Published: 8-Jun-2013
Word Count:
Hundreds of kilometers away, while Luke was getting his private tour of the scout hut, John was at a large department store picking up the things on his list. He had picked up most of what he could get at that particular store, until he came to the end of the list. He wandered over to the girls department, and cleared his throat to a young sales girl.
She smiled and came over to him. "Can I help you sir?"
He smiled and replied, "I sure hope so. My wife has sent me out on an errand here while I am in town and I'm not sure I'm qualified. You see, our 12 year old niece flew up from the states to spend the summer and of course, the airlines lost her luggage and haven't been able to find it yet, so I need to pick up some clothes for her to last a couple of weeks, until or even if they can find her suitcase. She wrote some things down for me here," he handed the girl a list.
"Oh let's see here, panties of course, t shirts, knee socks, thick and thin, tights, a dance leotard, training bras, skirts, blouses, sneakers and dress shoes...and her sizes. This shouldn't be a problem sir, do you want to come choose the colors and styles?"
John smiled, "Tell you what, I have to get some stuff in the hardware department for the farm, could you just pick it out and bag it up for me, I should be back in about half an hour to pay?"
The clerk smiled, I would be happy too sir, uh, but about the prices...?"
"Just keep it under two hundred and think of it like picking it out for your own little sister or something, I am sure she will love it. I really appreciate this, my wife should be doing it, but she has the little one to look after out at the farm"
"Not a problem at all sir, I love shopping with other peoples money!" she giggled.
John smiled and went on shopping for some supplies that the farm actually did need since he was in town. He also found a quiet area with a pay phone and called a doctor friend of his.
"Bob? It's John, is it safe to talk?...Good. Listen, I have some Polaroid's to show you and a favor to ask. Could we meet in about an hour at your office? Good, this will be worth your while. Could you bring some of the new stuff you told me about a while back? The experimental? Good, see you soon!" he hung up the phone and looked at his watch. The sales clerk should be just about done.
The smiling clerk was there, with two big bags to add to his substantial take so far. John was glad he already had made a couple of trips to the truck unload. She said," I even threw in a couple of pairs of jean shorts for free because they were slightly damaged and we were going to return them anyways. I hope your niece gets her stuff soon!"
John smiled at her, thanked her and paid in cash, giving the girl a 20 for her trouble and left the store
He got in the truck and headed toward the more upscale part of town to a tidy medial practice office park, where he saw his friends car already in the lot. He looked around, ensuring that they were the only cars around at that time of night and got out and knocked on the door of Bob's office.
The door opened partway until Dr. Bob recognized him and let him in, quickly locking the door behind him. Bob was a pediatrician that shared the same interests as John, and had more than once enjoyed his friends hospitality and his friends son's ass. He also enjoyed a uniformed boys fetish, and was a volunteer for more than one youth organization. He was a little younger than John, but also very fit and sported a full head of reddish blonde hair and a beard of the same color.
"Bob, I don't have much time tonight, but I thought since I was here, you might like to take a look." He handed two Polaroid's to the doctor, who examined the quick shots of a naked blond and red headed boy spread out on a table. His chino's started tenting almost immediately.
"Dang John, where did you...?"
"Never mind that for now, the less you know the better. The reason I wanted to see you tonight is about the little one, the blonde. He is twelve on not shooting yet. Would that new stuff you told me about, Lupron? delay his puberty?"
"From everything I know, it should, as long as you give a dose about every month or so."
"Well do you have any?"
Bob exhaled, "I have some samples that shouldn't be tracked, but I'd be taking a huge risk John!"
"You did that when you sucked my sons cock too, but that didn't stop you. Look, I need to heighten the difference between these two boys. I want to play them off each other and I just want to delay him for a while, not forever. Trust me, when I get them trained a little better you will be one of the first ones to get an invite for a weekend out to the ranch."
Bob went to a cabinet and started rooting around. "Can I at least keep those pictures?"
"Not on your life." These are going to be heading to Denmark in a diplomatic pouch by the end of the week. Now hurry up, I have another stop to make then drive all the way home tonight still.
Bob looked hard at the two pictures, trying to memorize them before he went home for the night and jerked off, before handing them back to John, along with the drug samples, syringes and instructions.
"Don't get caught with this stuff John, it's not a narcotic or anything, but it is not a prescription drug either and you shouldn't have it. It's still experimental for God's sake."
John nodded. "Don't worry mate, I am always careful. Thank you, but I have to get going now, I will see myself out." He turned and left.
Bob locked the door again, and went back to his exam room, lying down on his table for a few minutes so they wouldn't be seen leaving together. He thought of those two boys in the pictures, and unzipped his fly. He decided not to wait until he got home...
John headed off to his last stop. By the time he got to the downtown hotel bar it was almost eleven that nigh. He found his friend in a dark booth in the corner. After ordering a beer, he made small talk until it was delivered. When they were alone, he casually reached in his pocket and placed a small padded envelope on the table, then took a sip of his beer. They continued catching up, never mentioning the envelope or it's contents. When John was done with his beer, he got up, saying goodbye to his friend and heading out to his truck. He had a long drive home ahead of him.
The man at the table pocketed the envelope, then ordered another drink. In the morning he would be on his way to Ottawa, where the envelope would be put in the diplomatic pouch for transport to Copenhagen the following evening, never coming under any kind of customs scrutiny. There it would be delivered to a high level member of the Danish government, who shared John's interest.
John was tired, but still very satisfied that he made the trip. He could have mail ordered some of the things he bought, but he preferred paying cash far from home if at all possible. He looked like any other ordinary rural resident in town to stock up and no one would give him another thought. He had stopped and got a large coffee to go, and hit the road back to the ranch.
It took a few hours and it was around 3 in the morning when he got back. He checked the cameras, and saw that all three boys were sleeping, his two new scouts in the cage, and Bryan on the cot just outside of it. He wondered what Bryan had been up to, but it would have to wait. He needed some sleep as he had a big day planned for the boys. He decided 5 hours would be plenty and set his alarm for 8 that morning. He decided that all the boys could use the extra shut eye.
Out of everyone at the ranch, Bryan was the first to awaken, being used to getting up at 6 just about every day of his life. He didn't wake the two boys in the cage, instead deciding to head up and make sure his dad got back. He went up the stairs and let himself out, shutting the door and throwing the bolt. He saw the truck parked and decided to go make his dad some coffee and breakfast, as well as for himself.
The door slamming shut woke Gage with a start. In the darkened hut, he had no idea what time it was but as his mind cleared, all the horrible events of the last day came back in a flash. The next thing he noticed was a horrible smell, and the awful realization of where it was coming from. His diaper! He also felt the mess inside it and felt awful shame in the fact that he had shat himself while asleep. He didn't even remember falling asleep. What is wrong with me! He squirmed around realizing that his feet and one arm were tied to the bed. With only one arm free there was nothing he could do but lay there in his own filth and start to whimper. They were going to make fun of him again! I am NOT a sissy! Don't start to cry again!.. Try as he might, he couldn't stop the tears and he stopped struggling and lay back.
He tried to be quiet, but his sniffling and whimpering caused Luke to stir. The older boy rubbed his eyes and sat up, locking eyes with his younger cell mate. Gage quickly turned his head toward the wall. "You don't have to say anything. I pooped myself and I know it. I didn't mean too, and I don't know why. It's not my fault!"
Luke could hear the misery in the boy's voice, and despite his dislike for him, he couldn't help feel sorry for him. "Don't kill yourself about it kid, they put something in our food. I had to shit my guts out last night too!"
"At least you didn't sleep through it. I feel like an idiot in this diaper!"
Other than the smell, Luke actually thought the kid looked pretty hot tied to the bed in that outfit, but he didn't say anything. He didn't want to get too close to this kid. After an uncomfortable silence though, he said. "Look Gage, you half to try to be a man. I know you were new to being a scout, but you have to try not to be such a mama's boy."
Thinking of just a few hours earlier, Luke continued. "They are going to make us do stuff. Stuff that is going to hurt. Sex stuff. For now, they are bigger and stronger than both of us, so if we want to get through this we have to go along with it, no matter how awful it seems. I get picked on all the time as school, but I don't go crying home about it, it doesn't fix anything. I joined scouts to learn to take care of myself. So for now, just stop crying and wait to be told what to do next, I sure they did it to you on purpose."
Gage layer back and tried to absorb the speech he had just heard. It was hard. he didn't like being hurt, and the idea of more "sex stuff" terrified him, if only because it was unknown to him what that really meant. Luke plopped the binder of rules down on his bare chest.
"For now, I suggest you read the rules, if you don't want to get punished more. they keep saying I am in for it tonight, and I don't like the sound of it at all." Luke plopped back down on his cot and hoped they would come down soon. He adjusted his cock inside his tight briefs and realized he had to pee!
Gage, still not used to seeing other boys in their underwear had to pull his eyes away from his cell mate and opened the binder. He started reading the rules...
Upstairs in the kitchen, Bryan was putting away the dishes. He had showered quickly and put on his pressed uniform before making breakfast. Just he thought it was time to wake up his dad, the Scoutmaster entered the kitchen.
"Nothing like the smell of coffee and bacon to wake up to. How did things go in my absence son?" John asked. He was clad only in a pair of boxers and green army socks.
Bryan snapped to attention, and gave his father a report of the evenings activities, leaving nothing out.
John was impressed. "How was your orgasm boy?"
Bryan smiled. "Fantastic sir, one of my best. The feeling I get...I can't explain it."
"You don't have to, I know. Sounds like you had a good night, so did I. I got some supplies that should make the next week or so very interesting."
After a quick breakfast, John stood, "I'm going to shower and get dressed, make another batch of gruel. This time put 1 tablespoon of brown sugar in Luke's cup. We will still serve it cold to them, but I want to show that things will get better slowly if they obey. I will be ready to go in 10."
"Yes sir, " Bryan stood and went to his task.
Downstairs in the hut, Gage could hardly believe what he was reading His hand was shaking as he scanned some of the rules. Just as he was about to ask Luke, who he noticed had dozed back off, what "rimming" meant, the loud clack of the bolt being thrown startled him. He closed the book and whispered as loud as he could, "You better get up and stand at attention!" having just read that rule too.
The sound of the bolt had woken Luke as well and he jumped to the foot of the cot just as both the Scoutmaster and Patrol Leader, both in perfect uniform, walked purposely to the cell door. They stood just outside starting at them, saying nothing for the moment.
Gage lay on the bed, trembling in his filth, while Luke did his best to stand at attention and stare at the wall across the room. He started sweating, and his bare knees started shaking.
John wrinkled his face. "Well I can tell just by the smell that the sissy has a full diaper Patrol Leader, we will get back to that, but what about our other scout. What do you notice about Freckles here?"
Bryan unlocked the cell door and walked up to Luke, who's lower lip started to tremble. With his cane, Bryan tapped Luke's t shirt, that was hanging over his briefs. "First, undershirt partially un tucked. Second," he looked down at Luke's feet. "No shower shoes, and third, he spun the boy around facing the back wall, Luke felt the tip of the cane on the backs of his bare legs, "socks have fallen and uneven. It looks like he just got out of bed sir, no pride in appearance at all."
SHIT! Luke thought to himself, he had completely forgotten to do all that stuff.
John grunted, "Very good Patrol Leader, hand me your cane then position the scout over the end of the sissy scout's bed rail."
