Kerry and Whitney

[ b, g, 1st, cons ]

Published: 19-Apr-2012

Word Count: 6835

show Author's Profile

show Story Summary
While portions are based on my childhood memories, all acts are fiction. Names have been changed to protect the naughty.

I will always remember the day it all started. I was probably about 10 years old on a warm summer day, playing in the back yard with my friends. We all had large back yards, and life for the kids was practically communal. Every day during the summer we would be outside, playing in the green grass, the sandbox, the swings, or in the stands of trees that separated our houses from those behind us. We were free and there were very few rules. At any point, our parents could find us just by yelling out a back door, but for the most part, we were left alone as we migrated from place to place, or house to house, looking for the next adventure or game to play.

There were three of us in the main group. Myself and the girls who lived on either side of me, Kerry and Whitney. I was the oldest, and at times it felt strange that I spent most of my time playing with girls, but we were good friends and I never really got along with many of the other kids in the neighborhood anyway. It was just the way it was. I didn't even care that I was a year older than Kerry, and Whitney was another year behind her. Often, there would be other kids that would join us, but we were the core group in our own little world.

the first time it happened I don't remember exactly who else was with us. What I do remember was that it must have been hot because it was one of those Carolina summer days when we put on our swimsuits, and spent the day playing with sprinklers, garden hoses, kiddie pools, water guns, or anything else we could think of to splash in or spray each other with water. We had retreated into some shade, hidden up in a group of pine trees we used as a trail behind the house on the other side of Kerry's from me. There was a pile of firewood they kept up there that made a good place to sit and relax out of the sun in our wet suits. I don't remember is why, but for some wild reason Kerry suddenly decided she wanted to strip for us.

Kerry was a beautiful young southern girl. Her hair was shoulder length, dirty blonde, and straight except for little wavy tangles from playing hard all morning. Her skin was tanned a deep honey brown. She was skinny, but not overly so, with long smooth legs, green eyes, and a smile that made you melt. She stood up in her one piece rainbow tie-dye colored swimsuit, looking nervous, but in her eyes there was a naughty little twinkle. None of us said anything as she slipped the straps of her suit down off of her shoulders and lowered the fabric to her knees and turned circles in place to give us all a good look.

It wasn't the first girl I had seen like this. Growing up I can remember several times playing house with other friends and lowering our shorts and underwear to play like we were "changing the baby's diaper" or something else more innocent. Most of the time, it was just a little peek at a girl's butt. When I was actually only five years old when Natalie, a friend from Kindergarten, was over to visit and she let me watch her when she went to the bathroom and let me see everything between her legs. This was different though. We were just old enough to know this was naughty, but not much else.

My jaw was on the ground. Kerry's exposed young body was on display for us all to see. After a few turns, Kerry pulled her swimsuit back up and covered herself. My brain would forever have etched in memory the sight of her sweet young body, knees kept toghether by her colorful swimsuit, as she freely let us see her bare little bottom, pink nipples, smooth tummy, and the private little slit disappearing between her thighs. She had looked like the coppertone ad a little bit, where this summer's tanline hugged the curves of her ass just below her cheeks. There were nervous giggles and she blushed, but did not seem ashamed. We were taken aback by the suddenness, the naughtiness, and the newness of it.

It didn't take long for the rest of us to copy her. One by one, most of us stood up, dropped our swimsuits, and let the others see everything. I know I did it. I may have even been the first after Kerry. My ears were ringing from nerves and it was actually not easy pulling my suit down over the bulge proturding from my thighs, but I did it. It felt good. It felt naughty. It was a rush, standing there in front of my friends with my young manhood standing at full attention. I didn't have an adult hair anywhere on my body, but my shaft and balls were throbbing with excitement. I hope to never forget that day.


For what seemed like a long time, this became a fairly regular part of our play days. Kerry, Whitney, and I would take advantage of the days when one of our three houses were empty and no parents were around. We called it doing a strip show. We would go into one of our bedrooms, close the door in case someone came home, then stand up on the bed and strip. Most often, I can remember the shows involved taking off a swimsuit. Sometimes, the suit would come all of the way off. Sometimes it would only drop as far as the knees or ankles. We enjoyed watching each other and enjoyed showing off for each other. It always made me hard as steel, but aside from the focus on being nude and doing something naughty, I didn't know why, nor did I care. We were too young to know how it all really worked, but we were curious enough to want to see each others' private parts, willing to let each other see, and do it often.

