Summer Collection, Part 3

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by Rider


Published: 18-Jul-2012

Word Count:

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show Story Summary
This story contains graphic depictions of sex, especially paedophilic sex. If this offends you, please do not read them or download them. Please read the subject header for info regarding story content. I am trying my best not to offend anyone, and I ask that you consider the story content as described above before you read the stories. All of the stories are consensual except for one scene where the girl is asleep.

This is intended for adults only. If you are offended by graphic descriptions of a sexual nature, please, don't read this or download it.

If this is illegal wherever you are reading this, stop now.

It is a story of paedophilia and some incest, so be forewarned that such reading may be extremely disturbing. It is also important that the reader realize that this is a work of fiction. None of the actions have occurred in real life to my knowledge and none of the characters exist outside of my mind.

Chapter 1

At this moment in her life, Summer felt as low as she had ever felt. She sat on the back porch, alone, with her head in her hands sobbing for an hour after the family had returned from the courtroom for the last time. She loved her uncle and had seen him despised, stripped of dignity, and jailed because he had been caught sexually molesting her. It was her fault that he was in jail, she thought. She just wanted to make him happy and got careless.

Who would take care of her and her brother and sister now, she wondered. The business belonged to Uncle John and just about the whole family worked for him, so there would be no income. Selling the business would tide them over for a while, but then...

It had been many years, but she remembered what it was like living with her mother and Bob before her uncle and Amanda had taken them in. As the oldest, she did what she could to protect her brother and sister from Bob's wrath and Dawn's neglect. She was only four when they moved and she feared they might have to move back. Jenn's custody was based on her ability to provide for the children. Now, she was jobless. Bob and Dawn, on the other hand, both worked, at least most of the time. Bob was a roustabout in the West Texas oil fields and Dawn worked in various fast food restaurants. Times had been tough, but lately work had been steady.

Barbie came out and put her arm around her sobbing sister to console her. She was almost eight years old and too young to really understand what was about to happen, but she knew her sister was hurting. She too had loved Uncle John, and she couldn't understand why he was in jail. She had not been permitted to go to the trial and Amanda and Jenn, who provided all of the testimony for the prosecution, were apparently unaware that Barbie and Cory were also sexually involved at times with John.

When the tears stopped, Summer reflected on her relationship with her Uncle John. For her, the sex was mainly to please him. She adored him and there was nothing she wouldn't have done. She proved that when she tried to take the blame at the trial, but her efforts failed miserably. As for enjoyment, many things they did were not especially pleasing in and of themselves. A blow job only provided him sexual pleasure and, she had to admit, cum was not that tasty. But she pleased him by swallowing it and that made it worth the discomfort. It wasn't swallowing the cum that gave her pleasure, it was knowing that the sight made Uncle John happy.

She remembered when she began to use the dildo. She knew that the goal was to make her vagina big enough for his cock, but it was painful to insert at first. It took her several days before it could fit into her vagina even using lubrication. It even hurt when he first put his penis into her, but she wasn't doing it because she wanted sex. She did it because she wanted him to love her. Basically, it was the same reason she studied in school. She wanted him to be proud of her.

Holding his hand, having his arm around her, and all the rest made her feel closer to him, and they were never closer than when they shared sexual intimacies. He was hers, at least for that moment, but there was no jealousy.

She wanted him to be happy and, if that meant sharing him with his wife or with her sister and brother, then that was what she wanted too.

Her step-father, she remembered, used to hit her and her siblings. Sex for her was just a diversionary tactic. She figured out what he wanted and it became a tool to save herself and her brother and sister from his violence. Perhaps she had become somewhat indifferent to sex as a result. It wasn't until she found closeness with Uncle John that sex became more than a shield. It became a part of what she considered to be a special relationship.

Dawn had finally married Bob and it wasn't long before Dawn sued for a return of custody. The court saw no reason, given the current circumstances of the two families and the recent abuse case, not to return the children to their parents. Summer, however, had other ideas. She decided that, as the oldest of the children, she should call a kid conference and lay out her plans.

"There's no way we are goin' back. You guys are too young to remember, but Bob hurt us. All of us," Summer said, addressing Barbie and Cory.

"I suppose you've got a better idea," Cory sarcastically commented. At nine years old, he was independent and somewhat cocky (no pun intended). However much he put his sister down, down deep he respected her opinion.

"Do ya'll remember Ben?" asked Summer in reply. Ben was their cousin by one of Jenn's other sisters and always seemed to be available when the family needed him.

"Sure," said Barbie. "He was just here about a year ago visiting."

Summer watched their faces for signs of recognition of her plan. Cory's face lit up immediately and Barbie's soon after.

After contemplating briefly, Cory offered his analysis. "Ben would have to hide us for a long time. If the law found out, we'd go to Odessa anyway. We still have to go to school and they will want records. I hate to say it sis, but even if Ben agreed I don't think we could pull it off."

"Ben would be risking a lot, but he knows how we used to live. I could be wrong, but I think even Gramma might go along with this plan," responded Summer.

The kids sat on the porch until the sun had completely set discussing this and other ideas. Jenn called out that supper was ready and the kids reluctantly went in to eat. Later, after supper, Jenn was washing the dishes and Summer walked up to help her. As they washed and dried, Summer decided to test the waters.

"Gramma, I- we don't want to go back," she began hesitantly.

"I know, honey, but there isn't anything else we can do. Your mother won custody so..." She stopped washing and started to cry. "I'm so sorry honey," she wept, "I tried to do my best for all of you and I didn't do such a good job."

Summer grabbed her grandmother's arm and made her look into her eyes. "You did fine. Things didn't turn out like we hoped, but we can still make it right."

Jenn wiped her tears and her voice became angry, "That sick son of a bitch!"

Summer hadn't wanted to discuss her Uncle John, but the conversation turned that way anyway. She defended him and repeated what she had said on the witness stand. Her grandmother was a stone wall though and so Summer tried to change the subject.

"Gramma, we don't have to go back. There's another way," she offered.

It took some time for Summer to explain her plan and cover Cory's objections, but her grandmother listened patiently and appeared to show some interest. Or perhaps she was being patronizing. Summer had the floor though and made the most of her chance to convince her grandmother of the plan's viability.

It almost shocked Summer when Jenn agreed to help put the plan into motion, but that was only the very first step. Numerous obstacles remained, not the least of which was that no one had spoken to Ben about this plan. Jenn knew she would likely be labeled a kidnapper and possibly jailed, but this time the law was wrong.

Time was getting short and so Jenn decided to put all of her eggs in this one basket. After some packing and work with the school, she put the kids into the car and they drove to Ben's place -- a long drive indeed.

Ben owned a ranch in north Texas where he lived alone. He was divorced, but had no children. Not that he didn't want any. It seems that his wife was barren. A blessing in retrospect, but it had caused a lot of heartache and contributed to his divorce.

