. Her breathing, hard pants that had her chest heaving at first, eased and then calmed.
* * *
"Mmmmmmmmmmmm," Melissa said quietly, a little awed by what she'd seen her cousin do with Grandpa Jack. "It's my turn now?" she inquired when she could stand it no longer.
Grandpa Jack chuckled. "That okay with you, Dannie?" he asked. He brushed some of Elaine's long hair out of his face so he could see the sisters.
Danielle nodded, smiling.
Grandpa Jack's penis was suddenly cold, stripped of its sheltering little-girl pussy. It seemed Elaine had been affected by Danielle's energy...or maybe none of these girls ever moved slowly and gently.
He smiled to himself and got to his feet, intending to go wash himself off for Melissa's 'turn'.
"Where're you going?" Melissa asked curiously, seeing Grandpa Jack unzipping the tent flap.
"Gonna go clean up a little," he replied, pausing.
"How come?" Melissa asked.
"Maybe 'cause I have Elaine's juices all over me?"
Melissa shrugged. "Me and Elaine licked each other for Daddy on Sunday night," she said reasonably. "So we already tasted each other and stuff like that. I don't care if Elaine's stuff is on you," she said.
"You did each other for he could watch and get excited and stuff, huh?"
"Uh-huh," Melissa replied.
"Uh...did it work?" Grandpa Jack asked interestedly.
Melissa shrugged. "It did for Aunt Sandy but nobody else," she said, not very interested. "So...."
"So? Oh...well, okay...if it's alright with you, I guess it's alright with me," Grandpa Jack said.
"But we really need to have a talk some time about hygiene and common courtesy and stuff like that. Remind me, okay?"
The girls nodded, but Grandpa Jack didn't get a sense they were dedicating themselves to actually reminding him any time soon. He zipped the flap back up and lowered himself to the air mattress again.
"Grandpa Jack, do I have to be on top of you like Elaine?" Melissa asked, a little plaintively.
"," Grandpa Jack replied. "Whatcha got in mind?"
"You could get on top of me," Melissa said brightly. She was suddenly in motion, throwing herself flat on the air mattress and lay at attention, grinning up at Grandpa Jack. "This is what Aunt Sandy and Uncle Greg did Saturday night to show us some things," she said.
"But Uncle Greg didn't do anything to you? Or Elaine...or Danielle?" The girls all shook their heads in the negative to each offering.
"Just Aunt Sandy," Melissa said.
"You could get on top of me," she repeated, dismissing Grandpa Jack's questions about something that didn't interest her.
"Well," he said, dropping to his knees at the end of the air mattress and spread her legs, crawling up the mattress until he hovered over her, deliberately towering over her and letting his bulk intimidate the little girl. "Do you really want me hanging over you like this?" he asked.
"Sure," Melissa shot back. "Put it in and fuck me!" she told him.
Intimidated by his bulk, she was not, Grandpa Jack decided.
She wiggled close and threw her legs around his waist. Using that connection as support, she raised her groin in the air, twitched her hips from side to side, and up and down for a moment, grinning like a Cheshire cat for a bit.
"Okie dokie then," Grandpa Jack said, giving up worrying about it. He studied the young girl for a moment. Melissa was the oldest of the three girls and she even had something of a figure. There wasn't much of one, but she did have a gentle curve to her hips and round egg-sized boobies. Sturdy, a little fleshier than the other two, she looked like she would be a statuesque young woman when she grew up...and she wanted him to give it to her faster than he did Elaine.
So be it.
He grabbed a pillow from the camp bed and thrust it under the ten-year-old girl's buttocks, pulled her closer and fisted his cock, aiming it down into the young girl's pussy. The purple knob brushed her outer lips gently, and he trailed the head down the length of her slit. She hissed and adjusted her legs a little, pulling her heels up under her butt and letting her knees fall farther apart. She put her hand on his cock and pulled the older man gently.
"You want to put it inside you?" Grandpa Jack asked, not a little surprised.
"Is that okay?" she asked softly.
"You bet!" he answered. He bent over and pretended to whisper a secret to her. "Actually, I LOVE having a woman guide my cock into her cunt," he said. "And you have such pretty hands," he added.
The ten-year-old grinned up at him, holding his eyes as she carefully put the big cock in her slot with one hand, angled her groin and put her other hand on his hips. She began pulling him in bit by bit.
" can push in some too, you know," Melissa said impatiently. She lifted her knees and swung her feet around Grandpa Jack's back, clamping his body tightly so she could pull him in deeper.
"Okay, okay," Grandpa Jack retorted, laughing. "Tell me if I go too deep, okay, honey?" he said.
She nodded, fastening her hands onto his shoulders. Her leg muscles flexed, pulling her lower body up a little, then relaxed. Grandpa Jack let his body sink a short distance into Melissa's hot little-girl cunt. In a few more seconds, the girl's vagina opened up even more for him and he let his cock slide to the bottom of her velvet-like channel.
Melissa gasped, but gamely refused to back off. She squeezed down on Grandpa Jack's cock and she'd have giggled when he gasped his pleasure. She was past laughing, so she groaned when he gasped.
"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!" Melissa whined.
"We're...fucking, Grandpa Jack!" she whispered, marveling at just the IDEA she was having sex with the older man. "We're FUCKING, FUCKING, FUCKING!!"
A few seconds later, the two lovers found their way to a smooth rhythm in their fuck, gradually building momentum and intensity. The tent was once more filled with the hot, slurping noises and the aromas of a male and female engaged in steamy sex.
Grandpa Jack had to be careful not to fall full-length over the young girl when his cock geysered a fountain into little Melissa's cunt.
* * *
It wasn't so easy with young Danielle. The little sprite had just ended a growth spurt that saw her growing four inches between Halloween and Flag Day. She was slender as a reed; graceful and then clumsy by turns. She looked frail if you didn't notice her non-stop energy.
The thing was, her pussy just wasn't as big as the older girls and theirs had barely been big enough.
"If you push real hard," Danielle told Grandpa Jack through her tears, "you can get it in Mommy told me it stretches, so you can push...I promise I won't cry," she told Grandpa Jack.
"Honey, I just can't do anything that hurts you so much," Grandpa Jack said, lifting his body clear of the slim little girl.
"But...." Danielle was devastated, ready to descend into a deep crying session.
"But...." Grandpa Jack said cheerfully, "I think I know what we can do," he told the girls. He'd noticed the other two were as close to crying as Danielle.
All three girls cocked their heads and watched him move around the big camp bed to a box almost hidden by the bed's bulk. Grandpa Jack hefted it, then lifted the box and put it on the camp bed beside Elaine and Melissa.
"What's that?" Danielle inquired, interested in spite of herself.
Crawling over the camp bed rather than go around again, Grandpa Jack popped the lid off the plastic container and tossed it behind him into an unused corner. Danielle got up and shuffled closer.
"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh, I see...!!" Danielle breathed. Grandpa Jack was laying out a series of multicolored dildos and vibrators. He checked a number of the vibrators, letting each build up to a nasty whine before shutting it off again. He made a selection of four of the plastic dildoes and three vibrators.
All three girls watched raptly. In a rare moment of sharing, Natasha had shown them how to use the ersatz penises almost two years ago, so they were familiar with them...but what did Grandpa Jack have in mind. And then they saw ...
"Ahhhh, see what he's gonna do, Dannie?" Elaine asked, excitement building in her voice.
Danielle looked down at the assortment of plastic dicks in Grandpa Jack's hand.
"Ohhhh," she exclaimed. "They get bigger and bigger and...I see...Grandpa Jack is gonna put the little ones in me and then the middle ones and then...."
"Not me," Grandpa Jack interrupted. "You!" he said motioning at Elaine and Melissa.
"Huh?" the duo said blankly.
" two put on a show for Danielle and Melissa's father," he said, smiling. "How 'bout you put on a show for me too...and it'll be good for everybody 'cause you'll be helping Danielle open her pretty little pussy up at the same time, see?"
They did see. It was a game, and games are what kids are all about. They located the smallest dildo and slipped it carefully into the little girl's pussy. It actually was too small, and they quickly put it back in favor of a slightly larger one. Melissa inserted it, checked it for fit and began sawing it slowly in and out of the tiny pussy.
"How about you get your cute little puss over Danielle's head where she can taste you?" Grandpa Jack suggested quietly.
"Ohhhh," Melissa said. "Ooh, that's gonna be fun," she remarked quickly. "That okay, Dannie?"
"Sure," Danielle answered. The other girls had put on a show for their daddy the other night, just like Melissa said, and this wasn't a new thing for her have to consider. And it was fun to do it, nasty and forbidden until just last weekend. It would be even better with Melissa fucking her pussy with a dildo while Danielle tongued Melissa's. Danielle began to hum a happy little tune.
In a surprisingly short time, Danielle's pussy was handling a larger dildo, and then its matching-sized vibrator easily. Melissa and Elaine worked the devices carefully into the younger girl, with the aid of a plastic bottle of lubricant Grandpa Jack produced from the box, whenever it was necessary. They found that usually Danielle's natural lubricants, and their own spit (when they found it was fun to lick at Danielle's clitty while they fucked her with the dildos) was just fine.
At one point, Elaine noticed Grandpa Jack slowly jacking off, lying on his side on the bed, watching them. She grinned and knee-walked from the bottom of the mattress where she'd just been relieved of clitty licking chores again by Melissa.
At the side of the bed, she brushed Grandpa Jack's hands off his own organ and began to lick it all over. When she took the helmet-shaped glans completely into her mouth, she noted how Grandpa Jack sucked in his breath and closed his eyes. She let him slip from between her lips, and then did it again, giggling to herself at the way she had Grandpa Jack reacting to her for once.
Thereafter, one of the girls could be found straddled Danielle's slight body and receiving oral attention from Danielle while they dildo-fucked her cunt. The other girl was at Grandpa Jack's side, practicing their cock-sucking skills and, in Grandpa Jack's opinion, progressing quickly in their talents. He groaned every once in a while, whispering, "Ohhhh, that's good"...or he just moaned pitifully every once in a while.
And then Elaine pronounced Danielle ready for Grandpa Jack's big cock.
The other three were surprised for a moment. What they'd been doing had become a party all by itself but, after all, it was Danielle's turn to be fucked by an adult male...and she was more than ready now....
"Come up here," Grandpa Jack said, motioning Danielle to join him on the camp bed. He moved back a little to give her room. She crawled up onto the camp bed and laid down beside Grandpa Jack, looking up at him in curiosity.
"It's okay if you get on top of me like Melissa," she said brightly. "I don't mind," she added, grinning. She patted the surface of the air-filled mattress. "You won't smush me on this," she commented.
"Well, I'd try not to do that anyway," Grandpa Jack told her. "I thought we'd try something a little different, okay?"
"Okay," the nine-year-old said happily. "Now?" she added hopefully.
Grandpa Jack rolled his eyes. " smarty pants," he told her.
Instead of telling her how to get in position, Grandpa Jack pulled the little girl's slim hips toward him where he lay braced up on his right elbow. He moved her body around until he had her situated the way he wanted at an angle to his own torso. He lifted her right leg and put her foot down behind his butt--then hunched his body around and aimed his cock into her steaming young pussy sideways.
"This...," Grandpa Jack told the girls, " called a 'scissors' position."
"," Melissa remarked from the peanut gallery. "We can do that sometime too, huh, Grandpa Jack?"
"Sure...or you can get one of the boys to...."
"Oh yeah," she exclaimed. She thought for a moment. "They'll know about doing it this way now?" she asked.
Grandpa Jack laughed. "I don't know if they've gotten around to it yet," he assured Melissa. "But if not, you can teach them," Grandpa Jack told her. The little girl grinned broadly.
Danielle had grown impatient again and had reached between her legs to put Grandpa Jack's cock inside her outer labia. With the workout her pussy already received from Grandpa Jack's tongue and the assortment of dildos and vibrators that whipped her juices to a fine froth already, getting Grandpa Jack inside her was not the problem it had been before. His glans slipped through the gateway where her hymen had been and deep into the small girl's vagina without Danielle needing to pause for her body to accustom herself to his bulk.
"Wow!" Grandpa Jack commented. "That sure was easy, huh?"
Danielle nodded, grinning wide.
On his right side and her almost flat on the mattress, Grandpa Jack couldn't thrust very strongly...or deeply...but that was okay. He hesitated to pound the girl's slender frame very hard, and he could still move well enough to create the necessary stimulation.
They got to down to business.
Grandpa Jack looked down at the girl's groin, watching as his cock seemed to suck in her outer labia on his in-strokes and made them bulge obscenely on his out-strokes.
The girl was soon puffing and straining. She whipped her body around and ground her groin into Grandpa Jack's cock as much as she could. Her left hand clamped down on Grandpa Jack's right forearm and her right on the edge of the mattress. She used her left leg, her ankle against his buttocks for support to pull him tighter against her.
"Unh-unh-unh-unh-unh-unh-unh...make me cum, Grandpa Jack," the little girl whimpered.
"Anghhhhhhhh! Anghhhhhhhh! ANGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Danielle cried, begging for relief.
"Fuck me, Grandpa...fuck me GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!"
The afternoon's heated games had had their effect on the young girl and it didn't take long before she was red as a beet in the face. She shuddered her way through a nice, satisfying orgasm.
When Grandpa Jack pumped a load of pearl-gray cream into her immature love sheath, Danielle arched her back and squealed, thoroughly delighted. A second hosing of hot cum inside her baby-girl cunt had her drumming her heels on the mattress and Grandpa Jack's butt-cheeks.
A third splash of milky jism pulled a final quaking out of her...and then the girl collapsed on the mattress, exhausted. Grandpa Jack's final spewing...a thin dribble this hardly a wiggle from the girl. She just didn't have enough strength left.
She was happy though. A beatific little smile was pasted over her pink lips.
"That was sooooooooo good, Grandpa Jack," she crooned after a while, slowly working her pussy around in a circle with Grandpa Jack's cock as its center. "Did you like it?" she asked Grandpa Jack.
"Oh, God, YES!" he murmured with feeling. He looked around. "I must be the luckiest old fart on Earth," he said. "I just got to fuck three of the sexiest, cutest, horniest girls in the world this afternoon," he said.
The girls glowed.
"But now," Grandpa Jack continued, "we REALLY need to go clean up down at the showers and then get some supper or somethin'. I are honnnnnngry!"
The girls giggled, and accepted his judgment on the subject. They grabbed some clean T-shirts and flip-flops from the RV trailer and trotted beside Grandpa Jack down to the showers. The rain had ended while they were preoccupied in the tent and the sun was shinning, though low on the horizon.
They didn't bother putting clothes on. Technically, going down there nude was taking a chance but realistically, they'd hear any vehicle climbing the last rise and then rumbling over the old bridge before coming into sight long before the girls and Grandpa Jack would be in jeopardy.
"I'm sorry you have to use all those dildos and vibrators and stuff before you can have Grandpa Jack inside you," Melissa solicitously said to her sister as they neared the shower building.
"Me too," Elaine said.
"I'm not!" Danielle shot back. "I love having stuff in me! It makes me cum more times from those things and then I get to have Grandpa Jack's big cock inside my cunt."
She pushed open the door to the restrooms and made her way inside.
Elaine and Melissa stopped in their tracks. "Hey! That's not fair...." they tried to protest.
Grandpa Jack refused to validate their complaints and they couldn't get anything more from Danielle but a happy smirk.
Grandpa Jack was handing out cereal bowls and spoons, setting out boxes of cereal, milk, orange juice, sugar and other breakfast necessities. The new day dawned warm and sunny and the early morning sun felt good against Grandpa Jack's and the three girls' naked skins. They decided against putting on their clothes until they absolutely had to and would rely once more on hearing engine noises and the loud rumble of wheels on the bridge over the dry creek to warn them. The girls would have plenty of time to pull on their T-shirts and Grandpa Jack his cargo shorts.
The three girls were happily reliving yesterday and last night's naughty games and sexual experimentation as they ate. They laughed and tickled each other, shooting glances at Grandpa Jack as he worked to get breakfast on the table, noting that his penis was only semi-erect much of the time. When Danielle reached out to pat it though, it almost snapped to attention. All three girls cracked up at the sight. Grandpa Jack sniffed disdainfully.
As Grandpa Jack poured milk into cereal filled bowls, Danielle had a brainstorm. "Grandpa Jack?" she asked innocently. "Would you be mad if I asked you to do something for me?"
"I doubt it," Grandpa Jack replied. "What is it you want me to do?" He sat down beside the little girl and prepared to spoon some sugar onto his bowl of raisin bran.
"Stand right here...beside me?" Danielle said, "...please?"
Having just sat down, Grandpa Jack wasn't exactly inclined to stand...but the young girl beamed a winning smile at him. Who could resist? He worked his legs back out the gap between the tabletop and bench seat and stood up beside the nine-year-old girl.
"Okay...what now?" he asked.
Young Danielle promptly took his cock in her right hand and pulled lightly, urging Grandpa Jack closer to the picnic table. With one knee on the bench, he stopped. Danielle aimed the little slit in the head of his cock directly at the little girl's bowl of cereal.
"Would you please cum in my cereal...please, Grandpa Jack?" she asked beaming an innocently wanton smile up at him. "Please?"
"Ahhhh...I...are you sure you want me to do that? It'll get cold really fast and...."
Danielle nodded enthusiastically. She nudged the bowl of varicolored breakfast cereal bits a little closer to the edge. She began jacking him off carefully.
The touch of the little girl's small hand on his cock, her slender fingers curled around his shaft while she jacked him off, made it almost impossible to resist cumming...but he tried, just for the sake of enjoying the visual stimulation a little bit longer. In just a couple of minutes, a spurt of milky-white cum shot from his cock and splashed into Danielle's cereal bowl. The blob of cum landed on a pile of colorful cereal bits.
"Thank you, Grandpa Jack!" Danielle chortled. She released her hold on Grandpa Jack's penis and turned away to try out her new culinary creation. She poured from the milk container and spooned up a mouthful. "Mmmmmmmmmm!! That's good," she said, grinning, opening her mouth wide to show Grandpa Jack a mouthful of cereal laced with cum and milk.
"Now me!" Melissa demanded. She was abruptly at his side and reaching for his cock. "Cum in my cereal," she instructed him. Instinctively, she made a milking motion with her hand on his cock while holding her bowl under the head of his cock. It worked. Another gush of jism squirted out, splattering over her cereal to mix with the milk.
"Want some, Elaine?" Melissa inquired, considerately.
"Yes, thank you," Elaine replied politely, holding her bowl up for her share of the newly discovered sauce. Grandpa Jack hadn't seen her come up either, but there she was.
Melissa turned Grandpa Jack's cock, and body, to face Elaine and unclamped her fingers from around his cock. He came almost immediately, sending another fountain of cum out into a third cereal bowl. Melissa milked his cock, trying for still one more into her bowl, and a final dribble into Elaine's.
"All done?" Melissa asked Grandpa Jack. Without waiting for a reply, she placed her bowl down on the tabletop and bent low to take Grandpa Jack's cock into her mouth, licking him clean and dry before she let him go. When she finished, she rose briskly and went back to her seat and dug enthusiastically into her cereal.
"That's gooooood, Grandpa Jack," Elaine complimented the bemused older male. "I like the way you taste in the morning," she added, grinning a saucy, wicked smile at him.
Grandpa Jack sat down on the bench beside Danielle again, still half-erect and more than a little aroused by the indecency of the act just completed. With the three girls wolfing down their breakfast in a matter-of-fact manner, Grandpa Jack was left with little to do but start in on his raisin bran.
"Now, that was seriously nasty," Alicia remarked. She and Carrie had come out of the RV trailer just moments before, just in time to watch the obscene ritual going on at the picnic table. They stood on the grass just below the doorway's bottom step and contemplated the scene.
"Yeah," Carrie replied. "How come we never thought of doing that?" she asked her twin.
Alicia considered the question for a small space. "Well, when we were camping with Mom and Dad, we couldn't even try to do it," she offered.
"I thought a' that," Carrie replied unhappily, "but we really...we've had lots of breakfasts with Grandpa Jack at his house when Mom and Dad weren't there and we coulda done it then...we just didn't think of it," she concluded.
"Yeah," Alicia agreed reluctantly. She studied the three young girls at the picnic table. "You know, it could be a real good thing we ran into the Pearsons and everybody at the restaurant, huh?"
Carrie nodded her assent. She looked back up the steps at Jeff and Shawn peering around the door casing at what was going on.
"Guys," she said in an almost threatening tone, "I hope you're ready to feed me and Alicia breakfast!"
She and Alicia marched purposefully toward the picnic table, drawing the boys along by their already stiff penises. The boys couldn't control their grins.
"I'm sorry we can't give you anything for your cereal," Danielle said to Grandpa Jack. She patted his forearm in consolation.
Grandpa Jack nearly choked. His cock went from nearly flaccid to diamond hard in not quite a second and a half. "Oh yeah?" he said to the little girl. "Actually...well, have you ever heard of a G-spot orgasm?" he asked.
"Huh-uh," she answered. "What's that?"
He began discussing details, ways and means...and a timetable...for practical demonstrations later on. As it turned out, he was barely able to finish his breakfast before the girls hauled him away to get started on the next phase of their sexual awakening.
* * *
Sandy appeared in mid-morning, looking tired and frustrated, as did Natasha.
Natasha tapped her brother, Shawn, on the arm, caught his hand in hers and disappeared with him inside the RV. They closed the door behind them because they'd seen Old Jim inside the campground, beginning his work day by cleaning out the showers and restroom facilities as he always did. The campground was empty except for this one site though, and Grandpa Jack had made sure the kids were all responsible campers, so Old Jim's chores would be light this whole week long...meaning he wouldn't have much reason to spend over here, getting in the way.
Grandpa Jack timed the interval between hearing Sandy's SUV rumble over the old planks on bridge and he now had a good time on how long the group had to get decent, should they hear someone coming. Actually, it was longer than he'd expected, more than three minutes from the time sound of the motor noises drifted into the campground until the SUV negotiated the old bridge and turned. Timing the kids getting into shorts and T-shirts, it was clear they'd have almost two minutes to spare on any surprise visit.
Sandy sat at the table, downing orange juice in a big tumbler. "He'll fuck me senseless," she told Grandpa Jack, "but he won't touch Tasha, even though he's already had her, and he won't even think about having sex with the other girls." She took a long gulp. "I'll find something though," she said. "Maybe I won't let him have any until he takes Melissa and Danielle, or something...."
Grandpa Jack was sympathetic and disturbed by turns. Greg Pearson's refusal to join in the new sexualization of his family could wreck everything. But, as Sandy said more than once, he was clearly aroused by his young daughters and their cousin, Elaine, but he just wouldn't give in.
"So, who's going to go in with you tonight?" Carrie asked casually from behind Grandpa Jack. She'd come up to the picnic table, stealthy in her bare feet.
"Oh...I don't know," Sandy replied grumpily. "I'll figure that out after lunch," she added.
"Well...Carrie said carefully, " and Alicia were thinking," she offered tentatively.
Sandy's head came around and Grandpa Jack craned his head back and around to look at his granddaughter...granddaughters, plural, actually, because Alicia was suddenly there too.
"We figured maybe you might take me and Alicia back to...uh...keep Mr. Pearson company for tonight," Carrie said slowly. "Maybe since he saw Grandpa Jack fuck us hard at the restaurant and so he knows we aren't...uh...fragile?...or whatever, then he'll go ahead and do us," she told the silent adults.
Sandy was immediately intrigued by the offer. She faced Grandpa Jack directly with hope on her face. "What do you think?" Sandy asked.
"Well...I...give me a second," Grandpa Jack answered. He'd taken on the responsibility for the girls' safekeeping from their parents and this surely wasn't what his daughter and her husband had in mind...but neither was what he'd been doing with his granddaughters for three years, or this camping trip with the Pearsons.