There was a level of trust amongst the three of us. We never talked about it with other people and we didn't invite others to come strip. Sometimes, it wasn't even all three of us. There were days it would be just me and Kerry, or me and Whitney, and I suspected to some extent just the girls without me on occasion. I can remember catching glances between those two about hidden little secrets from when I wasn't around. Looking back, that certainly isn't surprising being a boy hanging out with two girls. I don't think they were doing anything different or more "advanced" without me. I do remember they would hide sometimes and come back wearing each others' clothes and I wondered if they had traded panties too. The idea of feeling the warm fabric that had been covering and touching their private areas excited me.

Things continued like this for months. Even if we weren't actively stripping for each other, there were plenty of other times to catch an eyeful. The area of North Carolina where we lived had both warm summers and snowy winters. There were days we'd play inside and even without stripping, my eyes would float over their bodies, staring at their legs, or imagining them peeling off their clothes and getting naked with me. Short, loose shorts were in style and none of us were bashful enough to care if someone was peeking at our underwear. Sometimes, I would arrange myself knowing the girls could see up the leg of my shorts on purpose. If I caught them looking, I would just shift to give an even better view as it stimulated an erection for me. In the winters, we would come inside with layers of wet clothes form playing in the snow and toss our clothes into the dryer after stripping down to the bare essentials. Then we'd go curl up under a blanket wearing very little, or steal away to go play alone in a bedroom. I can even remember coming over to play at Whitney's house before she'd changed out of her nightie in the morning, and playing all day with her in just her long t-shirt and panties. Only her older sister raised an eyebrow one day when she saw Whitney lifting her long green "Kermit" nightshirt to let me see her little cotton flower panties and soft, pale creamy legs. We never got in trouble though.

The thing is, at that age it was more about biological curiosity and breaking taboo.We certainly didn't use the word "taboo," but we knew it was naughty. All we knew was that these things were supposed to be "private." We weren't supposed to be letting people look, let alone stripping and showing off. It felt good though. Sure, I thought both Kerry and Whitney were beautiful. I still do today both when I see them as adults or look at old pictures from back then. But we didn't know what sex was, or how these private parts were used for it. None of us had heard of an orgasm or even thought about kissing. we knew we got excited, but didn't know what to do about it, or even that something could be done about it. We were fascinated by each other though as we watched each other slowly strip down and reveal bare thighs, undwewar, nipples, bottoms, vaginas and penises. They were beautiful, interesting, and forbidden to top it all off.


Doing more of course came in time. It was on a day when Whitney and I were playing alone together at her house. I don't know where Kerry was. We were hiding in a cubby closet she had in her room. It was more of a large cupboard built into her wall than a closet because it was several feet off the floor and had a door maybe about 30 inches square. She used it to store stuffed animals and such, but it was large enough for the two of use to climb into and hide from the world. Of course, once we were inside, we wondered what to do next.

"Want to play 'check bottoms?'" she asked. I remember the question because it shocked me. Now, she was actually thinking of a much more innocent game than I was. Her idea was to go around the house looking under things to see what the underside looked like and discover if there were any lost treasures we could discover. My mind though had immediately gone somewhere else. I explained to her that I had thought she was suggesting we check each other's bottoms, rather than just our normal "strip show."

"Oh that sounds like a good idea. Let's do that, but we should go to your house because my parents are home." I, of course, immediately agreed and we climbed out of the cupboard and left her house to go next door to my house. Luckily, my Dad was at work and my Mom was out, so we were free and on our own. We went straight to my bedroom.

"Who goes first?" I asked, looking at her anxiously. Summer was over and it was a cooler day. She had on a blue and white striped shirt, buttoned down the front, and black pants. We were both kicking off our shoes, leaving me in my socks, but she was barefoot.

"You can check me first, Craig. I don't mind." and she sat down on the bed, leaning back on top of my sheets.

"OK. How about I play like a doctor giving you a check-up?" She nodded and I sat on the edge of the bed beside her, heart thumping. This was the first time I was going to be able to not just see her naked, but really explore and touch her. I could feel the hardness inside my shorts as I leaned over and started unbuttoning her shirt, my hands shaking a little.

