Published: 2-Nov-2012
Word Count:
Bryan awoke 3 hours later to his father rolling him on his stomach and undoing the lock on his chastity belt. He felt a great sense of relief when he his cock was freed, but fought the urge to grab his dick while his father watched.
"Rise and shine boy, it's time. Get your uniform on and meet me in the barn."
"Yes sir!" Although still tired, the thought of the coming fun immediately energized Bryan and he quickly got out of bed and went to his closet where his brand new pressed uniform hung. It started with a black jockstrap that he had painstakingly embroidered in gold thread with he and his dad's special "scout" emblem which resembled a thunderbird symbol. This was followed by skin tight black shorts, that were tailored to fit the boy exactly. They were very short with the hem only one inch below the bottom of his crotch. He next put on his dark green long sleeved collard shirt, which bore patches of the thunderbird emblem, as well as his rank of senior patrol leader. On the sleeve were the red and white numbers 666, representing their troop number. He tucked the shirt into his shorts and fastened the khaki cloth belt with his highly polished military style belt buckle, then donned his black kerchief, fastening with his clasp that had a skull on the front of it. He then sat on his bed and pulled his long green socks on, fastening his garter straps and arranging the black garter tabs so they were exactly at his sides and making sure they were both folded over identically and were perfectly aligned so they stopped just under his kneecaps. He threaded his chrome whistle to his shirt pocket, and attached his hut key ring to his belt. Next he laced up his highly polished jungle combat boots, black leather with green nylon on the sides, and stood to look in the mirror. He combed his freshly cut hair with military precision, and placed his black beret squarely on his head, making sure the thunderbird emblem was facing the correct way. He put on a pair of white cotton gloves and a set of mirrored sunglasses finished his ritual off, and he headed to the barn, the steel taps nailed to his boot's custom soles, making a loud click click click was he walked down the hardwood hallway to the front door.
John Hart was waiting for his son at the entrance to the hut. He was also in uniform, with a shirt identical to his sons but with long black pants tucked into the same style jungle boots. He was also wearing a beret and sunglasses, but had black leather gloves instead of the white cotton ones his son was wearing. He smiled when he saw his son approaching. He looked drop dead sexy in that uniform, he thought, and hopefully would lend authority to what they were about to do.
"You look great Bryan, here, I have a little gift for you, "John said to his son as he handed him a custom made swagger stick. It was made of out of a dark rattan cane with a silver handle that had their thunderbird emblem at the top and a silver tip at the end "I got these made by a friend of mine in England. It is a symbol of your authority and also good for quick on the spot correction. Be careful though, you could really hurt someone if you use it too enthusiastically, if I see you abusing it, I will take it away, understood?"
He handed it over to Bryan who took it gently in his gloved hands. The boys cock gave throb as he first felt the sturdiness of it, then fondled the thunderbird at the top of it. "Thanks Dad, this is great!"
"I'm glad you like it, now let's go introduce ourselves, shall we?" Hart turned to the electrical panel and turned all the lights in the hut on to their full brightness and threw open the hatch. "After you Patrol Leader Hart!"
"Yes sir, Scoutmaster!" Bryan answered, tucking his new swagger stick under his arm and heading down the stairs, his father close behind him.
Both boys had been zoning in and out between sleep and conscious with fear, wondering what whoever had taken them had planned. The three hours they had been down there in the dark seemed like forever, when both were jolted fully awake by blinding light and the noise of the unseen door being opened.
Then they heard slow deliberate footsteps coming down the stairs, the metal taps echoing loudly throughout the "scout hut" with a loud click, click, click.
Luke was trying to look behind him but was having a hard time bound as he was, and with his eyes trying to adjust. Gage saw them first, and tried to talk to them through his gag, without much luck. What he saw frightened him. It was the scout and the man from the van, he remembered, or thought they were, they looked different somehow, but it had to be them. He kept moaning and trying to talk as Bryan took the key ring from his belt and started unlocking the cell door, while the elder Hart stood back with his arms folded, his expression hidden behind the sunglasses.
Bryan ignored Gage, who was by this time screaming through his gag at him, and unlocked the wheels on the wheelchair Luke was tied to and spun him around to face him. Luke was afraid as well, but didn't try to talk, knowing it would be useless anyway. He was also amazed at the uniform the older kid had on. The shorts were so short though! He couldn't figure out what it was about him, or the man behind him, who he assumed was the scoutmaster from the rest area, even though he looked quite different, it had to be him, but he was getting a funny feeling in his groin, even as scared as he was.
Bryan placed his boot right in Luke's crotch as he removed his beret, rolled it and placed it under the epaulet of his shirt. He redheaded boy swallowed, intimidated by the eyeless face starting down at him, and nervous at how close the spit shined boot was to his crotch. He prayed his hardening cock wasn't noticeable. The patrol leader took his new swagger stick and ran it up the side of Luke's face, causing him to tremble and give an involuntary whimper. The stick continued up the side of his face until Bryan got the tip under Luke's beret and flicked it off his head, so that it landed on the floor. revealing a messy red mop of hair, that fell down in Luke's eyes.
