Jules, Part 1

[ M/g, pedo ]

by Samara


Published: 13-Jan-2012

Word Count:

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

I am an amateur photographer. My day job is not important, but my passion, my hobby, is photography. Most evenings and weekends you will find me either out taking pictures or shut up in my darkroom creating images. My wife often jokes of being a photographic widow! She doesn't complain too much though, as the modest second income I make selling prints from my web site enables us to afford a decent foreign holiday every year. I'll take pictures of most things, but I tend to prefer landscapes. Most weekends I (and sometimes my wife and boys) take a trip to some remote, beautiful location in the search of a stunning landscape. It was on one of these trips that this story took place.

On this particular fall weekend I went alone as my wife had arranged to visit her sister and the boys were still away at college. I packed my small two man tent and some basic camping supplies in the car and drove to a lake I knew well. I had taken many pictures there before and the reason for this trip was to capture some images of the beautiful red and gold foliage of the surrounding forest. I set up camp at my favorite campsite, which at this time of year had only a few late season campers, and spent the first day checking out my favorite scenes and scouting for new ones in the forest around the lake. I returned early evening with my camera equipment having decided on a couple of likely places to take the images. (Evening, a couple of hours before sunset and the morning, a couple of hours after sunrise are the best times to take pictures because of the superior quality of the light!)

I had set up the tripod with my Mamiya camera and was testing the exposure settings using my Canon digital camera. (I use the digital camera to assist with composition and exposure settings then take the actual image on medium format transparency roll film for its excellent quality). I noticed a child standing off to one side, partially hidden behind a tree, watching me. At first I ignored the intrusion but after I had made several exposures with the Mamiya, the child was still there, watching my every move.

"Hello" I smiled

The child stepped out from behind the tree, smiled back and replied "Hi-ya" before slowly creeping forward to get a better view. "Whatcha doing?"

The child was a girl. She had a very pretty face, shoulder length fair hair and pale skin adorned with a few freckles across her nose and cheeks. She wore a baggy light blue T-shirt with 'Little Angel' stenciled across the chest, navy blue knee length cycling shorts, white socks and sneakers. I remembered seeing her about the campsite earlier, her family owned a modest motor home and a small sailing dinghy and had spent the day sailing on the lake. "Just taking a few pictures of this beautiful scenery." I replied, thinking it should be pretty obvious.

"Why d'you have two cameras?"

"I've more than two cameras, and they each have their own purpose." I answered. She was fairly tall but quite thin. I judged her to be about eight or nine years old.

"What's the big one on that stand for?" she asked, displaying that annoying tendency of children to ask endless questions that I remembered of my two boys at that age.

"That's the one I use to take landscape pictures with. Its on a tripod because the pictures need to be very sharp, so it has to be kept very still."

She continued to ask questions and I tried to answer them using language a child would understand, a process that had me unpacking the two Nikon SLR bodies I had in my gadget bag. She was interested in the digital camera because it has a little screen on the back that shows the pictures you've taken. I asked her some questions and discovered she loved sailing and camping, she hated her older brother because he was too bossy and her name was Juliet which she also hated so her friends called her Jules. I thought Juliet was a lovely name and told her so but agreed to use her nickname.

"I never known anyone with so many cameras! My dad's only got one." She exclaimed.

"Well one is fine if you just want to take family holiday pictures. I have all these because I like to take lots of different types of pictures so hopefully I can sell some of them." I explained with one eye on the falling light level.

"Hey! why don't you take a picture of me," she exclaimed "with that silver one so I can see it."

That was the last thing I wanted to do. I needed to move on to another location to try and catch the sun setting over the lake. "Well OK." I smiled, pulling the Canon back out of the bag and hoping I didn't sound too annoyed. I set the camera up quickly, took a couple of snaps then showed her the images on the preview screen.

"Wow, that's cool!" she laughed, "take some more." She struck a pose.

I took another shot and she continued to pose in ways she had probably seen models do on the TV. I continued to take pictures, any hope of catching the sunset shot fading rapidly. After a few minutes we sat together on a nearby log to review the ten or so images.

"You're pretty good at this." I said. I was quite impressed with the results.

"You think I'll make a good model?"

"Sure," I encouraged "you're a natural."

"You taken model pictures before?"

"Yeah, a few." I said, then instantly regretted it. I'd done some glamour stuff with the photography society I belong to and I just knew she would ask about it. I wasn't wrong!