Whitney was more than two years younger than me. She had short blonde hair, lighter than Kerry's, and bright blue eyes. Occasionally, her Mom let her hair grow longer, down to her shoulders, but it was usually in a short, boy-style, cut. Her skin was light and creamy, and never tanned as much as Kerry or me. Her eyes lit up with an innocent excitement as I opened her shirt a little further, exposing more of her body with every button.

I pulled her top out from where she had it tucked into her pants. All of the buttons were undone and I opened her shirt and looked at her body. She was skinny, with a flat white belly. Her chest was just as flat, with a pair of wonderfully pink soft nipples. I let my fingers touch her. She was very warm, and her skin was smooth. I felt excited electricity passing between us as she grinned up at me with hose big blue eyes. I could see her pink little nipples hardening. I brushed one with a fingertip, then the other. She giggled as she bit her lip, letting me touch her without any hesitation. Her arms were raised up above her head, completely opening herself to me. I moved my hands down her body and took the clasp of her pants in my fingers.

It took me a few seconds to unfasten her pants, then lower the zipper. She eagerly raised her hips off of my bed and I slipped them down from her hips, leaving her panties. As I exposed her thighs, I stared at the cotton fabric left behind. It was dull white with little red circles. My eyes continued staring at her as her pants slipped easily off her legs and onto my floor. She lifted her hips again, and the panties soon followed. Underneath was our goal. I could smell it... a sweet, musky aroma hung in the air as I pulled her knees apart and let my fingers touch nirvana for the very first time.

Still at this point, I had heard the word "sex" but had no real clue what it was. The excitement was all based on doing something new, and something we both knew to be naughty. I was going to see more, and have the freedom to explore rather than just see everything as it was shown to me from a few feet away. Whitney, for her part, was totally game and held her legs open as I reach in and touched her. I didn't even know what to call it.

Using my fingers, I pulled her lips open. I was entranced at the pink flesh inside and was surprised at how it glistened. It was wet inside. I could see what I now know was a small clitoris, plus the hole below that at the time I was way too scared to explore. I remember how warm, wet, and musky it all was. I remember how she didn't try to hide anything, she just let me look, touch, and examine her as much as I wanted. Her body was warm, smooth, and totally exposed. Trying anything more at the time didn'e even occur to me, but I was very happy just the same.

In keeping with the original principle of the game, I asked her to roll over and she did. I checked her bottom, pulling her cheeks apart and seeing the puckered little hole within. Luckily, things were clean or I might not have ever wanted to play this game again. After what seemed like a very thorough examination, it was time to trade places.

Whitney got dressed, putting her panties and pants back on then rebuttoning her shirt. She sat on the edge of the bed and I lay down, an obvious bulge in the front my shorts. I had on blue and white shorts with velcro in front, a t-shirt and socks. Her small hands reached down and lifted up my shirt. Her fingers felt warm on my chest and belly. She briefly touched my nipples, grinning as they wrinkled and stiffened, then reached down an pulled the velcro on front of my shorts open.

It seems silly now, but we never touched my socks as she pulled down my shorts and underwear to my ankles. I lifted my hips for her, and she was careful to lift the fabric up and over my erection as best she could. I watched her eyes stare down at my hard, bald shaft and balls. Being open to her like this made me hard as a rock, and even more so when she touched it. She caressed the shaft with a couple of fingers and it twitched. She giggled and I showed her how I could make it bounce up and down. Her eyes widened in amazement, then the took my scrotum in her hands and explored it, pulling it up and down gently and feeling the orbs inside. Her nimble fingers felt very good touching me, but neither of us knew anything more to do. I hadn't even discovered what my own hands could do, let alone expect her to. The excitement was all about having someone be naughty with me, to touch me in a place we both knew she shouldn't, and that was it. At the time, it was plenty.

We played this game for months. We played doctor and explored each other as much as we used to do strip shows for each other. While we tried to get Kerry to play this new game with us, she wasn't interested, or too nervous to try. Later, I found out she had actually started getting her cycle and was either embarrassed by it, or had gotten "the talk" and didn't want to play our naughty games anymore. The next summer, her family moved away, leaving only me and Whitney to keep playing and exploring. It felt very naughty at the time, but was so innocent in hindsight. We called this new game "doing number six" because we thought we needed a code, and "six" sounded like "sex." It was nowhere near sex though, and while the idea came up to try putting tab A into slot B, per se, it scared the hell out of me to try putting myself inside her wet lips. the furthest we ever got was snuggling our naked bodies together to feel the warmth of each others' skin. We both agreed kissing was definately out, although Whitney seemed like she would have if I had wanted to.


