Published: 11-May-2012
Word Count:
It was heart wrenching hearing the screams of agony coming from her little 8 year old sister lynelle, and to see her stripped down to her little panties while bound to that chair was almost too much for Calista to bear.
But how could she protest knowing what a vile and ruthless man Phil Mason was. She still felt the pain he inflicted on her when he squeezed and pinched her bruised thighs and bruised vaginal lips. Even though those bruises occurred while falling down from his cherry tree and on his private property. If only she hadn't fallen from that tree she and her little sister might have gotten away with winning the dare proposed by her two white school friends. But that was not to be and as it turned out both of those white girls were actually the daughters of Mister Phil Masons housemaid and they both knew his reputation. So they had purposely begun to tease and then dare both Calista and Lynelle to go jogging on his private path.
So there she was just where he had pushed her, on the floor of his basement dungeon. She had no clothes left with the exception of her red cotton tee shirt with the words "less bounce to the ounce" printed on the front. She had a clear and unobstructed view of the torment being inflicted on her little sister and hearing her cries of pain.
Phil Mason was enjoying himself torturing the little girl, he continued slapping her flat tits and pinching her tiny nipples then moved his hand under the elastic waistband of her little white panties and began fingering her hairless bald smooth and puffy little pussy.
Calista threw caution to the wind, she simply could not remain silent while this dirty old white man was molesting her baby sister.
Having two little black preteen girls in his dungeon was a win win situation for him, he could move between them and molest either one of them, then move to the other one and do the same. Phil's hard cock continued throbbing in his pants and it was time for him to free it from its confinement and also let his two captives see it up close and personal. He let his attention move from little Lynelle which to her was a temporary relief, to her older sister once again.
He slowely left the half naked 8 year old child still wearing her little panties and nothing else then walked back over to Calista who had risen from the floor and stood with nothing on except her red tee shirt, both her hands were held covering her naked pussy. It only took several steps for him to be standing toe to toe with the 10 year old black girl.
He looked into her tear filled eyes and said, "The penalty for trespassing on my private property is severe punishment and its time I did just that".
With a sadistic grin on his face he began to slowly remove his clothes to the frightened pleadings and protests of both his captives.
Alarmed they both cried out in panicky voices "OH MY GOD WHAT ARE YOU DOING? STOP DON'T GET NAKED PLEEEEEEEASE DON'T".
The two girls cried and pleaded with him but to no avail, the dirty old grey haired white man now stood completely naked in front of them. For the very first time in their young lives they saw what a white mans penis actually looked like. Their pulse raced, their hearts pounded and their mouths dropped open in a silent moan of shock.
Phil put both his hands on Calista'a hips and said, "Before I begin both you and your little sisters punishments, your both going to have to take what your still wearing completely off. Now get that red tee shirt up over your head and toss it to the floor your not going to need it anymore".
Calista saw the lust in his face as he licked his lips and then intentionally stuck his tongue out wiggling it purposely at her. She knew at that moment there was little she nor her sister Lynelle could do that would prevent what was surely about to happen to them both. Whimpering she reached down to the bottom of her cotton tee shirt and hoisted it up over her head and tossed it to the floor of the basement as she was directed to do. She now was totally naked and trembling before him. She felt him remove his hands from her hips and then sit down in the same armless straight back chair he had previously used when he was squeezing and pinching her bruised sore thighs and sore pussy lips. He looked at the pretty naked 10 year old black girl who stood nervously trembling before him.
With lust in his heart he said, "Now my dear its time I began your punishment, I want you to lay face down across my knees so that I can begin spanking that delightfully sexy round firm ass of yours".
