Sexing For A Million, Part 2

[ Mb, anal ]

by sam963

Published: 30-May-2013

Word Count:

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Story Summary
This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Josh looked around the little space that was his room. It was smaller than the one he had at home, but the one he had at home didn't fly. For a second, he couldn't believe that he was actually here competing for the grand prize of $1 million. It was a fleeting disbelief; however, he had had a lot of those over the last few days.

He had never been so far from home or his parents and he still wasn't sure what exactly to make of everything. Tossing his duffel bag onto the floor, he collapsed onto his bed and felt a twinge of pain from his rear and rolled over onto his stomach. An hour ago, a man put his dick up his ass and it had been nothing like he had imagined. He had built it up so much in his head that when it actually happened, it just wasn't what he had been expecting. The dildo he had been using for practice wasn't even close to the real thing.

Putting that out of his mind, he tried to concentrate on why he was here and that was the million dollars. Once he had been told he would be on the show, his uncle suggested that he should watch previous seasons, which his Uncle Gerald had copies of. Josh hadn't really wanted to watch them with his uncle, but he had pointed out some strategies to Josh that work.

For the most part, it wasn't the person who did best in the games who won, but the ones who formed alliances. The last four seasons had been won by two 10-year-olds, a 9-year-old and an 11-year-old. Those kids had been either lucky or smart with their alliances, but the secret seemed to be keeping them small. Usually they were just made up of two core members, which actually made up 20% of the team, and that percentage would only get bigger as the games moved on. That way, they only had to convince one other person to vote with them. Sometimes, an alliance involving three was made, but those fell apart. So if he could form an alliance with at least one member of his team, he should make it until there were only two members of his team left and if the games went right, he could make it to the final three. After that, all bets were off.

Of course, alliances didn't help winning a round, which was the most important thing. In the second season, one team had won all the games until there was only one member of the other team left. The remaining six had been divided again into two teams of three, which was another reason to avoid big alliances. They needed to be kept secret.

So the only thing left for Josh to decide was who he should form his alliance with? Philip seems like the obvious choice at first, but would he really want to face Philip in the finals? When he had first seen the chubby boy, Josh hadn't thought much of him, but he had won the first round. Maybe it would be better if he was the first to be voted off? Of course, he might actually win some games depending on how they were meant to be played and if some of the younger boys form an alliance, they might try to pick off the older ones as had happened in season three and four.

Josh shook his head to clear it. He was thinking as if he already had an alliance. That had to be his first priority and he had barely talked to any of his teammates. Like most of them, he had fallen asleep on the bus ride to the plane and had only woken up when they arrived. A cold hand of fear gripped his stomach. What if someone had already formed an alliance while he had been sleeping?

Springing to his feet, he dashed out of his room. The plane was separated into five distinct sections. The ten rooms for the boys were at the back with five on each side of a narrow hallway. Right after the rooms were two shower rooms followed by the communal room. The rest of the plane was off limits.

Bursting his way through the beaded curtain, he looked around the communal room which was empty. At least that's what he thought at first glance, but then he saw a blonde head that barely stuck out from over the couch. He let out a sigh of relief. The only two blondes were both on his team and judging by his height, this should be Nick.

The couch was slightly oval shaped and Josh put on a smile as he walked around it. At his uncle's suggestion, he had been going to the park lately and making friends with younger kids. Still Nick didn't seem to register his approach even when Josh sat down on the far end of the couch. The boy simply continued to stare at a spot on the wall.

"Hey, Nick right? Are you okay? If your butt is bothering you I can get the nurse."

The blonde turned and seemed to realize he wasn't alone. "I'm fine. My butt doesn't hurt."

Josh made a mental note to ask him how he had prepared for the competition later on, his butt hurt like hell at least one he tried to sit down, so he obviously must've done something wrong. "Well you looked so down, so I wanted to see if there was anything I could do for you. We're teammates you know." He briefly wondered if he was laying it on too thick.

Nick turned towards him pulling his feet covered socks up onto the couch. "I miss my mom."

Josh nodded and a lock of his red hair slipped into his eyes. Pushing it back he said, "Yeah I kind of miss my mom and dad too."

"Don't have a dad," Nick replied.

"Oh," he recovered quickly, "Well, can you call her yet. I mean does she work Sundays? Where do you live anyways?"