Time went by and seasons changed.I had made some other friends and was spending less time with Whitney. I finished fifth grade and learned more about how these things work, and had discovered what happens when, as Lightnin' Hopkins used to sing, you keep on rubbin' that thing. I did this a lot, especially before going to sleep at night. I remember it scared the hell out of me the first time I came, and I actually stopped, only to try again to completion the next night. Eventually, it occurred to me that it might be even more fun with a partner, and maybe I could teach Whitney something by getting her to play along.

It was a warm summer night when we talked our parents into letting us camp in her backyard. Of course, once the idea of a campout got out, Whitney's younger brother and Ellen from behind us got themselves invited too. This may have been a ploy by her parents to keep us from being alone all night in a tent, and was a bit disappointing. I hadn't talked to Whitney about my ideas for the night, so she hadn't pushed back against her parents. This was probably a good thing because if we had pushed for being alone, I'm sure red flags would have gone up in their minds.

We set up a big tent in Whitney's back yard. We all had a sleeping bag and a flashlight and bags of snacks. After it got dark, the talking got quieter and quieter, and less and less. It was Ellen who left first. I don't know if she got scared, homesick, or cold, but I helped her get her stuff together and walked her back to her house. It actually was pretty chilly outside the tent and I crawled back inside my sleeping bag suickly after re-zipping the flap. Little brother was next. He simply got up, said he wanted to be in his own bed and left. It was probably about 10 o'clock and Whitney and I were alone in the tent. It was dark and quiet.

"Whitney?" No response. Dang. Was she asleep already? "Whitney?"

"Hmmm?" was the muffled, sleepy reply. She must have thought the fun was over and it was time to sleep. I had other ideas.

"Are you cold, Whitney? I was thinking we could put our sleeping bags together and get warmer."

"OK." she replied. "It is colder than I thought it would be. I was actually thinking I might go in like everyone else."

"Why would we do that Whitney? You realise we're alone now... and will be all night." I hoped she'd catch my hint and was rewarded by the sound of rustling fabric and the sudden brightness of her flashlight revealing she was now sitting up. I looked over at her with a smile and a twinkle in my eye. "Let's put our sleepng bags together."

She nodded and we both slipped out of our nylon coccoons. We knelt on the tent floor and arranged the bags on top of each other, unzipping them so they lay out flat across most of the tent. After a little trying, we noticed the zippers wouldn't join, so we decided to use one as a mattress and the other as a blanket. With a bit of disappointment that it didn't work perfectly, I said, "I think it will be warmer just having both of us in here anyway. We don't have to zip them together I guess." I ended up being right. The heat of our bodies together, close to each other under by sleeping bag, laying on top of hers got us both pretty warm pretty quickly. Of course, it had other effects too. The shorts I had on were feeling very tight in front as my mind wandered over how to proceed. All I could think of was her bare legs so close to mine under our cover, and wanting to feel her against me, touching me, with my hands exploring her.

"You know, we will be alone all night. We could do anything." I suggested, feeling rather clumsy in my wording.

"I know... what did you want to do?" she asked, with a touch of eagerness. "Were you thinking of doing number six?"

"Kind of. I was thinking of trying some new stuff though too. Do you trust me?"

"Yea..." she whispered. I felt her bare foot move over and bursh against my calf. I hardened further and moved my hand over to her side, tracing her body down over her hip. She had on a pair of very thin, short cotton shorts, which was probably one reason she was cold, but I could feel the seams of her panties through them and was happy she hadn't worn something more. The flashlight was still on and I could see her big, innocent blue eyes looking back into mine as I let my fingers slip to the front of her shorts. she was laying on her side facing me, and lifted one knee as my fingers caressed between her thighs. I heard her take a deep breath as her eyes closed slightly. This was different than before. There was a new feeling, and she seemed to notice it immediately. Instead of naughty anatomy checking, there was desire, hunger. My fingers pressed through the two layers of cotton and felt warmth. I almost leaned in and kissed her, but in my mind, that was for older boyfriends and girlfriends, not what we were doing.