"Your husband isn't a serial killer we just haven't heard about is he?" he asked Sandy, smiling to take out the sting in the words.
She chuckled. "No, Greg isn't inclined to anything confrontational," she answered. "He's just a genuinely nice guy who's afraid he's going to hurt someone, or scar them for life." She looked at the twins appraisingly.
"You know," she mused, "this may just be what the doctor ordered!"
"Okay, let's go with it," Grandpa Jack said, making a snap decision. After all, he'd fucked three little girls all day yesterday whose guardians hadn't been around either...and all of them were younger than Alicia and Carrie.
"Cool!" Carrie and Alicia said in unison. They glanced at each other.
"Uh...Mrs. Pearson...?" Alicia asked.
"Sandy!" the woman shot back.
"Sandy...," Alicia said smoothly, "do we have to wait until after lunch to leave, 'cause we need to go by Grandpa Jack's place and pick up some things...and we might need to buy some things too," she added.
She looked into Grandpa Jack's questioning eyes and whispered, "The Egyptian costumes!"
"Ohhhhhhhhhhhh...," he breathed, understanding instantly.
"Tasha had a costume," Alicia said defensively, "so we thought we could just...."
"I got it," Grandpa Jack said nodding in understanding.
Alicia was referring to a set of costumes the girls had acquired after seeing a movie where the opening scenes showed a young woman, clearly intended to be an Egyptian princess, was seen striding through an ancient room toward a lover hidden behind screen stage right.
The 'costumes' his granddaughters were thinking of had actually started out as 'I Dream Of Jeanie' Halloween costumes. Originally designed for a pair of young Thai sisters for an adult party, the costume store had been stuck with them when the sisters couldn't make the final payment. The store had been willing to sell the outfits for a song since they were too small for most adult women. The manager hadn't known who Grandpa Jack was buying them for.
Made of a gossamer thin fabric, the costumes were a yellow-gold color with a short 'jacket' and matching pants. The top was a vest with a dark, velvet-like material around the hem. The velvet's purpose seemed to be to add some weight to the garment to keep the right and left halves in place. A delicate gold chain kept the vest closed.
The 'harem pants' bottoms to the outfit were of the same color and design as the tops. There was strip of velvet at the waist, backed with a band of elastic material to cling to Alicia and Carrie's slim hips and prevent the pants from coming off...before they wanted them to. Perfectly good panties of gold satin had been supplied with the costumes from the shop, but the twins had tossed them in the trash long ago.
No part of the diaphanous costumes hid anything whatsoever of the young girls' bodies, so there'd never been any chance of them wearing them out on Halloween, but that hadn't dampened the fun Grandpa Jack and his granddaughters had fantasizing about such an evening out.
Grandpa Jack laughed out loud, grinning at the twins.
"Okay," he said, sobering up for a moment of planning. "You've got the outfits...and the wigs...what'd we do with that costume jewelry stuff, you remember?"
"Grandpa Jack...," Alicia said in that warning tone youngsters use when grownups intrude into their affairs unnecessarily.
"Okay, okay," he said, throwing up his hands in surrender. "I just thought, maybe...."
Carrie relented after a moment. "We know where all of it is," she informed her grandfather, "and we thought Mrs....uh...Sandy could help us put on some makeup like the 'Gyptians wore and stuff like that."
"Okay, sounds like a plan to me," Grandpa Jack replied. "Don't you think you should ask Sandy if she's willing...?"
"Oh, it sounds fine to me," Sandy said quickly. "I'm at my wit's end...are you sure we don't have enough time to eat lunch?" she asked, expecting an affirmative answer.
"Well...." Carrie said speculatively, "how about we get something on the road into town?" she suggested. "We might have to go by a store for more stuff...and makeup...and...."
"Okay, okay...," Sandy said. "You know how to get to your grandpa's place?" she asked.
The girls nodded. Alicia held up a key ring to forestall the next obvious question before it was asked.
"Remember the code for the alarm system?" Grandpa Jack asked.
"Got it!" Alicia said emphatically.
"Then...why are you still here?" Grandpa Jack asked, raising his eyebrows in mock incredulity.
The girls and Sandy were on their feet and moving toward the SUV in seconds. It was only then that Grandpa Jack realized the twins had been dressed for the 'outside' world before they ever broached the idea. They'd been pretty sure their idea would get a positive vote.
* * *
When Greg Pearson came through his front door that Thursday evening, tired and famished from a long day's work, he gave his wife a perfunctory kiss in the foyer, dreading the temptations his wife would place in his path tonight. She just didn't understand. He dropped his briefcase by the umbrella stand where he could find it tomorrow for work and strolled toward the open arch leading into the living room.
He stopped dead in his tracks, his jaw dropped, and he stared at two visions he'd never expected in his home.
"Hi, Mr. Pearson," the young girl said in a soft voice. "I'm Alicia...and this is my sister, Carrie."
The girls glided over the hardwood floor toward him. They stopped a few feet away from the enthralled man.
The twins' blonde heads were hidden by coal-black wigs with bangs cut straight across over their foreheads. 'Gold' tiaras topped the wigs. Their eyebrows were darkened to the same shade as their wigs. Blue eyeshadow, black eyeliner, and heavily mascaraed eyelashes made their eyes appear huge in their faces. A glossy red lipstick emphasized how soft and kissable the girls' lips were. They did without the chalk-whitened face and rouge that Cleopatra would have added, but no one was ready to complain.
Heavy 'gold' collars ringed the twins' necks and spread down over their upper shoulders and chest. Gold sandals on their feet completed their costumes.
"Do you like us?" Carrie asked softly. "Would it be okay if we stay with you tonight?"
"Oh my God!!" he whispered in a strangled voice. He spoke just loud enough for the girls, and his wife behind him, to hear.
"Can we stay with you all night...and offer you the pleasures of Egypt, Mr. Pearson?" Carrie persisted, in a stilted tone she thought appropriate for a princess.
There was a short silence.
"Yes," Greg said thickly.
The twins opened their arms, smiling seductively, and waited for him to come to them....
* * *
"He didn't exactly snort fire and paw the ground like a bull in his pasture," Sandy told Grandpa Jack back at the campsite later that evening, "but he came awful damn close." She chortled happily at the memory.
"And one other thing," she said, whispering into Grandpa Jack's ear.
"He decided real quick that he and I don't have to do that 'not sleeping with other partners' crap anymore." She laughed. "He's going to be 'sleeping' with those two seductresses all night and waaaaay into tomorrow," she confided. "And that means...."
Grandpa Jack was quick. He doused the flames in the fire pit, turned the Coleman lantern down low, and had Sandy by the hand and was dragging her toward his tent in no time at all. From the sounds emanating from the RV trailer, the girls and boys in there would be just fine without adult supervision.
Sometime in the night, Danielle came into Grandpa Jack's tent and snuggled close to Grandpa Jack on the opposite side from her mother. She spooned with Grandpa Jack inside his strong arms.
Later that night, she woke him with a rhythmic, back and forth movement and found that Grandpa Jack could go from a deep sleep to total arousal, just from the touch of a firm, rounded ass in his lap. The young girl and her older lover quietly rocked themselves to a satisfying little climax a few minutes later, and fell back to sleep in the dark night.
"Well, we danced for him for a little while," Alicia said, and demonstrated a few steps.
"Ahhhh...kinda looks like a hula, not an ancient Egyptian dance," Grandpa Jack observed.
"Didn't seem to bother Mr. Pearson any!" Alicia said sharply. "His eyes got big and round and he didn't even blink the whole time we were dancing," she told the group. "And I don't know how he's gonna work today, 'cause we were doing it all night long after we stopped dancing," she said, cutting her narrative short. "Me and Carrie stayed in bed and slept after he went to work 'til Sandy came and picked us up," she added.
"Your Daddy must be really tired," Alicia told the Pearson kids.
"But happy, right?" Grandpa Jack interjected, smiling.
"Oh, yes," Alicia replied with a toothy grin. "Very...very happy."
"Honey, I think after you've fucked a man all night long and made him that happy, you can call him by his first name," Sandy added.
"Yeah, 'Greg' is very happy, and awfully relaxed this morning," Carrie said, giggling.
A cheerful tune abruptly began playing from the direction of the picnic table where Sandy and Grandpa Jack had parked their cell phones.
"Shit!" Sandy muttered under her breath as she got up from her comfortable patio lounger. She grumbled all the way over to her phone. Grandpa Jack enjoyed watching her, in spite of her attitude. His 'daughter' was stark naked, as were they all on this balmy morning.
The drizzle from two days ago was a hundred miles to their southeast and today promised to be a perfect summer day in the least in the neighborhood of the campground.
"They what?" Sandy yelled into the phone. "How'd they find out.... Oh, really?"
Sandy listened a moment longer, then broke away again.
"ELAINE MARIE!" she shouted. "I WANT TO SEE YOU TOO!!!" she added.
The two children, as naked as everyone else, slowly came to their aunt, who was still on the cell phone. Both kids had the hangdog expression of children caught at something they shouldn't have been doing.
Grandpa Jack didn't have any idea what the problem. He looked around at his granddaughters and raised his eyebrows in question. They studiously watched the sky, a squirrel chattering in a tree in the next campsite over--anywhere, in fact, except at their grandfather.
"Oh, jeez," Grandpa Jack whispered to himself. This could be really bad.
Sandy snapped her cell phone shut and marched back over to the group lolling in the shade of the tall pecan trees. "Guess who has a cell phone we didn't know about and has been using it," she snapped at Grandpa Jack.
He didn't get the impression Sandy really wanted a guess, so he wisely kept quiet.
"Elaine...Jeffrey," Sandy said after a pause to gather herself together. "What in the world were you thinking?" she asked.
"Well...," Jeffrey offered in a subdued tone, "we didn't think you'd mind...they're just our brothers and sister," he said.
"Yes, but...Jeffrey, honey," Sandy said in a more conciliatory tone, "what you and me and everyone else out here is doing can get us all into deep, deep know that!"
"Yes, ma'am," Jeffrey said, "but they won't tell, and Elaine and me won't tell, right, Elaine?" His sister nodded emphatically.
" guys just decided, all by yourselves," Grandpa Jack threw in, "to invite more folks into our little, is that it?"
Jeff shot a quick glance around the group and Grandpa Jack followed the boy's eyes. Most of the children had the good graces to look guilty when they saw Grandpa Jack looking at them. He snorted irreverently.
"We been had," he told Sandy.
She looked at him questioningly. Grandpa Jack waved a hand in a vague circle.
"They're all in on it," he told her. "They all thought the party should be a little more inclusive...."
His 'daughter's' eyes darted around at the sitting, standing, or reclining kids and saw the truth in what Grandpa Jack had said. She sighed deeply.
"I'm not going to ask whose idea it was," she said in a weary voice. "It really doesn't matter, does it?" She blew out her breath, pursed her lips, and got down to brass tacks.
"Okay, everyone," she said in a stern voice, "here's the straight and narrow on this," she said emphatically. "No one...and I mean NO ONE...will ever invite anyone else into our...what?...uh...our group, without a full discussion on the subject...and that means I'm involved and it means Grandpa Jack is involved before any calls, emails, texts, or whatever are sent!" She waited.
"Yes, ma'am," the gang of kids muttered.
"There is no one else you thought needed to know about all this, right?" Grandpa Jack asked to make sure.
The naked children all shook their heads emphatically.
"Okay, it's almost time for lunch," he said sternly. "I think today Sandy and I are going to take it easy right here while a gang of schemers and connivers gets the table cleared off and sandwiches fixed and drinks set up...and what all," he said. The children started moving toward the picnic table as a group, glad they were getting off so easily.
"WAIT!" Grandpa Jack yelled. They stopped in their tracks.
"All cell phones, Ipads, Ipods, smart phones, dumb phones, tablets, laptops, tin cans with strings and any other communication DE-vice...they all need to be on the end of the picnic table PDQ, okay...OKAY?"
"Yes, sir," they answered in unison to supplement the nods they'd already given him."
"Go...," Grandpa Jack told them. "I'm hungry," he added in a lighter tone.
The kids responded; a few even grinned hastily and they moved quicker.
"So...what are we looking at?" Grandpa Jack asked Sandy when they were alone.
"The rest of my brother, Aaron's, kids," she said wearily. "Ahhhh, there's Payton...she's twelve. Charley is twelve too...Aaron and Irene adopted Charley when he was only a baby; and Don...he'll be nine in three months," she said, counting them off on her fingers. "I guess we're lucky Aaron's youngest, Rachel...she's not even seven...isn't on the list too," she said. She didn't see Grandpa Jack's cock twitch at that comment.
"Three more kids wanting to get some, huh?" Grandpa Jack asked, smiling at the still irritated woman at his side.
"Yeah," she answered moodily. "Damn, I had no idea this would get this complicated," she complained. She frowned. "I didn't know it would get complicated at all," she admitted.
"Well, heck...three more mouths to feed, huh?" Grandpa Jack said, turning to the practical details.
"Yeah...hell, I guess I better call Greg back and have him bring out more groceries, huh?"
" about he gets some milk and juice...breakfast and snack stuff. And then I'll go to that store up the road to get some steaks, taters, lunchmeat and other things...dang, I better make a list," Grandpa Jack remarked.
Sandy selected her husband's cell phone number from her contact list. "Hey!" she said, by way of greeting. "Grandpa Jack and I were thinking we're going to need more food so can you go by the supermarket and pick up some milk, juice, eggs...maybe some pancake mix...stuff like that? Grandpa Jack's gonna get some lunch and dinner supplies....
"No, I think we have plenty catsup and mustard and stuff. Chips are running low...Oh--maybe some tomatoes and lettuce? Yeah, that's good...."
"So...they just called you up, at work, and asked if they could, pretty please, catch a ride with you out to the camp where all and stuff were going on?" She listened to an explanation.
"Uh-huh, I'd have been a little shocked too," Sandy told her husband. "'re still at work? You're on the way to your SISTER'S??? What in the world for?" she demanded.
Apparently his reason for visiting his sister met with her approval. She didn't comment.
"What's all the noise? Ahhhhh, you didn't actually have to go pick them up, huh? My dear, dear brother dropped them off so you wouldn't have to, eh? Wasn't that nice of him? At least he waited 'til you got home so they didn't have to sit on the front steps like little lost waifs, I guess...."
Grandpa Jack listened to the one-sided conversation until it was clear it was devolving into a persona, and not terribly interesting, conversation between husband and wife. He got up and wandered over to the picnic table to supervise the goings-on there.
"So," he said to Jeff, "didn't think your baby sister should come, huh?"
"Nah," the boy responded almost scornfully, "Rachel is just six...she'll be seven in two months...and she doesn't know anything about this kind of stuff...I don't think she's even interested in sexy stuff yet," he added.
"Oh yeah?" Elaine said with a smirk. "A lot you know!!"
"Soooooo, Rachel doesn't know rubbing her pussy 'til it 'feels good' every night and letting the water from the bathtub faucet run down on her pussy...things like that? I know she puts the handle to the kitchen broom inside her every chance she gets. You mean that kind of not interested?"
Jeff was struck dumb for a moment. "Well, heck, I didn't know she was doing all that stuff," he complained. "But she's at camp until next week anyway, so it doesn't matter," he grouched.
"Broom handle, eh?" Grandpa Jack muttered to himself as he wandered off. "Broom handle...damn! Wish I'd been a fly on the wall to see that!" he murmured.
* * *
Greg Pearson was always a little uncomfortable around his wife's nieces and nephews anyway. He was never quite sure they weren't laughing at him behind their smiles. He just didn't know. And now, these almost strange young people knew, not suspected...they KNEW...about all the sex going on out at that campground and even about those two beautiful young sexpots who'd fucked his brains out last night. His own kids had snitched on him.
He groaned quietly to himself, wishing there was some way out of this, but he didn't have a clue what he could do now. Secretly, there was a part of him that didn't want to get out of his situation. He knew that...but it just didn't seem right to just cave in to these ugly, carnal thoughts that kept filling his head. It just didn't seem right.
So when twelve-year-old Payton Campbell called 'shotgun' on the way out to his wife's mammoth Suburban and she plopped herself into the front bench seat beside him, Greg began sweating...hard.
"So, Uncle Greg," the willowy red-headed wanton remarked, "so those twin girls you did last night...they must have really got you going, huh? I smelled like a whole gang of people were doing nasty things in your bedroom a while ago," she said sweetly.
"You went in my bedroom?" Greg asked in a strangled voice.
Payton nodded. "Sure! Why not?" she said innocently. "It's not like we have anything to hide, right?" she said slyly.
"It seems that way," Greg mumbled.
The young girl grinned. Uncle Greg was a nice guy, but sometimes he was soooo uptight. She liked to tease him, and now there were so many new and interesting ways to push his buttons.
"So, how big is your thingy, anyway?" she asked brightly. "Is it big and fat, or like a wiener? We're not talking pencil dick here, are we?"
Greg sudden flinch almost sent the Suburban off the road. Impulsively, he turned into the quick order hamburger place he caught sight of from the corner of his eye.
"Whoa there...!" Payton cautioned. "Is there anything wrong?" she asked.
"We should get something to eat before we drive all the way out there," her uncle said, thinking fast. "We can't talk there," he added.
But inside, he caught himself eyeing the teenaged girl who was handling the cash register. Payton tugged his arm and pulled his head down to her level to ask a question.
"Uncle Greg," she whispered, "do you think that girl will give you a blowjob if you promise to go down on her later? Hmmmm?"
Greg's face paled.
"I'll ask her if you want," Payton added.
" won't be necessary," Greg whispered back. He swiped a handful of napkins from the condiment counter to wipe his forehead dry.
Payton tugged on his arm again. "That's okay," she said softly. "I don't want to share you with her anyway," she assured him. She smiled up at him when he recoiled in surprise.
The heat in her eyes both amazed and...he admitted aroused him too. He grabbed another handful of napkins on the way out.
* * *
Greg got the tools and lawnmower into the back end of the big Suburban and slammed the big door shut. He'd been meaning to take all that stuff back to his sister's husband for the longest time. Sandy had been riding him lately, hinting that Stan, his sister's husband, probably wouldn't recognize his own tools, Greg'd had them so long. And since it was almost on the way....
He knew perfectly well he was taking these things back to his brother-in-law so he could delay, for however long it took, getting out to the campground. It made his stomach queasy to think about what was going on out there.
His sister, Amy, was out shopping when he called, but the kids were there...most of them were, anyway...Brenda and Ryan were there, for sure. No one had permission to be anywhere else, she said. Amy had seven-year-old Bethany with her and they both would be sorry they missed seeing Greg. Bethany had two dance recitals next weekend and another one the week later, Amy told her brother. Maybe he could come in to town to see her?
Greg sighed. Sometimes, Amy's life was a stream-of-consciousness thing. She seemed to always say exactly what lay on the surface of her mind without examining anything before letting it fly. Then he smiled. He loved his sister.
* * *
Carrying the tools into the open garage, Greg called out, wondering why his sister's kids hadn't heard the Suburban come up the driveway. They were probably watching TV or something, he thought.
Eight-year-old Don Campbell wandered around the side of the house. His sister, Payton, and brother, Charley, were helping Uncle Greg take stuff into the garage, but Don needed to find a place to relieve himself.
Don knew the Rogers, but only vaguely. He knew they were his uncle Greg's sister's family...but he wasn't really comfortable around them. He didn't feel right asking if he could use their bathroom. The Dr. Pepper he had at the hamburger place was beginning to make life miserable. Then he spotted a tall shrub next to the side of the building that would be just perfect. He would be hidden from every possible angle...and the pressure was just too much.
Hidden behind the shrubbery, he unzipped his blue jeans and gratefully directed a thin stream at the base of the shrub. He groaned his relief...and someone who wasn't him groaned too.
He jumped, and hastily put his little-boy's dick back in his pants before anyone saw. Then he looked around.
There was a small window almost at ground level, just a short step away. There wasn't anything else, or anywhere else, the strange moan could have come he got down on all fours, sure he'd found the source of the strange noises because he was hearing more of them, and they were louder too. He rubbed at the dirt-encrusted window and looked inside curiously.
* * *
When Don came racing back around the corner of the house, he motioned energetically to his brother and sister to come to him.
"What's up?" Charley asked with the cruel arrogance of three years' seniority in being alive.
Don only made a face at him and made hand signals for the two to follow He, set off at a run, and disappeared behind a big bush. Charley and Payton followed, not bothering to hide their irritation, but still, he was their brother.
They got on all fours, crawled behind the shrubbery, found the window and watched for a while. Without saying a word to each other, the three children turned and crept away until they couldn't possibly be seen. They ran back around to the front of the house.
* * *
The inside door from the garage was unlocked and Greg quietly opened it, stepping inside his sister's house. It wasn't anything unusual--he and his sister were close and they were welcome to come in each others house unannounced whenever they dropped by. No big deal.
He didn't hear much in the house. He thought he'd hear the TV or some raucous 'music' coming from one of the kids' rooms, but the house was eerily quiet. Frowning, he followed the faint noises he could hear to the open door leading down to the basement. He stepped quietly, because the silence in the house seemed to demand it.
Coming around the corner of the stairwell, Greg got the shock of his life...since last Saturday. He stopped, hardly daring to breath.
There, on an old throw rug, his twelve-year-old niece, Darlene, was on her knees in front of her thirteen-year-old brother, Ryan, sucking the boy's cock for all she was worth. Ten-year-old Georgia had Ryan's ball sack in her small hand and was trying to coordinate with Darlene's bobbing head so she could kiss her brother's testicles.
A few steps away, his fifteen-year-old niece, Brenda, was lying flat on the pool table and moaning loudly while her younger brother, Todd, ate her pussy. The eleven-year-old boy was apparently pretty good at it, because Brenda never heard Greg come in.
"Oh, God!" Greg murmured, swallowing hard. "Why me?" he added.
Charley, Payton, and Don weren't nearly as inclined to wonder why. They made much more noise coming down the basement steps, but they came so quickly, none of the four incestual lovers had time to rearrange their clothing...much less try to get up and find some activity to pretend they weren't doing what they were.
"Hi, Brenda," Don squeaked excitedly to the oldest of Greg's nieces. "You all going camping with us to the fucking party?"
Greg sat down on a convenient box and put his head in his hands.
If he was eight-years-old, like Don, Greg knew he'd have taken refuge in loud sobs.
* * *
"What'd Greg have to say this time?" Grandpa Jack asked curiously.
Sandy shrugged. "I don't know," she said with evident irritation. "He was too far from town, I guess...I couldn't understand much of anything," she said.
"I love him dearly, but sometimes he acts like a babbling idiot!" she remarked vehemently. "The only things I caught were something about lots more food...and another big tent?...and more T-shirts...I think that's what he said. What the hell could he have meant by that?" she said wonderingly.
"He'll be here in a little while," she sighed. "I don't know why he bothered to even try and call...kept fading in and out...the kids were making a hell of a racket in the background too," she added.
"Maybe he's getting a little excited about all the young ladies out here?" Grandpa Jack suggested with a wink.
"That would be nice," Sandy returned. "And by the way, I think you're going to like Payton," she said slyly. "She's got a wonderful, creamy complexion, auburn hair and just the nicest boobies you've ever seen on a twelve-year-old...." She gauged his interest by holding his cock in the air and watching how much it grew in her hand. "Ahhhh, you like her already, huh?" she observed. She laughed at the expression on his face and let his organ drop to his lap, and laughed again at the obscene 'plop' it made slapping onto his thigh.
A cell phone rang and both adults showed their annoyance when they looked around at the group of kids still cleaning up the debris from lunch.
"Mom," Natasha shouted, though they weren't more than twenty yards away. "Is it okay if I talk to Payton?" she asked, moderating her volume when she saw the irritation on her mothers face.
