Published: 2-6-2012
Word Count:
The Sunday sun was bright on a warm, cloudless June summer day. Alice, searching through the house, was looking for Dad, wanting permission to go over to Lorrie's. Moving room-to-room, she first checked the study, a tiny third bedroom used mostly as a dumping ground for Dad's endless short-lived hobbies. She peeked into the bathroom. Not there. Where was he? Alice wandered through the living-dining room with its old threadbare but comfortable couch, old Sony TV and the PS3 sitting on the hardwood floor, game controller dropped in front of the couch, and a Georgian six-place dining table and glass fronted étagère taking up far too much room, dusty again. She checked the kitchen, small, compact but efficiently laid out. Not here either. On tiptoes, peeking through the green-curtained kitchen window above the sink, she glanced out into the small back yard to see if he was cleaning the above ground pool. Nope. Where the heck had her teddy bear gone?
She'd thought of Dad as her teddy bear for as long as she could remember. It had started when Mom used to call Dad "Teddy" when she was affectionate. And Dad, being so big and burly, well over six feet, with chest hair that curled out at the neck of his shirts, a heavy beard and moustache, wavy dark hair that was slightly too long, and brown soulful eyes, looked just like a big teddy bear. He even felt like one when he'd grab her and hug her in his big arms, tickling her cheek with his beard and making her giggle from its feel and the pure delight of a hug from Dad. She could never get enough of them. He was her teddy bear.
Still looking, she headed for the garage and laundry room. Turning the corner, she spotted him in the laundry room and immediately blushed, retreating silently, feeling embarrassed for some reason.
Dad had been standing in the tiny room, a basket of clean clothes on the ground, and a pair of her small white cotton panties in his hand. What made her blush was seeing how they hung from his fingers, his thumb gently rubbing the gusset. He wasn't even looking at them. His eyes were unfocused and staring into the distance. It almost looked like he was fondling them!
But that couldn't be. Her teddy bear? Fondling her panties? Alice left him a note in the kitchen and went to Lorrie's house, preoccupied with what she'd seen, wondering what Dad had been doing or thinking about. It was early evening and Dad was making dinner when she finally returned, the episode forgotten.
"I'm home, Dad," she yelled as she walked in the door, heading towards the kitchen, following the sounds of Dad cooking. The front door slammed behind her. She saw him at the sink peeling potatoes, his eyes studying the back yard out the window. "When's dinner?"
"Soon. Young lady, you know you're not supposed to leave without talking to me," I said, trying to sound firm as I made dinner. For some reason I just couldn't be stern with her. Sometimes I'd admonish myself for letting her get away with murder, but she was my Alice, the light of my life. And besides, generally speaking, she was well behaved, well, most of the time. She had an impish streak in her that tended to weaken my resolve. It was very annoying to feel so helpless with a ten year old. And the imp took advantage of me; I knew it and couldn't help but enjoy it.
"Daaad! I only went across the street! Jeez, you treat me like I'm a baby."
That made me smile. Alice was my baby, even at ten years old. She would still be when she hit twenty. She didn't understand how fathers view their little girls; forever sweet, loving and innocent.
"Sweetheart, it's nothing to do with how old you are. I've told you hundreds of times, I trust you. But, if I need to get a hold of you in an emergency, what would I do if I had no idea where you were?"
"I left you a note, Dad," Alice insisted, plunking down on a chair at the small table.
Looking around the kitchen as I peeled potatoes, I asked, "Where? I don't see one."
"Jeez Dad. Look. Over there," Alice pointed. He looked the wrong way. "No Dad!" she giggled, "The fridge." Goof. Her teddy bear was a goof.
"That?" I asked squinting at what looked to me like mice scrawl on a tiny yellow Post-it note no larger than my thumbnail. "That's not a note, Alice. That's a hieroglyph."
Alice went to the fridge and pulled it off. Sticking her arm out towards Dad with the yellow Post-it stuck on the end of her finger she said, "Look Dad. Read it," giggling again when he squinted and frowned as if it was hard to read.
"Go netolor ries BBS?"
"Daaad!" Alice burst into laughter. "It doesn't say that."
"Yes it does," I replied, nodding at it as I peeled. "Look."
I loved the way Alice's face would scrunch up in concentration, natural dark brown eyebrows almost meeting, soft, warm eyes narrowing, her broad, generous mouth frowning. It was really cute.
"Dad, honestly! It says, 'Gone to Lorrie's'."
"Doesn't," I claimed, although it did. Bugging Alice was such a blast. "And what the heck is BBS?"
"Be Back Soon! Where've you been living for the last few years? Everyone knows that." She smiled hearing him grump and grumble. My teddy bear.
I caught her smile before turning back to make dinner. I loved Alice so much it occasionally manifested itself as a physical ache. There were occasions when she'd do something and I'd feel a band constricting my chest and restricting my breath, it would hit me just so. She had spunk, and that made me so proud. No one was ever going to take advantage of my Alice, thank God, not with her feisty attitude. There was something so satisfying and attractive about females with gumption and strength of character; just like her mother.
Dinner was simple, Sunday night in front of the TV relaxing, my Alice cuddled to my side calming me, and I went to bed a happy father. As simple as my life was, it suited me perfectly. Sometimes I wished I had more money to buy Alice some of the things her friends had, but we had a roof over our heads, food on the table, and a house finally paid-off. Things could be worse.
That night in bed, with the sound of the TV from Dad's bedroom filtering through her bedroom door, the laundry episode came back to Alice. The image of Dad holding her panties was still strong. She wondered why he was holding them like that and why his thumb was rubbing the crotch. Even more intriguing was where his mind had gone.
She thought about his expression, one of contemplation, as if he was thinking, or even daydreaming! What about? Maybe he liked panties. Oh! That thought brought her up short. But, thinking about it, for some strange reason, she sorta liked that idea; my teddy bear liking panties? How interesting.
Her mind explored. So what if Dad liked them? The thought sent a delightful spark of good feeling through her. Huh! How about that?
Was it all panties, or just those? Was it any girl's panties or, becoming excited at the thought, just hers? Why did she like that idea? As she lay in bed letting her mind drift, she wondered how she could find out. Did she want to know? A little tingle of pleasure, just a pulse, made her nipples perk up as she replayed Dad's thumb softly caressing the crotch, moving slowly. Just thinking about it made her feel so good! Yes, she wanted to know! Wouldn't that be fun; her teddy bear liking her panties? Just imagine the fun she could have teasing him. Hmm. How to find out?
The next day she had an idea as soon as she woke up. It was almost as if her brain had been working on it while she slept. Grinning, she tugged her panties down, pulled them off and, after careful consideration, tossed them on the floor at the side of her bed. No, wait! Grinning, she rifled through her dresser drawer and pulled out the panties she'd seen in his hand. Perfect.
She replaced the ones she'd dropped on the floor, pulled on some jeans and, selecting carefully, a T-shirt. She'd have to change the Tee before going to school, she thought. "Dad!" she yelled, hearing him banging around in the kitchen just down the hall.
"What?" I yelled.
"Can you come here a sec?"
"Be right there, Honey," I yelled again, setting my coffee down on the kitchen counter. Walking down the short hall, I stopped in her bedroom doorway. "What's up squirt?" I asked, noting how neat she kept her room. Alice was fastidious about her appearance and her room. In fact, I'd often hear her muttering at me as she picked up junk I'd left lying around.
"Does this t-shirt look too big?" Alice asked, arms out, watching Dad closely. Look at that. He looked at her panties on the floor. "Oops. Sorry," she said bending and picking them up with the tips of her fingers, holding them out as she paraded across the room to drop them in the laundry hamper. She watched Dad's cheeks flush. Well, how about that? Wow!
"Uh. . . No. It looks fine," I said, turning quickly and leaving her room. Damn.
Alice stood in her room with a grin on her face. It was! Her dad was turned on by her panties! It had to be. He blushed! And the look on his face was so adorable. Her teddy bear was embarrassed! How cute.
Throughout the day she wondered how she could tease him. He was such a softie it was fun getting a rise out of him.
All week Alice thought about it. On Friday, after school, Alice sat at the kitchen table ignoring her homework spread before her, still ruminating, waiting for Dad to come home. It was one of the bummers about only having one parent. The house seemed to echo with his absence, feeling too big. He filled the space with his personality. But at least she had Dad, her teddy bear. She'd take anything as long as he was around, even not being able to afford a cell phone; all her friends had one. Jeez she wanted one, though.
She couldn't get the memory of his reaction to her panties out of her mind. It just hung there. And every time she thought about him liking her panties, it made her feel so warm and naughty. Grinning, she realized it also made her pussy tingle, too. It was sort of exciting. Huh. My teddy bear liking my panties, she thought with a sigh, how nice.
