Grandpa Jack And The Twins Hook Up

[ inc, cons, Mg, Mgg, Mf, Fm, het, mult, oral, group, anal ]

by Seamus

Published: 27-Nov-2012

Word Count:

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show Story Summary
This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

The restaurant was shaded by a sprawling grove of pecan trees growing beside a quiet creek. It was a surprisingly big eating place for such a small town. In fact, 'town' was far too pretentious because what it really was, was a wide spot in the road where one state highway intersected another.

There was the restaurant, two service stations, and a decrepit old building with a sign atop it naming it the 'Broken Spoke Bar and Grocery'. No one quite knew what 'Broken Spoke' referred to, but no one suggested it be changed. There were a few more rundown old buildings but what service they'd once provided was a mystery--there were no signs remaining to say.

The appeal of the it a the Winston family was that it lay almost exactly halfway between the where they lived and where Grandpa Jack Cartwright lived, and it had a place to sit down for a while and visit.

Brett and Candice Winston often met Grandpa Jack here at the crossroads to pass their twin daughters off to Candice's father when he volunteered to keep the girls for a while. That happened two or three times a year, depending on everyone's schedule. Grandpa Jack loved having the kids, including his daughter and her husband, (who were still kids in his estimation). They could stay with him for a week, two weeks or two months, a year--heck, it didn't matter to Grandpa Jack. He loved them all.

So it was the Winstons found themselves early on this Saturday afternoon making their way between partitions that were slightly more than head-high, walking a narrow corridor that led to that part of the spacious eatery farthest from the front serving counter. The screens separated the restaurant into a series of cubicles, places where people could have their dinners without being part of the herd.

There were gaps along the room dividers that opened into more accessible spaces the family group could have used but Brett Winston was in the lead and he always sought a place where his family could be as inconspicuous as possible.

Brett led everyone through the maze of partitions with his wife, Candice, close on his heels carrying the drinks. They were seeking a place where the kids wouldn't disturb the restaurant's other patrons--that being their primary concern when eating out with their twin daughters, Alicia and Carrie.

It wasn't that the eleven-year-old girls were bad or anything like that, it was just their parents were certain the children's high spirits--their squeals and giggling, if nothing else--offended other grownups, though neither could said exactly why they thought so. Brett and Candice Winston just didn't want to take a chance on anything unpleasant happening.

When Brett got to the open area, bearing an overloaded tray, he found he'd correctly remembered this section was very effectively screened off from the rest of the restaurant. He congratulated himself.

On the other hand, every other time the Winstons and Grandpa Jack met here, this section most remote from the front counter had been empty...because it was the most remote from the front counter. Brett was more than a little surprised to see there was already someone all the way back here...and they were occupying Brett and Candice's favorite booth over in the far corner.

The booth was a huge thing, capable of comfortably seating eight or nine adults. It had a single, wide bench seat that curved all the way around a ninety-degree turn in the far corner of the room. The two adults and six children already in the booth didn't begin to fill it up.

Without pausing to consider retracing his steps and finding another, more private, enclosure, Brett detoured to his left where two of the good-sized tables could be shoved together for his own family's use. He began to offload the tray, distributing the food to their correct positions on the table--he already knew what the seating arrangements would be. They never varied. Carrie Winston sat to Grandpa Jack's left and Alicia Winston on his right, while Candice and Brett sat across the table from them.

Candice noticed the family sitting in the booth over there almost as soon as her husband did. She had them all catalogued in an instant, and she didn't particularly care for what she saw. Her jaws tightened imperceptibly and her eyes grew frosty.

What irritated Candace was that the woman and all four of the young girls were wearing either short skirts or tight, very short shorts. Candice's lips thinned as she fought to look elsewhere. Whether in shorts or miniskirt, each of the females over there also had on a provocatively scanty top...altogether too revealing, in Candice's opinion...particularly considering the ages of the girl children.

Candace slipped a half-step sideways, toward that booth full of strangers. She slowed and looked over her shoulder for her father who was bringing up the rear of the little procession.

Grandpa Jack kept on coming and was quickly even with her. Jack smiled down at his daughter but kept moving toward the table he saw Brett had staked out.

Falling into step with her father, Candice held his eyes with hers, making him pay attention to her. She held the long edge of the tray of drinks tight against her lower chest, steadying it with both hands. She smiled up at her father. She truly was fond of him.

"I love you, Daddy," Candice murmured softly.

"Love you too, baby," Jack replied cheerfully. He grinned down at his daughter. Candice was 5'5" or a skosh higher in her stockinged feet. When she was in heels, as she was today, she was just at the right height, from Grandpa Jack's perspective. And she was leaning forward so only her father could hear her.

When Candice turned away, Jack's eyes stayed down long enough to catch a nice, long look down his daughter's scoop-necked top before she turned away. There was a lot to see. Heck, it looked like Candice was practically carrying her breasts on the tray, and offering them up to him. Grandpa Jack grinned broader, happy as he could be.

Grandpa Jack knew he was a nasty, dirty ol' man to be ogling his oldest daughter that way, but he didn't care. Girl watching was damned good fun, whether the girls were relatives or not.

Father and daughter walked side by side to the table where Brett was already handing out lunch. Happier now, Candice glanced back at the booth over there. She took the time to actually see the two young teenage boys and the thirty-something guy sitting beside the thirty-something woman.

The man was moderately attractive...slender and maybe a bit too intense-looking for her taste...but he had a nice smile. He even flashed her one when he looked up. Candace didn't return it.

The boys looked close enough to be brothers, but maybe not...probably not, actually. They didn't look like they were even fraternal twins and were too close in age to be brothers. Cousins? Maybe. Candice dismissed the family over there. She had other things to do.

Candice knew they couldn't leave this cubicle now and find a vacant area. There was no time. She and Brett were on a tight schedule and Candice's nerves were already raw from all the frustrating delays, both real and imagined. Ignoring the unseemly display of womanly and girlish charms over there, Candice set about organizing lunch, helping her husband set barbequed ribs, brisket, hamburgers, fries, chicken bits and strange sauces around the table.

The 11-year-old twins, Alicia and Carrie, looked curiously around to see what there was to see. Their space was invaded by those other juvenile females, but the twins were very secure within themselves. Their interest was quickly drawn to the teenage boys slouching in their seats over there.

The twins flashed the boys quick, simultaneous smiles. Those boys were darned cute. The twins liked cute boys. And the boys' father? He looked very interesting too...for an older man. The twins instinctively liked the male components of the strange family. Alicia and Carrie smiled at each other.

Grandpa Jack Cartwright put his own tray down on the table. With his daughter not blocking the view anymore, he could see the woman and girls in the booth in the corner. He only glanced, letting a vague smile crease his lips, but his mind registered all the important attractive, a really attractive woman sitting at one end of the curved booth; a young teenaged girl sitting across from her on the other end of the booth was clearly her daughter. There were two boys sitting beside the teenage girl, three prepubescent young girls at the back of the booth where it curved around the corner of the room, and one lone adult male sitting beside the woman, his attention captured by a baseball game on the TV mounted on the wall nearly overhead.

Grandpa Jack hauled out a chair and sat without further ceremony. His granddaughters crowded in beside him, sitting much closer than they needed to. Brett had pushed two tables together for his family group and there was plenty of room, but Alicia and Carrie liked sitting nearly on top of their grandfather. Today, the force had been kind to Grandpa Jack; his side of the table faced the booth and he could easily perform his girl watching duties.

Peeking up under his eyebrows, Grandpa Jack saw he had a fine view of the woman over there, and her teenaged daughter too. He could see the young girls too...their cute legs were mostly bare under the table. He hadn't been able to see that standing up, even if Candace hadn't been shielding him off from them.

Grandpa Jack grinned, but he was careful to keep that to himself. Then Candace sat down to her husband's left, where she blocked off sight of the woman over there. Grandpa Jack growled a protest, but he kept that to himself also.

Grandpa Jack was about to consume mass quantities of his favorite ribs. He had some coleslaw on his tray, and some baked beans, but he intended to chow down on the full rack of ribs first and let the other food groups take care of themselves. Grandpa Jack was a carnivore and he didn't care who knew it...far less did he care whether folks approved or not.

Since she'd inserted herself into his immediate view, the nasty, lecherous side of Grandpa Jack checked out his oldest daughter. Candace took after her mother. He saw a lot of his ex-wife in his daughter...her looks anyway.

Candace hadn't inherited any of her mother's bad attitude. Grandpa Jack sent a silent prayer heavenward for that bit of divine favor.

Candace sure had his ex's coal black hair, though, sprinkled with red glints here and there. Candace was pretty, and she had a lightly freckled, pert little nose. Where Jeanette's eyes had been brown...Candace's were hazel...and Candace wore her hair shoulder length where Jeannette had chopped it off short.

His oldest daughter had her mother's big breasts too. Grandpa Jack sighed happily to himself. His ex had worn thirty-six 'C' bras, and he was sure Candace's were at least that big. Nice...big...warm...firmly packed, 'C' cups, he was sure, or maybe even 'C+'.... He sighed again.

He called up a memory of Candace as he'd seen her walking back to where they were now. Candace's beautifully rounded ass cheeks had been clinching, and releasing lasciviously beneath that short denim skirt of hers--deliciously so.

Her father thought that sway to her walk was completely unconscious on her part...but it sure served to highlight everything nice about her lower body! He appreciated that--he really did! Candace had damn good legs...twin columns of luscious, creamy unmarked flesh. Her thighs were slender, with well-shaped calves and nicely chiseled ankles below.

Grandpa Jack smiled a lewd little smile. He was careful no one saw it. His daughter, Candace was the total package and he congratulated himself on having made a such fine baby with his ex-wife. It was probably the only good thing the wicked witch of the west had ever done with anyone, much less him.

The twins, eleven-year-old Alicia and Carrie, beside him would normally have been targets for some licentious girl watching too, young though they were. But they were both clad in loose, non-descript blue jeans today--bib overalls, for Pete's sake!--and some loose, checkered shirts that fit them like circus tents.

The garb hid all of their young bodies from the hollow of their throats to their dainty feet, which were concealed in heavy-duty hiking shoes today. For all anyone could tell today, they might not have had the sturdy little bodies, budding breasts, cute little bubble-butt behinds, and beautifully sculpted legs Grandpa Jack knew for a fact they had.

He watched his granddaughters anyway, though there wasn't much to see right now. It was fun watching their antics...their muted flirting with those two young men over there, with him, their father, and any male they came into contact with, actually.

Grandpa Jack enjoyed just seeing the play of emotions across their features and like any good girl watcher, Grandpa Jack could see more using his peripheral vision than most folks could see of what was right in front of them.

* * *

Grandpa Jack was a problem solver by trade and temperament. He'd made a career out of an ability to find ways around critical predicaments. Then he sold his consulting business to dabble in politics for a while.

He'd retired from both eventually to a very comfortable retirement while he was young enough to enjoy it. Today, Grandpa Jack was solving a huge problem for his daughter, Candice, and her husband.

It was Brett. Seems he could sell melting ice to an Eskimo. He developed the gift of being able to assemble and manage huge, very profitable, deals for the corporation and now he was being promoted from upper-middle management to the lower-upper level.

His new responsibilities would include coordinating widely-diverse activities on a world-wide stage. So Brett and his wife were going on a trip sponsored by the corporate headquarters. They wouldn't be back until they'd gone virtually all the way around the world, just to acquaint Brett with his new responsibilities and show him the various campuses of all the corporation's interests. It was going to be a marathon trip, and it would take a big chunk out of the summer.

The twins actually shuddered when they heard, totally dismayed by the idea of accompanying their parents overseas. They had zero interest in seeing what was going on in southern Europe or northern Africa. They had even less curiosity about Indonesians, what they produced, or why.

Alicia's and Carrie's eyes had filled with genuine tears at the thought that they might have to go, so another plan was hastily contrived. Heck, it hadn't required any thought at all. There was an alternate solution immediately available. The girls would stay with Grandpa for the almost the whole summer. A win-win situation for everyone concerned.

Alicia and Carrie certainly thought it was great. It was what they'd wanted all along...they'd been thinking about the summer virtually from the moment Spring Break ended. From the moment the family met up with forty-eight-year-old Grandpa Jack thirty minutes ago, they'd been tossing Grandpa Jack furtive little glances they made sure Mom and Dad didn't see. It wasn't that they didn't love their parents, but they really couldn't wait for Mom and Dad to get on the road back home and leave them alone with Grandpa Jack.

When Mom and Dad finally left them alone with Grandpa Jack, things would be just fine. Things would be fantastic 'cause the twins and their grandfather had a secret no one else in the whole, wide world knew about. The eleven-year-old twin girls and their Grandpa Jack had been doing naughty things with each other for the past three years and the way things were shaping up, Grandpa Jack was going to do 'stuff' with them for nearly the whole summer long this year.

Alicia and Carrie giggled, throwing a pitying look at the girls across the way in that big booth they'd 'stolen' from the Winstons. Those girls over there were soooo immature, just children really. Those girls didn't have a clue about things the twins had been doing with their grandfather for years. Those girls were just kids.

The twins were young women...experienced young women.

* * *

Between bites of baby-back rib and whenever he could find an excuse to ease over to one side or another...or when Candace did ...Grandpa Jack set about scrutinizing all the young ladies in that booth over there. His duties as a professional girl watcher demanded he stay alert for new and interesting female-flesh at all times, and the oldest female in that booth...probably the wife of the slender guy sitting next to the description of the word interesting to a T.

The woman had big ol' eyes set in a heart-shaped face and the cutest little up-turned nose anyone could wish for...almost waif-like. She had nice breasts too. They weren't terribly big but they jutted out proudly, perched high on her slender torso. They were capped with perky nipples he could see right through the thin fabric of her thin blouse. She didn't have a bra on--he could see that quite clearly.

Grandpa Jack gave thanks to the patron saint of girl watchers that the woman had come to the restaurant unencumbered today.

The woman caught some of Grandpa Jack's glances and she sat up a little straighter, unconsciously tugging at her skirt and smoothing her blouse over her tummy as she moved her knees closer together. That brought Jack's eyes down to her legs, which, he noted approvingly, stretched out from beneath a very short skirt. Not the usual garb for a woman with so many kids, for sure.

But, she had several very good reasons to show off her legs. Those slender thighs, for instance, what he could see of them...and her beautifully shaped calves were just made for shameless display. A trim pair of ankles too. Grandpa Jack liked legs...every part of them.

Grandpa Jack approved of the woman's attributes. He approved very much. He flashed a quick grin at the young brunette to show his appreciation. He liked women who knew they were attractive, knew what their attractive parts were, and showed them off to best advantage.

