Published: 8-Nov-2012
Word Count:
Author's Profile
A note from the author: This story contains adult on child sexual contact and romance, no violence or mistreatment of any kind, as this is pure fantasy. I do however tend to name my muses for the reader to suggest what inspires me to these fantasies. If you get curious as to any adult characters that may be named, then you can look them up easily on the web by the name or even at, as for the underaged, they exist on legal nn model sites (legal for now anyway) and you can find them easily there. On that note, if you intend to e-mail me, please feel free to express yourself, no subject is taboo, I'm an anonymous friend to any who need one, however if the intent of the e-mail is to inquire to the nature of any kind of pornography on the scale of illegal or child erotic then the answer is NO, please do not ask me for anything like that as I value my freedom too much to jeopardize it. Stories are my thing and it's a good thing...haha
I, in no way do condone any of these acts for they are not only illegal but for nearly 80% of the population of children in society, harmful. The small percentage is also protected for various and obvious reasons and rightfully so and I for one would have it continue as such. However I judge no one for their thoughts and fantasies no matter how dark or cruel as long as they do not commit them, for my own crest has always been 'If it's not hurting anyone then shut the hell up.'
That being said, I hope you enjoy, and bare in mind please if you will, that comments help authors decide whether or not to write more or continue a series, so any comments would be thoroughly appreciated. Thank you.
Sparkle - Becky "The Hippie"
Peach - Sandy "The Popular Queen Bee"
Cherish - Cherry "The Loony Toon"
Our protagonist is a fed up divorce and widower twice married. With the way his life has been, working day to day suffering at the behest of his cruel ex-wife and his departed loves overbearing mother, he hatches a plan to escape it all with his three most cherished possessions, his daughters. Can he keep them from finding out his secret, and will they survive all alone away from the world? Can he stand against the growing feelings of deepened desire that the three invoke?
His ex wife was leaving for work at exactly 6am, leaving their daughter Becky to walk to school again (a prospect that always infuriated him, as the neighborhood was filled with the loathsome dregs of southern California, prompting him to often times pick her up in secrecy and drive her himself.). He'd pull up to "their" spot and wait for her, and tell her the good news before they drove off to get her half sisters from their grandmother. That would prove far more difficult as the old bag always drove them and waited for them to go into the building before leaving, hopefully Sandy and Cherry did as they were told and erased the text he sent which stated "Go in and wait two minutes then meet me out front." Before the wicked witch of the east could snoop and see.
Becky beamed excited when she saw him waiting at their spot just a block from the mini mart. She gave her dad a strange look when she noticed the car was some old beat up worthless junker. "Where's the prius, dad?" she asked. "This thing is not echo friendly, ya know."
The same old hippie girl he'd loved since she was born almost sixteen years ago. Long faded dirty baggy hippie blue jeans and a tie-dye shirt with the marijuana plant dead center in the peach sign, no socks, just sandals and unpainted toenails. Her light golden brown hair down with two thin French braids down her bangs. Psychedelic colored sunglasses ridding low on her nose, which had a ring on the left nostril. Same old Becky, a full of love and life earth child who listened to all the oldies from Joplin to Zeppelin, while sparking up a doobie and basking in the ambiance of life.
"Just borrowed it for a while." He informed her. "I'll paint the town green or shave a whale later to make up for it baby girl." Happy to be done with that ugly little lady car he bought at her insistence.
She giggled, sliding into the front seat propping her feet on the dashboard. "Whats the big surprise?" she asked.
"I'll tell you when we get your sisters."
A nerve wracking moment that had been when he pulled up outside of their school to wait, worried that his mother in law would bring a police officer around and force him to take drastic measures. Even Becky noticed he was sweaty and pasty while waiting, but he only brushed it off with a smile and took a deep breath and sigh when the two sweethearts came bouncing out of the building towards him.
Lucky for him all three of his girls were total daddy's girls and loved him more than the waking world, but even Sandy couldn't help cringing at the car before reaching into her bag for a sweater to sit on before sliding into the back seat with a "hey dad, hey Becks." To get the same in return. She was dressed in what he guessed was the latest in tween fashions, wearing a navy blue Cherokee Sweater Dress, with the frilly white skirt from underneath. Under she had a Circo girl's lone-sleeved white and blue-stripped tunic shirt underneath. When her skirt billowed around her he saw blue stripped with orange-rimmed boyshort panties. She wore blue Jefferies argyle knee high socks and stylish flats, colored white with pink and blue flowers decorating. How did he know all this? Because she never left out details about anything she wore when she described it over the phone, so come Christmas and birthdays he made it his business to search online for the kind of stuff she wore to buy for her.