The moment of her torment was upon her and there was little else she could do to ward off what was about to happen. She simply had to endure it and she knew poor little Lynelle had to as well. So while whimpering and sniffling she bent herself face down across the old grey haired white mans knees. She closed her eyes and held her breath anticipating the pain of a bare bottom spanking. The only spankings she ever received on her bare bottom was delivered only by her mother. Both she and Lynelle were never ever spanked bare or fully clothed by anybody other then their own mother. But instead of receiving a sharp painful slap across her butt cheeks she instead began to feel his hand moving over her ass cheeks and squeezing them. It caught her completely off guard and she simply didn't know how to react to the feeling. He continued squeezing both hemispheres of her shapely ass as her breathing increased and an unintentional slight moan escaped her mouth. When she felt a finger sliding along the crack of her ass, she drew a deep breath and tightened her body. But when a finger began to force itself inside her tiny ass hole she let out a sharp scream of pain.
Phil loved the reaction and followed his finger insertion with a solid slap across her both ass cheeks, "THWACK! OOOOOUCH! OWWWWWWWWWE!"
She cried out as the sting of the blow brought tears to her eyes.
From the other chair the sound of little Lynelles crying was heard by both her sister Calista and by Phil Mason. He relished the sound of the little child's cries and wanted to hear more of them so he lifted his hand high above his head and then brought it crashing down over her sisters ass cheeks striking them repeatedly as now her screams were added to her sisters pitiful cries.
When Phil Mason finally did stop spanking her, he could see even over her black skin that he had brought out a blush tone to her skin. The 10 year old girl lay bent over his knees in obvious pain and sobbed. It was time for him to move from a punishing spanking to a more sexual punishment, so he moved his hand between her upper thighs and began once again as he did the last time to pinch her pussy lips. The change from a bare bottom spanking to an assault on her very private part caused Calista to not only scream but also to twist and squirm on his lap in order to escape his sexual attack.
With all her twisting and squirming she did actually manage to slip off his lap, but that only angered him.
"You little brat, maybe you'll stay put if I shackled your both wrists to those chains over there you see hanging down from those ceiling rafters".
But Mason was much too aroused to stop now, he was going to rape both of them and the thought and sight of a naked little pre-teen black girl hanging from his ceiling chains was much to good a sight for him not to take advantage of. So while Calista cried and begged, he dragged her over to the chains and began binding her wrists to the ends of the chains. When done she stood dangling from the chains her feet flat on the floor of his basement dungeon. All that was left now was to place a spreader bar between her ankles which would spread her legs far apart. When he completed her bondage he stepped back to admire his work, by now his cock began to drip a tiny bit of pre-cum from its head.
Calista hung there from the chains, her head bowed down and her eyes red from crying, her 8 year old sister Lynelle was now petrified with fear seeing how the cruel white man was treating her older sister. She sat bound to the armless straight back chair crying her eyes out. But didn't have long to wait.
The hateful man turned his attentions to her and said, "Now little one its your turn and I have two more chains for you as well, now isn't that nice?".
Her panicked reply caused her to stutter and she could only manage to say, "Puh puh puhhh puhhhhh leeazzzeee dooh dooh dooh don't haaann hannn hanng me frrrrrr frrrrrrr thoo thooooose cha chaaa chaainns".
Phil undid the bindings that held her arms behind the chair, and then just like her sister before her, had to drag her over to the second set of hanging chains. The poor hysterical little girl could not manage to walk and Mason had to literally drag her across the basement floor to the hanging chains. But once positioned beneath them he made quick work of securing her in the same manner as her older sister. The two naked black girls now hung down from the ends of two sets of ceiling chains.
All that was left for him to do was to remove the little 8 year old child's cotton panties and attach the spreader bar between her ankles which would force her delightfully shaped little legs wide apart. However, he hesitated for several moments just looking at the two little girls hanging from both sets of chains. The older one completely naked and showing the beginnings of a cute pair of budding titties with a tiny pencil eraser sized pair of nipples that just stood out and said "come bite me, come suck me, come twist me, and come pinch me" and naturally a small puffy cunt with just the hint of pubic growth surrounding it.
They hung facing one another, It was the evilness of Phil Mason to create a situation whereby each of the sisters could watch the other sister being raped and abused while having to anticipate her own rape and abuse.