"No cover inside scout. You should know that as a patrol leader." Bryan mockingly said to Luke, even though obviously he had no control of anything at the moment. "I think you need to be demoted." With that, Bryan took out a small seem splitter from his shirt pocket and proceeded to remove the patrol leader patch from his left sleeve, causing the boy to tear up. He tried the best he could not to cry, but it had taken him hours to sew that badge on by hand himself. His mom couldn't be bothered by that "waste of time" that the scouts were to her, leaving Luke pretty much on his own, so he sewed all his patches on his donated uniform himself. As he each hand sewn stitch being sliced through, more tears welled up, and by the time Bryan threw his patrol leader patch down on the floor. Luke was sobbing.
John spoke up, "Patrol leader, with crying like that, I think he needs to be demoted completely."
"I agree Scoutmaster, " Bryan said, then showing no emotion started removing every patch on Luke's uniform shirt. "Stop sniveling red. From today on you are a tenderfoot in this troop," He continued until Luke's shirt had all the patches removed. Luke's chin was on his chest and he continued to sob, but silently. Bryan used his swagger stick to lift the gagged boy's face to meet his gaze. "You will get appropriate insignia for this troop when the Scoutmaster determines you are worthy. Training starts this instant. You will do what we say without question or be punished. Dou you understand me red? Shake your head if you do."
Afraid to do anything else, Luke nodded in the affirmative. Again Bryan put his boot between Luke's legs and leaned in close to his face. "That's good Red, that's real good. I think you will even have some fun here," Bryan whispered to him.
Fun? Luke thought, what the hell was he talking about fun? Luke could swear this kid had a hard on. It was pretty hard to hide in those insanely tight shorts. He caught himself wondering how big Bryan's dick was and immediately looked away, afraid of getting caught. Too late.
"There will be plenty of time for that later Red," Bryan said smirking. He spun away and walked over to Gage, who had been silently watching the proceedings. "Then we have little crybaby blondie here." Bryan leaned over the shaking 12 year old and sniffed. "Holy shit Scoutmaster. I do believe this little sissy has wet himself. No wonder the real scouts pulled his uniform shorts down. He doesn't deserve to wear them if he's going to soil himself!" Bryan yelled.
John joined his son in the now crowded cell and stared down at Gage, who was now crying and moaning into his gag again. "A brand new uniform too, and he has no respect for it obviously. Get him in the bird cage Patrol Leader."
"Yes sir!" Bryan answered and started unlocking Gage's small wrists from the cuffs holding his arms over his head. The boy rubbed his wrists furiously while the older boy unlocked his similarly tiny ankles from their restraints. Before Gage could even move his legs though, Bryan quickly pulled a set of leg irons (that he had made himself while learning metal work) from under the cot and clamped them onto the kid's ankles. They were actually made for a bigger boy in mind, but with his hiking shoes on and laced up, they would not slip completely off. They were connected by a heavy metal chain 14 inches in length, so that the wearer could not walk at a normal gate, even a four and a half foot boy.
"On your feet sissy." Bryan pulled the light boy off the cot and to his feet. Gage wanted to run, but after so many hours of immobility, his limbs felt like rubber and he almost fell right back down if it wasn't for the older boy holding him up by his shirt collar, not to mention the heavy irons locked around his ankles.
"March Pissy Sissy," Bryan ordered and roughly manhandled Gage out of the cell.
The small boy screeched into his gag as he was frog marched over to the bird cage. The bird cage was another metal work project that John had used to teach his son welding. It was basically just like what is sounded, a circular, boy-sized bird cage made of re-bar about two feet in circumference and six feet high. It's vertical bars were spaced about 6 inches apart so even the skinniest of boy scout couldn't escape once locked inside, and the horizontal bars were spaced a foot apart. For the floor it had a "perch" of one piece of re bar welded in place and the top made of more pieces of re bar. From the top and bottom of the cage were a set of iron manacles, boy sized, welded in place to short pieces of heavy chain. The whole affair was suspended from a beam by chain so it hung off the floor by about two feet.
When Gage saw where he was being led he tried to fight back, but he was no match for the much larger teenager. Bray placed his hands under Gage's armpits and lifted the struggling lightweight into the cage, balancing the boy on the perch while he placed one of his wrists inside one of the heavy iron manacles. Taking a special key from his uniform belt, Bryan adjusted the iron around Gage's wrist ensuring it was a snug fit. He did the same with his remaining wrist leaving Gage now balanced on the perch with his arms restrained above him.
