The Scoutmaster, Part 6

[ M/m, m/m, m/b, nc, bd, humil, rough ]

by Scout65

Published: 15-Feb-2013

Word Count:

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Luke grabbed the bucket and just about drug poor Gage along for the ride as he went to the sink and started the hot water filling the bucket. He waited for Gage to get the sponges or do anything, but wasn't surprised when the boy just stared at him with big blue doe eyes. Rolling his own, he reached down and grabbed a sponge and shoved it at the boy looked at it like it was radio active! Kid's probably never cleaned a thing in his pampered life, thought Luke, and he was right. Once he mixed in the disinfectant, he got down on his hands and knees and started scrubbing. When Gage hesitated, Luke didn't wait for instructions from the Scoutmaster but yanked him down by his collar and shoved the sponge at him, held his hand while he dunked it in the bucket and started making the boy scrub the floor. He made sure to grip hard enough to hurt so that the blonde took the hint and started scrubbing on his own.

Gage was furious! How dare he make us do this kind of work! At home of course Mrs. Brown their housekeeper always cleaned up after Gage, and he never gave another thought about any kind domestic chores, as he never had to do them. His room was always clean, his bed always made, and his clothes always fresh and pressed. That was what the lower classes were for as his mother explained to him. And now he was on his hands and knees, naked, scrubbing his own piss as well as the Scoutmasters off the floor, naked and chained to another boy. Someone would pay, he thought as he struggled to keep up with the furious scrubbing the older boy was doing. He must be used to it, being poor and all, Gage thought.

In fact Luke was used to it. He learned at an early age if he wanted his bathroom or bedroom cleaned, he would have to do it himself. While of course most young boys didn't mind living in a constant state of untidiness, Luke was a bit different. Ashamed of his poverty, he did his best to take care of what few belongings he had, even though he never brought the few friends he had near his house, he always wanted to be prepared, as the scouts had taught him. Once his mother had seen how nice his room was, it became his job to do the kitchen floor as well. He had also been doing his own laundry since he was 10, after he got made fun of at school for his wrinkled stained clothing that his mom never tried too hard to keep clean or even mended. So he had his own resentment boiling as he scrubbed the floor, and kind of enjoyed yanking the little kid along by his ankle cuff as he tried to do as quick a job as possible with the reward of a shower and a meal. After all he had been through so far, he knew he would need to keep his strength up to keep his mind clear to figure out what his next move would be.

As they scrubbed under the watchful eye of the Scoutmaster, Bryan entered the hut carrying two army surplus tin canteen cups full of the now cold gruel that he had made upstairs in the kitchen. He had used a magic marker to mark each cup so he could keep track of which one contained the right "mix" for each boy. On Luke's he had written "Freckle Face" and on Gage, he had written "Sissy Boy". Luke noticed him entering out of his peripheral vision but didn't dare look up from his assigned task. One thing he noticed though was the lack of the click click sound of his steel tapped boots.

Indeed, Bryan had showered and put on his "night" clothes. He was wearing a plain white bikini brief, more from the collection of European boy's clothed his father had had sent by his Danish friends, along with a plain white sleeveless "muscle" t shirt that was cut off and hemmed right below his chest, leaving his well tanned and teen muscled abdomen bare. He had plain white tube socks that reached his knees and were turned over at the top leaving about a once inch cuff, and was only wearing flip flop type shower shoes. Around his waist however was a black web belt, from which hung his key ring, and fiercely large metal flash light, and several other canvas pouches containing anything he thought might come in handy in controlling his charges. His cane also hung by a lanyard, bouncing against his leg as he came down the stairs.

After he placed the cups of food in the cell he joined his dad watching the boys finish their scrubbing job. When they had finally reached the other end of the floor, both boys were tired, sore, and sweating profusely. Bryan had noticed the sock gags and got the story from the Scoutmaster of why he felt the need to hose both boys down with piss and then shut them up while they scrubbed, which caused Bryan's dick to twitch and made him sorry he wasn't there to join in. Still, he figured he would have plenty of time to try something like that himself!

"All right, not bad for your first chore," John said, "but in the future you will be expected to finish faster and do a more thorough job. I will draw up a written list of your daily chores and what is expected of you soon enough, for now though, both you look and smell like the dirty pigs that you are. Crawl over to the that shower" He pointed to the far corner of the hut. It had originally been a bathroom, but he and his son had removed the walls and door during the remodel, so that now, there was just a toilet (that he had removed the seat from), a bidet (which neither boy had a clue as to what it was or for) a large utility sink, and a shower head in the corner of the room with tile around the corner reaching about six feet high. He had redone the concrete in the area so that the whole bathroom area sloped to a central large drain, that was hooked to a sewer line.

As Luke led Gage, again pulling on the smaller boy, he noticed large metal rings sunk into the concrete around the shower and toilet area, as well as in the concrete walls. He had noticed more of the same ring in the floor at various areas as they scrubbed around, as well as the ominous large wooden apparatus spread about the room. After his time in the bird cage, he had no illusions that there purpose was benign.

Luke stopped just at the shower drain, and could hear both the tap tap of the Scoutmasters boots and the soft flop flop of the Patrol leaders shower shoes as both approached from behind. "On your feet!" barked the Scoutmaster.

Luke stood unsteadily, and helped Gage also stand. Both boy's were grimy, covered in a mix of piss, cum and their own sweat. Coupled with the piss and cum soaked gags causing them to wretch and drool constantly, they both looked and felt miserable. Thankfully, the Scoutmaster started untying Luke's gag, and had Bryan untie Gage's.

"I don't want to hear a peep, or I will shit on them and put them back in!" Growled John with sufficient fierceness that both boys wouldn't dare. Luke wanted to spit out the vile taste in his mouth, but instead just tried to look as stoic as he could. Gage looked terrified and his lower lip quivered, but he just swallowed and kept quiet.

"Place your hands out in front of you." John ordered. "Patrol Leader, cuff them both, then undo the leg irons."

As the boys obeyed and Bryan cuffed them both tightly with juvenile sized hand cuffs, then bent down and released their ankles. Meanwhile, John retrieved two sets of cheap dime store flip flops from a storage cabinet that he had stocked with supplies and returned.

"You will both now take off any remaining clothing, shoes, socks, garters etcetera and place them over in the sink with Red's socks. Next you will put on these shower shoes. You are not allowed to ever be barefoot in this room unless I specifically say you are. After that you will both face the wall under the shower. You have 20 seconds. MOVE!"

The only clothing Luke had on was the neckerchief and his sock garters and shoes, so even with his hands cuffed, he had no trouble in quickly stripping and putting on the flip flops. Seeing that gage was fumbling in his handcuffs to even get his heavy shoes untied, he went over and just ripped both off the boys feet, before helping him pull off his socks. Since his collar was locked on, Luke figured that would stay. He quickly pulled Gage along with him after he put on his flip flops and faced the wall.

He was waiting for one of them to hopefully turn on the shower and wash away some of the filth, but he wasn't prepared for the blast of cold water that them from behind. The Scoutmaster had picked up a garden hose with a squeeze nozzle that was attached to a cold water spigot and started hosing the boys down. Both shrieked as the cold water hit their bodies with force, causing both Bryan and his dad to laugh.

"Sorry Scout's, but you need a good hosing down to get the crud off of you!" John laughed as he continued aiming the directed stream of water at them, especially at their butt cracks. Both boys clinched as hard as they could, but the water found it's mark. He made them turn around and hold their hands above their head, so they could not protect their genitals as he sprayed them good and hard as well. Finally when he finished he allowed them to lower their hands, both instinctively covering their private areas as best they could while their captors looked on.