She wondered how he'd react if he actually saw her wearing them. Imagine giving him a peek. That thought definitely made her pussy tingle. Why? But there it was. Showing Dad her panties was sort of exciting. Jeez, how naughty would that be?
Daydreaming of Dad getting a peek, of teasing him and making him blush again, Alice let her hand gently rub the crotch of her jeans, not understanding why but liking the arousal it stirred. She pulled one foot off the ground and put it on the seat absentmindedly, rubbing gently and enjoying the feelings in her pussy, thinking of Dad, her teddy bear, so loveable; showing him her panties, flashing him. Nice.
Sighing, she was about to put her foot back on the floor when a deliciously adventurous idea hit her. She could see if Dad liked them more when she was wearing them and she knew how! Jumping up, she raced to her room, quickly stripping off her jeans and putting on her pleated blue skirt. Checking herself in the mirror, she stripped off the blue skirt, too dressy, way too obvious. Hunting through the dresser drawer she pulled out her old denim skirt. Yup, that would work, and it was short, too. She put it on.
Smiling, now excited, she returned to the kitchen, resumed her seat and tried to turn her attention to homework spread out on the table. It was no use, she was too excited, couldn't concentrate. Forgetting homework, with her face resting in the palm of her hand, elbow on the table, she imagined Dad coming home. How should she behave? Maybe, after hugging him, cuz she always did, she could sit at the table while he cooked dinner. Then, she could bring her knee up and put her foot on the seat, like this, she thought, lifting her leg. She looked down at her lap. Yeah, with her foot on the seat, even she could see her panties. In fact, she could see her whole pussy. Glancing up, Alice realized it wouldn't work. She was facing the door and Dad would be behind her cooking.
She moved to the other side of the table and tried again. Yeah. Perfect. Dreamily, she thought about Dad as she waited. It wasn't like he was a hunk or anything. But he was just so. . . teddy bearish; loveable, cuddly, her best friend in the world. And his hugs! She smiled when she thought about Dad trying to be stern with her. He just couldn't pull it off. He'd grumble with his deep voice and all she had to do was smile at him and he'd mumble and stop, his soft, warm eyes radiating kindness and love. My teddy bear; such a softy.
But Dad liking her panties? Well, that was even better somehow, very exciting. And she was going to give him a peek! She felt the pull of arousal in her pussy, reached down and gently stroked her panties, enjoying the pleasure of her touch. Nice. Gawd, imagine if Dad likes seeing her in panties. Hey, what if it turned him on? Was that why he was blushing? Wow! Did he get a boner?
Daydreams took off and, caressing her pantied crotch, she wondered how Dad would look with an erection, a tingle of arousal growing, blossoming. Would she be able to see if he got one? Would his pants stick out? Or would they just get sorta bulky in the crotch. Oh, Dad turned on from her panties, very exciting. How big is an erection? There was some debate amongst her friends about that. But Dad was so big, his must be huge. Another twinge in her pussy made her sigh. She pushed her fingertip in slightly to press into her short cleft, trying to stimulate her hidden clit. So lost in her thoughts and feelings, she didn't notice or feel the damp spot that darkened her sky-blue cotton panties at the base of her pussy, or realize how her petting spread the spot slightly along her short cleft.
The sound of the front door opening broke her out of her reverie. "Dad!" she yelled, racing to the front door feeling a burst of intense love inside.
I had to smile as Alice came charging towards me, my bundle of pride leaping at me. "Ooof. Gee honey, you're getting heavy." Her laugh warmed my heart. She took after her five-foot two mother. With another foot to go, Alice was tiny in my arms.
"Am not!" Alice stated as she nuzzled into his neck, smelling motor oil and Dad, all Dad. My teddy bear.
"So, what 'cha made me for dinner, squirt?" I asked, heading to the bathroom to wash up. Alice trailed behind me like a lamb, leaning against the door frame as I scrubbed the last of the grit and grime off, the price one paid for being a mechanic.
"I didn't cook, Dad."
"You didn't? 'Scuse me," I said, squeezing by her to go to the bedroom. "So we're going to starve then. It'll all be your fault. That's what I'll tell the police when they find us dead. I'll point to you. 'She did it,' I'll tell them."
"Daaad!" Alice laughed. "If we're dead, how can you tell them?"
"Oh. Well that's a problem. Remind me to write a note. I'll leave it on the fridge. I'd ask you to write it but they'd never be able to read your handwriting."
I loved the sound of her giggle, just loved it.
In the kitchen I started to fill a pot with water. "Did you do your homework young lady?" I asked, noticing her school books spread out on the kitchen table. Pasta tonight; maybe Carbonara or Alfredo.
"Uh-huh." Alice sat at the table, her excitement returning. Watching Dad cook was almost a tradition. They always had conversations in the kitchen, even if it was a little cozy. Feeling butterflies in her stomach and a twinge of excitement return, she pulled her foot up onto the seat and glanced down quickly. Perfect.
"Mmm?" Maybe chicken Alfredo with that leftover roast chicken. "How about chicken Alfredo?" I asked, starting to peel and dice garlic.
"Do you think I should get a haircut?"
I turned and leaned back against the counter to study her. I liked how thick and wavy her hair was, almost as if it was on the edge of being out of control. It was so unusual to see auburn hair with dark eyebrows and dark brown eyes; just like her mother, very attractive. Her thick hair only touched her shoulders at the front, slightly longer in the back.
Looking at her sitting, smiling at me, eyes bright, I felt that band in my chest again. My little Alice; gee, I loved her.
"No. It looks. . ." When my eyes dropped further, the knife I was using to dice garlic clattered into the sink. I turned and left the kitchen hurriedly.
"Be right back, Honey." Shit! Fuck!
Alice felt a bolt of pleasure go through her. He did! Her teddy bear liked seeing her panties! His eyes had opened so, so wide, and not in shock or anger! He even blushed a bit. Looking down and leaning over, she blushed furiously when she saw the dark stain of moisture left from touching herself. Oh gawd! Alice jumped up and ran to her room to change.
It was a very subdued dinner and quiet evening in front of the TV, sitting next to Dad. Alice was still a bit embarrassed. With a gentle goodnight she went to bed slightly early.
Alice's mind was buzzing as she tried to fall asleep. It had been all evening. Embarrassment was battling excitement and fascination. She blushed again at the thought of Dad seeing the wet spot on her panties. What must he think? Oh gawd! Did he think she'd peed herself?
Heated embarrassment flushed through her again. Please no! But, maybe not. Dad had blushed slightly. Oh. Thinking hard, Alice giggled. Her teddy bear had blushed! He wouldn't do that if he thought she'd peed, would he? Nah. So why did he blush? Her pussy throbbed when she realized he'd liked seeing her panties. God, maybe Dad knew what the wet spot was! Now that was exciting. Did he get a boner? Maybe he did. Why did he leave the kitchen so fast? Damn, why hadn't she looked? Dad with an erection? Her teddy bear turned on by her? Her teddy bear horny?
Without realizing it, Alice had been holding her pussy. A spark of pleasure made her aware of her hand. She sighed and slipped her hand up and under her cotton panties, burrowing down to hold herself. She squeezed her pussy, delicious tingles so familiar and nice. A middle finger probed slightly at the bottom, pushing gently, seeking lubrication, fingertip curling. Gathering slippery moisture, she drew it up, fingertip gliding between her pussy lips, and sighed again when she touched her tiny clit, her little button of pleasure hidden inside.
Gently, to dreams of her teddy bear, she diddled herself, letting the nice sparks of arousal build, her teddy bear holding her, big arms around her, his scent, the tickle of his beard. Arousal built, nipples tingling, too. Her other hand played with the tiny boobs that had started growing, small hard pads pushing up under her areolae, sensitive boobs she was so proud were finally arriving.
Rubbing a hard nipple over her night Tee, hand inside cotton panties, finger circling her sensitive clit, slippery, nice, Alice pictured herself letting her teddy bear get peeks of her panties, imagined her teddy bear's soft eyes widening, and, oh, his pants getting tight, an outline forming, her teddy bear excited, her teddy bear liking her panties, her teddy bear finding her sexy! Uh. Uh. Alice writhed in bed, hips twitching, moisture flooding out as her orgasm pulsed, nipples aching. My teddy bear, my teddy bear, oh, Daddy, cumming!
Her body calmed, blissful calm, tired, tired. Smiling, Alice pulled her hand from her crotch, curled on her side, pulled a pillow to her, and hugged it, my teddy bear, me and my teddy bear, how good was that? She fell asleep, dreaming.
