Published: 14-Mar-2013
Word Count:
It was one of those July days, hot, sticky, not a cloud in the azure blue sky. It was so quiet that if you stood by a cornfield you could hear the corn growing. In the fields my father was baling hay and my brother was driving the old flat bed truck collecting the bales as they came from the baler. I was out on my horse and riding to meet my very dear friend at the pond in the back forty of our spread in Montana.
When I arrived at the pond, Julia was waiting for me. I got off my horse, tethered him, and then quickly ran to her and kissed her. She did the same to me. We are both of the same age, thirteen. We have not yet developed and as far as I know Julia has not gotten her first period yet. I got mine last month but it wasn't much.
"Ready to go skinny dipping?"
"Oh Yeah!"
"Last one in is a rotten egg!" Julia hollered and in seconds she was nude and in the water.
I quickly followed. We swam for about an hour and then I said I had to pee.
"Go out over there, get on that fence and pee. I want to watch you do it." Julia begged.
Being somewhat of an exhibitionist I got out and went to the fence and got up on one of the rails. I stood for a moment and then squatted. I let go and Julia watched as the water drained out of me.
Julia came over to me, pulled me off the fence rail and hugged me. She kissed me deeply and whispered in my ear that she loved watching me. Then she put me down on the grass and we made passionate love together.
Afterward, we returned to the water. We swam for sometime. I noticed Mom riding her stallion and coming toward the pond. We both swam to shore and got our bikinis on, we hoped before she realized we were nude.
"Amy! What are you doing out here! You're supposed to be cleaning the horse stalls and the barn, aren't you? Just what the hell are you doing, young lady?"
"Mom!" I started to protest. Mom got down from her horse, grabbed a tree branch and broke it off.
"Get your suit off! Now!" she ordered. I took off my bikini and walked over to the fence. She was pointing to a low spot. I knew better than to argue. I bent over it and waited for the whipping I knew was coming. Instead, I felt Julia's warm tongue licking my ass. Her fingers were pushing into my still wet love passage. Mom I knew was watching us.
"Make her wet, Julia. Make her good and wet. Be sure to lick her pussy and her clit. I want her so horny she can't stand herself."
"OOOHHH!" I began to moan. I'm cumming!
And then I felt Julia being pulled away from my hot twat. Crack! TWHACK! Mom began to whip my upturned white ass with her newly created switch.
OWWW! I screamed.
"Bitch! Keep screaming. There is no one to hear you. You will learn to do as you're told." And again the whip cracked against my upturned ass.
"Julia," I begged. "Julia, FUCK ME! RAM YOUR FIST IN ME! EAT ME! MAKE ME CUM!"
Julia began to finger me and ram her fist in me as Mom continued to whip my ass. Finally I had one hell of a shuddering orgasm. I couldn't stop shaking as I came down for my high. From shame, I was crying and sniffling. From my orgasm I was feeling bliss and all I wanted to do was to have Julia in my arms while my fingers found their way into her sweet pussy. But none of that was to be.
"Amy have you learned your lesson?" asked Mom as she dropped her whip and got back on her horse.
"Yessum!" I answered.
"Tell Julia to either go home or to help you in the barn. You get back and get those stalls cleaned before your father finishes in the fields or you will not just have a sore ass."
I looked at Julia. She agreed to help me clean the stables and we got our jeans and shirts on over our wet bikinis. The three of us rode very quietly back to our large barn. There we groomed our horses and let them out to pasture. Then Julia and I went in and began to clean the stalls.
Cleaning stalls is not real hard work. It's smelly and tedious. We filled a wheelbarrow and then dumped that into a manure spreader. It took us about two hours to finish. Then we went upstairs to the hayloft and dropped bales of straw down and filled the hay mows.
After we spread the straw in each stall we were ready to start up the tractor and take the spreader out to the newly mown field. It was then that Dad came in.
"Amy, pissed yourself did you?"
UH OH! I forgot. We had on our wet bathing suits and the water seeped through our jeans making the appearance of piss.
If I tell him what we were doing, he will really punish me. If I don't he will assume that I forgot to stop and pee. If I tell him a lie and Mom corrects me I will get another punishment worse than the one I am about to get. I decided to tell him the truth.
"No Dad. Julia and I were swimming and we forgot to clean the barn. Mom caught us and she whipped me and then we both put on our jeans over our wet swim suits. That is why I am wet down there."