"Call?" The boy looked confused.

"You didn't pay close attention during orientation did you?"

The younger boy's cheeks colored, "I tried."

Josh stood and walked over to the younger boy. He ruffled the boy's hair, which got him a strange look. "Come on, I'll show you."As Josh stood he noticed a duffel bag sticking out from the other end of the couch. "You haven't unpacked?"

"No," Nick said kicking the bag with his toe.

"I'll help you unpack too."Josh picked up the bag and throwing an arm around the boy they walked back to his room.

Each room had a piece of masking tape with their name written on it. The doors had no locks. Stepping into Nick's room, Josh noticed that the room was identical to his. He watched the boy unpack, noticing he wore the old-fashioned tight white underwear. Josh was surprised they still made those and the boy's handheld gaming system was a generation behind his own.

When Nick was done, Josh brought him over to the videophone. Videophones weren't new, but he knew the show had upgraded his family's phone for the purpose of the show. "You know your phone call will be recorded for the show right, Nick?"

"Yeah, they said they are recording everything."

"That's right. Come here. See, they put your mom's number in your phone book. So whenever you want to call home you can just select home on the screen." Josh was about to select it himself when he saw the clock that represented the local time of the phone number. "Where do you live?"

"Victoria, British Columbia. Why?"

Josh couldn't believe his luck. "Hey, I'm from there. I guess we should stick together." Nick grinned at his words and the redhead was suddenly very confident in making this boy his ally. After all, they probably had more in common with each other than anyone else.

There was a ten hour time difference between British Columbia and Greece. Josh had figured that out on his own earlier. It was Sunday and a little past nine o'clock in the morning, local time, so he thought the boy's mother should be home. He moved out of view of the camera and watch as Nick shifted impatiently. Josh could see the screen when it flashed a message visual signal off.

"Hello." The voice sounded like it had just woken up. Before Nick could say anything, the voice added sounding annoyed. "Nicholas, you woke me up! Why are you calling?"

Josh frowned at the tone. Even if he had just woken his mom up, he couldn't imagine her speaking to him like that.

The blonde boy shrunk away from the phone. "Sorry mom. I just wanted to talk to you."

"About what?" Nick bit his lip and hesitated and the voice prompted, "Out with it."

"Um, mom, they said I could go home whenever I wanted to. I know you want me to win, but I want to come home, I miss you."

There was a long second of silence and then the voice came back sounding sweet and fake to Josh's ears. "Honey, I miss you too, but that's why you're doing this. If you get the money, I won't have to work and we can spend a lot more time together. I'm really depending on you and you don't want to disappoint me, do you?"

"No mom."

"Good. Now, I want you to try your hardest to bring home the grand prize. You got that?"

"Yes mom."

"All right, now make me proud."

"I will."


"Goodbye mom."

The connection broke ending the call. For a moment Nick just stood there and Josh was riveted to the bed, his head spinning at what he had witnessed. Even he could see how she had manipulated Nicholas, but he couldn't quite comprehend it. Had that really been his mother?

Nick eventually moved to the bed, his shoulders slumped as if he didn't have a friend in the world. Josh knew he was moving to sit next to the boy and throw an arm around him, but it wasn't a conscious thought. The boy turned into him and for a moment they just stayed like that.

After some time had passed, Josh said, "If we stick together, I think I have a plan to make it to the finals."

"Really?" Nick said looking up at him.

"Yeah, you just have to vote the way I tell you, if we lose."

The blonde response was to throw his arms around his neck and hug him tightly. Josh realized something at that moment. He had secured an alliance, but he had never realized he could feel this bad about it.


Robert dropped his duffel bag as he stepped into his room and instinctively turned to lock the door before remembering he didn't have a lock. Instead he kicked his duffel against the door to use it as a makeshift doorstop. He started shedding his clothes. Kicking off his shoes first, he pulled off his shirt before dropping his pants and boxers. Walking over to the videophone he stepped on his toes to pull his socks off.

His phone had two contacts. He touched on the one that was simply labeled Coach. He waited for the connection to go through.