To test his restraining job, Bryan smile cruelly at the boy and using his cane, shoved Gage's manacled feet off the perch, causing him to drop several inches and causing all his weight to be born by his wrists. He howled in pain as he swung and tried to regain his footing. Every time he came close, Bryan would swat at Gage's bare thighs with his crop, causing him to lose balance. This went on for a couple of minutes until Bryan was satisfied that the boy could not wiggle free of his manacles, and he let him regain his footing. He sung the door of the cage shut and secured it with a large pad lock.
"Look at your self sissy." Bryan him, pointing to a mirror on the wall in front of the cage. "I bet your mommy would be furious if she knew her little precious baby wet himself and ruined that fancy uniform" Gage was horrified to see himself in the mirror with the huge dark wet spot dominating the front of his green shorts. He had a hard time associated the chained and gagged boy staring back at him from a cage to himself. His uniform was disheveled, and one of his socks had fallen down his scrawny leg. Along with the tears running down his face he could feel the dampness in his underwear.
"Good job Patrol Leader, that should hold the cry baby for now." John said approvingly to his son. "Now lets see if Red over here is more of a boy. Bring him over here and get my barbering kit."
"Yes sir," Bryan replied. He walked back to the cell, and wheeled Luke over to his father, arranging the chair so that his back was to bird cage. Luke could see himself and Gage chained up behind him in the mirror on the wall. He felt bad for the smaller boy, but at the same time, deep inside him he was feeling something else at the sight of his stretched up in heavy chains inside a cage. His own bondage was also puzzlingly slightly thrilling to him. As terrified as he was, to his shame, he could feel his cock getting stiff inside his own shorts.
His attention was diverted from the mirror by Bryan returning with a small wheeled cart he placed next to the chair. The man who called himself the Scoutmaster picked up a strait razor from the cart and grabbed a large razor strop that was hanging from the side and started sharpening the razor, right in front of Luke's face. He swallowed hard. Meanwhile Bryan plugged in the heavy metal electric clippers.
"Which guard should I put on sir?" the patrol leader asked.
John ran his fingers through Luke's shaggy red hair, ignoring the flinch it caused. "What do you think boy? He looks like a damn girl with all this hair. Butch him, hi n tight, or flat top?"
Remembering all the humiliating haircuts his dad had given him over the years, Bryan smiled evilly and ran his own hands through Luke's hair and tugging it, bringing a tear to young boy's eye. "Definitely a flat top sir, with a nice landing strip in the middle. He should have to groom himself every day for inspection, and I like the idea of him having to wax his hair every morning."
John nodded his approval. "Good choice Patrol Leader. Prep him. We might as well get him ready for the total groom. I'm going to set up the camera for before and after pictures."
Smiling, Bryan snapped his heals together and answered "Sir!" As his father went over to set up the camera gear in the "studio" area of their dungeon, Bryan knelt down in front of the chair and undid the restraints holding Luke's legs to the chair. Not able to resist the 16 year old ran his hands up the inside of Luke's legs, starting at his shoes, going up his knee socks and then his smooth thighs, until his hands came together at his crotch. Bryan grinned when he felt the beginnings of a boner in the boy's shorts but didn't let his hands linger. Luke was turning bright red as he knew his shameful secret had just been discovered, and did his best to look away and try to ignore the weird feelings of being touched that way by another boy.
While Bryan noticed the embarrassed scout's state of arousal and his futile efforts to try to not show it, he remained business like as he undid the wrist restraints and other ropes holding restraining the skinny red head to the chair. When Bryan finished he stood up and grabbed Luke's chin, making him look up into his eyes.
"Stay perfectly still boy, if you try anything, it will go very badly for you." Bryan warned Luke as he removed the final restraint holding him to the wheelchair. "Scout, I am going to remove your gag. You will not speak unless spoken too. You will only answer direct questions with yes or no sir, yes or no Patrol Leader, or yes or no Scoutmaster. Anything else will lead to punishment. Maybe immediate quick punishment, or later and long and drawn out punishment, but either will be painful I guarantee it. If you understand me, shake your head boy."
Eager to have the soaking wet rag out of his mouth, he enthusiastically nodded yes, reminding himself not to say anything, not that he wasn't already too scared to. He mainly was doing his best not to burst into tears.
"Good boy, we may make a scout out of you yet!" Bryan said, looking to his father, who had since returned from the corner to observe how his son handled the new boy. The man nodded to his son, who untied the knot on the neckerchief holding it in place in Luke's mouth. He removed it slowly from the boy's mouth, then used it to wipe up the drool that had been spilling down his chin and then retied it sopping wet thing around his neck. Bryan backed up giving Luke some room. Luke coughed a bit and moved his mouth trying to get some feeling back but made super sure he didn't make a sound!
John spoke next. "Ok boy, stand up slowly, and then I want you to carefully unbutton your shirt, take it off and fold it neatly on the chair behind you. Do you understand?"
When Luke tried to answer it came out first as a dry croak, but found his voice and answered quietly, "Yes sir," careful to say nothing else.