"So here is how your showers work, " John stated as he walked over and turned the hot water on and adjusted it so it wouldn't burn them. "You both get 30 seconds for a first rinse, then you will turn the water off. Since there are two of you, we will not waste water and you will always bathe together unless otherwise ordered. After you shut the water off you will later up. There is soap and a big sponge right there under the shower knobs," he was pointing at a small shelf containing bathing items. "Normally you have two minutes to each lather the other scout. For now you will not wash yourself, but you will scrub your fellow Scout, ensuring every nook, crack, and cranny, is clean.

Today I will allow more time but don't get used to it. You are both subject to random inspections after every shower and are subject to punishment for any discrepancies either I or your Patrol Leader find. It is up to us to decide who the infraction will count against, or if it will be against both of you. So for you sissy, he grabbed Gage's tiny shriveled foreskin and pinched causing the boy to squeal, "I better not find any head cheese in here, so make sure your lover here gets it squeaky clean!" He let go. "Also, you will each make sure that each other's scout pussy crack is clean enough to eat out of! We are going to observe you this time, but soon you will be expected to shower correctly unsupervised. You will bathe a minimum of two times per day, sometimes more depending on the activity of the day. This troop takes it's hygiene seriously!" He checked his watch. "Your thirty seconds starts NOW! Get wet!"

Despite the haranguing they just got, both boys were grateful to get under the warm spray of the shower, and they felt instantly at least a little better. After the thirty seconds was up, the Scoutmaster shut the water off, and both boys stared awkwardly at one another for a moment.

Bryan spoke up. "Time is wasting, one of you grab the soap and get started!"

Gage just stood frozen with his cuffed hands covering himself, so Luke again took the initiative and grabbed the soap. Even though he desperately wanted to get himself clean, he followed orders and started rubbing down Gage's chest. As soon as he had a good lather he grabbed the sponge and started scrubbing the small blonde. As he ran his hands and sponge over the smooth skin of the boy, Luke was doing his best to ignore the feelings it was giving him, especially when he was washing the boys legs, and the small set of balls and cock were staring him in the face. He was fascinated by the uncut dick, having never seen it before and not even knowing that he in fact used to possess a foreskin. Remembering that he was to make sure it was clean, with a shaky hands he wrapped his soapy fingers around Gage's cock and slowly peeled back the foreskin, wondering what it felt like. Gage tried to block him, but he just held the boys cuffed hands out of the way and gave him a look. Gage looked away humiliated as his most private parts were handled. Even more humiliating was the fact that he was getting hard from the attention the older boy was giving him as he ran his soapy finger tip around inside the sensitive area. Why was his cock getting hard?

Luke was trying to be as quick and as thorough as he could. He was avoiding the kid's but area because he was afraid of the effect it might have on him. He hated to admit that he really wanted to see the boy's butt hole up close for some reason! What is wrong with me, he was thinking. He took his time lathering up the kids long hair with the supplied shampoo, and when the boy was finally covered in soap suds from head to toe. John was getting impatient.

"Your stalling Red, bend the sissy over the sink and clean his pussy crack. If you don't do it soon, I will do it and use an S.O. S pad on both of you!" The Scoutmaster warned.

Gage was so naïve he didn't even understand what the man mean by his "pussy". He didn't have a cat after all! It never occurred to him that his anus was his pussy. Even when Luke grabbed Gage by the shoulders and faced him toward the sink.

"Bend over and hold the sink Gage, and spread your legs apart so I can clean you back there." The older boy commanded. Confused, Gage obeyed, staring straight ahead wondering how he could be further humiliated.

Looking down at Gage's spread legs, Luke swallowed as his cock twitched. He was staring right at the blonde boy's "pussy" and found it oddly arousing. Still, he didn't want to get either of them in trouble so he did his best to ignore his feelings and used his cuffed hands to soap up Gage's most private area. The smaller boy squeaked when he felt the rough sponge scrubbing on his flower. It didn't hurt, it just felt weird to the boy. Of course he washed himself there, but never so thoroughly and for so long, not to mention that another boy was doing it to him while yet another boy and his father were watching!

Intrigued that Luke was sporting yet another hard on, John ordered him to stop, and for Gage to now wash down the red headed boy. Covered in suds, Gage wasn't sporting a full stiffy, but he definitely wasn't fully limp. He defiantly wasn't as enthusiastic about soaping down another boy as Luke seemed to be, but the Scoutmaster surmised that was more due to him not being used to being told what to do by anyone else than his mother than necessarily not being stimulated by the experience, as his tiny but enlarging cocklet showed. By the time Luke had to grasp the sink, despite his scrunched up face, Gage's three incher was at full mast much to his horror!

Getting washed by another boy for Luke was not an unpleasant experience, yet he oddly was wishing either the Scoutmaster or even better, Bryan was doing it instead of this annoying little brat! Still when he ass was being scrubbed his cock throbbed and he had to try to think of anything else to not cum against his will yet again! He was thankful when the Scoutmaster seemed to be satisfied at their cleanliness and ordered them back under the shower head to rinse off. He was still getting used to the odd feeling of not having very much hair as the water ran off his nearly bald scalp down his smooth body. When they were both rinsed off, the Scoutmaster ordered the water off and Bryan handed the boys two large fluffy white towels.

"You will dry each other off completely, and then hang your towels up on the pegs by the shower. Then stay facing the wall and put your hands on top of your heads and wait for further instructions." The Scoutmaster ordered.

While the boys did as they were ordered, John went to one of his many cabinets in the room that he had pre stocked and selected some sleeping attire for Luke and placed it in the cell. For Gage, he had something a bit different in mind and went to a different cabinet all together. He placed the special items on the low flat table where he had initially measured both unconscious scouts.

He went back over to the boys and unlocked Luke's hand cuffs.

"Ok Freckles," John said having seen what Bryan had scrawled on Luke's mug of gruel. "You are to proceed to your cell. You will walk, not run, and you will walk slowly with your hands at your sides in a military manner. You will not look around, you will not dawdle. Once inside the cell you will find your evening or sleep clothes on the cot. You will get dressed carefully. Your patrol leader will assist you in ensuring you are dressed correctly. Once you are done, you are to sit in the wheelchair quietly until I have prepared the sissy in his nightclothes, and then it will be time for dinner. Do I make myself clear Scout?

Luke was shaking from the closeness of the man's mouth to his ear and the menacing tone of his instructions. His cock had gone soft. "Yes sir Scoutmaster sir!" He answered trying to sound as manly as his 13 year old vocal cords would let him, but only succeeding in sounding as scared as he still was. He also realized that he was naked though, and at this point would be happy to cover himself.

It took all his will not to cover himself as he slowly walked to the cell, feeling everyone's eyes on him. On the cot in the cell waiting for Luke was a pair of brand new white briefs, boys sized 12, a matching brand new white A-shirt, (tank top) undershirt. and a pair of plain white tube socks, also brand new.

Even though Luke new he wore a size 14, he didn't figure this would be the time to complain, and pulled the snug briefs on. Bryan was right there in the cell with him now, admiring the tight fit of the otherwise ordinary underpants. They were non descript department store briefs, common for boys of that era. Bryan made sure that his undershirt was tucked in tightly to his briefs before Luke sat on the cot to pull on the socks. They were adult sized and went well over his knees, but Bryan had the boy stand and showed him how to fold over the tops just under the knee.

"You socks when worn will always be pulled up tightly with the excess folded at the knee. Failure to keep them pulled up an even is a demerit and punishable." He warned.