"That's cool." She smiled after I had explained what glamour photography was. "I could do that!" she jumped up and in one swift movement pulled the T-shirt off. I was speechless. I was also revising my assessment of her age. She had very small tits, just slightly swollen cones really, rising from her chest and topped with tiny puffy nipples. The bagginess of her T-shirt had been sufficient to hide them. I figured she must be ten or eleven and approaching puberty, but she still had that unselfconscious attitude to nudity common to most kids. "Come on then!" she urged, then squeezed her tits together with her upper arms in the way a model does to enhance cleavage.

Still in a daze, I raised the camera and pressed the shutter. "Er....you shouldn't be doing this." I mumbled, having finally found my voice.

"Come on, take some more." She said ignoring my feeble protest.

By now I was coming out of shock and I'd noticed two things. First, the memory card in the camera was full, so I fiddled about changing it trying to use the time to think straight. Second, my cock was growing rather stiff and felt as though it was trying to burst out of my Levi's. Photographic instinct took over and I began taking pictures.

At first Jules chose the poses, running through the same routine she had before. Most of these poses were not really suited to glamour photography, so I was soon asking her to move here, bend that way and place here hands so, instinctively taking over the shoot to create the images my photographic mind visualized. I asked her to pose stroking her nipples one hand cupped between her legs or with fingers slipped under the waistband of her shorts and also a couple of shots with the waist band pulled down to reveal her the top of her ass and her upper thigh. Jules was eager to comply, no doubt keen to learn new things in the way all kids are.

Soon, the camera beeped to tell me its memory card was full again. We adjourned to the log to review the results of the shoot. She sat close beside me, having to lean in to see the images on the miniature LCD screen. Her naked chest came into contact with my arm just below the seam on my T-shirt's sleeve. I could hardly breathe. I could feel the silky smooth texture of her breast and nipple rubbing gently on my skin. My erection, which had eased a little during the shoot, suddenly stiffened again. As we sat admiring the images I noticed that Jules nipple had stiffened to a soft rubbery point and I was sure she was deliberately rubbing her tit against my arm. Suddenly I wanted to see more of her. I can't explain why, I've never felt sexually excited around children before and I was struggling to come to terms with my stiff cocked response to a topless prepubescent ten year old. "I've got one more memory card in my bag, you want to do some more?" I asked.

"Sure, that'd be great." She jumped up off the log.

"How do feel about doing some nude shots." I asked innocently as I changed the memory card.

"Er...isn't that a bit naughty." She replied, eyes wide.

"Well, yeah," I reasoned "but no more than the stuff we already did." I fully expected her to grab her T-shirt and run screaming back to the campsite. "It's OK if you don't want too."

"No...I guess it's all right," She smiled "I don't really mind." Jules turned away from me and slowly pulled her cycle shorts and panties down. She bent down to step out of her clothing giving me the first glimpse of her pussy. I raised the camera and pressed the shutter. Once again my photographers eye took over and I began directing her poses as before.

I was enthralled by Jules' pussy. Her mound curved gently down between her legs, splitting to form two soft puffy lips. The color of the skin changing from the soft white of her purse to the coral pink of her pussy lips. There were a few wispy hairs just beginning to grow on the smooth white skin above her crack. I kept taking pictures, zooming the camera so her cunt filled the viewfinder. I asked her to slip her finger into her crack, to part her pussy lips so I could photograph the tiny pink clit standing proud above the dark crevice of her vagina. All this She did with a mischievous smile on her face, perhaps guessing that the photo shoot had moved from glamour to porn. My cock, aching for release, felt very uncomfortable within the confines of my jeans.

Finally the last memory card was full and I reluctantly called a halt. We sat on the log once again. I'd expected her to get dressed first but She sat next to me naked, snuggling up against my arm as before. I moved my arm around her, resting my hand on her naked thigh. Jules looked up at me, a smile on her face signaling She was comfortable with this close contact. "Come on then, lets see the photos." She urged.

Operating the camera with one hand, I scrolled through the images. She made no comment about the close ups of her pussy, just declaring the pictures were great after we had reviewed them all.

"It's not fair!" Jules suddenly turned to me as I slid my fingers gently between her thighs just inches from her cunt.

"What isn't?" I asked, removing my hand from her leg, fearing I had gone too far.

"You've seen all of me, but I haven't seen you!"

"Well...that wouldn't the proper thing to do for a man in my position." My cock ached for the opportunity.

"It's still not fair." She sulked.

"Hmm...perhaps your right, it isn't fair." I conceded. "Have you ever seen a boys willy before?"