Bryan scoffed at his quiet response. He took his crop and whacked Luke's bare thigh just under the hem of his shorts. "Answer like you have a pair boy! I want to hear Yes Scoutmaster!" He struck the other thigh for emphasis.
"Yes Scoutmaster!" Luke answered with as much enthusiasm as he could muster. He quickly stood, ignoring the small head rush he got from standing up too fast. That crop hurt! He quickly started unbuttoning his uniform shirt and then started to unfasten the kerchief, which quickly brought another painful swat from the patrol leader's crop.
Whack! "I don't recall the scoutmaster saying anything about your kerchief scout!" Bryan shouted at the quivering boy. "Did you?"
"N, no sir, sorry Patrol Leader" Luke answered, trying not to cry.
"Your sorry all right scout!" John joined in. Get that fucking shirt off and folded."
"Yes sir Scoutmaster!" Luke answered, he got shirt unbuttoned and pulled it out of his shorts, folding it as best he could and turning around to place it on the chair. He tried to avoid glancing at the still gagged and spread eagled kid in the cage behind him, but it was impossible, he briefly exchanged a terrified glance with Gage balancing on his perch before turning around again, now in just his white undershirt.
"All right Scout, now your shorts. Unbuckle them and take them off over your shoes and socks. Fold them and put them with your shirt. You have 10 seconds," John ordered careful to hide the emotion in his voice. He could see Luke starting to get more nervous at the thought of revealing himself in his underwear in front of him and his son. Of course John thought, the poor kid didn't know he had already had a sneak peak. It was much more useful though to make the boy do it himself.
When Luke hesitated after unbuckling his belt, Bryan started toward him with his crop raised. That is all it took for Luke to quickly pull his shorts down. He almost fell over trying to pull his shorts over his tennis shoes, but regained his balance and quickly folded them and put them on top of his folded shirt on the chair. He slowly turned back around, acutely aware that his cock was now filling up his white briefs with a very noticeable bulge. Instinctively he put his hands in front of his crotch when he turned around but Bryan would have none of it.
"Hands at your side scout. You always return to the position of attention. I know you know that as a scout. Lets see it!"
Feeling the burn of his blushing cheeks, Luke obeyed placing his hands at his sides, his feet together and facing the Scoutmaster and Patrol Leader. To his further horror, he could feel a damp stain forming in his tented underwear.
Bryan had a full blown hard on himself in his tight uniform shorts. The gangly boy before him, red hair freckles and now leaking boy dick, was an very sexy sight to behold, standing in just his underwear with the bright kerchief around his neck. It took all his will power not to stroke his own cock while his father gave the next order.
"I think you know what's next Luke, "John said, using the boys name for the first time. "Take off your undershirt. Leave the kerchief on. Add the shirt to the pile and come back to attention. I know this is hard for you son, but you have no choice. Do it now."
The tone in the Scoutmasters voice left no doubt to Luke that he did in fact have no choice. He had to stretch the neck hole out to get the shirt off over his neckerchief, but soon was standing at attention, now just wearing his briefs, socks and shoes, plus the neckerchief. He felt totally humiliated and scared, knowing that the two in front of him were focused completely on himself. When he looked away he saw himself in the mirror and was even more self conscious.
"Nice body on you Luke, I knew it when I saw you the first time. Get over against that backdrop son. We need some before and after pictures for your photo album." John instructed.
Unable to resist touching that wonderful freckled skin in front of him, Bryan grabbed Luke's arm, and placed his other hand on his underwear covered butt and led him over to the area against the wall where his Dad had set up his camera gear. There was a plain white backdrop against the wall and Bryan arranged the boy so he was facing the large format film camera set on a tripod. John was switching on the bright studio lights and checking a light meter. Once he was satisfied, he adjusted the camera so he would get full profile shots of the frightened youth.
"You're at attention boy. Stare right above the camera."
"Y, y, yes sir," Luke croaked and brought his heels together and fought his instinct to grab at his throbbing boy dick, curling his hands into fists at his side. Try as he might he couldn't keep his bare knees from starting to knock together.
John was checking his shot through the viewfinder, then spoke to Bryan. "Patrol Leader, help this scout with his uniform. His socks are down and his garters are out of order, and get that mop out of his eyes."
"Yes Scoutmaster" his son answered and knelt down to pull up Luke's olive drab knee socks so they were tight and ended exactly under his knobby knees. The patrol leader took the opportunity to run his hands again up Luke's smooth hairless thighs. Luke let out a yelp when the older boy reached inside his underwear to arrange his dick so it was straight up in his pants. It was a good thing he stopped when he did because Luke felt like he would cum if the older boy kept touching him. He started breathing rapidly and for the hundredth time since this all began had to swallow back tears. His knees started knocking again as Bryan arranged his neckerchief and smoothed his unruly red hair out of his eyes.
"Try to stand still boy. This won't hurt, " joked John as he started taking photos.