Luke made sure everything was tucked and even before sitting down in the wheelchair as instructed. He thought he would be left alone now while they did whatever they were going to do to Gage, but Bryan quickly restrained Luke's wrists and ankles to the chair, again with this legs spread wide apart so his sex was open to view to everyone through his undersized briefs, and spun around and aimed at the low flat table where both boys had earlier been dumped unconscious and measured.

"Sorry Freckles, I gotta make sure you don't do anything naughty while we are busy with the sissy," Bryan whispered before slapping the back of Luke's head and heading back to the Scoutmaster.

"Ok, now it's your turn boy, if you can call yourself that," said John as he started to undo the restraints on Gage. "Since you seem to have all kinds of issues, we are going to play it safe tonight with you. Come with me!" He grabbed Gage by the ear and twisted hard, pulling the squealing boy across the room to the low table. "Lay down and don't move, put your arms up over your head. Patrol Leader, hand me the diaper bag."

Already terrified at what was happening, Gage couldn't help but scream out, "Diaper! You're not putting a diaper on me!" he moved to get up, but the Scoutmaster was waiting and easily held the squirming scout down to the table with one hand while grabbing a manacle with the other, first securing one hand over the boys head to the top of the table, and quickly the second. He next grabbed the youngster's ankles in one hand and lifted his legs back and up exposing his bare ass. He started spanking the boy hard, while Bryan took his time bringing over the large white cloth diaper and the other supplies.

By the time Bryan reached the table Gage's cheeks were bright pink and he was uncontrollably bawling his eyes out, so when the Scoutmaster put his legs down, all the fight was out of him. The Scoutmaster quickly went to work, first powdering the small boy's groin area, and selecting a large cloth diaper.

"When I used to do this to you to Patrol Leader, you didn't make such a fucking fuss about it." Bryan remembered it was only a few years prior that he had been forced into diapers. Not as punishment though, but to appear in a photo shoot for one of his dad's European friends, and he had a feeling the outcome with Gage would be quite different.

The Scoutmaster grabbed Gage by the face. "Listen to me and listen carefully boy. I am going to put this diaper on you. You have shown me you can't hold your piss, so you leave me no choice. I am not going to leave you locked up in the cell all night to piss all over my bed sheets. Now if you prove to me tonight that you don't need it, then so be it, you will get similar bed clothes to your Patrol Leader and Freckles over there!" pointing to Luke in the chair. "For now though you will lay still and let me put this on or I will chain you in the bird cage over a bucket for the rest of the night with no supper. Now which is it going to be Scout?"

Still trying to stop crying from the fire like pain on his rear end, Gage stopped struggling and whispered, "O, Ok....Sir," he remembered to add.

"Your damn right Sir, and don't forget it!" He lifted the boys legs again and slid the diaper under his ass.

Gage had to admit that the cool padded diaper actually felt nice against his freshly spanked ass. The Scoutmaster quickly and deftly folded the diaper around his privates and pinned it in place using large safety pins. Gage was afraid to look down and witness his own humiliation of being diapered at 12, but to his horror, Bryan handed his father a camera.

"Great idea Patrol Leader," John said taking the camera. "Turn on the spot lights." Maybe we will hang one of these over your bed so you can remember the consequences of not having any self control!" John taunted the boy, knowing full well that he himself was the cause of all of Gage's "accidents". He was delighted that the boy was from wealth, as it made tearing him down so much more gratifying. "Or maybe I will send a copy to your mother, or maybe all over your home town who knows?" John said. He of course would do no such thing as it could somehow lead back to him, but the kid didn't know that. He started taking pictures.

And Gage didn't. He was horrified at the threat, which brought fresh tears, which was perfect for the Scoutmaster's pictures, which would actually end up in Europe eventually, for a tidy profit.

"Please, sir, I will be good," he said through sobs. "Don't show these to anyone please Sir?"

"All depends on your behavior Scout." He undid the restraints from Gage's wrists, then grabbed a plain white T shirt and plain white socks and tossed them on the table. "Get dressed and hurry up, your dinner is getting cold." Of course he knew it was already as cold as it was going to get.

Gage fumbled with the shirt, pulling over his long, still damp hair. To his frustration it was small for even him and tight, barley covering his belly button. The socks were for a much smaller boy, just coming up over his ankles.

"Now you look like you act baby scout!" Laughed Bryan.

"That he does Patrol Leader, that he does. Boy, stand up on the table, I need to get some more shots." The effect of the diaper along with the fresh white shirt and socks gave the young blonde boy a very virginal sexy look that John was sure would be popular with a certain crowd he had in mind. While Gage was climbing onto the table, totally obedient now, John retrieved one more item from his stash. It was a pacifier. Before giving to the boy however, he took a small medicine bottle from his locked drug cabinet and liberally coated the pacifier with a sweet tasting sedative.

He returned to the table and handed Gage the pacifier. "Her boy, put this in your mouth and suck on it. It will be good practice anyway," John laughed. Gage looked horrified and angry, but not wanting to risk yet another spanking or worse, he took it with a resigned look and put it in his mouth expecting to hate it.

To his surprise though, it had a sweet cherry flavor and actually helped him get the other disgusting tastes he had endured that day out of his mouth. John had the boy strike several poses on the table as he walked around taking photo after photo of the diapered teen. The black leather collar made a nice contrast to his all white outfit. When he was satisfied he had what he needed, he just picked the boy up and carried him into the cell, dumping him on the bed.

"All right Scouts, I am sure you are hungry. Your first meal is going to be plain gruel. Depending on your performance and behavior, the good can get better or worse, that is entirely up to you. You two are a team though, so you both get the same food, no matter if one of you is doing well or poorly, so I suggest you both try your best. You haven't done too badly for your first day, but still, you have both earned demerits. Luke, your first punishment will be tomorrow evening before dinner. Gage, your will come later, I don't know when, but it is coming. Your performance tomorrow will determine the severity. I will tell you both that punishments are meant to be demeaning and painful. That is because they are designed to modify unacceptable behavior. Starting tomorrow your real Scout training begins, for now, enjoy your dinner. Bryan, release this scouts restraints," John motioned to the wheelchair that Luke was bound to, while he retrieved the canteen cups of gruel, handing each boy their respective cup with a metal spoon in it.

Both boys attacked the food greedily, each doing his best not to make a face at the utterly flavorless glop they were eating. They had both been through a lot though and hadn't eaten for over 24 hours, so their instincts took over and both were done with their meal in less than five minutes.

John had Bryan collect the cups. "Take these to the kitchen and wash them. I have left you a small sewing task to take care of in the back room. It shouldn't take you more than half an hour. After that come back and you will spend the night down here." John stepped out of the cell and shut the door motioning his son out of earshot of the two Scouts.

"It's just before 1700 hours, I am going to head to Calgary tonight before it gets too late and take care of shopping for some stuff. I will catch some sleep in the van and be back early in the morning. I trust I can leave you in charge and you know of all the contingency plans right?"

Bursting with pride, Bryan answered in the affirmative, proud that his dad would trust him with the Scouts so soon.

"Good. You can fuck around with Luke, but make sure he is always restrained in some way if you take him out of the cell. Gage is going to wake up with a big surprise, and you will leave him be until I get back clear?"

"Yes sir."

"Good, you know where the guns are in case something goes really bad. Now get up to the kitchen and get busy, I will put your cot together and get another one set up in the cell. I will try to get another old army bed tonight at my buddies surplus store."

Gage was already nodding off from the sedative in the pacifier when John came back to the cell with another army cot. He pointed to Luke, who was finishing off a canteen of water that Bryan had left for both of them.

"Get up and help me Scout." He handed the boy a three foot section of rope. "Can you do a French Bowline?"