Sandy glanced at Grandpa Jack. He shrugged. "The cat's out of the bag now," he remarked. "Nothing left to hide."
"Sure, go ahead," Sandy called out.
Neither adult would have been nearly so comfortable about the cousins talking if they'd noticed Tasha's eyes get as big and round as they did ten seconds into their conversation. She turned her back on the adults and walked toward the RV trailer.
"Do I need to tell my Mom?" she asked, dreading the prospect but knowing she had to ask. Based on this morning's chastisement, Mom didn't need another surprise. "Oh, Dad already told her?"
Tasha pondered that for a moment. Apparently Mom had taken the announcement of five more campers with a lot more patience than she had the first three additions.
"Yeah, when you get inside the big gate, and that big brick house where Old Jim lives," Tasha said, "there's no one around in the campground at all...yeah, it's kinda neat...we don't have to wear anything...well, 'cept something on your feet 'cause there're rocks and stickers and stuff out where the mowed grass ends...nope...stark nekkid!" she grinned.
"'ll see where you go up and then back down that hill...okay,'ll go up a hill and then back down one when you get here...Old Jim lives on the other side of it...and you'll go over a bridge, and when you're on this side, nobody can see you and you can take all your clothes off...yeah, I'm serious...wanta see Jeff's hard-on...oh, I better not. If Mom catches me sending you a pic of your brother's little dickie-pooh, she'll have a hissy-fit." The twelve-year-old girl giggled loudly.
" all hurry, okay?" Tasha admonished her cousin. "I'm gettin' REAL horny thinking about Ryan and Todd's thingies," she said, stroking her outer lips in anticipation. "Oh, yeah...Charles and Don too...Don wants what?" She laughed. "Tell him I'd love for him to do that when he gets here," she said, and laughed again.
"Okay...see y'all when you get see the gate?'re almost here," she said. "Bye."
"'re not going to believe who's coming to camp with us," she told the five youngsters.
When she heard the news, Melissa was concerned. "Are you sure we don't need to tell Mom and Grandpa Jack?" she asked.
"Nah," Tasha said. "Payton said our Dad called Mom and told her a little while ago...that was what that phone call was."
"O-kaaaaaaaaaaaaay...," Melissa said dubiously. "I sure hope so," she added.
* * *
Old Jim called Grandpa Jack about the same time the lascivious, naked campers heard the slow rumble of tires crossing the old bridge. He told Grandpa Jack that he and his wife were going into town for the night to visit his daughter and her family. Old Jim said there were no reservations for anyone else tonight and he was hanged if he was going to hang around until the five o'clock official closing time 'cause no one ever came to the old campground anyway...'cept for Grandpa Jack and his bunch. Old Jim was going to lock the gate for the night, if that was okay, and he'd see Grandpa Jack sometime tomorrow. It was fine with Grandpa Jack.
* * *
Greg steered the big Suburban over the old bridge. The ancient wooden planks...old railroad ties, apparently...had loosened over the years and were free to move up, down, and around for short distances. Greg was concerned. He'd stopped for a moment to examine the rusty iron arch and decided everything looked strong and sturdy enough for even his heavy vehicle.
The reverberating sound the tires made on the ties made him sweat though. He wasn't entirely sure the thing would hold up, but he was not going to stop now. He was going to get all the way through to the campsite he'd been assured lay just beyond that split in the road up there, come hell or high water...because the thing that was really making him sweat was this load of naked kids in his Suburban.
The thought of his wheels crashing through the floor of the bridge was nothing compared to the fear he'd have to spend more time than absolutely necessary with his cock in Payton's young fist while he drove down the road. The naked little sprite was grinning broadly while she stroked him to a huge hard-on. She kept trying to stuff his right hand down between her slim thighs too. She kept asking him if he liked her pussy...'cause she sure liked his cock, she assured him.
Greg saw the 'Y' in the road just as Sandy had described and turned left down through the row of empty campsites on both sides of the narrow blacktop. He could see his and Sandy's big RV trailer and a big tent set up way down at the last campsite. He took heart. His torment was almost over.
* * *
Grandpa Jack watched the Suburban come to a slow stop in the paved driveway for the next campsite over. There was a limit of eight occupants per campsite, so Grandpa Jack had paid for a second big deal. It was only a formality. Everyone would be spending their time around this site and Old Jim wasn't counting anyway.
What Grandpa Jack saw concerned him. A Suburban is a big vehicle with lots of seating...and this one looked like it was packed full of humanity. It had a full rack of canisters and coolers on top.
He turned to ask Sandy, but she was looking anywhere BUT at her husband's arrival. Apparently, she was still a little ticked at the morning's events and, as married couples are wont to do, she would let Greg take the blame for everything, and this was the beginning to that.
Seconds later, all hell broke loose.
The offside rear door opened with a rush and the other three doors weren't far behind. Finally the rear window went up and the gate dropped. Children...naked children began leaping from the vehicle and making their way over to Grandpa Jack's camp site.
A tall, very well-endowed teenage girl came around the hood, shading her eyes as she scanned the waiting group of young people. She wore her blonde hair relatively short, not even touching her neck, and it was cut in bangs her forehead. She was tall, about five feet-five inches tall with long, clean limbs.
And she could run like a deer. She broke into a fast run. She had nothing on but a pair of sandals and a huge grin.
"SHAWN!" she bawled at the top of her lungs. "SHAWN PEARSON!" she cried out. "I WANT YOU!!!" she yelled.
Mouth agape, Grandpa Jack watched the procession of naked young people, and one lonely adult male, as they marched toward him, but the running blonde swiftly captured his attention. He estimated she wore a B-cup bra--maybe even a B+ cup, he thought...well, when she wore one anyway...maybe a C-cup from some makers...she had strong, shapely legs, and a sturdy, nicely curved figure too, he saw. She was just as cute as the devil too.
"Brenda?" Sandy asked, hearing the girl's shouts. She turned, seeing the cavalcade of new kids for the first time. "What in the world...?"
Shawn didn't see the tall blonde girl at first. When he did, the naked girl was running right at him.
A startled expression came over his features. He turned and ran just as fast away from the blonde teenager as she was running after him. He was across the boundary between this campsite, across to the other side of the paved road and was swiftly running back up toward the restrooms when he detoured back around through Grandpa Jack's campsite.
Grandpa Jack and Sandy watched the boy's progress with their jaws hanging open. Grandpa Jack got up from the inflatable futon couch he'd been reclining on and shaded his eyes to watch the unexpected show. Finally he could stand it no longer.
"SHAWN PEARSON!" he yelled at the boy when he passed close on his next round through. "WHY THE HECK ARE YOU RUNNING FROM A GORGEOUS, NAKED GIRL?" he called.
Shawn's progress slowed. He turned around in mid-stride to watch the young teenager's tits bounce so excitingly as she him now, rather than after him. When they met, the collision was impressive. They tumbled to the grass and rolled around there for a bit...clearly enjoying it more the longer it went on.
"Greg...what the hell is going on?" Sandy asked her husband. Grandpa Jack turned to see the man had finally reached them.
"What?" he demanded. "I told you they were coming too...I just talked to you, not forty-five minutes ago," he said, a little put out. He'd done his job and wasn't inclined to give an inch on this.
"I couldn't hear what you said," Sandy said distractedly.
She looked around at the eight naked newcomers. They were busy staring right back at the woman they knew as 'Aunt Sandy' and looking at the man they already knew was 'Grandpa Jack' too.
Sandy felt an urge to attempt to hide her pubes and cover her breasts, but she knew it was stupid to even think about it. Her thoughts raced, and Grandpa Jack could see them as they spread across her features in rapid succession.
"They took all their clothes off when we got past the brick house...threw them everywhere...truck's a mess," he mumbled, apparently wanting to get one last bit of information off his chest.
Greg Pearson appeared to be looking for a hole he could fall into and pull in after him. He looked so pitiful that Sandy grinned, then laughed out loud.
"Seems you've made a conquest, Greg," she observed, grinning at her niece, Payton, standing beside Greg. "First MY side of the family and now your sister's kids, huh?"
Greg didn't answer. If anything, he was ready to start digging that hole instead of searching for one.
"So...," Sandy remarked, looking at the large group. "I did hear you say something about another tent, right?" she asked her husband.
She grinned when she saw Payton put her fingers around Greg's penis and just stand there, holding on. Greg looked wretched. On the other hand, Sandy also noticed his erection didn't waver even a little, though he wouldn't look down at himself at all.
"I guess we have a tent, or tents, to put up?" she prompted her husband when he didn't answer.
Greg nodded.
"Well, lets get to it," she said briskly. She and Greg disentangled themselves from the group and walked to the rear of the Suburban and began unloading.
"BOYS!!" she yelled at everyone in general. "COME HERE AND HELP US CARRY THIS STUFF."
Grandpa Jack liked how Sandy'd stood up well under the pressure of the last few minutes, recovering from a huge shock, and hadn't even demanded a detailed explanation yet.
He'd known there was a reason he liked her as his daughter...besides that educated, furnace-hot cunt of hers, of course.
* * *
An hour later, with such a large crew on the job, two massive tents were set up on the campsite adjacent to Grandpa Jack's, places were found in the coolers they already had, and the new ones Greg had brought with him, for all the supplies he'd purchased en route.
More sandwiches were made, drinks were poured, and everyone was getting acquainted around the picnic table. Kids were always hungry...and Grandpa Jack put away his share too.
"So...," Grandpa Jack mused around a ham and sweet pickle sandwich, "we got your four...Tasha, Shawn, Melissa, and Danielle...," he said, pointing at Sandy and Greg. "Jeff and Elaine are your brother's kids...," he nodded at Sandy again "...and they invited three more of your brother's children...Payton, Charles, and Don to come out to the camp, right?"
Sandy nodded. "We're missing Rachel from that gaggle...she's at camp and won't be home for another three weeks."
Greg concentrated on watching a turkey vulture turn lazy circles in the sky.
"Right!" Grandpa Jack said, nodding. "Can't forget the adventuresome six-year-old," he added
"Almost seven," Sandy interjected.
"Can't forget the adventuresome, broom handle masturbatin', almost seven-year-old Rachel," Grandpa Jack said, correcting himself and then some. He took another bite from the sandwich.
"And on the way here, young Donald discovered your sister's children were...playing...on their own, huh?" Grandpa Jack stabbed at Greg with the half-eaten sandwich. "So your nieces and nephews Brenda, Ryan, Darlene, Todd, and Georgia have joined our little group...and little Bethany is left out, shopping with her mother and won't be joining us, eh? But your sister and her husband were fine with letting most of the crew come out here with you?"
Greg nodded faintly.
Grandpa Jack chewed for a minute. "So have I forgotten anyone?" he asked around.
Some heavy coughing from behind him answered that.
"I mean other than the delectable, delicious, wonderful fuckin' an' suckin' twosome, my fantastic twin granddaughters, of course," Grandpa Jack said quickly. The raspberries from behind him got a little juicy before they ended.
"So...I kinda want to ask if the big city's entire population of middle schoolers is already enroute." He waited. "Just wondering! Has someone forgot to tell us about that? Anyone?"
There were no replies.
Grandpa Jack looked around at the group of naked girls and boys, most of whom had their hands on someone else, stroking and exploring.
"I think we can handle this," Grandpa Jack remarked. "Yes, I do...."
* * *
"Grandpa Jack," Shawn said from behind the older man, "this is Brenda," he told Grandpa Jack.
"Hello, Brenda," Grandpa Jack said, turning. "I'm very glad to meet you," he said sincerely. His eyes traveled up and down the length of her body. The young girl's ears turned a little pink at his frank admiration of her, but she didn't back off.
"Why do they call you 'Grandpa Jack'," she asked.
" 'Cause those two twin cuties right over there are my very own, for real granddaughters," he answered, pointing out Alicia and Carrie over by the picnic table. The twins waved and smiled pleasantly. They were busy talking to as many of the new boys as they could attract to their side.
"You don't look like a grandpa," Brenda observed. Her body was half-hidden behind her cousin, Shawn. She was as tall as the boy was, and she was looking over his right shoulder while her left arm encircled his waist.
She moved around to Shawn's right, and then restlessly around in front of her cousin. She leaned back a little, letting Shawn support a little of her weight.
"Thank you, very much," Grandpa Jack answered. He smiled at her, carefully looking down the dark blonde, green-eyed woman-child's body, taking in the big, firm breasts that stood so proud and free on her chest, her flat belly, and sculpted thighs and calves.
Brenda's shoulders were a little wider than some of the other girls, but they would have to be to support her breasts if they kept on growing like they seemed inclined. Her pebble-sized nipples were already erect, Grandpa Jack saw, becoming blood-engorged, thicker, and longer. He knew his cock was already hard as rock too...and he saw the girl was aware of it too.
Brenda leaned back a little more on Shawn and spread her feet a little wider. " like little girls?" she asked, a little breathlessly.
She knew how to flirt with boys her own age, and had practiced talking dirty with her brothers and sisters, but Grandpa Jack was a full-grown male animal. She wanted to please him and wanted him to do many naughty things to her, but it made her blush a little--it was her first time with a man.
"Of course!" Grandpa Jack shot back. "Who couldn't like young girls?"
"Dunno!" Brenda replied pithily. What she said meant 'don't be a douche bag, pops!' in teenage-speak.
" you just like little girls?" she asked, leaning back more strongly on Shawn's body. Her posture emphasized what she most wanted Grandpa Jack to see. Her already plump, unusually prominent pubic mound was pooched forward now, for Grandpa Jack to see and admire.
"Oh no," Grandpa Jack said, "I love the whole female half of the species!"
"Grandpa Jack," Shawn said unexpectedly, "I need to go up to the restrooms," he said, clearly concocting a story on the spur of the moment. "Would you mind talking to Brenda for a while?" he asked.
His eyes weren't on Grandpa Jack. He actually was watching Brenda's sister, Darlene, and Shawn was clearly finding the more slender twelve-year-old entirely captivating.
"If that's alright with you?" Grandpa Jack said to the young teenage beauty.
"Sure," she answered quickly, then shot a glance around at Shawn, afraid she might have hurt his feelings at how easily she let him get away. "But Shawn," she said plaintively, turning to face him and hugging his arm between her breasts, "you know I've wanted you to diddle me since I was seven, right?" she asked sincerely.
"But I was only five! Geeeeeze! " Shawn protested. "I didn't know...."
"Honey," Brenda cooed, patting Shawn's cheek, "when a girl says she wants to play doctor and says she'll take her clothes off just gotta read between the lines, baby."
She giggled, happy to have been able to finally say that...and in front of other people too.
"Will we...?" she said coaxingly, squeezing Shawn's upper arm.
He looked into her eyes, and smiled back, more maturely than she expected. "Are y'all going to be leaving before...uh...well, are you stayin' here 'til next Tuesday?" he asked.
"I don't think so," Brenda answered. "Nobody said we'd be leaving sooner, anyway."
"Then we have all weekend and Monday and part of Tuesday too," Shawn assured his cousin. He took the opportunity to lean in for a kiss on the girl's soft, pink lips, startling her for a moment, but she enjoyed it more than she'd thought she would.
"Somebody's been teaching you," she accused gently.
"Yep," Shawn answered. "My Mom! Well...and the twins...and my sisters too...and Elaine," he added quickly. "When everyone is sexing everyone else, everyone gets to kiss and touch...and fuck anytime we want," he explained.
Brenda's eyes widened in surprise at Shawn's language, and she shot a quick glance at Grandpa Jack. He nodded to reinforce Shawn's point.
"Is it okay if I go spend some time with Darlene?" Shawn asked, forgetting the excuse of having to run down to the restrooms. Brenda looked deep into his eyes, searching for any lingering resentment. She knew what she wanted, but she didn't want to hurt her cousin's feelings.
"Sure...," she said quietly. "But we...."
"We'll play 'doctor', I promise," Shawn assured her. He kissed her again and left, making a bee line for Darlene where she stood with the others.
Grandpa Jack saw girls and boys and adults beginning to move away from the picnic tables in twos, threes, and mores, grouping up for the first round of the taboo sex for this afternoon.
Grandpa Jack stepped up to Brenda and bent his head to kiss the young teen. She was startled at first, but she warmed to his lips quickly, learning fast to open her lips and accept his exploring tongue. Her breath hissed when Grandpa Jack slipped down between their bodies and cupped her soft, protuberant young pussy. When his finger parted the puffy labia and delved inside, she moaned into her lover's mouth.
"Is it okay if we adjourn to somewhere more comfortable?" he asked the dazed teenaged siren.
All she had the wits to do was nod.
Grandpa Jack guided the beautiful young girl over to the futon sofa he'd abandoned when everyone arrived and ushered her down onto its surface. With her seated on the edge of the sand-colored inflatable furniture and leaning back comfortably, he spread her thighs wide and knelt in front of the young teenager. He looked at her for a long moment, his eyes sweeping from trim ankles to blonde hair framing a cute, pixyish face. She flushed faintly. She'd never been inspected this way before.
"You have a beautiful pussy," he told her, gently stroking her mons pubis. He concentrated on her puffy outer labia, trailing his fingertips down its whole length before planting butterfly kisses here and there.
"Thank you," she whispered, the pink growing a tiny bit deeper.
Grandpa Jack put his big hands on fifteen-year-old Brenda's upper thighs and swept them down to her knees, stroking and massaging the pliant flesh. He stroked the outside of her calves down to her ankles and up the backside of her calves until he reached the sensitive area behind her knees. He caressed the erotic places there for a moment before bringing his hands around to slip up the inside of her thighs.
Brenda's breath was became fast and shallow. In return, her blush faded; she didn't have time for it anymore. The things Grandpa Jack was doing to her swept all that aside.
He half-turned and took off her right sandal. On an impulse, he bent low and kissed her ankles, then worked his way up the inside of her lower leg until he could lift her higher and kiss the erogenous zone behind her knee. She groaned, her hands clamped on the PVC fabric and held on tight. She moaned piteously when his kisses trailed up the inside of her thigh. Her hips began to writhe without conscious control.
Grandpa Jack kissed her slit, licking up a few drops of young-girl juice, before licking all the way up, and back down. There was more love-honey there this time. His kisses were making it flow ever faster. Some of it dribbled down across her peritoneum and Grandpa Jack licked at the super-sensitive forbidden place for a long moment. Brenda was panting hard now, her blood was racing through her veins.
He bent to his right and lifted the girl's left leg, removed her sandal, and gave it the same attention he'd given her other limb.
"Oh, God," Brenda whimpered. "I didn't know it would be like this."
"It gets better," Grandpa Jack promised softly. He leaned forward and put Brenda's lower legs over his shoulders, smiling into her pretty face.
He bowed his head again and licked a long swath from just above her anus up to her mons Venus hiding her clitty; his tongue probed inside her puffy lips and found the little fold of flesh that concealed her clit.
"Aaaaannnnnnhhhhh!" she moaned. "OH GODDDDDDDDDDDDD!"
The young girl's face was a mask of intense concentration. Her body wasn't hers any longer. It belonged to the big male who was driving her out of her mind with sensation. Her hands scrambled on the futon, looking for something to hold on to.
Brenda's hips rolled from side to side; she couldn't control them anymore as Grandpa Jack's tongue teased her clitty out into the open. He sucked at it gently and lapped it round and round. He changed his attack, driving his tongue as deep as he could into her cunt and rolling it around. He went back to her clit and worked it further out into the open while he inserted a finger through her outer labia well into her vagina.
She bucked, not expecting the intrusive finger. As Grandpa Jack worked his digit in and out, she relaxed...only to buck hard again when another finger accompanied the first, probing deep inside her cunt.
"ARRRRGGGGHHHHHH!" she squealed. She couldn't hold it in any longer.
Her hands flew to the back of Grandpa Jack's head, her fingers twined themselves in his hair. She moaned again, holding his mouth tight against her swollen pussy lips. Her knees held high in the air, she rocked back and forth each time Grandpa Jack's fingers slipped deeper inside her.
"Please...please?" she whispered, drawing his lips away from her labia and tugging his head up to look at her.
"Please," she whimpered. "Let me do you too...."
Grandpa Jack rose and stood in front of the girl, he wiped off the mask over his face of honey from her pussy with his fingers and licked them dry. "You taste wonderful!" he told her. She moaned faintly, aroused even more by his lewd comment.
She struggled to sit up, scooting her buttocks back to the edge of the tan cushion. She took Grandpa Jack's hard cock in both hands and studied it for a moment.
"You're smooth too," she told him in wonder, "just like me."
Grandpa Jack chuckled lightly. "I just shaved this morning," he said, "or rather, my granddaughters shaved me when we took a shower," he explained.
"You let them do that?" Brenda asked in a bemused voice. "Oooooo, I'd love to do that for you," she softly.
"You two need to come by the shop and I'll laser all your hair down there and you'll never have to shave anything again," a voice said stridently.
"Wha--?" Grandpa Jack said, whipping his head around to see Sandy marching by. She was on her way to the restrooms and wasn't stopping to chat.
"We'll talk later," she promised, throwing the words over her shoulder as she rapidly disappeared down the park road.
"Okay," Grandpa said, mystified. He'd been knocked off his stride by the comment and was slow getting back to Brenda.
When she opened her mouth wide and took the head of his cock into her mouth, he sucked in a deep breath and held it. Brenda let him slide out.
"Did I hurt you," she asked, concerned.
Grandpa Jack shook his head. "Huh-uh, honey," he said reassuringly. "It felt soooo good," He smiled slowly. "Really, really, good."
Brenda smiled and bent lovingly over his rock hard penis again, kissing the knob and then licking it all around. She tried pushing her tongue into his piss slit and then tongued the 'V' shaped place on the underside where a man is supersensitive.
This time, when Grandpa Jack sucked in a deep breath through his teeth, Brenda smiled to herself. It was a signal she was doing things right. She adjusted her posture, raising her upper body, and bent over her lover's cock. She paused a second, then plunged her head down, doing everything she could to swallow him whole.
Grandpa Jack's knees buckled; he could barely hold himself upright. His hands covered the top of her head; he stroked her hair and slid his hands lightly down the sides. His body needed him to fuck the young girl's mouth, slamming his cock down her throat again and again until he pumped a geyser of cum over her tonsils and into her belly. Instead, he patted her head gently, and twined his fingers in her hair, only to release her blonde locks again.
When she held her head still and her fingers dug into his butt cheeks, Grandpa Jack pushed his groin forward. His cock slid deeper. He could feel the wet heat of her mouth and the constriction of her throat on his glans.
He moaned and tried to cover it by clearing his throat, but Brenda wasn't fooled.
She tilted her head up to catch his eyes and grinned at him as best she could around the big shaft penetrating between her pink lips. She urged him forward again and then again.
Grandpa Jack began slowly fucking the young teen's mouth, luxuriating in the sensation of his penis sliding through her hot, welcoming lips and deep inside. When she showed signs of choking, he slipped back out, only to come back, and glide deeper than the time before. When she pulled back, he slid out, trailing a slime of mixed saliva and pre-cum that coated her pretty lips. He bent low and kissed her, lapping up the obscene fluid from her mouth.
"You're so nasty," she breathed and smiled up at him.
He chuckled, sobering quickly when he saw her expression change.
She slid backward, still holding his eyes with hers. Releasing her hold on his buttocks, she caught his forearms and pulled him down.
"Please?" she whispered. "I want you inside me...."
Grandpa Jack lowered his body on top of the young teen. Moving a little to her right side, he supported himself on his elbow and leaned in to mouth her right breast. He tried to swallow her aureole, sucking her nipple and working it with the back of his tongue. The fifteen-year-old girl gasped at the extraordinary heat that arrowed from her nipple down to her groin.
The lightning bolt of pleasure was repeated when he switched to her left titty and did it again. Capturing her nipple between his teeth, he nipped lightly, barely applying any pressure, but creating another new sensation in the young girl's body. He sucked gently, drawing her erect nipple into his mouth, making it lengthen and harden between his lips.