Bryan snapped his heels together in acknowledgment and handed his dad the cane, then roughly pulled Luke over to the foot of Gage's bed, bending him at the waist over the rail where Gage's ankles were secured to. His face ended up between the blonde's legs just under the smelly diaper. He was scared, but even so, reveled at how smooth the kids legs were against his cheeks.
Bryan kicked Luke's legs apart. "Spread em Red! You are presenting to the Scoutmaster"
John smiled at his boy. "Young Scout Jones, you were given the rule book last night, so failure to follow procedures is a result of willful misconduct. I am going to give both of you a lesson in on the spot correction. Do you understand, I'm talking to both of you now?"
Both boys answered in a disjointed "Yes sir."
The cane came crashing down on the bed right next to Luke's ear and smacking the thin mattress loudly. "I can't fucking hear either of you. I said do you understand me?!
Both boys shouted "YES SIR!"
"That's better." John looked to Bryan who was standing at the side of the bed in the parade rest position. "Patrol Leader, why do scouts always have to wear footwear?"
Bryan snapped to attention, "To prevent accidental injury to the feet sir!"
"That's right!" Shouted John, if you don't where shoes, even shower shoes give you protection, you could hurt your foot!" He swung the cane through the are and connected with Gage's left foot, which was a perfect target. CRACK!
Gage was totally not prepared and he was in shock for a moment before the pain registered at the sole of this foot. "AYEEEE! OW OW OWWWWW!" he tried to jerk his foot away to no avail. Luke winced when he heard the cane sink into the soft flesh of the sock covered foot behind him.
John paid no attention. "Why are shirts to be tucked in at all times and socks to be pulled up and even Patrol Leader?"
"It shows a scout cares about his appearance sir, and that he has attention to detail."
"Correct Patrol Leader, any other reason?"
Bryan had to think a moment, "Because the uniform was designed for a reason sir and it is not for any boy to question how he is ordered to dress by his superiors."
"Correct Bryan, that's a good answer. I like my boys socks to be pulled up and that is all you need to know scout!" He swung the cane down connecting just under the back of Luke's knee, first on the left, and then immediately on the right, leaving two bright red welts perfectly horizontal and aligned. Luke grunted loudly and yelped, but did his best not to cry out. The pain still brought tears to his eyes.
"Stand the fuck up and correct yourself scout! Maybe those welts will help you remember how to dress correctly! MOVE!"
Luck quickly stood, tucked in his shirt, then pulled his socks up tight, wincing at the material of them touched the welts. As he bent to put on the flip flops, he heard the Scoutmaster undoing Gage's hand cuffs. The boy was still crying from the blow to his foot, but was gaining control.
Bryan untied his feet, and had the boy stand and put on his own shower shoes. He had both boys stand at attention when they were done.
John spoke to both of them, "I hope this re enforces that whatever either of your actions are, you can both be held responsible for the others behavior. You two are part of a team. Gage, you had the rule book right in front of you, you had ample time to warn Luke that he was out of uniform. Let this be a lesson." He looked at Luke, "That was on the spot correction and will not add to your upcoming formal punishment."
"As for you," he returned his attention to Gage. "It's not enough that you piss all over the place, but now you shit yourself. I guess it was a good idea after all to diaper you wasn't it scout?"
The blonde boy's face turned red from shame, but he was angry too. How dare he! "You did something to me! When my mother finally gets a hold of you, you will be sorry! You're going to pay for all of this!" His voice was getting higher and higher as he spoke.
His outburst caused Luke to roll his eyes, which Bryan caught, but didn't mention to his father, who just gave a good belly laugh.
"Patrol Leader, go find me a tool to silence this scout before he gets himself into any more trouble!" John ordered his son, who immediately clicked his boot heals and headed off to the toy cabinet. "And bring a spreader bar as well," he added before facing Luke. "Red, take the rope you used to tie the sissy's feet with last night and secure his wrists together in front of him. Leave about a six inch loop in the middle. See if you can impress me again."
"Yes sir, Scoutmaster," Luke answered, not wanting to get in any more trouble, and glad to keep the focus of attention on Gage. Plus he was getting to kind of enjoy practicing knots on the kid!
He picked up the length of rope, and said softly go Gage, "Put your hands out in front of you."
Gage was sulking and was about to refuse, when John raised the cane and screamed, "You do as your fucking told boy! You are lower than whale shit in this troop! That means you are lower then the lowest piece of shit in the entire ocean! Now put your fucking hands up so that this scout can do the task I assigned to him! NOW!"
Terrified, Gage quickly held out his arms, so that Luke could start wrapping the rope around his wrists. Both John and Bryan, who had returned to the cell by now, were impressed with the boy's knot tying abilities. When he was done, Gage had four turns of rope around each wrist with a loop perfectly in the middle and very little slack.
Luke, stood back as John grabbed the younger boy's wrists and inspected the security of the knots. "Very good Freckles, you continue to impress me with your knot skill, " he said approvingly." He looked hard at Luke, who now had a small hard- n in his underpants. I was so lucky to grab you of all boys, John thought to himself. "Patrol Leader, show Freckles here how to secure the sissy's cock sucking hole!"
"Sir!" acknowledged Bryan, and stepped forward holding up a small leather ball with straps attached to it for Luke to see. "This is a ball gag. It is used to keep sissy's or other misbehaving scouts quiet. I made it myself!" Bryan said proudly handing it to Luke. "Have the sissy open it's mouth, this wide strap should be pointing up."
When Luke held the hard leather covered ball up to Gage's face, he could feel his cock expanding in his underpants. He was trying to shake when he pressed it to his lips. "Come on Gage, open up. Remember what I told you about doing what your told."
The smaller boy's eyes watered but he opened his mouth and allowed the small ball to be pressed into his mouth. Bryan had made all the bondage gear himself, with some help from his dad, copying the more adult sized items his father had bought on trips to large city sex shops. Since they needed boy sized equipment, they obviously had to make it themselves as to now raise any eyebrows asking for smaller sized items. This particular gag was pretty simple, it was just black leather covering a small rubber ball with three straps that attached behind the head. The vertical strap was wider, and split in the middle so the wearer's nose would stick out of it for ease of breathing and adjustment. Luke figured it out pretty quickly and buckled it in place, but John made him tighten it until Gage wince a bit when he finally go the buckle fastened. The bass was big enough that Gage couldn't close his mouth even a little, but his perfect white teeth could cover it. He could not speak at all, but only make high pitched grunting sounds.
"Remember he is being punished boy," John said to Luke. "The gag is supposed to be unpleasant. Now he can think about how it feels the next time he wants to lecture us, besides," John grabbed Luke's dick through his briefs, "I think you like it."
Luke could feel the color rushing to his cheeks. The worst part was that it was true, he did like it! Something about Gage just set him off and he liked putting him in his place, even though he knew they should be plotting together how to get out of this fix!
"Patrol Leader, cuff this one through the Sissy's loop, we need to take them up to get the sissy's cleaned up!" The Scoutmaster ordered.
Bryan took Luke's left wrist twisted it behind him and locked the cuff around it before passing the free end trough the loop of rope on Gage's wrists, then fastened his right wrist. "OK you two, lets go!"
The Patrol Leader grabbed Luke by the upper arm and led him toward the stairs, with Gage being pulled along. The Scoutmaster brought up the rear of the small train. The stairs into the old bomb shelter were steep, and both boys had a hard time negotiating them in flip flops with their hands secured, Gage's in front and Luke's behind his back. Luke would have fallen if Bryan hadn't had a strong grip on his upper arm, basically pulling him up. Gage did stumble, but John grabbed the boy just above his diaper and basically carried him up the last few steps. Eventually both boys emerged into the cold Canadian morning. They were at once grateful for the fresh air, but both also shivered as a cold breeze was blowing through the barn.
"Get them into the training stall!" ordered John.
Bryan had already guessed as much and led the two boys into a horse stall that was lined with fresh straw and a few bales of hay. They had a mule, Bob, who lived in the barn in winter, but for now he was out in one of there pastures, but otherwise, the barn stalls held various bits gear, with the one they were now led into being purposely equipped for "scout training." Large iron rings had been screwed into the stout wooden beams at all the corners of the stall, and a block and tackle set up was suspended from the ceiling over the center of the stall. There were also various lengths of chain hanging from the back wall and sets of different types of iron restrains on nails. John had taught Bryan blacksmithing and had the boy practice making bondage gear of scrap iron they collected.
John had his son place both boys in the center of the stall, while he started pulling on the chain to the block that started lowering a large steel hook from the ceiling until it got to just above the shivering boys' heads. He then walked up and unhooked the hand cuffs from Luke, who wrapped his arms around himself without thinking about it trying to warm up. John ignored the breach in posture etiquette and motioned to Bryan.
"Strip him, then collar him to the wall with a working length of chain, then get some rubbers on him, he is going to clean up the sissy."
"Yes sir," Bryan answered, and pulled Luke to a corner of the stall. Luke almost wanted to make a run for it, but he knew he was too cold and hungry and would never make it as he had no idea where he was or how far help would be if he could even find any. So he meekly allowed himself to be led to the back of the stall, and pulled his shirt off and dropped his briefs as Bryan ordered him to. The older boy picked up a thick iron ring, with a hinge on it and tested the fit around Luke's neck. Thinking it was too big and that it might allow the boy to get his head out of it, he picked the next smaller size and was satisfied with the fit, closing the hasp and using a padlock to secure around Luke's neck and to a length of fairly heavy chain at the back. Luke winced under the hefty weight and the cold of the raw iron in his bare skin. He placed his hands to the collar, feeling the thickness of it (about 1/4 of an inch), and knowing there was no way it would come off without a key. He was chained in the stall like a captive animal. Despite the cold, and his urgent need to pee, his dick started to harden.
Bryan noticed and whispered in his ear, "What a little slutty fag you are boy! Hands at your sides, you're at attention." He slapped Luke's bare butt and went to retrieve an old set of rubber boots that would fit the lad.
Meanwhile, John pulled out his pocket knife and held it to Gage's face, giving the already frightened boy a start. John laughed. "Don't worry sissy, you are far to pretty to cut, I just don't want to waste your brother scout's nice rope work here." He pulled the boy's arms up by the ropes around his wrists with one hand and placed the four inch knife blade between Gage's tiny shirt and his skin, then yanked up, instantly shredding the garment. A few more slices, and the remnants of the shirt were at Gage's feet. He pulled the boy's arms up and placed the loop in the rope over the hook, leaving his arms stretched tight over his head now wearing just the leather collar, diaper, short socks and flip flops. The cold air had caused the shivering boy to break out in goose flesh and his tiny pink nipples were sticking out like two little pebbles. He was moaning into the ball gag, trying his best not to cry.
Bryan had returned with a pair of solid black 3 buckle rubber boots for Luke to put on. The older boy had Luke kick his flip flops off, then helped him pull on the boots, which were a bit of a tight fit. They came to just under the tops of his socks. Next he had a pair of large rubber gloves, that went up over Luke's elbows.
"All ready to clean up sissy shit!" Bran said dragging Luke toward Gage in the center of the stall.
Luke felt very strange walking naked in just boots and gloves, but his cock was sticking straight out from his tiny red bush at an angle, bouncing off his tummy as he walked. John smiled at the sight, his own dick hardening in his uniform pants at the sight of the collared boy being marched in his rubbers toward Gage.
The Scoutmaster grabbed the spreader bar and tossed it to the ground just under Gage. "Secure the filthy scout's legs in the bar Freckles. I am sure you can figure it out."