"So you forgot to clean the barn?"
"Yes sir."
"Julia, what happens to girls who forget their chores?"
"They get punished." Julia answered quizzically.
"Yes indeed they do. Amy go upstairs and prepare yourself. Julia can watch you or she can go home. Either way you are going to be punished for your oversight."
I knew what was coming. There was no use begging for forgiveness or for saying I was sorry. I had failed to finish my chores in a timely manner Dad was angry. Nothing would sway him from teaching me a lesson I would not soon forget. I went upstairs Julia right behind me.
"Amy, what is he going to do to you?"
"I don't know. Please don't leave me. Please stay with me." I begged her. She agreed to stay and to take care of me after Dad was through with whatever he was going to do to me. I got to the middle of the hayloft in an open space. It was reserved for some of our farm machinery but at the moment all of that was out in use. I stood hands at my side and my head bowed. I could not see anything but the floor.
Dad came in with his bull whip. He cracked it a couple of times. I was so scared I wet my pants for real. The piss just ran out of me. I could not stop it and I began to cry with shame.
Dad seeing my soaked jeans and wet shoes knew immediately what happened.
"Scared the piss out of her, I did. Serves the bitch right! Have to take care of chores first. Can't even piss when she needs to! Guess, that will be a few more strokes." He turned to Julia.
"You going to watch?" She nodded.
He nodded back and cracked his whip again. I shuddered and must have moved slightly because he came up to me, lifted my head, looked me in the eye, and said, "DON'T FUCKING MOVE A MUSCLE!"
As he was saying that he undid my belt and my jeans allowing them to drop to the floor. Then he untied the strings of my bikini and took it off me. I was nude from the waist down. Next he put my arms up and my hands above my head. He took off my shirt and undid my top. Then he told me to reach for the sky. For emphasis he smacked my ass with his broad hand.
"OWWW!" I screeched as I reached as high as I could. I felt my hands being caught in a rope and pulled together. Then I was stretched until I was standing on my tiptoes.
"Pretty sight, don't you think?" he said to Julia. "Spread your legs, Amy. Wide. Wider. GOOD!" Her mom tells me you two are lovers. That true, Amy?"
I nodded. "Guess I have to teach you how to take a man." I groaned. The last thing I wanted was to be fucked my any man, .let alone my father.
"No Dad! DON'T! PLEASE DON'T! I know what a fuck with a man is like. Billy did me last month. He took my virginity!" UH OH! Now I had done it. Not only was I in trouble for chores, I was going to get it worse because I was fucked by our family's best friend's son. It was not a fuck I enjoyed. Billy had seen Julia and I together and gotten me alone later. He said he would tell if I did not fuck him so I let him have his way with me. Later he told all his friends I was an easy lay and that I was really good at giving head. I got all kinds of calls from his friends but I never went out with any of them.
Dad pulled the rope holding me a bit tighter. I was now swinging freely in the air.
Suddenly, he dropped me. He untied me and led me outside into the evening air. We went to our backyard. He laid out four stakes in the ground and then he told me to lie down on my back. I did and he tied me spread eagle to the four stakes. I was really exposed.
"Go get me a razor and some shaving cream, Julia. And hurry."
Julia went inside and soon returned with the requested items.
"Shave her pussy bald." Julia looked at him with some disgust. "Did you hear me? You want to join her?" Julia shook her head, but when he turned his back she nodded to me. Julia got down and put the cream all over my pussy. Then she took the razor and shaved off all of the pubic hair, there was not much so that I was as bald as the day I was born. "Julia, strip!"
She looked at my father in total disbelief. "What?" she said.
"Strip and be quick about it. I called your parents and suggested they might want to come see what their daughter has been up to. Now strip!"
Julia seeing her parents pull up to our house as Dad finished speaking ran over to them. She tried to explain what was going on but her father dragged her back and commanded her to strip also.
Both men leered at the two of us as Julia began to remove her clothing. First her shoes, socks:
"You're stalling. You have thirty seconds or Mr. Brown whips you like he was going to do Amy." said Julia's father.
Julia hurriedly stripped and waited for the next command. Her father told her to lie down on top of me with her face in my crotch. She hesitated and Mr. Brown hit her on the ass with his large open hand as hard as he could. She howled with rage and began to cry.