* * *

Sandra, known to everyone as Sandy, Pearson flushed slightly when she saw the older man's interest, but she shook off the embarrassment, telling herself that what he saw, he clearly liked...and that was a good thing for her morale today. She tried to disguise the blush, but she didn't doubt the man still noticed her embarrassment.

That he was watching her so intently bothered her at first, but the feeling faded quickly as his frank examination of her body continued. Sandy didn't exactly want to be seen as brazen, but she want to be thought of as shy and retiring either.

By God, she told herself, she still looked damned good...for a woman who'd turned thirty already.


The whole concept was so deflating. She considered the prospect of advancing age glumly. She was a woman on the downside of life, and with four kids too. Something in her rallied; something rebelled against the dark thoughts.

Sandy let her body settle. She slouched back on the bench and stretched her legs even farther out under the table. Hell, let the man look. It wasn't hurting anybody. Screw the nobodies who would disapprove. She looked back at the man, letting her face relax into a pleasant expression, neither smiling or frowning...just looking.

He wasn't bad looking in his own right, Sandy decided, appraising the heavy-set man over there. He wasn't terribly tall--maybe a little under 6'--but he had wide shoulders, a deep chest and a flat stomach. He wore cargo shorts that didn't conceal much of his strong thighs and none of his well-muscled calves. And his biceps comfortably filled his T-shirt sleeves.

He was an older man...Sandy heard those two young girls address him as "Grandpa" more than once, but he still had a full head of brown hair that was comfortably tousled. The mussed hair and laugh lines said he loved the informal side of life and he had a ball watching all the players on the stage. The touch of silver at his temples only made him look that much more...experienced.

Sandy liked what she saw. Turning to see if her husband noticed she was flirting with another man, Sandy was appalled to catch sight of her oldest daughter also responding to the older man's rough-hewn good looks.

* * *

Twelve-year-old Natasha (Tasha, thank you very much) Pearson's young body was awash with hormones. Truth be told, they'd been coursing through her system since she'd turned ten. An inadvertent touch, something she witnessed, a TV show...anything...was liable to set off a heat in her groin. Once, her eyes had fastened on her brother's baseball bat laying in the back yard and she'd had to go to her bathroom and lock the door for some extended private time.

It was that way all day, every day. There were days of desperation when it was all she could do to not hump every bedpost and doorknob in the house for relief. It was taking over...actually, it had taken over her life.

Tasha didn't have hair one on her crotch, not even peach fuzz. She'd long since decided she liked it that way. It was so neat, so...clean. Some of the other girls in her middle school--Tasha thought of them as hairy beasts--were developing great furry bushes down there already, along with fleshy teats they were inordinately proud of. Tasha didn't have a clue why those girls thought their tits should slosh around on their chests so loosely; she didn't think it was very attractive at all, though she conceded many of the boys at her school were enthralled.

Tasha was 4'10" of girlish sexuality, long legged, and inordinately pleased with her body. Her hair was a dark shade of brunette that she kept brushed to a glossy sheen, just like her mother.

Best of all, she'd gone from a training bra to an A-cup in only a couple of months, and that pleased her no end. None of her girl classmates had Tasha's long legs and perky breasts...those twin cone-shaped morsels of soft firmness had eraser-sized little nipples that peeked upward at the sky. Tasha thought her boobies were beautiful and she treated them well, stroking and massaging them whenever she could, until her nipples were hard little point sources of indescribable bliss. She just knew she was ready for more and greater pleasure. She only needed someone to teach her what came next.

She hadn't paid much attention to the interlopers invading the Pearson's space...but then she noticed her mother's interest in that older guy over there. What Mom liked, Tasha was prepared to like. The twelve-year-old grinned at nothing and no one.

Sometimes Mom was such a hussy!!!

Tasha thought it to herself, not daring to say it aloud. It was a thing Tasha knew her mother tried to hide. Not that Tasha minded what her mother really was. Her girlfriends' mothers were so stuffy and boring they drove everyone around them crazy.

Tasha smiled again and this time, she didn't care who saw it. Mom and she were on the same wavelength today, by golly. When Tasha had noted her mother's scanty attire for this afternoon's drive, she'd raced back to her room to find a skirt just as short as her mother's and threw on a crop top that left her tanned midriff bare. Mom wasn't wearing a bra, so Tasha wasn't either.

Tasha's sandals were built up at the heel, just like Mom's, so Tasha was two inches taller this afternoon than she was in her bare feet, and the high heels molded her calves in a most attractive fashion. It wasn't that she was intentionally trying to upstage her Mom but she wouldn't have minded either. Tasha was a female animal and ready to compete for male attention...and that included competition from her own mother.

Watching her mother flirt ever more brazenly with that older man over there, Tasha relaxed and settled in to watch the action, get some pointers, and maybe do some flirting herself.

This was fun! Normally, she and her girlfriends wouldn't even have noticed a man his age. My God, he had to be waaaaaaaaaay over forty! But, in the course of wondering why a slight rosy tinge was coloring her mother's features, Tasha came to see the older man had some...interesting qualities.

For one thing, he was big--all over. Tasha could see a good-sized lump in the man's shorts and that totally captured Tasha's attention. She'd been noticing penises as they lay hidden in boys' and men's pants for a long time now. In fact, one of her girlfriends had called Tasha a 'crotch watcher' before school let out for the summer.

Taken aback at first, Tasha had decided it was true. Nowadays, she embraced the idea.

The twelve-year-old felt blood rushing to her nipples. She knew the feeling well. The pink nubbins always changed into coral-tinted erotic zones of the first degree as they grew erect. Already, they were too sensitive for her to resist finding some relief. Bending over, she surreptitiously rubbed the tips against the table surface. She was sure no one noticed...and it felt soooo good! She almost lost it, stifling a moan only at the last moment.

Tasha wiggled her ass in her seat. The hard plastic felt good against her butt cheeks. Spreading her thighs, she tried to force her pussy lips into contact with the seat through her panties and skirt.

The warm, wet...itchy...feeling was beginning in her groin again. Tasha was moderately surprised no one noticed. She was sure the aroma signaling her need for a man had to be noticeable for yards around in every direction. She needed a man...the man over there would do just fine. How could anyone miss her hunger? She moaned soundlessly, piteously.

When her mother stretched her legs out and planted the soles of her sandals on one of the big, round supports upon which the big tabletop was mounted, Tasha slouched lower, scooted her ass to the edge of the bench seat, and propped her feet up on the other side of the same post. She wriggled around a little, settling herself in her new position and dipped another French fry in the small tub of catsup.

Glancing at her mother, and then at the guy over there, she made a big production of licking the catsup off and then swallowing the fry...feeding it into her mouth lengthwise. Natasha Pearson smiled mischievously and flicked another glance at the big man with the smiling face.

* * *

When the oldest of the four young girls over there shifted her cute little butt around on the bench seat over there, Grandpa Jack noticed immediately and divined the reason almost as quickly. She sneaked a peek every once in a while, checking to see if he was noticing. Grandpa Jack rewarded the developing young girl a generous smile all her own. His grin broadened when the girl smiled back at him.

And then Grandpa Jack's gaze left her and passed on. Professional girl watchers learned discretion quickly. They learned not to be caught watching by boyfriends, lovers, husbands...or fathers.

Besides, there were three other little girls over there who deserved their own appreciative consideration. None of them were old enough to have more than just the beginnings of breasts, but they had curvy, nicely shaped legs and ankles. Those three younger girls were just as cute and cuddly as they could be.

On the other hand, however young they might be, the three prepubescent girls were working hard at becoming big girls, deliberately teasing the libidos of the two young teenage boys with them. One of the girls had a bare foot resting casually on the teenage boy's thigh closest to her...and it was awfully near where his prick was extending itself down his leg.

Grandpa Jack grinned.

That little girl--she looked like she was the youngest--was discretely rocking her foot back and forth on her heel, kneading the boy's thigh muscle and probably torturing him unmercifully.

Grandpa Jack decided this was going to be one, really fine, extra-special kind of day. One to be remembered forever. He just wished he had one of those spy cameras so he could document everything. He sighed and made a mental note to shop around for one so he'd never again miss a moment like this.

* * *

"Grandpa," young Alicia whispered in his ear, "that lady over there is flirting with you." She giggled as Grandpa Jack glanced up at the woman in question. He couldn't help but smile.

He bent low to his right to whisper in Alicia's ear so no one else would hear.

"Not hardly!!" he whispered back. "She's way beyond flirting. She's somewhere between wondering how she can get her phone number to me without anyone noticing...and just trotting over here to rape me where I sit," he told to his granddaughter.

Alicia giggled happily. She liked it when Grandpa Jack talked naughty.

"And," Grandpa Jack added, "so is that pretty young lady across the table from her," he added.

Alicia shot a quick look at the young girl in question. Old married women could flirt with her grandfather, but flirting directed at her Grandpa Jack from girls in her own age group was intolerable!

The girl over there didn't see Alicia's glance. If she had, it might have hurt...striking as it did right between the eyes. Alicia saw for herself Grandpa Jack was absolutely right. As Alicia watched, the girl's hand snaked down to pull up on her skirt on her right side, exposing some more thigh to Grandpa's view. Her right butt-cheek was just barely hidden now and it was only a matter of time. If the girl over there had seen Alicia's second glare, she'd have expired on the spot.

Alicia turned back to her grandfather with a scowl on her face. "The slut!" she whispered, outraged the young girl over there would dare....

Grandpa Jack chuckled out loud. He couldn't help it.

When Alicia's mother, his daughter, glanced up at him, he improvised. "Sorry," he apologized, "me and Miss Fancypants here have a bet," he said, thinking fast. "If I win, she does my turn at washing dishes for five days," he explained.

"What's the bet?" Candice asked.

"Well, it's about how long you two parental types can stand sitting here with us--without having a nervous breakdown...or running out the front door screaming to scoot back home to do some more planning, suitcase packing...or something like that," Grandpa Jack said.

"Oh, I don't think we're in all that much of a hurry," Candice replied hastily, coloring a little. She'd thought her impatience was well disguised.

"Good!" her father responded. "There's a nice little county park a couple miles back up the road and I was thinking we could go see if there's anyone's still there. I think, you know, maybe we could get a pickup game a' horseshoes going and have a fine afternoon under those big ol' shade trees. Whatcha think?"

Candace's eyes widened. She tried to think of a good argument against staying any longer in this one-horse town than absolutely necessary.

Grandpa Jack leered at his daughter. "You know honey, could be a profitable afternoon...I 'spect I could sell tickets to those good ol' boys there, just to watch you bend over and pick up a horseshoe or two!" he said slyly.

The look of horror on his daughter's face was priceless. Candace shot a look at her young daughters. The girls' grinning faces showed Candace they absolutely did understand their grandfather's innuendo. They thought it was funny.

Candace was scandalized and started to scold her father for his ribald commentary, but she didn't get the chance. Dad wasn't paying attention to her any more.

"What do you think, Brett?" Grandpa Jack asked, turning to his son-in-law, wondering how Brett would handle this. Sometimes Brett wasn't the most assertive man in the world, but he had his moments....

"Well...," Brett drawled after another bite of brisket. Grandpa Jack thought Brett might have turned his head enough to actually catch sight of that woman over there in his peripheral vision. Good technique, Grandpa Jack thought...for an amateur.

"Might be a good idea, Dad," Brett remarked. "Hell, I'd buy a ticket! Whaddya think we should charge?"

Candice's jaw dropped. She stared at her husband beside her in disbelief; then she slapped his arm...hard! Bret shrugged it off and winked at his father-in-law using the eye his wife couldn't see.

Grandpa Jack guffawed, well pleased with his son-in-law. Jack grinned impudently at his daughter, she of the suddenly rosy complexion and embarrassed expression. She shifted uneasily and protested vociferously, but Jack also detected a certain smug satisfaction that slipped in amongst her other reactions. Grandpa Jack grinned. His daughter was actually a little pleased at the ribald exchange.

Grandpa Jack decided to let his daughter off the hook. He turned to Alicia and pretended to find a quarter in her ear. "Well, look at that!" he exclaimed. "How you figure that got there, huh?"

Alicia swatted at his hand, pretending to try to swipe the coin out of his hand. The quarter disappeared again, only to be retrieved from her nose, and then from under the collar of her shirt. Each time, Grandpa Jack flashed the shiny new coin in front of Alicia's eyes and showing it to her parents.

When he finished, he did a few other things that kept things light at the table...winding up with an apparent attempt to hypnotize Carrie, but pretending to be hypnotized himself instead. It was all good fun and it kept the twins their parent's dismay. The twins were taking FOREVER to eat their lunches. Mom and Dad were finished long before their children were.

By the time everyone was done, Candace's toe was beating a rapid, very light, tattoo on the floor beneath the table. It was the only way she could relieve the pressure...and still have any chance at all of concealing how impatient she was becoming from her Dad.

* * *

"Now, Grandpa Jack?" Alicia asked plaintively. Goodbyes between parents and children had been taken care of at the table and the twins' parents had been gone for almost...a full minute. The girls wanted to get on with their summer.

"Now what?" Jack said, as if surprised. He wasn't. There was a well-established ritual they would go through now, and he enjoyed traditions.

"Can we go change?" the twins asked in unison in that way twins have of coordinating things, apparently through telepathy.

"Change?" Grandpa Jack mused quietly, his face a mask of innocence that changed slowly to a blatantly lecherous one. " mean, you girls have something more 'interesting' to put on for your ol' grandpa, do ya?"

"Uh-huh," the girls said together, nodding emphatically. They were grinning broadly. They liked this game too.

He knew that they knew he knew they had something scandalously short, revealing, and perhaps borderline illegal in a small suitcase carefully placed on top of the mass of luggage already transferred to the back of his SUV.

They'd worn the blue overalls and Daddy's discarded dress shirts as a disguise so Mom and Dad would never think of being concerned about the relationship between their little girls and Grandpa. For the past three years, though, the twins had brought something with them to change into at the hand-over point...something that expressed their blossoming sexuality and their growing interest in exhibiting their hot little bodies. They loved to show off.

Grandpa Jack looked at his watch. "Better give it another ten minutes," he decided.

The girls nodded.

He said the same thing every time they came to visit, be it Spring Break, summer vacation, a pre-Christmas holiday, or whatever...he was always careful about their secret. He was right and they knew it.

Mom was a little scatterbrained, and Dad was totally stressed out even at the best of times. Mom might have left her purse behind, as she'd done that one time, for instance, and she or Dad might have forgotten to say some magical word, discovered an urgent need for just one more hug from their baby girls, or...something equally nonsensical.

But if they got ten minutes down the road, everyone could be certain they would keep driving in that direction. Dad wouldn't do a twenty-minute roundtrip back the restaurant...not for anything.