With her cell phone in hand, two fingers working feverishly typing nothing before she was told to cut it short and hand her dad the phone, his explanation was simply "I'll give it back later, for now this is our day and I want full attention."
Cherry was the most excited, wanting to sit on his lap while he drove, regretfully for him she had to sit in the back so they didn't get a ticket from any police officers. -No attention' he thought as he pulled away...
In the rear view mirror he could see his sweet Cherry dressed in a pink with black frills D-signed girls party skirt, a blue Cherokee girls strappy tank, long elbow length pink gloves with crazy skull and dragon silver rings on her fingers, on her left foot was a dark grey knee high graffiti sock and on the right was a calf high white with red polka dot sock and black cassia kitty slippers... something about this girl made him think of Punky Brewster. Although to his red faced embarrassment as he noticed in the mirror, Henry probably never let Punky go commando, as Cherry's legs uncrossed under the skirt for a few seconds bringing the hem up to reveal her hairless 11 year old mound to his view. She also took notice that his eyes caught her and brought her knees together, feeling squeamish. He just shook his head and smiled, hoping no one noted his discomfort at the growing bulge in his pants.
"Where are we going, dad?" Sandy asked obviously irritated to be without her phone. Her displeasured was clear in her 13-year-old blue eyes. He just grinned and drove on, admiring how much he loved her new hair style, that Bettie Page bangs over the brow look, that her own raven dark hair wore perfectly... all three of these blue eyed sweeties were absolute dolls to look at, and if his plan worked, he'd never had to go to sleep wondering when he'd see them ever again.
"I smell the ocean!" Cherry beamed excitedly.
"Me too... daddy where?" Becky tired to talk but was cut off by her father "Girls, girls, seriously, you'll know in just a few minutes."
His heart was racing at the speed of light; the plan was set and too much had been put in to stop. Hell, why stop when all it meant was the two most vile cunts in the world would continue to keep him at arms length with his own children, of whom he'd never done any to deserve to lose in the first place.
The plan started to take form almost eight years ago when in a bitter depression he sat alone in his house Christmas day after getting off the phone with his babies who were away with family where they expressed disdain and hatred. They exchanged heavy words of love and sobs over the line before it went quite and he put a gun to his head while looking at a picture of his wife, Penny, the love of his life.
After she had died birthing Cherry, his mother-in-law went to great lengths behind his back to have the children taken from their now jobless father (a job he'd lost unfairly cause of the days he'd lost mourning). The courts never granted him custody because of his arrest record involving use of drugs and at one time selling them, but that was years ago and he tested clean. She still managed to shang-hi the children from his grasp and kept em ever since... meantime his ex-wife Vicky had a secret that kept him from crossing the line and demanding full custody... she'd been a cheating twat since before they married and even after.
He'd met Penny shortly after leaving Vicky, taking his then year old daughter Becky with him only to lose her just short of being married again when the girl was almost three. She cried for her daddy day and night prompting her mom to call him over time and time again. She'd wait up for him and try to seduce him every time only to get the cold shoulder from the man who'd fallen head over heels for the dark haired petite and sweet hearted if not weird vixen from the café just down the street.
Becky and the girls each had a glitchy but good audio digital video of Penny telling the story of how they'd met which left the three of them in stitches every time they played it for their friends, who also died pissing themselves upon hearing it.
