Other than a cast iron frame bed, the only thing in the gloomy room was a large stuffed and eminently cuddly panda bear, sitting silently staring.
"This," said the man who had brought eleven year old Naomi to the room, "is your only friend. Be kind to Mr Panda and he'll be nice to you."
The girl blinked back her tears and looked at the big black and white bear. She said something but the tape gag and her panties, wadded tightly in her mouth, swallowed the noise. She tried to wriggle but with her hands tied behind her she couldn't resist much. The man effortlessly lifted the child on to the bed, dropping her onto the plan, dirty mattress. She bounced a little and her feet, cuffed at the ankles to stop her taking anything but tiny steps, flew up - in turn making her short dress fly up and reveal her panty-less bottom. But before she could move the man looped the end of a long steel chain already secured to the iron bed frame round the child's slender neck and closed the heavy brass padlock at her throat.
The man made the little girl gasp as he produced a knife but she needn't have worried, for he only cut the cords at her wrists. Then he turned on his heel and left her, closing the door behind him. The tumbling of a heavy lock told the child she was well and truly a prisoner.
The room settled into silence apart from the clink of the neck chain as the child sat up on the bed and the slight groan from the ancient bed frame. With her hands free the girl rubbed her sore arms, staring at the raw red marks on her thin wrists as she massaged them. Satisfied she had got some circulation back in her hands, she reached up and peeled the tape gag off her lips. Or tried to. The adhesive was extremely strong and it took her some time - and not a few tears and whimpers - to ease the thick industrial tape off her stiff jaw. Grateful to be free of the tape, she tugged the sodden ball of her panties from between her teeth and took in a deep breath through her mouth, letting out long sigh.
Then she screamed and shouted, and carried on until she could scream no more. No one came, no sound responded. She tugged at her neck chain, where it was locked to the bed frame, but it wouldn't come loose. She even pulled at her ankle cuffs but they refused to budge either. She hollered and pleaded and begged and eventually, exhausted from so much pointless effort, she collapsed on the bed, sobbing.
She was all alone, and Mr Panda still silently smiled at her from where he sat.
Eventually the girl wiped her tears away. Her throat, after so much continual yelling and howling, was sore. Her head swam from the effort of so much shouting and she felt sick. The girl resolved she shouldn't just sit there and suffer: she stood shakily and tested the neck chain to see how far she could reach. The chain stopped her a few feet short of the door, and even leaning towards it at the risk of strangling herself she couldn't reach the wood to bang on it. Nor could she quite reach it with her feet either if she sat on the floor at the chain's maximum allowance. But then she didn't have shoes on, just socks, so kicking it would have been painful anyway. She went back to the bed to try and drag it away from the corner of the room but it had, she discovered, been screwed down to the bare floorboards.
The girl made her way - slowly because of her ankle restraints - to the window, but behind the thick curtains the glass was heavily frosted, and behind narrowly spaced steel bars at that. She tried to bang on the glass but the noise brought no attention.
Naomi realized she felt cold in just her thin dress and ankle socks, and went back to the bed to retrieve her discarded panties. But they were still wet and anyway, one side of the pants had been cut to allow them to be ripped off her so she couldn't wear them.
The girl sat on the bed and cried some more, but then she told herself this was pointless. She had to do something, but all she could do was reach the silly, smiling and serene Mr Panda.
For a stuffed toy it was surprisingly solid and heavy and almost as big as her, but it did feel soft and warm in her arms. She hauled the panda back to the bed and lay with it on the mattress, wrapping her arms round it and holding it to her.
"Stupid Mr Panda," she said, resting her face on its big, soft head.
"No," said the bear.
The girl screamed and pushed the toy away. The panda bear fell off the bed and lay on its back, staring up silently and untroubled.
The girl peered over the edge of the bed at it, fearing it was alive. It didn't move and didn't speak. The girl gulped and got up courage to say: "You spoke to me."
"Yes," said the bear. Its face didn't move, no movement from the line of stitches that made up the toy's mouth, but a voice - a boy's voice - came from within it.
"W-who are you?" Asked Naomi, trying not to be scared.
"Mr Panda," said the animal. "And you are Mrs Panda."
"No I'm not! I'm Nao-" The girl stopped herself. She was talking to a stuffed toy? Surely she wasn't going mad already. "I'm a prisoner," she said weakly. "I don't want to be here. I want to go home."
"You can't. You're chained up. That's what prisoners have to be."
"But I don't want to be a prisoner." The girl felt tears come to her eyes again.
"Don't cry," said the bear. "I can be your friend."
