Sold to the Yakuza

[ Mt, tt, nc, mast, oral, bd, ws ]

by Scout65

Published: 10-Jun-2013

Word Count:

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Forward: Just to be clear, I don't claim to be an expert on anything about Japanese culture or the Yakuza. This is just fantasy. If I get any words or phrases wrong, I apologize in advance. This story was inspired by a comic drawing. I have not decided if it will continue or not, so please enjoy it as a stand alone story for now.

13 year old Spencer Graves was happy. For the first time since he had moved to Japan, he was actually happy. Almost a year earlier his mother had died, causing him to have to move from Seattle , to just outside Tokyo Japan, where is father lived, having stayed there after retiring from the Navy. His father barely made a living, and never actually told Spencer what he did for a living, and was hardly ever home, such as home was, a shabby two bedroom apartment, small by even local standards. The only thing Spencer knew about Japan before leaving the states was the Manga that he enjoyed reading. The country was just utterly foreign to the young teen who had never left King county prior to the long flight to Tokyo that the social services people put him on after the funeral.

Up until then, all he knew about his father was what little his mother had told him, and it wasn't good. Sadly, it all appeared true to the boy.

Since his dad still had connections with the Navy, he was able to attend the American school there, but since he didn't live on the base, he had to ride the train back and forth, and the utter foreignness of it made him miserable. He didn't really have any friends, as most of the military kids lived on base and had their own cliques, which he as the new kid, was definitely not part of.

Had had also just reached puberty when all this happened, and had all these changes going on, and since he barley knew his dad, his mom had never even had been married, he wasn't close enough yet to ask him anything so personal. So lately his only solace was jerking off before bed into a wad of tissue. He was ashamed of what he thought of as he stroked his uncut 4 inch penis, and was secretly proud of his small blond bush that had formed over the summer at the base of his cock. The rest of him was smooth as the day he was born. He missed his best friend Timmy from back home, he would have been able to talk to him about it. He didn't even have a computer to email him with! He would try to get his dad at a sober moment about this.

His dad had not planned on his arrival, and really didn't know hot to deal with a kid. He showed him once how to ride the train to the stop nearest his school, and gave him a small wad of Yen to spend, but since he couldn't read all the characters, he rarely ventured to anywhere except the local version of 7-11 near the apartment.

Spencer's father David, didn't want him there, but as he was the only living relative, he had no choice. He was involved in too many things, few of them legitimate, to have a kid around, and he was desperately trying to figure out how to get rid of him. The boy had been the result of a short month long relationship while he was in port in Washington just under 14 years prior. Since David's forced retirement (he failed a drug test, but the results couldn't be duplicated, so he avoided prosecution, but was "asked" to retire), he had dropped into a haze of gambling, whores, drugs and booze, and at the moment, was in very large debt to some very scary people in Japan.

A few weeks prior, just after Spencer had left for school, two men in expensive suits knocked on the door of the apartment. When David didn't wake up to answer, they let themselves in. After throwing a bucket of water on the man passed out in his bed, he was hauled out of bed naked, and tied to a chair in his living room. As one of the men was putting on leather gloves , the other spoke.

"Mr. Nakano has run out of patience. You owe him ten million yen (around 100K US) and we are here to collect. Do you have it?"

"Please eh, gentlemen, you know I don't. Just give me another month, I got something going, I,..." He never got to finish as the gloved grabbed his balls and squeezed hard, the other hand pushing the button on a switch blade and pressing the exposed steel against the man's scrotum.

"Oh fuck, DON"T PLEASE! I got something better than the money, really, please don't!"

"You have 10 seconds to keep your balls. What do you have?"

David's eyes ran around the dumpy apartment until it settled on an item on the shelf. Spencer's passport. He could solve two problems at once...

That afternoon, Spencer boarded the train to go home from another miserable day of school. Spencer got used to the stares he got from the other riders of the train. Even at 5 foot even, he was larger than most Japanese boys his age, and his shoulder length platinum blonde hair, green eyes, and pure white skin, owing to his mother's Scandinavian heritage made him stand out even more. So being used to being a pariah, he was startled when a Japanese boy, who looked his age or only slightly older than he approached his seat (it was rare to even get a seat on the afternoon train) and said in accented English, " Do you mind if I sit next to you?"

Shocked, Spencer answered, "No not at all!" almost too eagerly. This was actually the first Japanese boy he had ever spoken to. Most didn't seem to speak English, or even want to get near him.