I was struggling to get to sleep. The shame I was feeling wouldn't release me, wouldn't let me rest. My conscious had taken control and was punishing me severely. 'Shame on you,' it whispered disapprovingly.
But it had been automatic, not even a conscious reaction, I tried to rationalize to myself. It wasn't my daughter that caused it! It wasn't, was it? No. It was the panties, not the wearer. It was just my little quirk. Panties. It was my thing.
I'd had an obsession with panties all my life, starting when I was sent home from school at nine years old. I could still remember it distinctly; drama class. Boys were the roots of the trees, girls the trunks and branches. Out of curiosity, and being completely bored, I'd reached up from the floor and pulled the edge of Janet's skirt out, taking a peek. It was my first glimpse of a girl's panties.
It amazed me at the time. There wasn't anything sexual about it, just curiosity. Those white panties with tiny pink flowers on them were fascinating. They sort of hugged her privates and, based on the shape, I now understood what this whole boy penis, girl vagina thing meant. Unfortunately, the teacher didn't fall for my innocent look, even though it was real. Nope. I was sent home three hours before the end of the day, and that night faced my parent's astonishment at my behavior.
"What were you thinking?" Dad had asked.
I'd opened my mouth to reply and Mom chirped in.
"Don't you know that's rude, Theodore?"
I hated it when she called me by my stupid name. I was Ted! I'd opened my mouth to reply and Dad tossed in another two cents worth.
"Go to your room Theodore. I'm disappointed in you."
And, as if my punishment was to be extreme embarrassment, they'd both come into my room half an hour later and asked me if I knew the difference between boys and girls. Well, jeez. What the Hell did they think I was doing? Just browsing because I was bored? Well, maybe I had been, but even so!
That event, looking up a girl's skirt and seeing her panties, had had a profound impact on me. As pubescence hit and my sexuality developed, it was tightly integrated with visions of girl's privates in panties. I became a diehard panty lover, finding the sight of a panty-clad pussy far more arousing than the naked ones I'd seen in Playboy; back when pubic hair wasn't a social disease.
I loved the sexiness of suggestion, of tease, and panties fit the bill; never too revealing, sometimes a shadow of pubic hair or the puffiness at the front hinting at a bush, or sometimes the subtle outline of a cleft. Seeing little pubic hairs escape from the elastic, how sexy was that? I had hundreds of masturbatory sessions imagining a girl letting me pull the waist out and peeking down into her panties, seeing her pussy coddled by cotton, silk or satin, or feeling the gusset, exploring the sexy shape of a panty-clad pubis cosseted between sexy thighs. I had masturbated to visions of seeing a girls panties stained by a damp spot of arousal, imagining it was from my fondling. Visions of seductive buttocks moving under panties were particularly thrilling. I'd dream of seeing a girl walking in just panties, imagining how they'd move on her, how her pussy would squeeze and pout, sexy buttocks undulating beneath silk, the fold that outlined her butt crack. And, was there anything sexier than seeing panties slipped down slowly, teasingly, to reveal hidden delights? Or gauzy little things that let one appreciate nature's magnificence, or the chaste thickness of a double lined gusset making one throb to see more?
Mary had known about my quirk and catered to it with tremendous enthusiasm. It was sexy and allowed her to indulge in lingerie shopping. She knew how immediate my reaction was and took great pleasure in teasing me. It allowed me to indulge in fondling, peeking and other interesting activities, often accompanied by her laughter, many times ending up in bed; or not when she wore some particularly arousing undergarments; like garters, stockings and white panties while cooking with just an apron on. Ah, that kitchen table, Mary bent over, sexy, sexy panty-clad rump. . .
So, here I was thirty years past puberty and panties still had an impact on me. It didn't matter who's; just loved panties. And, while I'd eventually disposed of all Mary's clothes, there, in the second drawer down, was all her lingerie. I just couldn't throw them out, too many sexy memories that aroused me every time I'd open the drawer and hold a pair in my hands.
I'd been pretty good at keeping my little secret quirk at bay. But every so often it'd slip through inadvertently. In fact, over the last four years, without my wife to cater to it, I seemed to react more forcefully when I did catch a rare glimpse.
And, to my shame, the only panty glimpses I'd been getting over the past few years were of my daughter's; either when she was wearing them, or not. So, much to my embarrassment and shame, a glimpse here or there would give me a damn erection. Not because of who was wearing them, but them, the panties. And as Alice had grown from a six year old wearing a child's undies into a ten year old wearing panties, I'd been having some real trouble on laundry days.
But tonight, the sight of Alice's sky-blue cotton panties, hugging her pubis so snugly, emphasizing how plump and prominent it was, had caused on an immediate thickening that had surged into an erection when I noticed a dark stain of moisture. It was so damn arousing my reaction had been uncontrollable.
It was unforgivable how I'd reacted, unforgivable. Yet those panties had hit me like a ton of bricks. Had they been worn by anyone else, I'd be happily stroking my damn erection now. But it was Alice! My Alice!
Unconscionable! I was a terrible father for reacting to my ten year old daughter like that, and knowing it, I couldn't get to sleep.
Oh no! What if Alice saw my erection? She'd be disgusted with me, hate me! She'd think her father was a dirty old man!
Alice stirred awake slowly on Saturday morning, immediately remembering her orgasm from the night before. Soft warm feelings permeated her, arousal stirring. In the lazy state of not quite awake, the relaxed stage, she daydreamed of her teddy bear. Arousal spiked as she thought about teasing him, seeing if he'd get a boner. Arousal spiked again imagining her teddy bear getting excited by her. Oh, nice feelings. Caressing her now throbbing pussy over her panties, she dreamed of him seeing her as sexy. Wow, how good would that be? And he was so cute when he got embarrassed. My teddy bear. Alice brought herself closer to her climax, picturing her Dad excited, Dad liking her, Dad staring at her with that look, kind and gentle eyes wide. Oh, her teddy bear wanting to touch her panties, touch, touch, oh, oh, feel her and caress, rub, rub. Snorting breath through her nose, Alice came, body jerking, legs clamping shut on her hand as she rolled onto her side, hips thrusting, pleasure pulsing through her. Daddy touching me, Daddy, Daddy, Uh, cumming Daddy!
When she calmed, she smiled. Gooood; that was a good one. Wouldn't it be nice if he would actually touch her? A plan formed. With an impish giggle she hopped from her bed. Yes, that was a good plan.
That one inadvertent sight of Alice's panties with the damp spot seemed to increase my awareness of her, and my agony, a thousand-fold. I couldn't understand why. But it seemed as though everywhere I looked I'd see her panties, picture her wearing them, and shame would inevitably follow; I was helpless to control it.
I never realized she'd toss them on the floor of her room and forget them during the day. I'd always thought she was so neat. And somehow I seemed to now catch glimpses of her panties while she was wearing them all the time. I never realized how low-riding girl's jeans were. But when Alice would bend to pick up the PS3 control or lean towards the TV, the waist would pull away from her small back, the top of her cotton panties would show, plain white, or yellow, those sky-blue ones, or white with little red roses and a red elastic waist. I knew them all.
I was getting damn erections just from picking her panties up to throw them in the washing machine, each pair now associated with a glimpse.
Suddenly her skirts were far too short. She must have grown. They seemed to ride up when she'd slip down in the couch and suddenly, there they were. I'd never noticed her scratching her bum under her skirt, but she did. And there they were, hugging a buttock. I never realized that the simple act of climbing into the car's front seat would show so much between her thighs, but it did! And her Lycra shorts screamed for my attention, sharply outlining panties within, and even worse, her shape underneath.
I was in agony. And, try as I might, my secret quirk haunted me with firm erections which became increasingly hard to ignore. I refused to relieve myself, punishment for my unforgivable reaction. It didn't matter that it was the panties I was reacting to. It was my sweet Alice wearing them, my daughter! Shit!
My personal agony built until finally it was too much.
Alice was having fun, lots of fun. And lots of good cums at night, too. She'd planned it carefully, using her hip-hugger jeans, making sure to bend over often in front of Dad, knowing the top of her panties would show; she'd checked carefully in the mirror first. Each time she'd glanced at his crotch to see if he'd get a boner. But, while she saw his eyes widen, and several times a small blush appear, she'd been unable to detect any change in his crotch.
Undeterred, she started wearing short skirts, letting them slip up by slouching down on the couch or hiking them up to scratch her bum. It hadn't worked either, although seeing Dad's eyes riveted on them gave her nice, arousing thrills.
