Best Kept Secrets, Part 4

[ Mg, Mb, humor, gangbang, trans ]

by Roukley

Published: 24-Dec-2012

Word Count:

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Authors note: Alright, alright, alriiiiiight! Wow, thank you for your feedback. I have no delusions about my stories being even close to the best but they are quickly becoming the best I'VE managed to type over the last year. I've also learned to appreciate erotica on a new level, not only as a reader but also as a participant. Anyone who thinks it's as easy as 'Then he walked in holding the pizza and said, 'anyone order the EXTRA large?'' has clearly not made the attempt to create the food of wanton fantasy before...

On another note, I find myself falling more and more in love with the characters, especially the relationships that are brewing between them. When I began this series the characters had very little to their personas, but I find it amazing how much I enjoy watching their evolution unfold. The daughters are becoming separate entities before my very eyes, and Avan has quickly gone from a single scene of lustful homosexuality, to one of my most prized creations, and this is all because of the kind words from those who left their reviews, thank you. I hope you'll enjoy these forth coming chapters of what I plan to be a thrilling adventure. (fingers crossed).

You'll note that this chapter is all about Avan as I've decided to give the child more depth in this series, but rest assured, daddy and the girls will be in the further chapters. I also plan to introduce a score of characters I hope to use in future stories all their own, centered in my own little fictional universe. These coming chapters will feature implied violence but nothing heavy, and no sexual violence, but some dark themes. A lot of these characters I'm bringing in this chapter are important for later chapters and have been characters I'd created years before but never had any excuse to use them.

As a disclaimer, this story contains adult on child relations as well as heterosexual, homosexual, and transgendered sex. Also contains humor and reluctance, orgies, gangbangs, oral, anal, ect. Enjoy and Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, and Happy Holidays...

Chapter 1

The laughter filled the ballroom of The Klubben Vad or KV club on 13th and Aventine's Casino strip in Antioch when _____ took the stage with Avan's insistence. The boy had become a great lover of stand up comedy when those nights he and his 'daddy' had laid together after making love or the raunchiest bout of man on boy fucking took place, and watched the comedians perform on the movie stations hour long comedy specials. Daddy (or Pa, papa, pop, daddy-o ect.) had been a huge fan and turned Avan onto the hilarity rather quick.

"It's just that people today don't know how to mind their own damn business is all." He'd gotten up fifteen minutes ago and had the audience going from the start with his oberservational angry dark comic stylings. "We completely forgot how RUDE it sometimes sounds to actually butt in on shit that's got nothing to do with us. For instance, our obsession with being "Politically Correct"." He voiced that last part with an insulting drawl. "Has made us into a serious bunch of corn holed asswipes. Even the celebrities are losing their damn minds, Duff? You know that little bitch? I'd give anything to wake up one day with a coffee to my lips and turning to the news that reads how the little bleached blonde pop tart died in a fiery plane crash after that stupid commercial she did a few years back..."

In the short couple of weeks they'd been together in their passionate love affair, Avan had learned how his lover can go from sounding like Carlin, to C.K... Black to Norton... even Williams to old school Pryor, all depending on the joke and his current mood swing. Though in real life he was nothing as mean as he tried to sound on stage, it could still shock his little lover, the things he said.

" was that commercial with the two girlfriends in the mall just trying on shit talking about god knows what could only be anyone's guess, when one holds up a shirt and says 'How bout this?' and the other goes, 'Ugh, that is SO GAY.' And then out pops Duff like a tween sorceress from hell 'Um know your words! You might think they're not dangerous but they hurt a lot of people.'... the kind of shit spewing from her rancid dick flavored step daddy hole that made you wanna pop a frozen turd down her throat Jackie Chan style and yell 'MIND YOUR OWN FUCKING BUISNESS YOU SOCIALITE MEDIA WHORE!'"

That last part erupted a huge reaction of laughter even from the dyed blonde Avan who was near tears with side pains from his lover's ongoing tirade of hating on the tween idols.

"Know you words..." he repeated with a chuckle. "Remember when we were told as kids that words couldn't harm us? That we should just turn the other cheek and ignore my mom said 'let it in one ear and out the other.' Fun lesson till I tried it with her a couple times. Then it was PAY ATTENTION!" His hands camp together imitating a slap. "... I love my mom, God rest, but like any mother she had this psychotic notion that good parenting was saying one thing and then the other. 'Sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt.' Onto the 'Don't hit, use your words.' ... am I the only person that doesn't find this oxymoron form of parental advice just a little off putting? Not to mention that wonderful mommy advice where she said 'Next time those boys pick on you, well mister you just turn around and look em right in the eye and say 'How would you feel if I picked on you?'"

You could hear the light giggles from the audience as he gave them a pause and scrounged up his face in a slight look of bewilderment crossed with heavy thought.

"Anyone wanna guess what this little faggot did?" he asked the audience while pointing to himself. "This one, I.E. MYSELF, actually said that shit to a bully... who wants to venture a guess at how THAT day turned out for me? Toilet swirls? HA, try that with the janitors broom right up no man's land, I'm still shittin splinters!"

Another round of laughter. "To this day I cant so much as look at bathroom stall toilet without getting a little wiggle in my giggle stick, people! Pathological fears bread forth by the loving words adorned by the pampered ass mama's boy who stands ashamed before you tonight."

The set ended a half hour later, which made him one of the longer sets on that night, but the club manager didn't mind as all the other amateurs were either mediocre or worse.

"I'm gonna leave you all with a sad little tale about yours truly." He'd begun his final minutes at the mike. Adrenaline pumping at the sight of all the smiling happy faces that shared laughs at his jokes tonight. A childhood dream made slightly a reality by the nudging of a beautiful boy child who loved him dearly and knew how funny he was when he wanted to be.

"When I turned 18, I was so excited! SO excited! The freedom! THE FREEDOM! Of being legally allowed to buy cigarettes and rent porn was more than I could dream of at the time. I'd been smoking for years by this point but still it was nice not to have to ask some stranger to buy me a pack of cigs, worried that he could do one of two things. Run away with my money, or try to mouth fuck me for my nicotine fix." Laughter rose a bit and died down some. "Also, I'd seen plenty of porn before. My best friend stole some from his dad and we jerked off in the same room giggling like a couple of little girls with newly formed boobies to compare as we enjoyed the first visuals depicting the sexual acts of men and women from the 70's."

He took a drink of his water and grin looking away for a moment. "Naturally I came to believe all women had what could only be described as messy thick brown Santa Claus beards hiding dangling sick nasty joker lips that we as boys had to endure if we wanted to stick our equally bushy, side burned, fingers crossed in hopes for Ron Jeremy sized peckers in. But I digress from my point... renting a porno! Renting a porno, people. Was the paradox, if I use that term incorrect then eat my shit, I'm telling a story!"

The fun little jab at the audience kept the bellies rolling with humor. "In my little rinky dink town there was ONE video store with a back room to it. When I got there, the guy the owner, the guy who owned this store was manning the register. I spent the better part of an HOUR scouring the shelves at the new releases, old, then new again, video games... then I came to the entrance of the back room... did not go in! Not yet, had to play it...coooool... yes, cool. I gave this little 'huh, look at that, a back room, alright.' Then walked away once more to view the newer film releases. Did that THREE times!"

Avan had heard the story before, and it was the reason he nudged Pa to go up and make everyone laugh. "Quick description of the backroom and the area leading to it... it was a vertical closet sized hallway with one rack of movies smack dab to the right of the door... CHRISTIAN MOVIES! The last sight you'd see before seeking the pleasure of X-rated quality spankovision were the imploring eyes of Jeffery Hunter as Jesus on the King of Kings movie box burning guilty holes in your neck. If you can cross THAT, then hell is all there is for your future buddy, and to a horny teenager with the freedom to LEGALLY sin, then the son of man's gentle gaze as he died for your sins meant shit to your dick."

A few groans from the audience with heavy chuckles followed. "So after making my first mortal sin of my 18th name day, I entered the Mecca of perverse entertainment, the backroom XXX shelves. At this point it all boiled down to one thing, decisions, decisions, decisions! What was I going to rent? How was I going to take it home, and sneak it passed mom, only to play it on mute while she's home hoping she doesn't knock on my door, only to receive a half assed excuse as to why I had to get dressed, which by the way, NO PARENT EVER FUCKING BELIEVES for a second!... well, the decision came clearly to me when I happened upon four classics. Debbie Does Dallas, a dual movie set of Devil in Ms. Jones and Deep Throat, an old box cover too, worn down to nothing, and of course the incestuous classic we love for its timeless message of 'don't try this shit at home', Taboo!"

