The Scoutmaster, Part 5

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by Scout65

Published: 20-Dec-2012

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Back in the house John and Bryan entered the kitchen. John got himself a beer out of the refrigerator and allowed his son the rare privilege of a soda. John spread out his legs in front of his chair and motioned for his son to remove his boots. After Bryan dutifully pulled off the highly shined (by himself of course) boots, he started to massage his father's feet as he had been taught since he was a little boy.

As John relaxed he thought about how to proceed. The introduction had gone well, better than he had hoped actually, and he was very proud of the way Bryan had taken charge of the two boys. Still he needed to remind Bryan who was ultimately in charge. He didn't want him to feel too big for his own tight britches, so to speak.

"Take my socks off boy, and get your mouth to work."

If Bryan felt any disappointment or resentment at being ordered to do such a supplicant task, he knew better than to show it. He realized that although the new "scouts" in the hidden hutch were the new whipping boys, he was still his dad's "boy" in more than just a biological sense. He peeled his father's green army socks off his sweaty feet and proceeded to give the large man's equally large feet a tongue bath. making sure he got them slobbery wet, the way his dad liked, and ensuring that he got his tongue in between the sweaty toes, while continuing to had massage the rest of his feet, with his hands.

John leaned back in his chair and took another swig of beer, smiling to himself that the plan had worked so well. In fact, it worked so well that he was horny already again, something that didn't happen as often these days as it used too when he was younger. Looking down at his son sucking on his toes caused his cock to stir to life, and he wasted no time. He put the beer on the table and used his other foot to shove Bryan back so he cold stand.

"Good job Patrol Leader, you got me good and horned up!" John peeled off his shirt, revealing his muscled torso to his son. "I think a nice pre dinner fuck is in order. Our new recruits won't be ready for that for a while, so you will have to do." John grabbed his son's kerchief and pulled him over, then pushed hid down so that he was prone over the sturdy kitchen table. He unzipped his pants and quickly tossed them aside, so he wan now standing fully nude and erect behind his son. He slapped Bryan's ass, still nicely outlined by the thin black straps of his jock. "Spread your fucking legs boy, and beg me for it! You got to cum twice down there, so now it's my turn!"

"Yes sir," Bryan said gripping the other side of the table and spreading his legs wide. By the tone of his father's voice and the huskiness, he knew he was in for a rough fucking and the best to do was do everything he was told, just as he had been trained since being a small boy. He tried his best to display his hole to his father, "Please fuck me sir. It would be an honor. Your plan worked perfectly!"

"Hmph, don't suck up pussy boy!" John said and slapped Bryan's ass again hard, causing the boy to let out a muffled grunt. "Who's in charge here boy?" he jammed his thumb into Bryan's ass and started working it around.

"Aghh, you are Siiir!," Bryan hissed. His father had used no spit or any other kind of lube.

"Don't ever forget that son!" He pulled his thumb out and leaned over Bryan's prone body, the Scoutmaster rubbing his large dripping cock between his son's stretched cheeks. He bent down to his ear and whispered into his ear, "EVER!" and shoved his thumb into Bray's mouth.

When the boy started sucking the thumb that had just been in his ass, he felt his dad maneuvering his large cockhead toward his entrance. The boy reached back and helped steer.

"That's it son, once a pussy boy, always a pussy boy. You can't wait to have your Daddy's cock in your pussy can you?", he slapped Bryans hand out of the way and pressed his cock into it's target. No matter how many times Bryan had taken the large cock, it was never an easy or pain free entrance, and especially now with no lube and his father pressing quickly and firmly, it took all of Bryan's will not to scream out in pain as he tried to accommodate the cock. John had both hands on his son's waist now, pulling himself into his son's velvety boy cunt.

"Ah, sir, Scoutmaster, Daddy, it hurts, please slow down sir," he whimpered, doing his best to try and take it but failing.

John pulled completely out, and struck his son's ass hard three times. "Shut the fuck up. You are a Patrol Leader, and you better be able to take what you give!" John leaned down and picked up one of his army socks and shoved in his son's mouth. "There, that should keep you from embarrassing yourself anymore!" He grabbed his gagged son by the waistband of his jockstrap and pulled him back and up. He reached around and grabbed his son's right nipple between his fingers and twisted hard, causing another screech into the sock gag. "Now are you going to take your fucking like the man I know you can be? Or maybe you want to join the two pussy boys down in their cell?"

