Published: 21-Jul-2012
Word Count:
"Dad, there's something wrong with me."
Putting my morning mug of high-octane black coffee on the kitchen table, I lowered the International Herald Tribune and looked at Penny standing at my side wearing a light blue T-shirt and tight florescent pink Lycra shorts, her pretty eyes showing concern, short thick black hair still un-brushed.
"There's something wrong with me," Penny repeated with more conviction, a cute frown appearing between thick natural eyebrows.
"Why do you think that, Honey?"
"My boobs aren't growing," she said with complete sincerity.
I withheld laughter with difficulty, but couldn't stop a smile from forming. "You're only eight Penny. Give it time." Kids these days were in such a rush to grow up. It was a shame really. They'd only appreciate their youth after they'd left it behind, too late to enjoy it. Then they'd want to recapture the freedom of innocence they'd imagined they had felt. Hindsight was always so gentle on the memory.
"Then why do I have this?" she asked with force, and proceeded to floor me by shoving her Lycra shorts and cotton undies down, exposing herself to me.
"Penny!" I said sharply in recrimination, and then paused. My daughter had pubic hair! At eight years old? That didn't seem normal. Yet there they were, some long, some short, sort of irregularly sprouting on her labia, a few sprinkling her mound; definitely little glossy black pubic hairs. Cute. But at eight?
"And see? No boobs."
Dragging my eyes up from her pubis, Penny had the front of her t-shirt collected under her chin, head bent inspecting her chest and, yup, no boobs, not a trace, not a hint, flat as a pancake, cute little nipples, I noted.
It suddenly struck me how strange this was, my newly minted eight year old with fluorescent pink Lycra shorts and plain white cotton undies inverted around her thighs, T-shirt pulled up to her chin. "Penny, cover up please," I asked, staring at the dusting of pubic hairs. Quite fascinating. "I'll book an appointment with the Doctor, okay?"
"Good Dad. It's not right," she said with some satisfaction, tugging tight Lycra shorts up over her bum with a wiggle, cotton undies wrinkled and twisted underneath.
"And by the way," I added as she left the kitchen, her hand reaching behind to tug at panties wedged between rounded, compact little buttocks, "those shorts are a crime. The color hurts my eyes." Of all the things I loved about my daughter, the giggle that echoed in from the hall was one of my favourites.
I was rather flustered when Penny insisted on showing Dr. Kennedy the offending problem by tugging her jeans and white cotton undies down.
"Stay Dad," she instructed when I made for the examination room door.
Thrusting out her pelvis, Penny directed Dr. Kennedy's gaze to her crotch with a small index finger pointing down, showing him where pubic hair grew as if he wouldn't know. "There. See? There's something wrong." She emphasized the point by pushing stray jet black, glossy pubic hairs on her now prominent mound with the tip of her small finger. Then, embarrassingly for me, she spread her knees, bent her head, thick black hair falling forward, thrust her pelvis out even more and pointed between her thighs. "Look Doctor, there's more down there, too," she said as if it was an offence against nature and a personal slight against her.
And Dr. Kennedy's accusing glance towards me while he explained puberty to Penny, suggested I was a sadly ill-informed parent. Based on what he said to her, I was! It seemed that there were only guidelines for puberty, that some developed breasts first, some underarm hair, and some, like Penny, pubic hair.
Turning to me, Dr. Kennedy inquired, "Was her mother well endowed?"
She wasn't, I responded, heat flushing my face, almost telling him about her delightful sunny-side-up problem; at least it was a problem to her. Pregnancy had excited her so; her cup size increasing to make her feel better endowed, more feminine, a sexy woman, "with real tits, Ken," she'd claimed with pride. I'd tried to explain to my wife how sexy I thought small breasts were, especially hers with large turgid nipples that announced themselves to the general public so well in everything she wore, but she'd have none of it. "Big boobs are a sign of femininity, Ken," she stated, letting me know she thought I was a bit weird for liking her small boobs. So shoot me, I liked small boobs, compact rumps, petite. . .
"Well, there you are, Penny, nothing to worry about. It's perfectly natural to take after your mother. You're becoming a little lady. You'll grow breasts in time," Dr. Kennedy said, adding with a smile, "I guarantee it. Now, why don't you have a seat in the waiting room while I talk to your dad?"
"Okay. Thanks Doctor," my daughter chirped, relieved and clearly pleased as she tugged her undies and jeans up, wiggling her bottom to squeeze them over her rounded buttocks, smiling at me. I'd need to buy her new jeans, I thought, casually observing how tight they were in the crotch area.
"So Mr. Phillips," Dr. Kennedy started, turning to me as soon as the door to the examining room closed, "You'll need to keep an eye on Penny. . ."
"Excuse me, Dr. Kennedy," I interrupted. Clearly I'd been taken in by his reassurances to my daughter. "Are you saying there's something wrong?" My heart thumped uncomfortably, suddenly worried. I had this unreasonable fear of illness in females and terror at any illness in Penny. Losing my wife had been traumatic enough.
"No, no. Nothing to worry about at this point. The thing is. . . her condition is quite unusual. It isn't often an eight year old begins to develop pubic hair." He glanced down at her file, flipping some pages. "Hmm. I thought so. Yes, she's only just turned eight." Looking up at me he continued, "Sometimes it's a sign of a hormonal imbalance, or precocious puberty, or, be it rare, the result of sexual promiscuity. So. . ."
"Now just hold on to your stethoscope, Doctor. Are you trying to tell me something?" I asked with no small measure of anger creeping in. My Penny? Sexual promiscuity? Where did he get off suggesting. . .
"Mr. Phillips, please. Don't misunderstand me. I'm not suggesting anything. I was letting you know what the causes could be. The important thing is for you to keep track of her development. I'd be happier if we saw some thickening of the tissue under her areolae, or underarm hair appearing. If it doesn't in the next six months or so you should bring her back so we can check her hormones. There really isn't anything to worry about, I assure you."
Easy for him to say, I thought as we drove away from his office. It wasn't his daughter. He probably didn't even have a daughter, I thought with a bit of spite, still teed-off at his comment. Penny? Sexual promiscuity? Jesus, she's only eight!
"So you okay now?" I asked her as she sat lost in the passenger seat, neck craned to see out the window.
"Yup!" she said with a pretty smile. "What did he say to you, Dad?"
"Oh. Uh, something about keeping an eye on your development, sort of make sure you're maturing, or something to that effect."
"Kay. Can we get ice cream?"
"Sure. Um. . . Penny, you haven't been playing house with boys, have you?"
Penny's screams of laughter made me blush. Damn Doctor.
And thus, my Penny was once again a happy, well adjusted girl.
That night I woke suddenly from a deep sleep sensing something wrong. Laying wide awake, I pondered it, wondering if Penny had cried out, or perhaps a car backfired. Nope. Just a hard erection pressed to the mattress. And then it hit me, there was something wrong, very wrong. I'd dreamed of a lightly dusted pubis. Oh God, I'd dreamed of Penny's little pussy!
My shock was such that it immediately alleviated the pressure in my groin, my offending erection melting like snow exposed to the exhaust of a departing Space Shuttle. But the wet spot I felt under me was troublesome in the extreme. Clearly, in my subconscious mind, I had found Penny's little pussy arousing. It was cute, though. Yes, there was definitely something wrong.
And as I lay in bed, severely disappointed in myself, I felt an offending stir below when I involuntarily pictured Penny in the Doctor's office, dark hair covering her face, knees spread, and a dainty finger pointing to her young pubis. Somehow the details were so much sharper now; a tightly closed little cleft, rounded and prominent vulva with dark pubic hairs sort of conforming to the curves of her thick labia.
Rising from my bed with a newly invigorated and offensive erection waving in front of me, I went and took a cold shower. That worked, at least for a while. Unfortunately, the genie was out of the bottle, Pandora's Box had been opened, Adam had tasted the forbidden fruit. . . You get the idea. Penny's pretty pussy had. . .
I fell ill. Really. I did.
I began suffering from a personality disorder. I could no longer look at my daughter as just a father. No, her pouty little pudendum seemed to appear everywhere, starkly mounding out in too-tight jeans that for some reason I now thought fit rather nicely, or pleasantly plump in her delightful soft cotton panties as she innocently strolled back from the bathroom, and the best, appearing in tiny little bikini bottoms that hugged her privates rather tightly, sort of how I wanted to. The uncouth guy in me appreciated each and every sighting. I, however, didn't appreciate the frequent cold showers I had resorted to.
The other personality, the Father, sat idly on the sidelines of this weird game throwing snarky comments at me and, possessing greater strength, held me back from pursuing some of the interesting thoughts that the other personality now considered with fascination. It was an unsettling period, that eleven weeks. I say eleven week period because it was eleven weeks later when. . .
"Dad, there's something wrong. Look!" Penny said in a firm voice from behind me.
I stared out the window with determination, my back to Penny as I washed breakfast dishes. I wasn't going to fall for that again. Oh no. I was smart.
"DAD! Look!" Penny insisted. "There's something wrong."