The voice sounded both hurried and excited and that was enough to make Robert smile. He really liked his coach and his coach really liked him. Sometimes the brown haired boy thought that maybe his coach loved him more than his parents did. The man always found time for him no matter how busy he was. Not that his parents neglected him or anything, but his brother was always in trouble and his sister was just learning to walk. Compared to those events being an average student and a goalie on his hockey team just wasn't of much note.

"That is you, right?"

"Yeah," Robert said his smile dimming. "Are you getting a visual? I'm not."

"No, I'm not. My videophone isn't working for some reason and the technician will not be here 'till tomorrow."

"Oh, that's good. I was worried for a second."

"Really? Why?"

Robert covered his mouth to stifle a laugh. "Well usually when I'm naked you say something." The silence that followed was almost tangible.

"Damn, really?"

"Yeah. I'm not even wearing socks." He smiled suddenly having an idea and moved to the bed. They said the rooms were soundproof so now would be a good time to test that out. Raising his voice he said, "So what would you do if I was at your apartment right now?"

"What would I do?" His coach sounded thoughtful. "Well, the first thing I would do is brush your long hair behind your ears and kiss you on your forehead."

"I would wrap my arms around your neck when you tried to pull away," Robert added starting to play with his semi-erect penis. He ran his fingers over his hairless balls before stroking his shaft.

"I would have to pick you up then. Your skin is so soft under my hands as I wrap an arm around your waist. The middle finger of my other hand slips between your butt cheeks stopping to rest right at your hole."

Robert could tell his coach was masturbating. He could hear it in his voice. In his imagination, though, he was in his coach's arms. They were comforting and he could feel the finger pressed against his hole, making small circles. "I want you to put it in me, just like you did after the last game."

"Oh damn."His coach muttered. "So I pick you up and carry you to the bedroom and lay you on the bed. I kiss you once before rolling you over. You are lying on top of the comforter. I kiss your neck before starting down your body with my hands. I feel every inch of you. My hands pass over your ass and down each of your thighs, then your calf's before my fingers pass over your heels and down your arch to your toes."

"You're still wearing clothes," Robert observed half lost in touches from the past.

"Yes I am. I climb off the bed and began to take off my clothes. Every time I take one off I throw it over the bed and that's the only way you can tell what I'm still wearing. My boxers are the last thing to go."

Robert tried to slow his stroking, but he really didn't want too. He curled his toes trying to hold back the feeling. "Hurry." He forced the words out between his teeth making it an order.

"I'm placing my hands back on your cheeks. They are two glorious half spheres. Spreading them with my thumbs, I lean down. You can feel my breath as I stick out my tongue and lick your little pucker. At first you tense, but then you relax as I swirl my tongue around your hole."

Robert remembered feeling this. At first it had been so weird, but he had learned to give things a chance. Still he was close, so very close. "Put it in me."

"All right," his coach sounded a little disappointed. "The tip of my head is at your entrance. I begin to push in slowly. Pushing past your tight ring, I can feel the warmth of your body. We're joined. The warmth of your body and the warmth of my shaft make us one. You think you can take it all?"

"Yeah," Robert gasped.

"I'm pushing in." There was a second of silence and only the grunting of man and boy could be heard in the room.

"I can feel the hair on your balls against my butt," Robert said starting the role play again.

"Yes, I start pulling out slowly and push back in just as slowly. As I feel the heat in my balls, I start to speed up. Tell me when you're about to cum."

Robert could feel his orgasm coming. He had been trying to hold back, but as he continued to stroke himself and imagined his ass full of his coach's cock, it just couldn't be held back. "I'm cumming."

"So am I. You're so tight now I can hardly move. Can you feel it? Can you feel me shooting inside you?"

Roberts's orgasm washed over him, racking his 10-year-old body. It was so much better than the one he had earlier that day. "Yes!" He collapsed back into the bed. His feet were still on the floor as he caught his breath. The sounds from his phone assured him his coach was in a similar situation.

The silence that followed was comfortable for Robert. With his eyes closed he could almost imagine his coach lying next to him.

"You still there Robert?"

The brunette had been slipping off to sleep after enjoying his second orgasm of the day. Sitting up he shook it off and stood. "Yeah."

"Does this mean you want me to try rimming on you again?"

Robert thought about it for a moment. He thought it was weird and a little disgusting, but he had been the one to suggest that scenario. "I don't know. Still, if we do, I don't want you kissing me until you use mouthwash."