Biting down hard on the sock, Bryan shook his head no, and tried to say "fuck me daddy" through the sweaty sock. Satisfied, John smiled and let go of the nipple and shoved his son back down, kicking his legs apart.

"Good answer boy! Good answer." He rammed his cock in as hard as he could and started fucking the boy with gusto.

In the basement, both boys had dozed off after they cried themselves out. Luke was the first to wake back up. He was hurting all over from being restrained in the cage in the spread eagled but what really caused him concern was the pain in his bladder. He looked down and gazed at Gage, who was still out of it, moving to and fro as much as his chained collar would allow. Luke tried to move his torso and aim his cock away from the blonde, but it was no use, his half hard dick was resting on Gage's cheek and no matter what he did, he could see he would shower the kid with his piss.

"Hey kid, Gage, wake up kid!" He wiggled his hips, slapping Gage on the cheek with his cock.

Gage slowly opened his eyes and looked up at the older red head. "I want to go home! When are they gonna let us go? My mom can pay any ransom, even for you." His tone of voice made it clear that he wasn't use to talking to other boys as equals. "She will make them pay for this, that's for sure."

Gage reminded Luke of some of the other rich kids he had known at school. Typical, he thought. Still, since he was the oldest though, he would have to try help both of them deal with their situation. He was the higher ranking scout after all. Still, it wouldn't be easy. "Shut up kid, they aint gonna let us go. In case you haven't figured it out, they don't want money. They want us for other stuff."

The concept of not wanting wealth was foreign to Gage. In his family, mainly his mother of course, money was everything, it brought status and power and made all the other kids respect and fear him (or so he thought). "Well what else could they want us for?"

"Geeze kid, sex stuff of course! Those blow jobs we just gave were just the beginning I'm sure!" Luke had of course heard all the crude sex talk on the playground at school, but he never really thought about boys doing to boys except in the abstract of "what are you a fag?" type of talk. Gage, who was much more sheltered was naïve enough not to even consider what other things could happen to them. "They age going to fuck us eventually I think." Luke whispered, as much as to himself as to Gage. The feeling in his bladder was getting more intense.

"What do you mean fuck us?" Panic was raising in Gage's voice. He had heard the term of course, but was ashamed to admit that he didn't really know the true meaning of it. He did not benefit from the same playground education as most boys his age.

"Luke kid, Gage right? I'm Luke. We have no hope of escaping for the time being if you haven't used your superior intelligence to figure out. The best to do for now is cooperate with what them and do as we are told. I don't think they want to kill us, but we don't want to give them an excuse. So please stop crying all the dang time and try to act like a scout. I know you're scared and so am I, but you will keep getting picked on if you keep acting like such a fucking baby!" He was trying to keep the anger out of his voice and not succeeding very well. "And now I'm sorry but I really have to pee and can't hold it any more." Luke was fidgeting in his bondage and curling his toes in his sneakers while he tried to get some control over Gage, but it had been too long. Soon his cock, only inches from Gage's face was hosing down the boy, resulting in a fresh bout of tears from the smaller boy.

At first Luke felt bad for him, but then he got angry at the little kid for not being able to control himself. He looked down at the piss shower he was giving the little brat and smiled inwardly at least, remembering past taunting of other kids who thought they were better than him! He hoped he got some in his mouth! Finally after a good twenty seconds or so, he squeezed the last drops out and shook a little. The piss had bounced off Gage and now both boys were soaked, although Luke from just the waist down.

Gage's long blond hair was soaked with piss and his eyes, even though he kept them closed tightly were stinging from the dark yellow stream that had hit his face. He was furious! How dare he? He wasn't thinking clearly so even though it was obvious Luke had no choice, he still blamed him and thought he did it on purpose. I will make all of them pay when this is over he fumed to himself.

Luke could see the rage in the boy's face, "Sorry kid, I couldn't hold it. I didn't do it on purpose!"

"Shut up! You did too! I want to go home!" Gage whined. "I don't want to do sex stuff! It's gross!"

