The Kids On The Bus

[ inc, cons, Mg, Mgg, Mf, MF, Fm, Fb, Ff, ff, gg,het, mult, group, orgy, anal ]

by Seamus

Published: 20-Nov-2012

Word Count:

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show Story Summary
This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Chapter One

Alexandra McBride, 4 feet seven inches tall and twelve budding years old, climbed the steps into the first of the two chartered coaches and found a window seat in the fifth row. She threw herself onto the cushions, more than a little unhappy with the way things were. For one thing, she was the Treasurer of the Science Club and she'd helped organize this field trip for the members of the club ... and only for those members.

But after all the hard work she'd put into getting everything approved and organized, she'd been shunted aside by the principal and some busybody parents who decided anyone who wanted to, could go to the big city and see the natural science museum there. Things had quickly mushroomed and grown beyond Alex's control.

'Everyone' wasn't coming on the trip, of course. Alex had a tendency to over dramatize things from time to time. But now there were two big chartered buses instead of the single school bus she'd envisioned. Nice overnight accommodations were procured, compliments of old Mr. Johnson, the town's patriarch, which was nice--but Alex viewed it as just more interference in her plan. There were even lists of who was to get on which bus and schedules for going into the big city, more places to visit when they got there, and timetables all over the place.

She grudgingly admitted the trip itself was now a lot more interesting and everyone was going to be taken care of much better. Her hand brushed the fabric of the comfortable bus seat she sat on. Yeah, much nicer. But it wasn't an adventure any longer--it wasn't her adventure anymore!

No wonder she was more than a little grumpy. She sat with her arms crossed in the comfortable seat, waiting for the next bad thing to happen to her. She glared at her sister, Kayleigh, coming down the aisle, daring the eleven-year-old to just try and sit next to her.

Kayleigh sensed Alexandra's attitude just by looking at her. She sniffed derisively. Kayleigh wouldn't have sat next to her older sister anyway--it never crossed her mind--and she sauntered on back to a row where a couple of her friends were already sitting. That was fine with Alex. Kay and her friends were among those 'others' who weren't in the Science Club but had invited themselves along anyway.

She looked out the window, certain everyone boarding the coach could read her emotions in her face and knew how humiliated she felt at how all the dumb grownups involved in the planning had treated her. Absently, she adjusted a bra strap, not bothering to check around to see who might be looking. That was another thing that displeased Alexandra. Her boobies were blossoming, but not as fast or as big as she wanted them to. It seemed like....

Resentful at everything and everyone, she glared at the Sheriff's patrol vehicle parked a few yards away outside her window. She wasn't specifically mad at her dad right at this moment, but he was standing out there beside the big Kelly-green SUV with its big gold badge insignia and he had the red and blue lights turned on, so he was going to bear the brunt of her irritation for a while too ... not that he'd notice.

"Uh huh. Mister Chief Deputy Sheriff Keith 'Who Cares What His Daughter Thinks' McBride," she mumbled to herself. Dad was part of the group of adults in favor of just anyone going on the field trip, and therefore had earned her special resentment for that, on top of the natural defiance the almost-teenager felt toward their parents.

* * *

"Mmmmm, now just who are you lookin' at, Lexi?" a voice asked teasingly, startling Alexandra out of her moody appraisal of the world. A young woman was standing in the aisle and bending over the outside armrest to look out Alex's window.

"Oh ho!! Now I see," the woman quipped, "I agree ... your dad is totally hunkalicious, huh? You are soooo lucky."

Startled, Alex shot a glance back out the window. Daddy was out there, but he wasn't paying any attention to the bus.

"I... no, I wasn't ... I mean...," Alex protested. She looked up at the older girl. She could feel a deep blush rising fast ... her earlobes were already a fiery red.

"MERRI, how could you say something like that?" Alex demanded. Shocked out of her self-pity for the way things had gone the past few days, she transferred all of her resentment to the young woman smiling down at her.

"Oh, honey," Merri replied, unfazed by Alexandra's indignation. Merri's grin was threatening to split her face wide open, Alex thought. Merri plopped down on the seat beside Alexandra. Lowering her voice, Merri confided, "Honey, I'm not being a smart ass. Heck, if that big hunk a' man was MY daddy," she almost whispered, "I'd have been doing mucho nasty things with him ... well, ever since I found out what my 'gina was for!" she declared.

Alexandra, profoundly shocked, could only stare at the young woman beside her. Miriam Johnson was twenty-years-old, a graduate of this very school two summers ago, as hot and sexy as any girl could ever hope to be ... and a granddaughter of Charles Johnson, the town's mayor.

As the mayor's granddaughter ... not to mention, a great-granddaughter of the town's leading citizen--Old Ben Johnson ... Miriam was automatically entitled to a certain deference and she had more influence in the school's, and the town's, affairs than anyone else her age.

But Alex had a temper and sometimes ... enough was enough.

"Miriam Johnson!" Alex retorted hotly. "You know damned ... darned ... well I wasn't looking at my Dad, and you don't have any right to be so ... so... so nasty!!" she finished, almost as flustered by her own use of profanity as by Merri's accusation.

Merri ignored Alex's sharp tone. "Honey," she said, continuing in a voice low enough that no one else could hear, "I'm totally serious," she said with a mischievous grin. "Your daddy is a hunk!! You can see he's got all those muscles ... does he work out much? ... I wish I could be there when he does....

"And he's so a ... such a man! You know all the girls at the Academy think so, Alex. Heck, all the men in town listen when he says how he feels about ... whatever ... an' they do what he says when he gives orders and stuff.

"Everyone knows he was a hero in that war over there in that desert place ... an' all that ... an' now he's the Sheriff out here ... an' he caught that murderer running from the cops from the big city last summer, an' I saw him on that hiking trail last Fall with you and your mom, an' your brother and sisters, and he was in that tank top, and ... mmmm-mmmm-MMMM! What a dreamboat!"

Merri finally wound down and settled back into her seat, smiling blissfully. She apparently meant every word she said to Alex. She'd said she'd love to be doing all kinds of naughty things with Alexandra's father ... if only she were his daughter instead of Alex.

Alexandra looked uncertainly at the young woman beside her. She'd only been able to follow Merri's stream of consciousness rambling with some difficulty, but she managed. She stole another look at her father outside the bus window. Yeah, her dad was okay, she admitted to herself. Heck, more than okay. She was never embarrassed to admit Chief Deputy Keith McBride was her Dad. Most of the kids at school figured she was lucky to have him as a father. He was about as cool as a dad could be.

Yeah, Daddy did have nice muscles and--her thoughts suddenly skittered away from what her mind had started to envision. Her face flamed anew, because her mind betrayed her. Her eyes had fastened unerringly on her father's zipper, and she almost let herself wonder about what lay hidden behind it.

'Ohmigod', she breathed silently to herself. That just wasn't right! She couldn't think, what she'd almost thought.

"No...." Alexandra declared. "George ... it was George Knudson," she insisted, thinking fast. "He's who I was looking at," she finished.

Merri leaned over Alex again to watch Deputy Knudson for a moment. He was tall and gangly, in his mid-twenties and known all around town for his beaming grin ... and a slight tendency toward clumsiness.

The young woman smiled disbelievingly. "Nah...." Merri said softly, almost in Alex's ear. "Georgie's a nice boy and all ... but your daddy's a man," she said.

She stayed where she was, ostensibly watching the outside world. "Alex, honey, if I'm lyin', I'm dyin'." She giggled like the most naive freshman schoolgirl. "If your dad was MY daddy," she said, leaning close to Alexandra, "I'd a' got myself devirginated a longgggg time before I did," she concluded.

She giggled at Alex's aghast expression, then stood up in one quick, smooth motion. Alex believed Merri's words without question. The word around school was that Merri wasn't exactly easy ... she actually had high standards for a boy to become a boyfriend ... but boys who did get in her pants raved about her enthusiasm for fucking and sucking.

"I'll see ya later," Merri threw back over her shoulder as she made her way toward the rear of the bus. She was an unofficial teacher's assistant this year. She told everyone she just wasn't ready to head off to college. And now she was a chaperone here on Alex's bus. Every darn one of the boys she passed grinned hopefully up at her and then gazed longingly after her when she passed on by.

Alex glared resentfully after the young woman until Merri disappeared over the high backrests of the long row of seats. She looked back out the window. George Knudson caught sight of the movement in the window and waved at her, grinning like an ape, Alex thought. What an idiot!

Her father on the other hand, just smiled and touched the front brim of his white Stetson as a greeting. He'd seen her too, but he knew enough to not make a spectacle. Alex was grateful for that. She turned back to face the front of the bus.

Dad was busy anyway. Mr. Johnson, Merriam's grandfather, was walking up to Dad. He was the Johnson who did most of the family work in town these days.

* * *

Technically, Keith McBride was Chief Deputy Sheriff for the whole county but his boss, the elected Sheriff for White Plains County, stayed close to the county seat, and that was more than forty-five miles away as the crow flies--more by road. The sheriff and Chief Deputy divided the duties of policing the county, so Deputy McBride was effectively the law out here and, as such, it was he who dealt with the movers and shakers of the little town.

"Mornin,' Junior," he greeted the slightly-more-than middle-aged man who climbed out of the big green Suburban. 'Junior' was Charley Johnson, old Ben's son and heir. It was he who managed all the Johnson clan's affairs inside the county and out. Maybe when he'd been in elementary school kids had wondered why he was called Junior, since he and his dad had different names, but it was a well-established fact now and no one cared any longer.

The mayor was an affable man, preferring to communicate on an informal basis rather than the more formal one he could have insisted upon. No one ever forgot that if Old Ben was king around here, Junior was the crown prince and everyone knew it.

It made sense that Charley would come down to see the two busloads of kids off on their trip. After all, Johnson Academy, which all the kids in Salt Fork attended, was a creation of the Johnson family, set up when Old Ben Johnson grew incensed with the quality of education Salt Fork children were receiving.

'The Academy' (that was how everyone referred to it) taught the core subjects that Old Ben approved of ... math, science, history, and economics especially. There were none of the soft frills offered by public schools and advocated by the state's school board.

The public schools in Salt Fork finally closed their doors and consolidated with schools in the far-off county seat, much to their staff's chagrin. It took a state supreme court ruling to settle the question of property taxes ... but old man Johnson got that settled in the citizens' favor too--no one quite knew how.

The thing was, what Ol' Ben set up just flat worked. The kids' SAT scores said so. Best of all, every kid in town was awarded a scholarship to the Academy--one was theirs just for the asking. Everyone loved the Johnsons. The Johnsons had more money than God, so no one questioned how the Academy's finances worked.

"How ya doing, Keith?" Junior replied enthusiastically. "What's happenin'?" he asked, beaming broadly. It was a rhetorical question. In addition to being the town's mayor, he was one of three county commissioners, and he knew where all the skeletons were buried around the county ... and most of the state too. Charles Johnson already knew everything about what was going on.

"Not much," Keith responded lazily. "Just getting the buses ready to go and all," he explained. "We'll ride with them right out to the Interstate to give them a good sendoff," he said. Junior chuckled.

"Lights? Sirens? All that?" Junior asked

"Yesirree," Keith confirmed. "They'll get the royal treatment leavin' town ... even if they have to sneak back into town tomorrow evening 'cause everyone'll be asleep," he remarked. He grinned.

Junior joined Keith in a broad smile and they looked over the students being dropped off, boarding one of the two buses, parents giving last minute advice, or admonitions....

"Oh! Before I forget," Junior said, "there's a 'Meeting of the Bored' Saturday night out at our place if you and Caitlin want to come."

Keith frowned quickly, squinting his eyes tight. His head moved around in a fast arc, checking to see if anyone around heard.

"I looked before I said anything, Keith," Junior said reprovingly, dropping his voice even lower in volume and by at least one octave. "I look dumb but I really aren't," he remarked cheerfully, smiling.

"Yeah, I know," Keith replied, as contritely as he ever spoke. "Sorry ... you caught me off guard," he admitted. "Had my mind going in a total different direction."

"Not to worry," Junior said with a casual wave of his hand. "I totally understand. Can't be too careful, and that's a fact," he asserted. It was a fact--one ingrained deeply in both their psyches because it wouldn't do for the uninitiated to learn of the unspoken life style some of the towns participated in to while away the long winter nights ... and the summer's shorter ones too.

'The Bored' Junior spoke of was his own invention--a play on words that he thought he'd been awfully clever devising. No one hearing the two men talk would interpret what he said as anything but "Board" and that could refer to a multitude of things both the county's Chief Deputy Sheriff and the city's mayor might be members of.

'The Bored' was code for the local swingers club. The name was born of necessity and served to identify a certain problem that existed here in the remote town ... boredom. It wasn't so bad right now, but with snow on the ground most of the winter, and disagreeable weather hanging around in one form or another from September through early June, most of the citizens stayed indoors and there was a distinct lack of social life for those long months. Those with solid enough marriages to engage in an alternate lifestyle ... did!

Keith and his wife, Caitlin, took to it easily enough, treating it as more of a game than anything else. They also played in a coed intra-city slow pitch softball league during the summer--they enjoyed that game too.

"Ahhhh... well, sure. I don't see why not," Keith finally answered Junior's question. "I need to run it by Caitlin, so I'll have to let you know ... but I don't think we have anything near as interesting on Saturday's calendar," he said. He grinned, warming to the idea of some extramarital fun and games.

"Good," Junior said with considerable satisfaction. Both of the McBrides were fit, athletic, and attractive people. They were popular in and out of bed.

"Nice of y'all to get these big highway buses for the kids," Keith offered, mainly to change the subject before someone walked up on them and caught them unawares. "Those yellow monstrosities they usually take would have ruined everyone's kidneys ridding them all the way to the big city." He laughed.

"It was Dad's idea," Junior returned. "He did all the work his own self, gettin' them lined up," he added. "Haven't seen him this motivated in a coon's age."

"Well, thank him for us, will ya?" Keith replied. "Darned good of him."

"Hell," Junior remarked, "thank 'im yourself. He's right there," he said hooking a thumb back behind him in the direction of the Suburban.

Startled, Keith, looked more closely at the large SUV and, shading his eyes with the big white Stetson he wore on duty, he finally made out the aged, but still very active, Ben Johnson sitting in the back seat.

Old Ben threw up a hand in greeting when he saw Keith locate him deep in the SUV's dim interior. Keith smiled in return and ambled over to the big vehicle. It was his job to stay on good terms with the powers-that-be in the county ... and anyway, old Ben was a personable guy, pleasant to be around. Keith liked him on a personal level, as well as being on a good professional basis with him. He stepped off the sidewalk to go to Old Ben's door to pass the time of day with the old man for a minute.

* * *

Merri's words haunted Alexandra far more than they should have. She sneaked a quick glance at her father out there. In his big ol' white cowboy hat, white shirt... with that shiny silver star fastened over his left breast pocket ... and dark brown slacks over his boots, he looked every inch the western sheriff he actually was.

He walked around, so confident and so ... in charge. Alexandra was actually very, very proud of him. Not all the girls at the Academy had a father who was as handsome and who made such an impact in people's lives.

He was ... distinguished looking too. Alex knew he was already thirty-four; his birthday was only a month ago, but he didn't look like it. Thirty-four year old men were... ancient in Alexandra's world. But not Daddy....

He was really strong too, even if he was kinda old. And she'd seen the bulge of his muscles and counted the number of times he pushed those barbells up when he lifted weights down in the basement. And sometimes his thing got really big and hard, like the time last week when she'd sat down on his lap while he was watching that cheerleading show on TV--

Alex gasped aloud, covering it with a cough when the girls across the aisle looked questioningly at her. Alex's blush reasserted itself though she fought for control. Dang it! Why in the world had Merri said the things she had?

Alexandra had never thought of anything like that ... ever!!

* * *

The next two days were long and full of exhilaration and walking--lots of walking. Everyone had had a good time at the museum, taking in all the exhibits, eating lunch in the courtyard and after that, the pizza place with all the games and all the shopping on the second day.

Just before loading up for the homeward leg, they all trooped a mile up the street from the motel to some fast food restaurants. The adults divided up the crowd of students into smaller groups and escorted them inside the restaurants. Most of the kids got what they wanted, but a couple had to eat fried chicken instead of hamburgers and vice versa. Since the school was paying, and not the students, no one was inclined to gripe too much.

But now, all the adrenalin had worn off. The non-stop excitement had faded and everyone was just tired and ready for the day to be over. They boarded the busses willingly. Most of the youngsters dozed in their comfortable seats as the sun dropped over the horizon and dusk settled over the prairie. They could see the mountains off in the distance, if they troubled to look. Their homes lay at the foot of those mountains and the heights were old friends. Today had been a fun day. Tomorrow would be a return to the usual grind.

* * *

The flashing red and blue lights didn't wake any of the students, but the strident siren wailing just behind the big coach did. There were two cruisers back there, both with screaming sirens and overheads filling the night with brilliant flashes of light. The bus was filled with the confused voices of awakened children and their chaperones.

James Ortega, the driver, pulled the massive vehicle to the side of the road, confused and more than a little apprehensive. James hadn't been speeding and he didn't think he'd been driving erratically or anything. By the time the state trooper reached the coach's open door, the young man had convinced himself he was being unfairly targeted for something or other. He was prepared to get a little bit angry.

When James and the first couple of rows of student passengers saw the trooper, they were startled, frightened, and repelled--all in the space of a split second. He wasn't a peace officer, for one thing. He was dressed in filthy jeans and a T-shirt ... and he wore a gas mask that hid all of his features. No one saw him grin maliciously as he rushed up the steps into the cabin.

He had two large canisters in his hands and he let the charging spoons fly, rolling the canisters down the aisle where they rested for an impossibly long instant before suddenly belching thick clouds of malodorous vapor.

Row by row, spreading like ripples in a quiet pool from the front of the bus to the back, the effects of the knockout gas were fast and completely effective. James Ortega, five other adult chaperones, and forty-three students of the Johnson Academy fell unconscious where they sat or stood.

The intruder waited a moment to make sure the busload of kids and adults were completely out, then he found the correct switches on the driver's console to turn the air-conditioning on high. He worked his way down the aisle, opening windows and examining the kids and adults carefully, picking up those who'd fallen to the floor and pushing them in a seat. When he judged it safe, he cautiously removed the gas mask, sniffed the air, and grinned wolfishly around the passenger cabin at the comatose group of adults and children.

There was a cute, redheaded little girl sitting in the aisle seat right next to him. Impulsively, the swarthy, unshaven man reached down and pinched the pre-pubescent little girl's budding breasts through her shirt. He laughed when there was no response, no fight, and no protest at the obscenity he was carrying out on the child. He squeezed harder.

When an annoyed query came from outside, he reluctantly stopped and walked back to the front of the bus, carefully marking the better-looking young girls as he went. He hauled the driver from behind the wheel and deposited the young man back along the aisle out of the way. Restarting the bus, he pulled the bus back onto the roadway and drove carefully down the big four-lane. In moments, the scene of the erstwhile traffic stop was far behind and the big bus turned on a less-traveled road that led up into the mountains looming over the flat prairie.

Several dozen passersby saw the flashing lights on the police car and the big interstate coach the officers had 'captured' there on the side of the highway. And later on that night, highway hypnosis and fatigue being what they are, three or four drivers might have remembered what they'd seen hours before, but they were just passing through and were never located to even ask. For all practical purposes, the coach, six adults and forty-three children disappeared without a trace into the darkness.

* * *

When Alexandra McBride woke up, she was naked.

She couldn't accept it at first. Blindfolded, and badly disoriented ... even a little nauseous ... she clung to the last memory she'd had on the bus where everything had been normal. Alex's blue-plaid school uniform skirt, her white blouse with its navy blue tab, her blue sweater, white knee socks, and her oxfords ... they were all gone somewhere. What had happened?

There were stirrings nearby. Other kids were coming to and trying to cope with the same shocks she was going through. But that wasn't all. Someone turned her over on her back ... someone who wasn't concerned with her modesty or with how roughly she was treated. She squirmed in her embarrassment, trying to move one leg over the other to hide the 'V' between her legs. Rough hands slapped carelessly at her bare thighs.

"Stop moving around, you stupid little bitch!" a man's voice said harshly. His rasping voice wasn't in the least familiar to Alex. She was suddenly more frightened than embarrassed.

Her groin was suddenly wet; some kind of cream was being spread all over her lower belly, and then she felt the cold sharpness of a razor being drawn across her sensitive skin. Alex moaned aloud and squirmed, trying to shrink her abdomen away from the sensation.

"Don't move, damn you!" the voice told her. "You make me cut you 'cause you're jerkin' around like that, and I'll whip you so bad, your butt's gonna glow in the dark!"

The voice trailed off as whoever he was concentrated once again on shaving the twelve-year-old's groin. It didn't take long. Alex didn't have more than a fine fuzz down there anyway ... it was one of the things Alex was moderately unhappy about. Other girls she knew had lots and lots of hair to trim when bikini season came around....

The young girl was abruptly yanked upright from the hard surface she'd been lying on. Dizzy, still blindfolded, Alex's left arm was forced behind her and her wrist pushed up behind her back. She was forced to walk, depending on this other person to guide her. She whimpered a little. She didn't know what was happening or how it had come about. She wanted her father to take her home and make all this go away. When she was pushed down on a mattress in a room she couldn't see, Alex gave way to the tears she'd been suppressing. She cried; great heart-rending bursts of personal agony washed over her.

* * *

When she woke the second time, Alexandra's blindfold was gone. She was lying naked and flat on her back on a bare mattress in a strange room. There was another bed in here too, Barbara Daniels was on the closest, bracing herself up on her left elbow and looking over at Alexandra. She seemed to be as confused and lost as Alexandra herself. Barbara shook her head, trying to clear her mind. She croaked something from a dry throat, but Alexandra couldn't understand her.

"Ahhhhh, both of you awake, eh?" said a harsh voice. Both girls' heads whipped around to see a tall, skinny man walk further into the room, carrying a tray that might have come from their school cafeteria's lunchroom. Belatedly, Alex and Barbara tried to cover their naked bodies. Their small hands and slender arms were wholly inadequate for that task. The man chuckled derisively.

"No need to hide those cute little bodies of yours," he chortled. "I already seen ever'thing you got," he told them. "Nice pussies, by the way," he added, smirking. The girls blushed a brilliant scarlet and that seemed to amuse the strange man even more. He laughed.

"Anyone thirsty?" he asked expectantly. "I've got something for you here when you're ready. Want some punch, girls?"

Both girls' throats were parched and they reached quickly for the proffered glasses. Their modesty suffered a complete collapse. The girls needed something to drink too badly to be worried about what the man saw of their bodies.

The man stayed, watching them closely and clearly waiting for them to finish and return the empty containers to him. When they finished, he collected the empties and gave them new ones. Both girls drained half the new tumblers quickly, but when the leering man left, they drank more slowly. Almost immediately, both young girls felt better and even relaxed a little. Swinging their legs to the floor, they sipped at their drinks and looked into each other's eyes.

"You know where we are?" Barbara asked in a low voice. Alexandra shook her head. They grimaced in unison, sighing deeply.

"What's going to happen to us?" Barbara asked tearfully.

"I don't know," Alex said mournfully. How would she know? She had some ideas about what would happen to them, but none of them were good and she didn't want to even think about them, much less talk about them. "My Daddy'll be looking for us right now," Alex said firmly. "He'll find us, I know he will," she said.

They talked for a while in low tones, slowly becoming more comfortable with their nudity. What couldn't be helped had to be accepted.

"Ya know," Barbara said after a few minutes, "what he said ... you really do have a nice looking kitty," she remarked, motioning toward Alexandra's groin. "It's so cute, kinda puffy and pooching out like that and all ... and it looks soooo pretty with no hair on it. Is your hair down there blonde, like your hair or what?" she asked interestedly, slightly changing the subject she'd only just opened.

"Uh huh," Alexandra answered, not really seeing anything wrong with the topic. It's just like this," she continued, taking a strand of her hair from the side of her head and showing it to Barbara as an illustration. "How about yours?" she asked.

"Mine, too," Barbara responded. "Well, my hair is brown, ya know, but I mean that it's like...." Her voice trailed off. She'd lost track of what they were talking about for a moment. "Well, it was when I had any down there," Barbara glanced down at her bare groin and giggled. Alexandra joined in.

"Me too," Alexandra said vaguely. She remembered her manners. "Oh ... thank you," she said. "Yours too," she added.

Barbara was mystified.

"Your... 'kitty'," Alex explained. "Yours is pretty too," she said.

Neither girl would have talked about such things yesterday, and neither had a clue why it was okay to discuss them today. Certain drugs do that ... lower or even remove inhibitions.

"Thanks," Barbara said, a bright smile lighting her face.

They fell silent when footsteps sounded outside the room. Apparently there was no sound-dampening carpet out there.

"Ahhhh, my cute little hotties ... how're you feeling now?" It was a short, almost pudgy woman this time. "You two ready for your ... uh ... your movie 'debuts', are ya?" she asked with a smirk.

The girls looked at each other, not understanding the woman's comments. They shrugged their shoulders.

"Well, it's almost time," the woman remarked without elaboration. She sat on Barbara's twin-sized bed and showed the girls what she had in her hands."You girls know what these are?" she asked.

The two pre-teen girls looked at each other, their eyes round as saucers.Barbara wet her lips with her pink tongue. "Uh ... things to ... put in a girl's ... thing...." she began tentatively.

"They're dildos an' you put them in your pussy so you can get off," the woman interrupted. "Right?"

The girls nodded. They'd never used any--they hadn't actually been this close to any dildoes before--but they were willing to accept what the woman said. It was what they'd heard at school....

"Some are big...," Barbara said faintly, pointing to a blue one that was perceptibly thicker, though no longer than the others.

"Right!" the woman said. "What you girls need to do is start with this one." She picked up one that was far more slender than the blue one. "You get used to this one, an' then work your way through the others 'til you can take the blue one inside ya, got it?!"

The girls nodded in unison, looking at the four dildos interestedly.

"Here's some lubrication, there's the dildos ... get to it!!" the woman ordered, standing up and striding toward the doorway. "You got an hour," she added, throwing her final words over her shoulder.

Barbara and Alexandra took the woman at her word, though they'd have been thoroughly shocked and repelled the day before. Today ... they weren't at all upset.

"You want to be first?" Alex asked, holding up the slimmest one and gesturing to Barbara's groin. Barbara hesitated, then nodded.

Alex moved from her bed to Barbara's. After a moment's indecision, Barbara lay across the bed and spread her legs wide. Alexandra applied some lube to the end of the dildo, pursed her lips and decided to put some on Barbara's labia also, and then began to press the dildo inside Barbara's young pussy.

* * *

The planning had been meticulous. The seven men and two women had been personally selected and rigorously trained. All but one were addicted to one hard-core drug or another, and that exception was an alcoholic, but all were clean and dry ... for now. They'd been examined and had passed medical exams before coming into the high country. Fourteen other candidates had not passed. HIV or any number of other diseases had eliminated them from consideration without them even knowing they'd been prospects.

One of those selected was a former medic, trained by a well-known hospital down in Los Angeles, but that was two years before he was introduced to crack. Decertified long ago, he was here now to provide emergency medical care for any of the children or adults who needed it, and to keep an eye on the drugs in the punch. Too much just wouldn't do; too little was not an option.

The riot control agent used to knock out the busload of teachers and students had been developed after the disastrous Moscow theater incident back in 2002. Not many outside select circles in the CIA or the various Military Intelligence agencies even knew about the gas, and no one talked about it. The gas was effective in the short term; everyone who breathed the fumes passed out.

A different class of drug was necessary for the long term, because the kidnappers had a specific goal in mind. The masterminds of the operation considered GHB, the date rape drug, and they thought about ecstasy. They mulled over using sodium pentothal, but the effects of 'truth serum' were very temporary and they needed longer lasting ones.

So ... a friend of a friend, who knew someone, who'd heard of a guy, who had a brother-in-law with a secret gambling habit who worked in the black ops directorate of the U.S. Central Command was willing to sell a certain amount of a drug with the same potentials of sodium pentothal--but much longer lasting, and far more effective.

The gambler was richly rewarded, not that he was able to hold on to his gains for longer than a week. He was caught trying to auction off more samples of the drug to the mob months later. He never mentioned his first sale....

Before the kidnapped busload of kids and adults came to, the inhibition-lowering drug had been administered. Additional doses could be given orally, dispersed in any liquid. With everyone awake and still properly medicated, the work began.

Chapter Two

"What do you MEAN the second bus hasn't made it in?" Chief Deputy Sheriff McBride demanded. "Where is it?"

"We don't know," Cliff Davies admitted reluctantly. Davies was the principal of the Johnson Academy. He was an excellent school administrator, hired specifically for that purpose by old Ben Johnson, himself.

"What we do know is that the second bus was delayed getting out of the city," Davies continued. "...about a couple of stoplights separated them ... and then a stalled car or something that held the second bus back. They got separated wider, but the drivers were still in contact with each other by cell phone so they didn't get too concerned. But they were only a few minutes apart, and now the first bus has been here for an hour ... and no second bus."

There was a short silence while the Chief Deputy digested that, and all the things the principal left unsaid.

"All right," McBride said firmly, fighting off the panic that threatened to overwhelm him. His daughters Alex and Kayleigh were on the missing bus. He had to stop to gather himself.

"Okay," he said, beginning again. "I'll get on the phone and call all the State Police barracks between here and the big city. I'll get them to put out a bulletin and find out if anyone's seen the bus broke down on the side of the road or something," he said. Having something to do helped quell the rising nausea in his belly.

"We thought about that," Principal Davies replied uncomfortably. "But all the chaperones and most of the kids have cell phones, and you'd think one of them would have called in by now to let us know...."

"No," McBride replied at length. "There's not much between here and the big city... lots of stretches of road where there aren't any cell towers.The State Troopers tell me there are even a couple of 'dead spots' along the Interstate where they can't get any radio reception, even with those tall whip antennas they have on their cruisers," he told the principal. "Could be why we haven't heard from them," he said, trying to hold onto his emotions. He was hoping what he said was why the kids weren't home, but he had no real confidence in his words.

"Yeah, that's probably it," the principal replied, fastening quickly on the encouragement offered by the deputy. He wanted badly to believe.

"Okay, talk to me when you hear anything at all, okay?" McBride ordered. "Anything at all you hear ... don't make a judgment on how important you think it is. Let me do that, okay?"

"Will do, Deputy," Davies replied. "We'll be here all night at the school, or until the kids make it home," he said.

"Okay... got it," Deputy McBride said shortly, hanging up. He needed to get busy with calls to his boss, Sheriff Wilson, the State Troopers, the hospital to make sure they'd have personnel on duty, and a bunch of other places he'd think of as time went on.

He had a couple deputies he needed to call in immediately and probably some ... nah ... ALL of the reserve sheriff's department officers too. His neighbor, Nick Wagner, would want to come in ... but there was one call he had to make first.

Ben Johnson, in his house up on the mountain needed to be informed right after calls to other police agencies. Ben's great-granddaughter on that bus and he'd want to know right now what was being done, both as a great-grandfather and as the county's leading politician.

* * *

Alexandra didn't know what was happening to her. Led from the room where she and Barbara had been working up to the big blue dildo, she was pushed and shoved rudely when she balked, threatened with balled-up fists when she wouldn't let go of the big frown she was wearing on her face. Eventually, she and Barbara wound up in a room set up to look like a small school room. When the man told them to put on the silly-looking school uniform, they did, trembling with apprehension.

It didn't start out TOO badly. In some ways, it struck Alex as mildly funny.

The man said they were going to make a movie, and they dressed her up in a green plaid skirt, white kneesocks and black Mary Janes, the sum of which looked vaguely like what she wore every school day.

But the blouse they made her wear was just ridiculous! It was a too big for her, first of all, and they wouldn't let her button it up all the way. They made her tie the tail ends in a little knot right below her boobies. She giggled dazedly. The shirt left a lot of her smooth belly showing at the bottom, and her budding breasts were almost exposed at the top.

Like all the other girls, Alex's hair was done up in two pigtails on either side of her head and some other woman put makeup on their faces. The dried-up old woman had deftly applied some lip gloss, a little mascara and eye shadow to each girl. In their semi-drugged states, the girls were actually pleased with what the woman did, though no one cared what the girls thought.

All the kids were given another glass of punch and a sandwich to eat, after which they had to brush their teeth ... the toothbrushes were all brand new. Then, three movie cameras mounted on sturdy tripods began filming. The 'director' was a grossly overweight, and very hairy, guy who stood at the back of the room, out of sight of the three lenses.

"Are we ready for class, children?" the 'teacher' asked. He was standing up near a desk with a funny looking whiteboard behind it, dressed kinda like real teachers did.

"Yes, Mr. Peterdick," the three young girls and four boys said in unison. They'd been coached with that line and what to do for the next few minutes. One rebellious boy had been taken out of the room and from the yells and cries the kids still in the room heard a moment later, he'd been punished for his recalcitrance.

The 'class' sat down in the seats that looked very much like their real school desks. 'Mr. Peterdick' strode across the front of the room, pretending to teach something from a book he held in his hand but he quickly gave that up. He stopped right in front of the class and frowned dramatically. He tapped a fingernail on the top of the desk.

"Barbie," he asked Alexandra's friend, Barbara.

"Yes, Mr. Peterdick," Barbara answered. She almost giggled. No one had missed the significance of the man's 'name' and everyone was more than a little amused.

"Are you wearing underwear today, Barbie?" 'Mr. Peterdick' asked in an ominous tone.

"No, Mr. Peterdick," Barbie answered brightly. She was trying so hard not to laugh when she said the name, she almost forgot what else she was supposed to say. "Uh ... ," she said, "well, it was too hot today."

'Mr. Peterdick' strode around the classroom for a few seconds before coming back to stop in front of Alexandra.

"Ally... are YOU wearing panties today?" Ally was Alexandra's 'stage name' but she almost forgot. She jerked her whole body around to face the man when she remembered what she'd been coached to do.

Alexandra hung her head before answering. "No, Mr. Peterdick," she said.

"Nancy?" the 'teacher' asked the last girl. Her name was really Denise. She was a little redhead two grades behind Alexandra.

"No, Mr. Peterdick," she answered. She seemed inordinately pleased she'd remembered the line and hadn't stumbled on the words either.

'Mr. Peterdick' slapped a ruler in his hands for a couple of seconds, scowling and pretending to ponder what he should do. At the rear of the room, the obese man made some strange hand signals to the 'teacher' and 'Mr. Peterdick' abandoned his short-lived acting career.

"I think we'll just have to do something about that," he declared. "You kinder-sluts need to learn what happens to cock-teasers like you." He looked off camera towards the doorway.

"Mr. Jones?" he called. "Mr. Brown? Can you come in here a minute, please?"

Two men dressed in work clothes, much like the garb the Academy's janitors wore, marched into the room. They leered at the three girls, not even attempting to act.

"Stand up, girls," 'Mr. Peterdick' commanded. They did, but they didn't know what to do now. No one had told them what came next.

"Gentlemen, it's time to teach these slutty schoolgirls what a real man feels like inside her," said the fake teacher.

With that, all three grown men made for the girls, each one taking a girl by the arms and roughly turning her roughly around. Alexandra started to complain at the harsh treatment but she and the other girls had been threatened with a belt, and told they'd get whipped hard if they didn't cooperate in the movie. The man at the back of the room held up a clinched fist and glared ferociously.

Abruptly all three girls were shoved face-down on the 'school desk' now in front of her. The guys held their girl down, pushing the girls' bodies down on the desk hard. Their short skirts rose high on the back of their thighs, nearly exposing their naked pussies to the cameras. There was no time to protest. From nowhere, the men produced lengths of rope and fastened one end around the girls' wrists and the other end around a support on the far edge of each school desk. Bent over the desks, the girls could only wriggle around a little, trying to look around them to see what was happening. They started crying.

Alexandra twisted around to get a quick look at 'Mr. Peterdick' behind her. A rising sense of alarm overcame the drugs in her system and she yelled a loud, emphatic, "NOOOOOO...."

It did no good. A second later, the 'teacher' had his hand cupping Alexandra's cunt from behind, surreptitiously spreading something slick over her puffy outer lips and shoving a nasty, probing finger inside her. When his hand withdrew, Alexandra tried to scream. She knew what was coming next.

'Mr. Peterdick' shuffled up closer behind Alexandra and rubbed a hard/soft something over the entrance to her vagina and Alexandra began sobbing. The other two girls were screaming too, their screams blubbering through their tears. Alex felt the head of the man's big cock spread her lips and begin to prod deeper inside.

"NOOOOOOOO!!" she screamed. "LET ME GO!"

No one listened. No one cared.

The 'director' at the back of the room wasn't concerned about the screaming. There were other screams coming from up and down the long hallways of the building. The screams could be edited out later. None of the cameras were on the girls' faces. The only interesting parts were their bodies.

The thing in Alexandra's vagina rammed deeper. She felt pain spreading through her groin. She screamed hoarsely and tried to move her body forward, away from the invading penis, but it did no good. 'Mr. Peterdick' easily held her in place and plunged his prick deeper into the young girl. In seconds he was pounding in and out of her pussy, driving his cock as far inside her as he could and withdrawing as quickly as he'd stroked inward.

The girls were all shrieking now. The room was in chaos.

"BOYS!" the erstwhile teacher yelled. "These girls need to be taught more lessons... come up here and feed them some cock! Do it now!" he demanded.

The boys were all in a group, frozen at the back of the room. Their first thought on seeing the three girls assaulted so roughly had been to try and get out of the room, but the 'director' herded them back inside. Now, one at a time, they shuffled slowly forward, moving toward the girl the director pointed out to them for their personal attention.

"Open up," the man whispered in Alexandra's ear. She couldn't scream anymore. She shook her head violently in refusal. "Open yer goddam mouth, you little bitch," he said, "or it's going to start hurting a LOT more." He reached around and ripped her blouse open and captured her breasts in both hands. He twisted her nipples cruelly and squeezed her young titties hard, making Alex arch her back in agony. "Open ... your ... mouth!" he commanded.

Alexandra did. There was nothing else she could do. She whimpered, and did everything she could to suppress another one when one of the men out of camera view showed her his big fist. He slapped it into the palm of his other hand and grinned ferociously.

She looked up and if she could have, she would have turned scarlet all over again. The boy in front of her was Wilson Martin, and he already had his fly unzipped. She begged the twelve-year-old boy to remember she was a friend, and to not do this terrible thing to her, but her pleas went unanswered. Will shuffled forward, his young dick in his hand. Looking back at the threatening 'director,' he turned back to push the head of his hard-on between Alexandra's soft lips. The man smacked his fist into his palm again.

Humiliated beyond anything she'd ever experienced, Alexandra accepted what she was going to have to do. There was no way she could get out of it, and she began to suck at the immature penis the young boy was thrusting into her mouth. She'd never done it before, but the boy didn't have any complaints about her technique.

If she could have summoned the tears, she would have cried, but she was drained. Her body found a rhythm she could tolerate--the thrusts from behind and Will's diffident probing combined into a single movement she could handle. The pain lessened, and her embarrassment was suppressed. She lay there, bent over the desk and endured every degrading thing happening to her.

"DADDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDY?" she wailed, but not out loud. She was pretty sure she'd be punished for that. She dared not let these people hear. Instinctively, she knew they wouldn't hesitate to hurt her if she wasn't quiet. 'Daddy ... please help me,' she moaned silently.

It was a long time before the men loosened the ropes and let her stand. The four boys had taken a turn with each of the girls, fucking them from behind while the grown men were serviced by the young girls' mouths. The doggy-style rape didn't hurt so much when the boys were inside them. Their cocks weren't as big as the men's and couldn't cause as much pain.

When she was finally released, Alexandra's quivering legs refused to hold her up. She had to sit on the floor for a long while beside the desk where she'd been treated so cruelly. She didn't look around. She didn't want to see the boys' faces especially. She despised them for what they'd done, even more than the men.

Eventually, the three girls were led back to the beds where they'd awakened. Stripped of the remnants of the 'school uniforms' they'd worn, they were told to shower and clean themselves up. Given more punch and sandwiches ... and salve for their burning pussies ... they began to revive.

Barbara and Alexandra even began to feel a little better as the memories became less immediate. The punch tasted good, and under the watchful eyes of the man who'd played 'Mr. Peterdick,' they drank every drop. When the old woman brought them some cream for their hurt pussies, they were grateful.

* * *

The grim-faced man sat at a huge console and took it all in. Every one of the twelve digital cameras was wired in by cable to a corresponding recording machine in this room. He listened to the pain in the voices of the children, and the kidnapped adults too, but his cold eyes showed a supreme indifference. He had a job to do and it would be done.

He turned his head toward the police scanner on the credenza beside him and grinned at the intercepted radio calls he was hearing. So far, no one was looking anywhere near the right place.

He chuckled. "They don't have a clue!" he murmured to himself.

He turned back and brought the feed from the camera in the 'classroom' up on the main screen. Those three girls were giving a prime, grade A performance, he thought. With the recorded sounds of passion from street whores back in LA, those screams of pain actually coming from the girls' mouths would be magically changed to squeals of delight and pleasure.

Hollywood had been altering reality for generations. This was really too simple for words.

* * *

Time had no meaning for Alexandra anymore. Life was a series of separate events that began when they began and ended when the masters holding the school field trip group wanted them to end. Her wits dulled by the drugs, she perceived her existence as a hodgepodge of disconnected incidents, some of which affected her directly, some did not.

They were snapshots, unrelated to each other, and captured by her mind as best it could, filtered through the pain and degradation of her ordeal.


Alexandra and Jenny Houseman, someone Alexandra knew vaguely as a girl one year ahead of her at the Academy, were dressed only in high heels and thigh high stockings. Their hair was fixed up in ponytails that fell between their shoulder blades. They were on their knees, sitting back on their haunches as they serviced a half-dozen boys they knew well. The boys, all naked and sporting hard-ons, queued up in front of the girls and when their turn came, they pushed their young cocks into the girls' faces. Alex and Jenny serviced them all, letting the boys cum splash on their faces and young breasts. When they finished, their faces and upper bodies were shiny with jism the boys left behind.

Alexandra and Jenny showered together, helping each other to scrape off the viscous cum and trying to console each other. They drank more punch, cherry flavored now, and rested.


Alexandra was escorted past one of the 'sound stages' as the people in charge called them and saw Miss Patterson, her Social Studies teacher, lying on her back.The man guiding Alexandra allowed her to stop and watch.

One of the grown up men who held everyone captive was under her with his cock stretching her asshole, fucking slowly in and out of the young woman's butt. A boy, Timothy, Alexandra thought his name was, was sprawled atop the woman and humping his smaller prick in and out of Miss Patterson's cunt. Every bit of his body was in frantic motion as he fucked his teacher as fast and as hard as he could go. His face was all concentration, his mouth all twisted up in a rictus of passion and urgent lust.

When he came, his back arched back at an almost impossible angle. He shuddered his way through a long orgasm and then fell away. Another boy took his place and began stroking his four-inch dick into the pretty teacher. Another boy was motioned to move up on Miss Patterson's body. She took him between her lips. She couldn't bob her head very well but the boy didn't care. He began to shove his hips forward, driving his cock as deep into her mouth as he could. He began to moan with ecstasy.


Alexandra was lying on her back on a bed with stuffed toy animals and dolls scattered all around. She was naked, and the 'director' made her spread her legs as wide as she get them. A man came in the door, equally naked and climbed on the bed. They made her call the man, 'Uncle Dick,' and forced her to ask the man to fuck her and make her happy. When he finished inside her cunt, a man she had to call 'Uncle Harry' joined in. The new man hastily swabbed something slick and cool on her anus before slowly penetrating her ass-hole with slow, controlled strokes. 'Uncle Tom' waited only a moment before sliding his prick into her waiting mouth.

Alex groaned, almost overwhelmed. But she didn't scream. Colette Richardson had screamed and threshed about this morning when she tried to avoid being taken anally. Her butt cheeks had remained a brilliant crimson for hours after the spanking she got.

Off to the side, the 'director' exhorted the men to get on with 'it' until they finally got off. Then the 'director' cautioned everyone not to cum inside Alexandra. The money shots were to be streams of white cream across her naked body.

Alexandra settled her body in a slightly more comfortable position, canting her ass up higher so the man could push a little deeper, a little more strongly into her hole. She pushed back at the man's groin, whimpering some as some strange, but good, feelings began to overwhelm the subsiding pain. When 'Uncle Tom' pushed his cock into her mouth, she began to suck on it more strongly than she had before.

'Uncle Tom' fucked her face, shoving his cock deep in her throat and waiting for just the right moment to yank his cock out and pump his cum onto her pretty face. The money shot was a masterpiece.


Alexandra sat watching one of the Academy's science teachers as he performed for their captors. John McMasters lay on his back on a huge, round bed. Seven little girls, the youngest of those on the bus, were wriggling and squirming all around and on top of him in a tangled puppy pile.

One rode his cock, his penis obscenely stretching her tiny hole as she ground her groin against his. Another girl, a tiny redhead, worked her pussy against his mouth, begging him to get her off and squealing with the pleasure he was giving her. Two small girls, one blonde, one brunette were writhing as his fingers drove deep inside their immature bodies.

John's cock was hard as a length of steel rebar. The thin dildo another girl was industriously up his ass was stroking his prostate gland with each stroke and he came hard, spasms jerking his entire body. He screamed into the one young girl's cunt as the hot cum boiled out of his cock and splashed onto another little girl's immature pussy lips.


Alexandra rode the big man's cock like a cowgirl riding her bronco. At first, she'd moved up and down, rising from a full squat and then settling back down on his hard prick, impaling herself on the downstroke. But now, her upper body was pressed against his hairy chest and she was pumping her lower body up and down in a fast tempo.

It didn't hurt much anymore, especially with the slick stuff they put on her pussy lips--so long as they didn't rush things--even when one of the bigger men was inside her. She slung her ass down hard to meet every one of the man's upward thrusts. When he came inside her, she felt the splash of his cum and she shuddered her way through a matching cum.

She showered and drank some cola she was offered instead of punch. It was okay. She was tired of the same old punch anyway. One of the other men came in and looked at her pussy and her ass, giving her more ointment that cooled and soothed the very slight tenderness she felt down there. She fell asleep on the bare mattress, a finger tucked securely inside her pussy.


Alex wandered down the hallway after her latest video taping session, just to see what there was to see. In one of the bigger rooms, all the bed and furniture had been removed and all the walls were draped with a satiny, dark red fabric. Inside, one of the chaperones from the bus was performing for the video cameras.

Sister Elizabeth wasn't one of the Academy's full-time teachers; in fact she did more volunteer counseling than teaching. She was a nun from the order that worked with troubled children at the church orphanage just outside of town. The order she belonged to was barely tolerated by the Vatican because the order advocated a less-strict, more tolerant creed. The sisterhood she belonged to even allowed makeup and fashionable, but modest clothing.

Sister Elizabeth's and the other sisters of her order didn't wear the traditional habit and wimple in their daily routine, but she was wearing them now--at least, she was wearing a wimple. Her black habit was laying off to the side, having already been ripped off her body. Alexandra blinked.

Naked below the wimple, it was clear Sister Elizabeth had been hiding a very sensuous, voluptuous body from the world. Full breasts swayed and bounced; her erect, coral-tinted nipples described tight little patterns in the air. Her slim waist swelled smoothly out to full hips that were writhing and gyrating to a driving techno beat coming from the boom box in the corner. Her legs were twin columns of perfection meeting in a sharp 'V' that was fully exposed to the camera between her legs.

A thick wooden post had been set up in the room and the guys pulled the nun over to it and tied Sister Elizabeth's wrists to a metal ring well above her head. Defenseless, the young nun was enduring all the pokes and probing the little boys were fostering upon her, even as her feet still danced to the hard driving music. The crazed look in her eyes said she didn't know how to stop.

As things went on, the boys concentrated on inserting their fingers into her pussy and asshole, as well as stroking her all over. The woman's nipples were teased and pinched, stroked and caressed--her whole body torturously stimulated until she could barely stand.

One of the gang members, naked except for a tight leather hood covering his head, stepped up and released the nun's hands from the straps that held her secure to the post. Instead of freeing her though, the gangster led Sister Elizabeth over to what looked like medieval stocks and locked her in them.

Pressed down on her knees, with her head and hands locked in the wooden stocks, the young nun's pussy and ass were fucked repeatedly by the man and boys who all took a turn. Those who weren't taking her from behind, thrust their pricks into her mouth and fucked her mouth excitedly. Sister Elizabeth's head whipped from side to side enthusiastically as cock after cock slammed into her.


Alexandra had on a pair of panties--sort of--for the first time in a long time, but they weren't like anything she'd ever worn before. For one thing, the 'panties' primary reason for existence was as a mount for a five-inch dildo that bobbed obscenely in front of the twelve-year-old girl, bouncing lewdly every time she moved. The panties also had an insert that pointed in the opposite direction, into Alex's own pussy. This dildo was only a few inches in length and not terribly thick, but it provided her with the sensation of being fucked herself... while she fucked another girl.

Alex was thrusting the rubbery plastic dildo deep into her own sister's cunt from behind. Kayleigh was grunting hard every time Alex shoved the instrument through her puffy outer lips and into the eleven-year-old's vagina. Both girls were red in the face, thrusting their groins at each other and working hard to find release through their next orgasm for today.

"Faster, Lexie," Kay whimpered. "Do it faster!"

"Shaddup!" the 'director' hissed. "Suck that damned cock, you fuckin' cunt," he whispered to Kay. She complied, taking the Hispanic man's cock back into her mouth and sucking more strongly than ever, making her cheeks hollow out with the effort. She'd learned over the past two days to follow instructions instantly, or suffer the consequences. A vague notion lanced through her mind and then skittered away; she wouldn't even have minded fellating the guy if she'd met him down in the valley in the mall or something ... if he just hadn't been so danged rough about it.


Alexandra watched as Mrs. Pierce, her Algebra teacher, and Alyssa Carver, a girl Alexandra only knew vaguely, serviced one of the men who had abused one girl after another over the past couple of days. Alyssa had one of the beast's balls in her mouth and was soaking his sack with her spit. Mrs. Pierce had his cock in her mouth and was deep-throating him, gagging and sputtering noisily as he shoved his thing in as deep as he could.

In a few minutes the man came a huge gusher of whitish cream he aimed all over the teacher's effort-flushed face. Alyssa fell off to the side and lay there, waiting for the next command from the 'director' who was already striding forward in front of the camera to arrange a new scene for the camera.


