Summer Collection, Part 2

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by Rider


Published: 18-Jul-2012

Word Count:

Author's Profile

Story Summary
This story contains graphic depictions of sex, especially paedophilic sex. If this offends you, please do not read them or download them. Please read the subject header for info regarding story content. I am trying my best not to offend anyone, and I ask that you consider the story content as described above before you read the stories. All of the stories are consensual except for one scene where the girl is asleep.

This is intended for adults only. If you are offended by graphic descriptions of a sexual nature, please, don't read this or download it.

If this is illegal wherever you are reading this, stop now.

It is a story of paedophilia and some incest, so be forewarned that such reading may be extremely disturbing. It is also important that the reader realize that this is a work of fiction. None of the actions have occurred in real life to my knowledge and none of the characters exist outside of my mind.

Chapter 5

Fucking a six and a half year old girl is not easy. Even though Summer had dispensed with her hymen about six months ago, it required a large amount of patience and lubrication to achieve penetration. And then, I had to be careful not to get too carried away. Her vagina would only accommodate about half my cock at best. Moreover, there was the problem of height. I couldn't lie on top of her since her head would come about to mid-chest. The main remaining barrier was opportunity; a scarce thing in a house with 6 people including my wife, her mother, her younger brother and sister. I suppose that if it weren't illegal and immoral then the last obstacle would not be nearly so difficult to overcome, but that's the way it is.

Summer was a wonderful girl with a good sense of humor and what appeared to be a voracious sexual appetite. Her propensity for teasing and even sexual acts of various sorts in full view of the rest of the family made hiding the true nature of our relationship difficult. More and more, she would take advantage of sitting in my lap to arouse me and then bring me to orgasm as we sat in the living room watching television with the rest of the family. Penetration under these circumstances proved to be difficult and potentially conspicuous, so she began to arouse me with her buttocks and then bring my erect cock between her legs for a massage. She rarely wore panties anymore, so the sensation of my cock rubbing her thighs, cunt, and lower abdomen while she used both hands to press my cock against her lower abdomen was delightful.

As before, she usually covered our activities with a thick blanket. With a slow rhythm and steady pressure from her hands, occasionally tilting her pelvis to accentuate the pressure of her hairless cunt on my cock, she never failed to make me come to orgasm. When I would cum, the semen would shoot like a rocket over her abdomen and chest under her gown. Hiding my facial expressions and trying not to move my body was a challenge I would not wish on anyone.

One evening, as I sat with my cock between her legs, cradling her in my arms as we watched a nature show, I shot so much and so far that the cum blasted along her chest, hit her chin and ricotched splattering the upper part of the front of her gown and even the front of the blanket. I was shocked. My wife, Amanda, and her mother, Jenn, were both in there with us, so I was sure that we were going to get caught. Summer, however, proved to be a good improviser and pretended to sneeze. There were some tissue papers on the nearby table which she grabbed and quickly cleaned up the visible semen. For a while after that, she just sat there with her cum-soaked gown under the blanket and rubbed my cock in the puddle of semen. I was going soft, but her motions reinvigorated me. The movements of her soft hands, slick with cum, and the rubbing of her stomach and hairless pubis brought me to a second slower orgasm. The volume was considerably less, but it nonetheless felt just as good as the first. She scooped a little cum and then turned and tilted her head so that I could see as she put the cum in her mouth. Oh, what a girl!

Either that night or another like it, Amanda asked me why I sometimes carried the blanket into the bedroom with me. In spite of repeating this act many times, I was caught by surprise. I did not have a prepared answer and the truth was something I could not admit. How could I reveal that I was hiding wet cum spots on my pajamas? I mumbled something about how it did not belong in the living room when it was not being used and she seemed to find that explanation believable. Fortunately, she did not make the connection that we never made love when I carried the blanket to the bedroom. I decided thereafter to bring the blanket from the living room into the bedroom every night, regardless of the need.

Although Cory sometimes joined Summer when we were messing around, with interesting results I might add, Barbie had been left out. She was getting older and more curious, however, and finally walked into Summer's bedroom when I was in there as naked as could be.

"Why are you nekkid, Uncle John?" she asked.

Although she had lived with me for almost two years, she still had a strong West Texas accent, even stronger than her siblings.

"Summer, you ain't got no clothes on too!" she exclaimed.

Summer had been standing by the bed, bent over and sucking my cock while I rubbed her hairless cunt, but she rose quickly when the door started to open, so we were not caught in flagrante delicto. As I sat up and covered my privates (which were in an obvious state of arousal), Summer walked over to Barbie and began to fabricate an explanation. Her explanation, however, was essentially to tell the truth.

"Barbie, Uncle John and I were doing nekkid playing. You got to promise me that you won't tell nobody about this, Ok?"

"Why not?" asked Barbie.