Having quickly mastered his knot tying merit badge requirement, Luke was quick to answer.

"Yes Scoutmaster, I have the merit badge."

"Well we will see about that. I have different standards in my troop son, but for now its good enough. I want you to tie Mr. Gage Powers the third's here's ankles together and the loose end to the center of the foot rail. I will be testing your knots Scout, so no funny business!"

"No sir, I will do my best sir." Blushing, Luke took the rope. He was blushing because he was again getting hard at the thought of handling Gage's feet. He hadn't plaid tie up games in a long time, and certainly not since becoming so familiar with many knots. His nervousness combined with his uncomfortable excitement was making his hands shake as he looped the smooth rope around the boys crisp white socks and bony ankles. He did his best to make the knots snug and tight, but not cut off the kid's circulation. When he was satisfied it was perfect he finished by securing the boys bound ankles to the end of the bed. He was bewildered as the kid appeared to be completely asleep and unresisting while he handled him. Fighting the urge to squeeze his own dick, he quickly sat back down on the wheelchair with his hands in his lap trying to the bulge in his briefs.

John saw it and smiled to himself, but concentrated on inspecting the boy's rope work. He tested the knots and found Gage's ankles tied nicely together and tethered to the end of the bed with a minimum of slack. This would hold him nicely, even though he would most likely not even wake up for at least eight hours. To be sure though, he took a pair of handcuffs and cuff the boy's right arm above his head to metal head board. That's what he loved about these old army beds. There were many places to attached ropes, cuffs or chains to, which was why he would get another for Luke when he made his shopping excursion to the big city. For now though, he had to get going. He quickly set up the army cot on the cell wall opposite the bed that Gage was now sleeping on. He ordered Luke to attention, and removed the wheelchair from the cell.

"Well believe or not Red, you have managed to impress me. You might do after all. You have free time until the Patrol Leader comes back to bed you down for the night. You will find in the desk drawer a set of regulations for your behavior. They are by no means complete, but I suggest you start to learn them. That bucket is there for any toilet needs during the night. You may ask the Patrol Leader to use the toilet in the corner before you go to bed, it is up to him weather you have the privilege of using it or not. Lastly, " he grabbed Luke's dick and balls in a vice like grip causing the boy to gasp in surprise and not a little pain. "You are not to touch this without express permission, am I clear?"

"Y, yes sir!" Luke Squeaked.

John smile, released the boy's teen package and lightly slapped his cheek before grabbing him by the chin and locking eyes with him. "Good answer Scout. Like I said, you might just do. AT EASE!" he let go of his chin, spun on his heel, and left the cell, slamming the door closed behind him. Luke didn't move until the man was out of the hut, leaving him alone in the cell with the sleeping bound boy next to him.

Luke sat on the cell, glad to be finally not tied or restrained in any way, even though he was locked up like some kind of animal. He had time to think now at least, but his mind was racing so fast, he couldn't concentrate on any one thought for too long. Is anyone looking for me? For us? Were there any witnesses? Do I actually like being forced to do these sex things? Am I some kind of sick fag? What is my troop doing right now? Should I read this man's stupid rules? While he was trying to concentrate he found himself staring at the diaper clad boy across the cell. He looked very calm as he slept, even though he was collared like a dog. That collar sure looked kind of neat on him! Oh god, stop getting boners thinking about this stuff!

He grabbed the rules from the tiny wooden desk, flopped down on the cot, and did his best not to look at Gage and started to read the rules.

The rules were many and didn't seem to be in any kind of order. It was more of a work in progress that the Scoutmaster dictated to Bryan to write down as he thought of them. The Patrol Leader had typed them up on his old manual typewriter just the day before they had left the ranch on their "recruiting" expedition for their troop. The list started with a paragraph.

All Scouts belonging to the Thunderbirds must adhere to the following rules. Deliberate failure to comply will result in demerits to the scout's personal record and eventual punishment. Minor infractions may be corrected on the spot at the discretion of troop leadership. Scouts are personally responsible for knowing the troop rules. IGNORANCE OF REGULATIONS IS NO EXCUSE!

That's not really fair, Luke thought, as he started to read down the list...

The first few were kind of like normal scout rules. Always being in correct uniform, being well groomed, being honest etc. Although this Scoutmaster seemed to have a thing about your socks and shoes always being perfectly tied, pulled up and even, etc. He was going to have to learn to iron too, as there was a requirement for all this clothes, underwear and socks included, to be stored folded an ironed in a manner to be taught later. Weird!

It was about half way down the page, however, that thing got even weirder.

When sucking cock, Scouts must make every attempt to swallow entire load of semen. While you may not be physically able to swallow the entire amount of ejaculate, you must do your best. Small leakage out of the corners of your mouth is acceptable, but if you spit, or pull your mouth off, that is a flagrant violation and expect to be punished. Your superior's seed is sacred, and not to be wasted!

I guess I will have to get used to the taste, at least until I figure out a way to get out of here, thought Luke. It didn't taste THAT bad...,

Your anus (butt hole) is considered a boy cunt/pussy for use by your superiors. This includes anyone designated as such by the Scoutmaster or Patrol Leader. You will keep it clean at all times inside and out. You will perform a self enema every morning to flush any residual waste out of your pussy. After bowel movements, you will douche yourself using the bidet when available. If not, it will be wiped to the best of your ability. Spot inspections of your pussy can be held at any time. Failure of a pussy inspection results in sever punishment!

Luke put the paper down. He was getting more frightened. Not just because of all the sex stuff he was reading about, but because of the effect it was having on him. He didn't even understand a lot of the words, but it was giving him a hard on and he couldn't figure out why! He stood up in the small cell and found himself again by the side of Gage's bed. He looked at the ropes he tied around his ankles and followed up his smooth legs to where the diaper began at his crotch. He tentatively put a hand on the sleeping boy's bare knee and marveled at the feeling of the cool smooth skin. He started moving his hand up the boy's thigh, marveling at how the smooth skin felt, until he reached the diaper. He placed his hand flat against the crotch and pressed down, feeling the outline of Gage's soft penis. His own cock twitched and started leaking pre cum. Terrified when he caught himself about to squeeze is own cock Luke dove back onto his own cot facing the wall, crying and confused. Why is this happening? He stared at the gray wall, unaware that he was dozing off.

It was an hour later that the sound of the main door bold being thrown that woke him. He sat up quickly, noticing that Gage was still fast asleep, and grabbed the rule sheet, pretending to study it as he heard Bryan's flip flops slapping on the stairs as he descended them. It was then that he felt a cramp and realized he had to go to the bathroom. SOON! He also smelled something awful. It smelled like Gage...Oh shit, he didn't did he? He did! He was pretty sure that Gage had filled his diaper while he slept. And not with pee! He felt another cramp, and looked at the bucket against the wall. Oh man, how am I going to use that to crap in? He stood up just as Bryan came to the cell door.

"Fuck, did the sissy crap himself already?" Shutting his mouth as he realized he wasn't supposed to know that it was already a pre determined event.

Luke was in enough distress of his own not to notice the finer points of the Patrol Leaders announcement.

"Yes sir, I think he did. He must be really tired sir," Luke hissed, panic rising that he was about to do the same. "Sir, I have to, I mean that I need to, er, ah, go to the bathroom sir."

"You mean you need to take a shit? Be clear Scout!"

"Yes sir," I need to shit sir. Really BAD!"

Not wanting to have to clean him up, or smell a shit filled bucket all night, Bryan sighed.

"You are lucky I am in a good mood Scout. I will let you use the toilet. Come here and put your hands together and through the bars."