Phil Mason could not decide which sister to rape first, he stood before both of them his passion at a peek but simply could not make up his mind. Which one to rape first? the older 10 year old with the budding tits who hung completely naked with a spreader bar forcing her legs apart? or the adorable 8 year old who still had her cute little cotton panties on covering her tiny pussy and was yet to receive the spreader bar? He paced from one to the other as they vented their emotion with great sobs and pleading that were mumbled from their mouths. He circled round their bodies lusting after their nakedness, then stopped to grab Calista's round firm ass and give it a good hard squeeze while her body shuddered from the effect. Then moved to Lynelle and grabbed her panty covered ass and squeezed her butt just as hard, causing the poor little girl to twist away from the hand that abused her.
Mason no longer had the option to wait any longer, his lust was peaking and his cock continued to throb with pre-cum seeping from the tip. But the decision on which child to rape first was made for him. As he reached out with his right hand and grabbed the elastic waist band of little Lynelle's white cotton panties, her sister Calista shouted out, "Oh puhhhh leazzzeee mister Mason don't put your big willie in my little sister, do it to me instead pleeeeeeeeease spare her pleeeeeeeease I beg you not to rape her she's only 8 years old".
Mason turned his head to look at the older child and decided right then and there if this foolish child wanted to get raped first he would certainly oblige her, so he pulled his fingers from her sisters panties and moved in front of Calista. He leaned toward her naked titties and licked her nipples then reached his hand between her wide spread legs and ran his finger along her pussy slit and then moved his long middle finger past both her outter and inner labia. Finding the young 10 year olds pussy to be very dry he immediately headed for his cabinet of sex objects, he opened it and grabbed a small jar of Vaseline then returned to the wide eyed trembling young black child and began to shove the lubricant inside both her little cunt hole and also her ass hole.
Having no idea why the old grey haired white man would be putting Vaseline in both her little cuny and her little bottom hole, but knowing it meant something evil she began crying harder.
"Waaaaaaaaah! Waaaaaaaaaah! Bwaaaaaaaaah! Waaaaaaaaaah Waaaaaaaaah!"
Satisfied the child was now lubricated enough to make entry inside her little cunt much easier for him, he grabbed the tip of his cock and rubbed it up and down the slit of her little virgin pussy. The tears ran from her eyes down her cheeks as she continued crying.
"Uuuuuuw Uuuuuuuuuw Bwaaaaaaaaah! Waaaaaaaaaah Pleeeeeeeeeeese Ooooooo pleeeeeeease don't make it hurt Oooooooh Uuuuuuuw".
Mason pushed the head of his cock past the sobbing child's cunt lips and shoved himself against her body forcing the head of his cock to pierce her hymen, the 10 year old Calista was no longer a virgin and a small amount of torn cherry blood covered his fuck pole. The sounds of her screams bounced off the walls of his basement.
"EEeeeeiiieee! Oooowwwwwiieeee! AAAAAaaaahhh AOOOOWWWWWwwww OOoowwwhhhhh! AAaaaahwww Aaaawhh Aaahh Aawwwwhhhh!"
Her pitiful screams only inspired her tormentor to drive himself harder and faster against her hanging spread legged body. He humped her with his hard cock while finger fucking her lubricated ass hole using the long middle finger of his right hand to push past her restrictive sphincter. while at the same time squeezing and pinching her little budding right tit and tiny nipple with his left hand. She was bawling her lungs out.
"UhOwwww! UhOwwwww! UhOwwwww! UhOwwwww! OWwwwwwwUhOwwwwwwie! UuuuuuuOwwwwwwie!"
Phil Masons humping grew in intensity as his orgasm was eminent. Moans of pleasure were emitted from his mouth, grunts and heavy breathing a sign that his orgasm was only seconds away. When at last he shot his full load inside Calista's pussy, he no longer felt the need to torment her little ass hole and tender titties and nipples. He pulled his now limp cock from her bruised and raped pussy, and left her hanging there sobbing and in shock. He went to the bathroom to wash her torn hymen blood from his cock.
Since the bathroom was to the back of the two sisters they couldn't see him return, and when he did he heard little Lynelle asking Calista about the rape and was it awful? and how much did it hurt?. He couldn't believe that the little girl actually asked her older sister if it hurt so much why do people have sex and why do all those girls in the magazines all have smiles on their faces. But Calista never got a chance to answer her younger sister, just when she was about to respond she turned her head and saw him coming.
