Published: 1-Mar-2013
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Author's Profile
I am 43yrs old, divorced, running my own private finacial advice business from my detached house in a very affluent and rural part of the Surry stockbroker belt. The nearest houses either side of me are over 100 yds away hidden by 10/12ft hedges. The is no neighbourly contact and the only person I knew in the area was the guy next door with whom I played golf. Earlier this year he told me that he was moving with his employers to Scotland and his house was up for sale.
A month or so later I was quite surprised when I received an invitation from the new owners to a "meet the neighbours" drinks party. The man was in his early 50's, he was over 6ft with a strong physique, his wife was much younger probably not much more than 25/30. She was tall and very pretty and the dress she had on showed off her good figure and long legs. I tried to imagine how they got on having sex - I could only think her pinned to the bed by his huge body with a great big prick in her cunt. At that moment of dreaming his daughter came in - this, in two words, was pure jail bait! He introduced her as Amanda, his 13 yr old daughter from his previous marraige, her mother having died in a car crash several years ago.
Amanda was tall for her age, he hair was nicely arranged and drawn back in a pony tail and someone, presumaby the step mother, had carefully applied a light make up which just emphasied herlook of pure virginity. Her neck and shoulders were bare and the whiteness of her skin contrasted acutely with the black straps of her top and bra. The black top was nicely fitting and one could see that she had the begininngs of good breasts. Her midrift was bare showing that flat white skin over her tummy and her tight blue jeans clung to her lovely round bum. She had silver spangled white pumps on her feet. My breath was taken away and the thought of that marvellous piece of flesh being mauled by some scruffy schoolboy was overwhelming.
Then her fate became sealed. He father was sitting in an easy chair and she knelt down beside him, the waistband of her jeans slipped and I could see that she was wearing a very brief black lace thong.
That vision stayed with me for the rest of the party and all I could think of was her naked on a bed wearing that thong and what I would do to her if I was there. Dream on. When I walked home two thoughts hit me like a thunderbolt. Firstly the stepmother, who was a teacher in the local independent girls' school, was complaining that Amanda could not go to her school until next September - that was OK in one respect except that the school she was at only did homework classes four days a week and every Thursday Amanda had to get a lift home with a friend. It was made worse, the mother said, because she had to work late on Thursday but she said that Amanda was very good and did her home work and did some food preparation. Secondly I remembered that a couple of years ago the previous owner had gone away for a couple of months with his family and he gave me a set of keys "just in case". I put them in the cupboard in my garage and I wondered if they were still there. They were but had the locks been changed. All this was on Saturday night so I spent the whole of Sunday planning what I would do if the keys fitted.
On Monday I kept careul watch and sure enough at 7.00 they all left the house - apparantly the wife dropped him at the station, then Amanda at her school and then went on to her own. I gave them five minutes and walked across to their house - there was no-one around and the houses were not overlooked in any way. With my heart throbbing I put the key in the lock, it turned. I used the second key and the door was open - I moved in and tapped in what were the old burglar alarm codes and bingo the alarm was off.
I walked upstairs and looked into the main bedroom - I could not resist looking in the drawers and found the stepmothers underwear - gosh what a lot of frills and lace - I nearly came fingering it all. Anyway I pushed a tiny pair of bright red panties into my pocket as a keepsake. I also found an envelope which appeared to contain several digital media cards from a digital camera - more of that later. I then found Amanda's room - it was a real little girl's room - dolls and teddy bears abounded but in her underwear drawers were the signs of her becoming a woman. Several sets of bras and panties including several thongs - I could not wait until Thursday but I was able to download the pics from the digital camera and there were dozens of pics of the step mother and they kept me amused but more of that somewhere else. Thursday came and the day dragged on and on. Finally it was 3.00 oclock and I made my move by going into the house and disabling the alarm. I went up to the first floor returning the envelope and then moving downstairs again to wait. There was a spy hole in the main door so I could see Amanada waving a car off and walking up the drive. She opened the door, moved to the alarm box when I grabbed her from behind.
She started to scream and struggle but I had a long kitchen knife which I pressed to her throat and said I would cut her open if she wasn't quiet. SHe started to sob as I pulled her arms back and tied her wrists with garden ties. I turned her round - this was the first time she had seen me and I muust have looked terrifying - I had a black stocking over my head, black T shirt and joggers - she had on her school uniform of a bright blue balzer, white shirt and school tie, and black pleated skirt, bare legs apart from white ankle socks and black shoes. She screamed again and I put the kife to her eye and said that if she wanted to lose an eye she had better shut up. I pushed up the stairs into her room - I forgot to say that when I went up earlier I fitted up my video camera on a stand to record everything - with my arm on a lock around her neck I switched on the camera and threw her on to the bed on her back with me on top of her.