Oh brother, Luke thought. If I had to get kidnapped, why with this little shit? At least his bladder felt better. He looked down at Gage. The sight of the little brat tied up and chained by his collar to his cock would provide excellent jerk off fantasies if I was in my room, he thought. Way better than the boys underwear ads he secretly looked at in the Sears and Penny's catalogs. What the hell is wrong with me? God my arms hurt. He tried relieving the weight on his wrists, but then his feet and knees would hurt. He looked back down at Gage and his cock started to harden as he thought of impure things he knew he shouldn't, especially in his situation, but somehow he couldn't help it.

Back upstairs, John had his pants back on and was having another beer, watching as his son prepared their evening meal at the stove. He felt very satisfied.

Bryan was still wearing just his jock, shoes, socks and neckerchief, but had also donned an apron to prevent getting splattered with hot oil as he fried their steaks. Both the boys nipples were slightly swollen and he had a small tissue in his nose to stop the bleeding from when his dad slammed his face into the table during the violent fucking he had just received. John was hungry too and didn't allow his son time to douche himself, so there were large streams of cum leaking out of his ass and down the backs of his legs and piddling at the top of his socks.

There would be time for that after dinner, thought John, and he admired the current view too much anyways. "Sorry about your nose boy, but damn you can still get your old man fired up and horny!"

Well used to rough sex by now from his father and his father's occasional house guests, it didn't bother Bryan too much, although he was smarting a bit. "That's OK dad. It helps me be a better son to you, and hopefully teach me the right way to fuck a boy when it's my turn!"

John smiled, "Well said son. Your time is coming soon, I promise. Now lets eat!"

He let his son serve him a dinner of steak and potatoes with some green beans, and they both ate while listening to the drama between the two boys in the hut via the microphones placed all over the room. He didn't currently have a camera in the bird cage area, so they couldn't see the boys, but it was kind of entertaining just to listen to the interaction between them. They were just finishing dinner when they heard Gage's screeching as he got his golden shower. When they heard Gage's disgust at "sex stuff" both father and son got a good laugh.

"Well I hate to disappoint the little sissy, but he is going to learn a whole lot of sex stuff. He is just to pretty for his own good," he laughed as he stood up.

"Go ahead and use the gruel recipe we tested and make them up a batch. They are both going to be constipated because they are scared shitless so we will take care of that too." John went to a cupboard and pulled out a white unmarked bottle. "A medic friend made this up for me, it's very powerful laxative. One drop should do it for Red, but make sure you give the little one's bowl three drops, understand?" Bryan took the bottle and nodded, with an evil grin, relishing both the boy's upcoming discomfort and embarrassment, but especially poor Gage. "Good, I'm going to go down and get them started on cleaning up for the night. As soon as your done with the gruel, let it get cold while you clean yourself up. Bring their dinner down to the hut in your sleep clothes. I'm going to set you up in a cot outside their cell for the first couple of nights, just to make sure nothing goes wrong. Get to it!"

"Yes dad," Bryan replied and started on the batch of the watery tasteless goo that would be the scouts first meal in captivity.

Back in full uniform John stopped to fill a mop bucket rainwater from a barrel outside the barn before in the yard before heading back down into the scout hut. The sound of the bold being thrown alerted both boys out of their stupor and both feared the unknown of what would happen to them next. Luke was shaking and Gage started whimpering.

The scoutmaster approached both the boys and acted surprised when he saw them both soaked with piss and the large puddle underneath them. He sat the bucket down.

"What the fuck? I can't leave you for an hour without you pissing yourself again sissy?"

Gage was about to profess his innocence when Luke spoke up. "It was me sir. I'm sorry, I just couldn't hold it and I couldn't miss him I mean..."

"Shut up. I don't care who did it. You two are going to clean this pig sty up. There's cum and piss all over the floor because you two can't control yourselves."

He united Gage's hands and wrists from behind his back, then unlocked his leash from the bird cage. Gage immediately started rubbing his wrists and wince form the pain of this still limbs bending back to their normal location. John quickly pulled him forward and down by the leash however, causing the boy to top his fall with his hands.