"I have seen you on this train before, but today I see this seat open, and would like to practice my English if you don't mind?" The boy lied smoothly. He had been shown the boy's passport that morning by his master, and told which train he would be on. He had staked out the train station, and spotting him, bored right after Spencer. "My name is Jirou." He bowed slightly..

"Uh, I'm Spencer" he returned the bow awkwardly as he was already sitting.

Jirou smiled. You will be taught the proper way to show respect soon enough little boy. He sat next the boy and wondered how he would look strung up in his master's play rooms the mountains. There would be time for that later. He had to get the boy's confidence and find out more about him to see if he was suitable payment for the debt owed by the boy's father. He quickly realized he was staring at Spencer. "Forgive me, we do not see many American boys by themselves on this train. Where do you live?"

For the next thirty minutes, Spencer poured his heart out to Jirou, the 14 year old boy expertly getting the young American to tell his story and ascertain that he would not be missed with the exception of the school, and his master could take care of that paperwork. Plenty of foreign kids left at a moments notice. He found out that Spencer liked soccer, computer games and comics, even Manga comics. Interesting.

He invited the boy to come to his house after school the following day, to play some soccer and maybe share some of his comic collection. Spencer's face lit up. The hook was bated. He would have a favorable report for his master.

For the next two weeks, Spencer spent every free moment with his new friend. He saw what a well maintained Japanese household looked like, and he didn't find it odd that he never say Jirou's parents. Jirou explained that he too, only had a father and that he worked very late, which was not uncommon in Japan. He spent a lot of time going through Jirou's comic collection, blushing furiously, when the older boy showed him his "special" comics, which were Shota, and Yaoi. His reaction was not lost on Jirou, who noticed the boy trying to hide his erection at the site of the boy-boy and boy-man comics, some of them with very extreme bondage scenes among other things.

Jirou let the Spencer borrow as many as he wanted, and even though Spencer borrowed all kinds of different comics, he always picked a few of the "special" ones, and Jirou figured that those were the ones that Spencer really wanted. He was right too, as Spencer spent almost ever night since masturbating furiously after looking at them.

About a week in to their new friendship, Jirou took it further, asking very seriously as if it were a big secret, if Spencer wanted to see a special DVD in his room after school the following day. Of course Spencer agreed and could think of nothing else the following day. He met Jirou on the train, who was dressed in his school uniform, and stood close to him on the way to there station, hoping his erection was not obvious in his much more casual school clothing of jeans and a hooded sweatshirt.

It was an anime porn movie, that contained mostly man woman themes, but had one boy-boy scene in it. At first Spencer couldn't take his eyes of the laptop they were watching it on, aware that his modest cock was expanding in his pants and he was fighting the urge to grab himself. Then Jirou asked in a whisper if he wanted to jack off with him while they watched. At first, Spencer didn't understand the word Jirou used for masturbate, but then he made the universal gesture of stroking, and blushing but excited, Spencer nodded and whispered "Hai!" one of the only Japanese word he knew well, which meant yes.

From then on he tried to keep his eyes on the screen and not get caught watching as Jirou undid the fly of his school uniform trousers. Spencer locked his eyes on the laptop and unbuttoned his jeans and lowered his boxers revealing his swollen member. He couldn't help himself though, he was too curious to see what his friends dick looked like, and was soon stealing glances at his friends groin, as he unbuttoned his own pants. Spencer was amazed at the boy's bright yellow underpants, that looked far skimpier than anything an American boy would ever wear, but soon both their waistbands were tucked under their hairless balls as they both started stroking themselves. He saw that the older boys cock looked like his , except that his friend had no hair at all, unlike his own small but noticeable collection of blonde pubes, and that seemed odd for being Jirou being a year older than him, but then he assumed maybe all Japanese boys were like that, he didn't know. Size wise Jirou's looked about the same, maybe a bit bigger, but he also saw that he too was not circumcised, unlike his friend Timmy, who he had only seen in the changing room at the public pool once last summer.

Soon though the boy-boy scene came on the screen, and to Spencer's, shock and shame, he felt his balls boil at once, and fired a load all over himself. He was mortified until he saw that his friend was also cumming, although unknown to Spencer, he was cumming to the site of the American blonde feminine looking boy shoot all over himself and thinking of what the naïve boy was going to be put through soon enough as a fellow slave boy.

Both boys looked sheepishly at each other and broke out giggling. Jirou tired to help Spencer clean the cum off of his sweatshirt, but suggested he borrow a shirt and let his housekeeper clean it for him.