Jenn and the kids drove down the paved road and then the long winding dirt driveway to Ben's house and stopped the car. Jenn told them to stay in the car while she went to the front door and knocked. Ben let her in and a few minutes later, Jenn came out and said, "Get your things. You'll be staying here for a while."

With unlimited childish energy, the three children unloaded their things and practically ran into the house. It was a large house, one story, and comfortably furnished. Each of the children had their own bedroom for a change. Even at John's house Cory and Barbie had to share a room, so for them this was paradise. Jenn had to go back in order to take the heat and keep their whereabouts hidden. She would take the whole blame, saying she lied to Ben. She held her tears until the car left the ranch.

There was no school in session at this time, so time was spent on the ranch mostly. They helped with chores, played with some of the animals, explored, and made this their home. Riding on horseback was something new, but they learned quickly.

Summer's exploration of her new environment was not limited to the living areas and outside; she also explored Ben's bedroom. She discovered that he was not unflawed. Porno magazines were stuffed in boxes in his closet and videotapes had their own "secret" storage place. From the covers and titles alone, she knew the videos had to be really raunchy. She couldn't help showing all this to the others, but after that she had a problem with Cory sneaking into Ben's room. She, too, was curious, but she didn't want to be caught digging in his private things. That would be rude.

One evening, she heard strange noises from the master bedroom and decided to peek through the keyhole. Ben was totally naked and lying on the bed with a porno magazine in one hand and his cock in the other. Instead of averting her eyes, she watched intently as he alternately stroked and turned the pages.

Barbie walked up and asked her, "Whatcha doin'?"

Summer was startled, but managed to whisper, "Nunya [short for none of your business]! Now, go away!"

Barbie elbowed in and whispered, "I wanna see!"

Rolling her eyes, and sighing, Summer acquiesced, but shortly said, "That's enough!"

"You just want to watch him squirt!"

"So what if I do." And she did. Although quite familiar with ejaculation, she had never seen a man masturbate.

Barbie stomped off to the living room and sulked while Summer kept her eye plastered to the keyhole. It wasn't long before he did indeed "squirt," splattering cum over his abdomen. He put the magazine down and sat up causing dribblets of cum to run downwards. As he stood, his cock pointed directly at the door and the head was covered with cum. He turned and walked towards his bathroom and she lost sight of him, so she went to the living room where Barbie still sat sulking.

In her brief, but detailed, experience with men, Summer noted that they seemed to be attracted to prepubescent girls, so when Ben was in the same room with the children, she watched him like a hawk. The idea of her little sister being molested, however unlikely, and her new role as "mother protector" gave her the self-assigned duty of supervising Ben with the children. There would be no hanky panky while she was around. She also knew all the tricks, so she knew what to look for, but there never was any indication that Ben was the least bit interested. In kids, that is. Well, there were some magazines with young females, but no children.

She wondered, however, if he might be interested sexually in her. One time, when they were dressed up to go to town, he smiled at her and said, "My, but don't you look sexy!"

That, to Summer, was different. He obviously appreciated her adolescent beauty which was not the same as being attracted to children. And, she was a beauty. Her breasts had started to grow, but at age eleven, she still lacked pubic hair and she had not experienced menarche, though she knew what it was, at least in principle.

She still didn't own a bra, but there was really no need on the ranch. She usually wore tee-shirts but as she grew in stature and bosom size, the teeshirts had become a little tight. Comparing herself with the women in the porno magazines, she lacked a lot, but she was almost as big as some of the smaller ones, so she felt attractive.

Ben began to treat her like a lady. She also found his eyes following her, lingering on her developing chest and her longish legs.

The three children shared a bathroom down the hall which was usually well stocked with towels, but one night there were none. Summer decided to dash to her room, but ran straight into Ben who was carrying a stack of towels. He stood and stared for a moment, speechless, not realizing that he was blocking Summer's way. He didn't even move until Summer reached with both hands and grabbed the top towel and began to wrap it around herself.

"I- I'm sorry, I didn't get these into the bathroom earlier," he stammered.

It was just a little obvious that he was infatuated with her and she decided to call him on it once and for all.

"You just wanted to see me nekkid, didn't you?" she challenged. It was not an angry voice, but rather a sly, knowing tone.

"No! That's not it! I swear I --"

His denial was cut short as she removed the towel and calmly walked past him to her bedroom.

He was jarred back into reality when the door closed and resumed his totally ineffectual denial through the door, "Really! I'm tellin' the truth. Summer, I'll make sure there are towels from now on. Ok?"

Summer, listening from the other side of the door as she dried off, smiled mischievously as she decided to let him squirm. She was almost disappointed when she heard his heavy boots clomp down the hall, but she felt she had made her point. There was also a twinge of guilt. Perhaps it was a little cruel to have flaunted her naked body like that after he had been so generous, but his attraction was so obvious that he deserved to be teased.

Of all the things she did on the ranch, she loved most to ride on the back of his horse with him. He never failed to offer and she rarely declined, so she had become pretty familiar with the layout of the ranch. There were some beautiful spots; streams, hills and trees. Nothing like she had seen where she had lived before.

One day, though, she fell off the horse and struck a rock under her right arm.

They returned immediately to the ranch house, but it did not appear that she had broken a rib. It was embarrassing when it happened, and it got even more embarrassing later.

Ben said, shyly, "I'm sorry darlin', but you're goin' to have to take off your shirt for me to treat that."

She shrugged, painfully as it turned out, and removed her tee-shirt before sitting in a chair in the kitchen. Cory and Barbie came into the kitchen, but Ben sent them into the living room.

"She's not hurt that bad. Ya'll go into the living room and we'll be along shortly," he said, and the younger two left after satisfying their curiosity.

The actual wound was an abrasion about 2-3 inches in diameter and fairly superficial. He put some salve on his hand and, tentatively at first, started to gently apply the salve to the raw skin. Summer flinched at first, but then the discomfort vanished. His hand movements, however continued in increasingly large circles until she noticed that he had reached the side of her small breast. Her nipples hardened and she found it pleasurable. It had been a long time since she had been close to anyone. It pleased her that he had also found her breasts worth attention, however poorly disguised. To uncover the disguise, she raised her arms and put her hands behind her head, leaving her small breasts totally exposed. His gentle rubbing continued and, as his hand moved forward onto the side of her breast, she sat backwards in the chair. His hand slipped around the front and paused, virtually holding her breast, before returning to the task of rubbing the salve onto the abrasion.

Still holding her hands behind her head, she had watched his hand cover her breast and said nothing. She continued to look down at her breast, now shiny with the lineament, and then said, "You missed a spot."

"Where," he said, following her gaze to her breast and then staring unabashedly.