Luke was crossing his knees by the time Bryan got the cuffs on, and the older boy knew he had to hurry. He used his key to unlock the cell and grabbed Luke, "Let's go Scout, don't have an accident or I will make you lick it up!"

It took all his effort to keep his butt clinched until Bryan spun him around at the toilet and unceremoniously yanked the 13 year-old's underpants down. "Squat and do your business Scout, and keep it in the bowl!"

Luke, whimpering and doing his best to keep his balance while he squatted over the seatless toilet, was horrified at the ferocity of his bowel movement. He was normally the type of kid who only did his business at home. He was horrified at shitting his guts out right in front of Bryan, who seemed to be way too interested in what was going on. It was awful beyond belief for Luke. Why wouldn't he at least look away? But his body betrayed him as he emptied his bowels in a torrent of awful embarrassing noises and smells. After a few minutes there was nothing left to shit, and a red faced, teary eyed and humiliated stood up, looking for toilet paper, where none was.

"Sir, I need to wipe..."

"I see you haven't' read the rules yet Scout. What the fuck did you do all night after dinner? Or are you just a fucking retard?"

"Sir, I did, but, I don't understand what some of that stuff is!" Luke's voice was breaking and he was trying his best not to sound whiney. He could feel the wetness on his ass and it was humiliating to be standing in and over his own filth while being called stupid.

Bryan pointed at the bidet. "Get you ass over the bidet and sit on it facing the wall boy!"

Luke bent over trying to retrieve his underpants, but Bryan snatched them off his dangling foot.

"You don't need these you idiot, you want to get shit stains all over them like the pair I took off you this morning?"

Reminded of that incident only further humiliated Luke as he stepped over the bidet. Well at least I know that this thing is now he thought to himself, solving one mystery of the rules. Seeing there was no real seat, he tried squatting over it, but Bryan just slammed the boy down on the rim.

"I said sit you idiot." Bryan scolded him. "As you have now hopefully figure out, this is a bidet. They are used in most places in Europe, and they are used, to clean up your ass or chick's pussies. Or as in your case, your boy pussy. No one wants to lick or fuck a shitty boy pussy." Bryan held Luke down by his shoulder with one hand and reached over him with his other and turned on the warm water knob almost fully, releasing a blast of first cold, then gradually warming water straight up at Luke's hole.

If Bryan had not been prepared, Luke would have shot three feet I the air off the bidet when the strong blast of cold water hit his soiled behind. As it was he shrieked in surprise and struggled against the Patrol Leaders iron grip on his shoulder as the jets of water washed away the filth. As the water warmed it wasn't as bad and Luke calmed and sat there until Bryan was satisfied that all was well.

He had Luke stand up, and to his further shame, as if he had any left, bend over and spread his legs wide so Bryan could "inspect his pussy" as he called it. The Patrol Leader picked up a towel and dried Luke off before handing him back his underwear.

"In the future, you will do this every time you shit, understand? And you need to make sure you are spotless. There is a mirror low on the wall for just that purpose. You need to keep an eye on the sissy boy too, he is your responsibility scout, and if his pussy is dirty, I will make you clean it with your mouth, understand?"

With that revolting picture in his mind, Luke replied, "yes Patrol Leader, I understand. But I think he already, I mean his diaper is uh."

"Yeah, I know. You are not at fault for his actions tonight. You are going to have to clean him in the morning most likely, but don't worry about that now. Put your underwear back on Scout, and I am going to show you around the hut. You will have to get to know all the stations down here." Bryan went to a bank of dimmer switches and adjusted the lights in the hut so that there was a small spotlight shining down on each piece of equipment, giving it a an eerie menacing look.

Not anxious to be returned to the cell with a boy with a dirty diaper, Luke was sort of glad to comply, although he was nervous being alone with the Patrol Leader for some reason. While he was getting used to being in his underwear in front of people, being close to the well defined teen in just his skimpy bikini underwear and half shirt was making him think about all those days in the locker room at school with the jocks. He wanted so much to take a real good look, but he was terrified of being caught and labeled a fag or worse, get his ass kicked, or most likely both!

So still weak from the effects of the laxative (that he didn't know he had eaten with his supper) Luke pulled his underpants back on, tucked his tank back in was and was led, still handcuffed, to the first "station" in the hut. There was dentist chair and a doctors examination table, with gyno stirrups, just over from the toilet area. Both items were modified with extra restraining straps, but were still fully functional in their original purposes.

Still, Luke had not had much experience with doctors or dentists, (his mother and step dad said they were a waste of money) he didn't really know what to make of the devices or all the straps, but he had an ugly feeling that he wouldn't care for it. Bryan sensed as much and smiled.

"Yeah I don't like that chair either, which is why I'm glad you two are around now for Dad's friends to Doctor on. This is the medical station. Most likely you wont' be seeing it much until one of Dad's old doctor friends come to visit. They will want to examine both of you guys in detail weather you feel fine or not. Doc Anderson is a good dentist though, and he doesn't hurt much as long as you blow him good before hand. As for Doc Schmidt. He's mean no matter how good blow him. You'd better hope he finds your little diaper pal prettier than you." Luke momentarily pictured Gage strapped down to the dentist chair and felt shivers down his spine. But before he got any further in his mind, he was led to the next station.

"This is a Saint Andrews Cross," Bryan declared, showing Luke the large sturdy wooden device. "I built it with my dad to get my wood working badge. It's not as big as the plans were, but its perfect boy size., including eth leather restraining cuffs on the ends of those chains. I hate to say it Scout, but I'm going to enjoy seeing you stretched out on this baby breaking it in. Let's go." Luke allowed himself being led away, not wanting to dwell on what the boy would do to him while chained to this cross, not to mention his dad. Still, why was he more intrigued than scared?

"You've already seen our photo studio area. This is just one with some simple backgrounds. Both of you are going to make a lot of pictures here and probably some movies too, but we do a lot of that outside as well, at least in the summer. Dad's going to have to get a lot more costumes since there are two of you now. You are going to have to learn to help me sew. Come on." Luke had never heard of a boy sewing costumes. He could sew his patches on, but that was about it, and even then he wasn't very good.

"If you've ever seen old movies, you probably recognize a stocks. This one is made for boys too, so the holes are just the right size. My dad uses this for spankings mostly, but I think I will use it to teach Gage to suck cock better. You are way more natural at it by the way, although you still have a lot to learn. Keep moving boy." Luke could feel his cheeks coloring when he heard that he was "a natural" cock sucker. Oh man, what's wrong with me?

They were now at the opposite end of the hut on the short wall across the long room form the bath area and storage cabinets. Here it was just a bare wall but for two extra large beams in each cornier. Attached to the beams though were large eye bolts with a heavy duty chain and pulley system attached to them controlled by an electric winch, the controls for which hung from the ceiling by a heavy cord.

"This is just a fancy restraint system to stretch a Scout that needs punishing tightly." Bryan said, pointing at the iron manacles at the ends of the chains. We can attach all four limbs, or just your arms or legs, but then we can use the winch to slowly take out the slack, leaving the scout nice and tight between the beams, centered. It's probably where you will be whipped, if that's your punishment, but that is not up to me...yet." Luke was shaking as he was led to the center of the room.

"You've already had the pleasure of being in the bird cage. I made that too by the way, but this last little deal is the bondage table. Have a seat Luke." Bryan patted the flat plywood surface of the bondage table in the center of the room. Luke sat down next to him and Bryan scooted over so that their underwear and bare thighs were touching sending shivers up Luke's spine. "I know this whole thing is pretty scary Luke, but we needed some new meat here, and you were too dang cute to pass up. I know you don't want to be here, but if you cooperate with us, you can learn a lot from my dad and me, and plus I bet you will have some fun too. Shit, you have already cum like three times today and you're hard right now!" Bryan squeezed Luke's dick through the thin cotton of his underpants.