"Do not worry, the old lady doesn't pay attention, I will put it in the pile with my clothing for the evening. How about we go to my athletic club and play some soccer? I have a soccer outfit for you. I even have a pair of cleats that fit you." The older boy went to his small closet and pulled out a pile. "I hope you do not mind, but I asked my father if you could play with me at our club. My mast, I mean father," he acted as if finding the proper word to cover his mistake, "said you could be a guest at our club, but you have to wear the proper clothing. My family has an image there." That was an understatement to say the least, the club being a having for organized crime family members.

In fact, Jirou's master had provided a full brand new soccer uniform in exactly Spencer's size the day prior. It was all top of the line brand new Puma gear. A white skin tight sleeveless undershirt, a bright red jersey emblazoned with the athletic club markings (in Japanese script. White compression shorts to wear under the bright red soccer shorts, and enormously long bright red soccer socks. Black and red cleats finished the outfit, along with a stylish backpack to carry the gear in.

"Please take this as a gift Spencer-san. It would make me very happy." Jirou held out the gear to Spencer.

Spencer was aghast. This pile was worth at least a couple of hundred dollars! While his mother would never allow him to take such an expensive gift. he doubted his father would even notice or even care, and these would be the nicest clothes he had EVER had!

Being a boy who really liked soccer, he could not say no, and as graciously as he could, bowed to his new friend and said as formally as he could, trying not to cry, "I don't know what to say. Domo arigatou? Thank you very much Jirou. These are AWESOME!"

While not perfect, Jirou was actually impressed with the seriousness of the boy. "Close enough Spencer-san. Now lets get dressed and go play some soccer!"

"Fuck yeah!" grinned Spencer, trying to sound grown up and put the awkwardness behind them. They both dressed, Jirou in an identical set of clothes, and both eyed each other's nearly naked bodies and they pulled on the brightly covered outfits. Spencer got anther look at the bikini style yellow briefs that Jirou was wearing, and wondered what it world feel like wearing something like that, even under his street clothes. Too soon for his eyes, Jirou pulled on a pair of black compression shorts over his briefs, and Spencer tried to think of anything else. As soon as they were both dressed, they put Spencer's street clothes and cleats in the back pack, and he pulled it on, pausing at the front door to put on some soccer slide sandals and headed for the train for the short trip to the club and its soccer fields.

People on the train stared at the Anglo boy dressed in a Japanese soccer uniform, but Spencer for once didn't care and paid them no mind. He was luxuriating in the newness of the uniform, and looking forward to kicking a ball around for the first time in months. The boys got to the club, donned their cleats in the locker room, and quickly started playing around with some other boys at the club their own age. His lack of Japanese suddenly didn't matter, as he was a good player, and soon all his recent troubles were forgotten for the next hour. When it became too dark to play, he knew he had to head home. He didn't bother changing, he just put swapped his cleats out for his well worn and slightly too small Nikes to head home, saying goodbye to all his new friends he headed for the train flipping his sweaty long hair out of the way.

Of course his dad was not there when he got home, so he went to the 7-11 store, bought something that looked reasonably good, and sat down to do his homework. He half assed it done, then went to his small room, stripped down and started leafing through the special comics, fascinated by all the rope work drawn on the helpless boys in the pictures, wondering what it would be like to be tied like that. He grabbed his dick, and imagined Jirou tying him up like that, and making him do thing...before he turned the page he blew his second load of the day all over himself. He cleaned up and turned off the light, putting the comics in a hidden pouch in his new backpack and went to sleep, cursing himself for having "faggy" jack off fantasies. Tomorrow, he would jerk off the pictures of girls he promised himself.

So this day on the train, Spencer was happy. He had been playing soccer almost every day, and was even learning a few Japanese words and phrases along the way. He had even jerked off to movies a few more times with Jirou, and the older boy never made him feel bad about showing their cocks to each other while they played. He also continued jerking off at night, alternatively thinking about Jirou, or imaging himself as one of the victims in the comic books. He would be ashamed and tell himself it would be the last time, but his teenage hormones won that fight every night. He secretly was kind of hoping the boy might take things further, but he was also relieved that he had not, afraid to mess up their friendship.

So that afternoon, it was a Friday, and Jirou had told him that he would be able to spend all Saturday with him, and he would show him something even more fun with a wink. His cock was hard inside his compression shorts, as he was still wearing his uniform that cold evening on the train. Even better though, is that earlier in the afternoon, Spencer told Jirou he "accidently" forgot to put on underwear that morning, and asked if he could borrow some. So now under his compression shorts, he was wearing a bright red skimpy bikini brief, and he was anxious to get home and look at himself in the mirror. It was a very cold afternoon, and he had removed his shin guards, and pulled the long red socks all the way up this thighs, even covering part of his compression shorts, just as he had seen the older boys doing these days, to keep his legs warm, and he was wearing a fancy sports jacket that Jirou had loaned him. His feet hurt and he was going to have to beg his dad for new shoes so on, but he didn't want to bother with that this weekend. He actually hoped his dad would not be home so he could just look at the dirty comics while wearing the sexy underwear and jack off before sleeping and starting his fun weekend.