While they waited for the time to pass, the twins turned to showing Grandpa Jack how much they thought of him. No one in the restaurant knew what they whispered in his ear were nasty little words designed to make him horny...hornier...and get him ready to do to them what they badly needed done to them. In spite of themselves, and the need for caution they knew they had to exercise, their caresses became more personal as time passed, and so did his.

"How come you're looking at that woman?" Carrie whispered curiously. She was standing right beside him. Carrie took another moment to surreptitiously nibble at his earlobe. She knew the touch of her teeth sent shivers down her grandfather's spine.

"Well..." Grandpa Jack replied just as softly, not wanting to be overheard by the group over there, "she's pretty...and she's sexy...and she's pretty sexy! Are those enough reasons?"

Carrie made a face him and pretended to slap his face to bring him back from whatever fantasyland he'd gone to. Grandpa Jack pretended to shake off the daydreams. "Well, she is!"

Carrie leaned closer to her grandfather's ear. "You think she can give you a better blowjob than me or 'Licia?" she whispered. Her sweet face revealed no sign of the lewdness of her question.

Grandpa Jack's breath caught in his throat and he swallowed hard. "No, that could never be," he whispered softly, stroking Carrie's lower back. "You gonna give me one on the way home?" he asked hopefully.

Carrie breathed a hot breathe into his ear before whispering her reply.

"Don't we always?" she asked sweetly, a little louder. No one could know what she was talking about, even if they did overhear her.

Whispering again, she continued, "I want you to cum a ton in my mouth while you drive us home, Grandpa Jack," she whispered breathlessly, as excited by her words as her grandfather was. "I want to taste all that nasty cream on my tongue, and I want to show you all your cum in my mouth and then I want to drink it down into my tummy," she told him.

Grandpa Jack swallowed hard again. His eyes grew unfocused for just a second before blinking their way back from the vision evoked by his granddaughter's words. What she'd said stoked the inner fire already building in his groin.

As his desire deepened, his discretion waned.

Probably no one saw his hand drift down from the small of Carrie's back to cup a beautifully rounded little ass-cheek, but Carrie wriggled delightedly, pleased at the reaction she'd coaxed out of Grandpa Jack.

She had to cover a moan with a little cough when Grandpa Jack squeezed gently, surreptitiously kneading his granddaughter's firm little butt.

Grandpa Jack grinned at having coaxed a revelation of how highly she was also stimulated from his granddaughter. It would never do to let the twins think they had the upper hand, he thought virtuously.

* * *

Sandy Pearson watched as those two girls' parents left. She wasn't eavesdropping, but the tables were only fifteen feet away, and their words were often clear and sharp. So grandpa had the girls for the whole summer, eh?

Sandy understood body language. Sandy knew the older guy was much more than simply aware of her presence and she enjoyed that knowledge. She loved the idea that a man--a big, strong, virile male animal--was thoroughly enjoying looking at her body. She cooperated, letting her skirt slide still further up her thighs to give him fleeting glances of her panties whenever she could find an excuse. She was perfectly aware the excuses were becoming less and less necessary in her mind, and the panty shots were becoming more numerous and more revealing as time passed. She didn't care.

It bothered Sandy that the twin girls and their grandfather were so very affectionate...and more.

Sandy watched as they moved around him in a slow, almost choreographed, dance. First one girl would touch and stroke the older man's arms or chest, or lean in to kiss his cheek and whisper a girlish secret in his ear, and then the other would move in.

Grandpa would pretend to be shocked when he heard what they had to say, and he'd swat at the girl's behind, or drag her close to tickle her ribs, or pretend to nip at her neck while growling in mock ferocity. But...the "bite" changed to a kiss more often than not, sometimes trailing down the girl's neck to the open throat of her shirt.

Sandy's eyes narrowed. The caresses and strokes over there were getting positively...intimate. Though Grandpa's hands stayed usually at the girls' blue jean covered waists, every once in a while those strong, well-shaped fingers would slide below their waists in back...down to their asses? She couldn't see behind them, but it sure looked like....

Sandy watched the girls' eyes and their faces. Neither of them minded one bit what Grandpa was doing. They beamed and wriggled their bodies when he caressed them and they closed their eyes and rubbed themselves against him whenever they thought they could get away with it.

Those two girls were loving everything that was happening between them and their grandfather. Indeed, every once in a while, one or the other would give out a half-moan before she could smother it.

Sandy was shocked. All that was wrong! No grandfather should be stroking his granddaughters that way, and certainly not in public!!

She should report it; she should go right up to the front counter and demand they call the sheriff, or whatever. She would do! But she never moved; her legs refused to reposition themselves so she could get up.

Instead, a strangled mewl of passion and need hissed silently between Sandy's lips. She wished her own grandfather had done all this to her! Or her father--Daddy could've....

Stunned where her thoughts had turned, them 'rebellious'...memories came back to the surface. Sandy recalled those days...the weeks of being tormented by urges she couldn't name. She'd only known she had a deep...lust-fueled itch deep inside, a void she had known instinctively she needed get filled somehow, someway.

Sandy had had those feelings when she was young. She had them still.

Two more deep breaths, and Sandy completely forgot her indignation over the inappropriateness of the grandfather-granddaughter interaction. Now she was envious--she was jealous of those girls over there. Sandy wanted grandpa's hands on her instead of them. His strokes should be gliding over her skin, and she wanted her ears nibbled like Grandpa was doing to them. Those girls didn't have to deal with urges not being met.

It wasn't fair, dammit!

The churning deep in Mrs. Sandra Pearson's groin grew stronger, more insistent and she grew increasingly less able to ignore it. Sandy groaned deep in her chest, and let her knees fall farther apart. She swiveled her hips around so she would be facing more toward the trio over there. If Grandpa wanted to look, she'd show him anything...everything...he might want to see.

Twelve-year-old Tasha saw her mother's distress and intuitively knew what was happening to her mother, because Tasha felt that way too. When Tasha and her mother's eyes met, all the ancient knowledge known to the female of the species flashed between them. For a moment, they were as close as any mother and daughter had ever been. They were female animals on the prowl, and they both knew it.

* * *

"Now, Grandpa Jack?" Carrie pleaded, breaking off a kiss she was planting on her grandfather's lips.

Grandpa checked his watch. He waggled his head from side to side uncertainly. "Hmmmmmm, well...."  He pursed his lips musingly, and looked up for guidance from the ceiling. His head snapped down.

"NOW!" he replied, holding his key chain at arm's length out to his side. He didn't look to see who grabbed it.

Alicia was quicker this time. When the girl's had come to visit during their spring break in March, it had been Carrie who reacted before her sister could.

Alicia snatched the keys and raced for the restaurant door with her sister a half step behind. They didn't make too much commotion running out to their grandfather's SUV.

Minutes later, they were back inside and rushing to the girls' restroom with the blue duffle bag in hand. Grandpa Jack smiled contentedly.

* * *

Tasha had been watching her mother closely for a long while. She knew her mom was excited because her mother's heat matched her own. The two had identical flushes showing at their throats that gave them away to the other. Tasha knew her mom was getting even more excited because that guy over there was flirting right back.

Tasha had no criticism for her mother, because Tasha was trying just as hard to draw the older man's attention to herself...'cause that guy was flirting with her too! Tasha let her knees slide a little farther apart, turned toward him and bit-by-bit, tugged her skirt up to show him as much thigh as she thought she could get away with...and maybe a little bit more. She didn't care.

Then she gave that old man what she knew he wanted. She turned her whole body away from the man and leaned way across her brother and cousin, Jeff, to say a nothing comment to her sister, ten-year-old Melissa. Natasha extended her right leg out to the side as she leaned to the left. She had to do that...for balance, of course. Her skirt rode up higher up her right thigh than she'd ever purposefully allowed in her life.

Tasha knew that grandpa could see how firm and beautifully shaped her ass-cheeks were and how fine her satiny-smooth thighs were. She knew she was making a lewd spectacle of herself. She knew he was looking too. She had to stifle a moan, the naughty pleasure was so intense.

Tasha grinned at her mother when she saw her mother was noting every thing her oldest daughter did.

Her mother grinned back.

They were more like schoolgirls...friends...immensely enjoying everything they were doing, and loving the response they were getting. Without saying a word, they knew they were both going to up the ante, starting right now because if Mom's eyes were smoldering with repressed desires, Tasha's eyes were boiling cauldrons of desperate need.

They had monkeys on their backs they could pacify only one way.

* * *

In the midst of performing his duties as a professional girl watcher, Grandpa Jack left off to study the guys at the table...and found them lacking. The guy next to the 30-something woman, dad and husband probably, was essentially clueless. He was slender, not excessively so, but he wasn't carrying any extra weight. Maybe he was a runner, a jogger, where Grandpa Jack got his exercise lifting weights and punching a heavybag in the gym.

The thing was, he was sitting next to a hell of a sexy woman Grandpa Jack and there was a hot, hot, HOT young daughter sitting across from him just begging for a man's attention...any man's attention.

And jogger dude was watching a baseball game??

Grandpa looked closer. No, by golly! It was a tape of a baseball game, one played last night. He'd watched it live. The Yankees had won, continuing a great beginning to the new season. Grandpa Jack shook his head. Hubby over there needed to get a life, 'cause the one he had was slipping slowly away.

The teenaged boys had been fascinated by Grandpa Jack's two granddaughters as they raced out, even in their loose shirts and baggy blue jeans. Grandpa Jack tried to choke back a laugh. When the boys saw what his granddaughters were going to have on out of the restroom, those boys' jaws might become permanently unhinged.

Then he did chuckle. He couldn't help it. God, life was soooo good! He grinned at the family across the way.

* * *

Sandy saw one of the twin blonde girls come back in long enough to toss grandpa's keys at him, and then the girl left again in a long lope. Sandy had no idea why they were suddenly so fired up and racing around so frantically.

Mrs. Pearson took the opportunity of the twin's absence to study the man over there more intently.

She wondered what he would be like in bed. There! She'd admitted it to herself...and the admission let loose a flood of emotion. She wanted him. Wanted him badly. It was beyond horny. It was a physical need.

She decided he'd be just what he was, a man. He'd take her like a man was meant to take a woman, she thought. He'd throw her legs over his shoulders and plow her like a farmer would a field in the a stallion taking a broodmare.

Sandy shivered delicately, relishing the delicious picture in her mind. She knew the strange man would make her cum hard, time after time, whether she wanted it or not. Not like Greg....

She sighed aloud and turned to look around her family for a moment. Here she was, on one end of a big, crescent-shaped booth right next to a husband who was oblivious to his wife's needs and her blatant display of herself for another man's pleasure. How could he be so blind?

Across from her, Tasha was working hard on getting that man's attention too...and doing a fine job of it! The girl might only be twelve, but she was a woman in heat too. Sandy knew the look on Tasha's features--she was certain her own face reflected the same desires.

Sandy grinned rapaciously. It was strange both she and her oldest daughter found themselves on opposite ends of the booth's bench seat...both of them thus able to play to that guy over there. Kind of like fate? She laughed. More like a mutual case of the hornies and a desperate need to show a virile man their bodies--their willingness! Sandy muffled a lewd little laugh.

There sat her freckle-faced, auburn-haired son Shawn across the table from her, to Tasha's left. He was undeniably a handsome young man, Sandy decided. He was going to be taller than his father, if the current growth spurt meant anything. Girls in the neighborhood knocked on the Pearson's door a lot, wanting to talk to Shawn, wanting to see him, wanting him to come out

Impulsively, Sandy slouched lower in her seat and slid her sandals off to run her toes along her son's shin all the way up to his knee. She let her foot slide down, then stroked her own son's shin again. Startled, Shawn looked up at her. Bewildered and instantly aroused, the boy could only stare.

Sandy smiled knowingly and sent a bawdy wink his way. Her son colored and looked around to see if anybody had noticed before he smiled back at her but he didn't know what message his mother's massaging toes were sending.

He shifted uncomfortably. He pretended a return to listening to his MP3 player but he wasn't. His eyes--he thought them hidden from Sandy's sight beneath his brows--lingered on the open buttons of his mother's blouse. He'd never seen such a generous expanse of her firm breasts before. He was almost drooling, thinking what it would be like to--

Sandy grinned. She knew her boy was faking it. Shawn thought his mother didn't know what he was looking at. So she worked her shoulders around, moving her body more sensuously than she'd ever dared before in public, and never for her son's benefit, leaning forward and running her fingertips from her throat to the hollow between the swell of her breasts.

The V-shaped opening of her blouse slid lower on her torso and more of the swell of her upper breasts slipped into view.

Sandy giggled when Shawn's gaze involuntarily shot back up to see if she'd meant to expose more of herself. She winked to let him know she was aware of his interest...and didn't mind.

Shawn cautiously smiled back, thoroughly delighted and incredibly excited. He tried to shift his penis around a little without anyone seeing.

* * *

To Shawn's left, his red-headed cousin, Jeff, had a pair of earphones on too. Both boys were listening to their tunes as a sign they were supremely bored and above it all. It was a thing teenagers do instinctively. But, Jeff, who could have been watching his aunt's sudden attack of exhibitionism right along with Shawn, was only vaguely aware of her.

Jeff glanced surreptitiously to HIS left as often as he dared, where his sister was sitting between his two younger girl cousins, Shawn's sisters, as they sat at the back of the booth.

His sister, Elaine, was an auburn-haired, pretty little girl of nine. Her tenth birthday was only a few weeks away. Even at home, Elaine had Jeff's attention all the time. It seemed to Jeff that Elaine deliberately teased him, loving to wear tight, very short, shorts and tiny skirts that were always well above her knee.

Elaine was a sturdy youngster who loved soccer so those fleshy legs were well-toned muscles, not flab. She'd have been an idiot not to show those legs off, in Jeff's considered opinion. And Jeff's world would have been a lot more tranquil if Elaine just wouldn't lie on her belly in the living room to watch TV. Whatever she had on would always ride up on her thighs, exposing the whole length of her firm legs to whoever was on the couch behind her.

His sister wasn't the only teaser in Jeff's extended family--not by a long shot. His cousin, nine-year-old Danielle, had been toying with him ever since they'd got here by propping up one heel on his thigh and rocking her pretty little foot back and forth. Jeff's libido was a red-hot, throbbing demon that consumed every fragment of his awareness this afternoon.

He wondered if the cute, brown-haired Danielle knew what she was doing to him. It seemed impossible for her to not understand, but she smiled so innocently at him whenever caught her eye.

Right now, Jeff could see the whole length of Danielle's leg from her pretty little toes all the way up to her upper thigh. Jeff just knew his cousin's skin was creamy smooth--he could imagine what the flesh of her upper thighs would feel like under his hands.