When she started poking me in the back I took a deep, bracing breath, reminded myself I was a father, in fact, her father, and turned. "What is it?" I asked.
Penny was still in her cotton nightshirt, thank goodness, with one arm raised, short sleeve pulled up, head peering at her arm pit. I breathed a sigh of relief.
"See? There's a hair there. Right there," she said, pointing with a small index finger. I grinned.
Bending, I inspected said hair. Yes indeed, Penny was the proud owner of one longish black hair. "That's normal, Honey," I reassured her.
"But they're spreading, Dad," she said, bright eyes staring at me inches from my face, a delightful frown making her look so cute. I liked her lips.
Distracted and without thinking, twit that I was, I asked, "They are?"
"Yuh-huh," she nodded earnestly, and pulled the hem of her nightshirt up. "Look."
Time seemed to slow. It sounded as if Penny said "Loooooooooooooooooook," in a long slow-motion voice, while a lengthy debate took place in my mind. "Don't," the Father said. "Do," the uncouth guy advised with glee. "I'm warning you," the Father said threateningly. "Ignore that idiot," the uncouth guy whispered.
Well, I looked, I glanced down, I admired, I got an erection. What an idiot.
Penny's delightful little pussy did indeed have more pubic hair. In fact, those straight black pubic hairs seemed to be developing a fascinating pattern now, spreading over her remarkably plump little mound, all aligned in military precision pointing down to the beginning of her little cleft. Bending down further, I saw more dark little pubic hairs gracing her sexy labia, aligned perfectly towards her tightly closed little slit and forming a darker mass where they overlapped, emphasizing her remarkable cleft.
I was still bent at the waist, raptly inspecting. "And, look!" she said, pulling her nightshirt up higher, "Still no boobs."
Don't ask why. There's no sense in these things. I happened to be bent over at the waist, in the neighbourhood so-to-speak, inspecting a delightful little pre-teen pussy when she lifted her nightshirt. Her chest was only a couple of inches away so, without really thinking, I kissed her nipple. Flat as a pancake. No boob. Not a trace. The Bonneville Salt Flats, only nicer. . . a lot nicer, not quite as. . . salty.
Penny's giggle was lovely. Unfortunately she dropped her nightshirt, covered her lovely charms, and skipped out of the kitchen. "You've got a boner, Dad," she yelled, another giggle echoing down the hall.
Yes, indeed. I did. A rather painful one, as a matter of fact. The cold shower did no more than make me cold, so I resorted to more traditional methods of dealing with the offending problem, sighing in pleasure as I succeeded in releasing the tension that had built up for some reason. As relief coursed though me, I decided cold showers were inhuman; cruel and unusual punishment for what could only be described as a minor infraction, a fatherly kiss. Yeah, I know; not so fatherly. Nice, though!
That night at dinner, I actually tried to apologize to Penny for the inappropriate reaction I'd had, even though I wasn't really feeling guilty about it. Actually, I was still relishing that little kiss. Oops, another erection.
"It's okay, Dad," she advised with a knowing smile, "You always get one."
This was indeed news to me. "I do?"
"Uh-huh," she emphasized by nodding and grinning cheekily, "Every time I show you my panties or my pubes."
There was definitely something wrong with me. Before I even thought about it, I leaned back in the chair and opened my big mouth. "Well of course I do," I said gesturing towards her, hand flopping in the air. "Just look at you. Who wouldn't?" What the hell? She's eight!
That Father personality was now yelling at me from the bench on the sideline, "What the fuck are you doing?" Hmmm. What was I doing?
"What I mean is," I said quickly, trying to recover an appropriately adult and fatherly mien, "You're a perfectly lovely lady. Quite gorgeous. So, it stands to reason anyone would. . . well. . . I mean, look at you. Well. . . see?"
Yeah, that didn't work. All it did was make Penny giggle. Then it got worse. She spoke.
"So, wanna see my panties again?" she asked, eyes glinting with mischief, giving me a delightfully impish smile. Damn but she was cute. "They're pink!" she exclaimed in delight. "Like your face, Dad!"
"It isn't! And, no I don't want to see. Thanks. It might put me off my food," I advised with a grin, feeling tumescence below. I loved her peal of laughter.
And so there it was. Penny decided she liked seeing me in great distress and proceeded to taunt and tease with far too much enthusiasm and glee, watching for a certain physical sign of appreciation in me, giggling in delight when she succeeded. I discovered frequent cold showers were rather nice, sort of grew to appreciate them. . . and the soap. And there you have it. There was something wrong.
There was something wrong in our relationship, and neither of us seemed to care one whit; we were having far too much fun. We pretty much evolved into a voyeuristic phase. Penny became the little scientist, testing things and measuring my response. The giggle she'd give when a test was successful, when it resulted in the physical response she wanted, was delightful, charming, and quite lovely. She was a very, very successful little scientist, too. I was quite proud. . . and aroused. . . frequently.
I was an inordinately enthusiastic test subject, let me tell you. I loved how Penny teased me; loved it.
In one instance, she sat sideways on the kitchen chair as I cooked. She wore a simple lime green Tee and loud florescent purple skirt; nothing fancy, appropriate school attire she advised me despite my doubts. We chatted about school and, every time I glanced over my shoulder at her, she had a sly grin on her cute face, bright blue eyes twinkling at me, and the hem of her skirt slightly higher up her lap. I started to glance over my shoulder quite a lot, grinning when she gave me this innocent little girl look and slowly parted her knees. I inhaled rather sharply at the sight of white cotton hugging her plump pussy, and the impish grin that spread on her face was very cute. She made my heart skip with her giggle at my reaction, a rather obvious erection clearly outlined in my Chinos. Perhaps I should switch to Jockey's, I thought. Distracted and groping blindly, I burned my hand on the frying pan, issued some rather adult cuss words, and received a storm of giggles for my pain and discomfort. My frown didn't discourage her at all.
"Like?" she asked.
Well, yuh-huh!
"Hussy!" I said, losing my frown at her scream of laughter.
These little panty sightings were delightfully blended in with my completely unacceptable suggestions that, per Doctor's orders, I should inspect developments in her pubic region. I was only being a concerned father I advised her sagely, grinning widely. I timed my inspections for late in the evenings before bed; used those arousing inspections to masturbate furiously in the shower, achieving glorious climaxes. Penny had a perfect pre-teen pussy. And I felt like a poet with that thought; Penny's pre-teen pussy, plump, protuberant, pleasing pouty, puffy and perfect.
The seduction had started, because that's what it was; a seduction. It was fascinating.
It started with Penny standing in front of her Daddy, that's me in case you haven't been following the story, eyes twinkling with mischief as she raised her skirt, or nightshirt, or even more arousing, lowering her pajama bottoms for an impersonal, clinical inspection; impersonal my ass. With an admirably determined scientific approach she discovered how a slow lowering of her panties had me paying rapt attention, and always, always giggled when she saw my appreciation, an obvious display in my trousers. But, my-oh-my she had a pretty little pussy, so seductively plump. Those soft, downy black pubic hairs were intensely erotic on her slender prepubescent body, such a sharp contrast to her flat chest which she'd display for inspection with a grin and a giggle.
She was a little minx, polite and considerate to a fault. "Kiss?" she'd offer when displaying tiny nipples.
Well, of course. Mmmm, "Sumptuous," I'd declare and smile at her pleased giggle.
She'd end the inspection with a seductive wiggle of her little bottom as she'd pull up her panties. "Any different?" she'd ask, or, when feeling particularly naughty, "Do you like?" giving me a big grin.
Oh yes I did. And I knew this road had only one destination. The only variable was how long the road was. I didn't really care how long it was, though, the scenery was spectacular; the journey fascinating, titillating.
I started dreaming at this time, too. My dreams were filled with Penny's pouty pre-teen pussy, my mattress becoming surprisingly stimulating and occasionally quite messy. When I woke with the mess, it didn't shame me. There was something wrong. I enjoyed it far too much.
Our 'goodnight' hugs took on greater significance. I felt Penny press herself against me to feel my erection and, no slouch myself, caressed a sexy little bum before kissing her cheek; the one on her face. For perhaps a week or two we played our little game, until one Friday evening. October, I think, not that it matters. In case you're wondering, it was cold outside and unusually warm inside; at least I was feeling quite warm.
I'd been admiring her little pubis, in truth drooling a little, when she asked, "Can I see yours? You're looking at me. It's only fair, Dad," she added, quite logically, I thought.
Now a normal father would. . . well, I wasn't normal. There was clearly something wrong with me because I had no hesitation in agreeing. "Okay. You're right. It's only fair after all," I said with a grin, standing up from the couch, completely dismissing the Father that yelled threats from the sidelines, "Don't, you horny idiot! If you do I'll. . ." I turned him off. He was so annoying at times.
