The Adventures Of Super Teen

[ g, bd, nosex ]


Published: 17-Mar-2013

Word Count: 2536

Author's Profile

Story Summary
This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Super Teen,
Super Teen
Patrolling the junior high scene
Every day and every night
fighting for what is right
Super Teen,
Super Teen

Super Teen,
Super Teen,
Keeping the junior high clean
Fight vicious thugs
who deal illicit drugs
Super Teen,
Super Teen


Super Teen walked into the principal's office at Westside Junior High School. The 7th grade superheroine had just busted a $1 million drug deal and defeated eight of the Drug Lord's most feared henchman in a fight. Principal Adams was grateful.

"Thank you so much Super Teen!" Principal Adams said.

"I'm just glad all those drugs won't be wrecking the lives of Westside students," she said. Super Teen wore a red tank bodysuit with a gold cape. She wore knee high white socks and white sneakers. She stood 4 ft., 8 inches, and weighed 80 pounds. She had long, straight brown hair, smooth white skin and just the first hint of emerging breasts.

"I asked you here because I have news," Principal Adams said. "You've been named the Springville Citizen of the Year."

"Me?" she replied humbly. Super Teen was by far the youngest person ever to win the award.

"There will be a dinner in your honor Saturday night at the Springville Civic Center," Principal Adams said.

"I'll be there!" ....

At the same time, the Drug Lord gathered what was left of his band of crooks. Super Teen had all but wrecked his operation. They were desperate and out of money.

"That little bitch Super Teen must be stopped!" he said. "I want her defeated. I want revenge!" He pointed to a cot with leather straps dangling off the bed posts. "I want her there!"

"I have an idea," said one of the henchmen. "Super Teen is being honored as the Citizen of the Year Saturday. We'll spring a little surprise" ...

It was Saturday night, and Super Teen was at her headquarters preparing for the big night. She decided to wear some small earrings and pale red lipstick. And she made sure her legs were shaved. In place of her socks and sneakers, she wore high heels. She put on her magic bracelets -- the bracelets that allowed to repel bullets and maintain super strength.

She summoned Claude, a 50-year-old man who was her chauffeur and confidant.

"Ready Claude?"

"The car will be right out." ....

Super Teen wowed the audience with her speech.

"And, in conclusion, we can all guarantee a brighter future for every boy and girl by keeping Springville drug free. Thank you for all your support."

Super Teen received a standing ovation. She still felt the glow of approval when she entered the back seat of the car that was to return her to headquarters.

"Claude, what did you think of the speech? Claude?"

Suddenly a gas oozed from the vents.

"Claude? Where's (cough, cough) Claude?"

Instead, a man with a gas mask drove off into the darkness. Super Teen clutched her throat, continued to cough but passed out unconscious on the floor board.

The driver pulled into a secluded parking lot. He pulled Super Teen's body up on the seat, wrenched her arms behind her back and tied them together. He bound her feet and applied a cloth gag and rolled her back on the floorboard.

It was still an hour's drive back to the Drug Lord's hideout deep in the country. About 10 minutes before arrival, the driver could hear a whimper through the gag. Super Teen awoke, but without her bracelets, couldn't break her bonds.

"Ah, awake Super Teen?" the driver said as he heard the bound and silenced superheroine thrash about. "Your a few minutes away from meeting the Drug Lord, but this time on HIS terms." He let out a villainy laugh.

What Perils Await Our Pretty Fighter For Truth And Justice?

The driver pulled into the hideout garage. He pulled Super Teen from the car and slung the girl over his shoulder.

"I'm glad the Drug Lord picked me for this assignment," the driver said. "I like feeling your legs."

Super Teen let out a disgusted groan through her gag. The driver carried her down a steep staircase into a basement, where ropes, handcuffs and leather straps hung from the bed, support posts and ceiling. He turned her toward the direction of the Drug Lord, who was sitting behind the desk.

"Let her down easy on the carpet, we don't want to bruise the fruit," the Drug Lord said. "And remove the gag. The two of us need to talk."

The driver removed the gag.

"Where am I?" Super Teen asked and she laid flat on her back.

"Ah, you're on my turf," the Drug Lord said as he got up and walked between the desk and his captive. "On your knees in the presence of the drug lord!" The driver lifted Super Teen off the floor and set her on her knees. The Drug Lord motioned for the driver to leave.

"You're bad for business, little girl," the Drug Lord said.