His coach chuckled. "Fair enough, just know I'm always willing. So does this mean you survived round one?"

"No, we just divided into teams today." He thought for a second and then added, "It was sort of like a round though. They covered us in oil and had us wrestle men. We were teamed up in the order we were penetrated."

"They fucked you?"

Robert frowned. To him it seemed all right to use dirty words when you're talking about sex, but otherwise you shouldn't. If his mom had heard that, well she wouldn't have been happy. "Yeah."

"Well, I hope he wasn't bigger than I am." His coach tried to make it sound like a joke, but he couldn't keep the concern out of his voice.

"You're bigger," Robert said.

"That's good. So you think you can keep to the strategy?"

Robert nodded before remembering his coach couldn't see him. "I'm going to try."

"You're going to do great," his coach said. "By the way have you called your parents yet?"

For the first time the boy was grateful for the lack of visual because he blushed with embarrassment, not that it was noticeable right now. "No, I'll go do that right now."

"You do that. They love you and so do I," his coach said.

"I love you too," Robert replied, as he ended the connection.

Despite what he said, Robert didn't call his parents right away. He hummed quietly to himself as he got dressed and packed away his belongings. More relaxed and recovered from his orgasm, he called home and assured his parents he was fine. After he hung up he wondered if he should take another shower. His masturbation session had him sweating again, but he decided two in one day was enough. Well three really. His morning shower, the oil shower and the clean up shower. Instead he headed for the common room. He had a strategy to put into effect.


Editing was going to be difficult this year, Ryan thought to himself as he examined a rather ornate column. Two days into the competition, he was still working on the opening episode. However, that didn't mean he wasn't keeping an eye on the boys. They were providing more than ample material. That was nice, but having too much was almost as bad as having too little.

Josh and Nick had hit it off although how he would include Nick's conversation with his mother, he still didn't know. If both of them survived tonight's event, Ryan wouldn't be surprised if their relationship turned physical which would be nice. They were rarely separated from each other, although Akira seemed to have befriended Nick when Josh had been busy with an improvised videogame tournament.

Robert's conversation with his coach would have to be referenced somehow, but on a purely visual level it wasn't that interesting. They had not repeated the performance either and Ryan wondered what it would have been like if they had a visual.

As for the rest of the boys, Bahram seemed to spend most of his time in his room. From time to time, he would masturbate to a photo of his soccer team. Michael had seemed to take the lead on that team trying to align everyone against Bahram. Whatever strategy Robert and his Coach had come up with, he didn't seem to be trying to put into effect yet.

Philip didn't seem to be making any alliances and actually seemed to be alienating himself. Oliver spent most of his time in the communal room, but faded into the background. Lauro and Dave seemed to be getting along with everyone, but as far as he could determine they weren't trying to make alliances. Of course, there was no way he could review every second of every conversation. Future events would determine a lot of what would be included in the episodes. If there was an alliance that had gone undetected by his casual viewing, well, his intern would have to find it.

Speaking of his intern, Edward was working out rather nicely. He had experience with wrestling and had spent most of his time writing commentary for the first event. That had left Ryan to do a chaperone run for the boys.

When he had decided to do a world tour for the fifth season, he knew the plane wouldn't always be enough space for the competitors. It was stocked with video games and other entertainments, but a trip to Paris France almost required a trip to the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre Museum, though he doubted the boys had enjoyed the latter. Still, it will look good in a montage and seeing the culture the boys were being exposed to would probably only increase the number of next year's submissions.

His phone vibrated and he answered, "Yes."

"We're on our way up," Edward's voice came over the phone.

"All right, you played the tape for them, right? How did they take it?"

There was a second of silence and then his intern answered. "I never thought a van of ten boys could be so quiet. They seem to be stepping out of their shock now, though. "

Ryan smiled, "Glad to hear that." This would be the last time the boys were given forewarning of what they were supposed to do. From now on, they will learn about the events as the audience thought they always did. He had only done it this time because it was so unusual. "All right, bring them through to the kitchen when you come up," Ryan said, as he made his own way there.

Everything was already set up and they were just waiting on the arrival of the boys. A moment later they filed in, all wearing clothes this time. Dave and Bahram were wearing shirts they had bought at the Museum. Dave's had a picture of the Mona Lisa on it while Bahram's had a surrealist painting.