With Penny's pretty eyes staring intently at my crotch, I unbuckled my belt, opened my pants and let them fall to my ankles. I really liked how her eyes seemed to grow wider as she studied the large tent in my boxers. I loved the way she grinned, glancing up at me briefly before returning her rapt blue-eyed gaze to my groin. I must admit, being truthful, there was something intensely exciting about exposing my erection to my eight year old daughter, one I was quite proud of, erection that is. . . and daughter, come to think of it.
Pulling the waistband out and over my penis, I lowered the boxers to my thighs, rather pleased at how the soldier stood to attention at a very impressive forty-five degree angle. Yes, I felt pride of ownership at that moment.
Penny stared then grinned and giggled when the soldier nodded a greeting to her, "Hello, Penny, I've heard so much about you," it mimed. She glanced up to my face briefly. "Big, Dad," she grinned, and returned to her inspection. I gave her a minute or two; actually, I gave myself a minute or two to enjoy the spectacle before pulling up my boxers and pants. I had a fantastic climax that night, really quite strong, some delightfully randy thoughts adding stimulation. I wondered if she'd be amenable to. . .
We meandered down the road of discovery, quite relaxed, quite excited, and completely enjoying ourselves until one evening, as we sat on our couch of adventure and exploration, the one in the den, Penny turned to me and asked, "How do you make it go down, Dad?"
"I play with it," I informed her. At this point, there wasn't any reason to hide the fact that I masturbated, was there? No.
"Really? You mean like I do? Does it feel good, too?"
Well, there was a bit of surprising news. I hadn't even considered Penny would be masturbating. Don't ask why. I don't know. Maybe I thought it was all a game to her. But now that I knew, I found the idea quite exciting. Imagine, my daughter masturbating. Yes, very exciting. Some rather devious thoughts, quite un-fatherly thoughts, passed through my mind. Perhaps a game? Did I dare? Yup.
"I don't know if it's like you, Honey, but, yes, it feels good." I wondered if she'd take the bait. My erection hoped so.
"Can I see?"
"Well. . ."
Excitement entered her voice. "I'll show you how I do it and you show me how you do it, okay? Say yes, Dad, please?"
Yup, full on hard erection. My imagination took flight, wondering how an eight year old masturbated. Could there possibly be any harm in this? Nah. I hadn't actually touched my daughter inappropriately, and didn't plan to. No, that wasn't true. Actually, on further consideration I wanted to touch her. Bad Daddy.
The father part of my personality tried to intervene, yelling from the sidelines, "You can't be serious! You'd actually. . ." I slapped him down before he could finish that thought and wished I could restrain him in chains, muzzle him, too. Asshole. What did he know? I mean, look at the excitement shining in my daughter's pretty face. How could I ignore it? How could I be so mean? If I really cared. . .
"Okay," I agreed with plenty of feeling, lots of enthusiasm, a big smile, a hard erection, and promptly scooped Penny up in my arms.
She screamed in delight as I tossed her on my bed, making me smile so hard it hurt my face. "You first," I suggested.
She grinned at me. "Nuh-uh. Together, Dad."
Okay, that would work. "So. . . you start, I follow. Beauty before wisdom, you know," I suggested, wanting to see her strip rather eagerly.
"Nope. Together, Dad."
Well, all righty then. With Penny standing on the bed, she reached for the hem of her yellow Tee and pulled it up over her navel, pausing, waiting for me, a little mischievous grin on her pretty face. I tugged my Polo shirt off and tossed it on the floor. Mr. Enthusiastic, that's what I was. Penny grinned harder, pulled her Tee off and tossed it on the floor, her hands going to the waist of her jeans, pausing, staring. Nice little nipples, I thought.
This was sort of fun. I kicked my shoes off and removed my socks. Penny grinned again, bounced onto her little bottom and took her socks off, purple with lime green horizontal lines, I noted, throwing them on the floor before standing again, her hands returning to the waist of her jeans, eyes glistening with mischief and excitement, pausing, staring.
I opened the button on my jeans and lowered the zipper, my eyes riveted as she copied me, yellow cotton panties appearing. Nice! Smiling, delighted, and horny as hell, I lowered my jeans over my butt. She copied me with a sexy wiggle. I dropped them, boxers tenting out, a damp spot appearing. Penny's eyes dropped to my boxers.
"You're leaking, Dad."
Now this was interesting. Should I? Oh hell, why not. "Yup. Are you?" I asked with a grin.
Penny giggled. "Maaaaybe," she said coyly, dropping her jeans and kicking them to the floor.
Dam but she was sexy. I sported a painful erection, one caused by said sexy little girl standing on my bed in nothing more than loose yellow cotton panties and a big grin. . . and possibly leaking. It was a very exciting spectacle, I thought.
With a stupid grin of my own, feeling quite excited, I toyed with the elastic waist of my boxers, my eyes absolutely riveted on Penny's fingers. She slipped her thumbs under the thin elastic waist, mimicking my movements. Hmmm. Now this was interesting.
Smiling and holding my breath, I tugged the waistband of my boxers up to my navel, pressing my erection flat against my stomach.
Halleluiah! Penny smiled and tugged her yellow cotton panties up, soft cotton pressing to her sexy little pussy, squeezing around plump labia, a gorgeous camel toe forming. Every contour of her pre-teen pussy was outlined by stretched yellow cotton and it was sexy as hell.
Suddenly I was distracted by a clamouring from the sidelines. That annoying Father was hopping up and down bellowing at me, "You can't be serious!" he yelled, getting red in the face, "You actually want to have sex with her?" he screamed in outrage.
I paused. Now that he mentioned it. . . I mean, jeez she was a skinny little beanpole, all arms and legs and pussy, big pussy. I nodded to the Father.
Penny must have caught on to my argument, or just became impatient. She grinned at me, panties pulled up tighter and said, "Guess what?"
"What?" I asked dumbly, staring rather rudely at her delectable mound.
"I'm leaking!" she giggled, thrusting her pelvis out and spreading her knees. Well, fuck me! She was!
I growled. Penny giggled hard thinking I was growling at her. I wasn't. I was bitch-slapping that asshole Father on the sidelines, "Look at that!" I was yelling at him, the other uncouth guy egging me on, "How can you say no to that?!!"
I grinned when the Father looked and finally shut up, his mouth gaping open. Sanctimonious bastard.
With him dealt with, I turned my attention back to my sexy little minx, smiled at her and slipped the back of my boxers down over my ass, the front tenting with my leaking erection.
Penny smiled, tugged the back down, waistband slipping to the bottom of her buttocks. Nice game! I turned and flashed my ass at her, sighing rather deeply when she did the same. The poet emerged in me. God but her butt was beautiful, buttocks bubbly and bouncy, bare, bubbalicious. . . yum. I felt like cheating and just grabbing her, fondle that butt. . .
"Penny, may I just say you have a spectacular bum," I said, awestruck by its perfection.
"Yours is pretty cute, too, Dad," she answered with a seductive little wiggle.
"Yes, but I don't want to kiss my ass," I advised her, quite seriously. I really wanted to sink my lips into those round globes.
Penny burst into laughter and turned to face me. I lost sight of her magnificent moons, groaned at the loss of those glorious glutei. I quite forgot what it was we were doing in my bedroom, Penny almost naked on my bed. Oh, yes, mutual masturbation.
Pulling my boxers up, I smiled, let the waist go, and gently rubbed the front, stroking my palm along my erection. Penny mimicked me, sliding her hand over her yellow panties to caress her sexy crotch. It was far more erotic than I'd imagined. In fact, seeing an eight year old fondling her own panties had me very excited, feverish, one might say.
My need was becoming rather insistent and I hadn't even reached the main event. I'd have to hustle. Reaching for the waist, I lowered my boxers and let them fall, Old Faithful rigid, at attention, helmet flared. I pulsed pleasantly when Penny smiled and dropped her cotton panties. I pulsed a hard when she posed, "Tada!" she announced, hip cocked out, sexy little pussy dusted with black pubic hairs. I was overcome by an urge to dive onto the bed and. . .
"So. . . How should we do this?" I asked, completely enthralled by how arousing the dichotomy of a pre-teen with pubic hair and no boobs was, how it could drive me so insane with lust.
My little scientist had me laying down, checking angles, turning and trying different positions until she was satisfied. I was satisfied, too. Actually, I'd have been satisfied with anything as long as she was naked on the bed with me. I was pretty easy to please, I thought, easy going, accommodating, all-in-all a pretty good father. Shows you how befuddled I was, eh?
With our heads comfortably supported by pillows, we lay side-by-side on our backs, my feet at her head, hers at my waist - Penny was short, you know; only eight. A very sexy eight. A seductive eight. A delicious eight. Hmmm, wonder what she'd taste like?
Thus, comfortably arranged, Penny suggested I start. "Go ahead, Dad. Let's see."
"Uh, together, okay?"
A thought occurred to me. I was a nasty, nasty Daddy. "Um. . . Penny. How will I know when you get your good feelings? You know, when you climax."
"Oh." She paused for a moment. "I'll tell you. Okay?"
Yes. Very satisfactory. Bad Daddy. "How?"
She laughed, "I'll tell you Dad!"
All righty then.