A surprising number of hoots and hollers over the last title made him cock an eyebrow and shake his head at the audience... "Jesus Christ... anyway! I got my secret VHS 'girlfriends' and headed out to pay and be on my way when who the hell should be manning the register? Not the owner, HE went home, the bastard... and left his white haired, elderly LADY employee to take care of the customers...shit!... she spotted me coming out of the room so running in to put the movies away was not an option, especially considering that fact that I WANTED them! So I had to think fast. As fast as any other hormonally driven teenager with new freedoms at hand could possible think... I reached into the family section and grabbed the Tiny Mermaid II off the shelf!"

A snickering silence came upon the audience. "Can any of you guess the folly in this decision? In an attempt to look less like a depraved sex fiend that you wouldn't wanna see eating at your favorite restaurant, I walked out with three VHS tapes consisting of four pornos, and a newer sequel to a timeless children's classic. If Megan's law had existed at this point, I would have been thoroughly FUCKED...thank you."

With a wave to the audience he left the stage with heavy applause and laughter at the awkward childhood story that left Avan in stitches just days before.

The child rose from their table and met daddy by the exit where they hugged and he could still feel the nervous trembling shivers from the older man's body given in part by the stage fright and then by the excitement buzzing around inside of him.

"See!" Avan slapped his arm lovingly. "Told you you'd be a great comedian."

"Yeah, yeah." Daddy said pulling the boy with him.

Bringing Avan out for a night on the town had been stupid and reckless, but the KV club had no one to judge a man with a boy for a date considering the depraved sort that brought children and sometimes-family members as dates themselves. The VIP rooms were constantly breeding grounds for pedophiles and sex offenders to host their secretive orgies without the police bursting in, not so long as Calo Litti ran this place for the Marlomarese mob.

It wasn't even as if anyone knew that Avan was a boy to begin with, not especially since after they'd left the comedy club and Avan insisted on Daddy waiting in the lobby of the strip mall while he went to get "something special" for his daddy.

More than a half an hour had gone by when a gorgeous girl with blonde hair tied back in a pony tail with two pink bangs falling down the sides of her face came strolling towards him with cherry red lips, eyes shadowed in hints of blue and purple with pink lining above, wearing a red mesh studded skater dress that billowed about her knees. Her legs were clad in what looked to be black thigh high stalkings. A pair of red and spike studded Suedette heels enhanced her height. With her blue eyes piercing him as she strolled seductive with the grace of a seductive Angel fallen from God's grace with glee, he realized who he was looking at.

"AVAN!" he was shocked and awed at the young lady who approached.

The child giggled. "The only good thing mom ever did was name me... boy or girl, I'd never have to change it, papa."

Having once come up to his chest, now the child was to his chin and looked like a Highschool teenager as he leaned in and kissed those sultry lips, melting the sweetling to the point of raising one of 'her' legs behind her, losing herself in her daddy's sweet embrace.

The next half hour was spent between the two strolling the mall so that daddy could buy his new little girl some accessories for her attire. A necklace of white gold with a diamond pendent over a silver heart, little white gloves that were lacey and pure, and a little pink ribbon of satin fastened about the child's throat with a delicious snug that seemed to beg to be removed in the throws of passion.

The return to the KV club was met with new eyes that watched in envy at the grown man who entered dressed in a suit that could only be compared to Pulp Fiction's Vincent Vega attire, with the hand of a blonde and pink haired sweetheart taking his arm, her nervous shyness evaporating almost instantly as Avan put 'her' head high and smile with the delicate and sexy red lips.

Some who were there earlier during the comedy show had done double takes only to grin realizing that the child was indeed the same boy that was there earlier, while others remained ignorant and confused.

KV was alive on the dance floor tonight with the theme of the evening, by popular request of the older wise guys and mustache Pete's who patroned the place frequently, was oldies dance music of the 50's and 60's. This was all too perfect for the loving duo that walked in with a trail of breathless bodies ogling them as they passed.

"Can we dance, papa?" Avan had startled him from his trance.

After being seated, he'd locked his eyes on the amazing beauty before him and had to subconsciously remind himself to breath every time he began to feel lightheaded and blue in the face. The only thing that could break that spell was a delightfully soft and babyish voice of Avan.

"Huh? What, sweety?"

Avan only giggled and blushed through a wide smile. "I said, 'can we dance' papa?"

Almost finding the breath to give a lie as he was far to nervous to get up and dance in front of everyone, the effort was cut short by the pleading puppy eyes of the girlish child and the beginning echoes of Paul McCartney's voice over the speakers saying "1...2...3...4" and the beginning of "I saw her standing there" filling the room.

Well she was just 17
You know what I mean
And the way she looked was way beyond compare.
So how could I dance with another (ooh)
When I saw her standing there.

Avan's hand in his and they were one the dance floor working towards the first sweat to the hot pulse of the oldies classic that to this day thundered through the blood of any who heard it. Their bodies shaking to the proper rhythm that the Beatles set for loves to flail wildly along side other dancers too.

Well she looked at me, and I, I could see
That before too long, I'd fall in love with her
She wouldn't dance with another (whoo)
When I saw her standing there.

The child was becoming breathless with the joy of writhing around merrily on the dance floor with his chosen daddy and forever love's arms lifting and twirling 'her' about.

Well my heart when boom
When I crossed that room
And I held her hand in mine...

Whoa we dance through the night
And we held each other tight
And before too long I fell in with her.
Now I'll never dance with another (Whoo)
Since I saw her standing there.

At the ending of the song they were both breathless and laughing, and for the first time since meeting his dearly departed wife, the man found himself truly and unbelievably in love with the girlish boy that purred in his arms. For the first time since the birth of his daughters, his mind was actually on only one person tonight, and nothing else mattered, not now, not ever, and not long as he held Avan in his arms.

The next couple of songs kept the two on the floor dancing, swaying and grinding closely to the sexy crescendos of Mickey and Sylvia in Love Is Strange, then to the passionately slow loving embrace that kept them close through the beauty of the Righteous Brothers singing Unchained Melody. Ironically in his mind these last three songs they'd shared together each one speaking to his heart the love he was feeling for this little lover of his almost perfectly... the only song missing was one that would share the sorrow he felt secretly and deeply when he'd come to realize from time to time that this was an ill fated love that could not be forever... he'd be leaving soon, and the short lived romance would haunt him for all time.

To keep from weeping at the thought of leaving this amazing child behind, he simply leaned down and planted his lips to steel a tender kiss from the 'girl' who's face took a serious stare of love just moments before the kiss dawned upon her, her slender arms reaching around his neck with her eyes closing, a soft purring moan escaping her throat as they held one another in this their lovers kiss.

'The poets are so full of shit' the man thought as they held one another in true loves embrace. 'They verse about these feelings of love and loss and cannot possible understand! They live for their loss of love and endless pain, oh Avan, I'd give anything to run away with you too... oh god my girls... they'd never understand...'

Avan's soft voice broke the spell of the quiet moment "____ can we go home now?"

The child almost never called him by his first name, but right now, with a woman's voice wise beyond 'her' years, the little boy looked deeply into his eyes when that name was spoken.

"Are you tired, sweetheart?"

A gentle smile etched Avan's lips as he slowly moved his head side to side. "No... I'm just ready to be alone with you tonight."

Alone they had been that night when instead he took 'her' up to the hotel suite of the Casino he'd rented secretly and discreetly under a false name with the help of an old friend who'd turned wise guy just a few years back.

Inside the two had made love prior to undressing one another as lovers of old could only do. In spite of the smooth flat surface of Avan's chest that held two hard little boyish nipples, a taunt belly they led down to the small undersized (even for his age) penis that held but the first testament of soft fur beginning to blossom, the man felt that his boy was his girl, and wished with all his heart that one day would be his woman.

This was not fucking, this night was making love. Body to body, and arms wrapped about, they'd writhe on that bed in many positions, Avan's favorite being with his chest to chest, legs wrapped around his, slowly rising up and down, grinding his tightness into 'Daddy's' hard cock. Lips locked as they reached orgasm after orgasm, until the night would permit very little energy for the two to share anymore carnal desires.

In the hot tub with bubbles filling to the brim, a happiness was marred by the knowledge of impending doom that spoke silently to the air of their coming departure. Doing their best to avoid the subject Avan asked him if he'd ever known himself to be attracted to young boys.

"I honestly cannot say that I have." He replied honestly.

"So... you WERE straight and now maybe a"

Shaking his head gently. "Nah... honestly kiddo. I've never really accepted that there were really any lines such as straight, gay, or bi... Cause when you think about it, its never really about attraction to one thing anymore."