Luke gasped as he felt his hard cock squeezed. It was testing the limits of his undersized briefs and he knew it. He was overwhelmed at feelings of guilt at lust at the same time, and now this good looking older boy was holding him close and whispering in his ear making him quiver all over.

Bryan continued now, his voice just a whisper into Luke's ear. "I bet you like scouts because it gets you away from your shit life at home. We can tell your poor. You like scouts because even though you have to wear a hand me down uniform, you get to hang out with other boys. Other boys in uniforms and you dig it. I bet you try to check out the other guys when they aren't looking huh?"

Luke blushed, wondering how he knew.

"I know your kind. I didn't know it when we grabbed you, but I can tell now. You like all this stuff. You like being tied up, and you love it seeing the other kid tied up too! I bet you think about this kind of thing when you jerk off, don't you?"

Luke shook his head violently disagreeing, but the single tear running down the boys cheek told Bryan all he needed to know. Gotcha, he thought to himself.

"I bet you pretended to see your old patrol leader or Scoutmaster naked, and would totally be willing to suck them off if they asked."

"Please stop sir," Luke croaked. It felt like his deepest desires were being pried out of the locked closet of his brain.

"I've just started Scout" whispered Bryan standing up and facing Luke. Even in the dark, the 13 year old boy could see the huge 16 year old's erection stuffed into the bikini brief inches from his face. "I'm just giving you what you want, weather you will admit it to yourself or not." Bryan undid the web belt from his waist and let it drop to the floor. "You like by bikini underwear? Don't worry, you will get the chance to model plenty of sexy boy panties for me. You and the sissy. My dad has contacts in Europe where boys wear this kind of stuff all the time. He will get some stuff to show off that sexy body of yours." He rubbed his crotch seductively as Luke stated at the tiny garment, wondering how it felt to wear something so skimpy. If anyone back home saw him wearing something like that, well...He thinks I'm sexy?

"You want to see my cock again don't you Luke. I could tell you had never seen an uncut dick before had you?" Luke gave him a puzzled look. "Uncut means uncircumcised. You don't have a foreskin. Most American boys don't. I was pretty surprised the sissy still had his. He may not keep it though, but that's for later. Right now, I bet you want to see my dick again. You like seeing other boys dicks don't you Luke?"

Luke kept shaking his head no, but couldn't take his eyes off the bulge in front of him.

"Soon enough Freckles." Bryan cupped his package. "I bet you get teased about your red hair and freckles too don't you? And I bet that really pisses you off, but you're too nice a kid to stand up for yourself or do anything about. You are always the perfect little scout, even though I bet you wished you could just lay into some bully some time. But then you're afraid they might find out about your secret. So it's best just to laugh it off and be one of the guys, or try to be, even though you know you will never fit in because of who you are, who your parent are, and where you come from. So sad really Luke. You're lucky we found you. My Dad and me are going to change your shitty life for the better...Put your hands over your head boy." Bryan was still whispering, but to Luke it was like shouting in his ears.

He was trying to hold back sobs now as he raised his hands, where Bryan took hold of them and undid the hand cuffs, placing them down on the table. He then yanked Luke's tank top out of his underpants and tossed it aside. The older scout then gently pushed back on Luke until he was laying on his back on the bondage table, but his feet were still on the floor.

"Just relax Scout, I'm going to make this easy on you. Think of it as some one on one training," Bryan whispered as he bent down and reattached the handcuffs to Luke's ankles. Even wearing the socks, they were still small enough to fit easily in the cuffs that were designed for a wrist. The boys feet were now locked inches apart. Bryan stood up then jumped up on the table and squatted right over Luke's chest. "Let's get you in a better position boy" He reached under Luke's arms and with strength that surprised the smaller boy easily lifted him up and scooted his body to the middle of the table before sitting on Luke's chest. "That's much better." He jammed his knees under Luke's armpits and grabbed first his left wrist to secure it in the wrist cuff, and then moved to his right. While he was doing this he made sure his underwear was prominently in Luke's face, giving the boy a close up view of his tented crotch and a strong smell of his arousal. Bryan rubbed his cotton covered dick all over Luke's face a few times before getting up and off the table.

He walked to the foot of the table and reached down grabbing a length of chain that was bolted to the floor. He used a snap link to connect the chain to the center of the small chain of the handcuffs binding Luke's ankles together, then whistling to himself, walked around the side of the table to the opposite end above Luke's head. At the top of the table was a small and powered winch attached the chains securing his the boy's wrists. He started cranking on it, taking up the slack.

Luke could barely see above and behind him, what Bryan was doing, but he heard the chains start to rattle as he started cranking and felt his arms being pulled slowly outward toward the corners of the table above him. He started breathing heavily. He was scared, but not overly so. He did start to try to fight the pull of the chains, even though he knew it was useless. He tried to bend and pull up his legs, but found they were held fast at the bottom of the table. Soon he was stretched tightly, and when Bryan kept cranking he started to moan as he felt the pressure on his limbs building.

"Please sir, stop it!", he begged in a whisper, doing his best not to cry out.

"Ssshhh, little man, I've been stretched far tighter than this." Bryan said, but only cranked once more, satisfied that Luke was held nice and snug. He came from above and behind Luke to his side and started walking slowly around the table, admiring the sight of the boy, now stretched into a tight "Y" shape on the table, wearing only his briefs (which were still sporting a noticeable bulge, Bryan noted) and tube socks. "You are one sexy little bitch, Luke, and we have all night to get to know each other better." He started running his hand down Luke's flat tummy, causing the red head to inhale sharply. Bryan laughed at the reaction. "You like being touched by another boy I can tell," he ran his hand up to Luke's right nipple and started rubbing it between his fingers, enjoying the feel of it hardening at his touch. "Nice sensitive boy titties too, how very nice." He stopped rubbing them and pinched it, causing the boy to bite his lower lip. "I'm going to hurt you during our lovemaking sometimes Luke. Don't take it personally, I am going to be doing it for sexual pleasure." He let go of the boy's nipple. "I think you are the type of boy who will like it though, at least if your cocklet is any indication."

Luke shook his head violently no and started fighting the chains again. What this kid was saying couldn't be true! He was normal! He didn't like any of this! Why is my cock so hard?

"Don't fight your feelings Luke," Bryan continued whispering into Luke's ear. "You've been raised to think liking other boys is wrong, but it couldn't be more natural. Otherwise why would it feel so fucking good?" He licked Luke's ear and started flicking his tongue in and out of the sensitive area. Luke started bucking at the intense feeling.

"Oh GOD!" he squeaked.

Bryan laughed and hopped back up on the table, straddling Luke's hips. "See? You like it!" He leaned over and started sucking on one of Luke's nipples while grinding his hardening cock against Luke's own swollen member. Only two thin pieces of underwear were between the two boy organs grinding on one another. Luke was struggling, but the chains and the weight of the older boy on top of him held him tightly. He was trapped and no matter how much he told himself this was wrong and he should be hating it, he found himself trying to press up against the hardness he felt pressed against his own moistening groin area.

Bryan relented and took his mouth off of Luke's tit, locking his eyes on the frightened, but horribly aroused boy underneath him. The feeling of power he had at the moment almost made him cum on the spot, but he had so much more planned for the evening! He stood up on the table with his socked feet on either side of Luke's chest, looked down at the boy, who was staring back, hooked his fingers in the waistband of his tiny brief and started pulling it down slowly, letting it pull his hard cock down until the waistband gave way an it popped back up against his hard, flat, 16 year old stomach. He lifted first one foot, pulling it off, then the other, dropping the brief on Luke's face.