Holding my now weeping erection, I carefully spread precum over the helmet and shaft, under the watchful eyes of Penny. Gripping my shaft I started stroking very, very slowly, my eyes absolutely glued to her lovely, plump little pubis; her prominent pre-teen pouty. . . I think I was in love. Shouldn't I kiss it? Demonstrate my undying love, my devotion, my admiration?
The downy pubic hairs, along with her legs being pressed together, made her mound the highest point on her body, a magnificent mountain I wanted to climb. I particularly admired the tightness of her little slit as it curled down to disappear between sexy thighs.
I found it quite fascinating how she let her index finger caress her slit. I was particularly excited at how her index finger seemed to slip into that seductive cleft, her little labia bulging so sexily. I suddenly could imagine how it might feel on my tongue, wrapping me in an erotic caress. Lovely. I'd have to try. Later. . . in a minute or two.
Penny seemed to take masturbation very seriously, her smile fading, light blue eyes serious as she stared at me stroking my erection, her finger moving up and down in her slit. The way the pad of her pussy appeared so lush and succulent had me straining and pulsing, leaking copiously.
I have to admit I sort of forgot I was masturbating as I became enthralled with her little finger moving faster, burrowing in, a frown appearing, eyes almost closed, and chest showing her deep breathing. She started uttering sexy little sighs, eyes glazing.
That little finger started rubbing side-to-side, faster and faster almost becoming a blur as she rubbed her clit, tiny hips rolling. My darling Penny started grunting, a very exciting grunt. "Now, Daddy," she panted, as her body went rigid, legs tensed, toes curled, bottom lifted, and she held her breath. Suddenly my sexy little daughter jerked, finger thrummed, little bottom bouncing on the mattress. She grunted and snorted quite spectacularly. It was a beautiful sight, my daughter climaxing. I liked the flush that started on her flat chest and moved up to her neck, then her face and ears. I loved her gasps and moans of joy, the cute frown of concentration on her face. It was an eye-opening experience and exceptionally erotic.
Suddenly, without having noticed, I was stroking my erection fast, my own climax near, needing to cum with my darling. Too late. Penny's legs parted slightly as she relaxed in post-orgasmic lethargy and I spotted the glimmer of moisture coating her flushed labia, her cleft still tightly closed, before she cupped her pussy.
Staring at her holding her little pussy, imagining rubbing my crown up and down her delectable, short, tight slit, my hips surged off the mattress, erection swelled, semen oozed out. I had time to breathe once and a huge wave of pleasure hit me, semen jetted into the air majestically to splash over my hand, hot, viscous, adding lubrication to my shaft. I heaved again, another wave of bliss hit and, suddenly, I was cumming like there was no tomorrow, eyes locked on Penny holding her pre-teen pussy, wanting to cum on it, semen spurting, joy flooding me, sweet bliss, cumming hard, pleasure, pleasure.
"Wow, that was a good one, Dad!" Penny exclaimed, scrambling on the bed to kneel next to me. "What is it?" she asked peering at the milky white semen covering my pubic bush.
"Semen, Honey," I panted.
"Can I touch it?"
Can she. . .? What a stupid question! "Go ahead."
I was feeling very strange as Penny rubbed the tip of her fingers together, feeling how slippery my semen was. On the one hand I was drained, satiated, and satisfied from a good cum. But, somehow I was still incredibly excited, still incredibly aroused even though my dick was limp. It was an unusual feeling. Nice but unusual. Never-the-less, with a horny perspective on life, feeling quite cheerful at the major milestone we'd passed in our relationship, and a few very adult ideas now floating though my mind, I happily suggested to my naked little nymph that she'd make Daddy sooooo happy if she'd sleep in his bed. "I feel lonely, you know, Penny," I said with tremendous feeling, begging only slightly.
"Gotta brush my teeth, Dad," Penny said, scrambling off the bed enthusiastically, actually seeming excited at sleeping in my bed. I wondered if she knew the invitation was for naked little girls only. I ensured it by grabbing her yellow cotton panties, bringing them to my nose and inhaling her sweet musky scent deeply, and shoving them under the bed where she'd never find them.
Idly, I watched her beautiful bottom, her bubbly buttocks bouncing their way to the en suite. Really quite stunning, I decided; worthy of a kiss, each of them, sink my lips into their soft, firm, youthful loveliness. Yes, maybe a suck, too. Wouldn't a hickey look sweet on that left cheek? And the right, come to think of it; a matching pair, yes, a matching pair.
Reaching for my boxers, I wiped semen off, now tired and drowsy, typically male; cum/sleep; a primal programming in our genes.
Crawling up under the sheet, the sound of water running in the bathroom, I plumped the pillow up, wondering if I had enough energy left to introduce myself to Penny's sexy little bum.
I didn't.
I woke up in the morning to the pleasure of Penny next to me. My pleasure increased when I remembered she was delightfully naked, which I confirmed with a grope, a feel, a probe.
Memories of Penny masturbating for me, climaxing on my bed, pretty little plump pussy, a tight cleft that swallowed her finger so seductively, her bouncy butt running to the bathroom, and there you were. Erection. . . horny. . . lecherous, with a naked nymph next to me.
As I caressed her sexy rump, I remembered thinking last night that her bum was really quite stunning, each little buttock worthy of a kiss; sink my lips into their soft, firm, youthful loveliness. And, of course, maybe a suck, too. I remembered thinking how delightful a hickey would look on her sweet bum cheek before falling asleep.
In the brightness of morning, as she slept next to me, I still thought a hickey would look nice. So I introduced myself to the seductive little mounds I was fondling; hello there, aren't you two pretty.
Her perky little buttocks were quite delicious. I revelled in their firm resilience, rejoiced in how they yielded so seductively to the pressure of my kiss. I became quite enthusiastic trying to see how deep I could dive in, quite excited at how one sexy little butt cheek seemed to fit my fondling and appreciative hand so perfectly.
A wave of love overcame me when I felt the silky soft skin inside a slender thigh. . . actually, it might have been lust now I think about it. And, as one has a tendency to do in those situations, I pondered the wisdom of measuring the gentle curve of said thigh, succumbing to the need to discover. It was a marvellous expedition. Penny's tender thigh was just as silky soft near her delectable bottom, which I was in the process of marking, as it were; my lips glued in adoration.
My little girl was an ecological wonder, generating heat, real genuine heat. I found this fascinating and, being a curious sort, an adventurer, a. . . well, you get the idea, I sought out the source of that heat. I found it and it filled me with amazement, with wonder, with awe. I couldn't believe something so small, so petite, so plump, so prominent and perfect could radiate heat so intensely. But it did!!
So I felt it. I gently touched this radiator, discovering soft little black pubic hairs, silky against my finger. I explored, seeking the source of said heat, discovering moisture, warm and slippery. And, I'm afraid to say, I succumbed to my baser instincts when I realized my child, my little girl, my sweet little Penny was horny. Her moans and moving bum gave it away.
Being a kind and considerate father, I did what any would; fingered and fondled her. I couldn't leave her in a state of. . . not cumming.
I was particularly pleased with how moist my daughter became when I caressed that pouty little pussy, that ripe little peach. It was very exciting to feel her move, hear her sweet little cries of joy, feel my girl climaxing.
Penny opened her eyes as she lay on her front, arms up under the pillow, morning light making the room bright. She smelled laundry conditioner and a faint hint of aftershave in the pillow. In Dad's bed. Oh, even better, Dad's lips kissing her bum cheek. She liked how he pressed his lips in, his hand on her thigh. But, when she felt the edge of his finger lightly touch her pussy, sparks of pleasure went off like little fireworks, sending nice messages all the way to her nipples.
Penny smiled as she felt Dad suck her bum cheek, and shivered when his finger lightly traced her slit. Pushing her face into the pillow, she moaned, feeling her clit pulse nicely, exciting moisture start. Horny. She parted her legs a bit, encouragement for Dad to continue. Nice way to wake up!
The gentle touch of his finger as it slipped up and down her slit sent tremors through her, exciting, now really horny. She felt her slit become slippery, wanted Dad to push in just a little deeper and touch her clit that now ached. Timing it for when his finger was slipping down her slit, she curled her bum up, forcing her buttock against his sucking mouth and groaned, Dad's finger slipping between her lips. Yes, Dad, there, right there! She sighed, bum twitching.
Dad started kissing her other cheek, his fingertip now sliding effortlessly through her tight slit, rubbing across her clit, nice pulses, nice pulses. Penny started moving her bottom, timing her movements to Dad's finger, arousal building, pressure building. She didn't notice when Dad started sucking her other bum cheek, pleasure was spiking through her, pussy wet, clit throbbing, so good Dad.
Undulating her bum, Penny let her climax erupt and roll through her, starting in her clit, pussy clenching, bum flexing, hips pressing to the bed. It charged up her body to explode in her head, her face pressed into the pillow, huffing, body shaking, cumming Daddy, cumming, oh! Cumming hard, Daddy!
