Published: 28-Feb-2013
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I own a corner store in a small village in West England - during the winter period it is very quiet but from early spring a lot of visitors come to admire the cliffs and the bays - many of them stay in a mobile home park near the store. It was early May - I do not have any staff working for me at that time so I was in the store on my own but carefully watching a cctv/video system I had installed over the winter.
Success! As I watched I saw this girl in school blazer and matching skirt - she looked probably 13 or 14 - near the wines and spirits display -she looked around several times and then slipped a bottle of whisky into her satchel. She walked up to the main cash counter where I was sitting (the screens were concealed under the counter) and tried to pay for a bottle of Lemonaade which she had in her hand.
She was quite pretty, hair loseley tied across the back of her head. Under the blazer she had a blouse and I could see that she was starting to grown her tits - i could not see at that moment her legs but I knew she was wearing woolen tights.
"OK young lady" I said "I am now going to call the police and let them see what you have stolen".
Her face was a picture of terror. "Don't do that" she cried out, "my dad's a policeman and he will kill me - I'll do anything if you don't call them".
I knew I had her and said "ok, you will go to the door over there and go upstairs into the front room and we will discuss what I am going to do after I have locked up the shop."
When I got upstairs she was standing with her back to me but I could see that she was crying.
"Well" I said "what do we do now?"
"Please don't tell my father".
"You really have been a very naughty girl - why did you do it" I asked.
"I want to join a gang and they told me that I had to steal some gin or whisky and take it to the meeting tonight."
A plan was, of course, in my mind.
"If you do not want me to tell your father then I am going to have to punish you and then you are going to have to be very nice to me. Do you agree?"
She was still crying but said, "Yes- anything."
"If you take your punishment and a very good to me I will let you have the bottle of gin to take to the gang." My god for what I had in mind it was worth it.
I then said to her that i had to go downstairs to check on the alarm system and that when I came back I wanted her lying on the settee without her tights or blazer on, and her blouse unbuttoned.
"Do you understand?" I asked.
She was very tense and shivering but said, "Yes".
I went downstairs and picked up my digital cam corder and a couple of other things nd went slowly up stairs. I went into the room and sure enough she was laying on her back on the settee with her bare legs showing, and her blouse open showing her white bra and I could see that she had a nice pair of tits.
"Now," I said, "want you to turn on to your front and put your hands behind your back."
As she did so I started to pull her blouse back over her shoulders.
"No" she cried."
"Ok I will get on the phone now."
"OK, OK," she yelped. I pulled the blouse of and undid the back of her bra. "Oh No, please, don't," she asked.
"You know what will happen if you do not do what I say?"
She slumped forward and let me take off the bra. I could now enjoy the lovely sweep of her naked back down the waistband of her skirt. I got the camera, put it on a table and focused it on the settee and let it run. I then got hold of one of her wrists clipped a plastic tie around it and got the other one and her hands were firmly tied behind her back. She really was now sobbing but I was quite worked up and told her to stand up.
She did not want to but I pulled her up and made her face the camera (even though she did not know it was there) - I stood behind her and put my hands around her waist and gently moved them up until I had a small firm tit in each hand - she was trembling and crying and I was just saying that this is what naughty girls must expect. I then reached for the waistband of her skirt and released the zip - she tried to stop it falling to the ground but I held her tight and could see that she had real schoolgirl white knickers on. I then pushed her back on to the settee and before she could do a thing I fixed plastic ties around her ankles. She was just sobbing but once again I said that this had to be better than a police record. I sat on the edge of the settee, gently running my hands up her bare legs across her tummy to her tits and whilst they had flattened out her little nipples were erect and hard.
I got up and started to pull off her knickers - she was struggleing and said that she was going to scream. Firstly I told her that no-one couold hear if she did and secondly I would just gag her, do what I wanted and dump her in the river.