"You will get more if you don't get down on her now!" said Julia's father as he pulled her over to straddle me.
Julia got down on top of me with her cunt right in my face. Her face was buried in my pussy and her father tied her to the stakes as I was. Now we had no choice except to keep our mouths and noses in each other's most intimate parts. I began to lick my lover and she did the same for me.
"Let's go get us some beer and watch this show from the front porch. They aren't going anywhere and it should be interesting to see them bring each other off."
I started to protest but I was sure my protests would only bring a whipping or worse. We were left tied in the sixty nine positions while our fathers went and got a beer and sat on the porch watching us.
Mean time our moms were in the kitchen cooking up a delicious stew and some biscuits to go with it. Our moms were the ones who were friends not our dads.
Julia lowered her head and it forced her nose right into my asshole. She moaned slightly but she had to relax she just could not hold her head up. Her slow breathing began to have its effect.
"Please, Julia eat me. Lick me! Make me cum!" I begged her.
"Amy, if I do that to you now and you do it to me your Dad will find an excuse to do more mean things to you and maybe to me."
"Julia, get your nose out of my asshole then. It's making me hot and wet. God I am getting so horny. Please, Julia, make me cum. I beg you."
"Amy, I would like nothing better than to eat your bare pussy. You know I love you more than anything. But if we do what you want your parents and mine will be furious and then we might get more than we bargained for."
Just then I raised my head and sucked at my dear friend's labia. In seconds she was wet and I was tasting her juices. She moaned with pleasure. Her head went down and her mouth covered my wet lips.
"Lick it!" I whispered. But my whisper was loud enough for the two men to hear it.
"See I told you they were lezzies!" said my father. "Fork over the twenty bucks." Mr. Edwards opened his wallet and gave Dad some money. Then he came over to Julia.
"You are not my daughter anymore. You can stay here with your dyke friend and Mr. Brown can do as he pleases with you. Damn it! You are pretty and you're too young to be doing this but never mind. Enjoy each other. We are going in for dinner. You cost me twenty bucks. Guess I will take out on your ass after dinner. That should be fun."
Julia began to cry but she soon forgot her troubles as I stuck my tongue into her love hole and began to suck out her wetness. Minutes later she shook with the first of many orgasms. "OOOO" she moaned as she came and came hard.
Julia and I were tied together by my father and my friend's father in a perfect sixty nine position all evening after I had failed to do my chores and Mom came and found me. We had eaten nothing but each other from the moment we were tied up. It was cum after cum for what seemed to be an eternity. Now both of us were literally worn out from cumming so hard and so often.
I heard a door open and prayed it would be my mother and not my Dad coming to either untie us or to punish us more. My prayer was answered. It was mother and she had some dinner for the two of us. She put a plate down in front of Julia and came over to me.
"Your father will be furious, and might even whip me but I could not let you starve. I also snuck a blanket out for you two in case he refuses to untie you and let you come in out of the cold."
"Bless you! Mom. Thank you. You're wonderful and understanding." I spoke between bites of food. Mom had to feed me as I was on my back and unable to use my mouth to get the food. She stayed with us until we were finished eating and then she left and took the plates with her. She did not want to be caught by my father as he would surely punish her as well as do more to the two of us.
Shortly after Mom left us, Dad returned. "I see you two are still here. Not that I would have expected otherwise. Had enough yet?" He added with laughter in his voice. "Now what shall we do to you to make you both realize that this is not proper behavior for little girls." He mused out loud. Then, as though he had a revelation, he left only to return with Julia's father. "Just look at the two of them, Dan. Aren't they a hoot!"
We both stayed still. In an instant, Dad came at me from behind. OOOO WWW! I screamed as his riding crop cut into my ass. He hit me again and again. Each time he cut me with the crop I screamed. Unable to do anything except scream and beg for mercy I did both.
"Bitch had enough?" I responded, "I give up." He turned and with a nod from Mr. Edwards he let Julia have a cut. "OOOOOOOOOOOOWWWW Please no more. Please! Stop! OWWWWW!" she wailed each time he cut her with the crop. "Bitch had enough?"
"I give up!" Julia screamed.
We stayed as still as we could.
"Guess they should be allowed to sleep." Mr. Edwards said.
Dad must have agreed cause he stopped hitting us and untied us. Then he marched us to the barn.