The kitchen had four large islands for preparing food and each group stood in between two of them. There was a large silver platter on each island, but nothing else. The kitchen was eerily quiet as he took his mark next to an oversized clock. The camera light flickered on and he went into his prepared speech.

"Paris France, City of Lights," Ryan started to walk forward as the cameraman followed him. The boys came into the peripheral view of the camera. "It is known worldwide for its culture and monuments, but what it is possibly best known for is its food. That's why we are here, in the world-famous La Fourchette with our special guest Chef Jacques." He stopped next to the man he just introduced who radiated all the warmth of a glacier.

"This man is known for his daring culinary art. Food is his paint and plates are his canvas. Lately, though, he has been using a new canvas, the human body." Ryan smiled, showing off his teeth, which was his version of a wink and a nod to the audience. "Now this certainly isn't new, but Chef Jacques has brought this medium to an art form. So we thought we should give our boys a chance to try it out themselves."

"Each team will select two members to become a human platter while the other three will have to prepare them in only ten minutes." He turned and said to the two teams, "All right boys, this time, you can play with your food. Begin!"

Ryan made his way out of the room to the hallway. Two monitors were already set up, each showing a different team. Edward offered him a set of headsets. He concentrated on the Even Team for the moment where Josh was speaking.

"So Philip do you have any ideas?"

The 11-year-old cut the redhead off. "What, because I'm fat you think I know all about food? In case you haven't noticed, I don't eat a lot. I just have an underactive thyroid."

Josh pursed his lips as his cheeks colored red. "What I meant was, your parents own a restaurant. I thought you might know something about presenting food because I certainly don't."

The other boy didn't respond and the group was quiet for a second. Akira broke the silence. "Maybe we should decide who is going to do what first."

"Well, I'll do it unless someone else really wants too," Josh volunteered.

"Contrast," Phillip said as everyone looked over at him. He shrugged and explained, "My family's restaurant has two sets of plates. Most of the time we use these white ones, but for some dishes like chicken which is light in color we use these black plates. It makes the plate look fuller."

They looked at the food that had been brought out. Small cooked mushrooms filled with something and something that looked like little yellow pieces of sponges.

"I guess I should be the other one then," Lauro volunteered.

As the two boys started to undress Ryan turned his attention towards the other team. They didn't seem to be make any headway.

"You two should do it," Michael said pointing to Bahram and Oliver.

"Why should we do it?" Bahram demanded.

"Because," Michael pointed across the room, "they chose their oldest and one of their youngest so we should too."

"They also chose their lightest skin and darkest skin. Maybe you should be up there." Bahram snapped back.

Ryan was surprised by how argumentative Bahram was being. He guessed it came from always being in charge of his siblings. The other three members of the team just watched the older two argue as time ticked away. He checked his watch, seven minutes left. He would make an announcement at five.

A few more seconds ticked by and then Robert interrupted them. "I'll do it." He turned to Oliver who was hovering a few steps away from the group. "You said you were a model. Any suggestions for a pose?"

Was that his game, Ryan thought. Let someone else take the lead, but show himself as some sort of alternate sort of leader. A group within a group? He had seen that before. Granted, this time it seemed more conscious, but it would make good viewing. Smiling to himself he wondered if that had been Roberts's idea or his coaches.

"Sir, the five-minute mark is approaching."

Ryan's eyes lingered on the screen as the two boys started to undress. "Thank you Edward."

His five-minute warning sent the boys in overdrive, although it looked like the Even Team seemed to be almost done while the Odd Team had just started. When the one minute mark rolled around, Akira and Philip seemed to be fussing over miniscule placements, tilting a mushroom here or a yellow square there. While on the other side, they were still trying to get all of the food placed.

"Five, four, three, two, one," Ryan counted down the last seconds watching the large clock as the buzzer went off. "All right boys, it's judging time." He nodded towards Chef Jacques to proceed.

The man proceeded to the first island where Oliver was. The nine-year-old was sitting up with his legs spread wide in front of him. He was slightly leaning back with support from his arms. Most of the mushrooms were on his legs though a few were spread out between his legs while a very few were on his stomach. Chef Jacques examined the spread for moment before making a few comments in French that would have to be translated later. He then reached out and grabbed one of the mushrooms and popped it into his mouth. His knuckles brushed up against the boy's tight scrotum and Oliver flinched causing the food to shake but none fell off him.