Alexandra and her sister had a boy from the school sandwiched between them as they lay on their sides on the big, king-sized mattress on the floor. Alex held the boy's four-inch cock captive in her cunt and she was pumping her hips forward and back enthusiastically, grinding her groin into the boy, and he was doing the same thing right back. Danny Herrera was only ten, and three years behind Alex in school. The girls knew him as one of their brother's friends, but they'd never imagined having sex with the young boy.

Danny had always imagined fucking them though. Ever since he'd met the two pretty sisters through their brother, he'd fantasized about getting them naked and doing naughty things to them. And now he was getting that opportunity, though things weren't exactly the way he'd thought they'd be.

That was primarily because Kayleigh McBride was behind him and, as he fucked into Alex's pussy, Kayleigh was fucking him in his ass with a slender forefinger. It felt fine to the young boy though. Kayleigh had learned over the past couple of days to find a boy's, or man's, prostate gland and massage it to help make the male cum that much harder.

It worked. After a few minutes, Danny's face got red and his breathing grew ragged. He pulled his hips back, as he'd been taught, and directed his cum over Alex's belly as she shuddered her way through an orgasm of her own.

When the two pre-teens were finished, Kayleigh lay on her back and the other two combined their efforts at licking her pussy.

Another little boy clambered up on the bed and sucked on Kay's small boobies, then kissed her soft, pink lips. Kayleigh humped around on the bed and came on Danny's and Alexandra's tongues a few minutes later. Danny swallowed the honey she spurted, lifting his shiny-wet face when she was done and looking up to grin broadly at her. The four children lay there a while, getting their breath and absentmindedly fondling each other.


Eleven-year-old Brooke Wagner and twelve-year-old Alexandra McBride were next-door neighbors, good friends. But they'd never thought they'd be doing this to each other before today. They were frantically sixty-nining each other while the 'director' managed the scene from a few feet away.

"Lick that pussy," he whispered, just loud enough for the two young girls to hear. "Lick it ... lap your tongue up and down all the way," he added. "Okay ... okay ... now stab your tongue inside Brookie's little cunt," he told Alex. "Do it!"

The girls responded, licking, sucking and mashing their faces into each others soaking cunt. Each speared the tips of their tongues as far as they would go inside the other girl's pussy. Both involuntarily humped her groin into the other's mouth; each was urgently trying to cum once again.

"Okay," the 'director' whispered. "Now get in there, big guy." He motioned for Collin Simmons to come forward. The fourteen-year-old boy shuffled forward, then dropped on his knees behind Brooke, who was on top. Inching forward, he fisted his cock and introduced the head between Brooke's puffy pussy lips. He thrust forward strongly, deep into the younger girl's cunt. In a moment the two were fucking in a now familiar doggy-style position.

Brooke moaned aloud, right into Alex's dripping pussy. Alexandra whimpered. The vibrations of her friend's vocal chords gave her a new, and most enjoyable, sensation to deal with.

Collin settled into a steady fucking rhythm. Brooke thrust her ass back at Collin when she got the rhythm down pat.

"Slow down," the 'director' hissed. "Okay ... Alex, baby, lick Brookie's clitty ... no ... you lick right where Collie's dickie goes inside her pussy lips, okay ... yeah ... yeah, that's it." The 'director' was growing a little hoarse and his breath was coming faster. "Okay ... now, boy, stay still for a minute ... Alex, you get up there and lick that ... that ... that little space between his dick and his asshole. Yeah ... there."

Alexandra craned her neck back and up to find the place the 'director' wanted her to lick. It wasn't easy; she dearly wanted to keep the contact between Brooke's tongue and her pussy.In a few seconds the trio had made adjustments to their positions to accommodate each other, and the instructions from the 'director' watching them closely.

"Okay... okay," the man said softly, slowly masturbating himself as he 'directed' the sex scene. "Now, Collie, back up a little, bitty bit ... uh huh ... and Brookie, you move your body a little forward ... that's it. Now, Collie, you pull out of Brookie and put your cock in Alex Baby's little mouth... mmmm ... that's great, kids. Just keep that up for a minute ... fine ... really good." The three youngsters licked did as they were told for a few minutes as cameras were positioned and repositioned around them to catch all of the vulgar kiddy action.

Off camera, the 'director' motioned with his off hand. Kelly Harmon moved in and began sucking the 'director's cock. Her seven-year-old body was barely tall enough for her to take him in her mouth as she knelt in front of him but she was doing great for one so young. In seconds, the 'director' came in her mouth, making the little girl sputter for a moment before she recovered. When he was finished, she licked his penis clean and dry of her spit and his cum before putting him back in his pants.

A few minutes later, Collin shoved his dick as far up Brooke's cunt as he could manage and slapped her round ass, then grabbed the points of her hips in his hands. He held on for dear life and he fucked Brooke hard and fast.

When he came, the effort he expended was plain to see and the 'director' had one camera stay on his face. The others documented the girls' orgasms as they bucked and squirmed against each other and the boy. When Collin's softening penis dropped from between Brooke's pussy lips, a camera was there and focused on the little stream of young-girl juices and pearly white boy-cum that dribbled out.

Chapter Three

"Where the hell are they?" Deputy Sheriff McBride. "Three days!" McBride continued. "Three ... damned ... days, and not a single, solitary soul has seen a...."

His closed fist almost slammed down on his desktop, but he denied himself the pleasure of venting his rage through pain and noise. His fist hovered an inch above the hard wood. His hand opened and he placed it gently on the blotter. No one even tried to answer his question.

"We're looking for a damned bus the size of a friggin' battleship and we can't find a trace of it," McBride continued in a quieter voice. "We aren't even getting reports that someone thinks they might have had a dream about seeing it pass!"

Frustrated, the big deputy sheriff leapt from his seat and started pacing. The room full of peace officers from all over the state made way for him. All of the officers, including Chief Deputy McBride and his subordinates, were dressed in one form of camouflaged utilities or another.

More than three hundred other officers were out in the field, driving and re-driving every road within a hundred-mile radius of the point where the bus had last been seen. Hundreds of cars had been stopped at checkpoints over the past seventy-two hours, their drivers questioned, and then sent on their way. None of them had seen the bus they were searching for.

McBride started for the door. He couldn't stay in the county's emergency command center a minute longer. Inclined to direct, immediate action by nature and training, the waiting was getting to him. Tugging his white Stetson into place over his eyes, he looked over the room and found who he was looking for.

"Nick, you up for a little radio operator duty?" His best friend and next-door neighbor was Nick Wagner. Nick wasn't only a friend, he was the most senior of the county's reserve deputies, those officers called out for spot duty during emergencies or when full-time deputies were better utilized elsewhere.

"You got it, LT.," Wagner responded immediately. A corner of McBride's mouth twitched in reply. It wasn't a grin--just an acknowledgement, thanking Wagner for his loyalty and readiness. 'LT' was a reference to McBride having been a Lieutenant serving as a platoon leader in combat in Afghanistan. Wagner had been McBride's platoon sergeant and the two had a profound respect for the other. In some ways, they'd become closer than brothers.

When McBride resigned his commission in the Corps, he'd come home to Salt Fork in response to an advertised opening in the Sheriff's department. Two years later, with a number of retirements, a lot of aptitude and hard work, McBride rose to the rank of Chief Deputy.

Wagner declined to reenlist in the Marines about the same time, and moved here to reunite with his old boss in this remote county on the high plains. They had a lot in common--experience, training, and temperament among them. Nick Wagner also had a daughter on the missing bus.

McBride nodded at his friend and subordinate and walked quickly to the door. "Ronnie?" he called to the emergency dispatcher, "I'll be 10-8 on Tac One, okay?" The middle-aged woman in county uniform waved a hand from the radio room. "And Deputy Wagner will be with me," he added. The dispatcher nodded again and made shooing motions.

* * *

They drove almost aimlessly for hours, refueling twice from the county maintenance garage on the edge of town. Twilight found them climbing high on Jackson's Ridge south of town. The crest rose high on their right--a steep drop-off was too close for comfort on the driver's side. They couldn't go much farther, even in the tough four-wheel drive SUV the county bought for Deputy McBride's use a year ago.

McBride stopped the vehicle in the middle of the narrow dirt path ... that's all it was now, and even that petered out a few yards in front of them. Snow, still on the ground at this altitude, even in May, stretched ahead of them--right up to a dense stand of tall pines just ahead. Deep snow banks lay undisturbed all around. Clearly, no one had been up here since the last snow, and that had been many weeks ago.

Keith and Nick got out of the big SUV, walked to the edge of the escarpment and took the opportunity to relieve themselves down the mountainside. Kidneys took a beating driving around on these roads and they seriously needed the break.

"We're awfully high up," Nick ventured noncommittally. He hadn't said a thing about where his friend, and boss, had taken them since leaving the command center, but he wondered why they were so deep in the mountains.

"Yeah," Keith replied, a little uncomfortably. He wasn't all that sure why they were up here either. Big buses had difficulty navigating well-paved city streets and there was no way one could have made it through some of the hairpin turns, deep ruts, and narrow, unimproved roads they'd been negotiating the last few miles. Keith motioned out over the lower slopes of the mountain and the flat prairie land beyond that lay below them and swept his arm around in a big arc.

"I remember this place from hunting up here long time ago," Keith said slowly, "...I thought we might be able to see some lights, or a campfire, or something," he continued, his voice trailing off at the end. The two surveyed the expanse of dark forest below and all around.

Except for the glow of far-off lights down on the prairie--they knew this was from the town of Salt Fork out that way--there was nothing to catch the eye. Keith bit his lip and turned his back on the drop-off, walking slowly back to the SUV.

"I guess we might as well get on back down the hill," Keith remarked, discouragement clear in his voice, no matter how hard he tried to suppress it.

Turning the SUV around took some doing in the confined space, but they were on their way down a few moments later. They weren't traveling fast, but they were able to accelerate when they finally got to the poorly maintained pavement the county had built three decades earlier. The snow had melted away from the blacktop and the going was easier. The turns weren't so sharp and the slopes not as steep.

The dirt road they'd been on before had been intended as an extension of the pavement that was never been completed. It led nowhere and served no purpose--

Keith slammed both booted feet on the brake pedal and the big SUV skidded to an abrupt stop.

"What the hell, LT?" Wagner demanded, coughing hard. The swig of coffee he'd been in the process of downing was now staining the outside of his county-issued jacket. His eyes were outside the vehicle, searching for the cause of the emergency stop while he reached into the back seat to grab his issue AR-15. The AR-15 was essentially the same rifle both men had carried in Afghanistan, except the M-4 they'd used in combat had a fully automatic setting and the AR-15 didn't.

"Something...," Chief Deputy McBride whispered. "Gimme a minute. I...."

Wagner was silent. The last time First Lieutenant McBride had whispered done something like that, the platoon-sized patrol was about to enter a trap set by Taliban insurgents. Back then, Keith led the platoon around the trap and found a way to come up on the terrorists from behind. They'd killed fifteen and captured another twenty before the survivors were able to run fast enough and far enough to get away.

Wagner released the catch on the rifle stand and lifted his AR-15 over the back seat. He set the butt on the floorboard between his legs. He pulled McBride's AR-15 into the front seat too, while his boss sat thinking, and then hauled bandoliers of ammo from the back floorboard for each weapon. He and his Lieutenant always carried as much ammunition as they could hump on every mission they'd gone on back in Afghanistan. It was a good habit to get into when there were bad guys about.

McBride turned off the headlights, waited for their eyes to adjust, and then released the brake.The SUV crept forward slowly. With the engine barely ticking over, the vehicle drifted downhill ... powered only by gravity and steered by a driver who didn't know himself what he was looking for.

Half a mile down the road, he eased to another stop. He found himself gazing to his left into the darkness outside the SUV's big window. There was a low saddle-back off that way, a gap between two high mountains. There'd been a road once, that wandered off in that direction ... back when he was a kid hunting for elk in these mountains. A mass of undergrowth choked the gap where that road had been.

The SUV was pointed down the slope, pretty much in the middle of the narrow road. McBride put the transmission in first gear, shut off the engine, and let out the clutch to lock the vehicle in place. He pulled the emergency brake, but the two men stayed in their seats.

The only sound in the darkness was the popping of the hot engine block, cooling in the cold night air. The two ex-Marines sat quietly, letting their eyes adjust to the dark.

Wagner used the butt of his rifle to casually smash the overhead light. He knew LT didn't want any sudden illumination alerting anyone out there.

Keith opened his door a second later and Wagner did the same. Both men eased their doors shut to avoid unnecessary noises.

The former Marine lieutenant walked slowly to the screen of low trees, brush and tree stumps, trying to remember....

He looked back, beyond the SUV. The road widened out there. Directly opposite this spot, there had been the beginnings of a scenic overlook that was never finished. It was where it should be; he could see it right over there. The widened flatness the dozer had carved out of the shoulder of this corner of the ridgeline was just as he remembered it. With mounting excitement, McBride turned back to the brush in front of him. There should be a road here, not trees! Even with all the years....

"Dammit to hell!" he breathed softly, not daring to vent his frustration with a roar. He slapped at a sapling, but it fell away before he could put his weight behind a push. He pulled on the one next to it and it snapped off at ground level. Throwing it off to his right, McBride stepped up to a tree stump. It was big, four feet and more in diameter ... it should weigh a ton, and it should have been anchored by dead roots deep in the ground.

When the Chief Deputy kicked it, the entire side caved in. "Goddammit!" he breathed. He bent low, shining his flash on the gaping hole. The tree stump was a plaster casting cleverly imitating the real thing. The underbrush, stumps, and young growth of trees were all a screen that hid a paved road his memories had reminded him was there, a road that led....

Turning to face toward where he knew the town of Salt Fork lay, McBride mulled over his options for an instant, made his decision, and set it into motion. The Corps does not view with favor those officers who can't make decisions and--once a Marine, always a Marine.

"Backup?" Nick Wagner asked quietly, handing McBride his AR-15 and a bandolier of ammunition.

Platoon Sergeant, now Deputy, Wagner slung another bandolier over his shoulder. Each man removed the magazine already in the receiver and examined both the magazine and the receiver itself. Reseating the magazine, each man pulled back the charging handle and let it lock, and loaded the weapon by slapping the release to send a round into the chamber. Force of habit made them tap the forward assist to ensure the bolt was securely in place. Both men selected 'Fire' rather than leave the weapon on safe.

"No," McBride replied softly. "Take too long to get up here ... and it's been three days, and I ain't wastin' any more time...."

His voice trailed off into silence. Newspaper reporters sent into the remote town to follow the story had made certain the whole nation knew kidnapped children seldom survived if not located within twenty-four hours after their kidnapping. Many police agencies set the time limit at twelve hours, or even three. The two ex-Marines weren't waiting a minute longer.

McBride pressed through the screen of undergrowth, walked a few yards down the hard surface. He cursed softly, pointing to a set of widely spaced tire tracks in a some soft dirt. Wagner nodded.

Someone had brushed away the tracks on the side of the screen next to the road, but they hadn't thought it necessary here, behind the fake brush. McBride took the point, ghosting over to the left of the hard surface and walking quickly, silently up the road. Wagner moved to his right, across the roadway and a little behind the chief deputy. He matched the ex-platoon leader's pace.

* * *

They hadn't needed to drug the kidnapped children or adults since mid-way through yesterday's video taping schedule. All the kids were all well-trained 'actors' and 'actresses' now and there was only an occasional complaint, quickly quelled and easily smoothed over. They didn't know they'd been drugged at first, they didn't know they WEREN'T drugged any longer, but they did know they'd already done so many 'bad' things, one more ... or several more ... didn't matter.

The man with the cold eyes was enormously satisfied with what had been accomplished over the past seventy-two hours. They had hours and hours of video-taped action his principals could sell on the highly-lucrative hard-core kiddy porn. It was high time for him to consider extraction from this isolated place. He had to update all the plans, check intelligence with his principal, and make everything ready for the departure.

Frankly, the men and women under his control were growing restive, and he himself was feeling an urge to end this operation and move ... fast! A good leader knew instinctively when to cut and run to escape inbound hostiles, and this man always paid attention to his hunches.

He pondered for a moment. They could finish up the projects scheduled for tomorrow morning and then pack everything up. They'd be over the mountains by evening. It'd be easier to make their way over the fist sections of undeveloped road over the passes in the daylight ... and there'd still be no chance of detection.

The decision was abruptly made. That's what they'd do. He stood up for the first time in hours and did some light calisthenics and stretches to loosen up. Lots of work left to do, and he was suddenly impatient.

* * *

A scant mile up the hidden road from their SUV, Deputies McBride and Wagner found what McBride's sub-conscious had reminded him was there. The resort hotel had never actually been finished and never serviced a single customer. Thirty years ago, the builders had gone bankrupt and the resort closed before it opened.

The two ex-Marines moved into the brush at the left side of the crumbling asphalt and knelt to survey the huge building from the last bit of cover. In front of them was a vast parking lot and the unfinished three-story resort hotel beyond. The night air at this altitude was frigid and a light wind was blowing, making the cold that much more intense. They watched for a while, straining to find a hint of movement, but there was none.

They could hear the sound of a motor running, a big portable generator. It was obviously being used to supply electricity to some occupied sections of the defunct resort. They could see some tiny sources of light, probably leaking through boarded up windows--nothing that would have been visible even a hundred yards down the thickly forested side of the mountain though. The big inter-state bus they'd been seeking for three days and long nights was parked right in front.

"Back doors?" Wagner murmured in Keith's ear.

Chief Deputy McBride shrugged. "Dunno," he answered softly. "Probably... but I wouldn't have any idea where they are."

The two men watched for a time longer, ruthlessly suppressing their anxiety and impatience.

"Fuck it!" Keith said finally. "Chesty Puller time! Right down the middle, Platoon Sergeant," he whispered. "You game?"

"Good to go, LT!" Wagner replied instantly.

They spent a few seconds moving magazines from bandoliers into the spacious pockets of their coat's and pants' pockets for quicker access. They checked their pistols. The nine-millimeter semi-automatics were loosened in their holsters and the snaps on the cases containing spare magazines for the pistols were pulled open, their contents checked, and then secured again.

Rising, the two men eased forward, separating reflexively so one burst of automatic fire wouldn't get both of them. They didn't know if the bad guys had automatic weapons, but there was no advantage in assuming they did not. Moving around the huge bus on opposite sides, they moved quietly up to the entrance at the top of a moderately high set of concrete steps. They sought the shadows on either side of a bank of six broad doors leading inside, kneeling again to take stock. There were sounds coming from inside--faint music predominated, but they could hear muffled voices too.

When McBride signaled, both men stood and tried widely-separated doors to see if they'd open. They did.

The men slipped inside, moving off to the side of the doors with some quick steps. The muzzles of their AR-15's swung from side to side as the men searched for a target.

The huge lobby was poorly lit. There was some diffused light reflected into the reception area from down a long hallway to the left. Other than that, only an old Coleman lantern on the sign-in desk provided any illumination. It was hissing, sputtering every so often, and about to go out. The two ex-Marines drifted silently down opposite sides of the corridor to their left. They could hear some voices down that way.

They came to a stairwell leading down into the guts of the building. The voices were louder now, but they came both from down the stairs and from farther up the hallway. The men held their position, listening for a moment.

"You stay here for a minute," Keith murmured into his friend's ear. Sound travels far when halls and corridors were empty echo chambers. "I'm going to scout down the hall and see what I can see ... only a couple a' minutes," The Chief Deputy told Nick.

Wagner nodded, finding an open janitor's closet across from the stairwell where he could observe, but not immediately be discovered. Chief Deputy McBride moved, softly as a phantom, down the hall. The butt of the AR-15 was tucked into his shoulder. His finger was on the trigger, ready to squeeze off a quick round.

Seconds into his exploration, he came to a doorway into a large meeting room. There were mattresses set up on the floor in there ... some very, very dim lights ... and he could see the vague forms of people moving around.

Short!! They were all short. They weren't adults!! These were the children he was looking for. McBride slipped inside and sidestepped quickly to the right to keep from being silhouetted against the light coming from the open door.

When he did, he came face to face with Adam Rogers, a thirteen-year-old neighborhood boy McBride knew fairly well. Adam was at least as startled as the deputy. He screeched involuntarily, and tried to scramble backward. Keith grabbed him, dropped the AR-15 to dangle across the front of his body on its sling, and slapped a quick hand over the boy's mouth.

"Shhhhhh," he cautioned the boy. The boy quickly recognized the big man in the uniform. He only lived a few doors down from the McBrides and knew the whole family.

With recognition shining in the boy's eyes, Keith released him and caught up the rifle again. He sank onto his haunches against the wall, and urged the boy down too. Keith looked around, searching for bad guys and then for his daughters, but he saw no sign of either.

"Where is everybody?" he asked Adam in a soft voice. "Is everyone okay?"

"I dunno," Adam whispered back. "I mean, I don't know where everyone is 'xactly," he explained more precisely, "but I think everyone is sorta okay."

McBride was both relieved and irritated. He needed specific intelligence and the boy didn't appear to have it. When Adam inched backward along the wall away from Keith, his frustration grew. It was then he noticed Adam was stark naked.

For himself, Adam was embarrassed, ashamed for the first time in three days that he had nothing to cover his body. He ducked his head and shielded his dangling penis with both hands. Then he looked up.

"Your daughters are okay," he whispered, glad to have something to say of interest to the big man he could barely see. "I seen them this morning ... upstairs," he said. He stopped abruptly. Adam did NOT want to tell the big man what he'd seen them doing.

"Thanks, Adam," the Chief Deputy told the boy. "Thanks."

"All of us kids and the teachers and them ... an' the bus driver guy ... are in these rooms ... I mean in rooms down this hall. The hall kind of goes around the whole building," Adam explained.

"Where are the bad guys?" McBride whispered, with a little urgency in his voice. Time was getting short and he needed to get back to Wagner.

"They haven't bothered us much since before suppertime," Adam said. "We heard them down in the kitchen, yellin' at each other," he explained.

"Okay," McBride whispered. "That's what I need to know." He looked at the boy for a long moment. "Son," he whispered, "you done good, okay? Just hang in there for a little while longer and this'll all be over, okay?"

Adam nodded. His eyes dampened with a trace of tears. He'd been working with the deputy like a trooper, but he was still very young.

"I'm going to go back to pick up Deputy Wagner," McBride whispered, "and we're going down to take care of the bad guys, okay? You stay in here and start rounding up everyone you can find ... but tell them to stay put in this room, okay? Wake 'em up and tell 'em to be quiet, okay? We'll be back in a few minutes and then we're all getting out a' here, okay?"

Adam nodded his understanding. "Oh!" he said before McBride could move away. "Mister Wagner's daughter ... Brooke ... she's okay too," he whispered.

"Thanks, son," McBride whispered. Standing up, he stepped back out the door and made his way down the hall, not bothering to be as stealthy as he had before. He moved quickly now.

* * *

"Bad guys are downstairs in the basement ... in the kitchen area," he told Deputy Wagner quietly. When he told Nick his daughter was okay, Nick's eyes dampened. On the other hand, the urge to commit violence built higher.

There was a slight increase in the noise level coming up the hallway. Some of the kids, being kids, couldn't help but squeal gleefully at the news of their rescue and a buzz of happy conversation was rising quickly back there. There was no time to waste.

Keith and Nick began working their way down the stairs, not trying very hard to keep quiet. The shouted conversations down there was more than enough to cover the sound of the two ex-Marines' footsteps.

* * *

Tired of the wrangling and shouting, the grim-faced man stepped out of the kitchen and walked down the hallway leading to an outside door at the rear of the building. He was going to make a quick satellite call and let his boss know he'd decided to abort the operation tonight, rather than tomorrow afternoon. After three days here, things were threatening to go sideways--fast. He couldn't hold things together for the length of time planned on.

It started in the late afternoon. Paranoia was endemic with drug users, whether they were temporarily clean or not, and it had taken only the grim man's notice that they'd be leaving soon to spark a near riot. Some of these damned fools actually wanted to slit the kids' throats before they left, for God's sake!! Some were in favor of locking all the doors and setting fire to the place before the gang slipped away.

The idiots! No law enforcement officer in the nation, from Federal agencies all the way down to locals in one-horse villages, would ever stop hunting if the kids died that way.

Abruptly, the loud shouts behind him stopped. There was a sudden stillness--and that was not a good thing. Something ... or someone ... had silenced the voices.

The man stopped dead in his tracks; then slinked into a shadowy space where he squatted low and listened. He was a long way from the vast kitchen area where the team had set up shop, but sound traveled well down the hallways. What he heard tightened his sphincter.

Somehow, without the warning he'd expected from his principal, they'd been discovered. He had no idea how many angry men with guns were out there, but one was too many. The only firearm the gang had was the one strapped to his own waist, and using it would seal his fate.

After a long moment, he slipped on down the hall. He quietly opened the outside door and closed it just as silently when he passed through. He circled around to the front of the old hotel and found himself a place just inside the tree line from where he could see everything and not be seen.

* * *

Keith and Nick entered and moved quickly away from each other to a position on either side of the doorway. Their rifles were at their shoulders, pointed at the table of rough-looking men and women right in front of them. They threw quick glances all around but there were no other individuals in the big room.

Cruel faces blanked with the suddenness of thrown switches. The group watched the two ex-Marines, and were grimly watched in return.

The two lawmen didn't say a thing for a long moment as Marine Corps backgrounds and combat instincts warred with their training as peace officers. If any of the bad guys, or women, had moved a muscle, it would have tipped the scales. None would have survived.

"If you want to live," Keith said quietly, "you'll do what you're told, when you're told, and how you're told to do it." He didn't ask if they understood. He didn't care. A deep rage he'd held in check for days was slowly overwhelming him and he wasn't sure he wanted to keep resisting its urges.

The Chief Deputy looked around, finding the old walk-in freezer off to one side. He walked slowly over and did a fast peek inside over the iron sights of his rifle.

The space was empty, just a metal shell of what would have been a big cold storage area had the resort ever gone into operation. A four-inch hole in the ceiling showed where electric cables would have come in, but they had never been installed.

"Strip down to your skivvies, right now!" he told the group. "DO IT NOW!!"

They weren't happy about it, but they didn't protest.

It was the quickest way to make sure none of them had a hideout gun--not that McBride bothered to explain. He backed away from the freezer.

"Get in there," Keith told them in a harsh voice, motioning with the rifle. He was almost hoping one of them would refuse or do something else equally stupid, but they were docile. With resigned faces, they trooped inside the unused refrigerator space and found places along the rough wood walls to sit. Nick slammed the door shut with a vicious shove.

The two deputies spent a few minutes checking around to make sure the little room was secure and that the trapped men and women couldn't get out. They slipped a slender steel rod from a pile of unused building material through the holes in the handle where a padlock would have been inserted, and then bent it into a necktie. There was no way the people inside could force their way out. Then the two Marines went looking for their loved ones.

It took Keith a while to find his daughters. They were in the ruins of a room far down the hallway, nearly half the way around the building. He found them still sleeping, naked and laying arm in arm next to each other.

"Daddy!" Alexandra said when she woke to find her father hovering over her and her sister. She rolled over on her back and held out her arms to him. She smiled happily, drew her feet up close to her ass-cheeks and let her legs flop open as wide as she could get them to expose her sex to her father.

"I love you, Daddy," she whispered as one of her hands stroked her naked body, fondling her clitty and spread her outer labia in a clear invitation.

"Wanta fuck?" she asked hopefully, shifting her body to the side so her Daddy could join her on the bed.

* * *

With all the kids and adult chaperones located, Keith and Nick bundled them up in what remnants of their clothing they could find, cheap sheets and blankets they found in the children's rooms ... or whatever else they were able to locate quickly. The bus' engine started easily the first time, and the heater worked wonderfully, so the only time the children got chilled was walking from the big entranceway into the old hotel to the door on the bus. No one complained.

Keith got on the radio when they got down to the SUV, only to find the net full of static-filled chatter. He and Nick had been off the air for a long time and no one down there knew why. When there was a break in the radio traffic and he could make himself heard, Keith told the dispatcher they had all the kids. Everyone was alive and doing okay. The net exploded again with heart-felt congratulations and well wishes.

Nick drove the bus down to the prairie and directly to the hospital. He didn't do it particularly well, this being his first such experience driving a vehicle of this size, but they got down off the mountain in one piece.

Keith drove ahead in his patrol SUV, lights and siren blaring. He was prepared to ram anyone who got in his way. When they got down in the flatlands, police cars from every jurisdiction joined the caravan and they swept through the town, sirens blaring and horns honking, in route to the hospital on the far edge of town.

There, all the bruises and scrapes from which the children suffered were taken care of. All of them were treated and reluctantly released--all but ten-year-old Ricky. When he got home, his parents found the little finger on his right hand was broken--from when he'd slipped first getting on the bus days ago. He was rushed back to the dispensary, much against his will, but he quickly learned to enjoy the attention and mothering he got from the nursing staff.

A swat team quickly formed and they raced back up in the pre-dawn darkness to the big resort, only to find it fully engulfed in flames. There was no way of putting out the blaze and they didn't try especially hard. No one particularly cared if the men and women were dead in the walk-in freezer or not. Their concern was limited to making sure the surrounding forest was safe and they made some preliminary calls to the nearest Forest Ranger's post, but the fire never spread to the woods.

Later, when they had a chance to think about it, everyone deplored the loss of valuable evidence, but that was the extent of their interest. As it turned out, there were no bodies in the freezer ... or anywhere else, for that matter. No one had a clue where the bad guys might have gone.

Chapter Four

Two months later, things were beginning to settle down in Salt Fork ... sort of.

Old Ben Johnson and his son Charley, the mayor, brought in a big team of psychotherapists, psychiatrists and psychologists ... whoever was necessary. They recruited people from the town too, some who were just really good listeners, to help the kids. The Johnsons paid for all of it. None of the forty-three children and six adults who'd been kidnapped and brutally mistreated had to wait long before a counselor of some sort came to the individual's home, any day of the week or time of day.

If there was a pervading theme throughout the counseling, it was ... and quite rightly so ... that nothing that had happened was the victims' fault--none of it. The counselors listened for hours to the children and the grown men and women as the sufferers worked towards resolutions.

The counselors told those who were concerned all about the Stockholm Syndrome, telling them how a group of hostages decades ago had been so overwhelmed by their captivity in the hands of dangerous criminals had caused normal citizens to begin to identify with their captors and sympathize with them. The concept explained to everyone's satisfaction why most of the girls and boys had begun to like all the sexual attention the last couple of days of their confinement.

Though none of the forty-nine admitted it at first, eventually all would eventually understand they'd done whatever they had to do in order to survive. The human animal always does what it can to make itself more comfortable, and the counselors were successful in convincing the children that enjoying the sex acts they'd endured--unwilling participants though they'd been--was perfectly normal.

It wasn't a hard sell. The pain, humiliation, and suffering became memories that blurred with the prompt treatment. Everything that happened to them softened with the passing of time.

Some of the parents had a harder time of dealing with what had happened to their young children, of course ... they hadn't been there to defend their offspring and that was their main job in life ... but parents and everyone else in the small community had the same access to counselors the kids did.

Things simmered down. No one went off half-cocked; no one struck out in rage; the feelings of guilt became muted and gradually gave way to acceptance.

* * *

The investigation into finding the perpetrators didn't go well. Oh sure, they found tire tracks leading off into the mountains. There was still a lot of snow up in the mountains and you couldn't move around at all without leaving sign. But a couple of old logging roads had obviously been cleared of brush and deadfalls ahead of time in anticipation of needing a quick escape. Tire tracks in the snow were all the evidence they ever found.

The tire tracks were identified as being laid down by a brand of tires usually found on big vans and they determined there were two such vehicles that made their way over a high pass and down to a well-traveled Federal highway. But no one reported two vans emerging from the woods, though the Highway Patrol set up a month-long roadblock where they thought the vans had come out, hoping to find a local who'd passed by when two vans came out of the forest.

It had been a forlorn hope. Even the stupidest of hoodlums would have waited until there was no cross-traffic in either direction before making their way onto the pavement. The culprits could have gone either north or south and then connected with major east-west highways or a multitude of other roads.Mere hours later, they could have hundreds of miles away.

There was precious little remaining at the defunct hotel. The fire had destroyed virtually everything, taking with it fingerprints, personal belongings, and any gear the gangsters might have brought with them. There was no DNA to test, the serial numbers had been removed from the burnt-out equipment, there were no personal letters ... nothing the experts could use to identify any of them.

The dead end was frustrating, but there was no way around it. Detectives quickly reached a wall beyond which they could not proceed. The case remained active, but after a while, there were no new leads. Eventually, the FBI field agents were ordered back to the big city. The detectives from all the municipalities in that part of the state had to leave, all the State Troopers went back to their normal duties--everyone left. Eventually, even the county Sheriff pulled out all the extra deputies he'd assigned to the Chief Deputy for the investigation.

Things began to return to normal in the little town of Salt Fork and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Chief Deputy McBride's reputation was enhanced significantly and there was talk of him running for Sheriff, if not some higher office, in the next election--not that McBride wanted the his boss' job. He was happy where he was. His friend, Nick Wagner, was hired as Chief of Security for the new mall at the edge of town.

Both rescuers had their hands shaken by every citizen they came into contact with for months. But finally even that faded, and early summer settled in for good in the city on the wide plains. The town seemed to be getting on with getting on.


Things weren't ever going to be the same as they'd been before.

Few people in the town initially understood that. And of those who did, fewer still tried to analyze why. The plain fact was forty-three of the young children in the town had been sexualized suddenly, and quite completely. Pandora's box had been opened and it couldn't be closed again ... not ever.

* * *

Amazingly, the kids so brutally introduced to sexual depravity weren't ostracized by their friends and classmates. The abused children came out of the counseling in a cheerful frame of mind and found they had a certain ... status, for lack of a better term ... they hadn't had before. At first, the other students at the Johnson Academy didn't exactly know what the difference was, but they were among the first to realize the kidnapped kids had something their classmates didn't.

Things began to come into focus....

Without knowing quite how it happened, a senior boy who played fullback on the varsity football team lost his girlfriend to a fourteen-year-old boy who had been one of those kidnapped. The kidnapped young man was more than three years younger than the appalled fullback and two years younger than the fullback's ex-girlfriend. When he found out the girl had no desire to ever see him again, the bewildered upperclassman was furious.

He tried to do something about it. In fact, he did every 'something' that came into his mind to get his girlfriend back ... to no avail. His ex-girlfriend wandered around Johnson Academy all the time with a goofy, very satisfied, expression on her face. She was not at all interested in the football player.

A few days later, a seventeen-year-old cheerleader found her boyfriend in bed with her younger sister. The younger sister was one of the forty-three survivors and the seventeen-year-old young woman didn't know what to do. It wasn't like she could yell and scream at her abused younger sister....

She wasn't the only one in her initial predicament. A number of older teen girls were discovering there were some very young girls around who'd been screwed more than any four sexually active high school girls all put together--a LOT more.

That was intolerable! The older girls compensated and boys suddenly found it much, much easier to get into the pants of formerly, unapproachable, young teenage women.

On the other side of the coin, teenage boys were finding they had serious competition from younger boys ... who were far more experienced than the older guys who'd not been kidnapped. The older teens--young men, really--had to quickly learn techniques to give their girlfriends far more attention and ... satisfaction... than they'd been called upon to produce heretofore.

And so it went. In a way, it should have been expected.

The kidnapped young girls and boys had been assured at every turn, that the forced sex they'd participated in was not their fault. Not only that, they learned relaxing and even enjoying what was happening to them was not, in the least, wrong. It was no great leap of imagination for them to then conclude that if it felt good up on the ridge, it would feel good down here. Yes, it should have been predictable.

At the Academy, any resentment and bitterness faded quickly as adjustments were made in thought processes. Rancor died away, to be replaced with ... open envy. Kids will be kids ... and sexualized kids will be sexually active kids. When all the other children began to see the social advantages of what the kidnapped ones brought to the table....

It was competition to determine the fittest. The strong survived; the weaker evolved... and learned.

Chapter Five

"Oh, I only get horny once a day...," Brooke Wagner said coyly in answer to Alexandra's question. She paused for effect. "Once a day ... the whole freakin' day long!!!" she finished with a mischievous grin.

Alexandra and her sister, Kayleigh, giggled, nodding their heads in agreement.

"Yeah," Kayleigh said, shooting glances at the others. "Me too!"

"Me three!!" Alex chimed in, holding up both hands for high-fives from the other two. The girls laughed, slapping their palms together. They quieted, thinking of what they'd just admitted to each other.

"Sometimes," Kayleigh said musingly, "I kinda wish Daddy hadn't...." She flushed and hung her head. "No, I don't really wish he hadn't found us," she said. "But it wasn't so bad ... not sometimes," she finished awkwardly.

Alexandra patted her sister's bare thigh. "That's okay," she said. "All of us think that too, sometimes."

The girls were sitting on the carpet with one girl at each corner of a small triangle, still in the bikinis they'd worn in the backyard getting some sun.. They were in Kayleigh's room ... she had the best stereo ... with her door closed.

There was a sudden pounding on the door.

"KAYLEEEEEEEEEEEE?" The voice belonged to Kayleigh and Alexandra's younger brother, Tommy. Ten-years-old, and a sturdy, athletic, youngster, Tommy was the apple of his mother's eye and he, in turn, lived for the times she told him how proud of him she was.

"WHAAAAAAAAT?" Kayleigh called back.

"Can I come in?"

Before Kayleigh could answer, Brooke reached up and turned the doorknob to open the door. She was smiling already.

"Hi, Brooke," Tommy greeted her happily. "I didn't know you were here."

"Is it okay that I'm here?" Brooke asked with a grin and a quick tousling of Tommy's hair. She liked Tommy McBride. He was a cute little boy, and he'd been almost like a second younger brother to her all the years they'd lived next door to each other.

"Uh huh," Tommy replied. His eyes traveled up and down Brooke's slender frame, noticing the shoulder strap on her bikini top had fallen off her right shoulder. And he saw the camel toe in her groin, a place of mystery barely covered by her tight bikini bottoms. He didn't bother being discreet, if indeed he knew how. The awestruck smile on his young face threatened to become permanent.

"Tommy!" Kayleigh said reproachfully. "Mommy and Daddy told you to be respectful of us girls!" she told him crossly.

Tommy looked at her and blinked, deliberately slow and insolently. A sister just one year and a couple months older does not get to scold a young boy, no matter what she'd gone through months ago.

"I am being 'spectful," he said aloofly, taking in both of his sisters' clothing, or lack thereof. He sighed theatrically. The impudent smile came back to his face, broader than ever.

Brooke giggled. "You respect me?" she asked.

Tommy nodded vigorously, grinning.

Brooke answered with another giggle. Her eyes widened with a sudden burst of excitement.

"You respect my right boobie, Tommy?" she asked naughtily. She let the shoulder strap fall even farther down her right arm and shrugged slightly so the cup fell away from her young breast. It did not quite expose her pink nipple.

Tommy nodded distractedly. His wide-open eyes were glued to Brooke's breast. He'd never heard Brooke say 'boobie' , not ever!

"You respect my left boobie?" Her other strap now dangled down that arm.

Tommy nodded again. He couldn't have said a word if his life depended on it.

"Are you sure?" Brooke teased. Tommy nodded vigorously. Brooke reached behind her back and undid the clasp. The bikini top fell in her lap.

The hiss of Tommy sucking in a breath of air was loud in the room. The young boy stared reverently at Brooke's young breasts. She cupped them in her hands and fondled them for the boy's benefit. He swallowed hard.

Brooke's boobies weren't terribly big. He thought maybe they were... like ... big eggshells cut in half or something like that. But they looked bigger now ... uncovered. Her nipples were coral-pink, in a circle of light tan, but her nipples were getting hard and ruby colored ... and Tommy's eyes widened as he saw Brooke's nipples were even lengthening a little. He swallowed hard.

"Brooke Wagner!" Kayleigh said, more than a little scandalized. "You can't show him your ... boobies right here in my room," she scolded.

"Girlfriend," Brooke said dryly. "he isn't the first boy to see them," she said matter-of-factly. She laughed. There was a short silence in the room while everyone thought that over. "And I like Tommy seeing them...."

Alexandra was the first to smile an acknowledgement of Brooke's bold assertion. "You know what? You're right!" she said.

Without fanfare, she reached behind her back to undo the strap holding HER bikini top in place and shrugged the shoulder straps off. In seconds, her young breasts were on display for all to see. A little bigger than Brooke's, they danced tautly for a second from the energy of her body's movements.

"Whatcha think, Tommy?" Alexandra asked brightly. She rolled her shoulders around to make her boobies bob and weave in a tight little dance. "You like your big sister's boobies?"

Tommy didn't dare breath. He knew if he did anything, this wonderful time in his life would end and never come back. His eyes were as wide open, drinking in the sight of two ... two ... girls showing him their titties. He was certain that he moved, the dream would end.

He'd never even fantasized that this would ever happen. He looked at Kayleigh, to find he'd dropped her bikini top without him even noticing. He finally took in a deep breath; he'd have passed out if he hadn't.

"Whadda ya think about mine?" Kayleigh asked, teasing her younger brother. Hers were somewhat bigger than either Brooke's or Alexandra's, though she was the youngest of all the girls. Tommy imagined a small orange cut in half and put over his sister Kayleigh's breasts would be just about right.

"Do you like them?" Kayleigh asked. "Tommy?" She wet her left forefinger in her mouth and traced lazy circles over her right aureole ... and then teased her own nipple to make it pop up a little higher and harder. She'd been taught that up on the mountain. It always worked.

Tommy hadn't been able to say word one for several minutes now, and there was no way Kayleigh was going to get a verbal response. He did, however, nod enthusiastically, using an exaggerated motion. All three girls giggled.

The front door downstairs opened abruptly, and slammed shut.

"HEY! ANYONE HOME?" Chief Deputy Keith McBride was home.

The girls scrambled to get their tops back on. Tommy whirled and scuttled out of the room at top speed. He raced down the hall to his room where he closed his door and hopped on his bed. He picked up a library book and pretended to be absorbed in it, just in case his father opened the door to see what his only son was up to.

"You really shouldn't tease Tommy like that," Alexandra scolded Brooke, regretting her own earlier exhibitionism. "You don't know what he might say to someone ... he might say something to your parents," Alexandra continued. A thought struck her. "What if he wanted to touch you or something?"

Brooke smiled impishly. Her eyes were bright with excitement.

"Yeah," she whispered naughtily, leaning in close to her two girlfriends. "What if he did?"

* * *

Tommy McBride had a secret. Tommy loved his mother's hugs ... he really loved her hugs.

Tommy found out when he was seven that he liked Mom's big, firmly soft breasts pressed tight against his little body. Nothing since had changed his mind about that. He liked his sisters too, especially after this afternoon's show, but his sisters never hugged him like Mom did.

Tommy waited impatiently for bedtime tonight. For once, it wasn't a problem getting him in bed. He'd been looking forward to rubbing his little prick hard and fast until he came. He didn't think anything could improve upon today's excitement, but his whole outlook on life changed again when his mother came in to say goodnight.

Caitlin McBride, Tommy's mother, began drinking a glass or two of wine--and then three or four--just a few weeks ago. It was a habit she developed to lessen the pain of her two oldest daughters' kidnapping and sexual captivity. Her husband hadn't been there to support and console her--he'd been leading the search and rescue--and Caitlin had succumbed to an urgent need to deaden the ache and the fear. It got to be a habit.

She had a nice little buzz on tonight. She didn't think anyone noticed. And tonight, the usual few glasses had turned into half a bottle.

When she bent over to give young Tommy a kiss on the forehead, the thirty-two-year-old mother of four didn't notice the two unbuttoned buttons on her blouse had become three ... and she didn't notice when her left breast escaped the confines of her bra through the gap.

Tommy did.

His eyes were glued to the big, firm breast his mother was inadvertently showing him. His breath caught in his throat as he marveled at what he saw.

Caitlin followed his gaze back to her own body, and Tommy gritted his teeth in anticipation of his Mom getting really, really angry. When his mother laughed, he couldn't believe his good luck. He had even more difficulty believing it when his mother hauled out her right one to join the left. She giggled, sounding to Tommy like one of the girls in her son's class at school.

"I bet you didn't know I had two of them, did you?" Tommy's mother asked him facetiously. Tommy was under no illusion about how many breasts she had. He'd watched both of them very carefully for a long time now.

Caitlin overbalanced a little and almost fell over him, then steadied herself. "Which one do you like best?" she asked her son interestedly, putting both back inside her blouse. "The right one?" She unbuttoned the rest of the buttons on her blouse and uncovered her right breast. "Or the left?"

Caitlin covered her right breast as she uncovered her left one. "Right ... left," Caitlin coaxed, showing and hiding each tit in turn. Tiring of the lewd game, she left both breasts exposed and sat down on the bed. She swiveled her body so she was facing Tommy.

"Almos' ever one likes both of them," she confided to her son, inadvertently admitting something about her and her husband's recreational time that Tommy had no business knowing--not that young Tommy was capable of understanding spoken English at that moment....

Tommy's mother hefted her breasts, cupping the underswells of each and letting them fill her hands. Lifting them casually, she seemed to be offering them to her son. If Tommy hadn't been paralyzed by the shock, he might have been able to accept the invitation and check out for himself how soft and wonderful his mother's boobs actually were. As it was, he could only give out a little croaking gurgleand that, unfortunately, broke the spell.

"Oh... well, I probably shouldn't be asking that, huh?" Tommy's mother said. She tucked her boobs away and re-buttoned her blouse, albeit a little unsteadily. She looked at Tommy owlishly. She reached out to pat her ten-year-old son's thigh, but she missed.

When she looked, she saw her hand was laying on young Tommy's groin and the protrusion poking out of his pajamas and into her palm was his little penis. It wasn't very big, maybe three and a half inches in length and no bigger around than a man's forefinger, but it was quite stiff.

"Ohhhhh," Caitlin said, smiling. "Mommy's being naughty, isn't she?" She grinned broadly, then her face saddened.

"You know...." she mused, "'s just not fair that Alex and Kay got to do all that sex stuff up at the hotel and you didn't, is it?" She didn't wait for a reply. "No, it's not," she said, answering her own question. "Not fair at all." She looked at his little cock where it peeked from his pajamas. She reached out and captured it between thumb and forefinger. "Oh...." she said vaguely. "You already did, huh?"

Tommy nodded miserably. He'd cum when his mother first touched his prick. He hadn't been able to help it.

"Well, that's all right," his mother told him. She patted his penis, then noticed the thin film coating her fingers. To Tommy's amazement, his mother stuck her spermed fingers in her mouth and sucked them clean. "You taste pretty good," she assured him, giggling at his startled expression.

Her gaze left his groin and wandered over the wall behind his bed for a moment like she'd never seen it before. She frowned. "OH! I 'member. I gotta go tell yer sisters g'night," she said. "See ya in the mornin', hon," she told her son. "Nigh'...." She turned out the light as she tottered out her son's bedroom door.

Tommy was left with his little cock still exposed and already getting hard again, ready for more of Mommy's attention. But Mommy was gone and wasn't coming back. He didn't know whether to be grateful for what he'd already experienced or angry for what he hadn't. A little glumly, he pulled the sheet over his lower body and tried to settle down. It took a while, and he masturbated three times before he could fall asleep.

* * *

At breakfast, Tommy smiled often at his mother and tried to catch her eyes with his. She studiously avoided all his attempts.

He didn't know Caitlin had only the faintest of memories about what they'd done last night, but she was mortified at the little she did recall. Caitlin thought she was successful at burying what had happened last night by refusing to think about it.

Her hangover-fogged mind knew that good moms took their sons to dental appointments, cooked and did housework and stuff like that. They didn't fondle their son's little stiffies or exposed themselves to their sons. She tucked her blurry memories away in a corner of her mind and worked determinedly to pretend those things had never happened. After a nap and some pain killers for her hangover, she really didn't recall anything about what she'd done last night.

Tommy had absolutely no intention of forgetting, though. From that day forward, ten-year-old Tommy McBride was a young man on a mission....

* * *

Stories began to make the rounds among the younger generation in town. How could it be otherwise? Forty-three children had been sexually abused for three long days and, in the process, had been thoroughly educated in the mysteries of sex. Some had known a little already, but all of them came out of the ordeal far more knowledgeable than they'd been before. And they'd been encouraged by their counselors to talk about what they went through, and they did ... and not just to the counselors.

The forty-three reasoned IF it was okay to relax and enjoy what they could of the obscene acts they'd participated in, and IF it was fine to talk about what happened (as the counselors assured them was the case), then there was nothing wrong with participating in sexual activity down here, and there was nothing wrong about enjoying those acts ... and there was no reason not to talk about what they knew to others either.

* * *

The Academy's varsity baseball team trooped in from a long, hard practice to the locker room to shower, dress, and get on the bus for delivery to their homes. It was hot outside, cool in the locker room, and the boys quickly revived. After their showers, the boys made their way to their lockers. When Jason Seacrest, the third pitcher in the rotation, walked through the crowd to his locker, the guys nudged each other. Jason didn't bother to notice.

"Hey, Jase," Carl O'Donnell called from five lockers down, "I hear you gave up your ass up there on Jackson's Ridge, huh?" Jason didn't respond to the taunt for a long moment while he finished combing his hair. The locker room was almost silent.

"That what you heard?" he mildly, turning to face Carl. He laughed. "I guess what you didn't hear, was that it was Mindy Carter pushing a skinny ol' dildo up my butt when I 'gave it up' and she was doing it to massage my prostate with it ... you know what that is, right, Carl? ... while I was puttin' it to another girl," he said dispassionately.

"And then later, I was flat on my back an' this girl was sittin' on my face and Mindy was on my cock, ridin' me cowgirl style while I had my hands on both girls' titties. You do know what 'cowgirl' means, right?" he asked.

He sniffed disdainfully, and ambled away from his locker toward the training room. The heavy door thumped closed behind him.

There wasn't a sound in the locker room until Pete Saunders, the starting first baseman, sighed heavily. "Hell, I'd let Mindy Carter fuck my ass with a baseball bat if she'd ride my cock like that later!" he remarked in a heart-felt tone.

There was a murmur of agreement. Some of the guys bit a lower lip while they contemplated what was said, but they all knew Mindy. They were pretty sure having sex with her was worth suffering through just about any torture ever devised.