Bryan gave a tug on Luke's heavy chain, bringing the boy down to the straw covered ground. The bar was a black metal pipe with a leather cuff at each end. It was hard to work in the bulky gloves, but Luke managed to get the leather cuff around the first ankle, and fasten it snugly. He dared not look up at the nasty diaper right above his head or look into the poor kids eyes, he just concentrated on his task, grabbing Gage's other ankle and positioning his small leg so he could get the other cuff around it. He was trying to breath through his mouth and he could see some slime start to leak out of the diaper when he spread the boys legs wide. Confident that Gage's legs were tightly secured, he looked at Bryan who motioned him to stand back up. He gladly did aware of the weight of his collar chain, and backed up a bit, as the Scoutmaster started pulling on the chain that started to raise the hook.
Gage felt his arm being pulled higher and soon, his whole body was being raised off the barn floor. He started moaning louder, and soon drool was leaking out of his mouth around the tightly held leather ball gag. The next thing he knew, his legs, held three feet apart where swinging in the breeze above the floor. The Scoutmaster stopped pulling the chain.
"That ought to do it. OK Red, remove the shower shoes from the sissy and toss them over by yours." John ordered Luke. Luke obeyed and looked to the Scoutmaster who smiled evilly at him. "Now for the fun part. You will remove the diaper, placing each safety pin in the sissy's socks for now, and then carry it over to the burn can and dump it," he was pointing to a 55 gallon drum placed near the entrance to the stall.
Actually glad he had gloves to wear, even though it made it hard to get the safety pins off, holding the diaper on the now visibly trembling Gage. The younger boy was horrified that he was being displayed like this, and humiliated for being forced to be cleaned like an infant. With nothing other to do though, he just tried to breath steadily as he felt the other scout fumbling with the full diaper that clung to him. Luke tried to hold the diaper in place while he got the first pin off, but soon it just fell open as he pinned the first pin to Gage's sock. The smell was immediate and Luke couldn't help gagging.
"Hurry the fuck up scout, get that thing off him and get it in the trash so you can clean the little boy," the Scoutmaster barked.
Gage screeched into his gag. "I'm NOT a Little boy! I'm NOT a sissy!" Of course with the ball gag, all that came out was garbled gibberish and more drool. He was swinging quite a bit now, Luke had to grab his ankle to stop him so he could get the other pin in. He didn't feel bad when he "accidentally" stuck Gage causing a shriek before he stood up, trying to keep most of the nasty shit in the diaper. He almost ran to the burn drum and tossed the thing in there gagging yet again.
He turned to see Gage, hanging naked, and covered in his own filth from his waste down. He looked to the Scoutmaster, who was undoing his pants!
"We need to hose him down scouts, so lets get to it, this includes you too Red!" John smiled. Bryan was also undoing the fly of his tight uniform shorts. Luke couldn't believe his eyes when the Scoutmaster started peeing all over Gage's midsection, soon followed by Bryan. "Get over here Scout, I know you have to piss too."
Almost in a trance, Luke followed his hard on toward the totally decadent scene in front of him. He should be revolted, he thought to himself, but he kept walking forward until without even realizing it, his hand was on his cock, forcing it down and aiming toward the little shit hanging in front of him. It took will, at first he couldn't get himself to pee, but the sound of the others piss bouncing off the wreathing sissy, soon overcame his reluctance and his own urine started to flow. And flow it did, with the 13 year old red headed scout thoroughly soaking the younger boys filthy genitals.
Soon the Patrol leader was tucking his cock back into shorts, while the Scoutmaster just let his large member hang out of his fly. "Now that he is nice and hosed down, you will scrub him clean scout. Pick up handfuls of clean straw and wipe him down, just like you would a horse or mule. Of course, our Mule wouldn't shit himself like a cry baby sissy would, but what are you going to do? For now, Scout Freckles, the hygiene of Sissy Scout is your responsibility. You will wipe him down until you get all the muck off of him up here, you will shovel up the dirty straw and put it in the bin over there. Then you will take that hose in the corner and rinse him off, making extra sure his pussy and dick are spotless. After I am satisfied with a cleanliness inspection, you will both be allowed a hot shower down in the hut, after which you will both groom yourselves to my satisfaction, get into uniform and be allowed a meal. Do you understand your orders Scout Freckles?"
"Yes sir. Uh, yes sir I do Scoutmaster sir!" Luke said as formally as he could, naked and chained to the stall wall and trying not to stare at the Scoutmasters huge, even when soft, cock.
"Get to it boy!" He thundered, and sat down on an old milking stool. Luke quickly grabbed two handfuls of straw and fighting his gag reflex, started scraping the muck off of the squirming 12 year old.
Satisfied, John looked at Bryan while waving his cock "Patrol Leader, get over here and get to work." Bryan went over and knelt between his fathers knees, immediately taking the flaccid cock into his mouth and started to suck on it. Luke stared, dumbstruck. Of course he figured this went on, but to actually see the good looking teenaged boy sucking his own father's cock! John locked eyes on Luke. "Freckles, you had better be finished before I cum unless you want to join your sissy little brother scout there on the rope!"
Luke went back to scraping the muck off, faster now, pressing as hard as he could, taking some skin along with the filth off in the process. Gage was squirming all over and screeching at the assault on his soft skin, but by the time Luke was done, the squirming sobbing boy hung from the hook essentially free from his own shit. Gage's misery was not complete though. Luke had picked up the large farm grade hose and turned the water on him. The nozzle was set for a direct blast and the force of the ice cold water knocked the suspended boy to and fro as he screamed even louder into the gag. The force of the water almost knocked Luke over as well, who had to plant his booted feet in the soft straw to hold still.
John, who had his hand on top of his son's head, guiding it up and down his cock was enjoying the show. "Get that hose inside his pussy and get it nice and clean Freckles. That sissy cunt better be clean enough to eat out of!" He pulled Bryan's head down all the way on his cock choking the boy until his face turned purple, watching Gage squeal as the force of the hose gave him a partial enema. Cold as it was, he noticed Luke's cock was still half hard as he cleaned the younger boy's genital area. He felt Bryan start to shudder and released him, letting him off his cock to gasp for air. He looked down at his panting drooling son and whispered, "I'm about to shoot boy, but I want you to hold the load in your mouth. Understand?"
Still panting, Bryan croaked out "Yes sir, understood sir," before going right back to work his father's now fully hard dripping rod. After years of practice, he was pretty good at knowing when his dad was about to blow, and he knew he would have to gulp at least one mouthful of his spunk down or the rest would flood out of his mouth. In the past he had been made to hold mouthfuls of his or his dad's friends jizz in his mouth for up to 30 minutes, getting punished for swallowing.
So it was no surprise, when without any warning, he felt the man's cock explode in his mouth with force. He actually swallowed twice before stopping with a good sized load of the Scoutmasters hot cum in his mouth. With only a small trace dripping down his chin, Bryan backed up on his knees then stood.
"STOP BOY, you are DONE! Drop the hose and come to attention!" The Scoutmaster ordered Luke, who immediately let go of the nozzle stopping the flow of water, put the hose down and stood with his gloved hands at his sides and his dick sticking out.
With Bryan standing silently at attention the Scoutmaster got up and silently walked around the trembling boy hanging from the middle of the stall, running his fingers over his skin and sniffing them. "Not bad boy. He seems pretty clean. Why is you dick hard ?"
The question totally caught Luke off guard, and in fact, he had no idea himself why he was boned up. He was freezing, damn near naked and had a heavy iron collar that was chained to a wall, but the weirder and more humiliating things got, his dick just seemed to love it, much to his chagrin.
"I don't know sir," he replied meekly, fighting the urge to grab it.
"You like playing with sissy pussy don't you boy?"
"No sir! I'm not...I mean..." Luke was totally flustered and embarrassed. Now that Gage was clean, the sight of him hung from the ceiling, naked and gagged was actually turning him on.
John laughed as he walked over and lowered the hook until Gage's sock covered feet were almost touching messy straw on the ground and pulled the boys feet back. "Get over here and get on your knees and hold his legs boy!"
Luke did as he was told, kneeling in the wet but clean straw and John lowered the hook more until Gage was suspended leaning forward at an angle. John walked over to the boys and grabbed Gage's small ass and spread his cheeks as wide as he could. "Let's see if you got his pussy clean enough to eat out of boy. Patrol Leader, get over here and give Freckles here some breakfast!"
Luke hadn't been watching the rest of the blow job so he hadn't seen what had transpired between father and son. So he was shocked when Bryan walked over to them, gave an evil smirk toward Luke then leaned over and let a large stream of the Scoutmasters cum out of his mouth, hitting the small of Gage's bare back then running like a thick white river down his ass crack across his exposed anus, which winked as Gage reacted to the sensation. The boy tried turning his head, but with his arms pulled tightly in front of him it was useless. He was basically a human pinata at this point.
John grabbed the back of Luke's head and pushed his face right into the valley between Gage's cheeks. "I told you it better be clean enough to eat out of Scout, now eat! Eat that Sissy ass pussy!" Luke grimaced as his face hit the warm goo. He had nowhere to go though as the Scoutmaster's' massive hand was locked on his head smearing his face in Gage's ass.
"I want to see tongue boy! I don't want to see a trace of my seed left on the Sissy. Remember your regulations!" John yelled at him.
Bryan grasped Luke's balls. "What do the regulations say about your superiors cum boy?" He squeezed hard.
"Aggh! They, I mean, we will always swallow it all sir! OUWWW!"
"That's right boy, so start eating!" Bryan ordered, not letting go of Luke's balls until he started to lap the second hand goo out of Gage's ass.
Again, Luke at first had to fight a gag reflex. It wasn't that it tasted bad, but just the very idea that the cock snot had been in Bryan's mouth and now it Gage's butt! Soon though he felt the boy start to respond to his licks, and he forgot about the origin of the cum and concentrated on the fact that he was being forced. He didn't have to like it, just following orders. His cock though said that he didn't mind being "forced" to do this. He was eating out a boys ass and he was getting turned on! He couldn't see at the time, but Gage's small cocklet, which had been almost totally hiding all morning, was responding to the older boy's ministrations and was peeking out from its own foreskin.
"I wanna hear slurping boy! Eat that pussy!" WHAP! John had grabbed one of the flip flops and laid it across Luke's bare ass.
He screeched and did his best to really get into it, slurping and sucking the best he could, until he could feel Gage start to squirm and moan on his own. His own cock started to throb!
The spanking continued and Luke felt that feeling again. Not the pain from the spanking, but his balls starting to boil. Before he could stop himself and without touching his cock, it started spurting gob after gob of cum into the straw between his knees.
John saw this and immediately yanked back on Luke's collar chain, pulling him backward until he lay sprawled on his back in the wet straw. "I did not tell you to cum you faggot slut! What the fuck is wrong with you! You get off eating out sissies and getting punished? Well it's your lucky fucking day boy! Stand the fuck up!"
Luke scrambled to his feet, frightened and embarrassed that he had yet again lost control of his libido, not understanding that it was perfectly natural at his age to be turned on by anything!
Meanwhile, Gage had been let go, and was now on his knees in the dirty straw with his own hard on from the rimming and totally frustrated and confused.
