Published: 16-Nov-2012
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I permitted Mindy to stay with me two evenings a week while her mother was at work, although it wasn't exactly babysitting. I didn't consider myself the "babysitter" of an 11 year old girl. In my view, she was a girl, not a baby.
Her mother knew everything there was to know. She knew that (1) I was a lesbian and (2) that Mindy and I flirted from the start and that it was constant. She also knew that I had a previous relationship with a lesbian friend's daughter. However, she didn't seem in the least concerned about my past or the present arrangement with Mindy.
I had had the affair with Lori with the full knowledge and encouragement of her mother. Few friends knew about the "encouragement" aspect, however. Mindy's mother was not one of them. Not only was I not frightened by Mindy, I was empowered by my relationship with Lori. I found pleasure every evening spent together with Mindy, preparing and eating dinner, watching movies, playing tennis, etc.
We kissed for first time at Mindy's initiative, although to my great pleasure. She sat down on my lap, while still at the dinner table. I held her peacefully in my arms. It was not uncommon for her to sit on my lap in the den, while talking or watching a movie. On this occasion she had fire in her eyes, like every horny woman I have ever been with when she was in the mood. She leaned over to me, and kissed me on the mouth. I eagerly responded. When we stopped, she commented, "I have been wanting to do that forever."
"Did you like it?" I asked. She nodded affirmatively, with a huge smile on her face. That was all I needed to take her in my arms and proceed to the den, leaving behind the mess on the table and in the kitchen. I placed her on the sofa and sat besde her. I took her in my arms, and we kissed for half an hour. Not a single word was uttered. Oh, there were sounds. Sounds of moaning, heavy breathing, grunting, and purring. And there was heat!
The End
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