Danielle's jogging shorts were drawn tight over her slit, drawing attention to the beautifully shaped little camel toe between her wide-spread thighs. She didn't seem to be aware of it.

Jeff's throat was dry and he licked his parched lips as he furtively drank in the view. Jeff pretended to listen intently to the song playing on his smart phone, but he really wouldn't have heard a note if the band had been sitting in the booth with him.

Every moment, it seemed there was something new to see. His sister, Elaine, had her hands on both of her girl cousins' thighs now, squeezing and kneading the firm flesh. Jeff caught his breath when Elaine actually stroked Danielle's and her ten-year-old cousin, Melissa's, legs from crotch to kneecap right in front of him!

'OH MY GOD!!' he thought, his mind reeling. He was in seventh heaven. The only way it could be better would be if the hands stroking those delectable thighs were his, instead of his sister's.

* * *

Whatever the boys were listening to sounded horrible to Sandy. She shuddered lightly, her thoughts veering away from the boys.

Actually, Sandy felt great. At the ripe old age of thirty, dull ol' Mrs. Pearson was going to have a debutante's ball of sorts. Sandy giggled at the unintended double entendre. Watch out world, she shouted silently. Sandy's comin' out party is almost here.

The mother of four great kids and wife to a fine man, Sandy deliberately swiveled her ass away from her husband to face 'Grandpa' over there. She dropped the shield of propriety and modesty she'd held between herself and her body's needs for years and years of silent suffering...since her first baby had been conceived...and when Greg put her up on this impossible pedestal.

She let decorum die while she exhaled a long sigh. Sandy felt her face muscles relax and a sultry, inviting smile spread over her lips. She wanted this man to see the heat in her.

Letting her hands drop to her lap, and then lower, Sandy casually slid her hand down to adjust her tug it up a bit so it wouldn't hide anything from him. She wanted him to see.

She dared to press her fingers against her panty-clad pussy, and was surprised to find a slick wetness already there. She let a soundless whimper escape her lips and touched herself again, not bothering to see if her husband or if any of the children were watching. It just didn't matter anymore.

* * *

Tasha noticed the change in her mother's posture instantly. Her eyes got big as she watched her mother's upper arm move, the muscles working her hand rhythmically, just out of sight below the tabletop. She didn't have to see where her mother's fingers were to figure out what was happening.

When Tasha looked up, her mother was watching her, grinning mischievously and nodding conspiratorially. Tasha grinned back and slumped in her seat and turned to her right to expose herself to the same man her mother was interested in.

In seconds, Tasha's fingers were rubbing at her pubic mound too, pressing the flesh over her clit and making her own pulse pound. Mom and daughter masturbated together, knowing the man over there would see exactly what they were doing.

Sandy glanced back at her husband once again. She elbowed him in the ribs, but got only a distracted grunt in return. Sandy sighed. Greg was hopeless. The game was going into extra innings and he was totally engrossed.

The two boys and three younger girls were beginning to suspect something. They couldn't see through the tabletop to watch Sandy or Tasha directly, but they could feel something was happening. There was a excitement in the air one could cut with a knife.

Remembering they were there, Sandy threw a quick smile to the three little girls at the back of the booth. Abruptly, she decided if she had anything to say about it, they wouldn't have to go through childhood with an all consuming compulsion gnawing at their guts. Sandy would see they didn't have to suffer as she had.

* * *

Each twin had on a white halter top that from the front looked bland and only moderately 'interesting' as Grandpa Jack referred to it. The devil was in the details though...definitely in the details.

In back, the halter tops exposed all of their lightly tanned, creamy smooth shoulders and backs. Even in front, the whole length of their arms were bare and the deep "V" necklines dipped low enough to expose a distinct cleft between the upper slopes of their young breasts. The tops didn't hide nicely tanned midriffs either. The girls wanted all the men, and boys, in the world to see. Spaghetti-thin straps were tied around their necks and slightly broader straps were fastened at the rear along the bottom of the halter tops, but that was all they had on above the waist.

Their pleated blue plaid skirts were short and sassy. Blue was Grandpa Jack's favorite color and therefore, theirs. If each skirt was only an inch shorter, the lower curves of their firm, round little butt cheeks would have been visible, but the girls carefully kept that inch of discretion intact by adjusting where the waistband rested on their hips. Both girls wore blue bikini panties, and they had every intention of showing them to Grandpa Jack, sooner rather than later.

Their long, tanned legs were bare for the simple reason they knew that, even at their age, they had lovely legs...and Grandpa Jack liked all of those legs out in plain sight for his, and other men's voyeuristic pleasure.

Grandpa Jack was a 'leg man' and loved the girls showing as much of their silky-smooth thighs as possible...and neither twin would ever think of hiding anything from Grandpa Jack. Their calves and shapely ankles were beautifully sculpted by the high-heeled sandals they wore. The common-sense hiking shoes they'd worn earlier were stowed in the small duffel now; they wouldn't be worn again until it was time for the twins to go home to Mom and Dad.

Alicia and Carrie were cute--pretty rather than beautiful. They would never have the classic beauty of top-flight models or actresses, but their prettiness would last much longer than a debutante's refined features, and the girls would never need plastic surgery to maintain their attractiveness.

In a few moments, the two girls had applied some light makeup--just a little eye shadow to bring out their beautiful green eyes, some mascara to highlight their long lashes, and a touch of pink lip gloss to emphasize their soft, very kissable lips. The blush in their cheeks was natural. They didn't need any rouge...they were excited and it showed. Their eyes fairly danced with a licentious glee.

They practiced pouting expressions, pretending an innocence they no longer had a use for. Each twin's straight, shoulder-length, blonde hair was caught up in a ponytail at the back of their heads and it swung saucily from side to side in time to their footsteps.

The twins practiced their walk for a bit, letting their hips rock seductively from side to side as they walked until they were satisfied they were doing it as alluringly as possible. Their walk wasn't the bawdy swagger of the streetwalker; it wasn't the practiced strut of the professional model; and it wasn't the mesmerizing hip-roll of the hula dancer. But it was all three of those, and more. The girls knew the hypnotic rhythm of their swaying hips, the play of the muscles in their firm little asses and thighs, and the dancing ponytails would mesmerize any male of the species...and many of the females too.

There were frequent interruptions for bouts of giggling. When their own delighted laughter threatened to overtake them, their hands slapped into place over their mouths to stifle the sounds. They didn't want to draw any attention to themselves just yet, but being naughty was soooooo delicious...a sensation that had their young groins stewing in juices. They sniffed, detecting the aroma of their own arousals. They knew Grandpa Jack would recognize the savory odor as well, just as soon as they came near him.

The twins gave each other a final check. They adjusted each other's ponytail, tugged their tops a fraction of an inch into a more revealing position, and murmured one last critique of their twin's choreographed saunter. Finally ready, they gave each other a silent high five and grinned happily at their reflections in the mirrors.

They were scrumptiously sexy hotties, and they knew it. They loved being hotties...and the twins lived to watch men and boys reacting to their sexuality. They loved Grandpa Jack and they loved him for helping them be more of what they really were. They liked the exhibitionistic side of their nature--they embraced it--and they didn't care who knew, or saw.

Grandpa Jack said he always thought the fathers he saw with 'interestingly' clad young girls he saw everywhere were, in a sense, sharing their daughters with he saw no problem 'sharing' the twins scantily-clad bodies with those fathers in return. The twins thought that was just fine too.

The twins went to the counter before returning to their seats and bought two ice cream cones with the prepaid credit cards their parents left with them for shopping, necessities, and the like. The girls wanted to see how the locals reacted to their dress-up game, but there really wasn't anyone in the place to play to. In fact, except for the old lady working the counter and the fat Mexican woman cooking something oniony and very smoky back in the kitchen area, the restaurant was nearly empty.

The three old farmers off over there weren't interested in much of anything except, apparently, the latest crop prices. The twins didn't know if the oldsters could even see all the way to the front counter from where they were; surely they paid no attention to the two young girls at all.

* * *

When the twins paraded into the shared 'private area', Shawn Pearson almost ruptured himself snapping to attention. His cousin, Jeff, wasn't a tenth of a second behind. Both boys' faces lost color and their hands trembled a little as they tried to remove their earphones.

Shawn blushed a brilliant scarlet as he bent sideways, trying to pick his MP3 player from the floor where it had fallen. What he saw there paralyzed him. He literally could not move. Open-mouthed, he stared. "Oh my God!" he whispered to himself.

Things were changing swiftly in Shawn's world...admittedly, for the better...but he was having trouble keeping up. First of all, his mother had run her toes up his leg a couple of times and then she'd deliberately let him see more of her upper breasts than he'd ever glimpsed before...and she'd winked at him when she saw he was looking! NOW...oh Jesus Christ!!...his mother had her skirt hiked way above her hips and she was busily rubbing her pussy, right there in front of everybody!

A motion to his right caught his attention. He didn't want to turn away from his mother's exposed pussy, but his sub-conscious overruled his druthers. He turned his head, still under the tabletop, and saw his sister...right there beside him...doing the same thing his mother was doing across the table from him!!!

Shawn's heart skipped a couple of beats. His lungs forgot to inflate.

He didn't know how he'd failed 'til now to notice what his sister was doing. Sure, he'd been distracted, looking at the valley between his mother's breasts and staring at nipples that were so hard they made little peaks in the fabric of Mom's blouse. But that seemed so...ordinary, so common-place now.

He looked back at his mother. There was nothing ordinary about her now! Her fingers stroked back and forth, rubbing right above two lovely, puffy lips that led to a place Shawn had been only a newborn. Suddenly, Shawn longed to be there again. His prick was so hard, it ached. He touched himself, needing badly to readjust himself. He moaned out loud.

'OH...MY...GOD!' he breathed silently to himself. His mother had pulled her panties to the side. His mother's pussy was staring at him, winking at him invitingly. She didn't have any hair down there. Shawn gulped. He thought grown women had lots of hair but...his Mom didn't.

His eyes returned to his sister on his right. Her left kneecap was nearly touching his nose as he bent over. Without consciously willing it, his hand lifted and settled on Natasha's smooth inner thigh. He tugged her knee toward him, opening her up for a good look.

After a second's hesitation, Tasha let him move her leg aside.

Tasha's pussy was as bare as his mother's! Shawn couldn't believe it. He drank in the sight of his sister's fingers massaging, stroking, caressing just above her naked slit.

Shawn could see how aroused his sister was. He sucked in a deep breath when Tasha dipped two fingers deep inside her. When she drew them out, her fingers were shiny with a sticky, viscous honey. Shaw moaned deep in his throat.

When Shawn's face rose back up over the tabletop, the blush had faded; his embarrassment at his clumsiness totally forgotten. He was as pale as the eggshell-white paint on the walls. Shawn was trembling, his breath shallow and erratic.

He was, simply put, in shock. Had he been at the scene of an accident, medical personnel would have come running.

* * *

Alicia and Carrie were not pleased with what they saw. Here was their Grandpa Jack sitting in his chair...with a hard-on, oh by the way...ogling that woman and her slut daughter while they played with themselves.

It wasn't that the twins couldn't compete. They didn't mind competing. They loved competition. Heck, they competed with each other if no one else was around. But this...this was completely unacceptable. They were being upstaged!

The Winston twins were not going to put up with this, not one little bit of it would they put up with. Their plans changed on the spot, and it took only a fleeting look at each other to coordinate it. All bets were off now; all sense of propriety was rejected.

The twin pre-teens girls stopped short when they first saw the lewd floorshow, but they came on now, adjusting quickly to the new rules in the game. When they got within a couple of paces of their grandfather, they pirouetted in front of him, letting their pleated miniskirts fly up to their waists as they spun around in place. They happily exposed the whole of their pretty legs and their satin panties to their grandfather...and anyone else who cared to watch. They didn't care who saw the damp camel toes imprinted into the panties.

The twins stopped in front of Grandpa Jack and bent over to give him deep, lover's kisses and, incidentally, cut off his view of those other females. They caressed his face, his shoulders, and whatever they could reach with one hand as they opened their lips and thrust their tongues into his mouth, flicking and teasing his tongue, their tongues dueling with his in an ever increasing tempo. They held their ice cream cones in their other hands; they had a use in mind for them that would absolutely wow their grandfather...and those others across the way too.

As they kissed, the twins' short skirts rode high in back. The backs of their slender thighs and their pretty bubble-butts, barely covered by bikini panties, were in public view for all to see and admire. Alicia and Carrie knew those girls, and those boys too, over there could see everything. They didn't care.

They slowly rocked their hips from side to side, letting the smooth muscles in their beautifully rounded buttocks and thighs flex delightfully. If that woman and her daughter had any smarts at all, they'd figure out Alicia and Carrie were going to show Grandpa Jack much, much more when they left this cheap-ass eatery.

Alicia and Carrie knew their pussies were already seeping steamy little-girl juices onto the satin fabric of their panties. In fact, they'd made sure of it in the restroom. Then, giggling, they'd pressed the crotch of their panties more deeply into their young slits to make the fabric even more sticky and wet...all for their Grandpa Jack. The twins' posture, their expressions and actions all said, "Take that!!!" to the females across the way.

And that was how it was for a time. Grandpa Jack's hard-on was growing longer, harder, and more obvious by the moment. He was pretty sure the boys over there had similar problems...but the hubby was still oblivious.

Too bad. Grandpa Jack wasted no pity on the man.

Alicia and Carrie urged Grandpa Jack to his feet and a few feet beyond the end of the table. They turned a chair for him so it faced those people over there. There was no sense letting the table hide anything, not any longer. Grandpa Jack was a prop now--no different from the ice cream cones--and they positioned him where the twins wanted him. A show was about to begin that was going to destroy those nasty females over there. The very idea!...that they even considered enticing the twin's grandpa away!

The girls sat, each on one of Grandpa Jack's knees and delicately crossed their legs. They eyed their restaurant neighbors with innocent expressions on their angelic faces. They licked at the ice cream, all the way up to the little curl on the tip, using long, slow strokes. Then their pink tongues swept all around the base of the mound of ice cream before they swallowed the load of cream they collected on their tongues.

The twins' insolent eyes challenged those other females to even think of moving in on their Grandpa Jack. He belonged to the twins!

Each twin grabbed one of Grandpa Jack's hands and deposited it on a bare thigh. They snuggled close, giving Grandpa Jack hot, ice-creamy kisses. Then they licked the white cream off his lips with long, languorous strokes.

The twins moved his hands around on their thighs in slow stroking movements until he got the idea. On his own, Grandpa Jack caressed all the way down to their knees and back up their inner thighs. They wriggled their hips delightedly when his fingers swept near the wet spots on their panties.