"H-how do you know I'm crying? You can't see me!"
"I can see you. Just as I can hear you and talk to you." The bear still stared up at the ceiling. "I've been watching you, trying to get your chains off. And try to bang on the window. I also heard you screaming, but you'll only make yourself sick."
"I want to get out," sobbed the girl.
"You can't," said the bear. "Just as I can't move."
Naomi shrank back and lay on the bed, out of sight of the panda bear. She didn't know how a toy could talk or hear or see, and she was scared. She stopped crying loudly and curled up to try to stay warm, shivering so her neck chain tinkled a little.
"I can warm you up," said the bear from where it lay on its back. "If you cuddle me I can give you warmth."
"I hate you. Go away," blubbered the girl.
"I told you, I can't move. You have to move me."
The girl tried to close her eyes and sleep, hoping that all this was some nightmare she would wake from. There was definitely less light in the room, so perhaps it was getting late. She felt tired as well as exhausted. She shivered and tried to hug herself closer.
"I can keep you warm," said the soft, boy-like voice from the bear after a short while.
The girl sniffed, tried to turn over, shivered and then clambered off the bed. She seized the bear and hauled it back next to her on the bed. Almost at once a warmth emanated from the black and white fur and the girl, both astonished and delighted, snuggled up to him.
"You're lovely and warm," she said.
"I'm your friend," said the bear.
"I don't know how to talk and stuff, but I'm sorry I shouted at you," Naomi said quietly.
"That's okay. It's hard not being able to move much, I know," the bear whispered back. "Now, go to sleep and I will keep you safe and warm."
"'Kay," said the girl, feeling the warmth grow from Mr Panda.
It was halfway through the night when the girl surfaced from her sleep. "Oh," she gasped.
"Don't worry," said the bear gently. "It's one of those things that happens to boys."
"But something's hard, and pressing in my tummy," said Naomi with shock in her voice. "W-what is it?"
"Boys have, um, a penis," said the bear. "Some people call them pee-pees. They get hard in the night. I was hoping you'd sleep through it."
"But it's so hard," said the girl. She reached down between them and her hand closed on something long and hard and smooth. She recoiled in shock and let go. "It's not furry," she gasped, wide awake.
"I know. It wouldn't be right to have fur on it."
"Where did it come from?"
The bear sighed. "It's just part of me, like you have a pussy."
"Oh," said the girl. Hesitantly she reached back and touched it.
The bear made a gentle noise. "That's nice," he said. "It's along time since anyone touched it."
"It's hot," said Naomi. "And wet at the end. My dress is wet on my tummy," she said, feeling that too.
"I know. It's just some cum."
"Cum? Isn't that what boys do? When they, you know..."
The bear sighed. "When their pee-pees get hard and they rub them. I'm sorry, I think it was because you wriggled against me. Try to go back to sleep. The cum will dry off."
"Uh.... Okay," said the girl. A silence descended, but after a few minutes the girl whispered: "M-Mr Panda... Um... Do you want me to rub your pee-pee for you?"
"Yes, that would be nice," the bear said.
"Will it make more cum?"
"Yes," said the bear. "I hope you don't mind."
"No, I don't mind. You have kept me so warm it's the least I can do for you." Naomi's hand settled on the bear's still hard pee-pee. "In my class, boys call it their cock," she said.
"A cock on a bear, that's funny," said Mr Panda, and gave a little gasping noise as Naomi rubbed her hand up and down his stiff, smooth shaft. "Oh, Nao, that's wonderful."
"I'm not Nao. I'm Naomi."
"Sorry. Earlier you said you weren't Mrs Panda. Just Nao."
"Well it's Naomi. But you can call me Nao if you want." The girl paused and was grinning. "Am I doing this right, rubbing it like this?"
"Uh, faster please... that's it. Oh! Ah... I'd like you to be Mrs Panda."
"Because I can fuck you then."
Naomi fell quiet, still rubbing. "What's it like, fucking?"
"It's wonderful. My cock goes in you and you feel very warm, very happy."
"And the cum, does it shoot out into me?"
Mr Panda sighed. "Yes."
Naomi gulped. "I've never been fucked. The boys at school say they do it, but they don't."
"Most boys in your grade probably can't make the cum. Not like me. But I'm older. They probably... Uhk-" Mr Panda caught his voice as the girl rubbed faster. "I'm going to cum," the bear whispered.
"No, in me," said the girl. She wriggled to get on her back, letting go of the bear's stiff cock and dragging the big stuffed toy on top of her, her neck chain jingling. Naomi, her ankles cuffed, struggled to get her knees wide apart and the bear between her legs. She did it however and as she didn't have panties on it was easy to guide the bear's rigid cock into her small, but distinctly wet pussy.