Avan looked up from where he lounged comfortably in the bubbly water with his cheek against 'daddy's' chest with an arm around the man's sternum. "What do you mean?"

"Well, in reality I like feminine." He answered. "Even girls that act or look butch do nothing for me. I can't so much as a get a wiggle for them, and honest to god, I never thought myself attracted to boys who look or dress like girls until I met you, and sure as hell never carried a torch for any of em quite so young."

The child smiled looking off wistfully. "So, what your saying is, I'm your first." The boy giggled.

"For lack of a better euphemism, yes." He kissed Avan's head and stroked the boys back under the water.

"I always wanted to be a girl." Avan snuggled closer. "I hate being a boy... some day, I'm gonna chop this stupid thing off and be the girl I always knew I should be... would you like that, papa?"

He looked down at the child for a moment before muttering 'no'. That word brought Avan sitting up with a slosh in the water, gazing questioningly at his lover. "What do you mean 'no'?"

"I'm not sure, kiddo, its just..." he sighed and thought a moment. "You are so perfect to me. The way you are. A gorgeous boy with a girls looks ...look I don't know... imagine for a second if you suddenly became a girl by surgery, then you'd just be another girl. But a girl with a penis, if this makes any sense, well... that's very appealing. So perfect and feminine with that part that detours you from being what they are. I'm losing you, I don't know what I mean..."

"No..." Avan said thoughtfully. "I know what you're saying."

He looked at the child for a moment, then couldn't help laughing to himself. For a moment Avan looked startled then hurt, and then couldn't help but laugh himself. "What? What's so funny?"

"Nothing!" he was trying to calm the laughter.

"Come on!" Avan pleaded.

"Well... its silly...something I just remembered from my teen years."

"Oh, back in the stone age?" Avan teased.

He looked at the boy with a raised brow of 'oh no you didn't' bringing further giggles from the child, "Come on daddy, tell me."

"Well alright... um... When I was about 16 or 17, I had some friends. A good group of guys I guess and one was this girl named Chaz. Looked like a guy, acted like a guy, talked like a guy... you name it...such a guy, which was why she was considered one of us, a bud."

"Sounds like a butchy chick." Avan quipped.

"VERY Butch." He answered. "Short hair, greasy, almost a mustache on that upper lip, built like a brick shithouse and knew a shit load more about cars and motorcycles than any of us could dream. Anyway, I found out one day that she was totally into me."

"Oh really?"

"Yup... I came into the kitchen one day when we were all just kickin back, fixing the car, my buddy Dale's old 67 Thunderbird, beautiful machine. Well Chaz came in and stood in the doorway staring me down, and when I noticed her she just gave a little nod and in the gruff butch voice that sounded a lot like the drill sergeant from Full Metal Jacket she said, 'You got a pretty nice ass there bro.' The bro part disgusted me enough...anyway then she went on to ask if I ever had a booty call. I told her 'no' and she said 'Well, if you ever want to, just hit me up guy, and we'll get in on.' Which you can imagine was not very appealing."

Avan had a look of comical horror etched on his face listening, trying not to laugh as he continues. "I have no idea how these next words left my mouth but I just said. "Look Chaz, we're friends, I like you as such, but I'm not into masculine girls like you. Maybe if you laid down naked with a sheet covering your face and not saying a single word, I'd be able to pull it off but nah!"

"YOU DID NOT!" Avan was wide eyed and horrifically amused.

"I did, I really did." He tried not to laugh. "I was so sure Chaz was gonna hit me for that but she just stormed off and didn't say anything to me for more than a day."

"A day?"

"Yup... the next day her roommate called me up and told me that Chaz needed me come by quick. So braving it and hoping we'd put it behind us and be cool again I went over. Sue-Ellen, the roommate had left, but told me to go up to Chaz's room before she did. When I got there, I looked down and on her bed there was Chaz completely naked, awkwardly trying to lie there seductively with the sheet over her face. One finger beckoning me close."

"Ewwww!" Avan let out a high pitched whine.

"I know but in spite of it all her body was not half bad, excellent in fact. If not for the gruff voice and manly face, she'd have been a swimsuit model I tell ya. Anyway, I got it up and started to have sex with her, you know. But some of the way in she starts grunting like "huh! Huh! Huh!" really deep voiced grunt and then started saying 'Oh fuck, bro do it man! Oh fuck yeah'..."

"Sounds like Connie from Brickleberry." Avan mused.

"Actually kinda did." Avan was laughing when he said that. "...and after listening to that manly grunt and sex talk I went limp. I pulled off and said 'nah, nah I can't, your voice just fucked everything up. I told you not to say anything...' And made to get out of her room."

"Was she mad?" Avan asked

He thought for a moment and then just looked at Avan and grinning while reaching a finger under his cheek and trailing it down an old faded scar. "Does this answer your question?"

They shared a laugh that echoed through the bathroom before the child cuddled close again and the man finished his thought on the subject at hand. "I'm not gay, honey... I'm not bi-curious, or straight. I like feminine, nothing butch, can scarcely tolerate short hair on a girl, yet hairy armpits and legs never really turned me off, but that's beside the point. I believe if you're attracted to someone and they to you, then do what you wanna do, so long as it doesn't hurt anyone or anything."

"You're attracted to me?" Avan almost whispered the question.

"Without a doubt."

"Do you care about me?"

"Without a seconds hesitation."

"Do you... do you love me."

"With all my heart."

They child's voice was breaking suddenly and sniffling to hold back the tears. "If you weren't leaving soon, and were able to stay... till I was old enough... would we... we... would we ever be... married?"

He gazed into the crying boys eyes and felt the knot in his own throat before leaning down to kiss him, a soft tender kiss that lasted but seconds, and held them forever. "I'd take you in my arms for always... my little bride."

Chapter 2

The dream-like memory was broken for Avan by the throb in his head where he'd fallen down earlier. His best friend Tyler was weeping just a few feet away as the boat rocked back and forth in the rain and waves... This nightmare had begun just yesterday when James came back into Avan's life holding up his stolen cell phone with a picture of him and his 'daddy' pasted to the face of it.

'Where was George?' Avan wondered. George was Tyler's boyfriend who'd been with them when James and another scary looking man came barging in as they'd been engaged in one another, just the three of them. 'What have they done with George?'


Tyler had returned from his vacation and Avan tried to be happy but as soon as Tyler introduced his boyfriend, a rather buff and rough looking biker dude who called himself George Crash, he broke down crying. Tyler and surprisingly enough George were gentle in holding him through his tears and listened to his story. He had told them of his love affair and how he'd put together the pieces after finding a map and watching the news stories of his missing lover and the three daughters. They'd sympathized and comforted the jilted lover as much as they could.

Over the next few days he'd come out of his funk and had fun driving around with George and Tyler on Big Python (George's bike), which he'd hitched a sidecar onto. They'd enjoyed the shops and eateries of Antioch for a while before the big guy took them to Brimstone where his gang hung out.

Upon arriving, the two boys were treated to an almost frightening sight of two big burly bikers engaged in a one on one brawl with their brothers and their women clambering on with cheers and jeers directed at the two bleeding messes of leather clad misfits until one dropped unconscious with a roar of approval for the other. The winner hardly sported any blood on his face as he offered a hand to his opponent helping him up as they patted backs like brothers and took a couple of offered beers and made heavy swigs from the necks. Spotting the trio consisting of two young beautiful boys and his rough neck looking chapter brother, the winner made his way to be introduced.

"Don't you ever lose, Fury?" George asked the man as he approached.

That day Avan met Furio Riina, a 6'0" biker brother of George Crash, who wore his long hair braided down the back while the sides of his head were cut low and faded. His goatee was dark and grew down his chin a good four inches and braided as well with skull medallions at the tips. He was rough and handsome in spit of how frighteningly fierce he looked, sporting a huge scar down the left side of his face and what looked to be a completely black colored glass orb where his left eye use to be. Tyler knew him well enough and seemed comfortable around the dangerous looking man, even after telling Avan that Furio was the gang's muscle and no one, absolutely NO ONE messed with him.

Avan was terrified at first glance of the gangs haunting grounds, considering that he wasn't sure if a gay guy with two boys would be accepted but quickly the fear left as he learned that the crew not only knew, but also were perfectly cool with it. George showed off Tyler and Avan proudly before the group of guys...

It wasn't long before they all just sat around drinking beers and swapping stories while others played cards or rough housed, some even hooked up with woman or a rather young looking boy or girl and went inside the rundown building referred to as The Shack by the bunch, which was just a run down looking beautiful from the outside, but inside was an awesome sight of rooms and recreations that the guys used to keep busy when they weren't riding.