The questions he heard little Lynelle ask her older sister gave him an idea and he began thinking of working on the little girls in a much different way. He began thinking of forcing them to have orgasms of their own. Oh he knew it would take several attempts, and the little one would certainly suffer her first rape. But after that he would take turns using his sex tools to force each of them into having orgasms.
He moved in front of Lynelle and with an evil smile on his face reached for the top of her white cotton panties and grabbed the elastic waist band with his right hand and pulled them down the smooth black skin of her delightfully sexy legs. The now heavy breathing teary eyed little 8 year old child knew it was her turn to find out just what rape felt like.
Then she felt him putting Vaseline inside both her tiny little cuny hole and her even smaller bottom hole. Then when she saw him attaching that spreader bar between her ankles and felt him rubbing his big hard willy thing up and down her cuny she just closed her eyes and stiffened her body. But when she felt it pushing past the lips of her tiny little vagina and forcing itself deeper inside and tearing the thin membrane of her hymen, the pain she felt erupted in an ear piercing scream.
For Phil Mason the feeling of raping this adorable little 8 year old girl was simply fantastic. Her tiny little cunt was tightly wrapped around his big hard shaft and he could hardly contain himself as he humped the hysterically crying little child. He used both his hands in the same way he did when he was raping her sister Calista. The long middle finger of his right hand was being shoved past her very tight sphincter muscle, the Vaseline and the force of his thrust made it easier to enter that tight ass hole of hers. He also used the fingers of his left hand to maul the child's flat chest and tiny little nipples. little Lynelle twisted and jerked her body as best she could while bound to those hanging chains, the stretcher bar preventing her from closing her legs. At first the pain of having her virginity brutally taken from her was the most harrowing experience of her life. She seemed to have cried all she could and now with the pain subsiding there was something else taking place. The old grey haired man was thrusting his body against hers while squeezing her most private parts and the feelings she was experiencing were almost like the feelings she felt when she was in bed having those bad thoughts and touching herself between her legs.
She wondered if her older sister Calista felt the same way. The man who was humping her so fast soon began to make moaning noises and she felt something being squirted inside her little cuny hole. Then all of a sudden it stopped, the man pulled himself out of her and then wiped his Willie against her stomach letting the sticky stuff drip onto her skin. She could see that his Willie somehow looked so much smaller and softer.
Once again the man left the two sisters alone as he headed for the bathroom to wash the blood of little Lynelle's torn hymen off his cock. When he was completely out of sight Lynelle looked over at her older sister Calista and said, "It hurt so much did it hurt you also?".
Calista said, "He's a bad man are you ok?"
Lynelle said, "I think so but it still hurts a lot, how about you? does it still hurt?"
Calista said, "Yeah but not as much as it did".
Then Lynelle said something that Calista could not respond to, something that she needed time to think about and time to wonder about, so she just listened to her words without offering any response.
"My body felt funny she said, it felt I don't know just different after the bad man hurt me. Sometimes when I'm in bed in our bedroom and I think about those magazines with all those naughty pictures the kids at school showed us and I touch myself, well I think it felt like that".
Both girls did not pursue it any further, they did not want to mention to the other about the feelings their bodies were experiencing after their cherries were broken. So they simply did not bring that subject up again. When mister Mason returned he had put his underwear back on and that made the little girls feel much better, and when he began to undo their shackles and remove the stretcher bar they both took a deep breath of relief. But that reprieve didn't last very long, after the both sisters were given water to drink and a rest that lasted little more than an hour, Mason was at them again.
His lust never seemed to subside and when he pulled his underwear off the two sisters again saw that his big fat cock grew to erection once again. They just sat each one on a separate armless straight back chair that he chose for its special use in lap fucking. Without arms he could have them sit on his lap with their legs spread wide apart without being encumbered by the arms of the chair. Both sisters watched him approach them, and just as he did before their initial rape, he once again appeared to hesitate, to pause while looking carefully at each little girl. Seemingly to contemplate which of the two would be his choice.