"You two go into that empty stall over there. You can use the straw and sleep here. No clothes or anything else." We looked at both our parents. Julia started to open her mouth but thought better of it. I too just looked on as Dad continued to speak.
"You will stay here tonight. In the morning I will come and tie you to the hitching post out side. You will service anyone who comes in your presence any way they ask. Understand!"
We nodded in the affirmative. Both men left us after locking the door of the stall. What they did not know was the hay mow was open to the loft above. I climbed up the mow and in to the loft. After I was on the floor I motioned for Julia to follow. She was soon next to me and we climbed up into the freshly baled hay stack. In a short time I found the secret opening to my den in amongst the bales. I went first guiding the bewildered Julia behind me. I found the lantern I left and turned it on.
"WOW! You really have a neat place here." Julia exclaimed as we went over to the makeshift bed I had smuggled in much earlier in the month. We lay down and began to kiss. In a few moments, our hands were in each other's crotch. We felt each other up and comforted each other. Then we rubbed soothing salve on each other's burning ass.
I was getting turned on and my pussy was getting very wet. "You wet?" I asked Julia. She nodded and said she wished I had something that would let us cum together. I reached into a bale of hay and pulled out my prized double headed pliable dildo. "We can fuck each other with this any way you like." I said.
"Oh, you think of everything. Let's put our pussies together and shove that thing up our passages as far as it will go. I agreed. We got into a trib position and I put the dildo in Julia as far up as it would go. "Lay back, Amy. I will put your half inside you now."
As soon as the dildo was inside us both and our cunts were rubbing against each other we had a marvelous orgasm. "MMMMMMMM!" Julia said and I echoed her. Then after we came down and pulled the thing out of our pussies I wrapped her in my arms and we fell asleep like that.
Julia awoke first. "What time is it?" she said as she tried to awaken me. I looked at my watch. It was five thirty. "Better get back to our stall and make sure we are sleeping or my old man will surely whip us within an inch of our lives and neither of us will like that." I said as I began to get up.
We turned off the lantern, and went down the ladder to the floor. Then we found the open hay mow and returned to the stall from which we started. We lay down on the straw and pretended to be asleep. We no sooner got into our positions when I heard the barn door open.
"Well, Well Dan, they are still here. And they are sleeping separately. Damn, I wanted to catch them in the act. Oh well, they will get a surprise today."
Mr. Edwards laughed.
"They will surely be broken of this folly of lesbian relationships. You're diabolical you are. What a way to teach two twelve year olds what its like to get fucked. I sure would like to do your daughter after you tie her up."
"Don't mind if you do, as long as I get to do yours." I heard Dad reply.
It did not take us long to find out what Dad had in mind. He unlocked the stall door and kicked us both to wake us up. He took us outside and had us stand right next to the hitching post. Then he bent us over it and tied us in the following manner. Our feet were spread and staked to the ground. Our hands were tied in front of us and such a way as to force our butts open. Our cunts and ass holes were now visible to the world. We could not stand, could not move and we were exposed to anyone who cared to look.
"Make a pretty picture don't they, Dan." said my father.
"Good enough. God I want to take her asshole."
"Sur'nough. Go on. Put it to her. She won't argue. Learn to like it she will." said Dad.
I heard Mr. Edward's zipper zing as he pulled it down. A second or two later and he was rubbing his prick against my butt. Then with no lube or nothing to ease it in me, he rammed his cock right into my ass.
"God Damn! She is one tight fuck. Damn! Won't take but two maybe three OHHH! SHIT! I CUMMING!"
His hot cream filled my rectum a second or two later. Then he pulled out. When he did I began to fart. My ass was full of his cream and some air and it was straining to eliminate both. In a few moments I was shitting his cream. It ran down my slit and dripped on the ground.
"OHH! You sure got her good. Now I am going to do to Julia what you did to Amy." "Go on. Can't wait to see you fuck my girl. Fuck her hard." said Dan.
Dad unzipped and stood against Julia. He put his thing inside her butt as fast as he could get it there.
"OOOOWWW! IT HURTS! Mr. BROWN! PLEASE! PLEASE! STOP." wailed Julia as she was penetrated anally.
He must have cum rather quickly as well because he swore as he pulled away and zipped up.