The twins uncrossed their legs and perched on their grandfather's knees, spreading their thighs wide so Grandpa Jack could fondle them. Both girls were swinging a leg back and forth in a way they knew from past experimentation stimulated the nerve endings in their pussy lips. Just the slightest movement...minutely rubbing one outer lip against the their present state gave the girls a most delightful little thrill. But no one else knew. It was another secret they kept from everyone but their Grandpa Jack.

The twins smiled, enjoying their triumph over the females who would have taken their grandfather.

* * *

Sandy could see everything the young girls were doing...and she hated them for it. She'd envied them a while ago, but now she despised them. She wanted to be on Grandpa's knee with his hands all over her thighs and tummy. When his fingers drifted to the inside of their smooth thighs to stroke near their panty-covered clefts, the woman was furious.

Without taking the time to think about the possible--more correctly, the probable consequences--she bridged her body up off the booth seat, pulled her panties off, and deposited them on the table in front of her. She slipped two fingers of her right hand into her pussy and spread her thighs as wide as she could get them.

Tasha was as competitive as her mother and her sexual energy just as enflamed by the floorshow over there. There was little young Natasha wouldn't do just at that moment. She instinctively realized playing with her mother's dildoes and vibrators was never going to be satisfying enough again.

The twelve-year-old needed some man-meat to fill her cunt to overflowing, and she needed it bad. When she saw what her mother put her panties on the table, Tasha yanked her panties down her slim legs too and put them on the tabletop in front of her brother. She grinned nastily at her astonished brother while she pushed her fingers inside her outer labia and into the pink depths beyond without hesitating an instant.

Even with a lapful of promiscuous pre-teen girls, Grandpa Jack nodded his head enthusiastically at all the goings-on over there. He lifted his hands from his granddaughters' thighs to give both Sandy and Tasha thumbs-up signs.

* * *

Alicia and Carrie saw, and they were pissed off all over again. But they knew how to combat this. He was their Grandpa Jack! They weren't going to let him be distracted by those others.

Alicia stood and cuddled close to her grandfather's right side. She took his hand and guided it under her ass cheeks and through her thighs from behind. She spread her feet wide on the linoleum floor and spread them again. When Alicia was finished tugging at his fingers, Grandpa's big right hand was cupping her prominent little pubic mound and his middle finger was extended up the length of her hot, wet slit.

Alicia leaned against her grandfather's shoulder for support, and pooched her groin forward. She lifted her skirt to her waist so no one could miss what Grandpa Jack's fingers were doing. Everything was on display, and that was the way Alicia wanted it.

A few seconds later, Carrie trumped her sister's gambit with one of her own. She wasn't sure Grandpa would go along with it, but maybe she could distract him....

Standing on Grandpa's left, she bent down to Grandpa's ear. "Grandpa?" she asked sweetly, making sure she could be heard across the way.

"Yes, honey?" Grandpa Jack replied.

"Grandpa," she continued, "do you think we could go camping again this summer?" she asked suggestively.

Grandpa Jack's face went blank. His mind switched off and he was lost in another time and place. The hard-on in his shorts sprang to its full length and girth in the space between two heartbeats. He had vivid memories of last summer's camping trip, and they made his cock hard as a steel rod. He remembered...and the blank look morphed to a beatific smile.

* * *

Grandpa Jack, his daughter and son-in-law, and the twins spent the first day at the campground hiking, swimming, tossing rings, and anything else that came to mind. After barbequing thick steaks over a charcoal fire and eating a huge dinner, the twins' parents headed off to bed, practically as soon as the sun went down.

The twins, ten-years-old last summer, and already schemers of the first caliber, had counted on that. Grandpa was in great physical condition and the girls had not yet come across a time when their energy levels wouldn't last for several days with little sleep.

They'd already wheedled their parents into letting them sleep in Grandpa's tent instead of the trailer. They wanted to be closer to the little animals and the breeze blowin' and stuff like that, they said. Brett and Candice hadn't even thought of refusing, though they knew the real reason was wanting to be close to Grandpa Jack. But that was fine with them.

Scant seconds after their parents shut the door on their trailer, Alicia and Carrie had their pajamas off and they were busy stripping Grandpa Jack behind the flimsy tent walls. He tried to get them to hold off a while; to wait until they knew for sure their parents were asleep. But the twins hadn't seen Grandpa for almost two months, and they were so horny they couldn't stand themselves.

They'd wasted no time flopping on their backs on Grandpa Jack's air-mattress bed and guiding his cock into their slick pussies and throwing their cunts up to meet every one of his driving strokes. It hadn't been easy, but they'd successfully smothered all their squeals, sighs, and gasps of passion so their parents wouldn't hear.

Having taken the edge off with a rollicking cum each, the girls were ready for a new challenge in the warm summer night. Judging their parents were sound asleep for sure by now, they unzipped the tent flap and slipped outside; naked as the day they were born...except for flip-flops. They dragged Grandpa Jack out, tugging him forward by pulling on his hard cock, though he didn't really need much urging.

Peeking through the windows into their parents' RV trailer, the girls assured themselves both their parents were dead to the world.

The leggy blonde ten-year-olds raced around the campsite, happily displaying themselves...and Grandpa anyone who might be looking their way. The campground wasn't crowded, so the chances were small they'd be seen, but they'd have been in deep trouble had anyone noticed.

The girls wanted to be fucked again, on the picnic table this time, right next to their parents' RV.

Grandpa obliged, bringing each of them off again, holding his hands over their mouths when their ecstasy threatened to get the better of them. That the twins were fucking their grandfather only a few feet from their sleeping parents gave the taboo sex an extra helping or two of licentious spice that even Grandpa Jack couldn't fight. Being naked and willingly exposing their bodies, as well as the illicit sex, to someone who chanced to look in this direction, ratcheted up the twins and Grandpa Jack's exhibitionistic-fueled pleasure by several orders of magnitude.

After they came a second time, the twins took turns sucking their grandfather's cock and made him cum in a fountain of pearl-grey goo they directed all over the plastic tablecloth their mother had spread over the picnic table. The girls rubbed the viscous cum around as it dried, grinning impishly in the darkness and imagining what their mother would think in the morning.

Afterward, the twins coaxed their grandfather into going down to the campground's restroom and showers a couple hundred yards away. Naked except for their flip-flops, they sneaked down a hidden path through a stand of trees, making sure they never came into view of any of the other campsites. They trotted through the pool of light around the building, passed through the outside doors and quickly into one of the roomy shower stalls inside.

Their mother had remarked earlier that day they were big enough for a party, and the twins' plans had formed on the spot. Undisturbed by any other nocturnal visitors, the trio of incestuous lovers soaped each other up, rubbed their bodies all over each other, and fucked twice more under the unending hot water spraying over them. When they were satiated, they strolled naked back to the campsite, right down the middle of the asphalt-paved camp road and not bothering to hide a thing this time.

Back at the campsite, Grandpa Jack had eaten both girls' pussies and made them cum on the same spot where his dried semen lay on the red gingham tablecloth. The twins had chortled all the way through the lewd act, again wondering what their mother would say the next morning.

When morning came, their mother disappointed the sexy twins by automatically wiping off the table without ever seeing the dried flakes of their grandfather's and their own juices. So they tried again that night too and the next night, and every night after that until they had to go home. Didn't work any of those times either, but it was danged good fun trying!

And they wanted to do it all again this summer...but without Mom and Dad there.

* * *

While Grandpa Jack was distracted by his memories, Carrie took his hand in hers and placed it at the top of her panties in back.

"Pull, Grandpa!!" she'd whispered in his ear. Lost in his reminiscing, Grandpa Jack obliged, tugging down Carrie's panties across the swell of both beautiful globes of her young ass. Carrie hooked a thumb under the waistband over her tummy and pushed her panties down in front.

With both of them working at it, her panties were soon puddled around her ankles. Carrie considered kicking them off over toward that table over there and letting those women deal with it, but she decided not to. She liked those panties and didn't want to lose them.

She turned around and bent at the waist to retrieve her panties. She knew her little slit was winking naughtily at the people in booth over there. When she straightened, she tucked her panties into Grandpa Jack's front shorts pocket.

Half a beat behind her twin, Alicia thrust hers into Grandpa Jack's right-side pocket. The hard-on she found just beneath the fabric gave her an idea.

Alicia paused for a moment, knowing what was in her mind was far more dangerous than what they were already doing...but her libido was in overdrive, and her restraint overcome by her anger at those other women. The decision took only a second.

Alicia bent and deftly unzipped Grandpa Jack's shorts with one hand. She worked his cock above the waistband of his underwear, and out into the fresh air of the restaurant. The eleven-year-old nymphet fondled her grandfather, fisting his cock and pumping it up and down, grinning at the sight of the blood-engorged crown peaking from its protecting foreskin.

Staring at the spectacle of Grandpa Jack's finger also exploring Carrie's outer labia, Alicia decided to go one step further and pressed her grandfather's middle finger deeper, until it disappeared inside her puffy outer lips. With her outer lips penetrated, the honey of her vagina fluids began to soak her Grandpa Jack's fingers. Instinctively, his fingers sought the heated inner core of her sex, pushing deeper into her body and wriggling around inside her.

Alicia heaved a long, sibilant sigh of supreme satisfaction. She was sexing up her own grandfather, in front of an audience, in a very public place...and she was loving every second of it.

Carrie followed suit as soon as she saw what her twin sister was up to. The three of them presented quite a sight. Two sexy young girls standing on either side of their grandfather, alternating turns fondling his cock while he finger-fucked their smooth pussies.

The girls were losing control. Their knees almost gave way a couple of times. They had to freeze in place every once in a while as hot, uncontrollable sensations flooded up from their cunts. Their breath became more labored, faster, and shallower.

The twins looked at each other and nodded an understanding of what to do next. They untied the thin straps around their necks and let their tops fall free around their bellies, revealing their breasts to the boys over there. Their round, cupcake-sized boobies, capped with small, but very erect, coral colored nipples, were completely exposed to the gaze of the family over there.

The twins had drawn a line they dared those women over there to cross.

* * *

Shawn had never seen the like in his life. He'd never dreamed of anything like this. This was a fantasy come to life. He moaned, not knowing who to watch. His mother was fingering her pussy, ramming fingers deep inside her soaking cunt, and his sister--his SISTER for God's sake--was playing with his cock through the material of his jeans!

...And those girls over there...GOD!! The things they were doing with their grandfather! He was their grandfather!

When the twin girl strangers bared their young breasts and cupped them possessively in their own hands, Shawn moaned. The blonde twins caressed their boobies, tweaking the eraser-sized tips until the nipples were harder than ever.

The girls fondled themselves, massaging and stroking their young bodies from breast to groin while their bodies writhed in time to the old man's finger-thrusts in and out of their little-girl pussies. Shawn had no idea how long this would go on but he was going to remember it the rest of his life.

When Tasha stood and pulled Shawn to the edge of the booth's bench seat, Shawn resisted. She was standing in front of him, cutting off his view of those young girls! He strained to look around her body.

When his sister leaned over and unzipped his fly to bring his penis out, he forgot all about the mostly naked twin girls. Shawn's universe narrowed to what his young sister was doing for his prick.

When his sister bent over and made an oval of her lips around his prick and slid her pretty lips down his cock shaft, Shawn almost passed out. His hands went to the back of Tasha's head; he almost pushed her mouth down so his penis would ram deeper in her mouth, but he caught himself in time.

He gently massaged the sides of Tasha's face...stroking encouragingly, but not demandingly. In fact, he didn't need to make her do anything. Tasha was already driving her head down so far that his glans was bumping the back of her mouth already. Shawn closed his eyes and groaned.

Tasha stopped sucking her brother's cock for a moment. She pushed Shawn back to where he'd been sitting and sat down beside him again, holding his penis in her hands and jacking up and down.

Shawn tried to frame a protest; but he didn't dare. He didn't know why Tasha was doing this, he didn't know why she'd stopped, but he knew in his heart if he made a big deal of her stopping, she'd never start again.

"Jeff...?" Tasha whispered at her cousin.

Jeff looked up at her in a daze. He could see what she was doing to Shawn and hoped he would be next in line for what Shawn was getting.

"JEFF!" Tasha hissed, louder this time.


"Get down here and lick my cunt," she ordered, pointing under the booth's tabletop.

Jeff's heart stopped. It took a moment for it to resume beating. He forgot to breathe. He'd had a ton of wet dreams where Tasha or some other girl let him touch or kiss her pussy. Now it was happening? Christmas had come early or something??

"JEFFFFFFFF!!!" Tasha squealed, trying not to be too loud. The twelve-year-old was sorely vexed that Jeff wasn't already moving beneath the table and between her legs.

Her half-plea, half command galvanized Jeff. He was afraid something would change her mind. He scrambled under the table and then between Tasha's wide-spread thighs. He didn't know exactly what to do but his girl cousin helped him out. Her forefinger was rubbing down the length of her pussy, pointing the way. Jeff began to lick industriously down the same slit.

After a moment, he decided to push his tongue inside a see what would happen. When Tasha's feet drummed a quick tap-dance on the floor, he backed away, afraid he'd hurt her or something. Her ankles quickly hooked behind his neck and pulled him back in.

Encouraged, he returned to his task, licking the twelve-year-old girl's pussy from top to bottom. This time, when he thrust his tongue deeper, he heard her moan; her thighs squeezed his head between them. She patted his head, urging him to try even more.

When Danielle's bare foot kicked at his shoulder under the table, Jeff responded boldly. Normal rules didn't apply today. He could do what he wanted.

Slowly, stretching to reach far to his right where she sat, Jeff ran his hand up the full length of his girl cousin's satiny leg. She liked it; she covered his hand with hers and urged it higher until Jeff got the message.

He groaned his joy into Tasha's cunt. He was eating one young girl's pussy and fondling another's. Jeff knew exactly what heaven was like now....

* * *

Sandy turned to her husband, determined to jerk his attention away from the TV. She roughly unbuckled his belt, undid his pants and ripped his zipper down in less time than it took to formulate a plan.

Startled, Greg tried to cover his suddenly exposed manhood, but Sandy slapped his hands away viciously.

Scooting her butt off the edge of the booth as she turned toward Greg, she pulled her husband to the edge and then squatted beside the bench seat. Taking a deep breath, Sandy bent over her man's crotch and did what she could to swallow her husband's cock whole.

A man with his cock in a woman's mouth is a hostage, a prisoner to whatever else she might have in mind. Greg's head snapped back on his neck and he was abruptly staring at the ceiling. His breath whooshed out as his prick-head slid through his wife's lips and deep into her spittle-slickened throat. He groaned aloud, unable to keep quiet. He maintained a low keening sound that no one in the booth missed and he heard some giggles from the young girls behind him.