Among these new friends, Avan had completely forgotten about James, but as for 'papa' the thought never left him. In the days to come he would hang out with Tyler and George with these men, often times going off alone with one or more and giving blow jobs, hand jobs, and to those not afraid of being a little 'gay', he got fucked deliciously rough. The smell of leather became a big turn on for the lonely child. Life was becoming quite bearable again with his best friend and the "The Crow's Stone" Chapter of the "Saints Of Hell" biker gang.

On that first night, Furio caught Avan looking him over more often than not and only smiled at the kid with his arms around two beauties of his own. Amber was on Fury's right, a beautiful trailer park looking 11-year-old blonde with blue cat like eyes and red seductive fiery lips. The older one was Bailey, a sexy grown young woman with long dark hair and full pouty lips, a body to die for, even if the breasts were augmented, they were perfect on her tall slender frame. Avan actually felt a little jealous, jealous of their beauty, and jealous of the closeness they shared with the dangerous but kind natured older dark haired Crow's muscle that made the boys mouth water with desire. He especially liked imagining himself on his back with Furio naked except for his vest, hovering over him and roughly plunging himself deep into Avan's tight hole while the boy muttered the words written on a badge stitched to the front of Furio's vest "Black Reaper".

Feeling a nudge at his shoulder, Avan looked over and blushed when he realized that Tyler and George had caught him starring at the handsome rough devil with the two angels.

"Look Ty, your little girlfriend likes the ugly ones." George joked, Tyler only grinning.

"No!" Avan said defensively then looked down blushing again. "Wondering what happened to him is all."

"You mean his eye?" Tyler asked.

Avan nodded and George grabbed some attention as he stood up, "Look here, little A wants the story."

Everyone hollered a cheer for Georgie to tell Furio's story, and from the look on Furio's face it was a story that he'd heard too many times already, so he just nudged his girls who rose and walked towards the Shack with a smile and wink at the young boy, their man in tow as they disappeared into the building.

"Listen up here boy, let ME tell you about the Fury." He was charismatic as he stood in the middle next to the roaring bonfire, obviously having told this story so many times before with the same animated body movement he was using tonight.

"Now I new this mutt since we were knee high to an old man's balls, ya dig?" That quip grabbed a few giggles from the feminine of the bunch. "We met when we were in junior high, just two little 13 year old punkers with hardly a fuzz to peach our noodles, okay. Now our junior high school was directly adjacent to the big kids Highschool, and these fuckers LOVED comin by and pushin us littl'ens around, whenever they could. None liked it more than this big bulking brick walled 17-year-old firecrotch named Ramsey! This fucker Ole Ramsey was as a big as John Holmes droppin three boner pills, ya dig, and he was MEAN, meanest of em all. First fuckin day of school ole Georgie..."

Tyler scoffed leaning in whispering, "Here he goes referring himself in a third person."

George stopped a moment and gave Tyler a look that made the two boys giggle before carrying on. "Ole Georgie, I's is just sittin there eatin my lunch when Furio walks on up and sits beside me. Fast friends we make cause he all gives me one of his two snack packs. Okay, okay, ole Georgie asked for one, whatever... anyway, we just go about kickin it and hangin out the next few days, when one day at lunch, fat brick shit Ramsey comes stompin on by like T-Rex is bout to fuck Tom Hung. I half expected this drooling half-wit to poke his finger in Fury's chest and drawl, 'You're gonna make me cum or I'm gonna kick yer butt.'... ya know... anyhell... he gets in Furio's face and demands some money and shit, but ole Furio doesn't even blink, not scared a-nothin! He just clocks the fat fuck in his piggy jowls and drops him like a sack of donkey shit!"

George Crash made all the movements with the animated fashion of a New York born wise guy while telling the story, making Tyler cringe sheepish as to say, 'don't look at me, I don't know this fool'. Avan's cheeks were sore from smiling at the hilarity of the older man's movements and story telling antics.

"Now ole Fury tries to be a good boy and offers a hand to help pig fucker to his feet, but this stubborn prick just slaps the smaller boys hand away and takes off almost whimpering like a little bitch. I almost died! This tiny gangly little Dago pizza wop drops the hulking Scottish windbag like it was nothin! Nothin!... The next day however, THAT was D-day for ole Ramsey... see, story goes, that Fur was gettin himself a slush at the Quickie down the block and as he was headin home, two of Ramsey's cronies nabbed him by the arms and dragged him into the ally, where ole Ramsey pulls out a switchblade and ganks Fur in the face and eye, then runs away with his stoolies."

Avan took a heavy swallow at the thought of a kid not much older than him getting hurt like that but held on to George's every word.

"A week goes by and here comes Riina walking down the hallway headin to his locker. He's just mindin his p's and q's not botherin anybody, standing there with a big white gauze bandage over his face where his eye once was. When who the fuck should come strollin up like he's cock of the walk, Ramsey! Furio doesn't so much as give a single glance to this flab and hulk cock sucker, he just keeps his business to himself, but ole Ramsey here is just standing next to the lil kid with his two micks on his left and right making their noise like they just rode out of an 80's movie bully convention or some shit, but Furio is not the least bit fazed. Suddenly, ole Ramsey gives Fury a shove and laughs, like -eh-ehehehehehehe eh-eheheehehe' ya know, obnoxious like... that's when it happens!"

George made a dramatic move like he was grasping something. "Fur does something I've NEVER seen in my life! One pull and he just yanks that metal locker door off its fricken frackin hinges, and brings it with a loud !BANG! across fat Ramsey's red fuckin mop top! The piggy squealed before he went to la-la land for a few days, but that wasn't all! Furio had this devil in his fuckin eye like the Grim Reaper calling it personal! He tosses the door aside and lunges, fucking LUNGES at the two cronies and smacks the tile of the floor with their asses... suffice it to say, being Furio Riina's little buddy was everything I dreamed of, cause no one, NO FUCKING ONE, messed with Fur from that day on, not even those fools from the bigger classes."

Everyone claps having enjoyed George's dramatic one-man show to the legend of the Black Reaper once more, especially Avan who couldn't help the thoughts of being sandwiched between Furio and 'Daddy'. His tiny cocklette even leaked, pulsing forth precum, painfully hard in his shorts. "But what about the black glass eye?" He asked quickly.

"Oh that!" George took a beer and sat back down next to Tyler, obviously a little buzzed by now. "Ever seen that movie Gang's of New York?"

The child gave a shrug that said 'yeah, but don't recall much of it.' "Well we went to check it out cause ole Furio is a fan of Day Lewis, and Diaz was never hard on the eyes for that matter. Cept in this movie she looked like a prostitutes corpse trying to get one last hump from a leper or some shit, REALLY did nothing for the little general if you know what I mean... the movie itself sucked more dick than a queer pornstar, but Daniel Day Lewis was still bad ass, and Furio loved the glass eye thing he had goin on."

The boys nodded but Avan still looked a little confused and gave a questioning look. "But I do remember the glass eye, and Furio's is black."

"Yeah... he has a shit load of glass eyes a lot like Bill the Butchers, but he likes the black one most so he wears that one all the time."

They all shared a silent moment while George now getting nice and stewed threw back the last of his beer before reaching for another.

"Big Daniel Day Lewis fan huh?" Avan asked.

"Oh yeah! Yeah!" the circle all nodded and quipped.

Tyler gave a chuckle. "You should see him whenever those guys at the Theatre Playhouse put on their own rendition of The Crucible. Furio NEVER fails to get the part when he puts on his best Lewis performance... even manages to use that same persona while speaking the lines that were cut from the movie."

They all shared another round of laughter and some japes and anecdotes from Furio's acting to matters that had nothing to do with the Black-eyed Grim Reaper.

"A!" George nudged the boy. "What do you tell a woman with two black eyes?"

Avan shrugged with an 'I-don't-know' "Nothing she aint heard twice already."

Laughter and hearty boos came at the drunken biker who'd become a shaggy mess laughing on the ground as Tyler helped him up and looked at his little friend "You wanna crash here tonight?"

The child nodded 'sure' prompting one of the chapter brothers named Norris Sewell to call out "Boy can sleep in my room." With a heavy grin that dripped sexual venom making the kid blush.

"You okay with that, A?" Tyler asked concerned. Avan just nodded and blushed some more while Tyler said goodnight and helped his big beefy leather clad biker boyfriend into The Shack.