When the stars faded, when her heart slowed, she realized she needed to pee real bad. "Gotta go, Dad," she said, rolling out of bed and running to the bathroom. Penny was grinning as she ran; her plan was going much better than she'd hoped for. Suzie was right!
"Just show your dad your pussy. Eventually he'll want to touch you. My dad did," Suzie whispered with a quiet giggle. "Don't tell anyone, though. It's a secret."
"Did it feel good?" Peggy asked breathlessly, her mind picturing Dad, tall, sandy hair always a mess, his sexy brown eyes.
"Uh-huh! You know when you play with yourself?"
"It's a hundred thousand million times better!"
"Reeeaaaaly?" Penny asked.
"Yup," Suzie nodded. "You've gotta try."
Penny grinned and sighed with relief as pee streamed into the toilet. Just wait till she told Suzie!
I admired my handiwork as Penny ran to the bathroom, her perfectly bubbly buttocks bouncing, a delightful deep red hickey on each cheek. I'd quite enjoyed placing them there, too. But, my joy soon faded when I realized she'd left me, and left me with a raging hard on which I had hoped to let her explore.
I watched Penny leave the bedroom. "Hungry, Dad," she claimed as her excuse for leaving me high and. . . horny. I actually grumped as I brushed my teeth; ungrateful wench. I'd show her. I'd punish her. I'd ignore her. She needed a lesson in reciprocation.
I'm not sure she understood this punishment thing. Climbing into my lap at breakfast wasn't what I had in mind, nor was my renewed erection.
"Dad," she exclaimed with pleasure shining from her face, "Let's go shopping. It's Saturday!"
Shopping? Who in their right mind wanted to shop? I had an erection for goodness sake. Couldn't she feel it under her tiny bum? I grinned, held my little darling in a tight hug and flexed said erection hard, sending her a message, 'Your Dad's in agony, help, help!'
"Love you, too, Dad," she said, hugging me back.
Clearly there was a communication disconnect as, hopping off my lap, Penny smiled, "Glad you agree, Dad. Let's go."
Agree? How did I do that?
Shopping was fun. Holding Penny's hand was fun. Eating in the food court was fun. Being constantly horny with an erection wasn't. Every time it would finally soften, Penny, the little scientist with an eagle eye, would hug me and rub her small body against my groin until she achieved the desired response.
Eventually, I decided if I was going to be in agony, I might as well have fun. Stepping into the washroom, I rearranged my determined erection, forcing it - rather painfully I must say - down into my groin. Thus hidden, I let my little scientist hunt.
And, much to my delight, she did, frowning when she hugged her Daddy and felt a lack of appreciation. She rubbed herself against me seeking that appreciation and, eventually, checking to see no one would notice, hunted more seriously with a small hand. It was very stimulating, I must say.
Eventually Penny graced me with a sweet smile of success, more like a grin, when she felt the large bulk between my legs. "Found it!" she claimed very loudly with glee, immediately peering around to see if anyone heard her.
Penny was having fun. She liked how Dad let her grope and feel, his eyes smiling so attractively. It was exciting to touch Dad, feel his penis. As she walked holding Dad's hand, she debated how to move to the next step; touching his penis, maybe rubbing it. Oooh, making it squirt. That made her pussy warm. Even Suzie hadn't done that.
I was in rather dire straits when we finally made in home. I was in desperate need of dry underwear, in desperate need of repositioning it to relieve the strain, and in desperate need of relief from the pressure that had been building since waking up.
Thus it was no surprise when my painful, horny condition clouded my judgement. I needed to cum. With that sole overriding objective in mind, I debated, dreamed and connived. Thankfully, the Father on the sidelines was quiet, now fascinated, too.
After dinner, with Penny stretched out on her front on the floor, knees bent, feet waving in the air, her face supported by her hands as she stared at the TV, I dreamed of her kissing my erection, her lips spreading over the head, a suck or two; just enough for me to release this un-Godly pressure. Perhaps too soon for that, I thought reluctantly.
Staring at her jean-clad bum, I imagined sliding my erection between sweet bubbly buttocks, nestling my cock into the tight valley, and spurting gloriously all over her small back. Mmmm, that would be nice.
But it was when she spread her knees that inspiration occurred. Actually, it was tight jeans and a sexy little camel toe.
"Uh, Penny, honey," I said. She turned and looked over her shoulder at me, bright blue eyes smiling so attractively. "I have a bit of a problem," I announced.
"Really?" she asked as if she didn't know what said problem might be. Minx!
"Yes. I do. And, I'd like to point out that it's your fault, therefore your responsibility to fix."
Her face assumed an innocent expression that didn't fool me for a second. "What problem, Daaaady?" she asked, grinning when she glanced at my bulky crotch.
"That!" I said ardently, nodding down, "That's my problem. Actually, your problem."
"Why is it my problem?" she smiled, rolling onto her back.
Hmmm. Good question. "Well, let's see. I hurt. When I hurt I become grumpy. When I become grumpy. . . I don't like making dessert!"
Penny laughed. "Then I'll get some ice cream."
Hmmm. Need to be more compelling.
"When I'm grumpy, I don't have any love for my daughter, especially when I know she's a masochist and likes seeing her daddy in pain. I especially don't want an unfeeling daughter sleeping in my bed. Did I mention I hurt?"
She laughed. Bugger.
"And," I added with feeling, "I never buy things for uncaring people."
"Buy? Like what, Dad?"
"Like snacks. . ."
"Not hungry."
"Like movie tickets. . ."
"Got a DVD player, Dad."
Bloody hell. "Like new clothes. . .?"
"Really? As in anything I want?" Penny's eyes sparkled.
Horniness was clouding my mind, and my judgement.
I grinned. "Probably. But I'm in too much pain right now to decide."
She bounced up from the floor, smiled coyly, "So how can I make Daddy all better?"
Damn I was horny.
"I thought it might be nice for you to rub that pouty pudendum against me," I said feverishly.
"Rub what?" Penny asked, puzzled. Pudendum?
Nodding furiously at the camel toe in her tight jeans, I clarified. "Pudendum, pubis, vulva. . . pretty little pussy."
Penny grinned, "You mean this?" she asked pointing to her crotch.
"Uh-huh!" Now I was nodding rather hard.
"Kay. Let's!" she exclaimed, grabbing my hand and tugging me down the hall to my bedroom. I let her lead me and my erection, feeling it flex in my pants. I think it was excited. I sure as hell was.
As she pushed me onto the bed, I recommended we try it naked, "Don't want to get our clothes messy," I reasoned. She agreed enthusiastically, clothes flying everywhere as she stripped, bouncing on the bed, giving me a big smile.
When she saw my magnificent erection, the smile faded slightly. "Wow."
Yes indeed wow. A day of teasing had made it quite angry. It was furiously bobbing, red-faced, and spitting. Well, maybe not. But it was rigid, pointing to the heavens, very swollen and drooling precum.
She grinned, "Big Dad. Looks painful. Is it?"
"That's what I've been telling you," I exclaimed, scrambling onto my bed like a kid, laying back, and plumping a pillow under my head so I could play voyeur. "Okay. Go ahead. Start," I suggested, nodding at my erection.
Penny laughed hard. Dad was completely gone. Nice erection, too. It was sort of fun having Dad so enthusiastic, just what she'd wanted. She wondered how much more he'd be able to take before wanting to have real sex with her. Judging by today, not long, she thought.
"So what do I do, Dad?" she asked, kneeling at his side, staring at his penis.
"Straddle me and sit. Then, if you feel like it, rub your sexy little peach on me?"
"Will it feel good?"
"I promise I'll love it."
Penny laughed. "No. Me. Will it feel good for me?"
"Oh. Sure. You'll love it!" I exclaimed, in truth not really caring at that particular moment.
"And if I don't?"
Tearing my eyes from her plump peach, I looked at her face. Penny had this sexy, sexy smile, eyes bright. It struck me at that point. My daughter actually wanted to take this all the way. It was in the pleasure that radiated, her excitement. This was very, very exciting.
"Penny, sweetie," I said fervently, "If you don't like it, I'll kiss that pretty little pussy until you scream for me to stop."
Her hands hit my stomach as she swung a knee over my thighs. I was concentrating hard, staring, heart thumping, absorbed by how her sexy pussy with its dusting of downy pubic hair seemed so full between her immature thighs. As she settled her small bottom on me, her plump cleft flowered open, thick labia parting to reveal a long clitoral hood filling half her short slit, a bump of her clitoris, and tiny, undeveloped inner labia.
"Like this, Dad?" Penny asked, shuffling up, her eyes riveted to my straining erection.
Somehow, her knee movements as she crawled up spread her pussy even more. I caught a glimpse of a moist dark entrance, a tightly stretched perineum and a dark smudge of her rosebud between sexy buttocks before I groaned loudly.
Penny's plump labia bulged out as she settled her pussy on my shaft, her sparse downy pubic hair making them appear so lush. There was something so erotic in seeing her small pubis nestled against an adult erection, my erection. Penny was so small, so young, flat-chested, yet so damn sexy sitting astride me, gloriously naked, excited smile on her face, a big erection jutting out from her crotch, soft pussy pressing it to my stomach.