Whitney scooted closer to me. I could feel her body pressing against mine as she lay on her back and snuggled in, her thighs spread as my fingers rubbed her shorts. It did not take long for my hand to slip down over her smooth thigh, then back up and under her shorts. I was surprised to find her panties damp underneath. I wondered for a moment if she'd had an accident, then realised this was her being "wet," which I'd learned in school was what happened to girls like boys getting hard. Assured my intentions were understood and agreed to, I raised my hand and slipped my thumb under the waistband of her shorts and panties.

I was a bit surprised when she reached down and held her panties on, guiding my fingers to only take her shorts down. As I pulled, she lifted her hips, then kicked them off between the bag layers and rolled over to face me. With a smile, she rubbed her bare leg against mine while she reached down for my thighs. Her nimble fingers slid forward, brushing against the hardness between my thighs, then slipped under my waistband. I rolled back and lifted while she slipped off my shorts, getting up on her knees. I looked up at her in her t-shirt and panties, smiling down at me with wide sparkling eyes. she looked down at my in my shirt, my briefs stretched below my waist as her fingers slipped back and forth over the bulge.

I reached out to her, taking the hem of her shirt and lifting. She helped, taking her shirt off and showing that in the past few months since I'd last seen, her nipples were accented by the beginnings of round mounds on her chest. Her pink areolas were stiff and she lightly circled each one with a finger before reaching down and helping me slip off my t-shirt. Both of us in just our underwear now, Whitney lifted a leg over me and straddled me, slowly rubbing herself on my hard shaft. It was almost painful as she gound, but the feeling was amazing as she grooved and the cotton provided a surface to rub against each other on. My hands came up and caressed her creamy white body, reaching down to her hips as the leaned forward, pressing her body on top of mine.

Youthful curiosity and unexperienced desire gave way to lust as instinct took over. This felt right. It felt wonderful. I wanted more. My fingers slipped under the elastic of her panties, tugging, pleading. Awkwardly, Whitney lifted off of me, but I could not reach down far enough with her straddling my thighs, so I guided her over to the side once more, rolling onto my side as she lay on her back. My hands peeled her panties down and without thinking, I leaned over her and licked one of her nipples. She gasped quietly and my thoughts wondered "What are you doing?" as I pulled back, but her chest lifted with my lips. I looked and saw her nipple firm and dark, with a bulging areola and stiff pointed tip. I leaned in against and wrapped my lips around it and she settled back down with a deep sigh.

With my face at her chest, slowly licking and sucking her young breast, my arm had the length now to strip away Whitney's panties. Her hips lifted willingly as my fingers pulled. I pulled her panties slowly and steadily down her soft, slender legs until her feet pulled back and up out of the fabric. She was now completely naked next to me, with a budding breast in my mouth and a wetness down below filling the air with the scent of desire. My hand slid up her leg and her thighs parted expectantly. My fingers obliged, not pulling her labia open to gander, but rubbing all over and between, them. Whitney shuddered, grinding her hips against my hand as her breath got deeper and deeper. I pressed my body against her, feeling her warmth, her closeness, sharing in her desire as I worked to fulfill the hunger between her thighs with my hand. I could feel her thighs getting slick, her lips already coated, and the lining of the sleeping back getting wet as well as two, then three fingers worked the hot pink flesh between her growing clitoris and tiny bottom.

"Oh God Craig... Oh... OHHH!!!" Whitney moaned. My fingers were soaked as I kept rubbing between her thighs. I could feel her hips moving, gyrating against my touches as her juices flowed. I experimented with speeds, going slower and slower over various parts, then going faster and faster. She seemed to like it more every time I changed, giving the occasionaly moan as she panted her approval. I noticed I'd been so focused on her lower parts that I had forgotten about her breasts and went back to kissing and sucking on her nipple wetly. She gasped as the rough buds of my tongue grazed over the stretched pink skin. I could feel myself getting more and more excited, rubbing myself against her thigh as she moved, spreading her thighs further and further. Then, without even trying, the tip of one finger slipped into her. She yelped, but moaned "YES... please!! Put it IN!" so I slowly pushed my finger into her, letting her hips drive the tip deeper as she squirmed.

I was feeling a little uncertain at this new development. It felt pretty tight, and I had heard this part can hurt, especially the first time. I lifted my head to watch her and tried to keep rubbing, although clumsily, as my finger penetrated. I was just over the first knuckle of my finger when I felt it. Inside her, like a film of saran wrap, was her virginity. She squirmed a little differently when I bumped into it the first time, but then kept trying to drive my finger deeper with her hips. I hate pain, both giving and recieving, so I didn't know what to do. I noticed that each little bump opened a little hole in the center that I hadn;t felt at first, so I tried gently to stretch it open without ripping through it.