"Bad for business ... I want you OUT of business," Super Teen said.

"You're so cute when you're indignant," the Drug Lord said. "Those are pretty high heels for such a young girl. Let me stand you up."

The Drug Lord grabbed Super Teen by her shoulders.

"Get your hands off me," Super Teen demanded.

"And just how do you intend to enforce that order?" the Drug Lord asked. He stood Super Teen up as she precariously wobbled on her high heels. "Why, you could tip over any second." The Drug Lord gave Super Teen a slight push, and the superheroine fell helplessly to the floor.

The Drug Lord knelt down over his captive. He placed his hand on Super Teen's smooth thighs. Super Teen detested the Drug Lord for touching her legs but as the Drug Lord was occupied, Super Teen began cutting her ropes with a sharp ring.

"I think it's so sweet the junior high girls shave their legs," the Drug Lord said. He groped her knees and worked his way up her thighs as Super Teen worked her hands free. "You're a very pretty girl."

Suddenly, Super Teen let loose with a karate chop over the Drug Lord's head. Super Teen quickly untied her ankles and pounced on the dazed Drug Lord. She wrenched his arm behind his back.

"I may not have my magic bracelets, but I'm still trained in karate," Super Teen said. "Now do what I say, or I'll break your arm."

"You'll never get out of here ... ugh!" groaned the Drug Lord as Super Teen wrenched his arm tighter.

"Yes I will," Super Teen said. "Where is your phone?"

"Upstairs," the Drug Lord said.

"Let's go!" Super Teen said, as she directed the Drug Lord toward the staircase.

Will Super Teen Escape?

Super Teen and the Drug Lord slowly made it up the staircase. When the reached the top, three of the Drug Lord's henchmen who were playing cards in a corner of the room. They turned and looked with startled looks on their faces.

"Just do as she says," the Drug Lord said.

"Right, do as I say or I'll rip his arm off!" Super Teen said. "Now, where's the phone?"

"Over to the left," the Drug Lord said.

Super Teen dragged the Drug Lord toward the phone.

"When we get there, you're going to pick it up and dial 555-1111, which is the police," Super Teen said. "And then ..."

Suddenly Super Teen tripped over a bump in the run and fell backward, releasing her grip on the Drug Lord, who rolled toward his henchmen.

"Bet you wish you was wearing something other than high heels, little girl!" the Drug Lord said. He turned to his henchmen. "SEIZE HER!"

Super Teen rushed to the phone and tried to dial, but one of the henchmen ripped the phone cord from the wall. She bolted for the door, but the other two henchmen moved to block it.

Super Teen crouched into her fighting pose. The Drug Lord grabbed her from behind and pinned her arms behind her back. One of the henchmen loaded up to throw a punch, but Super cocked her legs and delivered a blow to henchman's stomach, sending him backward. Super Teen then flipped the Drug Lord, sending him crashing hard on his back.

Two other henchmen rushed Super Teen, but she flipped them both. As the third henchman occupied her, the Drug Lord grabbed the long phone cord that was ripped from the wall. He came up on Super Teen from behind and quickly wrapped it around her torso, pinning her arms against her side and tied it tight.

Super Teen attempted to run from the Drug Lord but stumbled and fell.

"Get some rope," the Drug Lord motioned to his henchmen. "Let's get this bitch secured."

Super Teen flailed away with her legs the best she could, but the Drug Lord looped the rope around her knees and suddenly knotted them together. He then took some ropes and bound her ankles and took some more rope and wrapped it around waist.

The Drug Lord stood triumphant over the bound titan.

"You will pay a price for defying the Drug Lord!" he said.

It Doesn't Look Good For Our Heroine. What Is Her Fate?

The Drug Lord took another piece of long rope, looped it around Super Teen's ankles, tossed the free end over a rafter and jerked Super Teen into the air. He secured the free end to a heavy piece of furniture. As Super Teen dangled upside down in the air, the Drug Lord and four henchmen circled their captive.

"The girl kicked out one of the my teeth," said one of the henchmen as he spit the tooth into his palm. "I want first crack at her."

"You'll get your chance," said the Drug Lord, "after me."

The Drug Lord dropped to his knees. Super Teen's head was about a foot off the floor, which left the Drug Lord's face staring at Super Teen's trim waist.

"Get your hands off me you filthy creep," Super Teen said.

"Such language, my dear," the Drug Lord taunted. "You're probably wondering what I have planned for you."