She hadn't even moved and I could feel the pressure that builds with a climax, tenseness in my balls, and heaviness in my groin. When she made to move, I grabbed her tiny hips and stopped her.
"Listen, Sweetie," I huffed, "I'm really close. Your teasing all day has made me pretty excited." I could tell she was feeling the way my erection was pulsing strongly against her pussy, her eyes shining, pleasure beaming at me. "I don't think I'll last very long."
"That's okay. You cum and then you can kiss my 'pretty little pussy'. Is that what you called it?"
I felt her giggle on my erection, clear precum oozing out over my stomach. Damn I was close, her weight too arousing, pussy too sexy, enthusiasm way too attractive.
"Okay," I grunted, too far along to wait any longer. Holding her slender hips, fingers on her sweet little buttocks, I pulled her up and groaned deeply. Her pussy glided up my shaft, spread wider as it slipped over the flared crown and sort of pooched out. I groaned deeply again when I guided her hips back, shaking from the sight of my crown pushing out through her tiny pussy. She drew my precum back as I moved her, sexy, sexy slit gliding silkily down my shaft, tiny clitoris emerging.
I was suffering from sensory overload; my hands holding a slender young girl, my slender young eight year old, my child moving in a fucking motion over her father's erection, the silky soft heat of her immature pussy caressing my shaft. Jesus, I was one step away from having sex with my daughter, and that thought released any hold I had.
"Gonna cum, Honey," I groaned. Holding her sexy immature hips, I started sliding her hot pussy up and down, silky labia caressing my erection. I was gone, gone, lost in the eroticism of almost fucking my daughter, moving her urgently, stroking, stroking, soft, soft pussy caressing me, so good, so good.
Pressure built higher, my eyes locked on the incredible sight of Penny's pussy gliding on my precum-slickened erection, crown red and swollen. "God, baby, I'm cumming," I gasped.
A huge pressure exploded, my shaft swelled, semen spit. I managed to inhale once and pleasure erupted. A huge surge of bliss tore through me, erection swelled, semen charged up my shaft painfully and I exploded, thick, milky white cum jetting up to land on my chest. The rage of my orgasm took control. I humped my daughter's pussy, pulling her sexy slit up and down my straining shaft, semen exploding with each stroke, glorious bliss tearing me apart. I came hard, furiously, spurting wildly, beautiful release, beautiful. I chased my orgasm, thrusting, spurting, God, so good Sweetheart.
When I uncrossed my eyes and started breathing again, Penny was grinning down at me, partially bent over, studying the cum on my chest.
"Wow. A lot, Dad! What a mess."
I couldn't speak, still exhausted from an intense, intense climax. Release and relaxation felt great, thank God.
"So," she said firmly, shaking me to get my attention, "Are you gonna kiss my pretty little pussy now?"
I had actually been considering having a snooze, drifting into a satisfied sleep, behaving like a man. Now I had gotten rid of the unreasonable pressure that had plagued me all day, I thought a recuperative rest was in order, a nap, a doze, a. . .
Penny clearly didn't agree. "Hey! Dad!" she said loudly, shaking me again. "My turn," she insisted, emphasizing her demand with a rub of her pussy on my deflated enthusiasm.
The little minx really showed her seductive capabilities, rather surprising for an eight year old, I thought, when she leaned down, bright blue eyes peering at me, a grin brightening her impish face and whispered, "I'm leaking!"
Even though there was no response below, I actually felt arousal rush back. "Let me go clean up," I suggested. "I'll be right back. Don't move. Stay. Don't touch yourself. In fact, don't breathe!"
"Kay." Penny climbed off me laughing.
In the bathroom I wiped the semen off me as a remarkably handsome guy in the mirror admired my good fortune. I saw the look in his envious eyes. He couldn't believe I'd been lucky enough to have a massive climax from the seductive massage of a sweet little pre-teen pussy. I did, I told him with pride. He couldn't believe how sexy an eight year old could be. She is, I advised with a nod.
He jealously asked me what my plans were. Well now. . . I pondered, pretty much everything. I reminded him I had a sexy little minx naked in my bed at that moment, a little sexpot who'd invited her Daddy to give her a loving kiss. As I tossed the towel to the floor, I gave him a parting grin. He was excited for me, he grinned back.
There was something wrong with how sexy I thought my daughter was, and how desirable, delicious, and delectable.
Penny lay on the bed waiting for Dad. She could feel the small tremors in her body, excitement at the prospect of Dad kissing her pussy. She smiled. She felt herself leaking, so horny. Rubbing her pussy on Dad's erection had been an amazing experience. His gasps and groans from feeling her rub him were exciting and, if he'd waited a bit longer, she'd have cum. But, jeez, she'd been totally amazed by his climax.
Sitting on him, she'd felt his desperation in how he pushed and pulled her over him. Then she'd actually felt his erection swell and jerk under her, saw a bit of semen ooze out, and suddenly Dad was spurting hard. Long ropes of white semen jetted from his erection to splatter on his chest and tummy. She'd felt every strong throb in his erection, too! And now Dad was going to kiss her pussy.
Anticipation had her trembling. She wondered what it was going to feel like to have sex with Dad. She knew she was going to, eventually. Sooner or later he was going to; it was in his eyes. She trembled slightly and smiled when he came out of the bathroom, so handsome.
Aaah, my Penny. How sweetly she lay, how slender her body, how pretty her face, how charming her eyes, how. . . Oh, to hell with it. My little darling's pussy was all I had eyes for, that seductive mound that rose majestically between the twin peaks of her tiny hips, that seductive mound that appeared so plump, soft downy pubic hairs enhancing the mighty upsweep from a flat tummy.
She had my heart singing when she parted her legs for Daddy, gracing me with a glance of her gorgeous cleft that gloriously merged into rounded glutei. I was in full poetic mode as I contemplated the cute compact bum resting on the bed, the peachy pussy pouting in pure pleasure waiting for Daddy's kiss.
My heart was singing with pleasure at her tinkling laughter when I dived onto the bed, landing gracelessly with a resounding thump, her small body bouncing. I may have been graceless, but boy was I accurate. I landed face to. . . pussy; delightful, a real wonder of nature, at once pure and innocent, a flower sending out delicate aromas to entice the male species, to entice, to befuddle, to encourage procreation.
I felt the draw, the pull, the tug. And, with a deep sigh of contentment, kissed said wonder of nature. Penny sighed so sweetly, slipped slender legs over my shoulders, curled them to hold me tight, and let her eyes twinkle with encouragement and amusement.
Man but her pussy was sweet, tender, soft and warm. The heady aroma filled my senses, downy pubic hair tickled my lips delightfully. From my new perch between her legs, her pussy was remarkably large; a truly mountainous mons pubis filled my vision. Her small cleft was beautifully tight, a smooth line merging seamlessly with her bum crack.
"Ready?" I asked.
"Uh-huh!" she nodded, eyes bright, smiling.
"All righty then." I went for the gold. . . slowly. Kissing her magnificent mound, I worked my way down, light kisses, teasing kisses, appreciating her slight body twitches. I tasted her moisture on my lips when I was plumbing the depths and paused to appreciate her delicate flavour, lightly musky, heady, arousing, two hands gently holding her slender hips.
Moving back up, I started again, kissing slightly harder, sinking my mouth into her pad of pleasure, my pleasure, and brought my tongue out to play. Penny rewarded my exploration with a sudden body jerk, thighs smacking over my ears and small hands gripping my hair. My tongue had discovered a tiny, hard clitoris buried between plump labia. A sensitive clitoris, too.
I paid tribute to her clit, using my thumbs to part her labia, licking and tickling before giving the hard little nub a kiss, and a suck. Penny groaned her thanks. Encouraged, I traced immature inner labia, let my nose rub her clit and probed her exciting, tiny vaginal opening. Penny appreciated my sucking her ambrosia, her hips jerking hard. I orally scoped out her virginity, a delicate blockage at the entrance, and happily wormed the tip of my tongue at the miniscule opening.
"Dad!" she gasped.
Encouraged by her ardour, her appreciation, her sweet gasps, I turned my attention back to her center of pleasure. Holding two sweet compact little buttocks in my hands, I gave my daughter a present. Licking, sucking and stimulating her clitoris, I rubbed her rosebud with the pad of my thumb.
Penny exploded. Literally exploded. She screamed delightfully, her body rocketing off the bed. She spurted sensual liquid, grabbed my hair tugging my face to her pussy. Her thighs slapped together, tummy going rigid. Everything paused for a micro-second, and then hell broke loose. She writhed on the bed, orgasmic spasms wracking her body. She cried out, gripped, hunched and leaked in an intense, intense climax. I followed her moving pussy, licking and caressing it, rubbed her rosebud and helped her peak until she collapsed, panting, completely limp.
With a final lick to clean up her moisture, I rose to my knees. Poor Penny had passed out, limp, sprawled out, sexy as hell.