"Stay on your hands and knees and don't move." Then John realized that he himself had to pee after drinking all the beer upstairs and smiled down at the prone blond and started undoing his fly. "Since you like piss so much sissy, I will show you how much a real man can pee out of man sized cock!"

Terrified, Gage looked up and saw the man fishing his large fleshy dick out of his uniform trousers. "Nooo please don't! I didn't mean too! It wasn't my fault! I won't pee myself anymore I promise!" He was on the verge of hysterics'. It was bad enough wetting himself, but the humiliation of being peed on by a man was overwhelming. For a boy used to getting his own way so much he couldn't comprehend the situation he was in.

Before Luke even understood himself what he was doing he shouted out in the loudest voice he could get without his voice breaking. "Scoutmaster sir. May I ask permission to speak sir?"

Still holding his cock, with his gloved hand, John looked over to Luke, surprised at the boy's military like bearing while he was stretched out, chained in a cage. "What is it Scout"

"Sir, it was my fault, I peed on us both and made this mess. If you are going to pee on a scout for punishment, it, it should be me sir. He's just a tenderfoot and doesn't know how to act yet." Luke couldn't believe he was volunteering to get pissed on! Part of him would like nothing better than to see the little brat get what's coming to him, but the other part of him felt like since he was actually at fault, he should own up to it. Scouting was one of the few things that Luke had to cling to in his young life and he took his personal honor seriously.

John was surprised and more than a little impressed by Luke's courage. With his cock still hanging out of his pants he walked over and locked eyes with the terrified bound redhead.

"Well said scout. You might actually have the makings of a real leader someday. But you should also be aware that when I decide something, it's final. But just this once I am going to make an exception because you are new and you at least asked properly." He started unlocking Luke's wrist irons. "Be aware however, that you just added to your punishment for speaking out of turn. Every action has consequences boy. Understand me?" He held each ankle fast as he unlocked them as well to prevent both the boy from falling, or from his trying to kick him. When he was complete finished he helped the stiff youth out of the cage.

Even thought he was finally unchained, Luke still felt extremely vulnerable due to being nearly naked in the presence of this man who just oozed authority. Even though part of him was trying to tell him to make a run for it, he just couldn't make his limbs go along with any plan like that. The Scoutmaster's persona and the uniform held a power over the boy.

John grabbed Luke's neckerchief and led the boy over to where Gage was still on his hands and knees. Luke's cock was bobbing off his belly almost fully hard again. His cross wired hormones were in overdrive.

"Get over the sissy here Red, hand and knees and straddle him." John was lightly stroking his flaccid cock in anticipation, he had to make sure not to get so hard that he couldn't pee! Luke obeyed and kneeled down on top of the smaller boy, acutely aware of the feeling of his hard cock nestling into the incredibly soft pillow like flesh of Gage's ass cheeks as he straddled him, placing his chin on Gage's blond mop and looking up at the Scoutmaster, who was now standing legs spread aiming his cock down at them both.

"You know scouts, a bear marks his territory by pissing on it, so it's fitting I do the same. It's too bad your Patrol leader isn't here, and he could join me. Remind me about it so he can mark you as well. " John let loose with a short hard stream of urine that hit Luke right in the face. Luke jerked his head back in surprise, and the hot liquid stung his eyes and nose. He did his best not to let any into his mouth. John laughed at him, remember to be careful what you ask for around here boy! Open you eyes and look at me Scout!"

Lips quivering, Luke forced himself to meet the Scoutmasters gaze. He tried to stare the man down but lost his nerve after only a few seconds. He could feel Gage quaking underneath him and pressing his body back and upward to the older boy for comfort. He pressed back into the smaller boy and did his best to prepare for what was coming. He didn't wait long. John started unloading a huge torrent of piss onto both boys and started to circle them, ensuring he didn't miss any spot.

Gage was moaning and doing his best not to cry again, and Luke's presence helped, even though he could feel the older boys "thing" grow stiff and rubbing in his butt crack. He could hear and man's boots clicking the concrete as he walked around them hosing them down with his cock.