((Penny's video, a cute tanned petite brunette with a charmed smile wearing a blue top and jean shorts)) There he was just fidgeting like crazy, apparently having just quite smoking and going absolutely bat-shit from the withdrawals. I was working at this Café that allowed smoking in the patio section just outside, and I noticed him looking seriously irritated and cranky but he would shoot me a forced smile which in all honesty made me think of some creepy old stranger danger on the outside of a softball fence counting how many boys had dirty britches, ya know? Hehehe
The guy in the table next to him is smoking a cigarette with his elbow resting on the table and his wrist high and throw back with the nasty ass cancer stick leaning from between his index and middle finger, looking not unlike a Tony award winner about to snag a hot date at the Castro if ya catch my drift, right? So whatever he was doing with a foxy little number like the blonde across from him could be anyone's guess... I just wanted to pull her aside and say, -honey, he's wearing a pink shirt with ankle socks under his man-pri pants, his hair obviously cost in the upwards of a grand to have styled for what could easily pass for 50bucks at super cuts... so cut your loses' right? Hehehe
But what does this fidgety cricket do? He gazes longingly at the cigarette like a beat up pornstar eyeing an 8inch schlong covered in diamonds and cased in gold with a shopping spree for Sachs! And before he could stop himself, he leans over and wraps his lips around the cig and takes a big ole puff, making the guy holding the cigarette jump and start screaming in a shrill -What the fuck? Are you sick? What the fuck?' ya know? They argue and this friend of Dorothy takes a swing at my secret admirer, who ducks and falls into a baby carriage just over the rail of the patio, (luckily the lady was holding her baby at the time, right?) and then rolls three feet down to crash into this black guy who was doing all this crazy dancing...
We got the obviously gay agenda to calm down and drink his soy mocha latte with non-fat milk, so that me and the other waitresses could help your dad up. And with all the shit going on, he had a shitty effing baby diaper stuck to his ASS!!
When I offered to change him he just sighed smiled and said "I thought I was suppose to ask YOU to marry me, not the other way around."
In spite of all the shit this poor bastard had literally gone through in one day, I knew from the moment I heard him speak, we'd be married soon.)))
That video made him laugh at times, mostly to cover up the growing knot in his throat from the need to weep at how much he missed his little screwball bride. If only she were alive today, he thought... this plan would never have been necessary.
"There it is!" he pointed to a brand new Bayliner Avanti docked just down the drive, floating in the ocean, ready for adventure with the name "Penny's Laugh" painted on the bow.
"DAD!" Becky exclaimed. "You bought a BOAT?!"
The plan was simple at first, then it got complicated... everything he needed to do was time consuming and expensive, but worth it. Eight years ago he retraced his roots in sailing and began scouring the Pacific Ocean for the most sparsely traveled routes in search for a good-sized island with plenty of vegetation, enough to sustain life, and at a place in the sea where the worst storms seldom traveled... this alone took him two years before he found it. The Island he would call home someday soon... Incase of any possible sightings from other ships he left a flag and notes on the far southeast end of the island with all details for trespassers to read.
The island was perfect! He spent another year building a two-room hut and making sure it looked like it had been there for years. An outhouse on one end of the hut and two wells dug out 50 to a hundred yards from the other end... He'd get the girls, somehow get subdue them to sleep and land on the island, destroy the haul of his boat and make them believe they were ship wrecked and far from the modern world... together at last.
But the only problems were on the one hand, destroying all trails that followed him to this island...not an easy feat to be sure. Plus supplies, as he sure as hell didn't want to bring them hear for intense hardship and dangers, so making the island livable was phase one.
Almost five years ago he'd trapped and with the most careful precision, he transported a few deer to the island and let them run free to breed, as he'd learned to hunt, skin, and cook these delightful creatures well enough. He'd even gotten plenty of fish for the ponds and streams so that they could multiply and make a good source of food. None of this was done without extensive research into the intricate details of wildlife survival and islands... he'd become a crazed man obsessed.
A small fortune he'd amassed over the years went to crates and crates of supplies, disgusted to look as if they'd drifted from the sea, possibly from a ship that must have gone down in that time, and conveniently drifted to the island. He was sure of all the girls Becky would be the one asking the most questions but he'd just play innocent and let her believe it was all fate, she loved fate... she believed EVERYTHING was and always will be because of ... fate...
He'd stored 2 crates of books, one filled with fictional books for entertainment value, and the other with helpful books on Medical, Agricultural, Carpentry (Both modern and old), cooking, ect, ect. 8 crates of canned goods that would last a long time while they got use to fishing and hunting for food. 2 crates filled with all they'd need to begin some farming with proper seeds. 4 crates of tools (building, oil lamps, oil, rope, machetes, cross bows and arrows, ect.). 2 crates of fabrics and sewing kits, with 4 crates of medical supplies, 2 crates of linens, 6 crates of cloths of all kinds and sizes from shirts and skirts, pants, socks, and underwear. 2 crates of hygiene products, mostly for feminine use. A crate filled with fun stuff (games, writing materials, diaries, paints, ect.) and 6 crates of bottled water, all this just to let the first year be as easy on the girls as possible... as I've said dear reader, a man obsessed.