He pressed his socked foot down on the brief, that was coving the boys face now. "Inhale Luke. Get a good whiff. I want to hear you take a deep breath!" Bryan pressed down and increased the pressure, making sure Luke had no choice but to breath through both his underwear and his foot.

"That's it boy, smell my scent. Get to know the smell of my sex!" He started rubbing his foot all over the boys face, enjoying seeing the thin stretched tight lad struggle under him, gasping for limited air, heavily scented with his own pent up lust.

He saw that the 13 year old's dick was spewing pre cum into his briefs and decided to move on, taking his foot off of his face and straddling the boy again.

"Yes, I knew you were a born faggot." He took his tiny briefs and pulled them over Luke's head. "You will learn to worship anything of mine Scout."

With the briefs acting as a sort of blindfold, Luke couldn't see but could feel Bryan's hot breath as he worked his mouth down first his neck, then his torso, licking, kissing, biting his way down to his now, soaked with pre cum, underwear. He felt deft fingers running up his inner thigh, then outlining the leg openings of his tight underwear. The next thing the young scout felt was the warm wet mouth of his new patrol leader clamping down on his dick through his underwear!

"Oh my... FUCK!" he screamed out and started bucking against his bondage again. He thought he would cum any second, but just as soon as the feeling started, it was replaced with searing pain as he felt his balls being gripped tightly and pulled, while the other hand squeezed tightly! Pleasure became pain instantly!

Satisfied the boy wouldn't cum yet, Bryan let go, and crawled back up the table, pulling his bikini off of Luke's face. "Sshhh Scout. Cussing is a punishable offense, but I will let that one slide. You wouldn't want you to cum without permission again would you?"

Actually Luke would have loved to cum. Every nerve in his body was on fire and he was horribly confused, but horribly aroused as well. Still he shook his head no, trying to answer whatever Bryan wanted to hear. He had an odd need to please him for some reason. His eyes went from Bryan's face down to his erect member. The boy's foreskin was partially retracted, revealing a glistening wet piss slit.

Bryan noticed and smiled. "Ah, my cock. Of course you want to explore my cock. A cock sucking faggot like you naturally likes to look at older boys and men's cocks. At least you know your true calling Luke." He pulled back the foreskin completely and started rubbing his finger on his slit, gathering up a nice coating of pre cum on his finger, before kneeling back down straddling his bound up scout slave.

He placed his moist finger to Luke's dry lips. At first he tried to turn his head, but Bryan slapped the boy with his free hand, with the crack echoing around the room. As Luke winced, more from humiliation even though the slap certainly hurt he teared up.

"Never turn away you little bitch! Suck my finger and taste my cum!" He pressed on the boy's mouth again. This time, Luke opened his lips to the invading digit, allowing it to slide in and out of his mouth as Bryan fed it to him.

"That's it boy. Get those dick sucking lips nice and wet," Bryan said huskily. When Luke started drooling around his finger, Bryan withdrew his finger and scooted up higher on the table, bringing his cock to the boy's pouty red lips.

Almost hypnotized and without even being told this time, Luke opened his mouth, anticipating what was coming. Bryan laughed. "Now you want it don't you?" He pulled his cock back and pulled it up. "First boy, lick my balls. I want to see your whole fucking tongue out of your mouth worshiping my balls."

Tied to the table, and horny as he had ever been in his life, despite his shame, Luke started to lick the older boys balls for all he was worth. Since they were always kept shorn, his tongue slid over the twin orbs effortlessly, and judging by the moans emanating from Bryan, he was doing a good job. The older boy pulled his balls off of Luke's mouth.

"Not bad kid, you're a natural. Now lick the shaft. Get it nice and wet."

Luke started running his tongue up and down Bryan's six inch shaft, and Bryan in turn started thrusting his cock up and down against Luke's tongue.

"You will get your cock sucker merit badge in no time Luke. Fuck yeah, your good." He pulled his dick away and then aimed it straight at Luke's mouth. "Take my cock you little bitch. Suck it like you know you were meant too!"

With tears of shame running down his face, Luke greedily accepted the older boy's dick, wondering if what he said was true after all? The six inch penis slid easily half way into his mouth and he started sucking on it, just as he imagined when he jerked off in his bedroom back home. Yes, I thought about sex stuff with guys. I guess I am sum kind of fag he thought as he started sucking harder. He could feel his own cock throbbing and he instinctively tried to grab it, only to be held back by the chains holding him tight.

Bryan could tell the kid was getting into it, so he pulled his cock out and slapped the boys face with it a few times. Holding the glistening member just out of reach of his lips. "You like this cock don't you Scout?"

"Yeah,..." panting for breath.

Bryan slapped his face with the cock again and reached back and twisted Luke's nipple.

"What's the proper way to answer Scout?"

"Yes sir Patrol Leader sir," yelped Luke.

Bryan smiled, but instead of feeding his cock back to the boy, he stood up and hopped off the table.

"You used the right words boy, but I think you need a little more enthusiasm." With his hard wet dick bouncing as he moved, Bryan walked across the room to a cabinet full of toys, found what he was looking for and returned to the table. He held a small chain over Luke's face with what looked to Luke like two alligator clips on the ends of the chain.

"Ever seen these before Scout?" Bryan taunted.

Luke stared at them, but shook his head. "No sir Patrol Leader, I haven't. They look like alligator clips from Radio Shack or something."

Bryan laughed. "Well you are close Luke. But these are titty clamps." He snapped one of the clips a few times over Luke's face. "My Dad has used these on me a million times, and I think you need some inspiration." He leaned over, and to Luke's surprise started sucking on his left nipple. With his tongue swirling around his little nub, it started to harden as the Luke sucked his breath in. When Bryan was satisfied with the boy's arousal, he gently placed the first clamp on his tit.

Luke watched with apprehension as the older boy placed the clamp on his nipple. It didn't' hurt at first, but then Bryan used the small adjusting screw on the clap to start tightening it. He still felt just slight pressure, but after a few more turns of the screw he felt stabbing pain in his left nub.

"Ow, ow, ow...Aggh! STOP, Please SIR STOOOOP!"

"Sshhhh," Bryan whispered as he stopped tightening it, and then went to work with his mouth on Luke's right tit, repeating the process. He tightened the right clamp until Luke screeched again, then hopped back up on the table, placing his cock at Luke's lips, then reaching behind himself and grabbing the chain connecting the two clamps.

He gave it a sharp tug, pulling painfully on Luke's sensitive nubs causing him to screech out in pain. "Now that I have your attention Luke. I want to hear you ask nicely to suck my cock." He tugged the chain again causing the red head to gasp, "Or would you rather I pull this some more? I will enjoy either option actually."

Feeling the teeth biting into his nipples Luke answered quickly, "Please sir. Patrol Leader sir, let me suck your cock please, I really want too PLEAEASE!" He was almost hysterical.

"Ok boy, that was pretty sincere. Now first, make sure your lips are wrapped over your teeth, I don't want you biting my cock." Bryan ordered. When he saw Luke obey he brought his cock back up to his open waiting mouth. "Here let me help you fag," he hocked up a huge amount of spit in his mouth and let it drop out of his mouth down onto his cock, coating it with a load of slime. "Now take my cock bitch, and make me feel good."