"It's private, that's why! Uncle John and Aunt Amanda do nekkid play too, I bet, but they don't talk about it. And you better not ask, or you'll get in trouble."

Although she was speaking in a whisper, I could clearly make out the conversation. Barbie nodded and asked in a soft voice, "Can I play too?"

Summer answered, "Well, since you're here, I guess so, but you better not tell nobody!"

Barbie said, "I won't. I promise!"

"Well, Ok. Come over here then," Summer ordered as she took Barbie's hand and walked her over to the bed where I was laying. I was very concerned, but Summer seemed to have things in control, so I scooted over to make room for the girls, still keeping my cock covered just in case.

Barbie crawled onto the bed first and then Summer. Barbie sat there and looked at me with a quizical look on her face until Summer told her to get on my stomach like she was going to ride a horse. Barbie practically jumped on my stomach, straddling me and nearly knocking my breath out, and began jumping up and down like she was riding a bucking bronco.

"No, silly!" Summer chided her. "Do it like this."

Summer put one knee near my chest and swung her other over to the other side (giving me a beautiful shot of her hairless pussy) and straddled my chest facing her sister. Slowly and smoothly, she rocked her pelvis back and forth over my chest in a kind of humping motion. Barbie caught on right away and began to duplicate her older sister's movements perfectly. I soon noticed that Summer's pussy began to glide over my chest on a slimy film produced from her pussy. Oh, what a sensation!

I couldn't see much because Summer's back was right in front of my face, but if I bent my face down with my chin touching my chest I could see her puckered anus and pussy lips when she moved her pelvis just right. I finally gave up trying to see anything and just abandoned myself to the sensations of two smooth silky cunts rubbing over my body.

Summer paused briefly and said, "Barbie, it's even more fun when you do that a little lower."

She moved the sheet that was covering my now rigid phallus and picked her sister up under her arms, placing her on the shaft. As she did that, she lifted up for a short time and I looked between her legs at her pussy and then to Barbie's two year old pussy straddling my cock.

Summer settled back down, but kept her hands on Barbie's shoulders until Barbie began to move her pussy smoothly to and fro.

"That's it! Now, doesn't that feel good?" Summer asked.

"Yeah," agreed Barbie as she kept her eyes focused on my cock as she slid over it. "This thing is funny looking," Barbie observed.

It seems that over the past year and a half, she had completely forgotten about the sexual abuse she had received at the hands of Bob.

"It may be funny looking, but it feels good," countered Summer. "Just keep doing that."

Summer then turned around and proceeded to stradle my head facing me with her back to her sister. I was looking up to see the most beautiful sight on earth. Her pussy slit was slightly spread, revealing her clitoris and the tiny labia minora inside of her pussy lips. Her lower abdomen was flat as was her boyish chest. She was looking me in the eye and smiling as she lowered her pussy gently onto my face. She rocked ever so slightly as I began to use my tongue on her little pussy. Soon, she gave a glance at the ceiling and pressed her nether lips more firmly against my lips and tongue. I felt her twitch once, twice, and again before she gave a big sigh. One more small twitch and she again looked into my eyes, this time with a smile of satisfaction.

Barbie, meanwhile, had continued her genital massage of my phallus and I had reached a point where I was about to climax and pretty sure I would be unable to stop.

"Summer," I said urgently, "I'm going to cum pretty soon."

Summer wheeled around and put her head near my cock with her cheek resting on my abdomen. Her pussy was right in my face, so I began to lick her there as I could feel her licking the head of my cock. Barbie's movements halted until Summer urged her to continue and then resumed licking the head of my cock. Lying flat against my abdomen with Barbie sitting on it, she could not put the head into her mouth, though.

After a few more strokes of Barbie's pussy against my cock, I finally started cumming, and I came big. The squirts of cum splattered her face and even the part that went into her mouth did so with such force that some of it bounced back out covering my cock. Barbie's movements became much more fluid as she slid over my cum-lubricated cock.

Summer got up off of my chest and turned around to look at me. Her face was a mess with cum strands stringing from her nose and chin, but it was so cute! Barbie was still rocking on my slightly softened cock and I could see some cum drops over her abdomen that must have splattered from Summer's face.

Summer licked her lips and used her finger to bring some of the stray strands of cum to her mouth. Barbie stopped rocking and said, "What's that stuff yer puttin' into yer mouth?"

Summer moved her head to look at Barbie and I could see one strand still stuck to her chin swinging wildly.

"Don't worry, it's good stuff. When Uncle John makes this stuff, it means he's really really happy," she said as she gathered up the last strands to put into her mouth. As she licked her fingers, Barbie looked at the puddles on my stomach.

"Is that the same stuff?" she asked.

"Um hmm," Summer responded with her lips closed around a finger.

"Can I taste it?"

"Sure! Open up."