"Yeah, I've seen my brothers loads of times. Mostly its all small and floppy looking but sometimes its long and sorta stiff looking. He rubs it when its like that."

"Does he let you watch then?" I asked, surprised.

"Oh no! He doesn't know I've seen him." She grinned. "Why does he rub it like that?"

"Because it feels really nice. All boys do it, and girls too."

"How can girls do it? We haven't got willy's." She laughed.

"Ah...well, girls have a little...button type thing instead, it's called a clit. You can rub that so it feels really good."

"Oh yeah! It does feel kinda nice if I...well, sorta touch myself there." She blushed. Jules parted her legs to look down at her pussy, then noticed I was looking too and snapped them together again. Placing her hands in her lap She looked indignantly at me. "Not fair!" She objected "you still haven't shown me yours."

"Oh right." I said. By now I was desperate to release my bulging cock. I stood up and dropped my jeans and shorts down to my ankles then sat back next to Jules. My stiff cock was sticking out at and angle from the bush of hair at its base. My balls rolled expectantly within their sack dangling between my partially opened thighs. I was so rigid the foreskin had partially pulled back from the head, a large drop of pre come oozed from the slit.

Jules stared wide eyed at it for a few moments. "Wow! I never seen one this close before." She muttered. "It's so big!"

Actually I'm average, just the usual six inches, but She made me feel as though I was hung like a horse. "Would you like to touch it?" I asked.

She looked at me and frowned, but I didn't miss the spark of interest in her eyes. "Is it OK...I mean yeah I would. But wont it hurt though?"

"It'll be fine, it feels real nice. Go on...touch it if you want." I encouraged.

Jules moved her hand over, but stopped short. "I...I don't know how to." She giggled.

"Just wrap your fingers around it," I urged "just like holding a stick."

Her fingers gently touched my cock, then She carefully rubbed her fingertips up and down the length, feeling the ridges created by the swollen blood vessels beneath the skin.

"It feels...silky," She murmured "and hot." Growing bolder, She wrapped her fingers around it. "What do I do now?" She asked.

"Rub your hand up and down, just like you saw your brother doing to his." I croaked. The sensation of her small ten year old hands intimately touching me was unbelievable. She did as I suggested, but her touch was so light that her fingers slid effortlessly over my hot skin. "Hold it a little tighter," I instructed "the skin can slide over the middle."

Jules increased the pressure of her grip. "Cool!" She enthused, marveling at the way the skid slid freely over my rigid tube. Pre come was flowing copiously, covering the head and foreskin and was spreading down the shaft beneath her fingers. "Why is it getting wet?" She inquired.

"Thats...er, sort of like a natural oil to make it even smoother so there is less friction during sex. Girls make it too." I was worried that the mention of 'sex' would frighten her and bring about a premature end to the evenings events. She seemed unconcerned though, and continued to rub my cock. By now I was eager to engage in a little caressing of my own. "Would you mind if I touched you...er, your pussy?" I was having a little difficulty choosing the right words. "Would you like me to rub yours too?" I corrected.

"Er...I don't know." She muttered, obviously a little scared of where this new experience was leading.

"It's only fair, I let you touch mine." I reasoned, unashamedly using her own persuasive logic.

Jules smiled at that. "I guess it's OK." She shrugged.

I reached over, heart pounding wildly, and placed my hand on her leg above the knee. Jules opened her legs, allowing me to slide my hand along the inside of her thigh. My finger lightly brushed her hairless pussy, gently caressing the soft cushions of her cunt lips. I eased my finger along the crease, gently parting the lips and finding the skin within her private place hot and slightly moist. As I ran my finger along the length of her pussy I found her clitoris, that tiny nub of flesh the only firmness evident in that delightfully soft area, and gently teased it with small circular motions.

Jules shuddered and a low moan escaped from her lips. She leaned against me and I placed my free arm around her, this time slipping my hand under her arm so I could fondle her breast. As I continued to caress her pussy, Jules closed her eyes and though She still held my cock She had stopped stroking it. This was fine with me, I was ready to explode but didn't want that to happen yet. I wasn't sure what She knew about the male orgasm, if anything.

"How does that feel?" I murmured.

"It's really good." She breathed.

"Jules..." I whispered into her hair "I'd like to do something very special for you, if you'd like me to."

"What?" She looked up at me.

"I'd like to give you an orgasm."

"What's that?"

"It's when the nice feeling you have now gets better, a lot better all of a sudden. Its a really wonderful thing." I explained quietly "Will you let me?"

"I guess. How do you do it?"