* * *

"He really said that?" Mindy demanded. "Pete said that?" The pretty fourteen-year-old was grinning from ear to ear. "Gee ... I think I'll have to thank Pete for sometime," she said, giggling merrily.

She tossed her long, curly mane of coal-black hair over her shoulder. The movement made the tank top tighten momentarily over her breasts. Mindy was half Hispanic, half Irish, and the best of genes from both groups combined to produce a lovely, big-breasted, freckle-faced young girl who was immensely popular at the Academy, even before the day.

Jason nodded, grinning as much as Mindy was. "Yeah, guess who shut up so fast his lips smacked together and stuck that way?

"I'll give you three guesses.... Oh, okay, it was Carl!" He laughed. "...Haven't heard a thing from him since."

"Good!" Mindy said. "Stupid idiot ... he's on my list of guys not to ever talk to anyway," she added scornfully.

She took Jason's hand companionably. They walked a short distance down the sidewalk.

"Did you tell him you ate me out so good later on ... in the dorm ... an' I screamed so loud that the bad guys came runnin' from all the way down the hall to find out who was being murdered?" she asked the young boy, with a suddenly sensuous timbre in her voice.

"Nah," Jason answered. "Didn't think of it." His eyes grew distant and a half-smile appeared. He had a very clear memory of how frantically she'd squirmed around on the mattress, panting hoarsely.

"Oh, okay," Mindy said noncommittally.

They were well off the school grounds now, about to enter one of the housing developments scattered about Salt Fork. When Mindy led Jason off the sidewalk and into one of the little parks Salt Fork residents called their green zones, he followed her without protest. Mindy pulled Jason to a stop in a little copse of trees near the middle of the park. They weren't exactly out of sight, but there was a little privacy there. She dropped her book bag on the grass and turned to face Jason.

"I never got to thank you for goin' down on me so good when we were up there," she remarked. She dropped to her knees and deftly unzipped Jason's pants and unbuckled his belt. Jason's pants dropped to the ground around his feet. His briefs followed a second later. The pretty young girl jacked her hand up and down over Jason's already tumescent penis.

"And after we take care of this, Jason, honey, I want you make me scream like you did up there, all over again, okay?" Without waiting for a reply, she stretched her upper body upward to position her head with a practiced move and fed his cock down her throat in one smooth swallow.

Jason groaned his agreement. Payback was fantastic!!

They could be paying each other back forever and he wouldn't mind.

* * *

Young Ryan Fletcher, twelve-years-old next week, walked briskly down the hallway of his family's two-story home. Perpetually hungry (he was in the middle of another growth spurt), he was headed for the refrigerator downstairs in the kitchen when the upstairs bathroom door suddenly opened in front of him.

"RYAN!!!" screeched his thirteen-year-old sister. "Mom told you you better quit tryin' to look at my breasts!!!" she squealed.

She wrapped the towel tighter around her upper body and sniffed derisively. She was thoroughly scandalized.

Ryan stopped short. Had he been a steam engine, the gauges would have flicked instantly into the red. Seething, he walked past his sister without bothering to hurl a retort back at her.

"I'M TELLIN'!!" Suzy bawled shrilly to his stiff back.

Ryan whirled and threw a hard punch at his sister. The blow was from the shoulder, moving hard and fast. Had it connected with her chin, it would have decked her.

"Ryan...." Suzy said disbelievingly. If she hadn't already been in the process of turning and moving away when Ryan threw his fist, she'd have stretched her length on the hallway floor ... and she knew it.

Ryan glared at her. He was furious.

"Screw you!!" he hissed, his voice trembling. "You got fucked a bunch of times up at that hotel and you didn't want them to. WELL, I'M SORRY ... and so is everybody else!! But I know you're still doing it with Sammy Prentiss down here, so don't give me that 'you can't look at my tits' bullshit!!

"An' I wasn't tryin' to anyway!!" He drew in a deep breath.

"Fuck you, Suzy!!" he declared emphatically and disgustedly. "You go on and tell Mom. I don't give a rat's ass." He turned and headed on downstairs, his hands still clinched tight.

* * *

Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher went out on the town that night, something they did more often these days. The breathless excitement before they left on one of their 'date nights' was a palpable presence one could almost see misting the air. They were always touchy-feely, but on these nights, they were positively embarrassing. Mom and Dad's happy exhaustion when they returned late at night--or more accurately, early the next morning--from one of their date nights made the next day a very long one for the couple.

This was Ryan's chance to watch a special movie his best friend Sean had given him. There was no chance of interruption with Mom and Dad out of the house.

Turning on the DVD player, Ryan dropped the DVD onto the protruding tray. He knew it was some kind of sex video. Sean's grin, when he handed the case to Ryan, was more a leer than a smile. He'd told Ryan this was an amateur video--just regular folks, he whispered in Ryan's ear--having sex and lovin' it! Sean said if Ryan liked it, he could get more. Sean's eyes had been dancing and he'd exacted a solemn promise from Ryan to not show the DVD to anyone else--ever!

The knock on Ryan's door startled him. He hunched his shoulders and turned a full circle in surprise-induced panic. He zipped his jeans back up and looked around wildly for the T-shirt he'd tossed aside in preparation for a nice masturbatory interlude before he went to bed.

Then he realized it had to be his big sister, and his instinctive fright died a quick death. He didn't give a damn what Suzy thought. Casually, he tapped the button to load the DVD tray into the machine. The TV was still off. For a nickel, he thought, he'd start the DVD and let Suzy deal with it ... but no one threw him a coin.

"What?" he called through the closed door.

"It's me," Suzy called softly. "Can I come in?"

Ryan thought about it for a moment, and then shrugged. "Whatever," he said. He walked to the door, unlocked it, and went to his bed to lay down, putting his hands behind his head on the pillows. He looked expectantly at the door.

She waited for an instant, then realized Ryan wasn't going to open the door for her. Suzy pushed it open herself and stepped inside. She closed it behind her, backed up against it and took a deep breath. Like her brother, she was barefoot and in blue jeans. Unlike him, she wore a top ... a thin and faded, sleeveless plaid blouse that only had two buttons left on it to hold it closed.

"Are you still mad at me?" Suzy asked her brother carefully. She didn't want to set him off again like earlier.

Ryan shrugged. "I said I don't care anymore," he answered calmly, truly not concerned that his sister was going to sic their mother on him. In fact, he expected it would absolutely happen ... later, since it hadn't been earlier.

"I'm not going to tell Mom," Suzy remarked, and Ryan shrugged again.

"And...," she remarked. She carefully undid the last two bottom buttons on her blouse and held it open for Ryan to see what she'd hidden so resolutely this morning. She waited, hardly breathing.

Ryan's eyes grew as big around as saucers. They were riveted on his sister's young breasts. Without really being aware of what he was doing, he threw his legs over the side of the bed and sat up. He leaned forward, his mouth dry.

Suzy waited. A frown came over her pretty features. Her eyes focused on her brother. "WELL?" she asked, a little nettled that he hadn't said anything.

"They're lovely," Ryan said hoarsely, almost reverently.

Suzy blinked. She'd been ready for a range of comments, probably starting out with something like, "You call those tits?"

Actually, when she thought about it, the fact Ryan even knew the word 'lovely' was a surprise to her. That he had used it in connection with her breasts was even more so. And he said it so ... nicely ... too. He wasn't sneering at all.

"You like them?" Suzy asked uncertainly. Expecting only ridicule and anger, she was instead getting admiration. Her soft lips curved in a faint grin, but it was a nervous one. This was uncharted territory....

She held her shirttails wider.

Ryan nodded, never taking his eyes off his sister's breasts. They weren't terribly big ... maybe as round as small peaches. But they stood up from her chest, jutting out proudly--perfectly shaped, coral-tipped cones.

Ryan's throat was dry as alkali dust. He swallowed hard. "Can I touch them?" he asked in a deep, emotion-laden voice.

Suzy hesitated. This morning, she'd have told anyone she'd rather be touched by a diseased leper than by her little brother, but....

"I... well ... I guess it's okay to touch them ... if you want to," she said.Her eyes widened. She'd thought she was debating the issue in her head and then the words just popped out all by themselves.

She was startled. She'd come into her brother's room to apologize and show her brother she wasn't as stupidly stuffy and prudish as he thought she was. Now ... now things were different. She didn't understand exactly what had changed, or how much, but she wanted more. She shuffled closer to her brother's bedside.

The young boy nodded and leaned forward. Almost afraid to breathe, he reached up to cup both her boobies in his hands.

A wave of white-hot energy washed downward from Suzy's young breasts straight to her groin. Her head snapped back. "NNNNnnnngggghhhhh!!!!" she groaned.

Ryan snatched his hands away from his sister's body and pulled back. "I ... I'm sorry!" he apologized, thinking he'd hurt her or something.

"No... no, it's not that," Suzy whispered shakily. "It was okay," she said softly, wanting desperately for him to understand. "You didn't hurt me even a little bit, Rye. It just felt soooo good...."

She put her knees on the edge of the mattress between his spread thighs and took his wrists in hers. She pressed his cupped hands back against the soft cones on her chest.

"Squeeze 'em real gentle," she said softly. "Yeah ... unghhh ... like that...." She released his wrists to give him free rein. Without consciously deciding to, she shrugged the blouse off her shoulders. It fluttered, unnoticed, to the carpet.

"Can I kiss them?" Ryan asked softly.

Suzy nodded without waiting to think it over. She wasn't prepared for the new sensations that flowed down her body when Ryan kissed, then sucked gently at her left nipple. Her hands came up to each side of Ryan's head. When Ryan's mouth opened, she pushed her other breast forward, urging him to mouth all of the beautifully shaped cone of sensitive girl-flesh. Ryan alternated from one luscious mound to the other for long moments.

"Can I touch you too?" Suzy asked her brother. She was panting now--her breath stolen by the strength of her body's response to his touches.

Ryan nodded. "Sure," he replied. He stood, standing quietly for whatever she wanted. While he waited, he squeezed her breasts in his hands, gently thumbing and rubbing the hard, erect little nipples, and gently stroked the front of her body from her shoulders to belly.

Suzy swept her hands across her brother's chest, her fingers touching and teasing his man-nipples, feeling them harden even more than they already were. The skin on his smooth chest was warm and silky. The underlying pectorals were well-developed, his biceps were unexpectedly thick and strong.

Her eyes were smoking pools of sensuality now. Her brother, Ryan, was better looking, stronger ... hotter than many of the boys with whom she'd had sex up on the mountain. She wondered how this had escaped her notice until now.

Suzy made a quick decision, one she raced by quickly so she wouldn't have time to reconsider. "I'm sorry I was being so silly before," she said softly, contritely, to her brother, " were right," she added.

She stepped back, smiling sensuously at Ryan. Her fingers undid the metal fastener at the waist of her blue jeans. She unzipped her jeans and pushed them down her slender thighs to pool around her ankles. Her panties quickly followed. With Ryan watching raptly, she stepped out of them and stood naked in front of her younger brother.

"I think ... maybe ... maybe you and me ... shouldn't be so stupid about ... stuff... alright?" she said vaguely, breathless with anticipation. Her fingers were already unzipping his jeans with a practiced motion.

"Is that okay with you?" she breathed, stepping closer and slipping her hands down to his groin. His jeans dropped around his ankles.

Ryan was incapable of replying, but Suzy felt his answer in the palm of her hand. She slid her hand up and down the shaft and felt her brother's cock grow even harder and longer. She looked down at his burgeoning prick, avoiding his eyes for the moment. She just didn't know how Ryan was going to react to a thing she needed to say.

"One of the things I learned ... up at that hotel thing," she said carefully, "...was that I really like putting ... boys' things ... and men's things too ... in my mouth."

There was a silence.

Suzy waited for Ryan to say something. When he didn't, she looked back up suspiciously. If he was going to be a turd about this....

"I... you think ... uhhhh ... I mean ... is mine all right for ... for doing that?" Ryan asked anxiously.

Suzy's eyes bored into her brother's, testing ... making sure....

She grinned and relaxed. Her brother wasn't at all upset his big sister liked to suck cocks. He just wanted to know if she would suck his too.

"Oh yeah," she drawled lazily. "I think it'll do just fine." She slipped down to her knees, adjusted herself and took the purplish, velvety head of Ryan's prick between her pretty lips.

Ryan's breath hissed between his teeth and he couldn't hold back a heartfelt groan. He pushed his groin forward a little, trying not to choke his sister, but unable to stifle the thrust entirely.

For a while, there was no sound in Ryan's bedroom except for the wet, slurpy sounds of Suzy giving her little brother a blowjob. But she had no intention of bringing him off orally ... not this first time, anyway.

She stood, holding his cock in her right hand like a treasured tool. She gently masturbated him while she wiped her lips and face with the back of her other hand. She glanced up at him. How had she never noticed her little brother was actually taller than she was? He was a husky boy, kinda like Dad ... he'd grow up and be as strongly built as their father was. Heck, Ryan was already working out in the basement with Dad ... and it showed.

Suzy's pulse was pounding. She smiled at the young man whose dick she held in her hand. "Rye?" she asked softly. Rye was the family's pet name for her brother, but it was a nickname she seldom used. "Would you like me to show you some other things I learned up there?" she purred.

"Oh God yes!" Ryan croaked.

Grinning, Suzy stood, pushed Rye back on his bed and crawled atop him. She was inserting his penis inside her hot little cunt before he could wonder what to do next. In moments, the incestuous pair was rocking and wriggling around, working their way up the spiraling path to their first climax together.

* * *

"Well... that solves the problem with towels that don't cover all of me and little brothers sneaking looks at my boobies," Suzy remarked contentedly.

After a slow, sensuous shower where they'd thoroughly explored each others bodies, they'd come back to Ryan's bed where Suzy resumed 'teaching' her brother Rye what she'd learned up on the mountain ... this time about oral sex being done to her. For as long as she could teach, that is--as opposed to moaning, groaning, and whimpering frantic entreaties to keep going ... go faster ... or 'right there' while frantically hunching her pussy up to her brother's mouth until she came a gusher....

Ryan learned quickly and was rewarded with his sister slowly sucking his cock, and this time, letting him flood her mouth with hot, incestuous cum. She showed him the creamy white goo, grinning broadly before she swallowed. With only a moment's pause, Rye had climbed on top of his sister and more expertly than she'd expected inserted his young prick in her cunt and ridden her enthusiastically into another nearly simultaneous orgasm with him.

They were lying on Ryan's bed again, having changed the rumpled, sweat-soaked sheets once already. They'd taken the soiled ones down to the basement and tossed them in the washing machine for a quick wash. They'd be done and dried in an hour, so there was plenty of time. Mom and Dad wouldn't be home for a long time yet.

Lying on their backs, propped up on pillows and cushions, each had a hand in the other's groin--searching, stroking, and petting each other lazily. They both knew they were going to have sex again in the very near future. But there was no sense of urgency. They could let things build naturally, without straining.

"Mmmmmm?" Ryan mumbled lazily.

"We don't need towels anymore up here anymore, right?" she explained unconcernedly. "I can walk down the middle of the hall with nothin' on at all every day now ... and I'll make sure you get see everything!" she said. She grinned. "And that's for when we don't take a shower together," she added. "When we do...."

Ryan's penis twitched a little in her hands.

Suzy giggled. "You like taking showers with me?" she asked teasingly.

"Oh yeah!" Ryan answered with satisfaction. A thought occurred to him. "But how are we going to make sure Mom and Dad don't see us?"

"By being careful," Suzy replied seriously. "But Mom and Dad don't come upstairs that much after supper anymore. It's not like we're still little kids. They just yell up the stairs."

Ryan mulled that over, then nodded. They lay there for a moment, idly fondling each other and waiting for their taboo lust to mount higher.

"The way you were touching me ... and when you kissed my boobies," Suzy said after a moment. She paused. "And when you licked my pussy ... that wasn't the first time you did those things, was it?"

Ryan didn't answer at first. His face tightened and his eyes grew distant. Then it came to him. He and his sister didn't need to keep secrets anymore.

"Becky and me been doing some things," he admitted.

"Uh huh--I wondered a couple of times about what you were doing in your room when she came over," Suzy said with a lewd grin. "Didn't sound like studying to me," she quipped.

Ryan's face reddened. But his prick was beginning to stiffen again. Thoughts ofnaughty, eleven-year-old Becky always did that to him. He suddenly grinned.

"Becky's really cute," Suzy commented. "You like her boobies better than mine?" she asked inquiringly.

Ryan was abruptly trapped. He didn't have a clue how to say he liked both girls' breasts without seeming to slight his sister, or Becky, and he was smart enough not to try. He dipped his head down and sucked her left nipple into his mouth.

Suzy grinned broadly. Cocking her head to one side, she considered a thought that had flickered into existence just that second. She didn't know how her brother would take it though.

"I know how you could tell," Suzy said slowly, smiling. "You an' me, and Becky too ... we could do some 'studying' some afternoon when Mom and Dad aren't home, or maybe even if they are?" she asked nastily. "Whaddaya think? Want to?"

Ryan's cock didn't actually make the sound of a steel spring with the tension suddenly released, but it was suddenly as hard as a railroad spike in Suzy's hand. She giggled.

"So you wouldn't mind seeing me and Becky ... playin' with each other?" she asked innocently. "You think she'd go for it?" She began to slowly jack her hand up and down on her brother's cock. If anything it was harder, thicker, and longer after her question. "And you know ... both of us girls could do things to you at the same time, if that's okay," she added. Ryan's cock swelled an additional fraction in her fist and she grinned.

"Uh huh ... you're a boy, all right!" she scolded. "Always wantin' two or three girls doing nasty things to ya all at one time, huh?" She wasn't really upset. The next question was important though.

"Doesn't Becky have a brother?" she asked musingly. "Oh yeah, I know him ... a little," she remarked, answering her own question. "He's in eleventh grade, right?" She fixed her gaze on Ryan's cock. "You know what I'd like. Someday, I'd like for you and maybe him to do nasty things to me at the same time, ya know?" She held her breath. "Like maybe I could suck you off while he ... fucks me from behind ... or something like that?"

The cock in her hand didn't diminish in the least and Ryan was still wide-eyed and eager. He swallowed, trying not to slobber. His vacant stare said he was hard at work imagining the possibilities of his sister's suggestions.

Suzy relaxed. Ryan wasn't going to be a jerk and demand they only do things with each other. What three days on the mountain had also taught her was that she liked doing it with lots of other people, singly and in groups.

Ryan's cell phone abruptly lit up and began playing a harsh rap tune that Suzy, and most of the human race, thought was nauseating.

"I thought Mom told you to get another ring tone," Suzy commented. Yesterday, she'd have scolded her younger brother and probably gone to their mother to complain.

Ryan shrugged. "I forgot. I'll change it in the morning," he said. He grinned wickedly. "I only kept it 'cause you go crazy every time you hear it," he told her.

"You butthead!" Suzy said, smiling in spite of herself and slapping at her brother's arm. "You're gonna pay for that," she vowed.

He swung his legs off the bed and grabbed his cell phone from his nightstand. The caller ID said it was his friend Sean Tripp, and Ryan grimaced. He knew what Sean was calling about.

"Hey, Sean!" Ryan said, answering the cell phone while he fended off Suzy's apparent attempt to capture and crush his testicles ... and thereby, him ... into submission.

He slid off the bed to escape. He stood up and backed away.

Suzy changed tactics. Lying flat on the mattress, she grinned maliciously at him, spreading her thighs and stroking a finger languidly up her slit before bringing it to her lips. Then she inserted her finger in her mouth, and sucked on it.

Ryan moaned before he could stifle it. Suzy smiled evilly.

"Oh... no, I didn't," Ryan said hastily into his cell phone. "I haven't had time to watch it yet," he told Sean. "I'll do it right--huh?"

Suzy slinked up off the bed to Ryan's side. "I know what I'm going to give you for your birthday," she cooed softly into the ear he didn't have his phone pressed against. "Wanta see?" She got down on the bed again, this time on all fours and facing away from her brother. Looking back at him, she batted her eyes at him and wiggled her butt invitingly. "Becky and me ... and Becky's girlfriends ... would you like that Rye?" she cooed softly.

"Debbie said what?" Ryan croaked into his cell phone. He was increasingly unable to comprehend what his friend was saying. "Oh...," he said distantly. "Tell her I said 'hi' too ... yeah, I'll call you when I ... I SAID I'd call, Sean! Dang! Give me a chance, will ya? I ... yes, just as soon as I look... later!"

He jabbed the disconnect button and dropped his cell phone back on the nightstand. He had no intention of doing anything right now except step up behind his sister's beautifully rounded little ass and shoving his throbbing dick deep in her young cunt ... but promises were promises.

Grimacing, he grabbed the remote control, aimed it at the TV and DVD player and turned them on. He punched the play button, dropped the remote on his pillow and cupped his big sister's bottom globes in both hands. Squeezing them appreciatively, he shuffled a little closer and was wondering exactly how one inserted a cock into a pussy in this position--it was another one of those things she was going to have to show him from her time up on the mountain 'cause he'd never done it this way with Becky.

"HEY... RYAN!!!!" a voice yelled. Ryan had left the TV volume way up.

Ryan and Suzy flinched, thoroughly astonished. They spun around, Ryan standing beside the bed and Suzy on her hands and knees on it, to face the TV.

On the screen, Sean Tripp's sister, Debbie, was grinning at them. All that could be seen were her head, bare shoulders and a frantically waving hand. Debbie was fourteen; a very cute freckle-faced brunette who teased Ryan unmercifully whenever he was over at the Tripp's visiting Sean. To make him blush red as a beet, she would call him her 'boyfriend' and move close to him, so close he could feel the points of her breasts through their clothing....

She'd kiss him too ... right on the lips ... in front of her brother!! Debbie had been the inspiration for many a night's jack-off, and her flirting had spurred Ryan into deepening his relationship with his official girlfriend, Becky Conklin, to the point of exploring sex, though he never told Becky that.

"Ryan...," Debbie said, lowering her voice. She leaned toward the camera, arched her eyebrows conspiratorially, and leered. "Wanta see somethin'?" she asked rhetorically.

The camera zoomed out slowly ... to reveal a nude Debbie standing straight and tall, smiling hotly at the camera.

Ryan and Suzy both gasped. "Jesus!" Ryan whispered.

Debbie cupped the undersides of her breasts in her hands and pushed them up and out, seemingly offering them to whoever was watching. "You like?" Debbie asked, arching her eyebrows again. "I KNOW you like these," she said, giggling and grinning broadly at the camera.

She slid a few steps to her left with the camera following her and keeping her right in center frame. "Wanta see somethin' else?" she inquired. She reached out her left hand. The camera zoomed in on her hand and followed it ... until her fingers curled around a hard penis. Debbie manipulated the prick for a moment, sliding foreskin almost completely off the guy's mushroom-shaped knob, and then back.

Debbie giggled as the camera zoomed out. The hard-on was attached to Ryan's friend, Sean.

"OH... MY ... God!!!!" Suzy moaned. She and Ryan were sitting side-by-side now and neither knew just how that had happened. Her right hand was curled around his cock and his left was busily delving into her cunt ... and neither knew how that had come about either.

"It's her brother," Suzy murmured unnecessarily.

"Ya think??" Ryan muttered back absentmindedly.

"Well," he said reflectively, "...ya know, I think I sorta knew they were ... ahhh... doing each other," he added.

All the confusing interactions, both verbal and physical, that took place between Sean and his sister while Ryan was there watching them were much clearer now. Things fell into a pattern he could see easily in hindsight. He smiled and relaxed.

"Guess what I'm gonna do now?" Debbie demanded with an impish grin on the screen. She laughed out loud, thoroughly delighted with the naughtiness she was doing.

The on-screen Debbie dropped to her knees and fed her brother Sean's penis into her mouth without fanfare. She bobbed her head up and down over Sean's cock, sucking his already burgeoning hard-on into a steel-hard protuberance.

Debbie let her brother's hard cock slip from her mouth. She grinned at the camera and wiped her mouth on the back of her hand. Without saying a word, still grinning manically, she stood and turned away from her brother. She walked a couple of steps back across the camera's field of view to a double bed covered with a frilly pink comforter where she settled her knees down on the edge and bent over until she was on hands and knees ... and then she dropped to her elbows on the coverlet. Her butt was pooched high and invitingly for everyone to enjoy.

Ryan and Suzy could plainly see Debbie's wet slit. Though Debbie was certainly old enough to grow pubic hair, she was as bald as an egg. Ryan swallowed audibly and Suzy snickered at her brother.

"Wouldn't you like to be here right now?" Debbie cooed, smiling seductively over her shoulder at the camera. "We'd love for you to 'cum' by sometime, Ryan," she giggled.

Those were the last intelligible words she spoke for some time. When Sean penetrated her hairless outer pussy lips and sank his cock balls-deep inside her, Debbie squealed and hunched her ass back at her brother. From that point on, all she could do was grunt as her brother fucked her cunt hard and deep.

Somewhere in the middle of the Tripp children's incestuous romp, Ryan maneuvered his sister into the same position Debbie was in ... with Suzy's complete cooperation. Mimicking his friend's actions with his own sister, Ryan fisted his cock, rubbed it up and down Suzy's young pussy lips for a minute, then pushed his penis deep into his sister's ready cunt. In seconds, he was thrusting hard and fast, and she was humping right back at him, virtually in time with the coupling on screen.

Both couples came at nearly the same time, the girls arching their backs and groaning with the taboo pleasure given them courtesy of their own brothers.

Clearly exhausted, Debbie and Sean waved weakly at the camera and the screen slowly faded to black ... only to reopen a moment later to a brilliantly lit scene outside, clearly taped beside the Tripp's backyard pool.

The camera followed Debbie and Sean striding across the lawn toward the pool, both of them stark naked in the bright sunlight. In a few seconds, Debbie was sitting on the edge of the pool. Sean was chest deep in the pool and holding her thighs far apart while he flicked his tongue at her clit. Breaking the routine, Sean slathered his sister's exposed pussy with loving tongue-strokes and darted his tongue inside her pussy lips to make his sister buck hard.

Spent, Ryan and Suzy lay back on their pillows and watch while they recovered their strength. Their hands were busy fondling each other, but they weren't ready for another go round just yet.

After trading positions a couple of times and then moving to the shallow end of the pool, the twosome on screen fucked themselves into a bucking, water-splashing, grunt-filled, squealing orgasm. The robust sex Debbie and Sean had engaged in obviously wore them out. They leaned wearily back against the side of the pool. Debbie's teen-age breasts seemed to float on the water. The camera's focus narrowed until just her flushed features were in the frame again.

"Won't you come over and play with us, Ryan?" she breathed temptingly. "We'd love to have you ... 'cum' visit," she added and smirked at her own wittiness. The screen slowly faded to black as she blew kisses at the camera. There was nothing else on the DVD.

"WOW!!!!" Ryan said, stopping the video. "I...."

"Yeah," Suzy replied. "Debbie and Sean weren't up on the mountain with us, so how come they're...?"

Ryan was a little nettled at the inference the busload of kids who'd been abducted were an exclusive club and no one else should be able to have sex. He shrugged. "Well I guess they just like fucking."

"Yeah," Suzy agreed, missing the sarcasm. Her mind on something else.

"Rye... who made that movie? Someone did. Who was it?" she asked. "It couldn't have been just them ... Debbie and Sean," she said musingly. "They didn't have a remote control in their hand," she reasoned. "We'd have seen it ... and when they moved around, the camera did too."

Ryan shrugged, his eyes on his sister's dancing little boobies. With the resiliency of youth, he was recovering quickly.

"Start it again," Suzy suggested.

Ryan was okay with that. He smiled and pointed the remote.

Ryan and Suzy watched the video again from beginning to end. " with us," Debbie said again, and began blowing kisses.

"Back," Suzy ordered. "Do it back ... reverse it ... no, way back. I think I saw something...."

"Yeah, me too," Ryan answered. "Debbie's got big tits and a nice ass, huh?"

"Shut up," Suzy replied absentmindedly. "She's almost fifteen ... 'course she has bigger boobs than me ... or Becky," she remarked offhandedly.

"STOP!! Right there ... no, back it up a little more ... no, go forward ... slow down... Stop! Stop, Ryan! STOP, dang it!! No, back up now. Stop. Now a little bit forward ... slow ... THERE!!!"

What she had seen earlier, but which hadn't made enough of an impression until she thought about it, was on the far left of the screen. A blurry reflection was dimly visible in the glass of the patio door behind Debbie and Sean as they sauntered across the lawn from the house to the pool.

The figure was only visible for a split second as the camera panned across the lawn. The camera was focused on Sean and Debbie, but a couple of things could be made out. There were two figures there. One was a woman ... a full-grown, quite naked woman ... standing off to the side of the other person. The other figure was a man holding a camera to his right eye. He was just a blur. It was a man--that was all they could tell, and he was naked too.

"Holy shit!" Ryan said in an undertone. "It's their mom!"

"Yeah," Suzy whispered back, wonderingly.

Mrs. Trip, Ryan knew her first name was Joanna, was a big-breasted woman, with lush hips and long, beautifully shaped legs. It sorta looked like her in that reflection but there were lots of women with big, round tits and an hourglass figure.

What made the identification certain was the long strand of pearls Mrs. Tripp wore constantly. She wore them everywhere, with almost every outfit. The string of pearls was Joanna's trademark. There they were in that fuzzy image reflected in the glass. Big as life. The whitish 'rope' laying across the woman's large breasts couldn't be anything else. It couldn't BE anyone else.

"Ohmygod!" Ryan breathed softly. "You think Sean's doin'... I mean ... WOW! Sonuva--!! Did Debbie mean ... she said 'play with US'... Holy shit, Suz ... you think maybe she meant her and her mother want to play?" Ryan's cock was standing hard and tall from his groin as he thought about what his own questions.

"Prob'ly--they didn't know I'd be watchin' too ... so they didn't mean for you and me to come and ... play with them." Suzy replied calmly. She reflected for a moment. "You know what this means, right? It means Sean's doin' his ... mother and Debbie both--and Mr. Tripp is doing Debbie too," she concluded. "They wouldn't be naked like that by the pool where their kids were fuckin' an' stuff unless they were all ... doin' it."

Suzy let her voice trail off. She was a tad shocked. Things had been different around town since the episode up on the mountain ... but this was a whole new ballgame. Sean Tripp was fucking his mother, and Debbie too ... and both of them were willing to do it with Ryan too?

"Well... you know," Ryan said reflectively, " 'Mother' really IS hot! She's a really, really, really hot MILF," Ryan said thoughtfully, jacking his own cock while he contemplated the idea of getting it on with the older woman.

Suzy gasped. "RYAN FLETCHER!" she scolded her brother. "You don't mean you think Mom would ever even think of doing...."

Her face turned crimson. "Oh ... you mean Mrs. Tripp," she said. "Doing our Mom would be...."

She stopped short as Ryan's eyebrows threatened to climb all the way up his forehead.

"Oh... my ... God!" Ryan said sarcastically. "You mean, it would be like what Sean is doin' to his Mom ... which isn't much more than what Sean and Debbie are doing with each other ... which is an awful lot like what we're doin' , right?" Ryan said mockingly. He grinned evilly at his older sister.

Suzy stuck out her tongue at Ryan, but didn't bother answering. She was thinking hard. The day had started out with her masturbating in the shower; then she had a run-in with Ryan in the hall; and then Mom and Dad started acting like horny little animals while they were getting ready to go out again--for the third weekend in a row.

Now she was stark naked, leaning back against the footboard of her brother's bed after they'd had lots of really soul-satisfying, nasty sex, and they'd just finished watching a fuck video that had been taped by Ryan's best friend's naked mother--starring two of her kids fucking like minks. A lot had happened today and perhaps she could be forgiven if her head was spinning just a little.

"Well... yeah," Suzy said warily, not wanting to give up too easily. "But...."

"I'd do her," Ryan declared. His eyes weren't focused on anything. "Uh ... would you like to fuck?" he inquired of the open air.

Suzy giggled. Her eyes narrowed. "You mean Mrs. Tripp ... or Mom?" she said challengingly.

Ryan's cocked his head at his sister and just watched her. He let the silence build. "Uh huh!" he said quietly, nodding emphatically.

Suzy gasped, swallowing hard. She was shocked at her brother's declaration, even though she'd been the one to propose the incredibly nasty thing Ryan was agreeing with. Picking up the remote, she started the pool scene again and watched it closely.

"Well... if you do Mom, I get to do Dad!!" she said abruptly, louder than she'd intended.

She blinked. The idea had jumped into her mind, full-blown. She hadn't taken a second to examine what she was going to say. Astonished, she clapped her hand to her mouth. "I mean ... I didn't mean...."

"Oh, yeah you did," Ryan said firmly. He cocked his head to one side and contemplated his big sister for a second. He chuckled. "Come on, 'fess up!"

Suzy blinked, absorbing the idea. She suddenly knew what had triggered the idea in her mind. "That had to be Mr. Trip making the video, huh?" A thought occurred to her. "OH SHIT! You don't think ... it couldn't have been Sean's little sister using the camera could it?"

Ryan shook his head. "It was too ... steady," he observed.

"Rye?" Suzy said, with awe in her voice. "Do you think...?"

"Yep," he answered. "It's got to be ... all of them are ... Mr. Tripp and Sean are doing ... Joanna and both girls. They're all into it...."

Suzy relaxed, now that everything was out in the open, so to speak.

Ryan was watching her closely and spotted her new attitude. Ryan grinned delightedly. "We are soooo nasty, aren't we?!!" he said.

Suzy was busy looking down at her body. With her legs spread wide, she could see the slick sheen on her pussy lips. There was no disguising it.

'Lil Suzy is awfully turned on,' she told herself. She glanced up at her grinning brother and shot one back at him.

"Yeah, Rye ... I'll have sex with Dad, anytime he wants me to," she said quietly. She surprised herself with how much she meant every word of it.

"So... what now?" she asked. "Sean already called. He wants you to call back and talk to im', right?"

* * *

"Hey, Sean...," Ryan said in the direction of his cell phone. It was sitting on the nightstand next to his bed. It was on speaker.

Sean laughed loudly. "Hot stuff, huh?" he asked. There was unabashed pride in his voice.

"Oh yeah!! Really, really, REALLY hot," Ryan remarked. "Didn't know you had it in you," he jeered affably. Ryan grinned at his big sister. They were sitting, still naked, on the side of his bed. Suzy was quiet, waiting for the right moment.

There was laughter on the other end of the line. Ryan glanced at Suzy triumphantly. They'd guessed Sean wouldn't be answering the phone all by himself. By the sound of it, Sean had his cell set for speaker phone too. There was clearly more than one person in that room across town.

There was a pause.

"Hi, Ryan," a husky-voiced Debbie said.

"Ummmm, hi Debbie," Ryan replied with perfect aplomb. Debbie had been rattling his cage for too many years. But after what he and his sister had done this evening, Debbie didn't have that control over him anymore. His smile nearly split his face.

"How are you, honey?" Debbie cooed sweetly. "Did you like what you saw?"

"Loved it!" Ryan said emphatically.

Debbie giggled. "Sweetie," she said, "whenever you want to DO instead of 'look', all you have to do is come on over here ... any time you want to," she said coyly. "Any, any time," she said coaxingly.

"Debbie," Ryan said thickly. "you can count on it," he vowed. "Soon!" he added. Suzy jabbed him in the ribs.

He grunted softly, not wanting it to be heard by the Tripps.

"Hey, Sean," Ryan called.


"Incoming!!" Ryan remarked.

"Huh?" Sean was perplexed.

Rye and Suzy heard the 'ding' as the picture Ryan just sent arrived at Sean's smart phone. There was a pause.

"SON OF A ... BITCH!!!" Sean howled. Ryan and Suzy could hear happy, though perhaps a tad surprised, laughter in the background.

"You watch your language, Sean Tripp," Suzy admonished primly, speaking for the first time. "There are ladies present, ya know!" She said it to join the conversation.

The picture Ryan sent his friend had been of Suzy and him standing side-by-side in their parents bedroom--the only one with a full-length mirror in the house. Both of them were naked and the fingers on Suzy's right hand were wrapped around Ryan's hard-on while his left hand was in her crotch.

"That is sooooo hot," Debbie commented. She giggled. "And we thought we might have to work really hard to get you guys to get it on with each other... we had no idea!!"

Ryan glanced at his big sister. "Well, we haven't been at it very long," he remarked. "Looks like you guys have though, huh?"

"For a while," Sean agreed, amusedly. There was a giggle in the background. "Uh huh. You got some catchin' up to do," he said.

"OH, we ARE!!" Ryan said emphatically. There were chuckles at both ends of the connection.

Ryan wet his lips. He and Suzy had talked about it ... they'd known they were going to say something about what else they knew. He didn't quite know how he knew the moment was now, but he was sure it was.

"Somethin' else we got to catch up on too," Ryan said. He took a deep breath. There was an expectant hush from the Tripps.

"How is everything with you tonight ... Mrs. Tripp?" Ryan asked, speaking a little louder into the cell phone.

The pause stayed unbroken for a long while. Ryan and Suzy could hear muffled voices in the background over at the Tripp's house.

"We saw you in the reflection from the patio door, Mrs. Tripp--we saw the pearl necklace around your neck," Suzy remarked loudly. "So we already know...."

There was more muted conversation, then silence.

"We didn't intend for you to see me in the video," Joanna Tripp said finally. Her voice was low and sultry. "Very observant....

"And I'm doing quite well, thank you, Ryan ... and Suzy," Joanna Tripp said calmly. "What else have you two been up to?"

Her low contralto, boosted by a healthy dose of sexual excitement, would have seduced a marble sculpture. Ryan's hard-on took on new hardness. He grinned his happiness.

Suzy snorted. "We been fucking up a storm the whole evenin' long actually," she replied. How 'bout y'all?" she asked sweetly. She might have been asking how a weekend BBQ was going at the Tripps.

That broke the dam wide open. Joanna and her two children let loose some heartfelt laughter.

"Well, we were earlier and we're gonna do more later ... particularly now that we've heard from you guys," the woman replied. She laughed.

"And Mr. Tripp?" Suzy asked brazenly. There was no need of being bashful.

"Well... he's ... with Annie right now, down in the family room," Joanna said after a short pause. She'd clearly made a decision to come clean with everything.

"Later... when we tell him the good news, he's gonna be fired up and ... well, let's put it this way. Sean showed him your picture yesterday, Suzy, from the school yearbook ... and you wouldn't believe what happened. Well, actually you would, wouldn't you?" Joanna let a thoroughly girlish giggle escape her lips.

Ryan and Suzy looked at each other triumphantly. They'd already guessed. Of course, Sean and Debbie's little sister, nine-year-old Ann would have to be in on the action. If Mom and Dad were doing two of their children, the third would find out quickly enough and demand to be included. No doubt about it.

"Oh," Ryan said, wanting to end the silence that had broken out. "Soooooo...," his voice trailed off, as he tried to find the words he wanted.

"Soooo... you're wondering if nine-year-old girls can be horny too?" Joanna Tripp asked cheerfully.

"Oh, well, I knew that!" Suzy replied slowly, taking the conversation over for a moment. "Totally!! They can be. Heck, some of them up at the ... up on the mountain ... were...."

Suzy took a breath and let it out unhurriedly. She relaxed. A low growl came up from her throat. A lazy smile curled her lips. "Nine-year-old girls were just like the rest of us girls up there--we all got to be happy little cum sluts after the first day," she said. She giggled at her own naughty words.

Ryan took another deep breath. "Well, what we really wanted to know, Mrs. Tripp, is... could y'all give us a clue on how to get OUR parents to ... ah ... well ... like you guys, ya know?"

Suzy and Ryan waited anxiously.

"Ahhhhhhh, I see!" Joanna said thoughtfully. She chuckled. "You want some mommy-cunt, eh, Ryan?" She laughed. "And Suzy ... I know you're going to like your Daddy's cock inside you ... trust me!"

She chortled with glee, tickled the two Fletcher kids were expanding their horizons so quickly, and joining her own children in having sex with their parents.

"Well... strange as it may seem kids, it might not be that hard ... difficult ... to get your mom and dad to ... come over to the side of the force," she continued laughingly. She paused.

"You know where your parents are tonight, right?" she continued.

Suzy and Ryan looked at each other, curious about the question.

"Yeah, they're out on another of their date nights," Ryan replied diffidently.

Joanna chuckled lightly. "Well, yeah ... but they're on a 'date night' with about six other couples over at the Milsap's house tonight," she said quietly. "And it's a 'naked' date night, if you know what I mean," she continued.

Ryan and Suzy stared at each other. They had never thought about what their parents were doing on their silly little dates. If the kids had been asked, they'd have said their mom and dad went to a movie and maybe out to the roadhouse for a little dancing....

"Hello?" Debbie called softly, breaking the lengthening silence. "Y'all still there?"

"We didn't know," Suzy said. "Sooooo...."

"They're fucking, sucking, eatin' pussy and generally having a ball ... just like you two are doing," Joanne interjected smoothly.

"But we never did it with any other people--" Ryan began.

"But you will, honey," Debbie broke in to remind him, "just as soon as you two get your cute little butts over here. Right?"

Right! Suzy and Ryan got it. They'd been talking about having sex with the whole Tripp family for the past hour and there was no reason to reverse paths now.

"Hey!" Suzy said, a little indignant. "Cut us some slack, okay. We hadn't even thought about it. Our parents ... we thought they were going to the movies a lot, but...."

Joanna laughed. "Hadn't connected the dots yet, huh? Well, there ARE movies at the meetings, but nothing like they show down at the Plaza Center ... much, much more interesting ones," she concluded.

"Like... movies of past get-togethers." She said when Suzy and Ryan didn't say anything. "Actually, we have some of those movies of other 'meetings' here if you want to see them some time," she remarked. "Did I mention my husband and I go to those parties too?"

Suzy and Ryan stared at the cell phone. It was obvious what Joanna was hinting at.

"You're saying you have movies of you doing it with my Dad?" Suzy said disbelievingly. "For real?"

Joanna laughed. "A couple, yeah."

"Oh, wow!" Suzy breathed.

"And my mother doing it?" Ryan asked breathlessly.

"Yep!" Joanna returned.

"We never knew they were...." Ryan said. He stopped himself short. "My mother doing it with who?" he asked interestedly. Brother and sister were moving quickly.

The three on the other end laughed loudly. "You'll have to come over and see for yourselves," Joanna said mysteriously.

Ryan frowned. "Sean ... did you ever--?" he asked suspiciously.

Sean laughed. "Nope! I can't go to those parties ... but Debbie and me and Annie have our own party while Mom and Dad are gone."

He laughed cheerfully. His voice dropped two octaves and words began tumbling out of his mouth.

"But Ryan Fletcher ... ol' buddy, ol' friend a' mine ... just as soon as we get everything happenin' and your parents are playing too ... I'm gonna fuck your hottie of a mom doggy style and I'm gonna screw her 'til she howls at the moon while you butt-fuck my mom right beside me!

"I wanta see that! You hear me, pardner?!! You hear me?? We're gonna have so much fuckin' fun!!"

There was silence at both ends of the phone connection.

"I might mention," Joanna said dryly, "that I howl pretty good myself...."

The two sides of the conversation broke up in laughter.

"Sounds like a plan to me," Ryan remarked happily. "I think I'm really going to like making you do that, Mrs. Tripp," he added.

"Absolutely!" Joanna answered. She paused. "And I'm just waiting to gobble you all up, Ryan," she remarked. "So we need to make that happen soon, honey.... "I'm sooooo horny just talkin' to you," Joanna said, sighing.

There was a pause.

"OH! I know what I was goin' to say," Joanna continued, "about the Milsaps... Donna Milsap, the Milsap's youngest daughter? She got divorced and moved back in with them last year ... she's only nineteen ... and she goes to those parties too."

Ryan and Suzy gasped.

"And, guess what?" Joanna asked merrily, "Your dad wants a piece a' her every chance he gets. He might already be wondering whether young Donna has ever been with her dad!," Joanna mused. "Hmmmmmm...."

"Well, anyway, if he hasn't been wondering--and Donna and her dad are so touchy-feely, I'd be surprised if they weren't doing it, and your father may have seen just what--"

"Goodness, I'm gonna lose my train of thought again if I'm not careful ... anyhow ... a certain big-titted woman with a string of pearls just might drop a few hints to your dad about young girls having sex with relatives, or something like that."

Joanna laughed. "He might not even know where the idea comes from ... your Dad tends to go a little glassy-eyed when a pair of hard nipples dents his chest."

"Well, I don't know about that," Suzy interjected, "not yet, anyway... but I intend to find out!"

"You will," Joanna replied serenely. "I don't think it'll take too many hints at all ... and if it does take a little longer than I think it will, my beautiful Debbie can kinda push him over the top, don't you think?"

"It'd sure push me over the top," Ryan answered feelingly.

"Hey, I like where this is going," Debbie said in a pleased voice. "Maybe I could show up sometime when your dad is home alone, Ryan?Hmmmmmmm, would Sunday night be okay?"She giggled.

"I'll... well ... we'll have to set up a plan, okay?" Rye replied, chuckling at Debbie's enthusiasm.

"So... what about our Mom, then?" Ryan inquired.

"We'll work on it," Joanna replied. "It might be that Sean does the same thing with your mom that Debbie is drooling about doing with your dad--just getting alone with him and letting nature take its course...."

"Or maybe your mom accidentally sees Sean doing me somehow...." Joanna was quiet for a moment."But you know, kids ... like Ryan said, we really should ... get together and seriously work on a good plan," she said suggestively. Her voice was back to a sultry lilt. "Ya know?" she coaxed.

"Well... how about tomorrow afternoon?" Ryan asked. "Could we ... work on a plan then?"

"Baby," Joanna said passionately. "All of us here will be ready for some real ... goooood... planning," she purred.

Chapter Six

The word around town was that the young woman, Miss Sharon Phillips, who ran the laser hair removal boutique out in the new mall was ... well, just awful friendly. It was said the pretty redhead with the humongous tits never wore a bra and she always unbuttoned the top buttons on her blouse if her 'patient' showed any interest. Rather than being miffed about guys, or gals even, who wanted to look, she cheerfully put everything on display.

The prices in the new shop were more than reasonable too. In a remarkably short time, her shop had all the business she could handle and she had to add staff to handle the load.

Miss Phillips began getting a ton of business from the more mature girls attending the Academy. Those girls couldn't handle the competition from all the really young girls who'd been on the bus ... and it didn't take the high schoolers long to figure out all those bus girls didn't have hair one 'down there'.

They might have had some crotch hair on The Day, but their captors had shaved off even the faintest suggestion of fuzz. The young girls kept on shaving their groins because they now associated sex ... which wasn't a bad thing at all, according to the counselors ... with smooth, hairless pussies.

Suddenly, all the older girls wanted smooth-as-silk groins too ... so they could compete. If the boys in town thought they liked bald pussies now, and it appeared they DID, then satin-smooth pussies were what they'd get. The older girls were fighting back. Once the young girls found out there was a permanent solution, they began patronizing Miss Phillips' little establishment in droves.

Boys followed suit. The young girls on the bus, and their older counterparts, decided there were going to be some conditions the boys would also have to meet. They let it be known they liked smooth cocks and groins if they were going to give boys head. It was no fun combing pubic hairs out of their teeth when Johnny asked Sally to go down on him.

Suddenly, the young shop owner was abruptly getting all the business she could handle from males and females of all ages. And they all found a willing accomplice in Miss Sharon Phillips. She was totally discreet. Much of the necessary paperwork just never got done, including parental permission forms ... but no one objected.

Now and again, a boy or girl spent longer than was normal in the shop, behind a locked door. But on one ever complained about that. There was actually a bumper crop of smiles among kids leaving the shop. Miss Phillips' technicians in the shop were gaining a reputation as souls of discretion ... and happy, fulfilled workers.

They were living the dream: if you find something you love to do, you'll never work a day in your life.

* * *

Tommy McBride's life was a lot more interesting these days. His two older sisters flashed their boobies at him any time they thought they could get away with it... and the added spice that happened when one of their parents almost caught them made it all the more sweeter.

Tommy always grinned happily and gave them an enthusiastic thumbs' up. Not only that, Tommy's younger sister, Michelle, started yanking her T-shirt up for him to see her chest when she saw her older sisters letting Tommy see their titties.

Michelle was only eight-years-old and she didn't have boobies yet, just a vague puffiness where breasts would someday be, but Tommy reallyappreciated his little sister's attitude. When Michelle started getting her young girlfriends to do the same T-shirt yank for him, Tommy was thoroughly delighted. No one ever caught him without a smile on his lips anymore.

One afternoon, Michelle's best friend, eight-year-old Crystal caught Tommy alone and let him know he could run his hands all over her bare chest anytime he wanted. She whispered in his ear she let her father do that too.

Crystal's father was a teacher at the Academy and he'd been one of the adult chaperones who'd been kidnapped that day. Crystal told Tommy her Daddy liked to play with her puffies ... and put his hand 'down there' too. She let Tommy explore below her belly for as long as he wanted to....

* * *

Tommy crept into his mom and dad's bedroom hesitantly. Mom had gone to bed early again, not feeling well, and Dad had stormed out of the house saying he had to go on a call. But the kids knew Chief Deputy McBride was really just getting out of the house because he didn't want to deal with Mom's drinking anymore tonight. The story about Mom being sick was beginning to wear a little thin with everyone.

Mom was lying on her back on the bed, breathing steadily, if a little nasally. She'd drunk almost a whole bottle of that red wine after supper, and Tommy had watched her do it.

"Mom?" he called softly. There was no answer. Mom let out a little snore that settled all Tommy's questions. Mom was sound asleep, drugged by the alcohol into a deep slumber.

Tommy glanced nervously down the hall both ways and then closed the door. His Dad wouldn't be back for hours and his sisters were at the Wagner's watching a movie or something.

The important thing was he would be alone with Mom for at least another hour. Dropping his pajamas on the floor, Tommy climbed up on the spacious mattress. He drew the sheets down and tentatively poked his mother in the side, just to check one last time to see if she was really asleep. She didn't move a muscle and Tommy's breath came in faster pants. His little dickie was stiff, pointing out from his young underbelly like a thick crayon.

Carefully, he drew Mom's nightgown up, just as he'd done for the first time a couple of nights ago. Her nightgown wasn't as uncooperative this time. The sheer nylon didn't ball up into impossible knots like it had the first time. He pushed the slinky fabric up over her hips in front and gazed at his mother's exposed groin. He licked his lips in the dimness. There was only a little light coming in from the master bathroom, but he could see between his mother's thighs well enough.