He moved over the young girl, urging her thighs farther apart with his hands and settling between her thighs.
"Take me," Brenda whimpered. "Do it...please, Grandpa Jack?" she begged. Her knees came up, her lower legs hanging loosely. She massaged his sides from waist to lower thighs with the inside of her knees. "I want you so bad," the pretty blonde teenager moaned piteously.
Taking his shaft in his right hand, Grandpa Jack shuffled his lower body closer and lowered himself to line his cock up with her cunt. He pressed his glans into her and let his weight drive it slowly down and inside. He pushed his knees closer to her buttocks and hunched his cock even deeper. Slowly, inch by inch, he plunged his organ inside her teenage cunt. She was able to take him without a whimper; her vagina opening for him easily with her juices flowing in a steady stream now.
"Ahhhhhhhhh," she whispered in his ear, "you're filling me up, Grandpa Jack; my pussy will be so full with you in it." She wrapped her legs around his body and began humping her groin up to meet his thrusts.
"TAKE ME!" she pleaded.
He responded. He could ram his cock deeper and harder with Brenda than he could with younger girls, even those as experienced as his granddaughters. Simply put, she was bigger. Grandpa Jack began to driving his cock into the enthusiastically fucking young girl.
She groaned with each thrust, whipping her hips around in a tight little circle to move Grandpa Jack's cock around inside her and then back up at him. His shaft rubbed against the sensitive nerve endings in her sweet inner and outer lips to create even more heat. Brandy was quickly losing control of her body, reacting now to an all-consuming tide of ecstasy rising inexorably in her groin and spreading swiftly to include her sensitized nipples. She could feel Grandpa Jack's manhood swelling inside her. She heard him gasping for air as hard as she was.
He grunted with each thrust, making her moan in return. His pulse pounded in his ears and Grandpa Jack could no longer ignore the lava-hot semen rising from his gonads and coursing through channels leading to the little slit in the end of his prick.
The two hammered their groins at each other, pounding each other in a frenzy to reach an orgasm.
"Ohhhh, God," Grandpa Jack groaned. "Baby, I'm going to cum...." He tried to pull out of her vagina.
"Babies!" he gasped. He was shifting his weight and getting ready to withdraw.
"NOOOOOOOOO!!" she protested frantically. "I'm okay! Momma put me on the pill...really!" she said. "Cum in me, I want you's okay...," she moaned.
She locked her heels in the small of his back and hauled him back deep inside her. And then they could both feel a gush of white-hot cum splashing into her cunt. He grunted, pulled back as much as he could, and drove back in to pump another big fountain of cream inside her.
Brenda gasped. She felt her lover's cock explode, spraying her vagina walls and the tsunami of her orgasm washed over her, drowning her with its power and filling her with its passion.
Ecstasy overwhelmed them. They rocked together, working hard to maintain the euphoria and trying to stave off its inevitable ebb. Another eruption of cum spewed from Grandpa Jack's penis into the young girl's vagina. Her belly muscles rippled as sensations swept up her body from her vagina to her breasts and back again.
She arched her back, her hands locked on Grandpa Jack's upper arms. Abruptly it was too much to bear. She wailed her way through another orgasm; another, a stronger one, swamped her senses, and then a third...the strongest yet...exploded deep in her groin and she was frozen, held captive by a rhapsody she'd never known before.
* * *
They lay together on the inflatable futon, cuddling together in the deep afterglow of their coupling. Grandpa Jack moistened thumb and fingertip and tweaked a still sensitive nipple and cupped the underside of her breasts.
"Beautiful," he murmured.
Brenda moaned, caught between loving the contact and being almost in pain because it was too soon. "You really like them?" she asked coquettishly.
"Really," he answered. His hand left her breast and swept lightly down her belly and as far down her thighs as he could reach. The young girl trembled. She was within an ace of surrendering to his touches again, waiting only for the tide to rise and consume her again.
They kissed, held it, then let it fade. Grandpa Jack touched her other breast, tracing a line down the under-slope and lower over her belly to end at the top of her still bloated outer labia. His fingers stroked out to her hip and down her flank. Brenda sighed softly, wriggling blissfully at his touch, and responding to his insistent lips when they covered hers again.
Slowly, their passion cooled, and they saw things that were happening around them once more. They looked on, wondering when all they saw had begun.
Everywhere in the campsite--on bare grass, atop patio loungers, air mattresses, or hastily thrown blankets, young people and adults were copulating in pairs, trios, and over there, four girls and a boy were locked in a daisy chain, each slathering the sex organs of the one in front of them while their own bodies were serviced by the one behind. As Grandpa Jack and Brenda watched, they all sat up at some unheard command and reversed the flow.
At the RV trailer, Alicia was sitting on the lowest step and reclining against the top one, spreading her legs wide while a young boy...he couldn't have been more than eight or so...licked her pussy industriously. When she came, her body shuddered and rocked; she lost her balance and almost fell under the RV.
She came off the ground grinning, thrusting out a hand to fondle the young boy's private parts. When his slim little cock expanded to healthy three inches, Alicia dropped off the step and gobbled the fingerling little thing into her mouth. The boy squealed his glee and began to hump the older girl's mouth as hard and fast as he could go.
Grandpa Jack's gaze passed on. He found his 'daughter' Sandy flat of her back on a blanket with a boy on top of her and fucking her pussy at a furious pace. A young girl, Grandpa Jack didn't remember her name, was squatting over Sandy's mouth and rubbing her mons against Sandy's mouth.
The little girl evidently got her climax right then, because her head jerked backward and she began wailing at the sky. She fell off to Sandy's side, and another girl took her place. Grandpa Jack could see Sandy's throat working as she began to service the new girl-child.
Melissa, Sandy's daughter, was in the grass on all fours while a boy, teenaged or close to, was banging her from behind. Another boy, not quite as old, was standing in front of her, fucking her face enthusiastically. Melissa was rocking back and forth, slammed forward by the hard fucking from behind and then moved back when the boy in her mouth shoved forward. Her cries of delight could be heard all over the park, had there been anyone to listen.
Everyone was engaged in something, so far as he could see. Some Grandpa Jack knew, but others he didn't. There hadn't been time for all the introductions to be made or names exchanged, much less be committed to memory.
"Well...," Grandpa Jack said finally. "I need to get washed up...can I tempt you to a taking a shower with me?" he asked. They were soon walking hand in hand down to the restrooms.
At the entrance to the girls' side of the restroom and showers, they meet a girl coming out. Her resemblance to Brenda was unmistakable. They hugged briefly, the younger girl keeping her eyes on Grandpa Jack the whole time.
"This is my sister, Darlene," Brenda said.
"Hi, Grandpa Jack," she said softly.
"Hi, Darlene," he responded. "You were with...Shawn when I saw you, weren't you?" he asked.
She nodded. "We did some stuff...and then his sister Tasha wanted him to do her while their father watched," she explained. She sized him up with her bright blue eyes almost hidden under blonde eyelashes. She bent low, nearly thrusting her face into her sister's groin. She sniffed.
"Brenda?" she asked. "Do you know you're leaking sticky stuff down your leg?" she asked irreverently. She grinned.
Brenda bent at the waist to inspect herself. "That's cum Grandpa Jack squirted in me," she told her younger sister, equally flippant. Grandpa Jack had never heard two sisters speak so boldly about body fluids and sex...since he'd last seen his granddaughters, anyway.
Darlene's small hand reached out and she scooped up a long strip of the thickening froth and popped it in her mouth. "Mmmmm, Grandpa Jack," she said, "you taste really good."
Grandpa Jack blinked his eyes, a little surprised, but also enormously aroused. He loved little girls talking dirty. "Why thank you, honey," he told her. "I'm sure you do too," he said.
"Wanta see?" twelve-year-old Darlene asked quickly, grinning mischievously.
"We're going to take a shower," Brenda interrupted. She grinned at her sister's brazenness, then answered Darlene's wicked smile with one of her own.
"Wanta take her with us?" she asked Grandpa Jack.
Grandpa Jack was no fool. He nodded vigorously.
Darlene captured Grandpa Jack's other hand with hers and helped haul Grandpa Jack inside the shower room.
After Brenda took advantage of the douches left for anyone to use on the benches outside the showers, the two girls began to work on Grandpa Jack, soaping up their whole fronts and then rubbing themselves against him front and back. His cock had been hard as stone from the moment Darlene had made her first lewd comment, and the girls made sure it didn't have a chance to become flaccid. They checked often.
In a little while, Grandpa Jack asked Darlene if she'd ever been fucked standing up in a shower stall with hot water splashing all over her. She hadn't.
Grandpa Jack turned her around, pressed the length of his cock into the cleft between her wonderfully rounded ass-cheeks while his hands roamed her young body, finally cupping her young breasts, pinching her nipples lightly and massaging their tender firmness.
It was clear Darlene would grow up to be another Brenda; her breasts were teacup-sized already and would grow larger. She had the same dark blonde hair and green eyes her sister had but she was slimmer, her legs a little longer maybe. The two sisters were flat out gorgeous.
He had Darlene moaning happily in a minute. When he judged she was ready, he had her rise up on her tiptoes and bend forward to lean against the shower stall's wall. Bending his knees, he dipped low and gently introduced the head of his cock through the twelve-year-old's pussy lips. Her hands slapped flat against the wet wall and she stood there, making herself as tall as she could, while the big man's cock drove into her and slid out.
Brenda surprised him. After keeping to his side for a long moment, she dropped to her knees and forced herself between her sister and the wall. For the rest of the time Grandpa Jack fucked Darlene, Brenda was seated on the shower's floor, her face up and licking at the top of Darlene's young slit, trying to get her tongue between Grandpa Jack's cock and Darlene's clitty. It was a hit with both Grandpa Jack and Darlene. When Brenda found out she could reach between their legs and cup Grandpa Jack's ball sack in her young hands, Grandpa Jack decided he was in heaven.
He came hard, forcing Darlene into a fierce orgasm of her own and the coupling pair collapsed on the floor, joining a happy, content Brenda. They all had to soap back up again, but this time they studiously refrained from stroking each other. If they started it again, they all knew exactly where it would lead...and they all knew there were other people to hook up with back at the campsite.
Walking back, they met a younger, but also blonde girl trudging toward the showers with Payton, who Grandpa Jack knew from meeting her with Greg a short time earlier.
"Hi, Georgia," Brenda and Darlene said together. "Grandpa Jack, this is Georgia," Brenda told him.
"Another sister, eh," he replied. It hadn't been too difficult to figure out. The three girls all looked like exactly like each other at different stages of development.
"Hmmmm," Grandpa Jack said musingly, "y'all aren't all just clones of your mother's, are you?" Darlene and Brenda giggled.
"Everyone asks that," Brenda said. "We aren't," she added.
"What a pity," Grandpa Jack observed. "If your mother looks anything like you girls, I'd love to meet her," he told them. Brenda and Darlene looked at him for a moment, digesting the idea the man who'd just fucked the two of them might also be sexually attracted to their very own mother. But it was a short silence. They adjusted fast, accepting the concept of the idea, at least.
"Then you'd like her a lot," Brenda told him. "She looks exactly like us," she said, grinning as she watched the older man's penis harden immediately and begin to rise.
"There's Shawn!" Brenda exclaimed. She looked up at Grandpa Jack. She had some unfinished business with her boy cousin, and she was suddenly in a heat to get back to him.
"Go...go," he told her, making shooing motions with both hands. Brenda took off and Grandpa Jack wished Shawn well, though he didn't say anything aloud. He looked down at the two younger girls who were still standing silently by.
"So...Payton," he said, "how'd it go with Uncle Greg?"
The girl made a moue and scrunched her face up scornfully. "He ran off somewhere," she said indignantly. "I can't find him anywhere," she complained. Her face softened. "But I did find Jeff," she said, with considerable satisfaction.
"'s good," Grandpa Jack said, smiling. "You'll get it on with your uncle sooner or later," he added.
"I better!" she replied crossly.
"Well...Georgia, I'm very glad to meet you," he said, turning to the other little girl. He held out his hand for a shake. "I'm sorry we haven't had a chance to get to know each other 'til now."
He let his eyes roam over the child, noting her strong resemblance to the sexy bodies of her older sisters as well as their facial features. She still had a bit of baby fat on her, but it wasn't an unpleasant thing.
Georgia had small rounded breasts already, a slightly rounded belly and lovely thighs and sculpted calves. Her ankles were delicate and her little feet perfectly proportioned to the rest of her body. "So, who have you been doing," he asked the young girl.
She flinched a little, not used to the ideas this older man was creating in her mind; they made her uncomfortable. The other girls were talking dirty too, though. She screwed up her courage.
"I did some fucking stuff with my brother, Todd, " she told Grandpa Jack, mumbling so low he had trouble understanding her.
"Ahhhh, okay," he said, dropping the subject. The young girl wasn't ready to go any further right now.
"So...the showers are all ready and the water's hot," he told them. "I'm gonna leave you to it and go see what else I can get into," he said. Only Darlene caught the double entendre, but she snickered happily enough for Grandpa Jack to claim it a conversational victory.
"Do you know about douches and stuff?" Darlene asked. "Never mind. I know you don't, Georgia," she said. She looked up at Grandpa Jack. "I'm gonna go back and show them how stuff is used, okay?" she said, not really asking permission. She grinned. "I sure hope you want to do it again with me sometime," she added.
Taking a hand from Payton and Georgia in hers, Darlene sauntered back up the pavement toward the restroom and showers. Grandpa Jack stayed where he was for a long moment, watching the three girls until they were nearly at the door inside.
He sighed aloud. They all had beautifully rounded bubble butts, and their hips, what there were of them, swayed wonderfully from side to side as they moved.
Humming happily to himself Grandpa Jack turned and walked back to the camp.
* * *
It was getting late. The sun was dropping from the western sky quickly. Twilight shadows were gathering and spreading over the campground.
Deer had come out and were nuzzling through the grass, coming to beg for treats from the big crowd at the campsite. They were sent running though. Grandpa Jack didn't like wild animals being fed and he forbade the children to feed the small herd. It wasn't good for the deer, he told them. It made the deer dependent on humans...and if the campground closed, as Old Jim had told him it might, the deer would die of starvation for lack of handouts. Not a good thing. The kids, dubious though they were, accepted his reasoning and refrained.
"Ya know, Greg," Grandpa Jack observed casually, "next time you find a bunch of nasty, naked kids hanging around on the street corner and decide to bring them by, maybe you ought to just borrow one of those big yellow school buses so ya' got more seats...."
Greg winced. The number of children added to the sordid camping expedition was still a sore subject with him, even though Sandy hadn't held him responsible. When her nephew had asked Greg's nieces and nephews at his sister's house if they were going camping to fuck and suck and stuff like that, the die was already cast and there was nothing Greg could possibly have done. And too, things had worked out fairly one had called the cops yet, anyway.
"I guess I should look into it," Greg answered shortly. He crossed his legs, trying to hide his penis between his thighs, though it kept hardening whenever one of the girls in the campsite flashed her pussy at him or touched her breasts or...well...or anything, even inadvertently. Even with his pants on, everyone could see his whole body was one huge erogenous zone, and he couldn't help be stimulated. He tried to deny he was though.
"Good steaks, Greg," Grandpa Jack complimented the man, "done to perfection over a hot bed of coals...the only way steak should be prepared," he added.
"Thanks," Greg said, a little more civilly. Steaks and charcoal were safe subjects.
Grandpa Jack nodded and looked around at a campsite populated with darned few adults he'd said to Greg...a bus load of naked, sexualized children. Supper had called a halt to the round robin sex play, but it would pick back up shortly, if Grandpa Jack was reading the signs right.
Things were, he needed to guide the evening in a certain direction...because there was a serious problem developing and he needed to deal with it before it became a catastrophe.
He'd taken steps. After coming back from the restrooms and showers, Grandpa Jack had searched for Greg among the licentious crowd of young fucking kids, plus Sandy, finally locating the man coming back from outside the campground.
Apparently, Greg'd been hiking across the prairie out there beyond the campsites, doing everything he could to avoid the kids. That avoidance had to end. If Greg wasn't involved, his dissatisfaction would fester into an open wound, splitting his family apart and probably setting a disaster for everyone. Things would start rolling in a little bit.
In the meantime....
"So, what did you mean when you told Brenda and me we should come by the shop, whatever that is," Grandpa Jack asked, turning to the naked woman on his right.
Sandy looked blankly at him for a moment. "Oh! You don't know the shop I run...that I own, you?"
"Nope," Grandpa Jack replied succinctly. "Never came up on the conversation," he said, expanding his answer.
"I own two stores," Sandy told him, "They're called 'Silkies', Number One, and Number Two...and we use lasers to kill off all those nasty hairs all over your body."
Grandpa Jack contemplated the concept for a moment. He played with the steak knife in his hands, watching the sunlight play off the serrated edges.
Greg and Sandy found themselves watching the silly game Grandpa Jack was playing with the knife.
"Pain?" Grandpa Jack asked Sandy softly.
"Minimal...if any."
"It's permanent?" Grandpa Jack had a way of speaking so quietly when he wanted to. He twisted the knife in his hands.
"Darn near it. Maybe one hair in a thousand tries to re-grow...we zap it again and it goes away forever."
"Penis too?" Grandpa Jack's voice was as gentle as could be. He held the point of the knife up in the air and rolled the handle around rhythmically in his fingers.
"And balls, and asshole too," Sandy replied. Grandpa Jack considered all her answers.
"How much, honey?" Grandpa Jack asked calmly. The knife blade reflected the dying sun's last rays around the tabletop.
"Less than you paid for the front seats in that big-ass pickup you drove out here," Sandy shot back.
Grandpa shrugged. He had no idea what the bucket seats in his pickup cost--he'd never had to replaced one--but he assumed Sandy was saying she zapped hair off people's bodies for a reasonable price.
"And I have an nineteen-year-old little Mexican girl who'll probably do it for half cost...if you let her lock the door and...tip her before hand," Sandy said, grinning widely.
Grandpa Jack looked around at the evening closing in. "Deal!" he answered softly. He placed the knife on the table in front of him very deliberately and very carefully.
* * *
Greg Pearson came to with a menacing darkness hanging over him that startled him so badly, it woke him up completely. There was some flickering light around and behind him, but it was pitch black overhead. He began to get some perspective and finally saw the darkness was the roof over the picnic table that shielded campers from sun or rain while they ate.
When he moved, he clanked. He frowned, raising his head to look around. Tiki torches were alight now. Several were spaced around the picnic table, providing a soft, flickering light for activities there. He couldn't see anyone at all.
He moved again, discovering his arms were fastened over his head. The chains caused the clanking sound. He wondered how this had happened. Something was holding his feet too.
Straining to get his head up, Greg saw his wrists were held in some kind of padded restraints. They were attached to chains that disappeared off the edge of the picnic table. He had no idea how he'd gotten up on the table. He raised his head again. His ankles were secured by the same kind of restraints. He dropped his head to the surface of the table. He was a prisoner, lying on his back on the picnic table; there was no one around and he didn't know what was going on.
* * *
A mumbling chant began somewhere behind Greg. Someone was out there on the campground road. Greg could only hear muffled sounds. None of it made any sense. The shuffle of feet on the pavement got louder.
In another minute, children began filing past on his right side. They kept coming; he couldn't count them all. The front of the column wound around the table and kept going; the children circled the table for something just short of an eternity before stopping in place. At an unseen command, they turned to face the prisoner.
Their bodies, their faces were painted garishly. Most of the faces were painted wildly discordant colors, but some had only with black and white.
They were ghouls? Come to eat his soul? Greg's heart was in his mouth.
"Like a pillow, mate?" a voice asked.
Greg's head whipped around to his left. A big man, as garishly painted as the children, was solicitously holding a pillow near his head, ready to push it underneath so Greg would be more comfortable. It was already getting hard to hold his head up to look around.
"There ya go, mate," the man said after he pushed the pillow in place. "Thirsty? Want something to drink?"
Greg nodded.
The man produced a small crystal bowl from behind him and brought it to Greg's lips. It was only after he'd drained the small bowl that he saw the dregs were a brilliant shade of blue.
"Oh, Geeeeze," he murmured. "What did I just drink?" he asked, not expecting a reply.
He didn't get one.
"We gotta talk!" the voice said, speaking gutturally, menacingly.
"YOU have displeased the great god...Sexo-Moto...the voice told him. "Tonight you must atone for your misdeeds or the great god Sexo-Moto will...exact his revenge...uh...upon you."
"Drink," the voice commanded. The crystal bowl was back, refilled with the same strange blue brew. Greg drank. There didn't seem to be anything else he could do.
"Let the appeasement begin," the voice commanded. In the dim light of the Tiki torches, a small girl and a young boy broke from the circle and approached the picnic table. The giant apparition with the booming voice looped the young girl's long chains over a hook on one of the support posts, stretching her arms high above her head. The tyke smiled through her gaudy face paint at Greg.
"I am one...with Sexo-Moto," she told him.
Greg blinked. He didn't have a clue what to say.
"I am one with Sexo-Moto," the girl chanted. "I am one with Sexo-Moto...."
The young boy advanced toward the chained little girl. Touching the little girl's left breast, the youngster turned to Greg. "I am one with Sexo-Moto," he intoned, continuing to chant as he turned back to the girl.
It was only then that Greg saw the two were naked under their body paint. The boy had a little fingerling hard-on that he was playing with as he closed the distance with the little girl.
The girl spread her legs and turned around, pillowing her forehead on the post and pooching out her cute butt at the boy. She wiggled her ass in invitation.
The boy saw, and pulled the girl's ass into his groin. Working his cock around, he evidently entered the girl-child's pussy and he began pumping industriously.
In moments, the two began to moan and thrash about in a frenzy, cumming hard while Greg watched. When they were finished, the boy unfastened the girl's chains and they walked away arm-in-arm into the darkness chanting, "We are one with Sexo-Moto...We are one with Sexo-Moto...."
"Cute kids, huh, Greg?" the deep voice asked conversationally.
Greg flinched, but he couldn't see the man talking without craning his neck around to look almost straight behind him, and that was just too painful. He didn't answer.
"Lordy, they really fucked up a storm too, huh? Say, want another drink?"
Greg nodded reluctantly. He didn't really want to acknowledge the man or his own thirst.
The crystal bowl was put to his lips and he drank again.
While he was distracted, another pair of naked children approached. While Greg watched, the pair had sex and then were led away chanting.
"That's all I can give you for a while," the voice remarked casually. "Don't want you to overdose, you know."
"What?" Greg croaked. "What am I drinking, for the love of God?" he asked.
"Essence of little-girl pussy juice, spring water, and some of great god Sexo-Moto's secret spices," the voice intoned in great, echoing tones.
"Oh...," the voice continued in a more normal tone, "and there's a bloody huge Cialis tablet dissolved in each bowl too, mate. Wouldn't want to overlook that, would we?"
"Cialis?" Greg moaned. "Why?"
"Never you mind yourself about that, mate," the voice said. "Oh look, it's already working. How 'bout that? Take a bit of the right pill and wait ten minutes...boingggggg! The ol' whacker stands up and salutes, eh?"
Greg's eyes snapped to his midsection. He moaned. His cock was laying on his belly, but Greg could see it was as hard as a pistol barrel...and probably just as ready to...oh jeez...go off.
"Daddy?" a child's voice asked. Greg turned to his right and saw his daughter Melissa standing beside him. She was fully clothed, for which Greg was grateful, but she looked so woebegone he almost cried.
"Melissa, honey," he asked. "What's wrong, baby?"
"I am not one with Sexo-Moto," she whined. "You have refused me...and I have been...shunned," she explained. "I cannot become one with Sexo-Moto until you and I have communded...communed together with the great god Sexo-Moto," she said. She began removing her clothing.