Norris led Avan into the Shack an hour later when everyone was unwinding and taking partners to bed. On the way, Avan had noticed Tyler asleep with George nuzzled next to him. Inside Norris's room, Avan found himself being pawed roughly and tossed onto the bed, heated and horny as hell, the boy went to work sucking the 50 plus year old man's hardening prick. Oral sex was all that happened that night as Norris was able to cum only once, but unlike James, he was more attentive and comforting. He actually felt at peace quickly becoming one of the many bedmates the Saints of Hell kept on tap.

Chapter 3

Avan went on to even became friends with daughters and girlfriends (often referred to as Ole Lady's as in "This is my ole lady") of the gang. Especially Furio's two girlfriends; both of whom surprised the young boy shortly after he began hanging out with them, as Amber was not only Furio's special girl, she was also the gangs Mol (A girlfriend of one who gets shared by the rest by the rules of Pirate crews of old) as well as being the Gang Leader, Whitey Hoat's own daughter who would lustfully satisfy her father orally whether others were present or not.

Whitey was a pudgy old man with a big graying beard and balding on top, even missing a couple teeth and smelled rather like rancid cigar and bourbon but he had a personality that made it no surprise that not only was he a lady's man and alpha dog, but a feared Big Papa of the Crow's Stone. The only man more feared than Hoat was Riina and yet both men, like George almost made the boy melt with desire when they smiled and complimented him.

Bailey was in herself a HUGE surprise for the bubbling child, as on the second day he'd befriended her and Amber, he walked into the bathroom and found them both nude and engaging in oral sex. The most shocking part was when after trailing his eyes down what looked to be the most perfect woman's body he'd ever gazed upon, he took in the sight of little Amber slurping up and down a long, viciously hard cock shaft.

"OH MY GOD!" Avan cried out. "YOU'RE NOT A GIRL!"

The loud statement of surprise almost caused an angry looking Bailey to raise her hand and bring it backward across the boys face, but instead she just composed herself while Amber wiped her mouth and stood up almost glaring at Avan.

"I mean... I..."

"It's alright, sweety." The angelic voice of the dark haired beauty Queen reassured him. "...Now, I AM a girl Avan, its just well... lets just say I haven't been a boy since Highschool."

"But... you're so..." Avan stammered as the two gals raised their eyes warningly at him "...well...perfect... beautiful. How did you do that?"

The two laughed and pulled Avan close and hugged him, showering him with kisses as she mewed at his response to her beauty.

After a while of explaining hormone treatments and even offering to help Avan begin, the trio was out the door and visiting Furio with the intention of having him score treatments from an old friend of his who sold only the good under the counter stuff, and nothing dangerous. A story the boy later learned was that no one sold Furio "bad shit" after what happened to his little brother back in Chicago a few years back.

"What happened?" Avan had asked when Furio had gone into his 'friends' house leaving the three outside sitting on The Spitter Swallows (Bailey's Harley) and Devil's Sloth (Furio's Chopper).

"Well, Furio's brother..." Bailey leaned back to speak low to the boy holding her round the waist. "...Ercole, we all called him Erry when I dated him, had bought some blow off a guy who for all intents purposes sweety, will remain nameless, and it was BAD stuff. Really bad... Erry went ape shit and jumped off a ten story building cause he thought that fire snakes were trying to eat him... I wont go into details but when the police found the dealer they thought a satanic cult had got to him."

"Whoa..." Avan whisper.

"Yeah. But don't say shit honey, cause Fury is pretty edgy on the subject, so mums the word, savvy there baby boy?"

Avan just nodded and watched as the tall Italian biker came strolling out with a sack pull of hormone injections that Bailey swore would make Avan a perfect girl just like she was.

In the next couple of months with Bailey and Amber's help, Avan began to look more and more like a girl than ever, even with slight bumps growing on his once flat boyish chest. His hips flared a bit and the rest of his body began to take on curves he'd worried he'd never see. The Crow's loved him more and more and the supply of man cock was never low anymore for the lonely brokenhearted angel. Offers even came from Bailey and Amber but to the sadness of the beautiful teen, he couldn't keep it hard with them.

"I'm sorry, Its just, you know... I like... guys..." he now she hung her head low. "I WANTED TO GET IT UP FOR YOU CAUSE YOU'RE MY FRIENDS." Avan cried out in almost a breath but the two just held 'her' and assured her it was all just fine. They proceeded to make love together while Avan watched and even offered kisses here and there to better contribute, and by nights end they named him "Daddy's Girl". Amber's nickname in the gang had been Little Sister, and Bailey had been Lady Trapper.

The name Daddy's Girl was given due in part to Avan's story's of his lover and calling him Daddy. The description didn't fall short of Amber's notice when she realized who it was and asked if his name was _____. A surprised Avan asked how she knew it and even felt a pang of jealousy that was etched in the child's face, prompting a giggle from the blonde girl.

"Nothing like that, A." She giggled. "My best friend Cherry is his daughter, she and her sisters disappeared with him just a couple days after we had a sleepover. I met him a couple times, Dreamy as hell, cute but sad at times. He REALLY loved those girls, she'd cry with us when she talked about how much she missed him."

"Us?" Avan asked.

"Me and Bailey... she knew us both."

"Bailey and I..." Avan blushed realizing he corrected her.

The two cocked eye brows at the boy/girl and then hit him with pillows playfully, loosing their breath laughing, having cheered the child up a bit. When it settled, he began to weep softly once more and his two new 'sisters' held him through the evening, sharing stories of their love lives.

Things got very interesting for Avan later the next evening when 'she' came into the shack, she found a worn out Tyler slumped on a bed and grinning as one of four men mounted the 15 year old and fucked his brains out, George was not among them. George was in the room directly across the way with Amber's mom Julia (A petite blonde haired milf), who rode what could only be described as the BIGGEST cock Avan had ever seen, so big it seemed to split the poor smaller woman in two, all the while Bailey knelt before Whitey sucking his cock while he watched his wife fucking his biker brother.

A man fucking feminine boys and little girls was nothing new among the Crow's Stone Shack. There were many little boys and girls, some who belonged to charter members ran around wearing leather vests with a menacing looking Crow perched on Satan's two horned skull on the back, and leather chaps with nothing under. Their cute little cunnys, cocks, and assess just on display under the leather for all to see and salivate over.

The ones dressed in plain cloths at the beginning of the night, were runaways and strays that charter member, Mackey Dune had rounded up for the purpose of pimping them out to paying customers and to make pornographic films. Some even participated in the growing industry of Internet non-nude portfolios where they posed in little and enticed all out of 40 to 60 dollars a month just to view. Avan had met a few of these kids before and almost became one when Mackey first saw him, but George and Furio almost threw Mac through a glass sliding door for even attempting to do so. For tonight's party they were made to undress their plain cloths and put on sexy underwear or just t-shirts for the celebration. In any other venue of this dark business the children would have been horrified and broken hearted but thanks to guys like Hoat and his gang, they were actually quite happy at times.

Not that there wasn't a few who complained here and there, but even Avan knew from what he'd seen out on the streets that the Eastern Europeans, The Aryans, and other Ethnic gangs were far too cruel to the children they got their mitts on. Those poor babies were lucky to survive a year under the conditions they were kept, and those who reached adulthood were even luckier if they avoided STD's. These kids were lucky, for being alone or runaways, they had it good, well cared for, fed, kept clean and even given plenty of friends to play with when they weren't earning.

Furio hated this part of the business but he raised no hell as it still lined his pockets and he was well heeded on the treatment of the children, cause if Dune had HIS was, they would have it far worse than the other crime syndicates gave them.

Some of the children of the party that evening were children of aspiring members and enforcers who were helping their dads or guardians "Earn" their places in the gang. Some were very enthusiastic, others were not so much, and from what Avan had been told by Bailey and Amber, that the ones who 'forced' the issue of sex with their own kids would have to find another way to prove their worth or fuck off, cause they were more than likely a liability.

Some of the children looked rather scared and reluctant when a brother would take their arms, gently of course, and took them away. The fear on their faces that bordered on tears of terrified sorrow, made Avan's heart melt, but he knew by now a child living in the Black Chapel (nick name for Las Alia County in Southern California, consisting of the five cities, Antioch, Ashrock, Brimstone, Sierlejo, and Capua.) was destined to be fucked by an adult or full fledged pedophile sooner or later. At least they'd find better among the Saints of Hell, ironically enough.