Summer got a scoop of the cum that was beginning to thicken and lifted it over her sister's mouth. She let some of the goop drop into her mouth and then got some more.

"It's good, isn't it" insisted Summer.

Barbie had a funny look on her face and looked at her sister quizically. "I guess so. I don't know, it tastes kind of salty. And it smells funny."

"You have to get used to it. It's supposed to be for older girls anyway," explained Summer.

Barbie mulled this over for a moment and then requested, "Can I have a little more?"

"Here," said Summer as she placed the remaining cum in her sister's mouth. "That's all you get for now. Maybe you can have some more when your older."

Summer got off the bed and went into the bathroom. Barbie was still sitting on my softened cock with her pussy covered in cum.

"That was neat, Uncle John. Let's do it again!"

"I would love to Honey, but I need to rest a little. Besides, it's getting close to supper and your mother will be coming home soon," I replied, hoping she would understand. I was also hoping she remembered that this is not something that one shares with those not involved, so I added, "Remember not to tell anyone, Ok?"

"Ok, Uncle John. It's a secret!"

Summer returned with toilet paper and we began to clean up our mess. My favorite part of this cleaning was when Barbie leaned back with her legs spread in the air while Summer cleaned my cum from her pussy and thighs. What a sight! I could never get used to seeing a preteen pussy, especially with a coating of my cum.

As we ate supper, we engaged in chit-chat and I watched Barbie carefully for any sign that she might want to share the news of her fun earlier, but she kept her silence. Later, Summer sat next to me in the overstuffed chair and yeilded her spot on my lap to Barbie who usually sat in her mother's lap. It was a peaceful evening as we just sat there and watched television. I held Summer's hand and she would squeeze it every once in a while, but it was just a gesture of love and affection, sincerely felt, and sincerely returned.

Barbie was soon sound asleep and her mother carried her upstairs to bed. Summer then cuddled against me and also fell asleep. Although she was now six years old and almost too heavy to carry, I picked her up and set her against me to carry her upstairs as well. she wrapped her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist, but never opened her eyes until she lay on her bed.

"Goodnight, Uncle John."

"Goodnight, sweetheart," I answered and kissed her on the forehead before I walked out and turned off the light.

Chapter 6

Summer caught a cold. I guess you could call it a Summer cold. It seemed pretty mild; just a runny nose and sneezing with no fever, but Jenn and Amanda decided to play nurse. They gave her some liquid cold medicine and then added Benadryl for the sneezing. Well, Summer went upstairs to bed and I was left alone while Amanda and Jenn went out with the other kids to play in the park and go shopping.

It was a rare occasion when I was left alone with Summer and I usually took advantage of that opportunity, provided Summer was accommodating. You could call it experimentation: I was learning about how to have sex with a six and a half year old (closer to seven) while Summer was learning to have sex. Not that she needed any help; the girl was a natural and had experiences that began when she was a toddler living with Bob, but the recent appreciation of vaginal intercourse gave us something new to work with.

Actually, she had learned about vaginal intercourse by putting on shows for Bob with her brother, but fucking an adult was something that I had introduced her to. I recently learned that it worked better with her on top. I didn't have to worry about being too forceful or suspending my body on my arms to prevent suffocating her. Her hair would swing gently as she moved on my cock and I could tell from her movements and facial expressions how to best please her. The pleasure was, however, mutual and she loved making me cum.

This day, I was exceedingly horny for some reason. It had been a while and Summer had been teasing me until I could hardly stand it. As soon as I was sure everyone else had left, I ran upstairs two steps at a time and then knocked on Summer's door. There was no answer, so I gently pushed the door open. Summer was sleeping on her back with a white tee-shirt, panties and socks on. I walked over to her bed and nudged her, but she was sleeping soundly.

She was a sound sleeper anyway, but it seems the cold medication had left her virtually unable to wake up. I rubbed her panties between her legs, thinking that might awaken her, but she continued to breathe regularly with no acknowledgement of my presence.

I knew I would have a long time and my passions were now inflamed, so I removed all of my clothing and got onto the bed beside her. I removed her panties and carefully admired her hairless pussy. I didn't usually have the time to spend just staring or playing like this, but with her unconscious she put up no resistance as I spread her legs and got the look of my life. My face was inches from her cunt and the aroma of young girl was delectable. I caressed her hairless cunt lips before spreading them to get an even better look at her cunt. The moist inner folds shown pinkish red and I couldn't resist the temptation to lick that delicate forbidden flower.

Still, she did not arouse in the slightest. I was naked with a rock-hard erection laying next to a beautiful naked preteen and I didn't know quite what to do. I looked around, hoping for inspiration. I considered jacking off, but my preference was to fuck. I spotted the oily lubricant that I had left in her room from our previous jaunts and my ideas crystallized.