They didn't have long to wait, he walked over to Calista the older girl, reached out with his right hand and placed it directly over her left tit and smiling down at her began to rub it at first then close his fingers over it and squeeze it while continuing to stare into her wide open eyes. She soon began breathing heavily, then a moan escaped her lips when he closed his thumb and forefinger over her tender nipple.
"Uuuuuuwwe! Ooooooh! Uuuuuuuuwe Uuuuuuuwwe!"
She was not able to prevent the unintentional moans from leaving her mouth and felt embarrassed when it escaped her lips, she quickly turned her head to see if her younger sister Lynelle heard it, but her sister gave no indication that she did.
Calista was now concerned over her bodies reactions to what was being done to it, especially ever since her younger sister was raped in front of her own eyes and then began asking her those questions about how it felt after the pain subsided. She was uncomfortable with the sexual stimulation that she felt but could not prevent it from continuing. It only got worse when the grey haired white man pulled her off the chair and then sat down on it himself pulling her onto his naked lap facing him. The excitement that she felt was beginning to overwhelm her and when he began touching her pubic area with his finger she once again moaned only this time louder.
This time when she turned to look at her sister a look of startled surprise seemed to appear across her face. Then her embarrassment began to increase when she felt mister Masons fingers all over the front of her chest rubbing and mauling her tender budding titties and oh so sensitive little nipples. It reached its peak when when she felt him shove more Vaseline inside her young pussy then shove his cock inside and begin fucking her while using the fingers of his right hand to massage her clitoris.
Calista tried to control her own sexual stimulation but simply could not interfere with nature, her body was betraying her. Her younger sister Lynelle was watching intently her eyes wide open and her little heart beating rapidly. Without hearing the words mentioned she could sense that her older sister was feeling the same thing she did when the pain of the rape subsided and gave way to the lust of a sexual act. She reached between her own legs and put her fingers on her own clit.
It was then that the door of the basement flung open and to her complete shock entered both daughters of Mister Masons housemaid, little Janette and Brenda. The very school girls that teased and dared them to trespass on Mister Masons property. The same two young white girls that told him that both Calista and Lynelle said "we're not afraid of some old white man who cant run as fast as we can" and the same two school girls that said to them while giggling "that getting raped might be fun for you, don't all little black girls like getting raped?".
When they saw Mister Mason fucking Calista they began to giggle and then walked closer to watch. To the utter surprise of both sisters Mason simply greeted then and said, "Hello Janette hello Brenda I'm having some fun with two of your school friends".
The two white girls continued giggling and then walked over to the pile of clothing left by both black girls, Janette kneeled down and picked up little Lynelle's digital camera the very camera she was using to take pictures of her sister Calista up on that cherry tree. Pictures that were to prove to the two white girls that the sisters had won the dare. But now that camera was going to take pictures that were very different then the two black girls had planned. Janette walked back to where Calista was being fucked. She aimed and then began taking pictures.
At that point Phil Mason thought that taking pictures was a great idea and he wanted both little black girls on those pictures. So he was going to take advantage of having his housemaids daughters available to do just that. He knew the two girls couldn't stay all day and he didn't have enough potency to cum twice in a short period of time, so he decided to pull his cock out of Calistas lovely cunt and save himself for her little sister.
Calista was now totally embarrassed at having her two white school mates there to see her being fucked and worse of all to hear her moaning and taking pictures of the entire ordeal. Her embarrassment increased ten fold once she saw her two white school mates taking pictures of her little 8 year old sister Lynelle placed on Phil Masons lap and being fucked. Oh how she hated them, they were giggling and enjoying the degradation of their black school mates.
They clapped their hands and laughed aloud saying, "Look mister Mason look how they like being raped see how they moan see its true, black girls really do enjoy being raped".