Her sweet face was completely relaxed, such a pretty girl. I smiled when I heard a tiny snore. I felt so lucky at that moment. So lucky to have experienced her orgasm, so lucky she'd let me give her pleasure, so lucky to have been given the gift of tasting her sensual arousal, sexy, lightly musky.
And I was horny again. My erection returned in full force. Eating Penny had been incredible, but experiencing her intense climax had been astoundingly erotic. A thought popped into my aroused brain. Bad Daddy. But, she was asleep, I rationalized.
Rolling her over, I made sure she was comfortable, placing a pillow under her head, bending over and kissing her soft rounded cheek, inhaling her clean breath as she slept. Such an angel. My little angel.
Gently I moved her legs together and straddled her slender little thighs, my erection jutting up as I admired the wondrous curves of a pre-teen bottom. It was so small and compact, yet as she lay on her front, her sexy bottom gained rather adult curves, sweeping up from her slim back spreading slightly and narrowing to meet her thighs.
With trembling hand I held two perfect, petite buttocks in my palms, a perfect fit, made for Daddy, made by Daddy, too. Eyes riveted, I caressed them, cool silky skin, young and firm. As I moved my hands over heavenly cheeks, I watched avidly, the valley growing, cheeks spreading, tiny brown rosebud appearing. Shaking from fondling her, I spread her buttocks further, sighing at the sight of her perfect pussy, so full between her thighs. I loved how her downy pubic hair dusted her labia, seemingly so pubescent, yet only eight years old.
Massaging her beautiful little bottom slightly harder, her pussy started moving, cleft flowering open to show me a glisten of moisture, a peek at her reddened clit and, God, the tiny, tiny opening of her vagina. My poor old erection was suffering, bobbing and leaking, precum tickling as it slid down the shaft.
Staring feverishly, I wondered what it would feel like to nudge my erection to that tiny, tiny opening. Wait! Hold the horses! I could! Penny was asleep. What harm could there possibly be in a touch, an exploratory move? All I really wanted to do was admire how magnificent my erection would look when pressed to such a tiny opening.
With my rational brain bamboozled by the view of a perfect little girl in front of me, a sexy bottom, a beautiful little pussy, and the scent of arousal fogging my mind, I gripped my shaft and slipped the crown into her sexy, sexy groin, shuddering at the touch of silky soft labia. I looked wonderfully massive, big; she looked perfectly petite. And, God, the feel of her plump labia parting over my crown had me dizzy, in heat, so, so aroused. I loved how small she was.
Groaning, I slipped the tip of my erection up over her rosebud and slid it through the tight valley formed by bubbly buttocks, laying down a trail of slick precum. Holding two buttocks, using my thumbs to keep my erection nestled deep in her seductive little valley, I started to fuck Penny's little bum, sliding my erection up and down, admiring how it reached her lower back on my forward movement, shuddering at how her buttocks caressed the crown when I pulled back, loving how petite she was.
I lost myself in the glory of fucking her bum, letting my climax build. My strokes lengthened, now scraping across her perineum then sliding up to the dip at her lower back. I felt my climax near, need and arousal pounding my body. One more touch, I rationalized in the heat of passion.
Slipping the tip down, I trembled as I nudged it to her tiny, tiny vaginal opening. The dam burst suddenly, uncontrollably. My orgasm exploded, semen charging up. With an almighty groan, semen burst out, shooting directly into her little vagina and oozing around my crown. Moaning, I hauled my erection up before I did what I desperately wanted to do, and slipped it between her sweet firm buttocks. Shoving forward, the crown reached her lower back, semen exploding, pleasure flooding me. A long rope of viscous white semen launched up Penny's back hitting her with a splat. I hunched, another spike of pleasure hit, semen jetting out over her slender back. With short desperate strokes I came furiously, the sight of my cum decorating her small body exciting me even more. I hunched and spurt, glorious pleasure hitting me, hunched, spurt, cumming all over her, cumming , cumming, Jesus, cumming hard.
The male gene in me was too strong. I was exhausted and needed to sleep. Cumming twice in less than an hour was more than my poor body could take.
Collapsing to Penny's side, I had enough strength to wipe her back and cover us before falling into a deep, satisfied sleep. I knew there was something wrong with me because I loved the idea that my sperm was inside Penny's tiny vagina, and I now desperately wanted to have intercourse with my eight year old daughter, the thought thrilling me. Bad, bad Daddy!
Morning sun brought me out of a drug-like sleep. The room was quiet except for gentle breathing, not my breathing. Lovely memories flooded back. An erection formed. Penny glowing in the full throes of a stunning climax, the thrill of feeling semen explode against the tiny opening of her vagina, the ecstasy of cumming all over her back, her succulent bottom, her sexy pussy, tight cleft. Oh, I wanted to do more. Bad, bad Daddy!
You mustn't!
"Penny, sweetheart," I whispered, rising on my elbow and turning to my side. "Penny."
I was a bad Daddy. Yes I was. I fondled my little girl's sexy bum as she lay on her front. I felt the remnants of dried semen, felt the amazingly sexy curves of her eight-year-old buttocks. Like a dedicated gold miner, I probed, following the seam of seduction, the valley of happiness, the beauteous chasm formed by bubbly buttocks.
"Penny, honey," I whispered louder, trembling slightly when I found the entrance to her gold mine. Oh God, still warm and moist. I knew some of the seductive moisture was my semen from last night. That knowledge had my drill achingly hard.
She turned her head on the pillow to face me, two bright blue eyes opening, a smile curving delectable lips. "Morning, Dad."
Okay, I'll admit it. I'm a sap, a softie, a wet noodle. My heart burst from her loving smile, my darling, my sweetie, my sexy little nymph, the one whose pussy I was currently fondling. I loved the brightness of her blue eyes. I adored her.
I hated it. Suddenly that Father on the sidelines was crowing, "Told you so," as I withdrew my hand, as reality set in. Damn I hated reality. Suddenly I realized my fervour was blinding me to the fact that my lovable daughter was only eight years old, that what I had been cogitating on, a sexy romp, could seriously damage her, mentally and physically. No, I hated reality.
"How are you this morning?" I asked, stroking her sensual slender back, making sure I felt her bottom on the down sweep, sort of a longing goodbye, I'll miss you my sexy little twins.
Penny rolled over. I lost touch of her magnificent cheeks. She yawned and stretched like a little kitten, sort of purred and smiled at me with a high-watt smile. Damn but she was gorgeous. "I feel good, Dad. Did I pass out?"
"Yup," I said with a proud smile. "You were a gonner," I added so articulately.
Enthralled, I watched Penny get an expression in her eyes, sort of contemplative. It morphed into amusement, then excitement and, as I stared riveted to her sweet face an watched impishness emerge.
She pulled the covers down slightly, exposing her flat chest. Her small index finger pointed at a small nipple. My seductive little minx gave me a come-hither look. "Kiss?" she inquired.
Well, who was I to deny her adorable plea. Being a kind and considerate father, I bent and lovingly, lovingly kissed her delightful little nipple, shuddering as I felt it bead.
"Lovely," I proclaimed with a smile of appreciation.
Penny moved her little index finger, pointed to her other nipple, "Kiss?" she invited, sexy blue eyes twinkling so enchantingly.
Her small nipple had an amazingly strong magnetic field. It drew me down, pulling my lips to it. I believe I moaned slightly when I graced it with a kiss and bad Daddy emerged. I licked said nipple.
"Marvellous," I advised, feeling a grin form on my face.
Two soft sexy eyes studied me. My little girl stared at me, a smile growing, mischief seeping into her expression as her little index finger pointed to her chin. "Kiss?"
Well yes, her chin did deserve a kiss. It looked so. . . chin-like. I kissed her chin, feeling her soft breath against my cheek. Somehow my hand found its way to her slender chest, a fingertip honing in on a beaded nipple.
Penny's eyes glittered, finger pointing to her rounded cheek. "Kiss?" she inquired softly.
Her cheek was silky soft against my lips, warm, beautiful. My morning woody was fully appreciating Penny's little seduction, the uncouth guy was beginning to clamour with excitement, the Father suddenly speechless.
I paid rapt attention to her little index finger, almost willing it to move. Glory be! It did, the tip touching sweet lips.
"Kiss?" she whispered with a seductive little smile.
Suddenly I realized that, with everything we'd done, I'd never actually kissed my daughter, at least not like a lover. This was indeed thrilling. Caressing her hair, I bent, let my lips touch her delicate little mouth, and groaned at how excitingly small it felt.
I moaned slightly when Penny hugged my neck, I moaned again when she pulled me to her mouth slightly harder, I moaned again when I felt her sexy little mouth open.
Her small warm tongue emptied my mind magically. I had no thoughts, none. All I could do was drown in the sensation of her kiss, let love and lust bloom as I opened my mouth and kissed my darling. I'd never experienced such an exciting kiss. Kissing an eight year old, my eight year old, in such an adult way blew my mind. It was so damn sexy. I almost, almost held on to rational thought. But no.