Covering the head of my penis and her vulva with lubricant, I lay beside her and lifted her leg, placing the calf on my upright hip. I moved my pelvis until the head of my cock made contact with that smooth hairless cunt and then rubbed the head around and between her pussy lips. Unable to resist longer, I slowly eased my cock between the lips further and further until I could feel the tight passage squeezing my cock. I lay still as some early spasms threatened to make me cum, but when this had passed, she was still out like a light. I began to move back and forth thrusting my stiff cock in and out of her cunt. The tiny cunt lips were stretched tightly around my cock as I fucked her slowly.

I lifted her tee-shirt and rubbed her flat nipples and moved my hand down her belly to her hairless pubis before reaching lower to feel my cock moving in and out. Soon, the sensations became overwhelming and I was on the verge of cumming. I pulled out as I started to cum and shot the majority of my cum onto her belly and chest, getting some on her tee-shirt.

Even though I had finished cumming, I was still hard as a rock, so I put my cock back into her cunt and fucked her some more. I watched my cock, covered with cum, moving in and out of her cum-covered pussy as I rubbed the spattered semen on her belly into her skin leaving it shiny and sticky. Before long, I needed to cum again and this time ejaculated what was left in me into her cunt.

I lay like that for some time enjoying the sights and sensations. Some of the cum on her belly had beaded into small globs and I picked one or two and placed them between her sleeping lips which were slightly parted. Then, leaving my cock in her cunt, I lay beside her and took a brief nap.

When I awoke, I was still hard and in her cunt, so I fucked her once more. Fairly sure the volume of cum would be small, I kept my cock firmly lodged in her cunt as deep as it would go as I came for the third time.

As I withdrew, finally satisfied, cum gushed out of her tiny cunt. The amount of cum surprised me since the last two times had followed a massive ejaculation, but I watched in wonder as the cum continued to ooze.

To clean up the mess of cum that covered her body and cunt, I got a warm wet washcloth from the bathroom and wiped gently until all traces were removed. The moisture quickly evaporated and she was practically dry by the time I replaced her panties. I pulled her tee-shirt back down to cover her flat chest and then left after one last lingering look at my young lover.

Walking back down the stairs, I contemplated my actions. Although I honestly believe that she would have consented given our previous relationship, this selfish act on my part could be construed as rape; nonconsensual sex; sex without her permission. Of course, according to the law, it was rape in any case, but I felt a twinge of guilt about taking advantage of her while she slept. Nonetheless, it was an experience that I could not have passed up and one that I would never forget. The images and feelings were truly unforgettable.

I was not the only one to engage in such guilty practices, however. Only a few days later, I had the day off and slept in while Amanda went off to the office with Jenn. I slept naked and as the morning wore on, I felt warm enough to remove the sheets. I heard the door open and, thinking it might be one of the kids, I just lay there pretending to be asleep.

I heard a "Shhh" and the sounds of little footsteps approaching the bed. Speaking in whispers, I listened to Summer and Barbie as they discussed the sight of my nakedness.

"He's asleep! Let's wake him!" implored Barbie.

"I've got a better idea. Let's play with his thing and see if he wakes up," suggested Summer.

I could feel the bed shake almost imperceptibly as Summer and Barbie climbed on either side of the bed. I was close enough to the middle to allow room for one on each side. Peering through almost closed eyes, I could tell that they were clothed in their silky sheer sleeping gowns.

I felt a small hand on my cock that rubbed only the bottom side at first. After a little giggling, the hand began to close around my cock and move slowly up and down. I became erect in short order, but continued to pretend to be asleep.

"Watch this," I heard Summer whisper. I felt her silky smooth hair rub softly against my stomach and soon felt tiny lips kiss the head of my cock. I heard Barbie giggle and Summer then lifted her head.

"Now, you try it," Summer instructed Barbie.

Summer kept her hand on my cock while I felt Barbie's soft hair brush my skin from her side of the bed. Her little lips closed over the head of my penis as Summer gently jacked me off into Barbie's mouth. About that time, I also felt Barbie's elbow poking into my stomach as she supported herself. If they knew how uncomfortable that was, they would know that I couldn't possibly be asleep, but I kept up the pretense and they were none the wiser.

In spite of the discomfort, I could feel myself building towards a climax. I have plenty of practice hiding my facial expressions during climax from our escapades in the living room with others around, so I kept up my best poker face. The urge to cum reached a critical point soon after Barbie whispered, "Let me do it," referring to jacking my cock while she sucked on the head. I felt the hand around my cock release. Soon Barbie's hand closed around my cock and I felt her moving it up and down along the shaft a little more vigorously than Summer had.

Quickly peering through almost closed eyes, I could see the back of Barbie's head and the elbow in my stomach. I also caught a glimpse of Summer sitting on her heels as she carefully watched over the motions of her young apprentice.

Barbie raised up briefly to ask in a whisper, "Is it gonna squirt?"