"You'll never get away with it," Super Teen said.

"You haven't even heard it first, my dear." the Drug Lord said. "I have a site reserved for you ... at the bottom of Big Mud Lake. Once you're safely under water, I can resume business at Westside Junior High... ha. ha, ha."

"You pervert!" Super Teen snarled.

"But you're not headed for Big Mud Lake right away --it would be wrong not to have a going away party first - right guys," the Drug Lord said as he turned to his henchmen, who laughed diabolically in agreement.

Super Teen thrust and thrashed as hard as she could to get away, but she couldn't loosen her bonds. Her struggles entertained the four evil men that stared at her. The Drug Lord reached up and began caressing Super Teen's thighs. "Oooo ... so smooth, so sweet." He then kissed the very upper part of her leg, where the skin met the leotard. He felt the area around her butt. "I think I feel underwear. I wonder what color. We'll just have to take the costume off and find out."

Super Teen desperately wanted to escape. She made progress working her right arm free of the ropes and telephone cords when the Drug Lord walked to the desk and pulled out a long needle, which he held up and admired.

"It will be a lot easier to remove the costume if we put you to sleep first," the Drug Lord said. He moved toward Super Teen and stuck the needle in the upper part of her right leg. Super Teen let out an injured groan, struggled a few more seconds and then fell silent and limp. "Cut her down boys, and take her to the downstairs cot!"

Super Teen Stripped Of Her Uniform And Strapped To The Drug Lord's Bed? Is There Any Hope For Truth And Justice? Tune In Next Episode!

Super Teen lay unconscious and spread-eagle on the Drug Lord's cot in just a pair of white nylon panties, a white training bra and her black high heels. Her costume was hung neatly on the wall. She began to slowly regain consciousness. She half-consciously attempted to get up and then the horror realization came over her face -- she was bound to the bed.

She began to tug at the ropes with all four of limbs, but the ropes wouldn't budge. She then heard the Drug Lord's voice from upstairs.

"Sounds like Super Teen is awake," the Drug Lord said. "You'll have to excuse me boys, I have a date. While Super Teen and me are getting better acquainted, you guys get over to Westside Junior High and let them know the Drug Lord is back in business!"

The Drug Lord made his way downstairs and walked to the cot where his captive girl lay. He let out a sigh and then a diabolical laugh.

"What is it about a girl tied up in her underwear that's so beautiful," he asked?

"You miserable ..." said Super Teen, whose words trailed off as she continued to twist and turn in a futile effort to break free.

"At a loss for words, I see," the Drug Lord said. "I guess you run out of epithets pretty quick when you can't use swear words. A good girl like you would NEVER swear."

"I won't sink to your level," Super Teen said.

"Oh well, enough of the preliminaries," the Drug Lord said. "It's not fair that I get to look at you in your underwear while I'm fully clothed."

The Drug Lord took off his clothes. As he removed his boxer shorts, a look of revulsion came over Super Teen. She had never seen a man naked before, and was not at all sexually excited by the Drug Lord's physical features.

"Well, young lady, get ready for your first sex education course," the Drug Lord taunted.

He put knelt over the heroine and placed his knees astride the heroine with his penis dangling near her belly button. He began caressing her rib cage when all of a sudden, an unbelievable force sent the Drug Lord backward.

"Claude!" exclaimed Super Teen.

With one hand, Claude had grabbed the Drug Lord by the neck and threw him across the room.

"Are you alright Super Teen," Claude asked.

"Yes ... how did you do that?" she asked.

Claude pointed to his ear.

"I escaped and found your magic earring. Mind if I assist a damsel in distress?"

"My pleasure," beamed Super Teen.

Claude ripped the ropes from the bed that bound Super Teen. She sat up, rubbed the ropes marks from her hands and feet and put on her uniform.

"It was fund tossing villains and bending pistols for a few minutes," said Claude as the removed the earrings, "but they look better on you."

"Thank you Claude."

Claude called the police, and Super Teen regained her powers. Justice was back on top.

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Interesting story but kind of boring. You have Super Teen using magic bracelets like Wonder Woman to give her the ability to repel bullets and maintain super strength but Claude used a magic earring to save her. Keep the source of her power straight. You went through a lot of trouble with the setup then threw the story away. No description of Super Teen naked and nothing happening to her. I hope there's another story where Claude gets a proper reward for saving Super Teen.

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