Kneeling between her legs, he bent low to kiss her smooth pussy. She didn't have any hair down there--smoothies were thought highly of, at 'Meetings of the Bored'--but Tommy didn't know enough about girls and women to wonder about it. As far as he was concerned, this was normal and he didn't know why Mom had had several appointments lately at a shop in the mall. As he kissed her soft labia, Mom moaned quietly and moved her hips a little, pushing up a little into his mouth.

Tommy froze. She hadn't done that the other night!

When Mom quieted again, he resumed kissing her pussy, and got the same result. Tommy let out a shaky breath, wondering if he should get off the bed and scurry back down the hall to his room. Then he saw that even if she was moving around, she wasn't waking up.

He decided it was just her body really liking what he was doing. He licked the top of her outer labia. Mom groaned and shifted around on the bed. When she moved, her nightgown rose higher, and Tommy pushed at it, hoping it would somehow get over the swell of her big breasts. He kissed at the underslopes of her boobs and Mom moaned again. Tommy grinned in the dark room. Mom really liked what he was doing, even if she didn't know she was liking it. He wondered briefly what she would be doing if she was awake....

The nightdress rose even higher in front due to Tommy's pushing and her moving around so much. Mom's breasts were completely exposed to her son's eager gaze now. He sucked at the nipples he'd never nursed from, but always wanted to. He'd been told by his sisters that mom hadn't wanted to wreck her tits by nursing. They'd laughed at his uncomprehending expression. But he sucked on them now, and Mom moaned softly.

Tommy paused. He blinked in the darkness. Then he went to work. Without stopping to think twice about the deed he was about to attempt--he instinctively knew he'd talk himself out of it if he stopped again--he slipped back down Mom's naked body until his groin and his mother's were aligned.

Holding his young cock in his hand, the naked boy craned his neck, bending low to inspect his mother's pussy in the dim light. Her legs were spread wide and her pussy was fully exposed to his gaze ... much more than it had been the last time.

Mommy whimpered a little. She sounded as if she needed something ... and Tommy thought he knew what it was. He climbed over her right leg and settled between his mother's creamy-smooth thighs.

Supporting himself on knees and one hand at Mommy's side, Tommy guided his little dick into Mom's steaming pussy. He knew it was the right thing to do. Pushing inward, his prick slid in easily. Mommy gasped a little, but he couldn't stop to investigate why. If she wasn't still asleep, it was too danged late now!!

He knew what the boys at school said. You had to make your dick rub against that little nubbin right at the top of a adult woman's gash or she wouldn't feel much 'cause boys just couldn't fill up a full grown woman. He rode high, supporting himself on his hands and knees, steadily increasing his pace.

In a little while, the warmth in his groin expanded and grew hotter. Frantically, he thrust faster and faster until he sprayed his boy-cum into his mother's welcoming cunt. He couldn't keep himself from groaning aloud. He pumped his hips in one last time, almost gasping for breath. He moaned softly.

He was exhausted and lay atop his mother for a time. When he cooled off, he carefully climbed off her and tried to rearrange her nightgown in the darkness. Even with Mom restlessly rolling about in her sleep some, he managed to get it back on straight.

He cleaned himself up afterward, more than a little in awe at what he'd done. The towel he used to dry his crotch served to mop up the fluids that were all over Mom's groin too. He dropped the towel in the dirty clothes basket in the bathroom.

Carefully, he eased the bedroom door open and peeked out, looking both ways. His pajamas were in his left hand but he didn't feel like putting them back on. Tommy strutted down the hall to his room, feeling every inch the 'Little Man' his mother affectionately called him....

His mind went over and over the evening's events, but things were already growing indistinct in his memory ... and in the midst of his first fuck, he hadn't been able to pay too much attention anyway. But ... a few ghostly, half-recalled memories gnawed at him. Did Mom's hands really park themselves on his hipbones and caress his sides, urging him deeper inside her and faster? It must have been an accident. But it was nice. Her hands had felt real good on him.

* * *

"Okay, boys," Carla Winters called to the Cub Scouts in her living room. "Let's get things goin' by golly!" she said cheerfully. "You want to get your special merit badges, don't you?"

The ten and eleven-year-old boys yelled their agreement, and quickly found seats on the sofa or chairs ... or on the thickly carpeted floor. They gazed up at their den mother expectantly. Their suppressed excitement was a palpable force in the air.

"Say hello to Mrs. North and Mrs. Bentley," Carla said, gesturing at the two mature, well-endowed women standing nearby. The women curtsied, grinning at the eager young boys. The Cub Scouts gave the women a hearty welcome, their voices all in unison. The boys were grinning all over themselves.

"Are they goin' to be our Den Mothers too?" young Will asked excitedly. He and the other boys eyed the two attractive, big-busted MILFs. Everyone had happy gleams in their eyes.

"Oh, yes ... and they're going to help us with your merit badges," Carla explained. "And, yes, they'll be coming to all our meetings to help out in the future too," she said. The smile on her face matched those of the boys... and the other two women for that matter.

"Now," Carla said as she yanked her housedress over her head to reveal her nude body, "...who can show us how to kiss a girl's nipple 'til it gets really hard and sensitive?" she asked the room of naked little boys. A group of boys surged to their feet and jockeyed for the right to get to one of her big tits.

"And don't forget our two other Den Mothers," Carla croaked.

Two young boys claimed a place directly in front of Carla and quickly began moistening both of her aureolas, flicking their tongues at her cherry-sized nipple just as they'd been taught in other meetings.

The other boys detoured in mid-stride toward the other women. Carla groaned as one of them began energetically fingering her twat and another her butt hole. Her legs shifted apart a few more inches to give their questing fingers greater access. After all the visits to the shop in the mall, there wasn't a single hair on her body below her neck. She AND the boys loved the feel of her silky smooth skin.

The other two women were almost bowled over by the rush of the boys to get at them. Their dresses lasted mere seconds before the remnants of the fabric were tossed aside and everyone slipped down on the lush carpet rug. The women and boys squealed happily, but there was very little real talking after a short while. The aroma of excited young boys and three very aroused full-grown women filled the air....

* * *

"Good to see you, Keith," Charley "Junior" Johnson said heartily, clapping the Chief Deputy on the shoulder. The two men actually did like each other and Junior's very real pleasure at seeing Deputy McBride was evident in his voice and smile.

Keith smiled broadly. "Wouldn't miss it for the world," he assured Junior. He looked around the room at the scantily dressed women and their significant others milling around the vast ballroom in the Johnson family's mountain mansion. It was a 'Meeting of the Bored' and there was a nice crowd here tonight ... might even be a record attendance.

It occurred to Keith that the turnout for these clandestine gatherings had been growing for the past couple of months, and the number of the 'meetings' was also increasing. Usually folks would skip one, attend another, skip a couple, and so on. Nowadays, couples seemed to be making every meeting that came along.

Tonight, there were three other such 'meetings' taking place in gathering places across town, and all the swap parties had houses chockfull of licentious partygoers. He could testify that he and Caitlin sure didn't miss many parties these days, he thought contentedly. Especially since she'd quit drinking so much. He grinned happily.

"Got someone who wants to meet you," Junior said easily. "She's had a crush on you for a while now, it seems, and has just been waiting for the right time to tell you," he explained. "Foxy little chick, too, if I do say so myself," he added in a proud voice.

"Crush?" Keith asked, a little uneasy. A crush implied emotional involvement, and one of the club's strictest rules was that what happened at a meeting stayed at the meeting. Emotional entanglements were strictly verboten!

"Actually, she's just deeply in lust with you," Charley said with a grin. "She knows the rules ... I pounded them into her pretty little head myself."

"Okay," Keith said, relieved. He turned to look out over the crowd again, wondering whose wife he'd be slipping his cock into tonight.

"Keith, you know Miriam?" Junior asked quietly, startling Keith. He turned around to see Junior standing there now with his arm around his twenty-year-old granddaughter's waist.

"I... I ... damn, Junior," Keith mumbled.

"Oh, Keith already knows me, Grandpa," Miriam said with a giggle. "We've met a few times already."

"Oh, I know, honey," Junior replied. "Just thought I'd make it formal, ya know?" He squeezed her close to his body, dragging the miniskirted young woman off balance.

"Grandpa... quit it!" Miriam complained. "You made me slip a tit," she scolded. The sudden movement had shifted the deep V-neck of the minidress and her left breast was indeed protruding through the opening. Miriam made a big production about putting her breast away again.

Keith stared. He was caught off guard, astonished by the lewd show grandfather and granddaughter were putting on ... and very aroused by it at the same time. He looked at Junior, who shrugged expressively.

"She's legal, Keith. She found out about the 'Bored' and told her mom and dad, and me too, that she was joining in ... end of discussion." He paused for a moment.

"Hell, actually, her parents and us ... we've always been pretty open about things. You know, her mom and dad are part of the 'Bored', right? They're over at the Ralston's tonight 'stead a' here." He paused for a moment. "But sometimes Merri and her mom and dad do come to the same party...." Junior left it at that while he waved at another couple across the room.

When he turned back, he shrugged at Keith's shocked gaze. "Well, heck, nobody has ever able to tell Miriam what she could do and could not do for ... for recreation since she was twelve. You know how twelve-year-olds are, huh? And since the ... the bus thing, well...."

The grandfather looked around at the big room full of uninhibited partygoers. Men and women were throwing off pheromones like it was going out of style. It was a bit of a surprise the air wasn't just a little hazy. It seemed like all that sexual excitement should be visible as a fog or something.

"Hell, jus' treat her like any other horny wench, okay?" With that, Junior unwrapped his arm from around his young granddaughter's body, patted her cute butt and turned away to find an available, unoccupied, female in the crowd.

Keith was left with the pretty twenty-year-old.

While he was still bemused, Miriam stepped close and wrapped her arms around his neck, tilting her face up for a kiss. She was young, and the granddaughter of one of the most powerful men in the county, great-granddaughter to the one who stood at the top of the food chain in this part of the state.

She was also a hot, exciting, bundle of woman-flesh, and Keith's body reacted accordingly. Her grandfather had said to....

Keith kissed the young woman back, flicking his tongue at hers and taking her in his arms to stroke her body with both hands. Miriam responded by hunching her groin on the front of his thigh.

Breaking off the kiss, they moved toward a huge futon couch and settled down into the deep cushions. Miriam rose, threw a leg across Keith's to straddle him. They locked lips again while Miriam ground her pussy against the older man's hard-on. Her skirt was well above her bare crotch now and Keith fondled the girl's satin-smooth mound.

"Miriam...," he began.

"Call me Merri, okay?" she whispered.

"Merri... are you here by yourself?" Keith asked.

Miriam, Merri, shook her head. Rising on her knees, she looked around the room and finally spied the person she was looking for. She pointed.

"I'm with Rick, over there," she explained. "We've been dating for a couple of months," she added. "There he is over by the bar ... see the woman in the blue ... oh, that's your wife, right?"

Keith glanced ... and then stared. "My God!" he exclaimed. "You're dating a teenager?"

Merri giggled happily. "Nope!" she said. "He's twenty-three ... but he sure looks young, don't he?" she asked, amusement loud in her voice. "You think he's too young to have his hand where he does?" she asked mischievously.

"Huh? Well ... no ... yes ... hell ... I mean yes, it's fine. We're all adults here, if he's really twenty-three," Keith responded eventually. He'd been partially distracted by Merri rising up on her knees, taking the hem of her skirt in both hands and lifting it up over her head and off her body in one smooth motion. She was deliciously naked beneath it. She cupped the undersides of her breasts, offering them up to Keith's lips for a kiss.

"He is," Merri assured him. "And I'm twenty nowadays, Mr. Deputy McBride, and I'm oh so horny," she remarked.

She watched, craning her head down, as Keith lapped at her right aureole, wetting it thoroughly, and then taking the hard nub between his teeth to nip at it gently. She shuddered delicately. "Soooo good," she crooned.

She pulled back slightly to look around at her boyfriend again. She giggled.

"I think your wife likes my boyfriend," she informed Keith.

Sidetracked again, Keith looked around. His wife was still at the bar but 'Rick' was kneeling in front of her barstool with his head was between Caitlin's wide-spread thighs. Caitlin's head was thrown back. She was clearly enjoying what the younger man was doing for her.

"Awful little feller, isn't he," he asked Merri in a preoccupied tone. Caitlin's hands were at the back of the young man's neck now, hauling his mouth tight against her pussy. He chuckled. "Caitlin is gonna wear him out...," he observed.

"Uh huh," Merri replied, equally distracted. She laughed.

"Well... he's not TOO little. When he stands up facing me, he can suck on my tits without straining at all ... and that's a good thing," she said. "And when I'm laying down, he gets up on me and he's 'exactly' tall enough," she finished.

"I see," Keith said. He watched his wife and the young-looking man for a moment longer.

"Well... he seems to have made an impression on Caitlin," he remarked. The two were walking slowly, hand-in-hand through the crowded room, clearly in the process of finding an unoccupied futon, sofa, or pile of cushions ... or maybe just a space of bare carpet. Caitlin wasn't too picky when she was in heat. Keith grinned.

He turned back around to concentrate on the sexy woman-child on his lap. Their lips met and their tongues dueled in their rising passion.

Merri reached down to unbuckle his belt and then unzipped Keith's pants to fondle his cock. She jumped up and knelt to pull his boots and socks off, then yank his pants down. She tossed them to one side, not caring where anything landed. She straddled him again and took his cock in her small hand, guiding it carefully between her pussy lips. She let gravity drag her down, impaling herself on the older man's big cock. She moaned as his penis drove deep inside.

"I remember the first time I saw you," she panted in his ear as she began rising and falling slowly on the cock spearing deep inside her.

Keith had to think for a moment. A memory came to him.

" 'Neath the stands at the football stadium?" he asked.

"Uh huh," Merri replied, pleased that he remembered her.

"I was only fifteen," she said softly, "and you'd just become a deputy," she reminded him. "When you saw me and Stan, you looked so big and handsome," she continued. "And I knew I wanted you right then," she finished. She giggled. "Did you know what me and Stan were doing under there?" she asked coyly.

"I had a pretty good idea!" Keith replied dryly. "You both looked like cats who just swallowed a couple canaries."

The fucking duo laughed easily.

"Well... I did just swallow something," Merri said impishly, "but it wasn't a canary! I just then finished sucking him off and he came a ton in my mouth," she said, and laughed again. "I was scared you'd smell him on my breath or something," she added. "And you know what, Mister Big Ol' Dep'ty Sheriff?" she asked impishly.


"That night ... I was gettin' ready to ask you if you wanted what he got," she said naughtily. "I'd have gone right back under there and sucked you dry too," she said confided. "All you had to do was point ... and I didn't care if you pointed with your cock or finger," she added, and giggled.

"Well... that was something I just couldn't do way back then," Keith said easily.

"Want to now?" Merri asked quickly.

"Sure, after we ... Oh! You mean you want to go out by the stadium and...?"

Merri nodded, smiling impishly at her adult lover. "I can wear my ol' cheerleading outfit...," she said teasingly.

"Uhhhh... well," Keith replied, taken aback for a moment. "Probably not something we could make happen," he said at length.

"Oh, I meant with your wife and my boyfriend along and everything out in the open," Merri said coaxingly. "Not like you were cheatin' on your wife or me on my boyfriend or anything," she added. She glanced across the room at the twosome over there on another futon and naked as the day they were born already. "Looks to me like she's having a lot of fun sucking my boyfriend already," she said.

Keith eyes went to the couple in the futon ... they weren't all that far away. Caitlin was on her knees in front of the boy with his slender cock in her mouth and her head rising and falling slowly. Keith was glad he knew the young man was as old as he was.

"You know what?" Merri said teasingly. "I think Rick looks a lot like Stan did back then," she remarked, giggling.

She slammed her cunt down hard on his hard cock. "I'm fifteen again," she whispered breathlessly into Keith's ear, "...and your girlfriend is sucking off my boyfriend while I do you," she declared.

"You're not sucking my cock," Keith gasped. He wasn't entirely comfortable with Merri's comment about his wife and a fifteen-year-old boy but he understood where she was coming from. Most of the folks in the Meeting of the 'Bored' routinely acted out fantasies at the meetings.

"Hell, I'd a' fucked you after sucking you off back then too," Merri shot back excitedly. "We can do both under the stands if you want to," she added. "Think about it, okay?"

Keith grinned down up at the pretty young woman. He sought out her breasts with both hands and thumbed the already erect nipples, then pinched lightly. Merri moaned and threw her head back convulsively. Keith strained, hunching his upper body up a little to capture her bobbing right breast in his mouth. He wasn't going to be able to swallow her breast whole, but he was going to give it his best shot. He laughed aloud and Merri joined him.

When they were finished and laying on the settee spoon-fashion, Merri tapped the arm that encircled her for attention. She squeezed his hand tighter on her breast and wiggled her butt, pushing back at his not-quite hard penis.

"Hmmmm?" Keith asked lazily. "You ready for another round already?" He was more than willing, and had always had the ability to be ready at moment's notice. He usually had to wait for women to be up for another fuck so soon, but if Merri was....

"In a minute," Merri murmured. She giggled. Hunching closer, she craned her head around to put her lips near Keith's ears.

"I told your daughter...," she murmured.

Keith's body spasmed, ramming his cock forward. He hadn't planned to; he'd thought another round of foreplay was in the offing. Even though it wasn't as hard as it could have been, his penis penetrated Merri's slick outer labia and he was abruptly seated securely in her sopping cunt again.

The sexy young woman groaned delightedly and locked him in by clamping her vagina muscles down on his organ.

"WHAT??" Keith rasped. He was barely able to control his voice. "You told my ... which daughter ... what did you tell her?"

"Oh... Alexandra," Merri replied, unperturbed at the violence of Keith's reaction. She adjusted her position a little to accommodate Keith's thick cock inside her a little better. "I told her ... on the day we were kidnapped and all ... I told her I would really have liked it if you had de-virginated me when I was younger," she explained. "You remember on the Bus Day? Before the busses left? You were walking around and talking to your deputy guy and my granddad came up, and everything," she said, "and you were soooo much a hunk of big ol' man ... and it just came out," Merri finished, her voice trailing off.

Keith considered what Merri had said. It wasn't as bad as he'd assumed when she first blurted out what she had. Maybe it was just kind a' like girl talk. Not knowing what to say, he said nothing. His hard-on had grown stiff as a steel rod now and he was fucking strongly into the grinning young woman's cunt.

It wasn't like he really saw Alexandra's face hanging in the air while he fucked the twenty-year-old Merri. He repeated that to himself until he almost believed it.

* * *

Sister Elizabeth stood to welcome the last young person this evening who'd asked to speak with her. Much of her time at the orphanage was consumed just listening as lonely, often abused, children rambled on and sorted out their problems as they talked. The tall, pretty nun was the best counselor at the orphanage; she'd always been a good listener and she knew just when to insert a word or two to see if the child might consider moving in a more desirable direction. She was very good at what she did.

If only she could heal herself. She still had haunting dreams about the days she spent being taken sexually by boys, men, and even girls up on the mountain....

"Why, hello, Todd," she said, greeting the twelve-year-old boy who walked in the door. She was mildly surprised.Todd wasn't an orphan and he hadn't asked to talk to her privately. Then she saw Todd wasn't alone. With him was Al Christensen who had been one of orphan boys on the bus with the Sister. "Hello, Al," she said evenly. Al knew things about Sister Elizabeth no one who hadn't been up on the mountain knew.

"Hi, Sister," Al replied, smiling. "I hope you don't mind me bringing Todd," he said, "but me and Todd are best buds at the Academy and all, you know." The nun had not, actually, known the two twelve-year-olds were best friends, but she didn't have any difficulty believing it. They were very much alike in so many ways--appearance, for one thing.

"No, not at all," she replied with a smile. "It's perfectly alright," she said. "Sit, and we'll talk," she said. They dragged two of the metal chairs from against the wall to a place right in front of the nun.

"Thanks, Sister," Todd said, taking charge. It surprised Sister Elizabeth a little. But ... humans really are pack animals, she reflected. Someone always took the lead. Tonight, it was Todd.

Todd grinned at her and then at his best friend. "You see," he said in a low, confiding voice, "Al told me something I just don't believe and only you can make me believe him, okay?"

"Okay...," Sister Elizabeth replied apprehensively. "What do you need to know?" Todd looked at her slyly.

"Well... Al says you have the most beautiful pussy in the whole world," Todd said, rushing his words. He was in charge of the team composed of him and his best friend ... but he wasn't nearly as sure of himself as he pretended.

Sister Elizabeth flinched. Shocked to the core, she tried to find a way out of this, tried to form a reply. Her thoughts raced. She'd had sought counseling herself right after the kidnapping, and she thought she'd recovered well from the humiliation and degradation of the whole experience.

But in her heart--on those nights when she woke up moaning at three o'clock in the morning, she knew she hadn't. There were feelings left behind that she was having difficulty dealing with. She had dreams ... she couldn't deny the dreams--they were always there when she closed her eyes--vivid memories of young boys crawling all over her, stroking and petting her ... putting their hands all over her breasts, sucking on her nipples and inserting their little fingerlings into her sopping wet vagina.

Todd and Al showed a more mature patience than one would have thought they would have possessed. They watched the play of emotions across her face and studied her body's unconscious movements. They grinned. Sister Elizabeth was having a little hip rotating, cunt squirming, little crisis right there in front of them.

What the boys didn't know was that the nuns in the order hadn't been helping her get beyond the three days up on the mountain. Not in the least. Actually, the younger set within the Sisterhood met regularly, sex toys in hand, ostensibly to purge sexual thoughts from their minds but really to enjoy the passions they couldn't deny.

They watched each other in their play ... and sometimes they helped each other. Such things were an open secret in the order, if not most orders. Though no such thing appeared in church doctrine, they were unofficially encouraged to purge temptations so they could better tend the flock.

But ... things were growing more intense, since Sister Elizabeth's trial on the mountain. Just last week, for instance, Sister Amelia's leering girl cousin had secretly brought a machine to Sister Amelia's room--a fucking machine that mimicked a man taking them as men should take women.

Sister Amelia kept it hidden, moving it eventually to a hidden corner of the basement, and then she shared it with everyone. Sister Elizabeth had only tried it one way ... on all fours in front of it ... while the electric motor in the big metal frame methodically drove a six-inch dildo in and out of her cunt. The pace could be varied by remote control--all the sisters liked that. Sister Elizabeth had cum hard, screaming her release down in the basement room where no one ever went.

Sister Elizabeth gasped aloud as the thoughts raged in her mind. She couldn't stay still. The young boy's words had ignited a sudden identity crisis inside her, and her body was betraying her. She felt the heat deep in her groin and knew her vagina was secreting a thin honey and was already wetting the crotch of her panties.

"Al," she said hoarsely, trying to control her voice and rebellious mind, "I ... I mean ... well, thank you for the ... the compliment," she forced out. Her college professors hadn't trained her to be a good counselor in a situation like this.

"Would you show me?" Todd interjected quickly. "Al's already seen you naked but I haven't, and I'd really like to ... please?" he added, more respectfully.

The request should have been farcical, and rude in the extreme. No one could think could she'd actually do it, but Todd and Al both were sitting quietly, expectantly.

Crazy as it sounded, the Sister thought, this was coming at her as if it were the most reasonable thing in the world. There was no intimidation, she mused, not even the faintest hint of it. It was so natural for them to want....

The pretty nun was lost. Her mind refused to accept what her hands were doing.

She slowly lifted the long, heavy black skirt she wore. The Order didn't demand wearing of the habit. Why had she worn it--and the snow-white wimple over her head and shoulders--tonight, of all nights? It made what she was doing that much naughtier, and utterly delicious.

Pulling the lower hem of the habit up an inch at a time, she caught each boy's eyes with hers to make it a very personal moment. The only sound in the room was the soft rustle of fabric rasping against the smooth skin of her thighs. The boys saw her sensible panties shining white in the harsh overhead neon lights. And both saw the moist line that defined her slit beneath the panties.

The boys stared in lascivious glee.

"Come here, Al," Sister Elizabeth said softly. Entranced, the boy leaned forward, then stood and shuffled nearer. "Take my panties off, honey," the nun whispered. "You know how to do it," the Sister said softly.

Al nodded. He'd done this, and more, in the scenes the gangsters had videotaped.

"You help too," she said encouragingly to young Todd. The two twelve-year-old boys were quickly on their knees in front of her. Her hands tightened on the chair's arms, bracing her so she could lift her body up a little to let them slide the panties beneath her ass and off down her thighs. The boys skinned the panties down her legs, staring at the pouting, pink lips of the nun's sex. They licked their lips and shot a glance at each other. Sister Elizabeth moaned, knowing where the excitement in her loins was leading and--

The slamming of a door down the hall made all three jump.

Frantically, they scrambled to put things aright as fast as they could. The Sister turned away, dropping her skirt back into place. She shifted around on her chair, getting used to the feel of being without panties for the first time since ... well ... since the Day. She snatched her panties from Al's unprotesting fingers and tossed them into a drawer.

The sounds of movement in the adjoining office increased for a moment, then that door opened and closed again. Footsteps grew fainter as whoever it had been walked down the hallway. All three in the office heaved great sighs of relief.

The boys looked at Sister Elizabeth hopefully. They were ready to resume play at the point where the interruption had stopped everything ... but the magic of the moment had been broken. She shook her head determinedly and stood, urging them toward the doorway, but then stopped them before she opened the door..

"Well, do you think Al lied to you?" she asked Todd softly.

"Hell, no," the boy replied quickly. "Sorry, I mean...."

His open smile and the conviction in his voice was just right. "It really is beautiful," Todd continued reverently. Impulsively, the Sister retreated to her desk and took her panties out of the drawer. Smiling, she handed them to Todd.

He almost moaned in his excitement. He couldn't help but sniff at them and take in the aroma of an aroused woman. He put them in a jacket pocket.

The Sister smiled and put a hand on each boy's shoulder as she escorted them into the hall. She looked both ways down the dim corridor to make sure there was no one who could see.

Bending, she cupped each boy's chin in her hand and kissed each one's lips before straightening again. She made shooing motions when the two would have stepped forward to embrace her again. Disappointed, they turned and took a few steps away.

"Boys...." Sister Elizabeth said quietly. They stopped and turned around. "Thank you," she told them in a sincere tone. They grinned widely.

"Another day," she said gutturally. "Someday ... soon!"

She ducked back into the office and shut the door. Soundlessly, the boys walked down the hallway and out into the bright sunlight, not daring to look at each other, much less talk about what had just happened.

Sister Amelia's fucking machine got a hard workout that night in the basement. Sister Elizabeth was panting and sweating hard when she finally gave up the machine to the next sister....

* * *

"Barry... got lucky last night," Brooke Wagner said laconically. Her tone didn't suggest anything important in the statement and it took Alexandra a moment to understand. She and Alexandra were in bikinis in the McBride backyard getting a few rays.

"Your brother Barry?" Alexandra said slowly, mystified. She suppressed a shrug. She didn't know why her best friend, and next door neighbor, was telling her this, or how Brook knew her brother 'got lucky', for that matter.


"Yeah," Brooke said, feigning nonchalance, "me and Gail made a sandwich outa' him and he fucked both of us!!" Her pretended indifference ended with hoots of laughter at the look on Alexandra's face.

Alexandra gasped. She looked at her friend in amazement. Gail was twelve and in Alexandra's home room; their brother Barry was fourteen years old.

"You and Gail?" Alex asked in disbelief. "And Barry?"

Brooke nodded with a mischievous grin plastered all over her face.

"Your brother and sister?" Alexandra still couldn't believe it.

"Well... duh! What's wrong with that?" Brooke answered, her grin fading a trifle. She was nettled. "I remember seeing you and Kayleigh going at it up on the mountain," she reminded Alex. "And you and me did a nasty thing or two, ourselves," she said.

"Yeah, but we didn't have any choice--" Alexandra started to say. She stopped when Brooke shook her head vigorously. Brooke poked Alexandra emphatically just above Alex's left breast.

"No way, no how, girlfriend. What I'm talking about was on the last day and we weren't getting whupped or pushed around or anything then," she retorted. "The bad guys were mostly leaving us alone all that afternoon and you 'n your sister were BOTH getting' off big time!!" she said firmly. "And just for fun after you got through, you asked ME if you could lick my puss, so don't you gimme any of that crap, you hear me?"

Brooke was prepared to work herself up to a fine rage, if that was what it took. She'd hoped for a better reaction, but she'd also anticipated this and was prepared to get pissed off. Alexandra looked at the eleven-year-old who'd shared three days of hell with her. She relaxed, and let out a big lungful of air.

"Oh, I know...," Alex said agreeably. "You're right ... but Barry and Gail weren't up there," she said. The statement was more a question than anything else.

Brooke shrugged. "Guess what, honey?" she said, gently. "My brother's cock gets just as hard as any of the boys who were up there; it feels just as good inside me," she said convincingly, "Gail's pussy tastes just as fine as yours, an' she likes a hard brother-cock in her just like I do!" she finished. She crossed her arms over her breasts and glared defiantly.

"Like I said ... you're right , and I know it," Alexandra said placatingly. "I just wasn't thinking about stuff like that when you just started talking, okay?"

Brooke looked at her appraisingly. She grinned broadly.

"Okay! But you better get used to it," Brooke said. "'Cause if you're gonna be a shit about it, I won't let you come over tonight and watch Faith and Laura do Joel," she finished.

"What?" Alexandra squealed. "You...."

"Shhhh," Brooke cautioned her girlfriend. She looked around to make sure no McBride parents were near enough to hear. "Geeeze, Alex, not so loud ... darn!"

They were quiet together for a long moment. Alexandra quickly adjusted to the new relationships her friend was forging.

"So your little brother and sisters...?"

Brooke nodded and smiled.

"They decided all by themselves they...?"

Brooked nodded again. "They wanted me to show 'em how and they watched the others of us last night when Mom and Dad were gone," Brooke explained.

"Dang!" Alexandra exclaimed. "But...."

"Laura's the same age as Kelly Harmon," Brooke reminded Alex. "And Kelly did all the guys she could get her hands on...."

Alexandra nodded her acceptance. Kelly Harmon, all of seven-years-old, slim as a reed, and maybe forty-nine pounds (if she hadn't dried off from her last shower yet) had had her share of the boys, and the men too. Near the end of the ordeal, little Kelly had wandered the halls, looking for boys, men, or other girls to play with.

Alexandra began to warm to the idea. A musing smile bowed her lips. Her eyes were seeing things that weren't in front of her ... yet. "My brother, Tommy, is ten," she said slowly, "and Michelle is eight...."

"Uh huh," Brooke said brightly. She grinned. "I really want to play with Tommy's little thingy," she admitted, dropping her voice an octave and three levels in volume. "Joel's is soooo cute," she confided, "and I just know Tommy's is too."

Alexandra smiled. Her shock had faded fast. She wondered what her brother Tommy's thing did look like ... and taste like ... and maybe even feel like inside her....

* * *

Tommy sneaked down the dim hall, throwing glances behind him to make sure there was no one following him. He moved quickly, not at all hesitantly. He'd been making this trip a lot lately--this was his third visit in the last four nights, and that was just this week. The more he did it, the more he wanted to.

Closing his parent's bedroom door, he made his way confidently to the big bed. He jostled his mother's arm, but he really didn't think she'd wake up. He'd seen her drinking the wine earlier that evening ... and that meant the coast was clear for what he had in mind, one more piece of mommy-cunt. He licked his lips in anticipation.

His pajamas tossed on the carpet beside the bed, the young boy clambered up on the mattress and carefully lifted the sheet from his mother's body. The breath hissed out of his body. Mom was sleeping nude tonight. She didn't do that very often, but Tommy loved it when she did. He could kiss and touch her all over. His little cock was already as hard and as long as it could be. He felt strong and manly.

Spreading his mother's legs, ten-year-old Tommy knelt and began to tongue his mother's sex. As she had many a night in the past, Mom moaned softly and she unconsciously held her hips up so he could have better access. Tommy always started like this. It seemed like he should give her body some pleasure before he took any in return--a tacit recognition it wasn't her choice.

When his mother shuddered her way through a nice orgasm, as she always did, Tommy knee-walked his way up the mattress. He was going to insert his slim penis in that slick, velvety channel from which he'd come ten years ago.

"No, baby," his mother moaned softly. "Not yet...."

Tommy's body convulsed. He tried to get off his mother, scramble to the floor and RUN!!But his mother's hands cupped his butt-cheeks securely, capturing him in mid leap. She tugged at his hips and ass to move higher on her body.

"It's okay, sugar," she murmured in his ear. "You can put your cock in my vagina a little later, okay?"

Caitlin McBride had made a decision before getting in bed tonight. She hadn't actually been drinking much wine of late. Tonight, as it had for the past two weeks, a bottle filled with cherry Kool-Aid and some darker food coloring had served as a substitute for red wine. For the past two weeks, Caitlin McBride had been sober as a church mouse.

"Come up here," she whispered to her son. Urged by her hands, Tommy crept up toward his mother's face. When he was high enough on her chest, she used her tongue to search out his young, fingerling penis in the dim bedroom. Capturing it between her lips, she sucked it inside and began slathering it all around with smooth strokes. She released him to kiss his underbelly.

Tommy groaned and arched his back, pushing his groin back close to his mother's soft lips in unspoken need.

"You like that?" she asked gently. Her voice was smiling, and Tommy knew this had been destined all along.

"Yes, Mommy," he answered. He wondered. "Did you like it when I licked you... down there?" he asked hesitantly.

"Mmmmmm-hunh," she said, letting her son's prick slide out of her mouth. "Every time...," she added softly.

"You knew I was doing it to you?" Tommy asked hesitantly.

"For quite a while, yes I have, honey," his mom replied. She moved her mouth back to his penis and sucked strongly, making the breath hiss between little Tommy's teeth.

"Why didn't you...?" Tommy asked.

" 'Cause I liked it really lots," his mother answered. "And I didn't want it to end."

She chuckled. "Do you like to do it to me?"

"Uh huh," Tommy said without hesitation. He was about to cum in his own mother's mouth--the pressure was becoming more than he could bear. A thought occurred to him. "Uh ... Mom?" he said.

"Hmmmm?" his mother murmured around his small cock. From behind his young butt, her left hand had found the tight sack containing his young balls. She was massaging them gently ... fondling and squeezing them for her and her son's pleasure.

"Can we still ... uh ... still put me inside you?"

Caitlin let his little cock slip out of her mouth and giggled like a schoolgirl. "ABSOLUTELY, baby!" she answered, reassuring him the unspeakably taboo act would be there for the both of them. She took his penis back between her soft lips.

"Sweet!!!" Tommy McBride crowed into the darkness, and emptied his balls down his mother's throat....

Chapter Seven

The atmosphere in town was different this summer.

The Academy, for instance, had a number of unused utility rooms and a few vacant classrooms that were regularly used for small sex parties by the students. Behind the heavy stage curtains in the auditorium, the school stored piles of mats once used for boys' wrestling practice. They were spread out backstage now and the students had thoroughly cleaned them without the school administrator's knowledge. They were in use almost all day, every day.

Teachers learned to avoid the area of the auditorium, lest they hear the wails and groans of passion coming from behind those curtains. If they heard, they might have to deal with something they'd rather not.

Well ... most of the teachers stayed away anyway, but not all. There were persistent rumors of some teachers actually joining in when the opportunity presented itself....

In the mall, unused store fronts, hidden nooks and crannies; dark, anonymous hallways--they were all being used by kids for sexual experimentation and partying. Boys and girls hooked up in the food court, and then drifted around until they found an unoccupied place to experiment.

The pressure wasn't confined to just kids anymore. All the 'Meetings of the Bored' parties were full to overflowing now. So many new members were recruited that there were an increasing number of parties going on every night of the week ... and those were just the formal get-togethers. Deputies patrolling Salt Fork's residential neighborhoods noted a LOT of traffic around 4:00 AM all week long, as an unusually large numbers of men and women left to go home....

Salt Fork residents seemed to have had a collective loss of appetite for the summer too. Doctors noticed substantial weight losses in every segment of the population. Children who had been inclined toward chubbiness declined extra helpings, and their parents followed suit. Gyms were choked with newly inspired workout demons and the bike paths in the parks saw heavy traffic.

Still, all the exercising didn't do much to lower folks' stress level. A handful of 'unofficial' swingers groups sprang up, operating more or less in plain sight without the slightest murmur from the citizenry.

* * *

"Honey, will you take Daphne home? I'm beat!"

Beverly Norfolk was exhausted. She always was when she and her husband Jim came home from a night out, eating, dancing, boozing, flirting and fucking ... though things didn't always occur in that order.

"WOW!" Jim remarked. "I get to take the cutest sophomore cheerleader in the whole state home ... AGAIN?" he said cheerfully. "This is going to boost my standing with the neighborhood ... well, the men, anyway," he said musingly. "They're going to say I'm SOOOO lucky."

Bev sighed. Her husband was always this way. "Pay no attention to him," she told the fifteen-year-old brunette beauty who'd been their babysitter for the past year. "He says things like that all the time."

"All talk and no action, huh?" Daphne said pertly.

Bev put on a pitiful face and sighed. "Yes ... tragically, it's true," she replied dramatically. She put the back of her hand to her forehead and struck a theatrical pose. " 'Tis the cross I must bear in this life ... but I must be strong, I know...." She pretended to blot away a teardrop or two.

"I'm so sorry, Mrs. Norfolk," Daphne said mimicking deep concern for the woman. "Such a shame, too." She eyed Mrs. Norfolk's tall, slender husband. He still had a runner's body from his high school days running track and he wasn't hard to look upon in the teenager's estimation. "And he coulda been so much more ... if only he'd applied himself...."

"Hey... no fair ganging up on me," Jim snorted. " 'Tain't fair!"

Bev ignored him and counted out Daphne's fee for babysitting four rambunctious kids this evening.

"Thanks Mrs. Norfolk," Daphne said, smiling. "It was fun!"

"Fun? That doesn't sound like ... you mean to say you babysat someone else's kids on our dime? What about our kids?" Jim asked facetiously.

"GO!" Beverly ordered, pointing at the door to the garage.

The man and teenager ... went.

* * *

Before Jim's car got to the end of the block, Daphne had deftly unzipped his pants and delivered his stiffening penis from his boxers. Seconds later, she arched her body over the center consol to take him into her mouth. He'd showered at the Williamson's in anticipation of just this happening.

"Mmmmmm!" she moaned.

The vibrations from her vocal chords made Jim groan in spite of himself.

"I been waiting all week for some of this," Daphne whispered, taking a break for some badly needed oxygen. "I thought today would never come!" She giggled.

"Me too," Jim said, agreeing. "I live for nights we can get together, baby."

Moments later, he turned from the untraveled highway onto an even more secluded country lane, stopped under the spreading limbs of a big cottonwood beside the road and turned off the engine. Jim held still for a moment, listening for sounds that didn't fit, but he heard nothing. He hadn't expected any. They'd been coming up here for months now and never once had they been disturbed.

Daphne rid herself of all of her clothing when they left the city lights behind. When the motor died, she leaped from the car door and up on the hood, splaying her thighs wide for some of Jim's expert oral attentions. She came hard, squealing and whimpering her release to the open prairie all around.

With her pussy totally drenched with her juices and his saliva, the pair adjourned to a blanket Jim pulled from the trunk. Jim mounted her missionary style, which Daphne especially liked--he didn't know why, nor did he care--and a little later he took her from behind in a classic doggy fuck, which Jim liked a lot.

It was all done in a heated rush ... they didn't have much time. If he were gone too long, his wife would notice and he didn't need that! On the way to Daphne's house afterward, driving slowly, a re-clothed Daphne gave Jim his reward for eating her out so well earlier.

And so it went....

* * *

One night, Beverly wasn't feeling as well as she might have. None of her four children had been on the bus, but the whole affair made her queasy just thinking about it. While things seemed to be back to normal, she kept seeing things that she didn't recall noticing before. Even allowing for loosened standards since she was a teen, young girls in town were wearing truly scandalous attire these days.

Just how short could denim skirts be anyway, 'til someone noticed their wearers didn't have on panties? And even more, when is it okay for a boy to fondle his date's breasts and she to cup the bulge in his jeans while they waited in line outside the movie theater. And how come no one seemed to take notice, much less object. And when did third-grade boys and girls start kissing and putting their hands all over each other?

Such things were weighing heavily on Bev's mind of late--a little more than usual because she thought she'd almost caught her thirteen-year-old son touching his cute little girlfriend ... down there! She wasn't totally, one-hundred percent sure, but she thought she'd only just kept them from....

With all these things on her mind, the thirty-six-year-old wife and mother was a little ill at ease this night, what with the kids visiting their grandfather on his farm... and therefore outside of her direct control. Her Mom and Dad wouldn't let the kids get in trouble, but....

Anyway, she didn't drink quite as many daiquiris as she usually managed at a house party, she didn't get up to dance quite as many dances as she normally did, and she didn't use up as much energy fucking and sucking guys off as she normally would.

Her husband hadn't let her restraint bother him any. He'd had that young Milsap woman bent over the back of that sofa for what seemed like forever....

When they got home, Daphne was sitting on the front porch ... on her way home from the library, and then it got too dark and scary, she said. Jim knew different, but he wasn't talking.

Beverly wasn't nearly as tired when they got home as she usually was, and she wasn't ready to go to bed, though she'd told Jim she was going to take a quick shower while he took Daphne home. She'd be waiting for him when he got home.

A couple of other things conspired together that night too. Daphne was unusually randy and she had Jim's penis in her mouth before he even backed the car down the driveway, for one thing. For another, Bev wondered why Jim was so slow backing out, and chanced to look down on her husband and a cock-hungry Daphne from a second-floor window ... one she normally wouldn't even pass by on her way to the shower. What Daphne was doing to Bev's husband was on full display in the glare of the outside security lights.

"Well, you sorry son of a bitch!" she whispered. "The girls at the party weren't enough for you, huh?"

In a way, though, she wasn't terribly surprised, and not nearly as upset as she thought she should be. Swapping was generally thought of as a marital activity ... having a secret fuck buddy was technically cheating. What to do about the whole thing wasn't clear, though. Jim wasn't going to get away with it, but she didn't know precisely how she'd repay her wandering husband.

After her shower and a couple of quick drinks, Beverly heard a knock at the door. Mystified as to who it could be, she answered it to find a teenaged boy standing there looking a little guilty, a little worried, and more than a little unhappy. As he stood looking at her, his mood lightened.

Bev had on only a terrycloth bathrobe that ended at mid-thigh. Most of her lush body was bare or barely covered.

"Oh, hi Rodney."

"Is Daphne still here, Mrs. Norfolk?" Rodney Ellis asked. "Can I talk to her?"

"No, Rod ... Jim took her home a while ago," she remarked, debating with herself whether to tell Daphne's boyfriend what she knew to be true.

"She's not home!" Rod asserted. "I just came from there and she's not there," he said, clearly distressed.

Bev sighed... and decided. The good Lord had provided and who was she to refuse the opportunity.

"Why don't you come on in, Rod, and we'll figure this out...."

She grinned, mostly to herself, but she didn't try hiding it from Rod either. "Come on in, honey," she commanded when the young man hesitated. She led the boy to the sofa in the family room. "Rod, I've got some, well, some bad news, and some good news...."

"What?" Rod asked apprehensively. He sat on the sofa beside the older woman.

"Well, the bad news is ... my husband is out there somewhere ... fucking your girlfriend." She waited a minute, studying Rod's crestfallen features. She put a hand on Rod's thigh, stroked for a moment, then stroked higher ... and then higher. She smiled into Rod's shocked ... but suddenly very interested ... eyes.

"And the good news, honey, is that my husband is out there somewhere ... fucking your girlfriend!" Bev said with a smile "...which leaves you and me here ... alone ... together!"

She waited, letting the moment draw itself out. "Sugar, do we really care what they're doing?"

The sixteen-year-old didn't, he couldn't answer, but that was okay with Bev.

She stood, undid her bathrobe and lifted it off her shoulders, letting it fall down her back.

When the Bev drew him to his feet, it was clear Rod didn't care anymore where Daphne was, or what she was doing either. When Mrs. Norfolk dropped to her knees and engulfed his cock in her volcanically-hot mouth, Rodney Ellis couldn't remember his girlfriend's name.

* * *

And so it went for a time, but one evening, Daphne was over to watch the kids before their grandparents came by to pick them up ... and then waited around for a ride home. Jim and Daphne left in a rush and the teenaged temptress forgot her laptop on the kitchen counter. She actually needed it for a school project, and made Jim turn around and go back to retrieve it. Jim didn't want to. He'd been quite happy with Daphne's warm lips around his cock and her tongue teasing the underside. A return trip messed that all up.

Then he brightened. Maybe not! They'd have to start all over again, and that was a good thing.

Jim heard the strange noises as soon as they walked in the kitchen door. He stopped short, careful not to slam the screen door and put a warning finger to his lips so Daphne would be quiet. He listened for a moment, wonderingly. The kids weren't here. They'd been picked up by their grandparents again on their way back from a trip to the big city.

It wasn't long before he figured out what he was happening upstairs. After all, the gasping and groans, plus the sounds of the springs on his and Bev's bed upstairs were totally familiar. He and Bev made those noises themselves a couple/three times a week, more after returning from a 'meeting of the bored' night out. Jim thought for a moment, while Daphne rubbed her lower body against him. She was taking the opportunity to be naughty in the Norfolk house. Where they were made it seem that much more deliciously exciting.

Jim didn't even try to work up any indignation at what Bev was clearly doing upstairs. After all, whoever was up there was just helping her get even for what he and young Daphne had been doing since before the last snows had melted on the ridge above the town. He shrugged his shoulders. He grinned at Daphne.

It was actually a relief. Jim thought for a moment. There could be some real advantages to having this all out in the open. Could it be managed so there were no more car hoods, or rocks under thin blankets to ruin the mood? Comfortable beds in the upstairs bedroom were a lot more fun.

Jim took off his shoes and motioned for Daphne to do the same. He showed the teenage temptress where to step on the stairs so Bev and whoever she had with her wouldn't be warned by squeaky boards. They crept slowly up the stairs.

He peeked carefully around the doorframe, ready to dodge quickly back, but he needn't have bothered. Neither of the two on the bed could see him. His naked wife was sitting at the head of the bed facing the doorway. She had her legs spread wide; Rod was on his knees between the adult woman's thighs and facing her. Beverly couldn't see anything but the youngster's belly button and the boy was facing away.His eyes were closed while he slowly fucked Bev's mouth anyway.

Jim chuckled to himself. His eyes dancing, he motioned for Daphne to look inside the bedroom, cautioning her with a forefinger to his lips.

Daphne leaned around the doorframe and took in the scene. Her eyes widened in shock... and then more shock when she realized....

She snapped her head back. Standing with her back against the wall, she put both her hands over her mouth to stifle the excited giggles bubbling up from inside her. She pulled her older lover tight against her body ... he didn't resist at all ... and put her mouth close to his ear.

"That's my boyfriend," she whispered in a strangled voice. When Jim, surprised, pulled back to look her in the face, Daphne kissed him full on the lips. This was agreeable with Jim so he answered in kind. Daphne grabbed Jim's burgeoning dick through the fabric of his golf pants and manipulated his organ for a bit. Then Jim broke it off.

"Shhhhhhhh," he said softly. "Watch me and play along, okay?" Daphne nodded, anticipation blazing hot in her eyes.

Casually, Jim stepped into the middle of the doorway. He wanted Daphne to stay where she was. He didn't want her to be seen just yet. He took a deep breath and released Daphne's arm.


Startled, young Rodney Ellis bucked his hips forward, shoving his cock down Beverly's throat. His balls bumped her chin and his lower belly covered her nose.

Beverly gagged and pushed frantically at Rodney's hips to push him back and get his penis out of her throat so she could breath again. Rod wasn't all that cooperative; it seemed to him that he needed all of his young ass as far away as he could get it from the roaring voice behind him. Even a fraction of an inch might be critical. But Bev was insistent, physically, and she managed to push Rodney away.

Rod twisted and around and settled down beside his lover. He tried to cover himself with something. He was unsuccessful, largely because an unconcerned Beverly wouldn't get off the danged sheet!

"Dammit, Jim!" Bev barked, still gagging some. "What the hell is wrong with you? He could a' choked me to death!" She coughed. "Shit!"

Jim had his hands on his hips and was laughing hard. He had to lean against the doorframe. He wiped his eyes with his handkerchief. Jim inspected Rodney's quickly shrinking penis and then looked Bev in the eyes. He crinkled his nose at her and grinned.

"Nah... you've been deep-throating guys since before I met ya," he remarked irreverently. "You can handle it," he said with no sign of concern. "You've done it for me often enough and for guys at all the parties we been goin' to," he added.

Bev leaned back on the pillows piled behind her, not terribly concerned with having been discovered with her youthful lover.

"I wasn't ready for it!" Bev retorted. "Makes a difference!!" There was a short silence. "I saw you with Daphne," Bev told her husband. She stretched her legs out in front of her again, not trying to hide the sheen on her puffy pussy lips.

"Well, duh!!" Jim returned cheerfully, making a funny face. "I already figured that out." He paused. "Did you start it or him?" he asked curiously.

Bev snorted.

Jim chuckled. "Yeah, you're right. It doesn't matter, does it?" He laughed again. "Well, tell ya what," he offered to the boy and grown woman laying naked on the bed.

Beverly Norfolk spread her thighs a little more than was really necessary. Her husband had watched her get fucked before, and she'd watched him. It was one of their favorite games. She licked her lips in anticipation. She was on fire, she hadn't had any relief given by her boy lover for a week and they hadn't gotten there tonight yet. She wondered ... her husband didn't seem at all fazed by catching her with Rodney. So what was he going to do now?

"Why don't we just get out of here and let you and your friend get back to business," Jim said with a smile.

Bev frowned. "We?"

Jim grinned and reached around the doorframe to pull his young hottie into the bedroom. "We'll just be in the guestroom," he announced and then stopped short.

Daphne hadn't been nude when the two of them had come upstairs, but she was now. Privately, Jim had often thought Daphne walked around kinda pushing her already prominent little pubic mound ahead of her so everyone could see it. He'd laughed to himself at his own private joke that Daphne's pussy arrived in a room well before she did. And now he was certain Daphne was leaning her upper body back, so that her bald pussy slit was on display for everyone to enjoy.