"Who would know?" I asked. Panic set in, she was tembling all over again but I was too worked up by now to worry. I pulled her knickers down and, lo and behold, under the school pair she had a little white lacy thong. "You sexy little bitch," I said and through her tears she said that all the girls wore sexy panties under their school clothes.
I went to a drawers, got a pair of scissors and cut the thong off.
"I'll keep this as a souvenier," I said - she had only a little hair on her mound but was keeping her legs very tight together which did not worry me because I knew I would soon have them spreadeagled but strangley enough now she was naked she seemed much calmer. I pulled her again to her feet so that the camera could get a good view then pushed her down again.
I then started to talk to her - I asked her name and how old she was - she was 13 and I asked her if any of her boy frieds had got her undressed or felt her up.
"Some have tried," she said, quite calmly. "But I haven't let them."
"Well you have now," I said and she started to cry again and asked, "Are you going to fuck me?"
"Probably later," I said, "But before that you have to be punished."
"What are you going to do?"
"Tell me," I asked, "Does your daddy ever spank your mummy?" I really do not know why I asked the question but there was something in her reply which made me press the point. She had said no but I said, "Are you sure?"
"Well I have heard some slapping from their bedroom and mummy first of all crying and then moaning."
"Do you know what was happening?" I asked. "Were they playing?"
"I suppose so."
I said, "But that is what is going to happed to you. "I am going to bend you over the arm of the settee and your bum is going to be caned and then I am going to fuck you." Once again panic started to set in but once again I said, "Don't forget about the river," I said.
She really was sobbing now as i pulled her up and pushed her over the edge of the settee - I could now see the lovely white bum cheeks and her hairless cunt all waiting for me. I quickly moved the camera to get a really good view and then got a hankerchief and stuck it in her mouth.
"Now listen," I said, "You are going to get 10 stokes but ifyou yell then there will be two more for every cry."
I had this short piece of garden cane and brought it down hard across her bum - for an nstant nothing happened but then her whole body arched and I could hear the scream strangled by the hankerchief. I could see the red bruise mark and I hit out the second and third times.
She was just sobbing and I said to her, "Listen, you have three cane marks across your bum which will be covered by your knickers - I will stop here if you promise to do everything I want you to do - if you don't then I will cane you on the inside of your legs and on your thighs."
She nodded and pulled the hankerchief out of her mouth.
I then made her get up and then kneel in front of and I took out my tool which was so hard you could have hit a cricket ball with it and thrust it into her face. She didnot know what to do until I forced open her mouth and thrust it down her throat - she was choking so I realeased it and told her to suck it like and ice lolly and she got the idea very quickly.
I was near to a climax but wanted her to get all of my spunk inside her cunt so i pushed her on her back and pushed her knees up so that I could see her cunt. I then pushed my fingers into her slit and found she was as moist as any bird I have had. I used the scissors to cut off the ankle ties and pushed her legs wide open and put my cock into her cunt - I knew it was going to be tight but I was being quite gentle - she was resisting but I said to her that the more she resisted the more it would hurt - just relax I said and just gave one big push.
She screamed as I felt her virginity go but I then just gentle moved deep inside her and she began to quiver and pant and i jsut kept going watching my prick going inside this 13 yesrs old cunt but she was beginning to move and suddenly I realised that she was cumming herself. I gently took her though her climax and then turned her over doggy fashion and thrust myself inside her time and time again until I had a massive orgasm.
I got up and pulled her to her feet and released her hands.
"My dad will kill you when he finds out what you have done," she said.
"Really?" I replied. "Would you and he like to see the video of you being caned and fucked shown all over the village and put out on the web?"
I could see what she felt about than and started to put her clothes back on.
"Are you going to give me that whisky?" she asked. That was amazing - I had just caned and fucked a 13 year old school girl and all she wanted was the whisky.
"Of course," I said.
"Don't worry," she said. "I wont tell about today and I am on the pill so nothing will happen."
There was a strange maturity now in her voice as she said, "If I get another girl to steal from you can I watch?"
But that is another story.
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