John eyed his son, "Well Patrol Leader, I had a cum, Freckles here just had one, even though he didn't have permission to, and the Sissy can't cum yet, so that just leaves you. If you wish, you have three minutes to use this slut to get off." He was now pointing to the heap of rubber covered arms and legs in the straw that was Luke. "I will get the sissy down for you." He tossed the flip flop he had spanked Luke with to Bryan. who caught it and grinned.
"Thank you sir, I believe I will." Bryan grabbed Luke's chain. "On your knees you cocksucker, time for more practice." He tugged Luke up to where he was before he was pulled backward. "First, get down there and clean up your fucking mess!" Bryan shoved his face down into his pile of now cold spunk in the straw, and rubbed his face in it. "I want to see your cum on your tongue boy, show me!" Bryan struck the freckled ass hard with the sandal. WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! "SHOW ME!" Bryan's cock was stretching his tight shorts to the limit.
Doing his best not to vomit, Luke lapped at the cum covered straw he had just spewed on, and once he felt a tepid gob on his tongue, he got on his hands and knees and stuck his tongue out to Bryan to show him he had obeyed the Patrol Leader's order.
Bryan looked down and smiled. "Keep that tongue right there Scout," he said as he unzipped his shorts and pulled his rock hard cock out of his jock. Its dark purple head was already unsheathed and glistened with a drop of pre cum. "On your knees, and get your hands behind your head and lock your fingers together!" Bryan ordered.
Careful not to spill a drop, Luke rose to his knees, aware that the straw was digging painfully into his bare skin. He locked his fingers as ordered, even thought the large rubber gloves made it hard, but kept his eyes on the large dripping cock in the hand of his Patrol Leader. The older boy smiled sadistically at Luke's discomfort and waved his member around Luke's face, watching the boy's eyes follow the one eyed serpent nervously while he strained to keep his tongue in place while struggling to stay still on his knees. Bryan walked closer to him and kicked his knees apart, then rested the tip of his cock right on the puddle of cum still visible on Luke's tongue.
"You remember my best friend from last night, don't you Freckles?" He started rubbing it back and forth, with his own piss slit leaving a trail on Luke's upper lip. Luke moaned and started to drool, his face turning red with shame at the memory of the previous evening. "How do your titties feel this morning? Wait! Don't answer that, your mouth is busy with other things!" Bryan laughed, pressing his cock forward.
Luke instinctively opened his mouth further, allowing the large teenaged cock to enter. "That's it fag. You know you want it. Wrap those pretty cock sucking lips around it had have your breakfast!" Bryan placed one hand over Luke's gloved hands behind his head and pulled the boy further onto his cock, feeling the slime on the younger boys tongue coat his cock and mix with his own spit making a nice warm slippery home for his morning hard on. The read headed scout started making slurping noises as the Patrol Leader slowly fed his cock deeper and deeper into reluctant but accommodating throat. He tried to keep his eyes closed, but Bryan stopped him.
"Eyes open boy! Don't pretend you don't like this. Your cock is already half hard again you faggot." He pulled his cock all the way out of Luke's mouth and held it to the boys face. Reaching down with his free hand, he grabbed one of Luke's hypersensitive titties and pinched the nipple between his thumb and forefinger. "Look at that cock boy! You will memorize every detail is that clear?" He squeezed harder.
"Aggh , yes thir!" Luke slurred thorough all the drool and dick snot in his mouth.
Bryan smiled, and let go of the nipple. "Very good Scout! Eyes open and keep sucking. You are about to get your morning dose of milk!" With his shorts and jock pooled at his ankles, Bryan rammed his cock back into Luke throat, picking up the pace of the oral fucking rapidly, enjoying the panicked look in the boys eyes as he fought to breath while he fucked his mouth. Luke's own cock was hard again, bouncing against his stomach as he was force fed the much larger teen cock. "You're a natural boy. A little more practice and you will be as good as me! Could be your first merit badge in this troop! Suck it boy!"
All the humiliating talk just got Luke more into the job at hand, and keeping his eyes open let him know what was about to happened when he saw the older boys face screw up and felt his head pulled all the way on to the cock, blocking his airway.
Bryan looked down a the purple faced boy on his dick. "Here it comes faggot, drink up and don't lose a drop! Remember the troop... rules, AGGH, take it FAG!" Bryan held Luke's head tight and force fed him his steamy morning load of cum, feeling his dick shoot at least five full blasts of cock snot directly down the boys throat. He held Luke's head tightly until he was done, letting go just in time to let the chocking boy drop to the ground and take in huge gulps of air between coughing fits. Bryan laughed at him as he pulled his jock and shorts back up, tucking his shirt it, and checking his socks and belt line, assuring his uniform was perfect before stepping back.
Just as Luke was getting his breath, he was hit full force with an icy cold stream of water, causing him to shriek!
"On your feet Scout! Stand next to the Sissy and get to Attention! " Barked John who was the one hosing him down. Luke jumped to his feet and ran over to where John had Gage standing, now just in socks and shower shoes (and his collar) and did his best to assume the position and avoiding the icy cold blast of the hose, which the Scoutmaster kept aimed at his rapidly shrinking genitals. Satisfied that he had taken care of Luke's erection problem, John shut the hose off and dropped it. "Left Face!" he barked.
Both boys looked confused.
"That means you pivot on your feet 90 degrees to your left you stupid brats!" Bryan barked.
Luke turned to his left to find himself facing a puzzled Gage. In the stress of the moment he couldn't remember which way was left!
"Your other left you stupid Sissy!" Barked Bryan who forcefully spun Gage around so that he was in front of the two, aimed at the front of the stall. "Do I need to right the directions on your tits or something Sissy?"
"No sir!" Squeaked Gage, trying but failing to answer in a deep positive voice.
"Well don't fuck up again." Bryan walked over to the boys and grabbed Luke's wrists, handcuffing him over the gloves, and then connecting the chain to a ring on the back of Gage's collar. Only then did he unlock the heavy iron collar off of Luke and toss it to the floor of the stall.
"Report Patrol Leader!" John ordered.
"The Scouts are ready to return to the hut for morning hygiene sir!"
"Very good, I will take them back down for a demonstration of morning abolitions. Return to the hut in one hour with chow Patrol Leader."
"Sir!" Bryan snapped, and smartly left the stall heading for the house.
John grabbed Gage by the front ring of his collar and led the two shivering frightened boys back into the underground hut. As they tried not to trip over each other, it did not even occur to them that they didn't' even get to see any natural daylight during their short visit topside. Soon though, they were led down the stairs and to the shower area of the hut.
John undid the handcuffs from Luke, and much to Gage's relief, removed the gag from his head, leaving his face covered in drool, and the collar from his neck. He spoke to Luke first.
"Strip off your rubber gear and stow it on that shelf, pointing to a spot on the wall. "Then you will strip off your socks, put them in the laundry can, and get a new pair of shower shoes. You," looking at Gage. "Strip off your socks and put them into the can as well, then both of you get under the shower. Move!"
Both boys did as ordered quickly and soon were standing, painfully aware of their nudity in front of the fully dressed Scoutmaster under the single shower head. Gage resisted the urge to wipe the snot from his face, as John retrieved a leather quirt and started slapping it against his palm.
"Now listen and listen carefully scouts, because I am not going to repeat myself. Every morning after your initial inspection you will head directly to this area for your morning toilet. This morning was slightly different of course because the sissy here soiled his diaper!" He glared at Gage, causing the naked blond boy to blush bright red. He clenched his mouth shut though, determined not to get himself into anymore trouble, remembering the pain of the ball gag. "You will piss, then shit if you have to, ensuring you use the bidet to clean your pussies afterward." He was pointed to the toilet and bidet with his quirt. "Sissy Scout, you may ask Freckles Scout here how to use the bidet when you have to, as I understand he was instructed last night by the Patrol Leader. If at any time I do an anal inspection and find fecal matter, you will be punished. Starting tomorrow morning, you will also administer each other an enema, but we will cross that bridge tomorrow." The Scoutmaster was now pacing back and forth as he lectured.
Luke swallowed hard when he heard the word "enema" as he had heard of them before, but Gage just looked puzzled and had no idea what the big brute was talking about. He was just trying to shrink in the wall and not be noticed while trying to learn what he had to do. The Scoutmaster continued.
"Just as last night, you have 30 seconds to soak yourselves, then you will lather each other up, and then 30 seconds to rinse. I am going to give you extra time to lather since I have left blondies hair longer here. Freckles you will lather and wash the sissies hair. I have put a special shampoo for him on the wall. You are not to use it, you will use the other bottle. Remember to wash your pussies out well. Of course," he said pausing laying his quirt on Gage's shoulder. "We know yours is relatively clean already, but that is no excuse not to get in there! When you are done," he continued, "Both of you will go to the cabinet, where I will have your underwear of the day laid out and put it on. You will then come back here for grooming. You will brush and floss your teeth, and groom your hair. Red, I will show you how to wax your flat like a proper young boy should, and then you will help the sissy brush his nice blonde locks here out no less than 100 times." He ran his hands through Gage's long hair, causing the small boy to shiver at the touch.
"That is all, are there any questions?"
After a moment of silence, John yelled out, "I asked you two cunts if there are any questions?!"
Both boys shouted, "No Sir!"
"Don't fucking make me repeat myself! Now get started, your thirty seconds have begun!" TWAP! He smacked Gage on the upper thigh causing him to yelp as Luke turned around and turned on the tap, luxuriating for a moment as the warm water sprayed down on his and Gage's naked bodies. Just as he started to drift off, the Scoutmaster barked, "Time! Turn the water off and soap up. Get good and clean and make sure that blonde hair on the sissy gets nice and shiny!"
Still feeling very awkward being watched while they showered, the boys lathered each other up, even remembering to soap up each others' privates. Luke ran his soaped hand down Gage's crack first, and the smaller boys tiny penis was erect as he did the same for Luke, who's own cock, already half hard from fondling Gage's baby smooth skin was now fully erect as he grabbed Gage's "special" shampoo. From its fruity smell Luke guessed it was a girls shampoo, but didn't dare say anything to the younger boy. Naked as he was, and with his long blond hair and completely smooth, he looked kind of girly to Luke. He felt all tingly as he washed the boy's hair and his cock begged to be grabbed, but he kept up his concentration and ignored the impulse under the watchful eye (and crop) of the Scoutmaster.
Soon enough both boys' smooth naked bodies were covered in lather and it was time to rinse off, and John directed them to turn the water back on. The luxury of the warm water rinsing away the filth of the previous 12 hours or so was short lived. All too soon the order was given to turn the water off and head over to the towels and to dry each other off.
"Get every drop off Scouts!" John barked as they toweled each other. Now more vigorously at the Scoutmaster's urging. Both boys blushed as they dried each others' privates off, and both were still partially erect when they were ordered to the area where there underwear for the day was waiting.
Luke noticed that there were two, small, neat piles consisting of a pair of briefs and undershirts. He saw that one contained plain white underwear like he was used to and the other pile was bright yellow, and that the briefs looked different somehow. He didn't know which pile was for which boy, but he hoped somehow that the colored undies were not for him. God I hope those are for the Sissy, I mean Gage. For some reason, the idea of the kid in colored underpants excited him. His cock throbbed in anticipation and to his horror a drop of pre-cum oozed out just as he turned to face the Scoutmaster.
John noticed and just shook his head. "You have absolutely no control do you boy? I bet you want to fuck this little sissy right here and now don't you?"
Gage swallowed hard and gasped and wondered if it was true. What is wrong with all these people? He can't fuck me, he's a boy!