Trying to get a better angle, I pulled my mouth from Whitney's breast and slid my body down until my head lay against her belly. this gave me a more comfortable angle to be gentle inside her, and I was able to lift my other hand up so that I could rub with one set of fingers and penetrate with the other. Whitney must have liked this because her hips started bucking harder and harder. just when I thought about pulling my fingers out of her, she gave a hard thrust and a little whimper. We had broken through! I didn't even have time to worry if I'd hurt her before her bucking drove my finger deeper until it was fully enveloped by her hungry flesh. I kept my finger deep inside her as she started moaning my name over and over...

"Craig... Craig... Oh... Craiiiiggggg." there was a rush of new wetness poushing past my finger as she lifted her hips and shuddered, then og awfully quiet. I could almost swear she was purring. After a few moments, she surprised me again.

"Oh that was so much better with someone else doing it." she said.

"Oh... you mean you've done that before?" I asked, surprised.

"Well, kind of. I usually only rub up top because I can't reach far enough below.... but... wow."

"Did I hurt you?" I asked.

"A little. Not all in a bad way though. It was really, really good. Thank you." I felt proud at her compliment, but wasn't sure what else to say.

"I thought I was going to teach you about your first orgasm." I said almost disappointed.

"Well, when I do it alone, I think of you." she said, rolling towards me and putting her hand on my chest. I felt better.

"So, that was your hymen... inside you. In your...."

"...pussy. In my pussy." she finished my sentence, giggling. "It's OK you can say it. I kind of like that word. It's like playing with a little kitten anytime I want to. It's better than calling it my 'thing' like a baby. What do you call your 'thing?'"

"I knid of like 'boner.' I think it sounds better than 'dick.' But you can call it whatever you want to Whitney." I answered.

"Dick. Boner sounds silly and it's what my little brother calls it. And do you.... when you're alone?" she asked. I nodded. "And you want me to now for you?" I nodded again, eagerly. I rolled onto my back and started stripping off my underwear. She grabbed my hands and batted them away, taking control herself and stripping the cotton from my thighs. My hairless shaft rose straight to attention as I lay completely naked with Whitney. she next knealt beside me on her knees and I felt her hand grazing over the head. I took a deep breath as I felt her skin on my skin in a way unlike she'd ever touched me before. She was right. It is much better having someone else do it. I saw a bit of a puzzled look on her face as she stroked me. I had been excited enough that I was leaking my own slippery fluid and she pulled her hand away and looked at it.

"It's OK Whitney. It's supposed to do that, when I get excited, kind of like you do." I told her, looking at her expression.

"Oh." she said. "I thought maybe you already...."

"No... you'll know. There will be more than that." I assured her, and she continued stroking my boner, wrapping her tiny little fingers around it and massaging up and down. It started to get more and more slippery with each stoke, feeling better and better. I started my own low moaning and she stretched out beside me and put her head on my belly like I had with her. She felt very comfortable as she lay on me, stroking my shaft. My hips begain a slow undulation as she built up a slow, steady rhythm. My breathing got deeper and deeper as I felt myself sinking into oblivion. I could not believe how good it felt to have her hand on my dick. I felt like it was going to explode, but I did not want it to yet.

While he hand softly pumped my slippery shaft, I kept thinking about her. I wanted to touch her some more. She felt so good against me, and I liked having my hand touching her... pussy. It felt naughty to even say it, but I liked it. I wanted to touch her again, but didn't want her to stop. I sat up. she paused, looking at me with a quizzical look. I just looked at her, holding up a finger in a "wait a second" gesture. I spun around on my rear so my feet were by her head, and vice versa, then lay back down. I slipped my hand back between her thighs and softly caressed her pussy. She went back to stroking my dick.