Determined to see if Dad would get a boner, she planned carefully, put on plain white bikini-style cotton panties, her old ones from last year, tight. Paired with a short Tee they were uncovered, in plain sight. Good. With excitement pulsing through her, feeling really adventurous, she waited in the bathroom, listening at the door. When she heard Dad in the hall, she opened the door.
"Night Dad," she said walking up to him, arms reaching. "Kiss and hug, please?"
Alice watched Dad look at her small panties, saw a strong flush in his cheeks, and when he picked her up, felt his hand on her bottom. Immediately aroused, she wriggled in his big arms, hugged him tight, and kissed his cheek extra hard. "Love you, Dad," she whispered with intensity, her heart pounding, so excited. Her teddy bear's hand on her bottom! Dad touching my panties!
In bed she diddled her clit hard. She'd seen the tent in his pants when he'd put her down; my teddy bear excited, God Daddy excited! Her climax took her breath away it was so strong, panties soaked from the flush of her orgasm. She writhed on the bed, legs clamping and relaxing, clamping and relaxing, a vision of Daddy's tent, Daddy excited, Daddy horny, cumming Daddy!
I couldn't, I couldn't. Laying in bed, my erection painfully straining, balls aching, I couldn't ignore it any longer. I couldn't. Alice's plain white cotton bikini panties had looked so sexy, hugging her tight, elastic digging deep at the sides so her pubis screamed, 'LOOK AT ME'. And I had, immediately becoming erect. They were so snug they'd slipped into her tiny cleft, her camel toe screaming, "LOOK AT ME' and I had. I had!
Her hug had felt so loving, her whisper suddenly feeling different, so intense. And God, her panty-clad bottom in my hand felt so sexy, so sexy. I was hard, hard, when Alice wriggled in my arms, her small buttocks flexing and moving under her panties so erotically.
Grabbing my erection, shame and embarrassment shoved aside by raging arousal, I stroked myself to each and every image, each and every sensation, cumming hard, explosively, sweet relief flooding me. I masturbated to visions of Alice in panties, feverish in excitement, spurting and imagining until my climax passed. Guilt moved back like a familiar and unwelcome guest, rudely shoving pleasure aside.
In a small, neat and well cared for bungalow on Reston Street, two people awoke in the morning, both with resolutions, resolutions in conflict with each other. One would fail, one would succeed.
A ten year old daughter woke up with determination. She wanted to see her teddy bear's erection again, even feel it. She wanted to feel her teddy bear touch her bottom again, tingling in arousal at the thought. And she was tired of just teasing. That touch of her bum changed her desires. She decided to talk to Dad about the whole panty thing, maybe even tell him how much she liked feeling his hand holding her bottom, touching her panties. She wanted more.
A father woke in agony and shame, made worse from the erection he sported, images of a daughter unwillingly invading his mind. With a will he didn't know he had, he resolved to never, never, repeat his transgression of the previous night; never again masturbate to images of his beloved daughter in panties; it was playing with dynamite, threatening his life. No. Never again.
One would fail, one would succeed.
After dinner as they sat in the living room watching TV, Alice decided she had to, she had to. Something inside her was aching for attention, she needed her teddy bear.
"How come you got a boner when you saw me in my panties?"
Oh shit. Could I deny it? No, it had been too obvious. "Uh. . . Listen honey," I said looking down at her next to me, her attractive dark eyes capturing me. "Um. . . It's just a. . . Well, your dad likes. . ." I took a deep breath. Honest. I had to be honest.
"Okay, here's the thing, Sweetheart. Everyone finds different things sexually stimulating, exciting. For guys, it might be parts of a woman's body, say her rear, or her boobs, or her legs. Guys are quite visually driven." Shit. Where was I going with this? "Sometimes it's a reaction that can't be controlled."
"So," Alice said, completely understanding Dad, "you like panties, huh?"
I could feel the blush rising. "Um. . . Yes. Your mother. . . and, well. . ."
"Did she give you peeks and stuff?" Gawd, Dad was blushing furiously.
"So panties give you a boner. What's so embarrassing about that? Does having a boner feel good?" And, without waiting for an answer, Alice plowed ahead. "It means you're horny, right? So it must feel good, cuz, when I'm horny, I feel good."
"Uh. . ." Heat burned my face, and shock hit me. My Alice horny? Wasn't she too young for that?
Alice was thrilled, thrilled. Dad was actually talking to her about it! She was excited, too. He'd admitted her panties gave him a boner; made him horny! An idea flitted through her mind. Ooh, that's bad, she thought and grinned.
Getting up, she moved in front of Dad, smiled and slowly lifted the front of her yellow skirt, showing him her pink cotton panties. In a very quiet, soft voice she asked, "So do you like these? Would they give you a boner, Dad? Make you feel good?"
"God, Alice. Please. Please don't," I groaned. And fuck, there it was, my penis betraying my resolution, lengthening and hardening in my groin as I helplessly studied Alice's pretty, sexy pink cotton panties, snug and forming to her hidden charms. Shit! I squeezed my eyes shut.
In an even quieter voice, Alice asked, "Would you like to touch them, Dad?" Would he? Oh! Please touch them!
"Oh God Alice, don't. I can't. I can't." I wasn't strong enough to take this, nor strong enough to stop her. "Please, Sweetheart, no," I whispered. God I wanted to, just a touch, a feel. Why was I so weak?
Leaning forward, she almost whispered, "It's okay Dad. I want you to touch them. I really do. Would you? Please?" Alice could feel the dampness of arousal in her panties, her pussy throbbing. Her teddy bear touching her, yes, she wanted him to, so much.
"Oh God," I groaned, wanting to, wanting to. No. Don't!
My resolve broke. I caved feeling tears of disappointment prickling my eyes when Alice took my hand and brought it to her panties and I didn't resist; I couldn't resist. Shame pounded through me as I opened my eyes.
"Feel Daddy. Please?" Oh. So good, Daddy's touch so good.
They felt so soft. And as my erection strained at the feel of her gently mounded pubis under soft seductive cotton, I sighed and capitulated. I didn't have the strength to fight the seductive allure of her panties. It had been so long since I'd felt panties being worn. The draw was too powerful.
"Come here, Sweetheart," I whispered, drawing Alice onto my lap. With my daughter sitting sideways across my thighs, I held her to me and bent my head to inhale her girlish aroma, a tear slipping down my cheek. So small, she was so young. I was too weak, I was terrible, just terrible.
"Here, Daddy," Alice whispered, her body shaking for some reason as she took his big hand again and parted her thighs. "Feel here."
Shudders rattled through me when I cupped my daughter's pubis and felt soft cotton radiating heat. Oh God, I felt a damp spot in the gusset. I was going to Hell, to purgatory. It felt so good, too good.
Alice looked up at her teddy bear, his big warm hand sending hot pulses of arousal in her pussy. She frowned. Was Dad crying? "Dad, you're crying. Why?"
"It's wrong Honey. What your Dad's doing is so, so wrong." God help me, I couldn't stop feeling her, couldn't pull my hand away. I wanted to, I had to! But I couldn't, I just couldn't. She felt so good, so exciting.
She nestled into her teddy bear, resting her cheek on his big chest. "I don't care Daddy. It feels good. Don't cry. Please? I like it."
But I did. Tears slowly fell slowly for my weakness as I held my daughter's pubis, tears slipped down my cheeks for my lost innocence, tears silently rolled in shame at my helplessness, tears rolled from how good she felt, how my body was betraying me. And tears continued to dripl when my child nestled against me, put her hand over mine, pressing it into her crotch and whispered "I love you, Daddy," with such intensity. Tears fell slowly, my world shattering around me.
For five minutes I sat, holding Alice in one arm, holding her crotch in my hand, neither of us moving. My erection was hard in my pants, my chest constricted painfully, heart thudding in my ears.
Alice sat, feeling her dad's warm hand cupping her pussy, feeling her pussy pulsing gently with arousal. It felt so good. At first she was upset Dad cried It had confused and worried her. But her worry faded when she felt his erection under her bottom. She could feel it, a hard pole across a buttock. She could feel it move every so often. Daddy's excited! He likes touching me!
When she squeezed her bottom and felt it jump, she sighed, "My teddy bear," and did it again.
"What?" I asked, distracted by two soft buttocks moving in my lap. What had she said?
Alice giggled. "My teddy bear" she said slightly louder.
"Your what?" I asked, confused.
She giggled again. "Teddy bear," she said with more force, louder.
"You want a teddy bear?"
"Daaaad. Don't be silly. You're my teddy bear."
Feeling her giggling in my lap, something I felt distinctly through the palm of my hand still welded to her crotch and her sweet little bottom on my erection, was nice, but I was still confused. "I'm your what?"