The thought turned Avan's saddened heart for the soon to be sexually molested children to a bitter chuckle. These rough riders with scores of demonic and satanic skulls, symbols, ect all over their walls, bikes, and bodies were gonna be far more comforting and gentle to the violated innocent, than the so called Godly men, and upstanding white collar citizens complete with their 401K's and dental plans. Avan had known many children destroyed by the 'law-abiding-God-fearing-white-picket-fence-suits-and-tie' bunch, yet having encountered children who went fearful and weeping into the arms of these leather bound muscle monsters, came back no worse for wear. Some even became deeply infatuated lovers with some of their violators... life sure was strange.

In one room 'she' locked eyes with a tiny little blonde angel he recognized to be Amber's 3 year old little sister Alli, who absently sucked on the cock of a tall 30plus year old named Richie Ryder, a tall Adonis with half his hair dyed red and the other half jet black. She was so adorable with her big blue eyes scurrying about at anything that took her attention while her lips were wrapped around the hard dick. Her older sister, the 16-year-old Alaine, held a tiny camera on her sister constantly directing the girl with giggles whenever her attention waned. In the world of sexual fantasy, 3-year-old girls were hot to trot when it came to sucking cock, but in the real world, if they weren't damaged by the prospect of being a grown man's sexual plaything, then they held short attention spans that required consistent urgings and guidance.

"Alli! Alli!" Alaine called playfully. "Back here... come on baby girl, put that big dick back your mouth. Put that dickie in your mouth."

The little girl giggled and babbled happily at the fun coaching of her sister. "No." she giggled in the teasing way little girls like her usually did, before giving a joyful squeal and clap of her hands. Avan laughed at the doorway, watching.

"Come on nekky girl." Teased Alaine. "Who's a nekky girl?"

The tiny child squealed again and jumped up and down, the happy but horny older man tapped her head and gave a sad puppy dogface that had the tykes little hands back around his shaft and her lips planted over the bulbous mushroom head.

"Good girl, Allie. Give uncle Richie's dickie a sucky suck."

Avan turned away smiling at the innocence of the tiny child pleasuring the grown man, and looked into yet another room where six children were on their knees in front of glory holes that held dicks of many sizes protruding. Their small mouths stretching over the wide shafts, all were happily performing the depraved act of fellatio on the heavy cocks, save for one little boy who kept pulling off with tears in his eyes.

"Sweety." Came the voice of a grown man from behind the children. It was Lowell Popper, nick named, Little Pop cause he was only 5'6" but tough as nails, he came up behind the child and rubbed his shoulders. "Your daddy really wants his vest buddy, don't you wanna help make your daddy happy."

"NO!" the child shrieked and sobbed pathetically. "I hate it!"

"But your daddy says you do it all the time." He tried to reason with the child. "You like doing it for your daddy don't you."

The child groaned and shook his head. "Come on now Dale." Little Pop admonished the boy. "You suck your daddy's dickie a lot don't you."

The boy, Dale, nodded sadly. "You don't like sucking your daddy?"

Dale shook his head. "No... I hate it."

Popper just sighed and shook his head, "Well if you don't wanna play the sucky game with the other kids than you can just go let your daddy give you a grown up spanking."

Avan suddenly realized who the child's father was, Burt Victor, an okay sort of guy except he had some REAL intense pedophile fantasies that Avan only played once and avoided after. The grown up spanking was Burt's name for being butt fucked bent over a sink or toilet and weeping, and he kept trying to get Avan to cry during which was a big turn off for the boy. It was obvious that the small little 5 year old boy, Dale, hadn't been privy to that fantasy yet cause he didn't look the least bit as horrified as he should. He no doubt that it was just like any other kind of spanking and Avan's heart cringed for the boy.

"I want my mommy!" the boy sobbed wiping his eyes with his lower lip trembling.

Within the blink of an eye, Henry Fowler, a high-ranking Charter member of the gang, and Whitey's right hand man came rushing in from another room where he'd been helping his buddy Eddie Sacks edit some newly made porno footage, and picked up the boy hugging him gently rocking him. "Shh, shh, its okay kiddo, you don't gotta play this no more. Lets go upstairs and visit the mommy's in the TV room."

He wore an angry scowl as he glared at Lowell who shrugged and whispered. "Burt said the kid was good to go, apparently he just needs a little encouragement."

"Doesn't mean you gotta be a total dick about it! He's fucking scared, damn it."

Avan had to admit that even though Henry was white haired and in his 60's, old and wrinkled, ugly as the spoiled side of a tomato, his gentle grandpa side when he was with the kids really made the child want him at times. Avan had offered sexual favors before but the man called Ole Granddad was not sexual attracted to children. He hugged Avan and even encouraged his life choices and gave sound advice to certain aspects of living, but he was devoted to his old lady Gretchen who was equally loyal up until her passing just a couple years earlier. He gave no judgment to the child loving among his brothers but in his eyes you could see the contempt for it at times, but he lived by a simple decree, which stated 'If It's Not Hurting Anyone Then Shut The Hell Up.'... With the children he was a grandpa of the gentlest sense and even spoiled them rotten when he could. The man was otherwise mean as a barracuda to anyone who crossed him, primarily Mackey Dune who had a couple of facial scars to prove the point... it seemed that even Furio of all people wouldn't dare look at him cross eyed.

Cooper Shanks, about the same age bracket as Ole Granddad, and more religious on the devil worshipping level came out of the editing room where Eddie now sat alone at the monitor, and stroked Dale's hair as he lay slumped against Henry's chest sucking his thumb with tears running down his face.

Avan felt a bit of pride in knowing these gentle old sots, he wanted to get to know Eddie who sat there unable to take the kids gaze, but Eddie was far too quite and kept to himself. He was overweight and something of a hermit in the Shack, coming out only to ride when the guys called him. He sipped his spiked rum and chocolate milk catching Avan's eyes for a split second before turning away... chunky as he was, 'she' wouldn't have said no to giving the poor guy some relief, "Maybe later." She thought.

"That guy Victor, Burt..." he said.

"What about him?" Asked Granddad.

Avan listened carefully as they talked in hushed voices. "He's too much a cad... we ain't got time for this nonsense of crying children being touched on. The law may not look too hard at these practices but they will if they get too much of this abusive dad shit."

Henry Granddad nodded. "Besides..." Shanks continued. "...Way I hear it, the dirty pricks been selling info to Ashrock and Capua as pertains to our comings and goings."

Avan knew what they meant, Ashrock was the territory of the Lethally Damned, a rival chapter in the Saints of Hell, and Capua was the home of the Mafia and Vory bosses, the first of which sent those guys to knock James around that one day. He knew the workings of the criminal elements as he'd spent much time among them and knew that they all kept to their turfs and territories on a stagnant and uneasy truce. To cross lines like that was dangerous and meant only one thing, something Avan knew to turn his ears away from and mind himself as it was non of his concern and would be better ignored.

He strolled casually by, giving the two old men a smile. Henry returned it with a longing look as earlier that day he'd remarked how much Avan looked like his Patty when they were kids. There was no sexual longing in the old man but he did look like he wanted to cry when he talked of his dead wife and gave the girly boy a big hug and granddad kiss on the cheek, his stubble scratching slightly but kept the boy warm. He bounced Dale in his big strong arms while giving Avan a nod.

Shanks however had to refrain from caressing his groin at the sight as he was somewhat obsessed with Avan. Cooper Shanks almost never had sexual contact with the children but preferred to take their pictures in scantily clad dress and underwear, never nude, and would fondle himself looking them over. He was a strange man with his pictures, and his dark prayers, and if the stories about gangland executions were true, than The Dust Priest (as Shanks was known) was the last person you wanted to see when Whitey handed IT down. Good looking enough, as he resembled Sam Elliot in Roadhouse, dressed in dark cloths and always wore a red clergy collar. Avan was the only child who was allowed to perform oral sex on the man when he actually craved flesh, but he was VERY intense.

Along the way down the big clubhouse Avan also encountered two enforcers who sought to be part of the charter named Justin Haggardy and Mike McShae. Between them, to Avan's shock and delight was Norris Sewell's 16-year-old daughter May with a cock in her ass and one in her pussy. Mike's little 10-year-old sister Eveline was between the thighs of May's 12 year old sister Maya, lapping at her wet slit. At the far corner of the room was Justin's niece Emmie at 11 years of age was beside a little girl aged the same, named Katie, on their knees sucking the cock of Whitey's younger brother Johnny (A.K.A. Big Brother) who was Katie's dad and looked much older than Big Papa did. The two younger bikers had brought the two little girls as a final test for their initiation to join the group, and judging by how the two little darlings were working over the old man, they were not far from their desired membership.

Avan stood watching for a time while the two friends both growled simultaneously, spilling the contents of their balls into the dark haired teenager, while following shortly behind was Johnny Hoat grasping his daughters hair and thrusting his shooting tool into her mouth with a loud groan. 'She' turned to leave just as Maya and Eveline were crawling over to May in an effort to clean her two cum soaked holes with their slithering little tongues.