"Well...I could keep on touching you like this until it happens, but I would like to do something else that'll make it feel even better."

"OK...what do you do?"

"I'll kiss you down there, on your pussy, girls really love that." I said.

Jules made a face. "Yuk!" She looked at me with a puzzled expression. "You sure..? It'll be really really nice?" She wasn't convinced.

"Yeah, you'll love it, I promise."

"I guess it's OK, what do I do?"

"It'll be best if you lie down, er..." I looked around and decided that the log we were sitting on would suit. Taking my T-shirt off, I jumped up and shuffled awkwardly, jeans still wrapped around my ankles, to spread it on the log. My stiff cock bobbed up and down comically and Jules laughed. I helped her to lie on my shirt with one leg either on side of the log, whilst I knelt on the grass next to her. I could now use both hands to caress her cunt. As I gently spread her pussy lips to reveal the tiny pink opening to her vagina, I smiled at her. Jules returned my smile though the unease She was feeling was clear. I lowered my face to her lap and planted a gentle lingering kiss on her cunt. Jules flinched and gasped. For my second kiss I opened my mouth slightly and gently sucked on her pussy lips. Jules moaned. I lifted my head and smiled at her. "How does that feel?" I asked.

"It's good...like you said." She stared at me with wide eyes.

The taste and smell of her was a mixture of sweet musk, sweat and a faint tinge of urine. I lowered my face once more and this time I opened my mouth more and slowly ran my tongue the full length of her crack. I delighted in licking her pussy. Whilst I was licking her, I reached up to caress her tits. The small cones had a soft firmness under my fingers. Her nipples had hardened to form small rubbery teats that I teased gently between my fingers. Jules' vagina was beginning to ooze juice. I dipped my tongue into the musky fluid then tried to follow the cunt honey to it source. My probing tongue soon reached her hymen. This soft but firm barrier had a minute hole at it's center that was not large or pliable enough to allow my tongue to probe further.

I became aware Jules was moving her hips, pushing her cunt onto my face. She was breathing in rapid shallow pants and couldn't be far from orgasm, probably her first. Transferring my attention to her clit, I began to flick it rhythmically. Her movements became more pronounced and less controlled. Then suddenly She stiffened, moaned loudly and began shaking all over as though She were shivering. Her hands grabbed the back of my head, holding me against her pussy. Gradually the shaking subsided and She went limp. I lifted her gently and hugged her as her breathing returned to normal.

"Nice?" I smiled.

"Wow!" She smiled back.

"It's a really good feeling, isn't it." I laughed.

"Awesome!" She giggled.

I looked down at my stiff cock. "I'm about ready to have an orgasm too! Did you ever see your brother have one? I asked.

"Nah, I don't think so. I just saw him rubbing it."

"Do you know what happens when boys have one?" Jules shook her head. "Well, we have that lovely feeling just the same as you girls, but some gooey white stuff squirts out at the same time."

"Yuk!" She pulled a face.

"It can be messy wiping it up after, but its worth it. Would you like to see it?"

"Yeah!" She enthused. "Can I?"

"Sure," I smiled "you can help me if you want." I was desperately hoping She would want.

Jules shrugged. "What do I have to do?"

"You can rub it just like you did before, but there is a special way you can do it that I really like."

"What's that." She asked.

"Here, I'll show you." I shuffled away from the log and lay on my back on the grass. My cock having lost some of its stiffness by now, leaned over resting on my pubic hair. "I just lie here and you sit on my lap and rub yours on mine. That way it'll be nice for you too, just like it was before."

Jules looked unsure, but got off the log and approached me. She stepped across my legs and lowered herself slowly to sit on my thigh's. "That's right." I encouraged. I took hold of her thigh's. "OK, now slide forward until you sitting on top of mine." I helped her into position, her moist pussy touching my cock causing it to regain some of its former stiffness. I encouraged her to rock her hips, to rub her pussy lips along the hot sensitive skin of my shaft. At first Jules held herself up on her knees keeping contact between us to a minimum, but as sexual desire took hold She lowered her weight onto me squeezing my cock between her cunt and my torso. Satisfied with her movements, I slid my hands up from her hips to her chest, gently massaging the delicate cones and teasing her stiff nipples. Jules leant forward against me as though She wished to crush her small tits in the palms of my hands.