Aware of the wet spot forming in his briefs, Luke tried to think of anything that would make his cock deflate. He couldn't understand why he had a boner when he was so scared. When he looked over at the blonde kid in the cage, it didn't get any better. He couldn't see himself, but could imagine how he looked, standing there nearly naked. Now along with his dick, he could feel his small pink nipples turning hard.
John got the shots he wanted. "Ok boy, now it's show time. I want you to take your underpants off, turn them inside out and hand them to your Patrol Leader for inspection."
Luke knew it would come to this, but mentally he still wasn't ready. "Please sir. I, I can't. Don't make me. "
John was expecting resistance. Actually he wanted the boy to not be a total pushover. "Scout, you have just disobeyed a direct order and will be punished. I suggest you obey me now, or I am going to get angry. You will either take your underwear off on your own, or the Patrol Leader will do it for you and it won't be pleasant. He will enjoy it, I will probably enjoy watching, but I doubt you will like it at all. You have 5 seconds to make up your mind."
"Please sir." Luke was losing his voice.
"Two!" John figured one had already gone by.
Luke's lip started quivering and Bryan cracked his knuckles.
Tears started flowing down Luke's bright pink cheeks. He had lost. Crying freely now he hooked his fingers in the elastic waistband of his cheap department store briefs and slowly lowered them, fighting with his now half hard dick, which slapped his flat stomach as it freed itself while the boy bent to step out of his underwear. He didn't turn them inside out as he was instructed, but Bryan would remind him of that only when it was punishment time.
When Bryan took the underwear Luke covered his shame with his hands, but John would have none of that. "You are at the position of attention Scout! You're not hiding anything no one else in this room has...well except maybe for the sissy in the bird cage, we will see what he has soon enough." John said with scorn.
Back in the cage, to his own private horror, Gage felt a stream of fresh urine filling his shorts and running down his legs. He kept quiet, glad that the attention for now was not on him. His arms were hurting though and he was having a hard time standing. He looked down in dismay at the small puddle forming on the floor under him. He was also ashamed to admit that he found looking at the red headed boy's dick was fascinating.
"Report Patrol Leader," John demanded of his son, who was carefully inspecting the inside of Luke's underpants.
"Disgusting sir," Bryan replied. "Skid marks, piss stains, and pre cum. This tenderfoot has a hygiene problem." He threw the briefs to the ground.
"We will remedy that Patrol Leader. These pictures will be part of the documentation of Luke here from a tenderfoot mama's boy to a real boy scout, worthy of our troop." He bent down and took a few pictures of the boy, now nude but for his socks, shoes and kerchief. His cock was partly deflated, but still sticking out nicely from his small red pubic bush. The look of the crying boy's face would be perfect for the people he had in mind to show the photos too. Once he had what he needed, he stood up and flicked off the lights.
"Ok, Luke, back to the chair. Time to get rid of that girly mop and make a real boy out of you."
Grateful to just be out from in front of the lens, he almost ran back to the chair. Bryan, who had picked up Luke's discarded uniform was about to put it on the barber cart when he saw the puddle under the bird cage.
"Scoutmaster you are not going to believe this. Little boy Gage here has pissed himself again. How on earth did he ever get to be a scout?!"
"Damn boy. What is your fucking problem, we haven't even begun with you yet! Patrol leader we don't have time to deal with the sissy right now, he will clean up his mess later." He turned to Luke. "Sit down boy. Do we need to tie you down or will you keep still and do as your told?"
"I will do as you say sir. Please don't tie me up again."
Good answer boy, but I will tie you up anytime I damn well please understand?" "Yes sir, I understand sir."
Bryan grabbed the barber cape from the cart, removed the neckerchief and fastened the cape tightly around Luke's neck, who was grateful for the cover it offered him. He felt weird sitting naked on the leather seat of the wheel chair. It wasn't long though when heard the snap and hum of the heavy steel electric clippers come to life. He felt the scoutmaster push his head down and felt the blade at the base of his neck.
John wasted no time, being an expert at cutting boy's hair, he made quick work of the first pass of the clippers, smiling as he watched the look of horror on Luke's face as his long red locks fell in large clumps down the cape in front of him. Luke didn't think he had any tears left, but as any boy of the 80's would have been, he was horrified of having a short haircut! His friends would crucify him at school! Of course, he didn't want to think if he would even see his friends again.
It took about another twenty minutes for John to finish his masterpiece. The result was a perfect flat top haircut, that he held in place with a generous portion of crew wax that he was working into the boys hair. "Almost done son," John announced. "Patrol Leader, put on the shaving cream. He needs some nice white walls to finish up the top."
Bryan squirted some menthol shaving cream onto his hand and applied it over Luke's newly showing ears (they stuck out slightly, which his hairstyle had previously hidden) and around the nape of his neck. John handed his son the strait razor.
"Would you like to do the honors Bryan?"