Two adoring eyes looked up at me, eyes that glittered with amusement, twinkled with personality; two eyes that seem to talk to my heart.
"You're my teddy bear, Dad, you!"
"I'm your teddy bear?"
"Daaad. Don't be such a dope. You know what I mean."
"I don't. I really don't."
And somehow, as Alice sat in my lap, smiling and giggling, explaining why I was her teddy bear with such enthusiasm and love, as I sat listening in increasing surprise, my hand holding her small pussy, the guilt and shame seemed to fade, displaced by love, a different love. One that was broader, more all-encompassing, one that blended shades of love for my daughter with feelings I remembered for her mother.
My love changed. My daughter changed before my eyes, becoming more attractive, charming eyes alluring, smiles seductive, lips kissable. My daughter changed. I changed too, a one-way change; an irreversible change I had absolutely no control over.
I stopped her chatter by leaning down and kissing her gently on her sweet little lips. A light touch, closed mouth, just a peck really, a short peck. But Alice stared at me when it finished. She stared at me with intensity, not saying a word. I watched thoughts echoing in her attractive eyes, wondering what they were, would she tell me? She stared at me intently and a beatific smile emerged, bursting with love and more.
Suddenly, Alice scrambled around in my lap, straddling me and threw herself at me, small arms grabbing me around the neck. She smashed her little mouth against mine, holding me tight. I felt her little tongue touch my lips, probing, pushing. And as I let it in, I watched her eyes close slowly, her head tilt, her moan making my erection swell painfully. Cupping her panty-clad bottom, I sucked my daughters tongue and drowned; the last of my resolve melting, seeping away.
Guilt and shame were seared away from the heat of my daughter's kiss. I felt the warmth of love and arousal growing, gradually suffusing my body.
Alice melted, her small heart pounding in her chest as she kissed Daddy, his tongue soft and warm. She melted as she hugged her teddy bear tight, melted more when he sucked her tongue, something she'd never imagined; it felt so, so good.
But when she tasted chocolate sauce in his moustache from dessert, she giggled. It broke the kiss. Opening her eyes, she looked at him. "Chocolate, Dad. You have chocolate in your moustache!"
I grinned. "Good?"
"Mmm," Alice murmured and returned to the kiss. A stab of arousal pulsed through her when Dad sucked her lower lip. She copied him, sucking his upper lip, getting another taste of chocolate. Gooood.
My erection was throbbing, underwear damp. As Alice gently sucked my upper lip, I became conscious of the twin cotton-clad buttocks in my hand, incredibly small and compact, so petite I could cover each with my palms. I could feel the delicate curves of her pussy on my fingertips, soft cotton stretched across it. I traced the shape; its plump fullness, deep crevasses at the sides. I trailed a fingertip up the middle feeling the depression of her short cleft. Alice broke our kiss, sighed and put her cheek on my shoulder, soft breaths hot against my neck.
She whispered, "Can you make me feel good, Dad?"
Yes I could, and wanted to. I wanted my angel to feel pleasure, to feel the bliss of an orgasm. I wanted my girl to feel ecstasy. Suddenly it was imperative.
With one arm I carried her, petite against me, so petite. Gently I put her down on her bed, smiling at her, gorgeous dark shining eyes blinding me with love.
"Let me take this off, honey," I said softly, reaching for the waist of her skirt, unbuttoning it, opening it and slipping it down. My erection strained painfully when Alice lifted her bottom, her plump mound pushing against pink cotton, rising like a seductive mountain between the peaks of her hips, cotton pressed into a short camel toe.
Laying next to her I leaned over, kissing her small mouth gently, softly, letting my hand trail across her tummy, slip over soft seductive cotton. My erection strained painfully, dampening my underwear even more when she parted her legs for me, her slender arms reaching up to circle my neck. It felt wonderful to touch panties again.
Holding her plump pubis in my hand, I traced her camel toe, my middle finger caressing soft cotton, touching dampness at the bottom. I kissed Alice gently, listening to her breaths get shorter, shorter. I caressed her short cleft with more pressure.
As we kissed, her hips started undulating, small arms hugging my neck tighter. My sweet Alice snorted, hips surged and humped. She broke the kiss gasping, hips shoving against my hand. Her body surged up with a cry, "Daddy," and my ten year old daughter climaxed to my gentle caress. It was one of the most erotic things I'd ever experienced.
Covering her with the sheet and blanket, I kissed her rosy cheek gently. Her eyes were closed, pretty face flushed and relaxed. As she rolled onto her side I heard her whisper, "My teddy bear."
In bed, I stroked my damp, slippery erection replaying every touch, every kiss, every sensory memory I could recall. And, to the powerfully arousing memory of my little girl climaxing, calling to me, I came, shooting semen hard onto my chest, intense pleasure racking my body. I came gloriously, pulsing and spurting, hips jerking. I slept peacefully.
Our relationship had changed. I was still Dad, Alice still my daughter. But there was another layer added to our relationship.
I had a long talk with Alice the next evening after work. I was surprised by two things; I didn't feel shame or embarrassment when talking about how panties affected me, and Alice's complete honesty about her feelings, how she pleasured herself. That was a surprise to me. I'd never considered her sexual development before all this started.
It was eye-opening seeing your ten year old daughter as a sexual being. I found it exciting, but I felt tendrils of sorrow for my loss; I'd lost my innocent little girl, the one I'd cherished for ten years. Yet I'd gained a remarkably attractive daughter, the imp that liked to tease her 'teddy bear'.
Being released from the stranglehold of guilt and shame, I was able to fully enjoy Alice. The addition of a sexual layer added endless joy. I absolutely loved how she'd flash her panties at me, grinning with impish glee. I had no problem when she'd stare with delight and satisfaction at my reaction, a rather firm erection in my pants. And, I was back to experiencing the intense pleasure of catering to my quirk, fondling panties.
Over the following couple of days, I carried Alice to her room at bedtime, caress her cotton panty-clad pussy, kiss her softly and bring her to a climax. It never took long as she'd be damp with arousal from the constant teasing and my small touches during the day. I enjoyed masturbating every night and, as I did, I'd replay the peeks, teases and touches from the day, and my little girl's climax, so deeply sensual and exciting. And, as one has a tendency to do, I rationalized our interaction. I wasn't actually hurting her, she enjoyed it, and I was only touching her panties.
But, of course, the inevitability of more was unavoidable. You simply cannot have titillation and teasing that never progresses. Sexual teasing can either end relationships when unfulfilled, or open relationships by gradually lowering barriers, bringing couples closer, like it did with us. It started with soft, white, full-cut cotton panties; loose cotton panties; soft seductive cotton panties.
"Dad? Did you do the laundry? I can't find any panties," Alice yelled from her room. As she hunted through her dresser, Alice thought back over the last few days. She still had a hard time believing how exciting it was to have Dad come to her room every night and give her incredible orgasms, so much better than when she'd do it herself. And she slept so well after, too.
She giggled at how easy it was to make Dad get an erection. Jeez, a little peek and he'd go red, a little flash and he'd get hard. It was so much fun! And kissing her teddy bear; it made her horny every time! But she was beginning to wonder what his erection looked like. How it would feel to hold it, maybe squeeze it? Could she get her hand around it? It felt so big when she'd sit in his lap.
But, despite all the fun she was having, Dad didn't seem to go any further than touching her over her panties and kissing her. Though, that was really good. And when she'd try to feel his erection, he'd gently remove her hand and distract her by fondling her panties. It always worked, too. Damn!
"Dad! Did you do the laundry?" she yelled louder.
"Sorry, Honey. I forgot."
Annoyed, Alice hunted, finally finding an old pair of white cotton panties buried at the bottom of the drawer. They were so well worn they'd lost any elasticity they might have had and, when she put them on and tugged the waist over her belly button, she saw they were really thin. She could almost make out her slit. She decided they were the most unsexy things she'd ever seen. Oh well. She finished dressing for school.
All day the damn panties kept slipping down. She should have worn jeans! She'd been able to feel them slipping down her tummy and hang loose between her legs, and constantly had to find a private spot to pull them up.
She wasn't very happy by the time she got home, and Dad still hadn't done the laundry.
While sitting at the kitchen table finishing her homework, she heard Dad open the front door. "Dad!" she yelled, jumping up and running; her hug, she needed her hug.
"Ooof!" Man, my bundle of pride seemed to slam into me harder each day. Grinning as I hugged her, I inhaled deeply, drawing the calming scent of Alice into my lungs, work fading away. "Gotta wash, Honey."