He looked his teeny-bopper lover up and down and turned to grin broadly at his wife. "WE!" he said triumphantly.

"Why?" Daphne asked excitedly before anyone else could intervene. "We don't need to leave, do we? The bed's big enough for all of us, okay?" she pointed out. She waited.

Bev looked closely at her husband, noted his hard-on, and examined the naked teenage girl. She made a quick decision. "I think you should call me 'Beverly'," she said dryly, " least when we're all naked and fucking." She patted the mattress beside her.

"Come to Mama, honey" she said.

* * *

Later, Bev crawled between her husband's legs and tried to swallow Jim's cock whole. Daphne lay beside Jim, getting some inexpert but enthusiastic head from the boy she was more than willing to share with Beverly.

"Soooo," Daphne remarked, pulling Rodney's mouth tighter to her drenched pussy, "you guys like fucking us, huh ... even if we don't know as much as you do about it?"

"Sure!" Jim answered quickly. "Absolutely ... so long as you don't mind doin' it with old farts."

"Oh... you're not old," Daphne said absentmindedly, looking Jim over first, and then his wife, " 'specially your ... cock," she observed, not quite accustomed to talking nasty in front of Beverly yet. She grinned.

"An' I think Rod likes those big boobs of yours ... Bev," Daphne said. "I know he does ... don't you, you pussy-lickin' fool, don't you?"

Rodney kept working hard on the young girl's clit, not wanting to answer.

"Hey... I'm talkin' to you!" Daphne said, pulling on Rod's ears to get him off her pussy. "You like those big boobs, don't you?" she demanded.

Rodney looked around. Bev obligingly rolled up on an elbow so he could see her big breasts.

"Oh, hell yes!" he said fervently. "And little ones, and medium-sized ones and...."

"Good boy!" Daphne said, patting Rod on the head. "You almost fuddled up there, but you did good," she said cheerfully. She pulled on Rod's ears and he rose high enough on her body to suck Daphne's left nipple into greater hardness.

Beverly abandoned Jim's cock and cuddled next to Daphne and Rod. She fastened her lips to Daphne's right breast and her hand to Rodney's teenage buttocks. She squeezed and fondled his left butt cheek, then his right, and slipped her hand between them to molest his ball sack too. Rodney began moaning and humping the mattress while still attempting to pay attention to Daphne's breast.

Jim watched, grinning. This was at least as good as any meeting of the Bored.

"Hey, get off me," Daphne ordered her boyfriend. "I want me some more Jimbo-cock," she asserted. There was a moment of scrambling around and rearranging but when it was over, Daphne was atop Jim Norfolk, his cock deep in her cunt. Beverly was on Rodney in the same position, riding him with a huge grin on her face.

"The younger, the better, huh?" an exhausted Daphne asked later, laying full length on her grown-up lover.

Jim smiled without answering. He nodded though. "Mmmmmmmm," he murmured noncommittally. He didn't know where this was headed.

"So... would you like to meet Haley, the new girl in school?" Daphne asked innocently. "She's fourteen...?"

Jim's hard-on, which had been slowly softening inside Daphne's vagina, reversed itself and began to mushroom again.

"Oh, you nasty ol' man," Daphne giggled. "I can see ... I can feel you like that idea," she said.

"Does... Haley ... have a boyfriend?" Beverly asked, a little peeved. It wasn't fair for her husband to get some young cunt and leave her high and dry. "One who likes big boobs and shaved pussies?"

"No, she doesn't have a boyfriend yet," Daphne answered with more composure than a fifteen-year-old should have had in a situation like the one she was creating.

"And you're fucking my boyfriend already. But I ... have a brother you might just like to do nasty things with, Bev," she said, sitting back up on Jim's cock and slowly rocking back and forth. "He's fourteen too," she added. She giggled at the expression on Beverly's face. "I'm pretty sure I can convince him to come over sometime," she said, smiling broadly. "Especially if I show him a picture of you ... naked?" She grinned naughtily.

"And Haley wouldn't mind doing it with grownups?" Jim interrupted.

"I'm pretty sure she doesn't care how old a cock is, as long as it's hard and pretty far up her cunt," Daphne assured him. "Yesterday she was saying as how one of the teachers at the Academy was sooooo dreamy."

"That's encouraging, sugar puss," Jim replied.

With that, he pulled Daphne down to his body and wrapped his arms around her, rolling the both of them over without breaking their lewd connection. On top of her, he began fucking her hard, shoving his cock deep inside the delighted teenage girl.

* * *

Haley and Daphne's brother were introduced to the Norfolks the very next weekend and the day was judged by all to be a total success. Neither of the fourteen-year-olds went home disappointed, and both the Norfolks were thoroughly hooked on having sex with younger partners. Daphne and Rod were similarly entranced, experiencing an orgy-like experience for the first time.

It was a little tough on Jim and Beverly to invent enough reasons to get their kids out of the house so often so they could hook up with the foursome of teenagers, but the Norfolks managed.

They professed to want a deeper bond between the kids and their grandparents so the grandparents on both sides of the family got to see more of their grandchildren this summer than ever before. The Norfolk children's allowances were bumped up substantially and they were given permission much more often to go to the mall.

Three Saturdays after their first introduction Haley knocked on the Norfolk's front door ... and ushered in her baby sister, Dawn. Haley's little sister was just as cute and vivacious, and at least as adventuresome as her big sister. She pranced in after her big sister, smiling sensuously in Jim's eyes.

Dazed by the younger girl's entry, Jim almost closed the door but a strong hand stopped the door's motion. He looked around the doorjamb and into the smiling faces of the girls' mother and father. Jim and Bev were taken aback, but only momentarily. By the time the weekend was over, they were all good friends, and well acquainted with each other's bodies and preferences.

A month after that, the guys were standing in front of kneeling girls in the Norfolk's living room and all the guys were enthusiastically fucking their girls' mouths when, with no fanfare of any sort, Jim and Bev's oldest son walked naked out of the kitchen, leading his equally naked sisters and little brother by the hand.

Strangely, it didn't shock Jim, or Bev, for that matter, not nearly as much as it should have. They might have even subconsciously been expecting it.

"I thought you were with your grandparents," Jim remarked to his oldest son as Virgil walked by, en route to Dawn and Haley's mother. Jim didn't bother to pull his cock out of young Haley 's mouth.

"We are!" thirteen-year-old Virgil said cheerfully, eying Haley appreciably. He hooked a thumb over his left shoulder.

Jim looked up again and saw his mother-in-law and father-in-law standing with their arms around each other's waist, smiling and waving at him. They were as naked as everyone else.

In their mid-fifties, both were still hale and hearty ... to the nth degree. Slim and athletic, the two of them regularly ran five and ten kilometer events around the state. Jim saw immediately where his wife got her big breasts. He'd noticed his mother-in-law's before, but he'd never seen them bare. It was worth the wait.

"Ahhhhh. Well ... okay, just as long as you didn't run off or something," Jim replied lamely. He didn't really quite know what the proper etiquette was for discussing everyday issues with a naked son.

"Da-aaaaad," Virgil responded impatiently. "You can see Grandma's tits, right?"

"Ummmmm, right!" Jim said understandingly. "I wouldn't run away either." He watched his mother-in-law's melon-sized breasts swaying in slow motion with each mincing step she took inside the room. Jim sighed. He was going to get him some hot mother-in-law fucking today, by God!

Haley left off sucking Jim's cock, rose, kissed him on the lips, and strolled over to Jim's father-in-law. Jim was puzzled.

He hadn't realized his ten-year-old daughter was so close until she wrapped the fingers of both hands around his cock and then his eight-year-old cupped his swollen balls. Then he understood. Haley had surrendered her place in favor of his two daughters.

"You sure you want to do this?" Jim asked ten-year-old Nicole.

"Daddy...!" Nicole said with some exasperation. She pointed to where Dawn was on top of her father, with her hair falling to brush his chest. Dawn was watching her daddy's hard-on slowly disappear inside her as she impaled herself on his cock. Dawn was clearly no older than Nicole.

"Dawn already told me at school she was having sex with her father an' we found out they were doing it with you and mom and now.... Now, Daddy, I wanta do that!" she said emphatically. "And Pammy can sit on your face!" she added, pushing her father backward and down on the sofa.

"Oh, Dawn told you all about us, huh?" Jim Norfolk remarked. He was beginning to see where all the connections had been made. He'd find out how his in-laws had been pulled into it sooner or later.

"Well, honey, I think we can just about do exactly what Dawn and her dad are doing," Jim Norfolk answered in a distracted tone. He didn't actually need to say anything, but he thought he should complete the conversational loop ... not that anyone was listening.

In a moment, he was flat on his back and his hands were busy fondling his eight-year-old daughter's asscheeks, squeezing and moulding them in his hands for the very first time ever while she ground her mound into his mouth. All the while, Nicole's tight little cunt was expanding ever so slowly to allow his cock entry.

"Now I'm sure of it," Jim murmured, but there still wasn't anyone listening.

* * *

He hadn't intended to intrude, he really hadn't, but the girls apparently hadn't heard him coming up the stairs. For his part, he hadn't known they were even home in the middle of the day. When Keith heard the strange yelping, grunting noises coming from Alexandra's room, he opened the door wide, thinking she must be going through some kind of emotional crisis, that she must have had a relapse or something.

He wasn't prepared to see Kayleigh wearing a double-dildo harness and fucking Alexandra doggy-style, one of the dildos deep in Alexandra's pussy and the other sliding easily in and out of Alex's ass. Keith had absolutely no idea what to do. For a fleeting instant, he wondered where they'd gotten such device, but the thought flitted away ... it didn't matter.

He knew both his daughters had been screwed any number of times by the bad guys and also by the hapless kidnapped boys up on Jackson Ridge, but he hadn't let himself think of the details of the abuse they endured. Now, seeing them engaged in such hard sex play with each other, he could only stand there, openmouthed and watching.

And they watched him without a trace of embarrassment.

"Daddy," Alexandra said finally, "You're lettin' in a draft." She grinned saucily. "Come on in and play with us," she suggested, waving a hand around to include the room, them, the aroma of hot sex, the taboo thing they were doing ... everything.

Keith blinked. He stared as Kayleigh eased the twin dildos out of her sister's butt and pussy. Kayleigh unbuckled the harness from her slim hips and sat on the bed beside her sister. Both of them were unabashedly naked and willingly exposing their sopping private parts to their father.

"Daddy...?" Alexandra said again, still smiling alluringly.

"I'm... I'm ... I'm so sorry," Keith said finally. His jaw had dropped wide open at first sight; now it returned to a more normal position. "I didn't mean to ... that is ... I...."

He closed his eyes and stepped back without finishing whatever he'd been about to say. He pulled the door shut. Turning, he walked down the hall to his and Caitlin's room, adamantly refusing to let his mind consider what he'd just seen.

The girls pursed their lips, tears dampening their eyes.

"He almost did it, you know?" Kayleigh whispered to her sister. "He 'almost' came on in and...."

"Yeah, but he didn't," Alexandra sighed, disappointed. "How do we get him in all the way? Doesn't he know we want him to?"

"I dunno," Kayleigh said glumly. "But we gotta find something...."

* * *

"Well... uh ... hello, Monica," Keith said awkwardly. "Hi, Nick." He'd just run into his next door neighbors at Junior's latest party up in the Johnsons' mansion.

"Ahhhh... well, hell ... I don't have a clue what the protocol is for this," Keith admitted. Then he chuckled. It was the right thing to do. It relaxed everyone.

"I don't know either, boss," Nick replied.

"Well, I do!" Monica Wagner blurted. "We do what we CAME here for!" She grinned broadly.

She handed her drink to her husband, dropped to her knees in front of Keith and unzipped his pants. She delivered his cock from its confinement in seconds. Surprised, Keith didn't move a muscle, and neither did Nick.

"I've wanted to do this for a lonnnnnnggggg time now," Monica confided and winked up at Keith. She settled back on her haunches, made an 'O' of her lips and fastened them as far down her husband's best friend's penis as she could and started enthusiastically bobbing her head up and down.

For a moment, Keith's mind was filled with an image of Monica's young daughter kneeling between his legs and servicing him. Brooke was just as blond as her mother and wore her hair just as short as her mother's. Brooke was best friends with his daughters....

"Hi, everybody. Getting' an early start, are we?"

Nick Wagner felt a hand clasping his. He looked away from the sight of his wife sucking off his best friend--and sometime boss--to find Caitlin McBride holding hands with him. He glanced back at Chief Deputy McBride's cock as it sank between his wife's vermilion-painted lips.

"Hi... uh ... I...."

Caitlin patted his hand. "I know," she said, comfortingly. "Your wife is soooo timid, isn't she?" Caitlin asked roguishly. She smiled down at Monica, who gave Caitlin a casual wave, but didn't stop servicing Caitlin's husband for an instant.

Caitlin led a discombobulated Nick Wagner around the room for a bit, pointing out folks they both knew, and some Nick didn't, as good potential partners for any kind of sexual encounter. She waved at a very naked Merri Johnson, who was standing beside her equally naked, and highly aroused, father ... and there was her grandfather across the way, watching and grinning up a storm. Nick's jaw hung loose for a long moment after seeing that. He watched father and daughter saunter across the floor hand-in-hand. They finally separated near the bar, at least for as long as Nick watched.

Caitlin let him assimilate all the things going on for a while, holding his hand and patting his wrist reassuringly while he worked his way through his shock. When he seemed to have recovered somewhat, Caitlin led him back around to where his wife was now fucking his best friend.

Caitlin pulled him close, stood on her toes to give him a lingering kiss, pressing her body against him and fondling a burgeoning penis in Nick's pants. "Hey, Marine...," she said in a sultry voice, "...wanta fuck?" she asked in a sultry voice.

When Nick could only stare in confusion, Caitlin took him over to a chaise longue a few steps away, stripped off her wraparound knit dress in less time than it takes to tell, and pulled the perplexed man down on top of her.

Nick rallied in seconds. He stood to get rid of all his clothing. Then he slipped back down, and into, his best friend's wife.

* * *

Dorothy Miller slumped comfortably in the straight back chair at the kitchen table. She was still wrapped in a warm, fuzzy glow. The seventeen-year-old boy who cut her grass for her every Saturday morning had just left and she'd sucked him off three times, one right after the other, and gotten herself off twice. She'd always been able to cum all by herself, just sucking a nice hard cock, and her new dildo just made it that much easier.

After the boy's third time, she'd talked young Derek into eating her sopping pussy and she came gangbusters that time. Dorothy was a squirter ... and Derek's first experience with that version of a female climax ... today, as a matter of fact... had alarmed the boy at first.

After providing a full explanation, though, and showing him some articles on the subject in an Internet search, he became fascinated. He promised next time he came over, he'd make her do it a zillion times. Dorothy wondered if she'd be able to wait. Her grass just might need cutting a couple of times right in the middle of the week....

When she heard a faint sound behind her, she was still too much in her post-orgasmic fog to react much. She was still kneading her sensitive breasts with her right hand and fingering her clit, dreamily considering what would happen the next time Derek came over. It occurred to her Derek had come back to extend the afternoon's festivities. Hopefully, she turned around to face the kitchen door....

And jammed a fist in her mouth to keep from screaming.

"Hi, Aunt Dorothy," Todd Collins greeted his nude aunt as he closed the door his aunt had left ajar. He had a huge smile pasted all over his face. "How's every little thing with you today?" he asked mischievously.

"I... I'm fine, thanks," Dorothy answered automatically. She covered her breasts with one arm and tried to hide her crotch with her other hand. "I... you ... you scared me," she explained, thinking fast. "You caught me," she admitted. "Sometimes I just sit here at the table and pass the time ... uh ... masturbating," she said.

She thought her hastily contrived story might actually work. It'd be embarrassing when her sister, Todd's mother, heard about it, but Mia knew Dorothy had been a widow for the last five years ... and Dorothy would make sure Mia learned how lonely Dorothy was....

Things were looking much brighter in Dorothy's estimation. Momentary embarrassment, explanations, and maybe even some sympathy from her sister ... but she could recover from all those things.

"You do? Really? You need to do that right after you suck off your lawn-mower guy three times and he eats your pussy too???" Todd asked interestedly. He grinned.

"Dude sure looked happy when he left," Todd said. "Three times! WHEW!!!"

"Does sucking him off that many times mean you're all tired out now?" he asked interestedly. "What about your pussy? Is it all worn-out or something?"

"Todd...," Dorothy said, choking. She stopped. She couldn't think of anything to say to her nephew that would make things better.

Her hands fell to her sides, exposing her breasts and groin. Todd had already seen everything anyway. She wondered if she moved to the big city if she could find a job there. Her sister wasn't going to understand at all, and she'd have to get somewhere else. The rumors and innuendoes that would be whirling around in Salt Fork....

Todd shuffled closer. Dorothy could see her nephew's aroused prick tenting his pants. She was ashamed of the effect she was having on her sister's son.

Todd took out his cell phone. "Aunt Dorothy?" he said. "Did you know you could take pictures with these smart phones and email them right to yourself at home?"

Of course she did. Dorothy'd done it often enough--pictures of leaves, trees, mountains and such. She didn't have any of her naked body, though, particularly of her naked body with a boy's prick stuffed in her mouth.

Clearly, Todd only asked the question to make the point that he had photographic evidence of Dorothy's indiscretions. She sighed. Clearly, her life in this town was over.

"Todd," Dorothy said dully. "Don't show those to your mother. I just don't think I could take it," she said pitifully. Tears trickled from her eyes.

"Okay!" Todd said briskly. He shrugged nonchalantly.

"I wasn't really planning on telling Mom anyway ... I ain't dumb," he avowed. He held the phone in one hand and began punching keys with the other. "Delete, yes ... delete, yes ... delete ... and yes!" accompanying his actions with a cheerful commentary.

Dorothy looked up, hopeful for the first time in several minutes.

"But, Aunt Dorothy," Todd said, unzipping his pants, "I really want some of what lawn-mower guy got. Would that be okay? Since I'm not ever going to tell my Mom an' all?"

Dorothy stared for a long minute at Todd's boy-prick standing out a forty-five degree angle from his body, hard as a length of steel pipe ... but infinitely more appealing.

'Ohmigod' her mind screamed. 'It's Mia's son ... I can't--its not right!'

And then Dorothy saw the pre-cum dribbling out of the slit on the end of Todd's young cock and the devil on her other shoulder contributed to the conversation.

'You know damned well, woman, there's no difference at all between what's seeping from the slit in the end of Todd's prick, and what came from Derek's '.

Dorothy's mouth watered. She licked her lips. She did so love boys cumming in her mouth. She'd found that out when she sucked her first cock in second grade. Would Todd's cum taste like Derek's? Oh ... no, certainly not. Well ... it would taste the same, but different, and most cum tasted really good on her tongue before she swallowed it....

"Well, why the hell not?" she said aloud, giving in to the inevitable. She spread her creamy thighs wide, letting Todd see what she had between them.

"Come here ... nephew!," she said with a grin that got wider the longer she wore it. "Come give your Aunt Dorothy a great big gob of jism to munch on," she said with increasing enthusiasm.

She leaned over as Todd stepped toward her and took her sister's boy's cock into her mouth for the first time.

Chapter Eight

"Hi, Mister Wagner," came the high-pitched greeting. Nick turned to find a slim little girl walking slowly toward him. She'd clearly just come out of the big unused area in this back corner of the mall. With a cute little smile painted all over her fresh, innocent face, it was impossible not to grin back at her. She licked energetically at the all-day sucker she held on one hand.

The little girl's brunette hair was done up in braided pigtails that fell behind her head and down her back. The yellow summer dress she was wearing came down just to mid-thigh and the spaghetti straps left her lightly freckled shoulders nearly bare. She wore a shiny pair of black Mary Janes and white ankle socks on her feet.

"Hello, young lady," Nick said, trying to frown authoritatively but he couldn't make it convincing. Still, the little girl had no business back here. "What were you doing back there?" he asked.

The little girl shrugged. "Just hangin'." She wasn't in the least intimidated by the mall's Chief of Security, armed with his mace and walkie-talkie and wearing his nice suit. "We're just chillin' " she expounded.

"We?" Nick Wagner asked. "Who's we?"

"Us kids," the little cutie explained brightly. She turned and began skipping back down the hall, her patent leather Mary Jane's slapping merrily against the tile floor. "Wanna see?" she asked brightly, staring back at him guilelessly.

Wagner followed the little sprite of a girl, catching up and even opening the heavy door for the little girl when she stopped in front of it. She smiled a thank you and waggled her head from side to side, incidentally holding his eyes with hers. Nick didn't look away from her before he stepped into the huge room. She was just too cute.

He knew this space was going to be a big retail store at some future date, but it was still vacant, empty. The area, and others in this as-yet-unused wing, would all be leased out ... some day.

Hands reached out and yanked him forward, pulling him off-balance and stumbling into the dimness.

"Don't worry, Mr. Wagner," a young girl's voice said. "Everything's okay!!"

There were other voices--soft, childish voices. They murmured quiet words in his ears, urged him to move, reassured him, and muted Nick's reactions. Soft fingers touched his wrists, stroking and patting, urging him forward. Small hands took his and lead him into the dimness. He couldn't see, but it seemed okay.

His instincts didn't kick in. The Corps had taught him several forms of hand-to-hand combat but, these were kids ... girls mostly ... and his parents had taught him well. A boy doesn't hit girls, period.

He tried to pull away, but there were others behind him and he was propelled gently forward ... to sprawl over something he couldn't see. Off balance, the kids supported him and kept him from falling. Nick was guided down to a soft landing on some thick padding covering a low platform. He was rolled over onto his back.

Once there, more girls told him to relax in soft voices that hinted of suppressed excitement, but they were happy voice. Everything was fine ... don't worry, Mr. Wagner, they said. He wanted to resist but he couldn't fight girls.

Truly, if there are enough Lilliputians, even the biggest giant can be constrained. His arms were extended slowly out to his side. Abruptly, handcuffs ratcheted shut around his wrists.

"HEY! What the hell??!!" Nick yelled indignantly. There was soft laughter all around, but no answered his question. While he was distracted and tugging at the handcuffs, his ankles were similarly restrained. The cuffs were clearly anchored to something in the floor that was very, very solid. There was no give to the restraints at all.

Softly giggling girls took his belt off. Someone levered his shoes off his feet and tickled the bottom of his feet to divert his attention even more. A childish voice warned him not to move 'cause her scissors were sharp and she didn't want to cut off anything important. She giggled when Nick froze instantly. He didn't want anything important cut off either.

He heard, and felt his suit coat, pants, and shirt being cut off. Everyone was laughing and he could hear the smiles in their voices. They were having a great time stripping Keith naked.

The lights in the unoccupied store came up to a less oppressive dimness. He could see, sort of. He craned his neck to look around ... there was just enough slack in his chains for him to do it. All the kids he'd heard talking were as unclothed as he now was. His mind reeled. The nude kids were of all ages and they were uniformly smiling at him encouragingly.

"Mr. Wagner?" It was a little girl's voice. Nick turned back to his front and lowered his back to the mat. He saw the small girl who'd enticed him into this room standing beside the dais only inches away from his body. She was still wearing her white ankle socks, but she was otherwise naked. Nick could only stare at the petite little girl. He wondered where her all-day sucker had gone.

"Mr. Wagner," she said in her piping voice, "I'm Kelly Harmon and I like to fuck boys and girls and grown-ups too ... and I want to fuck you now, okay?" she asked matter-of-factly.

She climbed up on the padded dais and straddled his hips. She stood there, pouting down at Nick. "You should jus' go ahead and let me," Kelly said with a grin, 'cause I'm gonna!" she said.

Nick tested the restraints one more time. They rattled some, but there wasn't any way he could get out of them. He blew out a slow breath and let his body relax into the soft firmness of the mattress beneath him. It occurred to him he was trapped more securely than the bus load of kids had been up on the mountain.

Seeing his surrender, little Kelly smiled happily. She squatted over his cock. "It's okay," she assured Nick when she saw his concerned expression, "I know 'xactly what to do," she said.

And she did.

Bracing herself with one hand on Nick's chest, she took his cock in her other hand and guided it skillfully between her puffy--and very pretty, Nick noted--outer labia. Nick Wagner had not known a full-grown man's cock could actually slide inside such a tiny girl's pussy and deep into her immature vagina.

Seven-year-old Kelly managed it, though. She grunted a little, eased herself back up ... then down again a couple of times, but in a few moments, she was on toes and knees, rocking up and down on her captive man's prick. She grinned in his face.

"Tol' you," she said and wrinkled her nose at him. She bent forward, and peered down the length of her body to look at the lewd coupling.

So did a fascinated Nick Wagner.

Kelly's knees were spread wide over his adult body. Her labia were stretched obscenely with Nick's dick. Clearly, her cunt was full of cock with not a single millimeter to spare. Kelly wrapped the slender fingers on her right hand around Nick's hard penis to stop her body from sinking down any farther.

Nick stared at the young girl's outer labia and watched as the motion of her rise and fall made a nasty, vulgar bulge in the tiny girl's underbelly and he moaned aloud.

Young Kelly laughed delightedly, knowing she was the reason for the big man's groans. Her free hand roamed around his naked chest and tweaked his man nipples and patted Nicks well-toned pectorals.

Nick couldn't help chuckling too. The little girl was having a fine time and her enthusiasm was infectious. Nick was new at this; he'd never been kidnapped before and forced to perform sexually, particularly for the benefit of a little pre-teen girl, but he was honest with himself--he could get used to it!

He realized he was cooperating a lot more than he should ... but he was okay with that. It'd been a long time coming, but he understood he'd been curious about this for a long time.

His daughter Brooke had been one of the kidnapped girls on the bus, and he'd never understood how it was she never showed any ill effects. He'd watched for signs she'd been traumatized, but the only thing he could see was a new willingness to flirt with him, smiling knowingly all the while. When Brooke and the two similarly brutalized McBride girls from next door were all three in a mood to show off, he sometimes wondered if steam might actually be coming from his ears.

Nick licked his lips. He wondered how many of the young girls in the room would be willing to use his adult body for their own satisfaction.

In a few minutes, Kelly stopped watching Nick's cock reaming her little cunt and stretched her body over Nick's and simply began pistoning her lower body up and down on Nick's hard-on, being careful so she wouldn't get it too deep and break something.

Nick knew when the little girl climaxed because her already impossibly tight pussy clamped down on his penis like a vise. He grunted, doing everything he knew how to keep from cumming himself. The little girl's pigtails bounced all around her head; her faced screwed up in a grimace of indescribable pain/ecstasy. Seven-year-old Kelly held Nick's cock deep inside her while the tsunami of her orgasm swept up her small frame and back again.

Finally, she relaxed, breathing again for the first time in what seemed like forever to the adult man under her.

"Thank you, Mr. Wagner," Kelly piped, grinning from ear to ear again as she recovered still more.

She got her knees under her and pried herself off his cock, giggling at the wet, sucking 'pop' his cock made when it came out of her tight vagina. Nick couldn't help but laugh with her. He began to understand. Sex was fun for little Kelly. She played with dolls sometimes and sometimes she played with cocks. All was in its correct balance in Kelly's world.

"Kellyyyyyy," a young girl said impatiently, "come on ... it's my turn!" Another girl, a little older than Kelly but still very young, was waiting anxiously at Nick's shoulder, eager to get what Kelly had just had.

Kelly made a face and took as long as she could to swing her legs over Nick's body and stand up. The other girl went to her knees, threw one leg over his body, and mounted him quickly, inserting his steel-hard penis deftly inside her already-slickened pussy.

"Hi, Mr. Wagner," she said. "I'm Bonnie Compton and I'm nine years old," she said as she began flexing her leg muscles, raising her body well above his belly and then relaxing her legs to slide back down, impaling herself on his cock. "You like my pussy?" she asked with a mischievous grin.

Nick groaned. The sensations of one tight pussy holding him tightly had been exchanged for another tight pussy holding him just as tightly. Both were fantastic. Both girls were so sexy, so tight, so ready to give him a ride like he'd never known.

"God yes, honey," Nick croaked hoarsely. He closed his eyes, the better to enjoy the sensations sweeping through his body.

Bonnie giggled. In no time at all, the young girl shuddered her way through a very adult-like orgasm while she hummed discordantly.

When Bonnie dismounted, a girl quickly squatted over his face and pressed her bald pussy to his mouth so quickly he didn't get a look at her face. A tick of the clock later, another girl took Bonnie's place and guided Nick Wagner's cock deep inside her squeezing cauldron of a cunt. Nick's cock was still hard, he wasn't sure his hard-on could go down and for the first time, he began thrusting his hips up a little, meeting this young girl's downward plunges.

He didn't find it difficult at all to fuck the girl child on his cock and service the other one with his tongue. The girls' orgasms began at almost the same instant, they turned into breathless little statues for a moment before sighing and letting their bodies relax.

Nick waited, relaxing too. This girl hadn't needed to hold his cock at the base to ensure against too deep a penetration. His cock fit nicely inside her. He wished he could fondle this girl's breasts and stroke her satin-smooth body.

Nick was eager for this child to get off him so yet another girl could ride his cock ... he still hadn't cum ... and he couldn't wait to taste the next little girl to mash her pussy into his face. This girl had been wonderful, he wondered who she was--she hadn't introduced herself when she took over from Bonnie. It'd been a quick transfer and her naked groin had blocked his sight....

He froze. His eyes went from the young girl still on his cock to the younger one who'd slipped off his face to rest a little to his side. That girl's left leg was still resting on his upper chest and he could see up the length of her naked thigh into her tight pussy, the pussy he'd just licked until she spilled her little-girl juices into his thirsty mouth.

"Thank you, Daddy," his eleven-year-old daughter, Brooke, purred. She gave his cock a little extra squeeze with her vagina muscles so he'd look back into her triumphant, smiling face. "You're a really good fuck, you know?" she said, making it as lewd and obscene a statement as she could.

"And you lick my pussy real good too," nine-year-old Faith assured her father. His head snapped around to see the face of the girl he'd just tongued to an orgasm. "I liked it ... bunches," she said happily. She'd fallen off to his left and was gently stroking his forearm.

"Hi, Daddy," came a thin, reedy voice from his other side. His head swiveled around to see Laura, his seven-year-old, had come up and she was standing there beside his young son, Joel. They were both naked ... of course.

Nick's eyes closed briefly, but it wasn't a dream. He opened one eye and stared. His baby girl was standing beside his son, masturbating the boy....

On the other hand, being brutally honest with himself, Nick couldn't find any regret for leaving the plain-vanilla world of traditional familial relationships behind forever. It was all good.

"Want to see Joel cum?" Laura asked brightly. Clearly she thought her brother's spurting his thin jism was the coolest thing in the world.

Nick shrugged his shoulders as best he could. "Sure, baby," he said, hoarsely, "show me what you do to Joel to make him cum," he said. It was his calm, collected fatherly voice he used--he was recovering from the shock pretty well. He looked around.

"Where's Barry and Gail?" he asked. "Couldn't they ... uh ... make it ... I mean...."

Brooke didn't answer immediately. She was busy removing the handcuffs around Keith's wrists ... with his own key. They weren't necessary any longer. Her Daddy had no desire to go anywhere.

"Gail is over there," she nodded her head toward the far corner of the room. "She's helping someone else's daddy find out what he should a' been doing to his little girls all along," she added. "And Barry is off that way doin' somebody's Mom to show her how good a boy's ... like maybe, her son's?... cock can feel inside her."

Brooke motioned to Faith and they changed places while their father watched Laura drop to her knees and begin sucking her brother's little three-inch cock. The last sight Nick had of Laura and Joel before Brooke's smooth thighs cut off the view, Joel was happily spraying his seven-year-old sister's cherubic face with a fine spray of little-boy cum.

* * *

Eva Brunner was never the prettiest girl in school, not even when she was at her cutest in the third grade. Not that she was ugly! Never that. Average, folks said, just average. She didn't have a sparkling personality; she didn't have the brightest smile, and she didn't have the best pair of legs though they were okay--just not exceptional.

What Eva did have ... was the biggest set of knockers any of the boys had ever seen ... so she was always popular. Even back in first grade, the guys had noticed her for that reason. Those bumps on her chest back then had excited a lot of interest. When she got to high school, the boys had drooled whenever young Eva took a deep breath.

Eva was back in school, but now as a teacher with seven years of teaching experience. An objective observer would have noticed that not much had changed over the years in Eva's life, not really. Eva was still popular with all the men and boys, if not more. She was the most important factor, in fact, for many a young man registering for her basic computer classes, though when she bent over to point out something to a student, some boys lost the ability to concentrate.

"Hi, Miz Brunner," the fourteen-year-old boy greeted the busty young woman. She smiled.

"Hello, Johnny," she answered in a low contralto she'd learned early in middle school made her voice sound super-erotic. It was automatic now. It had the same effect on the boy in front of her as it had on that fourth grader she'd first tried it on so many years ago. She took her hand off the doorknob on the door to her husband's office.

"You don't have class next hour, right?" Johnny Samson asked anxiously.

"Well... no, I don't ... huh-uh," she replied, curious at the question. Teacher's schedules weren't kept private or anything because simple observation told every student in the Academy when teachers would be teaching something and when they wouldn't. "Why?" she asked.

"Well, me an' Toby were wondering sumthin'," he said nervously. He glanced at the boy standing at his right shoulder.

"Toby and I," Eva Brunner--in her 'teacher' mode--said automatically.

"Yeah," Johnny replied, too engrossed to absorb the correction.

"What were you and Toby wondering?" Eva asked with a smile when Johnny didn't continue.

Johnny and young Toby shared an anxious look. Johnny sucked in a deep breath.

"Uh... we were wonderin'," he said.

"Wondering what?"

Johnny swallowed hard. "We were wonderin'... we wanted to know...."

He glanced down at her boobs, so poorly concealed beneath her blouse. He pushed his mind to get past the sticking point.


There was a dead silence in the hallway. There were more students there now, walking to their next class, checking their lockers or whatever. With Johnny's strangled cry, everyone stopped in their tracks, breathlessly waiting for the young woman teacher's reply.

For his part, Toby was impressed at his friend's courage. Toby was only just managing to not turn and run, but Johnny seemed to have everything well in hand. He looked around. Even the teachers happening to be in the hall were transfixed.

Eva Brunner could only stare. She had no idea how to respond. Her face grew hot ... but she wasn't mad. She knew that she and her tits were the subject of many a low-voiced conversation in the hallways and restrooms of the Academy.

"Johnny...," she began but she didn't know what to say. Her throat was suddenly parched. She looked around. She saw the interest in everyone's eyes. No one acted shocked, no one was aghast. In a curious way, it was almost natural for the question to have been asked openly, considering the atmosphere that permeated the Academy these days.

Many thoughts ran through her mind in scant seconds. She admitted to herself, she didn't mind the boys asking. She decided, without thinking about it, that she liked everyone watching and enjoying the naughtiness the boys had started.

She looked the two boys right in the eyes ... and could tell they knew her nipples were hardening into diamond-hard points of desire. Her thick, burgeoning nipples could be seen becoming more erect ... even through the material of her bra and top. That familiar itch in her groin was growing into a hot, wet, and increasingly urgent need. She wondered if the boys could detect the faint aroma of her aroused womanhood.

She licked her lips. Then did it again, deliberately more suggestively this time. Lowering her head a trifle, she looked at the boys through her long eyelashes. She waited, comfortably relaxed and ready for where she knew this was leading.

"We just need to weigh them in the science lab," Toby said coaxingly. Mrs. Brunner's nipples were making sharp impressions in her blouse, and he knew what that meant. His cock was growing longer and harder in his pants too. "There are those scales in there that can do it, no problem," he explained."

The teacher glanced at him ... and remained quiet. She stared at the boy with unrestrained excitement in her eyes.

Moving slowly, Johnny reached up and slowly unfastened the top button of Mrs. Brunner's blouse, the top one that was actually buttoned. Eva hadn't fastened all of them this morning and now, that omission seemed to have been fate preparing her for this moment.

Johnny undid the next button. Toby did the one after that. She could have stopped them with the merest sign of objection; they weren't physically forcing her or anything.

Eva Brunner stood still as a statue, leaning back against the hard masonry wall. Something that had been building inside for many long years kept her from protesting. It kept her still as the two boys worked to bare her magnificent breasts in the silent school hallway.

She looked up. There were a lot of students and teachers milling around, and they were watching her ... and they were enjoying the show immensely.

Even her husband, Vice-Principal Paul Brunner, had come out of his office and was quietly observing. He didn't protest. His expression showed interest, not disapproval. Curiously, he held himself detached--an uninterested bystander.

* * *

"Wow! Would ya look at that! Your wife sure has nice boobs, huh, Mr. Brunner?" said a young voice. Paul Brunner's eyes fell on the slender girl standing near his office door. She moved closer, grinning broadly.

Kathy Harris had had a crush on the Vice-Principal for the longest time. In her young teenage girl's mind, her admiration for Mr. Brunner had been there 'forever and ever'. Lately, the longing had been almost more than she could bear. She didn't care who knew anymore.

Her eyes flicked downward, glancing at the Vice-Principal's crotch. Mr. Brunner had a distinct bulge in the crotch of his trousers. That was encouraging.

"This's what I got!" she said naughtily, looking back up. Kathy held up the bottom of her skirt, and lifted it higher when Mr. Brunner didn't stop her. It inched up her thighs. In seconds, her naked mound was completely exposed to Mr. Brunner's startled gaze. He swallowed hard, but he DIDN'T turn away.

Kathy growled silently and deep in her throat, a tigress on the prowl. The tent was growing in Mr. Brunner's pants and she was the cause of it. She looked back up at the Vice-Principal, a pleased smile on her face. She licked her lips.

Thirteen-year-old Kathy held the skirt up with her left hand and used her right to caress her wetly glistening slit. She slipped her middle finger inside-a dribble of young-girl honey shimmered brightly in the hallway lights on her immature pussy lips.

"Hey... can we see your panties too?" a boy's voice cut across the silence, misinterpreting what she was showing the Vice-Principal. The boy couldn't see from his vantage point that she had none on.

"Not unless you go dig around at the city dump," Kathy replied offhandedly, not bothering turning to face the questioner. "I threw them all out last month," she added. She left off playing with herself to flip up the back of her skirt and show all the boys her bare ass. She grinned at the good-natured whistles and cat-calls.

"Mr. Brunner?" she asked again. She looked earnestly into his eyes.

The Vice-Principal contemplated the young girl's face and her beautiful, immature pussy. Lost, he glanced down the hallway at his wife.

* * *

Eva's blouse was off, literally before she knew what was happening. She'd been watching the little girl and her husband. Johnny and Toby were quick, she mused. She smiled softly.

Toby deftly unsnapped the clasp that held her heavy-duty bra together and then it too vanished. Eva wondered where he'd gotten the experience to manage it so adroitly.

Her breasts sprang free. Her hard, blood-engorged nipples bobbed in tight arcs, poking holes in the cool air. The boys, and other students and a couple of teachers standing nearby, sucked in their breath, mesmerized at the sight of the lovely, obviously heavy spheres.

"They're incredibly," Johnny observed respectfully.

Eva beamed a slow, Mona Lisa smile at Johnny and then at everyone in sight down the whole hallway full of people.For the first time in her life, she felt completely free to truly revel in the size of her tits.She swiveled her upper body around to the right, then back left. Her melon-sized breasts swayed, almost ponderously, from side to side and jiggled softly up and down.

"Forty-six... double-E" Eva said huskily into the silence.

Boys and girls alike were amazed. The murmurs began again; they lasted longer this time.

Two girls in the throng allowed boys standing beside them to cup their young breasts, making it a contest to see if the boys could guess the size of what they held in their hands. Teachers looked around at each other, very awkwardly at first, wondering if they should do something. But no one seemed to object. The wondering teachers left off worrying about their responsibilities and just enjoyed....

"Could we go to the lab now?" Toby coaxed gently. "It's just right down there," he said encouragingly. It wasn't far ... only seconds away, Eva noted. Toby and Johnny turned her unresisting body down the hallway.

Eva Brunner threw her husband a questioning look. Eva swallowed hard. It was hard to believe, but there was a half-smile on her husband's lips. He was proud of his wife. She would win any contest of sizes....

If he wanted her to stop this, she'd end it. What the boys wanted just wouldn't happen.

But if he didn't say anything....

* * *

Vice-Principal Paul Brunner only stared as his wife of six years was walked, half-naked and unresisting, down the school hallway. He should stop this--he knew he should. But he was also excited in a way he didn't really understand, and he didn't even mind that he didn't understand. There is peace giving in to the inevitable.

The boys and girls in the Academy had been acting so strangely lately. The girls were so open in their sexuality these days. He'd seen more grab-ass going on the last month, more public displays of affection ... displays of lust, actually ... than in the twelve previous years of his career, teaching and as an administrator, all put together. It had all had an influence on Paul, and clearly his wife too. He wasn't in the least concerned about what was about to happen to his wife. He was concerned about what was going to happen to him.

* * *

Somehow, Eva lost her skirt in just a couple of steps later. It was a bright green puddle in the middle of the hallway. The two boys each had one of Eva's butt cheeks in their hands, cupping and kneading it happily. The trio had lewd grins on their faces as they glanced back at the crowd.

Eva stopped at the water cooler to allow the boys to pull her panties down her long legs. She smiled at her husband and nodded at the young girl fondling his cock through the material of his pants, her eyes telling him he could do ... whatever young Kathy had in mind.

The boys pulled Eva's panties down past the swell of her hips and down her firm thighs. When she stepped out of them, she was officially, and gloriously, naked except for her high heels.

* * *

His naked wife smiling at him pushed Paul Brunner over the edge. He reached out and took Kathy's hand in his and then stalled indecisively.


No one knew who'd yelled the first encouraging cheer, but the school boys and girls erupted with loud chanting. Four teachers, two women and two men, joined in the enthusiastic chant. All of the children and teachers in the school corridor were pumping their fists in the air, urging their vice-principal on with a loud chant:





Kathy grinned saucily and undid the fastener to her skirt and let it fall. She unbuttoned her blouse and tossed it aside as Mr. Brunner licked his lips. The thirteen-year-old temptress kicked her short high heels off and beamed as they slapped into the concrete wall across from her soon-to-be lover's office. She posed for an instant, showing off her young body to the students and teachers crowding the hallway.

"Hey," she said, almost indignantly. "You're still...." She broke off. Sensing she didn't need permission, she unbuckled Mr. Brunner's belt and deftly unbuttoned his trousers. They dropped to pool around his ankles; his boxers followed quickly.

Two giggling, excited girls stepped closer and helped Kathy strip off the rest of Brunner's clothing. The young girls threw his clothing over their shoulders, not caring where anything landed. The important thing was that Mr. Brunner was soon standing on the tile in the hall, stark naked. His cock was rising higher, stiffening and lengthening, the whole time and all three of the girls took the opportunity to fondle their vice-principal.

Kathy deftly maneuvered Mr. Brunner ahead of her, pushing him inside his office and using her body to block half-hearted attempts by the other two girls to come in with them. As the door to the Vice-Principal's office was closing, the man reputed to have previously smiled only when teaching the depredations of Genghis Kahn, grinned happily back at the hall full of spectators.

They cheered happily, lustily.

The door closed firmly. The two people, still vaguely visible through the frosted glass insert in the door, disappeared into the interior and the laughing applause died away as the crowd's attention was diverted.

* * *

Eva Brunner saw her husband disappear inside his office with the naked young girl and was herself inspired. Her hands were already braced on the water cooler. It was like she was standing beside herself, watching things happen that she had no control over.

Fascinated, she watched her right thumb depress the button, turning on the low jet of ice cold water. She deliberately bent lower, until her right nipple was in the flow. Quickly cooled, it hardened even more and the sensation sent a burning lightning bolt down her body to her cunt. She deliberately swiveled her hips to give her left nipple the same treatment.

"Oooh," she cooed, glancing around to make sure everyone saw what she was doing. She looked at Toby and Johnny. Their eyes were glued to her magnificent breasts bobbing heavily around. The erect ruby tips looked to be thick as the boys' thumbs.

She wet each nipple again, doing it slowly, deliciously. She leaned forward to let the fountain of water wet each whole breast and the deep cleft between. Water dribbled down her belly, mixing with the juices flowing from her heated cunt. She turned around to the two boys, arching her body, hefting her own breasts and pushing them up to the boys' faces.

"My nippies are so cold," she said breathlessly, her voice brazen and teasing. "Would you warm them up for me?"

Johnny and Toby each captured a big cherry gumdrop of a nipple, sucking it and flicking their tongues around it, trying to outdo the other in warming up the statuesque teacher's breast. Eva withdrew her breasts from time to time, turning back to the water fountain to cool them off again.

The boys would have been happy to continue the game for hours ... days, perhaps ... but Eva decided on another sport after only a few minutes. She filled her mouth with cold water, swishing it around to all corners of her mouth and making sure her lips and tongue were thoroughly chilled. She wished she had some ice. She'd heard....

"Come here, Johnny," she said invitingly. "You got all this started, sugar, so you're first," she added. Kneeling on the floor tiles, she put a hand behind Johnny's ass-cheeks and pulled him closer.

His pants were unbuckled and yanked down--his boxers followed scant seconds later and Eva sucked his young prick in between her crimson lips. Johnny's breath whistled as he pulled in a deep gulp of air between suddenly clinched teeth.

"OHHHH GODDDDD!!! he moaned. The sensations sent throughout his body from the contact between his heated cock and her chilled mouth were indescribable.

"Mamaaaaa!!" he wailed.

Eva laughed. "I'll bet your Mama doesn't do this for you!" she teased. She stroked Johnny's cock with her right hand while she struggled upright to take another gulp of icy water.

"Not yet," Johnny panted. Titters and chuckles from other students in the hallway greeted the admission of his future intent.

"Oh God," he moaned as Eva's lips closed around his penis again. Eva began to bob her head over Johnny's cock.

Johnny's stamina couldn't withstand his teacher's assault. He came quickly, hosing his boy-cum right down Eva Brunner's throat. Then he tottered away to slump down against the wall not too far away.

Eva licked at her lips to capture a few droplets of cum that had escaped. She grinned up at Toby and motioned him in front of her. Minutes later, Toby duplicated his friend's enthusiastic cumming ... and then followed Johnny over to where Johnny sprawled lewdly against the wall.

Eva stood and braced her hands on the front corners of the water fountain again. She drank, washing down the two young boys' cum and gazed all around. Her eyes were glazed, her body was on fire and she knew just what she wanted.

All she wore was a pair of tall high heels. Going up on her tiptoes put her body just a TAD higher off the ground, and that was what she wanted. Posing there for an instant, like WWII calendar art, she pooched her ass out. Grinning naughtily at the crowd of boys, and men who'd crept nearer when it seemed she was in a mood to give away free blow jobs.

A pretty little moue pursed her lips. She wriggled her hips and lowered her upper body so it was horizontal. Her heavy breasts swung ponderously ... mouth wateringly. Her ass wriggled a lewd invitation.

Mr. Hampton, sixth grade history teacher, was the first to understand. His trousers were undone, his belt was unbuckled faster than he'd ever managed it before. He let his pants and briefs fall around his ankles and shuffled up behind the waiting Eva Brunner.

"HEY!" protested one of the boys whose reactions hadn't been as quick.

"Hey, hell!!" Mr. Hampton shot back. "The lady wants to pull a train," he admonished the complainer. "You'll get your chance in a minute," he told the indignant young man.

He had already dismissed the youth from his mind. Rubbing the head of his cock along the underside of Eva's groin, he found the sweet spot in her slit and thrust forward, not taking the time to be gentle.

That was okay with Eva. Her body didn't want any love-making right now. She wanted to be thoroughly fucked and dominated by the male organs springing into sight all around her.

She groaned, but it wasn't in pain, as Mr. Hampton's big cock rammed deeper. She reset her feet, clamping her hands on the water cooler even tighter. Panting, she ground her ass around in a circle about the man's plunging cock. Behind the history teacher, boys began slipping out of their clothes and lining up for their chance with the busty woman.

Against the wall, Johnny and Toby were pressed back into service by horny teenage girls. Two eleventh grade girls stepped up to the two boys and planted their feet on either side of the boys' thighs. The boys looked up wonderingly.

The girls yanked up the front of their skirts with one hand and cupped the other around the back of each boy's head to urge him up higher and to please begin licking. The boys were galvanized into quick action.

* * *

There was only the one water fountain in the vicinity, but there was plenty of wall space. A trio of sophomore girls who'd been standing together turned and slapped their hands high on the masonry wall. Squealing and laughing excitedly to call attention to themselves, they'd already dropped their skirts to the floor so they wouldn't be in the way. None of them had even the skimpiest of panties on. They stood there, braced against the wall, wantonly switching their asses from side to side enticingly. Boys raced each other to answer the call. Shortly, the three girls were being enthusiastically fucked. By whom, they didn't know ... or care.

There were some girls standing near the two other male teachers in the hall. The teachers had been wondering what, or if, they should do anything about all this. Both were aroused by the open sexuality on display but neither made a move, waiting for the other to go first. The girls sidled closer to the two undecided men. Their hands reached out. In a few moments, the teachers were simply overwhelmed by lewdly smiling young girls.

* * *

Boys clustered around the female teachers who stood their ground. Neither had been on the bus that day, but they'd heard stories.

Thirty-two-year-old Claudia Martinelli taught English at varying levels here in the Academy. She hadn't been a chaperone on the bus that day, she'd used an excuse to get out of that duty, but if the stories she'd heard since were even half true.... In the wee hours of the morning, when no one else was awake in her home, she admitted to herself she wasn't sure if she was glad to have missed being kidnapped, or resentful because she hadn't.

Two of her students had been especially forthcoming about what had happened up there in the old resort hotel. They'd cheerfully told her what a woman teacher and a nun Claudia knew well had done up there with a half-dozen boys--all at the same time. The students told her they'd all liked it--the teacher, the nun, and the boys.

The English teacher's mind was racing. Her body was on fire and she didn't know what to do about it. She swallowed hard when she saw Eva Brunner taking a boy's cock up her ass while another one fed his cock into her mouth. Eva looked so happy....