She reached her left hand from behind her head and pointed to the erect nipple before saying, "There."

He didn't argue. He didn't think there was anything wrong with the nipple either. He simply slid his hand over the side of her breast to the front and caressed the nipple with his fingers, still coated with the salve.

As he intently performed this "task" she asked him, "Ben, are you stiff?"

"What?" he asked, not lifting his eyes or his fingers.

"Is your penis hard?" Summer asked bluntly.

That got his attention and he removed his hand and stood up, turning away to put up the salve. "Course not," he finally replied.

"I think you're lyin'" challenged Summer. "I could even tell you were getting stiff when we were riding horseback."

"Well, you're wrong. Now why don't you go into the living room with your brother and sister and I'll be along after a while," he said without looking at her.

Summer snuck up behind him and quickly reached around his hips to the front of his jeans slapping one hand firmly over his rock hard erection. "Don't lie to me!"

"I- I'm s-sorry. I, uh, didn't think that, uh," he mumbled until Summer began to stroke the front of his jeans. "Why are you doin' that?" he finally asked.

"Because you're a liar," she answered with a truly wicked grin, continuing the slow massage.

He sighed deeply and stood still for a moment, but then said, "I've got to go."

Without another word, he turned and walked away. Summer felt rejected for a moment, but then wondered if just maybe...

She tiptoed past the living room where her siblings were watching television and knelt in front of Ben's door to peer into the keyhole. She delighted to see him laying on his bed masturbating, partly because there was no magazine. It gave her satisfaction to know that he didn't need anything but the memory of her to make him cum. And cum he did. She watched as spurts shot clear over his head. Some landed on his chest and abdomen, but she noted some landed on his face. Once again, he rose and walked to the bathroom where she couldn't see him.

With the relationship now at a more intimate level, she felt powerful enough to tease him about this "habit" of his. She knew he would absolutely flip if he knew she had seen him.

It wasn't hard to tell when he was going to masturbate. He would excuse himself early from the living room and immediately close his door. She didn't think he locked it though. To make sure he was thinking of her instead of using a magazine, she wore something special; a skirt with a halter top that was too loose. She practiced leaning over in the mirror to be sure that her breast would show and then later that night she sprung her trap.

They were in the living room watching a serial when she leaned back and crossed her legs. She figured he could probably see her panties since she crossed them like boys do. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw him eyeing her and once returned his gaze. He immediately returned his attention to the television, but she watched his face for a while, knowing that he could tell she was watching. Not long after, she feigned interest in a particular part of the show and leaned over, putting her elbows on her knees and her chin in her hands. At that angle, she knew he could see her breast. She stayed like that for longer than necessary before leaning back again.

He got up, as she knew he would, and said he was tired and needed to go to bed early. She gave him a few minutes and quietly approached his bedroom door. Sure enough, when she looked through the keyhole, he was naked as a jaybird and beating his meat. Well, she thought, let's make his dream come true.

She opened the door and walked towards the bed. As soon as he detected she was in the room, he tried to sit up, but she put her hand on his chest and pushed him back down. He lay there with both hands covering his penis (it took both hands) and staring at her like she was crazy.

"Do you need a hand?" she asked.

"Thank you, but I've got two," he replied.

"Been thinking about me?" she pried, teasingly.

"What makes you think that?"

As she explained that she had watched him through the keyhole, and deliberately showed him her breast, she reached down and put her hand on top of his two hands. She silently rubbed his hands over his, imitating his movements as she walked in the door. She gave no mercy and expected nothing less than total surrender.

Although obviously stimulated, he managed to say, "This ain't right. We shouldn't be doin' this. You're just a little girl and --"

His speech froze when she bent over and kissed his hands as they lay covering his erect cock. With little resistance, she pulled his hands away and, while still holding them, kissed his phallus. She smiled briefly when the cock twitched and hit her in the nose, but continued to plant little kisses along it's length. She let go of his hands and they fell to his side. His neck was bent and he was immersed in watching her.

She began to move her lips along the front of the shaft back and forth, still not touching it with her hands. Gently brushing it with her lips, her head moved side to side and her body swayed. Her breast was clearly visible, nipple and all, and he finally felt emboldened to move his hand to her breast which he caressed and squeezed gently. Her breasts were too firm to hang or sway, but their shape was perfect with slightly protruding nipples that he could not resist.

After teasing him with her lips, she grasped the shaft firmly and began to stroke in earnest. He had a sudden look of anxiety, and there was a drop of precum exuding from the opening of his cock. Noticing his face, she recognized that he would be cumming soon, so she placed her head on his stomach and licked the drop of precum as she continued to stroke vigorously. As she started to lick another drop of precum, he groaned and a stream of cum shot onto her tongue that splattered onto her upper lip. She moved her head downward and closed her lips over the head as he fired another blast that hit her soft palate and shot down her throat. Copious quantities of semen poured out for another few twitches before it stopped.

She pulled her mouth off the head of his still erect phallus with an audible pop and pressed her breast into his hand.

"Next time, let me know if you need a helping hand," she offered.

Chapter 2

Summer had left the door open when she entered the room and it was only now that she and Ben noticed Barbie standing there. When Barbie realized she had been noticed, she turned and ran to her bedroom and slammed the door.

"I'd better talk to her. She's upset," Summer insisted.

"I guess so. Seeing something like that would upset any 8 year old," Ben remarked.

Summer didn't stop to explain that Barbie had seen much more graphic sex and, in fact, had been sexually involved with Uncle John -- and even Summer herself. Walking quickly to Barbie's door, Summer knocked twice before saying, "Barbie, let me in. We need to talk."

"Go away!" was all that Barbie replied. It wasn't clear to Summer if it was anger or hurt, or both, but she knew she had to talk with her. Summer had always been close to her sister and this distance was unnatural. Taking a deep breath, Summer opened the door which was left unlocked (deliberately?) and walked in.

Barbie lay on the bed curled into a ball and facing away from Summer. There was no movement, no audible crying, and no acknowledgement of Summer's presence. For several minutes, Summer did most of the talking; never apologizing, but acknowledging that she had spent more time with Ben than anyone else and that she had become more intimate than she had planned. Before long, Barbie began to engage Summer and eventually she was able to put into words her angst and understand better why she felt that way.

It was the kind of heart-to-heart talk that makes sisters special. The upshot of the conversation was that Summer promised not to hoard his company and Barbie would be included more in everything from chores to horseback riding. Barbie and Summer hugged as Barbie wiped her tears on her sister's halter-top.

"Your boobies are really gettin' big!" commented Barbie as she gazed at her sister's halter top. She pulled up her pajama top and, looking down at her own flat chest, she pondered out loud, "I wonder if I'll ever grow."