"You didn't do the laundry," Alice complained as she followed Dad to the bathroom, leaning on the door frame. "I had to wear these old things!" Grinning, she tugged up her pleated skirt, showing him her loose cotton panties.
Damn. I couldn't help it, had no way to combat the sight of plain white cotton, loose with gathers here and there, teasingly hiding the shape of her pubis between the gap in her slender thighs. I felt my penis thicken and slowly push. That cheeky grin told me she knew exactly what effect she was having.
"And they're ugly, too!" she stated impishly, suddenly shoving her skirt to the floor and hiking her top. "Look, they go so high they cover my belly button!" She yanked the waist up over her navel.
Well shit! "Alice! Not fair!" I said rather heatedly. With soap suds up to my elbows and scrubbing grease off, I had no way of doing what I wanted. Seeing her pull them up tight starkly outlining the swell of her pubic mound and a deep camel toe forming made me want to do some new things to her. And that impish grin!
"That's it," I growled. Rinsing and drying off quickly, I chased her as she giggled running to my room, showing me a busy, nimble little butt, elastic waist slipping down, the top of her sexy crack peeking back at me!
I managed to grab the little tease just before she launched herself over my bed.
To screams of laughter, incredibly pleasing laughter, I hugged her to me, bending to feel soft cotton and a seductive buttock in each hand.
Alice was laughing. He's so easy! But, when Dad hugged her and held her bottom, the laughter faded. Slipping her arms around his waist, she felt his erection hard against her chest. She hugged tighter, rubbing against it. She wanted to see!
"It's not fair," she grumbled, leaning back and looking up into Dad's warm eyes, liking his smile.
"What's not?"
"I'm in just panties and you still have your pants on, Dad. It's not fair. You always have pants on."
I felt that moment, the significance of it. Until now, what little moral restraint I had left, the restraint that let me fondle Alice over her panties, let me induce climaxes in her, the restraint that stopped her from actually touching me, or me touching her under her panties, a line that had seemed so clear and meaningful, seemed to vanish.
Alice watched in amazement as Dad's eyes seemed to change. She watched in amazement as Dad let her go, stepped back and reached for his buckle. She watched in growing excitement as Dad opened his pants. I'm going to see! She felt her pussy pulsing, arousal suddenly stirring.
It was fascinating. When his pants fell, a big tent formed in his boxers, big! That's Dad's erection! She glanced up at him, seeing his soft smile; my teddy bear. "Can I?" she asked in a very quiet voice, reaching out.
Watching Alice reach out and push the sensitive tip of my erection, then slowly curl her fingers around the shaft, a grin growing in time with her tightening grip, washed away any moral code that had ever resided in me. Gone, no trace remaining. It left behind a parting gift, intense, intense excitement. Something about having my ten year old holding my erection, dressed in a Tee and loose cotton panties made me wonder why I'd been so recalcitrant. Alice was incredibly sexy, her innocent youth so alluring in cotton panties; my ten year old holding my erection was suddenly very arousing.
Despite the agony of desire now hounding me, desire to explore inside those white cotton panties, I let Alice touch, feel and probe my erection over my boxers, completely fascinated by the play of expressions on her cute face; the impishness of first touching, the grin of naughty enjoyment when she held it, the eyes becoming inquisitive at the damp spot of precum, and the grin fading into a smile when she tested its rigidity. I let Alice touch me until she giggled at the natural response of being fondled; a hard jerk.
Bending, I swept her up into my arms. "Okay. You've had your fun," I told her. With a quick kiss on her soft little lips, I added, "Time to make dinner."
I almost burst into laughter when her eyes opened wide in surprise, mouth frowned, "NO!" exploding in indignation. Cute. But, she saw my smile and grinned. "Funny, Dad."
"No, really. It's half past six. Dinner."
"But Dad. . ."
"After," I told her, letting her down, serious for once. My stomach was growling so badly, even an erection calling couldn't drown it out. Besides, teasing and anticipation was thrillingly enticing and I wanted to prolong the delicious agony.
I was very glad for that hard decision, very glad. Alice, after some grumbling, rediscovered her impishness. I hadn't had such a sexy dinner since before she was born, and for someone who had such an appreciation of panties, holding them in such high esteem, I was driven delightfully insane with desire, quite agreeable to let the damp spot spread to a rather large stain.
Alice was not covert in her teasing. With big grins alternating with crafty smiles, she proceeded to punish me for my hunger, deliberately brushing against my erection and, with a grim determination, fondling, grabbing and squeezing whenever she'd see it flag a bit, which it was doing occasionally as I tried to concentrate on dicing onions and slicing potatoes.
She planned her movements carefully, pulling the loose white cotton panties above her navel only when she had my attention, grinning at how it stopped me cold to watch them form a little camel toe, or slip into her small butt crack. It drove me to distraction seeing how they'd droop and sag when she set the table, making me wish fervently they'd fall.
And, once the meal was in the oven, I pulled her to me, bent to kiss her and, with a surge of lust, slipped my hands under those soft seductive cotton panties to hold two gorgeous little buttocks in my hand.
I drowned in the intense delight at fondling Alice's beautiful bottom, so curvaceous, cool skin, wonderful sweeping mounds that fit my palms perfectly. I drowned in fondling my daughter's rear and decided I was going to explore every delight inside those loose cotton panties come Hell or high water.
Eating dinner was tough. Alice, the now expert tease, kept grinning at me, then she'd part her legs and give me a peek at her plump pussy pressed to the chair before clamping her legs together with a giggle. "Like?"
Alice could feel the wet spot under her. Teasing Dad was so much fun. But the heat in his eyes made her shiver with excitement. Dad really, really liked her panties. Even better was the way he kissed her, so soft and gentle, yet it felt like he wanted to kiss her hard. And his erection showed how sexy he thought she was! She shivered in delight remembering his big hands on her bottom under her panties, so good, so exciting.
With mounting excitement, Alice wondered if Dad wanted to have sex with her. Wow! How would that feel? Her pussy pounded with excitement. Sex. Sex with Dad? With her teddy bear? Yes please!!!!
As they put the dishes in the sink, Alice turned towards him. "Dad." She waited for him to turn from the sink, standing close almost touching him, looking up at him from under her eyelashes, nipples aching with excitement and arousal.
"Look," she said with an impish grin, and slowly pulled the waist of her loose cotton panties away from her tummy to let him peek inside. Dad's face flushed deep red, his eyes suddenly darkening and Alice felt a surge of arousal storm into her.
She screamed in delighted laughter when he swept her up into his big arms, grumbling at her, and giggled as he carried her to his bedroom, excitement building. My teddy bear.
I almost came when Alice pulled the front of her cotton panties out. The sight of her plump hairless pussy so mounded, nestled into white cotton was so damn sexy; too damn sexy. Without thought I swept her up and carried her to my bed, my heart singing to the sounds of her laughter and giggles.
Placing her on my bed, her giggled died as I bent over, reaching for the hem of her Tee. Alice smiled so seductively at me, arching her body to let me slip it up. She smiled so seductively as she raised her arms. God, my daughter had tiny little breasts! Small nubbins forming, half areolae, half boobs. I'd never known.
And, of all the panties I'd seen in my life, I'd never seen any that approached how sexy those were. They were intensely arousing, soft well worn cotton, white, too loose and full-cut. Plain cotton had remarkable qualities; young and virginal, soft and seductive, folding alluringly, teasing at the pleasures cosseted within.
With my eyes riveted to the sight of her laying naked except for cotton panties, Alice so petite, so young, with tiny boobs, I yanked off my shirt and dropped my damp boxers letting my erection jut out in plain view.
Alice felt feverish. Dad's erection looked so big, sticking out from his thick pubic hair, the mushroom tip red and glistening with moisture. As she watched it, it seemed to rise and fall. For some reason, seeing a bead of clear liquid appear from the hole excited her; she could feel her panties getting damper, becoming uncomfortable. She reached for them to pull them off.
"No. Don't, Honey. Please. I want to," I said quickly. Nothing in this world was sexier to me than taking panties off, the anticipation of seeing such a private part of a girl revealed slowly, seeing how they shyly cling to the groin as if reluctant to let me see, watching panties slip down silky soft thighs. I wanted to experience that with my daughter, the first unveiling.
Laying next to her, I kissed her, gently, while, for the first time, I touched the new developments on her chest. They were tiny firm mounds. I explored softly, careful not to hurt her; I knew new breasts could be tender. With my palm on her chest, I covered both. Using my thumb, I rubbed one, rewarded with Alice kissing me harder. I felt the shape of one with my thumb and index finger, so tiny, yet so exciting.