When he opened the door though, his dad was there, and so were three men in suits and sunglasses. He paused before shutting the door behind him. Something didn't seem right.

His father was seated at the table with the oldest man, while the other two men started walking toward Spencer. Before the boy could think to do anything the two men grabbed him firmly and one placed a piece of duct tape over his mouth, muffling his scream. He tried to struggle but the men hit some weird places on his body making him instantly immobile.

The old man got up and walked over to Spencer, comparing the struggling boy in front of him to his passport, that David had given to the goons the two weeks prior.

The old man grunted, looking into the frightened eyes of the long haired waif like creature in front of him. "This is the one." The old man spoke in Japanese to the goons before turning to David. "Lord Nakano accepts your payment. The boy is now his property, and he will cease to exist. You must agree to leave the country immediately.

David could not look the frightened boy in the eyes. "Yeah sure, I'm gone. You will never see me again." David said nervously. He turned away.

The old man pulled a small leather case from his coat pocket and opened it up, removing a syringe. He smiled evilly at the helpless boy held by the men. "We will meet again someday little flower, and I look forward to it." He pulled Spencer's left sock down, exposing his thigh and sunk the needle into it, not caring that it hurt the boy, who yelled and struggled briefly before collapsing in the men's arms.

The old man motioned to the men who laid the boy gently on the floor, and turned to David. "After all that, we should have a drink. Would you care to join me Mr. Graves?

There was nothing that Graves craved more at the moment, ashamed at his weakness, and not wanting to think of what was going to happen to the boy. He had a plane ticket to Thailand, where he knew some people who could help him and he needed to steady himself to get out of the country.

"Yeah, ah, I could sure use one myself." He turned to a shelf to grab a his bottle of whiskey. When his back was turned, and old man pulled a different syringe out of his case and walked up and sank the needle into David's neck. Screaming in shock he spun around grabbing at where the needle had sunk in, but even by then it was too late. He fell to the ground and the last thing he saw was the old man spitting on him.

"You have no honor, selling your own blood into slavery to save yourself. My boss does not deal with dishonorable men." He spit on the corpse of David Graves. "Take care of the body. Make the arrangements for a boating accident water. What a shame, a boy and his father on a fishing outing, lost and presumed drowned. So sad..."

The man knelt by Spencer's prone body and unzipped a large duffle. He folded the 100 pound boy into the bag, easily zipping him up inside. With surprising strength for a sixty year old, he hoisted the bag over one shoulder and headed out the door to a waiting limousine.

Jirou got into the back of the limousine at his masters local apartment, still in his own soccer uniform, and replaced the golden chain collar handed to him by the old man after settling into the back seat. In the trunk was a large duffle bag containing a new addition to his Lord and Master's slave boy collection. The old man undid his suit trousers and pulled Jirou by the collar down onto his cock.

"You did well little one, I will report as much to your master. Now help me relax for the long ride.

"Yes sir, thank you" Jirou answered, before parting his lips and taking the old mans cock into his mouth. He was used to the way the man grabbed the back of his head and rammed his rapidly expanding cock into his mouth. Thankfully the man had a pretty small cock and was old and did not last long. After less than a minute, he was slurping up the mans seed, careful to keep it all and not stain his suit trousers, as he knew the penalty for that was not pleasant. The old man released his grip on his head and the slave boy sat back, relaxing as best he could with the bitter taste of old man cum in his mouth. The man quickly started to snore.

Jirou new he would need sleep as well, as he and his older brother and fellow slave would be working hard to assist in breaking in the new one. His cock grew hard when he thought of it. He thought of sneaking in a, what did Spencer call it? A jerk off?, but thought better of it. The master had eyes everywhere, and the driver was probably monitoring the back of the car. He settled back dreaming of the young American stuffed in the trunk, and how he would handle being the subject of his comic book fantasies...

Hours later, the limousine entered though the security gate and drove the long drive up the hill directly into an underground garage to the ancient but remodeled castle.

A man opened the rear door and let the old man out, bowing to him before handing him an envelope containing payment for a job completed. He then told Jirou to go to his room and wait with his brother and fellow slave Ichirou for instructions. Jirou did as he was told.