"Mine aren't so big. Remember the magazines Ben has in his closet?" Summer grabbed the material of the halter top and bunched it up, revealing her small firm breasts.

"I still think you're beautiful. Can I touch them?" inquired Barbie.

"Sure," replied Summer.

Barbie reached out and touched her left breast, rubbing and squeezing it lightly. Summer, despite herself, started to think about Ben's hand on her breast; how warm it felt, how tenderly he moved his hand...

"Look," remarked Barbie, "your nipple is standing up!"

"Yeah," Summer responded distantly. Snapping back into reality, Summer said, "Don't worry. Yours will grow when you're old enough."

Barbie leaned over and began to suckle Summer's right breast.

Summer laughed and said, "What do you think you're doing?"

Barbie took her lips off of Summer's erect nipple long enough to reply, "I want some milk."

Summer was trying to think of how to explain that she couldn't give milk, but the sensation was driving her crazy. Her nipple was sensitive, but not in a painful way; it seemed to be directly connected to her cunt. The sensation was new and intensely delicious so she decided she would give Barbie a lesson in sex education another time. She closed her eyes and squeezed her legs together, wanting to reach between them and rub, but decided that would be too obvious.

Barbie, however, soon lifted her head and said, "I can't get no milk. Why not?"

Summer took a deep breath before explaining, "I'm too young and I haven't had any children."

"Ok," Barbie said as she started to get under the covers. "I guess I'm going to sleep now."

"Sweet dreams," Summer said quietly before rising and leaving the room. Going to her own room, she had a lot to think about. She undressed and looked in the mirror, noting her breasts, but also the lack of pubic hair. Ben was attracted to her and she could turn him on, but what if he saw that she was hairless -- just a kid -- would that change his mind? There was definitely something happening to her, but she wasn't clear what. She lay on the bed and experimented with rubbing her breasts, but it just wasn't the same as when someone else did it. Moving her hands lower and raising her legs, she rubbed her cuntlips and clitoris more or less idly. She closed her eyes and imagined Ben coming to her, reaching between her legs, putting his finger into her, kissing her...

Just then, there was an almost inaudible tap on the door. She rose and went to the closet to get her robe which was old and tattered and a little small for her before returning to the door.

"Who is it?" she inquired, not too loudly so as not to wake everyone.

"It's me, Ben. We need to talk."

This sounded serious. She feared he had come to say that he didn't want anything to do with her, and she didn't want to hear that so she replied, "Now?"

"Yes, now. And no, it can't wait," he said, anticipating her next question.

She opened the door and he slowly entered dressed in his pajamas and robe. She closed the door behind them and self-consciously went to the bed to sit down. His eyes followed her and then he sat next to her. The silence was deafening, but it startled her when he spoke.

"It's about earlier. I guess it's my fault and it won't happen again, I promise," he began.

"No, it's my fault. I started it and I wanted it. I still want it."

Ben shifted to make room for the unexpected growth of his cock before continuing, but when he looked back at Summer, she had leaned back on her elbows. Her gown had pulled up to show almost all of her thighs. Just a little higher and...

Breaking off that chain of thought, Ben said, "It doesn't matter whose fault it is. I'm supposed to be caring for you and, and, "

Summer sat up again and took his hand. "I don't want it to stop. And you *do* care for us."

There was an awkward moment when Summer reached up with her other hand to caress his face and he bent down to kiss her, paused briefly, and then pressed his lips against hers. Summer moved her hand downwards to his groin and found what she knew was waiting there. When he tried to pull away, her face followed him keeping her lips against his and she reached into his loose pajama bottoms to grasp his naked phallus which was now fully erect.

"Oh, Summer, you don't know what you do to me! You're drivin' me nuts!" he said against her lips.

She moved her hand down just a little and gently cupped his scrotum. "Did you say nuts?"

That did it. They laughed and the tension was gone. He slowly pushed her back until she lay on the bed with her legs dangling off the side. While kissing, Ben placed his hand on her thigh.

Summer suddenly sat up, practically throwing Ben off the bed.

"I'm so sorry," he began to apologize. "I went too far. I should'a known better than that."

Summer looked him in the eyes and said, "It's not that! It's --something else."

"Are you on your period?" he speculated.

"I want you to think of me as a woman," Summer said as she rose from the bed and stood before him.

"I do! Christ, I do!" he protested.

Summer opened her gown and let it slide off her shoulders. Standing before him completely naked, she let him take in the sight for a while. His eyes traveled over her body and rested on her hairless pubis. And rested. And rested. Well, he just stared, unable to tear his eyes away.

"Can you still think of me as a woman?" she finally asked.

He slid from the bed onto his knees in front of her before he said, "That is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen."

"You like it? I mean, that it doesn't have any hair?" she probed.

"Like it? I love it! Oh, God, it is so beautiful," he replied unable to keep his eyes off.

Summer could tell he was trying for a better look, so she gently pushed his back against the bed and straddled him. She kept her hairless cunt inches from his face, thankful that he was not turned off by it. From his response, she even thought he might be turned on by the sight.

She put both hands on his head and he began to move his head towards her pussy. She bent her knees and spread her legs a little further as she pressed her hairless cunt against his face. He turned his face upwards and began to lick her cuntlips, finally probing into her vagina with his tongue.

She held his head even more firmly, drawing him into her. She wanted to absorb him, to make him part of her. Slowly, gently, but with definite pressure, she moved her hips, moving his tongue in and almost out. She felt a heaviness in her pelvis that urged her to hump his face. Instead of moving faster, she moved slower and slower until she had almost imperceptible, but uncontrollable, twitches of her pelvis that kept his tongue planted as deep into her cunt as it would go. Her eyes closed and she breathed deeply. Shakily, she straightened out her legs and reluctantly lifted off of his face.

With only a bedroom light on, she could still see that his lips and chin were shiny from his saliva and her wetness.

Still straddling him, she squatted down, feeling with her hand for his erection which was standing proud as it poked through his pajamas. Still sitting on his heels, he guided her boyish hips with his hands as he lowered her onto the head of his cock.

As he watched, almost unbelieving, he saw the hairless cuntlips spread to accommodate the head of his cock. She let her weight force it into her vagina through a passage so narrow that Ben was about to start lifting her off again and admitting defeat. Just as he was increasing the pressure of his hands on her hips, he felt the head of his cock reach an impossible warmth and slowly she slid down the shaft.

She almost began to cry when he reached bottom; not because of pain, but because he couldn't fit the whole thing into her. Both of them had been intently watching his cock slide into her pussy, but she looked into his eyes and said quietly, "I'm sorry! That's as far as it will go in."

"Oh, baby, don't you apologize! I'm flabbergasted! I didn't think it would fit at all for a while there. Does it hurt?"