With no one to know he'd taken the girls yet, and once they'd learned of the disappearance, they'd be long gone traveling the sea headed for a port that was on no map, where none traveled, and ever would. The hut was built on a space of the island that even the best scope could not see... he knew the way the navy traveled, the way cruise ships made their logs... if anyone ever came close, that would never be a problem for him. The plan was set and perfect. In fact, the only problem would be adjusting, for Sandy the most as she was social media trained and kept, so breaking her spell would take a while.
Becky would love it, a chance to live off the land and be one with nature... Cherry too, she loved running around in little to nothing without rules and adults telling her to be decent... they'd make it sooooo much easier.
Poor fella forgot one thing. Contraceptives! He had no way of knowing how isolation could take its toll on those who fell prey to its grasp... he thought no sexual thoughts, no desires of the lecherous sort for his daughters, just love and desperate need to be kept together. No condoms, no birth controls, it would be a matter of time.
"How do you like it?" he called out to the excited gaggle of girls on the stern who watched the ocean from beyond the railing with heavy enjoyment.
They all looked at him in all smiles at the amazing gift their dad had given then. Upon arriving they were beyond ecstatic to be skipping school to enjoy a boat ride with the man they'd thought to be frugal all these years, not knowing where all his money had been going.
He'd even given them each a box to open which revealed swim suits he'd bought to match each of their personal tastes, and without much thought to the man standing there watching, Becky and Cherry undressed immediately to put theirs on, while a red faced Sandy smiled and excused herself to the restroom to change herself. He excused himself with a blush of his own after finding his eyes drawn to the bodies of his growing beauties.
A few minutes passed when up from the cabin the three loves of his life stepped out onto the deck to parade their glorious new swimwear for their daddy.
"You girls are so goddamn beautiful!" he blurted out breathlessly bringing giggle from the two but a deep blush from Sandy.
Becky was suited in Xhilaration blue peace tankini top and peace bikini bottoms. Sandy in ebony with pink rims 1 piece with white/blue/pink/purple feather decorations around the neck. Cherry being the wild one was hard to choose but he'd decided on a crazy mix of top and bottom, from Xhilaration brand he'd gotten her a bikini tub with black straps for the shoulders, the design of purple stripe on top of red and black on the bottom with a tie in the front. For the bottoms he chose a pink hello kitty with blue ribbon ties on the left and right of the waist.
With squeamishness he noticed the suits were a tad smaller than the appropriate size needed, but the girls only smile and said "That's the point", "I like em smaller", and "Excuse me, too small? You implying something old man?" all the classics.
The entire trip on the ocean was filled with questions and excited updates into their lives, and him trying not to notice how Becky's top was stretched over her large but not too much so for her age breasts, and plump thighs, milky and inviting flaring from under the bottoms. She'd always thought she was getting fat, but he told her in all honesty that what she was, was most certainly not fat but just perfect in all the right places, making her blush and turn away with a heavy grin.
Sandy was REALLY growing he noticed. Just last year she hardly had more than her younger sisters skinny twig physique and now she had blossomed like crazy. Like Becky her thighs, butt, and breasts had filled the suit to bursting with milky flesh. Her abs however took him by surprise, as they'd be smooth and flat at one moment, but when she tensed or flexed her body all over they'd get a tad musclely, not unpleasantly so, just surprising.
Cherry, his little princess, got tired of wearing her suit after a while and just threw it off, putting lotion over her entire body for protection but still spent most of her time under the shade of the awning close to her dad. He'd gotten incredibly uncomfortable when she spread the lotion through her pink underaged slit, no sexuality beaming from her there, just a place to cover for protection from the sun, nothing out of the ordinary... but for him it was torture to watch.