Two other men opened the trunk and removed the bag, carrying it deep into the bowels of the castle, until they came to the iron bars of a stone walled cell. The walked through the open door and carefully lowered the bag, knowing they wouldn't dare damage what was inside. That was the Master's prerogative.

They dumped a still sleeping Spencer onto the cold stone floor, and took one of several chains bolted to the wall and attached a manacle to his right ankle, just above his ratty sneaker and left him there, locking the door behind them, taking his backpack with them to the interrogation cell. The chain was only long enough to reach a small straw sleeping mat, a dog bowl of tepid water on the floor, and a small bucket for a toilet in the corner. The cell was lit by a single gas lit flame high on the wall, casting flickering shadows on the walls.

Spencer awoke two hour later, his mouth dry and shivering from the coldness of the cell. He sat up and tried to stand, but fell quickly when he tripped over the chain on his ankle. He tried to scream out and discovered the tape still tightly across his mouth. He reached up and tugged at it, wincing as it clung tightly to his tender lips as he pulled it off.

"What the HELL?!" he screamed indignantly. He remembered the apartment, and that man saying something about being a payment for a dept. What the fuck did his father do to him? "Hey SOMEONE, let me out of here! HEY!"

He screamed for several more minute until his throat went dry and he was thirsty. He then realized he really had to pee too! He looked around in the flickering light and saw the dog bowl. He tried to pick it up, but found it was fastened to the floor. Angry, but thirsty, he knelt down to the cold stone floor and did his best to lap up water out of the bowl, getting more on his face and floor than actually drinking, but he got enough down to satisfy him for the moment. Next, he hobbled over to the can, figuring out its purpose and pulled down his three layers of shorts and let out a long stream of his pee. He wondered where he was and how long he had been out, rubbing his thigh where the needle and sunk into him.

Pulling his shorts back up, he crawled over and sat on the straw mat, pulling his socks as high as they would go and then drew his knees up to his chest, pulling his jersey over himself trying to stay warm. He looked for the coat that Jirou had loaned him, but it was no where in the cell. At least he had a friend who would report him missing to the authorities. His dad would pay for this shit! He examined the thick iron manacle on his ankle, and felt the weight of the heavy chain. It looked like something medieval. He noticed there was another identical chain bolted a couple of feet from this one, and saw matching chains higher up on the wall hanging empty. A chill went through him. This was kind of like some of those comics, but this was real and it was scary! He tugged on the chain, but knew it was useless, he sat back against the wall, shivering and starting to cry. What was going on here?

Far above him in a comfortable drawing room, Mr. Nakano watched the scene in the cell on a large plasma television on the opposite wall. All the cells were equipped with both low light and infrared cameras and microphones. He was seated in a large leather easy chair. Kneeling on either side of him were his two current slaves, Jirou and Ichirou.

Jirou at 14 was two years younger than Ichirou, who at 16 was the senior slave boy and had privileges according two his rank, although he still new his place. The older boy was 5 feet 4 inches to his brothers 5 foot 1. Both boys were thin, and other than their size, looked very similar, except that currently Ichirou's hair was died a slight auburn color and longer than Jirou's, which was for the role he had to play in a series of pornographic films for his master. Jirou's hair remained a deep black and was currently cut in a bowl fashion. Both boys were dressed in spotless soccer uniforms that matched the one that Spencer was wearing deep in the bowls below them, with the exception that the two brothers wore their small gold chain slave collars signifying their position in the castle. Their spotless red and black Puma cleats were sitting neatly at the door. Shoes would only be worn in the dungeon, not the main house. Not visible at the moment were their matching tattoos showing the mark of their masters clan and ownership permanently inked on their right but cheeks. His slaves were busy massaging their master's socked feet. He was dressed in a warm up suit that matched the boys uniforms, red and black, emblazed with the snake like dragon that was the emblem of the organization that he controlled.

Nakano switched off the monitor, and motioned for the boys to stand. He went to the small bar in the room, and handed each a large bottle of water, along with matching pairs of dark swimming goggles. He told them to drink the entire bottle first, then don the goggles. After each boy drank their water (it took a few moments, it was a lot of water to drink!) they put them on. They were tinted enough to hide their eyes, but not so dark that they would have trouble seeing. Nakano then handed Ichiro and black spandex hood.

"Strip the slave of his outer clothing, then hood him and bring him to the interrogation room. You are not to speak a word to him. Use only the amount of force necessary, but make sure he knows that you are in charge! Once in the room suspend him with the padded cuffs, but ensure he is barely able to touch his toes to the ground. I will join you shortly." The masters voice was low and strong. His own substantial manhood was swelling in his pants at the thought of the evening to come.