"I am going to pop your cherry," said the bear gently. "It may hurt."
"I don't care" said the girl. She gasped at the pain of that first invasion, but she was breathing hard and fast. Naomi had hold of the bear, moving him up and down, feeling the panda bear's hard cock move inside her, sliding in and out. "Oh God," she gasped.
"Am I hurting you?" Whispered the bear, it's big soft face against Naomi's.
"Yes, and no... I don't care," the pre-teen gasped. "I just want it in me."
"Move me faster," said the bear. "Pull me in deeper."
"Please, tell me.... w-will I get pregnant?"
"No way! Bears can't make little girls pregnant."
"Good... ah!" Naomi gritted her teeth. "Uh... Do it... Hurt me, please."
"Yes, Mrs Panda," said the bear as he came.
They lay in the morning light, like two lovers. Every so often, Naomi rubbed her wet, sticky slit or stroked the bear's cock. She examined it when she could see and said it looked so good, so strong. She even wriggled down and kissed it, tasting the bear's sperm on the small slit at the end of it. "It's funny... a bit salty," she said.
"It's good for you," said the bear. "Swallowing it all."
"I couldn't," said the girl and then blushed. "But I could, couldn't I?"
"You know you can" said the bear, sounding as if he was smiling. "And it will keep you alive. It has all sorts of nutrients."
"I'm scared," said the girl.
"Of sucking my cock?"
"No, off not being with you, Mr Panda." The girl lay back dreamily. "I want to be free but I don't want to be free. Isn't that crazy. I mean, I'm chained up like my pet dog at home."
"Not crazy at all. I understand. Naomi, after this, will you let your pet dog fuck you?"
"When I get home? I don't know. If I get home. I wish I wasn't a prisoner." She looked away, tears in her eyes.
"But then we wouldn't have met. I'd be just here on my own, no one to make me cum." Mr Panda was quiet as he said it. "I do get lonely sometimes."
The two of them fell silent, but it didn't last. "Well," the girl suddenly said, "not lonely any more. Fuck me again." She had stopped crying and dragged the bear back on top of her, feeling his cock stiffen anew. She guided it into her. "After this, I will suck your cock," she whispered. "Promise. I'll drink your cum and it will be good for me."
"And," said the bear.
"And?" The girl asked, moaning as the cock slid into her sore little twat.
"There's more."
"Oh!" The child moaned again, either from the stiff prick in her or the realization what else they could do.
"Say it," said the bear as the girl helped him fuck her.
"And..." the girl blushed. "If I can lie on my front with my bottom in the air, you can... well, we'll try. I don't know how... ah!"
"Fuck your asshole," said the bear. "Is that what you want?"
"I don't know... I don't where I'm getting these thoughts from." The girl was gasping as she said it. "Oh, I love this. I love being fucked. I want to do so much with you, even if it hurts."
"And oh yes, I love you Mr Panda," Naomi said with a satisfied sigh as she felt his hard cock twitch and the hot cum pulse up into her.
The police let the little girl they rescued take the Panda Bear with her. In fact, they couldn't separate her from it, swearing she didn't want to be free without him. "I call him Mr Panda," Naomi said at the media interview afterwards, holding her big bear tightly. "He kept me going in there, 'cos he is my friend. He understood how lonely I was," she smiled for the cameras. "He knew what it was like to be a prisoner."
Naomi and the Panda, said the headlines. Rescued girl gives thanks to her silent companion. Heartwarming story of a captive girl who found comfort in a stuffed toy. Free at last, kidnapped girl says she will never let her new friend go.
Bobby the dog was pleased to see Naomi when she got home, but she never did let the dog into her - though she did suck his cock for him from time to time. Once Mr Panda had approved of course.
Most of the time though, Naomi lay in her bedroom with no panties on, stroking her big furry friend's stiff cock, making him cum. Or she would slip her head down and suck Mr Panda's smooth cock dry, swallowing his cum with relish. At night, she would spread her legs and lift him on to her, easing him into her, making sure they both came at the same time. Naomi even found a way to lie on her front and lift the big, happy bear up behind her so his wonderful cock could squeeze up into her tight anus. That was when the gag came in handy, her own panties wedged in her mouth to stop her yelping as he drilled her hard with her help.
Naomi even had a small length of chain to secretly attach herself to the bed frame, just for old times sake. But the best thing of all was Naomi wore a little wedding ring, now she utterly loved being Mrs Panda.
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