"Please, Daddy?" his ten-year-old daughter pleaded. She had her pants off now. In another moment, she stood naked beside the table.
"Baby, I can't," he began.
"But Daddy, the great Sexo-Moto has provided," Melissa pompously, pointing at Greg's obvious hard-on. "That is for me," she said, not delaying any longer.
She stepped up on the bench seat and mounted the tabletop from there. She stepped over his waist and walked up to his head, where she stood over him, forcing him to look up at her naked pussy.
"My pussy is so wet, Daddy," she crooned. "Thank you for getting so hard for me," she said.
She stayed there for a long while, swaying slowly from side to side, not quite dancing...but it did tend to open her pussy lips a second or so before they closed again. Greg couldn't help but see the moisture on her puffy outer labia...there because of her desire for him?
"Oh...I know the great god Sexo-Moto will let us commune, Daddy," Melissa added, all in a rush to get it all out.
She stepped back and squatted over his groin.
"Baby...Melissa," he said huskily. He checked himself. He had no idea what to say to his daughter.
"It's okay, Daddy," Melissa assured him. She was already holding his cock straight up, angling it just right to enter her tender pussy. She sank down on her haunches, supporting herself with one hand on her Daddy's chest. Grunting, she sank down on his cock until he was nearly all the way inside her.
"Mmmmm...," she whimpered, "'s so good, Daddy."
In a few seconds, the little girl began bouncing up and down, impaling herself on her father's hard cock on the downstroke and rising quickly up again, only to repeat the process once more.
"Sexo-Moto...Sexo-Moto...." The chanting began when Melissa's young vagina engulfed her Daddy's penis and grew louder the longer Melissa fucked her father. The speed of the chant kept pace with the rising and falling of young Melissa's body on her father's sex.
Greg's heart raced, trying to keep up with the mantra's frenzied rhythm. He screamed at the heavens...the molten heat of his cum raced upward...his muscles strained to contain the pearly grey semen, to stop it from running through the channels in his cock...but it was too late. Greg felt his cum spouting out the slit in the tip of his cock. It was thick, heavy...he could feel his cum splashing nastily against his daughter's vagina.
"NO...NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" he cried. But he couldn't stop cumming! An ocean of cum was spurting out of his cock!
Melissa lifted off his cock when she felt the first jet of Daddy-cum spurting into her tender cunt. Squatting beside him, one leg still thrust over his body, she pumped her fist up and down, milking his sprays of incestuous seminal fluid and aiming them over her puffy pussy lips. With his head on the pillow, Greg couldn't avoid the sight. Unbidden, his body spewed out an extra few gobs of pearl-gray liquid.
When he was done, Melissa scooted down a few inches and bent almost double to take her father's penis into her mouth. For long seconds, she sucked, trying to milk still more semen out. Then she lapped her tongue around the crown of his cock several times, licking him clean and dry.
"The great god Sexo-Moto is pleased with his son and the daughter of his flesh," intoned the giant voice. Greg could hear the sound rebounding over the countryside. Faint echoes came back for several seconds after the last word was done.
"Great god Sexo-Moto is pleased," the children chanted. "Sexo-Moto...Sexo-Moto...."
Melissa stood up and walked carefully over Greg's body to stand over his head again. Her cum-slimed labia winked at him, shining in the flickering light of the torches. A few drops fell to splash wetly on his chest.
"Thank you, Daddy," Melissa said, her face beaming. She turned away and made her way off the table and down to the ground. When she got there, children gathered around her and began applying body paint all over her body, face, and even her hands.
"I am one with Sexo-Moto," Melissa said solemnly. "I am one with Sexo-Moto...."
"Remember the Cialis, sport!" a gruff voice said at Greg's ear. "Always remember the Cialis!"
Whoever said it slipped away before Greg could turn his head.
"Daddy?" a clear, piping voice said from his other side.
"Danielle!" Greg exclaimed.
"Daddy," she said in the deepest voice she could manage. "Why do you...why do you deny me your body? I must be one with Sexo-Moto," she told him. "We must be one with Sexo-Moto," she whimpered.
"Honey," he choked out. But it was too late. His youngest daughter, his baby girl, was already striping. She climbed up to the alter where he lay, exposed her dripping pussy to him and squatted on his cock, taking it with surprising ease.
When her father came hard, she collected all the cum she could in the palm of her hand and slurped it down with gusto.
"You taste wonderful, Daddy," she told him. "Uh...the great god Sexo-Moto is pleased with you and me," she said.
As she climbed off, the chanting kids gathered round her again and used handfuls of body paint to cover her entire body. Greg thought one of the children was Melissa, but he couldn't be sure.
"Remember...the Cialis will give you strength!" whispered a voice in his left ear. Whoever it was faded back into the darkness before Greg could say anything.
"Daddy?" said a voice near his right ear. Greg whipped his head around.
"Tasha?" Greg moaned. "Not again, honey. We've already...." But she paid him no mind.
Moments later, she showed Greg her tongue, coated with cum she'd scraped off his glans with her tongue.
"Cialis!" came the whisper.
"Uncle Greg?"
"Oh my God...Payton?" Greg groaned. He didn't even try to stop it. There was no point trying to avoid creaming the twelve-year-old's cunt. He saw his hips were rising without him wanting them to, to meet Sandy's niece's plunging groin. He realized he'd done that with Natasha...and Danielle too.
"Uncle Greg?" It was his sister's busty daughter, Brenda...then Elaine...then Darlene...and then it was his wife.
"Do you want me?" she asked in somber tones. "Sexo-moto demands an answer!" she intoned.
"Yes," Greg whispered. "I want all of you," he ground out through an incredibly dry throat.
Sandy sank down over him, supporting her weight on her knees while she pinched his nipples and massaged his chest. She leaned over to gently bite at his nipples, making even his man's nipples hard and sensitive.
When she began whipping her ass up and down in a hard, driving cadence, they both came, though his seminal fluids were nearly nonexistent now. Still, the rapture of the orgasm pounded over his body.
The children swarmed the table with handfuls of varicolored body paint, splashing great gobs over his body and smearing it through his hair and over his face. They laughed, chanted the incantation, "Sexo-Moto, Sexo-Moto, Sexo-Moto...." over and over again.
And then the crowd melted away and the night was quiet. He could hear them, proposing to one another and coaxing each other into more sex in different positions and with other partners. It was strange, but he was at peace...a little sore, but not unpleasantly so.
"Damned good party, isn't it?" a voice asked conversationally.
Greg's eyes came around to find Grandpa Jack, his face and body painted with a scheme that featured alternating olive drab and black strips. Grandpa Jack was sitting on the bench near Greg's head, munching an apple. With the whites of his eyes creating an incongruous contrast, calmly eating the apple looked very strange. Grandpa Jack gulped down a glass of what Greg could see was the strange blue liquid.
"Cialis!" Greg warned.
" coloring in pure spring water," Grandpa Jack said.
"How're you feeling?" Sandy asked tenderly. Greg turned to look at her. She'd come back without him noticing.
"Okay," he replied. "Look, can you get me out of these?" he asked his wife plaintively, pointing his chin at the restraints holding him captive.
Grandpa Jack reached out with a big right hand and lifted Greg's left hand and laid it on Greg's chest. Greg stared at it, stupefied. He brought his other arm around and moved his legs experimentally.
"SonofaBITCH!!" Greg spat. He sat up, scooted down the table and put his feet down on the bench.
"You made me have sex with my own daughters!" he said bitterly.
"I don't think so!" Grandpa Jack said tranquilly. "You haven't had your hands or your feet held down since Melissa walked up over your face and showed you how wet she was for you," he told Greg.
"All you had to do was get up and walk away...that's if you really wanted to," he said. "Your body knew you were free," he told the irate man, but your mind held you in place. A couple a' times, you even grabbed onto the restraints laying there on your own accord and held on to them while you fucked," Grandpa Jack informed the stunned man.
"But the Cialis...." Greg protested.
"Wasn't enough Cialis in the first bowl to give a field mouse a stiffy," Grandpa Jack scoffed, "and there was exactly zero Cialis in all the other bowls. Nosireee, Mr. Pearson," Grandpa Jack said emphatically. "It was all you and it was what your brain has been trying to tell you what you really wanted all along, buster. You were just blocking it better than most, that's all."
Grandpa Jack went back to work on the apple, biting huge chunks out of it and wolfing them down with gusto.
"Damned impressive too," Grandpa Jack added. "You took most of the young girls out here...and then got your wife off too...and all in less than an hour...congrats, Mr. Pearson...hell of a show...and everyone here had one heck of a good time too...didn't they?" he asked.
Greg tried to deny it. No...he hadn't had a good time. He wanted to say that. He wanted to throw Grandpa Jack's words back in his face! But...scraps of memory kept coming round, hounding him. He remembered the feel as Melissa first squatted over him and his penis touched her puffy outer lips...and the fiery, wet heat of Danielle's cunt....
"Admit it," Grandpa Jack said encouragingly. "Your face says you want to. G'head," he said in a falsetto. "G'head."
"Shit!" Greg said emphatically, but a sheepish grin he couldn't stop was shinning through the frown he tried to keep in place.
"Ahhhh, hell," he said wearily, finally giving up. "I...I...okay, I...liked it," he said. "A LOT!" he added.
"Welcome to the clan, mate," Grandpa Jack shot back quickly, stretching out his hand...then withdrawing it when he realized it was covered with apple juice. "Catch ya later on the handshake thing," he promised.
"Ahhhh...'Sexo-Moto' ?" Greg asked delicately.
"Oh, sure!" Grandpa Jack replied. "Bitch, bitch, bitch!! That's all I ever get!"
"Hey, you try to make up a whole lot of weird shit like that on the spur a' the moment. Jeez, everyone's a critic these days!" Grandpa Jack grinned unrepentantly.
"Uh-huh," Greg remarked, a little bit less than convinced. "And all the body paint?"
"Oh, that was just pure fun!" said Grandpa Jack in a satisfied tone. "You try to spread body paint all over a squirmy, giggling naked little girl with your hands and you're going to have a great time," he said calmly.
Greg closed his eyes and tried to imagine that scene. In light of his new self-honesty, he had to admit the accuracy of Grandpa Jack's commentary.
"How the hell did you get me up on this damned table in the first place," Greg inquired.
Grandpa Jack grinned. "In my wasted youth, I was interested in being a magician," he replied. He looked at Sandy's bare breasts, squinted his eyes, and leaned in to examine her left one. Reaching out, he took a quarter from just above the aureole and then another off her right nipple.
"How'd you do that?" Sandy squealed. She giggled like a schoolgirl.
"I'll never tell," Grandpa Jack replied huffily. "A good magician never tells!" He reached out and pulled a steak knife from behind Sandy's head and started to cut another apple in half.
"And some magicians are fairly good at ventriloquism too," he said, cutting a thin wedge from the apple. "A very few are pretty fair country hypnotists...." He began to wave the knife back and forth.
That jogged Greg's memory. "Damn!" he breathed. "You hypnotized me and made me have sex with the kids!"
"Well," Grandpa Jack mused. "...I probably could a' planted a posthypnotic suggestion that would have gotten you to do it, but I'd have had to reinforce it all the danged time...and I'm just too danged lazy to be messin' with that," Grandpa Jack answered. "It was much easier just to tell you to go to sleep and then wake up when I slapped my hand three times on the picnic table...and then I let nature take its course!"
Greg wasn't totally convinced. "That what he did?" he asked Sandy.
She nodded. "You dropped right off and slept like a baby...apparently you needed to rest up for the main event." Sandy grinned fondly at her husband.
"You're one sneaky son of a bitch," Greg said to Grandpa Jack.
"Yep!" Grandpa Jack replied with perfect aplomb. "Wanta hear about the posthypnotic suggestion I did plant to make you go back to sleep?" He grinned at Greg. "And there's that one that'll make you walk around and make like a rooster...?"
"Ahhhhhh, that would be a resounding 'no', thank you very much," Greg said, somewhat subdued.
"That's good...'cause there isn't any," Grandpa Jack remarked. He cut another wedge from the apple. I was just kidding you." He examined the knife blade closely.
"Well...probably I was, anyway...."
Greg snorted. "You know, 'Daddy'-in-law, paybacks are hell and I don't know when, I don't know how...but I'll get you someday!!" The threat lost a little of it's possible impact when Greg started smiling half way through.
"Cock a doodle DOOOOOOO!!" Grandpa Jack crowed. He flapped his arms crazily and grinned maniacally through the body paint on his face.
"Ah, hell...I really need a shower," Greg announced, dismissing Grandpa Jack's vague 'threat'. "Wanna go with me?" he asked his wife.
"Uh-huh...and...Danielle?" Sandy suggested. "She didn't really get off...she just got up because she was coached to, so she could show you how naughty she was with your cum," Sandy explained.
Greg stared at her, biting his lips. He shifted his body, and found he'd set his left hand down on a hand-held microphone...which explained the echo effect he'd heard earlier. It wasn't really because he'd been transported to the lower depths of hell.
But he was only delaying an answer to his wife, and he owed her a straightforward one that reflected his...his true desires. "And Danielle...." he said with finality.
He tested the world with a deep breath; the air seemed much the same, there was no change in the night, nothing crashed, the ground wasn't splitting open. Everything considered, nothing seemed to have changed for the worse in his universe.
"Cool," Sandy said quickly. "Actually, I think she'll have a unique way of getting some of that body paint off you," she said, almost babbling. "And I know you can help clean her off, and me, too."
"That stuff is edible, right?" Greg asked. "What does red taste like?"
Sandy held up her left boob for her husband's evaluation. He tasted, and nodding approvingly.
"DANIELLE...?" he called.
"Yes, Daddy?" Her piping young voice came from somewhere out in the darkness.
"Let's go take a shower with your Mom," Greg said, with more composure than he thought he'd be able to manage. There was the sound of running footsteps and a strangely painted, but very naked and happy young girl came into the light.
"Really, Daddy?" she asked.
"Really," he answered firmly. Danielle appeared and put her hand in her father's big mitt. She trotted alongside him as the three walked naked into the warm night.
Grandpa Jack watched with satisfaction.
"Hey!" he yelled out into the darkness beyond the range of the Tiki torches. "Who was that in the blue boobies, gray butt cheeks, and purple, glow-in-the-dark pussy lips I saw?" There was a short silence.
"Me," a young voice called back.
"Who me?"
"Hmmmmmm...ya busy, Payton?" Grandpa Jack asked of the small figure just coming into view past the ring of torches.
"Nope!" she answered.
"Want to rub bellies and see what kind of color we make?" he asked the twelve-year-old.
"Sure," she said, increasing her step to a jog. She leaped up into Grandpa Jack's arms before he could rise so she could kiss him enthusiastically. "Wanta go to our tent?" she asked.
When they got to one of the mammoth new tents, they stepped inside to find a roiling mass of young humanity, everyone doing something to someone else in the dim interior.
"My kind of place!" Grandpa Jack observed. He stepped inside and pulled Payton by the hand into an unoccupied corner.
"Now," he said to Payton, "where were we?" The young girl giggled and guided his mouth to her favorite painted body part.
"Hi, Miss Georgia," Grandpa Jack said cheerfully. Greg's niece was on her way back from the bathrooms. "Whatcha doin' " he asked casually.
"Nothing" she answered listlessly. She stopped when he spoke to her, digging a toe into the deep grass just for something to do while he held her here by talking to her. It was what children do.
"Wanta sit and talk?" he asked.
"Okay," she answered unenthusiastically. She sat a careful two feet away to Grandpa Jack's left on the futon. Georgia was wearing a long T-shirt, but nothing else. She'd walked around nude the day before when she and the others arrived, but this morning she'd donned the T-shirt and wasn't about to shed it for anyone.
Grandpa looked casually around the campsite. Kids were busy with the final chores of the morning. Some were involved in some casual sex play...fondling, kissing, and such...but no outright oral or penetrating going on at the moment. All of them were stark naked except for happy smiles, and some with sandals or flip-flops on. Georgia was the only person in camp with any article of clothing on.
"So...," he prompted, "...things going okay with you?"
"I guess," she answered, indifferently.
Grandpa Jack nodded as if she'd just provided the answer to a great mystery.
"You and your brothers been having fun for a while now, right?" he asked. He didn't have to pretend an interest in something she could relate to; he genuinely WAS interested.
"Uh-huh," the ten-year-old answered after a pause. "Since I was eight and a half," she added.
"I see...."
There was a rush of footsteps, some deep breaths, and a nude body moved in from Grandpa Jack's other side.
"See what?" Danielle demanded, plopping down on Grandpa Jack's lap. She reached between her legs and brought Grandpa Jack's flaccid penis up between her thighs and squeezed them together around his maleness. She divided a toothy grin between Grandpa Jack and Georgia.
"Oh...Georgia just told me she's been playing with her brothers since she was just eight," Grandpa Jack said.
Danielle turned her disbelieving face to the ten-year-old. "Really?" she asked enviously. Georgia nodded.
"Wow," Danielle said. "You're so lucky!" she added. "I only got to do it for the first time when we got out here," she said mournfully. "And I'm nine already," she added.
Something clicked in her mind and she began to scramble off Grandpa Jack's lap. "I'm sorry, Georgia...were you going to play with Grandpa Jack? I didn't mean to get in the way. I can go find one of your brother's...I think your brother, Ryan, is HOT!" she confided.
It took Georgia a moment to understand what the nine-year-old was saying. Georgia's face turned pink, and she shook her head vigorously. "I was just TALKING to Grandpa Jack," she said. "It's okay," she added.
"Really? That's cool...thanks," Danielle replied, settling back on Grandpa Jack's lap and shamelessly cuddling with him, their naked bodies rubbing comfortably together.
Grandpa Jack's inserted his left hand between Danielle's knees--she quickly separated her legs--and Grandpa Jack began stroking the nine-year-old's inner thighs from kneecap to the camel toe at the junction of her legs. Danielle adjusted her body so Grandpa Jack could get better access to her puffy outer pussy lips.
Georgia watched the willowy girl and the older man fondle each other, with mounting discomfort. Abruptly, her uneasiness got to her.
"Are you supposed to be touching her there?" Georgia demanded of Grandpa Jack. Her eyes were on Grandpa Jack's fingers as they explored Danielle's pussy.
"As long as it's okay with Danielle," Grandpa Jack replied quietly.
"Oh, sure," Danielle contributed dreamily. "It feels really good." She squirmed a little, rolling her hips to increase the sensations while she closed her eyes in concentration.
Her eyes popped open. "Want Grandpa Jack to touch you?" she asked Georgia. "It's REALLY nice," she said enthusiastically.
Georgia tried to refuse, but Danielle was not to be denied. She took Grandpa Jack's big hand--the one that didn't have fingers in her own pussy--leaned over to lift the hem of Georgia's T-shirt and put Grandpa Jack's fingers on Georgia's pussy lips.
"That feel good?" Danielle asked the startled ten-year-old. "It does, doesn't it?" Danielle giggled. She looked Greg's young niece over for a moment, apparently seeing signs Georgia was, in fact, enjoying Grandpa Jack's probing middle finger.
"Mmmmmmmmm," Danielle said happily. "I just love it when Grandpa Jack eats my pussy," she told Georgia. "I just cum sooo hard," she confided, chortling again. "Don't ya just love it when you got a boy's head in between your legs and he's got his tongue all stuck out, licking your puss?" she asked a startled Georgia.
It didn't matter what Georgia's response was; Danielle was on a roll and nothing was going to divert her.
"You know, you have a really pretty pussy," Danielle observed. Georgia's mouth dropped but Danielle didn't notice. "Don't you think so, Grandpa Jack? Don't you think she has cute one?"
"I do," Grandpa Jack said quietly. "Very pretty, just like yours."
"Yeah," Danielle said in a distracted voice. She took Grandpa Jack's fingers from her slit, inserted her own and quietly began driving herself out of her mind.
Danielle sat up on Grandpa Jack's lap and turned her upper body to offer her lips for a long, steaming kiss. When she came up for air, her eyes were alight with a sultry promise for Grandpa Jack.
"Grandpa Jack is a really good kisser," she told Georgia. "He teaches everyone how to kiss really sexy and hot," she said. Rousing, she turned to face Georgia.
"Has Grandpa Jack showed you how to kiss sexy?" She didn't pause for an answer.
"Wanta kiss him? You can kiss me too, ya know. It's okay for girls to kiss, long's they like cock mostly. I kiss my Mom and ever'one, really sexy kiss them and everything," she remarked.
The delivery was having its effect. "Kissing's okay," Georgia said before she could stop it.
"Cool...kiss her, Grandpa Jack," she ordered. "You have to lean over...there," she said. "Kiss!" she commanded.
When Grandpa Jack complied with the nine-year-old's orders and leaned toward the T-shirt clad Georgia, Danielle lost her place on his lap. She stood, then lay down on the futon couch.
She watched intently as Georgia's face gradually relaxed. When it was clear the ten-year-old girl was responding, Danielle broke in again. "Now kiss me," she demanded, scooting her body along the futon's upper cushion behind Georgia. Georgia had to twist her body around, but Danielle helped her.
Georgia was startled at the touch of Danielle's tongue, but she let Danielle do what she wanted...finding out a minute into it that she was actually enjoying what was happening. She squirmed a bit when she realized Grandpa Jack's hand was no longer on her groin. Also, somehow, she was stretched out beside Danielle and Grandpa Jack's lips were kissing her upper thigh and lower belly en route to her forbidden cleft. She didn't quite stop him.
When the girls broke their kiss, Danielle saw Grandpa Jack was kissing the inside of Georgia's thighs and she made a short whining sound deep in her throat.
"Guess who just got through playing with some dildos!" she said to Grandpa Jack. It was a way of telling him she'd opened herself up with some pleasurable preparatory exercises before she could take a full-grown man inside her.
"This is fun, fun, fun!" she commented to no one in particular.
She looked calculatingly at ten-year-old Georgia as Georgia debated with herself whether to push Grandpa Jack's head away or not. Danielle read Georgia's decision to let Grandpa Jack keep on about as soon as Georgia made it. The sudden relaxation of Georgia's body gave it away.
Danielle saw an opportunity. "Can I take your T-shirt off," Danielle asked, but she was already pulling Georgia's top over her head. She'd assumed Georgia's permission. "Oh, wow, you sure have nice boobies," she commented.
Georgia hadn't put up any protest at Danielle's preemptory act. She went along passively if not enthusiastically. Georgia colored a little when Danielle put a hand on Georgia's left breast, but she didn't make Danielle remove it.
Grandpa Jack raised his head from Georgia's cleft and quietly kissed Georgia's right nipple. Georgia had nice little immature breasts. She was a little stockier than a lot of the girls here, but that probably meant her breasts were going to be larger in their maturity than these other girls. She had a distinct waist too, a gentle curve outward to a pair of sturdy hips, well-formed thighs and calves, and a pair of the more shapely sets of ankles in the camp.
Georgia gasped at the unexpected contact of Grandpa Jack's lips and her young breast but she was slowly being overwhelmed. Scant seconds later, Georgia was actively pushing her breasts at Grandpa Jack's mouth for him to tease the aureolas and suck at the nipples.
Danielle took her cue from Grandpa Jack sucked Georgia's whole left boobie into her hot mouth. Georgia's heels drummed on the ground, her senses saturated by the dual attacks. Her head snapped back and her eyes closed to concentrate on the feelings inundating her body. When Grandpa Jack's fingers probed her sensitive outer labia again, her thighs spread wide to welcome his attentions.
Danielle pulled back, breathless and thoroughly aroused herself. She watched Grandpa Jack work on Georgia, forcing the ten-year-old's passion higher with each passing second. When Grandpa Jack's winked his right eye at her, Danielle licked her lips.