Luke was grossed out, but didn't want any more tit pain, so he closed his eyes and took the invading dick into his mouth. Bryan helped him by grabbing the back of his head and forcing him deep onto his teen boy cock, mixing his own drool with Bryan's spit in his mouth.

"That's it Scout, suck your Patrol Leaders dick. This is your place in the troop you little faggot!...Yeah suck it like you mean it bitch!" Bryan was still barely whispering, but to Luke it was like he was shouting in his ear. The words should be hurting me, he thought, but instead it was making him suck the invading cock harder. The more he got degraded it seemed, the more turned on he got. His dick was straining to escape his tiny briefs as he was force fed the older boys cock.

Bryan pressed Luke's head hard onto his cock. The boy so far could only get about half of it in, but that was good enough for the first time alone with him. He held the boy's head fast until he started to struggle for breath. He felt the red head start to struggle underneath him and his face started turning purple as he fought for air.

"Breath through your nose faggot. Relax and breath through your nose," he whispered. Luke was starting to panic, and seeing this Bryan backed his cock out ever so slightly so the boy could breathe. Bryan took the opportunity to spit on his cock, making sure plenty got on the boys lips as well. "Keep sucking bitch!" He rammed it back in.

Luke sucked the cock back in, mixing Luke's spit with his own. What yesterday would have totally grossed him out, that night, at that moment. he slurped it down like it was soda. Every word or action Bryan used to degrade him, made him get more and more turned on, and he hated it at the same time he craved even more! He felt his balls starting to boil as he felt the boy on top of him start to tremble.

"I'm gonna cum bitch, and you are going to swallow my load. You want my cum don't' you faggot?" Bryan pulled out his cock and started slapping Luke's face with it, waiting for an answer.

"Yes sir," Luke croaked.

"Yes what?" Bryan slapped his cock against Luke's cheek again. "I want to hear you say that you're a faggot cock sucking scout and you want to eat your patrol leader's cum!" He gave a sharp tug on the nipple clamp chain.

"Aghh! I , I am a faggot scout cock sucker who want to eat your cum sir! OWWWW!"

Bryan laughed. "Close enough this time fag, suck it!" he rammed his cock back in Luke's mouth, "Here it comes boy cover those teeth!" Bryan pulled Luke's head as hard as he could onto his cock while at the same time yanking as hard as he could on the nipple chain, ripping the clamps off of Luke's tits at the same. He felt Luke's mouth clamp down on his dick just as he started gushing cum.

Luke covered his teeth with his lips just in time to take the engorged cock in his mouth and was preparing to take his Patrol Leader's load when without warning he felt the clamps being ripped from his tits. He screamed and clamped down on Bryan's cock just as he felt his mouth being flooded. He started to swallow the hot cum just he as himself started convulsing and felt his underwear being flooded with the result of his own orgasm, as the torrent of Bryan' jizz overwhelmed his swallowing capabilities and started running out the sides of his mouth and down his cheeks.

"That's it faggot, choke on my jizz!" hissed Bryan a he felt the boy bucking underneath him and watching his seed flood out of the red head's mouth. When the boy started coughing, he pulled his dick out and milked the last of his seed out of his cock with his hand, drooling more cum all over the kid's face. "This is good for your freckles boy!" Bryan started rubbing his dick all over Luke's face. leaving trails of cock snot as he went. When Luke caught his breath, Bryan crawled off of him, letting his cock hang loose, while smiling down at the boy.

"Not too bad for your first lesson Luke," Bryan said while digging into Luke's briefs with a finger. "What's this? You like sucking my cock so much you creamed your own undies? I don't remember saying you could cum. Your job is my pleasure boy." He pulled his finger out holding it with a big gob of Luke's cum on it and held it up to Luke's mouth. "Did I say you could cum?"

Luke was now coming off of his orgasmic high and was afraid that he had yet again added to this mystery "punishment" they kept talking about. His nipples were still on fire and he felt his own cum soaking through all over his underpants. "No sir. Please sir I didn't mean to. When you yanked off those things..."

"Titty clamps," Bryan said, "Use the proper name Luke."

"Titty clamps, sir. Please, I don't know what happened." Tears were forming in the panicked boys eyes.

"SShhh, boy,don't cry, leave that to the sissy. Here taste yourself. I bet you did this all the time after you jacked off late at night in your bedroom" Bryan fed Luke the gob of cum on his finger. Luke clamped his mouth down on the finger without even thinking and started sucking on it reflecting on how he had always wanted too but was too chicken. Now here he was eating everyone's cum that was fed to him. "I will let this one slide, it will be our little secret." Bryan whispered to him as he swallowed. The older boy then bent over him and started licking him own cum off of Luke's face, then brought his lips down on Luke's own, and pressed his tongue against them. Luke briefly thought of fighting the invading tongue, but gave in to the inevitable and allowed the invading tongue into his mouth. He laid their, restrained to the table in just his socks as the older boy dominantly explored every nook and cranny of his face and mouth, first licking up and then feeding the restrained scout a prodigious amount of his cum mixed with their saliva at the same time.

Once Bryan was satisfied that he had cleaned up Luke's face, he used a small pocket knife to cut the boys cum soaked, ruined briefs off of him, then proceeded to wipe the boy's crotch.

"Time to destroy the evidence Luke. We don't want the Scoutmaster to find these." He held them up looking at the large amount of jizz in them. "Shit for a 13 year old, you sure make a lot of cum! Good think your pubes are nice and short or they would get all crusty!" He held the stained briefs to Luke's face. "Be a shame to waste it. Here fucker, open up!" For Luke, he had lost count of how many times that day he had been forced to eat nasty underwear. Not having any choice though, he opened his mouth so that the Patrol Leader could shove his cum soaked panties into his mouth.

"Good boy." Now suck on those while I get you a clean pair. Bryan pulled his own underwear back on and went to the cabinet. Of course he would tell his Dad everything that went on that night. Lying to his old man would never occur to him as he knew what the results would be. Still there was no harm in gaining Luke's trust, letting him think they were sharing a secret. He came back to Luke and undid the cuffs around his ankles, then pulled up the crisp new underwear onto the boy before replacing the cuffs.

"That's better, good as new!" Bryan proclaimed. "Now I am afraid I have to put you back in the cell with stinky diaper! Sorry boy,. Scoutmaster's orders, you have to sleep in the cell for now." With that, the Patrol Leader undid Luke's wrists from the wrist cuffs and then just picked the limp scout up and over his shoulder. It was a heavy load for the 16 year old, but he wanted to make sure the boy felt owned, and was showing his dominance over him by carrying him back to the cell.

For his part, Luke just quietly went along with the boy who's cum he had just drank and allowed himself to be carried without a struggle and be dumped on the cot. The older boy turned him onto his back, then undid the cuffs from his ankles. He then leaned over Luke, "Thanks for the blow job faggot. You will get better!" He then kissed Luke on the lips and twisted one of his tortured titties. Luke winced and moaned into Bryan's mouth until the Patrol Leader let go.

"Remember Scout, I like to hurt boys sometimes!" he laughed as shut the cell door and whistled as he went about making up his own cot for the night as Luke rubbed his sore nipple and tried to make sense of all the crazy emotions running through him. Soon though, despite his stinky cell mate, everything got fuzzy and he was fast asleep.

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


This is the best well written story I have ever read in years and can assure you I have over the years read very many on this fantasy fiction site.
The author is brilliant in weaving this story over all 6 chapters with so much attention to detail of the plight of the two Scouts. I hope the Scoutmaster John has many other humiliations and sex pland with these boys, along with perhaps his like-minded friends. Will be looking out for more from you in the near future.
Many thanks for entertaining thus far.


when do we get more?


more please

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