"I don't know, but keep moving your hand and keep your mouth there and you'll see," offered Summer.

Barbie resumed her stroking and sucking for a while, but then declared, "It ain't doin' nothin'. Am I doin' it wrong?"

"I don't know if it will squirt when he's asleep, but keep at it and we'll see."

Summer placed her hand on my scrotum and gently moved my balls as Barbie jacked my cock into her mouth. It wasn't very long before I began to cum. After the first shot, I felt Barbie suddenly raise up.

"Barbie!" exclaimed Summer before she bent over and placed her mouth over my still spurting phallus. She then placed her hand over Barbie's, which was still around the shaft, and resumed the stroking motions.

About that time, I raised my head and opened my eyes, but the girls were too focused on my cock to notice. One or two spurts of cum had landed on my lower abdomen, but as Barbie watched Summer gobbling my cock, I noticed some cum in her hair as well.

Summer raised her head and admonished Barbie, "You're supposed to keep your mouth on it until it stops squirting!"

"I think she did great!" I chimed in.

Both girls whirled their heads around in surprise and I could see cum on Barbie's lips and cheek. With her mouth open to express her surprise, I noticed a strand of cum stretching from the upper to the lower lip.

In a flash, Summer let go of my cock and they practically jumped into my arms. I looked into their angelic cum spattered faces and we all giggled. I kissed them both on their sticky lips and hugged them tightly.

"You girls sure know how to wake me up right!" I stated.

"Good morning, Uncle John! Do you mind that we played with your thing?" asked Summer.

"You two can do whatever you want, even if I'm asleep," I answered.

"You can do whatever you want with me when I'm asleep, too!" countered Summer.

Did she know about the other time? Had I been too careless? Reflecting on this, I couldn't be sure, but it didn't seem to matter. I now had her permission, so a great load was lifted from my mind.

Summer crawled from my arms and said, "I'll get some paper!"

She returned and began to carefully clean up the mess on the two girls faces and my stomach. She was a growing girl and, in a sense, our roles had been reversed. I no longer had to be the one to clean up after our "naked play."

The rest of the day was spent in the innocent play of adult and children. Perhaps that's how it should have always been, but then Summer in particular loved sex too much. The future looked bright indeed.

While I'm on the subject of sleeping, I have just one more thing to add. When Summer was eight years old, Barbie was five and Cory was six, something wonderful happened.

It was a dark and stormy night (I love cliches), and also the first time I had ever been left with the children for longer than a few hours. Amanda and Jenn had gone to see some other family members and I was the lone adult in the house for almost two days (Friday to Sunday). It may surprise you that I did not use this opportunity to creep into the kids bedrooms and molest them, but then I wasn't always thinking about sex.

I went to bed alone at a decent hour and was soon fast asleep. Something made me open my eyes, and I awoke. Standing by the big King Size bed were the three kids. Summer had been crying, Barbie was clutching a stuffed animal on one side of Summer and Cory was sucking his thumb on the other side. They were all holding hands as they stared at me.

I sat up and asked, "What's the matter?"

Summer answered, "We're afraid of the storm. Can we get into bed with you?"

I could tell she was sincere and when I asked, "All of you?" they stood there nodding. It was a pitiful sight, but also irresistible. I pulled back the covers and they all jumped in bed in a flash.

Their frowns turned to laughter and giggles as they jostled for position. Summer got the side of the bed where my wife, Amanda, usually slept and the other two were on my other side.

You may remember that I sleep naked. I suppose I should have put on pajamas, but then what the hell, these kids had seen it all before; quite close up I might add.

Summer and Barbie were wearing long tee-shirts instead of their usual gowns, but Cory just had on underwear. I left the bathroom light on as a matter of habit, so I could see the children's faces. They were not at all sleepy and it seemed they mostly wanted to snuggle. Summer placed her leg over my thigh and her arm across my stomach while Barbie held fast onto my other arm as she lay on her side facing me.

Strange things began to happen. Summer started to slowly move her hips and rubbed her cunt against my thigh. Her hand wandered downwards until her hand struck my erect penis (so much for not thinking about sex!). Barbie used one of her hands to guide my hand to between her legs while the other locked my arm in place. I couldn't tell what Cory was doing, but I saw his arm around Barbie and it looked like he was humping her.

Well, there was no sleep that night! Summer soon sat up and pulled her teeshirt over her head revealing a slim, totally naked preteen body. Barbie saw what Summer was doing and followed suit. Cory sat on the other side, but I could tell he had pulled off his underwear (though I am not sure exactly when).

"Let's take turns!" chimed Summer to the others who were now surrounding me like Lilliputians around Gulliver. "Me first!"