Sandy hated Cherry's immodesty but knew better than to correct her as their dad had taught her to be excepting to other peoples differences, big or small, and Cherry was just an open girl. Becky too, but not as much, for after a while she took off her top, leaving the bottoms on, and her father breathless as her heavy youthful teenage breasts bounced free and deliciously inviting with dark areola's. She'd taken Cherry's lotion and applied it over her spongy titties making their father groan involuntarily and looking away embarrassed as the three shot him a wide eyed and shocked stare.
"My bad!" He cleared his throat looking a away a second. "A natural guy reaction! Sometimes the brain needs a second to conclude WHOM they belong too..." he smiled heartily and looked back at his shocked but grinning daughters. "That wasn't near as embarrassing as when my aunts fell out of her top at a family BBQ. Your grandma slapped me upside my damn head for that one."
They rolled with laughter while Becky covered her breasts with her arms, trying to look shocked and visually violated. "Nice by the way, kitten... breaking hearts already."
Becky squealed even more with an opened mouth OMG expression. "Don't believe me?" he said, "Look at all the poor mermen weeping under water."
The morning turned to afternoon with a delightful lunch of sandwiches, chips, and tomato soup. The girls laying about under the awning, hoping the day wouldn't end anytime soon. The only unpleasantness was Sandy's huffing at her dad not giving her her phone back, insisting that it was a family day, no need for electronical stimulation to tarnish it.
"Dad?" Becky who like the others had been laying on a towel, turned onto her front, propped by her elbows. "This is so awesome, but...well... what's gonna happen when we go home?"
He looked at her "What do you mean, sweetheart?"
"Mom didn't know about this..." she stated matter of factly, making her sisters turn over looking at him. "...And I know for sure Mrs. Ketchum didn't know you picked up Sandy or Cherry from school... wont you get in serious trouble?"
His eyes couldn't help but be stuck on his oldest daughters breasts as they were squished below her on the deck and towel, but he managed to look away deep in thought. "Girls, I'm not gonna worry about that... I hardly ever get to see YOU TWO (he pointed to Sandy and Cherry) and the only time I ever get to really see and visit you young lady (To Becky) is when I take you to and from school in secret... I'm just taking matters into my own hands today... let me worry about those cunty old bags for now, trust me, everything will be fine."
They gave thoughtful looks but he just smiled and got up making for a box he kept in the cooler and opening it he pulled out a bottle of champagne and turned to the girls, who's eyes lit up in curious wonder.
"Um...daddy?" Cherry spoke up.
"It's fine sweety, I'm not getting drunk." He reached further into the cooler and brought out four wine glasses and had to girls come to him. "We're celebrating, for today is the day all good things come our way."
They grinned happily with deep excitement at the thought of tasting an alcoholic beverage, which happened only on rare occasions, like new years or Christmas when relatives would give them sips growing up. The girls didn't even notice the fizzing pills dropped into their glasses as the liquid was slowly poured, they were too enticed to even care if they did notice anything.
When he was happy that the pills had dissolved, he turned and handed each girl a glass and then poured his and raised for a toast. "To my daughters, our new boat, our lives getting better from here on out... to us."
They cooed excitedly before tasting the liquid. Sandy and Cherry made a sour grimace as most kids do when tasting such beverages, but Becky just downed hers never letting her eyes leave his for a second. Smiling before accidentally letting out a loud belch that turned all eyes on her before laughter and exclamations of disgust came crashing down.
The other two downed their drinks slower but still after the laughter settled... none of the three knew what hit them when they passed out so sudden.
He found it necessary to dress Becky and Cherry back into their swim suits, unable to stop himself from taking a few gentle gropes of Becky's heavy teen breasts, savoring the feel of her flesh in his hands. Cherry was the most nerve wracking for him as he traced her pinkish white nipples, which hardened, under his touch. Fingertips trailing down her belly and stopping at her underaged cleft between her legs.
Trying to pull away he reached for her bottoms and slipped one foot through the opening but stopped abruptly eyeing her sweet pussy once more. With little to no control he leaned down and closed his eyes, inhaling her scent, flaring in his nostrils.
The musky delicious scent of young pussy was too much to resist as he puckered his lips and kissed to tender morsel with a soft peck, that would continue all about her crevice.
"Mmmmm baby." He moaned as his tongue reached out and slid up her opening, bringing a shiver from her young little body. "You taste as sweet as you smell, heart of my soul."