"Hai Sensei" both boys answered, they grabbed their shoes and went to the elevator door, hidden in a bookshelf behind their master's desk. Nakano watched the boys go, the sight of their rear ends in soccer shorts was...pleasing. He drank an even larger bottle of water and switched cameras to the interrogation room before picking up the phone. He had to arrangements to make for his new slave.

Once alone in the elevator, Ichiro looked to his brother, "So what is the American like? Is he attractive?" They both bent down to pull their socks up and put on their shoes.

"Very much so brother, his long hair makes him look like a girl slightly. He will please many of master's friends. I enjoyed making sperm with him too! I think he likes other boys more so than girls, which cold make it easier on him, but only slightly. He looks like a girl with a cock," he giggled at his joke.

"No time for jokes second slave. This will be quite an ordeal for this yellow haired little flower. He will probably wish he was a girl with a pussy after the master takes his flower the first time. Yes quite an ordeal."

"Hai older brother, it will be." The elevator opened at the lowest level.

"No talking from here on out. If he struggles, I will take care of it. Let's go."

The sound of the two slaves cleats on the stone floor echoed throughout the dungeon. As they walked, all the torches in the hallway lit up, filling the dungeon with more light, so they could find their way while wearing the shaded goggles. The master wanted them to be worn so they would intimidate the boy. He must learn from the beginning that he was the lowest of the low in the castle.

Spencer noticed the flame going brighter in his cell. Next he heard the click click of the cleats getting louder and louder, coming closer to him. He stood up, then sat back down, backing into a corner and making himself small, hugging his knees to his chest. He was furious that he was in this position, but also quite well aware that he was in serious trouble. He had better play it cool until Jirou reported him missing!

Soon two dark figures approached the cell door. They looked like kids! The taller of the two picked up a keying off the opposite wall and opened the cell door. When they entered, he was puzzled. He saw that they were wearing the uniform of the athletic club, and funny looking glasses. The smaller one looked familiar. It was Jirou here to rescue him! He jumped up and ran to his friend, or tried to, as the chain slowed him down.

"Jirou, thank god! Get me out of here! I!" WHAP! The older boy had slapped him hard in the face, making him fall to the floor. He stayed on the floor and started to cry. The two boys quickly pounced on him and yanked his jersey off over his head. While Ichiro held him down, he instructed Jirou in Japanese to tell Spencer to stay silent or he would hit him again. He was to do exactly as he was told and not to say a word.

Jirou repeated what he was told in English to Spencer as Ichirou undid the manacle from his ankle. Spencer was so scared, he nodded that he understood, and didn't fight when the older boy yanked his shorts off and threw them to the side with his jersey. He spoke more Japanese to Jirou and both boys yanked the terrified blonde to his shaky feet. He was now wearing just the sleeveless skin tight undershirt, compression shorts, and socks and shoes, although the outline of the bright red bikini was clearly visible under the compression short, as well as the outline of his small package. His nipples were also clearly visible under the tight shirt, the cold causing them to be erect and hard.

Tears ran down Spencer's face as he looked questioningly at Jirou's expressionless face. Soon all went dark though as the mean older boy, pulled the tight stretchy hood over his head, leaving only his long blonde hair visible as it stuck out the back. He felt himself being grabbed on each arm and marched out the door. It was hard to walk as he couldn't see, and he stumbled a few times, but the two other slaves, held him up, and continued the march, leaving the boy to wonder where he was being taken.

He felt the temperature change and the change in light when he was led into the interrogation room. The room was lit by computer control from everything from barely visible to film studio quality light. That was because it was also covered by several 4K video cameras, to record the events as they happened. The walls were dark gray and the floor was covered in dark black tile, so bodily and other fluids were easily washed away. A task both slaves were well used to, and one that the boy formally known as Spencer Graves would soon be introduced.

Once he was positioned in front of the Masters desk, Ichirou held him in placed while he motioned for Jirou to lower the trapeze bar from the ceiling. From underneath his hood Spencer heard the electric whirring of the cable lowering from the ceiling. It sounded ominous, and he really wanted to ask what was going on, but his face still stung from the earlier blow. For a boy not much bigger than him, he was obviously much stronger!

He felt his arms being tugged from his sides and held up. Each boy was placing a wrist into a large padded cuff, that was in turn attached about three feet apart at the end of the bar, that was attached to two cables that hung from a winch in the ceiling. Spencer felt the hands release him, but quickly tested his bonds, discovering this wrists were tightly secured in front of him, and held apart.