Breaking the kiss, I bent, taking one tiny mound into my mouth, sucking gently, caressing it with my tongue and feeling the bead of her nipple. It was highly arousing. But her hands caressing my hair, and soft whisper "my teddy bear," had me suddenly, urgently needing to touch my daughter's pussy.
Moving my lips to her other tiny mound, I reached for her panties, letting my fingers and palm trace the erotic rise of her pubis under soft seductive cotton. Alice parted her legs and I cupped her pussy, massaging, caressing.
I looked deep into her attractive dark eyes, smiling as the thrill of discovery hit me, that thrill of actually slipping a hand under the waist of panties. Alice's skin was silky soft, her mound bare, hairless. It seemed to rise endlessly as I burrowed under until I was rewarded with the feel of her cleft, a small valley tightly closed. Slipping my fingers down, I followed its seductive smooth curve, groaning when I touched dampness, my daughter's arousal.
A curl of my middle finger and plump labia parted, slippery moisture collected, and I began the exciting journey up. Alice's eyes softened. She smiled shyly when I felt the tiny bump of her clitoris. Caressing it very gently, I asked, "How does it feel, Sweetheart?"
"Good, Daddy," she replied, pushing her pussy against my finger in encouragement.
I needed a kiss, excitement pounding through me. I was feeling my daughter's pussy under her panties! Bending, tongues touched, her hands moving behind my neck. As I slipped my finger down to the source of her arousal, Alice slipped her tongue into my mouth.
As I probed at the confluence of her labia, feeling my way, Alice pulled my neck. As I touched her entrance, tiny, hot and moist, Alice moaned, her tongue becoming active, insistent, mimicking my touch.
I circled her impossibly small entrance and slowly drew my finger up through her short cleft, soft labia hugging my fingertip. Finding her little clit, I caressed, adding pressure as her pelvis began to move. I caressed harder as she started huffing through her nose, hips undulating. I rubbed her hard little bead and she broke her kiss.
"Daddy," she cried out softly, eyes closing, a frown appearing.
Alice humped my finger, huffing and groaning as she climaxed, hips shoving with short, sharp movements against me, small hands hanging onto my neck. It was thrilling, amazing; her climax so, so sweet. My Alice cumming was beautiful, her groaning music to my ears. I was painfully hard, precum dampening the sheet.
As my sweet daughter sang her song of pleasure, the seductive fog of arousal spread its tendrils through my mind, caressing my brain, obscuring rational thought. I had to have my little Alice, feel her pussy holding me tight. I had to have my gorgeous daughter, feel myself buried inside. I had to have my sweet darling, achieve nirvana, feel myself spurt deep inside. I had to have release from the iron band of need that was slowly tightening inside me.
Kneeling, I slowly pulled soft white cotton down at the sides, my eyes riveted as the baby-soft skin of her tummy appeared, my breath bated at the absolute beauty of her majestic hairless mound, deep valleys at the side accentuating its erotic v-shape. The seductive fog intensified when soft cotton panties slipped under her bottom, a bottom she raised for me. Breath grew short as the gusset stuck, panties inverting as they slipped down slender thighs. The snap as they released made a pulse of precum leak. I pulled them off, now driven by need, driven by desire. Her small, tightly closed cleft calling to me.
Moving between her slender thighs, on my knees, ass resting on my heels, I lifted her legs over my thighs, pulled her small body closer. Alice's sexy pussy flowered open to reveal her long clitoral hood and two small undeveloped inner lips. Her plump labia, reddened in arousal, separated to reveal a glistening pinkness. The tiny, tiny dark shadow of her vaginal opening was visible, the bump of her perineum, swell of her buttocks and a dark, tightly closed rosebud. The fog of arousal intensified.
I used fingertips to push the crown of my erection down, letting it slide through her cleft. I looked large, the crown completely filling her small slit. Pushing down further, the crown was stopped by her perineum. I was aligned, I was inflamed, I was shaking with need.
Pushing forward, Alice's labia spread, thinning and fading to a lighter red from the strain of being stretched, and I felt the tip touch her entrance, tiny, tiny. Lodged in place, I held onto her small waist, applied pressure, resolute pressure and slowly she yielded, at first just hint, then exquisitely slowly, I watched her entrance expand, stretch, and begin to slip over my crown.
Alice squeaked and jerked when her hymen melted away, a pinkish tinge appearing. I watched feverishly as her entrance stretched more and slipped down, squeezing my crown pale. It would never fit! And suddenly, as if something inside her gave away, I popped in. It was too much, the anticipation and build-up way too much.
To the feeling of my crown being tightly, tightly squeezed in a vice of pure velvet, I came, shaft swelling, and semen exploding inside my little girl's vagina. To the sight of my daughter's little cleft stretched impossibly around my erection, I came, semen rushing up my aching shaft to jet out harder, a hot surge of semen blasting into her tiny pussy. My hips jerked and I spurted, cumming inside her in intense pulses, pleasure thrumming through my body in exquisite waves, climaxing, spurting until finally, my body was released from the rigor-like hold of my orgasm.
The fog of arousal dissipated. I saw Alice looking at me with a quizzical expression, and amazing me, I was still erect, hard. Sweat coated my brow. Fear rushed at me. Had I hurt her? I must have!
"Alice, Honey. Did I hurt you?"
"Just a bit, Dad." With a soft forgiving smile she continued, "I felt it. I felt you squirting inside!"
Reaching down, I slipped my hands under her back, one at her lower back, one between her shoulder blades. Effortlessly I brought my darling up from the bed to hug her, and as I did, the semen I'd deposited acted like silky lubrication. Alice slipped down and her vagina slid down my shaft in a smooth, painless move. I felt her hot velvet sheath part as my crown pushed up. I felt her tight opening slide down my shaft, a tight ring. And, finally, I felt the tip of my erection bump against her deepest part, her end.
Holding Alice to me, her cheek on my chest, I luxuriated in the feeling of being buried in my little girl, feeling her pussy grip my entire erection, feeling her petite body in my arms. If there was a paradise, I'd found it.
"Okay, Honey?" I asked softly.
"Full, Daddy," she whispered, eyes closed, her arms holding his sides. She was still a little dizzy from the stab of pain, and still aroused from feeling Daddy spurting hot wetness inside her. But most of all, she felt little flutters of excitement inside her tummy. She'd felt every tiny bit of Daddy's erection slide into her, big, thick, and stretching her. She'd felt him slid up inside, filling her, going deeper and deeper until she thought he might reach her tummy. And, right at that moment, she'd felt him touch something deep inside that ached and it felt good, so good.
I knew Alice was testing the new sensations. I could feel it in the gentle clenches of her vagina as she explored the feeling of having an erection buried inside her. I held her firmly to me, luxuriating in how petite she was in my arms, my little bundle of love. I couldn't believe I was still erect and I was actually penetrating my daughter, but I was. Both of us had cum and we weren't finished.
Alice loved feeling so full, stretched by her Daddy's erection. She loved being held in his warm embrace, feeling so small, so loved. A spark of pleasure lit up when she moved her bottom, her sensitive clit grinding against Daddy's shaft. Liking it, she did it again. Another spark. My teddy bear. She hugged his big chest harder and moved her bottom. Yes, gooood. A little shiver passed through her when Daddy's hand slipped down to hold her bottom.
He helped, pushing her bum, supporting her as she slowly hunched on his penis, feeling just the tip moving deep inside her, almost at her tummy, and a spark of pleasure from her clit. She hugged him tight.
"My teddy bear," she sighed.
Love made my heart ache the way she said it, with such love and desire. I'd never had anyone call me by a nickname that hit me so strongly. Yes, I wanted to be her teddy bear, forever.
Holding my small daughter to me, I used one hand holding her petite bottom to guide the small movements she'd started. They weren't strokes, just hunches, yet I could feel the tip of my erection being rubbed, very erotic. I let Alice move at her own pace, simply basking in the feel of my erection being stimulated by her vagina, held tight and warm inside her; my little girl's pussy. I could feel the gentle pulses, knew I was now leaking precum in her.
When her bottom started gaining rhythm, I held her bottom with both hands, a seductive buttock in each. Gently I lifted her bottom, the tight ring of her entrance easily slipping up my shaft, my erection withdrawing from her incredible tight grasp. When the crown popped out, I immediately reversed, slowly letting her bottom down, popping in and slowly penetrating her perfect pussy.
"Okay?" I whispered when Alice was fully seated, so tight, so snug.
"Again, Daddy."
Dizzy, dizzy. She felt dizzy from her clit scraping along Daddy's penis. Her tiny nipples ached and hurt as she rubbed them against Daddy's hairy chest. When he lifted her off, she felt empty, as though everything inside was collapsing. And then pleasure bloomed when Daddy lowered her, stretching her, thick, he was thick, and filling her all the way to her tummy, touching the ache deep inside. More, need more.