Summer smiled and said, "No, it feels wonderful!" Well, she may have lied a little, but she wanted so much to have his approval that she would keep any discomfort to herself. To prove her point, however, she began moving up and down on the shaft. It was so tight that the skin on his penis was moving with her pussy lips over the shaft. It was as though he had a grip on his penis as tight as he could hold it, but it was so much warmer and softer. Bending his neck, he could just reach her breasts and he lavished attention on them with his mouth while she continued the rise and fall on his cock.

He held her in his arms as he leaned forward and lay her on the floor, never removing his cock from her hairless pussy and never taking his eyes off of their union either. His motions remained slow and calm, however. He was gentle and she soon gave into a feeling of completeness, wholeness and oneness that took her breath away.

When she opened her eyes, she said, "It's your turn."

That sent him over the edge in a hurry. He wrinkled his brow and, to her dismay, pulled out and shot onto her belly. The streams of semen were as forceful as they had been when he was alone, and perhaps even more, and one squirt struck her in the left eye and dribbled down to her lips.

As drops of cum continued to ooze out of his cock, she asked him, "What did you do that for?"

He looked up and said, "Oh, I'm sorry! Let me get you a towel."

Although her eye was watering and burning a bit, she said, "No, not that! Why did you pull out?"

"I didn't want to get you pregnant. Are you sure you don't want a towel?"

Keeping her left eye shut in a sort of permanent wink, she rose from the floor and put her arms around him. She licked the cum off her lips that her tongue would reach while he grabbed her robe and tried to wipe the cum out of her eye.

"Whenever you fuck me, and you can fuck me whenever, don't worry about getting me pregnant. At least not until I start getting my period," she said in a sultry voice that seemed so out of place for an eleven year old girl.

"I can't believe we did this," he said rhetorically.

"Do you wish we hadn't?" she asked with a worried look on her face and her actual eleven year old voice.

"No. I mean I can't -- Well, you're just so damn young. And so sexy! I just can't believe my luck, that's all."

He put his arms around her and his semen that was still on her abdomen cemented their bodies together, at least for the moment. As far as she was concerned, they were stuck together for life.

Not that she didn't realize that they were cousins; she just didn't care. She shared his ranch, his food, and she had shared her innermost being. At this moment, there was nothing she wouldn't do for him.

A few days later, Summer snuck into Ben's bedroom. She had decided that secrecy was necessary if only to protect the feeling of her sister. In every other way, her sister had been included more and more, but this was a personal thing. This time, she made sure, the door was closed.

They were naked in a flash of flying clothing. Summer teased him mercilessly with her hands and mouth until he had been on the verge of cumming several times. She pushed him down on the bed and straddled him, slowly rubbing her hairless pussy on his stomach while he rubbed his hands on her small firm breasts. His cock would bump up against her back when she slid backwards at first, but then she began to slowly hump her way up to his upper abdomen and chest. They both knew her goal was his mouth as she reached his chest and put her hands on either side of his head, preparing to plant her cunt on his mouth.

He almost came when he felt her hand around his cock and then her warm moist mouth and --

But her hands were on his head! He craned his neck to look around her side and saw the back of Barbie's head moving in sync with her upper body as she knelt by his hips and leaned over his lower abdomen. She was totally naked and, in his extreme state of arousal, the shock of the sight was too much. He lay his head back, looked up at Summer, and then grimaced as he closed his eyes.

"Oh no," he murmured as he began to cum. The first shot went into Barbie's little mouth and she moved her mouth back to swallow. As she did, another stream of cum blasted her lips and chin, but she had swallowed and opened her mouth for the third shot which seemed to bounce back out as she tried to put her mouth back onto the head of his cock. Finally making a seal with her lips, the remainder of the cum dribbled warm onto her tongue and she drank the semen as fast as it was produced, sucking and milking his cock at the end to extract the last remaining drops.

"Summer," he said quietly as his spasms left him weak and almost immobile.

Summer opened her eyes and smiled as she prepared to mount his mouth at last. He motioned with his hand to make her look behind her. She stopped and twisted her head and upper body to see her sister still fastened to the end of his cock.

"Barbie!" called her sister.

"Barbie lifted up and the cum dripped from her chin as she remarked, "I can play sex too!" She licked her lips and put his softening cock back into her mouth as she lay her cheek in the puddle of semen on his lower abdomen.

Summer sighed deeply. How can you argue with that? On the one hand, she was just a kid sister tagging along, interfering with her older sister's "date." On the other, she had promised Barbie not to exclude her. It was Summer who received the bulk of Uncle John's attention, but he was generous and she taught Summer that exclusivity was not necessary. It was possible to share and still have a good relationship.

Summer did not want to hurt Barbie. So the answer had to be to include her, at least sometimes. After looking into Ben's eyes for some sign, she found that he made no objections. She turned around on Ben's chest and lay down saying to her sister, "Move over a little." Together, they licked and played with his now mostly limp dick. Ben was afforded an unbeatable view of Summer's hairless twat and, since the opportunity presented itself, he began to lick and tongue fuck Summer.

It only took a few licks to inflame Summer's unrequited lust and she briefly stopped toying with his penis and lay her head down sideways on his belly in that puddle of semen. She slid backwards to give Ben better access and force her cunt onto his mouth, grunted softly with her eyes closed twice before relaxing completely.

Ben's phallus, meanwhile, had begun to revive and as it grew it brushed by Summer's forehead and touched her nose. Barbie wrapped her small hand around Ben's cock and began to massage it up and down.

"Summer, can I ride on it?" asked Barbie as she continued to move her hand on his cock.

"Wha?" said Summer as she opened her eyes. "What do you mean 'ride on it'?"

"I want to sit on it and ride it," replied Barbie.

Unsure of what Barbie had in mind, Summer slid off of Ben and lay on the side of the bed opposite Barbie. The two girls looked at Ben who was dumbfounded at the sight of the two girls faces smeared with globs of his cum. His cock began to harden from the spectacle as much as the stroking motions of Barbie's hand.

Summer asked, "Is it Ok?"

Replying to Barbie instead of Summer, "Honey, you can do whatever you want to." As Barbie started to straddle his pelvis, Ben looked at Summer with a look that said, "I can't believe this is happening" and then quickly winked at her.

Summer was pleased that Ben was being such a good sport about this and returned his smile and wink. It was a private moment. Something that was getting quite rare.

Summer and Ben watched as Barbie slid her hairless slit back and forth over Ben's cum-coated cock with hardly any resistance. She put one hand on his abdomen and held the other in the air as she said, "I'm a cowgirl!"

"Do like a horse, Ben" she implored.

Ben tilted his hips slightly which lifted Barbie and began to tilt them up when she slid forward and back when she slid backwards. In essence, Barbie was humping his cock and he was making fucking motions to meet her humping, but Barbie was enjoying the ride of her life.