His tongue slid deep inside of Cherry, tasting her sweetness bringing impassioned moans form his lips sending vibrations through her pelvis. Her little waist rising and falling with each ministration he played upon her tiny little nub at the top of her quim.
"She's leaking!" he whispered in shocked exclamation. "She's so wet for me!"
"Daddy?" she slurred in whisper.
He shot up scared and frightened "Baby?"
"Daddy, I feel funny." Cherry's voice was drunken as her head rolled about, eyes unable to open. "What are doing daddy?"
"Sweetheart I'm just... I... I..." he stammered.
Cherry's eyes opened just a bit as she looked at him and smiled. "It's okay, daddy... you go ahead."
He was surprised, "Honey?"
Her head fell back as she stretched groggily and sighed, "It's okay daddy, its you... I love you, I like you daddy... you wont hurt me... you're not uncle Jimmy... I love you, want you to give me feels."
-Jimmy?' he thought -that son of bitch! I shoulda killed him before leaving the cock sucker.' Then without intent of arousal but curiosity, he placed his middle finger at the entrance of his daughter's vagina and gave a gentle steady push.
Cherry giggled through her closed eyes and hunched her waist at him, "Have wanted, I, you to do this, daddy, a long time." She was there enough to know what was happening, but also pretty wasted. Her tolerance for the drug must have been much more than her sisters. "Um-call Yimmy, he scarce me!" she was fading deeper. "You note, you note air me... I ruv you addy."
-My god' he thought as he finger went deep, -that piece of shit raped my little girl.' With that a sudden flash to Sandy and her modest nature and how not too long ago she'd been much like Cherry, free and uninhibited about her body made him think that maybe Jimmy was the cause. The prick should die for what he did, was all he could think, but it was too late to do anything... he'd make it up to his girls. He'd keep em safe and happy for the rest of their lives, together at last.
When he tried to pull his finger out, Cherry huffed sleepily and tried to hump her pelvis up at his hand begging more, but he just smiled and pulled away. His lust had turned to love and fatherly concern and the need to be a proper dad where these girls were concerned... it wasn't all lost was it? -No way she'd remember anything' he thought, -when she wakes up, she'll think it was a dream, a good dream...*sigh* a good dream'.
Bringing her bottoms back up her slender legs, he leaned down and kissed her belly making her tremble before softly planting his lips up her sternum to her neck, up her chin and to her own lips. Cherry meekly tried to kiss back before falling down and out to the world... To Sandy he did the same, but when his lips touched hers she cringed and whimpered. No doubt in his mind she'd been harmed under the care of her grandmother's son James. He kissed her regardless and she gave back in her sleep as her body realized this was not a pervert's kiss, but the loving one given by her father.
"I love you baby." He whispered in her ear. "I'll protect you from here on out... you're safe now, I promise."
She mumbled what sounded like "daddy" but it was too hard to distinguish. Becky was the shocking one as when he kissed her, his lips were taking in a sleep held passionate embrace. Her tongue parting his lips and caressing his with tender zeal as they both moaned deeply.
His fingers brushed her cheek delicately as their lips locked tight in a deep romance, heat burning forth from both of their loins in the onslaught of their forbidden kiss. Becky's arm draped lovingly and groggily over his back holding him as their kiss lingered long enough for him to pull away to seek out his breath. "Whew!" he exclaimed.
Falling back down into her sleeping state she murmured "My daddy!"
-The hell is happening here?' he thought frantically but just laughed to himself.
The pills were suppose to last hours, so with all likely hood they would no awake during the time it took to bring his plan for the island to complete fruition.
The morning light awoken the three girls in their groggy states, to find their dad passed out just a few feet away with a terrible gash over his brow, blood dried to his face. The boat had been beached in an awkward angle they'd noticed as panic set in.
"Daddy...daddy!" Becky hoped up dizzily and went to rouse him.
Cherry crawled nauseously towards her dad and shook at him with Becky's help, rousing him slowly just as Sandy hand stumbled to his other side and whimpered as she look around and back to her bloodied father. Looking around himself to see his concerned little darlings, remembering just a couple hours before when he'd driven the boat ashore, careful to secure the girls during the heavy hitting of the shore and rocks.
