Saturday School

[ bb, oral, cons ]

by sam963

Published: 20-Feb-2013

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

11-year-old RJ never much cared for his little sister's soccer games. He had been dragged to them under protest until recently. His recent enthusiasm for them confused his parents. However, it was a welcomed change and they chose not to probe. More often than not now he was the first one in the car. The fact that he disappeared minutes after arriving at the fields was something that worried his mother at first, but as no problems had arisen she had decided to just relax.

The games were held at the local elementary school which was big enough for several soccer fields most of which were used on any given weekend. The school was partly open which allowed the bathrooms to be used. All the other doors were supposedly locked. RJ knew better. As he climbed to the second floor and headed to his old third grade classroom, he felt himself start to become hard. When he had been in the third grade nothing particularly memorable happened, but for the last several weeks in the same classroom something had.

The lock to the third grade classroom was busted and it had been busted for a while. As he put his hand on the knob he had a brief fear that maybe someone finally got around to fixing it, but the door open with no problem and he stepped inside. The room faced the soccer fields, but with no lights on in the room it was dark.

In the darkened room sat a solitary figure facing the blackboard like he was taking notes. At nine he was the right age to be in the classroom, but being butt naked certainly wasn't right.

RJ grinned and walked to the front of the classroom saying, "Good morning class."

"Good morning RJ," the boy answered.

Walking to the desk RJ picked up an invisible clipboard. "Say here if you're here. Adam?"

"Here," the boy said giggling.

"A full class, wonderful!" RJ said mimicking Mrs. Krause whose classroom this was. "Now what shall we learn today?"

"I want to learn something about sex." Adam piped up.

"Excellent, why don't you come up here and be my special helper, Adam."

Adam stood and walked to the front of the classroom. RJ appreciated the view. Adam was tall for nine. With long brown hair Adam could almost look like a girl. His wireframe glasses were gentle neutral, but his preference for wearing tank tops made sure few people ever confused him for the wrong gender. Being naked and already hard there was no way; RJ could mistake Adam for anything else but a boy.

"You're still dressed." Adam said as he came to a stop.

RJ blinked for a second and then looked down realizing he had forgotten to take off his clothes, he usually did that before Adam arrived. He quickly fixed that mistake. Now properly undressed RJ continued. "All right, today I'm going to teach you how to get your butt licked."

Adam nodded. He had long ago decided RJ was weird, but knew all sorts of stuff that felt good. What Adam didn't know, though, was RJ was only looking stuff up online and teaching it as he found it.

When the teacher's padded chair was pulled out Adam laid down on it like his friend told him to do. He linked his arms under the chair. The padding on the chair made his peepee feel funny. However it was just weird when he felt RJ finger spread his butt cheeks. Suddenly he felt scared and buck forward, but RJ rested a hand on him. Adam remembered that this was his friend and although sometimes the stuff was weird, it never hurt.

RJ was scared. He had watched a video of a guy do this to another guy, but now that he was going to do it, it was different. His friend jumped a little when he spread his cheeks, but Adam quickly relaxed. Leaning forward he sniffed trying to see if there was a smell, but there really wasn't a smell. Well, there was, but just the smell sweat and maybe that just overpowered everything else. Leading forward he stuck out his tongue and let the tip of it touch Adam's hole. It twitched. That had not happened in the video or at less not that he could see.

He did it again. This time Adam didn't move as much and RJ let his tongue linger feeling the other boy's hole. Experimentally he gave it a little push with his tongue and Adam stiffened. When he did it again his little friend let out a little moan in that excited him. He dove into his friend's crack like it was a taco. He licked up and down the crack and even let his tongue slide over the small sac that was still tight up against Adam's body.

Adam wasn't quiet and feeling and he pushed back against his friend's mouth. Adam wanted something more. He wasn't sure what that was, but the boy know he wanted it. RJ obliged eagerly. When RJ first saw the video, he had been revolted, but that had quickly grown to fascination it. Adam seemed to like it and his part didn't bother him. He could also tell that Adam was approaching the good feeling. He made sure to place his figures over the tip of the boy's erection.

A moment later, Adam climaxed. It was dry but strong. Every muscle in his body seemed intense except for one. When Adam climaxed he tended to pee a little. Sometimes it was only a few drops and other times it was more of a stream. This time RJ could tell it was one of the larger loads. He felt that dribbled out his hand at his wrist and his forearm stopping only at his elbow.

Once he do Adam was done RJ lifted his arm and licked it clean. A few weeks ago he would've found that discussing, but now he knew it just tasted salty and warp. When he finished he spun the chair around slowly so he could see the face of Adam beet red and eyes glazed over.

"You want to give it a try?" RJ asked.

Adam seemed to step out of a trance and slowly shook his head no. "Maybe next week?"

RJ hid his disappointment well. Adam would probably suck him off instead or at least give him a hand job. Those were nice and although it was against his sense of fair play that he did something that Adam would not, he also knew you didn't bully your friends. Adam will do it next week, he always did. RJ accepted a blow job and gave Adam a big kiss. Still naked they sat by the teacher's desk and watched the games for a while. It was nice.

The End

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