When she didn't scream her disgust; when she didn't even turn away from the debauchery in the hallway, three boys edged close and began touching her. At first, they only touched her forearms or the fabric of her sleeve. Soon they were fondling her both asscheeks and her breasts. Hands dove under her skirt and up her thighs. They pulled down her pantihose carefully and belatedly lifted each foot to remove her high heels. Someone took the file of already-graded homework assignments from her and put the file neatly against the wall.

Without thinking, Claudia bent her neck forward and held her hair out of the way so a boy could undo the hook at the neck of her dress. Numbly she felt the zipper sliding down her back. Without thinking about it, she lifted her feet so they could slide the dress off to be tossed out of the way. A boy undid her bra and laughed delightedly when her full breasts were exposed. He looked up into her eyes while his lips closed about one nipple and sucked it to rigidity. Then he did the other.

Claudia trembled. She could feel a perverted need rising fast. She held the boy's head in place and fed more of her tit into his mouth. It was soon wet all around her aureole. She groaned, the first sound she'd made since walking up on the hallway orgy. She offered her other boob to another boy for the same treatment. She felt a hand delving between her thighs from behind and shifted her feet apart so it could be done even better.

"Annnngggggghhhhhh!!!" she breathed. It all felt so damned goooood!!

Her hands found a young cock thrust into her palm from the side. She began to jack the boy off, like she was milking a cow for its warm cream.

Her mind tried to protest. This wasn't what a good, respectable teacher should be doing... especially not in an open hallway like this, where everyone could see.

The moan was half protest, half passion. She whimpered, not sure what to do. Passion won out, and it wasn't really a contest. This was what she'd needed for so very, very long.

She knelt in the hall, wanting to take care of as many boys as she could. The boy she'd been masturbating shuffled in front of her, wanting to be first. She engulfed his young, but very hard cock in her mouth. She looked up smilingly to look into his eyes. She wanted him to know how nasty she was, how much nastier she wanted to be.

"Hi, Mom," her fifteen-year-old son said, smiling back down at her. He bucked his hips forward an inch when she stopped bobbing her head over his prick. "Suck me good, Mom. We can do it lots at home, and you can teach me to fuck your cunt too," he assured his mother.

"Dad will just have to make do with Chrissie--he already did her last week," he remarked casually, referring to his baby sister. "We'll make it a family party ... tonight, okay, Mom?" he added, grinning broadly.

The respected English teacher blinked her eyes twice, then resumed sucking her oldest son there in the middle of the hall. By the time he came all over her face, she was smiling contentedly around his cock.

Chapter Nine

"Hi, boys," Dorothy Miller said cheerfully, holding the door open for her favorite nephew and his best friend, Al. It hadn't been very long after Dorothy and Todd began having sex that Todd brought Al Christensen around for the first time. The two boys were inseparable and shared everything else ... and now they were sharing Aunt Dorothy too.

It worked out great. Dorothy thought it was just fine having one young cock in her pussy and another one in her mouth at the same time. What with Derek mowing her lawn every Saturday, and these two wonderful boys coming to visit every few days, Dorothy was a happy woman.

Dorothy was naked already. She had been the past few times Todd and Al came by. Her gumdrop-sized nipples were already hard and swollen, as erect as they could be. She hefted her breasts in her hands when the kitchen door was closed, offering one to each of the boys before they walked another step inside.

Each boy attacked a nipple, slathering each of Dorothy's aureolas with their tongues and gently nipping. One boy stroked her pussy, the other kneaded her butt cheeks. Dorothy was in seventh heaven ... and things were only going to get better.

"Lets go in the living room and get these nasty ol' clothes off you boys," she said in a voice made husky with suppressed excitement. She marched ahead of them, letting them admire her rounded ass and long, sculpted legs as she pranced down the hall to the living room.

She sat on the front edge of her recliner and watched the boys strip. No fanfare to it, they were throwing articles of clothing in all directions, eager to get the party underway. She wouldn't have had it any other way.

She stood, turned around and backed her wiggling ass between the two young boys.

"You boys have been so good to your ol' Aunt Dorothy," she crooned, capturing a young penis in each hand. She turned her head to plant a sexy kiss on each boy's lips. "But I really should share you," she remarked. "Lots of other women would just love to fuck you, you know," she told them.

Their faces showed the boys were instantly intrigued ... and their cocks confirmed it.

"And one of them is here today," Dorothy said succinctly.

The boys' heads turned slowly.

Todd's eyes grew huge and round at his first sight of the brazenly naked, voluptuous woman waiting at the door from of Aunt Dorothy's bedroom. He froze, not moving a muscle. He couldn't breathe. He didn't even have the composure to cover his private parts with his hands. His hard-on deflated in the time between two heartbeats.

"MOM?" Todd croaked hoarsely.

In front of him was his mother, stark naked and smirking happily at him. Her hands were moving, stroking her own body as if they couldn't stay still.

"Hi, honey," Mia Collins said to her son. "What's this I hear about you fucking your Aunt Dorothy behind my back?" she asked. "Don't you know that's what mothers are for?" she asked. She chuckled at the expression on her son's face.

Todd couldn't answer. Only a couple of stray unintelligible sounds came out of his mouth.

"Turns out your mom found your cell phone one night after you went to bed," Aunt Dorothy explained, speaking to fill the strained silence. "She found the pictures you took last week of you and Al doing me."

Dorothy couldn't help being just a tad nasty about it. She was glad how everything had worked out, but Todd had been awful close to blackmailing her that first day... and paybacks were damned good fun.

"Your mom came over to talk things over ... and we came to the conclusion we were already both of us a pair of dirty, nasty cum sluts. So we thought we'd turn this into a happy little family fuck-party," Dorothy finished. "Isn't that wonderful?" she gushed.

No one spoke for a long moment.

Mia strolled to the overstuffed couch in the corner and sat down, spreading her thighs for the boys' pleasure. She touched her finger to the top of her slit, gently massaging the clitty hid beneath.

"Come here, honey," she said to Todd, playfully crooking her finger at him. "Let Mama suck your cock," she added. When Todd didn't budge, she frowned faintly and leaned back on the cushions, fondling herself and smiling an unmistakable invitation at her son.

"Todd," Mia said when he still didn't move, "if you don't want any of this, I'm sure Al will!" She parted her pussy lips to expose her hot love channel to the boy she'd given birth to more than twelve years ago.

"NGGGHHHHHH!!!" Todd bawled. It sounded near enough to 'NO!!!' that Al didn't try to move in.

Todd was galvanized into motion. He hastily walked over to his naked, grinning mother.

Mia sat up, eager for the approaching boycock coming her way. She didn't try to grab it. Instead, she leaned forward until her head was on the right level and opened her mouth wide. Todd's momentum pushed his cock deep between his mother's lips. She clamped her lips shut in a tight seal around her son's penis and made swallowing movements in her throat to massage the tip of her boy's cock.

Mia and Todd let loose a simultaneous, very heartfelt groan.

The lewd, incestuous duet made Dorothy giggle. She slipped down to the floor and established herself on hands and knees, facing her sister and nephew so she could watch the nasty goings-on. Al didn't need any prompting to circle around behind her and plunge his cock into Dorothy's steaming cunt.

The wanton mother sucked voraciously on her son's hard stalk, relishing the immoral nastiness of the taboo act she was committing on her child. She moved her head forward, pushing Todd's bulbous cock head deeper ... and deeper still until her nose was buried in Todd's underbelly.

For the first time since Todd was small, she touched his naked body, cupping his balls and gently rolling them in her hand. She backed off his cock, only to plunge her head back down to force his glans down her throat.

It didn't take long. Between his mother's hot, sucking mouth and her hands squeezing, kneading and manipulating his balls in her hand. After only a couple of minutes, Todd spewed a load of incestuous boy-cum into his mother's loving mouth.

Mia gazed up at her son, a twinkle in her eye. She opened her mouth to show Todd his cum still in her mouth.

Todd moaned, as if he were in pain, and another spurt of goo shot in his mother's direction. His mother tried to catch it in her mouth, but she was only partly successful. Much of the gob of pearly white sperm-laden cream splashed on her cheek. She spread it all over her face with the end of his cock. She looked up at him hopefully.

"Got just a little more for Mommy?" she inquired shamelessly, rubbing the slit in the end his cock against her lips. With her off hand, she squeegeed up some of his cum from her face and put her finger in her mouth and sucked her fingers clean.

"ANNNNGGGGHHHHHH!" Todd groaned, bucking his hips another time into his mother's mouth and delivering more runny slime onto her extended tongue. He moaned, almost hurting now.

Mia looked in his eyes and an expression of contentment came over her features. She knew she'd well and truly drained her son's balls for the moment.

"Mmmmmmm... suck them off first and then they have more stamina to fuck, right Dorothy?" Mia asked her sister.

"Yeah, Sis," Dorothy panted. "But they've both been getting better and better," she said breathlessly. Al's hard fucking had her almost whimpering.

"UNGH! UNGH! UNGH! UNGH! UNGH!" she groaned. Dorothy rested her face down on the carpet. It hoisted her ass a fraction higher in the air, the better to take Al's hammering cockthrusts. "They're doing so much better," Dorothy muttered, half to herself.

* * *

Mia and her son sat quietly and watched Al and Dorothy fuck.

Mia had Todd's cock in her hand and she was playing with it, slowly working the foreskin up and over the head and then back down. "That," she confided to her son, "was soooo good." She chuckled. "I think I'm going to call you 'Sugar Cock' from now on ... is that okay?"

Todd couldn't do anything but nod.

"Sugar Cock, honey," Mia told her son, "that was just the first of tons and tons of cum I'm gonna suck out of you. You can put your cock in my mouth any time you want to!"

"Promise?" Todd replied hoarsely, not knowing exactly how to respond. He was thoroughly fascinated by the nastiness his mother was speaking so nonchalantly.

"Absolutely, oh studly son o' mine! Cross my boobs and hope you'll butt-fuck me soon," she assured him, swearing the obscene vow with a broad smile.

Todd whimpered, thrilled with his mother's words. "Jesus, Mom," he said, "I never knew you talked like that," he said fervently.

"I didn't ... not to you, anyway," Mia told him cheerfully. "Your father, now, he's used to it ... and Dorothy's getting' there."

Which reminded Todd. "Where's dad at, anyway?"

Mia laughed. "Well, judging by the steam coming out of his ears the last time I saw him, he's probably balls deep in little Jessica Dempsey's pussy or maybe one of her sisters."

Todd gasped and even Al stopped plowing his cock into Dorothy's heated furrow.

Al was over at the Collins' house so often, he knew exactly who Jessica Dempsey was. The Dempseys lived next door to the Collins' and she was a hot little cutie, in Al's estimation.

"SONOFABITCH!" Todd exclaimed, profoundly astonished. "I didn't even know Jessica was old enough to ... to fuck!" he said.

"Apparently, she is!" Mia chortled.

"I'll be darned," Todd said wonderingly. "I never knew ... when did that start?"

"I let your Dad know what was going on when I got home from Dorothy telling me know what her young nephew was doing to her," Mia replied, smiling. "And we made some quick decisions right then and there. Then he went straight next door and told them 'cause Mama Dempsey had made a ... let's call it a suggestion ... a few weeks ago."

Mia was jacking Todd's cock up and down now and his youthful stamina was resulting in a nice second round hard-on. "And he just waved at me from their back door, and closed it," Mia finished.

"We'll fit real well together with the Dempseys," Mia said. "The Dempseys have girls, and the Collins have boys and always the twain shall meet!" she quipped.

"OH!" she exclaimed. She looked over to where Al was fucking her sister. "Hubby and me made another decision ... but not a quick one--like me doing Todd and hubby doing the ten-year-old Dempsey girl."

She took a deep breath, the hand on her son's cock was still. "Al, honey ... how would you like to be a 'Collins' ?" she asked quietly.

Al stopped thrusting into Dorothy's heated cunt. "You mean?" he asked in a choked voice, almost overcome. When Mia nodded emphatically, the biggest smile in the world broke out across his face. His answer was clear.

"Then you better get on with fucking your Aunt Dorothy!" Mia said. There was a lump in her throat too.

"I'll be...." Todd couldn't finish whatever it was he was going to say. He was totally awed. He had a brother for a buddy now or was it the other way around? He had a mother and an aunt to fuck, and he had the Dempsey girls to fuck next door. A thought struck. Did the Dempsey's 'offer' include the tall cool blonde-haired Mama Dempsey? Mama Dempsey was about the hottest MILF in the whole neighborhood ... except for his Mom and Aunt Dorothy, of course.

Mia moved about, settling a little distance away on the sofa. "And now, honey," she said, "it's time for your first mommy-fuck, okay?" She pulled Todd on top of her, guiding his cock to her slit and rubbing the head of his cock the length of her opening for a moment before introducing it inside the entrance to her cunt.

"Oh, God, Mom!" Todd moaned. "How come we haven't been doing this all along?"

Mia shrugged under him, making her cantaloupe-sized tits bob and weave. "It had to come in its own time, sugar," she answered. "Can't rush this sort of thing, you know."

Todd didn't know that at all, but he was willing to accept his mother's word for it for the moment.

"Fuck Mama, baby boy," Mia said in a distracted tone. "Fuck your mom nice and hard ... you little Sugar Cock!" she begged.


"Oh God," Todd groaned as he drove his cock inside his own mother's vagina. "You're the bestest mom ever!" he howled.

"I'M THE HAPPIEST MOTHERFUCKER IN THE WORLD!" he roared into the living room.

He surprised himself with that and glanced down to see if his mother was upset. She wasn't. She was grinning happily, and proudly.

"Say it again, honey," she coaxed, between pants. "You like screwing your very own Mama?"

"I'M THE HAPPIEST MOTHER ... FUCKER IN THE WHOLE DAMN WORLD!!" Todd bellowed, dividing the word into its separate parts this time. It felt nastier that way.

Todd looked over at his brother-to-be. Al was fucking Aunt Dorothy's mouth now. She was gobbling down as much of Al's young cock as she could get in her mouth. She had a copper-colored dildo jammed in her cunt and was working it furiously in and out. Al's eyes were darting from Aunt Dorothy's face and the scene of Todd fucking his mother's steaming cunt.

"You... like ... doing ... Aunt Dorothy?" Todd asked his new brother, panting from the exertion he was making.

Al nodded. Todd tried again.

"You... like ... fuckin'... Aunt Dorothy's ... face?"

Al nodded, and then caught on. He beamed. "AUNT DOROTHY IS THE GREATEST FUCKIN' AUNT... EVER!!" he bellowed.


Al took up the refrain and the boys chanted in unison, "WE'RE THE HAPPIEST AUNT FUCKERS IN THE WORLD!! WE'RE THE HAPPIEST MOTHER FUCKERS IN THE WORLD!!"

"WE'RE THE HAPPIEST MOTHER FUCKERS ALIVE!!!" they bawled gleefully into the sexually charged atmosphere in Aunt Dorothy's living room.

"FUCK-FUCK-FUCK-FUCK-FUCK-FUCK-FUCK-FUCK-FUCK-FUCK-FUCK-FUCK!!" the two women screamed in urgent counterpoint.

* * *

Fourteen-year-old LeAnne sat with her brother Taylor on the bus ride home from school. It was something neither would have even considered a year earlier ... or even a couple of months ago. These days, though, lots of brothers and sisters sat together on the school buses and no one thought anything of it. No one was shocked anymore by a brother's hand between a sister's thighs either. LeAnne and Taylor hadn't gone there yet, but they both knew they were getting closer to that moment.

Strolling ahead of her brother through the front door, she paused in the foyer. She turned to face her sixteen-year-old brother.

"Can we...?" she asked tentatively. She motioned down the hall.

"You sure you want to look at it?" Taylor demanded.

"Damn straight!!!" she replied fiercely. "Let's do it!" she said. She was in a heat to watch the DVD her brother had found. He'd only mentioned it this morning, on the way to school, the bastard. Her mind had wandered all day, wondering what else besides what he already saw was on the DVD.

LeAnne dropped her school books where she stood, wriggled out of her low heeled shoes, and trotted down the hallway to the family room. Somewhere along the way, she shed her sweater and pulled the tail end of her blouse out of her skirt. She stopped when she got to the doorway.

"Where is it?" she asked breathlessly.

Her big brother sauntered to the closet door in the far corner. There he rummaged around on the top shelf for a moment, standing on his tiptoes to reach something hidden there. He grinned evilly at his sister when he brought his hand back out, showing her the DVD he'd found.

He'd played enough of it last night to see it was of his parents, nude in some kind of big room. Before anything else could happen, Taylor'd heard his father coming downstairs. Taylor still didn't know how he'd managed to get the DVD out of the player, back in it's unlabeled jewel case and secreted again in the closet before his dad came in the living room. It had been a very near thing.

LeAnne sucked in a deep breath. "Put it in," she begged. Taylor sauntered to the DVD player and inserted the disk.

Brother and sister settled on the long couch facing the big-screen TV. LeAnne parked her heels on the edge of the sofa and let her legs fall slightly apart. Taylor couldn't see much from where he sat beside her, but he knew if he was on the floor in front of his sister, he'd have a panty shot to beat all panty shots. A bulge began to grow in his pants. He shifted uneasily.

The opening scene was in a ballroom or something very much like one. There were people standing around, moving, mixing with other adults with drinks in their hands and talking in a low hum. In a few seconds, the camera settled on Nina and Frank Gillespie. The teenagers parents smiled and waved at the camera.

They were standing on a low dais, all by themselves in the midst of the cavernous open space. The kids' parents were smiling gently. The view faded to black for a second, and then came back up. Nina and Frank were still standing there, but they didn't have a stitch of clothing on.

Taylor paused the DVD and they examined the still picture.

The kids saw their mother had removed all the hair from her groin. Her pouting pussy lips were pink with excitement. Her nipples were erect and pointy. Their father's crotch hair had been similarly eliminated and his thick cock was already hard, pointing out from his naked body up at a sharp angle. When he moved, it bobbed and swayed. The sexual excitement, the lust in their eyes when they looked into the camera lens was palpable.

LeAnne sucked in her breath. Her knees fell apart of their own volition and her skirt bunched up at the waist. She didn't care if Taylor was watching. Through her panties, she began to caress her outer labia and that little place right at the top of her slit that brought her the most pleasure.

On screen, their mother turned to watch a smiling Mayor Charley Johnson approach from her left rear. A smiling, naked Charley Johnson ... who took their Mom's hand and led her to a low couch set up on the platform. LeAnne and Taylor groaned when they saw their father, Frank, led to another one only a few feet from the one where their mother reclined. He was escorted there by Miriam Johnson, the mayor's granddaughter for God's sake, and someone LeAnne and Taylor knew well.

In seconds, brother and sister were watching their parents as they engaged in a series of obscene acts with the Johnsons. The camera moved in, circled around, went in for close-ups ... all to document the thorough fucking Frank and Nina were getting, and giving.

Taylor groaned, almost overwhelmed by the sight of his father fucking young Miriam, while the nymphette's grandfather screwed Taylor's mother. Taylor had already known his mom was a beautiful, sexually attractive woman. In his dreams....

Taylor moaned again, glanced at his sister and unzipped his jeans. He stood and let them fall to the floor. He kicked them off.

He didn't care what his sister thought about it ... he had to let his prick out. He yanked his boxers down, clasped his growing cock with his right hand and sat back down. He began to jack off, intently watching as his mother now took some other man's cock in her mouth while the mayor fucked her. He wondered how it would feel to have his own mother suck him off.

Beside him, LeAnne was just as captivated by the sight of her father slamming his cock into the young woman under him. When another woman, someone she vaguely recognized, joined the twosome on the couch to caress and fondle her father's balls, her moans joined her brother's. She moved the crotch of her panties aside so she could dip two fingers into her dripping cunt.

Moments later, brother and sister glanced at the other, and held each others eyes for a long moment. Without any words, they began to help strip the rest of their clothing off each other. They'd known this moment was coming for a long while now. They knew what was happening at school; they knew what a lot of their friends were doing at home. It was time.

They glanced at the screen. Their mother was centered there, on all fours on the raised dais. She was sideways to the camera so they could see her big breasts dangling ... her nipples pointed and lengthened as her tits danced to the rhythm of the hard fucking she was taking. At the same time, she was taking turns sucking two men off while this guy ... they couldn't tell where Charley Johnson had gone ... fucked her doggy style.

"You like that?" LeAnne asked her brother huskily.

He nodded. He didn't care what LeAnne was referring to. He liked everything he saw on the screen.

LeAnne slipped off the couch to the thick carpet, balanced on knees and elbows, and waited for her brother's cock to slide between her pussy lips and deep inside her steamy cunt. For some reason, he was slow. His mushroom-shaped head was only barely pressing inside.

"I'm not a virgin," LeAnne whispered, thinking her brother was holding back out of fear of hurting her. "You can put it in me right now...." She wiggled her ass, backing a little into him, hoping for the deep penetration she desperately needed.

Taylor laughed. "Yeah, I know," he said. "Pablo told me," he added. Pablo was one of his good friends, a descendant of Portuguese immigrants who'd found their way to the valley of the Salt Fork generations ago.

LeAnne was stunned. "That Pig!!" she said indignantly. "He swore he would never...."

"Well... I don't think Pablo's gonna tell anyone else." He laughed. "See... Pablo told me while he and I were ganging up on Josephine last week," Taylor interjected. "He was pluggin' her ass while I was fucking her mouth," he added.

"I don't care. He wasn't supposed to--" LeAnne broke off. She cleared her throat.

"Uh... you and Pablo were doing Josey? Together??" she asked, suddenly more interested than she was irritated. Her insistent tail wriggling around Taylor's cock finally sucked it inside her outer labia. He was slowly sinking his cock deeper.

"You mean with his sister Josey, right?" she demanded.

"You know any other Josey?" Taylor replied softly. "God you're so hot inside, little sister," he whispered reverently.

"No, just Pablo's sister," LeAnne replied absentmindedly to the question her brother had already forgotten. There was a short silence. She began to move her ass around in tight little circles, relishing the enhanced contact of her brother's penis around her slippery pussy.

"Pablo and Josey wanted me to see if you would be okay with all of us getting together some time," Taylor offered diffidently. "But if you don't want to...."

"You and Pablo would both do me ... like you did Josey?" she asked after a while, her body beginning to rock back and forth in time to her big brother's thrusts.

"Oh yeah!" Taylor replied enthusiastically. He looked up at the TV screen to see his mother with still another sex partner. She was riding him cowgirl style, enthusiastically bouncing up and down on the big man. Taylor gaped when he saw the man was Deputy Sheriff McBride. "Ohmigod," he whispered. Sheriff McBride was a hero in the town. His mother looked like she was thoroughly enjoying the big man strong thrusts up into her pussy....

"SO JUST WHAT THE SAM HILL IS GOING ON HERE?" a shrill voice inquired.

The two youngsters' faces turned white in an instant. Mom had come home early and managed to sneak up on them. Uncoupling and swapping ends in a move that should have hurt something, Taylor and LeAnne whirled around. LeAnne was behind Taylor now, but still on all fours, peeking around Taylor's body. Her brother was still on his knees too, his cock dripping juices, as he faced their mother.

Nina Gillespie laughed at her children's expressions. It wasn't often a parent was able to gain the kids' attention so completely. If she could only get the same reaction when she said, 'go clean your room', she would be supremely happy.

Nina grinned at her two offspring. She giggled like a schoolgirl. "You like watchin' me get fucked, huh?" she asked interestedly. She waited. "Well ... dooooo you??"

Taylor and LeAnne nodded dazedly. They swallowed hard, wondering if they were about to be grounded for the rest of their natural lives.

"Mmmmmmmmmm," their mother said."I liked it a lot when they were doing it too," she told them in a thoroughly satisfied tone. She looked at them for a moment, smiling ... proudly?

Taylor glanced around at his sister, confusion plain on his face.

"You two know the Fletcher kids, right?" Nina inquired. She had already kicked her high heels off and was working on getting her skirt unfastened.

Taylor and LeAnne stared at each other. They did know Ryan and Suzy.

"And the Tripps?" Their mother's thigh high stockings were whisked down her legs.

The teenagers nodded.

"Your father and I had a nice discussion with the Fletchers and Tripps," Nina remarked, shedding her blouse. "Right after another little fuck party like that one there," she said gesturing at the flat screen. "Did you two know the Fletcher kids and the Tripp kids were fucking their parents ... and each other?" Nina asked.

Taylor and LeAnne nodded in unison. They glanced at each other. They'd known that for a while, actually.

Taylor began to smile. He looked up at the DVD playing on the wide-screen TV.He was pretty sure he knew where this was going. He hoped he knew where this was going.

"Uh huh! Thought so!" Nina snorted. "So your father and I had a nice little get-together party with the Fletchers and Tripps last week," she said, "...all of the Fletchers and all of the Tripps," she added.Her bra went sailing toward the pile of her other clothing.

"So, your Dad and I got to thinking," Nina said, rubbing at the bra marks on her breasts. "We thought you kids just might consider fucking your old Mom and Dad!" she concluded. "We thought we'd check it out--see whether you could handle seeing your father and me fucking other people," she added. "We did think we might have to suggest you two could be gettin' it on ... but looks like you guys took care of that for yourselves, by golly!!"

Nina surveyed her two naked teenaged children in the middle of the living room floor. "Everything is working out just sooooo right," she said happily. She took a deep breath ... which brought her attention to her own breasts and nipples ... which she grabbed between thumb and forefinger and gleefully twirled for a couple of seconds.

"Heck! We're wastin' time, kids. Go ahead and get back to fucking," Nina urged, waving her hands in a shooing motion, urging them to turn back around and resume their interrupted fuck.

"I... will be back in a sec," she promised, "I gotta go pee and douche and stuff like that ... then we can have a lovely little party, okay?" Her voice was filled with childishly delight. Taylor and LeAnne gulped, their faces blank.

"OH! And I'll get some more videos for us to watch!!" Nina turned and raced up the stairs to her bedroom. "Including the one of the Tripps and Fletchers partying ... with us!!"

* * *

Nina, bright-eyed and humming excitedly with anticipation, came back down the stairs, trotting and skipping, her fingertips only brushing the handrail on her way down. She was casually carrying a purple dildo in her left hand and a handful of DVDs in her right.

She looked at her children questioningly as she strolled to the overstuffed chair in the corner. From there, she could see both the TV and her kids.

Neither Taylor or LeAnne moved a muscle.

"HEY! You two didn't look like you needed any instructions on how to put Part A into Part B a few minutes ago," she scolded. "Get to doing it again, why don't ya?" She smiled.

"Mamma's gonna wait for you to get done with your sister, Taylor, honey," she confided in a sultry voice, "...and then, baby, I want that beautiful prick of yours in me!" she told her astonished children.

"Your Daddy had your little sister weeks ago," she told the amazed teenagers. Nina grinned.

"Well, what did you expect? Her bestest friend in the whole world got fucked a ton a' times up at the hotel and your little sister was hot to find out what it was like. Your Dad caught her masturbating a month ago and she made him fuck her right then and there!" Nina smirked. "Like he was going to put up a fight, huh?"

Nina sat in the chair and scooted her ass nearly to the edge of the cushion. The two children's eyes were saucer-sized, their gaze held by the sight of the cunt through which they'd come years ago.

Nina raised her legs high and dropped the back of her knees atop the arms of the big overstuffed easy chair, spreading herself wide open. She began working the purple-colored dildo into her already sopping-wet pussy. Her two children had a front row seat to something they'd never suspected their mother would do.

"So... GET TO FUCKING AND GET EACH OTHER OFF!" Nina demanded imperiously.

"Fucking is so much damned fun!!!" she remarked, grinning. "The Tripps and the Fletchers are gonna be over here after dinner, so if you two want to finish off your first family fucks with just us, you better get busy!"

Brother and sister scrambled back into position. Taylor inserted his penis in his sister's cunt with no hesitation at all this time. He began energetically pumping in and out of his younger sister, watching as his mother's dildo slid in and out of her cunt. He groaned. In a few minutes, he would be fucking his very own mother ... she said she wanted him to.

* * *

Taylor Gillespie was kneeling behind a beautifully rounded ass, but he was slamming his cock deep into his mother's cunt this time while she ate her daughter's pussy, sucking her son's cum out of the fourteen-year-old girl, when the outside door opened quietly and two more Gillespies entered the house. Frank Gillespie and his daughter were just returning from a tryst at a discreet motel just outside of town.

"HI MOMMY," ten-year-old Misty squealed loudly to get their attention.

The naked threesome whirled around to see the little girl and her father trying to get their clothes off as quickly as he could. LeAnne and Taylor were uneasy, but they'd already gone through a sudden discovery by their mother. It was easier the second time around.

"You guys are fuckin'!" Misty screamed shrilly.

"We are!" her mother agreed happily. "Whatta ya' think about that?" She looked at her husband. "Tol' ya ... if we left just one DVD out!!!" she crowed. She laughed delightedly.

"Tight!" Misty's eyes wandered away from her mother's face to look at her brother. "You gonna be done soon, Taylor?" little Misty added interestedly, eyeing what she could see of her brother's hard cock pumping in and out of their mother's twat. Her fingers had already strayed through her outer labia and into her pouting pussy.

Frank looked up at the TV. This DVD showed Frank taking Monica Wagner anally at another meeting. The audio was turned down, but he knew that right about this point, back then, he was howling with intense pleasure as Monica's tight ass muscles began constricting and milking his balls of every drop of cum in them.

His cock straightened, standing tall and hard as a steel rod.

Fred saw his oldest daughter get to her feet, her hands at her sides, deliberately exposing herself to her father.

"Hi, Daddy," she said, smiling at him with the poise of an experienced courtesan. "Is that for me?" she asked brightly.

She glided forward to grasp her father's cock in her right hand. She held her lips up to receive the first hot lover's kiss from her dad.

* * *

The orphanage was an unhappy place these days. On a surprise visit down to the orphanage's basement, Mother Superior found the Sisters playing with their machine, and each other. She come down hard on the occupants of the nunnery ... and she labeled the convent exactly that way, intending the Shakespearean reference. Mother Superior was furious the young Sisters were resorting to such devices. The Sisters were expected to use certain things, but only in the privacy of their small rooms ... alone!

Todd and Al had visited Sister Elizabeth three times since the first time, but they hadn't had even one very satisfactory rendezvous. They hadn't had any privacy, what with people coming and going in the hallways, and all three of them were left frustrated. The Sister had been more frustrated than the boys, for it seemed that Todd and Al had begun a more than satisfactory relationship with Todd's aunt, then Todd's mother, and then their next door neighbors too.

Having admitted her lust to herself already, Sister Elizabeth was quite impressed with what the boys had accomplished, and even more so when they revealed they had their eyes on another couple of the housewives in the neighborhood. They said both women were hot MILFs and the boys saw signs the mature women were more than ready for what the boys had to offer.

Sister Elizabeth brooded for a week, worrying about her sexual needs and desires. She tried hard to make up her mind. It wasn't easy, but things were miserable here in the convent. Eventually, she admitted there didn't seem to be anyway she could keep her vows and be true to herself, not here anyway.

She made her way through the long halls to the Mother Superior's office.

When she knocked on Mother Superior's door, the customary invitation to enter didn't come. But Sister Elizabeth heard sounds from inside, so she knew there was someone there. Impatiently she pushed open the door quietly...

... and smiled for the first time in many days.

The Sisters' confiscated fuck machine was on the hardwood floor to Sister Elizabeth's front-left, and it was in use. The regular beat of the device could be felt through the floor as it pumped a bright blue dildo on the end of a short shaft in and out of Sister Margaret's steaming cunt.

Sister Margaret, the Mother Superior's secretary, was naked save for her snow-white wimple.

"Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!" Sister Margaret crooned, writhing with pleasure. It would have been louder, but her lips were wrapped tight around a thick prick, thrust into her mouth by the priest standing in front of her.

Mother Superior was there too, off to Sister Elizabeth's right, her habit hiked well above her waist and bent forward over the front of her huge mahogany desk. Sister Elizabeth knew the man who had Mother Superior pinned there. He was visiting this week from the archdiocese in the big city, along with two other, much younger priests.

Father Renee, a trusted intimate of the archbishop in the big city, was thrusting strongly into Mother Superior's ass, hauling her hips back into his groin with hands clamped to her hips. He was ramming his cock as deep as he could, and trying for more. Mother Superior's whimpers and faint cries of joy were louder now that the door was open.

"ANGH! ANGH! ANGH! ANGH! ANGH!!!!" she grunted at each of Father's hard thrusts.

Sister Elizabeth crept two more slow steps inside and stood watching the action. A satisfied expression spread across her features. A younger priest came into view to her left ... he'd been hidden by the heavy wooden door. The priest had a truly demonic expression on his face as he worked the remote control on the fuck machine, increasing or decreasing the speed without letting Sister Margaret know when he was going to do it. He laughed when Sister Margaret groaned especially loud around the man's cock she was fellating.

Sister Elizabeth felt a touch on her sleeve. Sister Francis was standing slightly behind her, watching the shameless goings-on with her mouth agape. Sister Elizabeth held a finger to her lips, her eyes twinkling.

A huge, thoroughly delighted grin spread slowly over Sister Francis' face. She was the youngest of all the Sisters at the convent--indeed in the whole Order--and perhaps the most in tune with the children at the orphanage and in the nearby town. Sister Francis stepped silently up beside Sister Elizabeth and put an arm around Sister Elizabeth's waist. Over the next few minutes, three more of the Sisters chanced by the open door and stopped to watch.

When Mother Superior came, she shrieked a wolfish howl that rang from the rafters and it seemed to set Sister Margaret off too. Sister Margaret joined her friend and mentor with a wail that betrayed the power of her climax. She croaked an unintelligible request to the priest holding the remote control, adding an urgent hand gesture for him to turn the machine off. Reluctantly, he did. He had almost cum in his own hand, but he hadn't quite gotten there.




The five young Sisters kept on clapping and cheering. Their whistles and enthusiastic applause attracted two more of the Order to the office door. They joined in the cheers, though they didn't have any idea what was going on until they joined the group already looking into the office.

Mother Superior wasn't immediately able to disengage from Father Kearney because his shocked reaction to the unrestrained cheering behind him had been to ram his still tumescent cock back into the depths of Mother Superior's ass and hold her where she was. He wasn't the biggest man in the world, but he was bigger than Mother Superior and his bulk was more than enough to keep her pinned there with her nakedness clear for all to see ... and appreciate. At forty years of age, Mother Superior had obviously kept a secret of her charms, until today.

"Reverend Mother...," began Sister Elizabeth. "...I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart." Mother Superior scowled and pushed the man behind her back so she could get away from him. She scurried back around her desk, hurriedly rearranging her skirts.

She tried to regain her composure, and reestablish her authority from behind the barrier. She cleared her throat. "I don't appreciate you just barging...."

Sister Elizabeth would have none of that.

"I was afraid," she said loudly, " very afraid I was going to have to leave the Order and make my way as one of God's children as best I could," Sister Elizabeth said. "But now I see the light. I will live as you have shown us, giving my body to others for their, and my own, pleasure ... giving counsel and comfort to all who come to me in need," she added.

From Mother Superior's expression one would think she'd just tasted something bitter. She tried to interrupt.

"NO, NO ... NO NEED FOR WORDS!" Sister Elizabeth called out. She was in charge for the moment and wasn't about to relinquish the floor. She looked around at Sister Margaret where she still lay sprawled in front of the fuck machine.

Sister Margaret's body was on display for everyone to see, and what they saw was that Sister Margaret had a body built to please men ... many men.... Sister Margaret avoided Sister Elizabeth's eyes, and belatedly began to cover herself.

"Reverend Mother," said Sister Elizabeth, "I think the machine should be returned to the basement room where everyone can share all its blessings, don't you?" Mother Superior, still sucking on the sourness in her mouth, made a gesture of agreement.

Sister Rose whispered in Sister Elizabeth's ear from just behind her. Mother Superior couldn't help but see Sister Rose's hands cupping and gently caressing Sister Elizabeth's rounded ass-cheeks under her habit. Sister Rose wasn't shy.

"Good idea," Sister Elizabeth complimented Sister Rose's suggestion.

"And, Reverend Mother, that room down there is kind of cold and drafty, so it should be renovated, don't you think? Those concrete walls could be covered with something nice, couldn't they? The heating down there just isn't up to snuff either, is it?"

And idea struck Sister Elizabeth and she decided in an instant to run with it. "Hmmmm ... Mother, you know what it really needs? That room does need expanding--yeah, maybe the whole basement should be totally renovated? It could be one huge playroom--and ... yes, thank you Sister Amelia ... there should be all kinds of furniture down there ... maybe even some more ... blessed machines, right?"

"Oh, and lots of sofas and maybe some ... you know ... cushions and pillows scattered around. Oh, and soft lighting ... yeah, that would be much, much better than those bare light bulbs," Sister Elizabeth remarked. "Is that everything?" She looked behind her at the other Sisters, but they had no more suggestions for the moment.

Sister Elizabeth looked Father Kearney dead in the eye. "Father, the Order, and this orphanage in particular, is going to need a lot more in our annual budget than has been allotted before, don't you think? Just in case we think of other renovations that need to be done ... the boys and girls in the orphanage are really crowded in on top of one another, you know. They really should have nicer rooms."

Father Kearney nodded nervously, resignation plain on his face.

These Sisters' will be done this day, he thought. His relief was clear when Elizabeth and the other Sisters began to troop out.

Sister Elizabeth paused with her hand on the doorknob and leaned back into the room. She had noted when she first walked in on the licentious group that Father Kearney was quite fit--not nearly as chubby as one would expect a desk-bound cleric to be. And the younger priests were more than presentable too. At least one had a really nice cock too ... the one that Sister Margaret had had her lips glued to.

"Oh, Father, you and your two assistants will be staying for supper?" Sister Elizabeth asked, suddenly making her decision. She would cement her gains this afternoon by including the priests and the senior nuns in....

"I... well, yes," Father Kearny answered. He hadn't thought about it.

"That's good," Sister Elizabeth said warmly. "We'll be eating at 6:00 PM sharp," she said. "All of us Sisters will be there ... and a number of the children--I know just who we'll invite--from the orphanage will ... also attend the dinner, Father."

The good Father sucked in his breath between disbelieving lips. "Oh ... sweet Jesus," he whispered, just barely audible.

Sister Elizabeth smiled. "Indeed! Suffer them to come unto you, Father Renee." She grinned at the shocked expressions. "By the way, the dress for dinner will be ... informal ... okay?" She gestured at the Fathers and Sister Margaret to indicate how informal.

She grinned and turned as if to leave. No, one more thing on the agenda. "Sister Margaret? Mother Superior"

"Yes?" they chorused. Sister Elizabeth's voice commanded immediate response.

"Sisters, Father Kearny, I know you don't get into town much, but you all should," she told them. "You will!" she said more decisively.

"You will learn many of our flock out there feel one's private parts should be clean and smooth. It's more hygienic and attractive," Sister Elizabeth admonished them. There's a shop in the mall for a 'permanent' solution, but for tonight, we'll get by with just a nice, close shave, okay?"

Humiliated, the two senior nuns hung their heads and nodded.


Surprised, the priest looked at the rebellious Sister. He didn't know what was being required of him now.

Then he understood. The men were included in the admonition.

"Ahhhh, yes ... certainly, my child," he said finally. "Ahhhh, we'll make certain we're ... very hygienic," he said.

The good father straightened and cocked his head to the side. A smile began to spread over his face. "Bless you, Sister," he said to Sister Elizabeth's disappearing backside. Who knew a nun's hips could make the fabric of her habit sway so enticingly?

The priest was recovering nicely from the guilt and shame of being caught at something the church never admitted could happen. But the moment seemed to have passed without anyone the worse off. Perhaps the Heavenly Father wasn't against healthy...? And ... the sisters of the order had an indisputable responsibility to their flock--and didn't the arch diocese also...? What their flock needed, what the flock desired ... wasn't that paramount?

Dinner? Informal? Smooth privates? He smiled benignly to himself and contemplated the possibilities.

So ... just where was that mall the Sister was talking about anyway?

Chapter Ten

Caitlin McBride had this Friday off, so of course she was laboring at home three times harder than she ever did in the office downtown. The kids helped out with the housework, and so did Keith, during the week, but there was still plenty of things needing picking up, dusting, washing, or making up on weekends. She was humming to the song playing on the radio downstairs, happy with herself and the whole world in general.

By the time Caitlin made it to her son's bedroom, she was ready for a break and she sat down on the edge of her little man's bed for a rest. She wiggled her hips and smiled reflectively. She hadn't come to her son's room to have sex with him in his room yet. She resolved to put that on the agenda sometime soon.

"You ready for this, Mama?" The voice drifted in through the open window.

Intrigued, all Caitlin had to do was stand at the window and she could see right down into the Wagner's first-floor bedroom to see what 'Mama' Wagner might be ready for. She wasn't prepared for what she saw through the wide-open window in the Keith and Monica Wagner's bedroom.

Monica Wagner was laying flat on the bed and she didn't have a stitch on. That wasn't a shock for Caitlin. She'd seen Monica naked many times since they first met at the 'Bored' meeting. She and Keith also got together with the Wagners every so often at a local motel for an evening's hot fun. She knew Monica's body pretty well now.

What she wasn't really ready for was Monica's son, Barry--also naked--posed over his mother, on his knees between her legs and holding his cock ready to guide it deep into the womb from whence he'd come fourteen years ago.

"Oh my God!" Caitlin whispered. She shook her head, trying to clear her vision. This must be some kind of waking dream.

Caitlin was fucking her son, but he was a little boy and it was something done in the night when no one else was around and it was secret. Monica's Barry was almost man-grown, his cock sure was, and they were doing it in the daylight, sprawled out there where everyone could see.

Barry crawled up closer to his mother until his knees were touching his mother's buttocks. Putting the head of his cock at the entrance to her cunt, he leaned into her and slowly slid into his mother's pussy.

Monica let out a high-pitched cry of supreme bliss as her first-born son thrust his cock deep inside and began to rut with her son.

"AIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! "That's soooooo good, son...," she wailed.

In and out, slow ... then faster ... young Barry slammed his prick into his mother's steaming pussy. Monica's legs rose--her knees were high on Barry's ribcage and her ankles kicked at his asscheeks, urging him to fuck her harder and faster.

Seconds into the lewd floorshow down there, Caitlin's hands unbuttoned her shorts. She was barely aware of doing it. She dropped them and then pushed her panties down around her ankles. Only a few moments after she saw the beginning of the incestuous coupling across the short distance between the two buildings, her fingers were frigging her clit fast enough that the friction could start a fire down there ... except she was so wet....

She slipped two fingers between her outer lips and angled them upward in her vagina, seeking the sensitive little spot researchers call the G-spot ... as if it wasn't a valid place unless it had a name. In only a moment, she was moaning as loud as Monica across the way.

When Monica beckoned to someone not visible through the window, Caitlin watched expectantly for the next development. She wasn't ready to see her own son, Tommy, step up close to Monica's waiting lips. When Monica began moving her head back and forth in small strokes, sucking strongly on Tommy's young cock, Caitlin almost came then and there.

Caitlin wanted this to last. She wanted to come when her son came.

Desperately, she backed off sliding her fingertips over the little bean-shaped spot in her cunt but she could not. She was going to cum, and cum hard, but she wanted so very badly to see what Tommy did next. She could see the look of ecstasy on his innocent face. His body was straining, his back arched as he pushed his little groin into Monica's hungry mouth.

"Miz McBride?"

Caitlin gasped and whirled around to find the shining face of eight-year-old Joel Wagner smiling up at her. The boy was as naked as the rest of his family in the next house.

He looked quite comfortable, bracing his hands on the sides of the doorframe and leaning forward interestedly to get a better look of Caitlin's genitals.

Caitlin stood up with her back to the window, forgetting her own nakedness--forgetting even the wild sex show she'd been watching for the instant. She fought urgently for control of her lungs ... and her sanity.

"Mommy says if you want to, come on over and party," Joel said, stumbling over the words. "Mom says you and her'll have a really good time with us kids," he told Caitlin.

Caitlin stared at the boy. Joel stood there grinning, without the slightest sign of discomfort. Straightening, he shifted his left foot a little to the side, the better to expose a little fingerling of a penis and his velvety smooth ball sack. He curled his fingers around his little cock and jacked off slowly.

"My mommy likes to play with my lil' penis," he told the adult woman, grinning broadly. "Do you like to play with little boys?" he asked innocently.

Caitlin surprised herself with a short chuckle. "I do!" she told the young boy. "Tommy didn't tell you?"

Joel nodded. "He did, but Mom said I should ask, just to be polite," he explained. His smile was permanently pasted all over his face.

Realizing she was exposing her naked butt to the world through the window, she turned. Monica, Barry, and Tommy were looking up watching her, trying to gauge Caitlin's reaction. Monica waved and motioned her to come down. She motioned again, grinning broadly, not bothering to cover her nakedness.

Barry lewdly brought his mother's right nipple to his lips. He pretended to nurse for a long moment. Monica looked down, rolled her eyes, but did nothing to dislodge her son's obscenely sucking mouth. Tommy waved at his mother, repeating Monica's encouraging motions to join them.

"Well, fuck!" Caitlin said loudly. She wrestled her tube top off. It was her only remaining bit of clothing and it didn't take a moment. The naked woman and boy trotted down the stairs hand in hand, out the patio door and across the privacy-fenced backyard to the open gate between the two homes.

* * *

"Yeah," Monica said lazily. The two grown women had been able to exhaust the three boys, even though the young men tried as hard as they could. The boys seemed to get hard again a couple of minutes after every cum, but eventually they were just too worn out. After that, the women began using dildos, vibrators, and dildos in harnesses to pleasure one another. The sight of that revived the boys for another round, but now all three of them were sound asleep and Monica and Caitlin lay comfortably in each other's arms.

"The girls came to me first thing this morning and told me--told me!!, mind you--that they were going to go fishing with their daddy today. No ifs, ands, or buts about it." Monica chuckled. "And they said it was a good time for ME to get to know Tommy and Joel and Barry 'really, really good'."

"They said, and I quote, 'there are a lot a' hard dicks' around our house ... and y'alls--they specifically said your husband was included if he was around ... an' they said all those cocks needed takin' care of!"

Caitlin laughed. "And you decided to cooperate, huh? Just about how much arm twisting did you have to suffer before you gave in?"

"Not much!" Monica admitted cheerfully. "I saw this coming a while ago. The kids got awful secretive ... and there were 'those' noises coming from behind closed doors." The woman giggled girlishly.

"You know, Caitlin, it only makes sense. Hell, there were forty-three boys and girls on that bus that got kidnapped and you can bet your hot little ass, they've been teaching every one of their friends just exactly how the game of fucking and sucking is played ever since they got back.

"And they're passing it right along to their brothers and sisters too. And those brothers and sisters are teaching every friend they know ... and those friends are teaching their brothers and sisters ... and everyone else they know and ... well, like that."

"And then us Moms and Dads got in on the action, huh?" Caitlin replied, agreeing totally. "And how did you get involved in it?" Caitlin asked curiously.

"Nick has been watching your girls lately, especially Alexandra and Kayleigh, like a red-tailed hawk huntin' dinner," Monica explained. "When they move a muscle--any muscle--he takes in a quick breath. It's like they're putting on a show for him 24/7, and he's havin' a ball watchin'... and fucking my brains out every night!" She laughed.

"Well, when I saw he was noticing that Brooke was givin' him the same attention YOUR girls were ... and she let him see that she didn't mind him looking at her ... then I knew it couldn't end any way but with everybody doing the big nasty, ya know? The boys began circling me like buzzards 'round a road-kill jack rabbit too, and I decided I'd let them do whatever they wanted ... might as well, right?" She laughed.

"I guess ... but how did Tommy and you...?"

"Well," Monica began, "I've watched your young man sniffing around you for more'n a year now and for the last couple of months in particular." She smiled at Caitlin's gasp of surprise. She hadn't realized how well informed Monica was.

"To make a longer story short, when my Joel told Tommy he thought you were 'just delicious'--his words, by the way--young Tommy couldn't keep it to himself. He told us everything," she finished with relish.

"You weren't really sleeping all those nights, were you," Monica asked curiously.

Tommy, it seemed, didn't keep ANY secrets once he started divulging.

Caitlin shook her head, trying to take it all in. "No," she said shortly. There were other things on her mind and she tried to organize it all..

"So... your daughters are out having sex with Nick right now ... on some creek bank--I do so love having sex out-of-doors--and you thought we should spend the afternoon fucking and sucking with the boys ... and ... and wow, my head is spinning. I don't know what's coming next," she sighed.

She frowned.

"But where are my girls?" Caitlin asked. "There's something missing here ... and what about Keith? What's he going to do when he finds out?"

Monica giggled like a schoolgirl. "Your girls are out planning somethin'. " She laughed again at Caitlin's expression. "I think your girls have lost patience waiting for Keith to make the first move and they're setting something up for their dad." She paused and shrugged.

"Maybe I'm not supposed to tell you, but, Brooke told me," she said mysteriously, "that Alexandra and Kayleigh told her that you need to stay gone longer than you usually would when you go shopping tomorrow."

Caitlin blinked her eyes. She snorted derisively. "Is there anything us adults get to discuss first ... or get in at the planning stage or anything? Or are the kids in charge of everything now?"

"No, don't answer," Caitlin said putting her fingertips to Monica's lips. "I don't want to know."

She flopped over on her back and stared at the ceiling for a long moment. She was a little overwhelmed by everything she'd learned ... in spite of the fact she'd been having sex with her young son for a while, and then today she'd totally engaged in an orgy with her neighbor and her neighbor's boys that had lasted all afternoon. Still....

She frowned at the unoffending ceiling.

"But, Monica, you don't seem the least little bit shocked by all this," Caitlin said slowly. "How's come you saw all this coming and just let it happen, huh?"

Monica didn't answer at once. She visibly forced herself to relax. Her expression lightened, and she smiled ruefully. She settled down beside Caitlin on the bed. "No sense in keeping it to myself any more," Monica said carefully. "Actually, things seem to be coming 'round full circle," she remarked. "Strange...."

She didn't explain why her eyes were so distant. She shook herself and grinned in Caitlin's face.

"What it is, my dear, is that my Momma told me I wasn't three weeks old before my dear daddy put his cock up to my mouth and spewed his nasty ol' cum all over my baby lips for the first time," she confided.

Caitlin gasped. "For real?"