"I hereby mark both of you little pussies as my property, " John was saying. He was now behind the boys and looking down at four legs and two butts, Luke's butt being slightly spread open as he was straddling the smaller blonde kid. This made a nice pink bulls eye for him to aim for. He smirked as he noticed Luke grinding into Gage as he "marked" them. "Two tenderfoot scout pussy boys, just begging to be trained for service in our troop. You start out and the bottom of the shit pile boys," he made sure to soak both boys socks and shoes as he continued around the other side. Realizing eh was about done, he aimed at their heads, ensuring to soaked both of them well before shaking out the rest.

Luke had close his eyes again and wads holding his breath. Not so much because of the foul smell of the heavily pungent piss he was being soaked with, but because once again he was fighting for control of his desire. He knew this was so wrong, and yet the feeling he got when his exposed ass was shot with piss was causing him to grind harder and harder into the squirming moaning boy beneath him. When the piss hit his hair he had to breath and he lost all control, and to his utter shame started to orgasm just as John finished their piss shower.

Luke burring his face in the back of Gage's head and tried to stifle his cries of passion as he came for the third time that day. He was shocked by the power of the spasms he was having and soon Gage was shocked as he felt the warm goo shooting into his butt crack along with the piss. He could tell it wasn't pee though and as he tried to pinch his butt closed, collapsed under the weight of the bigger boy and they both ended up in a wet sticky pile on the floor.

"What the fuck! WHAT THE FUCK!? " John screamed as he yanked Luke up by his neckerchief, revealing his cum dripping cock along with the tell tale puddle on Gage's back and butt.

"Sir, I mean Scoutmaster, I didn't mean too sir. I was..."

"Do you get off on getting pissed on Scout, is that it?" John screamed at the boy, not giving his a chance to answer, "Or did you just want to try to fuck the little blond sissy here. You like long haired blonde boys is that it Scout?"

"Yes sir, I mean, no sir I mean..." Luke eyes filled with tears and he was staring to hyperventilate. He was totally humiliated, standing there with a hard dripping cock and covered in piss.

"Shut up Scout, I've heard enough of your stupid mouth for the day. Take your fucking shoes and socks off NOW!"

Flustered and not knowing what else to do, Luke obeyed instantly, leaning down and untying his soaking wet sneakers, and quickly peeling off his soggy socks. He looked to the Scoutmaster who held out a gloved hand to take the soaking wet socks from him.

"Put your shoes back on NOW!"

Trying his best not to all over he put the dirty sneakers back on, his feet feeling totally gross and squishy as he stood back up.

"Stop making that face or I will give you something to really feel sorry about. Now get down there and clean up your fucking mess!" To Luke's shame and horror he was pointing at Gage's still up turned, now cum filled ass crack. There was an especially large puddle right where his tiny crack met his spine. He quickly started looking around for a rag or waiting to see if he was to use one of his socks, but before he could ask, the Scoutmaster let out an exasperated sigh and again grabbed his kerchief and pulled the boy down by it until his face was right in Gage's ass.

"Use your fucking mouth you ignorant cunt!" John screamed, and smacking his ass hard in the process. "Jeesus, why did I get a fucking blonde sissy and an ignorant fucking redhead!" he grabbed Luke by the back of the head and started rubbing his face in the cum and piss. "Get that tongue to work faggot. if it was good enough for that pathetic little prick of yours it's good enough for your pussy mouth. I want to hear lapping sounds Scout. Eat your cum out of the sissy!" He used one of Luke's piss soaked socks as a whip and smoked Luke's pale freckled ass hard again for emphasis. He made Luke stop and show him a blob of his own cum on his tongue and made him swallow it. Luke did his best not to show his revulsion. Sensing some resistance still in the youth, John started using the sopping wet sock as a whip on Gage's tender ass.

With his cheeks as red as the rising welts on his butt, Luke started lapping up his cum from Gage's butt. He could also taste the pungent urine and several times gagged and almost threw up as John kept whipping his ass with the sock until finally when satisfied the boy had actually swallowed a good bit of his own jizz, yanked him back to his feet.

"I don't have to tell you I hope that you have just added to your punishment for cumming again." John scolded the quivering boy. Luke had a mixture of drool and cum dripping down his chin, and his softening cock still had a string of cum hanging off the tip.

"Sir, Scoutmaster, sir, please, I didn't..."