Jacques turned and examined Josh who was also his team's platter for the mushrooms. Again the man examined the boy and made several comments. Josh was almost lying down with his elbows supporting him. The mushrooms were spread out across his legs and chest. His nipples were covered by two mushrooms and upon closer inspection several of the mushrooms formed an arrow pointing towards his crotch where the largest of the mushrooms had been put. It must've been cold up there though because his penis and testicles were trying to climb back into his body. When the chef grabbed the mushroom indicated by the arrow, the boy didn't seem to flinch.

Chef Jacques crossed the room to Robert next. He was lying on his stomach with his head resting upon his hands and his feet were in the air. The little yellow cakes were across his back and butt. They were also one on each of his feet. Those two were examined in particular detail. Ryan first suspect the man had a foot fetish, but then realized that the professional chef was probably seeing if he could keep his legs like that. He grabbed one of the cakes off of the boy's foot and watched as the legs swayed slightly.

Lauro was the last to be inspected and the process repeated itself. Of the four boys, his position was least imaginative. The boy was simply lying on his back with his legs together and the yellow cakes spread across his body. At first Ryan thought there wasn't a pattern, but then he saw it. Just under the boy's throat was one yellow cake and then two which covered his nipples. A few more inches there were three and then four in a small arc. His bottom half repeated this pattern starting with the single cake just above his ankles and moving on up. The two rows of four formed an oval shape that encompassed his testicles and a single cake. Chef Jacques took that one and ate it. Lauro didn't flinch.

Chef Jacques retreated to the center of the room and glanced at both teams before inclining his head in thought. Then, he raised his arm to point to the side of the room the Even Team was on and said, "Vainqueur."

The winners cheered. Nicholas and Akira gave each other a high five as the two platters brushed themselves off. The cameras recorded the little celebration before they cut back to Ryan. "Well, it looks like round one will be going to the Even Team." He turned to face the losers, "You tried your hardest, but you'll be sending one of your teammates home as soon as we get back to the plane. You'll want to think about that on the drive back."

The camera shut off and they prepared to leave. Ryan left Edward and a cameraman behind with the chef to explain his decision while he and the boys drove back to the plane. The drive was short and odd. The boys on the winning team were very animated while the losers were not. Arriving back at the plane, the winners were told to wait in their room while the Odd Team was led into the communal room.

There were five small red controllers sitting on the oval couch. Each boy took one in hand and sat. The controllers had five buttons each on them above which was each of their names. When the camera turned back on Ryan started to explain the process to the boys, even though they had already been briefed.

"All right guys, I know you tried hard but you lost and that means you have to send someone home. Everyone has to vote so you can do that now." Most of the boys voted right away. Michael's alliance held firm with four votes appearing on his handheld screen for Bahram and one for Oliver. He tried to wait a few seconds in hopes of editing dramatic tension into the moment, but with the boys putting their remotes down that wasn't going to happen. "All right, the votes are in and," he looked over at Bahram, "sorry Bahram, but your team has voted you off."

To his credit he just nodded and got up without saying a word. The next few minutes were perfunctory and Ryan already knew how he would edit them. A single cameraman filmed Bahram packing his belongings and later a voiceover would be added to this. Meanwhile, he lined up his former teammates to say goodbye which were perfunctory.

Before leaving the plane he stopped Bahram. "So what do you think about being eliminated?"

The boy shrugged. "I wanted to win, but if I had to be eliminated I guess I would prefer to be eliminated early."

"What did you think of competing?"

Bahram thought for a second, "I guess it was alright. I mean, it's one thing to watch at home, but when you're doing it, it's completely different."

"What are you going to do when you get home?"

This time, the boy smiled. "You know I spend a lot of time taking care of my two brothers and a sister. It was kind of nice to have a break from them and I think that's why I spent so much time in my room, but I kind of miss them. I think I'll give each of them a hug when I get back."

"Alright, thanks for competing. There's a car at the bottom of the stairs to take you to your plane. Enjoy your first-class trip home."

The boy nodded as he stepped off of the plane.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.