Monica nodded and smiled contentedly. "Even Nick doesn't know that ... not yet anyway," she said quietly. "But my family has been having sex with each other since ... forever. Hell, Mom told me she was broken in by her daddy when she was only five, or so ... and I think I had my first teensy weensy little orgasm when I was about two and a half." She giggled again. "It was that randy old brother of mine, pushing his prick inside me ... he must have been not quite five then," Monica said, her mind clearly full of fond memories. "Then, when Nick and I met, I got away from all that ... I was never sure how Nick would feel about it," she said pensively. "But now...."

Monica shrugged nonchalantly.

"By the way, Caitlin honey, do you know our dear Mayor Johnson is actually an uncle of mine? I've got some real cute stories about growing up with him I can tell you sometime...."

* * *

Jeanette Squires was the resident pharmacist in the biggest of Salt Fork's three pharmacies. Dressed in shapeless clothing and hiding behind poorly kept hair and a pair of rimless glasses she didn't really need, Jeanette did everything she could to discourage male attention. It wasn't because she disliked men ... she liked them a lot. Her distance was so she wouldn't have to deal with an issue that inevitably arose in relationships.

It was just that she was completely unable to accommodate their penises inside her. Much as she wanted them to ram their big, beautiful cocks up inside her, the opening to her vagina was simply too small. It hurt, and hurt badly, when a man tried to have sex with her.

Almost thirty-years-old now, Jeanette had given up. Tonight, for example, what she had to look forward to was a long evening with one or another of her collection of slender dildos and vibrators as a substitute for what she craved.

* * *

It was the end of another long day. Jeanette had been busy filling prescriptions all day. The other pharmacist left early, and that left Jeanette handing out enough birth-control pills to take care of all the women in Salt Fork three times over. Except that it wasn't just the normal customers who were coming in with prescriptions.

The last few weeks, Jeanette had seen numbers of increasingly young girls coming in. Teenagers at first, but lately Jeanette was taking care of girls who couldn't possibly be old enough to need these pills. And not one of them displayed the slightest sense of embarrassment handing over the sheet from the prescription pad! The odd thing was that all the prescriptions were perfectly valid. She'd checked several of them, calling the doctors' offices to make sure.

She locked the door at closing time, only to turn and find there was still one young boy dallying over by the comic books. She hadn't seen him before. Jeanette adjusted her glasses on her nose and glanced around, but there were no adults left in the store. A quick glance out the huge windows of the storefront confirmed there were no waiting cars in the parking lot either.

"Hi, sweetie," she called to the boy. "I'm sorry I didn't see you. The store's closed, honey. I'll let you out, okay?" She walked slowly toward the boy, not wanting to appear intimidating and send him into a panicked crying jag or something.

"That's okay," the boy said, flashing a winning smile up into Jeanette's face. "I was waiting for you," he told her. His voice was still high-pitched; it hadn't broken yet.

Jeanette blinked, surprised. "You were, sweetie? What's wrong?"

"My name is Troy Sanders. Steve Hollister is my friend," the boy said. It wasn't quite true. Actually, Steve Hollister was a friend of a friend. "And his uncle is MIKE Hollister. You know Mike Hollister, right?"

Jeanette stiffened. Yeah, she remembered Mike. Mike Hollister had been the last of a string of unhappy boyfriends who dumped, or were dumped by, Jeanette because the opening to her cunt was too damned small and not stretchy enough to take even an average size penis.

Jeanette's expression hardened. "Yes," she said flatly.

"Well, Mike told Steve who told Frankie, who has this girlfriend who ... ahhhhh heck... look, I know about your trouble, Miss Jeanette," the boy told Jeanette, more confidently than any young boy she'd ever known. "I'm sorry you have a problem like that, Miss Jeanette," he said in a sympathetic tone.

Jeanette was surprised by the sincerity in the young boy's voice.

"But I have something to help your problem," Troy said mysteriously. He smiled. "Can you come down here?" he asked. He beckoned her down on one knee which placed them on a more equal level.

"WHAT do you have, sweetie?" she asked, intrigued in spite of herself.

"Well, I'm only ten-years-old," Troy replied, "and I have a dick that isn't near as big as a grown-up's is ... 'cause I'm just a boy, right?" he asked matter-of-factly. "But I think maybe my ten-year-old dickie and your little problem can ... well ... I think we could ... you know...?"

Jeanette stared, transfixed. She hadn't seen the boy was holding his pants up with his hands and when he let go, she was surprised again. She hadn't known little boys went commando these days. The little boy's hard-on was suddenly right out there in the open, only inches from where she knelt on the hard linoleum floor.

Nervously, she looked the youngster in the eyes and asked, "Where's your mom and dad, honey?"

The boy relaxed. The pretty woman hadn't screamed; she hadn't yelled at him or made fun of his dick ... or chased him out the door.

"Mom's at home, probably sucking my big brother's prick right now 'cause that's what she does after he cums in her cunt ... she likes the taste of his cum and her pussy together... and my Dad's been fucking both my sisters for the longest time now and he's probably balls deep in one a' them by now," the young boy said tersely. "If they want to find me, they'll call me on my cell phone," he added.

"But they won't!" he finished. "They know where I am ... and they don't mind me gettin' a little fucking outside the family, okay?"

Jeanette was profoundly shocked by the young boy's words, but they held a ring of truth. Instinctively, she believed him.

The boy stepped out of the pants gathered around his feet. Kicking off his sneakers, he unbuttoned his shirt and shrugged it off his shoulders. Standing naked in front of the mature woman, he lewdly fondled himself, grinning all the while at her.

"You can touch me," young Troy said confidently, "...anywhere you want to."

Dazed, thoroughly shocked at herself for what she was doing, Jeanette took the biggest gamble of her life and extended her right hand. Intuitively, she knew this moment to be her one real chance at happiness. Almost giddy with sudden excitement and lust, she let herself do what she needed to do.

Jeanette carefully slipped her fingers under his immature ball sack, letting his fingerling of a dick lay along the heel of her hand and inner wrist. She moaned faintly at the velvety smooth softness of what she was holding in her hand. She caressed his smooth chest with her other hand, leaving behind little-boy nipples suddenly erect and sensitive. She touched his penis, marveling at its slimness; it was only four inches long, at most. It was just right to fit inside her.

And it was very, very sensitive. The boy's breath became faster and more erratic the longer Jeanette touched his private parts. His face began to redden.

Jeanette rose and took the boy's hand in her bigger one. They left his clothing laying on the floor where it'd fallen. The young woman led her nude young lover through the aisles back to a hospital bed in the far corner of the store. It was a remnant of a failed experiment by the store's owner to also be Salt Fork's primary medical supply retail outlet. This evening, it was a Godsend.

Jeanette dumped some debris--a sales promotion of home medical supplies and something else--off the bed in one swift sweep of her arm and picked the boy up with her hands under his armpits and lifted him up on the bed. He laughed delightedly.

Jeanette kicked off her high heels, and stood for a long final moment in front of Troy, stripping her clothes off for a male animal for the first time in longer than she cared to think about.

"You're beautiful," Troy blurted out. The awe in his voice brought a blush of absolute delight to Jeanette's face. Her breasts weren't spectacularly large, her body was a little too soft ... she hadn't been watching her diet lately, what with no boyfriend to keep satisfied ... but her thighs weren't even close to being pocked with cheesy cellulite and her calves and ankles were still trim and shapely. To the young boy, she was a goddess.

Jeanette, smiled down at her lover and stretched out beside him. They didn't bother with foreplay; neither needed it. Jeanette wrestled the boy on top of her. He didn't need instruction. Before Jeanette could even begin to show him what to do, he had his penis stabbing between her almost virginal outer lips and a little way inside.

Troy hitched himself up higher on her body.

"Mommy showed me how to get up higher on a grown-up's ... a woman's body so my dickie will rub your clitty thing," he explained.

"Mommy did just fine," Jeanette murmured as the boy began rocking back and forth, "and Mommy is a very lucky woman to have a little guy like you."

The little boy beamed a big smile at his older lover, then turned back to the business at hand. Slowly, then more quickly, he thrust into the young woman's pussy. A few minutes later, for the first time in her life, Jeanette had a long, very satisfying cum given to her by a male of the species rather than a rubbery plastic device.

* * *

The next morning, Jeanette wore a scandalously short skirt to work, a pair of five-inch spike heels, and a blouse with the first three buttons undone ... just because she felt incredibly vibrant and hot ... and she wanted to show off. Everyone said how happy she looked today.

Before he left the store last night, whistling and laughing happily, Troy promised to come again tonight, and he would bring one of his friends this evening. He told Jeanette he and the other boy wanted to sandwich the woman between them, Troy fucking her ass and the other boy taking her cunt....

Jeanette walked two aisles over from her pharmacy counter to price enema kits.

Chapter Eleven

Currents of powerful hormones swirled through the bodies of all of the inhabitants of the Academy, all day, every day. Indeed, the air was permeated with potent pheromones, and that was when the actual aroma of hot sex could be smelled. Boys and girls, men and women, were becoming used to a frank expression of their sexuality whenever, and wherever they wanted to. Most of them were, but there were some exceptions that were causing unreasonable amounts of pain....

* * *

John McMasters had been one of the chaperones on the bus and had endured the whole three-day captivity with the four other teachers, one bus driver and forty-three children. Even with the on-call counseling available to him, John had great deal of difficulty dealing with what he'd done to the young girls from the Academy, even though he intellectually understood none of it could have been avoided.

Those brutes had threatened him; promised him they'd crush his balls with baseball bats; they said they'd beat him senseless ... and then start again, but he'd given in before they'd even bruised his flesh. For that, John McMasters would never forgive himself, even though he knew those others were sincere in their threats. He had no choice.

Afterward, John decided he would leave South Fork for good; he'd find a place as far away as he could get and start anew where no one knew what he'd done. The town wouldn't let him.

The principal of the Johnson Academy, the town's mayor, and a long parade of teachers and well-wishers from the community all urged him to stay. This was home, they said; they were family and they'd all get through this together.

Still, John McMasters felt guilty. In particular, he felt guilty about how hard his penis sprang up each time he'd been forced to have sex with one of the young girls in his charge, and he felt guilty at how abundantly he'd cum for each 'money shot'. And he felt really, really guilty because he couldn't help but wonder how the girls felt, whether they were just playing for the camera because they'd been threatened, or whether he'd brought some of them a measure of pleasure too.

He was a science teacher and he immersed himself in teaching his area of expertise to his students. The young girls in his class might have been blank obelisks for all the attention he gave their young, vibrant bodies, or their pretty faces.

Young Alyssa Carver had been a good student before the day she'd been kidnapped and raped repeatedly over a period of three days. She'd been one of the girls Mr. McMasters had been forced to have sex with. To his shame, he and the girl had helped the gangsters by producing one of the hotter performances for the illicit kiddy porn DVDs they intended to sell world-wide.

Afterward, with the benefit of much counseling, Alyssa had tried to talk to Mr. McMasters to at least tell him she didn't hold him responsible for anything that had happened ... and that she actually wanted to do it some more. But Mr. McMasters was cold and distant these days. He heard her out, accepted what she said, and then turned his back on the child. Alyssa had more difficulty dealing with the coldness than anything she'd experienced up on Jackson's Ridge.

It wasn't an easy block of instruction to teach, getting them to understand how one compared the valences of the various elements. But Mr. McMasters threw himself into the task, dedicating himself to his pupils an insight into elementary chemistry. He laid it all out for them, making notes and explaining everything on the big whiteboard.

The kids weren't nearly as dedicated. Midway through a quick review of atomic weights, Mr. McMasters felt, rather than heard, a low rumble of restlessness behind him as he stood at the whiteboard.

He turned to find most of the class glaring at him. Alyssa Carver was in her seat in the front row, her skirt hem above her waist. She was crying soundlessly, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Tiffany Cantrell, right beside Alyssa, was openly masturbating Alyssa. Her hand was completely hidden beneath her friend's panties. Glenn Madson, had his cock out, watching Tiffany speculatively. McMasters saw a number of other pupils also engaged in the illicit play.

Harmonie Jenkins gave up all pretense. She stood up, feverishly ripped off her clothes, ran to the coat rack and did a lewd pole dance for the benefit of the boys in the class ... and Mr. McMasters too, if he wanted to look. A nude boy joined her, kissed her pretty pink lips and then knelt in front of her to show his adoration of pussy lips too. They retired to the back of the room where Harmonie bent over an empty student's desk and waited to be taken from behind.

Jerking his eyes from the steamy sex going on right in his classroom, John McMasters caught Alyssa's eyes again. He saw the pain there, but he couldn't respond. He hauled in the four corners of his world and tied them over his head.

There was nothing going on behind him. He repeated the mantra three times and then three times more.

Deliberately turning his back to the class, Mr. McMasters began working on some intricate diagrams of concepts he hadn't actually intended to introduce today. They were really too advanced for this class. But if he could successfully ignore what was going on behind him, then it wasn't happening. He worked hard on the sketches.

There wasn't anything untoward going on in the classroom.

"Mr. McMasters?"

"Yes, Miss Cantrell?" John replied evenly.

There was nothing going on behind him.

"Mr. McMasters ... it's time," Tiffany said.

"No, class won't be over for a little while," John responded quickly.

The class was a group of fine young students and there was nothing going on behind his back.

There was no reply, but bare arms suddenly wrapped themselves around John McMasters' waist. They hugged him tight. McMasters was trapped between the unknown girl and the whiteboard. He couldn't escape ... he couldn't get away without pushing or shoving the young girl.

"Mr. McMasters?" Tiffany said softly. "It's time!! You have to ... Alyssa needs you!!" she said firmly, sympathetically. She wrestled the unresisting teacher around in his tracks.

John McMasters' brain suddenly disconnected. He had no control over his body, no real thought process, no nothing. He was frozen.

Alyssa Carver was sitting on the edge of his desktop, stark naked and with her legs splayed wide, waiting for him. Her face was troubled, her eyes damp. Everyone else in the room was as naked as Alyssa and most were fucking, sucking, eating, and more than one combination of those acts.

John felt his belt unbuckled and his pants unzipped. His boxers were pulled gently to his ankles. Tiffany knelt to untie his shoes. He couldn't move a muscle.

"Pick your feet up, okay?" Tiffany directed quietly. Instinctively, she knew if she spoke more forcefully, the magical spell of the moment would be shattered.

He did what she asked.

Another naked girl came up to John's other side. She took off his blazer and folded it neatly over the back of his desk chair, then moved the chair to the far side of the classroom to get it out of the way. There were a lot of body fluids being sprayed around the classroom and the stains were murder to get out of fine fabric.

Tiffany worked on getting his socks off, then pulled his trousers away. She stacked them on his blazer on the chair. In a moment, Mr. McMasters' shirt and tie were off and placed neatly on top of his trousers. He stood naked before his class, arms akimbo and only vaguely aware of what he was doing.

"Mr. McMasters," Tiffany whispered coaxingly, "Alyssa needs you, okay?"

John McMasters shuffled close to the young girl displaying herself so lewdly. Alyssa leaned back on the top of his desk, drew her knees up and set her heels on the very edge. She let her knees splay out to the side so her teacher's strained gaze would be unhindered. Her pussy lips were pink, her exposed cunt was a deep ruby color already. Young-girl honey dribbled out to soak the edge of his desk.

Tiffany had the teacher's cock in her small hand, slowly jacking it back and forth. When she judged the time was right, she took it in her mouth and wet the mushroom-shaped knob at the end and tongued back his foreskin. She looked up at her teacher, meeting his gaze with a sweet smile. She stood. With her left hand in the small of his back and her right slowly manipulating his cock, she urged her teacher forward.

She pressed his cock against Alyssa's pretty outer lips. John looked down, seeing his cockhead beginning to spread the young girl's puffy outer labia. It was obscene how the lips parted, almost seeming to suck at his cock when he pulled away a little. But they sank inward when he pushed his hips forward. Tiffany's hand on his buttocks urged him forward a little more, then he felt her small fingers slip beneath his asscheeks, seeking and finding his ball sack ... her massaging and gentle stroking was wonderful.

The teacher groaned softly and let the absolution the other kidnapped adults and children had already attained finally flow through him.

"I'm so sorry," he said to Alyssa. "I thought I was doing the right thing."

Alyssa's expression softened. The inside of her knees clamped themselves tight to his side as she opened herself up for a deeper fucking. Her insteps caressed the flesh on the outside of his thighs.

"OMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM" Alyssa crooned. "I want you take me ... again ... and again ... and never stop," she whispered to her teacher.

John McMasters threw away the guilt and pain. He began to stroke more strongly into the young girl's cunt, giving her what he and she both needed. They didn't talk anymore, not then, but they watched each other's eyes as they worked to give each other the finest orgasm of either of their lives--well since coming down off the mountain, anyway.

The students locked the classroom door from inside and nobody came out for another three hours. The room wasn't in use for any other classes that afternoon anyway and no one really cared if their next three class' teachers reported them absent or not.

* * *

Sister Elizabeth drove the almost-new sedan up to the Collins' residence, one of four the archdiocese in the big city had rushed to the orphanage as part of the effort to upgrade everything there. No one knew how Father Kearney had managed it all but a lot of resources were being made available to the Sisters of the order.

Sister Elizabeth got out of the car, along with three of her Sisters wore traditional garb today ... sort of. Wimples rested on the Sisters' heads and flowed down over their shoulders, as they should. But their habits were ... not there.Beneath the headdress, the Sisters wore only black fishnet thigh high stockings and tall spike heels. Excited grins completed their ensembles.

The door was answered by a smiling Mrs. Mia Collins. She had a garish, yellow wig on topped with a Hollywood conception of a Viking helmet. Other than that, she didn't have a stitch on.

"Hello, Sisters," Mia said warmly. "I'm so glad to see you ... welcome to our 'Viking Raid' party!"

"It's good to see you too, Mrs. Collins," Sister Elizabeth said, smiling at Todd Collins' mother happily. She saw the crowd of young boys and girls behind the nude woman.

They too were stark naked and barely able to suppress their excitement at seeing the four nuns. Some of the kids had horned helmets on, some did not, and most were sporting rubberized 'swords' or 'war hammers' or the like. All were wearing grins that spread the width of their faces.

"Please come in," Mrs. Collins said, holding the screen door open wide in invitation. "Call me Mia, okay?"

"Mia, I'd like to introduce you to Sister Deirdre, our Reverend Mother," Sister Elizabeth said, tugging one of the nearly naked nuns forward.

"I'm so happy to meet you, Reverend Mother," Mia said respectfully. She looked the woman up and down. The Mother Superior was a generation older than the other nuns, and her body was clearly more mature. Perhaps it was a little softer than the younger, more hard-bodied Sisters, but her ripe breasts and voluptuous body were thoroughly entrancing.

Mia smiled approvingly. "My goodness, Reverend Mother ... you're going to be very popular with our 'Viking' boys," she remarked.

Mother Superior fought to control a blush, but her embarrassed smile was tinged with pride. She remembered the coaching Sister Elizabeth and the others gave her just before starting out this morning. She pulled her shoulders back minutely to make her big breasts jut out just that little bit more.

This was her first foray out into the community, but her attitude had undergone a reformation since being discovered in flagrante with Father Kearny and his subordinates. She'd done a difficult self-examination and come to some new conclusions about why she'd wanted to come to the orphanage in the first place, and how easily she'd been seduced by Father Kearny.

With all that behind her, the Reverend Mother was anticipating a good time being naked and fuckable for the pleasure of all the boys here. All the boys and....

Daringly, she reached out her left hand and fondled Mia's right breast. "Only with the boys?" she asked smilingly.

"By no means!" Mia shot back, grinning. She patted the senior nun's hand. "You're going to fit in just fine!" Mia told her as the Mother Superior passed by into the living room.

"We put up some wood posts ... and a low pillory, too ... up in the back yard, so you and the Sisters could be fucked standing up and on all fours with your hands and heads 'locked' in the stocks," Mia told the nuns as they filed past.

"The posts all have iron rings right at the top, just like you suggested, Sister Elizabeth," Mia said. "They'll hold up pretty good even if you really struggle to get away from all the 'raping' and 'pillaging' going on," she told the nuns.

"We're all so grateful to you for the work you've done with Al," Mrs. Collins added, in an aside to Sister Elizabeth. Since my husband and I officially adopted him, he's been soooo happy with us ... we're all one family now, you know. "And not only that, my sister moved in last Thursday. Things are just so ... incredibly wonderful around here these days."

"I can JUST imagine," Sister Elizabeth said amiably. "And Al and Todd said something a while back about the girls next door?"

"Oh yes, the Dempsey girls spend almost as much time around here as my ... both of my sons ... do," Mia remarked happily, "or we're over there. The Dempseys and us don't even lock our doors anymore."

Sister Elizabeth cocked her head to one side. "You know, I really must speak with you sometime about a sister for Todd and Al," She said thoughtfully. "There's a young lady ... she's nine and a half ... who just came to us who was 'abused' by her father and uncle over in the big city. Seems she liked it though, and the orphanage she was put into just could not deal with that! She was sooooo depressed...."

The Sister paused. "Of course, she's much happier now," she said brightly.

The two women laughed companionably.

"Well, maybe Al and Todd each need a sister," Mia said, "we and the Dempseys have spare room ... heck, what with everyone sleeping with someone else every night, we have twice as many bedrooms as kids these days." Mia paused to think. "Yeah, you know ... the Dempseys might do with a couple of sons ... and I know my sister, Dorothy, would love to adopt a stud... or two," Mia laughed.

"We'll do lunch! I'll bring my sister, and Mrs. Dempsey--Sarah," Mia said delightedly.

"I'll bring naked boys and girls!" Sister Elizabeth said.

Chapter Twelve

Keith McBride sighed and put the book aside. It wasn't a good read at all and he wasn't enjoying it ... but he really hadn't expected to. However, if one expected to get a graduate degree in Criminal Justice, one had to learn and be intimately familiar with all of the concepts and procedures described in excruciating detail in this volume.

His study hour was done though. He could relax and enjoy the bright sunshine coming in the window behind his desk.

Before he could swivel his chair around, the door to the study opened and Alexandra stuck her pretty face around it to smile at him.

"Hi, Daddy," she said brightly. "You through studying?"

"Yep! All done," he answered. "You didn't go shopping with your mom?" he asked. She shook her head, not bothering to further confirm the obvious.

Keith was surprised. Usually all the girls, with Tommy tagging along, went with Caitlin on her weekly forays to the mall and from there to the supermarket. The house had been so quiet. He hadn't even heard his oldest daughter's footsteps in the hallway.

"Heard me drop this darned ol' schoolbook on the desk, huh?" He smiled. It felt great to smile at his daughter ... things had been strained since he'd intruded in her and Kayleigh having sex a few days ago. He'd wanted to talk to them, but he didn't have a clue what to say ... much less, do.

"Can we talk, Daddy," Alexandra asked, the tension clear on her face. It had been a difficult time for her too.

"Sure, honey," he said gently, "I'm sorry we haven't been talking much this week. I--"

He cut himself off when Alexandra opened the door fully and stepped through, followed by her sister Kayleigh. Alex swung the door shut behind her and made a big show of turning the lock. Both girls were naked except for gold ankle bracelets that sparkled in the sunlight.

Keith felt himself tensing up. He sensed a confrontation he'd done his best to avoid for months couldn't be sidestepped any longer. His face blanked and his pulse rate shot up.

"Daddy," Alexandra said firmly. "We gotta talk about this. No more running away from it, okay?"

A little shocked at the maturity of her analysis of the situation, Keith shifted uneasily. He straightened in the comfortable high-backed chair, involuntarily touching the badge over his left breast pocket.

"Huh-uh, Daddy," Kayleigh and Alexandra chorused. "No badge ... huh-uh ... no way," Kayleigh said emphatically. "You ain't Mister Dep'ty Sheriff to us, Daddy ... you're just Daddy!"

Taken aback, Keith looked at his daughters for a long moment. "I tap my badge when I start to get ... uh ... official?" he asked. He almost smiled when they nodded vigorously. "I didn't know," he said simply. "I'll watch out for that from now on," he promised. "Okay?" he asked.

They nodded and came on, their bare feet soundless on the thick carpet. He watched them, examining them ... admitting for the first time his baby girls were also female animals, already attractive to boys ... and full-grown men too. He sucked in a long breath; it hissed between his teeth. He held it for a long time and then let it out, trying to relax and be genuine with his children.

The girls kept coming, separating before they came around the desk, Alexandra to his right, Kayleigh to the left, then they both hitched their behinds up onto the desktop. The sat there, moving around a little before they found the position they wanted. Their thighs were spread wide, exposing their smooth pubic mounds for their father.

"See, Daddy," Alexandra began. "The thing is, me and Kayleigh ...

"We've been doing sex stuff for a while, Daddy," Kayleigh said, completing Alexandra's thought.

"And we're going to keep on doing it, Daddy," Alexandra remarked. "We got used to it when we were ... kidnapped," she continued, "and we like it," she finished.

Keith was speechless, literally. "But, honey," he protested after a while, "being raped and brutalized for three days ... that's not like 'real' sex. That's ... that's ... being assaulted and beaten ... and--"

He stopped when Kayleigh reached out and put her small palm over his mouth to shut him up.

"Daddy," Kayleigh said quietly. "After the first day, we only know one girl who was even spanked hard."

"Ahhhh... nothing justifies being whipped and kept prisoner--"

This time, it was Alexandra covering his mouth.

"Daddy, hush, okay? It doesn't matter any more if we shouldn't have been kept up there. It just is ... or really it just was! See? They pushed us around some and made fists and growled at us, but not much else. Some got slapped a little, but they didn't want to make bruises or anything that'd show up in the videos.

"After the first day, Daddy, we ... and all of us girls, and the boys too ... we got to LIKING what was happening. They really didn't hurt us much," Alexandra insisted. "Not like perverts do in all those detective shows on TV," she said forcefully. "And none of us got dead, either, right?"

"But that doesn't matter anymore, Daddy, 'cause you came and got us and brought us home," Kayleigh insisted. "We're all safe now and it's not going to happen ever again ... and we're fine now, okay?"

Keith bit his lips ... hard. He shut his eyes tightly and leaned back in his chair. His hands were clinched into fists on the chair arms.

"What's wrong, Daddy?" Alexandra asked worriedly. "What's wrong?"

"I should have been there," Keith whispered huskily. "None of this should have happened to you girls and I couldn't stop it from happening ... and I'm soooo sorry. I wish I could have stopped it, but I didn't know where to find you and...." He broke off.

The girls looked at each other. They hadn't expected anything like this. Inadvertently, they'd discovered the only person directly connected in the whole affair who hadn't received any professional counseling. The girls hopped off the desk and went to their father's side. Cradling his head against their young breasts, they teared up in response to their father's agony, and then just held him tight--all they could to relieve his pain. It was a while before the three had control of themselves again. Keith hadn't been able to stop his own tears. A long time coming, in the end, they'd been healing as nothing else could have been.

"Daddy," Alexandra said, when her voice was steady again. "We knew all along there was nothing you could do," she said earnestly.

"Heck, that was the gang's fault ... they knew all about us and the fieldtrip and nobody knew about them," she said. "After it happened, me and Kayleigh knew you'd come to find us ... and you did," she said.

"Daddy," Kayleigh whispered, "you're a hero for finding us and saving us before the bad guys got mean again," she said sincerely. "We're so proud it was you coming to get all of us kids!" she said. She threw her arms back around her father's neck and held him tightly.

For himself, Keith took a few deep breaths while he hugged his daughters tightly. He leaned back again, his eyes closed again, but this time there was peace on his features. He shook his head at what he now saw had been a months-long fit of guilt and depression he hadn't even known he was feeling. He cleared his throat.

"I... no matter what ... I'll always be a little mad at myself for letting it happen, for not finding you sooner, or ... whatever," he said honestly. "But maybe I should cut myself a little slack too, huh?"

The girls nodded.

"I've got my girls home now," Keith said hoarsely, "and I love them soooo much," he told them.

The two girls hurled themselves at him and wrapped their arms around his neck. Keith was going to try to get to his feet; his daughters felt his muscles tense and they fell back, to perch once more on each corner of his desk. Looking in their eyes, he abandoned his attempt to stand.

"Daddy," Alexandra said softly, "we still have one little thing to get straight, right?" Kayleigh nodded encouragingly at him. Alexandra looked silently at her sister until Kayleigh was finally galvanized into action.

"Daddy," Kayleigh purred, "do you think I have a pretty pussy?"

Keith blinked. He swallowed hard.

"You can look at me, Daddy," Kayleigh said.

"And I have a pretty pussy too, don't you think?" Alexandra asked.

Keith was used to the girls dividing his attention in 'discussions' to distract him, using it as a way of getting concessions from him, some extra allowance, or ... darn near anything they wanted actually. And THIS conversation was one they'd planned to some extent.

"Please look at me," Alexandra cooed. "Please, Daddy," she whispered.

Keith's eyes moved slowly down his oldest daughter's body until he focused on what really was, as she had said, a very pretty little pussy. It was gorgeous, he admitted to himself. Her slit was like the dividing line between two globes of a peach, sharp and beautiful ... clean ... except that a peach was a little fuzzy and her whole underbelly was satiny smooth.

"And mine too," Kayleigh whispered. It was easier this time. His second daughter's pussy was just as entrancing as Alexandra's. He looked from one to the other, comparing and contrasting them but finding nothing to favor one over the other. He looked up into their eager faces and knew he was supposed to say something.

"They're... they're beautiful," he told them almost reverently. His daughters were pleased.

"Do you like our boobies," Kayleigh said playfully. Keith smiled a little. He examined both girls. Kayleigh's were actually a little bigger than Alexandra's... Kayleigh was built a little more sturdily than Alexandra. Her frame would support bigger breasts as she grew up.

"They're absolutely beautiful," Keith said lightly.

The girls looked at each other, one confirming a thought with the other before they proceeded. They hopped off the desk and shuffled a half-step closer to their father.

The girls weren't strong enough to move his arms if he didn't want them to so they didn't try. They waited for a moment, hardly daring to move a muscle, then slowly--urging only--they guided his hands up and onto their chests, stopping only when a childish breast was pressing into each of their father's palms. His right hand settled over Alexandra's right breast ... his left was on Kayleigh's left boobie. The girls let out their breaths, not quite sighing in relief.

For a long moment, Keith's hands were still. He could feel their hardening nipples gently stabbing into his palms. He could feel the silky smoothness of their skin against his hand. Their breathing moved their chests and made their nipples stir around in his palms. He stroked their upper chests uncertainly, but knowing by their smiles they wanted it.

He took control of his hands again and wet a forefinger on each hand to lubricate their sensitive nipples. Gently, he circled around each aureole, then thumbed their small nipples into greater erections. The girls involuntarily sucked in deep breaths of air, telling him he was doing good.

Kayleigh took her father's wrist in her hands once more and guided his left hand lower on her body and breathing deeply as it slipped down her lower chest. She gently rotated his wrist to point his fingers down and pushed it on down to her belly and then her groin. She gasped with the pleasure of having her own father touch her pussy lips. She moaned, caught herself, giggled, and then gave herself over to enjoying the pleasure of the moment.

Alexandra was only a split second behind her sister. Her father's fingertips touched her slit at virtually the same instant he did Kayleigh's. The two girls sighed happily. They'd wanted his touch for a long time.

Keith's middle fingers slid between the girls' outer labia, pressing gently, but demanding admission into the girls' bodies. His daughters whimpered their consent and spread their legs wider on the deep carpet so their father could fondle, tease, and probe deeper into vaginas already spreading and lengthening for their father's penis. They grew wetter, their little-girl juices flowing more strongly with each passing moment. It dribbled out over their father's fingers, lubricating them for even greater penetration.

He teased the hoods of flesh over their tiny clits, coaxing the little nubbins out and exciting each bud into even greater growth and excitement. The girls were holding on now, one to each of their father's upper arms, but they still swayed back and forth with the intensity of the feelings rushing over them. Their breathing grew more ragged and more shallow. Their faces were flushed.

He shifted in his seat, his pants no longer comfortable on his lower body. It broke the girls' concentration just enough.

"Daddy," Alexandra whispered hoarsely. She had to swallow before she could say anything more.

"Daddy, we want to touch you too," she said softly. She looked deep in his eyes, wondering....

He nodded, crossing the last hurdle to this new relationship being forged with his ... with his beautiful and very sexy ... daughters. The girls smiled contentedly.

They swiveled the chair to his right. Kayleigh came rushing around the desk and knelt with her sister, struggling to pull his boots off. His socks were next. Kayleigh unbuttoned his uniform shirt and Alexandra undid his belt. They were working fast now, eager to strip their father naked.

When he was nude, they stood back a little, examining their father's body. He was handsomer than any of those bad guys, or any of the boys with whom they'd had sex those three days and those they'd had since. Certainly he was much stronger. Daddy's muscles were smooth and taut under the thin cover of his skin and ... but they were really only interested in one thing at the moment.

Their father's penis stood proud and tall, jutting up from his crotch and bobbing gently in time to muscles involuntarily tensing and relaxing in his groin. It was beautiful, the girls decided. Beautiful and ... and they knew it would feel wonderful in their cunts.

Standing quickly, they pulled their daddy onto his feet and guided him over to the couch. He sat, and Alexandra won the race to fall between his legs first. She touched his erection for the first time, holding it more gently than she needed to, lifting it to study it from all angles. She bent her head forward, raised her whole body slightly and adjusted her position a little, then opened her mouth into a big oval and slipped her lips down over her own father's penis.

Keith groaned aloud. Watching his oldest daughter take his cock in her mouth was incredibly stimulating. Sensations washed through his groin as he watched her take even more of him between her pretty lips. He felt the sperm boiling in his groin and knew his balls were swelling in his little girl's palm. He felt his cock growing harder and stronger in her mouth.

Kayleigh claimed her share of his attention by knee-walking across the sofa cushions and circling her father's neck with her slender arms. She kissed him then, not as a loving daughter, but as a demanding lover would, mashing her lips to his and stabbing her tongue into his mouth to search and duel with his. Their tongues flicked at each other, intertwined, and slipped away ... only to come together again.

When they broke to take a few quick breaths, Kayleigh swept her right hand over her father's chest, feeling the strength in the well-toned muscles of his pectorals. That her lover/father was a male, available for her pleasure, was an aphrodisiac to Kayleigh. She fingered her father's nipples, finding them already hard. The young girl rubbed her fingertips over them and felt them harden under the friction still more until they were sharp little points poking into the skin on her fingers. She giggled delightedly.

"That feel good, Daddy?" she asked coyly. She knew it must.

"God, yes, baby," her father replied thickly. He grunted softly as Alexandra lifted his cock up so she could lick at the notch in the underside of the turnip-shaped head and Kayleigh lightly pinched each of his nipples. Kayleigh bent over to suck his right nipple, then his left.

Keith leaned his head on the backrest and gave himself up to his daughters' ministrations. There seemed to be a wire from his upper chest down to his groin passing fiery sensations back and forth, flooding his body with incredible, almost intolerable, thrills that threatened to swallow him whole.

"My turn," Kayleigh announced eagerly, dropping down to claim the space between her father's legs. She took him into her mouth without ceremony, seeming to try to force him down her throat in one swallow.

Alexandra came into his arms and wrapped her arms tight around his neck. Her soft lips met his in light kisses that gradually became stronger. She opened her mouth and flicked her tongue at his teeth, seeking, then finding his tongue to twine about it in a lover's sweet competition.

Keith could taste himself on her tongue. He knew his pre-cum well--he'd never having been of the mindset that a woman could swallow his substance but he should never taste it. If Alexandra had brought it to his lips as a test, he passed with honors. He sucked at her tongue, relieving it of all of his taste, mashing their lips together and spreading the wetness there all around his.

Keith and his two daughters moaned, so closely together that they startled each other. They laughed together. They looked at each other quizzically. Another cusp had been reached.

"I could lay on my back," Keith suggested, moving to the carpet and rolling on his back, "and...."

The girls needed no additional guidance. Before he could begin to address who went where, Kayleigh squatted over his face and Alexandra moved to straddle his hips. Evidently, all that had been decided by the two girls beforehand.

Kayleigh sank down on her haunches until she could feel his nose touch her underbelly. Her father's tongue flicked at the wetness of her pussy opening and she couldn't help but whimper. She adjusted her body, spreading her feet as wide as she could and squatting deeper over her Daddy's mouth. His tongue speared inside, dividing her pussy lips in an instant and lancing up inside her labia as far as it could.

Kayleigh groaned. The sex up on Jackson's Ridge hadn't been this good at all. Sex with her daddy was the bestest, she decided, her thoughts already almost incoherent. She rubbed her pussy on her father's mouth, making his nose bump the flesh over her clitty and sending hot wonderfulness blazing through her groin.

Her Daddy began to lap her slit from bottom to top, and then slathered his way back down again. His tongue touched the outside of her swollen outer labia, circled her pussy and then started back again. He tongue-fucked her again, making her croon a nasty little drone that welled up from the primitive woman inside her. Once again, he found her clit and began to envelop it with the tip of his tongue. Teasing it out, he nibbled at it, tempting it into greater exposure where he could wrap his tongue around it and suck the darling nubbin into an explosion.

When she came, it was a total surprise for the little girl. She'd been so wrapped up in each separate moment of the tonguing her father was giving her, the swelling tide of her orgasm had remained stealthy.


Kayleigh was unable to contain herself as rapture ripped through her, blazing from her pussy lips up to her sensitive nipples and back down again. She lost her balance and sat down on her father's face with no strength left in her legs. She leaned back instinctively, unable to bear the contact between her over-stimulated labia and her father's raspy tongue. Her sister caught her, supporting her for a long moment while Kayleigh waited for the strength to roll off her father's chest.

Kayleigh settled down beside Alex and her father, breathing deep and twitching every so often as stray, leftover sparks from her climax skittered around her young body. She lay watching her sister and her father fuck.

* * *

When Keith's hard cock penetrated, ever so slowly, through Alexandra's outer labia, his first thought was that his daughter had the hottest pussy in the world. Her body seemed to sear the tip of his cockhead as it sank deeper and deeper. His second impression was that the entrance to her cunt was the tightest thing he'd ever thrust his penis into. It was several moments before the constricting ring where her cherry had been let his prick slide a little deeper.

The tightness extended deeper. Caught in the vice-like grip of Alexandra's hot cunt, Keith couldn't help but groan. When he did, Kayleigh felt it as another enhancement of the tongue lashing her father was already giving her. She moaned her appreciation and wiggled her pussy around on his mouth. Alex took it as proof she was doing all the right things for her Daddy.

Keith slid deeper into his oldest daughter, worrying a little that he was too big for her. He didn't know both girls had gotten ready outside the door by penetrating themselves an assortment of progressively bigger and thicker dildoes while they waited for their father to be finished with today's study. It was fun as much as it was preparation.

Alex knew her vagina opening would someday dilate to deliver a child, and she knew it would stretch for her Daddy too ... today! ... for his rampaging penis. It felt soooo good. Daddy's cock was so wonderful ... so hard and fat and long, and it was all for her. Daddy was big ... for her! She wondered if her girlfriends all felt this way too when they did their daddies.


Alexandra stopped impaling herself on her father's cock every so often to rise slowly and then slide back down again. She watched, fascinated, as his cock seemed to suck her pussy lips inward as his penis plunged deeper into her, but then her puffy lips rebounded when she rose on her knees. Her pussy lips then returned to their normal puffy shape and sucking at Daddy's cock to keep him in her. She whimpered. The sight of her own father's penis moving in and out of her was so much better, so much more sexy than any of the men and boys she'd had before.

She rested a moment when she felt Daddy's cockhead brush her cervix. She'd only known about her cervix for a few months but now she knew women weren't supposed to like a penis bumping it. She waited, but there was no pain ... only another hot surge of erotic, sliding sensations down deep inside.

Alexandra began rising and letting herself slide back down on her father's hardness. She worked her hips around, wiggling them experimentally, and was rewarded with a gasp from her father's lips she knew was for her. He went right back to licking her sister's pussy, but Alexandra knew it had been because of what she had done... so she did it again ... and again, changing the direction she wiggled to see what Daddy liked best. She squeezed down with her vagina muscles too, trying to hold him inside and milk the cum out of his balls.

Daddy couldn't take his mouth off Kayleigh's pussy 'cause she was too busy mashing her groin down on Daddy's mouth, but his left hand found its way around Kayleigh to touch Alexandra's leg. He stroked her outer thigh from knee to ass cheek.

Alex surged upward, then back down again. She began whipping her hips around in a tight little circle and Alexandra knew Daddy appreciated what she was doing. She glowed with the pride of a women pleasuring her man so well.

When Kayleigh struggled off his chest, Keith looked Alexandra over carefully. She was grinning most evilly, knowing she was in charge of the fucking and daring him not to love what she was doing. Fat chance, he decided. Everything his oldest daughter was doing was sheer ecstasy.

He put his hands on her hips and helped her rise and fall for a bit, but then he was captivated by her young breasts as they bounced tightly on her chest. Her aureoles looked swollen, almost painfully so, and they looked as if they'd be hard to the touch, but they weren't. He wet a fingertip in his mouth for lubrication and circled the aureole on her left breast, then her right with his forefinger.

Alexandra gasped. She arched her back, throwing her head back as her father fondled her young boobies. Her hips were rocking forward and back now, making Daddy's cock rub her sensitive pussy lips and massage her vagina walls too. She dipped two fingers in the fluids gushing from her pussy over Daddy's belly and then two fingers from her other hand. She wiped them all over her breasts, smearing her juices over her chest for her father's enjoyment ... for the look in his eyes told her the lewd display was working for him. He urged her upper body down on his, even tugging her a little off his cock until he could crane his head upward and capture a breast in his mouth.


She pulled a little more off his cock. There was only the bulbous head still inside her now, and she couldn't move her groin, but she HAD to have her father's lips on her boobies. When he took her entire left breast in his mouth and swathed his tongue around and around, she almost sobbed with pleasure. Then he treated her right breast to a thorough tongue washing too.

Keith lay back down, holding Alexandra's lower body in place high over him. He began to lift his hips high off the carpet, thrusting strongly up into her cunt while she groaned with the joy he was giving her. He rammed his cock deep, knowing instinctively his daughter could take his penis and love every inch of it.

He could feel the heat building deep inside his groin. The hot lava of sperm and fluid was coursing upward and soon it would not be denied. It felt like thick molasses was being forced through the narrow tubes leading from his balls; it was almost a feeling of pain, so intense was the pleasure.

Keith groaned. He could feel his cock lengthening still more, though he'd thought it impossible to be longer or thicker. He tried to clamp down on the flow....

"Baby...." he said in a hoarse whisper. "It's coming ... ," he told her.

She understood. Bracing her hands on her father's chest, she began riding his cock hard. There was nothing artistic about it now. She was slamming her cunt down on his prick as fast and as hard as she could go ... speed was the important thing now, because she felt her own orgasm fast approaching and she had to beat it by moving her hips up and down on Daddy or....


The young girl's groin mashed down on her Daddy, the base of his penis ground against her pubis and they lay there together, rutting, thrusting at each other as they came.


Alexandra felt her Daddy coming inside her for the very first time. His thick semen flooded her cunt, overflowing and being sucked back along the shaft of his cock to coat her pussy lips. He rammed in again, a new geyser of pearl-gray cum splashed into her vagina to make her scream at the sweet agony of ecstasy. When he plunged in again, shoving his hips up at her body for a fourth time, Alexandra was already spent. She took his cum, reveling in the naughtiness of everything they were doing. She squeezed her cunt around his cock to milk every drop from her father's balls ... and then they were done.

Alexandra collapsed on top of her father's body; they were both spent for the moment. She and Daddy lay there, almost trembling in the aftermaths of the huge waves of sexual energy that had flooded through their bodies. Slowly they collected themselves, controlling their breathing a little better as their heartbeats steadied.

"Wow!" Alexandra whimpered.

"Yeah, me too!" her father whispered back. "Wow!"

* * *

Laying flat on the plush carpet in his office, his head propped on the bottom-front of the sofa, Keith had one daughter in each arm. Their heads were pillowed on his shoulders as they cuddled close against his body. His legs were spraddled wide so they could each throw a leg over one of his. They were slowly rubbing their sopping pussies on one of Daddy's thighs. His hands stroked their hips and butts, because that was all he could reach in this position. Alexandra had his ball sack in her palm; Kayleigh was slowing jacking his cock up and down, fascinated at how his cockhead disappeared on the upstroke and reappeared on the downstroke.

"That was soooo good!" Alexandra purred.

"More than good, it was confabulous!" Kayleigh added.

There was a short silence.

"I don't actually know what that means," Keith confessed, "but if it means something like fantastically, super, incredibly, wonderful, then I agree."

"She doesn't know either!" Alexandra said scornfully. "She just makes up words."

Kayleigh sniffed her disdain.

Alexandra playfully slapped her father's chest.

"Ex-cuse me?" he inquired, his eyebrows rising high.

"We could have been doing this for a long time if you just got on top of me when you found me up there," she told him. "I wanted you to, but you didn't," she said and sighed dramatically.

"Well... I ... uh ... honey, I just couldn't, baby," Keith protested. "There was no way ... no time ... and I didn't have things straight in my mind."

"I know...," Alexandra replied, "but if you had, we'd have been doing it for a lot longer and we would have had soooo many cums by now!" she asserted.

Keith chuckled. "Yeah ... I guess you're right," he said. He grinned. "We'll just have to make up for lost time!"

"Uh huh, we will," Alexandra replied thoughtfully. Her mind was still working on something.

"You know," she said carefully, "if we could have been doing it BEFORE the bus thing ... I think I would have liked that lots too," she finished.

"Me too!" Kayleigh contributed.

"Well," Keith remarked slowly, "I think I would too, if we could have been sure everything would turn out like it has ... but we can't change what already has happened. He pursed his lips pensively, then dismissed the question.

"So how do you guys feel about doing some more catching up right now?" Keith asked his daughters. "This time you switch places, okay? I'll eat Alexandra's pussy and Kayleigh does me a cowgirl ride ... anybody up for that?"

The girls mounted their father's body, not wasting any time at all, but then they paused.

"Daddy," Alexandra cautioned, "you just creamed me pretty good, you know?"

"I thought that was what happened!!" her father said dryly. He was adjusting to the new world order.

He was rewarded for his sarcasm with another slap at his forearm. "I'm not worried," he explained to his twelve-year-old daughter. "It's just extra sauce for the main course," he added, smiling.

"You rock, Daddy!!!" Alexandra commented. She dipped two fingers in her pussy and scooped out a gob of little-girl honey and daddy-cum. "Mmmmm, we taste good together," she said.

"I'll bet we do," he answered. "I think I'll just try some of that, if you don't mind?" Obligingly, she ladled out some more and held her fingers to her father's mouth.

"Mmmmm," he said, smacking his lips facetiously. "Finger-licking good, by golly!" The girls giggled at their father's nastiness. In their estimation also, he was doing okay. He'd come a long way this afternoon.

"Hmmmm... Daddy?" Alexandra said tentatively. She was rubbing her pubis on her father's chin and it felt really good, so she was having some small difficulty concentrating.

"Hmmmm?" Keith answered. There was no reply for a minute. "Huhhhh?" he tried again.

"Oh... uh ... I forgot what was I gonna say ... Oh! Daddy, if you need too, me an' Kayleigh can wait for later on tonight or something, you know."

Kayleigh mumbled something in protest, but Alexandra plowed ahead.

"Well... you do know you're gonna have to give Michelle her share of fuckin' and pussy eatin' when she gets home, right?" Alexandra asked.

Keith hadn't known anything of the sort. The possibility hadn't even occurred to him.

"And Mom too, of course," Kayleigh threw in. "Mom's still gonna want her share of cock, ya know?"

"Christ Almighty," their father muttered. "Michelle? I ... uh ... are you sure?" he asked prayerfully. Michelle, eight-year-old Michelle, was the baby of the family. Another thought sprang into focus.

"Ohmigod, what am I gonna say to your mother?" he moaned.

The girls laughed, obviously tickled by their father's mournful question.

"Daaaaaaddieeeeeee," they said in a singsong duet.

"C'mon, Daddy," Alexandra said reprovingly. "You're thinking like back before the DAY," she scolded. "This is the new Salt Fork, alright?"

It was plain to the girls he'd done a little backsliding.

"Okay, say it after me, Daddy," Alexandra instructed.

Keith's eyes skipped around the room for a moment before looking his oldest daughter in hers.

"Daddy? Say it after me. This...." She waited.

"This...." Keith muttered, unconvinced.

"This is the new Salt Fork...." Alexandra prompted.

"This is the new Salt Fork...." Keith responded, his voice marginally stronger.

"I fuck my daughters because they want me to," Alex continued. She saw her father flinch.

"Daddy! Say it! I--fuck--my--daughters--because--they--want...."

"I... I fuck--my--daughters--because--they--want ... because they want me to," Keith said haltingly.

His two oldest daughters clapped, smiling derisively at their father. They were pleased.

"Daddy... I have a question," Kayleigh said. "Do you really think me'n Lexie could have gotten you all to ourselves for a whole afternoon if Mom wasn't helpin' ?" she asked.

Shocked to the core, Keith could only look at her.

"And Mommy has been helping Michelle 'practice' all week long, Daddy," Alexandra said matter-of-factly.

"Practice?" Keith said faintly.

"With some of Mommy's dildos and vibrators," Kayleigh supplied helpfully. "But Michelle wants you to be the first real man to fuck her," she added.

"Ohmigod," Keith said again. "She's too little ... she can't possibly take...." Alexandra had put her palm firmly over his mouth.

"This is...?" the girls prompted, in unison.

"This is the new Salt Fork," their father muttered mechanically.

His daughters waited expectantly.

"I fuck my daughters because they want me to," Keith continued, placing some emphasis on that particular word for the first time.

"But... Michelle???" he wailed losing his bid not to sound whiny.

"There were three girls on the bus younger than Michelle," Alexandra said. "She wants it, she's gettin' ready for it ... and you're gonna have one pissed-off third-grader on your hands if you don't do her," she told her dad. "And even then she'll just go get some somewhere else!"

Keith jaw dropped. "But I just can't believe ... Jesus! What'll I say to your mother when I have sex with her baby girl?"

The girls laughed. That reaction was getting monotonous, Keith thought.

"Well, you might say, 'Honey, I'm home! Wanta fuck the kids right now ... or later?' or something like that," Kayleigh giggled.

"Or, you might ask her if your cum tastes anything like Tommy's," Alexandra suggested brightly.