"Yahoo!" shouted Barbie as she moved faster while Ben kept pace with her movements. Barbie may have just been having fun, but Ben was powerfully stimulated sexually. The pressure of her twat, the smooth skin, the slippery cum, and the rhythmic humping were moving him inexorably to orgasm. Not to mention the improbable sight of a preteen girl humping his phallus with cum still stuck to her face.

He reached down and grabbed her hips and started to hump in earnest, moving her back and forth almost forcefully as he rubbed his penis over the hairless lips between Barbie's legs.

"That feels good, Ben," commented Barbie as Ben was fast approaching climax. Barbie leaned back and placed her hands on his upper thighs as he took control of their movements. He could see the accumulated cum on the front of her pubis from the rubbing as he watched his cock move between her cuntlips, spreading the lips apart with each of his thrusts.

Summer had leaned back and lay next to Ben with her head resting on her elbow as she, too, watched his humping. His face turned red as he finally started to cum. Small spurts of cum hit his abdomen and then more oozed out around the head of his cock. Barbie sat up and looked at the gooey mess before looking at Ben and saying, "Now you have to clean me up."

Ben was about to get up to take Barbie to the bathroom to "clean her up" when she leaned forward and pushed his chest back onto the bed. Without further explanation, she crawled up to the head of the bed and straddled his head.

"Use your tongue. I like the way that feels," ordered Barbie who was never one to take no for an answer.

Barbie's cunt lips were covered in cum as she planted her hairless cunt over Ben's mouth. Ben put his hands around her tiny buttocks and moved her and his tongue to clean her thoroughly. Summer, meanwhile, had slid back down by his side and put his semi-hard cock into her mouth to give *him* a cleansing. With the cock clean as a whistle, she licked and slurped the cum from his abdomen and pubis until there were no traces except for the girls' faces.

When Barbie was satisfied that Ben had licked her clean, she started to lift herself off of his face, but he held her in place. It appeared he was enjoying the experience of licking the hairless cunt of an eight year old girl. He was really getting into it. Not that Barbie didn't think it felt good, she had just wanted him to lick the cum off. Since he was holding her anyway, she started to rock on his face in earnest while holding him by the head as he kept his hands firmly on her hips.

"You like that, huh?" asked Summer laconically as she watched her sister ride his tongue.

"Yeah," answered Ben and Barbie simultaneously, although Ben's answer was somewhat muffled.

"Your penis seems to like it to," observed Summer as she watched his erect cock throbbing and bobbing.

Barbie turned to ask her sister, "Can I put it inside of me?"

Suddenly, Ben stopped licking and sat Barbie on his chest. "Barbie, it's too big for you."

Summer offered, "There's something you may want to know about Barbie. I wasn't the only one that had sex with Uncle John. Believe me, your penis would fit."

Chapter 3

Ben looked from Summer to Barbie and back to Summer with definite surprise on his face. Was this an invitation, or just an explanation for Barbie's request. Would Summer get mad?

"I don't know if I should," he finally said although he was genuinely excited by the prospect.

"Well, then, let her," Summer said. "Come here, sis," she ordered and Barbie slid from his chest to his stomach backwards leaving a trail of saliva and cunt juices down the middle of his chest and upper abdomen.

Summer grasped Ben's cock, sucked it briefly for lubrication, and held it upright and still while Barbie lifted herself onto the engorged cock. Ben watched in amazement as his cock head slid between the tiny hairless lips and opened a space that did not seem possible. The head slipped in slowly as it met resistance, but Barbie was persistent and soon the head disappeared entirely. It was tight enough to be uncomfortable, but also tight enough to make him mad with ecstasy. Adding to the effort with his hips, half of his cock eventually made it into the preteen cunt.

Ben held Barbie by the hips and moved her up and down like he was masturbating with a toy doll. Barbie's expression was curious; a half open mouth/smile all in one. Summer put her forefinger and thumb around the base of Ben's cock and rubbed it up and down following the motion of her cunt.

Ben looked at the girls working in harmony and lost it. He started to cum and it seemed like it would never stop. A little cum seeped around his cock as it moved in and out of Barbie's cunt and dribbled onto Summer's hand. After what seemed like minutes, he finally sighed and lifted Barbie off of his cock. Large drops of cum oozed through Barbie's hairless slit and plopped onto Summer's arm and his lower abdomen.

"Oh, girls, I've had it! You've drained me of all I got," sighed Ben with a look of extreme satisfaction on his face.

Summer put her arms around Barbie and said, "Come on, I'll clean you out."

Barbie lay down on the bed with one leg still laying across Ben's abdomen and the other bent and spread wide. Summer got on her knees and put her head between Barbie's legs and started licking up the cum that had remained on her cuntlips and in the slit. With some sucking and tongue probing, Summer managed to clean Ben's cum from Barbie's cunt, leaving a little on her own face as she finally sat up.

Barbie asked Ben, "Can we go out and play now?"

Ben was almost unconscious, but managed to mumble, "Sure."

Barbie grabbed Summer's hand and they got off the bed together. As they walked towards the door naked, Ben looked up and watched their naked butts moving in sync.

"Hey, girls," Ben cautioned, "Don't forget to wash your faces before you go out!"

"Aw, Ben, don't you think we look pretty?" Barbie asked facetiously as she turned and posed with a silly grin.

"Very funny. I just don't want the ranch hands to get the wrong, er, right idea."

Everything at the ranch was not good times, however. News from home came that cast a pall on their fun. It seems that Jenn, Summer and Barbie's grandmother, had been thrown into jail for hiding the children. And, in spite of Summer's promise to share, she spent extra time with Ben which made Barbie jealous.

The sibling jealousy put Ben in awkward positions occasionally. One night Summer slipped into his room and wordlessly aroused him with her hand before climbing on for some mutual oral sex. Unfortunately, when she managed to get all of his cock into her mouth and throat, he couldn't bend his neck far enough to be able to reach her cunt. He had to content himself (and her) with his fingers which offered an unbeatable exploration of her smooth and hairless pussy. Eventually, she backed off and used her hand along the shaft of his phallus with her mouth over the head and he could just reach her cunt with his tongue.

After he came in her mouth and she was satisfied that he was well pleased, she tip-toed out of the room and quietly closed the door.

He was so satisfied that he just lay there motionless and drifted off to sleep. About thirty minutes later, he awoke to find Barbie on the bed with a mouthful of cock. Well, he wasn't about to object and Barbie wasn't going to leave, so he let her have her way. She wanted more than just oral sex, and insisted that he fuck her the way she had seen pictures of adults do it.

"I'm going to lie on my back and you get between my legs and put your penis in me. Ok?" she insisted.