"Parade rest Freckles. Keep your hands off that fucking pathetic dick of yours."
At the Scoutmasters command, Luke placed his hands behind his back and spread his feet two about two feet apart. His cock stood proudly at 45 degrees in front of him, the string of pre cum now hanging about a foot down. His faced burned as red as the small triangle that was his pubic bush.
"All right Sissy, you first, the yellow underwear is yours, put it on."
Gage looked at the bright yellow underwear and sighed. Why couldn't he have regular underwear like the big kid? Still, he picked up the bottoms to put on and only then realized that they were very different from what he was used to. They were briefs, but they were quite a bit smaller than normal. When he pulled them on, he also noticed that the fly was different as well. He didn't know that they were from Denmark, and quite astonished at how tight they were and he had trouble even packing his modest package of boy equipment into the front. Both John and Luke noticed how tight they were and how they sculpted his little boy butt. The undershirt was very different as well, with very short sleeves and being equally as tight.
"Tuck that shirt in boy! Remember your proper dress rules!" WHAP! John accented his reminder with a shot of his crop across the back of Gage's exposed thighs.
"AYIEE!" Gage screeched and then furiously moved to tuck in the already tight undershirt. He was still rubbing his thighs when he though he felt almost more naked wearing this then if he had no clothes at all.
"Stand in front of your fellow scout and show him how pretty you look boy! Give him a show, he obviously thinks your sexy!"
Luke was blushing even harder now, but his cock bounced with anticipation. Gage tentatively walked slowly before Luke then stood there, his hands instinctively covering his tight yellow covered package.
"Put your hands on your head and turn around slowly boy. Let him see those sexy girly buns of yours!" The Scoutmaster barked.
Gage put his hands on his head and did as he was told. His faced burned as his own cocklet strained at the tight euro boy briefs he was wearing. Worse was he could see that both the Scoutmaster and the other boy were ogling him. He could see Luke's dick actually moving and dripping, and the size of the bulge in the man's pants was frightening!
"Freckles you will NOT make another mess on my floor. Since it's Blondie here's fault, he can help you out." WHAP! The crop landed on the back of Gage's knee, evoking another shriek and causing the lad to jump.
"On your knees Sissy. Catch that dick snot in your mouth, and suck your fellow scout off!
Gage couldn't believe what he just heard and the horror of it caused him to freeze.
Another blow directly on his ass caught his attention. The very thin cotton of his briefs did little to cushion the blow. WHAP!
"I said on your fucking knees are you deaf or stupid?!"
The small scout scrambled to his knees, inches away from Luke's bobbing drooling cock.
"Freckles, you will come to the position of present. That is the same as the position you are in of parade rest, with the exception that you will now put your hands behind your head instead of your back. You will remember this and come to the position when ordered. Do so now!"
Luke moved into the position as ordered, and was now standing with his legs apart, and his hands behind his head with his cock and armpits exposed toward the front. He was trying his best to think of anything else but how he appeared at the moment with his cock dripping in front of himself.
Satisfied with the boys position, the Scoutmaster returned his attention to Gage. "I thought I told you to take care of your fellow scout's problem. Suck up that dick drool now boy! Or would you like to join him in punishment tonight?"
Scared as he was, Gage was even more afraid of the ominous sounding "punishment". As if the spankings and smacks he was already receiving weren't? He screwed up his courage and opened his mouth and got it under the stream of pre-cum hanging from Luke's little mushroom head. He licked upward until his tongue ran across Luke's piss slit, electing a moan from the older boy.
The Scoutmaster walked around behind Luke and looked over the red head down at Gage, whose little puppy dog eyes were looking up at the man. "That's more like it. Now wrap those pretty little sissy lips around his dick and start licking and sucking on it like it's a lollypop!"
Gage's eyes grew large, but he remembered Luke's warning about having to do "sex stuff", so he did as he was told and started licking. He was pretty clumsy at it, but to Luke, or more appropriately Luke's cock, it didn't matter. Even though he had cum less than an hour before, he was fully rock hard and getting more aroused by the second.
John pressed his body into Luke from behind and talked into his ear. "Look at him boy. The perfect little cock slut to suck on you. I bet you would love to share his tent at scout camp. You would have had him in your sleeping bag from the first night I bet."
Luke's eyes watered, and he shook his head "no" slightly, but he wondered...
"I have a deal for you Freckles." John whispered in his ear. "If you can last two full minutes of little Blondie here sucking on your unit without cumming, I will erase your punishment tonight and you can start with a clean slate." John cupped Luke's butt with one hand and started caressing his right nipple with the other causing a quiet whimper. "You need to learn control boy, so I am giving you the chance right now. This little sissy is nowhere near as good a cocksucker as you are yet, so I am going to let him practice on you."
John looked down to Gage, who's eyes were now closed as he tried not to think about what he was doing. He used the crop on Gage's ass to get his attention. WHAP! "Eyes open boy!"
"OUCH!" Screeched Luke as Gage had accidentally bit on his cock when he got smacked.
"Both of you, look at each other. Sissy, you will look at the boy you are sucking. You are showing your subservience to him. You are the lowest member of this troop and you will suck every single cock that is offered to you, and you will drink every last drop of cum that is offered to you. It is your place!"
"Freckles, look down at the little sissy on your knob. Look at those pretty pink lips. Look how wet and shiny your little dick is now! LOOK!"
The two boys eyes met, and each had his own thoughts. Luke did like the look of his dick sliding in and out of Gage's mouth. His lips did look good. God I am horrible! Oh man, that feels good, suck it sissy!
Gage on the other hand, found the cock didn't taste bad or anything, but he felt so wicked, and wondered if he was so wicked, why was his own modest cock fighting for freedom in the tight tiny yellow briefs. His knees hurt and he had to grab Luke's bare legs for balance as the older boy started thrusting his cock at him. This is so wrong...ooohh, why do I feel like this.
"You've lasted 1 minute Red. 1 minute to go. Impress me." John whispered. He started rubbing his palm around Luke's right nipple again, smiling as he felt the little nub harden at his touch. "The Patrol Leader told me you like your tits played with boy. You are one horny little bitch aren't you."
The man's hot breath in his ear, along with the titty manipulation was driving Luke crazy with lust, not to mention the amateur blow job. His breathing quickened. He had to hold out. Come on Luke, just one more minute....Oh shit!
John had spread his ass open and was running a finger across his hole. "I bet your pussy is nice and tight Red. I just love fucking a red headed boy scout." Luke's legs started shaking. "I wonder what the sissy will think when he sees you getting penetrated for the fist time?"
At those words, Luke's cock erupted with force. Gage was not expecting it and his mouth was quickly flooded with boy cum and he fell backwards coughing and sputtering. Three more huge ropes burst out of Luke's dick as he collapsed into the Scoutmasters strong arms.
"Ah, too bad Freckles. You only had 10 seconds to go." John lowered Luke to the floor to let him recover. He walked over to get a cold rag. "Of course, your punishment will be held as scheduled, but...Stand up boy."
Luke was trying to control himself as he stood, vowing not to cry. They are going to fuck me! I don't want to be fucked...Do I? John wrapped the cold cloth around his cock, cleaning it off and shrinking it at the same time. Just then, Bryan appeared with the two bulls of mush for the boys.
"Ah, just in time Patrol Leader, get the sissy cleaned up, teeth brushed and hair groomed then into his uniform. I have to help this scout along with some self control." The Scoutmaster pulled Luke toward an equipment cabinet by his now shriveled cock. Tears were falling down Luke's face, but he remained silent as he was led.
He watched in fear as the man opened a cabinet that contained all kinds of devices that Luke could only imagine the use for, until he settled on a small device. "Since you can't control that dick boy, I am going to control it for you. This," he held up some sort of clear plastic tube with odd holes in it toward Luke, "is the latest in boy chastity. I used to use a belt when the Patrol Leader was your age, but this is a little more modern."
Luke winced as the Scoutmaster unceremoniously shoved his now tiny cock into the tube, then shoved his acorn sized balls through solid ring at the base. The man next grabbed a tiny pad lock that secured the device around his penis. He looked down and saw that the hard tube would not allow his dick to expand at all and would keep it bent downward. He would not be about to touch or feel his cock at all!
John stood back and admired the tiny cock locked in the clear plastic prison. "That should keep your brain on the task at hand Scout. You can still piss, but you will have to squat. From now on you will have to earn the right to cum, until you can prove you can control yourself." He flicked Luke's dick, watching it dangle in its prison. "Very nice. Now get your underwear on and get over to the sink boy and I will show you what I expect your hair to look like every day!" Of course the evil Scoutmaster knew that the device would cause the boy to be kept in a constant state of near arousal and frustrate the hell out of the kid. He smiled to himself as he watched the boy walk awkwardly toward his underwear.
Trying not to sob openly, Luke replied almost in a whisper, "Yes sir," and pulled his briefs on over his dick. The device made his cock stick out prominently in his pants, even though he was being forced to keep it down. He pulled on the standard white t shirt, tucked it in and started to walk slowly toward the sink and mirror, conscious of how his now tiny encased cock felt as he walked. He could already feel it trying to expand within its prison. Oh shit how am I going to handle this?
When Luke got to the sink, Bryan was watching Gage brush his long hair out in front of the mirror. The small lad had eagerly brushed his teeth with gusto, trying to remove any trace of the vile fluids he had been made to ingest in the last day. Finally Bryan had yanked the toothbrush from his mouth and ordered him to spit, then floss. He had to brush his hair at least 100 times he was reminded. Now as Gage's hair was drying as he brushed it out under Bryan s watchful gaze, Luke was taken by how blonde and shiny the boy's long hair looked, and well, how sexy it looked on the boy in his bright yellow underwear. He felt his cock trying to expand painfully now.
John smacked him in back of the head. "Don't perv on your fellow scout while he gets ready for inspection. You have your grooming to worry about. Now brush your fucking teeth!"
Blushing, Luke answered "Yes sir," and grabbed the brush that had been left out for him. He was not always the best at brushing his teeth, but did his best under the Scoutmasters gaze to do a good job. When told to floss, he had only a limited idea of how to do it and didn't do very well. The man slapped the floss out of Luke's fingers and wrench his head around and peered into the startled boy's mouth.
"Shit son, when was the last time you went to the dentist?"
Luke felt a sense of shame. His parents couldn't afford a dentist, and would probably rather spend the money on themselves if they could anyways. "I don't know sir, " he replied meekly.
"You don't know, or you have never been?"
Embarrassed, Luke whispered, "I've never been sir."
The Scoutmaster grunted, then slapped Luke across the face, leaving a red cheek to the shocked boy.
"When I ask a fucking question Scout, you answer with the truth. It's obvious that your parents didn't give a shit about your teeth. I do. No scout of mine is going to have bad oral hygiene. I am going to arrange for am exam here soon from a friend who is also our dentist. Now let's get your hair in order."
Luke was shocked from the slap, and it did hurt, but the words about his parents hurt more, mostly because it was true. He remembered when he was little that his mother did care, but after his dad left them, and then she remarried, she seemed to care more about where the next bottle was coming from along with her new husband, his step dad. He was also slightly scared about seeing a dentist after remembering the chair on the other side of the hut. He was shaken from his stupor by John picking up the brush and handing it to him.
"Let's get you looking like a real scout son." The man's tone had changed instantly from authoritarian to fatherly.