Keith's expression blanked. One MORE thing that hadn't yet occurred to him.

"Dang!" Keith said at length. He should have seen that one coming.

"By the way, have you talked to Mr. Chief Of Security down at the mall lately?" Kayleigh threw in, with an innocent, butter-wouldn't-melt-in-her-mouth expression on her face.

"Nick? Huh-uh ... well ... not for a few days," Keith admitted. "What...?"

"Mr. Wagner got tackled by a bunch of girls in a big empty room down at the mall the other day when Kelly Harmon got him in there," Kayleigh said mysteriously. "When he gave up getting pissed off, Kelly Harmon fucked him and when she was done ... guess what?"

"I have no idea," Keith admitted truthfully.

"Hah! Brooke and Faith ganged up on him and Mr. Wagner had to do them too," Kayleigh said with satisfaction.

"Well, they did him right after another girl did him," Alexandra corrected. "And he didn't know it was Brooke and Faith on top of him until they were done," she said. "But then Laura got him to lick her pussy and he didn't even mind...."

"Picky, picky, picky!" retorted Kayleigh. "Big deal. It's only important that Mr. Wagner screwed his girls too and ate their pussies and everything!"

"Yeah, I guess so," Alexandra admitted. "Brooke said it was a lot of fun so we knew we just had to get you to do us, Daddy," she added.

"Brooke, huh?" Keith asked musingly. "And Gail?"

"Ooooh, that was nice," Kayleigh crooned. His cock had jumped at the image built in his mind at the news that Brooke and Gail Wagner were fucking her father. "Do it again, Daddy!"

She waited a moment, disappointed nothing was forthcoming.

Inspiration struck.

"Brooke says she wants you to fuck her real soon, Daddy," Kayleigh said in a hot, sultry tone. She giggled. "It jumped in me again," she told Alexandra. "You do it."

Alexandra caught on quickly. "Uh ... Gail wants to suck you off, Daddy," she offered. "She says she's been watching your dick in your pants for soooo long and now she wants you to cum in her mouth...."

Kayleigh giggled. "So do we, Daddy," she assured him. "You can cum in our mouths too," she explained. "Anytime you want to," she added, giggling with every additional eroticism and her father's reaction to it.

"Looks like we'uns will be closer than ever to the Wagners," he suggested. He paused. "Ahhhhh ... Laura too?" he asked.

"Oh yeah!" Alexandra replied. She had a thought. She giggled. "Can't you just imagine doing Laura and Michelle both at the same time?" she asked.

"OOH!!!" Kayleigh crowed. "YEEEEE-HAAAA!! That was the best one yet," she said, highly pleased with the way her father's cock was pulsing in her vagina. She began a steady rocking back and forth.

"Smart-alecks," he declared. "Funny, y'all don't seem to be too upset with the idea of me and those other girls...? Swapping fathers all around the neighborhood doesn't bother you any?"

"Nope!" Alexandra replied, without having to think about it. "We're gonna have fun with Barry and Joel ... and Mister Wagner--Nick--too, ya know ... and there are other folks to do it with too." She paused for a moment.

"Besides," she said slyly, "you and mom have been going to those swap parties up at the Johnsons ... and the doing the Wagners too ... for soooo long now, we just got used to the idea."

"You know about that, huh?" Keith said lamely.

The girls giggled and let nods be their answer.

Keith pursed his lips and thought for a minute. "Well, is there anything else I should know about?" he asked. "Anything at all?"

The girls thought for a moment. "Well, I was gonna say this before but I forgot," Kayleigh said. "You know about that ... group of stores in the Mall that didn't never open? Didn't ... heck ... never opened?"

Keith nodded.

"Well, that's where Mr. Wagner got it on with his daughters," Alex said. "It's kind of like a place where lots a' kids in Salt Fork meet to do sex and talk and...."

"Seduce Chiefs of Security ... and fathers?" Keith supplied.

"Yeah, like that. And mothers too, and sometimes brothers and sisters, people who live next door ... an' stuff like that," Kayleigh agreed, unperturbed.

Keith nodded. "Okay," he said, absorbing the news.

"How about Miss Patterson at school?" Alexandra suggested. "She wants to fuck you 'til your hair bleeds ... that's what she said," Alexandra remarked. "I don't know what that means, but she really wants your body, Dad."

"OH! And Sister Elizabeth down at the orphanage says you can 'nail her to a cross' anytime you want, Daddy," Alex added.

With his head swimming, and his cock hard as an steel rod, Keith lifted his hands above his head in surrender. "I give up," he said. "I guess I have a LOT of catching up to do," he remarked.

"Well... don't forget about that Merri Johnson," Alexandra told him. "She wants to do you really, really bad," she said.

"She told me," Keith replied. His daughters eyed him uncertainly. "I mean, she told me that she told you ... that she wanted to have sex with me," he continued, putting his right forefinger on Alexandra's left nipple.

"Oh yeahhhhh," Alexandra drawled. "I remember ... but that was a long time ago ... before the day ... it was ON the day," she said, recalling how it was.She frowned. "HEY! How come you and Merri were talking about that...?"

"Well... I've got something to tell you girls," Keith remarked, seeing an opening. "Miriam Johnson is twenty years old and her father lets her come to the adult swap club, to the meetings of the--"

"Bored!" the girls said in unison.

"Yeah... okay, okay ... anyway, she 'did' me a few weeks ago," he said.

"DANG IT!" Alexandra exploded. "That cunt got to you before I did??? Boy will I ever make her sorry when I get a chance," she raged. She thought for a minute.

"Did Mom meet that boy Merri's been dating?" she asked speculatively.

"Yep, and she--" He checked himself, then remembered all the taboos were moot now. "Ahhhh, well she was doing him while I was doin' Merri," Keith told his oldest daughter.

"Sooooo... how about we invite them over sometime, Daddy?" she said speculatively. "That Rick looks real yummy, ya know ... OH! ... and his brothers too!!" Her eyes went dreamy for a moment. "...And he has, like, five sisters too, Daddy."

"Ooh!" Kayleigh exclaimed. "That was a good one ... do it again!" she giggled.

Keith snorted his disdain. They were making him perform tricks like a show pony.

"Okay... a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g else you'd like to ... bring up?" he asked, drawing the word out to emphasize his point.

They pondered for a moment.

"Well... you won't believe what Mrs. Wagner told Mom," Kayleigh said confidingly. "Did you know her daddy put his cock up against her pussy and creamed in her when she was only three weeks old?"

Kayleigh giggled, both at his expression and at his cock's reaction.

"No, I don't believe I knew that," Keith said weakly. Kayleigh nodded.

"And her little brother ... he was four or five ... fucked her for the first time when she was two and a half," she told her father. "And Mrs. Wagner's mom got fucked by her father when she was only five...?"

"Unbelievable...." Keith whispered. "Damn, we have some real catching up to do, don't we?"

"Poor Daddy," Alexandra said, looking at her sister, "such a strange man... I think he needs a good fucking, don't you?"

Her sister nodded. "And I need a good daddy-fuck!" she said.

They began working hard on a trio's worth of more cum....

* * *

The pretty young mother of three was busy cooking supper for her family. She wore an apron that covered the front of her body between the upper slopes of her breasts, down to just above her knees.And she wore high heels, some mascara and eye shadow. She only wore the apron because she didn't want to splash anything hot on herself. She surely didn't want that to happen ... might put her out of action for a long while.

She hummed as she worked, happy to be providing for her family and serenely happy to be exposing herself in the midst of her kitchen and family. Putting her ankles together, she wiggled her hips from side to side to show her son at the table what he'd be getting just as soon as he finished his homework ... and dinner.

Josh was in the kitchen with his mother, working slowly through his homework assignment, instead of being deep in one of his sisters' pussies, because thirteen-year-old Josh didn't test very well. The strain of taking finals and federally required standardized boards was enough to occasionally make him pass out.

What Sister Elizabeth Rose and Josh's family had worked out was a plan to put stress on Josh, gradually increasing it over time until Josh could successfully deal with it ... and what better stressor could there be than sizzling hot, perversely taboo, sexual satisfaction that was kept tantalizingly just out of reach.

The thirteen-year-old boy watched his mother move about the kitchen, sometimes prancing about and mincing her steps, sometimes standing in one place and swaying her lower body to and fro. Twice she stood at the sink and washed a stray dish or two, taking care to pooch her beautifully rounded ass out for her son's viewing pleasure. The last time she did that, she abruptly spread her feet and slammed her body into a fast bump-and-grind and some hard pelvic thrusts for a minute, just to show Josh what he'd be getting later ... if he finished the tasks he had to complete. She grinned to no one, knowing her son hadn't missed a thing.

Josh swallowed hard, his eyes watching the smooth curve of his mother's hips as she moved gracefully around. He didn't miss a single step she made.

Mom played tennis. Mom jogged every morning too. The results were twin columns of well-toned leg muscles overlaid with wonderfully smooth skin. Her calves were superbly shaped by the high heels she liked to wear; her ankles were beautifully sculpted works of art. Josh knew his mother's legs well ... he'd spent enough time between them, either eating Mom's beautiful pussy, or fucking his cock into the depths of her cunt.

Leaving the table, he slipped up behind his mother at the stove and wrapped his arms around her waist. He planted kisses around her bare upper back and neck for a moment before sliding his hands lower on her body. The boy's already hard young cock was soon sliding between her thighs, searching for a pussy he loved to fuck. His hands moved to massage and squeeze his mother's buttocks.

His strokes quickly elicited soft moans and sighs from his mother. Gathering herself, she turned around. "Stop it, baby!" she said forcefully. "Josh, you know you don't get to fuck until you've got your homework and the dinner dishes are done and put away. I don't know why you're starting this, because it's only going to give you a case of blue balls, honey."

"I'm done!" Josh said, well pleased with himself. "Checked and rechecked, and I'm finished."

"Are you?! Really?" his mother asked. She glanced at the wall clock. "Honey, that's great ... this is a lot quicker than ever before," she added, kissing her son full on the lips. She grasped his young hard-on and slowly jacked it back and forth for a moment. "Supper's almost ready," she sighed, letting his cock go.

"I NEED SOMEONE TO EAT ME!!" It was Josh's baby sister screaming from the family room. "NOW!!"

"Why don't you go lick Corinne's pussy, honey?" Mom coaxed her son. "You know she'll give you great head after supper if you do, sugar."

That was true. Corinne loved having a cock between her lips and delighted in one that was spurting hot creamy cum in her mouth. Josh's face brightened. He gave his mother a kiss and trotted down the hallway toward his little sister. His mother watched him fondly as he went, his prick bobbing in the air as he walked.

She collected herself and looked around at the counters and stove.

"FRED!!!!" she yelled in the direction of the family room.

"Finish up with Melanie, will you? I'm going to have dinner on the table in ten minutes. You're not coming to the table again, carryin' her in your arms with her cunt full of your cock an' you still cumming in her, you hear me? People'll think we were all born in a whorehouse or something!!" she said crossly.

She stood still, her hand reaching out to turn off the back burner. She considered what she'd said. She remembered a place of ill repute down in Texas someone'd made a movie about years before ... and she recalled Miss Kittie's happy den of iniquity back in Dodge City.

"Not that being born in a whorehouse is a bad thing," she called out to her family.

Chapter Thirteen

The group of four young girls, one teenage boy, and a man old enough to be Daddy to them all--as indeed he was--made their way through the throng of men, women, and children. There wasn't enough fabric to make up a small handkerchief in the whole group.

When they reached the raised platform in the corner of the vast meeting room, the girls were careful not to trip. The girls had all worn spike high heels before, but not often, and the last thing they wanted to do was take an embarrassing spill before the crowd of their friends, family, and neighbors.

They made it without mishap to the front center of the stage, and the oldest girl was handed a wireless microphone connected to the high-end sound system installed there. The hard-driving techno beat that had been playing abruptly ceased. The sex videos playing on oversized HD screens in all the alcoves cut off, switching to three separate camera views of the family group on stage.

The young girl did the obligatory double tap to make sure the mike was working, though she'd already been assured it was. The thumps sounded loud, even in the huge room. Briefly, she looked down at the huge room.

It was a vast open space, originally a whole wing of the Salt Fork Mall that had been divided into neat sections for stores that hadn't yet been leased, and never were, as it turned out. The whole thing was covered with thick, luxurious carpet in most places, but other sections were laid out with heavily padded outdoor carpeting so as to mimic a park-like setting.

The erstwhile store walls had been torn down so the town had almost a stadium-sized indoor expanse with only support columns for the roof to get in the way. The walls were lined with cubicles separated from each other by linen 'walls' that moved gently in a breeze from the nearest air conditioning vent.

The entrances to these booths could be closed off by dropping another fabric 'wall' down, but they never were. No one hid what they were doing here. It just wasn't done. Mirrors were strategically arranged inside so that participants could see themselves engaging in ... whatever they chose to do. Video cameras abounded.

The MC gave Alex a thumbs-up signal.

"HELLO SALT FORK!!!" the naked twelve-year-old girl yelled into the microphone. She eased off on her volume a little. "I'm Alexandra McBride." Welcoming cheers from the crowd scattered around the vast converted auditorium greeted the pretty girl.

She held a hand over her shorter, younger sister's head. "This is my little sister Michelle ... she's eight-years-old," she told everyone.

Michelle shook her head vigorously and frowned up at her big sister. She pulled at her sister's arm.

Mystified, Alexandra bent low so Michelle could whisper something in her ear. Alex straightened.

"I am so sorry ... my sister Michelle is eight and a half years old!!" she explained to the audience.

Michelle beamed.

The crowd laughed and cheered. Alexandra's hand touched Michelle's left shoulder, then swept down to the pale aureole around the little girl's nipple. The TV cameras moved in for a tight shot on the youngster's puffy little chest to show the nipple tightening and growing more erect under Alexandra's ministrations. The older girl giggled at what she'd done to her baby sister.

She moved down the line of girls. "This is my new sister Phyllis ... she's eleven," she told the crowd, "and this is my other new sister, Sharon... and she's nine-years-old TODAY!" The cheers from the crowd were renewed, along with well wishes for the birthday girl. Sharon's young breasts were markedly larger than Michelle's, even allowing for the six-month deficit in age, and they were at least as sensitive.

A tiny pinch from Alexandra made Sharon's nipples quickly redden and grow hard as diamonds. Alexandra molded them between thumb and forefinger and flicked them lightly to show exactly how aroused her new little sister was.

Alex took her place at the left of the line.

The girls grinned broadly and bobbed their heads sharply down and up again over crossed arms held in front of their nearly nude bodies. It was as if they were genies and they were about to grant everyone's wishes. In fact, they were ... to someone, anyway.

They parked their fists on their hips and spread their feet wider. Flushed and grinning broadly, all four girls began to chant at the top of their lungs.




And then came the rousing finale to the singsong mantra.


The techno beat cut in again from the vast auditorium's sound system. In unison, the four girls turned right and, naked save for spike heels on their feet and black lace chokers around their necks, danced naughtily along the front edge of the stage. They took short, mincing steps in their high heels and making exaggerated hip movements the whole way. They winked at the crowd and stroked their bodies suggestively as they pranced across the stage.

They made a dancing turn-around and paraded back to the left side of the stage. Coming back to center stage, they turned and lifted their arms to each others' shoulders. Making sure they were all in line with each other, they began a choreographed high-kicking dance, a la the Radio City Rockettes, while the audience cheered.

They danced around in a wheel to the right and then back to the left. Their bald pussies winked happily at the audience of horny men and women and many a spectator unconsciously licked his or her lips in anticipation. The girls ended their routine by turning their backs on the spectators, bending double and looking between their naked thighs at the audience. Their pretty brown rosettes of assholes and luscious little pussies were exposed to one and all. They wiggled their cute little bubble-butts at the crowd and waved enthusiastically between their legs....

After a moment, they straightened, turned around to face the audience. Looking at Alexandra for a cue, the four young girls danced two paces forward and all four went down on the floor in unison, doing coordinated splits ... as only young girls can manage without severe damage. The cheers and moans from aroused males in the audience grew in volume and number. When the girls gathered back at the front center of the stage, Alexandra listened for a moment to the catcalls and shouted invitations. The techno beat faded into relative silence.

"Okay, simmer down all you horny Salt Fork guys," she admonished the room with a wide grin. "That was just the first act and you don't get to play with us today unless you and your family can make a good family swap deal, okay?"

She stepped forward of the line of girls. The teenage boy and the man stepped up with her.

"And this's the rest of the McBride family here this afternoon. She put her arm around the man's waist. She took a deep breath.


She waited for the yells to die down again. Many of the women and girls in the audience did indeed know the man well from experience.

"My Daddy," the young girl said in a sweet, confiding voice, "has seven inches of girl-pleasin' man-meat; he gets hard if he's downwind of a horny girl, and you know those commercials about erections for four hours? My Daddy ALWAYS has four hour hard-ons ... YEEEEEE-HAAAAAA!!!"

Alexandra let the mike drop from her mouth so she could laugh her delight as the audience erupted.

"And...." she said teasingly, bringing the microphone back to her mouth, "my Daddy eats pussy like it's goin' out of style. HE'S GOT THE BEST EDUCATED TONGUE IN THE STATE!!" She looked around the room.

"And if you don't believe me, you can ask Rhonda and her little sister Patsy. Their mother an' them walked home all funny from our party last week, didn't you, huh?" She laughed. The girls she'd called out were busy assuring everyone within earshot what Alexandra said was more than true.

"This," Alexandra continued, " my new big brother, Patrick." She sidled closer to the teenage boy, put her arm around his waist and hugged him affectionately. "We're just getting to know each other," she told the audience, retrieving her arm, "but I can tell you all you need to do is a whisper in his ear and...."

She stood on tiptoe and whispered something the audience couldn't hear into the boy's ear. It must have been something lewd, promising, and totally obscene, because, as she whispered, his cock rose visibly from where it rested down his thigh. In scant seconds, it jutted out at a forty-five degree up-angle, obviously hard as a railroad spike.

"WAAAAAAAAAA-HHHHHAAAAAAAHHHH," Alexandra crowed. She pranced back to center front stage. "See that girls? YEEEEEE-HAAAAAA!!"

She paused and took a deep breath.


"HELLO, MCBRIDES," the room full of people roared back.

"We're looking for something special for this afternoon," Alexandra announced in a calm voice. The longer she spoke, the more confident she became.

"This afternoon," Alexandra said, pausing for effect, "my little sisters want to see their big sister ... that's me," she said, pointing to her chest "They want to watch me made--completely--utterly--totally--absolutely--'AIR TIGHT'!! "

The audience was silenced for a moment, but then murmurs began in all corners of the room.


The crowd began buzzing. To plug all three holes in young Alexandra's hot little body with hard cocks would require three males, and to service two more young girls the same way ... well, there weren't many families in the room with enough males to take care of three horny girls this way. Salt Fork families ran to girls, not boys.

"And we're not done," Alexandra reminded the audience. "We have a birthday girl here with us today ... my new sister Sharon." The crowd yelled some more 'happy birthday' greetings.

"Say hello to all the horny perverts in Salt Fork," Alexandra suggested to her adopted sister as she held the microphone in front of the younger girl's mouth.

"Hello, all you horny perverts," the little girl lisped in a thin, piping, little-girl's voice. Men in the crowd felt their cocks rise and harden to an altogether higher order of magnitude.

"And tell them what you would like for your birthday," Alexandra prompted.

"I want...." Sharon said, drawing out the last word teasingly, "I want all the boys in the family we swap with to ... to cum awwwww over my face ... ever'body at one time!" she finished triumphantly.

"There you go!" Alexandra told the group. That's what us girls want." She looked out over the crowd.

"My Daddy, and my brother, don't plan to ask for anything real special," she said dismissively. "All my Daddy wants is to fuck some little girls 'doggy' style today," she announced. She took a step toward the edge of the stage. Her voice lowered, both in pitch and volume, and became husky.

"My Daddy just loves having a lil' girl on her hands and knees in front of him," she said confidingly, "and lookin' down at her smooth little back ... and the curve of her hips...," she said in a low, sultry voice. "If she has any," she added. "Daddy doesn't care one way or the other about that."

Her voice dropped another octave. "And he really loves holding a little girl's hips in each of his big, strong hands...," she wiggled her hips expressively, "and pushin' his big ol' cock in and out of her hot ... tiny ... steamin' cunt," she said. "Mmmmmmm"

"He loves the feel of his big, sperm-filled ball sack slapping against a little girl's behind too," she finished.

She looked at her father feigning disdain. She sniffed audibly.


Her father swatted at her lovely bubble butt, but she'd anticipated it and moved away smartly. She grinned while she waited for the laughter and cheers to die down.

"Prob'ly need ... like ... maybe a couple a' nine-year-old girls," she commented, musingly. "Daddy's feelin' awfully randy today. Ya know what they say, right? A girl can take her dad all the way up in her vagina when she's nine years old... so you daddies out there, you know your measuring stick, right?" There were more murmurs.

"My brother, Patrick," Alexandra said briskly, "wants to watch a little girl's pussy lips bulge and stretch around his cock while he shoves it in as deep as she can take it." She paused. "And then he would really, really like it if the little girl's Mommy would spread her legs and let him fuck her right afterward while she sucks Patrick's cum out of her little girl," she added.

"Soooo, we need a lucky daddy and maybe two hot, fucking sons to take care of us girls," Alexandra went on, laying out the McBride family's offer. "Or maybe...," she said, "two daddies and a young man, an' a wife, with assorted little hotties, or ... well, you get the picture," she said. "We're awfully flexible," she assured them.

The MC handed Alexandra a 3X5 card to read. She rolled her eyes. So much formality.

"This is a standard sex deal it says here," she read. "No pain, no bondage, no S&M, no choking, no violence, no water sports or scat ... and noooooo surprises, okay? Participants may take pictures or movies at their discretion."

She continued to read the card to the audience. "However, Salt Fork Family Association photographers and videographers will take their usual group of photos and movies that are downloadable from the Johnson Cable System's website in addition to the live broadcast here in the auditorium, of course...."

She looked up to look at the nearest of the giant HD monitors scattered around the giant auditorium. Most were showing different scenes of folks engaged in various types of sex inside the arena, but the two on either side of the stage were dedicated to cameras around the stage.

She turned back to her front and waved at one of the cameras she knew was focused on her, but watched herself doing it in the massive monitors as she did so. Then she read the rest of the routine requirements for the family swap that the families, as a whole, had agreed upon long since.

The McBrides moved to the side of the stage, sat down on the front edge, and waited, grins on their faces as alliances were formed in the audience, broke apart and reformed with others in the crowd. The McBride family never failed to get some action here in the mall's family swap area.

"A few announcements, while we wait for the next family to come up," the MC said, taking center stage.

"First, Melissa Conway and Dwight Henson are going to be married next Sunday--that's the fourteenth--and afterward they're holding a reception that's open to anyone who likes to party naked! Phil Conway is the father of the bride and I have it straight from him that he and Melissa's brothers are going to give the bride away with a rousing gangbang right at the alter. Dad and brothers will each fuck Melissa one last time--yeah, right!!--doggy style cunt fucking or anal, while Melissa sucks off one of the groomsmen. Hmmmmmmm...." He paused

"What's this 'Last Time' thing, huh?" he complained. "Come on, Daddy Phil--Melissa and Dwight will come visiting Dad and Mom for the holidays, right?Christmas, Thanksgiving, Fourth of July, TGIF ... Happy Wednesdays ... Frolicsome Mondays ... and things like that, right?Am I right?HELL yes!! You KNOW I am!!!"There was good-natured agreement from the audience. The MC returned to his announcement sheet.

"It says here, for HIS special day, Dwight is going to fuck his Mother doggy style for one last time ... there you go again! ... who wrote this stuff, huh? Anyway, Dwight is going to use the wedding ceremony to take Mom and his new Mother-In-Law ... and then each of the bridesmaids the ... same ... darn ... way!!Dwight's sisters say they'll be fluffers in case he forgets little blue pills are stored in the communion plate right as you enter the chapel.

Melissa says she wants at least a pint of cum in her belly and another in her cunt when she goes home from the reception. Dwight told me ... yeah, he really did ... that if his cock isn't sore and raw when the party's over, then it's all been for nothing!!!

There were cheers from the audience.

"Okay... here's a request from the Sisters at Our Lady of the Enduring Libido Orphanage. They are looking for volunteers to help out in the search for candidates for the orphanage and, of course, for eventual adoption here in Salt Fork.

"Volunteers are needed for on-line research of records and others are needed for direct contact with the candidates before they come here to the Sisters' establishment, so there would be some traveling involved. Volunteers can expect compensation for necessary expenses, of course.

"And... the Sisters want to let everyone know the next adoption party is the first of next month. Brochures on the new group of girls and boys wanting to meet families are available in the lobby, with bios and links to any on-line multimedia they've already participated in.

"All you families who are thinking of adopting, please remember to update your own bios on the website and those who haven't yet adopted a new child into our community ... what the hell's wrong with ya, anyway??" There was laughter from the audience.

"That last was just me talkin'," the MC confided. "The Sisters didn't really say that." He laughed at his own joke.

The audience groaned.

"Okay, okay! Tough crowd," he commented, sotto voce, into the microphone. He snorted expressively.

The audience groaned again.

"Geeeez!! Cut me some slack, people!! Hmmmmmmmm...."

"Says here, the bimonthly meeting--that means every two weeks-of the Oedipal Society will be on Tuesday, the seventeenth of next month. It's open to all mothers with sons who want to fuck other mothers and watch their own moms get creamed by other boys.

MILFs who want to be a mother-for-a-day of a boy someday can register with the Society and attend this meeting if you call Ruth Hagen at 555-5555 no later than Monday, noon. Mothers and MILFs who appreciate having a bukkake experience now and then, please call ... ahhhh, Ruth, again, at 555-5555."

"Moving right along ... Sky Watch reports our skies are clear for at least the next sixty days. There are no satellites that will be parked overhead near enough to see us, and there have been no changes in authorized flight corridors for airlines that would allow commercial aircraft in sight of the town. So outdoor sex and general raunchy nakedness are authorized for at least the next two months and that should take us right up to where it starts getting too cold for outdoor games anyway.

"As always Sky Watch will operate their passive radar system protecting us from unscheduled private planes that might fly into our airspace. You know the drill. If one is detected inbound, the emergency sirens will sound and you'll be instructed to take your fucking and sucking indoors until the threat is over....

"The city council reminds us that if you have relatives or friends out in the outside world you'd like to sponsor for admission into our community, please submit their names, ages, sex, and other personal details to the Admissions Committee as early as you can. And remember to include a short summary of why you think they would be good additions to the town, and why you think they might like to live here with us...."

He shuffled the 3X5 cards in his hand. "Mmmmm ... okay! That's it for now!

"Next up on the Show and Tell stage is the Burnet family. Blanche is the mom, Wesley is dad ... along with Dustin, fourteen; Bethany, twelve; Vanessa is nine; and Greg, is seven.

"Okay... ten minutes, Burnets ... ten minutes before SHOWING AND TELLING!!!"

Keith and his family, those who were here, waited quietly at the side of the stage and, eventually, a small group shuffled closer.

"How about two dads with fourteen, sixteen, and thirteen-year-old young men altogether for you gals?" a tall, well-conditioned man asked. The five males puffed out their chests and toyed with their own dangling pricks for a moment.

"Keith, you know George, here, right?" the man continued "Well, you know his wife, Katie's a redheaded hottie who loves being a mommy ... she and her darling little girl want to please the guy they're with to the max.

"My wife Carolyn will be along too, with our nine-year-old and eight-year-old daughters ... they're all just aching to get a taste of you and Mister Patrick, Keith," he said. "And then my five-year-old son will watch and fill in where he can with the girls," he finished.

There was a short silence as they all contemplated the exchange. Alexandra looked at her father expectantly. Keith looked at the two family groups. He was a little skeptical.

"Both my daughters want someone to do them with some doggie-style fucking," the man speaking for the two families suggested slowly, afraid the deal was turning sour. "My eight-year-old is pretty sturdy built and she can handle a fuckin' from behind ... and my nine-year-old really likes anal," he added, "and she had an enema just before we came here...."he said hopefully.

Two freckle-faced little girls ran up to him and patted his butt to get his attention. He bent low to listen to what one girl had to say. He straightened.

"And...." he said triumphantly, "the Jansen's seven-year-old twins have their parents' permission to play with us today," he offered, "if someone'll just bring 'em home afterward full a' cum and pizza."

Everyone knew the Jansens were into anal sex big time. The twins took cocks up their butts a solid year before they ever got one in their cunts.

"You can't beat that, Daddy," Alexandra whispered in her father's ear. "Katie will throw you a fuck you won't EVER forget," she remarked. "Carolyn looks like she and her daughters are just what Patrick and you have in mind too. And those twins love to double up on a guy in the shower after they get butt-fucked and give him the bestest double blowjob ever...."

Keith chuckled. He glanced at Patrick, who nodded enthusiastically. Patrick was moving his eyes from Katie's bouncing breasts over to Carolyn's, and back again.He was clearly anticipating a fine afternoon..

"Sounds okay to me," Keith told his daughter.

"It's a deal," Alexandra promptly relayed the consummation of the arrangement through the sound system to all the hopefuls near the stage. No one else had been able to put together a coalition in time to compete.

A naked young girl in red high heels pranced up and tapped Alexandra impatiently on the shoulder, holding out her hand, palm up, for the wireless microphone. Evidently, the Burnets were ready ... and after them, there were other families, and other family deals to be made. It was a contest of sorts that had evolved over time. Everyone tried hard to put on the best show they could on the stage.

"I think your little boy should be allowed to play more!" Alexandra said to the spokesman for the five guys when she joined them down on the auditorium's floor. She grinned. "Does he like to lay on a slutty girl's lap while she sucks his little dickie, by any chance?"

"Oh, God, does he ever!!" the man exclaimed. He grinned sheepishly when the crowd laughed heartily. "His Mom has to do it every day or he isn't a happy camper at all," he explained, "and that's not counting what his sisters do for him," he added.

The cheerful crowd of naked family swingers laughed again. They began wandering away, intent on working out their own deals. Alexandra and her family jumped off the stage and went to the people they'd be having sex with for the afternoon.

"Hello, George," Keith said, offering his hand to one of the men. George was one of the reserve deputies who worked for Chief Deputy McBride.

"Boss...," George Knudson replied. A few months earlier, the young man wouldn't have known what to do if his naked boss offered his hand for a handshake, but now he shook the Chief Deputy's hand casually.

"Katie...." Keith greeted the redhead warmly. "Just as hot and sexy as ever!" He leaned in for a warm kiss and a quick grope. George's wife was a beauty, her naturally red hair cascaded down her shoulders and back. Her creamy complexion, big, firm breasts, and slender waist made her an exceptionally striking young woman, even when she wasn't naked.

"Keith," Katie said warmly. She wrapped her arms around Keith's neck and planted a hot kiss on his willing lips, somehow managing to rub her boobs and naked groin against his body all at the once. Her sinuous body was all in motion simultaneously, stroking, rubbing, and seeming to massage every part of Keith's willing body.

"Dang, Katie," Keith said at last, coming up for air. "You DO have a way about you," he said by way of a compliment. Everyone laughed.

"You remember our baby, Stephanie?" George said.

"Of course," Keith replied. He squatted. "You remember me, honey?" he asked. The last time they'd met had been a couple of months earlier, and they'd both been fully dressed at the time.

The little redheaded girl nodded. Her eyes were bright and she didn't seem in the least uncomfortable with her nakedness. "Do you want to play with my kitty?" she asked forthrightly.

Keith chuckled. "I sure do," he replied.

"Okay," she said and moved her right foot to the side and pooched her groin forward.

Keith extended his hand, cupping the toddler's tiny pussy. He placed his middle finger length-wise along her impossibly tight slit and ran his finger along the fold for a moment.

The girl couldn't remain still. Wiggling and laughing, she pulled away when she couldn't take it any longer. Her super-sensitized little body seemed to sizzle in the dimness of the huge auditorium.

"Did that feel good?" Keith asked, standing. When she nodded a little shyly, he smiled. "Then we'll have to do it again in a little while, huh?" he asked.

The toddler nodded enthusiastically. She stepped up close to Keith and braced her hands on his nude thighs. Standing up on her tiptoes, she kissed the bulbous end of Keith McBride's burgeoning cock.

Katie laughed lewdly. "A regular chippie off the ol' block, ya think?" she asked Keith.

He nodded distractedly.

"She really does a great job of sucking the guys off," the toddler's mother continued. "She can't get much of man's cock in her mouth, but she licks and sucks while she looks you right in the eyes the whole time," Katie said. "She really, really likes it."

Her attention shifted to the young man standing beside Keith. "Hi, Patrick," she said, stepping closer and clasping the boy's cock as one would hold a hammer. She stroked him experimentally. "You want a Mommy to spread for you, huh?" she said in a voice that promised much. She pressed her firm breasts up against the boy and kissed him for a long moment.

"Gawd...," Patrick gasped when he came up for air. The others chuckled. "My brother Cal's gonna be here later," he said, clearly babbling. He flushed a brilliant shade of red and shut his mouth.

"Well, since Carolyn's here too, do you and your brother both like playing with two... hot ... sexy ... did I mention really hot? ... Mommies?" Katie asked in a sultry voice. "I don't have any big boys like you," she added whimsically. Her fingers were wrapped around his young cock again and she plastered her whole body tightly against his.

Patrick wasn't able to talk anymore, but he nodded enthusiastically.

Keith smiled at the two naked young preteen girls. "And these beautiful young ladies are...?"

"Betty," their father, Ted, said while holding his hand over one freckle-faced little girl's head. "She's nine and she's been talking about someone fucking her up the ass for a couple of weeks now. And this is Elaine and she's eight. This is my wife Carolyn, Deputy."

Keith stepped up to the woman and her girls, giving each a lengthy tongue kiss and a gentle touch here and there. "Fantastic," Keith said, giving everyone a big, thoroughly genuine smile. "Shall we find us a cubbyhole where we can all get hot and sweaty ... for the rest of the afternoon?"

Everyone nodded and at a gesture from Keith, they began strolling toward an alcove on the far wall. The two sisters held Keith's hands trustingly as they walked.

Keith had already seen the moisture beading up on their sweet pussy lips when he knelt to talk with Stephanie. His cock throbbed a little more urgently as he pictured in his mind what he'd be doing in the next few minutes. It was all good....

Chapter Fourteen

"Hi, Sandy," Chief Deputy McBride greeted the mayor's secretary. He smiled warmly at the semi-naked young woman. "Junior in?" he asked.

"Yes, sir!" Sandy smiled. "You can just go in and wake the old fart up for me," she told McBride with a broad grin, "and then come back and take care of little ol' me," she added. She hefted a huge left tit she freed from its confinement in her blouse. She made it jiggle alluringly.

McBride grinned and winked. He opened the inner door to find the mayor reading documents on his laptop, probably more related to the Johnson family's holdings than anything dealing with the city, though.

"Hey, Keith, come on in," Mayor Johnson, Junior to his friends and colleagues. Everyone in Salt Fork was one or the other. Junior got up and came around the desk to shake the Chief Deputy's hand. It was one of the things he did to advance the 'good old boy' face he wanted everyone else to see.

Keith walked up to the old man, doubled up a fist and smashed an uppercut into the older man's gut before Junior could even begin to react. When Junior jackknifed forward, Keith's knee was there to meet his chin and Junior's body was propelled upright and backward. Dazedly holding his hands in front of him protectively, Junior backpedaled, getting behind the desk ... as if it offered safety if Keith McBride really wanted to get at him.

Junior stood there a long moment, gasping for air and watching Keith warily. When he saw Keith was not coming after him and had, in fact, dropped into one of the comfortable chairs in front of the big desk to watch dispassionately, Junior gingerly sat down in his executive's chair. He didn't know what to do first--wipe the blood off his mouth or explore his solar plexus for serious damage.

"Goddam, Keith" Junior muttered wonderingly. He was too stunned to be angry. "What the hell was that all about?"

"I figured it all out, Junior," McBride told the man in a flat voice. "Got a tip from a guy who remembered two vans with your mining company's logo on it unloading a bunch of strangers at a motel way down south a' here. They stayed a few days, disappeared for a while, came back for one night, and then disappeared for good.

"Then I found out who owned that damned old resort there up in the mountains, Junior. A holding company ... and then I found a real good forensic accountant who figured out who was behind that company. Some detectives I didn't even know before didn't give up on the hunt any more than I did.

One of them found a copy of a receipt for some equipment at an electronics store in the big city ... lots of cameras and some other stuff....Got lucky and found out some other pieces of information.Thing is ... everything I find has Johnson fingerprints all over it," he said icily. "Now why you reckon that is, Junior?"

Junior held himself still, not quite daring to move until the Chief Deputy was finished. The Chief Deputy was, as always, carrying a big gun on his hip and Johnson was well aware McBride knew how to use it. He sighed, dabbed away some blood from his cut lips, and settled back in his chair.

"I told Dad you'd find out," he said finally, not bothering to deny what McBride clearly knew. Physical evidence might be a little thin, but Keith McBride wasn't above using frontier justice if he got a notion. Junior pressed a handkerchief retrieved from a desk drawer to a cut on his chin.

"But Ben Johnson will have his way, come hell or high water," he remarked bitterly. He was silent for a long moment.

"Dad didn't want the city to die," he explained. "He thought if he gave everyone a reason to stay, a reason to shut out the rest of the world, then Salt Fork would keep on going."

"JESUS H. CHRIST!!" Keith said disbelievingly. He hadn't been ready for THAT. "What a damn fool thing to do, Junior. Hell, it could have gone wrong a hundred different ways ... what if one of the children had been badly hurt ... or ... my God ... KILLED?"

"What if Nick and I had shot some of the guys you had up there rapin' the kids up there?" he demanded. "Dammit, man, that was a real near thing there ... I don't know yet how I kept from pulling the trigger," he said.

"I know," Junior said humbly. He spread his hands wide in a warding off gesture.

"I told 'im so, more'n once! Told Dad it was too damned dangerous." He mopped his forehead with the handkerchief, being careful to avoid the bloody spot.

"Dad said it wasn't supposed to happen the way it went down," he told McBride. "Those guys were supposed to go away before anyone knew where they were, leaving the kids up there alone ... you were going to get an anonymous tip, and that would be that," he explained. "And as for the kids getting killed or badly hurt, we had a ex-Green beret guy headin' up the bunch and he was going to handle anybody who got out of control ... it was all part of the plan."

"Badly hurt?" Keith demanded. "You don't call terrorizing them, raping them, and holding them prisoner for seventy-two hours 'hurting' them?"

Junior winced. "I know, I know," he said wearily. "But if you actually talk to the kids--really, really sit down and talk to them and get into all the details, you'll find they were forced to do a lot of things, but ... the girls' vaginas and rectums weren't actually ripped or anything," he said pleadingly. "They used good lubricants and worked on opening them up ahead of time ... and doctored them real well afterward ... stuff like that.

"You got to understand my father," Junior said, turning away. "He's more'n ninety years old. He was with some of those pilots you hear about out on the west coast in World War II ... the ones who started those 'key clubs' out there when the pilots were about to be sent overseas, and they didn't really expect to come back.

"Dad came home, but a lot of the husbands of those wives Dad had sex with didn't make it back after the war, and it tore him up somethin' terrible. He decided he and my mom should jus' keep on keepin' on, kinda like ... in memory ... you know? Ma was the wife of a guy who was shot down over Saipan ... Dad's first wife served him divorce papers at the dock when he got home ... and ... and ... well, Dad and Mom have been at it ever since," he said vaguely.

Junior looked up at Keith. His features grew determined. He wanted to get something off his chest.

"Just regular swappin' drifted quickly into full-scale family sex right after I was born," he said to a startled Keith. There isn't a female in the whole family I haven't screwed," Junior told the Chief Deputy proudly, "and it's kept the family together all this time. Not one of Dad's kids or any other Johnson family offspring has had a call to leave the valley ... and that's why he thought this up. With the right treatment of the kids up on the ridge, the right counselors, the right participants--you think the number of horny teachers at the Academy is accidental?--and a nudge here and there, he figured he could use the same method to save this city from becoming a ghost town ... and he did."

Keith snorted. He stood and leaned over the front of Junior's big desk. Junior leaned back nervously.

"Junior, you tell your dad for me, I'm not going to tear this town apart to make things right--not now!! It's too late to put it back together the way it was. If I try, the state governor gets involved, the FBI and the Justice Department ... hell, we'd be combing them out of our ears 'til the next coming. Whatever I did, it'd just cause more pain and suffering ... and chances are everyone'd get hurt.

"But... you tell your Dad all bets are off if he tries something like this EVER again. You tell him with words with just one syllable in them, so he understands REAL good.

"The next time he decides to put kids in danger ... especially MY kids ... I'm going to come back here and finish this ... and when I leave, Junior, there won't be a bone in your body that ain't broke. And when I get done with you, I'm goin' up the hill after HIM and all the 'Green Beret' goons in the world won't stop me, you hear?"

"Loud and clear!" Junior said succinctly.

McBride turned on his heel and left.

* * *

"I'm sorry, Son," Old Ben said into the phone. "You did warn me he'd find out and I didn't think he would ... I was dead wrong." He listened for a minute.

"Real sorry he busted you up that way," he answered. "You go on over to the hospital. Your niece's cousin, Amy, is working tonight and she'll fix you up six ways from Sunday," he instructed. "No, no ... I believe you ... and him, too.

"We couldn't do anything this way again anyway--no way, no how," he added. "Right--no more gangs or bad guys, nothing like that ... all that is over with." He listened to his son's impassioned voice for another moment.

"Yeah, I mean it," he assured Junior. "Keith is right. It coulda gone south a bunch a' different ways and we can't count on the Lord's blessing again. I'll never do this kinda strong arm thing ever again, okay...?"

When he finished with the phone call, Old Ben put the phone back down on the receiver and sighed. His body jerked a couple of times; his breath caught in his throat a time or two and he grunted deep in his chest. His whole body relaxed and he slumped back in his chair. He looked down.

"Thank you, Tammy," he told the naked, almost five-year-old, girl between his legs. She rose slightly and propped her elbows up on her great-great-grandfather's nude thighs. Grinning at him, she opened her mouth and showed him the pearly white semen she'd just sucked from his balls and giggled, actually gargling the incestuous cum.

"My turn!!!" Tammy's six-year-old sister said from behind her indignantly. Only Terri knew why she was upset.

"Uh huh it's my turn, Grandpa?" Terri demanded, nodding her head emphatically.

Old Ben smiled at the naked urchin as she leaned against his desk.

"Yep... you're right, honey, but give Grandpa a minute, okay?" he asked.

After all, he was an old man ... by anyone's standards ... and he needed a little time to recuperate. On the other hand, the doctors said he was as fit as a man thirty years younger than he actually was. Old Ben figured he owed it all to fucking every female in his family, every time he could.

The youngster frowned, but she nodded reluctantly. She didn't have long to wait. A few minutes after he'd cum in her sister's mouth, the old man was fisting his cock again and aiming it into Terri's tight, straining, little six-year-old pussy. He began stroking in and out slowly, making sure he didn't plunge in too far. He established a steady pace he could maintain for a long time. There were, after all, two more little girls in the study with their mothers and all of them were up here to pay their respects to the clan chieftain.

Old Ben's mind was on the problems with the plan the family had carried through in Salt Fork, dangerous though it had been. He'd already known what they'd done, nor anything like it, could ever be tried again. Even if it weren't so fraught with peril, a second, similar incident would bring enough investigators into this country from both the state and federal levels that they would outnumber the locals three to one. Nothing would survive that kind of scrutiny.

He brooded, glancing out the massive picture windows that looked out over the Salt Fork valley. The county seat ... forty-five miles or so off that way over the prairie ... was in the same predicament the town of Salt Fork had been in.

The brain-drain over there was getting critical--all the professionals were leaving for greener pastures, the school was failing to graduate even half the entering classes, young adults were leaving in droves....

Hell, if anything, they were worse off than Salt Fork had been.

He had a few ideas ... some he hadn't thought of when he first thought about using the Johnson lifestyle as a remedy. He wished he had. Sometimes subterfuge was a far better weapon than a big gun.

While he calmly thrust into his great-great-granddaughter, he punched numbers on the phone. He was highly flexible, both in body and mind. And he knew who to call.

Jake Christensen had been a precocious little boy even when he was very young, one of the things Ben had liked best when he heard about him. Ben's son, Charley, had been a judge back then and once sentenced Jake to working repairing county roads for a solid month. Jake was a friend and ex middle-school classmate of Charley's oldest boy, Kevin. Jake and Kevin were two generations down the line from Ben.

Come to think of it, Jake's sister--ten years younger than Jake--had been drop-dead gorgeous even when she was toddler. There'd always been those stories....

Most folks didn't even remember them these days. But Ol' Ben Johnson knew there was at least some truth to them. Jake and Ben's grandson, Kevin, had exchanged many a secret no one else knew ... well, except for Charley and Ben, of course. Promise Kevin a chance to get next to a new little hottie and he'd mortgage his soul.

Nowadays, Ben mused, Jake was a city councilman in the city where the county seat was. Old Ben Johnson picked up the phone and dialed.

* * *

"Hey, Jake, how y'all doin'?" Ben asked. "It's ol' Ben over to Salt Fork. Yeah, it as been a long time ... sure, Kevin and the family are all fine ... told me to say hi to ya...."

They chatted about this and that for a moment. "Listen, Jake ... how 'bout you and the fam'ly ... sure, the kids too ... comin' over thisaway an' we'll meet up at the cafe down at the crossroads sometime?"

"Meeting of the Bored? No, huh-uh, not that." Old Ben paused, trying to decide how much to say.

'Now that was interesting' , Ben thought to himself. He'd said Jake should bring his family, and then Jake had asked about a meeting of the 'Bored'. That might be important in figuring out Jake's thinking. Ben decided to take a chance.

"You know what? ... It could be 'kinda' like one of those meetings, if things work out, but maybe a little bit ... spicier? ... yeah, spicier's the word." He paused to listen. There'd only been a short silence while Jake thought things over.

Ben listened for a while longer. He smiled lazily. Hell, the man wasn't just ready for what Old Ben was plannin', he was chompin' at the bit even if he didn't know it yet. He didn't know there was a plan either, but he didn't need to know that just yet.

"Hey, Jake ... I'll tell you what!" Ben said to end Kevin's monologue. "I'll have Kevin give you a call and figure out what time and stuff like that ... Hmmmm? Oh yeah, we'll ... talk it all out, hear? OH, HEY! You be sure and bring that hot little sister of yourn, hear?" He laughed when Jake's breath hissed between his teeth.

He hung up the phone and stared into space for a long moment. He laughed. Life was just so damned good! Keith McBride would stop anything that remotely resembled violence, but he hadn't said a word to Charley about not liking a little 'friendly persuasion' and chances were, it'd probably work even better.

Old Ben shivered with ecstasy as he emptied his balls into the six-year-old's immature little cunt.


Seven men and two women, none with abilities to rise higher than low-level drones, were dropped off on widely separated Los Angeles streets. The men who'd recruited them, cleaned them up and dried them out months earlier, simply dumped the derelicts back on the streets from where they'd come. The drones had had some powerful post-hypnotic suggestions implanted so that they could not even remember what they'd been doing in the weeks past.

The returnees had a lot of money in their pockets and the money was promptly spent procuring their drugs of choice. Within a week, three of the men and one of the women overdosed. They were dead when ambulances arrived.

Two other men were killed in strong arm robberies ... the were far too obvious about flashing fat rolls of bills. One of the remaining men simply disappeared in the cesspool that was South LA and was never heard from again; no body was ever discovered.

The other woman so thoroughly fried her mind with drugs that she was admitted to a psychiatric hospital a couple of weeks after being dropped off. She wandered the hospital halls for the rest of her life without ever having a coherent thought, much less expressing one out loud.

The last of the males came to the attention of a church group and they saved him from himself. He felt a need to repent and make amends, though he didn't really remember for what. He wound up as a valuable assistant to a handful of Jesuit priests on a mission to a small village in South America. Six months after he arrived, he was executed by drug lord strong-arm men for smiling at one of the drug lord's lieutenants when the lieutenant was hung over.

The sole remaining member of the gang, its erstwhile leader, contracted with a firm offering security services to VIPs traveling in the Middle East. A year after communication was broken with the men who'd paid him so well for an easy job, he was killed by a roadside IED.

The End

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Gabbius Maximus

This is an absolutely incredible work of art. This story will keep me entertained for days. I love it!

DC Virginia-pedo

Yummy story cant wait for the next one...


Thanks much, folks. I sincerely appreciate the feedback.


Once again Seamus, another remarkable story. Your ability to write vivid word pictures is exceptional. However, I do have a bit of an observation and resulting critique. This story becomes complicated to the point where I lost track of who was where doing what to whom. I was become quite interested in Alex and then Poof she was gone and I can't even recall where she resurfaced. Then there wasn't time to become invested in any of the other characters because they kept popping in and out of the story too quickly. In my opinion, this would have been an ideal situation of a multi-part story where each part could concentrate on a particular group of children and what the were doing. It would also allow for convenient stopping points when continuing after interruptions. Regardless of my critique though, your story was fabulous, and I look forward to more of your work.


A really well written story and the opening kidnap was intense. But the story was far too long to post as one submission. Try posting long stories in bite sized chunks. That way you won't put readers off and get a lot more worthwhils reviews.


Thank you all for reading this fantasy about how a town, not just one person, adapts to an unspeakable event. Please understand, I know the story was long, but I will never post incomplete stories. I do have a group of stories which share the same characters (which I'll post some time in the future) but I don't believe in breaking up something that is one, consistent unity into small bites. Please note that if you find a story too long for comfort, you can always read just one or two chapters a day, and thereby spread the story over however many days you believe it should have been serialized. If I leave it whole, the option is left open for those people who like to read whole stories at a single sitting, or only a very few sittings. I hope you understand where I'm coming from.


There were problems with leaving comments, so forgive me if I've said this before. It's silly to complain that the story is too long; you don't have to read it in one go. I don't usually tackle very long porno stories, but yours have the ability to hold my interest. It was a little disconcerting to dodge about between the different groups, but I did follow things. I especially liked the episodes with, and would love to learn more about, Nick Wagner and his family, and Keith McBride and his. Perhaps you could try shorter stories featuring them, even lifting the bits about how they began, to start with?

The reviewing period for this story has ended.