Jules' love juice had started to flow again, liberally coating my prick and making little slurping sounds as She moved. Her cunt lips had parted, spread wide open either side of my shaft, her clit clearly visible standing proud between her labia. Each forward thrust She made pressed my cock onto my stomach, milking me of clear pre cum fluid which collected in a large wet pool below my navel. As She slid back, pressure on my stiff shaft eased allowing it to rise up a couple of inches at an angle from my body, trailing a dribble of fluid. Then the next forward thrust would force the shaft back to the horizontal causing the head to splat in the pool of liquid.

I was loosing control. I could feel the pressure building at the base of my cock and knew I was about to erupt. "Jules..." I gasped, "I'm going to have my orgasm." She stopped moving and looked down. "No...no, keep rubbing me." I urged. Obediently, She began sliding back and forth on my cock once again. "Ahhhh..." I grunted as my orgasm exploded. The first squirt of semen came just as Jules had slid forward, forming a large while liquid pool on my stomach. Then as She slid back allowing my cock to rise up, a second, more powerful eruption sent a stream of cum arcing through the air to land six inches above my navel. The next jet came as Jules was on her way forward, filling my navel.

"Wow..! Awesome..!" Gasped Jules. The sight of my orgasm and the continuing sexual stimulation had had their effect, her movements had become jerky and uncontrolled. In her excitement She pushed further forward than before sliding off the end of my cock so that her pussy landed with a splat in the pool of cum. Then as She jerked back, my cock became caught in her vagina. I felt the tip squeeze into her tight opening, no more than about half an inch, before being deflected as a result of her tight hole and the slick lubrication. A final flood of cum oozed from me, filling the restricted space between her hymen and cunt entrance then flooding ahead of my cock as it plowed on between her labia.

Jules was panting then let out a long moan, She suddenly went limp and sank down to lie on my chest as her hips jerked repeatedly, squelching her pussy against my cock.

We both lay still for a few minutes, breathing heavily. "Wow..!" I sighed, "I have to agree with you, that really was awesome, thank you."

She giggled, a delightful relaxed sound. "Mmmm...that was kinda nice." She agreed. I kissed her forehead.

The sun was low on the horizon, creating the wonderful gold/orange light I had wanted to photograph earlier. "When have you got to be back at the campsite? Your mom must be wondering where you are." I asked.

"Nah..!" She looked round at the gathering twilight, "Don't have to be back till dark." She sat up on my lap again then looked down at her body with an expression of horror. "Yuk! What a mess. It's all sticky." She was soaked from her nipples all the way down to her cunt with a mixture of sweat and semen. Globs of white goo had transferred to her chest from mine and were sliding slowly down from her tits. Her stomach, thighs and pussy were slick with an even coating of my cum.

My own stomach was smeared and my pubes and chest hair matted with it. "Ah!" I exclaimed. I wondered what I could use to wipe up the mess, not my T-shirt, it would show the stains when I got back to the campsite. "Er...hang on a minute." I struggled my legs out of my Levis and shorts, then showed her my boxer shorts. "I'll use these." She giggled again as I gently wiped the goo from her, starting with her tits and working down. By the time I got to her pussy, my shorts were quite a mess. I had to fold them carefully to find a dry patch of cloth.

As Jules gathered her clothing, I began wiping the mess from my chest. But the shorts were so smeared I was putting more on than was coming off. Jules saw the problem I was having and approached me holding her panties. "I'll use these." She smiled, mimicking me. She began using them to wipe my cock. "Hey! It's gone all soft and squidgey."

"It'll go all hard again if you keep on touching it." I said. She blushed. "You'd better hurry and get dressed, it'll be dark soon."

She turned back to her pile of clothes but realized She couldn't put her panties on now they were wet and stood puzzling over the problem for a few seconds. Then She made up her mind, tossed the damp garment on the ground and quickly dressed without them. "Er...I guess I'd better get back then." She stammered with embarrassment when She had finished. "Er...thanks mister, tha...that was really great."

I was riddled with guilt and embarrassment myself. "Thank you." I replied. "I'm really happy you enjoyed it."

Jules turned to go, then suddenly spun round to plant a quick kiss on my lips before skipping off down the forest path. "Bye!" She called.

"Bye Jules, take care." I called back.

As I got dressed I looked again down the path and saw her pause to wave at me. I blew her a kiss and waved back. Jules turned and disappeared between the trees, leaving me to collect my camera gear and trudge back to the campsite at my own pace.

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Philip Spencer

This is a good start, and I look forward to part 2.

Mtn Dew

Excellent story.


really like this looking forward to reading part two


great story. Thanks.


Samara, Very nicely done. Descirption was most excellent!


Now that was a great story,please write more. Thanks

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