Dazed, Greg looked around to find the whole world had gone mad while he sat watching a baseball game. This entire section of the restaurant had become a seething pit of writhing female bodies demanding relief from the boys and men held captive there. Greg tried to pull away again. This wasn't right. He had to do something.

"STOP IT!!!" Sandy hissed ferociously. She was furious her husband would try to break away. She slapped at his hands.

Greg realized on a sub-conscious level he didn't have a choice in any of this. Giving in to the inevitable, he started enthusiastic humping his hips up into his wife's willing mouth.

Taking a short break for a few quick deep breaths, Sandy glanced over at the sexy twins. She saw the one who'd been on her grandfather's left was now straddling him, facing the older man. Slowly the young pre-teen lowered herself down onto the older man's thick cock.

"You bitch!" Sandy whispered, almost to herself. She really wanted that hard cock sliding into her own steaming cunt.

As she watched, the young slut had the nerve to look over her shoulder at Sandy and smile triumphantly.

* * *

Carrie was so ready, so wet with her little-girl juices, and so incredibly hot, she had no difficulty inserting Grandpa's cock between her slickery outer lips and just sitting down on it, impaling herself deeply.

"Oh God, Grandpa," Carrie moaned. "That feels SOOOO good!" She didn't care if the woman over there heard what she said to her grandfather or not.

"I know, baby," Grandpa replied, disoriented. The memories of last summer's camping trip had blended seamlessly into a real fuck with one of his granddaughters right here in the middle of the restaurant. He didn't know exactly how this had happened.

He didn't waste time debating right or wrong though. What was happening, was happening, no matter what he thought of it and he accepted it instantly.

"It's been too long since Spring Break, hasn't it, honey?"

Carrie nodded. She didn't have much reasoning ability left in her young mind. Everything else was tied up in the incredible sensations welling up from her little pussy as her grandfather roused himself from his memories and began to thrust his cock up into the little girl's hot cunt.

* * *

Greg was left with no option but to accept his wife sucking him off. He was still unsettled and totally confused. There was no tenderness, no loving, to this. It was just nasty public where anyone could see his prick in his wife's lovely mouth. It just wasn't right, and a part of his mind rebelled at what Sandy was making him do.

He groaned. He could see his two younger daughters and their cousin Elaine were all three taking in Sandy's whorish behavior occurring right in front of them! Greg cringed from a realization of the example he and his wife were setting for the children. Strangely, the three girls looked delighted.

When he averted his eyes and looked directly across the table, his twelve-year-old daughter's head was bobbing up and down over his thirteen-year-old son's lap. Greg wanted to shut out the sight but he was mesmerized.

He wanted to tell Tasha to stop--tried to tell Shawn to take his dick out of his sister's mouth this instant! But all he could manage was a strangled whimper. Sandy had taken his scrotum in her fingers and was gently massaging the sperm-filled testes within. It took his breath away along with his voice.

How had this come about? The shortstop hit a line drive into left center; he got caught trying for second base; and then...and then his wife's hot, wet mouth enveloped his prick and she took him deep into her throat. He dragged his eyes away from his son and oldest daughter.

But it didn't help. To his right, his daughter Melissa and his baby, Danielle, were in the process of tugging their shorts and panties down their pretty little legs and kicking them off to expose their young panty-clad crotches to his startled gaze.

It took some doing; their shorts were tight, and there wasn't much room between the table and the back of the booth. There was a great deal of wiggling around and much giggling. They managed.

Greg wanted to stop them, but when he raised his hand, Sandy's head began to rise and fall faster. Melissa and Danielle saw their father's hand rise and they returned the wave they thought he was sending their way. They grinned, their eyes hot with mischief and a sexual need their father hadn't even known they had...or could their age.

Instead of shorts, Sandy's niece, auburn-haired Elaine, had a skirt on, sort of. At the moment, it was hiked up well above her waist. Her panties were rudely shoved to the side, and Elaine's fingers were already hidden inside her puffy little pussy lips. Melissa and Danielle quickly followed suit.

Greg was afraid the girls were going to join the orgy that had already consumed his wife and himself. Were they getting naked so they could do just what their mother was doing right in front of him? He wondered who was going to rape the young pre-teen girls.

But he couldn't look away. He watched as his little daughters energetically stroked their pubic mounds and fingered their virginal pussy slits. They were doing a fine job of it too, rubbing at that place just above their pussy lips to mash their flesh against their tiny clits.

Greg watched for a long moment, horrified. He realized this wasn't the first time they'd done this. They weren't 'exploring' their pussies, they were working hard for an orgasm, and they knew how to get there. When his wife's niece, Elaine, saw him watching, she pooched out her groin so he could see her sex all that much better. Then, his two daughters did the same...for their father. For God's sake--he was their Father!!  They shouldn't even think of doing that.

Greg turned away, sick at heart. He didn't know what to. He was helpless. But for sure, he couldn't face the girls now. He looked around for a safer place.

His oldest daughter caught his attention. He strained upward, lifting his upper body higher so he could see more of what was happening across the table from him. Tasha had sucked her older brother's prick to full erection and she was holding it grasped tightly in one fist, close to her eyes while she examined it. It wasn't very big; after all, Shawn was only thirteen-years-old. But Shawn's prick was hard, and that was good enough for Tasha.

Shawn sat quietly, hardly daring to move, afraid to break the spell.

Greg could see the awe in Shawn's eyes. He suspected Shawn's expression was much like the one on Greg's face. When the father and son's eyes met, both recognized certain facts.

Neither quite knew how all of this had come about and they were completely powerless in the hands of the Pearson women to affect anything, much less stop it.

They also knew they really didn't want what was happening to stop.

* * *

Grandpa Jack was lifting Carrie up with his hands under her young ass. Gravity lowered her back down when he relaxed his arms. Her body was small enough, and his hands big enough that each of Carrie's butt-cheeks was scarcely more than a comfortable handful. He paused and spent a few minutes slathering her small boobies and rock-hard little nipples with his tongue but Carrie couldn't take that for very long.

She began an up-down rhythm without being coaxed, flexing her leg muscles to rise and then gliding back down to impale herself on her grandfather's big cock. She was on a mission to cum as quickly as she could.

The position they were in luckily didn't allow for total penetration. Grandpa Jack's granddaughter was still too young for his whole cock to drive completely inside her, but she took more than she'd been able to last year.

Carrie's motion was soon too fast, and too erratic for Grandpa to capture one of her breasts in his mouth again. He promised himself he'd do a more satisfactory exploration later.

In another minute, Carrie was shuddering her way through a long-awaited orgasm. She knew it was only the first of many she would have this summer. She knew there were more waiting in store for her and her sister when they got to Grandpa Jack's house...lots more.

* * *

Left on his own devices when Tasha moved away and transferred all her attention to her brother, Jeff turned his attention to the three younger girls who were giggling breathlessly at the place where the booth curved around the corner of the wall. Jeff saw they were energetically fingering their puffy little pubic mounds and it gave him an idea. Without coming back up from under the table, he crawled between his sister's plump thighs and began licking industriously at her bald little pussy.

Surprised at first, Elaine was soon wriggling with pleasure. A moment later, Elaine's two cousins began reaching down under the table, caressing Jeff's face and tugging at his ears, hoping to entice the young boy into giving them the same treatment. Jeff had never known such happiness.

After a few minutes, he knee-walked one pace left to position himself between cousin Danielle's slender legs and began to lick her pussy to show her how much he appreciated the display of her smooth thighs and her teasing foot earlier. Melissa was left to her own fingers for a bit longer, but Jeff was an equal opportunity cuntlapper. All the girls were soon being taken care of in turn. They, and he, loved every second of it.

* * *

Sandy let her husband's saliva slickened prick slide slowly out of her mouth. He whimpered a protest, but Sandy paid no attention. For a moment, she jacked her hands up and down his cock-shaft, looking at it speculatively and wondering what she should do next. She didn't understand how or why, but another crossroad in her life was fast approaching and a part of her mind she had no control over was making the decision.

She glanced over at the grandfather and his twin granddaughters. The older man was on his feet now, having already fucked one of the young girls to a rousing climax. The child tottered about for a long moment and then collapsed back into the seat where Grandpa had been sitting. The little girl smiled beatifically at everyone and everything.

Sandy grinned. That well-fucked woman-child was still in another universe, where rapture and ecstasy reigned supreme. Curiously, considering her earlier resentment, that was okay with Sandy. She empathized totally with the young girl.

Grandpa Jack was readying his other granddaughter for a hot fuck all her own. Sandy saw his cock still jutted out from his groin as strongly as ever. She imagined it slamming deep inside her own cunt as she watched him begin to pump his prick up inside the other twin.

Sandy wanted him badly but.... She looked down at Greg and stooped to grab his cock again. She'd pull him to his feet and she'd hop up on the booth's tabletop and make Greg fuck her like she needed him to do....

Sandy felt her daughter's eyes on her and glanced in Tasha's direction. She saw Shawn's young prick in Tasha's mouth, making one cheek bulge when he humped his groin up a little. Tasha let her brother's penis slide out of her mouth. She grinned at Sandy, delighted to share this obscene moment with her mother.

A decision arrived full blown and richly exciting, but it was a little scary too. Mrs. Sandra Pearson, respectable wife and mother, caught her breath, momentarily shocked at what her nasty psyche now proposed.

Tasha's naughty grin as she sat up on the other side of the table was the tipping point. Sandy saw Tasha was waiting for whatever her mother wanted. She sensed something, and she was ready for whatever came next.

Tasha's acceptance resolved the issue in Sandy's mind. This thing was going to happen. Sandy glanced behind her again, and watched the grandfather over there fucking his other granddaughter.

Turning back, she motioned to Tasha. "Come here, honey."

Tasha stood immediately, ignoring Shawn's mumbled protests. The twelve-year-old stepped close to her mother and let instinct guide her. She leaned in, quickly unbuttoned the remaining buttons on her mother's top...and kissed her mother's rock-hard nipples.

Sandy's blood-engorged nipples grew more erect and hardened between Tasha's lips. Tasha sucked at them, tonguing the surrounding aureoles energetically. She heard her mother groan with pleasure.

Tasha's lips parted in a delighted grin, but releasing her mother's nipples, even for that short instant, ended the moment. Her mother pulled away.

"Another time, baby," Sandy murmured. It was a promise.

Tasha understood there would be a time and place to explore each other leisurely, but there was something else to do now. She nodded brightly, smiling into her mother's excited eyes.

Sandy urged her daughter around the table until she stood where Sandy had knelt before to give her husband a blow-job. Tasha thought she understood. She would do for her father what her mother had been doing. Tasha started to drop down to her knees, only to be stopped by her mother's hands on Tasha's shoulders.

Sandy held Tasha firmly and turned the girl around until Tasha was facing Grandpa Jack and the little girl fucking on the cafe table. Then she pressed down on Tasha's shoulders a little, urging her down.

Tasha looked behind her, to see her father's hard cock standing tall from his crotch...and Tasha understood. She nodded, looking up at her mother and grinning as wildly as her mother was.

Tasha bent over, reached between her legs, and took her Dad's penis in her hands. She held Daddy's prick in place...shuffled a half-step back closer to her father...instinctively adjusted the angle of her body...and squatted lower. Her sopping furnace of a pussy had no difficulty accepting her Dad's prick. It slipped easily through her outer labia and deep into her cunt. She grunted with the instantaneous pleasure it brought her.

Natasha Pearson groaned deep in her chest as she fed her father cock into her torrid cunt. This was a thing she'd needed, something she'd wanted for a long time and now it was happening.

The twelve-year-old girl began rising and falling on her father's cock, letting it plunge deep inside her; then she flexed her legs to pull up off it again. She felt her father's hands on her hips, helping her to rise and taking some of the strain off her legs. They fell into a rhythm that steadied, then rose in tempo. Tasha and her father fucked, working hard for their first orgasm together.

* * *

Grandpa Jack lifted Carrie off his still-hard cock and leaned her against their table. Weak-kneed and hardly able to breathe, the little girl staggered, then collapsed into the seat Grandpa Jack had just vacated. Carrie was all she could do for the moment...and she was moderately surprised to see everyone in sight having sex, most of them with someone else. She cupped her own pussy protectively; just the touch of the cool restaurant air was too much to bear. The young pre-teen waited for the overloaded sensations in her body from a thoroughly adult orgasm to ebb.

Taking Alicia by the hand, Grandpa Jack moved in front of their table and turned his granddaughter around so she faced the other family over there. He wanted them to see everything he was going to do. Alicia hoisted a hip up onto the tabletop, and Grandpa Jack helped get her whole ass onto it with one strong lift.

Giving her a deep lover's kiss, he pressed her upper body down to the tabletop, pointing Alicia's pussy at that family over there. He leaned forward to nibble at her erect little nipples, flicking them with his tongue and then doing his best to swallow her young breasts whole. Alicia groaned her appreciation.

"Fuck me, Grandpa...please, Grandpa?" she whimpered.

Nodding, Grandpa Jack fisted his cock, aimed his cock between her pussy lips, and pushed in slowly.

His shorts and underwear got tangled around his ankles and he paused to kick them away so they wouldn't trip him. He threw a wild, lust-driven grin over his shoulder to the woman and older girl over there, a smile that promised them he would soon be taking them just as he was taking his granddaughter.

Shuffling closer to Alicia's waiting body, he put the head of his cock back inside her. Gripping her hips in his hands, he pushed steadily up inside the eleven-year-old girl's steaming pussy. The young girl sighed, deep and long.

* * *

Sandy nodded approvingly as Tasha and her father coupled for the first time. Her daughter was NOT going to grow up with an unsatisfied compulsion like the one Sandy suffered through. She saw Greg falter for an instant, right at the start, but then he began to thrust strongly up into his daughter. They were moving together; each face twisted into a rictus of pleasurable concentration.

Shawn watched his sister and father fuck. He was totally bemused.

Sandy smiled. All this did take a little getting used to, but she had no time to let Shawn recover. She dared not slow down. This thing would stall out and die if she didn't keep it in the air, spinning round and round.

She stepped around her daughter and husband to sit next to her son where Tasha had been a minute earlier. Sandy took her son's dick in her hands and squeezed lightly.

"Hi, there, little man," Sandy whispered into Shawn's ear. Shawn moaned, unable to do anything else. He looked at his mother, totally in awe. His mother's firm, beautiful tits were hanging out of her blouse, jiggling with every movement she made. The sight of them made Shawn salivate.

He wanted to touch them, to suck at them as he'd never done as a child. He wanted to make up for that lack now, this very instant.

"Would you like to fuck your sister's doing?" his mother asked quietly.

Shawn's desires were abruptly channeled in a new direction. He looked into his mother's eyes and nodded dumbly, unable to respond.

"Good," she cooed, kissing her son on the lips, flicking at his tongue lightly with hers.