Dropping the anchor to the shore and making sure everything was perfect he knew he had one last thing to do to keep the picture of a "ship wreck" perfect for his little ones. Holding the railing and taking a deep breath with a prayer, he slammed his head into the chrome bending it as he fell over bleeding and passed out.
Now the headache almost made him wanna scream, but he just stood on shaky legs and surveyed the area as if this were his first glance, then looked about through the sea and down to his girls to make sure they were alright. Needless to say the next couple of hours were filled with tears, confusion, and worry until he finally came out of the cabin with the radio and informed the girls that they had wrecked onto an uncharted island.
"Just Robinson Caruso, or Gilligan..." he mused.
"Who?" came three voices from behind.
"The Swiss Family Robinson?" he looked back and asked.
They just shared glances as to what he was talking about... "Tom Hanks in castaway?" Only Becky knew that one the others still had no clue. He just sighed and shook his head muttering "I'm so fuckin old."
As the day wore on he managed to get the girls off of the boat and onto dry land where they walked a ways exploring... they'd happened upon the "old hut", which he slowly walked about searching for any sign of life, calling for anyone who might be there as a show for the girls.
Satisfied there was nothing there, they went back by his suggestion for cloths and supplies, he even let Sandy have her phone knowing it was dead out this far from civilization.
"What are we gonna do?" Becky asked him as she stripped off her bathing suit top and put her tie-dye shirt back on, letting it drop to her thighs where her suit bottoms peeked her mound as if seducing his very eyes every time he looked.
Cherry just took off her top and left the bottoms on at his request should they encounter any bugs or wildlife, even people, mostly to keep him from getting too tempted to stare at her.
"We're gonna take our stuff to the hut and make camp there for now..." he answered Becky. "We'll build a fire in the spit and keep warm, eat what food we have and in the morning explore."
"Will anyone come looking for us?" Cherry asked.
"Doubtful, sweety." He said. "I didn't tell anyone about the trip cause I wanted to keep it from your grandma and Becky's mom... I'm sorry girls..." he feigned distress "I've ruined everything."
When he sighed and hung his head Becky and Cherry ran up to hold him, giving assurances of how its not all the bad... "We're together, dad." Becky beamed and kissed him on the lips with a quick peck.
"Seriously." Cherry smiled giving him the name. "I can think of worse people to be alone on this island with."
-I bet you can, pumpkin' he thought briefly, then looked toward Sandy who wore an expression of utter disbelief before turning away and stalking off toward the boat.
Running after her to catch up only to hear "You just couldn't let me have my phone, damn it!"
Sandy turned and glared. "We wouldn't be stuck in this mess had you just let me have my fucking phone, dad!... my friends would know to send the coast guard after us!"
Almost slapping her for the f-bomb but keeping calm and thinking better of it, he just reached out and pulled her close, holding her shoulders. "Baby, I...AM...SORRY"
Sandra huffed and looked away then back to his eyes. "Can't you fix the boat or something?"
"Sweetheart." He said. "Even if I had tools that wouldn't work... its been damaged, the haul has a big gap in it, there's no way I'm risking it."
"Can't you send off a flare?"
"No honey... the flare gun fell into the water most likely, a lot of stuff is lost, I'm sorry."
"Isn't there anything we can do?"
"I'll build a fire." He caressed her shoulders. "We'll gather some rocks and put an S.O.S on the beach in case any planes fly overhead." Which would not happen as this was a zone where planes never crossed, as major airlines had routes they stuck to in order to prevent serious problems if one goes down. His research did him well on this matter...
Sandy just turned back to the boat to change her cloths but not before he pulled her into hug and asked her forgiveness. She gave it with a weak smile and received a deep fatherly kiss on her lips that left her blushing and fluttering as she moved away.
Back on the board, Sandy had gone inside to change, removing her swimsuit and reaching for her cloths, realizing how warm it was out today and she'd be tormented by the sweater dress. With glance out the window she saw her father shirtless with the cloth ripped and down round his head over the gash. The hair on his chest glistened in the sun, bringing goose bumps to her skin.
Uncle Jimmy was pasty with blotchy skin and bad hair, skinny like a starving holocaust victim, and smelled like piss and pot all the time. Not handsome and rugged like her daddy she thought as her fingers unconsciously found her nub and rubbed gently, sending electrodes through her sex.