"You know what we could do?" Danielle said eagerly. "We could do...Georgia, you...can you scoot up in the corner...uh-huh...and turn so I can lick your pussy...I promise you, you'll like it...then...oh, yeah...I can lay down here...and Grandpa Jack, you can put your cock in me from behind...yeah...and we can...mmmmmmmm...."
With his cock buried in one young girl's cunt and watching that girl eat another's pussy, Grandpa Jack was supremely happy. It didn't take very long for the hastily organized menage a trois to cum.
It was Georgia who came first. Danielle's insistent tongue teasing her clitty mercilessly had her on the ragged edge of a climax almost immediately. Danielle actually backed off a little, sensing young Georgia couldn't control herself much longer.
Danielle's breath began coming in short pants.
Fire and pressure were building high in Grandpa Jack's groin too. He squirmed around in the futon, thrusting into Danielle's young cunt and reaching out to stroke Georgia's lower belly.
Danielle was wriggling energetically, humping her butt back into Grandpa Jack's cock as they lay side-by-side and licking Georgia's pussy lips as best she could. It was clumsy, but effective. She felt Grandpa Jack's cock swell and she was abruptly howling her way through an orgasm.
She set Grandpa Jack off as well and he was suddenly hosing her young cunt with a torrent of cum juices. Georgia felt the other two beginning to cum and she began to shudder and quake to her own climax.
Moments later, the exhausted trio were laying together in a tight tangle, trying to get their breathing back to something approaching normal.
After a long while, they sat up, sorting out what limbs went where and to whom. "That was GOOD wasn't it?" Danielle asked with considerable satisfaction. She grinned at one and all.
"Wanta go into our trailer and douche and stuff?" Danielle asked Georgia matter-of-factly. "I can show you all how to clean up and everything, if you want to," Danielle told the older girl.
"K...let's go," Danielle said when Georgia nodded silently. The girls rose and walked into the interior of the campsite. "Bye, Grandpa Jack," Danielle tossed back to the older man.
Georgia looked back, a dazed, faintly troubled expression on her face, but she didn't say anything.
When Georgia came out of the RV after her shower, her T-shirt was back on.
* * *
Grandpa Jack made a deal with Old Jim. The only campers in the whole campground were the three adults and the horde of children. For a basket of Old Jim's early crop of tomatoes from his small garden, and bunch of firewood Old Jim usually sold after felling trees in the Corps of Engineering site, Grandpa Jack would take care of the campground maintenance and, in particular, the restrooms for the rest of the group's stay.
It wasn't a wholly altruistic offer on Grandpa Jack's part. He was concerned that all the sex going on in the showers was going to be discovered by Old Jim if Grandpa Jack didn't do something about it...the overpowering aroma of males and females having sex was hanging in the air like a flashing neon sign when Grandpa Jack walked into the restroom early this morning. Clearly, something had to he volunteered the kids, and himself, to keep the facilities sparkling clean.
Old Jim agreed quickly, before the younger man could come to his senses. The bushel of tomatoes was over-flowing when it arrived at Grandpa Jack's campsite and a half cord of well-dried firewood appeared soon thereafter. Old Jim and his wife disappeared Saturday at noon, heading for their second daughter's home up north by the state line.
It didn't matter much whether Old Jim was there or not. The almost deserted campground had no reservations pending and it had actually disappeared from listings on the Internet. One had to ask specifically about the place from a live operator, and some operators couldn't even find information about this site, so there were even fewer opportunities for reservations.
Grandpa Jack had gathered all this and more in several long conversations with the spry old man. He liked Old Jim, and had from their first meeting. The feeling was mutual and they quickly became friends.
Old Jim shared the combination to the lock on the campground's front gate early on, so Grandpa Jack and his folks could come and go, no matter how late at night it was. More and more, Grandpa Jack and those with him were able to act as if the campground was their private retreat.
And there was always the noise the old bridge made when someone drove over it. They could do pretty much as they wanted so long as someone kept a listening watch. Grandpa Jack made sure someone was always listening.
* * *
Sandy was making out with her husband, showing all the kids that old married folks actually do like having sex with each other.
Greg had been sitting in an oversize camp lounger, enjoying the balmy afternoon, when he was suddenly accosted by the beautiful woman he'd married and made so many babies with. When she climbed up in his lap and pressed demanding lips on his, he cooperated enthusiastically. With Sandy's knees on the fabric seat of the chair, her boobs were just at the right height for her nipples to be sucked, so Greg was factually...a happy camper.
After a few minutes, the short, slender woman rose higher, steadied herself and reached down between her legs to insert her husband's cock into her cunt. With the ease of long practice, the two were soon rocking in the chair, working on a nice little mutual orgasm.
Their son, Shawn, walked by on his way from the RV where he'd taken a quick shower to the picnic table looking for something to eat. His cousin, Elaine, had enticed him earlier into taking her, doggy style, on a blanket off to the side of the campsite but he was ready for more fun.
If he'd wandered into his parents' bedroom ten or twelve days ago and surprised them having sex, Shawn would have been horrified. He'd have bolted out of the room accompanied by his mother's mortified screams. Had he actually been aroused by watching his father and mother, Shawn would have been mortified.
This afternoon though, he had no problem watching his hard-bodied mother rising and falling on his father's cock. Nor did it bother Shawn to busy himself, fantasizing about the next time it would be his prick sliding in and out of his mother's hot pussy. He fisted his cock and began jacking himself off slowly, and watched closely. He grinned at his mother when he saw she was watching him in return.
"Come here, honey," Sandy told her son. "Give Mommy a kiss," she urged.
Shawn was learning rapidly. When his mother started using third person, it meant she was horny out of her mind for something specific, so Shawn was immediately intrigued. He shuffled closer. At the side of his father's chair, he leaned over and kissed his mother, slipping his tongue inside her luscious, full lips and sucking her tongue into his mouth. When they broke the incestuous kiss, Sandy and her son were breathless. Impulsively, Sandy's fingers replaced Shawn's own around his cock and she began slowly sliding her hand up and down on his shaft.
Shawn loved the sensation of his own mother touching his cock. When his mother positioned him beside the lounger and leaned over to take his cock in her mouth while she fucked his father, Shawn's blood pressure skyrocketed. He put a hand on his mother's off shoulder to support himself. He looked at his dad for reassurance. Just yesterday, his father was refusing to join in anything; was it now alright for Shawn to jump in like this??
Greg nodded and smiled lazily. When his wife had first taken Shawn between her lips, he'd been startled...but he was beginning to adjust to the new lifestyle. He squeezed his wife's breasts, thumbing her nipples into erect, hard little gumdrops.
Sandy moaned appreciatively. With her tongue already massaging the sensitive area behind his glans, the vibration of her vocal cords did wonderful things to Shawn's cock. He began to move his hips slowly back and forth. Sandy stopped her movements, letting her son fuck her face while her lower body rose and fell on her husband's cock.
A crowd began gathering, intrigued by the copulating trio and the nasty things happening between them. That they were father, son, and mother was especially interesting. None of the rest of them could form a group like that.
Grandpa Jack was returning from a brisk walk down to the restrooms to relieve himself...and a more leisurely trip back...when he noticed the group of children gathered round. Looking over the children's heads, he saw the object of their fascination and smiled.
Two adults going at it...oh, and their son too. Now that was intriguing, Grandpa Jack thought. Greg was coming out of his shell quite nicely.
Greg saw Grandpa Jack watching and grinned back at him when Grandpa Jack smiled. He put his hands under his wife's buttocks to help lift her up and down...and, incidentally, showing off his cock to the pack of youngsters. As his hands moved, massaging and kneading his wife's magnificent, rounded ass, he felt something odd against the heel of his hand.
He frowned, and his hand searched for it again, bumping into something barely protruding from Sandy's asshole. His fingers explored the thing; he quickly figured out his wife had a butt plug buried in her rectum. He touched it, rapped a fingernail on the base, moved it around a little, and grinned broader when Sandy groaned.
Whenever she did that, Shawn grunted and his knees tended to buckle. Greg chuckled and did it again, with the same results. His vision suddenly focused on Grandpa Jack, who was in turn, studying Payton and her brother Todd as they fondled each other's butt cheeks.
When Grandpa Jack looked up to find Greg's eyes on him, Grandpa Jack grinned and waved. Greg made his decision.
"Hey...uh...'Daddy Jack'...," he called, getting Grandpa Jack's attention.
Greg wet his lips. " want to help me and Shawn make this wench...air tight?" he asked.
Grandpa Jack was stunned. Yesterday, this young man had walked away out on the prairie to avoid even being in the vicinity of naked little girls. Today, he was actively participating in sex many men would not do...and now he was actually upping the stakes?? He was abruptly proud of Greg, and admired his recuperative abilities. 'Dad' huh?
"Sure, 'Son', " he shot back at the younger man, "... I'll help you tame this filly." He dropped his towel on a convenient camp chair and stepped through the circle of kids. They had been instantly stimulated into murmurs of disbelief and speculation. They hadn't missed the 'dad' or 'son' comments either. This was super fascinating.
When Grandpa Jack got to the incestuous threesome performing in the middle of the ring, he made an abrupt right turn to go to his tent. There were several large jars of water-based lubricant in what his young granddaughters called the 'toy box' and he was going to need some.
He'd only taken one step in that direction when he had to stop short or knock both of his granddaughters back on their cute little butts. He had no idea where they'd come from.
"Hi, Grandpa Jack," they chorused. "Is this what you want?" They each had a jar of lubricant in their hands and were offering them to him. "Want some help?" they added in unison.
Grandpa Jack caught Greg watching the exchange. He shrugged. "They're telepathic between each other," he said in a mock whisper, "and they can foretell the future with those magic crystal balls they keep in their toy box."
Several of the boys shot incredulous glances at the blonde twins.
Greg chuckled.
Sandy was in a world of her own, but she heard her Daddy's voice; it took only a moment to drop her son's cock out of her mouth and turn to see what was going on. Dreamily, she saw Grandpa Jack and his granddaughters standing there...the twins were massaging their grandfather's cock and all three were having a ball. She turned back to Shawn and took his cock back in her mouth.
Sandy sensed the butt plug being removed and she frowned around Shawn's cock, but she didn't want to let her son's prick escape again. When she felt the lubricant being liberally applied to her ass hole and worked industriously inside by a small hand, she knew Alicia or Carrie was doing it. She moaned...and Shawn groaned.
Alicia lubed her grandfather up, expertly covering him completely and grinning all around at the surrounding kids. She knew what Grandpa Jack was going to do...and how he was going to do it.
"Ready?" Alicia asked. He nodded. She took his cock in her small hand and pulled him toward Sandy's curvaceous ass.
Grandpa Jack shuffled in behind the woman and settled in place, expecting Alicia to release him. When she didn't, he looked at her questioningly.
"I can aim it," she told him. "I've done it before, 'member?" She smiled sweetly. Grandpa Jack shrugged his assent.
"Get it done, then!" he said facetiously. He grinned lightheartedly. Life was a ball for Grandpa Jack these days.
The head of his cock bumped Sandy's outer ring of sphincter muscles and slid part way in. Sandy thought someone was putting the butt plug she was experimenting with back in and she was happy. But she quickly realized something bigger and warmer was pushing inside her.
She spit out her son's cock. "Hey, wait a minute, here," she yelped. "Don't...Grandpa Jack...DADDY! Don't! I'm not ready...."
"That's all right," he replied. "I am."
He pushed in slowly, carefully, trying to make sure Sandy didn't have any pain. He knew if anal sex hurt, it was bad sex.
He pressed inward. Sandy had had the butt plug in for a while, and the motion of the plug generated by her walking around with it in, and then fucking her husband with it still inside her, had opened her up greater than the actual diameter of the plug itself. Grandpa Jack didn't encounter much resistance. Resetting his feet, he drove his cock a little deeper, feeling the heat of Sandy's butt hole absorbing him.
Sandy felt the fullness in her bowels increase. Her body began an attempt to expel the intruding monster, but Grandpa Jack was relentless. Sandy felt him plow into her, quickly passing through the depth the butt plug had reamed inside her.
A small hand pressed against her anus, depositing more lubricant on the expanding rosette and onto the big tool invading her butt. Grandpa Jack rammed his cock back in, worked himself around inside her, and made her bowels adjust and straighten out to make way for the length of man meat shoving its way in.
Sandy began to whimper, a new sensation for Shawn, and one that he immediately liked.
"Hmmmmmmmmmm, you like it Sandy?" Grandpa Jack whispered in her ear. Grandpa Jack was up inside her ass almost balls deep now.
Withdrawing, Grandpa Jack waited for Alicia to rub more lubricant around Sandy's butt hole. Then he plunged back inside the woman's nether hole. In seconds, he had established a rhythm, working with Greg, that was quickly driving Sandy crazy. "Faster?" he mouthed at Greg and, at his nod, began to power himself harder and quicker into Sandy's ass and back out.
Sandy took her son's cock in her mouth again, letting him drive his penis deep into her throat. She was breathing heavily, but through her nose. Shawn was blocking any air that might have come through her mouth. Shawn was taking control of the face-fuck, holding his mother's head at just the angle he wanted and setting his feet to fuck his cock between her lips.
The three males kept the pace up, thrusting their cocks into the woman and pulling them out of her three holes without waiting for her to be ready. The woman was transported to a state of delirium. Being used from three different directions, she couldn't move in any one of them because the other two were so vigorously pushing and withdrawing. She whimpered, trying to move her cunt up and down on Greg's cock but he was holding her up and doing the thrusting and withdrawing himself.
She sobbed deep in her throat and Shawn sobbed with her. His cadence grew more ragged the longer this all went on.
She could feel both cocks deep inside her lower body. Oh God! One slammed in while the other was pulling out. Then they stabbed inside at the same time, and the two conniving males maintained that rhythm for a long while. She could feel them there--big male cocks inside her, separated only by the thin fleshy wall between vagina and her dark canal. She couldn't take this too much longer.
The men began to slam their cocks inside her harder and harder.
Sandy went berserk. She tried to roll her hips around in a circle. She'd been screwing for a lot of years and knew moving her hips around would increase the stimulation of nerve endings by the penises of the men. She was already amazed at the wonderful sensations emanating from around her anus. She'd used a buttplug and had anal sex before, but this...this was....
The best she could do was to dig her knees into the fabric seat and try to drive herself up and down, but the men were in charge of her body. They were banging her hard, not letting her rest, not letting her adjust. They were driving her into a frenzy, refusing to let up, refusing to give her any relief.
The children gathered around began to cheer and squeal.
The kids clapped and danced in place.
Sandy could hear them. All the excitement drove her lust for this depraved sex that much higher. The children's applause pushed her into sexual berserker mode.
Sandy froze in place, unable to move. Sensory overload overwhelmed her. Shawn's cock moved jerkily in and out of her mouth, but her lips were slack. The men fucking her cunt and ass pumped their cocks into her and pulled back, but she couldn't respond.
Waves of ecstasy washed over her, splashing and moving back over already conquered territory. Her body trembled; the muscles in her abdomen rippled.
Sandy's throat convulsed, milking Shawn's cock. His milky-white cum sprayed out, spewing a huge gob down his mother's throat and into her belly. Shawn pulled away, falling back a step.
The next jet of cum splattered over the right side of his mother's face and her upper chest. The obscene sight of his mom's cum-slimed face set him off again. Cum spewed out of the end of his cock again and covered her right breast. Some dribbled off, oozing down her side.
Shawn groaned. He tried to cum again, but he was done. He dropped in the grass, gasping for air.
Sandy shuddered. She could feel Grandpa Jack hosing a load of hot cum deep in her bowels.
She wailed her exaltation to the sky and held her lower body still to take Grandpa Jack's next eruption of white-hot cum inside her ass. When Greg sprayed a geyser of his cum into her cunt at the same time Grandpa Jack exploded in her anus, Sandy screamed as her orgasm consumed her with fire and ice.
Grandpa Jack's 'daughter' collapsed over her husband's face, dislodging both men's penises and their final spouts of pearly gray semen sprayed all around the orifices from which they'd just been ejected.
The girls and boys gathered around were struck dumb. They'd never seen anything like this in their young lives. "Wow," said one girl. "That was...." She didn't know the words to describe what they'd just witnessed.
Sandy whimpered softly. Her head lolled on her shoulders. "Oh, God," she whispered, "I can't move, baby," she told her husband.
After a few minutes more, Sandy struggled off her husband's lap. She stood there, swaying as she gathered herself together. The kids looked at the cum on her face, in her hair, and on her chin. Her breasts and belly button were soaked. Her groin was thickly covered, and Grandpa Jack's cum was dribbling from her asshole and making a river down the back of her thighs.
"WOW!!" several more kids whispered.
Sandy didn't seem to hear. "Honey," she said softly to her husband. "Can we go wash me off?" She cuddled close to his chest while he held her in his arms.
He didn't answer, but turned his wife in the direction of their RV trailer and, putting his arm around her shoulders, walked her slowly in that direction. They disappeared inside. The boys and girls watching were quiet for a moment.
"Hey, guys!" the twins harmonized. Their loud voices got the kids attention immediately, bringing them all out of their daze.
Everyone turned to look at Grandpa Jack's granddaughters.
"LOOKIE!!!" Alicia and Carrie yelled.
They jumped around in place, casting mischievous glances behind them...and then bent deeply at the waist, putting their hands on the ground. There, deeply imbedded into their assholes were the bases of two bright blue butt plugs. The eleven-year-old girls wiggled their asses at the crowd.
"Anyone want to play?" Alicia called out. Every boy in the group took a step forward toward the twins with lust in his eyes.
* * *
Darlene Rogers stood up from her lounge and walked around the camp site. Something was stewing in her mind. Finally, she made her way back to the circle of naked children and adults laying about and enjoying the bliss of sexual satisfaction. She stood tall, and put her hands on her hips.
"HEY!" she yelled. It got her all the attention she could possibly want. "I wanna do something nasty with another girl!" she said in a lower tone. She didn't see Carrie jumping up from her camp chair and scooting quickly over behind Darlene.
"You rang?" Carrie asked in a deep voice right in Darlene's ear. The twelve-year-old jumped, visibly startled. The crowd laughed delightedly. "Whatcha have in mind, girlfriend?" Carrie inquired.
"I don't know...something," Darlene said helplessly, wringing her hands in confusion.
Carrie studied her new friend for a moment. "I think I know something you'll like," she told Darlene. She took Darlene's hand and tugged her toward Grandpa Jack's tent.
When they came out, Darlene had a harness around her slim hips and a medium-sized plastic cock bobbed obscenely in front of her, bouncing as she walked. Her face was crimson, but she was determined. She stood in the center of the ring of newly-appointed spectators and posed there, turning around for everyone to see.
"Ladies and gentlemen...boys and girls," Carrie remarked loudly, to draw attention to herself. "What we got here is a young lady all set for a nice fuckety fuck. Notice the realistic five-inch prick protruding from the soft leather harness our Darlene is wearing for the first time today. It's a brilliant shade of blue, 'cause that's our wonderful grandpa's favorite color, by golly!" she yelled.
"Now, please play close attention...what you don't see, because it's tucked into young Darlene's beautiful little pussy is another fake dick that's there to give our fuck-happy junior miss a fucking good time, along with the lucky fuckee chosen by Darlene this afternoon."
Grandpa Jack was laughing as hard as anyone had seen him, and the other two adults weren't far behind.
Carrie's hand was rhythmically working up and down the length of the ersatz penis. "NO, I'M NOT JACKING OFF AN INANIMATE PIECE OF PLASTIC," she roared. "I'm putting enough lube on this thing to let it to slide into your ear if you're the lucky one chosen to take this in your pussy, okay?"
She paused.
"Do I have a volunteer for the beauteous and sexy Darlene to fuck this afternoon?" She looked around. "Ah hah!" she crowed. "I see the equally beauteous and brave-hearted Payton will be our first contestant today...take a bow Payton, but...uh...don't bend over when you're in front of your brother Charles," Carrie said in a pretended whisper. "I understand his thingy just snaps to attention when he sees a cute cunt and pretty pink asshole like yours--not to mention those nice handfuls a' boobies you got--really cute, sugar!"
Everyone roared. Grandpa Jack was wiping tears from his eyes. "Heck, I don't know," he told Sandy when she leaned over to ask him where Carrie got the material. Heck, she...they...might have written it all out before we left the house on Tuesday, just thinking there might an opportunity," he told Sandy.
Carrie coached Payton down on all fours, and helped Darlene line up behind her. "My goodness," Carrie exclaimed. "Dang, Payton, your pussy is already slickery and wet enough to push a telephone pole up there, girl! No wonder Charles gets so excited watching you bend over, honey."
She grinned at the chuckles.
"I'm going to lube you up anyway," Carrie told Payton. "Not 'cause you need it...I just like wiggling my fingers in a cute little pussy...I do it to my own if there's no one else around," Carrie confided.
Titters and chuckles went round the circle of onlookers and came back around again.
"Okay," Carrie said a moment later. "Are we all ready for the main event of're not! Because you too can be a part of our little sex-travaganza. Can I have another volunteer, please!" There was silence.
"Does it have to be a boy or a girl," Jeff and Elaine's 'almost nine-year-old' brother piped."
"Wait for it...wait for it!" Carrie purred.
Her arched eyebrows climbed her forehead. She danced in place, thoroughly pleased with her wit.
"The answer is, yes, Donny, it does have to be a boy or a girl! Absolutely a boy or a girl. Come over here, Donny. With that cockie poking a hole in the air like MUST be a boy!! And you are the proud winner of this afternoon's prize, my good man. Yes, come right here."
Carrie had the eight-year-old boy lie on his back under Payton, in the classic 69 position. She had Payton take Donny's little cock in her mouth and it visibly thickened and grew. She told Donny his job would be to rub his sister's groin just at the top end of her slit to help Darlene make Payton cum.
And then the show began.
Darlene began by putting the head of her fake penis inside Payton's outer labia. She didn't want to hurt the girl, so she was slow to push forward.
Instinctively, Payton hiked her ass up higher and dropped to her elbows over her brother's lower body, taking him back in her mouth. She bobbed her head up and down, fellating her brother with the ease of having practiced the act many a time already this week.
It didn't take long. The kids were always keyed up, always ready for some new sex. In minutes, all three of the youngsters were red-faced, panting and beginning to lose the rhythm of their movements.
They came, Donny shooting a thin stream of boy-cum into his sister's mouth, while Payton bucked back against Darlene when her orgasm came, and the little spring-loaded plastic penis slammed back into Darlene's pussy every time she fucked forward into Payton.
The three fell in a heap, giggling and fondling each other while they recovered.
"Hey, Carrie," Melissa asked, looking at the harness arrangement after Darlene removed it. "What's this hole for here," she asked, pointing to the front of the harness. Carrie had been waiting for the question.
"Well, that's for a guy to put his real penis through, so he could fuck some cutie pie." She saw she wasn't quite getting through to Melissa. "Like, a real penis and a fake one fucking you all at once...."
"Yeah, but...oh!"
"Exactly, my dear," Carrie explained. "A real cock in your hot, little pussy, a fake one in your butt hole...or the other way around...or two fake cocks in the harness for a girl to do ya, even."
"Oh!" Melissa said faintly. She looked at the three who'd gone first, and took a deep breath. "I'll do it," she said firmly. "A real cock and a fake one," she said. "And," she added," someone they did, okay?"
Carrie grinned at the ten-year-old girl. In a few more minutes, she organized a long daisy chain of boys and girls sucking at each others genitals while Melissa took a real cock in her cunt and a smaller, fake one in her ass. When she came, the intensity of her orgasm made her scream...setting off most of the rest of the crew.
An hour later, the group of kids coaxed Georgia into the center of the ring, where her brother Ryan and Todd ate her pussy by turns and she fucked them both too. When she finished taking a shower, she put the T-shirt back on and wandered around the camp watching the other kids.