Shawn's eyes grew round as saucers and his cock jumped in his mother's hands.

Sandy smiled at her only son. "There's so much we have ahead of us," she said softly. "But right now," she said vaguely, "there's this...."

Standing, Sandy urged her son to the edge of the bench and she backed up to straddle his lap. Reaching between her legs to grasp her son's slender young penis in her hand, she dropped down upon his groin, guiding his penis deep into that sweet place from which she'd pushed him thirteen years ago.

In another moment, he was sliding deep into his mother's quim and learning how wonderful it felt to have a woman's oven-like vagina squeeze and massage his cock. Shawn groaned, moaning with the intensity of the sensations he was feeling. Now he really did know what heaven was like...and where it was.

Sandy smiled and settled on her son's prick, grinding her pussy lips against as much of his groin as she could. She watched Grandpa Jack over there, enthusiastically fucking his little granddaughter and making the little girl squeal softly when she couldn't hold it back any longer.

Sandy grinned happily. She was kinda identifying with those two girls now.

* * *

"Fuck me, Grandpa Jack," Alicia moaned again. "Fuck me hard, okay?" she begged.

"I will honey," Grandpa assured her, "starting!"

Alicia's pretty outer labia bulged lewdly around her grandfather's cock. Alicia felt the intense pleasure possible for a woman when her grandfather drove deep inside her.

Today had been one long torment of foreplay as she and her sister waited for the moment they would have Grandpa Jack all to themselves. Her impending orgasm was the culmination of everything she wanted of this day; it was something her body demanded.

Alicia loved her grandfather's thick cock sliding in and out of her. She could feel Grandpa Jack's maleness pushing in. There was the wonderful rubbing pleasure of his prick against her labia...and the delicious feeling of being filled with the man-thing. When Grandpa Jack pulled back for another stroke, the fluid-softened friction was there again, providing ecstasy piled high upon ecstasy, but the fullness was not there, and she was frantic for Grandpa Jack to fill her up all over again.

Alicia wished she could take all of Grandpa Jack inside her, but she just couldn't. Grandpa Jack had to hold back a little and she wished that wasn't so. Her body needed to grow just a little more. Maybe next summer....

Alicia captured her grandfather's hips between her slender thighs, threw her feet around his body and hooked her ankles behind his back. She began pumping her pussy up at him every time he rammed his cock down into her. She felt the tide of her coming orgasm rising quickly.

"Deeper, Grandpa," she begged. "Do me deeper."

"Ohhhhhh...PULLLLLEEEZE Grandpa...more. FUCK ME, Grandpa Jack!!!"

"GRANDPA...?" Alicia asked of no one in particular. Her breath came faster and her fingers clamped tight on Grandpa Jack's forearms as she fought her own climax for a little while. She wanted this moment to go on forever.

"Grandpaaa...?" she asked again, panting hard. "Grandpa!" Her body bucked hard up into her grandfather. "GRANDPAAAAAAAAAAAAA!"

She tried to hold off just a little longer...but she was helpless. Alicia's body squirmed on the slick tabletop, unable to stay still under her grandfather's onslaught.

"Unnnnnnngh...unnnnnnngh," Alicia moaned, pitifully.

She was desperately trying to muffle the cries she wanted to scream into the four corners of the quiet restaurant.

"Unnnnnnngh, unnnnnnngh, UNNNNNNNGH, UNNNNNNNGH!!!!"

The noise of a passing convoy of eighteen-wheelers barely covered her screams.


Grandpa Jack couldn't last long either. It'd been a long day of anticipation for him too. He groaned, fighting his own body, feeling his balls pumping out gobs of semen and sending the sperm-laden cream through channels to mix with other secretions.

Grandpa Jack tried to stave off his orgasm. He tried to squeeze down with muscles down there, but the pressure was too much. His head rolled back on his shoulders. An expression of near pain came over his features and he moaned.

"Oh, God!" Grandpa Jack moaned. His cum inexorably rose higher.

"Annnnnnggggghhhh!!" he moaned. The heat in his groin. His balls tightened; muscles down there contracted and pushed sperm and fluids higher. He could feel the semen reach his penis...he was losing control...he had no strength left!! He had to release the tension--

He hammered his cock back inside his granddaughter. A second later, his cum erupted from the end of his cock like a fire hose spraying water on flames.

Alicia felt her grandfather's spunk gushing out to splatter on her cunt walls. It was boiling hot and viscid. It splashed when it struck, rebounding to spatter elsewhere and coat every inch of the little girl's tight vagina. She had no defenses left.

The hot cum triggered Alicia's climax even as she tried milking her grandfather's balls dry. She locked her heels behind Grandpa Jack's hips to hold him in place while she writhed and bucked on the tabletop, making her grandfather's cock burrow even deeper into her. At the end, he was massaging her cervix with every movement of his glans.

"Grandpa!" she wailed into Grandpa Jack's smothering mouth. "I'm cummmmmming, GRANDPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA...."

Alicia's back arched off the table. Her fingers clamped tight on her grandfather's forearms. She trembled, her hips slammed upward to mash her groin to Grandpa Jack's. Air left her lungs and she had no strength to breath in again.

Her orgasm receded as quickly as it had come, leaving a vast fullness, a completion, a warmth she could hold on to. Alicia's body collapsed back on the table. She had nothing left; her legs dangled limply from the table while she struggled for breath. She lay quietly, weak, and unable to even whimper.

Grandpa Jack pulled out of Alicia's cunt slowly and gently. His body tried to jackknife more than once when stray squeezes from Alicia's vagina pushed him too near the border with pain.

Unsteadily, Grandpa Jack turned, wondering what was happening behind him. All the members of the family over there were watching intently. He watched them in turn, too spent for the moment to do anything else. His chest heaved as he fought for control. Gradually, his heartbeat lessened; his lungs caught up with his lungs' need for air.

He straightened; his eyes became sharper as he focused on his surroundings.

Drops of his cum and both granddaughter's viscous, slippery fluids dripped from his still tumescent member. The droplets fell to the floor to pool on the cold linoleum.

Grandpa Jack gazed at the fresh-fucked pussies of mother and daughter over there; the women were still astride their chosen sex partners, mother riding her son and the daughter pleasuring her father.

Grandpa saw kindred souls looking back at him. And he saw an invitation. His cock began to rise to full strength again. He was ready to take the mother and girl child singly or together.

It was quiet now. Everyone, including the three young girls at the back of the booth, had cum in front of everyone else and within a few minutes of each other. The sexual tension in this walled-off section of the restaurant was as palpable as it had been earlier. It had a new direction; it might have been even more intense.

The second act in this stage drama was ready to play out. It just needed a spark.

Grandpa Jack took a step toward the other table. His eyes were glowing with desire for the female animals over there. He looked at the young pre-teen girls still massaging their little pussies at the back of the table and smiled.

The older girl dismounted from her father's cock and stood waiting beside their table over there. She was willing...oh, so willing...and Grandpa Jack knew it.

Grandpa Jack looked last at the woman over there. Their eyes met and locked as she rose off her son's body.

The husband's penis slid lewdly from his daughter's pussy lips and dangled limply.

The man who'd been watching baseball looked dazed and lost. His eyes flicked from his wife to the young daughter, an expression of horror spreading over his face as he admitted to himself it had been his daughter he was fucking, not his wife.

Grandpa Jack snorted derisively. The man hadn't wanted to acknowledge what he'd been doing, even to himself.

He'd done it though! A deflated penis and her wet pubes showed he'd shot his incestuous sperm deep inside his young daughter's body.

Grandpa Jack watched as the man took in the sight of the Grandpa Jack's well-fucked granddaughters' pussies. The man's flaccid prick began to rise again and Grandpa Jack grinned broadly. Jogger dude wasn't as dead set against fucking innocent young girls as he wanted to believe.

* * *

Sandy felt her son's prick pull out of her as she rose off his lap.

Drained, Shawn was a little embarrassed and wholly bewildered. He tried to cover himself, but gave it up to watch what his mother was going to do next.

Sandy leaned back against the booth's tabletop, bracing herself on her hands and leaning back with a confidence in her sexuality she hadn't felt in years. She looked coolly ready for more adventures.

Her lust was still there, and she wanted more fucking if she could get it. Absentmindedly, she rubbed her still sensitive clitoris and looked around the room. She looked over her shoulder at the sound of someone moving behind the table.

Her nephew, Jeff, rose from below the table back in the corner, wiping his face with a hastily grabbed handful of napkins. Sandy saw the deliciously wicked little grins on her niece's and her daughters' faces...and knew what Jeff had been doing, and with whom. She smiled at them all.

Turning back, she saw the older man fasten his attention on her. She caught her breath, gave out a low-voiced moan, and stood erect... ready for whatever the man would want of her.

* * *

Greg Pearson literally didn't know what had just happened. He knew he'd fucked his daughter, or she'd fucked him, but he had no idea how it all had come about.

He knew Sandy had been in front of him...and then she wasn't...and then his cock was enveloped in an incredibly hot and tight, velvety-smooth sheath. It had taken him a long while to understand this was Tasha rising and falling on his cock, not his wife.

He'd tried to stop it; he'd put his hands on Tasha's hips to lift her off, but she would have none of it. Grasping his wrists in her hands, she'd used him as leverage to push herself up off her father's prick so she could slam back down. Somehow, Greg couldn't manage to pry her pussy off his cock. And then...he didn't know how it happened...he was helping her rise and fall.

When he came inside his young daughter, it was a real barnburner. He couldn't remember coming that hard in a long, long time.

Greg gazed around. Sandy's nephew, Jeff, surfaced from under the table with a huge grin on his wet, shiny face. Jeff showed his boyish prick to Shawn. It still had some cum leaking from the tip where he jacked off while eating three girls' pussies.

Shawn was slouching against the booth's back support, his cock still hard and glistening wet from the time spent in his mother's hot cunt.

His wife was half-sitting, half-leaning against the table, flaunting her recently fucked groin by holding her skirt bunched above her waist. She was staring hard at the trio across the way, licking her lips and practically begging that old man to come do her too.

What had come over her? She'd always been a little bit of a wanton at those...parties...they used to go to, but that had been a lifetime ago. They were different people now.

Greg was bewildered. He'd thought Tasha was a virgin but she'd taken him inside her without hesitation or difficulty. He shook his head, wondering just what the hell was going on.

He looked over at those twin girls over there and, unbidden, he felt himself becoming excited again. Those hot, sexy girls were openly displaying their sopping pussies, dribbling man-cum and their own juices down their thighs.

All the while, they showed no signs of shame or reluctance. One girl was watching the teenage boys across the table from Greg, but the other met his eyes challengingly, an open invitation on her face he couldn't help but recognize...and respond to. Greg licked his lips in anticipation.

* * *

Tasha was sitting on the bench seat again, wiping her lips and smiling triumphantly to herself. Her first fuck hadn't been bad at all. It wasn't the cock she wanted, but it was a cock. Now she was ready for more. Tasha looked speculatively over at the big man with the reviving hard-on again pointing stiffly out from his groin.

Tasha eyed the two twins, thinking they would object to her looking, but they seemed beyond caring for the moment. She turned back to the man. All she needed was a sign, a beckoning finger...and she would have bounded over there and spread her legs wider than wide to be fucked by that man. She would do anything he asked....

* * *


The electronic tone that sounded whenever the outside doors were opened was loud enough to halt everyone in their tracks.

Someone had pushed in through the wide double doors at the entrance to the restaurant. Someone else was coming in...someone who could easily wander back to where the two near naked families were.

Horror spread through them. No one said a word. Abruptly self-conscious, everyone turned away from each other. Grabbing a handful of napkins from the dispenser on the table where he'd fucked Alicia, Grandpa began wiping himself off while he looked around for his cargo shorts. Then he did what he could to mop up the fluids covering the tabletop.

Everyone got busy doing what they had to do quickly. With their sexual needs quenched at least partially for the moment, everyone was seized with a feeling they'd pushed their luck about as far as it would stretch. What they'd been doing would get all of the adults locked up for the next two decades.

Without a word, everyone began to wipe themselves off and yank rumpled clothing back into place. Trays, baskets, plastic utensils, soggy ice cream cones and everything else that had dropped to tabletops or the floor was retrieved and put in place. Greg went to the one outside door in this section and opened it. That started the air conditioning and the smell of sex began to flow outside.

There was an overwhelming, though unspoken realization that it was only by the grace of God no one had come back here to discover their illicit acts. Sheepish looks replaced lusting expressions on their faces.

In a few moments of frantic work, flushed of face and short of breath, the two family groups looked around...and at each other, not daring to speak. No one knew what to do next.

Finally, Sandy started to make her way past Grandpa Jack and his granddaughters, down the aisle toward the front of the restaurant and the restrooms there. She stopped before she went by them and turned to face the trio directly. She gave Grandpa a level look and then smiled at the twins.

She was no longer angry at the girls. The peak of her sexually-driven anger had been blunted by fucking her son and now she was only envious.

"You girls are lucky," she told Alicia and Carrie in a soft voice. "Your grandfather lets you...let's you do what you need to do," she said. "I wish I'd had a grandfather like yours," she finished sadly, turning to go. Tasha came up beside her and Sandy put a hand on her daughter's shoulder and they turned to go down the aisle toward the restrooms.

"Sugar," Grandpa Jack said, speaking up before she could leave.

Sandy paused, smiling.

"Every grandpa is a daddy before he's a grandfather, you know," he said softly. He paused. "I'll be your Daddy for you, if you want me to, honey," Grandpa said quietly. It should have sounded corny, but it didn't.

Sandy's eyes flashed. She let him see the inner fire, the desperate need she'd concealed for so very long. She wasn't going to suppress her desires and needs anymore.

"I do want!" she said lightly. "I want to feel your daddy-cock in me and comin' hard in my cunt...Daddy!" she added naughtily, relishing the sound of the lewd words. A fantasy was waiting to be fulfilled...and she was intent on acting on his offer at her first opportunity.

She bent low and kissed Grandpa Jack on the lips. She wasn't shy about it. It was a long, lingering kiss that promised much and regretted nothing. "Soon!" she crooned, "make it soon, okay,...Daddy!" she asked. She caressed his cheek and pressed both hands against his head to hold him in place for another lingering kiss.

She grinned as she stuffed her panties down inside Grandpa Jack's right front pocket, alongside those of one of his granddaughters'.

Sandy straightened and sauntered down the corridor of partitions, her head held high, her hips swaying, and a smile on her lips. Tasha grinned at the big man and followed her mother.

* * *

Minutes later, both families walked resolutely out the door, and separated almost immediately.

They weren't running, but they weren't wasting time either. They climbed into their respective SUVs quickly; everyone's seatbelt was fastened; and the engines started. There was a faint sense of urgency in the air.