Lynelle was heart sick at what the two white girls were saying and she couldn't prevent herself from moaning just like her sister Calista. Phil Mason was as cruel as ever forcing the little child to come as close to an orgasm as she ever did in her young life. His hands went under her tiny little ass and began hoisting her up over his lap and then bringing her down in rapid succession, thus causing his cock to rapidly move deeper inside her tiny little cunt and then move back. The in out motion of this rapid humping was stimulating the poor child and arousing her. When he took his right hand from under her sexy little ass and put it on her pussy and began rubbing the child's clitoris it was all she could do to refrain from screaming out her passion. But not from uttering moan upon moan of arousal. Within minutes both Phil Mason and little Lynelle reached simultaneous orgasms.
"AAAHHHHHH!"OOHHHH, OOHHHH, AAAAHHH!" "AAHHHHH! YESSS!" "AAHHH! Ummmmm Oooooo yeah! he screamed".
The totally embarrassed little 8 year old black girl was unable to refrain herself from vocalizing her own sensual stimulation and was clearly heard by everyone, "AAAWWWWW! Uuuuuuuuh! Oooooooh! Ummmmmmm".
Both Janette and Brenda laughed and clapped their hands dropping the camera to the floor and exclaiming loudly, "See we told you didn't we Mister Mason they love being raped we were right, see we told you so".
They jumped up and down clapping their hands, then skipped out of the basement waving goodbye as they closed the basement door.
For the remainder of that day both Calista and Lynelle were made to endure many sexual acts including all three insertions, vaginal, anal and oral. Even though the anal penetration was pure agony and the oral pure disgusting to them, they did however reach several orgasms during their vaginal fucking.
When at last Phil Mason had reached the apex of his sexual pleasure for that day, he decided to let the two little black sisters return to their own part of town. He told them to use the washroom to clean themselves, then to pick up their clothing and get dressed. He said they could find their own way back over the fence and off his private property.
Both little sisters wasted no time in doing exactly what they were offered, they washed themselves hurriedly and then dressed themselves in silence, this was no time to talk. Once fully clothed they noticed that somehow the old white man seemed to have forgotten about little Lynelles digital camera. It lay on the floor just where their white classmate Janette had dropped it while clapping her hands. Lynelle looked quickly about and noted that Mister Mason was just leaving the basement and heading up the stairs to the main floor. She immediately scooped it up and tucked it in the pocket of her short jogging pants. It was only a matter of minutes before both of them were finally out of that awful mans house and on their way back.
There they were scampering off the private property that caused them so much heartache. Both in their short little jogging pants and both wearing their cute little tee shirts with the words "less bounce to the ounce" across the front, Calista's in red and Lynelle's in yellow. Only this time their jogging was not without pain. That pain a clear reminder of what both little sisters had to endure at the hands of that sadistic old white man. But they had to endure just a bit more pain by jogging as fast as they could to leave a place that now they wished they had never entered. In their minds they now believed being teased and taking that dare posed by those two hateful white school mates was a bad decision.
Finally they reached the point at the short perimeter fence separating the park from Phil Masons private property where they had originally climbed over. Both of them with some pain managed to climb back over and then began a twenty minute jog to arrive at the entrance to the park and a short walk to the local bus stop.
They stood their waiting for the bus and wondering how to explain to their mother what happened to them. Little 8 year old Lynelle said, "Mommy gonna kill us, she Just gonna die when she find out what we did".
Calista said, "Maybe we don't have to tell her".
But Lynelle said, "Yeah but we're not virgins anymore", And she began to sob.
Calista put her arm around her little 8 year old sister and said, "Yeah I know Lynelle but still mommy don't have to know about that".
Lynelle wiped her eyes and said, "But what happens if she finds out I mean what happens if it slips out? Oh I'm afraid. Mommy warned us about that bad white man remember? she said if he caught us he would do awful things to us. She even made us promise never to go jogging on his private property. If we don't tell her what he did to us and she finds out we lied to her she will just kill us".
Calista stood there listening to her little sister and trying to make up her mind what to tell their mother. She was about to step off the street to look down the road to see if the local bus was coming when an old car pulled up to the curb where they were standing. Inside the drivers seat sat a familiar looking black man, his name was Benjamin Dover and sitting in the passenger seat next to him was another familiar black man, his name was Harden Longfellow, they were both friends of the children's mother Allysha Williams and owned a barn where they raised chickens for sale.