Being the oldest, it seemed to be her prerogative to choose the order of whatever they had in mind. Although my cock was standing at attention, Summer and the others left it waving while Summer straddled my stomach and lay on top of me. With her cunt against my navel, her face was directly in front of mine. She kissed me on the lips, slowly and tenderly and, with her lips still against mine she began to hump my stomach. Barbie and Cory watched without moving or saying a word as Summer lifted up and moved to straddle my face.

I licked and sucked and kissed her cunt lips as she held my head with both of her hands and gently humped my face. It wasn't long before she closed her eyes, wrinkled her brow, and proceeded to clamp my head between her thighs tightly in a long orgasmic twitch, followed by smaller twitches as she slowly relaxed. She practically fell off my face onto her side of the bed and lay on her back with her legs apart and one of her hands rubbing herself between the legs.

I only had a short time to admire this scene before Barbie claimed her right to be second. She didn't seem to mind that the lower half of my face was covered with saliva and cunt juice as she assumed Summer's former position.

Summer soon jumped up and said, "I'll be right back!" before she hopped out of bed and ran from the room. I was hoping that there was nothing amiss, but too preoccupied with Barbie to keep focused.

Barbie was much more active than Summer and her movements carried her hairless cunt onto my nose. She seemed to actually be fucking my nose! I had to breathe through the mouth during this time to keep from passing out, but the aroma was scrumptious. I could stick my tongue out and touch her anus which was fortunately quite clean. This caused her to moan and pump even more vigorously. I had to use my arms to hold her so that she would not rip my nose off, but soon she too slowed and went totally lax. I lay her down where Summer had been and she stretched out and put both of her hands on her pubis. The smile on her face told me that she was not in pain.

Before I could react, Cory had jumped on my chest and held his erect penis before my face. He proceeded to assume much the same position as the others had before he put his penis into my mouth. I did not know what to expect, but he started fucking me in the mouth! His penis had grown considerably since he was a toddler and it now reached to the back of my throat where it nearly gagged me. I surrounded it with my lips and he slammed his hairless pubis into my face repeatedly and probed my soft palate. He was strong for a six year old and held my head firmly in place with his hands as he continued to thrust his small cock deeply into my mouth.

He soon grimaced and forced his cock into my mouth with such strength that his pubis separated my lips and the cock went in even deeper. I suppressed the urge to swallow or gag and sucked hard as he held his cock for several seconds. I could feel the twitching of the penis as he held it there, but there was no fluid produced.

He slowly withdrew his penis from my mouth and sat there looking at me for a while. His penis remained fully erect and I gave it one final lick before he lay down next to me where I cradled him in my arms and caressed his small butt.

Chapter 7

I may have satisfied the kids, but I was still hard as a rock and horny as hell. As my thoughts returned to Summer, she walked into the door carrying two items from her bedroom, the pink dildo and the rubbing oil. She climbed onto the bed where Barbie lay, still stretched out, and nudged her sister.

"Barbie, show Uncle John what you can do," she implored.

Barbie opened her eyes and smiled as she took the dildo from her sister.

"Go ahead, Barbie," ordered Summer.

"Barbie handed the dildo back to her sister and said, "No, you do it."

"Ok," agreed Summer.

As Cory and I watched in fascination, Barbie lay back and spread her legs as wide as they would spread and held her knees with her arms exposing her hairless cunt and tiny cuntlips. That alone was enough to nearly make me cum, but Summer opened the oil and spread some over the dildo and Barbie's cunt, rubbing it in slowly and deliberately. Barbie pursed her lips and let out a sigh of pleasure as the massage went on. Summer then put one of her fingers into Barbie's cunt and moved it in and out.

"Ready?" asked Summer.

"Yeah," affirmed Barbie.

Summer placed the dildo at the tiny opening of Barbie's cunt and pressed slowly. It didn't look as though it would fit, but working it in with to and fro movements, it soon was sticking out of her cunt halfway and stretched the cunt lips to their limit. Barbie never expressed any pain and watched with as much fascination as Cory and I as the pink dildo slid into her own cunt. When it was in as deep as it would go, Summer let go and it stuck out like a pink thumb from Barbie's cunt. The tightly stretched cunt lips were shiny and slick from the lubrication.

"See! She can fit it too!" exclaimed Summer as she sat on her knees and admired her work.

Barbie then looked away from the obscene dildo and smiled at me. She let her legs down slowly onto the bed keeping her legs bent and then humped her hips waving the dildo in the air.

Summer explained, "I told her about how you could put your thing into me and told her about how the dildo helped make me big enough, so she wanted to try. We've been workin' on that for a while now."

I could just imagine the two girls upstairs playing with a dildo and the image blew me away. I finally found my voice after watching this incredible show of cuntal elasticity.

"Does that hurt?" I asked.

"Uh uh. Feels good! I'm ready for the real thing now," she said as she looked over to my hardon.