Soon enough however, he heard the winch again and felt first his wrists, then his whole arms being pulled up, he started struggling, and forgot about the rule to be quiet and started screaming, "What's going on! Who are you people! You can't do this! I'm an American!"

Jirou continued raising the winch, even as Ichirou walked und gut punched the boy, taking all the air out of him, so that he just hung from his wrists, fighting for air as he was raised until just the tips of his ratty sneakers touched the tile floor, just as his master had ordered. He remained silent. The slave must learn to obey! Spencer didn't talk any more, he just sobbed quietly under the hood, wondering what was happening.

After what seemed like hours, but in reality was only 15 minutes, Spencer could hear another set of shoes clicking on the stone floor, and soon felt another presence in the room. He heard someone speak to the other boys in the room, and it was obviously an adults voice. A very authoritarian voice.

Nakano had entered the room, and placed Spencer's back pack on the desk, emptying the contents onto it. He looked through the dirty clothes and came to the collection of comics, which he spread out, finding one with cum stains on the pages, leaving it open to that, before turning his attention to the suspended boy in front of him.

The sight made his cock get even harder, as he took in the suspended form in skin tight athletic wear. The bright red soccer socks pulled all the way up his slender thighs outlined their supple form, drawing attention to where they ended, just next to his modest package. He walked up to the boy, who could feel his presence and started to shake.

Nakano started running his hands all over the tight fabric encasing his new slave. "Exquisite" he whispered in Japanese. "You will be a valuable addition to my collection little one." He ran his hands over Spencer's nipples, feeling their hardness, and delighting as the frightened boy sucked in his breath at the intimate touch. He smiled as he saw the outline of the boys cock grow inside the tight confines of his shorts and bikini. He continued his inspection, running his hands all over Spencer's body, probing for spots that would arouse the little one.

Spencer whimpered. He was terrified at the feeling of the mans hands roaming around his body and touching his most intimate places. He tried to move away, but the bondage prevented him from doing much. Then he could feel the hot sweet smelling breath of the man whispering in Japanese in his ear as he felt the hand cover his cock and balls.

Oh GOD what was happening?! He felt a finger running up his ass crack, pushing the material of his shorts and underwear up into his hole...He let out a loud moan and to his horror, his little hard cock exploded, flooding his tight shots with blast after blast of boy cum! "AGGH! Agh, oh Aggggh!" He couldn't help himself, Even as terrified as he was, he had NEVER been touched so expertly and intimately. He had never cum before without touching his cock, and the powerful orgasm seemed to go on and on as he fought his bondage for control of his convulsing body.

Nakano watched impassively, as the stain grew in the front of the boys underwear, and moved behind his desk and took a seat. This one was a born slave! He spoke first to Ichirou, "Remove the hood, before turning to the other slave. "Jirou, you will translate for me."

"Hai Sensei" Jirou replied, anxious to see how his master would deal with such a discretion. No slave was ever allowed his own pleasure before the master's! It was a major loss of face and the boy would be punished for sure!

Spencer blinked at the bright light of the room when the hood was finally yanked off his head. He saw Jirou standing next to a scary looking Japanese man seated behind a large desk. He noticed all his stuff laid on the desktop, including the sticky paged comic book, that he knew he could never return to Jirou after having an "accident" with it earlier in the week."

"My name is Nakano, although you will never use it. To you I am Lord or Master." Nakano began, and Jirou began translating immediately. Nakano actually spoke perfect English, but he used Japanese figuring (correctly) that it would intimidate the boy.

"Welcome to your new home. Up until this afternoon you were known as Spencer Graves," he continued. Spencer hard his name in the middle of all that Japanese and paid even more attention. "Spencer Graves is now dead. Your honorless father gave you up for a debt he owed to me. I accepted his payment, but as he had no honor, he is no longer living. You will be much better off in service to me. By the end of this weekend, the authorities will discover your belongings among wreckage at sea. Sadly an American boy and his father will have been accidently drowned. You are my property. I hold life and death over you." He paused. Spencer could feel the puddle of cum getting cold in his shorts, and even though he should be horrified that his father was dead, he was the whole reason he got into this mess in the first place! He was far more worried about his own current situation. The man started talking again and so Jirou translated emotionlessly.

"You are now my slave, just as number 1 slave Ichiro and number 2 slave Jirou . I will eventually come up with a name for you, but for now you are just slave number 3 or 3 for short. You will be trained in service to me and my acquaintances. You will perform for my film company and make me money. You will willingly do things that would shock any normal boy your age, but you are a slave. You are shit! You are the lowest of the low until you prove worthy of a name!"