Their mother Allysha and most of the neighborhood knew them by their street names.
Benjamin Dover was called Bend over Ben and his friend Harden Longfellow was known as Harden Long.
Bend over Ben said, "Yo whats happenin girls? where you goin? need a ride?"
Calista greeted them and said, "Yeah we goin home, can you take us?"
Bend over Ben said, "Yeah sure can".
But when the girls walked around the front of the car to the other side, Harden Long noticed that the two girls were walking kind of funny like, and he said, hey what's up with the way you girls are walkin? your mommy told us you two kids were great joggers how come you walkin kind of funny like?"
The two sisters looked at each other and at first didn't say anything to Harden Long except to shrug their shoulders. But when Bend over Ben said, "It aint right the way you girls are walkin, maybe your momma can check it out once we tell her".
Once they heard him say he was gonna tell their momma little Lynelle said, "Don't tell momma on us pleeeeease! she'll just kill us if she finds out".
Both men were startled at her outburst and just looked at the two girls standing at the side of their old car, the younger girl looked like she was about to start crying. The other girl seemed upset as well, so Harden Long got out and quickly opened the back door then said, "You girls best get yourselves inside this car and tell us why you both been actin like you are?"
As soon as they got in and the doors were closed little Lynelle just burst out crying, she simply couldn't control herself. It was her older sister Calista who finally said, "We got caught on Mister Masons land and he beat on us and raped us".
The two men quickly turned around and looked at the two little girls, their arms resting on the backs of their seats and were staring in shock at them trying to come to terms with what they just heard. Their mouths open and for the moment not a word was spoken. Their silence made both girls even more upset and now both of them began crying. Finally Bend over Ben who was sitting in the drivers seat said, "RAPED? you tellin us both you girls got yourselves raped? and beaten?"
Calista wiped the tears from her eyes and reached into the pocket of her little sister, pulled the digital camera out handed it to Bend over Ben and said, "Go on see for yourself".
For the next twenty minutes that old black car just sat there at the curb with the engine turned off. Bend over Ben handed the camera to his friend Harden Long and now both men were able to see for themselves just what happened to the two little girls. As they examined one picture after another, the two girls began telling them in as much detail as they could remember everything that had happened, including all the teasing at school and those comments made by both Janette and Brenda about how black girls like getting raped. The two men had seen and heard all they could stand.
Finally Bend over Ben said, "Come Monday when your Momma goes to work and sends you off to school, me and Harden Long gonna be in our car at your bus stop. Both you girls aint gonna be takin no bus to school, we gonna take you to school ourselves in this ole car and we gonna be takin you back home too. Now if them two white girls start teasing you, then I want you to point them out to us."
Lynelle said, "You aint gonna tell on us are you? you aint gonna tell our mommy are you?"
Bend over Ben said, "Now don't you girls fret non about that, When we take you back today you just do what you normally do on a late Saturday afternoon. When Sunday roles around just do the same things you always do. On Monday mornin we gonna be taken both of you to school and after school we gonna be there taken you back."
Calista and Lynelle got back home and thanked their Mommies friends Bend over Ben and Harden Long for being so nice to them then waived good bye as their car sped off. Their Mother Allysha Williams was still at work, so the two girls took long hot showers and then changed all their clothing. They were still very very nervous and concerned about their Mother finding out about them trespassing on Mister Phil Masons private property and getting raped. That entire night they swore to themselves that their Mommy could see right thru them and knew everything, but the night ended without incident and on Sunday they went jogging in the park with their mother as though nothing had ever happened.
On Monday morning the two little sisters stood on the corner waiting for the school bus but instead of riding to school with all the other kids, they rode in the back seat of Bend over Bens car. At the end of the school day when all the children were leaving and walking to the school buses, both Janette and Brenda managed to turn and twist and wind their way through the crowd of children, until they found both Calista and Lynelle. Brenda tapped Calista on the back of her shoulder and said, "Hi Calista wanna go jogging on mister Masons private path?".