* * *
"Hi, " nine-year-old Danielle said to Grandpa Jack as he strolled back into camp after taking a walk around the campground.
"Hi, honey," he replied to the naked little girl. "What's up?"
"Lunch," she answered shortly. "Would you like some hotdogs for lunch?" she asked mysteriously.
"Sure, sounds good," Grandpa Jack told her. He could see Sandy passing out buns on paper plates and setting condiments out on the picnic table.
Danielle held up a hand, and Grandpa Jack took it. They walked slowly to the table, Grandpa Jack held to the young girl's pace, though he wondered why she was moving so carefully today. Was she sore, down there or something?
"Sit down, Grandpa Jack," Danielle said, guiding Grandpa Jack to a seat at the far end of the table. Danielle's mother, Sandy, smiled at Grandpa Jack and passed him a hotdog bun on a paper plate, supported on a bamboo holder. She pointed at the mustard, relish, and other items in the center of the table. Grandpa Jack nodded and smiled in return.
Danielle stepped up on the bench seat beside Grandpa Jack and from there to the tabletop. Grandpa Jack watched in surprise, waiting for Danielle's surprise
"Ready for your hotdog?" Danielle asked. The suppressed excitement was suddenly too much for her to bear. The little girl slowly raised her left leg and lifted it over Grandpa Jack from Grandpa Jack's right elbow over to his left one. Then she centered herself directly in front of the older man. He started to ask a question and then caught himself. There, in the youngest of the Pearson girl's immature pussy, what was clearly a frankfurter sticking out half an inch or so.
"Oh my...goodness!" Grandpa Jack breathed. "Mmmmm...mmmm...mmmmmmmmmmmmmm!" He looked up into Danielle's lust-filled eyes.
"You," he said, "are such a nasty little girl!"
"I know!" the nine-year-old answered happily. Her grin spread entirely across her face and she wriggled with pleasure at having pleased Grandpa Jack. "Want me to get it out for you?" she asked.
"Nooooo, huh-uh!" Grandpa Jack answered quickly. "I'd rather do it myself, thank you very much," he said.
Which was exactly what the young girl wanted too. She scooted her butt almost to the edge of the table, pulled her heels up onto the gingham-decorated plastic tablecloth and let her knees flop apart almost all the way to the tabletop. She leaned back on her elbows. With her groin exposed in all it's adolescent glory, the hotdog slipped a little further out. Grandpa Jack's mouth began to water.
"Elaine and 'Lissa have some too," Danielle said.
Grandpa Jack looked to each side and saw the other two young girls, grinning, and holding themselves very still. "Very nice!" he said reverently. "You keep those hotdogs good and warm, okay?"
They nodded, grinning.
Grandpa Jack, licked his lips. He glanced at the hotdog bun on the paper plate, and handed it back to a watching Sandy. "We don't need no stinkin' hotdog buns," he said, in mock-admonishment.
Sandy nodded, chuckling.
Bending down to Danielle's pussy's level, Grandpa Jack skinned his lips back and caught the protruding end of the frank in his teeth and pulled it out another inch before taking his first bite. He chewed, not moving his lips away from the child's outer labia at all.
Danielle's breath rushed in as she gasped at the sensation conveyed to the hotdog, and from there to the sensitive nerve endings in her pussy lips. The sight of nasty Grandpa Jack eating a hotdog right out of her cunt raised the pleasure by several orders of magnitude. Her pulse began to pound and the wet, itchy feelings deep in her cunt began to glow brighter.
"Wow!" Grandpa Jack said, sitting up to take a long swallow of iced tea, "it comes with special sauce too! This is fantastic!" The three little girls giggled.
Grandpa Jack ate the frank out of the little girl's pussy, very slowly and deliberately. The action of his lips pressing against her pussy, grasping and pulling the hotdog out, the chewing motions of his mouth and jaw, his licking around the hotdog to make sure he didn't miss any of the 'special sauce'--it all contributed to a wriggling Danielle's mounting excitement. When the frankfurter was eaten entirely out of her, she moaned, deprived of all the stimulation and wonderful feelings.
Melissa hopped on the table, pushing a reluctant Danielle to one side.
Grandpa Jack put a finger in Danielle's pussy and began slowly masturbating the young girl while he ate Melissa's hotdog out of her steaming little cunt. Melissa was quickly reduced to a whimpering mass. Her body jerked spasmodically from time to time as a touch of Grandpa Jack's lips or tongue set her off anew.
When he was done, Grandpa Jack moved Melissa to the opposite side of his body from Danielle and invited Elaine up in front of him.
In moments, Grandpa Jack was chowing down on Elaine's contribution to the hotdog lunch, and simultaneously fingering the pussies of the two other children. All three girls were energetically humping Grandpa Jack's finger or his tongue. When he removed his tongue from Elaine's crotch, the girl was badly disappointed.
"I was wondering, you three nasty little sweethearts," Grandpa Jack asked slowly. "Do you think you could warm up another 'wiener', by any chance?"
The girl's puzzled looks changed to ones of delight when Grandpa Jack stood and then knelt on the bench seat, slipping his hard prick inside Elaine's hot pussy and beginning a strong fucking rhythm that had the almost-ten-year-old girl gasping her way through an orgasm in a few minutes. All the while, he balanced carefully so he could continue fingering the other two girls' pussies to keep them in the game.
Grandpa Jack took a minute to grab a cushion from Sandy; she'd gone to get him one when he first knelt on the bench. The wooden bench was hard and the skin on his knees thin, so he kissed Sandy's breasts in sincere appreciation. Then he sucked at her nipples just for fun.
It didn't take very long with Melissa either. Her young body was a simmering pressure-cooker from Grandpa Jack's pussy hot dog eating and his skillful finger-fucking, so she was more than ready to cum in only a few strokes.
Drenched by Grandpa Jack's voracious mouth, and widened by his questing finger, even Danielle had no problem taking Grandpa Jack's big cock in her tiny pussy without delay. Four strokes and she was hammering Grandpa Jack's buttocks with her heels, rocketing into her climax with her characteristic energy.
"Uh...girls?" Grandpa Jack asked the slowly recovering trio of pre-teen girls. "I was you think you all a hotdog too?" With his cock bobbing only inches from their faces, they knew exactly what to do.
A few seconds later, the three little girls were sharing his big 'wiener', one sucked on the turnip-shaped head; another kissed and tongue-stroked the shaft while one or the other of them went down on her knees to mouth Grandpa Jack's ball sack.
In moments, Grandpa Jack was cumming over three eagerly upturned faces, spewing a geyser of pear-gray jism onto their cheeks, forehead, and spraying into their hair. The hot cum dribbled down to their chin where they caught it in their palms, licking the puddles inside their mouths through their innocently pretty, pink lips. The sight made Grandpa Jack blow another gob of jizz over their faces...and a final thin spray.
"Shower time," he said weakly when he could cum no more. The foursome walked down the pavement toward the restrooms down at the 'Y' in the road. None of them had the strength to move faster than a slow crawl.
"You know," Alicia said to her sister, after watching the show from their side-by-side patio lounges under the pecan trees. "We're falling way behind in the 'sexy showoff' game with Grandpa Jack. That's the second time those three kids have dissed us right in front of us."
"Yeah," Carrie replied, watching the four happy fuckers totter on unsteady legs down the lane. "We gotta get them back somehow."
Carrie's face settled into a mask of concentration.
Her hands waved around; she glared into the distance and strange noises came from her mouth. Finally, she waved her hands in disgust and relaxed.
"I got nothin'," she ruefully admitted to Alicia.
"Me neither," Alicia replied, sighing. "But we gotta find something, somehow...."
"Yeah...but how we gonna do that when we're getting laid all the time, big sister?"
Alicia was precisely nine minutes older, a fact that ordinarily infuriated Carrie when it was brought up--unless she found it helpful to throw a perceived responsibility on Alicia's shoulders.
"Humph!" Alicia snorted, just to show Carrie she knew what her 'younger' sister was doing and that she wasn't falling for it. "I dunno," she acknowledged, "but...something."
They had to break off their discussion when Charles and Don Rogers, Greg's nephews approached to ask if the girls might be in the mood to show them how to do anal sex just right so it made a girl cum.
* * *
Georgia Rogers made her way slowly around the perimeter of the campsite, moodily poking a stick at the ground as she walked. She stopped now and then, watching beetles and butterflies, or investigating a colored stone. Georgia wasn't unhappy, per se, but she was aware the other girls and boys at the camp were getting something out of life she wasn't. It made her sad.
She participated, willingly enough, in most anything she was asked to do. Whenever her brothers invited her to engage in sex before they came out here, she always agreed, but she never initiated the act. They could put their things in her if they wanted, and it did feel really did. But Georgia didn't quite...well, she didn't know what she 'didn't quite' actually. It was all very frustrating.
She bent down to watch a black caterpillar inching its way along the shady side of a small boulder. It held her attention for a while and took her mind off the mystery was considering.
Brushing off the back hem of her T-shirt, her fingertips touched the firm, nicely rounded globes of her young ass-cheeks. She liked her butt. All the boys here said her butt cheeks were nice and round and really cool to squeeze and massage.
Georgia's fingertips traced the bottom edge of the hem as she moved her hands from back to front. When she realized she was touching her thighs where they curved in to meet at that 'V', she let them drop away.
She walked on, changing her course until she was walking from one corner diagonally across the site. She had to walk around a twin mattress laying in the grass. Carrie Winston and Georgia's brother Ryan were on the mattress having sex.
Carrie's knees were pushed all the way up against her shoulders, opening her pussy wide for Ryan's cock; her ankles were almost touching Ryan's ears and Ryan's thing was buried deep in the eleven-year-old girl's cunt and he was driving it in hard and fast.
"Hi...Georgie," Carrie panted as Georgia came near.
"Hi," Georgia replied. Carrie and Alicia were real pretty, and friendly too. They never made Georgia feel like an outsider.
" us?" Carrie asked, barely able to focus under Ryan's hard pounding.
"That's okay," Georgia said. She didn't really see where she would fit into this to make a threesome.
"Okay...oh, God...ungh...ungh...Ohhhh...okay...we'll play later, okay?" Carrie grunted.
When Georgia passed the mattress, Carrie reached up and stroked Georgia's outer thigh. Georgia stopped to enjoy the touch, and to watch her athletic older brother's cock as it disappeared into, then reappeared from Carrie's sopping pussy.
Ryan was fucking Carrie so fast, Carrie's and his juices were whipped into a froth. Georgia grinned at the sight. She walked on, a warm glow in her belly; she was glad Ryan and Carrie were having fun.
When she got to the picnic table, her sister Brenda and Jeff Campbell were doing it. Brenda was bent over forward over the table with her hands gripping the ends of the boards. Abruptly, her body lost strength and she had to rest her elbows on the tabletop. Her upper body moved a lot more now that she'd lost the support of her hands on the picnic table's structure. Georgia watched Brenda's big boobies rubbing slickly over the red-checked plastic tablecloth, making Brenda's nipples harden and lengthen into spiky points. Brenda moaned.
Impulsively, Georgia reached out and took Brenda's left breast into her hand, letting the hard nipple grind into her palm. She squeezed, just like Brenda had showed her back when Georgia first caught Brenda and Ryan doing naughty things down in the basement.
In the time since, Georgia had been invited into the incestuous goings-on, finding her sister Darlene and Todd were also involved. It was all so naughty and exciting, doing something Mommy and Daddy must never find out about...and it was really fun too.
She did like it when someone started doing it to her, she really did...she liked it when Ryan or Todd put their thing in her. She liked it all, but....
Georgia looked back at Ryan and Carrie. She could almost feel Ryan's thing inside her own pussy right now. It would feel so good. Georgia really liked that.
Brenda hardly knew Georgia was there, so Georgia walked toward the little wash stand set up where the water faucets were on the back of the RV trailer. She would wash off all the things she'd touched. And maybe Carrie had streaked her thighs with some of Ryan's stuff or some of Carrie's own honey when she stroked Georgia's thigh.
Georgia was a fastidious little girl. When she and the other girls listened to Sandy Pearson's impromptu lecture about yeast infections and personal hygiene and other yucky stuff, it had only reinforced Georgia's determination to keep clean.
Georgia washed her hands and then soaped her thigh with the green camp soap, holding up the hem of her T-shirt...and then she soaped her groin. It felt good, and the warm spray from the hose felt even better.
She touched her pussy lips, rinsing them off. Her fingertips slipped down her slit, making sure there was no soap left behind...she glanced up and saw Ryan leaning on one arm, still pumping his thing into Carrie. The way he had his face all screwed into a maniacal mask told Georgia her brother was about to cum.
Georgia wondered if Ryan might like to put his thing in her later on. She liked it when he did. She caressed her outer labia, making sure no green soap had invaded. She liked what Grandpa Jack did too. She'd been afraid of him at first...he was a really big man...but she'd learned he was a really nice man and was always real gentle with all the girls....
When Danielle and Grandpa Jack did those naughty things with Georgia yesterday, Grandpa Jack had been really nice and didn't make Georgia rush or anything. She decided she liked Grandpa Jack. He was a good guy. Danielle was younger than Georgia and Grandpa Jack had fucked Danielle right there, while he was licking Georgia's pussy and Danielle had just loved it.
Georgia wormed a finger up the length of her slit and teased her little clitty for a moment. Grandpa Jack had licked her there...and it had felt so good. It would be nice for Grandpa Jack to do that again, without Danielle this time so when Grandpa Jack was done licking her, he could put his big thing in her and make her feel good like he did Danielle and the other girls.
It felt so goooooooood....
Georgia's eyes snapped open--she hadn't even realized they'd closed. A look of astonishment spread over her features. A warm, tingly feeling was mushrooming inside her young groin...and it was still growing. And nobody was doing anything to her!!
Dumbfounded, Georgia bent almost double at the waist in the way only young girls can. She studied the perfect little peach of her young pussy. The two lobes didn't look any different to her. Except...maybe they were a little more puffy than usual? Or maybe they were just warmer...or was it because her lips were getting slippery? It felt really good, particularly when she touched....
"Oh!" she said, amazed. Abruptly, she knew what drove the other girls to walk around naked all the time, pushing their boobies and pussies against the boys. She knew why the girls didn't just wait for the boys to ask them to do something.
Georgia looked all around the grassy campsite full of boys and girls, men and women touching, licking, fucking...almost everyone was doing something. Georgia had to share her newfound joy with someone.
And there was Grandpa Jack, sitting on his silly inflatable futon under the pecan trees and smiling gently at her.
Grandpa Jack knew! He already knew. But it wasn't a thing to be embarrassed about. It was all okay. Georgia smiled back.
Deliberately, the young girl tugged the T-shirt over her head and pulled it off. Looking around, she laid it over a head-high branch on a nearby sapling. She turned around to face Grandpa Jack. When he held up his hand, showing her a big thumbs up, Georgia felt the funny, gushy feeling burgeon into a more anxious desire.
Grandpa Jack patted the futon beside his naked thigh. She began to walk quickly, purposefully toward him, patting Jeff on the ass as she passed by the picnic table again. She was smiling serenely, her pulse began to quicken, and her breath grew more shallow. She felt the excitement in her groin grow by the second. Her last few steps were a run and she threw herself into Grandpa Jack's waiting arms.
"I just...." she began, wanting to tell Grandpa Jack all about it.
"I know," Grandpa Jack replied emphatically, grinning broadly. "It's wonderful, huh?"
"Yes," the ten-year-old said breathlessly. She twined her arms around Grandpa Jack's neck and kissed him full on the lips, just like the other girls did. She let him flick his tongue at hers; she gave as good as she got. She finally broke the embrace breathlessly, and put her left leg across Grandpa Jack's body, straddling his lap.
"Will you...?" she asked.
"You're ready?"
"Yes...I'm really wet and warm inside can touch me," she invited a man to fondle her body for the first time. "You'll see," she said confidently.
Grandpa Jack's gentle fingers explored Georgia's pussy for a long moment. "You are," he murmured to the young girl. "Get yourself up a little, I mean lift yourself higher on your knees, okay? And I'll hold me straight and you can come down slowly...."
Georgia inched her hot, dripping cunt down on Grandpa Jack's hard cock, impaling herself and loving every second of it. She rested a moment when she felt the tip of his penis touch the bottom of her cunt, but it wasn't for long.
She felt the fullness. Grandpa Jack's prick was touching, massaging every inch of her sheath. Soon Georgia was rising and falling on Grandpa Jack's cock; a lusty hunger spread a wanton smile across her face.
Grandpa Jack leaned back in the futon and wiggled his butt to the edge of the couch-like inflatable. Georgia followed Grandpa Jack's slouching body. She reset her knees on either side of his body and started pistoning her hips up and down while her little boobs tickled Grandpa Jack's lower chest. Riding Grandpa Jack like a small naked jockey, Georgia was soon taking her stallion to a hard, fast gallop.
"UNGH, UNGH, UNGH, UNGH, UNGH, UNGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!" she grunted, over and over again.
Her eyes were closed in concentration, her head cocked back, allowing her short mane of blonde hair to fall free behind her, and bounce with the force of her groin thrusts.
When she threw back her head and froze in mid-stroke, then shuddered her way through a hard fought orgasm, Georgia knew this was what she'd been missing all along. She knew that now she had it, she'd never let it go.
Her body had the strength of a handful of limp spaghetti and she let herself collapse gently over Grandpa Jack's chest to rest for a while.
"YEA! WAY TO GO, GEORGIE!!!!" the group of boys and girls yelled.
Georgia hadn't even known they were there, but they'd watched her first fuck with Grandpa Jack and they'd been cheering her on the whole time.
Georgia's eyes focused on one boy, twelve- year-old Todd Campbell, Aunt Sandy's nephew. He was grinning at Georgia, his thick, almost-five-inch long cock standing out like a blunt little spear from his groin. Casually, he stroked his cock shaft from tip to base.
Georgia's eyes widened, then she smiled back at the older boy. She knew whose cock she'd have in her pussy next.
Grandpa Jack, Natasha, Alicia, and Carrie trudged up the paved road past all the empty campsites. It was an hour after sunset and the foursome was discouraged, frustrated, and maybe just a little despondent.
The clan of incestuous partiers camping out here for the few days had decided as a group they wanted pizza for dinner tonight, so Grandpa Jack and the girls had hopped in his big pick-up to drive back to a small town not too far away to get nearly a dozen pizzas to bring back to camp.
All well and good. Someone had to do it.
And there was nothing intrinsically wrong with the people left behind catching fire, as it were, and fucking themselves into complete lethargy by the time Grandpa Jack and his helpers returned. The day had been a fairly dull day, in comparison to its predecessors--a little too hot and muggy for comfort and everyone had taken it as a day of respite. The approaching evening had evidently brought enough coolness to change that.
From what the four sent to get pizza were told later, two of the youngest children in camp, nine-year-old Danielle Pearson and eight-year-old Donald Campbell had decided to put on a show for everyone.
Their vigorous fucking included a slow-motion tumble down a slight depression in the ground while they were coupled together! It set off a wild sex party with Sandy taking on all comers and Greg offering to eat every pussy there and finger-fuck their anal cavities at the same time.
None of that was wrong, but...the four bringing back the pizza weren't there to join in. By the time they got back to camp, everyone was exhausted and no longer interested in sex. They were ready for the pizza though! There was hardly anything left when the mob finished.
So here the four were, wanting to rescue the evening and walking down to the restrooms to have their own party in the spacious shower stalls. But it just wasn't the same, and they knew it. They walked slowly and determinedly, but not very hopefully.
At the 'Y' in the road they stopped for a moment to gaze up at the stars. They were a long way from town and the night was already inky black. The stars twinkled brilliantly.
To their right, the two-lane main park road led past the restrooms and showers toward the rickety, noisy old bridge...and three miles or so further on down that road was the main gate for the park, and Old Jim's house.
A hundred yards and more behind them were the campsites where everyone had been partying for days. Ahead of them, was the narrower pavement leading down the right fork of the 'Y' where many more, long unused, campsites could be found.
Walking listlessly, they started across the 'Y', but something caught Grandpa Jack's attention. He stopped abruptly, kicking up some gravel with his sandals. The three girls kept going for a space until they noticed Grandpa Jack wasn't with them.
"What's wrong, Grandpa Jack?" Tasha asked. She looked all around, but there was nothing threatening anywhere around that she could see.
"Ohhhh...thought I heard something," Grandpa Jack answered.
"Probably the kids back at camp," Alicia offered.
"Nah...didn't come from that direction," Grandpa Jack said decisively. "I thought...."
They all heard raised voices coming from some distance away in the front of them. The voices subsided; someone chuckled.
"T-shirts!" Grandpa Jack ordered quietly. Cowboys in the Old West carried their six-guns with them wherever they went, nerds carry smart phones, and Grandpa Jack made everyone in camp carry 'emergency' clothing for trips down to the 'Y', just in case they were surprised by unexpected right now. In seconds, the girls had on their thigh-length T-shirts and Grandpa Jack had on a pair of old cargo shorts and a T-shirt of his own.
They stood there, listening to the sounds of the night...and the occasional laugh or burst of faint conversation they knew wasn't from their friends and families. It sounded like some children were having fun, with some chastisement from an adult or two.
"Let's go see who it is," Alicia suggested. Grandpa Jack considered, then shrugged. He couldn't see why they shouldn't.
They began to walk quietly down the road. Where they'd been scuffing their sandals on the pavement before, all four set their feet down carefully now, instinctively setting things up so they'd see those other people first...and have as many options open as they could.
They walked on slowly, passing dark, empty campsites on both sides of the road. The pavement curved around a little to the right and down a gentle slope. Halfway down, they saw a light, close to the ground and definitely not a rising star. Nearly at the end of the pavement, they found the occupied site.
"Natalie," a woman's voice said firmly, though quietly, "if your brother doesn't want to have sex with you right now, he doesn't have know that, young lady."
The shock among the four listeners was palpable. All three girls gasped, though they managed to muffle it.
"HUNGH!" Grandpa Jack grunted, deep in his throat like he'd been sucker punched.
He'd thought these might be fishermen, hunters, maybe even some high school kids out for a night of partying. Old Jim might even have returned and allowed these new campers in, for all he knew.
But the admonition the four had just heard might have come from the incestuous campers back at his own site.
"But, Mom," a young girl said in frustration, "we been waiting for hours for...."
The girl's voice cut off. "Yes, ma'am," the young woman glumly surrendered.
Grandpa Jack and the three girls, highly intrigued...and excited too, slipped a little closer, walking carefully in the darkness. They could see some varicolored lights strung up on lines held off the ground by slender poles. They provided a dim illumination for the occupied campsite no one down at the other end knew about.
Near a two-foot high post, the foursome paused again. The thick wooden post with the number '37' painted on it was there to keep vehicles from driving onto the grass; it was also a boundary marking the edge of campsite 37.
"If your brothers don't want to play," the woman said in a reasonable voice, "then we'll just play by ourselves, honey. Why don't you go pick out one of the dildo harnesses in the trailer and you can fuck my ass, okay? Or I'll do you, if you want."
There was silence for a moment. "Okay," the young woman said resignedly. "But I sure wish we didn't have to wait anymore...."
Grandpa Jack was shucking his T-shirt and shorts before he realized what he was doing. In the silence of the night, he heard soft rustling noises as the girls followed suit. With nothing else to do with his clothing, he folded shirt and shorts haphazardly and set them neatly on top of the wooden post.
The girls piled their T-shirts on top, and then they all started walking down the sloping drive into the campsite, letting their sandals slap at the pavement a little now, no longer hiding their approach.
"Hello, the camp!" Grandpa Jack called out.
There were some noises of surprise, then silence while the four of them marched closer. The foursome moved onto a grassy section and kept moving toward the pool of light at the center of the campsite. They came into view...first their feet, then bare thighs, and finally, their whole bodies were exposed to the view of the, as yet, unseen campers.