Grandpa Jack swore under his breath and unbuckled his seatbelt. He started to get out. No one knew how to contact the other family. He and the woman had talked about...but if they didn't know how to get in touch....

Dammit, this could not be over! The SUV with that other family rolled a few feet, then stopped. Grandpa Jack put his hand on his door handle.

Before he could open the door, a flurry of raised voices erupted from the other vehicle. Grandpa Jack and the twins could hear it plainly, even with the windows shut tight and the fans straining to blow cold air into the passenger cabin.

A few minutes later, the right rear door of the Suburban was thrown open and the oldest of the girls, sprinted barefoot to where Grandpa Jack and his girls waited. Grandpa pressed the button to lower his window, then reconsidered. He opened the car door wide and Tasha stepped diffidently up to his side. She reached out to touch his forearm, her fingers trembled as they stroked the smooth muscles and tanned flesh.

"What is it, honey?" Grandpa softly asked the breathless young girl.

Tasha glanced nervously at the twins, back to her parents' car, and then back to Grandpa Jack's eyes. She took a deep breath. She handed Grandpa a piece of paper she'd been twisting between nervous fingers.

"Please...please call us...okay?" Tasha begged. She took back the slip of paper and anxiously spread it open. "This is my number, cell phone," she explained. She pointed to one of the three numbers on the sheet. "This one is Mom's...and this one is Shawn's," she explained. "Jeff uses it too when he's here...when he's with us."

"Shawn? Jeff?" Grandpa asked. He took the note and held it in his hands, at least he did until Carrie reached between the two front bucket seats and snatched it from his hands.

"Shawn's my brother and Jeff's my cousin," Tasha explained. "Jeff's the one with red hair," she added. "Oh!" A look of dismay came over her features. "I forgot," she said. "I'm Tasha Pearson and--I mean, my name's Natasha, Tasha for short, and I--we--really want to see you again and--"

"Nice to meet you, Tasha Pearson," Grandpa Jack interrupted gently. "That's Alicia there behind me, and Carrie back over there," Grandpa said, jerking his thumb over the back seat. Both twins smiled tentatively at the distraught girl. They weren't quite sure what was going on.

Grandpa Jack leaned out to look speculatively back down the outside of his SUV. He was right. The way he was parked, with the nose canted a little toward the highway, the left-rear quarter panel blocked anyone behind his SUV from seeing much of young Natasha's body where she was beside the front-left door. Nothing could be seen except her head from the restaurant entrance, for example.

The engine compartment and the hood blocked the sight of anyone passing by to their right front. The SUV's bulk blocked off anyone passing from their immediate right around to the right-rear, and there was a thickly wooded lot off to the left, beyond the Pearson vehicle, that provided privacy in that direction too.

With Tasha sheltered from directly ahead of Grandpa Jack's SUV by the open front door, there was a tiny area of privacy that hid young Tasha from the shoulders down to her knees.

Grandpa scooted to the left edge of his seat and motioned Tasha closer. When she shuffled a half step closer, Grandpa's arm went around her waist and he bent his neck to kiss the twelve-year-old's soft lips. She responded quickly, allowing his tongue to part her lips and search insistently until he could flick at her pink little tongue with his.

Tasha gave out a great sigh and pressed her body against Grandpa's side. His left hand dropped to cup her right ass-cheek through her skirt, then dove beneath to fondle her naked butt.

The young girl shivered and moaned happily. She hadn't put her panties back on because they were soaked and stretched from her frantic efforts to bare her pussy for Jeff's oral attentions a while ago. She'd washed herself off but now she was glad she hadn't even tried to get her panties back on. She liked the feel of Grandpa's hand on her bare skin.

Smiling into Grandpa Jack's face, Tasha pressed her sopping panties into his shirt's breast pocket. When he chuckled, she smiled more broadly.

This kind of openly sexual contact with an older man, or a boy for that matter, was new for her. There'd only been this afternoon, after all...and up 'til now, only her father's cock had been inside her. That had been a hasty, fumbling thing, but it had still felt good.

Tasha took a deep breathe and let it out slowly. In spite of her inexperience, she relaxed. Her smile broadened and she molded her upper body to the older man's.

"You will call, right?" she asked in a softer, more confident tone. She enjoyed the feel of the man's hand on her naked ass. She wriggled her ass in his hand to let him know how much. She looked again at Alicia and Carrie, but they only smiled encouragingly.

The twins had an idea that something with of great promise was happening--there were those cute boys and the interesting man over in that other SUV who were still on the twin blonde's minds--but they didn't know exactly what was going on, or how to move it along. Things looked promising, though. They were satisfied to let Grandpa handle it.

They were confused. They knew how they'd felt watching this girl and her mother behave earlier. The twins had competed for their grandfather's attention and they'd won...but was the battle over?

Alicia and Carrie waited for jealousy to rear up and consume them again, but their anger at the other family had drowned in the sea of body fluids back in the restaurant. The twins shot a glance toward the other SUV and its occupants. What would those teenage boys' cocks feel like inside their pussies?

They giggled; both knew they had the same thing on their minds.

Grandpa Jack considered the question Tasha had posed.

"Didn't sound to me like there was a...uh...what you might call a consensus of opinion over there," he commented.

Tasha drew back a little.

"Daddy," she said in a brittle tone, "will do what's good for him!" she said tersely.

Grandpa chuckled. The twins joined in from the seat behind him, giggling happily.

Tasha smiled as she recognized how she'd sounded.

"Well...he already...he already did me," Tasha explained, "and I can tell he wants Melissa and Danielle too--oh, and my other cousin, Elaine, too--he just won't say so right now. Elaine's the one with the kinda red hair like Jeff." She paused to collect her thoughts.

"Daddy just hasn't got it yet," she continued. "But he saw your granddaughters doing stuff with you and he'll remember how they looked so happy after doing you--and all us girls and Mom are going to remind him 'til he gets it straight in his head!" she finished.

Everyone chuckled again.

"Mom will make sure he doesn't wimp out," Tasha added.

The twins laughed out loud and Grandpa Jack chuckled. Tasha joined them in a good laugh at her father's expense.

Grandpa Jack twisted his upper body more toward the young girl, just enough to get his right hand close enough to slide under the front of her short skirt and down her soft underbelly. After only a moment's exploration, he slipped the middle finger inside Tasha's still heated pussy. He investigated the tight channel gently, pressing deeper no quicker than her body could accommodate the single digit.

He found her clitoris, hiding behind its soft fold of flesh and teased it tenderly. Withdrawing his finger, he molded his palm snugly against her pubic mound. He slid his whole hand down, and his finger ducked back inside while his palm stroked her whole mound.

Grandpa Jack started a smooth in-out motion. His middle finger penetrated through her outer lips and well into her cunt while his other fingers massaged those outer labia and the heel of his hand pressed down on that wonderfully sensitive area over her clit.

Tasha's breath hissed between her lips. She moaned pitifully, tossing a despairing glance at the twins when they giggled.

"Me and Mom washed ourselves real good in the bathroom," she said, babbling to herself. "And so did the other girls and...everything," she said, winding down. "If you want to...." She lost track of what she was saying.

The twins grinned as they watched, knowing full well what the twelve-year-old girl was feeling.

"Grandpa's good at finger-fucking, isn't he?" Carrie asked slyly. "He can find your little G-spot in a second and start you cumming like a faucet real quick," she remarked.

"Wha-?" Tasha moaned, confused. She was unable to do much more than whimper under Grandpa Jack's assault.

"That's okay," Alicia said sympathetically. "There's so much for you to learn," she explained consolingly.

Tasha nodded, clearly too preoccupied to speak. "Okay," she said.

Alicia and Carrie giggled again.

"Wait 'til he puts his cock in you; it'll feel soooooo fine," Carrie promised.

"Or when he licks your pussy to make you cum," Alicia added. "He's really nasty at that, and really good too!"

Tasha's eyes widened at the obscenities being bandied about so casually. Her body shuddered involuntarily and she closed her eyes, smiling all the while. She realized she badly needed this kind of thing going for her...a relationship, with folks who didn't mind being sexy and with whom naughty words could be used openly.

She guessed sex was a focus of the twin's lives with this man...instead of a source of constant frustration. Tasha smiled broader. It was so wonderful that her family had found this man and his twin granddaughters!

Grandpa Jack pulled his finger out of the young girl's slit slowly, regretfully.

He held it up for her to see her own glistening juices coating it. Impulsively, Tasha took his hand in hers and guided his finger into her mouth. She licked and sucked his finger dry and only then allowed him to put his hand on the steering wheel.

"I want you really, really bad," Tasha said softly to the older man. "I want you to do me like you do them." She motioned to Alicia and Carrie in the back seat. "And Mom wants you too," she added. Grandpa Jack smiled and leaned forward to kiss the young girl on her lips.

Without warning, the sounds of tires on pavement became loud in their ears. Engines roared, sputtered, and died. Several car doors opening behind them distracted everyone in the SUV. They twisted around to look. The restaurant parking lot was suddenly very busy.

Grandpa let Tasha's skirt fall to cover her bare lower body. His face showed how much he regretted the necessity.

After some shouting and laughter, everyone who'd just arrived plunged inside the restaurant's entrance. Peace descended on the parking lot once more.

"Your Dad and brother are cute," Alicia remarked, breaking the silence.

"And your cousin...Jeff...too," Carrie added.

"Yeah," Tasha replied. She wasn't awfully interested in the men in her family at the moment. She was looking down at Grandpa's crotch. "We have other cousins but they didn't want to come this weekend," she added in a distracted tone.

"Boy cousins?" Carrie asked interestedly.

Tasha nodded distractedly. "And girls too," she added.

"Cousins are nice...," Carrie commented.

Alicia nodded. "Especially boy cousins," she remarked.

The twins giggled happily.

Tasha looked back at the restaurant door to make sure no one was in sight. Turning back to Grandpa Jack, she grinned in his face and unzipped the older man's blue jeans and inexpertly took his cock out, fondling it for a moment in her small hands. She smiled happily as Grandpa's dick grew quickly in length and girth just from the touch of her slim fingers.

Wrapping both hands around the thick shaft, she jacked it slowly up and down for a moment, watching the small slit in the end of his cockhead appear, gap open a little, and then disappear again under the sliding foreskin. She bent low and kissed the glans and then tucked him away again.

"All the girls at school want to be Shawn's girlfriend," Tasha continued after a lengthy pause, "and Mom just found out a little while ago he's not too bad at fucking," she said, half shocking herself by what she said.

"He's not as big as your grandpa," she admitted, "but I think he's okay." The girls all giggled together.

Alicia and Carrie were leaning over the front seat now, actively taking part in the discussion.

Tasha gathered her thoughts for a long moment as she caressed Grandpa Jack's crotch. There were people moving around the parking lot and it wouldn't be a good idea to pull his manhood out again.

"You know," Tasha said slowly, "I don't think Daddy knows how many of my girlfriends think he's a hunk. Some of them get all flustered and can't even talk when he smiles at them. Mary and Shelly...and Tammy too...I think they'd let my Daddy do them anytime he wanted."

"Really?" Carrie tossed out. She was grinning widely.

"But he doesn't know...I don't think," Tasha cautioned. "Not 'til now, or maybe when I tell him, anyway...but he liked you two really much," she finished, looking at Alicia and Carrie.

Tasha grinned, responding to the twin blonds' knowing smiles flashing back at her. They were allies now, not adversaries for Grandpa Jack's attention as they'd been earlier. The rivalry was over.

"Does Jeff eat pussy good?" Alicia asked interestedly.

Grandpa Jack grunted in satisfaction. He understood the shift in the twins' attitude. From the way the twins were talking, they wanted to become more closely acquainted with the Pearson family, and their cousins. Very interesting....

"No," Tasha replied, "but he's going to learn!" she said matter-of-factly. All four of them laughed.

A horn sounded from the Pearson vehicle and Tasha turned to wave a hand at them.

"You'll call?" she pleaded, looking Grandpa in the eye.

"We'll call! Absolutely!" Grandpa replied. "Ahhhhh...but anything beyond that is a decision the girls and I need to make together...and all of you when your Dad comes around to your way of thinking...," he added when Tasha would have interrupted.

"He will," Tasha said firmly.

"Okay, we'll talk things over and when we call you, we'll all be able to talk about what we want to do--"

Grandpa Jack broke off when Alicia put a hand on his shoulder. He glanced around at the girls and smiled when he saw the look on their faces.

"Ohhhhhh!" he said, "I see!"

Grandpa Jack turned back to Natasha. "I stand corrected! We already know what we want to do."

He grinned. "We will be calling," Grandpa Jack told the waiting twelve-year-old. "The decision is unanimous from us," he added. "We want more...lots more!"

Tasha grinned excitedly. She bent forward to kiss the older man on his lips and flashed a quick smile at the twins before turning away and trotting back to her parents' SUV.

As they drove away, there was a sudden, hurried series of whispers behind Grandpa Jack's head. He didn't bother trying to listen in. The twins communicated in a shorthand language that didn't necessarily involve full words, much less actual sentences.

Alicia slipped through the opening between the two front bucket seats to sit comfortably in the passenger seat. Her small hand was on the back of Grandpa Jack's neck when she started, but it dropped quickly to his crotch. Her slim fingers stroked and massaged as she prepared him for...whatever she wanted.

Her other hand held her cell phone and she was holding it out so he could see the screen. He glanced away from the highway ahead of them for an instant. There was a number from Tasha's piece of paper already punched in and Alicia's thumb was poised to press the button to dial.

"Grandpa?" Alicia cooed in his ear. She giggled softly, mischievously.


"Do you think Tasha and her mom, and...everyone...would like to go camping with us, this weekend, Grandpa Jack?"

Grandpa Jack moaned softly while the twins giggled.

The End


The "Grandpa Jack And The Twins" Series:

  • Grandpa Jack And The Twins Hook Up
  • Grandpa Jack And The Twins Go Camping
  • Grandpa Jack And The Twins...And Mommies And Daddies
  • Grandpa Jack And The Twins Take A Road Trip
  • Grandpa Jack And The Twins; And The California Vacation (Forthcoming)
  • Grandpa Jack And The Twins; It's A Wonderful Day In The Neighborhood (Projected)

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I enjoyed the story, would like to read the whole series.


'Grandpa Jack And The Twins Hook Up' is mostly a setup piece for the three already-written stories that follow in this series, and for a fifth I'm in the process of writing. I think I'll need to write a sixth (working title 'It's A Wonderful Day In The Neighborhood') to tie up all the loose ends with a pretty bow and everything, but I'm not entirely sure I'll have enough material. On the other hand, Grandpa Jack and his family are really fun people to write about. :)


Nice story! Thanks!

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