"We can leave them like that for the rest of the morning. They will get fucked royally by anyone who wishes. Maybe then they will have learned enough to like cock instead of cunt." said my father as he and Mr. Edwards prepared to go to work.
"Remember girls, no protesting. You are to allow anyone in your presence to do as they please with you. Anyone who doesn't get what he or she wants will tell us. When we get home you will get punished. Got it?"
We answered in the affirmative and waited slung over the hitching post. It soon became very painful as the bar dug into our tummies.
I turned my head and managed to kiss Julia's ear.
"It's a shame we got caught yesterday. I'm so sorry. I whispered as I kissed her cheek. She turned her head to mine and we were able to kiss each other deeply. Still we could not really move or surrender to our desire.
The first person to gaze upon our upturned asses was Mr. Roberts. He had a very fine horse boarded in our barn. He came to exercise it and was startled to see us upended where he had intended to tie his horse.
"Well, well. What have we here? Amy and Julia upended and exposed. Looks like both of you got fucked this morning. I guess I will take my pleasure also. It isn't every day that a man gets to fuck a twelve year old."
I groaned. "Please Mr. Roberts don't do it."
"But the sign says you are there for the taking. It also says if you refuse I am to call 555 1830."
"That's dad's number. All right do either of us. It's not worth the punishment for refusing to allow you to have your way with us."
"What did you do to deserve this?"
"We are lovers. Dad thought he would teach us to like cocks if he did this to us and taught us to fuck like bunnies."
"I see."
Mr. Roberts called Dad. "Mr. Edwards, this is Roberts I am at your barn and standing behind your daughter and her friend. You are aware you are breaking the law and are endangering a minor aren't you? Yes I see. Yes I understand. Now listen and listen to me well.
I am an attorney specializing in children and youth. I am giving you just forty five minutes to get here and untie these two or I will call the police myself. What you have done is truly against the law and morals of the nation. Now if you want to be in the house tonight get your ass out to the farm ASAP!"
I heard him hang up.
"Julia, Amy, I am going to wait for Amy's Dad to come and untie you. Then while you are getting dressed I am going to have a very straight forward chat with him. It won't be for anyone's ears but mine and his."
A little while later Dad came in to the drive with his work truck. He got out of it and walked over to us.
"So refused to fuck Mr. Roberts did you?"
"No they did not. If you know what is good for you will shut up and let me talk. Otherwise you can come with me and we will both go to the police station. I am sure they will be very interested in what I have to say."
"Mr. Roberts!" Dad sputtered, obviously very surprised.
"Yes. You were expecting someone else?"
"No, I...." Dad's voice trailed off.
"Please, I was only trying to teach them to like men."
"By forcing them to accept any and all pricks up their holes! Come now that is not going to work. It's pure torture for them to be like this. You untie them at once and allow them to go about their business. We are going into town for a discussion at the police station and then I am filing charges against you."
Mr. Roberts got a pair of handcuffs and ordered Dad to put his hands behind his back. Dad was going to refuse and argue but thought better of it when he saw Mr. Roberts badge and gun. He did as he was told and soon they were off. But not before he spoke to us.
"Julia, you and Amy exercise Big Red for me today. He will let you two ride him and you can go where you like. I was going to keep him in the show ring but I think he will like a good run. Tell your Mom I have your Dad. Julia where is your father? "Please, Please! Leave him out of this." begged Julia.
Mr. Roberts said nothing except good bye and left. We ran into the house and found Mom in the kitchen. When we told her what had happened to Dad she sat down and smiled. Then we both hugged her. You're not mad at Mr. Roberts for taking Dad? I questioned.
"No. No I am not. He made our lives a living hell and he deserves what he gets." Then Mom pulled us to her and after giving us a hug she began to cry.
A few minutes later she sent us upstairs to get dressed. We dressed quickly and went out to the barn to get Big Red. We took him out saddled him and rode him all over the farm and ended up at the pond where we began our adventure the day before. We dismounted and went to the waters edge. Julia twirled me around and pulled me to her.
"Kiss me darling. Hurry! Kiss me."
I kissed her and snaked my tongue into her open mouth. She sucked on it trying to get it down her throat I think. Then I felt her hand groping me between my legs. I returned the favor and soon we were lying down on the soft sand trying to get each other's hands down our pants.
After we each had a small orgasm we got back on the horse and returned to the barn just in time to see Mr. Roberts return without my father.
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