"Enough! Before you get in any more trouble than you already are, I am going to help you keep your stupid read headed freckle faced cum dump of a mouth quiet.." In front of Luke's face the Scoutmaster took one of his piss soaked socks and stretched it tightly. "Open you mouth Red, and don't make me ask twice!"

Knowing what was coming, but not knowing how to avoid it, Luke closed his eyes and opened his mouth. John took the piss soaked knee sock and tied a knot in the middle, placing the not in Luke's mouth and pulling very hard from behind before tying the gag in place.

"There, that should keep you quiet." John admired his work, staring at Luke who was now standing in just his sneakers and neckerchief, with his garters still just under his knees, but no socks to hold up. He used the remaining sock to wipe up the drooling cum hanging off of Luke's shrinking cock, and held up dark green garment Luke's face.

"Here, now take this and do the same to your little sissy friend you were so concerned about. I'm tired of hearing his blubbering. If it's not tight enough for me, I will take it out on both of you so don't fuck it up, and make sure that blob of your dick snot goes in the sissy's mouth!"

The Scoutmaster yanked Gage to his feet. The smaller boy had been doing his best to be quiet, grateful that the attention was not on him. He was mortified that his own little cock was hard as a rock, the result of Luke's warm tongue on his backside. He grimaced and clamped his mouth shut as Luke knotted the other sock and put the foul tasting garment to his small mouth. He turned his head aside, but Luke would have nothing of it. He was mad at the boy now. Mad that his smooth good looking body was turning him on. Mad for all the years he was made fun of for his freckles and red hair, when he had flawless skin and blonde hair.

Mad for being made fun of behind his back for his second hand clothes, including by other scouts about his uniform, when this little brat was wearing a hundred dollars worth of new gear. Well now the brat would have to do what he was told! Luke grabbed a hold of Gage's chin and yanked open his mouth and stuff the knot in his mouth, making sure a big gob of his cum went to the back of his mouth. Gage fought and was gagging until Luke let him go to get his breathing under control through his nose. He then pulled as hard as he could to make the gag tighter than he needed to, and to his later shame was pleased when the smaller boy winced as he tied the gag in place.

"Both of you, come to attention and don't move!" John ordered as he went to retrieve the bucket he had just filled with rain water.

Both boys now stood gagged, one with a tiny hard on and looking at their feet as the Scoutmaster walked around them. They followed his progress by the click click click of his boots. He seemed to be walking away, but only for a moment as the sound got louder again as John walked up behind them.

"Scouts, you stink and this place is a pig sty!" Both boys screamed into their gags as the mop bucket of cold water was dumped over their naked bodies.

Both boys shrieked into their gag's and started dancing around as the shock of the cold water hit them. Not surprisingly both boys cock's retreated as far as they could back inside their bodies as well.

"You are at attention!" John screamed.

Both boys stopped dancing but couldn't stop shivering as they tried their best to keep their arms still.

"Pathetic." The Scoutmaster went to his cabinet and retrieved a set of manacles. They were actually handcuffs with an extra long chain, but they would work perfectly as boy ankle cuffs. He tossed them on the floor between the two boys.

"Okay Scouts, time to earn your supper. Red, chain your ankles together."

John watched as the still shaking and now soaking wet boy bent down and did as he was told, first fasting the ratcheted cuff on his own bare right ankle, and over the smaller boy's left ankle around his sock.

"Very good, now you are going to take that bucket, go over to the sink and fill it with hot water, then add two capfuls of the disinfectant on the shelf under the sink. You will also find sponges under the sink. Both of you will then get on your hands and knees and proceed to scrub this floor from one end to the other. You have shown a complete disregard for cleanliness as scouts and should be ashamed for pissing and cumming all over the place. I'd better be able to eat off of it once you are done, and be aware that at any time you may be doing just that! Once you are done, you will be allowed a hot shower and your evening meal, but only if I am completely satisfied. Are there any questions?"

Both gagged boys looked at each other, each wondering how the heck they would ask even if they dared! Luke took the lead and shook his head no.

"Then what the fuck are you waiting for? MOVE!"

Their servitude had begun in earnest.

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more please


will there be more?

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