In a room on the far end of the Shack, she heard a pained squeal from one room and rushed in having recognizing Amber's voice and found the girl on her hands and knees with pained expression on her face while Furio fucked her tight asshole. Believing that he was hurting her by the look on her face and the tears that fell freely, Avan jumped bravely rushing the big man and attacking.

The surprised Furio took Avan's hair and held her at arms length. "Are you crazy?!" Amber cried out. "What in gods name are you doing A?"

"I... I thought he was." Avan was breathing heavily.

Amber just giggled and hugged the boy "My hero." Furio laughing as well, sitting back on his shins while Amber calmed the little tranny that came to her defense.

"He was hurting me, but not in that way." She wiped her tears away. "Daddy married us in a Chapter Wedding earlier."

Avan looked confused. "You'd have known about it had you shown up today and ditched your folks, shitass." She mocked and slaps her arm. "Daddy meant for it to be a surprise for me, but a Chapter wedding is more binding to the likes of us than that legal crap in the cities. Daddy put my hand in Furio's and had us swear loyalty and love and made us man and wife, which makes me Furio's number 2 wife after Bailey."

"Oh." Avan was a little shocked and in aw of this development.

"In fact..." Amber continued. "It was going to be a double, but Tyler wanted to wait till another time when you could be there to share in it."

"Tyler? Why?"

"Cause Tyler is gonna be George's road-wife..."

Avan's eyes went wide and Furio commented in Italian with a laugh and then said "We're a progressive bunch of thugs aren't we, Avie?"

The child cringed at that name earning Furio a slap on the chest from Amber and said sorry... "Anyway, since I gave my cherry to dad a few years back, I'm letting my husband take the one part no one else ever got... and honestly, this anal shit hurts like FUCKING HELL!" she laughed.

Avan smiled "You get use to it, then you love it, and want nothing more...well...maybe a nice slick hard one to suck on."

The two laughed with Amber falling to the side and giving a hiss at the pain in her butt. "I'm sorry Fury, but it hurts to much to keep doing it."

He shook his head smiling. "It's cool mama, we got the rest of our lives."

She smiled at her new husband and then looked to Avan. "You know... you HAVE said how cute and pretty Avan is, specially with her little titties coming in."

Furio gave her a curious look. "Well?" She said. "He... sorry Avan, SHE likes it in her 'pussy'." The word made Amber smirk. "Why don't you fuck her?"

A surprised and blushing Avan looked at Furio then away unable to suppress a wide smile... "Come on you two." Amber snapped at them. "I've been dying to see Avan take that big snake up her tiny ass... Avan? You can even call him 'Daddy'."

The word made the child look sullen and forlorn to which Amber asked. "Too soon?"

Avan nodded and she kissed his cheek with an apology, nibbling down her neck and shoulder slowly undressing the child as an offering to her groom on their wedding night.

"He's MY new daddy, Avan." She breathed lustfully into the child's ear. "My daddy... and I want you to let him fuck...your...ass..." the last word left her lips with a seductive hiss.

Avan nervously began to remove 'her' white frilly tank top, keeping her hands over the growing little cone shaped mounds sprouting from her chest. Her heart was beating rabidly as she avoided Furio's beer buzzed and lust drunken stare while gently stroking his cock.

The girl Amber lay sprawled on the bed fingering her tight peach fuzzed pussy licking her lips as Avan pushed her jean shorts down over her slender milky white girlish hips, her tiny cocklette bouncing free making her more nervous and slightly ashamed. The man on the bed would have none of that shame on the girls face as he leaned in and kissed her lips.

"You can pretend." He whispered. "Pretend that I'm the boyfriend you miss so much."

Surprising herself, Avan shook her head and smiled. "Maybe someday my prince will come back for me... until then, I wanna make YOU happy, my hunky black knight."

Amber stifled a giggle at that title as did Furio who kissed Avan once more, sliding his tongue in between the child's lips.

The girl child who was once a boy and now a budding teenage girl on the threshold of change melted in the embrace of the older man. Her arms circling his neck with the smacking and suckling of their lips, a spell broken only slightly when Avan gazed down to see Amber sucking her old man's cock. Those red sexy little girl lips sliding along the fleshy shaft with mews and moans of satisfaction coming from both the throats of the giver and the receiver.

Avan was suddenly humbled by the spectacle when she softly whispered "Thank you."

This caught Amber's attention who turned to her young transgendered friend and giggled. "What? Why are you thanking me?"

The child shrugged and smiled. "For sharing your husband with me on your wedding night."

The two children embraced as sisters and held tight, tears almost falling from Avan's eyes as Little Sister caressed her back and kissed her cheek.

"Daddy?" Amber looked over at the Black Reaper. "I think its time for Daddy's Girl to her an old man of her own don't you?"

Through those words almost poetically leaving Amber's lips, Avan knew what she meant, they all did. In her heart the man would never be replaced but Furio and the wonderful men of the Saints of Hell (Ironically enough) would do well to cover most of that gaping hole in her heart.

Time almost stood still for the child as she was laid onto her back with her legs pushed up gently spread to except the movements of the welcome invasion of the grown man between them. Quite suddenly she felt ashamed once more of the penis between her legs that belonged to her as she reached to cover it.

"I... don't look..." her eyes closed tight. "I promise, when I can I'll have a real vagina, papa Furio. I promise I will... when I can afford to have..."

He stopped her with a hush and leaned down to kiss her. "You'll do nothing of the sort baby."

"That's right." Amber agreed, lying beside Avan and reaching over with her little fingers stroking the hardening little prick. "You're perfect, sister...just perfect."

Avan's lips were trembling with the need to weep as the tears began to fall down her face. "but... it'll always remind you that I'm...a b... a bo..."

"It'll remind me just how sexy you are." Furio stopped her again.

Before another word was said Avan let out a gasp and groan as the tip of Furio's cock suddenly pushed past the ring of her sphincter, opening wide the warm tight orifice. A faint 'uhg' left her lips with each inch that pressed forward, molding the burning flesh of Furio's desire deep in the child's bowels.

"Deeper daddy." Amber moaned as she observed the sordid act. Leaning over to take one of Avan's tiny nipples in her lips and suckle. Her tongue swirling about the hard little nub above her areola, bringing the child to arching her back with the pleasure.

"Fuck she's as tight as you are baby." Furio groaned while reaching to take Avan's other breast in his hand. "Forgive me baby, but I've just got to fuck you!"

"Yesssssss!" Avan hissed. "Fuck me! Fuck me hard...please!"

The sounds of wet moist sweaty flesh smacking filled the room within seconds as the tall dark haired biker pushed hard and deep, bringing a loud strained moan from the kid. Without the courteous and slow build normally required of this form of love making, the man picked a hard fast pace that forced his cock in and out of the gripping vice that was Avan's tight asshole.

Avan's eyes clenched tight with the grimace of pain and pleasure etched in his face, so few cocks so big ever invaded his tight bowels so deliciously deep. "Uhg, uhg, ugh!" the steady grunts kept in time with ever inward thrust the man made inside of the child.

Furio's arms reached under Avan's waist to hold her close and tight as he pushed and thrust hard, moaning with the satisfaction of a sweet ass surrounding his hard cock. It felt strangely pleasurable to feel the tiny cock pushing up into his broad belly every time their pelvis's met.

"Wow..." Amber mused. "It looks painful."

"YES!" Avan huffed. "It's sooooo good!"

The blonde girl laughed and kept her fingers tugging the child's nipples as she watched her man root himself in the depths of the child beneath him. She loved the way they looked with those tiny long legs wrapped around his large frame, the force of the thrusts making Avan's tiny titties and cock bounce wildly.

"AHH!" Furio was growling now, forcing his hips deep and hard into the girl. "Fuck it's so tight! You're so beautiful and tight!"

"Do it daddy!" Amber was now furiously strumming her clit with her head lying on Avan's shoulder. "Fuck her, fuck her ass hard, and then make her suck it! Oh no! I wanna suck it! I wanna suck her nasty ass off your cock daddy... oh fuck daddy fuck her!"

The depravity filled with the room with the noise of three moaning and groaning individuals, wet skin slapping and squishing.

Furio knew he couldn't last much longer with the tight forbidden orifice milking his cock with delicious force, so he reached out and took Amber roughly by the hair pulling her face close to the point where his prick skewered the girls ass.

"Get ready you little whore!" he growled at the giggling girl.