Penny broke the kiss, much to my regret. She stared at me with that seductive expression on her cute face. "Guess what?"
"What?" I asked, breathing a bit hard.
She giggled. "I'm leaking!"
Game over.
No mortal man could withstand the sweet seductiveness that oozed from her. She was a sexy, sexy little kitten, all smiles, bright blue twinkling eyes. She was a desirable little minx, somehow pushing all my buttons. And, God I wanted her.
I heard faint rumblings from the sidelines. But they too disappeared when Penny added, "Wanna feel?"
Why, yes I did. So I did. Bad Daddy.
My sweetheart parted her legs for me and, God yes, she was leaking. Her gorgeous pussy that filled my palm so sensuously was moist, silky, and slippery at the base. I couldn't resist probing gently, my erection throbbing as her labia hugged the tip of my finger.
When I felt the tiny, hot, moist entrance to her vagina, I knew what I wanted. More than anything I wanted to have intercourse, have sex, make love with her. Drawing her slippery moisture up through her cleft, I caressed her clit. I was too excited, wallowing in the sweet, seductive fog of intense arousal.
"Penny," I whispered breathlessly, planning on offering her the world if she'd let me in. I mentally organized my logic, prepared my argument, planned how to explain my entirely reasonable request; sex with Daddy.
"Hurry, Daddy," she whispered, pushing her pubis up at my hand. Her knee wormed its way under my side, legs parting. She tugged.
In the bright morning light, with an erection jutting painfully from my groin, I succumbed, moving between Penny's outspread legs. Holding myself over her small body, I let myself appreciate the wonderful gift. Penny, so petite and normally shapeless, had a seductively curved bottom, buttocks pressed to the bed adding shape. She was so small, slender, flat-chested with a remarkably plump pubic mound that surged up from her tummy. With her legs over my thighs, the sprinkle of her downy pubic hair made her pussy seem adolescent. Yet, the thinness of her thighs, her diminutive body, sharp hip bones and my large erection reinforced how young she was, so desirable.
With her legs spread, her plump cleft had flowered open, her slit glistening with moisture. I loved how her clitoral hood took up almost half her cleft, the tip rounded and flushed. I loved how her inner labia were so small, and I shook with desire when I saw the tiny, tiny darker red entrance to her vagina.
Leaning over her on one arm, I held my shaft, glanced up at her face, her eyes riveted on her crotch. Moving up, the tip touched her, pleasure blossomed, soft warm lips against my crown. Staring at the incredible sight of my adult erection, so big, pressing against such a small pussy, pushing small labia in, my crown almost filling her slit, had me shaking, arm trembling. God, but I was about to fuck an eight year old, my eight year old.
Extreme arousal blinds. It blinded me. I could feel precum oozing out against her tiny opening with every hard throb. My erection looked beautifully monstrous next to Penny's small pussy, so sexy, so arousing. I was fascinated at how small pressing motions made no progress, her pussy flattening against my large inflamed crown, sweet labia bulging. I knew I was at her entrance, my erection filling her groin. I was so, so turned on.
I tore my eyes away from the exciting sight. "Okay?" I whispered.
Penny flashed a smile at me, "Uh-huh," then looked back to her crotch.
This was it. I couldn't wait. Gently I started pressing slightly, backing off, pressing slightly, backing off. With every press, I felt precum ooze out, felt her pussy become slippery, slick, glistening with my precum. It was an incredible sight to see her labia flower open and ooze over my crown, as though she was finally yielding to me and suddenly, I was lodged at her opening. I pressed forward. Nothing. I pressed harder. Penny winced. Nothing. Backing off, I started again and pressed forward. Nothing.
"Harder, Daddy. Push harder," Penny moaned, her hips moving in encouragement.
I pressed slightly harder and almost climaxed when her vaginal entrance dilated and squeezed over my crown to snap on my shaft. Penny groaned, her body twitched, dark red oozed from where we were joined. My erection was pulsing strongly, the head squeezed by her tight, tight vagina. It was almost painful it was so tight.
With a tremble in my hand, I let my shaft go and caressed her reddened clitoris carefully with my thumb, waiting for her to relax. I actually felt her when she did, the vice-like grip on my crown easing. I kept caressing her clitoris, a tiny hard bead under my thumb, wanting her to feel arousal return.
Gradually Penny relaxed, her grip on my erection easing to a tight snugness. I moaned when she squeezed her pussy and saw her grin. She'd recovered.
"Ready?" I asked.
"How deep will it go?" she asked, shifting her hips, sort of wiggling herself on my erection. Jesus.
"Can you get it all inside me?"
"Dunno," I mumbled, erection throbbing, my eyes glued to the sight of me penetrating an eight year old pussy.
"What do you know, Daddy?" she asked with a grin and a clench.
Fuck me. "Dunno," I answered, my poor brain fogged.
Penny giggled. Damn that hurt. "Don't," I pleaded, her vagina returning to its vice-like grip.
"Then move, Daddy," she insisted, reinforcing it by curling her bottom up slightly.
My erection slipped in an inch. Oh man did that feel good. I bent over Penny, kissed her lips gently. "Ready?" I whispered to her. Bright blue eyes stared at me. She nodded, smiled, arms reaching for my neck.
Slowly I let my weight down on her delicate body, reached down to hold a delectable buttock, took a deep breath and pushed. Oh but it was glorious. My erection slipped into a tight velvet sheath, sinking seductively, warm and as slippery as silk. I groaned deeply, deeply, as my penis burrowed into her. I could feel her vaginal walls caress my crown, feel her tight vagina hug my shaft firmly. I was in heaven.
It felt like it went on for an eternity, slipping into her, deeper and deeper, even though I knew it wasn't. A thrill charged through my body making me tremble when the tip pushed against a rubbery barrier; I was at the entrance to my little girls' womb. God, I was at the entrance to my girl's womb!
My erection pulsed and swelled. I held myself in heaven, letting the sensations of penetrating my eight year old flow through me. I loved feeling my erection pulse and swell deep in her.
Penny sighed against me and moved underneath me, curling her bottom away from me just a bit, my erection slipping out slightly. I groaned and pulled her buttock back, sliding deep, nudging myself against her womb again. She sighed again and curled her bum away, my erection slipping out slightly. I groaned and pulled her sweet little buttock back, sinking deep, nudging her womb. A pace had started, the rhythm of sex, small withdrawals, gloriously thrilling gentle thrusts.
My heart started beating hard, sighs and groans filling the silence of the bedroom, Penny's petite body under me feeling so excitingly illicit. Small withdrawals, small thrusts, slippery, slippery, moist. Penny's legs hooked over my thighs, sweet bottom curling, encouraging, and our strokes started getting longer, exquisitely longer, my crown rubbing her velvet sheath as I withdrew, her snug vagina massaging me so erotically as I thrust.
Sighs grew louder, evolving into sweet moans. I gently fucked my daughter, crown almost emerging, pushing deep, sinking into paradise, nudging her womb, pressure building, pressure building.
I began to feel the intense need to cum, the powerful desire to spurt , to cum into her immature womb, my little girls womb. My thrusts began to speed up, pressure building, balls heavy and aching. I fucked my darling, long exquisite strokes, tight vagina gripping me, small legs tugging, urging, deep Daddy, deep.
I began praying for Penny to climax, my need pounding me. Long deep thrusts, tight, tight, pure heaven, small bottom in my palm.
"Oh, Daddy," she gasped. Her vagina clamped, her small hips jerked up, body froze. Suddenly my sweetheart exploded under me, her small body writhing, gasping, "Cumming, Daddy," she cried out, vagina gripping.
Too much, too much. I reached down and held both writhing little buttocks, and let the dam burst. Thrusting hard, fast, pounding into her, my erection swelled painfully, "God, cumming baby," I gasped. Semen burned up my shaft, I hunched painfully and lodged my swollen crown to her womb. Pleasure exploded, glorious pleasure, semen jetting out into her. I pulled back, shoved deep, exploded, semen blasting from me, exquisite pleasure, exquisite pleasure, hot semen bathing my crown.
With Penny's sweet little body writhing in her climax under me, I shoved and spurt, fucking my child, exploding in incredible bliss, ejaculating hard. I shoved and spurt in a deeply beautiful, agonizingly glorious climax. I came hard, blindingly hard, inseminating my darling, flooding her small womb, cumming, cumming, God, cumming baby.
We showered friskily, Penny playfully washing my cock, me groping her wondrous bottom. I was happily replaying the glorious feeling of cumming in her, anticipating doing it again. . . and again. . . and again. I'd never experienced such an intense orgasm. I was a very happy boy, I decided.
"Dad?" she asked, her hands building up a remarkable lather in my groin, "Does it always have to be in bed?"
"No. Why?"
"I just thought it might be fun if we had sex in other places, too."
Oh yes, that would be fun. I felt a twinge in my dick. Hmm. There was definitely something wrong with me. Baaaad Daddy. "Feel like seeing a movie today?" I asked with a grin, wondering what her lips might feel like on my crown.
brat luver
Since I can't: 'Thank you' ;-)
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