A woman uncoiled her body from a camp chair and turned toward the place where the four strangers stopped. Taking in their nakedness, she smiled warmly. She was as nude as they were; she didn't try to cover herself. With all the sensuality of a she-tiger stalking her prey, the woman glided over the grass to them.
When she stopped, her already-erect nipples began burning a hole in Grandpa Jack's chest. Her lower body was still several inches away.
Grandpa Jack sucked in his breath. Lord, the woman was built.
When she breathed, her mammoth breasts, clearly God-given bounty, pushed even more tightly against his skin. They were abundantly soft...but firm too. Not yet pendulous, though they might be in the decades to come, they swayed rhythmically from side to side, up and down, when she moved. Her nipples swept through tight little patterns in the warm night air.
She looked Grandpa Jack in the eyes and smiled, knowing he was already intensely aroused, a thing she confirmed by reaching between their bodies and taking a grip on his hard prick. She looked at the girls, still smiling, and saw their youth and also their beauty. Her smile took on a look
"Come, Raymond," she called softly over her shoulder, "we have visitors."
A tall man separated himself from another camp chair...a young girl in his arms complicated the process...and then he walked confidently to stand beside his wife. He and the little girl were naked as the woman.
"Welcome," she told them quietly. "I am Consuela, please call me Connie, and this is my husband Raymond," she said, "and our daughter Elyssa," she added.
Raymond didn't extend his hand for a shake. There was a sheen of sticky-sweet wetness on his fingers from playing with his child's young pussy. And Grandpa Jack would have had to reach around Connie's body and her huge, pillowy breasts. It would all have been just too awkward. The two men smiled and nodded.
There was movement over by where the man, Raymond, had been and two husky boys stood up. They'd apparently been sitting on the grass in the darkness. They came forward to stand by their parents, their penises dangling between their thighs. Their boyish, but good-sized organs began to harden as they took in the three nude girls Grandpa Jack had brought with him.
"I'm sorry," Consuela said, "but my four-year-old, Faith, was too tired to stay up," she apologized, "but there's another young lady somewhere around here for you to meet in a minute."
"I'm Jack," Grandpa Jack said, his voice tight and hoarse. "These are my granddaughters Alicia and Carrie," he said, touching them on their bare shoulders as he named them, "and our special friend, Natasha," he added, cupping Tasha's shoulder point and stroking his hand down her back affectionately.
"I am very glad to meet you...Jack," Consuela said genially. "You heard us talking, I guess?" Grandpa Jack nodded.
"So our not upset you and the young ladies?"
"No," Grandpa Jack replied, his voice under better control now. "Not at all," he added.
"That's good," Connie said. "Girls," she said to Tasha, Alicia and Carrie, "these are my sons, Raul and Thomas," she said.
The boys had come closer. They lifted their hands as their mother called out their names. "And you heard me name my husband, Raymond already...ahhh, and here is my daughter, Natalie, girded up and ready for action as you can see," Connie said, introducing the young woman who came out of the trailer with a dildo harness in place.
The girl's mouth dropped open. She was amazed to find four strangers watching her make her way down the steps from inside the trailer. She came on though, the dildo dancing in the night air in front of her. She smiled broadly when she came up to them, not in the least dismayed by the obscene device she was wearing.
Alicia slipped away to Grandpa Jack's left, stepping up to the bigger of the two boys. "Hi, I'm Alicia," she said softly.
"I'm Raul," he answered, with a happy grin. "How does everyone tell you two apart?" he asked motioning to Carrie.
"Who cares which one we are?" Alicia murmured, stepping up to the strongly-built young teenager and wrapping the fingers of her right hand around the hard-on jutting proudly from his groin. Her other hand found the back of his neck and pulled his head down for his first kiss from the blonde sex kitten.
Raul didn't seem to need to know anymore exactly who his partner was.
"I'm Carrie," her twin said, introducing herself to Raul's younger brother, a husky boy not that much smaller in stature than his brother. "Where can we go fuck?" she asked sweetly. Thomas took her hand and led her through the assortment of camp furniture to a lounger toward the rear of the campsite.
Natasha went up to the father of all those children and put her arms around his neck for a long kiss. Then she greeted the young girl too. In a moment, the three of them made their way back to where Raymond had come. When Grandpa Jack stopped watching, their bodies were molding themselves to each other, melding into an embrace that had only one purpose.
"Ahhhhhhhh," Connie said, bringing Grandpa Jack's attention back around to her. "All of our children are so shy around others, yes?" Grandpa Jack joined her in a companionable chuckle.
Grandpa Jack took in the woman who so serenely had taken care of a situation that could have been awkward. He'd noticed her attributes before, of course, but now he examined her. There was much to examine.
She was Hispanic, which is to say of Mexican derivation...which is to say American Indian. She stood five-feet-six or so, with raven-black hair that tumbled down her back past her shoulder blades. Her face was a pleasant one, with laugh lines she was not ashamed of around her eyes and mouth. Her dark eyes had smoldering embers in their depths. They revealed a wanton lustiness that promised Grandpa Jack many things lewd, raunchy, and thoroughly delicious.
She seemed stocky at first glance. She might have even looked chubby when she was fully dressed. And in truth, her frame was more substantial than many women, but it had to be to support the huge breasts that jutted from her chest. The erect nipples were about the diameter of Grandpa Jack's fingertips...wonderful dark cherries that begged a man to taste, capture, and tease.
Consuela's hips swept gracefully out from her waist; the curves then melded into columns of meaty, sculpted thighs and substantial calves and well-shaped ankles. She was the essence of womanhood. Strong, able to take a man inside her and pleasure him as often as he wanted, able to give birth to as many children as he wanted.
Grandpa Jack thought she was the very embodiment of the Earth Goddess, strong, healthy, and incredibly desirable.
Beside her, the girl, Natalie, could never have been mistaken for another woman's child; they were clearly from the same mold. Grandpa Jack smiled at the girl. Her breasts weren't as large as her mother's...yet, but they would be some day. Natalie's coal-black hair was gathered into a ponytail at the back of her head to keep it from falling over her pretty face.
"Do you like them?" Connie cooed. She was holding up her breasts for Grandpa Jack's approval.
"Oh, yes," Grandpa Jack replied promptly, smiling.
Connie cupped her mammaries from beneath, pushing them up and out, offering them to Grandpa Jack. She squeezed them, pressing them together and rubbing her nipples together. They lengthened and thickened, and Grandpa Jack could resist no longer.
"May I?" he asked.
"Ciertamente! Yes--anything you want," Connie replied. She worked her upper body around, dipping her knees and straightening again to make lazy patterns on his chest with her nipples. She could hear his breath hissing in and out between his teeth.
Grandpa Jack groaned. Young Natalie glided closer, and went to her knees at her mother's side; Grandpa Jack's cock was suddenly enveloped by a voracious, hot mouth. The girl's tongue slathered around his mushroom-shaped glans again and again before she angled her head and tried to swallow him.
"Is she not a wonderful cocksucker?" Connie whispered in his ear. "She's only thirteen, but she loves to take a man in her mouth and give him much pleasure," she added.
"Her mother taught her?" Grandpa Jack asked.
"Mmmmm-huh!" The woman sounded happy, even pleased.
Connie dropped to her knees and joined her daughter doing her best to take the man's cock down her young throat. The mother, pushed her daughter's head to one side so Connie could see Grandpa Jack's ball sack. Connie urged his legs further apart so she could press her face between his thigh and her daughter's mouth still holding most of Grandpa Jack's cock between her lips. The two sucked at his cock and mouthed his testicles by turn, swapping off the oral attack from time to time. They weren't shy about what they were doing. The slurping, obscene sucking noises were audible for many yards around, adding to Grandpa Jack's bliss.
After a while, Grandpa Jack used his hands to ward the women off his cock. If he didn't stop them now, he was going to blow a huge gusher of cum into their faces...and he wanted to do something else before he did that.
Apparently understanding his need, Connie and Natalie took his hands in theirs and led him to a huge air mattress set up inside the ring of lights. They lay on their backs, opening their thighs to him. Natalie's groin was obscured by the dildo harness she still wore and she started to unbuckle the soft leather strap around her waist.
"No," Grandpa Jack said softly. "I heard your mother say you could fuck her ass a little while ago," he said. "We can still do that, if you want," he offered. The thirteen-year-old's eyes gleamed. "And can I fuck your ass?" Grandpa Jack asked. Natalie's grin was answer enough.
Shortly, Grandpa Jack's cock was lubed up and sliding carefully into Natalie's young butt hole fractions of an inch at a time. The young girl was holding herself still, the dildo she controlled was part way inside her mother and pressing forward at almost the same pace as Grandpa Jack's cock was entering her. Man, woman, and child gave out moans from time to time as sensitive nerve endings responded to a squeeze, a sliding of a phallus one increment deeper...or from just the sheer excitement.
Grandpa Jack held Natalie's hips in his big hands, marveling at the young teen's beautifully rounded ass-cheeks. He slipped his hands down her strong haunches, and back up around the front of her thighs. He worked his fingers under the harness and into the panting girl's pussy. Natalie groaned, caught between the two adults, she tried to keep shoving her dildo deeper into her mother's bum hole, but also desperately needing to hump her cunt back into Grandpa Jack's hand and probing fingers too.
In a few minutes, Grandpa Jack's cock was deep in Natalie's rectum, thrusting deeper with each stroke. He and Natalie had a strong rhythm going. His thrust sent her forward and the dildo reamed out her mother just as deeply as what Natalie was receiving.
Abruptly Natalie squealed, stiffened and held her upper body still for a long moment, her hips still moved, stabbing the dildo into her mother, but very slowly and erratically. Exhausted, the teenager fell away and rolled to her back beside her mother.
Connie moaned. "Por favor! Perhaps...." she whispered, "... perhaps you could wash off...behind the trailer...and...take front?" she groaned.
Grandpa Jack scrambled to get himself cleaned off, then made his way back to the mother and daughter. The women were lying on their sides now, spooning. Natalie had recovered a little, and she was beginning to plow the dildo more strongly inside Connie's ass. Connie's pussy was wide open for Grandpa Jack to explore.
He lay down on his side in front of the woman, and pressed his fingers between their bodies, to explore Connie's smooth pussy. He'd noticed before, but it hadn't really registered, mother and teenage daughter had pussies smooth as silk...and so did ALL the women he knew in this taboo lifestyle. Odd...or perhaps not.
"Please?" Connie whimpered. "Don't tease me," she implored. "I've been waiting--" She broke off, panting hard. "Oh my God...Fuck me now, okay?"
Without bothering to answer, Grandpa Jack put the head of his cock between Connie's soft outer lips and drove through them, sliding firmly into her cunt in one slow plunge. It was like pushing his cock into a heated rubbery sleeve that expanded in front of his penis head, welcoming him, squeezing and massaging him.
Connie gasped aloud, but didn't back away from the man spear.
In seconds, Grandpa Jack and Natalie were slamming their respective fleshy, one and out of the panting woman. Connie could barely move, but she tried to meet each thrust with a countering hump. She couldn't, but she kept trying.
In a few minutes, Connie could only lay there and moan, her face contorted into a mask of intense pleasure/pain.
She came hard, bucking strongly into Grandpa Jack and then back at her daughter.
When she felt Grandpa Jack's hot cum splashing deep inside her, she wailed and clamped down on him. Her cunt did its best to milk his cock of all its creamy cum. Then she lay there, spent...exhausted and unable to move.
Natalie skittered around from her mother's backside, and urged her mother onto her back. She spread her mother's thighs and knelt between them. Connie began moaning again, humping her pussy up to her daughter's lips as Natalie began slurping up the carnal blend of Grandpa Jack's cum and Connie's vaginal fluids.
Grandpa Jack watched for a short while. The sight was incredibly erotic, and his cock could not help but react.
"Natalie?" he said softly. She looked up at him, her lips and face smeared with gobs of cooling male cum and slick honey from her mother's cunt. Grandpa Jack swallowed. His cock jumped.
"Honey," he said to the young girl, "is it okay if I take that off you?" he asked, pointing at the harness. She nodded and returned to siphoning his cum out of her mother's cunt. Connie's hips were wriggling uncontrollably. She pushed her groin up to her young daughter's mouth, crooning wordless entreaties and stroking the sides of Natalie's pretty face.
Grandpa Jack had the harness off the girl in seconds. He quickly lined himself up behind the thirteen-year-old's lovely backside. With Natalie's upper body touching the mattress, her face in her mother's cunt, her ass was hiked way up. Grandpa Jack felt under the girl to explore her pussy. He massaged her clitty for a moment, receiving a moaning response from the aroused young girl. He didn't waste time.
Guiding his cock between her outer labia, he pressed forward gently, but very firmly. Natalie was a sturdy version of her mother's lusty womanhood and could take him easily. Grandpa Jack rammed his cock in to the hilt. He could feel her cervix blocking his way, but it moved slowly back, yielding him deeper access. Withdrawing, he thrust back in almost immediately. Natalie screamed her delight into her mother's cunt as Grandpa Jack began to drive his cock into the young girl's cunt.
The three of them found a way to work together all over again. Natalie's mouth sucked at her mother's pussy while she bucked back into Grandpa Jack's groin, whipping her hips and pussy around in a tight circle to enhance the man's pleasure while Grandpa Jack drilled his cock harder and faster into her.
Grandpa Jack felt the rising magma in his balls and fought to stave off the moment his semen would spew into the young girl. He tried to slow down, but the child-woman would have none of it. When he slowed, she began ramming her ass back at him, demanding all of his cock, taking it and holding it tight when he tried to withhold it. His muscles knotted with the strain of trying to hold off...but Natalie's vagina clamped down again, sending him into a combination of near pain and incredible ecstasy.
A jet of white hot cum sprayed into Natalie's cunt, sending her into her own orgasm. She gobbled at her mother's clitty, capturing it between her lips and sucking strongly.
Connie screamed as she began to cum for the second time in the past few minutes. She wailed and thrashed about, almost uncoupling Natalie's mouth from her pussy lips.
The three of them groaned, strained at each other, clamping their hands on any accessible body part of the other, and forced their own bodies into the rapture of sexual release.
...And then they were spent. They'd given all they had, taken all they could. They lay side-by-side on their backs, trying to find enough of the night air to fill their lungs. Inadvertent touches almost set them off again and this time the threshold between passion and hurt was too close, the rhapsody threatening to become agony, and they had to lay still.
"That was my grandpa!" Carrie said from out in the dimness. "Way to go, Grandpa Jack!" she quipped.
It was a long night, and an amazing one in all respects. Grandpa Jack took Connie three more times, and Natalie twice. After a while, Elyssa joined them, accepting oral attention from everyone.
The eight-year-old wanted to fuck Grandpa Jack and she would have none of him laying on his back so she could control how deep his cock plunged into her immature vagina.
She demanded he take her that was how he did. Truthfully, she was a sturdy eight-years-old and better able to take him with less caution than some of the sprites back at Grandpa Jack's campsites.
Elyssa loved to fuck. She threw her hips back up at him every time he thrust inward and she whinnied when he reached under her to cup her young breasts.
Grandpa Jack had never thought of an eight-year-old with boobies the size of Elyssa's. They were small apples already...she would clearly grow up to have breasts her mother's size. For now, they were deliciously lewd mounds of pleasure jutting proudly from her chest.
Sometime after midnight, Grandpa Jack found himself sliding his hard cock back and forth in the valley between Connie's huge tits. Using some butter from the fridge inside the RV trailer as lubricant, Grandpa Jack thrusts were fast and incredibly enjoyable.
Connie dropped her chin and opened her mouth, trying to capture his glans inside her lips on the upstroke. Grandpa Jack slowed down and let her.
The direct stimulation of running the underside of his prick against her soft breast flesh and the sight of her sucking on the head of his penis had him spewing gobs of cum into her mouth only minutes later.
Gooey cum sprayed across Consuela's face and dribbled down onto her mammoth breasts. When both her daughters leaned in to lick his cum off Connie's face and tits, Grandpa Jack came again, sending a fountain of cum over the two girls' faces too. Drained and exhausted, Grandpa Jack stumbled to a camp chair and collapsed. The three females laughed merrily.
Some time before dawn, Grandpa Jack and three highly satisfied young girls wandered down to the showers at the 'Y' and then staggered home to their own campsite. They fell asleep in Grandpa Jack's tent, their limbs all tangled up and their bodies nuzzling each other.
* * *
When they finally roused themselves in mid-morning to the accompaniment of derisive commentary regarding from the other campers, they told everyone about the folks down at the other end of the campground and how they were into family sex too. Everyone was skeptical, but willing to believe...except when they went exploring, there was no one there.
The campsite Grandpa Jack had said was occupied was clean as a whistle, with no sign there'd been anyone there in years. The only thing that saved the situation for Grandpa Jack and the girls was the presence of some fresh tire tracks in the soft dirt.
When Old Jim returned, he offered an explanation after he'd been given a 'sanitized' account. Some danged squatters, he opined. Probably came in the old fishing wharf gate off down the road a ways. Most folks didn't even know about the gravel road that intersected with the access road for the park before the gate across the park road.
He and Grandpa Jack went down there, riding Old Jim's John Deere utility vehicle with the old man and, sure enough, there were tire tracks there too. Old Jim changed the padlock on the old gate, saying one of the old caretakers out here used to give a buddy a copied key now and again...but Jim was going to make sure that never happened again, by golly.
* * *
It was Tuesday again. They'd extended their stay by a full day, but this was their last night together. Grandpa Jack was comfortably retired, but Sandy and Greg had to get back to work. Everyone understood the necessity, but no one was happy about it.
They sat around in a big circle on the grass with only the stars and a bright summer moon for light. All of the Tiki torches were out of fuel, and it was just too warm a summer night to light a campfire. That was all right. They knew each other intimately now, vague silhouettes or even whispered voices were enough to identify each other in the night.
Grandpa Jack lay back on the futon sofa, his buttocks on the cushion's edge and his upper body supported by the inflatable at a thirty-degree angle. Nine-year-old Danielle had joined him earlier, straddling his lap and throwing her arms around his neck. She buried her face on his shoulder without saying a word. After a while, Danielle raised up with one knee on the top of the futon and inserted Grandpa Jack's cock inside her.
When she settled over his lap again, she impaled herself slowly, letting the delicious sensations come leisurely as she sank down. She returned her slim arms around his neck and lay her head back down on his shoulder. Grandpa Jack could feel her warm breath on his neck.
Neither of them moved much but after a while, Danielle emitted a series of soft cries and her whole body stiffened. When she relaxed, she didn't bother removing Grandpa Jack from her pussy. She liked it there. Grandpa Jack patted her shoulder and stroked her back, sharing little kisses with her from time to time.
As he looked around the circle of naked people, Grandpa Jack mused at the changes in everyone over the last eight days here at the park. Truly, some monumental sea changes had taken place. He watched Shawn and his sister Natasha for a moment as they sat comfortably side-by-side on a blanket. He chuckled.
"Hey, Sandy," he called softly, "Couple weeks ago, would those two have been sitting next to each other and holding hands, you think?"
"Well...only if one of them was about to do something with a judo move," she answered in an amused tone. "Or if their other hand had a knife in it or something," she added.
"Hey!" Shawn yelped. "We weren't that bad," he protested, "right, Dad?"
"Certainly not," Shawn's father affirmed. "I never even saw a knife...," Greg continued.
"Awwww," Shawn retorted, not knowing what else to say.
"There were never any knives," Tasha said mischievously. "He was always sitting across the room like a dog, trying to see up my skirt," she concluded.
"I did see up your skirt bunches of times," Shawn remarked with considerable satisfaction.
"I know," Tasha replied mischievously, "but only when I wanted you to." She giggled.
The circle of close friends chuckled softly. Grandpa Jack's eyes passed on, finally lighting on Jeff Campbell.
"So, Jeff...." he said quietly. "Whatcha think?"
Startled, Jeff let his fingers slide out of his sister, Payton's pussy. She promptly replaced them and guided them in and out, urging him to continue what he'd been doing before. It took Jeff a bit to reply.
"Well...lots of things," he said hesitantly. His eyes wandered, then focused on Sandy Pearson. " I never thought I'd ever see Sandy...Aunt Sandy...without her clothes on," he offered. "I never dreamed she'd fuck me!" A self-conscious chuckle accompanied his remark.
"Was it all you ever hoped for?" his aunt asked, laughing softly.
"Oh, yeaaaaaaaaaah," Jeff replied dreamily. "You're the hottest MILF I ever hoped to see in my life," he continued.
"Hey!" Payton objected. "What about me?"
"You're not a MILF," Jeff shot back. "You're my beautiful little sister with a hot, sexy bod that all the boys in school want," he told her.
"Excellent recovery," Grandpa Jack told the boy approvingly. Jeff smiled at the compliment.
"Well, it's true," Jeff insisted. "And I love her," he added.
"Wait'll I get you back to the tent...." Payton said in a low, promising voice.
"Well, I know one thing," Charley Campbell said indignantly. "A lot of the guys at school who talk about getting laid all the time...aren't!"
There was a low rumble of laughter from the crowd.
"That Ernie Potts...he talks about takin' his sister's pants down all the time," twelve-year-old Charles continued. "But the way he talks...I mean...uh...what I know now?...heck, I don't think he even knows where all her parts are!"
Charley's annoyance was more than evident. Clearly, he'd been one of the hangers-on who'd listened, and believed the other boy's stories. "She's a hottie, too," Charley said distractedly. "I wouldn't mind...."
Grandpa Jack let the laughter die down a little. " know you can not go back and tell him you know he's full a' shit and how you know, right?"
"Yeah," Charley said sadly. "I know."
"And no matter how sexy Ernie's sister is, you can't go telling her you know all about how to do it, 'cause she's sure as heck going to wonder where you learned, won't she?"
"I know," Charley answered resignedly. "But...?"
"But?" Grandpa Jack prompted?
"'s okay to tell Rachel, right?"
"My little sister...she's seven," Charley replied. "She's at soccer camp until Friday, but when she gets back, we can tell her, right?"
Grandpa Jack hadn't even thought of the brothers and sisters not here. He remembered the stories he'd heard about the young girl.
"Yeah...," Grandpa Jack said musingly. He was worried about telling a seven-year-old child anything he didn't want broadcast over the whole neighborhood. "But how are you going to keep it all quiet and not let your parents find out?"
Almost every child in the group laughed derisively.
"Probably like we do already," Brenda Rogers said scornfully. "We know better than to talk about it when anyone's around, even Bethany."
"She's our baby sister," Brenda remarked. "But...she likes the same things Rachel does, you know....mmmmmmmm...and she keeps secrets real good. Like when Darlene's boyfriend came upstairs that time and Bethany saw him...and I asked her not to tell Mom or Dad, and she didn't," Brenda said musingly. "I bet...."
"But...what about my Mommy and Daddy?" Georgia Rogers interrupted. "How come they don't get to play with us like Aunt Sandy and Uncle Greg do their kids?"
The silence built; it grew louder and longer. The eight-hundred-pound gorilla was loose now, and Grandpa Jack didn't have an answer.
"Yeah, Grandpa Jack," came a soft, girlish voice Grandpa Jack knew very, very well.
"What about our Mommy and Daddy?" Alicia and Carrie asked mournfully, in unison this time.
The Grandpa Jack And The Twins series:
- Grandpa Jack And The Twins Hook Up
- Grandpa Jack And The Twins Go Camping
- Grandpa Jack And The Twins...And Mommies And Daddies
- Grandpa Jack And The Twins Take A Road Trip
- Grandpa Jack And The Twins, On Honeymoon (Forthcoming)
- Grandpa Jack And The Twins; It's A Wonderful Day In The Neighborhood (Projected)
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