The Scoutmaster showed Luke how to get a big glob of crew wax into his hand and then work it into his hair. He then showed the boy how to work his hair into the perfect flat top, with his short bright red hair standing straight up off of his freckled head. Looking in the mirror at the bright white underwear clad boy with the short hair staring back at him, reminded him of the boys he secretly looked at in the old Sears catalogs of his mom! His dick twitched uncomfortably in its plastic prison.
"That is the standard boy. If your hair is not groomed to his standard it is a demerit during your morning inspection is that clear?"
"Yes sir!"
"Good, the same goes for your fellow scout here. His pretty blonde locks better be perfectly brushed and straight every morning. You will help him with this if he can't do it on his own. Seeing as his mommy probably has combed his hair his whole life I am sure he will need it!"
Gage got angry, but not because what the Scoutmaster said was not true, but actually because it was! His mother had still insisted on grooming him, picking out what he would wear for the day etc., even when he was now in 6th grade!
"This is taking way to fucking long. Get to your cell and get dressed! Red, your uniform has been tailored to better suit you. Sissy, I have chosen a new uniform for you that is more befitting your status in the troop! You will both notice as well that your shoes have been replaced with shoes that are more appropriate for a scout. For now you will continue to wear your shower shoes until you have shined your new ones to a degree that is appropriate. You will be given time after breakfast for that. Preliminary inspection in five minutes. For inspection purposes, you will wear your cover indoors. Move quickly, but DO NOT RUN!"
Both boys walked as quickly as they dared to the cell. Luke saw his uniform (minus the insignia that had been ripped off of it the day prior) neatly folded on his cot. He also noticed the uniform laid out of Gage. The yellow underwear now made sense as it would off set the blue of the cub uniform folded neatly on his bed.
When Gage got to his bed he stopped short. A cub scout uniform? I'm 12 not 8! Tears of shame and humiliation welled at the thought of wearing such a "little boys" uniform, but he saw Luke giving him a warning glance and swallowed what little pride he had left. He had never been a cub scout, having held off his mothers will for him to join a group until this year. He thought the whole business was silly even back then. Now, he was wishing he had known more about being a scout before he got on that ill fated bus!
"Scout Freckles, you will ensure that the cub is in proper uniform, or you will both get demerits. After today, he will be responsible for his own dressing." The Scoutmaster warned.
Gage wanted to scream out that he could get dressed himself, but quickly realized he needed help with the funny belt buckle that was on the shorts as he pulled them on. He also noticed that the dark blue shorts were tight and very short, with the hemline just below the bottom of the front pocket. While most boys shorts of that time were short by modern standards, these would have raised eyebrows. He also saw that his dark blue knee socks had garter straps with them, which he had no idea how to use.
Partially dressed , he watched as Luke put his own shorts on, seeing also that they had been shortened considerably. Both boys looked at each other, thinking the same. Both also knew there was nothing they could do about it either. Luke was embarrassed that he liked watching the small boy put on the cub uniform, curious to see what he would look like.
As Luke pulled his shorts on, he was looking at Gage, wondering if his own legs would look as exposed as the younger scouts. Probably, he figured. The altered shorts were much shorter and seemed to be a bit tighter in his seat. They wouldn't need a belt, but of course, it was part of the uniform. Before putting his shirt on, he told Gage to put his shirt on before zipping his shorts up or they wouldn't fit inside. He had been thorough enough uniform inspections with his own troop to know the drill, even with his second hand uniform. He quickly donned his shirt and tucked it in, but had a bit of trouble zipping up the fly of his tight shorts over his chastity device. He arranged his gig line, (the alignment of the shirt, belt buckle, and trouser fly), then sat on the bed and carefully pulled on the long green knee socks up over the tops of his knees, putting on the garter straps, then folding the cuff over the top. Painfully aware of the welts from earlier in the morning, he w as super careful after standing to ensure that his socks were perfectly aligned, and that the garter tabs were perfectly positioned.
Gage was blushing when the older scout came over and helped him tuck his shirt in. Is he touching me down there on purpose? He wondered. Still he was grateful as he had no idea what a "gig line" was and let the older boy arrange it all for him.
"Now pull your socks on Gage. All the way like this," Luke had the boy sitting on his bed and with shaking hands pulled the first sock up the boys smooth leg, over his knee. He felt his cock straining in its prison. I shouldn't like this so much dammit! Then you put the garter around just under you knee, making sure it's tight enough not to let your sock fall, and make sure this yellow tab here goes on the outside. There! Now you do the other." Luke instructed standing back up and putting on his shower shoes. As terrifying as the thought of an inspection was, he was hungry!
Under Luke's watchful eye, Gage put on his remaining sock, arranging them to be even just like Luke's. He also put on the shower shoes, and then felt humiliated as Luke placed the cub scout cap on his head. Looking at himself in the mirror in the cell he was mortified to find that he indeed looked like an 8 year old boy in this getup! Why am I so small? It's not fair!
Luke, who was also looking at the boy was having similar but also different thoughts. He did look like a little boy, but kind of girly with that long blond hair falling from under the cap. It must be that bale white smooth skin...Fuck my dick hurts! What the hell is wrong with me? Trying to think of something else, Luke pulled on the beret he was given to wear and adjusted in the mirror, standing behind Gage. He put his hand on the cubs shoulder and whispered. "It's OK, you look good in that uniform, really! Let me help you get your kerchief on." Luke placed the bright yellow cub kerchief over the boy and adjusted it. He then put his own on ensuring it was the same exact length of Gage's.
Gage was uncomfortable with the overly familiar touch of the older boy, but at the same time grateful for the physical contact. He was getting frustrated with all the weird feelings he had been having. He had to put his hand in his pants to adjust his tiny dick inside the tight underwear. He was getting an erection!
He was trying to figure out how ask Luke if that was normal when the Scoutmasters bark stopped him cold.
"Time's up. Inspection! You will both come to attention at the foot of your racks!" The Scoutmaster was wearing white gloves and holding a ruler, while the Patrol Leader held a clipboard and pen next to him.
Both boys scrambled to attention at the foot of their respective beds, frightened. The Scoutmaster looked at both boys before turning his gaze to Luke. "The senior scout will be first. Scout Freckles, take one step forward."
"Yes sir Scoutmaster!" Luke replied as forcefully as he could, hoping that Gage would emulate him. He took one step forward as ordered and kept his gaze forward as he felt the Scoutmasters eyes upon him.
John was actually impressed. Both with his son's tailoring abilities, and how well this lad wore his uniform. He had to keep his own sexual thoughts in control as he admired the boy in his newly revealing uniform. He liked the prominence of the boys modest package sticking out from the tight shorts, as well as how much leg he was now showing. He bent down and held the ruler to the back of the boys socks, pleased that they were perfectly aligned. He measured the cuffs of his socks, and was pleased that they were exactly the same. He also noticed, surprised, that his gig line was perfect.
He grunted. "Well your last Scoutmaster must have done something right boy. You have passed your preliminary. As long as you can do this every inspection you have nothing to worry about. Step back and assume parade rest."
Luke swallowed, incredibly relieved and stepped back as ordered. He tried not to get caught looking as Gage was ordered forward.
The boy's knees bare knees were knocking as he was put under the same scrutiny. He was hoping to hear the same verdict, but it was not to be.
"First off, your cover is not on straight boy, this is not a ball cap. It is meant to be worn on the back of the head like this..." The Scoutmaster repositioned the school boy style cap further back on his head before bending down with the ruler. "The cuff on your left sock is one half inch larger than the right." He stood back up and looked at the boy's crotch, then held the ruler vertically against it. "Your gig line is off!" Gage bit his lip. He didn't check it after putting his hand in his pants to adjust his dick, which had lost its erection at this point. "That would be three demerits. Hold out your hands palms facing up."
Gage reluctantly put his hands as ordered. They were shaking. The Scoutmaster raised the ruler and brought it down hard on the boy's left palm. WHACK! Gage yelped and yanked his hands back instinctively.
"PUT YOUR HANDS BACK OUT BOY!" The Scoutmaster grabbed the boys hands and pulled them back out, and kept his grip on his right wrist. WHACK! Gage Grimaced and his lip started quivering as he fought to hold back the tears as the fire of pain slowly burned his palms where the ruler had struck.
"You have a ruler in your drawer to aid you in alignment and measurement of your uniforms. I suggest you use it." The Scoutmaster admonished. "Freckles, hold out your left hand."
Luke had to fight his brain to comet to attention and make his hand come out as ordered. The sound of the ruler striking the little kids flesh had sounded very painful. He did his best to keep his eyes forward and not flinch when the Scoutmaster delivered the blow to his own palm. WHACK!
He bit down hard and did not cry out, although his eyes did water up as he returned to the position of parade rest.
"I will not have the Patrol Leader record these demerits as it is your first inspection. Let this immediate correction be a lesson. You need to help each other. I expect better next time," John lectured the boys, And you," he bent down and got right in Gage's face. "When I am punishing you, you do not pull back your hand, or flinch, or shy away. I know you are a spoiled little sissy, but if you want to advance, you need to follow your fellow scout here's example." Gage was sniffing and trying not to cry again. The Scoutmaster scared him to death. "Do I make myself clear?"
"Y, y, yes sir Scoutmaster sir, " he managed to croak out.
"Very well, Patrol Leader, go get their chow." He turned to the boys. " Take your cover off. You have 15 minutes to eat your chow and reflect upon your failures. After breakfast you will have one hour to shine your new shoes. You will both be re inspected before the rest of the days activities, which include your official troop photographs, setting up your closets, then rules study and housekeeping. It's already late so there will be no mid day meal for you two. The dinner meal will be at 1700 hours, which is 5 pm. in case you don't know it. At 1800 hours, the first punishment ceremony will be held." At this point Bryan was at the cell with the two bowls of now tepid mush. He placed them on the small table that was in the cell, along with a full canteen of water for each.
"Carry on!" The Scoutmaster ordered, backing out of the cell and allowing the boys to eat. "You will drink the entire canteen of water. That is an order!"
Both boys sat on their beds and attacked their bowls. Gage making an ugly face, but still eating quickly as he was very hungry. Luke was surprised. The mush still didn't taste good, but he could tell their was sugar in it this time at least, and in little time, both boys had polished off their meal, neither having any problem draining the canteen to help wash the mush down.
"Leave your bowls, and go use the toilet if you have to. You will not have another latrine break for at least two hours, so I suggest you evacuate now!"
Both boys almost ran to the toilet. Luke was embarrassed as he had to squat in front of the little kid to pee through his chastity device, but he needed to go, and never really had a problem peeing in front of any other boys. Gage on the other hand had a harder time, knowing he was being watched by Luke as the older boy pulled up his shorts. Luke knew he shouldn't stare at the poor kid, but he got a thrill seeing the kids tiny wiener make water, which finally happened when Luke turned on a faucet to wash his hands.
When they returned to the cell, it was just the Scoutmaster there, Bryan having taken the dirty dishes away as well as to refill the canteens. John handed Gage his new shoes. They were small boys bulky black dress shoes, that had two straps with Velcro instead of laces to fasten them. Again they looked more appropriate for an 8 year old versus an almost teenager. Gage knew better to complain however and took them.
Luke was given dark brown lace up leather dress shoes. They would have been standard boys wear if it was still 1965, but no one he knew would ever wear something like them. He also knew better to say anything however.