Oh god was it amazing. My dick slid through her fingers, slick and slimy from my excitement while my fingers massaged her wet little pussy. Our hips gyrated together. We lay in a mirrored position, our bodies warm, our skin on fire. she raised her leg and lay it across mine, spreading her thighs for my fingers. I pushed my index finger into her while my thumb rubbed her little nubby clitoris. Soon, her breath was as deep as mine and we were both panting towards orgasm. I could feel the juices flowing from her again on the sleeping bag. They dripped down from her lips and I used my fingers to spread the wetness as far as I could, including under her. As she gyrated, I slipped my thumb down from her clit and into her, letting her push the thicker finger as slow or as fast as she wanted. My other fingers ended up beneath her, playing with her rear. Slowly, teasingly, my fingers ended up between her cheeks, massaging the naughtiest of holes under her. Next thing I knew, she was doing the same to me.

It felt great. Naughty, but great. I never imagined having her touch me back there, or that it would feel so good. we were cuahgt up in the lust, the passion, the experiementation of new sensations and not caring what we were actually doing. I started pushing my thumb deeper and deeper into her pussy as she rubbed my butthole. I shifted focus, pushing harder and deeper and her hand slipped back up to my dick. After just a few strokes, I erupted all over her hand and wrist.She rubbed it onto my leg, wiping it from her skin as I pulsed with aftershocks and continued wiggling my thumb inside her.

"Will you... put it in me, Craig?" she whimpered.

"Yes." I replied, my tumb slowly probing deep inside her. I tried to imagine my thumb being replaced my my shaft and how good it was going to feel. She was so warm and slippery inside.

Whitney scooted away, letting my thumb slip out of her with a whimper. then, without a word, she crawled on top of me. Her thighs spread over mine and she lowered herself onto me. I felt my head make contact with her lips and she began to slowly rub back and forth, up and down. Her labiae parted, kissing the head of my dick, then when we were aligned, she pushed herself onto my shaft with a moan.

"Unnnnnnggggghhhh." we said together. My boner was bigger than any finger, and penetrated slowly. I could see a mix of pleasure and pain on her face as she impaled herself on me. Slowly, bouncing up and down and taking me in. I reach up and put my arms around her as best I could, caressing her soft skin lightly while her pussy wrapped around me. She leaned forward, getting onto her hands and knees, her face next to mine. I could feel her warm breath on my neck and cheek. I could not stop as I began thrusting up slowly.

"Ahhhhh.... yes.... yes Craig." she moaned. I was trying to go slowly but the sensation was the definition of exstasy. I reached the limit of the first thrust and let my hips fall for a second. I went slowly again, but deeper. The insides of her pussy sucking on my dick sent waves of lightning through me. I backed off and thrust again. Whitney lowered her hips some more and began grinding on me to send me deeper... deeper.... OH MY GOD!!!

I pulled her closer, right down on top of my and raised my knees, pushing myself up and into her. Whitney started panting, moaning, yelping with passion as I sped my thrusting. Each time trying to go deeper and I struggled to not go too fast. I wanted this to last.

In my ear, I could hear Whitney's soft whispers. "You feel so good inside me Craig.... I want to do this all night Craig.... how does my pussy feel Craig.... I love the feel of your dick Craig.... oh god I'm going to come Craig..." these naughty little whispers made me thrust harder and faster up into her little body. I pressed the side of my face against her's, my arms wrapped tightly around her. I could feel her budding breasts against my chest as she bounced up and down on me.

"Yess..... yes.... yes.... yes.... now Craig!!" I felt a warm rush pouring over my dick as the muscles within her clenched. She buried her face in my neck and stifled her screams, at one point even biting my neck. The feel of her twitching pussy pushed me over the edge as I came into her in wave after wave of ecstasy.

We lay there like that for several minutes. Occasionally, an aftershock would hit one of us, still coupled, and the other would giggle and answer back with their own little twitch. Eventually Whitney rolled to the side and curled up with her head on my shoulder. the tent was full of the musky smell of sex. As we drifted off, the last thing I heard her say was... "Want to camp out again tomorrow night?"

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


WOW! Simply amazing account of beautifully innocent young love/lust! I hope your thread of updates and additions is genuine. So few stories capture this kind of genuinely innocent life's experiences and learning. Can I give you an A sir? Very skillfully done. THANK YOU!!!


Lookin' good Rogue. A vast improvement would be to add 'to be continued.'

Charles Mason

Really enjoyed your story, can't wait to hear what happens next.


great story.... love the way it develops. I want to read more


Excellent writing! It was so good it was believable. Thanks for writing it. I hope you continue to write more stories.


Great story,hope you continue writing!!Thanks!!

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