Then both she and Janette laughed and Janette said, "How about you Lynelle wanna pose for some pictures on Mister Masons Lap?"
The two mean little white girls laughed and laughed but when they saw two black men coming towards them they briskly walked away.
Calista saw both Benjamin Dover and his friend Harden Longfellow coming for them and said, "Hi mister Harden, Hi mister Longfellow".
Then said, "Did you see those two white girls who were laughing at us?"
Bend over Ben said, "Yeah we sure did, are they them two honkey girls you been tellin us about?"
Calista nodded her head and said, "Yeah that's them that's Janette and Brenda".
This time Harden Long said, "You girls know were our barn is? you know the place we have all those live chickens we sell?".
Calista said, "Oh yeah Mommy takes us there on Fridays sometimes to buy chicken".
Bend over Ben said, "Yeah that's the place, now listen girls you think you can take the school bus home by yourselves today? Those two honkey girls didn't get on that one over there".
Calista said, "Yeah ok, come on Lynelle lets go".
Harden Long then said, "Now listen when you two girls get home Bend over Ben and I want both of you to stay there for one hour, then after that we want you to take your digital camera with you and come over to our chicken barn. I hope your not afraid of hearing lots of squealing and yelping, and lookin at some blood, We gonna give you a couple of free slaughtered chickens to take home to your mommy".
Lynelle then asked, "But why we gonna need my digital camera?"
The two men looked at each other and then Bend over Ben said, "Oh just bring it along with you, this time when you point it, I bet your gonna be seeing something really interesting".
When they got back home both Calista and little Lynelle said there mother would be pleased that her friends were giving them free chickens. But they wondered about why the two men wanted them to take pictures of their bloody barn. They waited the one hour as they were told, then took the digital camera with them and set out to walk the short distance to the chicken barn.
As they got closer they saw a big sign on the door that said "Closed" and they looked at each other in surprise, but continued to walk towards the door with the sign. Soon they began hearing screams and yelps but they remembered what Mister Harden Long told them about all the yelping noise, however the noise they heard wasn't chickens screaming it was little girls screaming.
As they stood at the door they could distinctly hear screaming and pleading and crying, sounds that they were all to familiar with. Only this time those sounds were coming from other little girls. They disregarded the "Closed" sign on the door only because they were invited to come there by both Bend over Ben and Harden Long, So they pushed it open and to their utter amazement and complete shock, there before their astonished eyes were Janette and Brenda hanging from the ceiling of the barn by their wrists from two thick ropes. Both totally naked and screaming. There were whip marks across their small tits, upper thighs and stomachs.
The minute the two men saw Calista and Lynelle come in they untied their two white school mates from where they hung and retied them so that they were now bent over at the waist with their wrists now bound to their ankles. Bend over Ben motioned for them to come take a closer look at the two white girls who were the cause of their recent rapes. Both black girls walked behind their white classmates and saw lots of whip marks across their ass cheeks.
Harden Long said to Calista, "I hope you brought your digital camera with you, did you?"
Calista looked at her little sister Lynelle and the little girl pulled her camera out of her pocket and showed it to him. At that point while their two white school mates were screaming and crying, Bend over Ben went to the closest white girl who was bent way over and began raping her from the rear. Harden Long went to the other white girl and holding his big fat black cock in his hand began raping her using his hard and long black cock which he drove mercilessly into her tight little cunt as she was bound wrist to ankle. The two little white girls began screaming for mercy and screaming for help from the very two black girls they had previously teased and taunted into accepting that ill conceived dare.
But what both raped white girls saw was little Lynelle aiming her digital camera at their little asses while their pre-teen cunts were being humped from behind. What they hoped to hear from their black class mates was that they were going to help them.
Instead coming from Calista and Lynelle's mouth was "OH MY GOODNESS WHAT'S ALL THIS SCREAMING AND CRYING ABOUT?
The two little sisters then began laughing and clapping their hands together while they skipped out of the barn singing a happy song holding their digital camera full of pictures.
End Off The Beaten Path A Little Girl Joggers Nightmare Part 2 Of 2
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