"DADDY!" Avan cried out suddenly as her cock let loose a torrent of child cum that sprayed wildling at the man's sternum and then whipping over to Amber's face.

"Oh my god!" Amber cried out delighted. "She just came all over me, daddy!"

The sight was too much for the man who yanked his cock free from the clutching girls anus and before his fist could even grasp the shaft he'd exploded ropes of hot man cum all over Amber's face to mix with Avan's. Much cum also landed on the child's little cock and balls, painting the girls privates in scorching man seed.

"Fuck!" Amber breathed after being drenched by the jizz of both man and child.

"Fuck!" Furio agreed, breathing heavily and falling back on his heels.

"Fuck..." Avan whimpered and smiled, cooing softly and drained.

"That was incredible!" Amber was near laughing as she began licking the cum puddles from around Avan's groin, making the child's cock stand on end hard and stiff once more. The girl's moans vibrated over the child's privates bringing a pained moan of delight from Avan's lips.

"Hey, no fair!" Avan giggled. "I want some baby soup too."

Furio could only chuckle and shake his head at the two children. Amber leaning above Avan with cum dripping from her cheeks and chin, prompting the child to lean up and lick the girls face clean. Her tongue missed none of the baby batter that coated the blonde girl's features before they shared a sisterly peck of the lips and settled into the bed cuddling as they looked up at the rough looking handsome man who's cock had regained complete erection.

"Mmm daddy!" Amber moaned. "Is that for us?"

"You'll have to wait your damn turn!" Came the stern but comical response from the doorway. They turned their eyes up to see Bailey standing there in the frame with her hard cock at full mast.

That night Amber experienced double penetration at the hands of Bailey and Furio. Avan found herself actually developing a slight sexual attraction to the two girls as she performed oral sex on both in shameless attempts to taste the older man's juices when spent upon them.

They'd all passed out well until morning when Avan would stir and rise, wondering the Shack for a little breakfast, as the scent of Julia's cooking filled her with deep hunger. Julia Hoat was a tough biker chick broad, but a mother first and foremost and she loved cooking for all the children. When Avan appeared she'd been asked to help round up the children all over for the big breakfast that had been prepared.

Avan managed to find all of them within a short time, however once produced an unpleasant sight when she opened the door to the bathroom and found little 5 year old Dale slumped over the toilet lying on the seat with his thumb in his lips letting weak whimpering grunts with ever inward thrust his father Burt made into the child's rear end. One only had to look into the boy's empty eyes and see how shattered his little spirit was now that he was the unwilling plaything of his horrible dad.

"Hey!" Burt called out noticing Avan's presence. "Wanna join us baby?"

Avan just shook her head trying to hide her disgust for the man and simply said. "No...Mrs. Hoat sent me to get all the kids for Breakfast."

"Nah!" Burt moaned. "We don't need no breakfast do we pal?" He leaned with a hard push into the child whose eyes lit up at the prospect of rescue then went sad with a sorrowful whimper.

"You go on now." Burt said to Avan. "We're just gonna keep getting our spankings."

The pathetic man hunched and huffed with every fill he gave his little boy, who suddenly made Avan wanna run away in tears.

Entering the dining area where the others were settling down, Furio and Amber still asleep, but Bailey was there and pointed out the sad looking transgendered sister who'd just walked in to Henry and George who turned and took notice as well.

"I don't like that guy." She told them upon inquiry. "He's not a good father."

By the time breakfast was over, Dale was sitting on a soft pillow in the seat beside a smiling Avan who cuddled the now smiling boy like a little brother as they joined the feast of bacon, eggs, waffles, hash browns, toast, and various juices with the joyful noise of happy and satisfied children and adults.

Burt Victor meanwhile was no longer present in the clubhouse, especially after Henry, George, Johnny Hoat, Norris Sewell, and a freshly roused Furio paid him a rather unpleasant and possibly violent visit that assured he'd never come back. When the only guy in the place that had any liking for the shallow and callous douchebag, Mackey Dune, had asked about him the only response was from Johnny Hoat.

"He isn't brother material." Not one eye was raised from any. "...But little D on the other hand is gonna be staying here from now on."

Mackey knew not to say another word as it was an unspoken understanding that Burt Victor went the way of the dodo. This thought brought a little contentment for Avan who brushed and patted the little child's hair and surveyed the room with a glowing heart...

"If only daddy were here." She thought to herself. "This would be the perfect home for us all."

Catching Tyler's eyes Avan smiled at her friend who returned it to receive a silently mouthed 'I love you' from the once boy now girl child.

Chapter 4

Avan became a true-blooded sister of the S.O.H. Crow's Stone, a lover, a daughter, a sister, and niece to all of them. Henry grew to love the child as if she were his own granddaughter and often took her with him and his buddy's on fishing trips or rides. Should anyone try anything sexual he'd scorn them and remind them that this is HIS time with his little angel and not theirs. This alone made Avan blush and love the old man even more, having never felt such a familiar closeness with anyone in her own family. Suffice it to say, her parents never really gave much thought when she was gone at all house, but never raised questions when they'd see other children in leather and jeans lounging around with their no longer son.

If they held a value for anything in that house they showed no care when it went missing, and Avan didn't care either, cause it was material shit that meant nothing. She spent most nights at the Shack anyway, enjoying parties with her new family, and sharing the beds of various and desirous beasts.

One night she'd even taken the Whitey Hoat's dick deep in her bowels while watching for the first time, as her friend Tyler took the gargantuan member belonging to George Crash up his dangerously small tight ass. She'd never seen one so big before, 'the man had to have made John Holmes blush' Hoat once said.

That night, she and Tyler were traded back and forth like ole ladies between Hoat and Crash, and Avan truly cried out in agony for the first time in her life when the menacing cock skewered her insides near bursting. After a while the pained cries died into whimpers and moans as George toyed with her newly developing tiny tit mounds, twisting and caressing them as he fucked the small child on her hands and knees.

Life had taken a nice turn in spite of the deep emotional loss that Avan was suffering. Good friends, good times, parties and comradery with surprisingly nice and decent guys. Nights filled with cock and kisses, sweaty fuck sessions that left the blossoming boy-girl satisfied physically.

The one night however, the one night the three had decided to stay in at Avan's place while his folks took another 'trip' for themselves, all of it came crashing down. George was no match for the scary looking Russian guy that James brought with him, and Tyler was only a boy of 15, Avan having just turned 13... they had no chance.

He'd been locked in the trunk with Tyler, bound and gagged, blindfolded even. They had no way of knowing what happened to George, just that he fought hard and was not as strong as the man called Ion.

He offered James money and jewels and anything just to let them be only to be pushed onto the bed by the laughing man who waved the phone in his face asking questions about _____, questions that Avan refused to answer until they threatened Tyler.

The night ended with the map being shown to James as the two boys huddled scared, occasionally asking where George was to receive no answer before being roughly bound and shoved into the trunk of a beat up old dark blue caddie.

When the car had come to a stop Avan could smell the sea and hear argument over the fact that the idiot James had rented a sail boat instead of a proper vessel for their cause. Even threats were filling their air when they spoke of payment that James owed to hear him say "Trust me, when we get them, you get the older bastard girl, I get my nieces and we walk away squared."

The hours passed with agony in Avan's arms over the bonds that kept him prisoner beside Tyler who never stopped weeping for his boyfriend, and the situation they were in. Avan wanted to comfort her friend so much but could do little, especially when James came to check on them.

"God you're getting sexy kid." He said stroking the child's new breasts. "A little girl huh? That what you wanna be little fag?"

Avan was digested but could not answer back. "I told em they could keep your buddy here, but I just might take you with me when I get my girls back, you're so pretty... nah... they're real girls unlike you... I wont need you... but I'll be sure to give you what you've been missin before they take you two away."

Tyler wept harder hearing this, and Avan could only groan wishing she could quip back through her gag 'missin? I've missed your tired limp dick like I miss a skinnier Snookie asshole.'

The waves and the rain hammered the hull of the sail boat through the night as they tried to navigate their way to his 'daddy's' island. It was a miserable attempt as these assholes had no idea what they were doing or where they were going. Upon hearing a horn blaring in the distance did they talk about getting a little help from a proper sailor, possibly killing whoever they were and taking their boat if it was better.

The only comfort the child felt was the thought of seeing the man again if they even found the island, knowing that if anyone could rescue them, he could...he could.

"Oh god!" Avan thought. "Please let George be okay..."


To be continued... Daddy finds himself in deep with his three daughters... What's become of George?... and who will save Avan and Tyler?

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Another great chapter! I've spilled so many thick, creamy loads thinking about Avan.

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