"Gladly sir! How high should I go?"
"As high as you think. He is your tenderfoot to train after all."
"Yes sir," Bryan answered enthusiastically and pushed the trembling boy's head to the side. "Don't move scout. I have practiced shaving on a balloon, but they don't wiggle."
Luke had his eyes shut. He didn't want to watch but he could feel the blade scraping the already short stubble off the side of his scalp as Bryan moved the razor around his head. His last hair cut the barber used scissors only and no clippers. Now he could feel the cool air of the hut on his newly shorn scalp and it made him shiver. He gripped the armrests tightly to keep himself still. Soon he felt his head being toweled off and breathed a sigh of relief when he felt the barber cape being undone around his neck.
"Stand up Scout!" Bryan ordered, "Hands at your sides."
His cock had calmed slightly during the haircut, so he was grateful but he was not prepared for the naked boy staring back at him in the mirror! He was bald to the skin for a good inch above his ears, and what was left of his bright red hair was standing strait up, shorn perfectly flat. A large "landing strip" was visible in the middle of his scalp where his hair was also almost completely gone to maintain the perfect flatness. As he stood staring in disbelief, Bryan moved the chair out of the way and John picked the clippers back up.
"Almost finished Scout," the scoutmaster announced, "Hands behind your head and interlock your fingers."
After Luke obeyed the command, John walked up to him with the clippers and started feeling first his armpits, then kneeling down and running his large hands up and down his naked legs. As much as Luke wished otherwise, his dick started to inflate again. "Nothing much there so far, good," the Scoutmaster said, "feet apart boy, look straight ahead at yourself in the mirror. That's what a real scout hair cut is."
"Yes sir," Luke whispered, obviously not convinced of that fact. He sucked his breath in quickly though when he felt the mans hands grasp his dick and balls in one hand and heard the clippers hum to life.
"Oh god no! Please, not that sir!" Luke almost shouted as he felt the unguarded blade press against his pubic area.
"Shut up Scout!" Bryan shouted at him.
"Relax boy and don't move", John admonished him. "I'm just giving you a trim, but any more outburst and I will make you smooth as a baby's ass down here, understand?"
"Yes sir, I'm sorry sir."
"I know you are sorry, but not as much as your going to be if you keep it up Scout." He started cutting away at the already modest bush of red pubes. "No need for the razor down here Patrol Leader. Not enough to bother." John kept his voice steady and full of authority, but it was all he could do to keep his hand shaking from excitement. The beautiful example of prime boy meat in his hands was a site to behold, especially now that he trimmed away most of the hair around it, leaving a small perfect vertical rectangle of red bush. He used scissors to trim the length of the remaining pubes down to a uniform quarter of an inch, just enough for the wonderful red color to be noticed against his pale white freckled skin. By the time he was done, Luke's dick was completely hard at 4 inches and sticking up at about a 45 degree angle with a small stream of pre-cum dangling from his dark pink mushroom. It was all John could do not to wrap his lips around it. He knew Bryan would be needing some relief soon too, but not just yet.
Luke didn't know what to feel. He was frightened, angry, humiliated, powerless, but most of all, as his cock showed everyone in the room, incredibly erotic. Looking at himself in the mirror he was ashamed that in some corner of his brain, he liked what he saw. It went back to when he was little playing cowboys and Indians or cops and robbers, why he always seemed to gravitate toward being on the losing side.
"You can put your hands down boy, but keep them away from your dick. Get back over in front of the camera. Time for your after photos. Patrol Leader, get him his new kerchief, the right color tabs and cover."
While Bryan went to gather the new uniform items for Luke, the Scoutmaster arranged Luke as before and set up his camera gear. He took a few shots, having Luke turn to each side for nice profile shots (especially with his dick sticking out from his body) and to his extreme humiliation, had him turn away from the camera, bend over and spread his ass cheeks.
"We have to show off that beautiful virgin tenderfoot pussy Luke." Johns cock was leaking into his own uniform pants at the sight of those gangly smooth skinny legs, outlined by his contrasting knee socks and succulent dimpled ass cheeks starting back at him. He didn't know how long he could put off deflowering him, but he wanted to delay that moment for as long as possible. He had the boy stand up before he came on the spot.
Luke was relieved when that was over and he was turned around again for Bryan to "dress him" as the older teen fastened a brand new black kerchief around his neck. He also knelt down and one at a time, changed out his green garter tabs, which had shown that he had patrol leader rank, for new bright yellow tabs, the color of no rank for his new "troop". Bryan used this opportunity to run his gloved finger over Luke's glistening cock head and wipe up the cock snot that was leaking out of his slit, causing Luke to go visibly weak in the knees. Bryan stood up and right in front of younger boys face, tasted the pre cum on his finger.
"You don't taste too bad Scout. Have you ever tasted your own cum boy? Don't even try to say you don't jack off?" He gathered more pre cum, teasing the boy's quivering cock head in the process, and brought it to Luke's lips. Horrified, Luke tried to turn away. He had of course, wondered what his cum tasted like but was always to chicken to actually taste it.