It was something I'd never experienced. Intercourse with me on my knees, butt on my ankles and Alice impaled on my erection, legs over my thighs, hugging me as I raised and lowered her. It was something that couldn't be experienced unless the female was impossibly small and light, because I was doing everything, Alice only hunching her pussy against my groin to push me deep on the down stroke.
It was fabulous, incredible. I loved it.
I kept the pace slow, teasing myself as I lifted her off, let her down, listening carefully to her breathing, enjoying the pulses of arousal storming through me, waiting for my daughter.
"Faster, Daddy," she whispered breathlessly, feeling pressure inside, something needing to get out, sparks of pleasure lancing through her from her pussy and aching nipples.
I was so rigid, so hard that my erection was popping out and popping in without guidance. If it wasn't for Alice hugging me, urging me on and hunching against me, it would have felt as if I was masturbating myself with her petite body. But it didn't; it was intercourse unlike anything I'd ever felt. Gradually the pace increased, Alice's panting beginning to match the rhythm, my heart beating hard. The pace increased and I knew I was near, heaviness building in my groin.
Alice's orgasm took us both by surprise. "Daddy!" she called out loudly, suddenly, her vagina cramping down on me painfully, painfully.
With a loud heartfelt groan I came with my little girl, lifting and lowering her, semen firing deep. She cried out again and clamped, painful, painful. "Alice!" I cried out as I swelled and exploded, my daughter's tight vagina milking me. I hunched my pelvis up, fucking into her, exploding with blinding pleasure on every up-thrust, holding my daughter tight to me, thrusting up into her, cumming beautifully, cumming hard, cumming exquisitely to the music of her climax, to my Alice calling out, "Daddy."
"What do you think, Dad?" Alice asked, a tiny black g-string hanging from the end of her index finger. She grinned at Dad's obvious discomfort. Jeez, he was so easy. Convincing him to take her to buy undies hadn't been hard.
"Um. . . Ah. . ." Why the Hell was she doing this to me. And, damn! I could feel another fucking erection forming, my cheeks suddenly hot. I looked around the department store quickly to see if anyone saw her; or me for that matter. Looking back at Alice, I saw her cheeky grin. It felt as if she was deliberately trying to embarrass me here! In public! She knew how it would affect me.
Alice browsed through the panties, looking at the cut, color and material of each. With a grin she held up a pair of small, yellow silky bikini panties. She liked teasing Dad. He was such an easy mark. My teddy bear.
"Dad! Better?" She asked holding them between her fingertips, shaking them slightly. She burst into giggles.
"Uh. . . Jesus Alice, do you have to yell so loud?" Once again I looked around, the heat in my cheeks intensifying along with my fucking penis. Turning away from her impish grin, I rearranged myself surreptitiously. She was doing it deliberately! Why here? Why in the middle of a department store?
Alice giggled at Dad turning from her. She knew he was trying to hide his erection. How fun. Returning to her search, flicking through panty after panty, she felt her tiny nipples stiffen. So much fun!
Finding a pair of plain, full-cut, soft white cotton panties, so thin they could almost be see-through, she smiled. Yes. These would do nicely.
With two hands she held them up. "Hey, Dad? These are really nice. Do you like them? Do you want me to get these?" She watched his embarrassment, watched him carefully as she smiled at him. There it was. She saw his eyes grow wider. Yup, he likes these, just as she knew he would. Watching him struggle to speak, she felt a flush of love. He was such a loveable teddy bear.
"Ah. . . Ah. . ." Shit! Turning away from her I left the lingerie department, telling Alice over my shoulder "Get whatever you want Honey. I'll be at the checkout counter."
Alice smiled at her dad suddenly leaving. Yup, these were the ones. She searched for a couple more. Her mind drifted, wondering how she'd give him peeks this time. What should she wear? It had to be something that would make it easy for him to touch them. Little tingles of arousal stirred. Oh, and something to let him slip his hands under, hold her bottom! She squeezed her thighs together, arousal building. Yes, something that would let him slip his big hands under, touch her, Ooo, and pull them down. Now moist, she grinned and headed to the checkout, three pairs of soft seductive cotton panties in hand.
God I loved the way her head hung down, thick auburn hair hiding her face, swinging back and forth as she held herself up on straight arms. I loved the little grunts of pleasure as she thrust back at me on her knees, her sweet sexy little bottom rhythmically pressing into my groin. I loved how her slender back accentuated the flare of her eleven year old bottom, adding sensual curves, her waist so small. And God, I loved how tight her pussy was when she'd keep her knees together, squeezing my erection so hard, a velvet vice lubricated by our arousal.
I loved reaching under her and caressing her tiny mounds, the first sign of pubescence about to storm her body. I loved how her tiny pink nipples felt like hard little beads, and I loved stroking her slender back and feeling each vertebrae.
I loved seeing how petite she was on all fours in front of me, so small, so delicate. I loved her enthusiasm, her carefree enjoyment, her abandoned pleasure. There was something so arousing seeing her on her knees, on my bed, soft seductive cotton panties scrunched around her knees keeping them together, feet off the edge of the bed between my legs. There was something intensely exciting, intensely exciting, about seeing my glistening erection slowly withdraw, her tight vagina almost inverting, hugging on to it as she pulled away. Shudders shook my body when the ridge of my crown appeared, and shook my body again when she pushed back, her widely spread labia almost folding in as they caressed my penis softly.
There was something incredibly erotic about her tiny cleft spread so, so much, the way it made me appear monstrous as I penetrated her sexy, sexy pussy. And I felt like I was touching heaven when her internal walls parted so reluctantly, let my erection burrow in, silky tightness gripping my whole shaft when the tip kissed her cervix.
Holding small prepubescent hips I guided her movements, back and forth, erection aching, swelling. Arousal thundered inside me, blood pulsing, my erection hard, hard. Sex with my Alice was amazing.
Alice breathed raggedly, her body trembling. The feeling of her daddy stretching her pussy, the ache, a delicious ache, his erection so big, so deep, jeez so good. Her heart thumped in her chest as she pulled off, his erection slowly slipping out, empty, empty. Too empty. She pushed back, grunting, spreading, stretching, Daddy's penis filling, deeper, go deeper.
It itched deep inside, needed massaging, her small body twitching. Pull off, shove back, better, better, again much harder, yesss, the itch scratched, deep, Daddy so deep. Oh God, there, that's the spot, perfect; again, do it again.
"God, Honey, I can't last," I panted, the promise of ecstasy close.
Alice shuddered, hair shaking, dizzy, dizzy. Thrusting back, thrusting back, harder, deeper; so full. Her teddy bear was going to cum. God, her Daddy was going to cum! Suddenly she felt weight in her groin, her clit pulsing as it scraped along his shaft; so gloriously stretched, so full. Pressure built, hurry Daddy, hurry.
"Hurry Daddy," she gasped, her ache suddenly blossoming, growing, flowing through her like a wave, spreading, changing. Groaning as her teddy bear swelled inside, stretching more, she cried out, her climax slamming into her, hot wetness flooding her deep inside. She cried out again, her pussy cramping as another spurt of hot wetness spurted into her. Her arms collapsed, no strength, pleasure tearing at her, clit pulsing, sore, sore, climax jerking her, so good, so good Daddy.
With a loud groan, holding her small hips, I thrust, swelled, tight, tight. Pressed to her little cervix, semen exploded in excruciating pain. With a roar of sweet ecstasy, I pulled back, thrust, yanked her little bottom to me, swelled, tight, so tight. Pressed to her rubbery cervix I exploded again into her tiny uterus, spewing my insides out in an endless spurt, exquisite bliss. The world went silent, buzzing in my ears. I pulled and shoved, yanking her small buttocks against me again and again, exploding inside Alice, flooding her immature womb, hot wetness surrounding my erection, flowing back and leaking as I emptied myself, stomach cramping, joy, joy, heaven, I arrived in heaven. God, peace, peace, drained. So good, so good. My sweet Alice.
Alice sighed when her teddy bear gathered her into his big arms, too exhausted, too relaxed to move. She sighed again, cuddling back into her teddy bear when he lay down, pulling the covers up over them. She sighed again when her teddy bear kissed her neck, his whiskers scratchy. She sighed, completely at peace when her teddy bear whispered he loved her, and drifted to sleep with a smile on her face. My teddy bear.
Earl Devere
This is an excellent story with great character development. The story is believable. The characters are believable. Except for slipping into third person, I loved it.
keep in touch!
Pedolf Hittler
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