That last sentence stung! Tears welled in Spencer's eyes (you cant' take my name you prick!). He wanted to lash out at this man, but couldn't think of anything to say, and what could he do anyway!

"It is obvious you are a slut! You ejaculate with the slightest touch while chained from the ceiling. You crave a mans touch. You are obviously a deviant little whore boy." Spencer watched as the man stood after calling him a whore and removing his warm up jacket. He wore nothing underneath. The man was only about 5 foot 7, but Spencer gasped as he reveled his body. His well muscled torso was covered in elaborate tattoos that were quite frightening to the boy.

Nakano barked orders in Japanese, and Jirou sprang to the winch control and started lowering Spencer back to his feet. The man unhooked the cables from the bar, leaving his wrists connected to it, and yanked hard downward, causing Spencer to fall to his knees. The Master stood on the trapeze bar, and motioned for the other two to stand next to him. Soon he was staring at three sets of cleats under his face. He told Jirou to order number 3.

"Lick the shoes of your betters' SLAVE! I want to see your tongue!"

Tears of humiliation running down from his face, as well as snot leaking from his nose, the new slave boy, formerly known as Spencer, started licking, not knowing what else to do, and being thoroughly frightened by the gangster that was now his master. To his shame though, he knew he would have gladly put himself in this position in Jirou's room a day prior. He blushed brightly when he came to the shoe's of the boy he thought was his friend. His dick was betraying him and getting hard again in the damp sticky confines of his underwear.

Both Ichirou and Jirou kept passive faces as the little American humiliated himself at their feet. It was then that it became clear why their master had made them drink so much water. Their master pulled at his tear off warm up pants, revealing a white jock strap, and his black soccer socks. He fished his cock out and aimed it down at the boy, who was licking at Jirou's shoes.

He ordered his slaves to place one foot each on the boy's shoulder's. The boy yelped when the cleats dug into his tender back flesh. He moaned a bit as his cock was pressed into the hard tile floor, then cried out even louder when the first blast of his master's hot piss hit him squarely in the back. He knew immediately what was happening and started struggling, but it was three against one and he had no hope of winning.

Nakano directed the stream up the boys back and started soaking the slave's pretty blonde hair, before motioning for the two other slaves to join in. Soon all three were soaking the new slave from head to feet. Spencer stopped struggling and just lay there taking it, accepting that he was at their mercy. He didn't have anyone in the world who would miss him. Who he thought was his friend turned out to be some kind of perverts sex slave who duped him (even though he still hoped they could turn out to be friends or something else?). He started crying, realizing that what the man had told him all seemed to be true. He was a white slave boy to the Japanese mob! At that realization, he felt his cock throb and fill his underwear with more cum, and he lay their and cry as the hot piss cooled and mixed with his tears....

He felt a cleat dig under him and flip him onto his back. He was looking up at his master and the blank, goggle covered faces of the other two.

"Number one, get my rope. Make it red, it will look nice against his white skin. Bring my knives as well. Number two, prepare an internal cleansing for him, and bring my piercing needles" Nakano placed his cock back in his jock. "Number 3 has just begun his initiation in servitude to the family."

There was an accident later that weekend where a man and his son rented a boat, and it was found upside down in the water, the boys passport among the things found in the wreckage. Spencer Graves, aged 13 and two months, was killed with his father David Graves. No remains were found at the time and they were presumed dead. At the same time, a record of foreign adoption appeared in the official Japanese records of a European boy orphaned overseas 13 years prior. A past was instantly created for the adopted boy by the name of Junichi Nakano, thirteen years of age. Junichi translates to "Obedient one".

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Hi, I thought The Scouimaster your first story was great and now this one is even better. Please will there be another chapter ? You are the best author of my favourite fiction.


This very well written story is the best I have ever read here on Loliwood Studios and that's saying alot because over many years I have had the pleasure of reading and reviewing quite a few authors contributions. This story is not rushed, contains much detail and thereby most erotic indeed. You are sir a brilliant author and my wish is that there will be another chapter of Spencer Gravers (now slave 3)and his master. MANY THANKS FOR ENTERTAINING ME TONIGHT.


Excellent beginning.....I do hope you will continue with more chapters and harsh treatment for Junichi.


Quite alot of work must have gone into this story and in my opinion this author is just briliant in producing a very well written story. His other story here on Loliwood about a scoutmaster is likewise very good also. I will be looking out for more from you in the future,please keep writting. A BIG THANK YOU.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.