"Eyes front, and open your mouth boy. You are going to taste a lot of cum here, so you might as well get used to it." Bryan pressed his gloved finger onto Luke's quivering lips. Their eyes met, and Luke slowly opened his mouth accepting the finger, afraid of what he would taste. Surprisingly he didn't really taste anything at first, and then just a slightly salty after taste as his Patrol Leader withdrew his finger. "You will learn to taste a lot more that soon Scout, so get used to the idea." Bryan placed a brand new black beret just like his, but without any insignia on it. As he adjusted the beret, he was taunting the boy, "You will learn to crave cum Scout. My cum, the Scoutmaster's cum, even the little sissy over there's cum if he can even make any." He stood back and started rubbing his cock through his tight shorts. "You will live to serve this boy," he said smirking, then stood out of the way of the astonished boy, so his father could finish the new "after" photos.
John was proud of the taunting his son was dishing out, the poor kid was horny and humiliated and scared all at once. This made for very alluring poses to capture.
"Last one so we can get started on the little one" John said nodding toward the bird cage. "Scout I want your best scout salute for the camera."
Luke flushed. He placed his fingers together, and saluted, wondering what he looked like in just his shoes, socks, neckerchief and hat, saluting the camera, well aware that his cock was throbbing. As he thought about while the fancy camera clicked away, a familiar feeling came over him. Knowing what was about to happen, he tried with all his might to stop it, but it was no use. Without even touching his cock, the horrified boy felt his smallish balls tighten up in his hairless sack and empty themselves into his cock. Saluting the camera, his body started to wrack in orgasm as his four incher started erupting with such force that his cum flew three feet in front of him in a huge arc, splashing all over the floor in front of the camera. He couldn't help giving an embarrassingly high pitched squeal as he shuddered in humiliated pleasure.
John, waited until the boy was done, even managing to capture his eruption on camera, before letting into him. "What the fuck Scout? I didn't give you permission to cum. Don't you have any self control. What kind of fucking boy whore are you?"
Both Bryan and John were now on either side of him.
Bryan took it from there. "I can see we have our work cut out for us Scoutmaster. This pussy can't even control his dick when he is saluting in his new uniform. I'm glad I didn't give him his new underwear!"
"I'm sorry sirs, it just happened. I don't know..." Luke was starting to cry again.
"Shut up and get those hands behind your head boy, feet apart, Now!" John screamed at him. "Patrol Leader, strip to your class C uniform."
Finally! Thought Bryan. He quickly started unbuttoning his shorts and his shirt. In the meantime John went over to were Luke's underwear was laying and grabbed them off the floor. Ensuring they were still inside out, he walked back to Luke, pinched the boy's nose so he had to open his mouth and shoved them in as far as he could. Luke gagged and tried to spit them out, but he was no math for the huge ex soldier who held the rank undies in place.
"Breath through your nose boy. They aren't going anywhere."
Luke fought for control, and managed to control his reflex. The underwear tasted awful, and his mind probably made it seem even worse as he thought of the skid marks and piss stains that he knew were there. As soon as he could breath through his nose, he felt himself being pulled down by his neckerchief to his knees, and dragged toward the puddle of cum he had just made. His knees burned as they rubbed on the bare concrete floor, and he was glad the Scoutmaster stopped dragging him.
Only for a moment though as the man pushed him onto all fours. It go eerily silent for a moment until Luke heard the ominous click, click, click of Bryan's boots on the floor. He was starting down at the cum, and didn't dare look up, but soon enough, the shiny boot toe of his patrol leader came into his limited view. He glanced up and almost swallowed even more of the vile underwear gag.
Towering above the cowering prone boy, Bryan had doffed his shirt and shorts, and was now in his "Class C" uniform that consisted of his boots, socks, jockstrap and gloves. He was smiling down at Luke, slapping his palm with his cane. It was Luke's first look at Bryan's body and he found himself feeling very inadequate in comparison. Where he was all limbs and bones, Bryan had a very toned body and obviously was no stranger to fitness. What caught his eye most though, was the very full black jockstrap just inches above his face. He had never seen a jockstrap before and was fascinated at the way it perfectly accented Bryan large boyhood. The Patrol Leader's dick looked twice as big as his! Obviously it wasn't but Luke was always afraid to be caught staring at other boys dicks as school so he wasn't very experienced at judging size.
Bryan felt his own cock drooling as feelings of power oozed through him as he started down at the boy on all fours with his dirty underwear hanging out of this mouth.
"Patrol Leader, see that he cleans up his mess!"
"Yes sir," Bryan replied, He looked down evilly at Luke, and then pushed his face onto the first puddle of cum. "Wipe it up boy, and be quick!"
Luke tried moving his head side to side halfheartedly when all of a sudden his ass felt like it was on fire!