She had closed her eyes every time Jimmy climbed on top of her and imagined various boys and handsome celebrities, making believe she was romanced into sex with one of them. The bastard uncle thought he was the man however the few times she came almost crying out, unknowing that those times it was her daddy in her mind, filling her repeatedly until they both exploded in orgasm.
Even now with her fingers bringing gasps and groans form her lips as she watched him outside talking to his sisters so far away up the shore, Sandy's mind reeled to those images she'd used to bring herself off even when the nasty funky smell of her uncle almost killed the mood. The images of her daddy's handsome face gazing down lustfully as he ground himself between her legs, thrusting his cock in and out of her sex.
Sandy hadn't known much about cocks but knew they couldn't all be as skinny and short as her uncles. To her it was comparing the cock of a pornstar with that of one of the actors from Ken Park. They'd looked so small and unsatisfying compared to the adult actors like Evan Stone or Randy Spears... With his hair in a ponytail she imagined her daddy was rough and wild like Stone, but fat and cut like Spears.
"Ah!" she bit her lips daring not the cry out.
-Daddy!' her mind screamed as her pelvis shook with every stroke of her fingers, wet juices fall down her thighs. -Daddy please! Please fuck me! Oh GOD!'
She'd told only one soul about her fantasies. Her best friend Hana who'd also shared that she herself had been fucking her step-dad, who'd become Sandy's second. His cock was much bigger than Jimmy's and when she closed her eyes, that scent of old spice and the feel of his fatherly muscles with his big cock thrusting away inside of her allowed the image of her own father to flourish making her shake and cry out under the older man.
"Ah! Ah!" she stuffed a throw pillow in her mouth to bite down and muffle her cries as her pussy quivered and pulsed with her impending orgasm.
Sandy lived in shame for so long since she was 10 years old, ashamed of being used by her uncle, ashamed of letting herself fuck Bunny's step-dad a couple of times, ashamed of allowing herself to perform oral sex on two of her teachers, mostly ashamed of how much she loved and obsessed with imagining every single time she came, that daddy was the one taking her to the stars.
"DADDY!" Sandy cried out suddenly as her body erupted in orgasm. Her pussy spacing uncontrollably while her body thrust and grind against her fingers.
She was sweating and getting cold standing there nude as she came down from a mind bending orgasm, among her best masturbatory induced. The image of her father between her legs never failed to bring her to cloud nine and crashing down deliciously until she was ashamed once again. More irritated than ashamed when she stood wondering if such a wonderful dream could ever be real.
Suddenly her mind was snapped from its trance of afterglow when she heard frantic steps on the boat and her father calling for her in genuine concern.
"Sandy!!" he cried, running into the cabin. "Honey! What happened!"
She quickly covered up with her cloths and look horrified, unable to think straight as he looked at her with absolute horrified concern. "Spider!" she quipped "I saw a spider!"
With his heart beating a million miles in his chest the man's eyes narrowed as he said "Seriously? I about had a heart attack, it was a spider?" then laughed, and walked up to her, relieved.
His arms circling her and holding her close. "You crazy little care bear!" he chuckled, looking into her eyes before she giggled with him saying "Sorry daddy, freaked out there, didn't I?" blushing crimson.
"You better get dressed, sweety."
"Yeah, I just gotta decide what to wear."
"Hurry up before the spider comes back... he probably was just trying to get a show out of you."
Laughing as he left, leaving Sandy standing there ready to cry in frustration before whisper. "oh please come back and fuck me, dad... I need it so bad, daddy... please, daddy, please."
Looking through her purse she found her old ipod, and turned it on to her favorite song, one that made her imagine her fantasies had finally come true. The sounds of backup singers singing "oh daddy, oh daddy, oh" before Charlotte Gainsbourg began in French from her old album where she are HER father performed a scandalous duo to songs about incest.
She put her suit back on and donned her long sleeved shirt, carrying the dress for if and when it got cold. Stepping out onto the deck Sandy knew she was going a be difficult about all this, not intentionally, but she couldn't help it. Modern technology and her friends, all was horrible... yet as she looked out onto the island, turning her gaze to her father and sisters laughing in the distance. His skin almost tan under the sun, glistening so that it made her wet yet again she couldn't help but think
"If I'm ever gonna fuck my daddy... it can only happen here."
Gabbius Maximus
thankyou for writing it
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