I looked to Summer who nodded knowingly and then reached over to slowly pull the dildo out of Barbie's cunt. I moved between Barbie's legs and positioned my cock at the opening of her hairless pussy. Summer reached in between us and rubbed oil over my cock head, nearly making me cum. With great difficulty, I resisted the urge to cum and then, when the urge had passed, I began to press into the hairless little cunt. I could feel Summer's hand on one buttocks and Cory's on the other as they encouraged my thrust. I moved slowly and back and forth to get my cock head first between the lips and then through the tight entrance. Once I had reached her deepest part and felt her cervix against my cock head, Summer took her hand off my butt and lay her head on Barbie's stomach inches away from my thrusting cock. Cory wanted a better look, too, and so Summer and Cory lay with their heads together. Cory gently rubbed Barbie's clitoris as I moved my engorged cock in and out and Summer put her hand around the part of the shaft that could not reach into Barbie's cunt.

I knew I was due for a massive cum, so as the moment approached I groaned and pulled back to the entrance of Barbie's cunt. Summer's hand popped it out and stroked it and I began to cum in loads. Summer's hand directed the spray of my cum like a firehose and I covered the two faces from forehead to chin in two squirts. The wildly spraying cum shot over their heads and landed smack dab on Barbie's lips as well as her chest, her vulva and even the pillow that cradled her head.

What a mess! Summer really had a taste for the stuff and began to lick her lips while Cory sat up and began to play with it. Barbie also licked her lips and pulled almost all of the cum glob into her mouth. She was looking at me as she smiled and swallowed.

I sat back on my knees and, to my surprise, Summer took my place with her head and licked the cum off of her sister's hairless cunt. Barbie closed her eyes and lay her head back as her sister licked first one side, then the other and then the slit between.

Despite all of this, there was still cum everywhere. I caressed their faces and rubbed some cum into Barbie's belly as she rubbed herself as well, our hands meeting in a sticky puddle in the middle.

We took a shower before we could all go back to bed. The rest of the night we cuddled, fondled and finally slept until daylight.

The Saturday following that amazing Friday night, the girls put on a show for me and Cory. We "men" sat on the sofa with my arm around Cory as the girls put on the sexiest things they could find in Amanda's and Jenn's rooms. With the radio on a rock station, Summer danced in a sexy nighty with no underwear and flashed us. I believe the song was "Touch Myself" by Madonna or something like that because at the appropriate moments, she would hump her hips and rub her hairless cunt lips. Barbie couldn't dance as well as Summer, but she wore a scarf. Only a scarf. She spread her legs and put her finger on her clitoris as she swung her hips to the rhythm of the song.

Soon, the show got downright dirty. They forgot about the music playing and Barbie lay on the floor with her legs spread, humping the air. Enter Cory who crawled over between Barbie's legs and stuck his tongue out as he licked Barbie with abandon. He made sure, however, that we could see his tongue and Barbie's hairless pussy. Cory then turned around and put his hairless cock in Barbie's mouth while he planted his mouth over Barbie's cunt. His back was arched because he was several inches taller than Barbie, but they still made a good fit.

I forgot to mention that I was naked, but I supposed that you already figured that out. As the show reached this point, Summer took Cory's place on the couch and reached her arm around and grabbed my erect cock which she rubbed up and down as the couple on the floor wriggled and giggled, licked and sucked, and humped each other's mouths. Some precum fluid came out of the eye of the head of my penis and Summer bent over and licked it up. She then rested her head on my stomach and idly popped the head of my cock into her mouth as she continued to stroke and watch the action on the floor in front of us. I reciprocated by massaging her smooth hairless cunt with my forefinger. She would move her hips every once in a while, thrusting her pubis against my fingers.

Barbie and Cory then changed positions. Barbie lay on her back, legs bent and spread wide, with her cunt facing Summer and me. Cory mounted her, slipping his small erection into Barbie's saliva slicked vagina. Barbie wrapped her legs around Cory and he parted his thighs, giving Summer and I a good view of his cock sliding in and out of Barbie's hairless pussy.

Watching the two preteens fucking on the floor combined with Summer's expert ministrations was more than I could stand and, after warning Summer, I poured cum into her little waiting mouth. She never lost a beat and, in fact, increased the speed and force of her hand and mouth motions until I had finished completely.

The weekend wasn't over, but we spent the rest of the time just playing. I had bought the kids a computer (Commodore 64, if I remember), and they were fascinated with it. We went shopping, to the park, played and just got plumb tuckered out. Although we spent the rest of the next night together and naked, we just slept.

Life got very complicated when Summer entered fourth grade. Not only had she begun to discover boys, but there were games, fashions, expensive toys that everyone else had and homework assignments that would stump Einstein. Amanda was no whiz at math or science, but I was not very good with grammar or history, so we both had plenty to do.

Summer did a little physical developing as well. It wasn't much, but it appeared that her nipples protruded just a little more than they had. At age 9, that made her an early developer, but it was still considered normal by the doctor.