Bryan had just used his cane for its intended purpose. he swatted Luke's pale freckles butt with his cane for emphasis. "Clean it like you mean it you little faggot! Get your fucking face down there and get the cum off the floor!"
Luke attacked the puddles now as fast and as hard as he could, with three fresh welts forming across his ass. A single tear was falling down his cheek when Bryan was finally satisfied with the job and pulled him up by his kerchief. Luke was totally humiliated as he started up at Gage staring back at him with wide eyes as his now cum soaked briefs hung from his mouth. At least I didn't wet myself, he thought.
Just at that moment though, Bryan seemed to remember that episode as well. "While your at it, crawl over there and clean up your little sissy friends mess!"
Luke groaned and looked pleadingly at Bryan, but the older boy raised his cane, and Luke crawled as fast as he could over the puddle of piss under the bird cage. He hesitated as eh got close to the puddle, smelling the younger boy's pungent urine on the floor, but eth clicking of Bryan's boots approaching spurred him on and he closed his eyes and did his best. The cotton briefs quickly soaked up a large amount of the awful stuff and Luke almost barfed but managed to maintain, afraid he would choke to death if he did.
"What do you think Scoutmaster?" Bryan asked. He hoped his dad would be satisfied as he needed relief and now!
"Not bad for the first time. He had better learn fast though. Speaking of learning, time for the first lesson. Scout, stand up, come to attention!"
Too afraid to do anything but obey, Luke stood, hands at his sides, keeping his piss and cum soaked underwear in his mouth. To make matters worse, he was now starting to drool as well. Bryan was smiling lustfully at him stroking his 6 inch boner through his jock pouch. To his dismay, Luke's own dick, which had been completely shriveled while he went about his vile task, started responding at the site of what he was afraid to admit to himself, the very attractive older boy.
"Scout, when I say get dressed, I want you to get those briefs out of your mouth and put them on, making sure they are right side out. I want no hesitation. Do you understand me boy?"
Eyes wide, Luke shook his head yes to the Scoutmaster.
"I can't fucking hear you Scout!"
This brought another stroke from Bryan's cane.
Thwack! "MMPGH!" Luke screamed into his briefs.
"Answer the Scoutmaster! He asked you a fucking question!"
"Ymph Smfr" the jumbled response came.
Luke screamed an answer as loud as he could into his gag.
"Get dressed!" John thundered.
Without pausing to think, Luke pulled the cum and piss soaked briefs from his mouth, turned them right side out and pulled them on. His face scrunched up as he felt the warm dampness envelop his pubic area. He didn't have time to dwell though, as he felt his hands being pulled behind his back and expertly roped and tied by the Scoutmaster. He felt coil after coil of rope being wrapped around each wrist and then jerked together tightly by an impossible to undo(by him) knot.
"See why knot tying is important Patrol Leader?" John laughed as he tested his tying job by tugging Luke to his knees from behind. "Let's see what you can teach him about using his mouth!" He walked over to the bird cage shook it hard, "Pay attention Sissy, because anything Luke here learns, you have to as well."
As terrified as he was, Gage couldn't keep his eyes off the unfolding drama. He was just praying they would get tired first or he would just wake up on the bus from this horrible nightmare.
Bryan dropped his cane on the cart and walked slowly toward the kneeling scout. Luke was pretty sure what was coming, but prayed he was mistaken. When Bryan grabbed his kerchief and pulled his face into his jock pouch, he knew he wasn't. Bryan grabbed the beret he was still wearing and tossed it off to rub his hands all over Luke's freshly buzzed head.
"Nice..." he muttered. He started rubbing Luke's face all over his crotch until the younger boy's drool along with his own leaking cock had thoroughly soaked the embroidered black pouch. Bryan looked down at Luke, who had his eyes shut tightly but was breathing heavily and had another erection showing through his dirty underwear. He grabbed the scouts neckerchief and pulled back with one hand and with the other, pulled his cock free of the jockstrap, dropping it and kicking it off to the side.
"Open you eyes Scout, and meet your new best friend!" Bryan's voice was full of lust.
Luke opened his eyes reluctantly and was face to face with the biggest penis he had ever seen in his young life, not to mention the first time he had ever seen a foreskin. He was scared and fascinated at the same time, and was licking his lower lip without even releasing it.
Bryan held Luke in place by the neckerchief and started slapping the boy's face with his six inches, leaving streaks of pre cum on his cheeks. He used his free hand to pull back his foreskin revealing the dark purple head underneath, "You may not have known until now Luke, but you were born for this. Born to suck cock, and most of all suck the cocks of your betters. Your life was shit until today boy, and you know it. Now open up that pretty faggot mouth of yours , and get your first taste what you know you want, know you need!"
Without being pulled, Luke closed his eyes, opened his mouth ever so slightly and started leaning slowly toward the angry looking penis at his lips...
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