Published: 24-Mar-2013
Word Count:
Dan chewed on the tip of his erasable pen. He wasn't anxious, just impatient. He did another math problem and glanced up at the digital clock. It was noon and his parents would be back in an hour or so but where was Jacob! He thought about the little brown haired boy who lived a few houses down. 18 months younger than himself the kid was 11 years old and about a half a head shorter than him. He was a latchkey kid and a little ball of energy. Just about everyone was his friend and he could usually be seen running with one pack of kids or another.
Dan wasn't the exact opposite of his young friend he was just more reserved than Jacob. His parents insisted he couldn't leave the house when they were gone, but they had never said that he couldn't have any friends over. He didn't have any friends in the neighborhood that weren't in his class. Well, at least until recently. Dan and Jacob did share one thing in common and that was sex. They both enjoyed it and they both felt the need to share it with others.
The doorbell rang and Dan sprang to his feet, opening the door before checking to see who it was. He smiled at Jacob before glancing at the other boy who was shifting from foot to foot nervously. He wore shorts and a short sleeve yellow T-shirt. His hair was sort of reddish in color.
"What took so long?" Dan asked.
"He forgot his payment," Jacob answered. "So we had to go back and get it."
Dan nodded. "All right, common and follow me."
Dan led the two boys through his house as Jacob kept up a constant monologue of whatever happened to be going through his head. They ended up in his room and Dan sat on his swivel chair and spun around to face the two boys. "So, what is your name?"
The boy hesitated for a second and Dan had to shoot Jacob a look so he would not answer the question for his guest. After a few seconds the boy eventually said, "Dave."
"Dave," Dan repeated, "Nice to meet you." He held out his hand for the other boy to shake. The boy's skin was soft, but dry. "So, why are you here?"
The boy seemed to shrink away, but Jacob jumped in while rolling his eyes.
"He just wants you to say it," Jacob said annoyed at this eccentricity of his Dave's.
Dave hesitated and then set a bit too loudly. "I wanna blow job."
"All right," Dan said grinning to himself. "Give me your payment and I'll give you one."
The boy had the deer in headlights expression for a second before reaching behind him and pulling out a pair of folded white underwear from his back pocket. Dave held them out, but Dan didn't take them even though he could start to feel himself blush.
"Don't give me those. I want the ones you're wearing, you can wear them home."
The boy hesitated and this time Jacob jumped in. "You have to take your clothes off any way, so it's not a big deal. I'll even get naked if that helps?"
"We all will," Dan seconded standing as he started to pull off his T-shirt.
Dave was a bit hesitant, but Jacob was quickly naked and Dan wasn't far behind him. The youngest boy joined in, giggling once he was naked. With practiced ease, Dan led Dave, who was grinning uncontrollably, over to the bed and Jacob followed almost as excited.
"Lie down and relax," Dan said. Dave did as he was told, but his hands covered his vital spot.
"It's not going to hurt, is it?" Dave asked.
Jacob said jumping in again, "It feels great, and you know I don't lie."
The two boys shared a look that Dan didn't get. Clearly the two had some history because Dave's hands parted revealing his small boy cock and his correctly proportioned testicles. Dan's eyes lingered for a moment and then he said, "Put your hands behind your head and relax." He had had his hair pulled more than once by accident and had learned to take precautions.
Once Dave's hands were behind his head Dan leaned over and kissed the little package. He moved his lips, exploring the little patch of magic skin. His tongue slid out to caress Dave's balls and to explore under the little shaft even as it become hard. Looking up he came to the boy's small head and swirled around the tip making the boy squirm in enjoyment.
Dan could feel the other Dave's legs move around as the younger boy arched his back. Never using his hands he ran his lips up the length of the shaft and lifted the little head up with his tongue, slipping the head followed by the rest of the shaft into his mouth. It was small enough that there was no effort to it and with his lips firmly over his front teeth he repositioned so he was straddling the boy. Opening his mouth, he let his tongue continued to lick at the boy's two small orbs (packages) in their sack.
After a moment of that, Dan started to move up and down the shaft letting his tongue explore the underside of his shaft. Dave had gone from squirming around to tensing up his legs and butt, only letting out small whimpers. The problem with boys as young as Dave was there wasn't much in way of warning of their impending climax. One thrust upwards into Dan's mouth and a strangled cry was the only prelude to his orgasm. Then the shaft pulsed and twitched a few times. Almost reluctantly Dan pulled free and looked up at the younger boy's face which looked like he had just outrun a bully. "You like?"
The boy nodded with a small smile and closed his eyes again. After a moment Dan rolled off the bed and glanced over at Jacob was halfheartedly playing with his own erection. Dan was hard, too, and his more mature cock was weeping pre-cum but he swatted at Jacob's hand. "Save it for later."
Jacob made a face, but his hand drifted behind his back as Dan moved to the strewn pile of clothing. He wore boxers and Jacob wore tighty-whities like Dave, but Jacob's always looked like they were about to fall apart. Dan picked up the pair that looked newer and headed over to his closet. He had to move a box to get to another box before he could get to his collection.
"What are you doing?" Dave asked now recovered curious.
Dan hesitated but then pulled out his two Ziploc bags, one completely full with underwear and the other partially. "It's my collection. Each of these is from boys I that I have sucked. That's 24 now, counting yours." On a whim he took the bags and dumped them out revealing mostly white underwear, but there was also a fair amount of boxers and a few pair of cartoonish underwear. His eyes easily picked out a pair of underwear that had Transformers on it, which had belonged to Jacob's seven-year-old cousin. That little boy had had a lot of fun.
"That's a lot. You could wear different pair every day for a month."
Dan didn't bother to correct Dave's math skills. "Yeah well, you only have to bring a pair the first time. I don't want hundreds. That would be really hard to explain. It would be the great underwear shortage." He didn't think the joke was funny but everyone else seemed to.
After the laughter died down an awkward silence fell that even Jacob could sense and he hustled Dave to get dressed. Well, Dan thought, maybe Jacob felt it and maybe he just wanted to get onto the next part of the show. Jacob showed Dave out and Dan reached under his bed for the Vaseline he sometimes had their. Jacob and he rarely gave each other blow jobs. Jacob preferred anal now that he had tried it and he liked being kissed, hugged and held, but after they were done he too would feel awkward and want to go home, leaving Dan with his collection, until the next time.
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