Ben was not about to argue, so he slid over to give her room to lie down. She rolled over onto her back and immediately spread her legs as far as they would go. As he started to move between her legs, she started moving her hips up and down teasingly as if to promise him a good ride. Looking at her from above, he felt a twinge of guilt at being sexually aroused by this little girl -- and such lust as he had only rarely experienced. The discordant commixture of her youth and sexuality was so unexpected, and so erotic, that he couldn't have stopped if he wanted to -- which he didn't.

He lowered himself between her legs and felt her thighs against his hips as he used one hand for support and the other to guide his cock into her cunt. With the head poised to penetrate her vagina, he supported his upper body with both arms. Her head would only have reached his lower chest, so he couldn't lay on her. Keeping his body in that position, though gave him a distant perspective: He was like a voyeur watching himself fucking this eight year old girl. The sensations, however, were real; the warmth, tightness, and movements of her hips delivering on the promise of her earlier gyrations.

For Barbie, there were many levels of satisfaction. She was fucking her sister's lover; the sensations were extremely pleasant; she was warm, close and loved; and she was doing something only older people were supposed to do. There's also something about doing something "nasty" that had a definite attraction for Barbie. In the end, her goal was to have what Summer wanted. She wanted to satisfy Ben. Since cumming was the way a man got satisfaction, Barbie wanted his cum -- in her, on her, anywhere. She would have done anything to reach that goal, but Ben made it easy. He loved to fuck, or suck, or whatever, so all she had to do was be a little sex object and he would naturally erupt in short order.

Ben didn't let her down. It took disappointingly few strokes for him to reach the point of no return, but his eyes were forced shut by the intensity of his ejaculation as he fought both the urge to cum and the urge to ram his cock into her up to the hilt. Managing to remain almost still, his cock shot cum into her vagina repeatedly until the orgasm finally faded. Barbie felt the cum squirting and, while he lay still, slowly pumped her hips to milk the cock of every drop.

Withdrawing his cock, cum oozed out of her hairless slit, down the crack of her butt cheeks and onto the bed as he stared. As he lowered his head for a better look, she spread her legs still wider and lifted her hips up, inviting him to watch, or touch, or just know that she had his cum in her. Unable to resist the urge, he bent down still further and accepted the invitation, choosing to lick the cum from between her legs. Gently sucking, he received a glop of sperm on his tongue that he swallowed and proceeded to lick until long after there was no more cum. Barbie lay back and gently held his head to her cunt as she enjoyed the licking as much or more than the fucking.

When Ben finally lifted his head, it was his face that had cum on it for a change. She rose and walked to the door, pausing momentarily to turn and smile. As she walked out the door, Ben looked down at the cum stain on the bed. The whole thing was so unbelievable that if he hadn't been wide awake, he might have thought it was a wet dream.

This sibling rivalry was so obvious that it was embarrassing to Ben. When Summer would wear a miniskirt and a halter top, so would Barbie. When Summer wore makeup, so did Barbie. When Summer would sit near Ben, so would Barbie. Summer's every action would be echoed in a childish rendition as Barbie did everything she could to stay even with her sister. For Ben, however, the feelings of attraction were different for each of them.

For Summer, although she was still quite young, he felt attractions that were the same as for any woman. As a young woman, Summer was quite attractive and her figure was, er, developing in the right direction. For Barbie, there was the attraction of the forbidden, the notion that he was doing something that was not just inappropriate, but illegal. Secretly, he harbored a desire to keep things as they were; perhaps even to increase his activities. One thing he seemed sure of was that, although Barbie was competing with her sister, she was also keeping their private interactions to herself. She never told her sister of her late night visit or of others since that time.

He worried about getting caught when the two girls might come to him at the same time, not because of fear of Summer's turning him over to the police, but rather that he might lose her affections which he valued. To keep the sisters from running into each other in his bedroom, he began to take them outside of the house for hanky-panky.

Summer was busy with chores one morning so he got into his pickup and asked if Barbie wanted to ride along to see some of the ranch. She scooted next to him in the seat, mostly to spite Summer who she knew would be watching. Driving down the road, he put his hand on her thigh and rubbed the smooth skin, moving his hand under her skirt.

"You aren't wearing underwear!" he exclaimed. She parted her legs further to emphasize her lack of underwear and make his explorations easier.

"Do you mind?" she asked coyly.

He just looked down at her angelic face and smiled as he shook his head, more out of amazement at her brazenness as to say that he didn't mind.

Barbie turned towards him slightly and placed her right hand on his crotch where she encountered his cock, beginning to become erect, and started to rub slowly. He felt his face become flushed as he moved is hips in rhythm to her stroking. Meanwhile, he looked for the secluded place that he had in mind before he ever left the ranch house.

Turning onto a small one lane dirt road, he drove for a short time before pulling over under a tree. Barbie understood the reason for the stop and busily used both hands to undo his belt and unzip his pants. Ben's cock popped out and he nearly swooned as he felt first her small hands firmly grasping and stroking and then her warm moist mouth closing over the head.

While Barbie was occupied with his cock, he reached over her and began to stroke her between the legs and she lifted her right knee to give him better access. The feel of the smooth hairless pussy together with the exquisite attention of Barbie's hand and mouth soon brought him near climax.

Barbie briefly lifted her head off of his cock while she continued the stroking with both hands. "Are you gonna cum now?" she asked.

Ben was breathing deeply and only a few strokes from cumming so his response was simply to put his hand on the back of her head and guide her back down to his cock. He wanted to cum in her mouth; to know that his cum slid down this preteens throat and into her stomach, and as he was thinking this, he started cumming.

Barbie understood the nonverbal message as he gently held her head in place. Ben shot a powerful stream of cum that followed her soft palate into her throat where she swallowed it reflexively. Holding the rest of his cum in her mouth as she stroked persistently, her mouth became so full that there was barely room for the head of his cock.

When his contractions ceased and the flow of cum subsided, she carefully lifted her mouth off of his cock, turned her head upwards, and opened her mouth wide to show that she had a mouthful. She then closed her lips and swallowed the cum load in two gulps before she again opened her mouth to show him that there was no more remaining.

He zipped his pants and smiled at her before they drove back to the ranch house. Barbie flaunted the fact that she had been alone with Ben to Summer, but as far as he could tell, did not reveal the specifics of their "ride in the country."

At any rate, Summer accepted an offer from Ben to learn to drive the truck. His intention, however, was to get her away from the house and he was successful there, but things didn't turn out exactly as he had planned. At least, not at first.

Ben got Summer into the truck and she, like Barbie, immediately scooted over to sit right next to him. As they started driving, he was giving her instruction on the various steps in driving: starting the vehicle, the brake, accelerator, signals, etc. Summer gave no indication of interest in sexual activity, so he continued with the lesson.

He pulled off to the side of the road and put the vehicle in park and turned the engine off. Summer looked at him for a moment before asking, "Are you gonna move so I can sit there?"