The Scoutmaster lectured them. "These are your shoes that you will wear every day. Athletic shoes are only to be worn during exercise or civilian dress days, which I will grant when I feel you have earned it. These shoes will always be highly shined, and failure to keep them in top shape will result in demerits and or instant punishment." He pointed to a small wooden box in the middle of the cell floor. "In that box are everything you need to keep them serviceable. You will of course use your own spit as well. If I do not see myself in your shoes in sixty minutes, there will be consequences. GO!"
Both boys scrambled to their beds and opened the box. Luke handed Gage the black polish and took the brown. He had never had dress shoes, but had seen some of the older kids in his troop that had cool army boots and had an idea how to do it. He smeared some of the polish on a shoe then spit on it and started rubbing. It started to shine, but he had a lot of work to do and knew it.
Gage was seething. He had always had a housekeeper to shine his church shoes for him, (which of course had laces!) and thought this was beneath him. Who needs shiny shoes in the darned scouts! He watched Luke, disgusted at the thought of spitting on his shoe, but did his best to copy him, too proud to actually ask.
After an hour, Luke's brown dress shoes had almost a mirror shine to them, and he looked over at Gage. The boy was yet again in tears as no matter how he tried, the small black shoes looked like an old bowling ball, plus the poor kids hand and face were smudged with polish. He hadn't realized he had already spent too much time on his own shoes and was about to offer to help when Bryan came in calling time.
"You will stop immediately, put on your shoes and stand for inspection!" The Patrol Leader ordered.
Luke quickly put on the shoes, making sure the bows matched and stood. He would have to let the kid fend for himself. This kid is dragging me down with him dammit!
What he didn't realize of course, is that was exactly what the Scoutmaster was planning.
Gage had fumbled with the straps, but managed to get the little shoes fastened before standing next to Luke just as the Scoutmaster entered the cell. John again started with Luke and was surprised at how good the shoes actually looked. He had bought them the night before, thinking the brown would look good with the green socks. It reminded him of his own scouting days as a youth in the 50s.
"You continue to impress me Scout," he said to Luke. "Once we get that cock of yours under control, you might make something of your self." He moved over to stand in front of Gage, who was trembling. "You obviously have no fucking idea what you are doing boy. Should I just buy you some little girl patent leather Mary Janes? Would that be easier?" His voice was rising.
"N, no sir. I've never done this before sir. I just need more time..."
"About a month by the looks of it!" John screamed. "Take off your fucking shoes boy. If it wasn't picture day, I would make you sit here until it is done correctly but we don't have time." He turned to Luke. "I take back what I just said, you let the sissy fail. You will polish the sissy's shoes for him and they will be as highly shined as yours, is that clear?
"Yes sir!" Answered Luke, trying not to show his displeasure.
"By tomorrow you will have instructed him on how to properly shine shoes, and he will shine the entire troops shoes for the next month to ensure he has it down. For now, " he turned to Bryan, "Take the little sissy and get him cleaned up. Don't' fuck up his uniform we need it to be perfect for pictures."
"Freckles, you fucked up. You should have seen he wasn't doing well and helped him earlier. We will take care of that error tonight though. For now get to work."
"Yes sir Scoutmaster!" Luke wanted to cry. That wasn't fair! He sat down dejectedly and spat on Gage's shoe. Somehow I am going to get you for this you fucking worthless sissy! He didn't even realize he was starting to think of Gage as just "the sissy". God I want to touch my cock! He grabbed at this crotch through the tight shorts, frustrated that he felt nothing. He started furiously polishing the sissy's shoe...
By the time Bryan had washed Gage's face (making Gage feel even more humiliated. being washed like a little kid), Luke had successfully buffed the black shoes to a high shine, and Bryan had him fasten them onto the boys feet, further embarrassing him them both, as Luke couldn't help glance up at boys small package that the tight blue uniform shorts did little to hide.
The scoutmaster was again setting up the camera at his "studio" area. He was confident that the "Before and After" transformation of the boys in just one day would be spectacular on film, capturing their beauty, and pensiveness on film. This would pay off handsomely as the pictures over time would get more and more graphic!
He had both boys come over and proceeded to photograph them for the next hour, both alone and together. He started with basic portraits, but soon had them bending over with the tight shorts toward the camera both solo and next to each other. He had them hold hands, then each looking at the camera while touching each other's crotch or ass or anything else he or Bryan could think of. He finished the set by having both boys strip to their underwear, leaving on their shoes and socks and neckerchiefs, as well as don their hats. Gage was fully erect from the experience as Luke would certainly have been at full mast were his cock not imprisoned in his chastity device. His face was again the same shade as his hair though as they were put through all the same poses again. They both felt like it was worse than being fully nude somehow. It was just dirty.
When John exhausted his stock of film for the day and put the lens cap on, both boys were flush. Luke was sexually frustrated, and Gage was experiences a range of emotions he couldn't even understand. John looked at his watch and surprised how much time had passed. It was almost 1400 already. He loved taking photos, but he and his son needed lunch.
Both boys were grateful when told to get dressed again and spend the next 3 hours in their cell. They each had to drink a full canteen and study the rule book. It was suggested that Luke help Gage get squared away in this time as well. This gave John time to do some quick development and make some calls, while Bryan had to take care of the basic farm chores, and get the boys dinner ready. After that, punishment time!
The Scoutmaster locked the cell door and left the two boys alone in the hut.
Gage was rubbing his hands where the ruler had struck. "It's not fair, I ..."
"SHUT UP!" Luke screamed at him standing up. "Of course it isn't fair you dumbshit. But we have to do what they want. We don't' have a choice. I have tried to tell you this but you are just too fucking stupid. You are a spoiled little bitch!"
Luke was about to lay into him even more when he saw the kid start crying. He collapsed on his own bed. "Stop it. Look I'm sorry, but you need to try harder to just go along with them. Somebody has to be looking for us, and if we want to live, we have to cooperate with them, at least until we have a better chance of escaping."
"I, I'm sorry. I am trying. I've never been good at this kind of stuff. I don't like it!" Gage whined.
Luke sat up, "Well you'd better start. Take your shoes off and give em here. Get the shine kit, and let me show you how to do it right. I don't want my hand smacked again."
Gage pulled off his shoes and grabbed the kit. Luke started to demonstrate how to use spit, polish and cotton balls to get a good shine on the leather shoes.
After a while the boys filled each other in on their back story. Luke still didn't like the kid that much, and was sure in any other situation he would probably hate him. He was in fact a spoiled rich brat, and didn't even realize how snotty most of his pronouncements were. Still, they were in this together. "I'm sorry I had to spurt in your mouth this morning. It's just the things they do and say just make me so fucking horny," Luke offered.
Gage wrinkled his face. "Sex stuff is just, I don't know, it's wicked!" he said.
"Then why was your little dick so hard when I was washing you this morning?" Luke grinned at him, causing the smaller boy to blush.
He didn't have an answer. Sex had to be wicked because that's what his mother taught him.
Luke pressed him. "Didn't you like it when you felt all funny yesterday. When you had an orgasm?"
"No!" Gage shook his head vigorously, yet his pricklett got hard at the memory.
Luke didn't press him further. He would get the kid to enjoy sex soon he thought, weather he would admit it or not, and he felt wicked himself for even thinking that. He grabbed the hard plastic surrounding his dick, frustrated again at not being able to feel himself.
"Shit!" He said in exasperation. "OK, I think you can do a decent job now, clean this stuff up and let's quiz each other on the rules. Remember when you hear that door open, we need to check each others uniforms, and then get to attention. Make sure your socks are pulled up tight, and next time we can use the ruler to measure your cuffs before inspection. "
Gage, for once, didn't argue or complain. Studying was actually something he was good at. They spent the rest of the afternoon trying to memorize the "manual". Quizzing kept Luke's mind off of the mysterious "punishment" he was about to receive. He didn't want to think about it.
All too soon, they both heard the door bang open, and they both snapped up, helped each other make sure they were squared away and stood at attention at the feet of their beds.
The Scoutmaster came down the stairs, followed by the Patrol Leader, who was carrying a large tray. He stood to the side of the cell door, while the Scoutmaster opened it up and silently gave both nervous boys the once over.
"Scouts, you may be at ease. That means you may relax, but stay standing. Tonight you get spaghetti for dinner. You will get more privileges of better food depending on your behavior and performance." He motioned Bryan to bring in the tray. "You also each get one glass of milk. Enjoy your supper, we have to get the stage ready." Once Bryan had set the food down, he backed out and the boys were left in the cell to eat their dinner.
Even though it had been only one day, the meal seemed to be the best either boy had eaten in weeks after the two previous meals of gruel. They were too busy eating to notice their captors setting up still camera and video equipment and lights around the opposite wall of the bathing area where the two large beams and all the pulleys and chains were set up.
Bryan was told to arrange two cinder blocks vertically about two feet apart under a trapeze bar that was hanging from a cable attached to a large pulley. The trapeze bar had several sets of sturdy leather cuffs attached to it by small lengths of chain. John was using a light meter to set exposure as well as setting up several remote cables to the still cameras. He then had his son help him move the heavy "boy stocks" into place in front of the "stage area" about 6 feet back. Once he was satisfied everything was set, he nodded to Bryan, who left to change into his "punishment" uniform after retrieving the dishes from the boys.
"Both of you may now use the toilet, then you will get ready for the punishment ceremony. Freckles, I suggest you take a shit. Afterward you will return to your cell and strip to your punishment uniform. Sissy, can you tell me what your fellow scout's punishment uniform consists of?"
Gage felt like a deer caught in the headlights. Still, he remembered this from the manual. He was about to answer, when Luke motioned for him to stand first. Silently thanking him, Gage snapped to attention and replied. "Sir, the Scout's punishment uniform consists of his cover, neckerchief, socks and shoes sir, all worn as prescribed in the general uniform regulation section of the manual SIR!"
The Scoutmaster grunted. "Well, the Sissy is actually good for something, he can read! Very good boy, you are correct. You will wear your class C uniform for Freckle's punishment. Now both you get ready. You have 10 minutes."
Gage walked as quickly as he could to the toilet. He had really had to pee after all that water and then milk. Luke followed much more slowly, the butterflies in his stomach get worse with each step. When Gage was done peeing, he dropped his shorts and underwear and humiliating himself once again, he squatted over the toilet to drain his bladder. He tried to take a shit, but couldn't, embarrassing himself even more by farting loudly. Frustrated and scared, he gave up and went back to the cell to get ready.
Just as he was taking his shirt off the Patrol Leader returned. He was wearing his "enforcer" uniform of black leather shorts with a red stripe down the side, and the biggest black leather boots Luke had ever seen. They were loggers boots that went all the way to the Patrol Leaders knees, with just the red top of his socks showing above them. He had no shirt, but wore a wide studded black leather harness that circled his chest and shoulders. He carried a small leather thing that looked like some kind of whip to Luke, whose insides were turning to water as he stripped his own tight shorts off over his shoes.
The Scoutmaster left Bryan in charge as he himself went upstairs to change. Luke's hands were shaking as he pulled off his briefs under Bryan and Gage's stares. Worse yet, as scared as he was, he could feet his dick straining at its prison. Once he was undressed and Gage was down to his class C uniform (pretty much the same as Luke but with his briefs on and no hat), Bryan order both boys to stand at attention on either side of the stocks, facing the wall. They could both hear but not see the Scoutmaster re enter the hut (really more of a dungeon for that night) as his heavy boots clicked along the stairs.