Her eyes betrayed the terror she felt but I was too far gone to have any mercy. I started to undo her blouse and she was crying "Please don't" - I just told her to shut up as I pulled the blouse apart showing her white bra. I pushed the cups up over her tits and looked at those lovely white orbs - I pulled her upright so that I could see the tits unstretched and they the size of two small organges. I threw her back and started kissing her left nipple which responded by getting rock hard as did the other one when i turned my attention to that. I roughly threw her on her front and pulled the blouse over her shoulders, cut the ties on her wrists and pulled it off.
Whilst the ties were off she tried to hit me with her hand - I grabbed her arm and re-tied the wrists - I then lifted her skirt to reveal black cotton school knickers. I slapped the back of her legs really hard and told het that if she did not do what she was told there would be worse to come. She laid there sobbing as I carressed and kissed her tits with her nipples standing out like little pegs, I then moved my hands to the waist band of her skirt and once again she started to scream - I shouted at her that if she did not stay quiet I would smash her face in. She just collapsed and sobbed as I undid the band and pulled away the skirt revealing her long legs.
Normally kids of this age have scrawny legs but hers were well formed and look great - I then started to pull her knickers down and one again she started to scream and struggle. I did not want to hit her again but told her that unless she stayed still I would carve my name on her face. She went quiet and I pushed the black knickers down only to find that underneath she had a pair of white lace bikini panties on.
I asked her why she was wearing two pairs of pants and she gasped that all the girls hated the school knickers and wore something else undernearh. My cock was now stiffer than a broomstick and something had to happen so I pulled down my joggers and it popped out. She saw it and gasped, "No".
I asked her if she had seen anything like that before and she cried, "No we have only been told about it in school".
Now you can taste one I told her - got over her face and pushed it into her lips, she resisted unti I grabbed the knife again and she opened her mouth and in I went. It always amazes me how much cock a woman can take in her mouth and she was no different.
I told her to suck me hard or I would thrust it so far down her throat that it would come out the other end. She sucked and sucked and I could feel the pre-cum going into her mouth which she had to swallow. I nearly blew the whole lot but managed to save it and then pulled both pairs of knickers off.
Her cunt had just a whisper of hairs around it. I said to her, "Has anyone else seen this?"
"No," she sobbed.
I slipped my finger into her cunt and was pleasantly surprised that she was a little moist - even so I knew that if I stuck my cock into she would really suffer so, being a good boy scout and being prepared, I took a small bottle of Johnsons Baby Oil (ironic eh?) and gently massaged that into he slit. It soon became lovely and moist and I prepared my self. I forced her legs wide apart - she was screaming No but I wans't concerned -stuck a towel under her arse, put some oil on my cock and gently pushed myself against her slit.
I entered her a little and then with one push broke through, she screamed and screamed but I could not have cared less as I began to move my self up and down in this tight virgin hole. Suddenly she went much quieter and started to pant almost in time with my strokes and I realised that she was almost having an orgasm herself. I turned her over and did her doggy fashion - she was now like a limp doll. I turned her again and made her suck me again which she did without complaint. I then pushed her on her back, pulled her long legs over each of my shoulders, grabbed her arse cheeks and thrust hard into her time and time again until I blew a huge load right into her.
I collapsed beside her - she was just laying there and I told her the facts of life. I said that as I left I would tie her legs but undo her wrists so she could escape. She could, I told her, call the police but they would love to hear all of the story, take pictures and generally give her a hard time.
I also said that her parents and relatives would all find out as would all her friends and I would probably send her mum and dad a copy of the video so they could see their daughter being fucked.
She was crying again - I told her the best thing she should do was to go and have a nice long hot bath and put it all down to experience - if she was worried about being pregnant I told her about the chemist in the town who advertised the "morning after pill.
I got up, packed up the camera, picked up her panties and the messy towel I had put down. I tiel her ankles together and could see the handprint of where I had slapped her legs and her wet cunt and that nearly made me go back for a second helping but I cut the ties on her wrists and ran out. I had my motor bike hidden in the bushes at the side of the house - got on to that and drove off apparantly at high speed. All I did was to go out of the gates, turned along the road and drove into my own garage.
I went upstairs in my house and changed looking out for any movement in the road which would indicate that the police had been called. There was nothing. As time passed I watched the road and saw the mother's car arrive home with another car following which was obviously another school mother. To my amazement I then saw Amanada and another girl walking past my house taking dog for a walk. Obviously she had taken my advise and had a bath. It is now nearly nine months later and I have seen her several times to speak to since that event.
Every time I see or speak to her I would love to ask her how many of the boys at school or even her dad have got inside her but I do not care I was the first and have the pics to prove it.
The video has now been transferred to disc and I often show it to myself along with the pictures of the step-mum. These showed her posing in her clothes, underwear and totally nude and several with the husband both of them stark naked with his cock atthe ready. Perhpas one day I will pay a return vist to either the daughter or perhaps the stepmum.
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