Sometimes, I was the kids' counselor. Summer would confide in me when her boy of the week disappointed her, which was sometimes a crushing blow from her perspective. Mostly, the boys were interested in other things besides girls. Barbie had entered school and faced new challenges that required the advice of an adult, and she seemed to rely on my help more than my wife or her mother. Cory was just finding out about team sports and I taught him some of the things that fathers are supposed to teach their sons. I was their father substitute during this period.

There was still time for fun, and these kids had voracious appetites for learning about everything. I had run out of things to teach Summer about sex, but that didn't mean she stopped wanting it. In fact, she probably became even more aggressive.

One night while Amanda and Jenn went to visit a friend, I sat alone in the living room watching television. Summer came in from the kitchen and looked at me with a sly expression that really tickled me. To emphasize her thoughts, she had brought a banana with her. I could not keep my attention focused on the television as I watched her slowly peal the banana. As I watched, she licked it and put it into her mouth. Instead of biting, she began to move it in and out of her mouth like she was giving head. I nearly fainted.

Out of the corner of her eye, she looked at me again with that sly expression and bit the banana. She laughed when I said "Ouch!" When she finished eating it, she reached for my belt. I sat and watched as she undid my pants and unzipped them. My cock, old faithful, popped out and she lavished the attention on it that she had with the banana, but without the biting.

She left my cock erect and climbed into my lap facing me.

"You forgot the lubrication," I suggested.

"I don't need it! Here, feel," she commanded and directed my hand to her hairless pussy, already moist and slick.

She placed one hand around my cock and moved that pussy over it before she slowly eased onto it. It was still tight, but the oil wouldn't have added anything. At age nine, her cunt was somewhat deeper than it had been, but it still wouldn't accommodate my entire cock.

As Summer rode up and down my cock, I supported her with my hands on her chest to keep her from hurting herself by allowing my cock to penetrate too deeply. I wanted so badly to suck those budding nipples, but my head wouldn't reach, so I had to content myself with rubbing them with my thumbs. She seemed to appreciate the attention and threw her head back thrusting her chest out as she continued to ride with abandon. The sensations were incredible and the view tremendous, but she had still one more surprise for me.

After she came, she gave me a mischievous look and slowly rose off of my still rock hard erection. She slid over to one side and placed her hand around the base of my cock as she proceeded to lick her cunt juices, smacking her lips for effect. She then placed her mouth over my member and used her hand and mouth in perfect harmony. I closed my eyes and lost myself in the sensations until I was ready to cum.

"I'm cumming," I groaned, expecting to cum in her mouth, but she raised her head at that moment and my first shot of cum hit her nose and lips. I couldn't stop until I had two more small dribbles and a twitch or two, but when I opened my eyes, I looked over her head at the horrified expressions on the faces of Amanda and Summer's grandmother. I had no idea how long they had been there, but it was too late to worry about that.

As drips of cum fell from Summer's mouth and nose onto my deflating cock, I watched the expressions turn from horror to anger. There were only two words I could say.

"Oh, shit."


That's the story of how I wound up in this prison. It's been a very long time since I have been free, and I wonder if I ever will be again. Was it worth it?

I lost my wife, my job, my reputation and my freedom, so it was a very dear price to pay indeed.

I still have my memories, though. They can't take those away.

I wonder what would have happened if I hadn't been caught. Perhaps getting caught was inevitable, though. I did get part of my answer just a while back...

I hadn't seen the kids for many years for obvious reasons, but Summer, on her 18th birthday, came to visit me. I wasn't sure what to expect after all that had happened and so many years under the influence of those who still think I am the Devil incarnate.

Summer picked up the phone as we looked at each other through the thick glass. I looked across at a lovely young woman, fully mature, with a wistful look on her face.

"Uncle John," she started. She still called me uncle. That seemed like a good sign. "There's something I have been wanting to tell you for half my life. I want to thank you for all you did for the three of us. You gave us a home when we needed one, fed us, clothed us, and taught us to be human."

My eyes burned as tears formed that I couldn't hold back. As I sat there with tears streaming down my face, I noticed she was crying too.

She continued, "I love you. I always will."

When the shock of that revelation wore off, we began to chat. We spoke of her boyfriends, school, clothes, and just about everything else under the sun.

She did most of the talking since I didn't have much to say. She had her whole future, mine was here.

When the visiting time expired, she touched the glass and smiled. I just sat there and watched as she turned and walked away. I hung up my phone and let the guard usher me back to my cell.

All I could think was that I had missed out on the rest of their growing up. Perhaps *that* was too high a price to pay.

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Realistic to real life. Frankly, most times when children are 'being molested', they are in those relationships willingly.

It's funny that pedosexuals are made out to be 'monsters' when the real monsters are those who try to keep children sexless.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.