His heart wasn't the only thing that sank, but he used another ploy first that he thought might gain her interest. He asked her to first sit on his lap to get used to the steering. She crawled into his lap and her head came to about his chin. Like a pro, she started the truck and put it into drive. With her sitting on his lap, this was a pleasant experience even without sex.

He gently pressed on the accelerator as she started to pull onto the road. With his hands free, he couldn't resist the temptation to place his arms around her. Not wishing to offend her in case she was not interested, he simply locked his hands in front of her waist and loosely held her in his lap.

Her weight, although she was not heavy, was pressing on his cock which wanted to be free, but was tightly restricted. Nonetheless, he resisted the urge to lift her up and straighten out his "would-be" growing phallus.

Her attention was entirely focused on driving. Despite the closeness, he was beginning to regret that he had ever suggested teaching her driving. All he was doing was -- teaching her to drive! But at least she was an attentive student and very bright.

She had done well with steering on the open road, but it was time to teach her to turn. The only road was the same two lane dirt road that he had driven with Barbie, but he had her put the blinker on and showed her how to brake for a turn. At first, the turn was slightly wide, but she finally compensated before the truck wound up in the brush by the side of the dirt road.

"Well," commented Ben, "You've got us this far, now you'll have to turn us around."

"Have I done Ok?" asked Summer, still not taking her eyes off the road.

"Great, darlin'. For your first time, I'm really impressed." And he was. It just wasn't how he had expected to be impressed.

She pulled the car off under a large shade tree (was it the same tree used by him and Barbie?) and put it into park. Reaching her arms above her head, she gently pulled his head down and gave him a kiss on the cheek. She whispered in his ear, "I've had enough driving for one day. I'll bet you're getting really uncomfortable with me sitting on your lap."

With that, she kept her arms around his neck and wriggled her hips slowly and seductively. He unlocked his hands and raised them to her breasts. Her hands remained around his neck and he began kissing her on the neck. Her writhing continued as his cock was beginning to conspicuously swell within his tight jeans.

She slid over to the right and began to undress unhurriedly, carefully placing her clothes on the seat to her right. She wore no bra or panties, so the undressing did not take long however. When she was totally naked, she unbuttoned Ben's shirt and peeled it off his back. She then undid his pants and slid them down to his knees exposing his rising cock.

He had expected her to sit on is lap facing him but instead she returned to the position she assumed when she was driving. His cock fit easily between her legs and she grasped it and gently moved it around.

"Let's see," she said, "this is first gear, this is second..."

She began massaging it up and down as she said, "...and this is overdrive."

She teased him a while longer by pressing the top of his cock against her lower abdomen and rubbing the underside with her hand while tilting her pelvis and rubbing her hairless pubis against the base. Ben, meanwhile, had his hands around her chest and gently cupped and massaged her small button-breasts as he humped between her thighs in rhythm with her pelvic movements.

Just as Ben was beginning to feel that he might cum, Summer lifted up and sat on his cock, guiding it firmly with her hand. With a few tentative up and down movements, the cock finally slid into the tight passage between her cuntlips. Summer placed her feet on the seat on either side of Ben's thighs to assist with movements and then held the steering wheel as she continued to move up and down.

"Now, this is the way to learn to drive!" she said as she began to grunt with each thrust. She let go of the steering wheel and leaned back against his naked chest. Ben replaced his hands around her budding breasts and used his arms to lift and lower her on his cock, more and more forcibly.

Summer leaned her head back onto his shoulder and asked, as he was approaching orgasm, "Can we drive back to the ranch like this?"

Ben was unable to answer. At just that moment, he began to shoot cum into her tight pussy with what felt like incredible force. Summer felt his cum and her vagina began to contract in rhythmic spasms uncontrollably while she made low sounds in her throat.

Soon they sat there quietly, breathing heavily, as Summer relaxed totally in his arms. Ben reached between her legs and felt her clitoris, still erect, and behind that his cock buried almost up to the hilt between the hairless lips. As his cock softened slightly, he could feel the cum oozing around his phallus and dripping between his legs and onto the seat of the truck. Fortunately, the truck seats were made of vinyl.

Summer turned her head and met his mouth with hers as she kissed him on the lips. Summer was flushed and weak as she lifted herself off of his cock. A gush of cum followed his cock and landed in his pubic hair, flowing between his legs.

She practically fell onto her back in exhaustion with her left leg near his right shoulder and her right foot resting on his left thigh. With her legs spread, he could see even more cum beginning to ooze from between the now mostly closed pussy lips. He helped her move a little more towards the passenger side, still lying on her back, and proceeded to lean over to lick and suck her cum-slick labia. Despite having just experienced what was perhaps the best orgasm she had ever felt, she had another, and another as his mouth and tongue licked, sucked and prodded her violated and cum-filled vagina.

It took a while, but they finally got dressed and returned to the ranch house.

Summer leaned against him and slept on the way back.

Upon reaching the ranch house, the ranch hands were all standing around the gate. A sheriff's car was parked in front. With some apprehension, Ben awakened Summer and told her to scoot over to the passenger side of the truck. No sooner had he parked behind the sheriff's car than the door to the house opened.

Cory and Barbie came out first. Cory's head was hanging low and Barbie was crying. A lanky sheriff came out next. Finally, a man stepped out from the shadows and met Ben's eyes. The man was dressed shabbily and wore a tattered cowboy hat, but there was no mistaking his identity. It was Bob, the step-father of the three children. Dawn, their mother, was nowhere to be seen.

Ben stepped out from the truck and walked towards the sheriff. Barbie ran towards him and grabbed him around the hips crying, "Don't let him take me! I don't want to go!"

"What's this all about, officer," inquired Ben, although he knew full well what was happening.

"Their father," said the officer pointing at the children, "has come to take them home. He and their mother gained custody a while back. You knew that, didn't you?"

"Hell, no," lied Ben. "When did this happen?" he asked in order to substantiate his feigned ignorance.

"Well, from what I gather, it was just about the time they came to live with you," replied the officer.

The game of cat and mouse continued for a while as Summer slowly exited the truck. The officer handed Ben the papers and Ben pretended to read them, but eventually, he had no option but to let them go with their step-father.

Ben was hardly listening to the officer's implied threats should the children return to the ranch. He was watching Bob load their belongings into his truck. The children all looked at him as they got in and even through the rear window of the truck as they drove off.

After the sheriff left, everything was quiet. Ben spent the rest of the day contemplating and remembering. He had done some things that, if the sheriff had known, he would have arrested Ben on the spot. His grief was mixed with relief. But the final emotion that he was left with was concern; about the welfare of the children. Maybe he hadn't been what they needed, but their step-father was bound to be worse.

Life would never be the same for any of them.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.