When Luke saw the man take his place next to his son, he was glad he had at least pissed, because he was afraid he would have had his own accident. The Scoutmaster was wearing tight leather pants with the same strip that his son's shorts had, and they were tucked into tall black leather boots as well, but unlike Bryan's these were more like the boots Luke saw the guys on "CHiPs" wear. He also was topless but for a harness and Luke was in awe of the size of the muscles on the man. He then pulled what looked like an executioners mask on, and handed one to his son, who put it on as well.
The ominous looking pair, father and son made both boys start to shake. Luke wanted to run away, but couldn't will himself to try. His dick hurt.
"Scout Freckles, previously known as Luke Jones, step forward." the Scoutmaster ordered.
Luke was panting as he stepped forward.
"You have now numerous times achieved orgasm without permission from your superiors. Is this a correct statement?"
"Y,y,y,y, yes sir."
"Very well. As you have now figure out, there are consequences for infractions in this troop, and you must be punished. You will proceed forward and stand on the cinder blocks facing away from the wall. Do you require assistance?"
Swallowing Luke answered. "No sir, I will do it." He slowly approached the blocks and stood up as ordered, so he was standing feet apart, about 18 inches off of the floor on the blocks.
"Patrol Leader, secure the Scout!"
"Sir!" Bryan clicked his heavy boots and brought over a small step ladder next to Luke, who for now was standing unsteadily with his hands at his sides. Bryan grabbed the hanging control for the winch and hit a button. The trapeze above Luke's head slowly lowered down until the trapeze was just above his head. Bryan climbed the ladder and took one of Luke's wrists, the boy allowing himself to be restrained to the bar. The masked Patrol Leader moved the ladder to his other side and grinned evilly from the masked at Luke as he very tightly secured this other wrist. Once he was satisfied he got off the ladder and put it aside before hitting the winch button.
Luke was looking straight ahead at Gage's face as he felt his arms being slowly raised above him. Before they got very far above his head though, Bryan stopped. He went over and whispered something to the Scoutmaster who nodded his approval. Bryan quickly ran to the other side of the room, retrieving something that Luke couldn't see out of one of the cabinets, then running back and putting the step ladder directly in front of Luke.
"Sissy, get up here and lick the scouts titties." Bryan ordered.
Gage looked confused. Girls have titties, not boys!"
The Scoutmaster barked, "Get up there and get your pretty little sissy mouth on his fucking nipple, NOW! Unless you want to swap places with him?"
Gage almost ran up the ladder. He looked at Luke, who looked back at him pleadingly. What else could he do? Gage gingerly flicked his tongue at Luke's small right nub. To Gage's surprise, but not really to anyone else in the room, it almost instantly hardened. He felt Bryan hand on the back of his head. "Get in there kid, lick his fucking tits, get them both nice and hard, go!"
Gage felt his own penis and nipples stiffen as he started licking all over one than the other of Luke nipples. He was very embarrassed at his obviously hard on showing in his tiny yellow briefs when Bryan was satisfied at his job. "Sissy," he ordered, "step out of your underwear and put them in the Scout's mouth."
Mortified at having to be naked again, but seeing no alternative, Gage pulled his tiny bikini over his three inches of lustful shame and blushing as his cock bounced off his tummy, climbed the ladder and held the briefs to Luke's mouth.
Luke was mortified as well. He was so ashamed that at that moment, he was totally turned on by being worked over by this sissy brat. Bryan grabbed his balls and told him to open his fucking mouth, which he did, allowing the younger boy to insert the briefs he had been wearing all day into his mouth. After Gage retreated back, trying to cover his small boner as he walked Bryan climbed the ladder and stuffed the briefs as far as he could into Luke's mouth. Luke was fascinated at how menacing this good looking teen was to him wearing such an intimidating outfit. His cock head was bright purple and leaking, trying to escape its prison. The Patrol Leader gave him an evil grin and whispered, "remember your little friends?" he held up the nipple clamps from the previously evening.
Luke moaned loudly into his underwear gag and felt his cock throb at the sight, but winced as Bryan attached them tightly and tugged on the chain. "Very nice! he got back off the ladder and pulled it aside. He then hit the winch control until Luke's arms were stretched tightly above and out from him and he could feel the weight ever so slightly coming off of his feet. He stopped it just shy of having the boy have to sand on tip toes on the cinder blocks.
"Very good Patrol Leader. Get the pole of punishment!" The Scoutmaster ordered.
"Yes sir!" replied Bryan.
The teen went back to the equipment area and returned with what at first looked to Luke like a microphone stand that a rock singer or something would use. When he got closer however, Luke could feel his knees weaken. It was indeed a microphone stand, a very heavy duty one actually, put it was no microphone on the top. It was a metal dildo pointing straight up, and a very life like looking one!
Bryan placed it right in front of Luke so he could look down on it. "Like it Scout? It is an exact copy of my cock! I made a mold and did it in the barn. Solid bronze!" Bryan bragged.
Luke would have been speechless even if he didn't have a mouthful of sissy brief. Then he remembered the talk about penetration from the morning. He had no illusions about the purpose of this pole. He started whimpering even though his cock was still straining. What the fuck is wrong with me?
Both the Scoutmaster and Bryan got a chuckle at the look on Luke's face. Bryan rubbed his hand over the tip of Luke's penis, which was leaking despite the chastity device. Luke grimaced in lustful pain. "Don't worry Scout, we will make it easy for your first time. The sissy here will get it nice and slick for you."
He stood back and hocked a big loogey on the top of the metal cock. "Sissy, get over here and get your pretty lips around this cock and help slick it up for your brother scout!" Bryan ordered.
Gage was starting opened mouthed at the pole and couldn't make himself move. His own cock was hard beyond belief and he could never remember feeling like this, but he couldn't bring himself to put his mouth on the ting that was covered with the Patrol Leaders phlegm.
"I believe the Sissy needs some help," the Scoutmaster said. "I anticipated as much." The man pulled specially boy sized O ring gag out of his back pocket. "Patrol Leader, if you will, " he motioned at Gage.
Bryan grinned from under the mask and quickly got behind Gage and put him in a headlock, allowing the Scoutmaster to easily insert the ring behind the struggling cubs teeth, forcing his mouth open in an "O" shape and securing the right rubber head harness on him tightly.
Both father and son then frog marched the unwilling boy to the pull and John slowly but surely forced his open mouth over the metal dick until Gage started gagging on it, drooling and spitting all over it. Soon enough Gage stopped fighting and allowed himself to be forced up and down the cock until was shiny with a mix of his and Bryan's juices.
"Very good boy," said the Scoutmaster as he pulled the limp boy off the pole. "Your initial resistance is noted however. You will learn. But for now..." we was dragging the boy toward the stocks.
Bryan raced ahead and opened the top bar allowing his father to place the boys neck and arms into the cut outs. He dropped the heavy top portion down and slid the locking dowel in place, leaving Gage, still gagged and wearing only his kerchief, socks and shoes, facing Luke, who was now drooling out the sides of his gagged mouth.
The Scoutmaster kicked Gage's feet apart, then secured them to the sides of rear of the stocks frame. It was designed for flexibility so that the victim could be kneeling, standing, or any other position the user cared to adjust if for. Gage ended up in a very uncomfortable leaning forward position. He tried to beg for some relief, but just made gurgling sounds around the Gag.
John laughed and ran his finger up the boys exposed ass crack, causing him to squeal and despite himself, get a tiny hard on again. "Your job now is for relief boy. Punishment is hard work!"
Gage couldn't understand what he meant, but then both the Patrol Leader and the Scoutmaster then stood between both boys, and with a nod from the man, both started unsnapping a panel on the front of their leather pants. Gage and Luke's eyes followed the motion and soon saw two large, limp but hungry looking cocks hanging out of their uniforms.
"I think I need to get worked up first sir!" Bryan grinned and walked over to Gage, aiming his hard on and the unwilling but open mouth.
"An excellent idea Patrol Leader!" Laughed John.
Soon Gage was starting at two dripping half erect cocks on either side of him. He closed his eyes and tried to close his mouth to no avail. Soon his mouth was being raped by the pent up Patrol Leader and there was no escape. The older boy had a hand on each side of the stocks and was fucking the hell out of the cub, the sight of the pretty little boy secured in front of him in what was left of his uniform too much for his sixteen year old hormones. Having experienced being on the receiving end in such a device, Bryan knew to pull out before cumming or the boy could choke to death without being able to easily swallow, so when he felt his orgasm building, he waited until the first spurt was flying out of dick to pull out and managed five good solid spurts of jizz to coat the blondes tear stained face.
The Scoutmaster grinned at the sight and barely gave the boy a chance to inhale before putting his own much larger cock in his sons place, stretching the cum faced sissy's mouth to painful limits. John wanted to save his orgasm though, so he just used the boy for a minute or so to get his dick nice and hard and slimy. He pulled out and turned toward Luke, who was watching the mouth rape wide eyed, and deep down, a little jealously. What worried him more is he couldn't figure out who to be jealous of...
Bryan walked toward Luke, his cock still fully erect and Luke compared it unwillingly to the bronze replica in front of him. Shit shit shit...oh Fuck! Oh man! He was whimpering as Bryan smiled at him and waved his cock in his direction as he hit the winch button pulling Luke painfully to his tip toes.
Luke's eyes followed as the teenager drug the heavy base of the pole directly under him. he lost sight of it and he closed his eyes, only to feel the cold slimy tip being jammed up at his hole. His eyes opened wide then and he screamed into the gag.
"Relax boy. I'm not going to fuck you with this, and neither is the Scoutmaster. You are going to do it to yourself." Bryan smiled at the look of confusion on Luke's face and then gently rubbed the boys balls causing another whimper. "Remember," he whispered grinning from behind his mask. "I like to hurt boys sometimes."
He stood back as the Scoutmaster hit the winch button and started to lower Luke off his tip toes while Bryan aligned the dildo perfectly against his virgin hole. Luke immediately figure out the game. If he relaxed and put his weight on his feet, the dildo would penetrate his anus. He immediately stood back on his tip toes, so he could just feel the slimy tip pressing at him. He felt the winch stop, and then watched the Scoutmaster come into view. He walked slowly around the perimeter turning on all the cameras, lights and microphones, so that Luke was temporarily blinded by the bright studio type lights.
As he blinked, he could make out two figures on either side of him. The small shadow, the son, holding the whip Luke had seen earlier, and the father holding his riding crop. Both were spouting huge erections.
The Scoutmaster spoke. "Let the punishment begin. Patrol Leader, you may take the first blow."
Luke started panting into the gag immediately in terror. He saw the terrified face of the cum covered sissy about 8 feet in front of him, who was starting wide eyed at the spectacle in front of him.
"Thank you sir!" he heard and then out of his peripheral vision saw the many tales of the cat in Bryan's hands flying toward him before he heard the sound and felt the first blow that landed across his clamped tits. It took a microsecond for the pain to register and then he howled into the underwear and stood even higher on this tip toes and then panicked as he remembered he had better keep his footing.
The slick soles of the brown dress shoes didn't help and he wobbled around desperate to keep the pressure off the metal cock under him. Bryan laughed at the spectacle and gave the boy time to recover. His hole opening and closing as he fought to keep it out. Finally he recovered.
"Not bad faggot. You only have 19 to go!" laughed Bryan who stood back as the Scoutmaster approached with his crop raised high. Luke's knees started shaking violently as he fought to maintain balance...
To Be Continued
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